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^rBsenteb to

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Pniucrsttg of Toronto

Ethel Greening Pantazz


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OF 1853.


^ui)lisl)cr in ©rUinare to 1«r Jttajcstp.


{The Author and Publisher reserve to theviselvcs the right of

Trandating this ^\'ork.']





Last September I left Constantinople in the

Austrian steamer, '
Fernando I.,' for the

mouth of the Danube. A northerly wind

was blowing fiercely down the Bosphorus,
and the sea was breaking furiously over the
Seraglio Point. On the way from Tophana
to the steamer, the caique into which I got
was more than once nearly swamped, and it

was only after considerable difficulty that I

succeeded in getting on board. It was late

in the afternoon when we reached the Bay

of Buyukdere, where we stopped for some
minutes to take on board the despatches of
4 jourjSal of a residence in

the Austrian Internuncio. From where we

then were we could see the Egyptian squad-
ron anchored before the Sultan's Valley, and
on the heights above it the green tents of
Abbas Pasha's soldiers. From the centre
of the Bay of Buyukdere, stretching away
in an obHque line as far as the entrance of

the Black Sea, was the Turkish fleet. The

trim frigate close beside us, and the first in
the line, was that commanded by Captain
Slade, of the British navy, and at present a

Pasha in the Turkish service. It was the first

day of the Courban Bairam, and the Turkish

and Egyptian ships were gaily dressed out
with flags. We passed close to the '
moudia,' one of the largest ships in the world,
carrying 120 guns, and bearing the flag of
the Capaudan Pasha, or Tm-kish Lord High
Admiral. Xothing could look more warlike
or statelier than the Sultan's fleet and it is to

be presumed that in action the ships would be

well handled and gallantly fought by officers

and men. From the Sultan's Valley on the

Asiatic side, and Therapia on the European
side, strong batteries had been erected at

intervals as far as the entrance of the Black

Sea. Within the straits the guns are gene-
rally planted close to the water's edge, but
at the mouth of the Bosphorns the batteries
are more elevated. After struggHng for some
hours in the Euxine against the northerly
wind and a heavy sea, we were forced to put
back and anchor for the night off Buyuk-
dere. The wind having fallen a little

tow^ards morning we again started, and on

the evening of the same day we reached the
small port of Bourgas, and some twelve
hours later anchored before Varna. Both
are open roadsteads, affording no shelter

whatever against the north-easterly mnd.

We landed considerable sums in specie at
both these ports, sent by merchants in Con-
stantinople to theu' agents there, for the
purchase chiefly of grain and hides, which
are the principal articles of trade at both
Bourgas and Varna. All purchases in the
interior of Tm'key must be made in specie,

the holders of merchandize resolutely re-

fusing to accept the Kaimes, or paper money

in cu'culation at the capital. Grold and

silver have of late risen considerably in

value at Constantinople. The gold piece

issued at 100 piasters is now worth 115,
and the silver piece of 20 piasters has risen
to 22. But no Tm-k is allowed by the law
to take advantage of the fluctuations in the
rate of exchange ; and if he offers the gold
or silver money of the country for more
than the value at wliich it has been origi-
nally issued, he exposes himself to summary
punishment. We found ten thousand men
encamped in the neighbourhood of Yarna.
The fortifications looked respectable, but the
gmis did not seem to be very efficiently
manned ; for whilst we lay in the harbour,
three men-of-war, apparently Egyptian, which
were under sail in the offing, saluted the
town in passing, and it was folly three-

quarters of an hour, and when the ships

were possibly out of hearing, before the salute
was returned. The majority of the inha-
bitants are Clmstian, who seemed to live in
constant fear of their lives and property
since the arrival of Abbas Pasha's Arabs in
their neighbourhood.

On the morning following our departure

from Yarna, we anchored at about a mile
from the mouth of the Danube. There
being only six feet of water above the bar,
we could not approach nearer. The expanse
of muddy water before us was strewed with
wrecks. There was something fearfully de-
solate in the scene. Where the water was
shallow, the dark hulls of ships were peering
above the yellow tide, like half- covered

corpses, and in other places, the masts alone

of the sunken vessel were seen rising up
from the water, like the outstretched arms
of a drowning man. Stranded on the shore
was the large hull of a Dutch-built vessel,
rotting in the sun, and close to us were some
men in boats, trying to fish up the cargo of
a vessel which had gone down the day be-
fore. Within the bar was another steamer
waiting to convey us up the Danube. We
crossed to it in a barge, with her sails set,
for the wind was fair; she was, moreover,
pulled by six men, and towed by another
six-oared boat, with sails also set. In about
an hour, we reached the steamer waiting lor

US in the Danube, and lia\'ing breakfasted on

board, we landed for the purpose of looking
at the town of Sulina.
Sulina belongs to Russia. It is composed
of a double row of one-storied wooden houses,
straggHng along the river-side, with a dreary
marsh beliind them. Most of the houses
are built upon piles^ in the midst of pools of
putrid water, which oozes out from the
neighbouring marsh. The place is reeking
with fevers in the summer months, and is

almost uninhabitable from the cold in winter.

Pilots, fishermen, tavern-keepers, and hghter-
men, with a few Russian soldiers and a Grreek
priest or two, form the population of the town
of Sulina. I counted more than two hun-
dred vessels of different sizes at anchor in
the river. Some had been there for three
months, unable to get over the bar ! almost
every attempt to get to sea had proved fatal
since the beginning of the month of June ;

and all efforts to cut a channel through the

bar, appear to have been abandoned. A
Russian dredging-vessel was l}Tng idle at the
mouth of the river, and judging from the

mud with which it was encrusted, and its

otherwise filthy and neglected appearance, it

must have been unemployed for a long time.

Close to the dredging-vessel was a Russian
gun-boat. The only person on her deck was
a long marine, in a mud-coloured great coat,
hanging over the bulwark, and dropping bits

of straw into the tide. According to the

treaty of Adrianople, the island of St. George,
on which Suhna is built, as well as the other
islands of the Danube, ought to be unin-
habited. The Russians, however, built a
quarantine station at the south-eastern point
of Lati Island, and shortly after they raised
the little town of Sulina, of which they con-
stituted themselves the masters. At the
opposite point of St. George's island, at the
entrance of the channel, the Russians have
also built a quarantine station. The rest of

the island of St. George is a desolate swamp.

Independent of other causes, the lowness
of the water over the bar, at the mouth of the
Danube, since last June, would have been
sufficient to stagrnate the commerce of Ibraila
and Galatz. And yet it seems to me, that

with a little good will on aU sides, nothing

would be easier than to keep a passage open
throusrh the bar, of from fourteen to sixteen
feet deep. It wiU be seen from the hard
pull which we had from the steamer to
Sulina, tliat the current must have been very
strong ; it must have been running at least

five knots an hour. All, therefore, that is

required, would be to rake up the sand, of

which the bar is composed, and the force of
the current would carry it away. A dredg-
ing-vessel constructed with rakes, and not
buckets, would easily effect this. Dri^^ng
piles on either side would, of course, keep
the channel permanently open ; but without
going to this expense, the dredging-vessel,
properly worked, could make a safe passage
for ships, drawing even twelve feet of water,

during the summer months.

The St. George's Channel, which runs
between the other side of the island and the
Bulgarian bank of the river, might also be

made na^^gable. In the shallowest parts

there are twelve feet of water ; and the
water over the bar, which is at the mouth of

this channel, varies at different points from

seven to fourteen feet. JSTo regular sound-
ings have, however, yet been made, and
no buoys laid down ; no vessels, therefore,

can attempt that passage. The Kilia

Channel, which runs between the island of
Lati and Bessarabia, is na^dgable through
its whole length ; but being in the power of
Eussia, it is never entered by ships of any
other nation.
There is no country more deeply in-

terested in rendering the Danube navigable

at its mouth than England, and it is Eng-

land alone that has shown a sincere and con-

stant desire to effect that object. In 1851,
the exports from Ibraila by sea amounted to
778,157/., and its imports up the Danube
to 334,078/. The exports from Galatz by
sea in the same year amonted to 406,368/.,

and the imports up the Danube to 374,233/.,

making in all a sum for imports and ex-
ports of 1,982,836/. British subjects and

British ships have the principal share in

this trade ; it is, therefore, the duty of Her

Majesty's Government to exert its influence

to remove, as far as possible, aU obstructions

to tbe free navigation of the entrance of the
In about twelve hours after leaving
Sulina we reached Galatz ; and after landing

a portion of our cargo, and a few passengers,

we proceeded to Ibraila, which is about ten
miles higher up the river.


All persons arriving in Moldavia or TVal-

lachia from Turkey are obKgecl to perform
four days' quarantine. Tliis is simply a
measure of police, for European Tm'key has,
for some years past, been in as healthy a
state as any other country in Europe.
Between Constantinople and Malta there is

at present but a nominal quarantine

and ;

between the former port and Trieste there is

none. The quarantine in the Principalities
is a polite incarceration of fom' or five days,

during which the police have every neces-

sary facility for making inquiries into your
poHtical opinions and your object in visiting
the country.

On landing at the quarantine-ground at

Ibraila, a police officer asked me for my
pass]3ort. I showed a teskere, or order from
tlie Turkish authorities at Constantinople to
admit me, without let or hindrance, into
Moldo-Wallachia. This he waved aside
with contempt. I then showed him my
English passport, properly vised. To this

latter document he made no objection; and

accompanied by the other passengers, who
had landed at the same time as myself, and
a guard of Wallachian soldiers, I made my
solemn entry into the quarantine of Ibraila.

Everybody confined in this quarantine is

supposed to have brought with him his bed

and all other necessary domestic utensils.

Luckily for me, a Grreek merchant, going to

Bucharest with his family, came into qua-
rantine at the same time as myself, and he
was so kind as to lend me a bed, and from
the guardiano I hired a half barrel, which I
saw before the door, and in that I performed
my daily ablutions. The guardiano brought
me my food at stated intervals during the
day. As he did not like making more than

one jom-ney from tlie kitchen to the den

where I was immured, he brought all the
materials for whatever meal it might be at
once. At dinner hour, for example, he
appeared with a basin in one hand and an
earthen dish in the other. In the basin
was soup, and on the dish boiled meat or
pilaff, or both together ; and about his
person he carried the rest of the dinner, and
at times some small article which he did not
find room for in his pockets he held between
his teeth. After he had laid the basin and
the dish on the table, he drew forth a little

plate, with a very small iron fork, a spoon

of the same metal, and a rusty knife. Off
the same httle plate I ate the soup, slowly
and painfully, as well as the pilaff and meat,
or whatever else there might be. I made no
attempt at having my convert changed with
each dish ; for on the first day, when I
asked the guardiano to clean the plate after
I had eaten my soup, I saw that he was
preparing to do so with a cloth which he
drew out of his pocket.
On the morning after my arrival in the

quarantine a police officer appeared at the

door of my cell with a large book under
his arm, and followed by a man bearing a
gigantic wooden inkstand, into which was
stuck a great clumsy pen. " What is your
name ? " said the officer, opening his book.
I had told it to him the evening before, but
he seemed to think that it might have
undergone some change during the night.
Every morning during my stay in the
quarantine, he made the same inquiry about
my name, as if it had a distinct existence,

and was subjected to a separate sanitary law.

I told him my age, and the place where I
was born. " Are you married?" asked
the officer. I answered that I was not.
" Then," he said, as if it were the con-
sequence of my reply, how many shirts"

have you?" He then went through all the

articles of my wardrobe, counted my money,

looked through the papers in my writing-

desk, and finally me why I was going
to Bucharest, and who were my friends in
that city.
At length the four days of quarantine

were ended, and the guardiano brought me

the welcome news that I was free to go
forth whither I hsted. At the same time
he handed me the bill of expenses during
my imprisonment. For the food, served in

the way I have described, I was charged ten

francs a- day, and I had, moreover, to pay
the rent of my cell and the wages of my
intelligent guardiano.
AVhat is called the town of Ibraila I
found to be an extensive dusty plain, dotted

with houses. Close to the river-side is a

long line of shops and stores. The stores

were all filled with grain, and there were

great momids of corn lying in the open
street for want of store-room. In this part
of the town, I met at every turn with men
cleaning wheat, or piling it up in heaps in
the open air, or carrying it down to small
vessels lying in the river. The place was
Hterally running over with corn. It was
lamentable to think that a great portion of
it must perish for want of the means of
transporting it to other markets.
The only accommodation for travellers at

Ibraila are khans. The one said to be the

least dirty is the Locanda E-ossa. It is a
quadrangular wooden building, with a court-
yard in the centre. It is one story high,
and the doors of the rooms open into a
gallery, which is about three feet from the
ground, and runs round the court. The
place was chiefly inhabited by Russian offi-

cers and some other well-dressed people,

who seemed quite contented with their place

of abode, though they must have had a
constant struggle for possession with the
mjTiads of small inmates with which every
crevice and corner of the old khan abounds.
Outside each room is a tin box, hung
against the wall, and filled with water ; and
from this a tiny thread of fluid issues, with
which the guest performs his ablutions. In
this charming abode I passed a night. The
only preparations made for my repose were
a straw mattress and a rug. I rose at day-
bi'eak, and filling a carpet-bag with a com-
plete change of dress, I went to a Turkish
bath in the neighbourhood, from which, an
hour later, I issued forth clean and con-

tented. I went and breakfasted with the

EngHsh Vice-Consul, who, the night before,
had arrived from Galatz, and in his house I
remained during the remainder of my stay
at Ibraila. Out of the desert, I had never
seen a place so filled with dust as Ibraila.

You breathed, you ate, and you slept in

dust ; whilst it turned the water in your

glass into mud, and in that form you drank
it. Biting the dust must appear a mild fate
after a lengthened residence in such a place.
In an open wicker carriage, without
springs, drawn by two spirited httle horses,

I left Ibraila to return to Galatz by land.

These carriages are the best public convey-

ances in the town, and as the road was every-
where covered with a thick carpet of dust,
I -did not feel the absence of springs so
much. Outside the town, we passed a
Russian camp of two thousand men. After
about an hour and a-half quick driving, we
reached the banks of the Sereth, the boun-
dary between Wallachia and Moldavia.
Here I had to show the pass which was
given me by the police of Ibraila. "We

crossed the river over a bridge of pontoons,

made about two months before by the
Russians ; and on reaching the opposite
side I had again to show my pass to the
Moldavian poHce-officer. The river is about
two hundred feet wide, and is of tiie same
muddy tint as the Danube. About a
quarter of an hour before reaching the river,
we had passed through a village, in which
were stationed five hundred Eussian soldiers.

They were turning out for parade as we

went through. They appeared, in general,
well made, soldierly-looking fellows, espe-
cially the non-commissioned officers, who
were mostly men between thirty and forty
years of age, with a stern veteran look.
The uniform was a green coatee, with white
painted cross-belts and white trousers.
They wore helmets, something hke those of
the London fire-brigade. The point, wliich
rises to about four inches from the top of
the helmet, is made of brass, and on the
front is the eagle of Russia, of the same
metal. The muskets had percussion locks,
and the barrels were polished and had brass

rings round them, and seemed altogether to

be modelled on the common French firelock.
Thej carried their greatcoats in a round
on the top of their knapsacks,
leather case
which were made of cow-hide. I observed
that they did not wear highlows like our
soldiers, but Wellington boots. The uni-
form worn by these men I have since
learned to be that of nearly all the Eussian
infantry of the line. Wlien the Eussian
soldier retm-ns to his quarters, he instantly
puts aside his helmet, coatee, cross-belts,
and trousers, and turns out in his drawers,
which reach below the knee, till they ai-e
met by the Wellington boot, and he wears a
flat foraging cap of dark cloth, and a fawn-
coloured great coat, which is gathered in at
the waist and comes down to his ankles.
It is in this dress that he performs all
fatigue duty. I am sorry to say that the
bright clean appearance of the Eussian
soldier when on parade is confined to the
surface, for his shirt, drawers, and otlier
under-garments are generally in an alarming
state of dirt.

Before entering Galatz, we visited an

establisliment for preserved meat which, for-

merly belonged to the well-known Mr.

Goldener, but which is now in the hands of
Messrs. Powell, There are twenty English
butchers in this establishment ; the re-

mainder of the workmen employed are

natives. The buildings are of wood, situ-
ated within a large enclosure, in one part of
which several hmidi-ed pigs, with ^\dld

bristhng manes, were penned up together.

The great demand for the preserved meat
prepared in tliis establishment is of itself a
sufficient proof of its excellence. I tliink it

right to say, as the question of these pre-

served meats has been so much before the
public, that I found on inquiry that the
present proprietors purcliase for their manu-
factory the very best beef, pork, and mutton,
they can find in the country.
On the heights above Gralatz, we came
upon a camp of 2500 Russians, and I saw
that sentries were posted along the points
overlooking the Danube. No general rule
for public cleanliness seems to be followed

in the Kussian encampments, as I every-

where observed that the air in their neig-h-

bourhood is tainted with pestilential odours.

