Nurmi Arttu Valtteri

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Arttu Valtteri Nurmi

Battery Powered Crossover for In-Ear Monitors

Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Bachelor of Engineering



Author(s) Arttu Valtteri Nurmi

Title Battery Powered Crossover for In-Ear Monitors

Number of Pages 47 pages + 8 appendices

Date 27 January 2016

Degree Bachelor of Engineering

Degree Programme Electronics

Specialisation option

Instructor(s) Kai Lindgren, Senior Lecturer

The goal of this thesis was to design and implement a portable active three way audio cross-
over for use with high end earphones. This crossover system is housed in its own separate
enclosure and is connected between an audio source and earphones.

A 24dB/octave Linkwitz-Riley response was chosen for the electronic filters making up the
crossover. A functional schematic and small size printed circuit board layout were then de-
signed for the crossover. Great care was taken in component selection to find the optimum
balance between performance and footprint.

Three versions of the design were built, each an improvement on the previous one. The
initial goals set for overall audio performance were met and surpassed by a large margin.
The result is an active crossover far exceeding any passive systems in use currently for this
application, with the only drawback being the obvious one; the need for an external unit
between source and earphones.

With all its core functionality better than necessary, any improvements or further study
should look into either making the unit smaller, thus more practical, or adding additional
features such as wireless connectivity to source. These features could help make the system
a more attractive consumer product.

Keywords crossover, in-ear monitor, earphone, audio, filter, op amp


Tekijä(t) Arttu Valtteri Nurmi

Otsikko Akkukäyttöinen jakosuodin korvamonitoreille

Sivumäärä 47 sivua + 8 liitettä

Päivämäärä 27 Tammikuuta 2016

Tutkinto Insinööri (AMK)

Koulutusohjelma Elektroniikka


Ohjaaja(t) Kai Lindgren, Lehtori

Tämä lopputyön päämäärä oli suunnitella ja rakentaa kannettava kolmitie aktiivi jakosuodin
korvamonitoreita varten. Tämä jakosuodin toimii erillisessä kotelossaan ja kytketään ääni-
lähteen ja korvamonitoreiden väliin.

Jakosuotimen elektronisia filttereitä varten valittiin 24dB/oktaavi Linkwitz-Riley vaste. Kyt-

kentäkaavio ja pienikokoinen piirilevy suunnitelma tehtiin jakosuotimelle. Jokaisen kom-
ponentin valinta tehtiin huolella, jotta saavutettaisiin paras tasapaino suorituskyvyn ja koon

Kolme versiota suunnitelmasta valmistettiin, joista jokainen täytti määritellyt alkuspesifikaa-

tiot edeltäjäänsä paremmin. Lopputuloksena on aktiivijakosuodin, joka ylittää suorituskyvyl-
lään kaikki yksinkertaiset passiivijärjestelmät, jota korvamonitoreissa käytetään.

Tämän jakosuotimen toiminta ylitti kaikki esitetyt parametrit laajalla marginaalilla, joten ai-
heen jatkokehitys tulisi keskittää joko laitteen pienentämiseen tai uusien ominaisuuksien ke-
hittämiseen. Tällaisia ominaisuuksia voisi olla esimerkiksi langaton yhteys äänilähteeseen.
Näin tuotteesta voisi saada entistä houkuttelevamman kokonaisuuden käyttäjille.

Avainsanat jakosuodin, korvamonitori, kuuloke, operaatiovahvistin


1 Introduction 1

2 Project Overview 2

2.1 In-Ear Monitors 2

2.2 Balanced Armatures 2
2.3 Crossovers 4
2.4 Design Specifications 6
2.4.1 Output Power 6
2.4.2 Battery Life 7
2.4.3 Noise 7
2.4.4 Output Impedance 10
2.4.5 Low DC Offset 11

3 Filter Design 13

3.1 Terms 13
3.2 Designing a Filter 16
3.2.1 Butterworth 16
3.2.2 Chebyshev 17
3.2.3 Bessel 18
3.2.4 Linkwitz-Riley 18
3.3 Active Filter Topologies 20
3.3.1 Sallen & Key 20
3.3.2 State Variable 21

4 Schematic Design 22

4.1 Block Diagram 22

4.2 Input 22
4.3 High Pass Filter 23
4.4 Low Pass Filter 24
4.5 Band Pass Filter 25
4.6 Output 26
4.7 Power supply 27
4.8 Simulation 28

5 PCB Design 29
5.1 Circuit Board Size 29
5.2 General Layout Practices 29
5.2.1 Ground Planes 29
5.2.2 Short Traces 30
5.2.3 Power Rail Decoupling 30
5.2.4 RF Rejection 30

6 Component Selection 31

6.1 Operational Amplifiers 31

6.2 Capacitors 35
6.2.1 High K Ceramic Type 35
6.2.2 C0G/NP0 Ceramic Type 36
6.3 Resistors 36
6.4 Connectors 37

7 Measurement and analysis 38

7.1 Test Methods and Equipment 38

7.1.1 Bode Plots 39
7.1.2 Output Impedance 39
7.1.3 THD and THD+N 40
7.1.4 Noise Floor 40
7.2 Design Revisions 41
7.2.1 Initial Prototype 41
7.2.2 Second Version 41
7.2.3 Final Version Including Added DAC Section 42
7.3 Test Results 43
7.3.1 Frequency Response 43
7.3.2 Output Impedance 43
7.3.3 DC Offset Voltage 44
7.3.4 Distortion and Noise 44
7.3.5 Current Consumption and Battery Consumption 45

8 Conclusion 46

References 48
Appendix 1. Schematic Diagrams
Appendix 2. Possible Crossover Frequencies
Appendix 3. Simulated Bode Plots
Appendix 4. PCB Layers
Appendix 5. Resistor Comparison Charts
Appendix 6. Bill of Materials
Appendix 7. Test Equipment Specifications
Appendix 8. Test Results

1 Introduction

The subject of this thesis is the design of a practical portable battery powered three way
active crossover unit, to be used in conjunction with purpose built, application specific
multi-driver in-ear monitors. It is to be an externally housed crossover system between
an input source player such as a mobile phone or an equivalent portable music player,
and custom built earphones.

This is an adaptation of an idea that is commonly used in full size desktop active hi-fi
speakers, but miniaturized, and re-designed for use in a portable pocket sized hi-fi sys-
tem, roughly the size of a small headphone amplifier and in fact can be considered a six
channel headphone amplifier, with each channel supplying a separate audio band. This
type of ear phone specific system has been attempted in just two previous commercial
products, one of which was quickly discontinued and the other receiving less than posi-
tive reviews, due to numerous problems. The design in this paper attempts to correct the
mistakes that made those earlier products fail.

Due to its specialized nature, high cost and a very niche appeal, this product is by no
means intended as a mass market item, but as a study into extending the capabilities of
portable in-ear monitors as far possible, with the fewest sacrifices in terms of audio qual-
ity, portability and ease of use. This thesis focuses on the design of the active crossover
and the accompanying ear phone are not discussed in detail.

2 Project Overview
2.1 In-Ear Monitors

In-ear monitors or IEMs for short (also sometimes called canal phone), are small type of
earphone that is inserted deep into the ear canal for better fit and isolation than earbud
types. Often used by musicians and recording industry professionals, though rapidly
growing in consumer usage as they start to replace the very common earbud. In addition
to the insertion depth, one of the main differences between IEMs and traditional con-
sumer earbuds are the transducer technology used inside the housing. The common
earbud transducer is a dynamic driver, which is essentially a miniature version of the
conical shape moving coil speaker found in virtually all full size speakers. IEMs often
employ a balanced armature speaker, which differs quite a bit in construction from dy-
namic drivers, although dynamic drivers are used in some IEMs as well. IEMs can con-
tain two or more of these balanced armature drivers for a wideband audio output. In fact
some of the very top end custom made models can have up to a dozen balanced arma-
tures inside each earphone housing. Figure 1 shows an example of the internal compo-
nents of a multi driver custom IEM.

Figure1: Exploded view of a multi driver custom in-ear monitor. Copied from Ultimate Ears [1]

2.2 Balanced Armatures

Balanced armatures can have very small physical dimensions compared to moving coil
drivers. They are very sensitive, thus require very little input power to drive to adequate
listening volumes. This small size and high efficiency make them ideal for portable audio

Compared to a traditional dynamic speaker the internal operation of balanced armature

is somewhat different. It contains a moving armature between two magnets. This arma-
ture is coupled to a diaphragm or membrane via a drive pin. As current passes through
the internal coil it creates a changing magnetic field that moves the armature, which in
turn transfers the movement to the membrane that pushes air out of the armature. The
internal components can be seen in figure 2 below:

Figure 2: Internal structure of a typical balanced armature driver. Copied from Knowles Acoustics

This structure enables the manufacture of very small drivers. However, they do often
exhibit a fairly narrow frequency response band, excelling mainly in the mid-range of
audio frequencies (roughly 200Hz-3000Hz). It is essentially a physical impossibility for a
single driver to cover the entire audible spectrum of 20 Hz-20 kHz evenly, thus it is often
necessary to combine two or more drivers into an earphone to achieve a suitable wide-
band output for accurate music reproduction. Because simply combining several drivers
in parallel or series would result in an extremely congested mid-range, a need for some
type of crossover between these drivers is required, to filter out overlapping frequencies.

2.3 Crossovers

Crossovers combine several electrical filters, creating a wideband frequency response

with minimal overlap from combining multiple audio drivers into one system. An ideal
crossover would allow each driver to reproduce a certain frequency range and com-
pletely block them from outputting at all other frequencies. In practice this is never

The traditional method for crossovers in IEMs is to use passive components to create
simple first or second order RC filters. This is done due to the size limitations of the
earphone, which restricts the use of more complex crossovers. In fact, often not even
true crossovers are used. Even with ear phones containing more than two drivers, band
pass filters are rare and designers rely heavily on acoustic filtering to tune the output for
a somewhat acceptable results.

There are a number of drawbacks with this method. First order filters have a very slow
roll off into the stopband, which often causes overlap between two drivers; they both
reproduce some of the same frequencies near the crossover region causing a hump in
the response curve. Also the impedance of balanced armatures is not linear with fre-
quency (see figure 5 in section 2.4.4), creating uneven loading of the filter stages. With
passive filters this means their calculated cut-off points will vary depending on frequency,
causing an uneven filter response. Since passive components are then load dependent,
it is necessary to use high value reactive components that have a high time delay. This
causes a deterioration of the circuit impulse response. First order filters also introduce a
phase shift of 90 degrees which is detrimental to sound quality.

These problems can be partly overcome with increasing the order of the filters to get a
steeper cut off curve, and a phase shift of 180, which can be corrected by reversing the
wiring of one of the drivers. However, adding passive components in front of the drivers
will reduce its sensitivity potentially causing problems with portable audio sources that
have a relatively low output voltage. Figure 3 illustrates a simplified block diagram of the
placement of commonly used crossovers in in-ear monitors.

Figure3: Block diagram traditional filter placement inside earphone

Active filters can solve most of these problems. The use of operational amplifiers (or op
amps for short) as buffers will isolate the filters from the varying impedance in the drivers,
as op amps have practically constant input and output impedances in the frequencies of
interest, when designed correctly. Also since active filters can be designed for a specified
gain, there is no sensitivity loss from the filter components, even with higher order filters.

