Plumbing Project11

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The establishment Synopsis Feasibility of

Submitted to: Ministry of Education



[MAY 20
Plumbing, from Latin plumbum for lead, is the skilled trade of working with pipes,
tubing and plumbing fixtures for drinking water systems and the drainage of waste. The
plumbing industry is a basic and substantial part of every developed economy due to the need for
clean water, and proper collection and transport of wastes. Plumbing also refers to a system of
pipes and fixtures installed in a building for the distribution of potable water and the removal of
waterborne wastes. Plumbing is usually distinguished from water and sewage systems, in that a
plumbing system serves one building, while water and sewage systems serve a group of
buildings or a city.
Standardized earthenware plumbing pipes with broad flanges making use of asphalt for
preventing leakages appeared in the urban settlements of the Indus Valley Civilization by 2700
B.C. Plumbing originated during the ancient civilizations, they developed public baths and
needed to provide potable water, and drainage of wastes. Improvement in plumbing systems was
very slow, with virtually no progress made from the time of the Roman system of aqueducts and
lead pipes until the 19th century. Eventually the development of separate, underground water and
sewage systems eliminated open sewage ditches.
A plumber is a tradesperson who specializes in installing and maintaining systems used
for potable (drinking) water, sewage, drainage, venting, heating and air-conditioning, or
industrial process plant piping. In most jurisdictions the piping for HVAC, fire protection, and
industrial systems are installed by 'steam-fitters', 'pipe-fitters', or 'gas-fitters' tradespeople. A
Master Plumber is one who has demonstrated mastery of the trade of plumbing, has worked in
the field for many years, is certified in different areas of plumbing, typically trains new plumbers
in the trade, and oversees large plumbing projects. Thus, a person with expertise in working with
pipes was known as a Plumbumber, which was eventually shortened to plumber.
It is the hygienic means of preventing human contact from the hazards of wastes to
promote health. Hazards can be either physical, microbiological, biological or chemical agents of
disease. Waste that can cause health problems are human and animal feces, solid wastes,
domestic wastewater (sewage, greywater), industrial wastes, and agricultural wastes, now
appliances in disuse wastes like cars, electronic appliances. Hygienic means of prevention can be
by using engineering solutions (e.g. sewerage & wastewater treatment), simple technologies (e.g.
latrines, septic tanks), /even by personal hygiene practices (e.g. simple hand washing with soap).
The term "sanitation" can be applied to a specific aspect, concept, location, or strategy, such as:
 Basic sanitation - refers to the management of human feces at the household level.
 On-site sanitation - the collection and treatment of waste is done where it is deposited.
 Food sanitation - refers to the hygienic measures for ensuring food safety.
 Environmental sanitation - the control of environmental factors that form links in disease
transmission. Subsets of this category are solid waste management, water and wastewater
treatment, industrial waste treatment and noise and pollution control.
 Ecological sanitation - a concept and an approach of recycling to nature the nutrients from
human and animal wastes.