Tliis I think to be one of the chief causes of
disease amongst the E-ussian troops.
Galatz looked to great advantage after
leaving the dreary town of Ibraila. The
streets are in general of a good width and
tolerably well paved. In the principal
street are some handsome shops, and there
is everywhere a pleasing appearance of bustle
and prosperity. Eunning along the river-
side, through the whole length of the toAvn,
is a very handsome, well-built quay, pro-
vided with commodious wharfs and large
storehouses. Only a few years ago this
quay did not exist, and this part of the town
was^ traversed on planks, which scarcely kept
one out of the black mud and putrid water
underneath the exhalations from which
poisoned the atmosphere. A great deal of
credit is due to the authorities of Galatz for
the pains they have taken to render their
town commodious and healthy. Unlike
Ibraila, there is here a handsome hotel,

where travellers may be comfortably lodged,

and the place has altogether the appearance
of a tliriving European town. If the impe-
diments to the navigation of the Danube
were removed, Gralatz would inevitably rise

to be a place of great importance. As to

the authorities of the neighbouring town of

Ibraila, all their time seems taken up in
embroihng themselves in quarrels with the
Consuls of the foreign powers. ^Vhilst
I was in quarantine there, a Wallachian
went one day to water his horse at the
Danube, and horse and man were carried
away by the force of the current. The poor
man was drowned, though the horse got
safely on shore. An Ionian who was on
board a small vessel, near to which the acci-

dent took place, attempted, at the risk of his

own life, to save that of the drowning man.
He failed, however, in his good intentions.
Wlien this event was reported to the
Governor of Ibraila, that sagacious indivi-

dual decreed that the Ionian should be

thrown into prison for not having succeeded
in saving the drowned man. It is impos-


sible to say for what length of time the un-

fortunate Ionian would have remained thus
confined as a felon, had not the matter
reached the ears of the English Vice -Consul,
at Galatz, who not only had the Ionian
released, but also forced the authorities to
pay him an indemnity for false imprison-
Since the occupation of the Principalities
by the Eussian troops, the police regulations
have, by order of the Eussian authorities,
been increased in severity, and strangers
coming to the country who are suspected of
any sinister political object are not admitted,
whilst refugees, who attempt to enter, are
instantly seized. Lately three men arrived
at nightfall at the barrier at Gralatz. When
questioned by the police, their answers did
not appear satisfactory, and they were de-
tained. They said they were Englishmen
but as only one of them could produce an
English passport, he alone was brought to
Mr. Cunningham, the Yice-Consul, and the
other two were put in prison till further
orders. The man given up to Mr. Cunning-

ham said his name was Shaen. His pass-

port was from the Foreign Office, signed by
Lord Palmerston, properly vised, and was
made out for " Mr. Shaen, a British subject,

travelling on the Continent." On being

questioned privately, however, by the Vice-
Consul, he confessed that he was a Polish
refugee, and that the other two men were
his brothers. Mr. Cunningham, from a
feeling of humanity, succeeded in getting
Shaen safely out of the country ; but the
other two men he was forced to abandon to
their fate. Both Shaen 's brothers were
shortly after sent to Odessa, where one of
them, who had been an officer in the Russian
service, was publicly shot ; but the fate of

the other remains unknown.

Whilst wT-iting this page the news has
been brought to me that an aide-de-camp of
Omar Pasha has arrived at Giurgevo with a
summons to Prince Grortschakoff, the com-
mander-in-chief of the Russian troops, to

retire from the Principalities.. The Turkish

aide-de-camp's despatches have beenforwarded
by the pohce ; but he is detained a prisoner

at Griurgevo till the arrival of Prince Gorts-

cliakoffe's answer.
After some days passed at Gralatz, under
the friendly roof of the English Vice-Consul,
I embarked on board one of the Danube
Company's steamers bound for Giurgevo.
The saloon of these steamers is built on
the upper deck; and below, on the main
deck, is another large saloon, with an after-
cabin for ladies. The saloon- on the upper
deck of the vessel was a very agreeable apart-
ment, in which one was sheltered from the
sun, and through the open windows on
either side swept a free current of au*. But
that on the main deck was, indeed, a dreary
den. In the upper apartment the colours
were bright and festive, and calculated to
keep one in a pleasant train of thought ; but
below all was of funereal blackness, and well
suited to the long feverish houi's that one
was doomed to pass there during the night.
Breakfast, dinner, and tea were served with
something of the cleanliness and precision of
Christian countries ; but at night the pas-
sengers were abandoned to their own re-

c 2

sources, like the birds of the air or the

beasts of the field. We might have gone to

roost on the cross-trees or beneath the bows,

or slept in the bed of the river, for all the
waiters cared. We merely knew that either
the dingy den beneath, where we might
share a narrow sofa with myriads of small
vindictive insects, or the clammy deck
was to be our place of repose. There are
other things besides the troubled sorrows
of the brain which murder sleep; and if

any one doubt it let him pass a night on

board one of the Danube Company's steamers.
There was a niche outside the cabin-door
dedicated to the mysteries of the toilette.
To this place, with dishevelled hair and
bloodshot eyes, the passengers came in dim
succession in the morning. In this niche

there was a tube through which the troubled

waters of the Danube passed, and under its

spout we performed our ablutions. I came

on deck full of the most unchristian feelings.
I am afraid I was rude to the waiters, for

when they brought my coffee, it bore a

much nearer resemblance to thin mud than

to Mocha. They may be very worthy crea-

tures, nevertheless, fit possibly to be waiters
upon Providence, and all too good to assist
the wants of simple mortals. I beheve, how-
ever, that the most gentle and forbearing of
men, after such a night, would not have
found sufficient of the milk of human kind-
ness in his breast to flavour his coffee.


At sliort intervals along the Bulgarian

bank of the Danube we observed small
Turkish encampments, and on all the prin-
cipal heights videttes were posted. Occa-
sionally emerging from the wooded l^ank we
saw a small body of horse, that stopped to
gaze at us as we passed by, and then quickly
disappeared. Often, up some sheltered
dell, we distinguished a rude picturesque-
looking hut, with three or four troopers'
horses tethered near it, and the lances of the
riders stuck in the ground. On the oppo-
site bank were the Wallachian watchers, of
the cordon sanitaire, standing on platforms
before small houses, raised upon poles, at

about six feet from the soil ; but no Russian

troops were anywhere visible. At Hirsova
there was a Tui'kish force. On the heights
were several batteries of field artillery, with
horses standing near ; and amongst the sol-

diers moving about the town and along the

river-side I observed the fastanelle and ght-
termg arms of the Albanians.
The next town above Hirsova is Tcherna-
voda. Here there was also a strong Turkish
force, somewhat similar to that at Hirsova.
Built out into the river were several flour-
mills ; but the current in that part is not
very strong, and the wheels turned but
slowly. There were fishermen on the bank
arranging their nets and repairing their long
canoe-like boats, and beside them their half-

naked cliildi-en at play. We saw women

passing with bui'thens on their heads, and
labourers working in the fields hard by, and
we could hear the drowsy hum of the wheels
of the mills. These formed a strange con *
trast to the frowning preparations for war
visible all around. Close to the fishermen
swassrered the fierce Albanian, armed to the

teeth ; and from behind the moated wall,

near which the labom-er tilled tha soil, peered

forth the dread artillery. And the smi was
smiling brightly upon all—upon the Httle
children playing by their father's side and
upon the Arnout, whose trade is strife upon —
the signs of gentle rural life, and upon
the bristling armaments of the camp.
About half a mile below Tchernavoda is a
river of the same name. Prom the mouth of
this river to the Black Sea the distance is not
more than thirty-two miles. The idea was
at one time entertained of opening a passage
from the mouth of this river to the town of
Kustendji, and thus avoiding the yearly in-
creasing dangers to navigation at the mouth
of the Danube. , A report was drawn up on
tliis subject not long since, but as it has
never come before the public, I think it will
not be amiss to introduce it into these pages.
The whole of the ground was gone over
step by step, and what follows is the result
of close and careful observation.
The Tchernavoda is a rapid stream, rising
in the Lake Carasou, and running from its

source to the Danube at the rate of at least

four miles an hour. The valley through
which it flows is bounded on both sides by
high grounds. Along the summit of these
heights, on the eastern side of the valley, a
road runs as far as Carasou, where it de-
scends to the water's edge. What is called
Lake Carasou is more properly a chain of
lakes extending for a distance of about ten
miles from S.S.E. to N.N.W. In the larger
of these lakes the water is deep, but in the
straits which connect each, its depth is

seldom more than twelve inches. After a

little time the road quits the banks of Lake
Carasou, and passing over some high ground,
again descends to where the stream called
Caramourad crosses near Kouziel, and from
thence passes over an extent of low ground,
which, after rain and the melting of the
snows in spring, I should conceive impass-
able, to the village of Bourlack. Bourlack
is situated at four hours and a half distance
from Tchernavoda, and tlrree and a half
hours' distance from Kustendji. About a
mile above Bourlack the traces of the river
c 3

are lost, and the stream must here be sup-

pHed by rain-water, for at the time that
I passed it was quite dry. In fact, the springs
supplying the lower part of the river must
first exist in the Lake of Carasou. Above
there is not a spring or trace of anything
but collected rain-water.
At Bourlack, or a Httle above it, the valley
ceases, it being shut in by hills of some
height, on the summit of which extends for

a great distance from north to south a suc-

cession of downs, affording very fine pas-
At Bourlack the road ascends one of the
hills enclosing the valley of Tchemavoda.
This ascent continues for nearly an hour,
after which the road passes over the downs
to the ruins of the formerly considerable,
but now totally uninhabited, town of Dry-
anlar. At ten minutes' ride from this is

the highest point of the road, and it is

from here that the first view of the Black

Sea is discernible from the direction in which
we came. From tliis point the Black Sea is

distant forty minutes' ride. I looked in vain


from this ridge for anything hke an opening,

but within the range of my glass none was
visible. Having no instruments with me, I
could not find the exact height of this point
above the level of the sea, but it must exceed,
I should imagine, three hundred feet. From
this the road descends down to near the Lake
Soujial, and thence runs over another succes-
sion of downs along the coast of Kustendji.
Kustendji itself is situated on a promon-
tory jutting out in the sea, the southernmost
point of which forms one side of the bay
or small roadstead. The town is in a
state of ruin, from the visitation of the Rus-
sians, who appear to have exercised unneces-
sary severity in their destruction of the
place. Kustendji is situated at about one
liundred and fifty feet above the level of the
sea. The small port formed by the mole,
said to have been erected by the Eomans,
has at present only about six or seven feet
water, it being filled up by the ruins of the
mole and the sand brought in by easterly
winds from the sea. This port is only ca-
pable of containing twelve or fiiteen small

vessels. The bay or roadstead woidd be

tolerably protected were the mole restored
and extended, and the bay cleared of the
sand and ruins. It might then give shelter
to about fifty or sixty vessels of from one
hundred and fifty to two hundred tons bur-
then. The facihties for restoring the mole
are very great, as hewn stones of all sizes
are on the spot.

Having examined Kustendji I deter-

mined on returning to the Danube by
the road to Eassova, so as to be able to
compare the advantages of the two lines.

Leaving Kustendji, I proceeded south-

wards for a mile to where the line of em-
bankment, which crosses the coimtry from
near Eassova to this place, called Trajan's
WaU, ceases, and this is the spot where it is

pretended the Danube formerly fell into the

sea. I could not see one vestige of a water-
course to justify such a supposition. At
the termination of Trajan's Wall there is a
pretty regular succession of mounds, wearing
very much the appearance of some of the
E,oman encampments in Scotland. This

spot is considerably above the level of the

sea,and the ridge of cliffs continues unbroken
to any extent farther than to ajfford a passage
to the hea^^ rains of spring and autumn.
The road then rims for about two hours
parallel to Trajan's Wall, and is one con-
tinued though gentle ascent. We then ar-

rived at a point commanding a view of the

valley of Tchernavoda with Bourlack in the
hollow. We descended for about a quarter
of an hour to the little Tartar village of
Alacap, and from thence our road lay along
the face of the hills forming the southern
boundary of the valley of Tchernavoda to
beyond the town of Carasou, where crossing
over two considerable ridges we came upon
a small marshy lake below Idris, down which
we continued our road till we reached the
bank of the Danube half an hour below
Rassova, after nine and a half hom-s' hard
riding. This latter road holds out no
appearance of anything like a line for a
canal, nor offers as a mere road any of the
advantages of the line from Tchernavoda.
The obstacles, therefore, to the formation

of a canal will be seen from the foregoing to

be, first, the continued considerable rise from
the Danube bank to the interior, a Httle
above Bourlack. What the amount of tliis

rise may be, I could not tell for want of

instruments, but it must far exceed what
could be overcome by cutting, even with
very numerous locks. Secondly, the ridge
of hills running along the sea coast, wliich
is, or appears to be, unbroken by any open-
ing connecting the shore of the Black Sea
with any of the valleys which lie towards
the Danube.
The road now existing from Tchemavoda
is, in most places, excellent, and might have
been adopted by the Austrian company if

they had followed up their plan of making

Kustendji the place of embarkation for

passengersand goods for Constantinople

by the Danube Steam Company's convey-
Posting has not been estabhshed along
either of the above hues, but horses are
easily procm'ed, as are also small and con-
venient carts for passengers and goods.


According to the treaty of Vienna the

great rivers of Europe are to be open to
ships of all nations, but it is evident that,
from either apathy or design, the Danube
will be very shortly closed altogether. It
must be remembered, that not only the
channel of Sulina, but that of St. Greorge
and of Kilia, are at present actually in the

hands of Russia. At the mouth of the

Sulina channel, wliich is the principal, the
Russians have on one side, on Lati Island,
built a quarantine station, and on the op-
posite side they have established themselves
in the town of Sulina. They have also a
quarantine station commanding the entrance
of the St. George's channel, and a similar

establislunent at the mouth, of the Kiha.

If the treaty of Vienna be not a dead letter,
the Powers interested in keeping the navi-
gation of the Danube open should insist
upon its not being violated. The more
recent treaty of Adrianople, by which the
contracting parties agreed that the islands
of the Danube should be uninhabited, has
been similarly set aside ; but even that vio-
lation might be tolerated if Russia would
perform the solemn agreement into which
she entered of keeping open the channel of
Suhna. It was on the faith of this under-

standing that Austria consented that each

of her vessels which passed the mouth of
the Danube should pay to Russia a toll of
two doUars,. in consideration of the expense

the latter Power was supposed to be at id

keeping the passage open. The toll has
been regularly exacted from Austrian vessels
up to the present hour, but the way in which
Russia has kept her part of the contract will
be seen from what I have said of the con-
dition of the mouth of the Danube in the
foregoing part of these pages.

Not long after leaving Tchernavoda, we

passed the town of Silestria. Here the
Turkish troops appeared in much greater
force than at any of the places we had
hitherto seen. There was an air of mihtary
exactness and scientific skiU. in the way in
wliich the force was distributed and the guns
posted, and one saw at a glance that the
place was under the orders of an intelhgent
soldier. On inquiry I found that this was
the head-quarters of a Hungarian General in
the service of tlie Porte.

About noon of the second day of our de-

parture from Gralatz, we moved up the muddy
channel which leads to Giurgevo. There is

here an island which divides the Danube

into two branches. On the left stands the
town of Giurgevo, and on the right bank of
the Danube, about a mile higher up, is the
Turkish town of Eutschuck. Giurgevo has
the remains of some old fortifications front-
ing the river, but otherwise the approach to
the town is undefended, except by the mud
in which it appears to be embedded. It was
a few miles below this place that the Russian


army crossed the Danube in 1829. In one

night the pontoons were silently attached,
and then swnng across the river by the force
of the current, and before the day dawned,
the army of the Emperor was on the open
road to Stamboul. There is a considerable
trade in corn carried on at Griurgevo, and
constant traffic is kept up with the opposite
town of Eutschuck. There is a post from
here to Eutschuck, and thence overland to
Constantinople. This is the route generally
taken by the couriers of the foreign agents
established at Bucharest.
On landing, our passjDorts were taken from
us b}^ the police, our baggage was examined
by the Custom-house officers ; we were asked
a number of questions as to our name, age,
social position, prospects in life, where we
were going to, and whence we had come from
and then we were turned into a stable yard,
where there were some men making a feint
of getting ready a huge waggon, which it

was said was to convey us to Bucharest. The

distance from Griurgevo to Bucharest is only
about forty miles, and as it was then but one


o'clock in the afternoon we had a fair chance

of arriving at our destination at a reasonable
hour in the evening. It is not pleasant in
these outof-the-way places to arrive late at
night in a strange town, or even at a friend's
house ; for the best of friends and truest of
Amphytrions will be sure, in any country,
to mingle his welcome with curses, if you
rouse him out of his first sleep, and force

him to do the honours of his house in his

night shirt. I j)olitely opened my mind on
this subject to the youth who was to act

as our postilion, and he, being a boy of the

world, at once acknowledged the propriety
ofmy reasoning. He called the conductor

my baggage was quickly hoisted up to the

top of the coach, carefully corded down, and
then covered with a tarpauhn. The con-
ductor jumped on the imperial to see that
all was right, the postilion cracked his whip,

and eight hours after I found myself stand-

ing in the coach yard at Giurgevo, in the
very place where I had held my confer-

ence with the postilion. The coach had not

stirred from the spot when we first discovered


it on landing. It was not the fault of the

postilion, for lie was willing to start, and so
was the conductor, and so were the passen-
gers. It was on the contrary the most ab-
surd of obstacles which prevented our going
it was simply that there were no horses. The
horses were all this time in a distant stable
waiting the orders of the pohce, and the
poHce would not set the horses free till they
had deciphered our passports. The gifb of

tongues does not appear to be amongst the

attributes of the Wallachian police, for it Avas

only after eight hours' incessant labour that

they succeeded in understanding the im-
portant document which invited the allies of
Great Britain to admit me freely into their
territories. My passport was certainly ren-
dered into the vernacular in the most satis-

factory way, for I afterwards had the pleasure

of seeing my name in the Hst of arrivals as
" Domnou Richard negoustor,'' or travelling

clerk. For my name they had put that of

the Ambassador, which was at the head of
the passport, but the appended title I beg
leave to say is a Wallachian creation. " Tra-

veiling on the continent," the words in the

passport, was the cause of my being put
down as belonging to Mr. Cobden's useful
corps. It reminds me of one of the Palais
Royal jokes, where a gentleman is coming
down stairs at his hotel with the favourite
of the Prince of Seltzer-wasser. " What
can we do for you ? " says the favourite to

his companion. They were just then at the

bottom of the stairs, and our friend, turning
to the porter's lodge, called out, " Le cordon
sil vous 2^lciit" The next morning, to his
surprise, he received from the Prince the
cross of the Silver Spoon.


It was nine o'clock in the evening when

the passports were returned to us, and the

horses set free. But the conductor said it

was then too late to start, for the night was

dark, and the way bad, and moreover the
Cossacks along the road, who are generally
a very giddy, thoughtless set of fellows,
might in the obscurity mistake us for a body
of invading Turks, and not discover their
error till after they had cut our throats and
rifled our portmanteau. AYe had there-
fore no other alternative than to remain
where we were till da3'break. There was a
lady amongst the passengers who was ver}'
much the worse for drink, and who had

passed the afternoon, when she was not oc-

cupied in taking refreshment, in weeping
and abusing tlie postilion. She told us that
she and her companion, an emaciated young
man, in a rabbit-skin coat, had been waiting
in the stable yard, to go by the diligence to
Bucharest, since two days before.
As I had nothing to do but resign myself
to my fate, I went into the klian, which
forms part of the coach establishment, where
I got something to eat, a quiet chibouque
and a cup of coffee. I then lay down on a
sofa and slept till the postilion called me,
and said the coach was ready to start.