The main design problem lies in applying active filters to small portable earphones. The
complexity of the circuit and the need for a power source means that it has to be imple-
mented externally. The crossover circuitry is moved out of the earphone and into a sep-
arately housed unit that the earphones then plug into, hence the topic of this thesis.
When the crossover components are entirely removed from the earphone, this leaves
only the drivers inside. Each driver is connected to the external crossover via its own
conductor, meaning a headphone cable with seven wires is needed for two earphones
(three signals per earphone and signal return). This is also the reason why the earphones
must specifically be manufactured for this system and the crossover cannot be univer-
sally. The crossover system also contains a six channel unity gain amplifier to drive the
output loads. This proposed system block diagram is illustrated in figure 4 below:

Figure 4: Block diagram of proposed external filter circuit


With the vast majority of IEMs being produced with internal RC filters, there have been
only two prior attempts to create the type of external active crossover system proposed
in this thesis. However, numerous user opinions indicate serious flaws in the design of
these products, and they have since been discontinued. Problems included audible
background noise, poor volume control adjustable range, loud turn on “pops” through
the earphones (caused by circuit turn on transients), poorly adjusted frequency outputs
(especially bass levels deemed unreasonably high) and a fairly low battery life of about
8 hours. These are unacceptable traits in high end audio products, especially consider-
ing that they cost well over 1000 €. Overcoming these issues and creating a product
with none of these problems is the primary goal of this thesis.

Going through the specifications of these two active crossover systems, it was evident
that both were attempted with digital filtering techniques.

The approach in this paper is quite different, using analog active filters to achieve over-
all better performance. The reason behind this choice is that most portable sources,
though digital in data storage, have internal digital to analog converters (DAC) and out-
put audio in analog format. Thus, it seems counter intuitive to use digital filters where
the audio signal would first be converted to analog in the source, then back to digital in
the crossover, and again back to analog at the output of said crossover. The differ-
ences between analog and digital filtering will not be discussed in detail in this paper.

2.4 Design Specifications

The first part of designing a product is to specify all design features and capabilities that
need be accomplished.

2.4.1 Output Power

The typical sensitivity to 1mW for balanced armatures is between 96dB SPL and 123dB
SPL (decibels to sound pressure level relative to 20µPA) [3]. A sound pressure level of
above 123 dB is already considered very loud and not suitable for continuous listening.
Thus, it can be concluded that rarely is there a need for a lot over 1mW of power per
output channel in this application.

2.4.2 Battery Life

Battery life is an important specification for the general feasibility of the design. If the
product performs well while only achieving a few hours of playback it would be virtually
unusable as a commercial product. Since there are no set guidelines on what the battery
life should be, the run time of an existing commercial product was used as the number
to beat. This is would mean a run time greater than 8 hours [4].

2.4.3 Noise

Due to the high sensitivity mentioned above, low output noise is also crucial since bal-
anced armature very easily pick up even the lowest of noise levels. The design goal here
is a completely “black background”, meaning that no noise is audible while no audio
signal is playing. To demonstrate with an example, one of the balanced armatures used
in this design has an SPL of 106 dB at 100mV. A quiet room has a background noise
SPL of roughly 20 dB and it would serve as decibel value to stay below in order to make
the noise of the circuit indistinguishable from background noise. Putting these values

20 log ≤ 106𝑑𝐵 − 20𝑑𝐵 (1)

And rearranging to solve V noise:

𝑉𝑛𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒 ≤ (2)
(10(86𝑑𝐵⁄20) )

→ 𝑉𝑛𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒 ≤ 5𝜇𝑉

This means a noise voltage of less than 5µV is required for the generated noise to be
below 20dB SPL. The reality is more complex than that, as the human ear does not
perceive all frequencies equally, but it does give a ballpark figure aim for.

In order to effectively reduce noise, the different types of noise sources must be identi-
fied. These are:

1/f Noise
1/f noise is inversely proportional to frequency, meaning it rises as frequency falls. Be-
cause of this spectral distribution, noise in most circuits tends to be higher at lower fre-
quencies. This type of noise appears in active and passive components, depending on
their construction. The important value here to look for is the corner frequency, the lower
being always better, as this would ideally keep the 1/f noise below audible frequencies.

Johnson Noise or Thermal Noise

The primary source of Johnson noise in circuits are resistors, as it depends on temper-
ature and resistance of a component. All resistors generate Johnson noise and it can be
calculated as a noise voltage source:

𝑉𝑁𝑅 = √(4𝑘𝐵𝑇𝑅) (3)

Where k is Boltzmann's Constant (1.38×10–23J/K), T is the absolute temperature, B is

the bandwidth, and R is the resistance.

T = Absolute Temperature = T(°C) + 273.15
B = Bandwidth (Hz)
k = Boltzmann’s Constant (1.38 x 10–23J/K)
A 1000Ωresistor generates 4nV / √Hz @ 25°C [5]

Op Amp Current & Voltage Noise

All op amps exhibit varying degrees of noise. These can be determined from data sheets
and are generally divided into noise voltage and noise current values. The noise volt-
age is expressed in the same units as resistor noise (Johnson noise) and can be summed
accordingly. Noise current, however, is heavily dependent on the resistor values sur-
rounding it. As ohms law states, voltage is current times resistance. Thus, the benefits
of low noise op amps can be completely undone by combining them with high value input

Determining The Dominant Noise Source

In complex systems it is beneficial to identify the dominant cause of internal noise. RMS
noise voltages are summed by root sum squaring:

𝑉𝑛𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒 = √(𝑉𝑛1 2 +𝑉𝑛2 2 +𝑉𝑛3 2 ) (4)

Because of this relationship, the noise voltage source that is three to five times higher
can be considered dominant and the rest of the noise source can be ignored to simplify
calculations. Below in figure 4 is an example of this relationship demonstrated with a
simple op amp circuit.

Figure 4: Example of dominant noise source in an op amp circuit. Copied from Analog Devices
(2008) [5]

What this shows is that it is ultimately the choice of resistors that dictates the overall
noise, depending on the resistance values used, not only because of the Johnson noise,
but also due to the op amp current noise relationship. [5]

Electromagnetic interference can also introduce noise into a circuit, with the exception
that here it is considered as coming from an external source. It is equally, if not more
important to limit susceptibility to external noise sources than it is to design for low inter-
nal noise. The methods used for reducing this susceptibility are [6, 26]:

1. Shielding – Refers to using a grounded enclosure to minimize outside noise cou-

2. Filtering – Filter components used in signal or power path either globally or lo-
cally, to block already coupled noise on traces or interconnects from entering
sensitive circuits.

3. Grounding – Solid ground planes and short ground traces used to reduce com-
mon impedance coupling of noise and isolation of sensitive circuits from noisier

Total Harmonic Distortion or THD

This is typical specification for audio applications as it is often used as one of the main
parameters to evaluate the quality of audio equipment. Distortion is nonlinearity of the
signal, with harmonic distortion being the frequency multipliers of an input signal. The
measured value is the ratio of the harmonic amplitude to the input signal amplitude,
quoted as decibels or a percentage. There is no clear consensus what level of distortion
is audible. Some sources state 1%, while others as state that as low as 0.1% can be
distinguished. And also the order of the harmonic distortion matters, as well as whether
or not one is listening to pure sine waves or actual music [7, 9]. The target for this project
will be a distortion figure as low as possible, definitely below 1%, preferably below 0.1%.

2.4.4 Output Impedance

A low output impedance is important in maintain a high damping factor. This is because
the output impedance together with load impedance forms a voltage divider reducing the
available output voltage swing. To make matters worse the impedance of balanced ar-
matures is never constant, but varies with frequency. Thus, the voltage divider also var-
ies with frequency, causing a non-flat frequency response.

20Ω 115Ω
20 log( ) − 20 log( ) = 1.49𝑑𝐵 (5)
20Ω+5Ω 115Ω+5Ω

The impedance varies between 20Ω and 115Ω for frequencies of interest. If we had an
output impedance of >5Ω, it would create a varying voltage divider of the range of
1.49dBV. Clearly not a linear output. For example, in figure 5 below it the impedance
variations of a balanced armature can be seen.


impedance (ohms)
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
frequency (Hz)

Figure 5: Example impedance curve of typical IEM

To further demonstrate the effect of varying series resistance connected to a balance

armature, figure 6 shows a graph from a manufacturer of balanced armatures, which
very clearly show the difference even a small amount of resistance can make.

Figure 6: Effect of series resistance in one type of balanced armature. Copied from Wickstrom

A difference of around 5 dB in SPL on the low frequency response with only 5 Ω of

resistance added in series with the balanced armature. All this means that the circuit
should have an output impedance as close to zero as possible.

2.4.5 Low DC Offset

To prevent damage to headphones, typically almost no DC voltage should be present at

the output. This becomes even more crucial with highly sensitive balanced armatures.
Any excess DC voltage becomes wasted output power and is summed with any signal

fed to the balanced armature increasing the possibility to overload them with excess
power. DC voltage can be blocked at the outputs with capacitors. However, due to the
amount of outputs (three per channel, six in total), and the low impedance of the con-
nected loads (some balanced armatures can be lower than 10 Ω at some frequencies),
these capacitors would have to be unreasonably large considering the limited circuit
board space available.

Because of this the rest of the circuit must be designed with a low dc offset in mind, most
obviously by selecting low offset op amps and taking into account the input bias currents
that together with op amp input resistors generate offset voltages.

3 Filter Design

In this section the calculation and design of basic filters is covered and the available
options for implementing the crossover circuit is explored. First some basic terminology
used with regard to filters.

3.1 Terms

Transfer function and frequency response

The transfer function H(s), is the Laplace transform of a system’s impulse response. It is
the systems output divided by the input in the S domain and it is a description of how a
system responds to an input signal. It can be used as the basis for designing any type of

The frequency response is a representation of the transfer function in the frequency do-
main H(jω), giving the magnitude and phase responses with respect to frequency. A
typical method for displaying frequency response is the bode plot.

Common transfer functions for filters are:

High-pass filter – Attenuates frequencies below its cut off frequency (fc), allowing high
frequency signals to pass
Low-pass filter – Attenuates frequencies above its cut off frequency, allowing low fre-
quency signals to pass
Band-pass filter – Is a combination of high- and low pass filters, having two cut off fre-
quencies, attenuating both above and below the frequency band it allows to pass.
Notch (or band stop) filter– Is the inverse of a bandpass and attenuates the frequency
band between its cut off points.

These ideal transfer functions are illustrated in figure 7. These are the types of filters we
would like to create, but in reality are not possible to achieve.

Figure 7: Ideal responses of different filter types. Copied from Analog Devices [9]

Common filter response parameters are described as follows:

Pass Band
The passband of a filter is the frequency range where the output is above the cut-off
point (fc or -3 dB in most cases) and can be described as the part of the filter that is
passed through with minimal attenuation. In an ideal filter the attenuation at the passband
is zero.

Stop Band
The stopband of a filter is the frequency range defined by the stopband corner frequen-
cies where the attenuation is at least the specified level. In an ideal filter, this attenuation
is infinite, meaning no amount of the input signal is passed through.

Transition band
The transition band is defined by the area between the pass- and stop band corner fre-
quencies. It is essentially as slope, which is defined by the steepness of the attenuation.
In an ideal filter, the transition from passband to stopband is instantaneous and the tran-
sition band would not exist.

Ripple is variations in signal amplitude and can exist in both pass bands and stop bands.
It can be defined as Amax – A min in a given frequency band. In an ideal filter no ripple
exists and the amplitude is constant.

A visual representation of these parameters can be seen in figure 8.