Problem statement
Unusually, in Ethiopia the plumbing trade still remains virtually ungoverned; there are no
effective systems in place to monitor or control the activities of unqualified plumbers or those
home owners who choose to undertake installation and maintenance works themselves, despite
the health and safety issues which arise from such works when they are undertaken incorrectly.
Furthermore, despite having in place an infrastructure dedicated to formally training plumbers
and various Statutes, Regulations and Bye-laws designed to dictate and control how and in what
manner plumbing works are undertaken, there is nothing to stop anyone without any training
whatsoever working as a plumber, safe in the knowledge that it is unlikely that their lack of
technical know-how will ever be found-out. Years of training and experience are needed to
become a skilled plumber; most jurisdictions also require that plumbers be licensed. However, in
Ethiopia the story is different. Due to these or other reasons in Addis Ababa there is over 32%
wastage in water resource.
Plumbers in Ethiopia generally undertake the installation of domestic internal water pipe
work, sanitary fittings and related waste pipe work systems. Domestic, commercial and
Industrial installation, servicing and repair works, and works related to all other appliances,
although undertaken by plumbers, also involves the use of other 'sub-trades' such as pipe fitters,
equipment supplies, repairers, commissioningers.. are not regulated by any organization (with
whom such individuals and organizations are supposed to be not registered before working in
this sphere), which although entrusted by the Government to control works related to this field,
have no direct means of controlling or policing such works and are generally only involved in
issues arising after the works are completed (and invariably, an accident has occurred). As a
consequence there is a large quantity of work undertaken by unregistered, unqualified
individuals, which is invariably a risk to the health and welfare of the user additional it lead and
contribute great deal to waste the resource.
Furthermore, due to the fact that design and installation is perceived to be too complex
for plumbers to undertake and legislation related to the use and correct disposal of refrigerant for
use in the field.
The standard sanitation technology in urban areas is the collection of wastewater in
sewers, its treatment in wastewater treatment plants for reuse or disposal in rivers, lakes or the
sea. Sewers are either combined with storm drains or separated from them as sanitary sewers.
Combined sewers are usually found in the central, older parts or urban areas.
Heavy rainfall and inadequate maintenance can lead to combined sewer overflows or
sanitary sewer overflows, i.e. more or less diluted raw sewage being discharged into the
environment. Industries often discharge wastewater into municipal sewers, which can complicate
wastewater treatment unless industries pre-treat their discharges.
The high investment cost of conventional wastewater collection systems are difficult to
afford for many developing countries. Some countries have therefore promoted alternative
wastewater collection systems such as condominium sewerage, which uses smaller diameter
pipes at lower depth with different network layouts from conventional sewerage.
Sanitation in the developing world
The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) include a target to reduce
by half the proportion of people without access to basic sanitation by 2015. In December 2006,
the United Nations General Assembly declared 2008 'The International Year of Sanitation', in
recognition of the slow progress being made towards the MDGs sanitation target. The year aims
to develop awareness and action to meet the target. Particular concerns are: Removing the stigma
around sanitation, so that the importance of sanitation can be more easily and publicly discussed.
Highlighting the poverty reduction, health and other benefits that flow from better hygiene,
household sanitation arrangements and wastewater treatment.
Research from the Overseas Development Institute suggests that sanitation and hygiene
promotion needs to be better 'mainstreamed' in development, if the MDG on sanitation is to be
met. At present, promotion of sanitation and hygiene is mainly carried out through water
institutions. The research argues that there are, in fact, many institutions that should carry out
activities to develop better sanitation and hygiene in developing countries. For example,
educational institutions can teach on hygiene, and health institutions can dedicate resources to
preventative works (to avoid, for example, outbreaks of cholera).
Our country does not far from other developing country in the area of sanitation for
further information some texts & research our country fallen in the worst era than other

The nature of and type of the business

Plumbers install and repair pipes, fittings, fixtures, and other plumbing equipment used
for water distribution, waste water disposal, and venting in residential, commercial, institutional,
and industrial buildings. Plumbing is a traditional field that typically pays well, has good job
security, and currently has need of qualified individuals in many locations worldwide. Many
plumbers begin their careers in plumbing as helpers to established plumbers, while others enter
formal training institutes.
Therefore, the business will provide a well organized sanitation installation system high
level vocational college as well as it will serve for the public as career and profession
enhancement institution. The college will accept any individual to take short term or long term
training’s, those who take grade 10 leaving school, engineers, urban planners, architectures,
Graduates of the programme will have the required qualification to work in the
construction sector in the field of plumbing.
In the programme special emphasis in the given to systems and devices of water supply,
drainage, sanitary and fire protection installations. Graduates are therefore expected to install,
test, and service and maintain the systems in accordance with the performance criteria described
in the Ethiopian Occupational Standard EOS.
The programme will be carried out as per the curriculum developed based on the EOS.
The curriculum gives details on the expected outcome, programme content, learning strategy,
evaluation and assessment as well as on the resource conditions of the programme.
Our vision is to be Ethiopian premier technical college – renowned for innovation and
dedicated to exceptional applied learning and graduate success.
Vision Strategy
Our college will provide key stakeholders another option and greater access to education.
The campus offers flexible entry to high quality learning experiences and reduces the
barriers of time and place. New and advance technology and knowledge are the cornerstones
of this dynamic delivery channel.
Our vision is to be a superior quality professional-technical college. We value a dynamic
environment as a foundation for building our College into a nationally recognized technical
education role model. We are committed to educating all students through progressive and
proven educational philosophies. We will continue to provide high quality education and
state-of-the-art facilities and equipment for our trainees. We seek to achieve a
comprehensive curriculum that prepares our students for entering the workforce,
articulation to any college and full participation in society. We acknowledge the nature of
change, the need for growth, and the potential of all challenges.
To provide applied learning opportunities for life, enhanced by applied research, and
taught by outstanding faculty in a student-centered environment.
Our college core value is the celebration of people and achievements which reflect:
 Academic excellence
 Commitment to lifelong learning
 Inclusiveness and diversity
 Service and accountability
Our Colleges of mandates that offer:
“A comprehensive program of career-oriented, postsecondary education and training to
assist individuals in finding and keeping employment, to meet the needs of employers
and the changing work environment and to support the economic and social needs of our
local and diverse communities.”
As technical college
Our college is uniquely positioned to achieve its vision to become Ethiopian premier
Plumbing & Sanitation Installation College. Distinguished by its extensive academic
opportunity supported within a creative learning environment complemented by new
advanced technology, we have the capability and capacity to:
􀂾 Provide applied education that spans across apprenticeships
􀂾 Focus on career development
􀂾 Build strong alliances with all stakeholders
􀂾 Contribute to economic development
􀂾 Conduct applied research

