Practical Research I-Q4 Week 1

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Practical Research 1
Fourth Quarter
Lesson: Qualitative Research Designs
MELC: Chooses appropriate qualitative research design. (CS_RS11-IVa-c-1)

Key Concepts
Qualitative researches emerged not later than the 19 th century and is continuously

progressing today. Creswell and Poth (2018) summarized the five (5) basic qualitative

research designs.

Narrative research is a form of humanities research in which the researcher looks into

people's lives and asks one or more of them to share their experiences (Riessman, 2008).

This knowledge is often retold or reenacted by the researcher into a narrative

chronology. Finally, in a shared narrative, the narrative combines insights from both

the participant's and the researcher's lives (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000).

In a phenomenological study, which is a design of inquiry derived from philosophy

and psychology, the researcher investigates the lived experiences of individuals about

a phenomenon as described by participants. The nature of the experiences of many

people who have all witnessed the phenomena comes to a close in this account.

This type of design usually includes conducting interviews and has well-defined

conceptual foundations (Giorgi, 2009; Moustakas, 1994).

Grounded theory is a sociological method of study in which the researcher constructs

a broad, abstract theory of a process, activity, or interaction based on participant

perspectives. This approach necessitates various data processing steps, as well as the

refinement and interrelationship of various data categories (Charmaz, 2006; Corbin &

Strauss, 2007, 2015).


Ethnography is a form of research used in anthropology and sociology that entails

observing a cultural community's shared patterns of actions, language, and acts over

time in a natural environment. Data is regularly collected by observations and


Case studies are used in many areas, including evaluation, to produce an in-depth

analysis of a case, which is often a program, incident, process, practice, or one or more

persons. Researchers collect reliable data over a long period of time using a variety of

data collection techniques, and cases are characterized by time and service. (Stake,

1995; Yin, 2009, 2012, 2014).


Activity 1 - Fill Me In!

Directions: Fill in the boxes with the correct letter that corresponds to the
research design being described.

1. A qualitative research design that looks for patterns of action or routinary

activities of a cultural community.

2. The researcher builds a general, abstract theory of a process, behavior, or

interaction based on participant perspectives in a sociological study.

3. The researcher examines the lived experiences of individuals about a

phenomenon as identified by participants using a design of inquiry derived
from philosophy and psychology.

4. A type of humanities research in which the researcher investigates people's

lives and asks one or more of them to share their stories.

5. It produces a detailed description of a situation, which may be a program, an

event, a procedure, a practice, or one or more individuals.

Activity 2 - Which is which?

Directions: Write the letter on the blank provided below the number which best
qualitative research design suits the following situations.

A. Case study B. Narrative Research C. Ethnography

D. Grounded theory E. Phenomenological

____________1. A student coming from a private school wants to conduct research

about the public school’s culture and ways through observation and interviews.

____________2. Student A wanted to explore the effect on behavior by interviewing the

lived experiences of mothers who had undergone miscarriages.


____________3. A secondary school teacher works on research about a young

student’s struggle on quality education despite the war in Marawi.

_____________4. The researcher documented the adventures of a high school track

star who was recruited to join a championship-winning university track team.

_____________5. A journal of a student was utilized to understand his experiences in

coping with modular distance learning.

_____________6. An occupational therapist constructed a theory based on the themes

that emerged from the data analysis of exploring enjoyment experiences of persons

with schizophrenia.

_____________7. The authors of research about teachers who experienced working in

far flung schools with multi-grade students.

_____________8. A senior high school student explores the living experiences of

parents whose children are overly exposed to social media due to home quarantine

brought by the pandemic.

_____________9. A group of college students studied the routine and everyday

activities of an IP community in Mindoro.

_____________10. A group of researchers looks at how a railroad employee's

personality and actions shift after a horrific accident in which an explosion shot a

metal rod through his head, destroying vital parts of his brain.

Activity 3 - Describe Them Now

Directions: Write at least three (3) characteristics of the following research designs.

Narrative Case Study Phenomenological Ethnography Grounded

Research Theory


Activity 4 - Everyday Quali

Directions: Answer what is being asked.

As a Senior High School student, you are faced with challenging problems every day

be it personal, school, or community-related problems. Using the knowledge that

you’ve learned about qualitative research designs, pick at least three common

problems of a SHS student and explain in 3-5 sentences the best qualitative research

design that matches it.

Common Problems Qualitative Research Design

1. QRD


2. QRD


3. QRD



Answer Key
Activity 1 - Fill Me In!
1. Ethnography
2. Grounded Theory
3. Phenomenology
4. Narrative Activity 4 - Everyday Quali
5. Case Study 1. answer may vary
2. answer may vary
Activity 2 - Which is which? 3. answer may vary
1. c
2. e
3. a
4. b
5. b
6. d
7. d
8. e
9. c
10. a

Activity 3 - Describe Them Now! (Sample Output)

Narrative Case Study Phenomenological Ethnography Grounded Theory


telling a story needs a lot of a certain situation that cultural community formulation of
time causes change theory based on


Charmaz, K. (2012). Constructing grounded theory: a practical guide through qualitative

analysis. Sage.

Clandinin, D. J., & Connelly, F. M. (2000). Narrative inquiry: experience and story in
qualitative research. Jossey-Bass.

Corbin, J. M., & Strauss, A. L. (2015). Basics of qualitative research: techniques and
procedures for developing grounded theory. SAGE.

Moustakas, C. (1994). Phenomenological research methods.

Patterson, L. (2008). Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences20081Catherine Kohler

Riessman. Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Polity 2008.
251 pp., ISBN: 978‐0‐7619‐2998‐7. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 23(6),

Stake, R. E. (1995). The art of case study research. Sage Publications.

Wertz, F. J. (2010). Giorgi, A. (2009). The descriptive phenomenological method in

psychology: A modified Husserlian approach. Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press,
233 pp., ISBN 978-0-8207-0418-0, $25.00 (paper). Journal of Phenomenological Psychology,
41(2), 269–276.

Yin, R. K. (2012). Applications of case study research. SAGE.


Developers of Learning Activity Sheets


Evaluators: DOMINGO S. SORIAO, JR.

Layout Artist: JUNEX P. GASPAR

LAS Managers:
Roger F. Capa, CESO VI
Lynn G. Mendoza
Raquel P. Girao PhD
Elizabeth T. Delas Alas PhD
Johnna I. Tajonera EdD
Ma. Rubynita Del Rosario

For inquiries or comments, write or call:

Department of Education – MIMAROPA Region

Meralco Avenue, corner St. Paul Road, Pasig City, Philippines 1600
Telephone No. (02) 863-14070
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