Figure 8: Key filter parameters. Copied from Analog Devices. [9]

Quality factor or Damping ratio

Describes the damping of oscillations in resonant circuits the quality factor can be de-
fined with the function:
𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑑
𝑄=𝜔 (6)
𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑

In practice, filters with high Q have steeper initial roll off near the cut-off point, but have
higher overshoots or ringing, causing ripple in the pass- and stopbands. Quality factor is
often divided into the following categories:

Over damped (Q < 0.707) – This system does not oscillate, but suffers from slow re-
Critically damped (Q = 0.707) – This system does not oscillate and results in the fastest
approach to a steady state as possible without oscillations.
Under damped (Q > 0.707) – This system does oscillate, creating overshoots in transient
response, but also achieves a faster response than the overdamped or critically damped
systems. [10]

Poles & Zeroes

Derived from the transfer function of a system, the roots of the numerator are called
zeros and the roots of the denominator are called poles. A system can have one or more
poles and zeroes. Every pole provides a response of -20dB/decade and every zero
+20dB/decade, respectively.

The order of a filter describes the order of the polynomial of the transfer function or the
number of poles. Or in more general terms, it determines the eventual maximum steep-
ness of the attenuation after initial “knee” of the curve [11, 264]. Several stages of a filter
can be cascaded for a steeper attenuation. However, as each successive stage loads
the previous stages output, the Q values for each stage will change and must be re
calculated when adding stages. This allows for quicker roll off of the attenuated signal
while maintaining the desired filter characteristics. Each successive increase in filter or-
der increases the sharpness of the attenuation. For example a first order filter attenuated
at a rate of 20dB/decade or (6dB/octave as is commonly used in audio applications),
then a second order filter is attenuated 40dB/decade, a third order filter 60dB/decade
and so forth.

3.2 Designing a Filter

From the information above it is possible to design many kinds of theoretical filters by
specifying a type of filter required (high pass, low pass etc.) and taking a suitable transfer
function and transforming it into the response type needed. After that component values
can be calculated if a frequency cut off point and Q values are known. It happens how-
ever that many types of filter responses have been studied and calculated by various
mathematicians over the years, meaning that in practice an engineer can choose one of
those types instead of designing a filter from scratch. Thus, it is common to use one of
the well-known filter transfer functions in when designing a system, with the selection
done based on the desired filter characteristics, depending on system priorities.

3.2.1 Butterworth

Perhaps the most common types of filter, the Butterworth is known as maximally flat,
because it is designed for the flattest passband response. The downsides being a less
steep transition into the stop band and phase delay characteristics. By increasing the
number of poles, the stopband falloff can be steepened. As can be seen in figure 9, the
passband of a Butterworth filter has no ripple, which makes it ideal in audio filters.

Figure 9: Bode plots of single pole Butterworth filter. Copied from Wikipedia [12]

3.2.2 Chebyshev

Chebyshev filters are characterized by a steeper roll-off than Butterworth filters, with the
down side of having more passband (Chebyshev type I) or stopband (Chebyshev type
II) ripple. They are generally used when a very steep attenuation is required and ripple
in the signal is less important.

A Chebyshev filter of order n will have n-1 peaks or dips in its passband response. Thus,
steeper the filter, the more ripple it will have. When designing a Chebyshev filter the
nominal ripple must be specified as it affects the passband gain also. The cut off fre-
quency of a Chebyshev filter is not assumed to be the -3 dB point as with the Butterworth
filter, but instead, the cut-off point is normally the frequency at which the specified ripple
is exceeded. [13]

Figure10: Amplitude plots of Chebyshev type I (above) and type II (below) filters. Copied from
Wikipedia [14]

However, in this application, the flatness of the output frequency bands are the primary
concern, making Chebyshev filters a poor choice in this application. This ripple can be
easily seen from figure 10 above. A case could be made for using type II filters as the
passband is flat, but almost no information was found on using Chebyshev type II filters
for audio, possibly due to poor phase performance, so using it was ruled out as well.

3.2.3 Bessel

The third common type of filter is the Bessel filter. Out of all the types here, it has the
slowest roll off curve, but it is specifically designed for maximally flat phase delay, mean-
ing a linear phase response and, thus the best transient response characteristics. This
is an important feature in crossover systems as when several signals are summed at the
output of the system, any large phase differences between them can certainly become
audible. Because of this, the Bessel filter is often used in crossovers. [15]

3.2.4 Linkwitz-Riley

The Linkwitz-Riley infinite impulse response filter was developed to overcome the prob-
lems caused by these prior filter types in crossover systems. It is based on the Butter-
worth filter and is also called Butterworth squared [16].

It consists of two cascaded Butterworth filters, each stage with a cut-off point of -3dB.
This creates a total of -6dB at the cut-off fc, that when summed, the low pass and high

pass filter have a gain of 0dB at the crossover point, resulting in a flat passband through-
out. Compared to a Butterworth, the Linkwitz-Riley filter also has a linear phase response
on the passband. Since one second order Linkwitz-Riley section has a phase difference
of 180° between high and low pass signals, the cascaded fourth order filter appears fully
in phase with a 360° phase delay. This results in an overall zero phase difference be-
tween all output signals. [17] The difference between Butterworth and Linkwitz-Riley am-
plitudes at the crossover point is illustrated in figure 11.

Figure 11: Comparison of Linkwitz-Riley filters and Butterworth filters in crossovers. Copied from
Wikipedia [16]

Because of these properties a fourth order Linkwitz-Riley type filter was used for this
circuit. The calculations required for designing a Linkwitz-Riley filter are as follows [18]:

Low pass:
𝑄 = √(𝐶1 ⁄𝐶2 ) (7)
𝑓0 = (8)
2𝜋∗𝑅∗√(𝐶1 ∗𝐶2 )

𝑅= (9)
2𝜋∗2𝑄∗𝑓0 ∗𝐶2

𝐶1 = 4 ∗ 𝑄2 ∗ 𝐶2 (10)

And similarly for high pass:

𝑄 = √(𝑅2 ⁄𝑅1 ) (11)

𝑓0 = (12)
2𝜋∗𝐶√(𝑅1 ∗𝑅2 )

𝑅= (13)
2𝜋∗2𝑄∗𝑓0 ∗𝐶

𝐶= (14)
2𝜋∗𝑓0 ∗𝑅2

These equations together with the follow Q values in table 1 allow the design of any order
of Linkwitz-Riley filter.

Table1: Q values for Different-Order Linkwitz Riley Filters. Copied from Linkwitz [18]
LR2 LR4 LR6 LR8 LR10
Q0 of stage 1 0.5 0.71 0.5 0.54 0.5
Q0 of stage 2 - 0.71 1.0 1.34 0.62
Q0 of stage 3 - - 1.0 0.54 1.62
Q0 of stage 4 - - - 1.34 0.62
Q0 of stage 5 - - - - 1.62
dB/octave slope 12 24 36 48 60

3.3 Active Filter Topologies

There are several different ways of implementing the chosen filter response with active
circuits. This section explores a few of the most common active filter topologies. As with
response types of the previous section, each has its own benefits and drawbacks, with
no clear all around best type.

3.3.1 Sallen & Key

Possibly the most common active filter layout is the Sallen & Key. They are simple to
design and implement, with the fewest possible components. A good choice for simple

The drawbacks include, difficult tunability as two pairs of passive components must be
closely matched, and high bandwidth requirements for the op amps used, because as
the frequency rises, so does the effective output impedance. This changes the way the
feedback component (R and 2C in figure 12 below) behaves. With low pass filters the
attenuation bottoms out at some frequency, before starting to rise again due to the added
impedance in the feedback loop [19, 141]. A Sallen & Key implementation of a two way
crossover can be seen in figure 12.

Figure 12: Sallen & Key layout of a two-way crossover (high- & low pass). Copied from Linkwitz

3.3.2 State Variable

Another type of filter implementation considered here is the state variable. It has the
benefit of providing easy tunability, as only one resistor controls the Q and only one
passive component needs to be changed for changing the frequency cut off on each
second order stage. This also means smaller passive component count. Figure 13
shows a Linkwitz-Riley implementation of a state variable topology.

Figure 13: 4th order Linkwitz-Riley 2 way crossover (high- & low pass). Copied from Bohn [20]

The drawbacks include increased complexity of the feedback circuits and an additional
active component required per channel. These drawbacks make the PCB design signif-
icantly more troublesome with the small board size used. That is the reason why the
state variable design was abandoned for this project, after some attempts at a PCB lay-
out, in favor of Sallen & Key for this design

4 Schematic Design

With the core elements (that is the filters) now specified, it is possible to design the entire
schematic around them. Starting off with a general block diagram of the entire circuit,
each stage is then shown and explained in more detail. The schematic and successive
PCB layout (detailed in chapter 5) were done with Cadsoft Eagle. The full schematics
can be seen in appendix 1.

4.1 Block Diagram

The following block diagram illustrated in figure 14 is the planned layout of the core func-
tionalities of the signal path of the circuit, starting from the input through the filters and
terminating to the outputs to be connected to the in-ear monitors. Only one channel is
shown here and it must be duplicated for stereo operation.
Output High
Highpass Output
level frequency
filter buffer
adjust output

Output Mid
Audio Volume Input Bandpass Output
RF filter level frequency
Input control buffer filter buffer
adjust output

Output Low
Lowpass Output
level frequency
filter buffer
adjust output

Figure 14: Block diagram of the crossover circuit (one channel shown)

4.2 Input

The input section contains a common 3.5mm headphone jack followed immediately by
RF filtering components: a series ferrite and a shunt capacitor. This forms a radio fre-
quency filter to block RF interference coupling into the circuit through the input intercon-
nect cable. It is followed by DC blocking capacitors, a volume control potentiometer and
input buffer. Because this circuit is designed to be connected to a wide array of audio
sources, some of which can have harmful DC offset voltage at their output, the DC block-
ing capacitors are there to ensure no DC offset voltage enters the circuit from the source.
The capacitor values must be chosen so that the high pass filter it forms together with
the potentiometer resistance parallel with the input buffer resistor (10kΩ) gives a corner
frequency well below 20Hz to pass all of the audible frequency range. In the worst case
of the volume pot turned fully up we have roughly 5kΩ across the input to ground. In this
case we calculate it as:

𝐶> [𝐹] (15)

This tells us that a minimum of 1.6µF is required.

The input buffer is simply a unity gain operational amplifier to provide a high impedance
input to be seen by the source equipment to ensure the circuit can be drive from virtually
all audio sources. Figure 15 illustrates this input buffer.

Figure 15: Input buffer

The output of the input buffer is then divided into the various filters that make up the main
part of the circuit.

4.3 High Pass Filter

The high pass filter provides frequencies above a set corner frequency to be fed into to
the tweeter element (transducer with good high frequency response) of the in-ear moni-
tors. It is a Sallen & Key active filter topology with two second order filters combined to
create a fourth order filter with 24dB/octave attenuation. The high pass section can be
seen in figure 16.

Figure 16: Fourth order high pass filter


From the Linkwitz-Riley equations in the previous section, the equations of R and C
can be derived.

𝑄 = √(𝑅7 ⁄𝑅5 ) (16)

Since Q = 0.707 (Table 1):

= 0.5 (17)

All capacitor values are equal, and the values of R and C are:
𝑅7 , 𝑅9 = (18)
2𝜋∗2𝑄∗𝑓0 ∗𝐶
𝐶= (19)
2𝜋∗2𝑄∗𝑓0 ∗𝑅5

Where R5 and R8 are twice the value of R7 and R9.

Now we are free to choose either a resistance or capacitance value and calculate the
other for whatever frequency is needed. In practice it is probably easier to choose a ca-
pacitance first since they are available in fewer components values, often following the
E24 table (1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.7 10 etc.)