In alignment with its Strategic Futures Document, it continues to focus upon four
priority goals:
1. Outstanding Trainee Experience
2. Increased Community Relevance
3. Enhanced Operational Effectiveness
4. Planned Enrolment Growth
The objectives of the company
To aspire people to play their part in promoting new and advance technological
knowledge of plumbing and sanitation installation industry of our country in the
 To empower professionals in their endeavors to implement new advance
technology which helpful to safe cost and time.
 To hammer the importance of professionalism, responsibility and accountability
through intensive and research based trainings.
 To enable people to build their vocational career.
 To make people in plumbing and sanitation area to be productive social group
who are skilled and equipped with new technology.
General Background for Vocational Education
Education is one of the most essential social services for the people Quality and extensive
basic education will highlight the desperate need of young people to find their personality,
expressing themselves and thus a bigger impact on the development agenda of the country. There
is a strong positive relationship between education and society at large in terms of creating a
cognizant and dependable civil society, which is a critical part of all futures, and for this we
should focus on vocational education.
The economic cost of uneducated population is so enormous through expense of
unproductively, unknowledgeable and nonintegrated participation in holding the opportunities
and benefits of one's country in the development agenda (program). It is obvious that educating
people (human development) require time, good thinking and practicality of each field of
education. The corner block is a well functioning civil society and more effective educational
system for creating those empowering opportunities to the people for the development and
implementation of country specific action plan that can eventually strike a bigger impact in
development’s endeavors.
Effective education system should give priorities and guarantee that all children get the
best possible start to life and give them a chance to grow in. Hence, the people; especially
children must have access to complete, of good quality basic education.
The need for vocational school investment is taken as axiom and as a means for breaking
the vicious poverty circle of in individual families and in countries in the long run. This is the
bottom line of the development education program of every developing country like Ethiopia.
The education strategy and policy of our country has encouraged investment in education
especially in vocational and hopes that it will have a great impact to bring better future to the
country, for social efficiency and the people at large.
Therefore, in consideration of the above facts concerned institutions should work hand-in
hand for this goal to increase the coverage and quality of education, especially in vocational
The demand for education for the next decade will be reflected in potential school age
population: especially in vocational education there is a huge gap between actual enrollment and
potential school age population in every region of our country. This clearly shows the role of
demographic factors and the ruling structure of the government itself in determining its ability;
(Shortage of public expenditure in education) to meet the education requirement of the people,
the culture the parent not sending their kids to school and economic condition of the country. As
it is known, vocational education play and important role in curbing the otherwise acute problem
of unemployment, which help the country to walk parallel to the rest of the world & to bring
future individual life betterment, &eventually social efficiency, quality economic growth.
In the last seven years, the Government has also given special attention for vocational
education in amending education and training policies and strategies to bring efficient and
effective education sector development program. The essential element of the education and
training policy is to restructure the education system and aims to expand education in a form to
addressing the problem of access, quality and equity distribution.
The education sector development programs also give a great chance to private investors
to participate in this endeavor.
The Business Environment
The overall political, social and economic environment of a country has an impact on the
operation and success of any business. It is thus natural to discuss the national business
environment under which the company has been operating.
Ethiopia is now a Federal Democratic state having eleven regional state governments and two
federal cities. A policy of decentralization of political, administrative and economic decisions
has been vigorously pursued since then.
These radical political, administrative and economic decentralization steps have contributed a
lot, among other things, to the creation of conducive atmosphere for investment in all regions of
Ethiopia. All regions have developed their own investment laws and try to attract private
investment projects by providing various incentives. Thus, the overall political atmosphere is
generally good for investment.
Investment Proclamation No. 15/1992 (and its subsequent amendment issues) is one of the steps
undertaken in order to realize the new economic policy, particularly to promote private
investment in Ethiopia.
The positive economic performance of the country for the last 16 years or so years has been
mainly the result of this new investment which itself is the result of the economic reform.
Recent information (2003/2004) from the National Band of Ethiopia (NBE) reveals that GDP
grew by 11.6, which can be ascribed to strong performances in agriculture, industry and service.
Growth in Real GDP per capita has also registered a record high percentage of 8.4 in the fiscal
year of, 2003/2004. It is worth noting from the report of NBE: the service sector has surpassed
agriculture that has continues to be the mainstay of the Ethiopian economy in terms of
contribution to over all economic growth. Recent data released by different organs reveals that
aforementioned statistics has been improved at alarming rate.
* Demand & supply
As we have tried to show in the general background (1.3), one who is familiar with Ethiopian
vocational and higher education does not need to get bogged down in to statistical detail to
substantiate a claim that it takes decades to be able to see "supply matches demand for vocational
education". According to higher official from Ministry of Education, any investor showing keen
interest in investing in vocational colleges that requires particularly huge initial outlay enjoys
untapped potential. There are currently three governmental institutions rendering trainings on
plumbing, sanitation, and general water technology. These are General Wingate Vocational
College, AA water and sewerage authority water and sanitation institution, Ethiopian water
technology managed by ministry of water resource and JICA.

