Software Engineering: Phd. Trần Khánh Dung

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Subject presented by:

PhD. Trần Khánh Dung
Department of Software Engineering

01- 2020

● Overview
● Goals
● Chapters
● Chapter I – Software & Software Engineering

● Chapter II – Requirements Analysis & Software Specification

● Chapter III – Software Design

● Chapter IV – Guaranty, Testing & Maintaining

● Chapter V – Programming effectively

● Review

● Software Engineering vs. Software Technology
● General processes (a series of predictable steps)
● requirement analysing (Business Analyst)
● modelling (specification) (BA&D)
● designing (Designer)
● checking the quality (Software Quality Assurance)
● Implementing (Developer|Coder|Programer)
● Testing (Tester)
● maintaining
● Not only building software systems but also building them
● Textbook: Software Engineering: A Practitioner's
Approach by Roger Pressman, Mc Graw-Hill, 2009 (7/e,
1/e 1982)


• Equipes IT students with

• basic knowledge of software developing methods

• Helps IT students
• to developing software on principle through methods,
procedures and tools

• to build software effectively


● Software Development Life Cycle


Chapter I
Software & Software

● What is software? Software categories?

● Software developing patterns

Section I – Software

● Definition “software”
● Growing process
● Software characteristics
● Types of software
● Challenges

Definition “software”
● Software is a collection of instructions that can be ‘run’ on a
computer. These instructions tell the computer what to do. 1
● “Computer software, or simply software, refers to the non-
tangible components of computers, known as computer
programs. The term is used to contrast with computer
hardware, which denotes the physical tangible components of
computers.” [Wikipedia]


Definition “software”
● Software is
● (1) instructions (computer programs) that when
executed provide desired function and performance,
● (2) data structures that enable programs to adequately
manipulate information,
● And (3) documents that describe the operation and
use of the programs.

Growing process
● 1950 – 1960: early days of computing
● 1960 - middle 1970: software crisis
● middle 1970 – 1990: network, cheap hardware
● 1990 – present: O-O, expert systems, artificial
intelligence (AI), the fourth generation technics, cell-

Software Characteristics
● Software is developed or engineered, it is not
manufactured in the classical sense

● Software doesn't “wear out”

Software Characteristics
● Although the industry is moving toward component-
based assembly, most software continues to be custom

Attributes of good software
● Maintainability
● Software must evolve to meet changing needs

● Dependability
● Software must be trustworthy

● Efficiency
● Software should not make wasteful use of system resources

● Usability
● Software must be usable by the users for which it was designed

Types of software
● System Software. A collection of programs written to service other
programs at system level. For example, compiler, operating systems.
● Business Software. Programs that access, analyze and process
business information.
● Real-time Software. Programs that monitor/analyze/control real
world events as they occur.
● Engineering and Scientific Software. Software using “number
crunching” algorithms for different science and applications. System
simulation, computer-aided design.
● Embedded Software. Embedded software resides in read-only
memory and is used to control products and systems for the
consumer and industrial markets. It has very limited and esoteric
functions and control capability.
● Artificial Intelligence (AI) Software. Programs make use of AI
techniques and methods to solve complex problems. Active areas are
expert systems, pattern recognition, games
Types of software
● Personal computer software. Word processing,
spreadsheets, computer graphics, multimedia,
entertainment, database management, personal and
business financial applications, external network, and
database access are only a few of hundreds of
● Web-based software. The Web pages retrieved by a
browser are software that incorporates executable
instructions (e.g., CGI, HTML, Perl, or Java), and data
(e.g., hypertext and a variety of visual and audio formats).
● Software Tools and CASE (Computer Aided Software
Engineering) environment. Tools and programs that
help the construction of application software and systems.
For example, programming tools, test tools, version
control tools etc,.
● Do not provide the desired functionality
● Take too long to build
● Cost too much to build
● Require too much resources (time, space) to run
● Cannot evolve to meet changing needs
IBM survey of 24 companies developing distributed systems:
● 55% of the projects cost more than expected
● 68% overran their schedules
● 88% had to be substantially redesigned

● Software product size is increasing exponentially
● faster, smaller, cheaper hardware
● Software is everywhere: from TV sets to cell-phones
● Software is in safety-critical systems
● cars, airplanes, nuclear-power plants
● We are seeing more of
● distributed systems
● embedded systems
● real-time systems
● These kinds of systems are harder to build
● Software requirements change
● software evolves rather than being built

Section II – Software Engineering
● Definition Software Engineering (SE)
● Why is SE?
● What is SE?
● Software Models

Definition SE
● “A systematic approach to the analysis, design,
implementation and maintenance of software.”
(The Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing)
● “ The systematic application of tools and techniques in the
development of computer-based applications.”
(Sue Conger in The New Software Engineering)
● “ Software Engineering is about designing and developing
high-quality software.”
(Shari Lawrence Pfleeger in Software Engineering - The
Production of Quality Software)

Definition SE
● Definition proposed by Fritz Bauer
● “[Software engineering is] the establishment and use of
sound engineering principles in order to obtain economically
software that is reliable and works efficiently on real

● Definition developed by IEEE

● “Software Engineering: (1) The application of a systematic,
disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development,
operation, and maintenance of software; that is, the
application of engineering to software. (2) The study of
approaches as in (1).”

