Airborne Sound Power Levels and Spectra of Noise Sources in Port Areas
Airborne Sound Power Levels and Spectra of Noise Sources in Port Areas
Airborne Sound Power Levels and Spectra of Noise Sources in Port Areas
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Airborne Sound Power Levels and Spectra of Noise Sources
in Port Areas
Samuele Schiavoni 1 , Francesco D’Alessandro 2 , Davide Borelli 3, * , Luca Fredianelli 4, * , Tomaso Gaggero 5 ,
Corrado Schenone 3 and Giorgio Baldinelli 6
Abstract: Airborne port noise has historically suffered from a lack of regulatory assessment compared
to other transport infrastructures. This has led to several complaints from citizens living in the
urban areas surrounding ports, which is a very common situation, especially in countries facing the
Mediterranean sea. Only in relatively recent years has an effort been made to improve this situation,
which has resulted in a call for and financing of numerous international cooperation research projects,
within the framework of programs such as EU FP7, H2020, ENPI-CBC MED, LIFE, and INTERREG.
Citation: Schiavoni, S.; D’Alessandro,
These projects dealt with issues and aspects of port noise, which is an intrinsically tangled problem,
F.; Borelli, D.; Fredianelli, L.; Gaggero, since several authorities and companies operate within the borders of ports, and several different
T.; Schenone, C.; Baldinelli, G. noise sources are present at the same time. In addition, ship classification societies have recently
Airborne Sound Power Levels and recognized the problem and nowadays are developing procedures and voluntary notations to assess
Spectra of Noise Sources in Port the airborne noise emission from marine vessels. The present work summarizes the recent results
Areas. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public of research regarding port noise sources in order to provide a comprehensive database of sources
Health 2022, 19, 10996. https:// that can be easily used, for example, as an input to the noise mapping phase, and can subsequently prevent citizens’ exposure to noise.
Academic Editor: Paul B.
Tchounwou Keywords: port noise; noise sources; noise mapping; noise mitigations; noise modeling; ship noise;
sustainable management; noise exposure prevention; noise measurements; research projects
Received: 4 August 2022
Accepted: 30 August 2022
Published: 2 September 2022
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10996.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10996 2 of 22
rate of 6.6% from 1990 to 2019. In this case, the effect of the pandemic was definitely
greater, with almost one year of a complete stop on passenger cruises. On the other hand,
the pandemic also accelerated the retirement of many ships leading to more modern and
environmentally friendly fleets [3].
In light of the above, ports are crucial elements for the global market, but they may
generate severe negative impacts, mostly related to the environment, land use and traffic
congestion. The main negative environmental impacts are due to the emission of noise,
odors and volatile organic substances, and to the pollution of water and soil by oil chemicals,
hull paint and other hazardous materials [4]. Furthermore, most of these negative impacts
are localized, taking place close to the port (in terms of noise and dust) and in the urban
area (for air emissions, water quality, congestion and land use) [5]. In several cases, ports
are located in close proximity to urbanized areas and they may even be bounded by or
include environmentally protected areas [6]. Thus, it is evident how global needs and
benefits produce local negative impacts.
From the noise point of view, ports are complex infrastructures if compared to other
transport infrastructures (roads, railways, airports) and logistic nodes. The possible sources
of noise that can be found in a port range from ships in transit to stationary ships, generators,
maneuvering equipment, cranes, machinery and ventilation systems, but also moving
vehicles and trains. Fredianelli et al. [7] made a comprehensive list of noise sources that
can be found in a port area, which is reported in Section 2 of the present paper.
The great number of different sources of noise are dynamically distributed in space and
time in a relatively large area, which is usually characterized by unsteady behavior or tonal
components. The result is a sound environment with an extraordinarily variable temporal
and spectral structure, where single sound sources are difficult to isolate. Furthermore,
many of them are characterized by prominent low frequency components, between 20 Hz
and 200 Hz, which can travel long distances with limited attenuation and are hardly
insulated from building walls [8].
For all of the above-mentioned reasons, ports are complex environments for profes-
sionals to deal with, also because specific noise-related rules and regulations for ports are
often missing, both at the international and national level. For instance, the European
Directive 2002/49/EC on the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise (END)
is focused on two main categories of noise sources: transport infrastructures and industrial
sites. Even if the END specifies that industrial (port) areas near large agglomerations must
be included in noise maps, it gives no specific indications on how to draw their noise maps.
As a consequence, noise nuisance in port areas is usually addressed by considering the
ports as a single noise source, similar to an industrial area, with evident underestimation
of the issues. With the absence of a uniform approach or guidelines, when problems arise
regarding citizens affected by port noise [9], it is generally addressed at a local level by
following different approaches that only tend to respond to complaints. In Italy, as a matter
of example, even if specific decrees that regulate the noise produced by roads, railways,
airports and industries exist, a national decree for the regulation of noise generated by port
activities is still missing, although it is required by national law.
Ports, as noise sources, and industrial noise in general, are neglected by the World
Health Organization too, with its 2019 environmental noise guidelines for the European
region [10], providing policy makers with recommendations for protecting human health
from exposure to environmental noise originating from transportation (road traffic, railway
and aircraft), wind turbine noise and leisure noise. As was observed by Bernardini et al. [11],
unlike the broad literature on transportation noise and industrial noise and the variety of
mitigation measures for those sources, the scientific community paid very little attention
to analyzing and tackling the noise produced by ports and the effects of the exposure on
the surrounding population. Furthermore, the majority of scientific research regarding
the noise generated from maritime transport is focused on studying onboard vessel noise,
its interference with animal life or oceanic ambient noise. In this field of research, in fact,
underwater noise is investigated more than airborne noise.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10996 3 of 22
Evidently, planning or managing noise in port areas can be an overwhelming task for even
the most skilled professional, especially when it comes to simulating noise propagation and
evaluating noise levels at the receivers’ location. The main problem is nearly always in defining
the noise sources that are located inside the port area, even if the definition of the port boundary
can be a problem on its own [12], in addition to where and for how long the sources are operating,
and most importantly, their characterization in terms of directivity and sound power.