One major vacuum that has existed in Ethiopia's growing industry of building is the availability
of technical expertise required in direct operation. According our feasibility study is there is a
huge gap b/n the skilled human resource vs unskilled among those are currently at work. The
main reason is those mentioned institutions are not good enough and capable to train and
equipped with appropriate relevant skill due to time, space, facilities, system and among others.
Therefore our feasibility shows if we establish our planned college there is huge human resource
to be our trainees additionally, it will better for those who want to be professional as well as it
help for development of the profession itself.

Furthermore, there are private and government organization specialized in installation, proofing,
testing, repairing… market segmented companies- according our survey over 90 % of their
employees not as such professionals & graduated from any enrolment either in certificate or
diploma: from this we can also infer there is enormous demand to be knowledge and
technological based trainings which is sessions in short or long term trainings.

To satisfactorily address the ever increasing and unmet demand for the trained professionals in
the above fields, the college will formulated well-articulated short term and mid term plan. The
short term immediate plan is to begins training with renting premises in the capital to enhance
company's intake capacity and quality of the trainings for those already interfere in the
profession to update their knowledge, to introduce the new advance technology, to eliminate the
problem of sanitation and plumbing installation problems using short term trainings furthermore
introducing entrepreneur ship courses by seasoned instructors to see to it that the trainees will be
better equipped with necessary technical and entrepreneurial skills and necessary equipments and
apparatus. The mid-term plan, on the other hand, will be to take the college one step higher,
collage level to have conducting its training in its premises which will build in recent year with
standard and well equipped institution moreover we have plan to outlaying branch in some

Target Groups
No special target group is assigned for the programme. Any citizen who meet the entry
requirements and capable of participating in the theoretical teachings and practical activities is
entitled to take part in the programme.
Entry Requirements
To enter the programme, a candidate shall at least successfully complete 10 th grade general
education for formal trainings. And for short term expertise based trainings anyone who want to
upgrade his profession.
Concept and Mode of Delivery
Our session assumption are formal and non formal. As long as the required nominal learning
hours as specified in the curricula are retained, the training can be flexibly adopted according to
the prevailing conditions and provisions as far as our organization, venue and scheduling of the
training in concerned. Involvement of companies in TVET-delivery is highly recommended
because it gives the learners exposure to the actual world of work and enable them to get hands-
on experience. Organization of in-company training depends on the preferences and frame
conditions of the respective companies. One of the options is organization of in-company
training in block-form. This has already been practiced in the past (industry attachment /
apprenticeship training) and is still relevant.
Our Programme Structure

 Installation Of water supply & Device

 Installation of Drainage System & Components
 Fixing sanitary Fixtures
 Service & maintenance of Plumbing System
 Installing fire protection, testing and maintenance.


