FULL-TEXT: Leadership & Management in Nursing NCLEX Practice Quiz (80 Questions)
FULL-TEXT: Leadership & Management in Nursing NCLEX Practice Quiz (80 Questions)
FULL-TEXT: Leadership & Management in Nursing NCLEX Practice Quiz (80 Questions)
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Ms. Caputo is newly promoted to a patient care manager position. She updates
her knowledge on the theories in management and leadership in order to
become effective in her new role. She learns that some managers have low
concern for services and high concern for staff. Which style of management
refers to this?
A. Organization Management
B. Impoverished Management
C. Country Club Management
D. Team Management
Country club management style puts concern for the staff as the number one
priority at the expense of the delivery of services. He/she runs the department
just like a country club where everyone is happy including the manager. This
leadership style assumes that if people are happy in their job, they will naturally
work harder.
Her former manager demonstrated passion for serving her staff rather than
being served. She takes time to listen, prefers to be a teacher first before being a
leader, which is characteristic of:
A. Transformational leader
B. Transactional leader
C. Servant leader
D. Charismatic leader
Servant leaders are open-minded, listen deeply, try to fully understand others,
and not being judgmental. Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy in which
the goal of the leader is to serve. A servant leader shares power, puts the needs
of the employees first and helps people develop and perform as highly as
possible. Servant leadership inverts the norm, which puts the customer service
associates as the main priority.
On the other hand, Ms. Caputo notices that the Chief Nurse Executive has a
charismatic leadership style. Which of the following behaviors best describes
this style?
Charismatic leaders make the followers feel at ease in their presence. They feel
that they are in good hands whenever the leader is around. The charismatic
leadership style relies on the charm and persuasiveness of the leader.
Charismatic leaders are driven by their convictions and commitment to their
Option B: The impoverished leader has the least concern for people and
for production. This leader has no system of getting work done, nor is the
work environment satisfying or motivating for employees. This leader’s
low interest in the work and the work environment results in disorganized
work, dissatisfied employees, and a lack of harmony.
Option C: In the transformational leadership style, the leader inspires his
or her followers with a vision and then encourages and empowers them to
achieve it. The leader also serves as a role model for the vision.
Option D: With situational leadership, it is up to the leader to change his
style, not the follower to adapt to the leader’s style. In situational
leadership, the style may change continually to meet the needs of others
in the organization based on the situation.
It is not conclusive that certain qualities of a person would make him become a
good manager. It can only predict a manager’s potential of becoming a good
one. Successful leaders tend to have certain traits. Two keys areas of personal
growth and development are fundamental to leadership success: self-
confidence and a positive attitude.
One leadership theory states that “leaders are born and not made,” which refers
to which of the following theories?
A. Trait
B. Charismatic
C. Great Man
D. Situational
Leaders become leaders because of their birthright. This is also called Genetic
theory or the Aristotelian theory. This quote sums up the basic tenet of the Great
Man theory of leadership, which suggests that the capacity for leadership is
innate. According to this theory, you’re either a natural-born leader or you’re not.
The term “Great Man” was used because, at the time, leadership was thought of
primarily as a male quality, especially in terms of military leadership.
She came across a theory which states that the leadership style is effective
depends on the situation. Which of the following styles best fits a situation when
the followers are self-directed, experts, and are matured, individuals?
A. Democratic
B. Authoritarian
C. Laissez-faire
D. Bureaucratic
Laissez-faire leadership is preferred when the followers know what to do and are
experts in the field. This leadership style is relationship-oriented rather than
task-centered. This kind of leadership is very hands-off—managers trust their
employees and are confident in their abilities. They give guidance and take
responsibility where needed, but this leadership style means that subordinates
and team members have the real lead.
She surfs the internet for more information about leadership styles. She reads
about shared leadership as a practice in some magnet hospitals. Which of the
following describes this style of leadership?
Shared governance allows the staff nurses to have the authority, responsibility,
and accountability for their own practice. Shared leadership is the practice of
governing a school by expanding the number of people involved in making
important decisions related to the school’s organization, operation, and
academics. In practice, shared leadership may be defined differently from school
to school, and it may take a wide variety of forms.