4.4 Low Pass Filter

The low pass filter provides frequencies above a set corner frequency to be fed into to
the woofer element (driver with good low frequency response) of the in-ear monitors. It
is of the same Sallen-Key design as the high pass filter but of a low pass type. The input
of the low pass filter is taken from the output of the band pass filters low pass section,
instead of directly from the input buffer. This is done to keep the correct phase alignment
between the different output signals [21]. Figure 17 shows the low pass filter.

Figure 17: Fourth order low pass filter


The R and C values are calculated in a similar way than the high pass, with the exception
that this time the ration of the capacitors determine the Q value:
𝑄 = √(𝐶17 ⁄𝐶18 ) (20)

And again Q = 0.707 (Table 1):

= 0.5 (21)

And the equations for the components are (all resistors are equal valued):
𝑅= (22)
2𝜋∗2𝑄∗𝑓0 ∗𝐶18

𝐶18 , 𝐶19 = (23)
2𝜋∗2𝑄∗𝑓0 ∗𝑅

Where C17 and C20 are twice C18 and C19. Again it should be easier to start by se-
lecting capacitors first and then calculating the needed resistance.

4.5 Band Pass Filter

The band pass filter is simply a combined set of high- and low pass filters described
previously to provide the frequency range between the other two outputs (high and low
outputs). The band pass filter is set so that its upper corner frequency(low passed out)
equals the corner frequency of the high pass filter described above (in section 4.3) and
its lower corner frequency (high passed output) equals the low pass filter’s (4.4) corner
frequency. This gives a total of three different outputs with two crossover frequencies in
between them and should give a summed flat frequency response in total. Only one
channel was described here. A second identical set of filters is required for stereo oper-

In appendix 2, all possible crossover frequencies are calculated with available chip com-
ponents and limitations of those values are discussed more in the component selection
chapter. To adapt this design to different frequency cut-off points, one can simply choose
from that table.

4.6 Output

Each of the six outputs consists of one op amp set to unity gain to buffer the individual
filter outputs so that they “see” a constant high impedance load and thus are not affected
by the impedance variations of the balanced armature loads and with the exception of
the input voltage divider value, all six outputs are identical. This voltage divider at the
input of each op amp (resistors R22 and R23 in the picture above), is there to provide
the ability to individually adjust the level of each output. This is important as the different
balanced armatures have varying sensitivities and some need to be attenuated more
than others. The output buffer can be seen in figure 18.

Figure 18: Output buffer

There is also a small value resistor on the output of the op amp to provide short circuit
protection when the earphones are connected or disconnected. When disconnecting the
headphone connectors, the audio jacks can be briefly short circuited. The resistor should
be placed inside the feedback loop to keep it from raising the effective output impedance
[22]. This resistor also serves to help stabilize the op amp in case of capacitive loads, by
increasing its phase margin by a small amount [23].

A ferrite bead at the output (L1 in the image above) was meant for further helping the op
amps deal with high load capacitances [22], however proto board testing showed no
discernible benefit in using ferrites in this part of the design, so the ferrites were discarded
from the circuit.

4.7 Power supply

Power is provided by a 3.7V lithium-ion battery. Since batteries have rather clean voltage
output with very little voltage ripple or noise, it was deemed unnecessary to provide ad-
ditional voltage regulation to its output. A 220µF reservoir capacitor with a small bypass
capacitor is placed parallel to the battery to provide for instantaneous power draw in
order to maintain adequate supply at all times.

Operational amplifiers generally need a positive and negative voltage supply in audio
applications to provide an output voltage swing that is centered on half the total supply
voltage. To provide for this dual supply from a single battery, a virtual ground was created
for the circuit. This means using a reference voltage of exactly half the supply voltage for
the signal path.

Figure 19: Virtual ground divider

Virtual ground circuits can be implemented simply by using a resistive divider in the sup-
ply to create a reference of VCC/2. In this circuit the resistive divider is also buffered with
an operational amplifier to ensure reference point stability and a low impedance ground
and is illustrated in figure 19. A capacitor is placed parallel to one of the dividing resistors
(C23 in figure 19), providing a low impedance path for AC to ground, so any voltage
ripple will not shift the reference point and no resistor noise will enter [24].

When selecting this op amp it is important to check that it is able to sink the current of
the entire load to be connected, thus the entire circuit and connected loads, since all load
return currents flow through this circuit.

Battery charging is provided with a Microchip MCP73831 lithium ion charge controller. It
is specified for a charging current 450mA with a programming resistor of 2.2kΩ. It is
utilized using Microchip’s own reference design from the component datasheet. R32 sets
the charging current with the following formula:

1000𝑉 1000𝑉
𝐼= = = 454𝑚𝐴 (24)
𝑅32 2.2𝑘 Ω

4.7uF electrolytic capacitors are placed at the input and output of the charge controller
to ensure stability, as the reference suggests. A LED in series with a 470Ω resistor pro-
vides a charging indicator. The LED glows while charging and is turned off once the
battery charging is complete. The charging circuit is shown in figure 20.

Figure 20: Battery charging circuit

4.8 Simulation

Before commencing with the actual PCB design, this schematic was modelled in Na-
tional Instruments’ Multisim software and simulated to check crossover functionality.
This was done to minimize any mistakes prior to spending numerous hours on the PCB
layout. It effectively limits any problems encountered to real world effects such as com-
ponent tolerances and parasitic effects of layout traces, external noise sources and
generally, any unplanned issues. As can be seen from the simulated bode plots in ap-
pendix 3, the circuit does work at least in theory as specified.

5 PCB Design

Chapter 5 describes the process and considerations made during the layout process of
the circuit board. As with the schematic, it was also made using Cadsoft Eagle software.
Numerous revisions of the circuit board layout were eventually made, not all of which will
be covered in this paper, and only the differences of the ones manufactured will be dis-
cussed in the next chapter. This chapter will go through the common design aspects of
all the revisions. All PCB board designs can be found in appendix 4.

5.1 Circuit Board Size

Since this is meant to be a portable design, small form factor must be attained. Small is
an arbitrary quantity, so the following criteria was applied. Length and width of the device
should not greatly exceed the size of an average smart phone or mp3 player. Additionally
the width should only be just enough to fit the necessary panel components (output jacks
and volume pot being the largest components on the front, and thus dictate the minimum
width). The height should be only enough to accommodate the highest internal compo-
nent, which in this case is the volume potentiometer (11.35 mm).

Browsing through commonly available electronics enclosures, a Hammond 1455xx se-

ries enclosure was the most suitable choice due to its dimensions and availability. It has
internal slots sliding in and holding in place a circuit board with the dimensions of 80 mm
x 50 mm. This sets the design goal for the board size.

5.2 General Layout Practices

Whenever possible, good layout practices where attempted to uphold when designing
the PCB. Compromises had to be made along the way; this section details these layout
practices and whether or not it was feasible to implement them.

5.2.1 Ground Planes

A solid ground plane is the preferred design method mentioned in many works [9], [25].
However due to the high component count and the manufacturing of prototypes on two
layer boards, this is not at all possible to implement here. It is attempted to connect
grounds at several points with vias in order to achieve some semblance of ground plane
with as many low impedance return current paths as possible. This is to reduce common
impedance coupling in the ground path (as mentioned in the design specifications) [6].

5.2.2 Short Traces

Minimizing impedance and thus coupling from other traces and noise sources is im-
portant so trace lengths and thus inductive loop sizes should be kept as small as possi-
ble. This was the main factor considered when placing components on the board: certain
parts like input and output connectors and volume control had to be placed in certain
logical spots for usability, so the rest of the components were placed in a manner to have
the signal go from A to B in as short a route as possible. For example input buffers are
placed close to the volume control and output buffers are close to the output connectors.

5.2.3 Power Rail Decoupling

All operational amplifiers use decoupling capacitors placed as close as possible to their
power pins. Since this is a single supply design only a single decoupling capacitor is
used for each device from the power rail to ground. No definite research results were
found on whether or not the virtual ground should also be decoupled to the positive sup-
ply and ground, so due to space limitations this option was not explored. Also, in order
to save board space some op amps are placed directly opposite each other (one on the
top layer, other on the bottom) in order to share a decoupling capacitor. This might end
up degrading high frequency ripple rejection of the op amps and maybe increasing cross-
talk, but compromises have to be made in order to fit the circuitry on the board.

5.2.4 RF Rejection

In addition to attempting a good grounding scheme as mentioned above, also shielding

and RF filtering was employed to reject outside noise from coupling into the circuit. The
signal input of the design employs a single pole RC filter with a corner frequency in the
MHz range (values vary with design version).

Since practical usage experiments showed some susceptibility to cell phone TDMA noise
from time to time the location of this RC filter was moved significantly closer to the input
connector. Previously any noise conducted on the input signal lines had the opportunity
to travel the entire length of the circuit board before reaching the RF filter. This means it
is possible that noise was radiated from those long signal traces inside to other parts of
the circuit before filtering could take effect.

The supply ground is also connected to the system enclosure, which is made of alumin-
ium. This provides some shielding against outside sources as well. In early versions of
the product an enclosure with plastic end panels was used. This degrades shielding ef-
fectiveness, so for further versions (version 3 onwards) aluminium end panels will be
machined for a more complete shield.

6 Component Selection

With a functional circuit board done, all that is left for a finished product is to populate
the board with components. With a seemingly endless variety of different suitable active
and passive components, based on different manufacturing methods, technologies and
raw material, choosing the optimal parts can be just as impactful to the end result as the
schematic design and circuit board layouts. In order to not deteriorate the performance
of this design a careful look at all components should made before placing them on the

6.1 Operational Amplifiers

Selection criteria for operational amplifiers in this application as follows:

Gain-Bandwidth Product should be 40dB or 100 times above your maximum gain at
the used bandwidth, when designing active filters with a Sallen & Key configuration [26].
Doing so ensures enough open loop gain for the feedback loop, through the entire band-
width [27]. The required GBW can be calculated with the following formula:

𝐺𝐵𝑊 = 100 ∗ 20𝑘𝐻𝑧 ∗ 𝑄 ∗ 𝐺𝑎𝑖𝑛 (25)

Which in our case gives a GBW of 1.42 MHz

Slew Rate refers to an op amps maximum rate of change, meaning its ability to react to
quick changes in the signal voltage. It limits maximum usable frequencies and output
voltage. In this design the maximum frequency is 20 kHz and the maximum output peak
voltage is roughly 4.2 V. So the slew required slew rate can be calculated as:

SR = 2π × 4.2V × 20kHz = 0.58 (26)

Noise, here again lower is always better. Since the passive components contribute to
the most the noise in the circuit the limit for this value can be set at roughly the same as
for the resistors. A value of 15 nV/Hz is the Johnson noise of a 10kΩ resistor (chosen as
the maximum desirable value in the resistor selection section), and it is also a good limit
for op amps. In addition the 1/f noise corner should be as low as possible, because the
1/f noise starts to rise very rapidly below its corner frequency. A value well below 100 Hz
would be preferable. [27]

Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise. Most op modern op amps have very low THD val-
ues, often well below 0.1%. That is why this figure is not critical, since most of the THD
in this circuit is expected to originate form passive components, especially chip capaci-

Minimum supply voltage less than 3V. Most operational amplifiers require at least 5V
supply voltage to work. Since this application is utilizing only a single lithium ion cell, that
can drop as low as 3V, the op amp must be rated to operate below 3V.

Rail to rail output. With the operating voltage limited to only 3.7V, rail to rail operation
is important to ensure maximum possible output voltage swing from the operational am-
plifiers. In this case the maximum attainable RMS voltage output with the nominal battery
voltage of 3.7V is

= 1.3𝑉 (27)

This value will be higher when the battery is fully charged and will drop considerably
when almost depleted. Luckily, most low voltage operational amplifiers are rail to rail by
design, making maximal use of the limited supply voltage.

