01 - Introduction of Transformer

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of a Practical
1. To understand what is a transformer;
2. To differentiate practical transformer
from ideal transformer;
3. To know the characteristics of a practical
4. To understand how a practical
transformer operates on the no-load and
on-load circuit.
What is a
Starting from the generating station, electric
power is being transmitted by through a
step-up transformer then through
transmission lines and a step-down
transformer. After this, power is being
distributed to the customers.
Step-up and Step-down
Depending upon the number of turns in the
secondary winding, the transformer can be
called as a Step-up or a Step-down
When the secondary winding has a
greater number of turns than the
primary winding, then the
transformer is said to be a Step-up
transformer. Here the induced EMF is
greater than the input signal.
When the secondary winding has lesser
number of turns than the primary winding,
then the transformer is said to be a Step-
down transformer. Here the induced EMF is
lesser than the input signal.
Transformer is an electrical
machine that changes the
magnitude of an AC voltage
or current from one value
level to another.
NP - Number of turns in the primary winding circuit
NS - Number of turns in the secondary winding
IP - Current flowing in the primary of the transformer
IS - Current flowing in the secondary of the transformer

VP - Voltage across the primary of the transformer

VS - Voltage across the secondary of the transformer
Φ - Magnetic flux present around the core of the
Transformer in a Circuit
Uses and Applications of a
The major uses and applications of an electrical
transformer includes:
1. Raising or lowering the voltage level in the circuit
of an AC;
2. Increasing or decreasing the value of an inductor
or capacitor in an AC circuit;
3. Preventing the passage of DC from one circuit to
4. Isolating two electric circuits; and
5. Stepping up the voltage level at the site of power
generation before the transmission and
distribution can take place.
Common applications of an electrical
transformer includes pumping station,
railways, industries, commercial
establishments, windmills, and power
generation units.
Types of Transformers by
The electrical transformers are constructed into two
general types distinguished from each other merely
by the manner in which the primary and secondary
coils are placed around the laminated core.
The two types are known as:
1. Core type, and
2. Shell type
Core type Shell type
The core is the vital part of the transformer
which provides a continuous magnetic path, a
minimum of an air-gap. It is constructed with
laminated steel sheet, which is high in silicon
content, high in permeability, and low in
hysteresis loss.
For minimizing the eddy current loss, the
steel sheet has laminated each other by a
light coat of core-plate varnish or by an
oxide layer on the surface. The thickness of
lamination varies from 0.35 mm for a
frequency of 50 Hz to 0.5 mm for a
frequency of 25 Hz.
In both core- and shell-type transformers,
the laminations are in the following types,
i.e., L, E, & I types. Moreover, to avoid high
reluctance at the joints, the laminations are
butted to each other.
Core Type of Transformer
In this type, the windings surround a
considerable part of the core. Generally, the
core of the core-type transformer is in a
rectangular shape and the coils are both
circular or rectangular in its form. Then, the
windings are located on the opposite limbs of
the core. In addition, in most of the large-size
of a core-type transformer, round or circular
cylindrical coils are used because the
mechanical strength of it is high.
Subsequently, these cylindrical coils are
wound in a helical layer with different layers
insulated from each other by paper, cloth,
micarta board or cooling ducts. For reducing
the leakage flux, H.V. and L.V. winding are
placed one after another separating with
high insulation cylinder on fuller board.
Shell Type of Transformer
The shell type transformer is in a simple
rectangular form where the core surrounds
the considerable portion of the windings.
Both the primary and secondary windings are
placed in one limb and the coils are wound in
the form of a multi-layer disc type. These
layers are insulated from each other by
Uses and Applications of
Core- and Shell-Type of
Core type transformers mainly uses in high
voltage applications like electrical energy
transmission, primary distribution, auto
power transformer, etc.
Shell type transformers are popular in low
voltage applications like transformers used
in electronic circuits and power electronic
converters, etc.
Practical vs. Ideal
1. The core loss and copper loss of an ideal
transformer is zero, whereas a practical
transformer has finite core and copper loss.
2. The efficiency of an ideal transformer is 100%
while the efficiency of the practical transformer
depends on the loading and power factor, and it
cannot be 100 % in any case.
3. There is no ohmic resistance drop in an ideal
transformer, so its voltage regulation is 0 %. The
voltage regulation of a practical transformer is
always more than 0%.
4. The flux generated in the primary gets fully linked
to primary and secondary winding and there is zero
flux leakage in an ideal transformer. In a practical
transformer entire flux does not gets linked to
both winding and some amount of the flux gets
5. An ideal transformer is hypothetical and cannot be
realized practically.
of a Practical
1. It uses electromagnetic induction in transforming
voltage levels.
2. The input and output power of a transformer has
the same frequency.
3. The input and output voltages of a transformer
are variable. A transformer can increase or
decrease the supply voltage.
V𝑜𝑢𝑡 = V𝑖𝑛

4. The current is also variable quantity in a

transformer which can be increased or decreased.
I𝑜𝑢𝑡 = I𝑖𝑛
5. The power of the transformer remains constant so
the power that is supplied to the transformer and
the power delivered by the transformer remains
the same.
P𝑖𝑛 = P𝑜𝑢𝑡
V𝑖𝑛 I𝑖𝑛 = V𝑜𝑢𝑡 I𝑜𝑢𝑡

6. This electrical machine is static therefore there are

no losses due to air resistance and friction unlike
electric motors.
7. It has copper losses since the windings are
electrical wire with resistance no matter how small.
→ Copper Loss – electrical power lost in the heat
created by circulation of currents around the
copper windings, considered the heaviest loss in

8. It has core losses due to eddy currents and

hysteresis losses.
→ Core Loss – eddy current and hysteresis losses,
caused by lagging of magnetic molecules in
response to the alternating magnetic flux within
the core.

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