There were eight wild -looking horses at-

tached to the waggon driven by one posti-

lion, who rode on the near wheeler. We
went along at a very good pace, considering
the nature of the ground. There are no
roads, properly speaking, in Wallachia. There
are merely broad tracks covered with a deep
layer of dark-colom'ed dust in the summer,
and which, in rainy weather, or after a thaw,
change into rivers of mud, through which
the coach labours, sunk in slush to the axle-

tree. When the road is too much cut up, a

new track on either side of it is chosen,
which is soon reduced to the same state.

But in the ^\TLnter, when the snow on the

ground is frozen over, travelling is performed
very rapidly in sledges. It was only four
o'clock in the morning when we started,

and we reached the khan,

at seven o'clock
which is way between Griurgevo
situated half
and Bucharest, and there we breakfasted.
There were about five hundred Russians
quartered in the neighbourhood of the khan.
They had that staid, soldierly look which is

the effect of severe discipline. This I ob-

served to be the characteristic of nearly all

the Russian soldiers that I have seen in the

Principalities. The exceptions are the young
recruits, who of course are not yet properly-
formed. I have never observed any appear-
ance of hght-heartedness among the Russian
soldiers even when off duty. It is true that
at times, in marching, whole battahons sing
in chorus either the national anthem, which
is a fine, solemn air, or some wild melody,
generally of a warlike character, interspersed


with sharp cries and an occasional shrill

whistle. These latter songs are particularly

animated and spirit-stirring, and the quick

rattle of the drum, which is the sole instru-
mental accompaniment, increases their ex-
citing character. To the listener there is

something sublime in thus hearing thousands

of manly voices blended together in chorus,
uttering sentiments of devotion to God and
the Emperor, or of fierce defiance to the
enemies of the Czar. But even in these
exhibitions the sternness of military rule is

seen. Upon the faces of the men thus

engaged no trace of emotion is visible ; their
tread is measured ; their forms are erect
they are obeying a command, and not an
impulse. The emotions of the heart seem
to have been drilled into order, and expres-
aons of love or anger, devotion or revenge,
are only awakened by the voice of their com-
The country in tliis part is remarkably
rich and beautiful. It had rained for a
couple of hours dm-ing the night, and every-
thing looked fresh and sparkling in the

momiiig light. The habitations of the small

farmers and peasants in Wallachia bear a
near resemblance to those belonging to the
same class in Ireland. The cabins of the
labourers are built of mud or half-dried
bricks, and covered with thatch, whilst the
house of the small farmer is in the same
style, but upon a larger scale. There is

very generally some attempt at ornament

about these dwellings. They are all nicely

whitewashed, and there is often some vine

or creeping plant trained round the door or
\vindow. The spot, too, where a village
stands is almost always sheltered by trees,
and where there is not a running stream,
there are generally five or six weUs from
which the water is drawTi by a sort of
wooden crane. To one end of the trans-

verse pole the bucket is attached by a rope,

whilst at the opposite end is fastened a
hea^y stone. With a lever thus constructed,

the water is raised from the deepest wells

with very Kttle efibrt. Taken altogether,

the villages have an air of picturesqueness,

and almost of comfort.

At the door of the khan was a comfort-

ably dressed man in jack-boots and a broad-
leafed hat. He was mounted on a strong
horse, and was attended by his servant, who
rode a similar animal. Both carried pistols
in their holsters, and had valises fastened
behind their saddles. This was one of the
factors, or middlemen, who are very nume-
rous in Wallachia. These men stand between
the Boyard, or great proprietor, and the
peasants. Their general system is to enter
into a contract with the Boyard, by which
they engage to pay him a certain sum annu-
ally for a portion of his estates, on condition
that the Boyard give them carte blanche to

deal as they please with the small farmers

and peasants. This is a system in which,
as it may be supposed, the middlemen alone
have the chief benefit. The Boyard, by
thus abandoning his estates, loses a large
portion of his revenue, whilst the middleman,
who has no interest in view but his own,
screws from the unfortunate peasantry their
uttermost farthing. Thus the estate, in
most cases, becomes gradually impoverished,
D 2

the Boyard soon becomes the factor's debtor,

and the latter is ultimately the real master
of the property. Almost all these middle-
men are Grreeks, and some of them are men
of considerable wealth, gained in the way I
have stated. Notwithstanding this system
of middlemen, which is almost generally
adopted, and the deplorably bad way in
which the land is tilled, some of the Boyards
derive from their estates more than 20,000^.
a-year. The private property of the present
reigning Prince amounts to nearly 30,000^.
per annum. There is certainly not in Europe
a soil more rich, and scarcely a climate more
favoured than that of Wallachia. The
country is literally overflowing with grain
of every sort, and out of France I have
never drank a vin ordinaire so good as in
this country. The common wliite wine of
Wallachia, when kept for two or three years
in bottle, is equal to anything of the kind
produced on the banks of the Rhine. The
rich meadow lands afford pasturage to num-
berless herds of cattle and flocks of sheep,

whilst in the neighbourhood of the forests


there are immense herds of swine. It is on

account of this great abundance of meat of
all kinds that Mr. Goldner's successors have
established themselves in the neighbourhood
of Galatz, and that another English esta-
blishment largely engaged in the pork trade
has been formed at Kalafat. The proprietors
of both these establishments find, that not-
withstanding the high wages they are forced
to give their English workmen, and the
expenses of transport, that they can sell

their merchandize cheaper in England than

if they purchased the materials for their
trade in any of the markets of Great Britain
or of Ireland. Game of almost all kinds
abound in Wallachia. Wild turkeys are
met with in hundreds in the steppes or
great open plains. Hares were sold until
lately in the market of Bucharest at four-
pence each, and a brace of blackcock at
about the same price. There is also an abun-
dance of fish in the inland rivers, and some
of it of very exquisite flavour.
In comparing the habitations of the Wal-
lachian peasantry to the Irish cabin, I did

not mention tliat the inierior arrangement

of the former was immeasm-ably superior.
On entering the cottage of the Wallachian
peasant, yon find yourself in a small room,
which serves as a kitchen. Here there is a
stove, which heats the whole house in the
winter months. There is no cabin without
a stove of some kind, which is an object of
vital importance in a country where the cold
at times is so intense. Besides the kitchen,
each cottage has two rooms, both used ge-
nerally as sleeping apartments. The walls
inside are smoothly plastered and neatly
whitewashed, and the whole place has an air

of comparative neatness.


As we proceeded along the road to Bu-

charest, we saw small parties of Russian
soldiers encamped on either side of the way,
and in one place we passed a battery of
heavy guns, drawn up in line, and pointed
menacingly down the road towards Giurgevo.
At about six miles from Bucharest we saw
a large encampment upon our right, and
every few minutes we met a mounted Cos-
sack, hurrying along as if he were the bearer
of despatches. The lance which the Cos-
sack carries is not longer than the English
one, and has no flag ; besides this, his other
weapons are a heavy carabine, slung at his
back, a pistol stuck in his belt, and a long

sword. His uniform is a blue frock coat,

buttoned up to the throat, and \vide trousers

of the same colour. He wears a high coni-

cal-shaped chako, of black oilskin, without a
peak, which is kept on his head b}^ a strap,
fastened under the chin. The Cossack's
horse is generally a wiry animal, of about
fourteen and a half hands high. His bridle
is a plain snaffle, -svithout side bars, and his
saddle is of a very rude construction. Wlien
the Cossack trots or gallops, he leans for-
ward in his saddle, with the upper part of
his body quite straight, an attitude, one
would suppose, the least suited for comfort,

but he nevertheless sits his horse with extra-

ordinary closeness.
It was about two o'clock in the after-

noon when we came in sight of Bucharest.

Tliough near the first of October, it was a
bright sunny day, and quite as warm as it
is generally in London in the month of
July. Seen at a httle distance, Bucharest
appears a very handsome city. It contains

some three hundred churches, and each of

these has two or more tall spires. Most of the

public buildings are also crowned by turrets

or domes. Every spire, turret, and dome is
covered with tin. A tliin gauze-like vapour
hung upon the lower buildings, softening
their outhne, and above this waving cloud
rose the thousand domes, spires, and turrets,
sparkling with almost dazzHng brightness in
the sun. They crowned the city like a
silver diadem. Bucharest covers nearly as
great an extent of ground as Paris, but a
third of the space is taken up with gardens,
so that one saw the bright green foHage of
the trees, appearing here and there above the
shadowy vapour, and this served to increase
the charming effect of the whole scene. I

was not so much disappointed as I expected

to be, on entering the city. After passing
the gate, where, as I need not say, I had to
show my passport, and answer the three
hundred questions in the Eussian police
catechism, we drove through a long faubourg
of alternate gardens and one-storied houses,
till we reached a broad well-built street, con-
taining some fine buildings. This is the
part of the city inhabited by the wealthier
D 3

Spanish Jews. We then rolled on through

three or four streets, with handsome shops
on either side, and full of bustle, till we
reached the coach office.

Of the hotels of Bucharest I can say but

little, as during my stay in that city, I had
the good fortune to enjoy the hospitahty of
the English Agent and Consul-General, Mr.
Colquhoun. The Hotel de France, I have
reason to beheve, is the best. The master
of this hotel and his wife are, I know, re-
markably civil and obhging. The charge
here for a good room, breakfast, and dinner,
is about 12s. a day, and this is the general
tariff throughout all the hotels in Bucharest.
The cost of mere living is small, but the
rents are high. One cannot have a tolerable
bedroom under a dollar a day.

Except in the principal streets, few of the

houses in Bucharest exceed two stories in
height. The place was formerly subject to
shocks of earthquake, which was the reason
for making the dwellings so low. There is
a great deal of ornament about most of the
newly-built houses, stuccoed friezes, pilasters,

and brightly-painted or gilded balconies.

This taste may be considered tawdry in
France or England, but after the shaky
konaks of Turkey, the effect was very pleas-
ing. Some of the small private houses,
situated in the less-frequented streets, with
their projecting roofs, formed of small squares
of wood, and their quaint porticoes, the whole
embowered in trees, are very picturesque.
The palace of the Hospodars is an unpre-
tending building of two stories high, situated
in the principal street, with a large court in
front. It is at present uninhabited ; the
reigning prince had been residing since the
commencement of the present crisis, until
his exile, in a monastery a httle outside the
The opera-house at Bucharest is as hand-
some and commodious a theatre as is to be
found in any city in Europe. It is ca-

pable of containing from seven hundred to

eight hundred people. In front of the stage,
on the second tier, is the state-box of the
Hospodars, hung with draperies of crimson
velvet, deeply fringed with gold, and sur-

mounted by the arms of the principality.

In all the boxes are fauteuills covered with
crimson velvet, and not only the stalls, but
all the benches in the pit, are provided with
cushions of the same material. The mould-
ing and carved work on the boxes are richly
gilt, and from the roof, which is tastefully

painted, hangs a large chandelier, with gilt

stands for the lamps, which, with the lights
on the stage, is sufficient to illuminate the
house. There is here at present a very re-
spectable Itahan company. I went the other
night to hear Verde's '*
Louisa Miiller." The
performance was very good, better indeed,
in some respects, than what I had seen in
the same opera last May at San Carlo at
Naples ; but in that unhappy city everything
has of late undergone a mournful degrada-
tion. The appearance of the theatre of
Bucharest, when I visited it the other even-
ing, was remarkably brilliant. The house
was crowded to the ceiHng. The ladies in
the boxes were gracefully dressed in the
Parisian fashions, and I saw that the beauty
for which they are so celebrated was not a fie-

tion. The pit was almost entirely fiUed with

Russian officers. In a large box on the left

of the stage was Prince Grortschakoffe, in com-

pany with M. Kotisbue, son of the cele-

brated but ill-fated writer of that name, and

ex-Eussian Consul-General at Bucharest. In
a box on the right of the Hospodar's w^ere
Mr. Colquhoun and Mr. Poujade, the Eng-
and French Consuls-General. The latter

gentleman was accompanied by Madame

Poujade, a granddaughter of the Prince
Ghika, who some years ago was the reigning
Prince of Wallachia. The same good un-
derstanding which exists between the French
and Enghsh governments animates theii-

agents at Bucharest, and both act together

in the most perfect harmony in the common
There is a public promenade outside Bu-
charest. It is about a mile and a half in
length and bordered with trees. Every
afternoon it is crowded with the handsome
equipages of the Boyards and foreign agents.
At present it is rendered stiU more animated
by the presence of the Russian generals and

their staffs. At the commenceinent of the

promenade is a triumphal arch, lately raised
in honour of the Emperor Nicholas, and at
the other end is the unfinished chateau of
the late Hospodar. On either side of the
road is the public garden, which, for its size,

is one of the prettiest in Europe. It is laid

out in the English style, with gravel-walks,

winding amidst thick foliage and bright par-
terres of flowers. In the midst of green
spots, here and there are fountains fling-

ing their spray into the air, and there is a

small lake, on the shore of which is a pic-

turesque grotto. In the centre of an open

lawn is a pavilion, and here, on fete-days, a
mihtaiy band is stationed. This garden was
planned and laid out by Prince Bebesco, the
late Hosj)odar. The public promenade is

also chiefly his work. In a part of the

garden, through an opening in a httle grove
of acacias, one catches a glimpse of a very
charming villa, the abode of a young lady,
who is the ward of the present reigning
Prince, and is one of the beauties of Bu-
charest. She is a Sicilian by birth, and

when a mere child was adopted by a Russian

Greneral and his wife, a Wallachian lady,
who were then travelling in Sicily. After
some years the General and his mfe died,
and left their adopted daughter a fortune of
30,000^., and confided her to the guardian-
ship of the present Hospodar.
The romance which attaches to the story
of this young lady reminds me of another
which I heard in Rome. Some twenty years
ago there lived in that city a young painter,
eking out sufficient with his pencil to sup
merrily at the Lepri, or the Gabione, and
get his coffee of a morning at the Greco.
He was happy for the hour, and never
thought of the morrow, which is, perhaps,
after all, the right way to enjoy existence.
One day he was surprised to receive a visit
from the curate of one of the villages in the
neighbourhood of Rome. The curate had
the day before administered the consolations
of reUgion to an old woman who was at the
point of death. At her last moments she
placed in the curate's hands a packet of let-

ters, which she besought him to dehver to



our young friend the painter mthout delay.

The curate and the painter conned over the
letters together, and the result was that they
both went instantly to the house of a prince
who is kno\vn to have a kind honest heart
and when the prince heard what they had to
say, he sent for his advocate, who took the
letters before the high tribunal of Eome,
and in a Httle time our young friend the
painter was recognised as the rightful heir
to a dukedom, one of the oldest in Italy, and
he is, at the present day, lord of more than
one noble chateau and of many a broad acre.
The mother of the young man had, strange
to say, taken a dishke to him from the mo-
ment of his birth, and she gave the child to
one of her women, determined never to ac-

knowledge it as her son. The duke, her

husband, was then dead, and report said that
she had given her love to another.


Some days ago I went to see Prince

GrortschakofFe review a portion of the Russian
army, which was encamped about six miles
from Bucharest. The vast plains of Wal-
lachia are admirably adapted for displays of
this kind, or for the more serious operations
of actual war. There was not a wall or
hedge, and scarcely a tree, to impede the
movement of the troops. There were about
eighteen thousand men present. They at
first formed in line, with the artillery on the
extreme left, and next to them the cavalry,
composed of lancers and hussars, and then
came the infantry. The infantry, regiment
by regiment, then broke into open column

of companies, and marched past the (reneral.

Each company, as it passed before the

Prince, cheered, and the hght troops ran by
in double time for about two hundred yards,
cheering all the way. The cavalry marched
by in squadrons, each squadron cheering
when they came in front of the Commander-
in-chief; and a body of Hulans, who waited
some little time behind, went past at a
charge, shouting wildly. The hght artillery
also went past at full gallop. Each regi-
ment of infantry then formed in close

column, with the cavalry and artillery on

theu' rear. They were in aU a magnificent
body of troops, and went through the dif-

ferent movements with wonderful precision.

The efiect of the great mass of infantry
formed in close column, with the sun spark-
ling on their helmets, was very fine. Seen
at a distance, it looked hke a lake of flame.
When the inspection was over, the troops
marched off the ground to their respective
quarters, each body as it passed singing the
national anthem, or some war-song. Prince
Grortschakoffe is more than sixty years of age,


but he is firm and erect, and has all the

appeai'ance of a veteran soldier. None of
the generals nnder his orders seem less than
fifty years old, and all have the same stem,
war-worn look.
Eiding beside a squadron of hussars was
a young officer, mounted on a very spirited
Arab horse. He wore the Circassian dress,
with the cartouch-boxes on the breast of his
coat in silver, richly chased. This seems to
me the handsomest uniform I have as yet
seen in the Russian army.
Shortly after my arrival at Bucharest, I
went with Mr. Colquhoun to pay a visit to

the French Consul-General, who then resided

in a handsome chateau, the property of the
Dowager Princess Ghika, and which is situ-
ated about two miles from the town. Close
to this chateau is a lake, across which the
Russians had thrown a bridge of pontoons
on the day previous to om' visit. On the
shores of the lake there had been a large
Russian encampment of five thousand men
but, just before our arrival, the tents had
been struck, and the whole force had crossed

over the bridge of pontoons and marched

towards the south-east. The whole of the
Russian force was at that moment begin-
ning to be put in motion. The encamp-
ments in the interior were gradually break-
ing up, and the great bulk of the army was
moving towards the Danube, along whose
banks they are at the moment I write,
posted in echelon, awaiting the advance of
the Turks.
On the shore of the lake there still re-

mained about a hundred and fifty men. A

portion of these were engaged in cooking.
Their camp-kettles were aiTanged in two
rows, and at half a-foot apart, with about
twenty kettles in each row. When we
came up the kettles were all simmering
gaily. The cooks, on the present of a few
swanzikers, allowed us to taste the contents
of some of them, and we found the flavour
excellent. In each kettle were meat, rice,

and vegetables ; and to these the cooks, as

they went round, added pepper, salt, and

similar condiments, as they thought neces-
sary. Eussians of all ranks are fond of tea.