The present study reviews the current scientific literature, technical report and other
databases with the aim of collecting the sound power levels of the different noise sources acting
in port areas. The comprehensive list that is created would be very useful for professionals
and technicians as input data for simulation and the mapping phase needed in the noise
management toward citizens’ health care. Moreover, the work also acts as a further starting
point for driving future work into a harmonized approach of study regarding port noise.
The following sections of this paper are structured as follows: Section 2 summarizes
the recently published guidelines for noise mapping of port areas, Section 3 collects the
noise emission data of major port sources, divided according to the most used typology:
transtainer, reach stacker, straddle carrier, gantry cranes, reefer, moored ships, Ro-Ro and
Ro-Pax ramps, forklifts, and seagoing ships. Section 4 provides the conclusions to the work.
the high percentage of heavy and freight vehicles with respect to passenger vehicles in the
port infrastructure, with the annexed average reduction in speed.
All of the choices made in defining the measurement procedures for ships, port and
industrial sources were made assuming the lower interference with port and ship operations
and the impossibility to measure onboard. In addition, the measurement procedures do
not need the collaboration from both ships or terminal owners, in addition to switching
the machinery off/on on request to reduce the background noise. Furthermore, the use of
cranes or cherry pickers to reach a higher measurement position was discarded for the sake
of simplicity and economy. A simplification made in the work was considering ships as the
emitting noise in a symmetric way with respect to its vertical longitudinal symmetry plane,
even if this assumption is not true for some vessels. This allows technicians to perform
characterization measurements on only one side and then avoiding renting boats to reach
the side facing the sea of the moored ship.
Port and industrial categories include the same machinery and vehicles used in port
activities or for the industries in the port area, but a different classification is needed for
better identifying the legal responsibility of limit exceedances. As both categories are very
wide, a further subdivision was carried out in the moving or fixed source, or even the area
source when details are not important. Pumps, generators, ventilators, air conditioners,
machinery of any type, fixed cranes, conveyor belts and refrigerated containers are some
of the fixed sources that can be found in a port environment. Instead, straddle carriers,
frontlifts, contstackers, forklifts, transtainers, cranes, dock tractors and other cargo handling
units are the mobile sources. The measurement procedure for a mobile source is different
according to its operation phase (transit, handling, loading/unloading operations), which
should be all properly characterized.
All of the noise measurements must be performed with a class I [15] sound level
meter. The sound power level (LW ) of the investigated source is calculated from the sound
pressure levels (Lp ) obtained using Equation 1, possibly separated in third octave bands.
• The report “Technical noise investigations at Hamburg City cruise terminals” of the
INTERREG Green Cruise Port for moored cruise ships, reefers and forklifts [20];
• The outcomes of the NEPTUNES project for ships and other sources [21];
• The paper “Noise emission Ro-Ro terminals” for Ro-Ro moored ships [22];
• The paper “Airborne noise emissions from ships: Experimental characterization of the
source and propagation over land” for container ships [23];
• The paper “Evaluation and control of cruise ships noise in urban areas” for cruise ships [24];
• The report “Noise from ships in ports” for moored ships and reefers [25];
• The report of the Lloyd’s Register regarding how the noise emissions of a moored ship
have to be modelled [26];
• The report “Assessment of the acoustic benefit of the power supply to ships moored in ports
(cold ironing)” [27] and the related paper presented at the Euronoise 2018 Conference [28];
• The paper “Pass-by Characterization of Noise Emitted by Different Categories of
Seagoing Ships in Ports” [29];
• The outcomes of the FP7 SILENV project for the moored ships ([9,30–33]);
• ISPRA (Italian National Institute of Environmental Protection and Research) data
based on the FP7 SILENV project [34,35].
A summary of the standards used in the acoustic measurements carried out to define
the sound power level of the port noise sources described in the documents above can be
found in Appendix A.
3.1. Transtainer
The REPORT project [16] gives the one-third octave band’s sound power level spectra
of a transtainer on standby, in movement with the alarm signal horn functioning and in full
activity. The standby emission is represented by a point source; the moving transtainer with the
alarm signal being modelled as a linear source. The activity of the transtainer is made by all the
movements it makes to take, move and place containers in port areas. Data collected from noise
measurement in the REPORT project evidence that transtainer emissions on the railway side are
different from the ones on the square side. Figure 1 reports the sound power emission spectra
of a transtainer, as calculated in the REPORT project:
• TR-A-CA-RW-WH considering an equivalent area source, device performing a com-
plete activity, measurement focused on the railway side;
• TR-A-CA-SQ-WH, same as the previous item, but focused on the square side;
• TR-L-MV-RW-WH considering a linear noise source representing the movement of the
transtainer on the rail, measurement focused on the railway side;
• TR-L-MV-SQ-WH considering a linear noise source representing the movement of the
transtainer on the rail, measurement focused on the square side;
• TR-P-STBY-WH considering a point noise source representing the transtainer on standby.
The point noise source can be used to model the emission of the whole device.
Another characterization of this noise source was performed within the activities of
the EFFORTS project [17,18]. The noise emission characteristics of the device was defined
by three different point sources representing the power unit, the exhaust pipe (20 m above
the ground) and the alarm signal. Figure 2 reports the following data:
• TR-P-LIFT-AL is the sound power level of a point noise source representing the noise
emission of the alarm signal when the transtainer is performing an operation of lifting
or picking up containers;
• TR-P-LIFT-FU is the sound power level of a point noise source representing the noise
emission of the funnel when the transtainer is performing an operation of lifting or
picking up containers;
• TR-P-LIFT-PU is the sound power level of a point noise source representing the noise
emission of the power unit when the transtainer is performing an operation of lifting
or picking up containers;
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10996 6 of 22
• TR-P-STBY-FU is the sound power level of a point noise source representing the noise
emission of the funnel when the transtainer is on standby (idling);
• TR-P-STBY-PU is the sound power level of a point noise source representing the noise
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 24
emission of the power unit when the transtainer is on standby (idling).
