In Dovekies (Alle Alle) : P.O. Box 109, 15-950 Bialystok, Poland

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1TheNorwegianPolarResearch Institute,P.O. Box158,N-1330 OsloLufthavn,Norway,and
2Instituteof Biology,Universityof Warsaw,Branchin Bialystok,
P.O. Box 109, 15-950 Bialystok,Poland

AI3STRACr.--The Dovekie (Alle alle) is an abundantseabirdin the high Arctic. We studied

Dovekie energeticsby measurementsof resting metabolicrate (RMR) in the laboratoryand
ratesof CO2production(with doubly labeledwater, DLW) of free-living adultsduring the
chick-rearingperiod.Within the thermoneutralzone,restingmetabolismwas2.42 _+0.13ml
O2.g-•.h-• (177.9 + 9.6 kJ/day). Thesevalueswere 84-112%greaterthan predictedfor non-
passetines.Thermal conductance(C) was 0.0630 _+0.0029ml O2.g-•. h-• .øC%which wasclose
to or lower than allometric values of birds of similar body size. Field metabolic rate (FMR)
was6.68 _+1.06ml CO2'g-•' h-• (696.1_+103.7kJ/day). This is the highestFMR value, corrected
for bodymass,yet publishedfor seabirdsstudiedby the doubly labeledwater methodduring
the chick-rearingperiod. The high wing loading of Dovekiesimplies that flight costmay be
high, resulting in a high FMR. Despite a high FMR, Dovekieshad an FMR/RMR ratio of 3.9,
similar to valuesreportedfor other speciesin other regionsduring chick-rearing.We esti-
mated that the amount of plankton (mainly Calanusfinmarchicus) consumedeach day by
Dovekiesequaled80%of their body mass.A colony of 70,000pairs of Dovekies(assuming
one 14-day-oldchick in eachnest) would consume21.9 tons of fresh zooplanktonper day,
andwould addapproximately2.1tons(dry mass)perdayof guanoto the marineandterrestrial
ecosystems over this period.Received 4 January1990,accepted 13 July1990.

ThE Dow•cm (Alle alle) is the smallest (163 g) tems by transportingorganic matter and nutri-
and the most abundant seabird speciesof the ents from seato land (Norderhaug 1970, Taylor
Svalbard archipelago.The largest breeding col- and Konarzewski unpubl. data).
onies, which comprise several hundred thou- High-latitude seabirdsduring the chick-rear-
sand pairs, are on the western coast of Spits- ing period have high values of resting meta-
bergen (Lovenskiold 1964). Dovekies feed bolic rate (RMR) within the thermoneutral zone,
offshoreduring the breeding season,and have and a high field metabolic rate (FMR) when
been observed as far as 150 km from the colonies comparedwith tropical and temperate species
(Byrkjedal et al. 1974,Brown 1976).Some Dove- (Johnson and West 1975; Ricklefs et al. 1986;
kies also feed inshore (Hartley and Fisher 1936, Roby and Ricklefs 1986; Obst et al. 1987; Ga-
Evans 1981). Near Hornsund, Svalbard (77øN), brielsen et al. 1987, 1988). The FMR/RMR ratio
the birds feed mainly offshore (Konarzewski in high-latitude seabirdsvaries between 3 and
and Taylor pers. obs.). The diet consistspri- 4, which is consistent with Drent and Daan's
marily of planktonic copepods (Norderhaug (1980)proposalof a "maximum sustainedwork-
1980; Evans 1981; Lydersen et al. 1985; Wes- ing level" of 4 times basalmetabolic rate (BMR)
lawski, Taylor, and Konarzewski unpubl. data). during chick-rearing.The Dovekieactivity pat-
The large populationsof Dovekiesare the major tern during chick-rearing reflects a high en-
avian predatorson marine copepodsin the Sval- ergy expenditure. Each parent makesapproxi-
bard area. Dovekies spend most of their time at mately 3-5 trips between nesting and feeding
sea,and may play an important role in recycling areas daily (Norderhaug 1980, Evans 1981,
nutrients in arctic marine ecosystems.They also Stempniewicz and Jezierski 1987, Konarzewski
have a significantimpact on terrestrial ecosys- and Taylor pers. obs.).Dovekies have only one
chick, which is broodedfor 5-7 days(Norder-
haug 1980,Taylor and Konarzewskipers.obs.).
3Present address:Norwegian Institute for Nature Dovekiesand other alcidspracticeboth aerial
Research,% TromsoMuseum,Universityof Tromso, and underwater locomotion. They use their
N-9000 Tromso,Norway. wings for propulsion, and the media differ sub-
71 The Auk 108:71-78. January1991
ETAL. [Auk,Vol.108