 Technical drawing
 Building Drawing
 Sanitary drawing
 Basic Building Construction & materials
 Pumps selections for plumbing System
 Quantity Surveying
 Basic welding
 Bench work
 Work ethics
 Training-, Teaching- and Learning Materials (TTLM)
 Trainer’s Guide
 Learners Guide (set of all materials distributed to the trainee during a module)
· Visual Training Media:

 Overhead Projector (OHP) + Transparencies

 Blackboard
 Whiteboard
 Flipchart
 Illustrations
 Pictures
 Models
· Learning Facilities / Infrastructure

 Complete list of Tools, Instruments, Equipment and Materials with equipment-

trainee ratio)
 Required building facilities (Drawing Room, classrooms, workshops, and
laboratories) tools, machines, equipment and materials of the course as needed
 Portable and stationary plants, machines and equipment
 Computer, Software, CAD, Printer, Plotter.
 Drawing machine with accessories.
 Portable hand and power tools
 Pipe cutter
 Pipe vice
 Threading device
 Folding vice
 Plumber snake
 Knife
 Water pump pliers
 Pipe wrench
 Screw driver set cross
 Screw driver set flat
 Ring spanners
 Open end spanners
 Pincer
 Scriber
 File flat
 File round
 Hand grinders
 Hand drilling machine
 Electrical hand threading machine
 Drill bits stone
 Drill bits steel
 Cable drum
 Measurement and testing instruments and tools
 Set squares
 Steel rule
 Tape measure
 Spirit level
 Theodilite
 Plum bob
 Testing pump
 Chalk line
 OHS equipment and personal protective devices
 Apron
 Goggles
 Helmet
 Protective shoes


Learning Strategies

 Learner-centered
 Flexible
 Off- and on-job-training integrated
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 Holistic projects
Learning Methods

 Discussion
 Lecturer
 Demonstration
 Project
 Practical exercise

 Learning facilities/infrastructure: - These include physical structures like buildings and
the facilities required for the teaching –learning process, e.g. laboratories and workshops
we will be equipped imported from Germany.
 Teaching, Training and Learning Materials (TTLM): - All types of materials suitable or
specifically designed and developed to support the occupational learning processes and
thus helping to achieve the desired learning outcomes are considered to be under this
category, these material will be available accordance standard of TVET program.
Trainer’s (Learning Facilitator’s) Profile

 For the main modules, our trainers (facilitators) will have 1st Degree and above in related
fields of studies and satisfactory practical experiences, or equivalent qualifications and
relevant experience

Type A Trainees
In this category the novice trainees who those directly come from schools, colleges…among others
specific vocational skills/knowledge
Course Specifications highlight the links to National Occupational Standards in the vocational
area and identify progression opportunities
Opportunities for developing these skills and attitudes are highlighted in each of the Course and
Unit Specifications. These opportunities include giving young people direct access to workplace
experiences or, through partnership arrangements, providing different learning environments and
experiences which simulate aspects of the workplace.
A Curriculum for Excellence (Ministry of Education) identifies aspirations for every person.
These are that they should become:
successful learners
confident individuals
responsible citizens
effective contributors
The learning environments, the focus on experiential learning and the opportunities to develop
employability and Core Skills in these Courses contribute to meeting these aspirations.
The Intermediate our offer Course has been designed to provide a basis for progression into
further education or for moving directly into training in employment within the construction
sector. The purpose of the Course is to ensure that candidates start to develop the general skills,
practical skills, knowledge and understanding and employability skills needed within the sector.
The general aims of our college courses are to:
widen participation in vocationally-related learning for unskilled human resource
allow candidates to experience vocationally-related learning
provide candidates with a broad introduction to the worldwide knowledge and technology at
vocational sector based
encourage candidates to foster a good work ethics, including timekeeping, a positive attitude
and other relevant employability skills
provide opportunities to develop a range of Core Skills in a realistic context
encourage candidates to take charge of their own learning and development
provide a range of teaching, learning and assessment styles to motivate candidates to achieve
their full potential
facilitate progression to further education and/or training
give candidates the technical knowledge, skills and understanding associated with a range of
craft skills in construction at this level
develop awareness that health and safety issues are integral to the world of work generally
and construction in particular
encourage candidates to develop a positive attitude to waste minimization and environmental
issues enable candidates to develop and apply practical, technical and communication skills as a
foundation for future learning and progression
encourage candidates to apply their knowledge and understanding of construction by using
skills of evaluation and problem-solving in a vocational context
encourage candidates to plan their work and review their progress
prepare candidates for further learning opportunities, study and training for employment in
construction and the built environment sectors and related occupations