Figure 1. One-third octave sound power level spectra of a transtainer, as reported in [16]. LW is
Figure 1. One-third octave sound power level spectra of a transtainer, as reported in [16]. LW is
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, x FOR PEER for point sources, in dB/m for linear sources and in dB/m2 for area
in dB REVIEW 2
sources. 7 of 24
expressed in dB for point sources, in dB/m for linear sources and in dB/m for area sources.
Another characterization of this noise source was performed within the activities of
the EFFORTS project [17,18]. The noise emission characteristics of the device was defined
by three different point sources representing the power unit, the exhaust pipe (20 m
above the ground) and the alarm signal. Figure 2 reports the following data:
• TR-P-LIFT-AL is the sound power level of a point noise source representing the
noise emission of the alarm signal when the transtainer is performing an operation
of lifting or picking up containers;
• TR-P-LIFT-FU is the sound power level of a point noise source representing the
noise emission of the funnel when the transtainer is performing an operation of
lifting or picking up containers;
• TR-P-LIFT-PU is the sound power level of a point noise source representing the
noise emission of the power unit when the transtainer is performing an operation of
lifting or picking up containers;
• TR-P-STBY-FU is the sound power level of a point noise source representing the
noise emission of the funnel when the transtainer is on standby (idling);
• TR-P-STBY-PU is the sound power level of a point noise source representing the
noise emission of the power unit when the transtainer is on standby (idling).
Moreover, the noise emission of the equipment was obtained through measurement
under idling and lifting conditions.
Sound power data from the REPORT Project [16] represent the noise source as a
single source, so it can be handled more easily than those of the EFFORT Project [18].
Nevertheless, it is worth nothing that noise measurements used for calculating the sound
power level in [18] were carried out in compliance with ISO 3744. There is no information
Figure standardoctave
One-third of the sound
octave noise
power carriedofof
spectra out in [16].
it is worth nothing that noise measurements used for calculating the sound power level
in [18] were carried out in compliance with ISO 3744. There is no information about the
standard of the noise measurement carried out in [16].
Figure 3. One-third octave sound power level spectra of a reach stacker, as reported in [16–18,36].
Figure 3. One-third octave sound power level spectra of a reach stacker, as reported in [16–18,36].
LW is expressed in dB for point sources, in dB/m for linear sources and in dB/m22 for area sources.
LW is expressed in dB for point sources, in dB/m for linear sources and in dB/m for area sources.
RS-A-CA-RW-WH, RS-A-CA-SQ-WH and RS-P-STBY-WH data are taken from [16],
and RS-P-SG-WH from [18],data are taken from
RS-P-LIFT-WH (2) [16],
RS-P-PB-WH and RS-P-SG-WH from [18], RS-P-LIFT-WH (2) from [36].
3.3. Straddle Carrier
3.3. Straddle Carrier
The noise emission
emission of aofstraddle
a straddle carrier
carrier hasdetermined
has been been determined
using theusing the method
pass-by pass-by
method by [17] within the activity of the EFFORTS project: the sound power
by [17] within the activity of the EFFORTS project: the sound power level of the equivalent level of the
equivalent point noise source SC-P-PB-WA is reported in Figure 4 and
point noise source SC-P-PB-WA is reported in Figure 4 and in Table 1. The overall soundin Table 1. The
power sound
waspower level
reported in was reported in2.4.3
the deliverable the deliverable
of the project2.4.3 ofAnother
[18]. the project [18]. An-
other remarkable study investigating noise emission from straddle carriers
study investigating noise emission from straddle carriers were carried out by Witte were carried
out by Witte [19]. This study does not provide spectral information, but only reports the
overall sound power level in dB(A), without specifying how these data were calculated
(Table 1).
This study does not provide spectral information, but only reports the overall sound power
level in dB(A), without specifying how these data were calculated (Table 1).
Straddle Carrier Activity
(dB) (dB(A))
Pass-by [18] 119 ± 2 115 ± 2
Normal activity, power unit / 108
close to the ground [19]
Normal activity, power unit / 104
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 24
located at the top [19]
Figure4.4. One-third
Figure One-third octave
octave sound
sound power
power level
level spectrum
[17]. LW is expressed in dB/m for linear sources.
in [17]. LW is expressed in dB/m for linear sources.
3.4. GantryCranes
The REPORT[16][16]and
spectra gantrycranes.
•• GC-A-CA-WH is
GC-A-CA-WH is the
the sound
levelofoftwotwo equivalent
equivalent areal noise
areal sources
noise rep-
resenting noise
representing emission
noise due to
emission thetocomplete
due activityactivity
the complete of a gantry
of acranes,
in [16]; in [16];
GA-P-LIFT-WHare arethe
spectraof ofpoint
sources representingthe thenoise
emissionof ofthe
andof ofthe
operation alone,respectively.
These data were obtained by the analysis of noise measurements.Witte
These data were obtained by the analysis of noise measurements. Witteprovided
rough estimation of sound power level equal to 100 dB(A) for gantry craneswithout
rough estimation of sound power level equal to 100 dB(A) for gantry cranes in [19], in [19],
without providing
providing further information
further information relating to howrelating to how
the data were the data (noise
obtained were obtained (noise
databases, etc.). databases, etc.).
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10996 9 of 22
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 24
Figure 5. One-third octave sound power level spectra of gantry cranes, as reported in [16–18]. LW is
Figure 5. One-third octave sound power level spectra of gantry cranes, as reported in [16–18]. LW
expressed in dB for point sources, in dB/m for linear sources and in dB/m2 for area sources.
expressed inand
for point sources, in taken
for [17,18],
linear GC-A-CA-WH
sources and in dB/m 2
data are from [16]. for area sources.