stantially in density and in buoyancy.Flying ready homeothermic(Konarzewskiand Taylor pers.

auksprobablyrepresenta compromisebetween obs.).
birdsadaptedfor locomotionin air and in water Restingmetabolic
rate measurements.--RMRwas mea-
(Storer 1960).Comparedwith other seabirdsof sured both during the day and at night. Metabolic
the same mass,auks have reduced wing span measurements
at Ny-•lesund,wereasdescribed
Gabrielsenet al. (1988). Briefly, a metabolicchamber
and wing area (Masman and Klaassen1987, (4.5 1) was placed inside a climatic chamber where
Pennycuick 1987). Thus, we expect a high en- the ambient temperature could be controlled within
ergetic cost of aerial locomotion and pursuit + IøC from -25 to +30øC. We measured air flow (1.5-
diving in the Dovekie. The cost of flight and 2.0 1/min) with a mass flow meter (Model F 113, Hi-
swimming, measuredon free-living birds by Tec) connected to a readout (Model E-0020, Hi-Tec).
the doublylabeledwater(DLW) method,ranged Oxygen consumptionand CO2production were mea-
between 4.8 and 11.6 times BMR (LeFebvre 1964, suredwith an Applied Electrochemistry oxygenan-
Utter and LeFebvre 1973,Flint and Nagy 1984, alyzer and a Leybold-Heraeus(BINOS-l) CO2 ana-
Nagy et al. 1984).Becauseof the expectedhigh lyzer. Temperatures in the climatic and metabolic
chamberwere measuredby thermocouplesconnected
costof existencein Dovekies,we felt it impor-
tant to determine whether FMR and RMR are to a Fluke thermometer.Body temperaturewas mea-
sured during metabolismtrials by a small thermo-
consistent with these values, and whether the
couple inserted ca. 2-3 cm into the cloaca.The first
FMR/RMR ratio supportsthe "maximum sus- metabolic measurement was made within 10-12 h of
tained working level" hypothesis (Drent and capture. Eight to ten hours before metabolic trials,
Daan 1980). We used the DLW method to mea- birds were denied food. All birds were exposed to
sureFMR of the Dovekie during the chick-rear- a given chambertemperature1-3 times for at least
ing period. To determine the FMR/RMR ratio 1.5-2.0 h. We measuredmetabolismunder full light
conditions in the climatic chamber and while the bird
of free-living Dovekies,we alsomeasuredrates
of metabolismin the laboratory.We estimated was resting, as determined by inactivity of the bird
(observed by video). We calculated 02 consumption
foodconsumptionbasedon water flux ratesand
(ml O2.g-l.h-•), CO2production(ml CO2'g "h •), re-
the chemical compositionof the diet. Finally spiratory quotient (RQ), and energy expenditure (kJ/
we estimatedfoodrequirementsof a population day) at STPD.