The water used in making it they boil in a

kind of urn, called a samavar, which is not,
I believe, much kno-\\TL in England. In the
centre of this urn is a tube, which is grated
at the bottom. Into this tube some pieces
of lighted charcoal are dropped, which the
air. passing through the grated opening
below, keeps in a state of ignition, and the
heat thus produced soon boils the water
which surrounds the tube. Whilst we were
looking on at the cooking, a soldier came up
with a small brass samavar, into the tube of
which he dropped some embers from the
fire and to make them burn more quickly,

he took off one of his Wellington boots,

which he very adroitly converted into a
bellows. He placed the top of the boot on
the mouth of the tube, wliich he pressed
tightly, and holding the sole with his other
hand, he pumped up and down. The
operation was most successful; for, in a
little time, the samavar began to sing as
blithly as any domestic kettle.

For some minutes before, we had seen to the

westward a dark cloud of dust, tlirough which

were flashing the hehnets and bayonets of a

battalion of infantry. They soon reached
the ground near which we were standing,
followed by their baggage-train. The mo-
ment they halted, the men piled their arms,
on which they hung their helmets and
cross-belts. They then took off their
coatees and trousers, and put on their great-
coats and foraging-caps. In the mean time
the baggage-train had been unj)acked, and
the tents laid on the ground in lines. The
men then set to work ; the canvass rose
from the ground like a cloud; the pegs
were di-iven in, the ropes fastened, and in
less than half an-hom' from the moment of
their arrival the officers were lounging
quietly in their quarters, the sentries were
posted, and the routine of the camp was
going on as though the whole party had
been there for months before. Almost all

the men went dowm and bathed in the lake,

and about an hour we were walking
later, as

in the avenue of the chateau, we heard their

call to dinner.

The word Bucharest means the city of


pleasure. There is a Wallachian proverb,

which says that he who has drunk of the
waters of the Dimbovitza is loth to leave its
banks. How people can be pleasant in a
place which is constantly exposed to the
inroads of Russians it is difficult to
imagine. If there be any truth in what
is said of the waters of the Dimbovitza,
both Muscovite and Moslem must have
drunk of them deeply. In debating the
question at present existing between Russia
and Turkey, no one seems to bestow a
thought on the unhappy Principahties.
Whichever party gains, they are sure to be
the sufferers. They have at present quar-
tered upon them a foreign army, which they
are obhged to lodge gratis, and to feed to a
great extent upon the same terms and if ;

this army is forced to retire, and their place

is taken by the Tm-ks, the change will
scarcely be for the better. The Turks look
on the Moldo-Wallachians as ghours, and
would possibly not object to tax them as

rayahs ; wliilst Russia, in occupying their

territory, affects to regard them as vassals


of the Sultan, whilst she crushes them

beneath her armed hand as if they were her
own serfs.

The population of Wallachia is less than

tliree millions, but the country is capable of
feeding five times that number. Its soil is

one of the richest in the world. The super-

abundance of its produce contributes to the
support of thousands who inhabit the
British empire. But its resources are far
very far —from being developed. The com-
merce of the country is abandoned to
strangers, agricultm-e is neglected, and the
more refined arts and manufactures are un-
known. Wallacliia is intersected by six

rivers, whose source is in the Carpathians.

These rivers could at a small comparative

expense be made navigable for the jDassage
of rafts. The mountains in which they
have their source are covered to their sum-
mits with magnificent forests. At the base
of the mountains are oaks, midway up are
beech trees, and above these are pines of
extraordinary height and girth. All this
wealth of wood lies utterly useless, and trees
and branches blown down by the storm rot
where they fall for want of the means of
transport. In the Moldavian parts of the
Carpathians, the case, however, is not
exactly the same. The river Sereth, which
separates the two Principalities, is larger
and deeper than the rivers flowing through
Wallachia, and its ^vaters are consequently
covered during the season with immense
rafts of wood, consisting chiefly of oak and
pine, both of which are good in building

and masting ships.

In the Carpathians, veins of gold, silver,
quicksilver, iron, copper, pitch, sulphur, and
coaJs, have been traced, but are never
worked. The Eussians, when in possession
of the country in ISll, made an attempt at
working some of these mines, but shortly
after, peace being proclaimed, the Eussian
army retired, and the mines were abandoned.
The Wallachians are not to blame for this
state of things. They are a part of the
deplorable consequences of the manner in
which the country is misgoverned. A Hos-
podar, who is chosen to rule for seven years,

and who is obliged to fly at the end of

three, who has bought his place from the
Porte Avith two years of his revenue, and
who has bartered to Eussia, in return for
her support, all his real power as a reigning

prince, can scarcely be expected to do much

for the development of the resources of his
country. It has become a fasliion to speak

of the Moldo-Wallachians ^dth contempt,

to scoff at their institutions, and to depict
them as sunk in immorahty, profligacy, and
ignorance. Some of the loudest in tliis

chorus of calumny are a discontented portion

of their oa\ti countrymen. There are few
things more calculated to favour the ambi-
tious desires attributed to Eussia than a cry
of this kind. Let Europe be made to

believe that these Principalities are bar-

barous tracts, inliabited by a set of profligate

semi-barbarians, and the crime of seizing
upon them thought
will be overlooked in the

of the good which may be thus done to the

cause of ciATilization and virtue.
These countries are rarely visited b}-

tourists; they lie out of the beaten track.


The roads are always bad, and may be said

to be impassable for seven months of the
year. The Englishman who winters in
Rome or Naples, or who passes his summer
vacation on the Ehine or in Switzerland,
could scarcely be tempted to go through the
ennui of a Russian police office at the
frontier, to be afterwards dragged on a cart
without springs, with a wisp of straw for a
cushion, across the' steppes of Moldo-Walla-
chia. There are no ruins to attract the
antiquarian ; there is no scenery to attract
the poet ; and there are no schools to be
visited by the student. It has neither the
comforts of western Europe, nor the ro-
mance of the East. It is an untrodden
corner on the highway of nations. It is

this obscurity which is fatal to the Prin-

cipalities. The inhabitants may be perse-
cuted and oppressed, and maligned and
calumniated with impunity. So little is

Bucharest visited by Englishmen, that I am

the only one, not established in the country,
that is in this city at present, and the onl}^
one that has visited it as a traveller for, I

believe, eighteen months.

E 2


When an occasional English tourist arrives

at Bucliarest, it is more generally the effect

of accident than design ; and notwithstand-

ing the attractive name of the city, and the
fascinating flavour of the Dimbovitza, he
jolts off to the banks of the Danube, as soon
as the soreness occasioned by his previous

ride has left his bones. Some years ago a

man arrived onemorning to the door of the
British Consul-Greneral. He was clad in
the dress of a Transylvanian shepherd. His
beard was untrimmed, and his long hair
hung in wild locks from under his broad
hat. The sandals which he wore were
covered \\ath soil, and his dress was travel-

stained as though he had come a long way.

There was in his eyes a look of sombre
melancholy, but it seemed the effect of some
brooding thought, rather than of any priva-
tions he had undergone. The Consul-
General invited him into his house, and
made him his guest. He had no baggage,
not even the bundle which the wayfarer
carries on the end of his stick ; but he was
heartily welcome, nevertheless, and had the
best place at the Consul's table.
He was an Enghshman of rank and large
fortune. A wound in the affections had
driven him from home, and he wandered on
as far as the Carpathian mountains, where
for some time he led the rude life of a
hunter, hoping that in change of scene and
the excitement of the chase he might find a
cure. He was disappointed, however, for
there was not sufficient danger in bear and
wolf hunting to give it the excitement he
required, and he left the Carpathian forest,
and wandered alone through the desolate
steppes of Wallachia, sharing the food of the
stray herdsmen he happened to meet, and

sleeping wlierever he was overtaken by the

night. Each day that he remained at Bu-
charest he grew more and more unhapp}',
till one mornuig the Consul-General hap-
pened to receive a letter from Constan-
tinople, giving the details of a victory which

the Circassians had gained over the Ens-

sians. The letter was written by an en-
thusiast in the cause of Circassian inde-
pendence. The description of the fight was
animated, and the letter concluded with a
gloT^dng paneg^^ic upon the bravery of the
Caucasian warriors, and a prediction of the
success of the noble cause in which the}'

wereeng-ao'ed. The moment this letter was

shown by the Consul-General to his guest,

whom I shall call jSIanly, the latter at once

determined to st^rt for Circassia, and volun-
teer into the ranks of the mountaineers.
That ver}" night Manly started for Giur-

gevo, where he crossed the Danube to

Eutschuck, and there engaged horses and a

guide, and proceeded on to Constantinople.

In that city Manly found another English-

man ready to join in his expedition, and

instantly freighting a Turkish vessel with

salt, some ammunition, and arms, he sailed
for the coast of Circassia. This was about
the time the 'Vixen' was captured by a

Russian man-of-war, and her crew impri-

soned. The coast of Circassia was more
strictly blockaded than ever ; and it was
only after the most hairbreadth escapes that
Manly and his friend succeeded in landing.

They were well received by the Circassian

chiefs, to whom they brought letters of in-

troduction ; but what was more highly prized

than the letters was the salt, the ammunition,
and the arms, which were quickly landed.
The vessel in which they came then sailed on
her way back to Constantinople, but at a

short distance from the Circassian coast was

captured by a Russian cruiser, and was
brought into the Turkish port of Trebizond,
and there burned by the Russians, notwith-
standing the objections of the Governor.
two Englislimen proceeded into the
mountains with the Circassians to where the
fighting was going on, and they were soon
busily engaged in skirmishing, ambuscading,

and, at times, in hand-to-liancl encounters

with the Muscovites. Manly, mounted on
a fiery Tartar horse, clad in chain armour,
and with a long lance in his hand, was in
the thick of ever}^ danger. He courted
death ; but for a long time passed unscathed
from lance or bullet. At length, in a sharp
encounter with a party of Eussians, he was
struck by a chance shot, and, though not
seriously wounded, he was forced to submit
to being carried to the house of one of the
chiefs, where he was recommended to remain
till his wound should be healed. The wife
and daug-hter of the chief in whose house he
was quartered tended him with care and
skill, and he was soon able to move about,
but was still too weak to return to the
camp, . The chief's daughter was about
fifteen years old. She was called in the
country " The Rose," on account of her
beauty. She was gentle and intelligent,

and Manly passed many of the hours of his

convalescence in giving her instruction in
some of those simple accomplishments which
form the first rudiments of an education in

Europe. There is something ineffably win-

ning in the manners of the Mahomedan
women of the East. They possess a timid
gentleness, and a naive grace, which are
eminently feminine. They are taught to
believe themselves as far inferior to man,
as creatures of clay, that have no existence
beyond this world, and their manner,
therefore, towards oui' rougher sex is one
that woos protection. It is this feeling of
inferiority which gives to the face of the
Oriental girl, when in repose, that expres-
sion of dreamy sadness, and that inward
look to her lustrous eyes, for if she is not
beloved, the end and object of her lift-

is not Eose made rapid progress


under Manly and when, after some months,


the camp was broken up on the approach of

winter, and her father returned home, she
quite astonished the poor chief with her
Prankish learning. The winter passed ra-
pidly by —the snow and the ice disappeared
—the stream was again babbhng merrily
before the door of the Circassian keep —the
forest trees were coming into leaf, and the
E 3


wild flowers and aromatic plants which

covered the hills filled the air with perfume.
The mountaineers began their preparations
for war but Manly had found a paUiative

for the sorrows of his brain, and determined

to return to England ; but he would not
part from " The Eose." He knew the fate
for which the poor cliild was destined, and,
therefore, had no hesitation in proposing
to the old chief to take Eose with him
to Frankistaun, and to adopt her as his

daughter ; for he said that he had grown to

love her as if she were his own cliild. The
chief said that his daughter was beautiful
and that, moreover, thanks to Manly, she
had learned certain accomplishments which
increased her value. She would, therefore,

he said, fetch a very high price at Constan-

tinople, and that it was his intention to take

her at once to the slave-market in that city,

where she was sure to be bought by one of

the great Pashas, or, perhaps, by the Padishaw
himself. ]\lanly offered to give any sum the
chief named; but it was useless. The old
man he would never permit his child to

live amongst ghours, for that she would be

much happier and better as an odalich at
Stamboul, where she would ride in a gilded
araba, ' and wear a jewelled fez, and have
armed kislers to do her bidding. Manly
still persisted in his offers ; and the chief at

length said that he would give him a final

answer on the following morning. At a
short distance from the house Manly found
Rose seated on the ground, weeping. It
was a place at which they had often sat

together, and talked of the strange country

from which the Englishman came. Poor
Rose had overheard Manly 's proposal and
her father's refusal. She was no longer a

child ; she had passed rapidly into budding

womanhood. Manly loved her as a
daughter, her feelings for him had grown
into a timid but passionate love. Manly
said that her father would be sure to con
sent, and that in a little time they would
both be happy together in Frankistaun. So
poor Rose was comforted. She dried lier

tears, and returned to the house confident

and cheerful.

The sun had been risen for some time

when Manly awoke next morning. He was
astonished to hear none of the usual sounds
about the house. There was something
ominous in the silence. He dressed hastily,
and hurried into the principal apartment
and found it empty. With a beating heart
he called Eose ; but there was no answer.
He went out and met an armed Circassian
coming from the stable where his horse was
kept. This man told liim that the chief and
all his family had left for Battoum in the
middle of the night, at which port they in-
tended to embark for Constantinople. He
was left behind, he said, to wait on the
Mousafeer, and to be his guide wherever he
wished to go.
Some months afterwards Manly arrived at
Constantinople. He made every inquiry
amongst the Circassians at Tophana to try
and discover some clue to the old chief and
his daughter, but all in vain.
One day he was coming down the Bos-
phorus in a caique. He was passing close

along the Asiatic shore, and had reached the


village of Kandeljee, wlien an old woman,

who was standing on the marble steps, which
led into the yally, or summer residence of
one of the great Pashas, called to him to
stop. She asked him if he were a doctor ?
He answered that he knew something of
medicine ; so she made him a sign to follow
her into the house. She led him along
silently into one of the small rooms of the
harim. The apartment was dimlj- lighted,
for the silken draperies of the lattice were
closely drawn. On the divan lay the form
of a young ghd ; her hands were pressed
upon her bosom, and she was moaning
feebly. At the noise which Manly made in
approaching she raised her eyes, and, sud-
denly starting up, she put back the long
dark hair which fell loose upon her shoul-
ders, and, after staring at him wildly for a
few minutes, she fell back upon the divan
apparently lifeless.

It was poor Rose that lay before him.

Under his care her senses returned ; but
Manly saw, to his unutterable grief, that she
was dying. Immediately on her arrival at

Stamboul she told him she was bought for a

large sum by the Pasha in whose house she

then lay. The Pasha made her his favourite,
and the other odalichs grew jealous. Find-
ing they could not succeed in alienating the
Pasha's love from Rose, they determined to
poison her, and that very morning she had
swallowed the fatal drug in her coffee. She
said she did not regret to die, for her life

had been one of constant suffering since her

separation from Manly. She could never
love but him ; and she would take her love
with her to the other world that he spoke
of, and there wait his coming. And she
talked of her native mountains, and of the
happy hours they had passed there together ;

and, speaking in this way, she laid her head

upon his shoulder, and, drawing a long sigh,

she died.
She is buried amongst the c}^Dress trees,
upon a height above the Pasha's J^ally. It

was on a summer's evening, years ago, when

seated beside poor Rose's grave, that I heard
her story.
Manly went home and entered Parlia-

ment, and he is at this moment a worthy

Member of the House of Commons. He is
still unmaiTied, and I believe means to die a
bachelor. ^ yf



As far as the inhabitants of Moldo-Wal-

lachia are concerned, a more docile, hard-
working, and honest people is not to be
found. Such things as drunken riots are
unknown, and robbery by a Wallachian is

far from being common. Even the gypsies,

who here form a comparatively' large portion
of the population, are not addicted to theft
a vice which, in other countries, seems to be
inherent in that strange people. With re-

gard to the upper classes, I have met amongst

them men as well educated and as gifted as

any of the same rank in England or France.

But there is no public career open to them
in their own country. There is no incen-

tive to honourable ambition, there is no

occupation for the exercise of the intellect.
The Government is an ignoble vassalage
under another name, and its public insti-
tutions are but a mockery of independence.
The office of Hospodar, so far from being a
mark of distinction, conferred by the nation
upon the most deserving citizen, is generally
attained by the person who is most success-
fnl in ingratiating himself with the Russian
authorities, and who has shown most tact in
the distribution of bribes at the Porte.
Humanity demands that something should
be done by the great powers of Europe for
the amelioration of these Principalities.

Under the present system they are exposed

to the invasion of a Eussian army, on
the slightest pretext, and they are after-

wards forced to pay the expenses of the occu-

pation, and to support, to a great extent,
those foreign troops whilst they remain in
the country. In the present quarrel between
Russia and the Porte, the Moldo - Walla-
chians, without a shadow of justice, are
made the first victims. Their commerce is


ruined, the industry of the country is sus-

pended ; the peasant is dragged from the

cultivation of his fields to transport the bag-
gage of a foreign army, his house is occupied
and his scanty store of food eaten by the
soldiers of another nation. The farmers
cannot pay their landlords, for the produce
of their land is rotting in the open air at the
ports of the Danube, for want of the means
of transport. The forage and other stock
brought to the markets of Bucharest and the
other towns of the Principahties, are sold at
a price fixed by the Russian Commissariat
a price which was estabhshed in the abund-
ant season of last June, and which is less

than half what the same produce ought

to bring at the present time. It is evident
that if this state of things be permitted
to last, these Principahties, notwithstanding
the immense resources with which they are
endowed b}^ natm'e, must fall to ruin.
Hospodars, with a divan chosen in the
corrupt way T have shown, by Russia
and Turkey, are evidently not a proper
form of government for these countries.