GA-P-CA-WH and GA-P-LIFT-WH data are taken from [17,18], GC-A-CA-WH from [16].
3.5. Reefer
3.5. Reefer
Several data are available relating to the assessment of the noise emission of reefers,
i.e., refrigerated
Several data containers. The characterization
are available of this kind of the
relating to the assessment equipment is easier in
noise emission of reefers,
i.e., to other
refrigerated port noise sources
containers. since it is a regular
The characterization container
of this kind with an HVAC unit
of equipment is easier in
devoted to maintaining
comparison an adequate
to other port temperature
noise sources since itinside.
is a regular container with an HVAC unit
devoted Noise measurementsanwere
to maintaining used temperature
adequate to characterized the one-third octave acoustic
Noise measurements were used to characterized thethe
of reefers in both the REPORT project [16] and EFFORTS
one-third project
octave [17,18]emission
(Figure 6); the figure also contains octave band data taken from a 2010
of reefers in both the REPORT project [16] and the EFFORTS project [17,18] (Figure report of the 6); the
Danish Ministry of Environment [25].
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, also
19, x FOR contains
PEER REVIEW octave band data taken from a 2010 report of the Danish Ministry
11 of 24 of
Other noise emission assessments of reefers based on measurements have been car-
Environment [25].
ried out by the NEPTUNES project [21] and by the Interreg-funded project Green Cruise
Port [20] (see Table 2).
The differences observed in terms of noise emission are probably caused by the dif-
ferent models of the cooling units installed in each device. It is worth nothing that only
data in REPORT project give additional information regarding how the noise measure-
ments were carried out.
Source Working Condition
NEPTUNES Project [21], mitigation of noise from
Normal activity 91–93
ships at berth
GREEN CRUISE PORT [20] Normal activity 99
Figure 6. Sound power level spectra of reefers, as defined by REPORT Project [16], EFFORT Project
Figure 6. Sound power level spectra of reefers, as defined by REPORT Project [16], EFFORT
[18] and a report of the Danish Ministry of Environment [25]. LW is expressed in dB for point
Project in dB/m
and for linear sources
a report and in dB/m
of the Danish 2 for area
Ministry of sources.
Environment [25]. LW is expressed in dB for
point sources, in dB/m for linear sources and in dB/m2 for area sources.
3.6. Moored Ships
The best practice guide “Mitigation of Noise from Ships at Berth” of the NEPTUNES
project [21] suggests that ships may be divided into six different classes:
• Container ships;
• Cruise ships;
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10996 10 of 22
Other noise emission assessments of reefers based on measurements have been carried
out by the NEPTUNES project [21] and by the Interreg-funded project Green Cruise Port [20]
(see Table 2).
Source Working Condition
NEPTUNES Project [21], mitigation
Normal activity 91–93
of noise from ships at berth
GREEN CRUISE PORT [20] Normal activity 99
The differences observed in terms of noise emission are probably caused by the
different models of the cooling units installed in each device. It is worth nothing that only
data in REPORT project give additional information regarding how the noise measurements
were carried out.
Table 3. Approximate sound power level of some port noise sources given by [21].
Container ship 100–115
Ro-Ro ship 100–114
A more detailed study regarding the assessment of the noise emission of a ship at
berth was carried out by the Danish Ministry of the Environment [25]. The study reports
the sound power level of some types of diesel generators without silencers (Table 4) and
ventilation fans (Table 5) used in vessels, collected from the producers of these components.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10996 11 of 22
The data evidences that the anti-noise treatment of the engine is crucial to reducing the
noise impact of a moored ship.
Table 4. Unattenuated one-third octave sound power level in dB(A) of the different diesel engine
exhausts [25].
Table 5. One-third octave sound power level in dB(A) of different ventilation fans used in vessels
without anti-noise measures [25].
It is worth noting that a good approximation of the sound power level of a fan is given
by Equation (2), reported in [37]:
• LW * can be assumed to be 25–30 dB for radial ventilators and 25–35 dB for axial
• qv is the volume flow in m3 /h;
• ∆pv is the fan total pressure difference in Pa.
The noise emission of a Ro-Ro vessel at berth was also studied in the EFFORTS project
([17,18]); the sound power level spectra were obtained from noise measurements performed
in the ports of Turku and Dublin (Figure 7). The overall sound power levels of these sources
provided by the EFFORT project have been compared with similar data reported in a 2018
technical report delivered by Tecnalia [27] (Table 6). Both studies considered a Ro-Ro ship
at berth; it is worth noting that the noise source “Auxiliary engine” in [27] likely groups
together some of the sources considered in [17].
Int. Environ.Res.
Health2022, 19,10996
2022,19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 22
12 of 24
Figure 7. One-third octave sound power spectra of Ro-Ro vessel noise sources, as reported in [17].
Figure 7. One-third octave sound power spectra of Ro-Ro vessel noise sources,2as reported in [17].
LW is expressed in dB for point sources, in dB/m for linear sources and in dB/m for area sources.
LW is expressed in dB for point sources, in dB/m for linear sources and in dB/m2 for area sources.
Table 6. Comparison between data of EFFORT Project [18] and Tecnalia Report [27] related to the
noise 6. Comparison
emission between
of some data of of
noise sources EFFORT Project [18] and Tecnalia Report [27] related to the
Ro-Ro ships.
noise emission of some noise sources of Ro-Ro ships.