of Dovekies to assess their influence on the arc-
We calculated thermal conductance (C) from the
tic marine ecosystem. mass-specific
metabolicrate(VO2)at an ambienttem-
perature (Ta) below lower critical temperature, ac-
METHODS cordingto theformula:C = VO2/(Tb- Ta),whereTb
is the body temperature of the bird. Thermal con-
We studied Dovekies breeding in Krossfjorden ductanceis expressedas "wet" conductancebecause
(79øN, 1løW) and in Hornsund (77øN, 15øW),Svalbard, evaporativeheat lossfrom respirationwas included.
from Julyto mid-August1986.Laboratorystudieswere All birds used in laboratory experimentswere re-
performed at the researchstation of the Norwegian leasedin the colony.
PolarResearch Institutein Ny-•lesund(32kmsouth Doublylabeledwaterstudiesin thefield.--Metabolic
of Krossfjorden).Adult Dovekies(n = 23) were stud- rates(CO2production) and water flux rateswere mea-
ied in the laboratory during their incubation period. sured by the DLW method (Lifson and McClintock
Birds were either trapped in the nest or caught with 1966,Nagy 1980,Nagy and Costa1980)in one or both
a mist net. Birds used in the laboratory study were membersof a breeding pair. The mean error of this
kept in an outdoor cagefor 1-1.5 days and fed frozen method ranged between -4.9 and +6.5% (Williams
Parathemisto sp. and Prints 1986).
The field studies were conducted at the Dovekie We trapped 28 adults at the nest. We injected 0.5
colony(Ariekammen)on the northern shoresof the ml H21sO,containing 97.11 atom % oxygen-18and
Hornsund Fjord (Norderhaug 1980; $tempniewicz 0.4 mCi tritium, into the pectoral muscle.The birds
1980, 1981). Approximately 70,000 pairs of Dovekies were held in a woodenboxfor 1.0h while the isotopes
breed annually in the Ariekammen colony (Taylor equilibratedwith body water (Degen et al. 1981,Wil-
and Konarzewskiin prep.), and 400,000pairs are es- liams and Nagy 1984). Birds were weighed to the
timated to breed on the northern mountains of the nearest1 g on an Ohaus(C 501) digital balance.Each
Hornsund Fjord (Bakkenpers. comm.). During the bird was marked on the breast with individual pat-
last days of incubation, we fitted 25 nestswith traps. terns in india ink. Blood samples (3 x 70 •1) were
These nestswere inspecteddaily before the DLW taken from a wing vein. We retrapped15 birdswithin
experimentsto determinethe dateof hatching.Chicks one or two days,someof them more than once;and
were 7-20 days old when we performed the DLW a second blood sample was taken. The colony was
measurementson adults. At that age chicks are al- monitored continuouslyto establishthe presenceof
1991] Dovekie
Energetics 73

