Guided Reflection
Guided Reflection
Guided Reflection
Napping 10 0 5
Watching YouTube/ 5 0 5
social media
Eating out 5 15 5
Looking at the chart I created, I find myself doing activities that benefit my values while
also doing activities that pose no benefit to me and what I believe in. I do spend most of my time,
money and energy studying, attending lectures, and working out. These important factors of my
life teach and progress my values to another level. Beginning with studying, studying teaches
accountability, improvement and hard work. I realize know that I am an adult in the real world, I
need to be responsible for myself and my actions. I am not forced to study from my parents or
teachers, I must take the initiative and accountability for my own habits. And when these habits
are adapted into my everyday life, I am guaranteed to see improvement in my life, and it proves
to me I am a hard working individual. This explanation is true for attending lectures as well.
Next, we have working out, no matter what anyone says, working out is one of the best things
you can do for yourself. Working out proves hard work, improvement and loving, working
everyday to see improvement physically and mentally is a key motivator in my life. Most
importantly, it has shown me to love myself in every aspect of my life. Working out simply
taught me how to love my body and my mind. Lastly, we have loyalty, I consider my friends
from middle school my current best friends and I know they think the same. It is very rare to
have a friend group last for so many years without breaking apart. When I come back to Toronto
from Waterloo, I always call up my friends to go eat or just hang out, the same thing we’ve been
doing for years. Overall, in my mind I chose the only correct values that represent me as a leader
To live by the values I believe in, I must have the necessary skills and traits to pursue
them. Starting with the traits I possess, I believe myself to have strong traits in, determination
and sociability. The most important out of all the traits is determination, this trait shows how
much you are willing to put aside to chase that goal. You must attend to what is more important
and what will matter more in the future. With determination comes hard work and accountability.
To reach the intended prize, you must work hard and recognize the mistakes along the way. Self
accountability is one of the key traits on becoming a great leader. Next we have sociability, I
think sociability and confidence go together. When I was younger starting high school, I did not
have thew confidence to socialize with anyone, but after getting to love myself and building
confidence, I was able to socialize effectively. Moving onto leadership skills, I think the
strongest skill I emit is managing resources. Specifically, financial resources, in college I see
many people spending money on food and coffee daily. On the other hand , I cam very frugal
and try to spend the least money as possible. I worked a summer job to pay for my tuition in
Laurier and I will continue to be frugal. This skill came directly from my parents, they always
told me not to spend my money on stupid stuff. As money requires hard work, accountability and
more. However a good leader does not know how to only manage money, they know how to
manage people, equipment and more. Right now I am at the stage of my life where I do not have
a full load of life. But I am certain I would be able to manage effectively and easily.
Finally, the trait I would say I need the most work on is determination, as a human being
we all get lazy and sometimes spend an entire day doing nothing. Laziness is the killer of
motivation and determination. With being less lazy comes hard work and overall improvement in
myself. In addition, a skill that needs improvement would be being socially perspective, outside
of my friend group and family, I could care less about what you think. This would greatly
improve my sociability skills. Other than that, I think I have learned many leadership skills and
Why should leaders live by their values? What I see is leaders must follow their values.
However, it is very challenging in this society to persuade everyone into thinking like you, it is
natural human behaviors. First things first, a leader must have a good vision or plan to benefit the
people they lead. It all returns to the one of the first concepts, What does is mean to be a good
leader. If their values are lost in the powerful leadership, that person is not a good leader, even
more he should not be a leader. When a leader follows their values, they can earn the trust and
respect of their followers, colleagues, and stakeholders, and build a culture of integrity and
accountability. People are more likely to follow a leader who is authentic and consistent in their
behavior and decision-making. Leaders should follow their values because their values serve as
their guiding principles in making decisions and taking actions. A leader's values reflect their
beliefs, attitudes, and priorities, and they help define the leader's character and vision. Therefore,
leaders who follow their values are more likely to be successful in achieving their goals and
When a leader follows their values, they can earn the trust and respect of their followers,
colleagues, and stakeholders, and build a culture of integrity and accountability. People are more
likely to follow a leader who is authentic and consistent in their behavior and decision-making
(Senge, 1990). Me personally, I believe that all leader ( most do not) should follow what they
planned to implement and what they plan to change. The change can have somewhat negative
effects in the short term, but everything should even out in the long-term .That is how trust and
loyalty is created. If you bring beneficial plans to a company, school, etc, and they end up
pleasing everybody, That would be the goal, if you do something good to somebody, most
people will remember that gesture. For example, Nelson Mandela was jailed for 27 years(Peter,
2019) a huge portion of his life was taken away from him. However, Nelson Mandela would
soon become a the president of South Africa. He achieved greatness because he kept his values
an morals constant, he did not let himself down. He made it to be president due to him gaining
the trust and being authentic to his followers. Personally, I cannot do what Mandela has done and
achieved in his lifetime. If it were me, I would most likely go on a personal vendetta against the
This powerful personal vision statement is powerful due to the fact that it is applicable to
modern day society and morals. The statement was a key word that made me choose it, that word
is accountability. Nowadays, people do not like to take accountability for their actions, our
society has made it too easy to blame someone else for the mistakes they’ve made. Leader
should live their values to show the ones that they are leading how to act and how to implement
there values. Also, as a leader you want to live by your word and show people that you are
capable of living the way you say. For example, look at the leader of North Korea Kim Jung Un,
he has gained his values from his father and is not authentic. The dictator ship is relied on the
fear of the follower and not for the positive things. It is the reason why you see people fleeing the
country illegally. Kim Jung un represents the worst type of leadership, he does not take the
proper accountability for his terrible actions. This is an example of a bad leader and someone
who does not follow their values. Good leadership is preaching your values and making your
Senge, P. (1990). The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization. New