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Electronics: Telecommunication

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sJ - 790

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T.E. (Electronics and Telecommunication) (Semester - V!

Examination, November - 2016
Sub. Code : 45693
Day.nd Date: Tlresday,08 - 11 - 2016 Tot.l Mrrks : 100
Time I 10.30 a.m, to 01.30 p.m.
Instructions: 1) All questions {recompulsory.
2) Figures to the dght indicat€ full mrrks.
3) Assume sritable daia ifnecessary.

p1) Soive any two
a) What is an Ergodic pr.ocess? What is the difference between Ergodic
and stationary process.
b) Define probabiliqr Explain conditional and joint probability in detail.l8l
c) Consider an experiment which consists ofrolling oftwo dice. Finrj the
CDF for the random variable X ifitassignsthe sum ofnumbers appearing
on the dice to each outcome.

Q2) Soive any two

a) Explain with example, shannon lano coding technique.
b) Explain shannon Hartley theorem for channel capacity.
c) ATe)evision signalhaving aBandwidth of4.2 MHZ is transmitted using
binaryPCM system. Given that the numbe. ofquantization levels is 512.
Find Codeword Length, Transmission Bandwidth. Final Bit rate, output
signal to quantization noise raljo.

Q3) Solve any two

a) Explain adaptive Dela modulation using transmrlter and Receiver diagrarn.
b) Explain ul-law andAJaw companding. t9]
c) Explain CVSD. I9l

sJ - 790
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Qr') Solve aay two

a) Explain with trarsmitter and receiver.diagram,
eAM. t81
b) Erptain advantages ofdigital communication over analog communication.
c) Explain with transmitter and receiver diagram, BASK. t8l

Q5) Solve any two

a) Explain differert properties ofmatched filter
b) Explain different types ofline codes.
c) Explail duobinary eacoder and decoder diagram.

Q6) Solve any rwo

a) What arc the functions of parity Check matrix and generator matrix in
linear block codes? How they are used to generate code vectols iom
message block.
b) The parity checkmatrix ofa particrilar (7,4) linearblockcode isgiven

f, 110r001
IH]:II 1 0 r 0 I 0l
lr 0 r 1 0 0 ll lel

i) Find the generator matrixlGl

O List all tlie code v€ctors

iii) What is the minimu$ distatce between the code vectors.

iv) How many errors cau be detected? How many can be corrected.
c) Explaia with diagam, Gen€ral form ofa decoder for cyclic code. [9]


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