Unity gain stable. In this design all operational amplifiers are configured for unity gain
(a gain of 0dB), but some operational amplifiers are unstable at unity gain and can oscil-
late. Here chosen op amps must be specified unity gain stable.

DC Voltage offset. Since the output of this units are dc coupled, care must be taken in
choosing op amps with minimal dc offset. Excess dc voltage at the output could easily
damage the very sensitive balanced armature speakers. Values below 0.5mV are
deemed acceptable here.

Low Iq, or quiescent current. With a total of 25 op amps in this crossover system, it is
important to keep the total current consumption low to conserve battery life. Iq values
below 2mA are deemed acceptable here because it will keep the overall idle current
below 50mA, ensuring a long battery life from any decent sized lithium battery.

The output buffers and virtual ground divider have a few additional criteria to meet as
they connected directly to the load. The following additional criteria apply to the op amps
connected directly to the load.

Low output impedance. Because the output of the circuit will be connected to a low
impedance load (range between 5Ω-100Ω), the output impedance of the output buffer
must be below 1Ω at frequencies up to 20kHz to ensure proper damping for the load (as
explained in the design specifications).

Output current. The operational amplifiers must be able to source (output buffers) and
sink (virtual ground divider) the current drawn by the load in all circumstances. For the
output buffers this is not a problem since each one only has to supply current for a single
output, but the virtual ground divider must sink the combined return currents for all six
loads. To estimate the current requirement we need to do some calculations. The cur-
rents are higher with lower impedance loads, so we can calculate with the worst case
scenario, or in other words the lowest impedance. Having measured impedance curves
of various balanced armatures, it has been found that the lowest impedance tend around
15 ohms at low frequencies with averages around 25 to 60 ohms. These were calculated
with a maximum output voltage of 500mVAC RMS. Realistically this voltage will not ever
be reached as 200mV is often more than enough to drive all balanced armatures at high
volume levels, but it is prudent to have plenty of overhead. Putting all of this together we

6∗ = 200𝑚𝐴 (28)

Thus, we would need an op amp with at least 200mA of output current capability to meet
this criteria. Now this is grossly overestimated value and an output current capability of
half that would most likely be sufficient, because the average load impedances are more
than twice the ones used in the calculation above and the output voltages significantly

Phase Margin refers to an op amps phase relative to -180° at its unity gain frequency.
All op amps have phase delay, meaning the output signal lags behind the input by some
amount. The phase is highly important with op amp stability when using feedback (as
nearly all op amps circuits do). If the total phase delay exceeds 360° the feedback be-
comes positive, causing the op amp to oscillate. Since the feedback is connected to the
inverting input, which adds -180 compared to the input, phase margin is measured rela-
tive to -180°. Even though any number above zero is stable other factors such as capac-
itive loads can add to the phase shift causing instability. In practice phase margins above
45° is considered adequate and 60° is ideal [27]

Ability to drive capacitive loads. As explained above, some operational amplifiers can
become unstable if connected to capacitive loads. In this application long interconnect
wires can create such a capacitive loads and cause oscillations in some operational am-
plifiers. The amount of acceptable load capacitance is sometimes mentioned in
datasheets and is useful to keep in mind when selecting components. The higher the
acceptable capacitance, the better.

Based on the criteria set above, a number of possible op amps for this design were
gathered and compiled in table 2 below. There are nearly endless more possibilities that
cannot all be explored, and here the selection was limited to Texas instruments and
Analog Devices op amps.

Table 2: Operational amplifier choices based on criteria described above, for filters and buffers.

Op amp Noise DC offset Output impedance Iq Price*


AD8694 8 nV/√Hz 400 uV <1Ω @ 100kHz 0.95 mA 2,45 €

AD824 16 nV/√Hz 200uV 1.5 Ω @ 20kHz 500 uA 9,78 €

OP484 3.9 nV/√Hz 300uV MAX <10Ω @ 100kHz 2 mA 9,40 €

OP462 9.5 nV/√Hz 50 uV ~25Ω @ 1MHz 500 uA 8,24 €

AD8604 33 nV/√Hz 350 uV <5 Ω @ 20kHz 680 uA 2,42 €

AD8618 10 nV/√Hz 80 uV 3Ω @ 1MHz 1.7 mA 5,63 €

AD8608 8 nV/√Hz 20uV 1Ω @ 1MHz 1.2mA 3,79 €

*Price in Euros at as of November 2015


As we can see from the chart there is a compromise between performance, price and
power consumption. It was at the designer’s discretion to prioritize between these pa-

In different versions of the design, both AD8694 and AD8608 were used. Both op amps
have very similar specifications, the main difference being a much lower DC offset in the
AD8608, at the expense of slightly higher current draw and cost.

6.2 Capacitors

Considering the size limitations of the printed circuit board, all passive components are
to be kept as surface mount components as they have a smaller footprint than through
hole types. Surface mount capacitors are available in several different dielectric materi-
als, but due limitations on cost, size and available capacitance values, ceramics were
considered as the only viable choice. The capacitance values needed to produce the
desired crossover frequencies are in a range between a few nano Farads to a few micro
Farads. Smaller capacitance values would be affected by parasitic capacitances in the
PCB, that could affect crossover performance and higher capacitances in ceramic ca-
pacitors aren’t readily available.

6.2.1 High K Ceramic Type

The most common dielectric type for ceramic capacitors is High K type commonly known
as X5R or X7R. They are cheap and easily available in a wide range of sizes and capac-
itance values. The drawbacks of High K ceramics, are their distortion characteristics, and
piezo electric effects. A general consensus exists, that these types of capacitors should
not be used in the audio signal path [28]. These can still be used as power supply de-
coupling capacitors where the harmonic distortion is not an issue.

6.2.2 C0G/NP0 Ceramic Type

Less common and more expensive, the C0G/NP0 type capacitors exhibit far less distor-
tion than the High K capacitors, making them a more suitable choice for high quality
audio applications where a small form factor is required. These capacitors however are
many times more expensive and not readily available in higher capacitance values po-
tentially needed for filters at lower frequencies. This capacitance limitation necessitated
a need to employ parallel capacitors to create a filter with a low frequency cut-off point
(low frequency output of the crossover) without using very high resistances. See appen-
dix 1 for details on all attainable crossover frequencies with different capacitor types.

6.3 Resistors

As with the capacitors, only surface mount resistor are suitable in this application. Re-
sistance values used in this application range from around 1kΩ to 50kΩ to achieve de-
sirable filter corner frequencies. Using higher value resistors introduce more Johnson
noise, thus it is preferable to keep the values as low as possible. However, low resistance
values require the use of higher capacitances to reach lower filter cut-off frequencies,
which might only be possible to implement with the lesser performing High K capacitors.
This creates the need for a compromise between the noise from resistors and distortion
from the capacitors. Also the loading of the previous filter stage should be kept in mind,
as low resistances can create a high current draw from the previous stage. An ideal
balance can only be found out through experimentation. In most parts of the circuit values
of less than 15k Ω are used to minimize noise.

Surface mount resistors are available in several sizes. In addition to taking up space the
size of the component affects its performance too. Noise and linearity characteristics
change with the resistor power rating, which is also directly proportional to its size. The
larger the component, the less noise and distortion it causes, this can be seen in the
charts in appendix 5. For this reason 1206 size resistor are used in the audio signal path
of this design

SMD resistors can be divided into two types: thick film and thin film. Generally easily
available in a wide range of values with low cost the thick film resistors are by far the
most common type of surface mount resistor. They can be used in designs where a high
degree of accuracy or noise are not critical.

More costly than thick films, thin film resistors exhibit more stable temperature coeffi-
cients, less deviation through aging and lower current noise values and better linearity.
In this application thermal coefficients are not crucial as a very low power device, no
significant heating up of the components is expected. Whereas the thermal noise is not
affected by the type of resistor used, the current noise however is. The current noise has
a 1/f spectral distribution, meaning it is more pronounced in lower frequencies. From
figure 21 below we can see that above 1 kHz the thermal noise becomes the dominant
noise source and the effect of the current noise can effectively be ignored. [29]

Figure 21: Spectral distribution noise in resistors. Copied from Vishay [29]

Since, in an audio circuit frequencies below 1 kHz are important the use of thin film re-
sistor is beneficial of thick film types. For maximizing cost efficiency a case could be
made for using thick film components in the high passed signal chain as the noisier low
frequencies would be filtered out, at the expense of a more complex bill of materials.

Linearity is also a factor to be considered when choosing resistors. Thin film types exhibit
a more linear frequency response, which means less distortion or THD. A more detailed
comparison between thin film and thick film resistors can be seen in the resistor compar-
ison charts in appendix 5.

6.4 Connectors

While the input connector is a standard 3.5mm audio jack, the output connectors were
somewhat more problematic to implement. This is because there are six output channels
to drive and no standard audio connector accommodates that. What was needed is a
solution that is small enough to fit on the enclosure and PCB, and also be practical on
the headphone cable. As mentioned in the introduction, this system requires the ear-
phones to be purpose-built for it. This allowed the designer to freely choose whatever
type of connector was deemed most practical. After exploring various options such as

DIN connectors (no proper locking mechanism, thus prone to coming loose) and mini
XLR (7 pin version are rare and expensive, and also male connector very bulky), two 4-
pin 3.5mm audio jack connectors were the final choice. With two smaller connectors
instead of one large one, each will be connected to one IEM (left and right channels).

The cable used in the prototype IEMs consisted of two thin 3.5mm plug audio cables
connected together with a braided sleeve. The result was barely thicker than a normal
headphone cable, thus a practical choice.

All the components in each version of the system can be seen on the bill of materials in
appendix 6.

7 Measurement and analysis

7.1 Test Methods and Equipment

The initial specifications from section 2 of this thesis are to be measured and analysed
in order to conclude whether or not this project is a success. Here the tools and methods
are explained for each spec to be measured, with the full specifications of the test equip-
ment in appendix 7.

Brymen BM867s Multimeter

This very accurate multimeter was used for measuring the output DC offset, output im-
pedance, channel balance, total current consumption, virtual ground reference voltage
and power supply voltages.

Velleman PCSU 200 USB Oscilloscope

The Velleman USB scope is a handy tool for general testing and trouble shooting. Its
specs are not good enough for accurate testing of noise and THD figures, but it does an
adequate job for measuring the output bode plots (crossover cut-off frequency points
and phase difference between outputs) and maximum output levels before clipping.

ESI ESP1010 Sound Card & ARTA Software

Noise and distortion figures were measured using ARTA spectrum analyser software,
with ESI ESP1010 computer soundcard providing the necessary AD and DA conversion.

Some of the measurements are quite basic and require no detailed explanation on how
they concluded. A few of the more complex measurement procedure will be explained
here in more detail.