experimental birds. Two backgroundsampleswere

taken from control birds at the start and at the end
of the experimentalperiod. The backgroundfor ox-
ygen-18was0.2030atom% and 30.0 cpm for tritium.
Measurementsof FMR by DLW becomeunreliable as
final oxygen-18value approachesbackground.We ex-
cluded all blood sampleswith final oxygen-18 en-
-2'0 -1'0 0 10 20 30
richments within 8% of background. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (oC)
Blood sampleswere stored in flame-sealed,hepa-
rinized microhematocritcapillary tubes, and were Fig. 1. Oxygenconsumption ratesof Dovekiesat
different ambient temperatures.
vacuum-distilledto obtain pure water. Isotopelevels
in the water were measuredby liquid scintillation
spectrometry(for tritium) andprotonactivationanal- temperatures,
horizontalvisibility,and wind speed
ysis(for oxygen-18)(Wood et al. 1975)by Ken Nagy, were measuredevery third hour. Precipitation was
Universityof California,LosAngeles,California,USA. recordedfour times daily. For eachbird usedin the
Ratesof CO2productionwere calculatedwith eq. 2 field experiment,precipitationand the meanvalues
in Nagy (1980).Water flux rateswere calculatedfrom of all of the above weather factors were calculated for
eq. 4 in Nagy and Costa(1980).Body water volume theperiodofmeasurement
of fieldmetabolic
was estimated from the regression equation: between the first and secondblood sampling).
Mean values are +SD unless noted otherwise.
body water (ml) = 7.70 + 0.589 (wet body mass,g)
(r2 = 0.89, P < 0.0001,n = 27). We dried carcasses
adult birds caught in the colony during feeding of RESULTS
the chicks to constant weight (Taylor and Konar-
zewski in prep.). We used this equation to estimate Resting
metabolicrate.--The lower criticaltem-
the massof water in the body of each bird at each perature, defined as the intersectionbetween
sampling time. the RMR line and the line that describes the
Foodconsumption.--We collectedfood samplesfrom dependenceof metabolicrateson Ta,was 4.5øC
the gular pouchesof adult Dovekiesthat fed chicks (Fig. 1). The regressionfor Dovekies was y =
in the colony. We assumedthat the diet given to the 2.61 - 0.05x (y = ml O2.g-•-h •, x = ambient
chick was the same for adults. The copepod (Calanus
temperature;T• range from -20 to + 1.5øC;n =
madeup 8.5%of freshmassof food(105
21). Conductance(C) was 0.0630 ml O2'g •'h '.
food samples);other crustaceans
contributedthe rest
(Weslawski,Konarzewski,and Taylor unpubl. data).
øC • (SD = 0.0029, n = 25). The division of the
Field metabolic rates (FMR) were converted from units points(Fig. 1) into two segmentsgivesthe low-
of CO• production to units of energy by the factor est residual sum of squaresfor all points when
26.5 J/ml CO2. This factor was calculated from the the intersection of these lines falls on ambient
chemicalcompositionof Dovekies'foodsamples(76% temperatureca. +5øC (as in Fig. 1).
water in fresh mass;36.8%of lipid, 47.9%of proteins, The mean(+ SD) restingmetabolicrate (RMR)
and 15.3%of mineralsin dry mass[Taylor and Konar- of Dovekies at thermoneutrality was2.42 + 0.13
zewski unpubl. data]).Energy equivalentsfor fat and ml O2'g •'h -• (n = 16) or 177.9 + 9.6 kJ/day
protein were from Schmidt-Nielsen(1975). For our
(Fig. I). The mean respiratory quotient (RQ),
calculation, we assumedthat the proportions of as-
within the thermoneutral zone, was 0.75 + 0.02,
similated dietary fat and protein were the same as
their proportionsin the diet. We calculatedthe amount (n = 16), and body temperaturewas 40.1 + 0.4øC
of food an adult Dovekie would have to consume to (n = 10). Just after the capture in the colony,
satisfyits daily energyrequirement(asmeasuredwith the mean body mass of birds used for RMR
DLW) from the energy content of food samplesand measurements was 162.3 + 12.2 g. Body mass
energy assimilationefficiency.Becausethere are no droppedsignificantlybecauseof starvationbe-
assimilationefficiencystudiesof adult Dovekies,we fore metabolic trials (P < 0.0001, t-test), and
used the value of 0.80 obtained in fledglings (Taylor during the metabolic measurementsmassav-
and Konarzewskiunpubl. data).The foodof Dovekies eraged152.5 + 12.2g. The latter mean was used
contains28.1 kJ/g dry matter (Taylor and Konar-
for calculationof the mass-specific
zewski unpubl. data).Thus, with a water contentof Field metabolic rate.--Field metabolic rate
76%, the food contains 6.75 kJ/g of wet mass,or 5.3
kJ metabolizableenergy per gram of fresh matter. (FMR) of free-ranging birds averaged 6.68 ml
Weather.--Weatherconditionsduring the field ex- CO2'g •'h-', or 696.1kJ/day (Table 1). The mean
periments were obtained from the Polish Polar Re- body massof birds in FMR measurementswas
search Station, 1 km from the Dovekie colony. Air 164.3 + 9.5 g (n = 13), and was not different
Et AL. [Auk,Vol. 108

