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Parent Supervision in Learning and

Motivating Students of
Grade 12 HUMSS

Abstract Objective Methodology

Today's Parent supervision Parental supervision comply
students gives students with the system of integrated
require more much impact to support for their child's
parental create more education. Schools need to
support, positive learning build parthnership with parents
particularly and motivate and develop mutual
when it comes children to perform responsibility for children's
to their well at school. success in the educational
academics and Motivation has system. Additionally, research
decision- impact in child’s demonstrate the insufficient or
making. education for it absent parental participation
"Parent helps to shape the that leads to low achievement
Supervision in future of students. of students. In this way
Learning and This research parental involvement are
Motivating objectives is to increased, parents effort to
Grade 12 determine how support school encouraged and
HUMSS" is the parent supervision they are directly making a
title of the affects the learning positive impact to a successful
study. This and behavior of educational system. This
study wants to Grade 12 HUMSS research employs quantitative
determine how students. The correlational research design to
parental researchers wants explore the relationship
supervision to know if parent’s between the parental
affects kids' interest and motivation and student interest
academic, encouragement in a in their studies. This design
assignments, child’s education will be used since the main
extracurricular can affect the purpose of the study to know
activities, and child’s attitude how does parents motivation
academic towards school, affects the students academic
success. It was child’s behavior, performance. This research
discovered that self-esteem and design is suitable for the
parent motivation also to research because it aims to
supervision had find out how does determine the two variable
a greater the motivation without the researcher
impact on affects the students controlling and manipulating
child's academic of them. The approach that the
academic performance and to researcher going to use in
performance examine if parents survey-questionnaire and the
than students help their child in respondent of this study are the
without academic. parents of Grade 12 HUMSS
parental students from Kaunlaran High
motivation, 24 School.
out of 27
students who
strongly agree
that parental
supervision has
a significant
impact on their
Based on the
T-test result, it
was determined
that there is a
motivation and
their child's
performance. A
program should
be put in place
to help parents
how their
perform in
school and how
they can
encourage and
support them.

Findings Conclusion Recommendation

1. In the The study's Based on the findings and
question of do findings allowed conclusions, the following
parents help the researcher to recommendations are
their child's come up with the suggested:
academic conclusion that is
1. Participating in their
performance described in the
child's education must be
receives a following
"yes" response paragraph below: a priority for the parents.
from 58.55% As a result, the kids'
Based of the grades will rise as a result
of the
respondents and the of their increased
data acquired by
This suggests motivation to learn.
the researchers,
that parents are Additionally, it
typically the encourages good
ones who teach supervision does classroom behavior
and assist their have an impact on among the students. With
children, and it students motivation these, people are more at
is the most and learning. ease and content with the
common sort of Parents may assist level of schooling. Even
parental students to boost people who didn't finish
involvement their self-esteem
their education may be
provided to and inspire them.
inspired to do so by it.
students. According to the
Parents have a research, parents 2. Students feel more
significant are the ones who
motivated in their classes,
influence on make decisions and
have more self-esteem,
their children's give guidance to
career life their child’s career and behave better in class
paths. path. Parents when parents and
significantly teachers are in
2. In response communication with one
influence their
to the question children's another. Therefore, it is
"parent educational beneficial when parents
supervision is a outcomes, the are more content and
good effect in researchers found interested in their child's
your child's that parents education. A strong
academic involvement affects relationship with the
performance", a student's
school helped parents
the majority of academic
better grasp the
respondents achievement. This
said findings indicates curriculum and how their
they'strongly that student children were
agree'. This performance and progressing.
demonstrates motivation will be
that parental impacted by
supervision has parental
an effect on participation.
their child's
behavior at According to Mr.
school. Moneva, Ms.
3. According to Japos, and Ms.
our findings, Ohayas, parental
parent motivation and
supervision has success are related,
a considerable it was discovered
association and that students with
is hardly high levels of
related to the parental motivation
academic should perform
performance more in their
and motivation academic
of children at endeavors, whilst
school, students with low
particularly levels of parental
students in motivation has poor
Senior High academic
School who performance.
improve their However, there is a
self-esteem probability that
with the some of a student's
assistance of success can be
their parents. attributed to
It was intrinsic motivation
discovered that or self-motivated, it
the number of implies that
students who individuals have
voted on the willpower to
whether succeed even in the
"parental absence of parental
supervision in encouragement. In
learning and contrast, parental
inspiring motivation is
students in crucial and relevant
Grade 12" had for students
an effect on academic because
their child's parents are the first
academic foundation of their
performance. children in different
When it comes aspects in life.
to teaching and
their children
in school, such
as by
guiding, and
inspiring, the
results are
agree" based
on the
weighted mean.
On the one
hand, the
majority of
says they are
more motivated
to study when
their parents
are in charge,
and they feel
that their
support and
direction will
enable them to
succeed in

In the table 1 of sub-problem number 1 wants to know does
motivation affects the students academic performance. Out of 27
parents there are 15 students answered "strongly agree/agree" which
is 51.9% of the population, there are 4 students answered "neutral"
which is 14.3% of the population, and there are 8 students answered
“disagree/ strongly disagree” which is 34% of the population in this
The table 2 which is sub-problem number 2 show that it is important
to have parent supervision in students behavior in classroom, out of
27, there were 19 of the students answered "strongly agree/agree"
which is 60% of the population, there are 5 students answered
"neutral" which is 25.51% of the population, and there are 3 students
answered and its total population is 14%.
The table 3 sub-problem number 3 shows if parents help their child
to its academic, Most of them answered “yes” with a total of 22
which is 93% of the population, while 7% of the population is
answered by “no”.
To sum up the result, it was clearly see that parent supervision has a
crucial role for a child's development as it was stated it can
significantly affects children performance in school in many ways,
including improving their projects, attitudes and behavior. It will
also improve the child's social relationships and help to foster a
sense of self-efficacy. When professors and parents interact, student
are more motivated in their classrooms.

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