Let an end be put to tlie intrigues by

which these princes are elected and after-

wards deposed. Let these two Principali-
ties, which are capable of supporting twenty
millions of souls, be raised into an inde-
pendent power. Let a ruler be chosen for
them from amongst the royal families of
Grermany, or even amongst the members of
the Imperial houses of Austria or Eussia.
Let a regular dynasty be formed, and an
end will be put to those wretched plots
which thwart the authority of the Prince
and lead to his downfall ; plo,ts in which the
Boyards, jealous of the head of the State,
and anxious to occupy his place, sacrifice
the public weal in the hope of gratifying
their own ambition. The example of a well-
organized Court, with a virtuous and able
prince at its head, would do more to era-
dicate the remnants of Oriental corruption
which still exist in these countries, and to
substitute in their place sentiments of honour,
of patriotism, and of truth, than all the cen-
sures of the Press, or the remonstrances of
foreign powers. Let the integrity of the

new nation be guaranteed as was that of

Grreece, and the Pruth would be no longer
too feeble a barrier against the inroads of
Russia, nor a simple line of boundary, a
useless obstacle to the encroachments of
Austria. Peace would at length, after long
centuries of turmoil and intrigue, visit these
unhappy countries. Moldo-Wallachia might
then become, in reality, the granary of
Europe, and, under an independent govern-
ment, with rational institutions, would share
in all those advantages of progressive civih-
zation which h^ve been hitherto denied to it

by its deplorable position. You cannot ex-

pect the virtues of patriotism from men who
have in reality no country, that is to say,
where the aggregate of the people of whom
they form a part is not bound together
by equitable social laws ; nor can you expect
that the higher moral and intellectual qua-
lities of a nation wt.11 develop themselves
under a government wliich is too corrupt to
appreciate such qualities or to give them en-
The following is the treaty which Bladus,


Va'ivode of Wallacliia, made with Sultan

Mahomet II., in 1460. Tliis treaty is the

fact upon which the Turks found their

right of suzereinty over the people of this
Principality. Its spirit has never been
altered by any subsequent act, and it is

the groundwork of all the ulterior arrange-

ments which have been made between the
Principalities and the Porte, and between
Russia and Turkey; for the government of
Moldo-Wallachia :

1st. " The Sultan engages for himself and

his successors, to give protection to Walla-
chia, and to defend it against all enemies,
assuming nothing more than a supremacy
over the sovereignty of that Principahty, the
Vai'vodes of which shall be bound to pay to
the Sublime Porte an annual tribute of
10,000 piastres.
2nd. " The Sublime Porte shall never in-
terfere in the local administration of the said

Principality, nor shall any Turk be ever per-

mitted to come into Wallachia without an
ostensible reason.

8rd. " Every year an officer of the Porte

shall come to Wallachia to receive the
tribute, and on his return shall be accom-

panied by an officer of the Yaivode, as

far as Cliurgevo, on the Danube, where
the money shall be counted over again, a
second receipt given for it, and when it

has been carried in safety to the other side

of that river, Wallachia shall no longer
be responsible for any accident that ma}'
befall it.

4th. " The Vaivodes shall continue to be

elected by the archbishop, metropolitan,
bishops and boyards, and the election shall
be acknowledged by the Porte.
5th. " The Wallachian nation shall con-

tinue to enjoy the free exercise of their own

laws ; and the Vaivodes shall have the right
of life and death over then- own subjects
as well as that of making war and peace,
v/ithout having to account for any such pro-
ceedings to the Sublime Porte.
6th. " All Christians, who having once
embraced the Mohammedan faith, should
come intoWallachia and resume the Christian

religion, shall not be claimed by any Ottoman


7tli. " Wallacliian subjects who may have

occasion to go into an}-^ Ottoman
part of the
dominions, shall not be there called upon
for the haratsh, or capitation tax, paid by
other rayahs.
Sth. " If any Turk have a law-suit in Wal-
lachia, with a subject of the country, his
cause shall be heard and decided by the
Wallacliian divan, conformably to the local
9th. " All Turkish merchants coming to
buy and sell goods in the Principality, shall,

on their arrival, have to give notice to the

local authorities for the time necessar}^ for
their stay, and shall depart Avhen that time
is expired.
10th. " No Turk is authorized to take away
one or more servants of either sex, natives of

Wallachia, and no Turkish mosque shall ever

exist on any part of the Wallachian ter-


1 1th. " The Sublime Porte promises never

to grant a Firman at the request of a Wal-

lachian subject, for his affairs in Wallachia,

of whatever nature they may be ; and never
to assume the right of calhng to Constanti-
nople, or to any other part of the Turkish
dominions, a Wallachian sul>ject, on any
pretence whatever."

The Wallachians had been at war with

the Turks, and having met with reverses,
they were forced to conclude a peace, and the
foregoing treaty contains the terms on which
that peace was estabhshed.
The Danube often proved an inefficient
barrier between the Christians of Moldo-
Wallachia, and their fanatical neighbours.
After the death of Mahomet II., the Turks
made frequent inroads into the Principalities,
and at one time seized upon the fortresses of
Ibraila, Griurgevo, and Tourno. In 1598,
however, the Vaivode Michael put to the
sword a body of three thousand janissaries,

who were committing horrible ravages in the

country, and finally drove the Turks across
the Danube. Mahomet III. invaded Moldo-
Wallachia, with an army of sixty thousand

men, and after a five years' struggle, the

Mahommedans were completely routed, and
again driven across tlie Danube. On the
death of Michael, in 1602, the Turks taking
advantage of the confusion which followed
that event, crossed the Danube at difierent
points, and forced the Wallachians to elect a

Vaivode named by the Sultan. The treaty

of Mahomet II. was then again put in force,

and the amount of the tribute raised, and

from that period, up to the present time, the
position of the Principahties with regard to
the Porte has virtually remained the same.
It was not till 1536 that Moldavia be-
came a tributary of the Porte. This, how-
ever, was a voluntar}^ act on the part of the

Vaivode, who, as a measure of prudence,

offered to pay an annual tribute to Sultan
Suleyman I., in exchange for that monarch's
protection. The same treaty as that exist-
ing between the Porte and Wallachia was
then concluded between Suleyman and the

Vaivode of Moldavia, but the word '

was omitted, and '
peshkiesh,' or '

substituted in its stead.


It was in 1710 that the Russians first

entered into correspondence with the Princes

of Moldo-WaHachia, Bessarabba, then Yai-
vode of Wallachia, secretly agreed to famish
Peter the Grreat with a contingent of thirt}^

thousand men, to aid him in his war against

the Turks, and to furnish, moreover, the
Russian army with provisions and other ne-
cessaries. This arrangement became known
at Constantinople, and the Porte determined

to put Bessarabba to death, by luring him

into a snare. Demetrius Cantimir, the his-
torian,was chosen by the Porte to be the
organ of its vengeance, and he was accord-
ingly sent as Yaivode to Moldavia, and
Nicholas Mavrocordato, the reigning Vai-
vode, was deposed. Cantimir, however, so
far from complying with the instructions of
the Porte, had no sooner arrived at Yassy,
than he sent to the Czar, offering him his
services. Peter, seeing matters so favour-
able, entered Yassy at the head of a large
army, in 1711 ; but Bessarabba, alarmed at
the approach of 220,000 Turks, failed in his
promise to the Czar, and it is to this conduct

on the part of tlie Wallachian Vaivocle, that

is to be chiefly attributed the reverses of the
Russian arms in that campaign. When
peace was conchided, Bessarabba was sent,
with all his family, to Constantinople, where
he and his sons, after being tortured, were
put to death, and Stephen Cantacuzene, a
descendant of the imperial family of that
name, was appointed Yaivode in his stead,

and Nicholas Mavrocordato was reinstated

in the place left vacant by the defection of
the Vaivode Cantimir, in Moldavia.
It was after Cantacuzene's short reign of

two years, that the Porte determined to take

exclusively into its own hands the nomina-
tion of the Hospodars of Moldo-Wallachia,
and to abolish the system of election. This
determination was come to at the instigation

of Alexander Mavrocordato, then chief dra-

goman to the Turkish government ; and it

was also at his suggestion that the Sultan

ordered that, for the future, the Hospodars
for Wallachia and Moldavia should be chosen
from amongst the Fanariot Grreelfs of Con-
stantinople. The Turks, at that time, re-
F 2

posed great trust in the Greeks of the Fanaar,

and it was, therefore, easy to persuade them
to choose from amongst them the new Vai-
vodes, whom they supposed would be more
tractable than those elected from amongst
the native Boyards of the Principalities.

Tliis system of appointing the Vaivodes by

a simple firman from the Porte, continued
tiU after the treaty of Adrianople, in 1829,
when M. de Kisselief, then Eussian Plenipo-
tentiary of the Principalities, drew up a form
of government for Moldo-Wallachia, known
as the " Reglement Organic." Eussia had
then become a protecting Power, and had a
voice even more potent than that of Turkey
in the internal afiairs of the Principalities.
By the " Reglement Organic," the system
of electing Hospodars from amongst the
native Boyards was restored, but the election
was subject to the joint approval of both the
Sublime Porte and the Court of St. Peters-
burg. A veto from either Power was suffi-

cient to annul the election. At the revolu-

tion which took place in these provinces in
1848, both princes fled, and when order was

restored in 1849, MM. Stirbey and Ghika

were chosen without election by Russia and
the Porte, as Hospodars of Wallachia and
Moldavia, to govern these provinces, not for
life, according to the terms of the " Regle-
ment Organic," but for a period of seven


Not a treaty has been quoted in these pages,

that has not been violated by Eussia. Eus-
sia, claiming to form one of the great family
of the civilized nations of Christendom, has
violated the treaty of Vienna, in taking pos-
session of the mouths of the Danube, and
obstructing their navigation; she has violated
the treaty of Adrianople, in occupying the
islands in that river ; she has trampled on the
treaty of Balta-Liman, by crossing the Pruth
with her armies in last July, and even the
" Reglement Organic" drawn up by herself,
was flung aside as a dead letter, by both that
Power and Turkey, in the irregular nomina-
tion of MM. Stirbey and Grhika. It is difS-

cult to say where nationiil faith and national

honour have found a refuge in these days,
when we see a great Christian Power, with
whom no promise is sacred and no treaty is

binding, meeting with only a quahfied re-

proval from the other governments of Chris-
tendom. Before the Christian subjects of
the Sultan call out for the Protectorate of
Eussia, let them look first to Moldo-Wal-
lachia, and see the baleful efiects of that
Protectorate in these Principalities. Since
1829, the power of the Porte in the Danu-
bian pro\dnces has been but a name. The
Czar, mider the modest title of Protector,
has been, since that period, the virtual

sovereign of these countries. Not a single

appointment, from that of Hospodar, down
to the elder of a village, can be made with-
out his approval. The Eussian Consuls-
General have had the finances under their
control, and the chief of the quarantine,
which is a police institution, is a Eussian.
And has Eussia, since obtaining the Protec-
torate of these Principalities, gained the
goodwill of the inhabitants ? Was it from

sympathy for them, as members of the

Greek Church, that she interfered in their
concerns ? Has the conduct of the Czar to-
wards them, as head of their Church, been
paternal or kind, or even just ? Eussia
tolerates serfdom, and has permitted to the
Boyards certain feudal privileges, which
they can exercise over their own people, but
they, themselves, are in their turn but
the bondsmen of Russia. She introduced
that fatal scourge, her pohce-laws and her
espionage, and held up to the imitation of
a people, emerging from barbarism, the
corruption which pollutes her o^^ti institu-


T\nien the Russians crossed the Pruth in

last July, they ordered M. Stirbey, the
Hospodar of Wallachia, to refuse pajrment
of his tribute to the Porte, and he obeyed.
He was their humble servant in all they
wished. The other day they ordered him
to proclaim martial law, and he did so, and
all his ministers signed the document, and
when they wanted him no longer they ordered
him to be gone. He begged to remain, but


the Russian general was inexorable, so he

left Bucharest for Giurgevo, intending to
proceed up the Danube to Vienna by the
Austrian pa,cket. But when he arrived at
Giui'gevo, the captain of the Austrian steamer
refused to receive him on board, and he was
forced to come back to Bucharest. Here at
the gate of his capital he was stopped by
the pohce, who would not allow him to
enter, and he was obliged to make a circuit
outside the town to get on the road to Her-
mandstadt, whither he was commanded to
proceed. At Hermandstadt he was arrested
by the Austrian authorities till permission
came from Vienna for the exiled Hospodar
of Wallachia to proceed to that city. When
Stirbey was gone. Prince Gortschakolfe sum-
moned the members of the Wallachian mi-
nistry before him, and addressed them in the
following terms :

" Messieurs, vous etes restes charges de

I'administration du pays, mais ma position

vous place naturellement sous ma direction.
Je vous recommande I'armee Imperiale. Je
n'ai pas a me plaindre de la maniere dont
F 3

les soldats sont traites, mais j'appelle sur

eux toute votre solicitude. H faut qu'ils ne

manquent de rien, et que vous ailliez au
devant de leurs besoins. Soyez zeles dans
raccomplissement de vos devoirs. M. de
Khaltchinsky servira d'intermediare entre

vous et inoi.
" Vous etes sous un gouvemement mili-

taire ; tachez de vous conduire de maniere

a ne pas en subir les rigueurs.
" Defendez severemeut a vos employes de

s'occuper de politique quelconque.

" Quiconque entretiendra une correspon-
dence avec la Turquie sera pendu debout
dans les vingt-quatre heures. Je dis cela pour
tout le monde, depuis le Grand Bano,
jusqu'au plus petit Percalabe. Je sais

qu'il-y-a parmi vous des Boyards qui ont

ecrit pour devenir Prince et Postelnic, mais
sachez qu'on sera pendu avant d'etre Hos-
podar ou Postelnic."
Sucli is the paternal tone in wluch the
agents of the Czar speak to the ministers of
the Cliristian people of this country ; in
dealing with the lower classes they employ,

as may be supposed, something stronger

than words.
Within the last month war has been pro-
claimed by the Porte, and has been accepted
by the Czar, and numbers have fallen on
both sides. From the very commencement
of Prince Mentschikoff's mission to Constan-
tinople, theEmperor Nicholas had foreseen
that such would be the result of his demands.
He must have known full well that the Sultan
would never have consented to place under
the Protectorate of Pussia so many millions
of his subjects, and he must have also known,
that in this resolution the Porte would be
supported by the great Western Powers.
Tlie Czar pledged his word that war was not
his object, and his professions were believed.
Negotiations were opened, but so comphcated
did they become, that diplomacy was at
length bewildered, and the Porte, driven to
desperation by the contradictory counsels of
her advisers, declared war, but gave an in-
terval of before commencing
a fortnight
The Czar was then at
actual hostilities.
Olmutz, and openly made professions of

peace. He was again believed, and the

Cabinets of tlie other four great Powers
again set to work to try and prevent blood-
shed. Before an}^ light could dawn upon
the bL.mdering obscurity which enveloped
the plans of the different diplomatists, the
fifteen days allowed b}^ the Porte expired,
and Turks and Eussians were at once en-
gaged in deadly strife on the Danube. On
Sunday, the 23rd day of October, the delay
allowed by the Sultan expired. On that
very day orders were given to the Eussian
flotilla to advance up the Danube. The
cannon on board the steamer and gun-boats
were ready shotted, and the vessels were
cleared for action. The fort of Issactche
was the first formidable point which the
flotiUa had to pass. On the left bank op-
posite to Issactche, General Luders hastily
thi'ew up some works behind which he placed
his mortars. TVlien the hostile flotilla ad-
vanced the Turkish fortress opened its fire,

which was returned by the gun-boats and

steamer, whilst General Luder's battery from
the opposite bank threw shells into Issactche,

which tiniilly burned the town. It is evi-

dent then that the Russians in this provoked

and that they had determined,

though negotiations for peace were going

on in Europe to force Tui'key into war. It

wi]l be seen from the Eussian bulletin, that

it had been at first intended to send up the

flotilla during the night, under cover of the
dai-kness, but that the commander and officers

begged that the movement should take place

in open day. Tlie conflict therefore was

foreseen,and Greneral Luders, having thrown

up a battery on the right bank, showed that
the Russians determined to make the most
of the conflict. When the telegraphic des-
patch of the French Consul-General at Bu-
charest, announcing this event, was pubhshed
in Paris and London, few would give it

credit. It was natural enough, that in the

face of the solemn protestations of peace
made Emperor a few days before,
by the
scarcely any one would credit that he had
privately ordered his generals on the Danube
to commence hostihties. The sanguinary
afiair of Oltanitza rapidly succeeded that of

Issactche. The horrors of war have begun ;

negotiations are now useless, and notes and

protocols may be flung to the wind.
The great Powers of Western Europe
now know what they have to expect from
Russia,how insincere are her professions,

and how great her contempt for interna-

tional rights. AU the attempts of France
and England at an arrangement have failed,

and their counsels and remonstrances have

been treated with contempt by the govern-
ment of the Czar.
Russia can overwhelm Turkey, if the latter
power be not assisted. Russia has continued
to occupy the Danubian Principalities in
spite of our remonstrances. WiU we allow
her to take possession of Constantinople ?

The Czar is driving Europe into a general

war, but the bloodshed and the horrors which
attend such a calamity wiU be laid at his


It is impossible to suppose that the inha-

bitants of the kingdom of Greece believe tliat
the sympathy professed for them by Eussia
is either sincere or disinterested. One fact
alone will be sufficient to show what are the
real views of the cabinet of St. Petersburg
with regard that country.
In 1843 a conspiracy was got up in
Greece, which had for its object to force
King Otho to abandon his throne, and fly

from the country, that a Hospodar appointed

by Russia might be placed in his stead. At
the head of this conspiracy was the then
Russian charge d'affaires at Athens, and the
chief instrument in carrying on his schemes

was General Kalergi. About three years

ago I was staying at the island of Hydra,
where General Kalergi then resided with his
relative, M. Conduriotis. We were thrown
a good deal together, and it was then that I
learned the original object of the revolution
which took place in Greece in 1843.
General Kalergi told me that for some
time previous to the month of September,
1843, he had been in constant secret com-
munication with the Eussian Minister at
Athens. He was then, he said, devoted
heart and soul to Russia, and was determined
to carry out her designs even at the risk of
his hfe. Kalergi has a great and well de-
served reputation for bravery, and he is

moreover an excellent officer. These quaU-

ties had given him great influence over the
whole Greek army, but he was particularly
beloved by the cavalry, of which he was the
immediate chief. It was on account of this
influence which Kalergi possessed over the
Greek troops, and his known devotion to
Russia, that he was chosen as a proper in-
strument by the Russian agent. A httle

before midniglit on the 3rd September, 1843,

Kalergi placed himself at the head of the
cavahy, which had been kept under arms,
and sent his aide-de-camp to order the artil-
lery and infantry to join him without delay.