Ship Source
LW (dB) LW (dB(A))
Ship Source
Engine room ventilation [18] (dB) 102 (dB(A)) 86
Hydraulic room ventilation
Engine room ventilation [18] [18] 102 110 86 104
Bow cable hydraulics
Hydraulic [18] [18]
room ventilation 110 103 104 93
Bow cableengine exhaust
hydraulics [18]pipe [18] 103 124 93 106
Exhaust stack
Auxiliary ventilation
engine exhaust[18]
pipe [18] 124 112 106 100
Exhaust stack
Auxiliary engineventilation
[27] [18] 112 / 100 107
Auxiliary engine [27] / 107
Ventilation unit [27] / 109
Ventilation unit [27] / 109
An approximate and quick assessment of the noise emission of container ships was
carried out by Witteand
An approximate [19]:quick
the relationship
assessment of(Equation (3) between
the noise emission the deadweight
of container ships wastonnage
out and [19]:
by Witte the A-weighted sound
the relationship power(3)level
(Equation of a container
between ship can
the deadweight be expressed
tonnage (DWT) and as
the A-weighted sound power level of a container ship can be expressed as follows:
LW,A = 55.4
= 55.4 + +12.2
·DWT (3)
The equationwas wasobtained
noise measurements
measurements onon
65 65 ships.
ships. TheThe
useuse of this
of this data
data to
to characterize the noise emission of a container ship has some
characterize the noise emission of a container ship has some drawbacks: drawbacks:
•• TheThecontainer
shipis is modelled
modelled through
through a single
a single point
point noisenoise source.
source. This approach
This approach may
may lead to relevant errors in the assessment of noise impacts, in particular
lead to relevant errors in the assessment of noise impacts, in particular for receivers for re-
ceivers located close to
located close to the docks; the docks;
•• TheTheauthor
not provide
provide detailed
detailed information
information about
about how how the noise
the noise measure-
were were carried
carried out andout and processed.
An accurate characterization
characterization of aof a container
container ship
ship has hasperformed
been been performed in [23], con-
in [23], considering a
detailed a detailed
model digital model
of the vessel andofthe
vessel and the
emission noise
spectra of emission spectra
each source. of each
The emission
spectra Theobtained
emission byspectra
tailoredwere obtained by
measurements. tailored
In order measurements.
to validate In order
the noise model, to vali-
and the noise
grids model,
of noise horizontal
measurement and vertical
were gridsThe
performed. of outcomes
noise measurement
proved that were per-
“a limited
formed. The outcomes proved that “a limited number of dedicated onsite measurements
considering separate exhaust gas outlets (Figure 8) and the ventilation openings of three
vessels: AIDAsol (Length equal to 253/Width 38 m), AIDAprima (300/48 m) and Mein
Schiff 3 (294/39 m).
Concerning the exhaust gas outlet group, the three vessels have similar noise emis-
sion spectra for frequencies higher than 200 Hz. Under this threshold, the noise emission
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10996 13 of 22
of the AIDAsol (the smaller one) is more relevant than for the other two ships. The
equivalent sound pressure level Lw,A is of 102 dB(A) for AIDAsol, 100 dB(A) for AI-
DAprima and 98 dB(A) for Mein Schiff 3. Noise measurements for the characterization of
number outlets onsite
dedicated were carried out in compliance
measurements together with with DIN 45635-47.
adaptations of the code to the specific
Concerning ventilation openings, noise measurements carried out on the three ves-
case allowed us to obtain an effective model for the ship”.
sels evidenced
The reportthat they
of the may have a tonal
Interreg-funded (peak
project at 100Cruise
Green Hz) orPort
a broadband character.
[20] provides muchThe in-
elaboration of the noise measurements performed in the Green Cruise Port project evi-
formation. Noise emission data of cruise ships were obtained from noise measurements
denced that separate
the noiseexhaust
emissiongas outlets
from (Figure
the two side8)ofand
thethe ventilation
same openings
cruise ship of three
can be substan-
vessels: AIDAsol (Length equal to 253/Width 38 m), AIDAprima (300/48
tially different (Figure 9). Noise measurements carried out for the characterization m) and Mein of
Schiff 3 (294/39 m).
ventilation openings were carried out in compliance with DIN EN ISO 3746 [38].
Figure 8. One-third octave sound power spectra of cruise ship funnel of three vessels, as reported
Figure 8. One-third octave sound power spectra of cruise ship funnel of three vessels, as reported in [20].
in [20]. LW is expressed in dB for point sources, in dB/m for linear sources2 and in dB/m2 for area
LW is expressed in dB for point sources, in dB/m for linear sources and in dB/m for area sources.
Concerning the exhaust gas outlet group, the three vessels have similar noise emission
spectra for frequencies higher than 200 Hz. Under this threshold, the noise emission of the
AIDAsol (the smaller one) is more relevant than for the other two ships. The equivalent
sound pressure level Lw,A is of 102 dB(A) for AIDAsol, 100 dB(A) for AIDAprima and 98
dB(A) for Mein Schiff 3. Noise measurements for the characterization of exhaust gas outlets
were carried out in compliance with DIN 45635-47.
Concerning ventilation openings, noise measurements carried out on the three vessels
evidenced that they may have a tonal (peak at 100 Hz) or a broadband character. The elabo-
ration of the noise measurements performed in the Green Cruise Port project evidenced that
the noise emission from the two side of the same cruise ship can be substantially different
(Figure 9). Noise measurements carried out for the characterization of ventilation openings
were carried out in compliance with DIN EN ISO 3746 [38].
In 2009, Witte carried out a noise measurement campaign to define a relationship
between the loading capacity and noise emission of Ro-Ro ships, such as the one defined
for container ships. However, in this case, the author did not find any relationship between
the two parameters, as reported in [22].
A 2013 paper by Di Bella and Remigi reports the one-third sound power spectra of
several typologies of cruise ships; they were evaluated as single-point noise sources and
their sound power level was estimated from the elaboration of in-field measurements
performed in compliance with several ISO standards. The spectra of these sources are
reported in Figure 10 [24]. Nevertheless, the outcomes of some studies evidence that the
characterization of a moored ship as a single-point noise source seems to be an excessive
approximation ([33,39]).
Int. Environ.Res.
