Glass Ionomer Cement)
Glass Ionomer Cement)
Glass Ionomer Cement)
A00 - B89, B99 Z86.1 OA GENU M17.9 Other pruritus L29.8 COR I26.0
D00 – D48 Z86.0 Glabal Delay/ Dx Delay R62.0 Xerosis cutis L85.3 Piriformis Syndrome G57.0
D50 – D86 Z86.2 Postzozter neralgia/Neralgia G53.0 Hipothyroidsm E03.1 Trigger Finger M65.3
E00 – E90 Z86.3 ASD/Autis ( <3th) F84.0 Cough R05 Speech Delay F80.9
F10 – F19 Z86.4 ASD/Autis (>4th) F84.1 Xanthelasma of eyelid H02.6 Disastria R47.1
F00 – F09, F20 – F99 Z86.5 CRS G54.2 Ulcer and pressure L89.9 OA Shoulder M19.91
G00 – G99, H00 – H-95 Z86.6 Cervalgia M54.2 ESRD N18.9 Lincen Simplex Chronius L28.0
I00 – I99 Z86.7 Meralgia parathetica G57.1 HAemorrhoid I84.8 Pompholyx L30.1
J00 – J99 Z87.0 Hischsprung’s Q43.1 HIL K40.3 Erytroderma L53.9
K00 – K93 Z87.1 LBP M54.5 tumor parotis D23.2 Post Partum Z39.2
L00 – L99 Z87.2 DM E11 de quervain M 65.4 Hepatic Neuralgia G53.0
M00 – M99 Z87.3 Ht St II I15.9 Bell's Palsy G51.0 Bursitis M70.11
N00 – N99 Z87.4 Gastritis K29.7 Patellar tendinitis, forearm M76.53 Plantar Fascitis M71.28
O00 – O99 Z87.5 Nephropathy N28.9 Myalgia M79.1 Ab Imminens O20.0
P00 - P96 Z87.6 CVA I63.3 CTS / Carpal tunnel S G56.0 AUB N93.9
Q00 – Q99 Z87.7 CVA Sequele I69.3 HEG O21.0 PPOK J44.9
S00 – T98 Z87.8 Appendiccitis K37 KEHAMILAN >35 THN O35.5 Asthma J45.9
Kode Kasus Hamil Z35.- Hemiparse/hemiplagia G81.9 OA M19.9 ISPA J06
Kode Kasus BBL P96.9 Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder M75.0 Afasia R47.0
Vitiligo L80 Stunting E45
Dx Kode Tindakan
TENS 93.39
Lat.LBp/Penguatan/dll 93.11
Occupation Therapy 93.83
Other Speech Training & therapy 93.75
(Terapi Wicar)
Tumpatan/Komposite/Obat 23.2
Pencabutan 23.09
Pasang DC 59.8
NGT 96.34
Rawat Luka 96.59
Jahit Luka 86.52
Injection 81.92
USG 88.78
Nebulizer 93.94