Type –B trainees
In this section we categorize those already engaged in the business as different stakeholders
While no formal entrance qualifications are required for this Course, it would be expected that
candidates embarking on the Course would find the following learning skills and aptitudes
basic proficiency in literacy
basic proficiency in numeracy
some aptitude for graphical forms of communication (the reading of basic drawings is
required by the course)
motivation to work independently
Our Course supports progression into appropriate further education or for training in
employment. The Course provides the basis for candidates to gain an insight into craft
occupations such as plumber work, and to use their studies to help them decide the career they
wish to follow. Candidates studying this Course in Construction Crafts and choosing a craft
option, may be aiming to progress into a craft apprenticeship in industry. Candidates who choose
such a route will experience appropriate training and undertake in the workplace. Candidates
who are uncertain which trade to follow, or who do not obtain a placement, may undertake pre-
vocational courses at Further Education College’s level.
What can obtain from the trainings?
Upon completion of any sessions trainees shall be able to:
 Install water supply systems and devices
 Install drainage systems and components
 Fix sanitary fixtures
 Service and maintain plumbing systems
 Installing fire protection, testing and maintenance
Outcome 1 trainee effectively can:-
Select, use and maintain basic plumbing tools and materials.
Performance methodology
a) The selection of tools and materials is appropriate for the work to be done.
b) The tools are used in the correct manner.
c) The tools are used solely for the purpose for which they are intended.
d) The tools are cleaned, maintained and stored correctly.
e) Health and safety requirements are complied with during all activities
Outcome 2
Complete practical activities involving measuring, cutting and fabricating basic plumbing
materials and associated fittings.

Performance methodology
a) The product is free from excessive marking.
b) The product is completed to within prescribed tolerances.
c) All pipe work is cut square, free from burrs and completed using associated fittings.
d) A quality check is carried out on the finished work against the prescribed standards and
e) Health and safety requirements are complied with during all activities.
Evidence requirements for the Unit
Performance evidence and additional evidence is required to show that all
Outcomes and Performance Criteria have been achieved.
Performance evidence will be supported by assessor checklists. This evidence will be generated
from assignments consisting of different practical activities carried out in supervised workshop
conditions. The evidence may be gathered at different points throughout the session.
The practical activities will cover:
measuring and cutting plastic pipe work correctly for subsequent assembly
fabricating plastic pipe work and associated fittings into assemblies in accordance with given
drawings and specifications
candidates carrying out a quality check on their own work before submitting for final
candidates maintaining a clean and tidy workplace and adhering to health and safety
requirements throughout all activities
To be trainee some needed skills, interests, and values
 Reading blueprints, drawings, and specifications to determine layout of water supply,
waste, and venting systems
 Installing, repairing and maintaining domestic, commercial, and industrial plumbing
fixtures and systems
 Locating and marking positions for pipe connections, passage holes, and fixtures in walls
and floors
 Measuring, cutting, bending, and threading pipes using hand and power tools or machines
 Testing pipes for leaks using air and water pressure gauges
 Communicating with co-workers, other trades people and subcontractors, and
 Planning and performing complex calculations for specialized projects
 Providing time and cost estimates of the work to be performed (both labor and materials)
 Awareness of legal regulations and safety issues
 Being comfortable when working in confined spaces or at great heights
 Ensuring safety standards and build regulations are met.
According our feasibility and problem statement if we get work permit and all essential
cooperative form appropriate governmental body we implement the 2008 new and European
based technological products, machineries, equipments, service parts, materials in accordance to
our country concert condition or reality.

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