Health2022, 19,10996
2022,19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 22
14 of 24
Figure 9. One-third octave sound power spectra of ventilation openings on the two sides of three
Figure 9. One-third octave sound power spectra of ventilation openings on the two sides of three
vessels, as reported in [20]. LW is expressed in dB for point sources, in dB/m for linear sources and
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,
in19, x FOR
2 for
in [20]. L is expressed in dB for point sources, in dB/m for linear sources 16
sources. W
dB/m for area sources.
In 2009, Witte carried out a noise measurement campaign to define a relationship
between the loading capacity and noise emission of Ro-Ro ships, such as the one defined
for container ships. However, in this case, the author did not find any relationship be-
tween the two parameters, as reported in [22].
A 2013 paper by Di Bella and Remigi reports the one-third sound power spectra of
several typologies of cruise ships; they were evaluated as single-point noise sources and
their sound power level was estimated from the elaboration of in-field measurements
performed in compliance with several ISO standards. The spectra of these sources are
reported in Figure 10 [24]. Nevertheless, the outcomes of some studies evidence that the
characterization of a moored ship as a single-point noise source seems to be an excessive
approximation ([33,39]).
A recent report on the noise emission of moored ships was issued by Tecnalia in
2018 [27]. The report was focused on evidencing the reduction of noise impacts thanks to
cold ironing systems. In addition, the report contains useful indications about the noise
emission of several kinds of moored ships based on noise measurements performed in
Spanish ports in 2017; these noise data are reported in Table 7.
Even if it does not contain sound power data, it is worth considering the operational
indications provided by the 2019 report of the Lloyd’s Register on moored ship noise
modelling [26]. The document suggests that the noise modelling procedure should con-
sider the screening, reflection and absorption procedure of the ship’s structure and
should be performed at least in the 31.5–8000 Hz range. The inclusion of the following
Figuresources is recommended:
10. One-third octave sound power spectra of cruise ships divided into big (70 to 90 ktons),
Figure 10. One-third octave sound power spectra of cruise ships divided into big (70 to 90 ktons),
(30 toand
Funnels 60 ktons)
(30 to 60 other
small size
exhaust (10 to 30 ktons), as reported in [24]. LW is expressed in dB for
small size (10 to 30 ktons), 2as reported in [24]. LW is expressed in dB for
sources, in dB/m
air for linear
intakes andsources and in dB/m for area sources.
point sources, in dB/m for linear sources and in dB/m2 for area sources.
• External fans;
Table 7. Noise emission data of moored ship, as reported in [27]. * TEU: twenty-foot equivalent
• A Hull radiated
recent reportnoise (if relevant);
on the noise emission of moored ships was issued by Tecnalia in
2018 Cranes,
[27]. Thepumps
report and
was any otheronequipment
focused evidencing inthe
reduction of noise impacts thanks to
Additional Source:
They suggest considering the noiseAuxiliary
cold ironing systems. In addition, the sourcesEngine
report as single-point
contains emitters,
useful indications with
about the
Size tion
large ventilation
of several kinds
Engine openings, which shouldTonal
of moored
Operating ships based be considered as surface noise
on noise measurements performedsource.
Type Year Size (GT) Tonal
(TEU *) (TEU
Spanish *) Power
The noise ports in(kW) directivities
emission2017; Conditions (kW)
these noiseof the noise sources have to Sound
data are reported in Table 7. Power
be considered.
Lw (dB(A) Components/Low Components/Low
Level (dB(A))
Frequency (dB) Frequency (dB)
Ro-Pax 2003 22,382 - - 4200 900 109.3 6/0 113.2 6/0
Ro-Ro 1999 12,076 - - 2 × 980 400 107.5 3/3 109.0 6/0
2002 14,241 1129 153 - - 97.4 3/6 - -
Contain- 2008 7702 798 150 2 × 750 1 × 750 95.1 0/3 - -
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10996 15 of 22
Table 7. Noise emission data of moored ship, as reported in [27]. * TEU: twenty-foot equivalent unit.
Additional Source:
Auxiliary Engine
Auxiliary Operating Ventilation
Type Year Size Size Reefer Tonal Tonal
Engine Conditions Sound Power
(GT) (TEU *) (TEU *) Lw (dB(A) Components/Low Components/Low
Power (kW) (kW) Level (dB(A))
Frequency (dB) Frequency (dB)
Ro-Pax 2003 22,382 - - 4200 900 109.3 6/0 113.2 6/0
Ro-Ro 1999 12,076 - - 2 × 980 400 107.5 3/3 109.0 6/0
2002 14,241 1129 153 - - 97.4 3/6 - -
2008 7702 798 150 2 × 750 1 × 750 95.1 0/3 - -
Containers 2007 8971 917 200 2 × 469 1 × 469 95.0 3/3 - -
2009 10,585 1036 - - - 90.2 0/3 92.3 3
1973 28,372 - - 2200 - 111.1 3/6 103.2 3/6
2000 30,277 - - - - 104.2 0/6 94.7 0/6
2016 55,254 - - - - 101.6 3/6 97.5 3/6
2002 139,570 - - - - 105.3 3/6 98.7 3/6
2008 154,407 - - - - 104.5 0/6 96.2 0/6
Even if it does not contain sound power data, it is worth considering the operational
indications provided by the 2019 report of the Lloyd’s Register on moored ship noise
modelling [26]. The document suggests that the noise modelling procedure should consider
the screening, reflection and absorption procedure of the ship’s structure and should be
performed at least in the 31.5–8000 Hz range. The inclusion of the following noise sources
is recommended:
• Funnels and other exhaust stacks;
• Ventilation air intakes and exhaust;
• External fans;
• Hull radiated noise (if relevant);
• Cranes, pumps and any other equipment in operation.
They suggest considering the noise sources as single-point emitters, with the exception
of large ventilation openings, which should be considered as surface noise source. The
noise emission directivities of the noise sources have to be considered.
