Great Customer
A successful caterer must focus on providing excellent customer service. This includes
communicating clearly, being responsive to feedback, and adjusting menus as
Provides a sanitary
In a catering service, sanitation is equally as important as the food. To guarantee the safety of the clients,
a catering service must offer delectable and hygienic foods and platters.
Offer affordable
Any company must be profitable, thus it doesn't make sense to reduce your pricing to the point where
you start losing money. The majority of clients who plan to hold gatherings will undoubtedly look for
caterers who offer appropriate pricing that are neither too cheap nor too high to fit in with their
budgets. This definitely sets each catering service apart from the others.
Presentation By Juliana Silva
Our interviewee said Our interviewee expects Our interviewee stated that
that she expects clear their caterer to present event planning is difficult,
communication and timely dishes in an attractive and and she wants to know that
responses to questions detailed manner. She expect their caterer will handle
about menu alternatives, high-quelity food that is difficulties like layout and
cost estimates, and other fresh, flavorful, and visual décor, freeing her up to focus
concerns. appealing. on other parts of their event.
Our interviewee stated that, she has certain expectations that she
would like to be met. First and foremost, she would want high-
quality cuisine that is both fresh and savory, as well as physically
pleasing. This could entail seeing sample menus or tasting the meal
ahead of time. She may also require the caterer to provide a
variety of services, such as providing employees and equipment,
overseeing the event from start to end, or offering customised
menus to meet her specific preferences. She values flexibility as
Our interviewee
well, and she would prefer a caterer who can accommodate special
request while staying within her budget. Overall, she believes that
a caterer who shows these characteristics and abilities will give a
successful catering experience for her event or occasion.