The aide-de-camp, who was accompanied by

a detachment of Lancers, was instructed to
put under arrest any officer who refused to
obey Kalergi's command. Only a few officers

devoted to Kalergi were aware of the object

of the movement, the mass of the army knew
nothing of the reason of their being called
out, but they obeyed Kalergi as he was the
officer commanding in the town. As to the
citizens, they were, one and all, kept in the
most profound ignorance with regai'd to the

plot or its objects. When the troops were

assembled, Kalergi appealed to their love for
their country, for which they had fought and
bled, and he then excited their resentment
against the present order of things, by show-
ing them that the court was filledby
foreigners, and that honours and favours
were daily showered upon strangers, whilst
the Greeks, who had purchased their coun-

try's independence with their blood, were

treated with neglect. He then called on
them to follow him, and that he would ob-
tain redress. His speech was answered by a
cheer, and he at once marched to the palace,
which he surrounded with his troops, whilst
he planted his loaded cannon at the gates. In
the early part of the evening an order had
been sent to the commander of a Grreek war
steamer lying at the Piraeus, who was in the
plot, to have his steam up at about midnight,
to be ready to convey King Otho to Trieste
the instant His Majesty arrived on board.
The conspirators naturally concluded that
the Eang, terrified by the revolt of his troops,
.would at once fly from Grreece. In this,

however, they were mistaken. His Majesty

is a man of undaunted courage, and he was
determined that if he could not remain on
his throne, that he would at least die in its

defence. Thus the main object of the con-

spirators failed. In this dilemma Kalergi
sent his aide-de-camp for instructions to M.
Katakasi, the Eussian minister. M. Katakasi,
however, had ah'eady received information

of the state of tliiugs at the Palace, and of

the King's determination to defend his crown
to the last extremity. The Eussian minister
saw at once that his plot had failed ; and to
save himself and his government, if possible,
from the stigma of being the instigators of
the treason, he determined to abandon
Kalergi to his fate, and therefore loading the
General's aide-de-camp with abuse, caUing
him rebel and villain, he drove him out of
his house. When the aide-de-camp returned
to Kalergi,and told him of the reception he
had met with from M. Katakasi, " I felt my
head," the General said to me, " tottering
on my shoulders ; I was in a state of rage
and was determined to make a
despair, but I
bold attempt to try and save the lives of
those who, hke myself, had been seduced
into the undertaking. I therefore sent my
aide-de-camp to Sir Edmund Lyons, to teU
him of the position in which I was placed,
and to beg his advice and protection. Sir
Edmund at once sent me back word, to re-
main where I was, to keep the troops quiet,
and that he would go and see the Kuig."

The people had followed the troops into

the open place before the palace. When
they heard the movement was to get rid of
the foreign employes, they joined in the cry,
and they shouted out that the King should
give them a constitution. Sir Edmund
Lyons had not been long in conference with
the King, when he came out and announced
to the soldiers and the people, in the name
of his Majesty, that the foreign employes
should be aU sent out of Greece, and that a
constitution would be given to that country.
This announcement was received with wild
enthusiasm, the soldiers returned to their
quarters, and the citizens carried Kalergi in
triumph through the streets of Athens.
Thus, as it sometimes happens, out of evil

comes good.
Kalergi, after these events, became the
devoted friend of Sir Edmund Lyons. He
went to England shortly after as the patriot

who had obtained a constitution for Greece,

and he was presented with 3,000/. and a
costly sword, by his countrymen who are
established there as merchants. So con-

fident was the Russian Government of the

success of tills conspiracy, that they had
already appointed a Russian governor for
Greece, and had made all the arrangements
for placing the country under the exclusive
protection of the Czar.


It has been the fashion for some years

past to decry the kingdom of Greece, its

government, and its laws. I have been well

acquainted mth that country since 1843, for
I arrived there in that year on board the
same British frigate which brought Mavro-
cordato, who after the revokition was ap-
pointed prime-minister. I could never dis-
cover an}' but a very flimsy basis for all this

abuse. The evils which do exist in the

country spring entirely from its poverty
and its weakness, and the only remedy for
them is to find some measure which would
render the country stronger and more pros-
perous. In these days the power and

wealth of a nation depend chiefly on its

commerce. The commerce of Greece is very

limited, and for this reason —that its soil is,

for the greater part, unproductive, and its

population small, and, generally speaking,

poor. Patras and Syra are the only towns
of any commercial importance. Patras has
an export trade in currants ; and Syra owes
its comparative prosperity to its position,
which is admirably adapted for transit
trade. It cannot be said that the Grreeks are
either idle or ignorant ; they make the most
of the few local advantages which they
possess. The trade of Patras and Syra have
been developed to their utmost limits since
the independence of the country has been
established. Those Greeks who could not
find an opening in their own country have
carried their talents and their spirit of
enterprise elsewhere. Within the last few
3"ears they, bj^ their unwearied activity,

have absorbed the whole trade of the

Levant ; and the millions which are yearly
exported from Great Britain to the Medi-
terranean pass through their hands. One

of the richest banking-houses in the world

at the present day is that of Baron Sina at
Vienna, who is a most patriotic Greek, and
Consul-General and Agent for King Otho in
Austria. The house of Mr. Ealh, Consul-
G^eneral for Greece in London, holds a very
high place amongst the commercial esta-

bhshments of Great Britain. Mr. EaUi has

large commercial houses in Constantinople,
St. Petersburg, Odessa, and Calcutta, and at
different ports of the Mediterranean. There
are no people who have so strong a spirit of
national union amongst them as the Greeks.

Their general prosperity and success in

foreign countries is almost entirely owing to
this sentiment. They mutually assist each
other, and this is the reason why in most of
the commercial crises the Greek houses have
remained intact, whilst many of greater pre-
tensions, both British and foreign, became
bankrupt. ^¥hen a Greek is prosperous in
the world he extends his assistance to all

his relations, and never denies a claim made

upon him in the name of his country.
It cannot be said the Greeks are ignorant,

for the university of Athens is at present

the first seat of ancient Greek learning in
Europe. Modern Grreek, which only a few
years ago was studied solely by some Fana-
riot families, is now spoken with purity by
millions of the Greek race. There is not
a town or village throughout Greece that
has not a college or a school paid by the
nation. I remember visiting, not long ago,
a little village about twelve miles from
NaupHa, on the sea- shore. The inhabitants
were very poor — some of the poorest in all

Greece —but they had a school. The wretched

people toiled at the meagre soil from morn-
ing tiU night to keep the wolf from the
door ; and though their children might have
aided them in their labour, yet they thought
it their first duty to send their little ones to
school. I visited this school, where I found
some thirty children assembled. They were
supphed with slates and books by the com-
mune, but writing-paper was an exj)ensive
luxury wliich was only given to the more
advanced pupils. The beginners learned to
write upon the sand. There was a long

board, with, a ledge round it, strewed with a

thin layer of fine sea-sand, and before this
eight or ten little creatures were standing,
and with their chubby fingers were drawing
upon the sand their alphas and omegas
under the direction of a monitor. They all
pulled off their red caps when I entered, and
laying their little hands on their breasts,
they made me a grave bow. The head boy,
who had nothing on but a loose shirt and
very wide pair of breeches, recited for me,
with a great deal of fire, a warlike f)assage
out of Homer, which was applauded by all

the little fellows as soon as he had finished.

Arithmetic, geography, and general his-

tory are taught in all these small schools.

Besides the university at Athens, there are

two royal colleges ; one at Patras, the other
at the Piraeus , and there are large public

schools in all the principal to^^vois. I was

present once at the midsummer examination
wliich took place at the pubHc school of
Tripolitza, where the pupils answered ex-

ceedingly well in mathematics, literature,

and history. There is an extensive military


college at the Pirajiis, and judging from

what I saw at the public examination there,

it is conducted as well as any estabhshment

of the kind in Em'ope. There is, also, a
school of agricultm'e near Nauplia, which
has done a great deal of good by introducing
improved machinery into the husbandly of
the country, and by the excellent system
taught there for the cultivation of tobacc^
and of the vine. The exportation of tobacco
from Nauplia has of late become pretty con-
siderable. It is almost all shipped fi^om that
port to Marseilles.
After having shown that the Greeks are
an industrious and well-educated people, I
think it will be very easy to prove that they
are lovers of freedom. In Greece there is a
limited monarchy there is a parliament com-

posed of a senate and chamber of deputies,

and there is imiversal suffrage. The press is
free, and the expression of individual opinion
is uncontrolled. There are no passports, no
spies, no tortures, and no condemnation
without a legal trial. People are found who
assert that King Otho is opposed to a po-
G 2

pular form of government, and that he has

with him a party whose constant efforts are

to try and overtlirow the constitution. Such

assertions are totally unfounded. The only
enemies of the constitution in Greece are the
Russians. It is with them that originate all

the accusations against King Otho, his go-

vernment, and his people. It is they who
ifre most active in trying to vihiy Greece in
the eyes of Europe, that they may hold it

up as a model of the evil effects of constitu-

tional freedom. I defy the enemies of Greece

to point out a single unconstitutional, arbi-
trar}^ or cruel act that was ever sanctioned
by King Otho. His Majesty accepted the
constitution in 1843, because it was the will

of the nation, and he has remained conscien-

tiously faithful to the pledge he then gave.
In this his example has been followed b}^ his

King Maximilian of Bavaria. King

Maximihan ascended the throne in 1848, and
swore allegiance to the constitution, and he
is the only sovereign of central Europe that
has not broken a similar emjao-ement. The
Emperor of Austria is the first cousin, and

has again been nearly allied to the King of

Bavaria, andwhat account did the Austrian
government set upon the constitution or the
oaths by which it was made sacred? The
King of Prussia is also the relative of King
Maximilian, and where are the popular
rights which that monarch swore to give to
his people ? Uninfluenced by the example
of his powerful neighbours, and unswayed
by their remonstrances, the King of Bavaria,
in the midst of the despotic states by which
he is surrounded, has kept his honour unsul-
lied and his word unbroken.
The same religious toleration which exists
in Bavaria exists also in Grreece. In Ba-
varia the large Protestant population enjoy
equal rights with their Catholic fellow-citi-
zens. The king is a Roman Catholic, but
Queen Marie of Bavaria is a Protestant.
The majority of the Grreek people belong to
the orthodox faith, but their king is a Ca-
tholic, and the Queen of Grreece is a Pro-
testant. Greeks of all religions are equal
before the law, nor is one religion favoured
in the slightest degree more than another.

There is a cliapel in the palace of Athens in

which, when mass has been said in presence
of the king, the Protestant chaplain performs
the service of his church for the queen.


There is a very handsome Protestant

church in Athens, near the Acropohs, dedi-
cated to St. Paul. There is also a large

Catholic church in the city. The congrega-

tions which frequent both churches are very
Hmited. In the Peloponnesus, the islands of

the ^gean sea, and the interior of Attica,

the population is entirely of the Greek faith.

I remember that in my first visit to Nauplia

I was wandering through some of the re-

mote streets in search of the remains of that

proud republic of Venice whose winged hons
are stiU over the gates of the town, when
I found myself before what had once been a
Turkish mosque. Wliilst looking at this

relic of a people that had at one time

triumphed over the fleets and armies of Ve-
nice and the miUtant chiu'ch of Christendom,
a door of the old mosque opened, and there
came out a Cathohc priest. The mosque
had been converted into a chapel this gen-
tleman told me, and was confided to his
care. We entered mosque toge-
the old
ther. Over the altar was a handsome paint-
ing of the Holy Family, which was a present
from the late Queen of the French. He told

me that he was all alone ; that he had not

even a clerk. He said that in Nauplia there
was not a single Catholic, but that there
were a few Bavarians employed in the ar-

senal, and that on Sundays and feast-days

they came to assist at the sacrifice of the
mass. He said that until that day, for a
long time, he had not spoken Italian, which
was his native tongue. He spoke Greek
well, but he said it was pleasant to him to
hear the language of liis childhood. He
leaned his head pensively on one side as he
said this. I saw that he was thinking of his
convent-garden in the Alban hills.
Nessun maggior dolore,
Che recordarsi deltempo felice, nella miseria,

says poor Francesca, and this is a very touch-

ing truth, even though written in less beau-
tiful words than those of Dante.
Early the next morning I came back to
the chapel and waited on the priest whilst
saying mass. was a duty I had done in
times gone by with a lighter heart. We
were alone, and there was sometliing more
than usuall}^ solemn and mournful in the
words of the sacrifice, as they echoed under
the domed roof of the old mosque.
In the dominions of King Otho the
Greek race have the means of obtaining a
refined and useful education, as well as a love
for constitutional freedom. It is impossible
then to suppose that, possessed of these ad-
vantages, they would ever willingly consent
to become the serfs of Eussia. In Greece
the peasantry are almost in general proprie-
tors of the portion of land on which they
live, and they pay no other tribute than
the taxes due to the government, which are
legally assessed. Here, in Moldo-Wallachia,
G 3

which is under the protection of Eussia, the

peasants are Kttle better than slaves. I
have seen them struck, and even cruelly
beaten by those above them in rank, without
murmui'ing, or even dreaming of seeking re-

dress. The Greeks have a traditional hatred

to the Turks ; but I have never met one
amongst them who would aid Russia in
making war against the Porte if he thought
that, on the overthrow of the Sultan, he
should fall under the yoke of the Czar.


At the end of October I started one evening

at about ten o'clock from Bucharest for the
town of Griurgevo. I was in a light open
carriage, drawn by four horses. There was
only a place for one person inside, and my
servant sat upon a seat in front. It was a
sharp, frosty night, but I was well wrapped
in fars, and I lay at full length in the bottom
of the carriage, for I had the seat removed,
with a thick layer of hay beneath me, and a
bag of despatches under my head. I beguiled
the way in looking at the stars, which were
shining with solemn brightness in the clear
sky above me, and I soothed my spirits by
smoking some excellent cigars, which a

thoughtful friend had bestowed upon me

before parting. Smoking the chibouk, with
wliich I always travel in these countries, was
out of the question, for going at full speed,

as we did, over the uneven ground, it would

have been impossible to hold it steadily to
one's lijDS. At about twelve miles from
Bucharest om- headlong career was brought
to a sudden check by two Eussian sentinels,

with fixed bayonets. The terrified postilion

pulled up his horses in a twinkhng, and the

soldiers, seizing them by their heads, led us
ofi" the high road into the midst of an en-
campment. Here we were questioned by
an ofiicer, who seeing, I suppose, our harm-
less appearance, and that our passports were
in order, permitted us to proceed. Though
the encampment was large the silence was
profound, and we certainly should have
passed it by without knowing we were near
so formidable a force, had we not been
stopped by the sentries on the high road.
The men's arms were piled before each tent,

and suspended from the fixed bayonets were

the helmets and cross-belts aU ready to band.

There was only one watch-fire, and that was

at a little distance beyond the camp. There
were some eighty or ninety men standing
round it, dressed in their long great-coats.
They stood there Hke statues, not speaking
a word. Grrim and fierce they looked in the
flickering light of the fire, and so profound
was the silence around them, and so motion-
less their attitudes, that they seemed as if

engaged in some unholy The moment


we were clear of the camp we scampered

away quicker than ever. Every ten miles
we got fresh horses, and by giving a small
present to the chouch, or stable-keeper, we
got the best of his steeds.
A little dawn we entered the town
of Giurgevo. The dispatches which I had
with me were to be sent across the Danube
to Rutschuck to Said Pacha, who had orders
to forward them by a Tatar to the British
Ambassador at Constantinople. The case
was one of great difliculty, for martial law
had been proclaimed and all communications
with the Turkish bank of the river was
forbidden under pain of death. We, how-

ever, succeeded in getting the despatches

across to Rutschuck, and they were at the

proper time duly received by Lord Stratford

de Eedcliffe.
There are two small islands lying opposite
to Giurgevo, one of these is called in
Wallachian Mokan. The whole surface of
this island is thickly covered with stunted
trees, under which a large body of men might
easily remain unseen. The other island,
which lies a little higher up the river than
Mokan, is an open marsh on which there is a
watchhouse raised upon poles, which at

the time I visited Griurgevo, was occupied

by Cossacks. At dawn, on the 2nd of No-
vember, eleven boats filled with men were
discovered coming down the river from the
direction of Rutschuck and making towards
Mokan. The fog was very thick, so that
the boats were half way through when the
alarm was given. There was only one point
at Giurgevo from which artillery could reach

these boats, and from this point the Eussian

guns were distant about half a quarter of a
mile. Before these guns could be brought

up, eight of the boats had reached Mokan

and landed their men, but three still re-

mained, and upon these the Russian artillery

opened their fire. No sooner had the first

gun been fu-ed than a Turkish war steamer

came out from Eutschuck and sweeping
bravely down the river took the boats in
tow and returned the fire of the Russians.
Giurgevo at the point where the guns were
stationed is about thirty-five or forty feet
above the level of the river. The steamer
was on the outside of the first island, she had,
therefore, to fire over the island and on to
the height where the artillery was stationed.
This the people on board the steamer per-
formed with a scientific skill difficult to
surpass. One shot from the steamer killed

a Wallachian sentry, another struck a house

in the town at about three feet from the
ground, making a breach in the front wall,
and then recochetting, broke its way tln-ough
a second wall, and a third shot killed a woman
in one of the streets, which is about a hundred
yards fi'om the bank of the river. I mention
these details to show that the Turkish

artillerymen know their business, for firing,

as they did by parabole, is not a tiling to
be learned in a day. All this time the men
in the boats, taken in tow by the steamer,
were standing up and firing their muskets,

as if in defiance, though the shots were

dropping around them. The three boats
finally reached the island and landed their
men, and the steamer anchored close in on the
Turkish bank of the mainland. As far as I

could see of the men on the island of Mokan,

tlirough a very good glass, and of the others
who came to reinforce them on the following
days, they must have been all irregular troops.

The Turks are still (1 9th November) in pos-

session ofMokan, though various attempts
have been made to dislodge them, one of
which was officially announced as being suc-
cessful. When I left Giurgevo, the Rus-
sians had two thousand infantry, a regiment
of hussars, and twenty pieces of cannon in
the town and the immediate neighbourhood.
My intention on leaving Griurgevo was to
go by the road along the river to Oltanitza,

the head-quarters of General Dannenberg.


We knew tliat the Turks had landed in

force near Oltanitza, and that a battle at

that point was inevitable, if it had not al-

ready taken place. The governor of

Giurgevo, however, advised me not to go
by the bank of the river as I would thus
run the risk of being picked off by a stray
shot, butrecommended a road higher up
which was quite as short and much safer.
As I have always had a great objection to
being by mistake, I followed the

governor's advice. I know nothing more

exhilarating than after a good cup of coffee
in the morning to get into one of these
little Wallachian carriages, and with four or
six horses to dash off at full speed across
the wild shrubless steppes. I had four ex-
cellent horses going out of Giurgevo with a
gipsy boy as postihon. I promised him
an additional swanzaker if he drove fast.