from initial body massof birds used in labo- DISCUSSION

ratorymeasurements (P > 0.65,t-test).The FMR/
RMR ratio (basedon whole-body ratesof me- Basal metabolic rate (BMR) refers to mea-
tabolism) was 3.9. surements of resting organisms in a postab-
The weather during the study period was sorptive statewithin their thermoneutralzones
characterizedby high precipitation, fog, and (Blight and Johnson1973). Our measurements
strongwinds. Mean air temperaturewas 4.4øC were similar to BMR measurements,but they
(range,2.6-7.0øC),mean daily precipitationwas were done under full light conditions.This sim-
ulated arctic summer conditions. We measured
4.1 mm (range, 0-41 mm), and wind speedwas
3.4 m/s (range,0-18 m/s). Accordingto satellite resting metabolicrate (RMR) rather than basal
metabolic rate. Nevertheless we believe our
maps,the mean oceansurfacetemperaturewas
2.6 (50 km) and 4.7øC(100 km) between Horn- measurementsare comparableto BMR.
sund and the open sea. We used published regressionequations(al-
We analyzed possibledependenceof FMR pha-phase) for nonpasserine birds to predict
(kJ/day) on weather conditions(averagehori- resting metabolic rate (RMR) in Dovekies with-
zontal visibility [km], average air temperature in the thermoneutral zone (Lasiewski and Daw-
son 1967, Aschoffand Pohl 1970). For a Dovekie
[øC],averageand maximumwind velocity[m/s],
precipitation[mm]), and body mass.We used (153 g) the measuredRMR value was 212%and
the body massas an independentvariable to 184%of the predicted values. Similar predicted
avoid statisticalproblemswith analyzing ratios values were obtained by Roby and Ricklefs
suchasmass-specific metabolicrates(Blem1984). (1986) in their study of LeastAuklets (Aethia
The wind speed appeared to be the only sig- pusilla)and diving petrels (Pelecanoides spp.),
nificant weather factor: whose ecologyis similar to that of Dovekies.
The RMR value obtained for Dovekies agrees
FMR (kJ/day)= 3.81.•V+ 17.07.V with earlier observations (Weathers 1979, Hails
1983, Ellis 1984), which showed that BMR is a
= meanbodymass(in g; partialre- functionof breedinglatitude.Speciesthat breed
gressioncoefficientsignificant at P < 0.0001), at high latitudeshave a higher BMR than those
V = wind speed (m/s, P < 0.05). For FMR, SE in temperateand tropical areas.However, fac-
= 94.7, n = 13. Similar analysisof dependence tors other than relative size, diurnal phase,and
of FMR on body masschange(betweenthe first climate may contribute to the high RMR in the
and secondblood sampling) and the age of Dovekie.Robyand Ricklefs(1986)and Gabriel-
chicks was not significant (P > 0.05). sen et al. (1988)suggestedthat the birds' phys-
Water influx rate in Dovekies was 136.6 + ical activity or their modeof life may influence
31.7 ml/day (n = 18) (Table 1). the RMR. Ellis (1984) proposeda closelinkage
Foodconsumption.--Daily energy expenditure between BMR and maximum power output. This
in free-rangingbirds averaged696 kJ/day. At means that a high field metabolic rate (FMR)
a metabolizableenergy yield of 5.3 kJ/g fresh may correlatewith a high RMR.
mass of food, the Dovekie must consume 131.3 We calculatedthermal conductance(C) as 98%
g fresh food or approximately80% of its body of that predictedby Herreid and Kessel's(1967)
massper day.We checkedthisestimateof feed- equation for dead birds (dry conductance)and
ing rate by calculatingwater influx rate, and 76%of Aschoff's(1981)value (alpha-phase)pre-
comparedthis value with the actual influxes dicted for a 152.5 g bird. After compensating
measured with tritiated water. A mass of 131.3 for respiratory heat loss (Herrled and Kessel's
g of food,with a water contentof 76%,contains equation), we found that the C value in Dove-
99.8 ml of water. Metabolic water production kieswashigher than predictedfrom mass.When
from oxidationof assimilatedproteinsand lip- compared with temperate seabirdsof similar
ids would providean additional0.122ml water body size, conductanceof Dovekieswas low.
per gramof freshfood(conversionfactorsfrom This implies greater insulation than in the
Schmidt-Nielsen 1975), or 15.7 ml water. This Georgian Diving Petrel (Pelecanoides georgicus;
yieldsa totalof 115.5ml waterwhen consuming Roby and Ricklefs1986).The averageambient
131.3g of food, which is about 15%lower than temperature in the Svalbard approached the
the measuredwater influx of 136.6ml water per birds' lower critical temperature (TLc= 4.5øC),
bird (Table 1). which implies that thesebirds may not be cold-
1991] Dovekie
Energetics 75

T^BI,E 1. Ratesof body masschange,water influx, and field metabolismof breedingDovekiesin Hornsund.