7.1.1 Bode Plots

Bode plots were made with the Velleman USB oscilloscope, as it has the functionality to
automatically graph the frequency response of a system, making the measurement very
quick and easy. Both amplitude and phase responses were graphed. Each frequency
band output is separately measured in its own graph, for both left and right channels. In
addition a combined graph of the full bandwidth output for both left and right channels
was made. Another thing to note is that the outputs are not equal in amplitude to one
another. This is because the different balanced armature used in testing have very dif-
ferent sensitivities and the outputs were adjusted to suit the designers’ subjective pref-
erence. Below in table 3 are all crossover frequencies and output levels for the different

Table 3: Crossover frequencies and output levels

Low End Mid-Range High End
1st version 112Hz (adjustable 112Hz - 2800Hz 2800Hz (-0dB)
level) (-12.45dB)
2nd Version 85Hz (-12.7dB) 85Hz-1023Hz 1023Hz (-2.5dB)
3rd version 68Hz (-12.7dB) 68Hz-2000Hz (-9.5dB) 2000Hz (0dB)

7.1.2 Output Impedance

To measure the output impedance, the input of the device under test connected to the
function generator of the Velleman oscilloscope outputting a sinewave. The frequency of
the sine wave was chosen to be in the pass band of each output under test (50 Hz for
the low pass, 1 kHz for the band pass and 10 kHz for the high pass). The output was
adjusted to about 100mV. Then a 10Ω (measured exactly 10.00Ω with the multimeter)
resistor was connected to the output and the new output voltage recorded. As this load
resistor forms a voltage divider with the output impedance, using ohms law the following
equation can be derived:

𝑍𝑂𝑈𝑇 = 𝑅𝐿𝑂𝐴𝐷 ∗ ( − 1) (29)

And with that we calculate all output impedances from all design version into the table
below (full table with intermediary voltages in appendix 8).

7.1.3 THD and THD+N

The distortion was measured by hooking up the device to the Inputs and outputs to the
ESP1010 sound card and generating a 1 kHz signal to the input and measuring the out-
put with the ARTA software. Since the crossovers output are divided into three different
frequency bands they were all tied together with 470Ω resistors to create a passive sum-
ming network. This full range output was then measured. Normally audio equipment is
measured with around -3dBV (0.707V RMS) output or so, but since this device will not
be with used signals of such high amplitude, THD was measured with an output of -20
dBV (100mV) as this is provides a reasonable listening level. Using higher signal levels
would provide better specifications on paper, but it was considered more honest to meas-
ure levels that could conceivably be used with an actual balanced armature load.

7.1.4 Noise Floor

The noise floor or background noise level was measured with the same setup as the
distortion, but with the exception that no input signal was used. The resulting spectrum
analyser view will yield the noise floor of the system. This could be used to compute a
signal-to-noise ratio, which is the ratio between the average noise level and average
signal level. Moreover the dynamic range value can also be concluded which is the ratio
between the noise floor and maximum level before clipping. [30] There are some prob-
lems with this though. As each individual output is attenuated to a different signal level,
each would have their own signal to noise ratios. Furthermore those output levels are
rather significantly attenuated compared to the input and other outputs (a difference of -
12dB or more), the dynamic range of the system would be considerably higher than the
signal-to-noise ratio. As the dynamic range depends on the battery voltage level of the
system which varies, and since there would be several signal to noise ratios between
outputs, it was decided to provide only the noise floor figure as that is common to the
entire circuit and all outputs.

7.2 Design Revisions

Even though the very first prototype worked, throughout the design process some trial
and error has provided additional insights, based on which improvement ideas were de-
veloped. Here the variations and improvements are explained and test results for each
revision are shown. At least a dozen different design revisions were laid out on cad soft-
ware, some with branching objectives differing from the initial specifications and out of
those, three different circuit revisions were actually produced.

7.2.1 Initial Prototype

The initial prototype or first manufactured version was made basically as a proof of con-
cept. The main goal was to see that the crossover would work with the calculated fre-
quencies and relatively little consideration was spent on component selection and de-
tailed circuit layout.

The passive components are of unknown brand and technology, sourced cheaply
through eBay. The components values were not considered beyond the calculation of
the frequency cut-off points. The operational amplifiers are partly the same as in later
version, and thus their specifications were thoroughly checked to meet the criteria laid
out in chapter 6.

7.2.2 Second Version

This second version corrects some of the mistakes made in the initial prototype. The
main problem was some audible background noise when no music was playing. To cor-
rect this all resistor values were lowered, with an absolute maximum value set at 50kΩ
and ideally attempting to keep most of the values below 10kΩ.

Another point was to source all components from a reputable supplier

( and use well-known brands. All resistors are thin film types to keep
noise and distortion to minimum. Chip capacitors are High K ceramics (X7R dielectric),
as this enables a very wide choice of crossover frequencies. The crossover frequencies
were changed for experimentation purposes, but it is entirely possible to use the same
frequencies as in version 1 if necessary.

The PCB design was modified to improve grounding and incorporates some limited use
of ground planes for the virtual ground and power supply ground. This was almost en-
tirely missing in the first version.

The op amps were partly changed. In version 2 all op amps are AD8608s as opposed to
just having them as the input and output buffers. These op amps are slightly better per-
forming and are expected be the reason behind the reduce output DC offset and imped-

Other smaller changes include the elimination of trimmer resistors at the low frequency
output level adjust. They were placed in the initial version to easily adjust low frequency
output, but were deemed unpractical and took up too much valuable board space. Also
a quite loud “thump” could be heard during power up and power down in the first version.
These occur during powering transient period and while they were too small to be accu-
rately measured with the equipment on hand, they can easily be heard through the IEMs
connected to the output.

In version 2 it was attempted to correct it by placing the main power supply reservoir
capacitor before the power switch, so they would not draw high currents during power
on [22]. And in version 2 this thump, though still slightly audible, it was considerably
reduced from version 1.

7.2.3 Final Version Including Added DAC Section

The third version is a major overhaul of the design, since it includes an on-board USB
digital to analog converter. This DAC was not part of the initial plan laid out, but rather
the idea for its inclusion came about after the battery charging connector was changed
to a more practical mini USB connector from the initial DC barrel connector. Since the
DAC was not part of the initial specifications, but rather is an extra feature, it will not be
discussed in detail in this paper. Only the analog sections of all designs are compared
and analysed.

The analog portion of the circuit underwent a number of changes too in version 3. This
time around, after studying the difference between different types of ceramic capacitors
(as explained in chapter 6), a change to C0G capacitors were made for the entire analog

signal path. This also necessitated some changes in the crossover frequencies as the
choices become more limited with these components.

The PCB layout is also very different, not only due to the inclusion of the DAC section,
but the ground connections were again improved from version 2. Because of the inclu-
sion of a far greater amount of components, and the resulting tight layout of components,
the third board was not attempted to be milled at Metropolia, but instead it was manufac-
tured at a professional board house.

7.3 Test Results

Here is a summary of the test results and brief discussion on what they mean in practice.
The full test results for all versions can be found in appendix 8.

7.3.1 Frequency Response

The core crossover functionality worked very well from the very first version. Bode plots
of all outputs show flat passbands and a consistent 60dB/decade slope down to -60dBV
when the oscilloscope noise floor prevented further accuracy. There is no measurable
phase shift in version 1, precisely as planned. In version 2, however there is a noticeable
phase difference of about 21 degrees between the mid-range and high outputs. Because
there is no phase shift between the low end and the mid-range, it was concluded that
this error was due to component value tolerances and not a problem in the circuit itself.
Checking and changing the component values would solve the phase error. Version 3
fixes the phase discrepancy, as it only has 6 degrees of phase difference at the higher
crossover point and less than 1 degree at the lower crossover point. These small phase
differences in version 3 will not be audible.

Detailed bode plots (with amplitude and phase) of all individual outputs of all versions
can be found in appendix 8. One thing to note is that the phase plots are highly inaccurate
on the stop band of the signal and should be disregarded.

7.3.2 Output Impedance

Versions 1 and 2 have a very small output impedances, but in a few of the outputs of
version 1 the impedance goes above 1Ω which can create a small change in the output
frequency response when connected a low impedance load. Output impedances show

an improvement in version 2, where the result are excellent. All the output impedances
can be seen from table 4 below.

Table 4: Output Impedances

Output Impedance
1st version 2nd Version 3rd version
High @ 10kHz 1.48 Ω 0.09Ω 0.046 Ω
Left Channel Mid @ 1kHz 1.51Ω 0.09Ω 0.064 Ω
Low @ 50 Hz 0.57Ω 0.29Ω 0.082 Ω
High @ 10kHz 0.19Ω 0.16Ω 0.048 Ω
Right Channel Mid @ 1kHz 0.13Ω 0.14Ω 0.092 Ω
Low @ 50 Hz 0.23Ω 0.15Ω 0.054 Ω

7.3.3 DC Offset Voltage

The DC offsets of all outputs were very low from the first version on. Again version two
showed improvement in this category where the maximum offset voltage is only
0.055mV, ten times lower than in version 1, where the result was already a very decent
value of 0.552mV. Version 3 is practically equal to the second version. Below in table 5
are DC offset values from outputs.

Table 5: DC Offset Voltages

DC offset (No Input Connected)

1st version 2nd Version 3rd version
High -0.027mV 0.021mV -0.041mV
Mid 0.183mV -0.011mV 0.020mV
Left Channel Low -0.141mV -0.001mV 0.007mV
High 0.552mV 0.09mV 0.020mV
Mid 0.417mV 0.022mV -0.005mV
Right Channel Low 0.38mV 0.055mV -0.034mV

7.3.4 Distortion and Noise

Distortion and noise figures were perhaps the most problematic, since they require a
great deal of accuracy from the test setup, and defining the test parameters is not as a
clear cut as the other measurements. The test method was explained previously and
was applied successfully to version 2 which measured a decent THD+N figure of 0.072%.
Version 1, however started to distort before the specified output level of -20dBV, the
reason for this is unknown as the distortion should only rise rapidly once the system start

to clip, meaning the input voltage exceeds the power supply voltage level. The output
was taken down to -25dBV, where version 1 measured a THD+N level of 0.33%. Version
3 is the best of the bunch, measuring at 0.023% THD+N. The decrease in distortion can
likely be attributed to the use of C0G capacitors in the audio path.

The noise floor was then attempted to test for both version 1 and 2, but the noise floor of
the test equipment at -93.8dBV proved to be higher than both versions, so it could not
be accurately measured beyond that limit. When connecting IEMs to the crossovers how-
ever, a slight difference in the background noise floor can be heard. In version 1 this is
very faint and can be only heard in quiet surroundings. Version 2 improves upon this
further, and its background noise is almost completely inaudible. In the noise floor ver-
sion 3 is again an improvement on the previous versions, and the background noise
through the IEMs can only be heard in complete silence, and only if the listener is con-
centrating on hearing it.

The full distortion and noise graphs can be seen in the test results in appendix 8.

7.3.5 Current Consumption and Battery Consumption

The main differences between the first two versions here is the change of four of the
quad op amps to ones with slightly higher current consumption and the lowering of most
of the resistance values in version 2. Thus, it was expected for the current consumption
to go up a few milliamps to compensate for increased performance. And that is exactly
what happened. Version 3 uses the same op amps as the second one, which results in
the current consumption being roughly the same. Below in table 6 is the comparison
between idle current consumption of the versions and a calculated battery idle runtime
with a 1600mA battery.

Table 6: Battery Consumption

Battery Consumption
Iq Idle Runtime
(Idle Current) (1.6Ah battery)
1st version 22.24mA 71.94 h
2nd Version 24.03mA 66.58 h
3rd version 24.70mA 64.77 h

8 Conclusion

This portable crossover system was a challenging design, not due the complexity of the
circuit itself, but rather the very demanding loads it has to be able to handle. The high
sensitivity of balanced armatures means that system going to be a low gain one, with the
low voltages signals being highly susceptible to noise interference. In many instances, it
has turned out that the balanced armatures are more sensitive to picking up noise than
the test equipment used. Taking this into account, the very reasonable noise and distor-
tion figures from the system are at the very least, satisfactory.

The main crossover functionality had no major issues in any version and worked almost
precisely as simulated. Were it not for the noise and distortion issues in version 1, this
project would have been a success from the very first prototype. Version 2 addressed
these issues and so met all the initial specifications. And finally version 3, which was
manufactured on a proper PCB and utilized better passive components, produced re-
markably good test results. To summarize, this is a very high performance system, with
high DC accuracy, linearity and dynamic performance. The battery life of over 60 hours
is major improvement over 8 hours mentioned in the beginning of this paper. Technically
this project is a resounding success and worthy to be called a high end audio crossover.

