Four Steps To Take Before Writing A Computer Program: 1. Identify The Problem
Four Steps To Take Before Writing A Computer Program: 1. Identify The Problem
Four Steps To Take Before Writing A Computer Program: 1. Identify The Problem
Before you start writing a computer program, first take four critical steps to design
it. By doing so, you don't waste time writing a computer program that doesn't work
or that solves the wrong problem and isn't worth trying to salvage afterward.
The following four steps are crucial when designing any program:
Every program solves a problem. A tax return program solves the problem of
organizing and filing your taxes. A word processor solves the problem of writing,
editing, formatting, and printing text. Even a video game solves the problem of
keeping people amused.
A program is only as useful as the problem it solves. Most programs simplify and
automate an existing problem, such as a money management program that
simplifies organizing and paying bills instead of using paper and an adding
machine. The goal of any program is to make a specific task faster, easier, and
more convenient.
If you're the only person who's going to use your program, you can make your
program look and act any way you want, as long as you know how to make it work.
But if you plan to give or sell your program to others, you need to know who's going
to use it.
Knowing your program's typical user is critical. If users don't like your program for
any reason, they're unlikely to use it. Whether the program actually works is often
By designing your program with the user in mind, you increase the odds that
people use your program and buy a copy for themselves.
Universidad Nacional de La Rioja
Práctica_FN & premodificadores
Trad. Florencia A. Bracamonte
After you identify the user, you need to know what type of computer the user
intends to run the program on. The type of computer that your program runs on can
determine which computer languages you can use, the hardware that your
program can expect to find, and even the maximum size of your program.
If you're writing a program to run on a Macintosh, for example, your program can
take advantage of sound, color graphics, a large hard drive, and plenty of memory.
You may need to rewrite that same program drastically, however, to run it on a
smart phone with its limited sound capability, much simpler color graphics, and
limited amount of memory and storage space.
If you can copy and run your program on another computer with little or no
modification, your program is considered portable. The computer language that
you use to write your program can determine its portability.
When designing any program, consider your programming skill. You may get a
great idea for a program, but if you're a beginner with little experience, writing your
program may take a long time.
Universidad Nacional de La Rioja
Práctica_FN & premodificadores
Trad. Florencia A. Bracamonte
Your programming skill and experience also determine the programming language
that you choose. Experienced programmers may think nothing about writing entire
programs in C or C++. But novices may need to spend a long time studying C and
C++ before writing their programs, or they may choose an easier programming
language, such as BASIC.
Universidad Nacional de La Rioja
Práctica_FN & premodificadores
Trad. Florencia A. Bracamonte
Actividades del texto “Four Steps to Take before Writing a Computer Program” 1 (Wallace
1. Usa corchetes [ ] para delimitar cada FN en los siguientes incisos (puede haber más de
una por inciso). Escribe con mayúsculas sostenidas los núcleos de cada una, es decir,
los sustantivos. Las frases verbales están subrayadas:
a) a computer program that doesn't work or that solves the wrong problem
management program
d) it doesn't work the same way as the old program they currently use
2. Identifica y resalta el núcleo en las siguientes frases nominales. Luego indica qué tipo/s
de pre o posmodificador/es tiene/n. Por último, propón una versión en español para la
frase completa:
A modo de ejemplo:
a) computer languages
Premodificador: computer
Tipo: sustantivo adjetivado
Versión en español: lenguajes informáticos
Universidad Nacional de La Rioja
Práctica_FN & premodificadores
Trad. Florencia A. Bracamonte
d) color graphics
Tipo: ______________
Versión en español: _______________________________
h) a heavy-duty language
Universidad Nacional de La Rioja
Práctica_FN & premodificadores
Trad. Florencia A. Bracamonte
Tipo: ______________
Versión en español: _______________________________
Tipo: ______________
Versión en español: _______________________________
Universidad Nacional de La Rioja
Práctica_FN & premodificadores
Trad. Florencia A. Bracamonte