He grinned at this, and tightening the sash

he wore round his waist, shrieked at his
horses, and cracking his long-thonged whip
over his head, we started off at full speed.
The little wretch seemed delighted with his


work, for lie would lean forward in his saddle

uttering piercing cries, at which the horses
would lay down their ears and gallop away
faster, if possible, than before. AVhen at times
he turned round, laughing, with liis flashing
eyes, and glittering wliite teeth, and his
elfin hair streaming in the wind, he looked a
perfect imp.
It was a more serious thing than I
thought, that of entering the Russian lines
for those pleasant fellows, the Cossacks, have
a habit of firing at strangers ; but I think
it right to say that if they do not succeed in
killing 3'ou at the first shot, they often enter

very wilHngly into conversation, and are

ready to receive anything you have to give.
I had, therefore, to keep up the road as high
as Dobrene, a distance of five posts, and then
take the road by Negoyesti to Oltanitza.
At Dobrene we came upon a brigade of
infantry and a strong body of sappers and
miners, marching in the same direction as
ourselves. AYliilst we were changing horses
at Dobrene a crowd of young girls, dressed
out in their finery, for it was a hoHday, were

standing near, looking at the soldiers as they

passed. Some of them were very pretty;
and one in particular, though she wore no
stockings, and her poor legs were quite pink
from the cold, was really beautiful. Their
pleasant smile and odd curtsy, when I bade

them good evening, made me forget the

horrible Cossacks.


We made a detour to get ahead of the

soldiers, and as night was setting in we
reached the banks of the Ardgish, At every
few paces along the road we met with bag-
gage waggons, detachments of soldiers and
stragglers of different kinds. But these
were all staid regular troops, and not practical
jokers, Hke the Cossacks. The Cossacks
prefer playing off their pranks about the
advanced posts of the army, where skirmish-
ing is going on, and where there is a little

pleasant license.
At nightfall the postilion struck into
another road to avoid the stragglers, and to
get on, as he thought, more rapidly. It

soon, however, became very dark, and lie lost

liis way. The sky was covered with heavy

dark clouds, large drops of rain began to
fall, and a strong wind which was against
us, blew the coarse dust into my eyes, as we
galloped along, which made them smart
severely. Occasionally the postiHon stopped
and called out, but no one answered. As
far round as I could see, there was not a
sign of a human habitation. Sometimes we
got off the road altogether and went career-
ing through the fields. I like ver}^ much to
follow a pack of hounds when well mounted,
but I am forced to confess that crossing the
country in a carriage is not pleasant. I
was cold and wet, and out of temper, and
forgot all about the pretty faces I had seen
at Dobrene. At length, we suddenly stum-
bled in some unaccountable way, into the
midst of a little village. Here the postiHon
learned his road, and about two hours later
we arrived at Boudesti. We were stopped
at the barrier ; but the sentries finding I was
going on to the Commander-in-chief, we
passed through.

It was late at night when I arrived at

Negoyesti where I intended to sleep. Here
there is a khan w^hich professes to give dry-
lodging to belated travellers. It is in a
damp position on the bank of the Ardgish
and at about two hours distance from
Oltanitza. The postmaster of Negoyesti
was absent, and the landlord of the khan
gave me the room which that functionary
generally occupied, and which he said was
the best in the house. It was a very dirty
room, containing a stove in which there was
no fire, a deal table, and a chair, and two
divans, which at night were converted into
beds. There was no wood to be had to make
a fire ; the Russians, the man said, had
carried it all away. So I bought two chairs
and had them broken up for fuel, and I soon
had a tolerable fire in the stove. I had
brought vnth. me from Giurgevo two roast
fowls, a couple of bottles of wine, and some
bread, which was luck}^ for there was little

to eat in the klian but onions.

For about seven hours we had been travel-

hng in a cloud of dark dust, or rather sand.

It had not rained sufficiently to penetrate
the thick layer of coarse, gritty dust with
which the road was covered, and the horses,
as they galloped along, kicked it up in a
mass, and the strong wind, joined to the
speed at which we were going, kept it whirl-
ing round us in a cloud. My face was as
black as if I had come out of a coal-pit, and
to my
dismay I found that the roast fowls,
when unpacked, were covered with a coating
of dirt, as if they had been rolled in the

ashes. The dust had penetrated through

everything. It got mto the tube of my
chibouk, it incorporated itself with the
tobacco, and become a component part of
the bread, meat, and wine. The rain had
converted the dust on my hat and cloak
into a thick coating of stucco, and my hair
and beard, from the same cause, had become
of the colour and consistency of a tile.

As soon as I had finished my grittj^ meal,

I was preparing to He down as comfortably
as I could on one of the divans, and try and
get to sleep, when
I received a visit from an
aide-de-camp of the Commander-in-Chief, who

told me he had been sent by the Greneral to

say that it would be dangerous for me to
m.ove about the advanced posts of the army,
for that the Cossacks, who are a wild and
barbarous race, had httle respect for any
one who did not wear the Russian uniform,
and the Greneral had therefore directed that
an officer should accompany me, whose
presence would save me from molestation.
Thereupon the aide-de-camp introduced a
young officer, who spoke French very well,
and w^ho turned out a very good-tempered,
agreeable companion. I agreed fully with
the aide-de-camp that even knouting the
Cossack to death who might bring me to an
untimely end, could scarcely do me much
good as I lay stark and cold on the banks
of the Ardgish. I therefore accepted the
companionship of the young officer with
and I begged of the aide-de-
lively gratitude,

camp to express my acknowledgments to the

Prince and to General Dannenberg for their
thoughtful kindness.
The town of Oltanitza is situated near the

confluence of the river Ardgish and the


Danube. Nearly opposite to Oltanitza, on

the right bank of the Danube, is the Turkisli
town and fortress of Tartukai, and about
equidistant from both banks, is a small
island. At the extreme point where the
Ardgich foUs into the Danube, is a large
stone building which serves as a quarantine,
and near it are the ruins of a fort. The
Turks, advancing from Tartukai, first took
possession of the island, where they erected
batteries, and then crossed over to the qua-
rantine point. Here they cut a ditch from
the Ardgich to the Danube, which enclosed
the quarantine and the old fort. They also
constructed a masked battery of nine guns.
The Turks were allowed to pursue their
operations quietly without molestation from
the Russians, and this I observe to have
been hitherto the constant tactic of Prince
Grortschakoff and liis generals. His idea
seems to be to concentrate the Turkish
troops as much as possible at one point, and
then fall upon and crush them at a single
blow. If this be the Prince's idea, he has

certainly underrated the courage and skill of

his adversaries.
When about ten thousand Turks were
concentrated about the quarantine of Olta-
nitza, a body of Russian cavalry were sent
forward to make a reconnaissance. The object
of this movement was evidently to draw the
Turks out of their entrenchments, and it

natm^ally enough succeeded with troops ex-

cited as are those of the Sultan. At the fire

which the Turks opened upon them the

cavalry fell back, and the former, think-
ing them routed, threw planks across the
ditch, and, crossing over, advanced into the
open country. The main body of the Eas-
sians then pushed forward under the fire of
the artillery which was posted on the heights
behind. When within a short distance of
the Turks, the Russian infantry formed in
Hne and charged. The Turks met them
bravely, and for a few minutes it was a
hand-to-hand fight. Grenerally speaking,
the Russian infantry soldier is a taller and a
brawnier man than the Turk, and in a

struggle which bone and muscle must decide,

supposing the courage and skill of the com-
batants to be equal, the Russians naturally
had the advantage. The Turks gave way,
and retreated within their works, and were
hotly piu'sued by their adversaries. The
Russians poured down in mass, thinking the
day their own, and were swarming across
the ditch cut by the Turks from the Ardgich
to the Danube, when suddenly the guns of
Tartukai, the batteries on the island, and
the seven gun-boats anchored near it, opened
a tremendous fire of round shot and shells,
whilst the masked battery near the Quaran-
tine belched out its grape and canister.
General Dannenberg said subsequently, that
since Borodino, he had not seen so well sus-

tained a fire ; and another of the Generals

told a friend of mine, that since the siege
of Warsaw, he had not seen so destructive a
cannonade for the time it lasted. The Rus-
sians were completely paralyzed at this
unexpected reception. There were a feA\

moments as if of stupefaction, no command

was giv^en, and the men stood still under tlic

H 2

fire of their adversaries. Luckily for the

Russians, this confusion lasted but an in-
stant. Suddenly the order to retire was
given, and the troops fell back steadily
beyond the range of the Turkish guns.
One thousand and five men of the Russians
were put hors de combat on that day, and
on an average, eight out of every ten of the
wounded sent into hospital have since died.
The Turks had a body of about eight hun-
dred sharpshooters armed with the Minie
rifle, under cover within their works, whose
sole duty was to shoot the Russian officers

whenever they came within range. This

accounts for the number of officers killed

and womided.
In the night the Turks destroyed their
works, and retired across the Danube to
Tartukai, taking with them their killed as

well as their wounded.



The sight of death on a field of battle,

does not produce the same feeling of awe

that is caused even by the view of a passing

funeral. You ride over the field the day

after the fight, and you thread your way
amongst the dead with a strange indifierence

at the sight of so much carnage. Whilst

listening to the roar of battle, to the clash of
arms, and the cries of the combatants, your
mind being prepared for the spectacle

which awaits it, when the smoke will have

cleared away and the opposing ranks have
ceased their work of slaughter. Then the
free wind is blomng freshly over the bodies

of the slain; the sky above is bright and

sunny, birds are singing on the neighbour-


ing trees, and the broad Danube is flowing

calmly on to the sea. And close to where
the soldier lies dead, his comrades are busy
with their camp-kettles cooking their morn-
ing meal or are going through the routine of
their duties. Nothing around you is in har-
mony with feelings ofmourning or regret.
And you continue your way over the
ground till you have satisfied your curiosity
as to the state of the living and the number
of the dead, and then you too look anxiously
after your morning meal, and as you are
sipping your coffee and smoking your pipe,
you speculate calmly upon the chances of the
How different is this from the feeling of
depressing awe with which you look on
death in cities, in the sick chamber, in the
midst of quiet, daily avocations. In the
house where there is death, you walk noise-
lessly and hold your breath, for perhaps you
hear stifled sobs. It may be, a child,

that is weeping beside her dying father, or a

mother's heart that is breakmg, for the boy
who was her pride and hope, lies dead.

Some years ago I was delayed at Mar-

seilles, waiting the arrival of the steamer
which was to take me to Malta. It was
the merry vintage-time, when the fields

resound with cheerfnl cries ; the colleges and

schools are closed, professor and schoolboy
are free, and for some weeks at least, the
former bids good-bye to headaches, and the
latter to the salle de discipline.

On the first day of my dining at the

table d'hote of the hotel where I put up,
there was a young coUegian present, who
told us that he lived near Cannes, and
that he was waiting for his father, who
was to come and take him home. He said
he had passed a good examination, and he
showed us the prizes he had won. The
sight of these prizes, he said, would make
his father very happy,and that was the rea-

son he had worked so hard to get them. He

worked so hard that he had made himself iU,
he told us, and was obhged to go to the
infirmary for a couple of days before leaving
the college. He was not yet well, for he
had a great pain in his head. But when he

got home the pain would go away; his

father and he would be so happy together.
He was his father's only child : his mother
was dead, she had died long ago when he
was a baby. He amused us with his talk,
but before dinner was over, the pain in his
head was so bad that he had to go to bed.
His room in the hotel was next to mine, and
as I passed it by that night, the door was
open, and I saw a night-lamp burning on the
mantel-piece and a woman, a nurse-tender
was preparing a drink at a
e\ndently, table on
which were some medicine bottles.
From my bed I could hear all that passed
in the sick boy's room. He was attacked
with fever, and it was evident that he had
abeady become dehrious. " Oh ! Papa !

vdens done, mon papa. Papa ! oii est mon

Papa?" I heard him call out, and then he
would cry and say that his father did not
care for him, and would never come. After
some time the nurse seemed to grow angry,
for I heard her say, " Hold your tongue, I
can't get a wink of sleep ; ton papa ! ton
papa! ton papa ne \dendra pas." But the

boy still caUecl plaintively upon his flither,

and then I heard a sound as if the woman
struck him. He moaned sadly, but he spoke
no more.
I was awakened the next morning, by the
noise of some one running rapidly up-stairs.

I heard the door of the collegian's room

flung open, and a man's voice say, " Jules,
my child, here I am," and there was the
sound of an embrace. It was the boy's
father. " Oh ! my father !
" said Jules,
" where is my father ? Don't strike me,
and I will be very good, but send me my
father." " Oh ! mon Dieu ! mon Dieu !

said the father, " he don't know me," and

I heard the man sob convulsively.
It was late when I stole noiselessly to my
room that night. Jules and liis father were
together ; I heard them speaking. The
boy's senses had returned. " Shall we soon
go home, father ? " said Jules, in a weak
voice, " I don't hke this place." " Cer-

tainly, my dear child," said the father, " we

shall go home the instant you get a little

stronger." Then they talked about a pony,

H 3

which Jules was to ride, and of his gun, and

the friends they were to visit. Old Theresa,
Jules' bonne, would be so glad to see him ;

the old woman always cried with joy when

he came back from college. She had pre-
pared Jules' room. It was quite droll to see
the fidget she was in all day long, about this
room. It could never be nice enough for

her Jules. She had hung a picture of Notre

Dame de la Garde at the head of his bed,
and every morning she put fresh flowers
in liis window. The father talked a great
deal about " Marie." She had become a
grande demoiselle, and prettier than ever.
Every Sunday since Jules went to college,
she came to the chateau with her mamma, to
ask for news about him. They would go
and pay her a long visit when they got back
to Cannes. I observed that Jules' voice was
growing weaker and weaker, and at length
itwas the father alone who spoke. And
Jules would sigh whenever his father spoke
of httle Marie.
" Jules, my child," said his father, " you
are listening to me." " Oui, mon papa,"

answered Jules. " Tu es content que je te

parle, mon enfant cherie " ? " Oh, yes,
speak to me always, father," answered the
boy. " Jules !" caUed out the father after a

time, but he called again before Jules

answered, and then it Avas very feebly.
After a pause, the old man again called
" Jules !" but there was no reply, and he
called again and again in a louder voice, but
his son did not answer. Then there was a
cry of grief from the old man that went
through my heart, and I knew that poor
Jules was dead.
I was very glad to leave Marseilles next
day ; but despite the bustle of departure and
the change of scene, it was a long time be-
fore I could shake off the saddening effects

of the young collegian's death.



After tlie engagement at Oltanitza, there

was some skii'mishing, of no importance,
between the Turks on Mokan and the
Russian troops stationed at Griurgevo. On
one occasion, the Russians brought some
field-pieces down to the water's edge, oppo-
site toMokan, during the night and when ;

the fog cleared away in the morning, they

opened a brisk cannonade upon the Turks,
and then, crossing over, drove them from
the island. After having destroyed what-
ever trifling works they found at Mokan,
the Russians returned to Giurgevo, and the
Turks, on the following day, again took up
their position on the island. This island


is not of the slightest importance to either

party, and therefore it does not matter by
whom it is held at the present moment.
A landing at Giurgevo by the Turks would
be almost impossible, the bank is so high
whereas, a little lower down or higher up,
the country is flat and open.
The original motive of the Turkish
general in occupying Mokan was evidently
to cause a diversion, whilst he was sending
troops across to Oltanitza.
In the beginning of November, the Turks
occupied two important points on the left
bank of the Danube, as well as the island of
Mokan, opposite Gim-gevo. At that time,
the Eussian army in the Principahties did
not consist of much more than fifty thou-
sand effective men. If from these three
pointsOmar Pasha had made a simultaneous
movement, he might have established his
head-quarters at Bucharest. It is to be
presmned that Prince Gortschakoff supposed
that the Turkish general would take advan-
tage of the success which he had obtained at
Oltanitza and advance towards the capital of

Wallachia, which was witliin Httle more

than a day's inarch; for, immediately on
the news of the battle of Oltanitza reaching
the Russian Commander-in-chief, he, for the
first time, left his quarters at Bucharest,
with the whole of his staff, and joined
General Dannenherg at Boudesti, in and
around which village he concentrated, with
almost incredible rapidity, forty thousand
men and ninety pieces of cannon. He sent
forward a few battahons towards Giurgevo,
but he made no movement in the direction
of Kalafat, for he knew that Ishmael Pasha
was not in a condition to attempt offensive
operations. No army in the world could
have stood under the guns of Tartukai ; the
Turks, therefore, might safely have remained
at Oltanitza, where the quarantine would in
itself have famished excellent quarters for a

considerable body of men, and they might

have easily, and at their leisure, constructed

huts of sufficient sohdity to resist the in-

clemency of the coming winter. ; for winter

had not yet begun, nor was anything like

severe weather felt in Wallachia till the


29th of November. Up to that date the

niglits were cold, but the days were gene-
rall}^ bright and sunny. It was therefore
absurd to say that the inclemency of the
weather had induced Omar Pasha to with-
draAv his men from Oltanitza. I can bear
witness to the astonishment with which the
Russians found that the Turks, during the
night, had blown up their works at Oltanitza
and retired across the river to Tartukai.
Prince Gortschakoff, who hurried out from
Bucharest with the idea possibly of seeing
some fighting the "morning after his arrival

at Boudesti, rode down to Oltanitza, and,

after ordering his staif to retire, went alone
over the dismantled works at the quarantine
point, and having finished his survey, gal-
loped back to his comfortable quiu'ters in the
capital of Wallacliia, perfectly easy in his
mind, doubtless, on the subject of siu'prises

from his Moslem adversaries. The Russian

Commander-in-chief evidently considered the
campaign as closed till the spring, unless,
perhaps, a chance offered itself of effecting a
Goup-de-main at Kalafat. The Russians saw


with satisfaction that the Tui'ks were

coming over in large numbers to Kalafat,
and their hopes were consequently greater
that they would gradually spread themselves
over Little Wallachia. One of the first ob-
jects of Prince Grortschakoff, on the breaking
out of the war, seemed to be to induce the
Turks to occupy that part of the Princi-
palities. For that purpose, he withdrew his
troops from Little Wallachia, leaving but a
very small force in the neighbom-hood of
Cray ova. Had his object been to prevent
the Turks from taking possession of Kalafat,
he might have fallen upon them in detail as
they landed, for they came over in boats
he might have attacked them before they

commenced their works of defence. Such,

however, was not his plan. He hopes, evi-
dently, tomake short work of the campaign,
to upon the Turks when they have

assembled in sufficient numbers on the left

bank of the Danube, so that, if the river is
to be crossed next spring, it can be effected
with but little difficulty. I can only infer
from all that I have seen that this is Prince

