Differential Phase-Shift Keying For High Spectral
Differential Phase-Shift Keying For High Spectral
Differential Phase-Shift Keying For High Spectral
Invited Paper
Fig. 12. Scatter plot of the ends of the Stokes vectors of individual bits at
4000 km, looking directly at the average vector, on the Poincare sphere. The
standard deviation of the angles between these vectors and the mean vector
is 8.4 , corresponding to a polarization extinction ratio of 23 dB, which is
sufficient to suppress the crosstalk between the orthogonal states at the PDM.
where the two terms in (20) represent the intensities at the two
output arms of the delay interferometer. Equation (20) can be
reduced to
Differential phase-shift keying has received tremendous
attention recently because of its superior performance in
high-SE long-haul optical transmissions. When compared to
OOK, DPSK has extended the reach by approximately a factor
Fig. 18. Prenonlinearity compensation at the transmitter for long-haul DPASK
transmission. PC: pulse carver. IM: intensity modulator. PM: phase modulator. of two in a 40-Gb/s system at 0.4 SE. Its impact in higher
SEs, such as 0.8, is even greater. The ability to combine DPSK
with polarization bit interleaving and polarization-division
shown that the bandwidth of line rate components is more than multiplexing further increased the system capacity and reach.
sufficient for PNC [69]. Thus, PNC can be readily implemented Multilevel DPSK and multilevel amplitude and phase-shift
in 40-Gb/s DPSK systems and beyond. For practical applica- keying are available means to push the limit of system SEs. The
tions, polarization-independent devices or polarization diversity main nonlinear penalty of DPSK transmission is the nonlinear
schemes must be used to make the PNC polarization insensitive. phase jitter induced by ASE noise and SPM, which can be
The amplitude and phase have to remain independent of each compensated by nonlinearity management scheme. For prac-
other for successful QPASK transmission. Although the condi- tical implementations, a simple postnonlinearity compensation
tion for independent phase and amplitude is satisfied in a linear device can significantly enhance the system reach.
system by proper dispersion management, the amplitude and Other than the MZDI at the receiver, the components and the
phase become coupled because of the Gordon–Mollenauer ef- fiber link for DPSK transmission are similar to conventional
fect [6]. Unlike in binary DPSK, large amplitude differences in- OOK systems. Thus, commercial deployment of DPSK systems
trinsically exist in QPASK because of the ASK modulation, re- is feasible without major overhauls of existing fiber infrastruc-
sulting in a large phase difference between a “1” bit and a “0” bit ture and manufacturing base. With its significant performance
in ASK. Thus, if PNC is optional to further improve the reach advantages at high-SE transmission, DPSK clearly stands as a
of DPSK systems, compensation of the nonlinear phase jitter is very attractive candidate for the next-generation high-bit-rate
essential in long-haul QPASK transmission. high-SE long-haul optical transmission system.
The PNC scheme shown in Fig. 15 can obviously be ap-
plied to significantly enhance the reach of the QPASK system. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Because the PNC device here compensates the Gordon–Mol- The authors acknowledge valuable discussions with and
lenauer effects caused by both ASK and ASE, the enhancement assistance from Dr. L. F. Mollenauer, Dr. A. Chraplyvy,
in transmission distance should be greater than what we pre- Dr. R. Slusher, Dr. R. Giles, Dr. J. Gordon, Dr. S. Hunsche,
dicted previously, where the PNC device only compensates the Dr. A. Gnauck, Dr. A. Grant, Dr. C. Mckenstrie, Dr. C. Doerr,
Gordon–Mollenauer effects induced by ASE noise. An inter- and Dr. D. Fishman.
esting variation of the PNC scheme is the prenonlinearity com-
pensation at the transmitter (Fig. 18). A phase difference be- REFERENCES
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“Transmission of 25-Gb/s RZ-DQPSK signals with 25-GHz channel He became an MTS in the Advanced Photonics
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[57] N. Chi, J. F. Zhang, P. V. Holm-Nielsen, C. Peucheret, and P. Jeppesen, biomedical imaging. He has published approximately 40 papers, including five
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[58] X. Liu, X. Wei, Y. Kao, J. Leuthold, C. R. Doerr, and L. F. Mollenauer,
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per symbol (binary ASK and QPSK) 30-Gbit/s optical modulation/de- His doctoral work was on ultrafast optics and
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[62] C. Pare, A. Villeneuve, P. A. Belanger, and N. J. Doran, “Compensating Lucent Technologies, as a Member of Technical
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[65] W. Forysiak, K. J. Blow, and N. J. Doran, “Reduction of Gordon-Haus Dr. Liu is a member of the Optical Society of America.
jitter by post-transmission dispersion compensation,” Electron. Lett, vol.
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[66] J. Santhanam, C. J. McKinstrie, T. I. Lakoba, and G. P. Agrawal, “Effects
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Commun., vol. 221, pp. 419–425, 2003. 1992, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the
[68] C. Xu and X. Liu, “Post-nonlinearity compensation with data driven University of California at Berkeley in 2000, all in
phase modulators in phase shift keying transmission,” Opt. Lett., vol. physics.
27, pp. 1619–1621, 2002. While at Berkeley, he studied molecular structures
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phase modulation with phase modulators,” Electron. Lett., vol. 38, pp. including ice and polymers using nonlinear optical
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[70] C. Xu and X. Liu, “Postnonlinearity compensation with data-driven Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ, as a Member of
phase modulators in phase-shift keying transmission,” Opt. Lett., vol. Technical Staff in the Physical Sciences Research
27, pp. 1619–1621, 2002. Division in 2001. Since then, he has engaged in basic research related to optical
[71] X. Liu, X. We, Y.-H. Kao, J. Leuthold, C. R. Doerr, Y. Su, and L. F. Mol- fiber communications with the focus on novel modulation techniques.
lenauer, “Return-to-zero quaternary differential-phase amplitude-shift- Dr. Wei is a member of the American Physical Society and the Optical Society
keying for long-haul transmission,” presented at the OFC2004, 2004. of America.