Ms. Caputo learns that some leaders are transactional leaders. Which of the
following does not characterize a transactional leader?
Henry is a Unit Manager I the Medical Unit. He is not satisfied with the way things
are going in his unit. The patient satisfaction rate is 60% for two consecutive
months and staff morale is at its lowest. He decides to plan and initiate changes
that will push for a turnaround in the condition of the unit. Which of the following
actions is a priority for Henry?
Correct Answer: A. Call for a staff meeting and take this up on the agenda.
This will allow for the participation of every staff in the unit. If they contribute to
the solutions of the problem, they will own the solutions; hence the chance for
compliance would be greater. It’s one thing to articulate the change required and
entirely another to conduct a critical review against organizational objectives and
performance goals to ensure the change will carry the unit in the right direction
strategically, financially, and ethically.
He knows that there are external forces that influence changes in his unit. Which
of the following is not an external force?
Option A: During the 2008 recession, consumers lost their jobs and cut
back on their spending. These economic downturns had a major impact
on businesses. Banks failed. General Motors and Chrysler filed for
bankruptcy. Survival meant adapting to change.
Option B: Government restrictions often force change onto organizations.
This can be something as simple as a change in the minimum wage for
employees, or as complex as rules and restrictions governing fair
competition in business.
Option D: For instance, when the Affordable Health Care Act was put into
place, businesses had to change their operations and put steps into place
to confirm that all employees had healthcare coverage to comply with the
new law.
After discussing the possible effects of the low patient satisfaction rate, the staff
started to list down possible strategies to solve the problems head-on. Should
they decide to vote on the best change strategy, which of the following
strategies is referred to this?
A. Collaboration
B. Majority rule
C. Dominance
D. Compromise
The majority rule involves dividing the house and the highest vote wins. 1/2 + 1 is
a majority. The majority rule is a decision rule that selects alternatives that have a
majority, that is, more than half the votes. It is the binary decision rule used most
often in influential decision-making bodies, including all the legislatures of
democratic nations.
One staff suggests that they review the pattern of nursing care that they are
using, which is described as a:
A. Job description
B. System used to deliver care
C. Manual of procedure
D. Rules to be followed
A system used to deliver care. In the 70’s it was termed as methods of patient
assignment; in the early 80’s it was called modalities of patient care then
patterns of nursing care in the ’90s until recently authors called it nursing care
systems. Ideally, nursing care delivery models match the number and type of
caregivers to patient care needs determine who is going to perform what tasks,
who is responsible, and who makes decisions and detail assignments,
responsibilities, and authority to accomplish patient care.
Functional nursing is focused on tasks and activities and not on the holistic care
of the patients. Functional nursing is task-oriented in scope. Instead of one nurse
performing many functions, several nurses are given one or two assignments.
Functional nursing was designed around an efficacy model that seeks to get
many tasks accomplished in a short period of time.
Option B: Team nursing involves the use of a team leader and team
members to provide various aspects of nursing care to a group of
patients. In team nursing, medications might be given by one nurse while
baths and physical care are given by a nursing assistant under the
supervision of a nurse team leader.
Option C: Primary care nursing is when a single nurse is identified as the
point of contact and primary caregiver for a patient during his or her
particular hospital stay or another episode of care.
Option D: Primary care nursing includes a set of attributes, as in the 1978
IOM definition—care that is accessible, comprehensive, coordinated,
continuous, and accountable—or as defined by Starfield (1992)—care that
is characterized by first contact, accessibility, longitudinally, and
When the functional method is used, the psychological and sociological needs of
the patients are neglected; the patients are regarded as ‘tasks to be done ‘.
Functional nursing was designed around an efficacy model that seeks to get
many tasks accomplished in a short period of time.
Option B: Modular Nursing is a modification of team nursing and focuses
on the patient’s geographic location for staff assignments; the unit is
divided into groups referred to as modules – also called districts or pods.
The same team of caregivers is assigned consistently to the same
geographic location. Each location, or module, has an RN assigned as the
team leader, and the other team members may include LVNs/LPNs and
Unlicensed Assistant Personnel.