mass Water
influx Metabolic
rate Measure-Age
Mean Change rate (ml CO2- ment period chicks
Bird No.a (g) (g/day) (ml/day) g '.h -l) kJ/day (days) (days)
86A 154.3 -2.4 99.1 6.90 677.3 1.06 7
94A 168.0 -5.8 131.7 7.58 809.6 1.74 11
94A 159.0 7.8 138.4 8.48 857.4 0.90 16
94A 162.5 0.0 115.3 4.91 507.3 0.88 17
94B 167.5 -4.9 131.6 6.43 685.5 1.01 15
94B 162.5 -6.7 133.9 6.10 630.6 1.64 20
13A 166.0 -4.4 108.6 -- -- 2.27 12
13B 167.0 -0.5 122.2 6.42 681.5 2.07 16
45A 160.5 7.7 182.1 8.65 882.6 1.17 11
18A 188.5 0.8 100.4 5.63 674.5 1.30 12
85A 158.0 7.3 212.8 -- -- 1.91 11
33A 150.5 - 4.0 91.2 6.54 625.6 1.25 8
48A 157.3 4.0 169.4 6.74 673.8 1.88 12
48B 174.3 - 1.5 145.7 -- -- 2.94 16
84A 173.5 -2.9 128.1 6.64 732.9 1.05 7
67A 164.5 0.0 128.1 5.83 610.0 1.63 15
81A 153.5 -1.1 143.2 -- -- 2.64 15
RSA 160.0 3.0 176.5 -- -- 2.01 20

Mean 163.7 - 0.2 136.6 6.68 696.1

SD 9.0 4.6 31.7 1.06 103.7
n 18 18 18 13 13

and B indicatetwo birds of the samepair.

stressed while on land. However, when for- body massto wing area). The wing loading in
aging at sea,water may compressfeathers.This Dovekies (0.98 g/cm2; Stempniewicz 1982), is
increases thermal conductance, and results in 243%of that predictedfor a "typical" bird (Vis-
increased metabolism at the 2-4øC water tem- cor and Fuster 1987). This, together with the
perature. presumablyhigh energeticcostof flying long
The FMR in auksand petrels,is elevatedin distancesto feeding areas (Brown 1976), may
comparisonwith other seabirds(Birt-Friesen et accountfor high FMR in Dovekies.
al. 1989).However, auksand diving petrelsalso Dovekies as well as Kittiwakes (Rissa tridac-
use their wings for underwater locomotion.Be- tyla; Gabrielsen et al. 1987) showed increased
causethe optimum design of wings is different FMR with increasedwind speed.There is a neg-
for flying in air and swimming underwater, an ative effect of wind speed on the increasein
intermediate stage would involve a loss of ef- body massand lipid reservesof Dovekie chicks
ficiencyin eachmedium. The wing areaof auks (Konarzewskiand Taylor 1989). It is unlikely
is approximately 40% that of Procellariiformes that chick growth is directly affectedby wind
and 30% below marine larids. Wing length is becausechicksare relatively well protectedin
only 60% of Procellariiformesand 50% of ma- nest crevices(Konarzewski and Taylor 1989).
rine larids (Jouventin and Mougin 1981). The Presumablyunder windy conditions the FMR
same tendency--but carried to extremes--is of adults is altered sufficientlyto changethe
present in penguins, where the wing is pre- chicks' food intake.
sumably optimized for swimming (Jouventin In seabirdsthe breeding period representsa
and Mougin 1981). period in which the energy demandsupon the
The FMR of Dovekies,correctedfor body size, parent are thought to be at a maximum (Ricklefs
is the highest among all seven cold-water sea- 1983).We found no relationshipbetween adult
bird speciesthat use wings for propulsion in FMR and the age of their chicks 7-20 days of
water (Table 2). The wing area of auks falls in age. Food consumptionby chicks is relatively
the lower extremeof the range of all flying birds stableduring this period(calculatedfrom water
(Greenwalt 1962). Very low wing area in Dove- influx; Taylor et al. unpubl.). The food con-
kies produceshigh wing loading (the ratio of sumptionof Dovekie chicksincreasedonly 35%
ETAL. [Auk,Vol.108

