01 - Introduction of Transformer
01 - Introduction of Transformer
01 - Introduction of Transformer
of a Practical
1. To understand what is a transformer;
2. To differentiate practical transformer
from ideal transformer;
3. To know the characteristics of a practical
4. To understand how a practical
transformer operates on the no-load and
on-load circuit.
What is a
Starting from the generating station, electric
power is being transmitted by through a
step-up transformer then through
transmission lines and a step-down
transformer. After this, power is being
distributed to the customers.
Step-up and Step-down
Depending upon the number of turns in the
secondary winding, the transformer can be
called as a Step-up or a Step-down
When the secondary winding has a
greater number of turns than the
primary winding, then the
transformer is said to be a Step-up
transformer. Here the induced EMF is
greater than the input signal.
When the secondary winding has lesser
number of turns than the primary winding,
then the transformer is said to be a Step-
down transformer. Here the induced EMF is
lesser than the input signal.
Transformer is an electrical
machine that changes the
magnitude of an AC voltage
or current from one value
level to another.
NP - Number of turns in the primary winding circuit
NS - Number of turns in the secondary winding
IP - Current flowing in the primary of the transformer
IS - Current flowing in the secondary of the transformer