8 YouTube URL Tips and Tricks
8 YouTube URL Tips and Tricks
8 YouTube URL Tips and Tricks
Alternatively, pause the video at the time you'd like to share it at, then right-click and
choose Copy video URL at current time.
Example? youtube.com/watch?v=Tt5ShaI5hW8&t=120
Alternatively, right-click on YouTube video and toggle Loop on to keep playing it.
Example? youtuberepeater.com/watch?v=shibvkpyb8E
How? The video will open on a new site that features no age restriction. In case you still see the
message about age restriction, click the here to try another method text at the top of the
page. This will load it on a new page that will hopefully play the video successfully.
Example? nsfwyoutube.com/watch?v=wvZ6nB3cl1w
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5. Claim a custom YouTube channel URL
If you have your own YouTube channel and meet certain requirements, you can set a
What? vanity URL for your page. This is much easier to remember than the default random string
of characters, so it's worth doing for easier linking on social media and other sites.
To get a custom URL, your channel needs to meet the following criteria:
- Have at least 100 subscribers
- Be at least 30 days old
- Have an uploaded profile photo and channel art
How? If you satisfy these, head to YouTube Studio by clicking your profile picture at the top-
right of YouTube and choosing YouTube Studio. On the left menu, click Customization,
followed by Basic info at the top.
On this page, under Channel URL, you'll see your channel's normal URL as well as the field
to set a Custom URL, if you're eligible. Use this to pick your channel's vanity URL.
Once your custom URL is set up, anyone can head to youtube.com/[YourCustomURL] to
visit your channel.
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