T^BI,E2. Field metabolicrates(FMR) of cold-waterseabirdsthat usewings for propulsionin water, measured

by doubly labeledwater during chick-rearingperiod.
Body FMR vs.
mass FMR predicteda
Species (g) (kJ/day) (%) Source
Least Auklet (Aethia pusilla) 84 358 125 Roby & Ricklefs 1986
South GeorgiaDiving Petrel (Pelecanoides 109 464 134 Roby & Ricklefs 1986
CommonDiving Petrel (P. urinatrix) 137 557 137 Roby & Ricklefs 1986
Dovekie (Alle alle) 164 696 149 Present study
Black Guillemot (Cepphus
grylle) 381 863 100 Mehlum, Gabrielsen &
Nagy unpubl.
Common Murre (Uria aalge) 940 1,871 113 Cairns unpubl.
Thick-billed Murre (U. lomvia) 1,119 2,080 110 Flint et al. prelim. un-
publ. data
Predictedfrom the equationof Birt-Friesenet al. (1989) relating FMRs of cold-waterseabirdsthat use flapping flight to their body weight.

between days8 and 14, and it remainedstable matter) of nitrogen-rich guanoare added to the
until day 21 (Konarzewski et al. in prep.). The Hornsund marine and terrestrial ecosystems
lack of dependenceof adult FMR on chicks'age each day.
agreeswith data obtained for two speciesof The amountof food consumedby adult Dove-
diving petrels (Roby and Ricklefs 1986). kies may be even larger. We found that water
In many breeding birds, free-living parents influx calculated from water content of the
use energy at 3.1-4.3 times their RMR (Hails plankton and oxidation of its fat and protein
and Bryant 1979, Bryant and Westerterp 1983, was 15% lower than water influx measured with
Utter 1971, Utter and LeFebvre 1973, Williams DLW. However, the higher measured values
and Nagy 1984,Nagy et al. 1984,Gabrielsenand may be due to the mode of foragingof Dovekies
Mehlum 1989; but see Williams 1988). Drent (presumablythey consumesomeseawater while
and Daan (1980) proposed a maximum sus- feeding on copepods).The food is carried by
tained working level of 4 x RMR during chick the parents in an extensiblegular pouch. This
rearing. Dovekies show the sameratio, despite may allow water exchangebecausethe food is
the fact that these birds differ in other ways in contact with the mucous membrane.
from mostspeciesstudiedin othergeographical The Dovekie is the only Atlantic seabird that
regions. We strongly support Drent and Daan's feeds mainly on copepods.The specieshas a
(1980) hypothesisof the maximum sustained high energy demand balanced by high food
working level. consumption,and may therefore have an im-
We estimatedfood consumptionfrom energy pact on both the marine and the terrestrial eco-
requirementsof free-ranging Dovekies.We cal- systems,where it depositsa large amount of
culated that adult Dovekies eat approx. 131 g nutrients.

of plankton daily during chick rearing. This

includesonly the adult needsandexcludesfood
given to the young. Basedon the water influx We thank Kenneth A. Nagy for his help in analyz-
rate in growing Dovekie chicks,water content ing the DLW samples.We alsothank the staffat Horn-
of their food, and its energetic value (Konar- sundandNy-,•lesund
zewski et al. unpubl.), we calculatedthat a 14- modationduring the summerof 1986.ElizabethFlint,
day-old chick consumes51 g fresh plankton KennethA. Nagy, J.B.Williams,and two anonymous
reviewers made helpful comments on this manu-
eachday. Foodrequirementsof two adultsand
script.The study was supportedby the Norwegian
one chick would total 3J3 g fresh plankton per
ResearchProgram for Marine Arctic Ecology (PRO-
day. There are approx.70,000pairs of DovekiesMARE),the NorwegianResearchCouncilfor Sciences
in the Ariekammen colony (Taylor and Konar- and the Humanities, and by the Polish Academy of
zewskiunpubl.),and we estimatethat the col- Sciences(Project CPBP 03.03.A 5.6). This is Contri-
ony will consume21.9 tons of C. finmarchicus bution No. 257 from the Norwegian Polar Research
eachday. We estimatethat approx.2.1 tons(dry Institute.
1991] Dovekie
Energetics 77

LITERATURE CITED --, & D. M. BRYANT. 1979. Reproductive ener-

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