It may be of interest to mention the different approach used by Moro [40]; the noise
emission of 290 meters and a 110,000 DWT cruise ship was modelled through software
based on the beam method. The ship was defined through a 3D geometry model and all its
noise sources were detected and characterized in terms of the sound power level. These
emissions were defined using the procedures in compliance with the ISO 3744 standard. A
comparison between the outcomes of this model with a noise measurement campaign was
carried out and the outcomes showed an adequate agreement.
Finally, it is worth nothing that the FP7 SILENV project [30] defined two different
methods to assess the noise emission of moored ships, as is reported in detail in the
deliverable 5.2 of the project, “Noise and vibration label proposal” [31,32]. Each moored
ship has to be modelled through a group of point, linear and area noise sources. Each one
of these sources represents the relevant noise emitters of a moored ship such as funnels,
intake and outlets of ventilation, and HVAC, etc.
Figure 11. One-third
One-third octave
Ro-Ro ramps,
Ro-Ro as reported
ramps, in deliverable
as reported 2.4.3
in deliverable
of [18]. LW is expressed in dB for point sources.
2.4.3 of [18]. LW is expressed in dB for point sources.
3.8. Forklifts
The Green Cruise Port project [20] provided an overview of the noise emission of
forklifts in a port area (Table 9). However, the sound power level of these devices can be
retrieved from many databases, because they are also used outside port areas and their
manufacturers are obliged to explicitly declare this data according to the 2000/14/EC
directive. For instance, the SoundPLAN 8.2 database includes spectra for several kind of
forklift, both under idling and in working conditions [41].
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10996 17 of 22
Source Description Data Taken from
Small/medium diesel forklift 97 Manufacturer
Heavy duty size diesel forklift 107 Manufacturer
Electric forklift 90 [42]
Mobile crane for cruise ship 107 [43]
Ship Type Direction
A Arriving 87–90
A Leaving 89–90
B Arriving 88–91
B Leaving 88–89
No spectra were reported in the original work for a single ship, but a spectrogram of a
single ship passage highlights the presence of string noise components at lower frequencies.
In [49], several measurements were carried out of a ferry during maneuvers in the
port of Naples. The sound level meters were placed in two different locations: one on the
short berth side and one on the long berth side. No spectral results were provided.
Fredianelli, et al. [29] performed the most complete effort to define the noise emission of
different categories of seagoing ships by means of long-term pass-by measurements in the port
of Livorno. The average sound power levels and spectra of different categories of big ships are
reported in Table 11. Among the categories are: Ro-Ro, container, oil tanker, chemical tanker and
ferry. The values for ferries are taken for a subsequent study by the same authors [50], focused
only on ferries and the effects of parameters, such as ship speed and draught, and the distance
from the microphone, have on the measured noise. Table 11 also includes the sound emissions
of small and medium vessels performed by Bernardini, et al. in [11]. According to the paper,
small vessels are meant to be small motorboats, sailing boats, and rigid-hulled inflatable boats,
while medium vessels are small and mid-sized fishing boats, fireboats, and public security boats.
Data reported in Table 11 for small and medium vessels are those reported in the original paper
as “medium speed”, 14.4–19.2 km/h (7.8–10.4 kn) for small vessels and 9.2–10.7 km/h (5.0–5.7
kn) for medium vessels.
Results consistently show the typical presence of strong noise components at lower
frequencies for each ship type.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10996 18 of 22
Table 11. One-third octave sound power spectra and sound power level of seagoing ships, as reported in [11,29,50]. Uncertainties can be retrieved from the original documents.
4. Conclusions
A comprehensive database of typical sound power levels and spectra of the various
noise sources acting in ports was developed in the present paper. The sound power levels
and spectra reported and summarized in the present work come from the research on both
the scientific and technical literature, as well as from the deliverables and results of several
European projects. These projects were developed on the framework of different programs
(i.e., FP7, Interreg, ENPI CBC-MED, LIFE). Among them, the most important projects to be
mentioned for having produced the higher amount of data are ANCHOR, REPORT and
SILENV. As some of the authors participated in more than one of these projects, albeit with
different aims of the funding programs and of the projects themselves, working in a sort of
cluster of projects dealing with the same topic led to the development of knowledge on
the topic that allowed the understanding of several different issues about port noise and
the finding of solutions that are able to tackle them. One of the key issues was, in fact, the
difficulty of developing environmental noise simulations of port noise leading to accurate
and repeatable strategic noise maps and the subsequent noise action plans, as requested by
the Environmental Noise Directive of the European community. In general, a scarcity of
data was found for all sources considered. This may be due to a certain lack of standards
and normative frameworks specific to these kinds of problems. In particular, the largest
sources (such as transtainers and container ships) are those for which the lower amount of
data is present. Moreover, it has to be underlined that sometimes the data sources avoid
specifying whether the characterization measurements were made in compliance with a
standard; this leads to a non-uniformity that makes difficult to compare results and to
assess the reliability of the data presented. New guidelines aimed at tackling these issues
were developed within the framework of the already cited REPORT project, recently ended,
and it is foreseeable that these guidelines will be enacted in the future in order to have
reliable, comparable and consistent measurements regarding port noise sources.
Such an organized dataset would be important for the present state of the scientific
and technical literature as the complexity of noise produced by port infrastructure is high,
with many different sources acting simultaneously. In recent years, port noise has been
the object of some studies, but mostly those investigating only a singular type of noise
source. Thus, a database comprising all of the spectral data retrievable was missing in the
literature to the best of the authors’ knowledge and it would be beneficial for technicians
who produce noise maps or for other scientists willing to further improve a topic that still
deserves lot of attention.