Gortscliakoff's plan; whether it will turn

out successful or not is, of course, another
Shortly after the battle of Oltanitza, the
winter festivities began at Bucharest, and
dinner-parties, balls, and concerts, succeeded
each other with rapidity, as though the
hospitals were not filled with the wounded
and the sick, and there were not hundreds of
newly-dug graves on the banks of the
Ardgish. Oltanitza was forgotten; a new
topichad taken possession of the town —an
English prima donna was announced for
the Italian opera of Bucharest. We natu-
rally felt anxious for the success of our
countrywoman, appearing at such a moment
before an audience almost entirely Eussian.
We might be badly received
feared that she
because of her country, and therefore it
was with considerable anxiety that we took
our places in the Consul- General's box to
witness her appearance in Beatrice di Tenda.
Singing, as I have already mentioned, is

taught in every regiment in the Eussian

army; and amongst Eussian officers I have

met some very good musicians. The ma-

jority of our prima donna's audience might
therefore be supposed to possess a certain
amount of critical talent. The English-
woman's success was decided after the first

scene. The Russian officers, who crowded

the pit, applauded uproariously, and brought
our countrywoman tliree times curtseying to
the foot-hghts. She had a good voice, of
considerable compass ; but, above all, she
showed herself a thorough musician, who
had been properly educated for her profes-
sion. She sang the composer's music faith-

fully and correctly, a thing which no one

had ever heard before at the Opera of Bu-


An occasional steamer stiU plied between

Constantinople and Gralatz, and by one of
these Her Majesty's Agent at Bucharest de-
termined to send despatches to Lord Strat-
ford de EedcHfFe. Mr. Colqnhoun had two
Albanians in his service, named Georgie and

Yanni. These men wear the fiistanelle and

turban, and carry arms in their belt accord-
ing to the custom of their country. Greorgie

has been employed in the consulate for nine-

teen years. He is a staid, solemn- visaged
man, very chary of his words, and prefering
to convey his ideasby signs. Georgie is of
the Grreek Church, and a native of Plnhp-
opohs where he lived amongst the Turks,

and acquired from them his grave oriental


deportment. To Georgie the despatches

were entrusted, with orders to deliver them
to Cunningham, Her Majesty's Yice-

Consul at Gralatz, by whom they were to

be forwarded by the steamer to Constan-
tinople. We were seated after dinner, smok-
ing our evening chibouks, when Greorgie came
to tell us that the little mail-cart, which was
to take him to Ibraila and Galatz, was at the
door. He received the despatches and in-
structions with his usual unmoved solemnity,
and, getting into the narrow kish, called a
mail-cart, drove off for the Danube. Know-
ing that Georgie would be exposed to a cer-
tain risk on his way to Galatz, I proposed to
take the despatch myself. Fortunately for
my comfort, I was dissuaded from the idea
by Mr. Colquhoun, and the Albanian went
instead. When more than a week had
elapsed, and there were no tidings of him,
we began to feel uneasy about his fate. Mr.
Colquhoun, who is naturally one of the most
kind-hearted of men, became painfully anxious
about poor Georgie, who had been in his ser-
vice so long. At length one evening an


employe of the Vice-Consul's at Ibraila ar-

rived post from that town, with the news

that Georgie on his way back to Bucharest
had been arrested by the Eussian General
Inglehardt, and thrown into prison.
Georgie, wliilst waiting at Ibraila to have
fresh horses put to Ms mail-cart, left his
despatches at the Vice-Consul's office, and
went into a coffee-house to get something to
eat. "Whilst there he, as well as a servant
of the Vice-Consulate, who was with him,
was arrested by some Eussian soldiers, and
carried before General Inglehardt, who was
reposing, after the fatigues of the day, in a
neighbouring tavern.
" Who are you?" asked the General, when
Georgie was brought before him.
" I am a messenger in the service of the
British Consul-General at Bucharest," an-
swered Georgie.
" This is not true," said the General
" you are a Tm^k."
" I am a Cliristian," said Georgie, " and
belong to the orthodox faith."
" A Christian does not dress as you do.

You are a Turk, I say. Off with him to

prison, and the other fellow who is in his

company," cried out the General; and Georgia
and his companion were locked up.
Mr. Cunningham is Yice-Consul at Tbraila
as well as Galatz ; but he happened just then
to be at the latter town. His Chancellier,
however, appHed to the Wallachian Governor
of the town to have Georgie released ; but
the Governor rephed that he could not in-
terfere, and referred the Chancellier to the
Russian General. Since the occupation of
the Principahties by the Russians, all British
Agents have received strict injunctions to
abstain from official communication with the
Russian mihtary authorities, and not in any
way to recognise their right to interfere in
the internal administration of the country.
The Chancellier, therefore, refused to appl}'
to the Russian General, and said that he
would hold the Governor responsible for

Georgie's arrest.
Mr. Cunniugham arrived at Ibraila next

day, and he wrote a very moderate but firm

note to the Wallachian Governor of the

town, in which he simpl}' stated that the

messenger of the British Consulate-General
at Bucharest, whilst in charge of despatches
from the Earl of Clarendon to Her Majesty's
agent in the capital of Wallachia, had been
arrested by General Inglehardt, and thrown
into prison. Fortunately, Mr. Cunningham
added, the despatches in the messenger's
charge had been left at the Yice-Consular office

whilst he w^ent to get some refreshment.

The despatches, therefore, were not in his
possession when he was taken to prison, and
an employe of the Yice-Consulate had started
with them for their destination.
Luckily General Inglehardt had discretion
enough to see that the matter, as it stood,
was very serious, and that if he persisted in
keeping Georgie in prison it might become
much more so ; he, therefore, after some
delay, gave orders for his release.
When Mr. Colquhoun wi'ote to the Wal-
lachian Secretary of State upon his mes-
senger's arrest, he was refused all satisfaction.
Tlie Eussian Consul-General said that all he
knew of Mr. Colquhoun was, that he had

hauled down his flag some time before, and

that, therefore, he was then but a private
person, and he ordered theWaUachian Gro-
vernment to take no notice of his commu-
nication. jMr. Cunningham, as well as the

other English Vice-Consuls in the Princi-

palities, had not hauled down his flag at

the same time as the British and French

Consuls-Greneral at Bucharest. He was,
therefore, at the time of Greorgie's arrest in
the full exercise of his official functions;
and his apphcation could not, therefore, be
treated in the same way as Mr. Colquhoun's.
Greorgie remained but twenty-four hours in
prison ; but his long absence from Bucharest
was caused by his having received orders
fi'om Mr. Cunningham to wait at Galatz
for the arrival of a steamer from Constan-
tinople, which, it was expected, would bring
despatches from the Foreign OfiG.ce for Mr.
Colquhoun. Wlien the expected despatches
came, they were confided by the Yice-Consul
to Georgie ; and it was whilst on his way
to Bucharest in charge of them that he was
arrested by General Inglehardt.


After the affair of Oltanitza the Eussian

soldiers who had suffered from sickness or
wounds, were removed from the hospitals
when they became convalescent, and were
billeted upon the inhabitants. As there
was not sufficient accommodation for my
servant in the house where I was Hving, he
hired a room at a neighbom'ing khan, where
he slept. One night, on his arrival at the
khan, he found all the rooms in the building
occupied by Eussian soldiers, his own
amongst the number. He complained to
the keeper of the estabhshment, but that
functionary told him he could do nothing,
and showed him rooms where whole families

slept together, and amongst whom the

Russian soldiers had insisted upon quarter-
ing themselves. My servant was an Ionian,
a native of Itheca, and consequently under
British protection. His room, according to
treaty, was therefore inviolable. This the
countryman of Ulysses knew, and he accord-
ingl}" went and laid a complaint before the

nearest police magistrate, whom he forced

to find another billet for the soldier. The
Ionian was the only person in the khan who
got rid of his disagreeable guest ; the rest
of the inmates, who were Russian subjects,
Rayah Greeks, and Wallachians, were obliged
to submit to their fate.
When this circumstance was told me by
my servant next morning, I thought it a
good opportmiity of gi\dng him a lecture
upon the predilection which he, in common
^Yith. all his countrymen, entertained for
Russia. I asked if British soldiers had ever
been quartered by force upon families in the
Ionian Islands ? if they had ever seized upon
the property of the citizens by force ? or if

English officers could with impunity mal-


treat the liumblest Ionian ? And I asked

him if lonians, when wronged, had ever ap-
pealed to British laws for redress, or to the
iigents of Her Majesty's Government in
other countries for protection without effect ?
lonians have been amongst the most
active agents of the Russian propaganda
since the commencement of the present
question. They hope that when the Czar
will have taken Constantinople, he will
then lend his benign protection to the Seven
Islands. The lonians may, at times, have
to complain of their Lord High Commis-
sioner and his government ; biit that they
should desire to exchange the protectorate of
a free nation like Great Britain for the serf-
dom of Eussia appears incredible.
Another project entertained very generally
by the lonians is, to unite their country
with Greece ; and they hope to effect this
through the agency of Eussia. It seems
strange that an intelhgent people, such as
they are, should for a moment suppose that
the Emperor of Eussia, if he were to suc-
ceed in rendering himself predominant in
I 2

the East, would permit the kingdom of

Grreece, with its free institutions, to main-
tain its independence, or that he would in-
crease the extent of that little constitutional
power by annexing to it the Ionian Islands.
It is to be presumed, however, that Russia
wiE. soon be placed in a position which will

render it impossible for her to put her am-

bitious designs into execution, and that the
lonians and other fanatical admirers of the
Czar will then take a more rational view of
then- position.
Late on the afternoon of a day in last

December, and in the midst of a violent

snow-storm, I left Bucharest for Vienna.
Though six horses were harnessed to the
carriage in which I travelled, our progress
was but slow, owdng to the badness of the
roads and the inclemency of the weather.
Towards midnight we stopped at a khan,
where it was deemed advisable to remain till
dayhght. As usual, there were no beds in
this khan, and nothing to eat. After some
difficulty, we succeeded in lighting a fire,

and with the provisions which we had taken


the precaution to bring with us from Bucha-

rest we made a tolerable supper. I sat by
the fire and smoked till the first streak of
dawn appeared, when we again renewed our
journey. The country being entirely covered
with snow, presented everywhere the same
uniform aspect of desolation. We passed
tlurough a village here and there at long
intervals upon the road, and about sunset
we reached the foot of the Carpatliian moun-
tains. Though the faihng light increased the

dangers of the ascent, we determined to at-

tempt it, for it was impossible to remain
till daylight in the desolate spot where we
then were. The road over this part of the
Carpathians is merely a rude gallery cut out
of the side of the mountain, with a precipice
on one side and a perpendicular wall of rock
or sandy soil upon the other. There was
barely room for the carriage to pass, and
the deviation of a couple of feet from
the usual track would have precipitated
us into the abyss. The postihons got off'

and led the horses, whilst some peasants

walked after the carriage, placing stones
I 3

behind the wheels every time we were forced

to stop, to prevent the carriage from rolling
back. When we had succeeded in gradually

ascending for about two miles, one of the

horses became restive and plunged violently.
It was now night and we had no other hght
to guide us than that of the stars. It was a

white horse that became restive, and from

where I sat in the carriage I could see him,
but indistinctly, as he reared and plunged.
In the faint light of the stars he looked of
monstrous size, as he attempted to spring
to the side of the mountain, and then came
trembling back upon the other horses. Our
position was critical. It was impossible to
get out of the carriage, for on one side,

within a foot's breadth of the wheels, was

a precipice, and on the other side was the
perpendicular face of the mountain. One
of the postihons at length succeeded in
cutting the traces of the restive horse, and
once freed, he dashed forward and disap-
peared in the gloom. We then began again
to move on, but slowly and cautiously till

we reached an open table-land. Here there


was a large barn-like building, and in it we

determined to remain till daylight. We
made a good fire, got oui- provisions out of
the carriage, and made ourselves as com-
fortable as we could till dawn. The next
morning we found that our way la}^ through
one of the most dangerous passes in that
part of the mountain. The postilions would
not allow us to get into the carriage for
fear of accident, so we started forward on
foot. We walked on for about seven hours,
when the road became sHghtly improved,
and we began ta descend again into the
plains. At the foot of the mountain over
which we had passed we found a small khan,
where we got a very good dinner of broiled
fowls and some tolerable wine. We were
nearing the Austrian frontier, and the
country was evidently getting more ci\dl-

ized. We were several miles in advance

of the carriage, and we were not at all dis-
pleased to have a httle time to appease our
hunger and get some rest after a sleepless
night and a weary walk.
It would be difficult to describe the mag-

nificence of the scenery through which we

had just passed. Mountain upon mountain
towered above us covered with snow, and
beneath us was a dark narrow glen, on the
edge of which lay oar path. Shortly
after leaving the hovel in which we had
passed the night, the sun began to rise.

We were then on the summit of one of the

lesser peaks of the Carpathians, and looking
back we could see through an opening in
the mountain the plains of Wallachia all

w^hite with snow. Up the sun rose slowly

and majestically. came masses of
dusky-red clouds, which grew gradually
brighter and brighter at their edges till

suddenly bursting, they melted away into

rose-coloured vapour. Then the ghttering
beams of the sun fell upon the mountains,
and as he rose the shadows crept away from
their snowy sides, till gradually the scene
around us became one of the most wonderful
subHmity and beauty. Instinctively w^e
knelt in the snow and prayed. This I
beheve is a common feeling in those wlio
witness for the first time a scene like that

I have attempted to describe. Opening

one's heart to God is an instant relief to our
over- wrought sensations.
About four o'clock that afternoon we
crossed the Wallacliian frontier, and late in the
evening we entered the town of Cronstadt.
I would advise all EngHsh travellers ^'isiting

Cronstadt to ask the master of the hotel

where they stop for a hst of his prices
beforehand, for anytliing so absurdly exor-
bitant as the charges made me at the hotel
where I put up in that town I had never
seen before.
Cronstadt is a charming httle town in the
midst of a great frowning mountain. The
inhabitants seem to have nothing of that
oriental apathy that one sees on the Wal-
lachian side of the fi'ontier, but are an
active, hard-working, and prosperous people.
From Cronstadt we proceeded to Herman-
stadt, and from thence took the road to
Arad. On our way to the latter town we
had to stop for the greater part of a day
on the bank of the river Marosh, till a
passage was cut through the ice for the raft

which was to transport us and our carriage

and horses to the other side. After some
hours' rest in an excellent inn at Arad, we
started for Szolnok. At Szolnok the Vienna
railway begins, but between that town and
Arad there is The car-
no road whatever.
riage in wliich we travelled from Arad had
no springs, and the jolting as we galloped
along over the broken ground was so great
that at times I was afraid of having a limb
fractured or put out of joint. AVlien we
arrived at Szolnok, the day after our de-
parture from Ai'ad, I could scarcely move,
I was in such pain from the jolting.
Between Szolnok and Pesth, a gend'arme
came into the train., and took the passports of
all the passengers, and gave us receipts in
retm^n. Wlien within about an hour's dis-

tance from Presbourg, a pohce-officer entered

the carriage where I was, and asked me for

my passport. I handed liim the receipt

which his colleague had given me between

Szolnock and Pesth. This, he said, was not
sufficient, and that I could not go on mthout
my passport, wliich I ought to have got back

from the police-office at Pesth. AVlien the

train stopped at Presbourg, a gend'arme
accompanied me into the waiting - room,
where he told me I must remain, for that I
was under arrest, and would not be allowed
to continue my journe}^ He said this in a
loud voice, and was heard by most of the
other passengers in the room. Nearly all

eyes were instantly turned towards me, and

in general with a sympathetic expression, for
we were in Hungary, and I was looked upon,
I suppose, as some political victim. As I
have a great horror of noisy altercations, I
waited till the gend'arme had left the room,
and then folloAving him, I took him quietly
aside, and showed him an official paper, writ-
ten in German, and vised by the Austrian
authorities at the frontier, which stated who
I was. It was not a passport, but a paper
addi'essed to the chief of the custom-house,
near Cronstadt, stating that despatches of
wliich I was the bearer contained notliing
contraband. The gend'arme on reading this
document became remarkably civil. He told
me I was free to continue my journey, and

that I should meet with no farther annoy-

ance on my road to Vienna. Previous to
that he had not asked me what countryman
I was, or where I had come from, or whither
I was going.
I was not sorry to find myself next morn-
ing comfortably installed at Munsch's hotel,
which, by the way, is one of the best hotels
in Europe in every respect. It was the
unusual comfort which I found there that
mainly restored my strength after the shat-
tering journey I had had from Bucharest.
English travellers have often had to com-
plain of the treatment which they received
from the subordinates of the Austrian pohce.
This, however, now no longer the case, and

an Enghshman who conducts himself pro-

perly, may travel as freely through the whole
of the Austrian empire as through any other
continental country. This is entfrely owing
to the representations made upon the subject
to the Austrian Grovernment by the Earl of
Westmorland. It is satisfactory to think

also that Lord Westmorland's concihatory

policy has, at the present crisis, placed Her
I'lri'. DWiuiAN i'Hi\( ii'Ai.rriKs. I SI

Majesty's (u)vermnent on IVioiully and cordial

terms with the cabinet of Vienna.
It is very possible that before these
pages come before the public, Europe will be
plunged into war. The British Government,
however, will have the consolation of feeling
that they have done all that they could, con-
sistent with the honour of England, to save
us from that calamity ; and that if the}'

have at length adopted extreme measures,

they have been forced to do so by the bHnd
obstinacy of the Emperor of Russia. Though
a cry has been raised against the policy of
Her Majesty's ministers, as weak and vacil-

lating, it has only proceeded from a fraction

of the nation, whilst the great mass of the
educated and well-disposed classes of the
community have given their warm approba-
tion to the wise and Christian -lilve conduct of
the Government.




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