Option C: Functional nursing revolves around team ethics, and it
produces a catalog of processes, which are undertaken by different
individuals to ensure efficient patient care delivery. As well as taking
advantage of the skills of nurses at different stages of their careers, this
model can also save healthcare providers and facilities money by
increasing efficiency and productivity.
Option D: Team nursing is a patient care delivery model, which was
established in the 1950s. For healthcare providers, the team nursing
model improves efficiency and provides valuable training opportunities for
those keen to progress during the early stages of their careers.
He raised the issue of giving priority to patient needs. Which of the following
offers the best way for setting priority?
This option follows the framework of the nursing process and at the same time
applies the management process of planning, organizing, directing, and
controlling. At the basic level, management is a regimen that comprises five
standard functions, namely, planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and
controlling. These functions are part of a body of practices and theories that
educate on becoming an efficient manager.
Which of the following is the best guarantee that the patient’s priority needs are
The best source of information about the priority needs of the patient is the
patient himself. Hence using a nursing care plan based on his expressed priority
needs would ensure meeting his needs effectively. It is about understanding
each patient’s health outcome goals and health care preferences and ensuring
that the care provided is in line with those goals.
Option A: Checking with the relative of the patient would not yield actual
needs for the patient. Asking the patient himself would be an assurance
that what he deems as the priority would be addressed.
Option C: Consulting or collaborating with the physician should occur
after the implementation of independent nursing interventions. A nursing
care plan includes independent, dependent, and collaborative nursing
interventions specific to every client’s needs.
Option D: Collaborating may come after consultation with a physician.
Collaboration may include teams from the laboratory services, radiological
department, and other departments involved in the care of the patient.
When Henry uses team nursing as a care delivery system, he and his team need
to assess the priority of care for a group of patients, which of the following
should be a priority?
In setting priorities for a group of patients, those who need the most care should
be the number-one priority to ensure that their critical needs are met adequately.
The needs of other patients who need less care can be attended to later or even
delegated to assistive personnel according to rules on delegation. The ability to
prioritize and manage time is vital for any successful nurse, whether a novice or
He is hopeful that his unit will make a big turnaround in the succeeding months.
Which of the following actions of Henry demonstrates that he has reached the
third stage of change?
A. Long-term goal-setting.
B. Extends to 3-5 years in the future.
C. Focuses on routine tasks.
D. Determines directions of the organization.
A vision refers to what the institution wants to become within a particular period
of time. A vision statement looks forward and creates a mental image of the ideal
state that the organization wishes to achieve. It is inspirational and aspirational
and should challenge employees.
The statement, “The Holy Spirit Medical Center aims to provide patient-centered
care in a total healing environment” refers to which of the following?
A. Vision
B. Goal
C. Philosophy
D. Mission
A. Box
B. Solid line
C. Broken line
D. Dotted line
He likewise stresses the need for all the employees to follow orders and
instructions from him and not from anyone else. Which of the following principles
does he refer to?
A. Scalar chain
B. Discipline
C. Unity of command
D. Order
Correct Answer: C. Unity of command
Option A: Scalar chain is the formal line of authority that moves from
highest to lowest rank in a straight line. This chain specifies the route
through which the information is to be communicated to the desired
Option B: Discipline is essential for any successful work performance.
Fayol considers discipline to mean obedience, respect for authority, and
observance of established rules. Discipline can be established by
providing good supervision at all levels, clearly explaining the rules, and
implementing a system of reward and punishment. A manager can present
a good example to his subordinates by disciplining himself.
Option D: According to the principle of order, the right person should be
placed at the right job and the right thing should be placed at the right
place. According to Fayol, every enterprise should have two different
orders-Material Order for Physical Resources and Social Order for Human
Joey orients his staff on the patterns of reporting relationships throughout the
organization. Which of the following principles refer to this?
A. Span of control
B. Hierarchy
C. Esprit de’ corps
D. Unity of direction
He emphasizes to the team that they need to put their efforts together towards
the attainment of the goals of the program. Which of the following principles
refers to this?