As for actual commercial feasibility of the product, one has to consider the intended user.
Not many casual music listeners would be willing to add another piece of equipment
between their music players and earphones to carry around. This device was meant for
audiophiles or professional musicians, many of whom already often use headphone am-
plifiers of equivalent size and weight in their audio systems.
Further development of this system could go in two ways. First, keeping only the current
functionality and focus on making the unit smaller. As the inclusion of the DAC section
shows, the analog portion of the system could fit in a smaller PCB, thus a smaller enclo-
sure. The connectors and volume control would be the biggest components to fit in. The
second option would be to include additional functionality. The DAC converter in version
3 opens up the possibility for adding a wireless Bluetooth module. Another idea the au-
thor has considered is active noise cancelling. The possibilities for further development
are wide.

In any case, market research is not in the scope of this technical paper, but to conclude,
the author of this thesis uses this crossover system now on a daily basis and has no
intention to go back to lesser performing IEMs. The finished system can be seen in its
housing and with prototype custom built IEMs in figure 22 below.

Figure 22: Finished Crossover with IEMs



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playback-52/. Accessed 5 January 2016.

2 Hertsens T. Balanced armature diagram [online]. Innerfidelity website; 15 Decem-

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6 Ott HW. Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems. 2nd ed. John Wiley
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7 Self D. Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook. 3rd ed. Newnes; 2002.

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13 Lacanette K. Application Note 779 A Basic Introduction to Filters - Active, Pas-

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poration; April 2006.
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26 Kugelstadt T. Active Filter Design Techniques. In: Carter C, Mancini R, editors.

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namic_range_signal-to-noise_ratio/. Accessed 16 January 2016.
Appendix 1
1 (3)

Schematic Diagrams
Version 1
Appendix 1
2 (3)

Schematic Diagrams
Version 2
Appendix 1
3 (3)

Schematic Diagrams
Version 3 (DAC and power supply sections only)
Appendix 2
1 (1)

Possible Crossover Frequencies

Using X7R capacitors

590Ω & 1k Ω & 1.1k Ω & 7.5k Ω & 10k Ω & 16.5k Ω &
1.18k Ω 2k Ω 2.2k Ω 15k Ω 20k Ω 33k Ω
1nF & 2nF 190871 112614 102376 15015 11261 6825
1.5nF & 3nF 127247 75076 68251 10010 7508 4550
1.8nF & 3.6nF 106039 62563 56876 8342 6256 3792
5nF & 10nF 38174 22523 20475 3003 2252 1365
15nF & 30nF 12725 7508 6825 1001 751 455
50nF & 100nF 3817 2252 2048 300 225 137
110nF & 220nF 1735 1024 931 137 102 62

Using C0G(NP0) capacitors

590Ω & 1k Ω & 1.1k Ω & 7.5k Ω & 10k Ω & 16.5k Ω &
1.18k Ω 2k Ω 2.2k Ω 15k Ω 20k Ω 33k Ω
1nF & 2nF 190871 112614 102376 15015 11261 6825
1.1nF & 2.2nF 173519 102376 93069 13650 10238 6205
1.2nF & 2.4nF 159059 93845 85313 12513 9384 5688
1.5nF & 3nF 127247 75076 68251 10010 7508 4550
1.8nF & 3.6nF 106039 62563 56876 8342 6256 3792
7.5nF & 15nF 25449 15015 13650 2002 1502 910
10nF & 20nF 19087 11261 10238 1502 1126 683
11nF & 22nF 17352 10238 9307 1365 1024 620

Using parallel capacitors

590Ω & 1k Ω & 1.1k Ω & 7.5k Ω & 10k Ω & 16.5k Ω &
1.18k Ω 2k Ω 2.2k Ω 15k Ω 20k Ω 33k Ω
27nF 7069 4171 3792 556 417 253
33nF 5784 3413 3102 455 341 207
47nF 4061 2396 2178 319 240 145
68nF 2807 1656 1506 221 166 100
82nF 2328 1373 1248 183 137 83
100nF 1909 1126 1024 150 113 68

*frequencies in red are not suitable and orange ones only in marginal cases, where a very high
crossover point is desired
Appendix 3
1 (1)

Simulated Bode Plots

Amplitude Plots Simulated in Multisim

Phase Plots Simulated in Multisim

Appendix 4
1 (3)

PCB Layers

Version 1

Top Layer

Bottom Layer
Appendix 4
2 (3)

PCB Layers

Version 2

Top Layer

Bottom Layer
Appendix 4
3 (3)

PCB Layers

Version 3

Top Layer

Bottom Layer
Appendix 5
1 (1)

Resistor Comparison Charts

Chart: Resistance vs current noise. Copied from Self (2010) [19]

Chart: Thick film resistor nonlinearity. Copied from Self (2010) [19]

Chart: Thin film resistor nonlinearity. Copied from Self (2010) [19]
Appendix 6
1 (4)

Bill of Materials

Version 1

Qty Value Package Parts Description

12 6.8nF C1206 C1, C2, C3, C4, C11, CAPACITOR
C12, C17, C18, C19,
C20, C27, C28
4 3.3nF C1206 C13, C14, C29, C30 CAPACITOR
4 10nF C1206 C15, C16, C31, C32 CAPACITOR
2 4.7uF E1,8-4 C33, C34 POLARIZED CA-
1 220uF 153CLV-0605 C35 POLARIZED CA-
5 0.1uF C1206 C37, C38, C40, C52, CAPACITOR
8 100nF C1206 C5, C6, C7, C8, C21, CAPACITOR
C22, C23, C24
4 22nF C1206 C9, C10, C25, C26 CAPACITOR
1 DCJACK_1.3MM CN2 2.0mm DC Barrel
4 AD8694 SO14 IC1, IC2, IC3, IC4 OP AMP
2 AD8608 SO14 IC5, IC8 OP AMP
1 MCP73831/OT SOT23-5L IC6 MCP73831/2
1 AD8615 SOT23-5 IC9 OP AMP
4 5.6k R1206 R1, R2, R15, R21 RESISTOR
2 150k R1206 R14, R33 RESISTOR
2 330 R1206 R16, R34 RESISTOR
4 20k R1206 R19, R20, R37, R38 RESISTOR
12 12k R1206 R3, R4, R5, R6, R17, RESISTOR
R18, R22, R23, R24,
R25, R35, R36
1 4.2 R1206 R41 RESISTOR
2 100k RTRIMT93XA R42, R49 Trimm resistor
8 47k R1206 R43, R44, R45, R46, RESISTOR
R47, R48, R57, R58
1 2.2k R1206 R55 RESISTOR
1 470 R1206 R56 RESISTOR
4 10k R1206 R7, R8, R26, R27 RESISTOR
10 100k R1206 R9, R10, R11, R12, RESISTOR
R28, R29, R30, R31,
R39, R40
1 10k ALPS_RK097 U$1 ALPS RK0971221Z
1 KK2VRND KK-V-2-RND U$2 Molex KK
2 4PIN_SMD_JACK 1503_02 U$3, U$4 3.5mm 4 Pin jack
1 KLBR4 KLBR4 X2 Jack connector, 3.5
Appendix 6
2 (4)

Bill of Materials

Version 2

Qty Value Package Parts Description

16 110nF C1206 C1, C2, C3, C4, C13, C14, CAPACITOR
C15, C16, C17, C18, C19,
C20, C29, C30, C31, C32
2 4,7uF E1,8-4 C33, C34 POLARIZED
1 220uF 153CLV-0605 C35 POLARIZED
2 1000pF C1206 C36, C39 CAPACITOR
3 0,1uF C1206 C37, C38, C40 CAPACITOR
1 100nF C1206 C41 CAPACITOR
8 560nF C1206 C5, C6, C7, C8, C21, C22, CAPACITOR
C23, C24
2 2.2uF C1206 C52, C53 CAPACITOR
8 220nF C1206 C9, C10, C11, C12, C25, CAPACITOR
C26, C27, C28
1 DCJACK_1.3MM CN2 2.0mm DC
Barrel Jack
6 AD8608 SO14 IC1, IC2, IC3, IC4, IC5, IC8 OP AMP
1 MCP73831/OT SOT23-5L IC6 MCP73831/2
1 AD8615 SOT23-5 IC9 OP AMP
1 0207/7 L_FERRITE_BEAD1 A Ferrite Bead
12 1k R1206 R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, RESISTOR
R15, R21, R22, R23, R24,
2 330 R1206 R13, R32 RESISTOR
2 22k R1206 R14, R33 RESISTOR
2 3.3k R1206 R16, R34 RESISTOR
5 2k R1206 R17, R18, R35, R36, R55 RESISTOR
4 4,7k R1206 R19, R20, R37, R38 RESISTOR
10 10k R1206 R39, R40, R43, R44, R45, RESISTOR
R46, R47, R48, R57, R58
7 4.6 R1206 R41, R50, R51, R52, R53, RESISTOR
R54, R59
2 33k R1206 R42, R49 RESISTOR
1 470 R1206 R56 RESISTOR
4 2,36k R1206 R7, R8, R26, R27 RESISTOR
8 12k R1206 R9, R10, R11, R12, R28, RESISTOR
R29, R30, R31
1 10k ALPS_RK097 U$1 ALPS
1 KK2VRND KK-V-2-RND U$2 Molex KK
2 4PIN_SMD_JACK 1503_02 U$3, U$4
1 KLBR4 KLBR4 X2 Jack con-
nector, 3.5 mm
Appendix 6
3 (4)

Bill of Materials

Version 3

Qty Value Package Parts Description

1 JST-PH-2 BATTERY JST 2-Pin Connector
11 100nF C0805K C1, C12, C23, C24, C27, CAPACITOR
C31, C68, C69, C71, C72,
20 100nF C1206 C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, CAPACITOR
C18, C19, C20, C21, C22,
C52, C53, C54, C55, C56,
C57, C58, C59, C60, C61
2 10uF C1206 C2, C3 CAPACITOR
2 22pF C1206 C25, C26 CAPACITOR
6 10uF C0805K C28, C38, C66, C67, C74, CAPACITOR
4 1uF C0805K C29, C32, C62, C65 CAPACITOR
2 4.7uF E1,8-4 C30, C39 POLARIZED CA-
4 2.2uF C0805K C33, C37, C70, C73 CAPACITOR
3 10nF C0805K C34, C35, C36 CAPACITOR
12 7.5nF C1206 C4, C5, C6, C8, C9, C10, CAPACITOR
C42, C43, C45, C47, C48,
2 330uF E2,5-6E C40, C41 POLARIZED CA-
4 15k R1206 C44, C49, R13, R17 RESISTOR
2 33pF C0805K C63, C64 CAPACITOR
4 15nF C1206 C7, C11, C46, C51 CAPACITOR
2 2.2nF C1206 C76, C77 CAPACITOR
1 SMBJ D1 Suppressor diode
1 SJ-3515-SMT SJ-3515-SMT J1 3.5 Stereo Audio
Jack (SMT)
2 4PIN_SMD_JACK 1503_02 J2, J3
1 USB-MINIB J4 USB Connectors
4 L3216C L1, L2, L3, L4 FERRITE
1 NTHD3101F CHIPFET- Q1 Power MOSFET and
1206A Schottky Diode
10 330 R1206 R1, R2, R3, R4, R27, RESISTOR
R28, R29, R30, R39, R40
12 7.5k R1206 R11, R12, R14, R15, R16, RESISTOR
R18, R47, R48, R49, R50,
R51, R52
12 16.5k R1206 R19, R20, R22, R23, R24, RESISTOR
R26, R53, R54, R56, R57,
R58, R60
4 33k R1206 R21, R25, R55, R59 RESISTOR
Appendix 6
4 (4)