The development of such a database will act as a base for developing reliable numerical
simulations in order to comply with the evermore restrictive standards and normatives
regarding environmental pollution and the sustainability of transportation infrastructure.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.S., D.B., F.D. and L.F.; methodology, S.S.; validation, S.S.,
D.B. and L.F.; formal analysis, S.S.; investigation, S.S., D.B., F.D., L.F. and T.G.; resources, C.S. and G.B.;
writing—original draft preparation, S.S., D.B., F.D., L.F. and T.G.; writing—review and editing, S.S., D.B.,
F.D., L.F. and T.G.; supervision, C.S. and G.B.; project administration, C.S. and G.B.; funding acquisition,
C.S. and G.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the EU ANCHOR LIFE project—LIFE17 GIE/IT/000562.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10996 20 of 22
Appendix A
Table A1. Standards used in the acoustic measurements carried out to define the sound power level
of port noise sources.
1. Review of Maritime Transport. UNCTAD/RMT/2021. Available online:
rmt2021_en_0.pdf (accessed on 3 August 2022).
2. Container throughput at Ports Worldwide from 2012 to 2021 with a Forecast for 2022 through 2025. Available online: https:
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5. Trozzi, C.; Vaccaro, R. Environmental Impact of Port Activities. In Maritime Engineering and Ports II; Brebbia, C.A., Olivella, J., Eds.;
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6. Badino, A.; Borelli, D.; Gaggero, T.; Rizzuto, E.; Schenone, C. Analysis of Airborne Noise Emitted from Ships. In Sustainable Maritime
Transportation and Exploitation of Sea Resources; Rizzuto, E., Guedes Soares, C., Eds.; Taylor & Francis Group: Abingdon, UK, 2012.
7. Fredianelli, L.; Bolognese, M.; Fidecaro, F.; Licitra, G. Classification of noise sources for port area noise mapping. Environments
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the International Conference on Advances and Challenges in Marine Noise and Vibration 21 MARNAV 2012, Glasgow, Scotland,
UK, 5–7 September 2012.
10. World Health Organization. Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region. 2019. Available online: https://www. (accessed on 3 August 2022).
11. Bernardini, M.; Fredianelli, L.; Fidecaro, F.; Gagliardi, P.; Nastasi, M.; Licitra, G. Noise assessment of small vessels for action
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12. NoMEPorts Project, Good Practice Guide on Port Area Noise Mapping and Management. 2008. Available online: https:
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13. Fredianelli, L.; Gaggero, T.; Bolognese, M.; Borelli, D.; Fidecaro, F.; Schenone, C.; Licitra, G. Source characterization guidelines for
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14. Kephalopoulos, S.; Paviotti, M.; Anfosso-Lédée, F. Common Noise Assessment Methods in Europe (CNOSSOS-EU); Publications
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15. IEC. IEC 61672-1:2013 Electroacoustics—Sound Level Meters—Part 1: Specifications; International Electrotechnical Commission:
Geneva, Switzerland, 2013.
16. REPORT Project. Available online: (accessed on 3 August 2022).
17. Hyrynen, J.; Maijala, V.; Melin, V. Noise Evaluation of Sound Sources Related to Port Activities. In Proceedings of the Euronoise
2009, Edinburgh, UK, 26–28 October 2009.
18. EFFORT Project. Available online: (accessed on 3 August 2022).
19. Witte, J. Container Terminals and Noise. In Proceedings of the Internoise 2008, Shanghai, China, 26–29 October 2008.
20. GREEN CRUISE PORT Project. Available online: (accessed on 3 August 2022).
21. NEPTUNES Project. Available online: (accessed on 3 August 2022).
22. Witte, J. Noise Emission Ro-Ro Terminals. In Proceedings of the Euronoise 2009, Edinburgh, UK, 26–28 October 2009.
23. Badino, A.; Borelli, D.; Gaggero, T.; Rizzuto, E.; Schenone, C. Airborne noise emissions from ships: Experimental characterization
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24. Di Bella, A.; Remigi, F. Evaluation and control of cruise ships noise in urban areas. In Proceedings of the ICSV20, Bangkok,
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25. Noise from Ships in Ports: Possibilities for Noise Reduction, Environmental Project No. 1330. 2010. Available online: https:
// (accessed on 3 August 2022).
26. Lloyd’s Register. Procedure for the Determination of Airborne Noise Emissions from Marine Vessels. 2019. Available online: (accessed on 3 August 2022).
27. Tecnalia. Assessment of the Acoustic Benefit of the Power Supply to Ships Moored in Ports (Cold Ironing). Available online. 2018.
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28. Santander, A.; Aspuru, I.; Fernandez, P. OPS Master Plan for Spanish Ports Project. Study of Potential Acoustic Benefits of
On-shore Power Supply at Berth. In Proceedings of the Euronoise 2018, Crete, Greece, 27–31 May 2018.
29. Fredianelli, L.; Nastasi, M.; Bernardini, M.; Fidecaro, F.; Licitra, G. Pass-by characterization of noise emitted by different categories
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30. FP7 SILENV Project. Available online: (accessed on 3 August 2022).
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34. Curcuruto, S.; Marsico, G.; Atzori, D.; Mazzocchi, E.; Betti, R. Environmental Impact of Noise Sources in Port Areas: A Case
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35. Marsico, G. Infrastrutture di Trasporto Portuali: Metodologie e Procedure per la Valutazione e il Contenimento dell’Impatto Acus-
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36. Emission Data of Port Noise Sources in Source 01dB Software Database. Original data from DGMR-report W.92.03.59.C d.d.
37. Stampe, O.B. Lyd i VVS-anlæg; Skarland Press AS: Rakkestad, Norway, 1998.
38. ISO 3746:2010; Acoustics—Determination of Sound Power Levels and Sound Energy Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound
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39. Draganchev, H.; Valchev, S.; Pirovsky, C. Experimental and Theoretical Research of Noise Emitted by Merchant Ships in Port. In
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48. Di Bella, A.; Tombolato, A.; Cordeddu, S.; Zanotto, E.; Barbieri, M. In Situ Characterization and Noise Mapping of Ships Moored
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