A. Span of control
B. Unity of direction
C. Unity of command
D. Command responsibility
Unity of direction means having one goal or one objective for the team to pursue;
hence all members of the organization should put their efforts together towards
the attainment of their common goal or objective. Whoever is engaged in the
same activity should have a unified goal. This means all the people working in a
company should have one goal and motive which will make the work easier and
achieve the set goal easily.
Joey stresses the importance of promoting ‘esprit d corps’ among the members
of the unit. Which of the following remarks of the staff indicates that they
understand what he pointed out?
A. “Let’s work together in harmony; we need to be supportive of one
B. “In order that we achieve the same results; we must all follow the
directives of Julius and not from other managers.”
C. “We will ensure that all the resources we need are available when
D. “We need to put our efforts together in order to raise the bar of
excellence in the care we provide to all our patients.”
Esprit de corps means managers should create and foster among their
employees the morale, common spirit, sense of identification, feeling of pride,
loyalty, devotion, honor, solidarity, unity, and cohesiveness with respect to their
organization or organizational department.
A goal is a desired result towards which efforts are directed. A goal is a short
statement of the desired outcome to be accomplished over a long time frame,
usually three to five years. It is a broad statement that focuses on the desired
results and does not describe the methods used to get the intended outcome.
He wants to influence the customary way of thinking and behaving that is shared
by the members of the department. Which of the following terms refer to this?
A. Organizational chart
B. Cultural network
C. Organizational structure
D. Organizational culture
Organizational culture refers to the way the members of the organization think
together and do things around them together. It’s their way of life in that
organization. An organization’s culture defines the proper way to behave within
the organization. This culture consists of shared beliefs and values established
by leaders and then communicated and reinforced through various methods,
ultimately shaping employee perceptions, behaviors, and understanding.
Without a positive corporate culture, many employees will struggle to find the
real value in their work, and this leads to a variety of negative consequences for
the bottom line. Employers who invest in the well-being of their employees will
be rewarded with happy, dedicated employees
A. Organizational structure
B. Policy
C. Job description
D. Manual of procedures
Stephanie is often seen interacting with the medical intern during coffee breaks
and after duty hours. What type of organizational structure is this?
A. Formal
B. Informal
C. Staff
D. Line
Correct Answer: B. Informal
She takes pride in saying that the hospital has a decentralized structure. Which
of the following is not compatible with this type of model?
A. Flat organization
B. Participatory approach
C. Shared governance
D. Tall organization
Centralized organizations need only a few managers hence they are less
expensive and easier to manage. In a centralized organization, the decision-
making powers are retained in the head office, and all other offices receive
commands from the main office. The executives and specialists who make
critical decisions are based in the head office.
Stephanie delegates effectively if she has authority to act, which is best defined
A. Having a responsibility to direct others.
B. Being accountable to the organization.
C. Having a legitimate right to act.
D. Telling others what to do.
Regardless of the size of a workgroup, enough staff must be available at all times
to accomplish certain purposes. Which of these purposes is not included?
Providing a pair of hands for other units is not a purpose in doing an effective
staffing process. This is a function of a staffing coordinator at a centralized
model. Staff positions affect customers indirectly, only to the extent that the
support they provide helps line employees improve quality and customer
As a manager, she focuses her energy on both the quality of services rendered
to the patients as well as the welfare of the staff of her unit. Which of the
following management styles does she adopt?
Team management has a high concern for services and high concern for staff.
Team management is the ability of an individual or an organization to administer
and coordinate a group of individuals to perform a task. Team management
involves teamwork, communication, objective setting, and performance
Option A: The country club leader has the most concern for people. This
leader assumes that if employees are happy, they will work hard. This
leader’s high interest in the needs and feelings of employees affects
productivity. With much of the focus on employee comfort, this leader
finds it difficult to punish an employee. As a result, the relationship
between employee and leader is very casual, like that of friends.
Option B: Management is the process of guiding the development,
maintenance, and allocation of resources to attain organizational goals.
This process is based on four key functional areas of the organization:
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
Option D: Authority-obedience management results from such a
management style that is task-oriented, or task-motivated. The authority-
obedience management style overly emphasizes the value of completing
tasks to the extent that it risks human relationships.
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