2 10k R0805 R41, R42 RESISTOR

1 470 R0805 R43 RESISTOR
1 2.2k R0805 R45 RESISTOR
2 100k R0805 R46, R61 RESISTOR
8 10k R1206 R5, R6, R7, R8, R31, RESISTOR
R32, R33, R34
1 1M R0805 R62 RESISTOR
2 1.5k R0805 R63, R66 RESISTOR
2 22 R0805 R64, R65 RESISTOR
2 470 R1206 R67, R68 RESISTOR
7 5.6 R1206 R9, R10, R35, R36, R37, RESISTOR
R38, R44
1 SJ SJ1 SMD solder
6 AD8608 SO14 U1, U2, U3, U4, U11, U12 OP AMP
1 MAX4517 SC70-5 U10 Single Analog
1 PCM2707 TQFP32-08 U13
1 PCM5102A SSOP20BU U14 SoundPlus(TM) Ste-
reo Audio DAC
1 AD8615 SOT23-5 U5 Single Operational
1 MCP73831/OT SOT23-5L U6 MCP73831/2
3 LP298XS SOT23-5L U7, U8, U9
1 10k ALPS_RK09 VR1 ALPS RK0971221Z
1 12MHz NX3225 X1 4-pin 3.2 x 2.5mm
Appendix 7
1 (4)

Test Equipment Specifications

Brymen 867s Multimeter Specifications

Manufacturer BRYMEN

Meter type digital multimeter

Sampling 5x/s

DC voltage measuring range 0,01m...500m/5/50/500/1000V

DC voltage measuring accuracy ±(0.03% + 2 digits)

AC voltage measuring range 0,01m...500m/5/50/500/1000V

AC voltage measuring accuracy ±(0.8% + 60 digits)

DC current measuring range 0,01µ...500µ/5m/50m/500m/5/10A

DC current measuring accuracy ±(0,1% + 20 digits)

AC current measuring range 0,01µ...500µ/5m/50m/500m/5/10A

AC current measuring accuracy ±(1% + 40 digits)

True effective value measurement True RMS AC, True RMS AC+DC

Resistance measuring range 0,01...500/5k/50k/500k/5M/50MΩ

Resistance measuring accuracy ±(0.1% + 6 digits)

Capacitance measuring range 10p...50n/500n/5µ/50µ/500µ/5m/25mF

Capacitance measuring accuracy ±(2,5% + 3 digits)

Frequency measuring range 10...200kHz

Frequency measuring accuracy ±(0,02% + 4 digits)

Appendix 7
2 (4)

Test Equipment Specifications

Velleman PCSU200 USB Oscilloscope Specifications


Markers for: amplitude/voltage and frequency/time

Input coupling: DC, AC and GND
Supply from USB port (500mA)
Dimensions: 100 x 100 x 35mm / 3.9 x 3.9 x 1.4"

Function Generator:

Amplitude range: 200mVpp to 8Vpp @ 1kHz// no load

Vertical resolution: 8 bits
Square wave rise/fall time: 0.3µs
Sample rate: 25MHz
Typical sine wave distortion (THD): < 1%
Output impedance: 50ohm
Frequency range: from 0.5Hz to 500 kHz (sine 1MHz)


Bandwidth: two channels DC to 12 MHz ±3dB

Input impedance: 1 Mohm / 30pF
Maximum input voltage: 30V (AC + DC)
Time base: 0.1µs to 500ms per division
Input range: 10mV to 3V/division
Input sensitivity: 0.3mV display resolution
Record length: 4K samples / channel
Sampling frequency: 250Hz to 25MHz

Transient Recorder:

Timescale: 20ms/Div to 2000s/Div

Max record time: 9.4hour/screen
Max number of samples: 100/s
Min number of samples: 1 sample/20s

Bode Plotter:

Voltage range: 10mV, 30mV, 0.1V, 0.3V, 1V, 3V

Frequency range: 1kHz , 10kHz, 100kHz, 500kHz
Frequency start: 1Hz,10Hz, 100Hz, 1kHz, 10kHz, 100kHz
Appendix 7
3 (4)

Test Equipment Specifications

ESI ESP1010 Sound Card Specifications

<Analog Audio>

1. Analog Inputs
1) Connector Type: 1/4" female TRS-type, balanced or unbalanced (ch 1~8)
2) Peak level: 0dBFS @ +6.5dBV (-10dBV nominal)
3) Impedance: 10k ohms minimum
4) Att. & Gain Control:-60dB ~ +15dB (0.5dB step size) *ch1, 2ch only

2. Analog Outputs
1) Connector Type: 1/4" female TS-type, unbalanced (ch 1~8)
2) Peak level: +6.2dBV @0dBFS (-10dBV nominal)
3) Impedance: 100 ohms
4) Attenuation Control: -60dB ~ 0dB (0.5dB step size)

<Digital Audio>

1. Internal 20ch /36-bit Digital Mixer (Input 10ch/Output 10ch)

2. Sample rate supports: (22.05,24)*,32,44.1,48,88.2,96kHz : *analog only

3. A/D Converter
1) Signal to Noise Ratio: 107dB (A-weighted) @ fs=48kHz
2) Dynamic Range: 107dB (-60dBFS with A-weighted) @ fs=48kHz
3) S/(N+D)(-1dB):100dB @ fs=48kHz
4) Interchannel Isolation: -110dB
5) Resolution: 24-Bit

4. D/A Converter
1) Signal to Noise Ratio: 112dB (A-weighted) @ fs=44.1kHz
2) Dynamic Range (S/N): 112dB (60dBFS with A-weighted) @ fs=44.1kHz
3) THD+N: -94dB @ fs=44.1kHz
4) Interchannel Isolation: -100dB
5) Resolution: 24-Bit / 96kHz

5. Digital Input
1) Connector Type: RCA(provided via I/O cable)
2) Format: IEC-60958 Consumer (S/PDIF coaxial)
3) Sampling Rate: 44.1,48,88.2,96kHz
4) Resolution: 24-Bit

6. Digital Output
1) Connector Type: RCA(provided via I/O cable), Optical (on board)
2) Format: IEC-60958 Consumer (S/PDIF coaxial)
3) Sampling Rate: 44.1,48,88.2,96kHz
4) Resolution: 24-Bit
Appendix 8
1 (22)

Test Results

Full Output Impedance Calculation Tables

Output Impedance

Left Channel Right Channel

High @ Mid @ Low @ High @ Mid @ Low @

10kHz 1kHz 50 Hz 10kHz 1kHz 50 Hz
1st version

Vu (un- 100.23mV 100.04mV 100.48mV 100.7mV 100.55mV 100.07mV

Vl (with 87.34 mV 86.89 mV 95.1mV 98.8mV 99.23mV 98.42mV
Rload =
10.00 Ω)
Imped- 1.476 Ω 1.513 Ω 0.566 Ω 0.188 Ω 0.133 Ω 0.232 Ω
ance (Rl *

2nd Version

Vu (un- 100.55mV 100.44mV 100.03mV 100.4mV 100.23mV 100.8mV

Vl (with 99.68mV 99.51mV 97.18mV 98.86mV 98.86mV 99.3mV
Rload =
10.00 Ω)
Imped- 0.087 Ω 0.093 Ω 0.293 Ω 0.156 Ω 0.139 Ω 0.151 Ω
ance (Rl *

3rd version

Vu (un- 100.59mV 100.52mV 100.16mV 100.43mV 100.36mV 100.53mV

Vl (with R 100.13mV 99.88mV 99.35mV 99.95mV 99.45mV 99.99mV
load =
10.00 Ω)
Imped- 0.046 Ω 0.064 Ω 0.082 Ω 0.048 Ω 0.092 Ω 0.054 Ω
ance (Rl *
Appendix 8
2 (22)

Test Results

Version 1 – Crossover Output Bode Plots

Left channel low pass output

Left channel band pass output

Left channel high pass output

Appendix 8
3 (22)

Test Results

Version 1 – Crossover Output Bode Plots

Right channel low pass output

Right channel band pass output

Right channel high pass output

Appendix 8
4 (22)

Test Results

Version 1 – Crossover Output Bode Plots

Left channel all outputs

Right channel all outputs

Appendix 8
5 (22)

Test Results

Version 1 – Phase Differences Between Outputs

Left channel phase at low crossover point (112Hz)

Left channel phase at low crossover point (2800Hz)

Appendix 8
6 (22)

Test Results

Version 1 – Phase Differences Between Outputs

Right channel phase at low crossover point (112Hz)

Right channel phase at low crossover point (2800Hz)

Appendix 8
7 (22)

Test Results

Version 2 – Crossover Output Bode Plots

Left channel low pass output

Left channel band pass output

Left channel high pass output

Appendix 8
8 (22)

Test Results

Version 2 – Crossover Output Bode Plots

Right channel low pass output

Right channel band pass output

Right channel high pass output

Appendix 8
9 (22)

Test Results

Version 2 – Crossover Output Bode Plots

Left channel all outputs

Right channel all outputs

Appendix 8
10 (22)

Test Results

Version 2 – Phase Differences Between Outputs

Left channel phase at low crossover point (85Hz)

Left channel phase at low crossover point (1023Hz)

Appendix 8
11 (22)

Test Results

Version 2 – Phase Differences Between Outputs

Right channel phase at low crossover point (85Hz)

Right channel phase at low crossover point (1023Hz)

Appendix 8
12 (22)

Test Results

Version 3 – Crossover Output Bode Plots

Left channel low pass output

Left channel band pass output

Left channel high pass output

Appendix 8
13 (22)

Test Results

Version 3 – Crossover Output Bode Plots

Right channel low pass output

Right channel band pass output

Right channel high pass output

Appendix 8
14 (22)

Test Results

Version 3 – Crossover Output Bode Plots

Left channel all outputs

Right channel all outputs

Appendix 8
15 (22)

Test Results

Version 3 – Phase Differences Between Outputs

Left channel phase at low crossover point (68Hz)

Left channel phase at high crossover point (2002Hz)

Appendix 8
16 (22)

Test Results

Version 3 – Phase Differences Between Outputs

Right channel phase at low crossover point (68Hz)

Right channel phase at high crossover point (2002Hz)

Appendix 8
17 (22)

Test Results

Version 1 – Distortion and Noise

THD and THD+N left channel, 1kHz @ -25dBV

THD and THD+N right channel, 1kHz @ -25dBV

Appendix 8
18 (22)

Test Results

Version 1 – Noise

Noise floor version 1, left channel (limited by test equipment)

Noise floor version 1, right channel (limited by test equipment)

Appendix 8
19 (22)

Test Results

Version 2 – Distortion and Noise

THD and THD+N left channel, 1kHz @ -20dBV

THD and THD+N right channel, 1kHz @ -20dBV

Appendix 8
20 (22)

Test Results

Version 2 – Noise

Noise floor version 2, left channel (limited by test equipment)

Noise floor version 2, right channel (limited by test equipment)

Appendix 8
21 (22)

Test Results

Version 3 – Distortion and Noise

THD and THD+N left channel, 1kHz @ -20dBV

THD and THD+N right channel, 1kHz @ -20dBV

Appendix 8
22 (22)

Test Results

Version 3 – Noise

Noise floor version 3, left channel (limited by test equipment)

Noise floor version 3, right channel (limited by test equipment)

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