Why SE?
● Major Goals
● To increase software productivity and quality
● To effectively control software schedule and planning
● To reduce the cost of software development
● To meet the customers’ needs and requirements
● To enhance the conduction of software engineering
● To improve the current software engineering practice
● To support the engineers’ activities in a systematic and
efficient manner

What is SE?

● Software engineering is a layered technology

● Process
● Methods
● Tools

What is SE?
● Process
● Glue – holds the technology layers together
● Foundation for software engineering
● Enables timely development
● Forms the basis for management control of software
● Establishes the context in which technical methods are
● Work products are produced
● Milestones are established
● Quality is ensured
● Change is properly managed
What is SE?
● Methods
● Provide the technical “how to’s” for constructing
● Tasks include communications, requirement analysis,
design modeling, program construction, testing, and
● Rely on set of basic principles
● To govern each area of the technology
● Include modeling activities

What is SE?
● Tools
● Automated or semi-automated support for the process
and methods

● A quality focus
● The bedrock
● Any engineering approach must rest on an
organizational commitment to quality.
● Foster a continuous process improvement culture

SE phases
● SE work is categorized into three generic phases
● Definition phase

● Development phase

● Support phase

SE phases
● Definition phase: “WHAT”. To identify
● what information be processed,
● what function and performance desired,
● what system behavior expected,
● what interfaces be established,
● what design constraints exist,
● and what validation criteria required.

>>The key requirements of the system and the software are


SE phases
● Development phase: “HOW”. To define
● how data are to be structured,
● how function to be implemented within a software
● how procedural details are to be implemented,
● how interfaces are to be characterized,
● how the design will be translated into a
programming language (or nonprocedural
● and how testing will be performed.

SE phases
● Support phase: “CHANGE” associated with
● error correction,
● adaptations required as the software's
environment evolves,
● and changes due to enhancements brought
about by changing customer requirements.
>>Four types of change are encountered
during the support phase: Correction,
Adaptation, Enhancement, and Prevention.

Software process models

Model I
The linear sequential
● The Model
● Problems when applied

Linear sequential Model

Linear sequential Model
● classic life cycle = the waterfall model = linear
sequential model
● suggests a systematic, sequential approach to
software development that begins at the system
level and progresses through analysis, design,
coding, testing, and support.

Linear sequential Model

●System/information engineering and

●Software requirements analysis
●Code generation

Linear sequential Model
● System/information engineering and modeling
● software is always part of a larger system =>
establishing requirements for all system elements and
then allocating some subset of these requirements to
● System engineering and analysis encompass
requirements gathering at the system level with a small
amount of top level design and analysis

Linear sequential Model
● Software requirements analysis
● The requirements gathering process is intensified and
focused specifically on software
● the software engineer ("analyst") must understand the
information domain for the software, required function,
behavior, performance, and interface. Requirements
for both the system and the software are documented
and reviewed with the customers

Linear sequential Model
● Design
● Software design is actually a multistep process that
focuses on four distinct
● attributes of a program: data structure, software
architecture, interface representations,
● and procedural (algorithmic) detail.
● The design process translates requirements into a
representation of the software that can be assessed
for quality before coding begins. Like requirements, the
design is documented and becomes part of the
software configuration.

Linear sequential Model
● Code generation
● The design must be translated into a machine-
readable form.
● The code generation step performs this task. If design
is performed in a detailed manner, code generation
can be accomplished mechanistically.

Linear sequential Model
● Testing
● Once code has been generated, program testing
● The testing process focuses on
● the logical internals of the software, ensuring that all
statements have been tested,
● and the functional externals;
● that is conducting tests to uncover errors and ensure that
defined input will produce actual results that agree with
required results.

Linear sequential Model
● Support
● Software will undoubtedly undergo change after it is
delivered to the customer (a possible exception is
embedded software)
● Change will occur because
● errors have been encountered,
● the software must be adapted to accommodate
changes in its external environment (new operating
system or peripheral device),
● the customer requires functional or performance
● Software support/maintenance reapplies each of the
preceding phases to an existing program rather than a
new one
Linear sequential Model problems
1. Real projects rarely follow the sequential flow that the
model proposes. Although the linear model can
accommodate iteration, it does so indirectly. As a result,
changes can cause confusion as the project team
2. It is often difficult for the customer to state all
requirements explicitly. The linear sequential model
requires this and has difficulty accommodating the
natural uncertainty that exists at the beginning of many
3. The customer must have patience. A working version of
the program(s) will not be available until late in the
project time-span. A major blunder, if undetected until the
working program is reviewed, can be disastrous.
Software process models

Model II
The Prototyping Model
● Situations for applying
● The Model
● Problems when applied

Situations for applying
●a customer defines a set of general objectives for
software but does not identify detailed input, processing,
or output requirements
● the developer may be unsure of the efficiency of an
algorithm, the adaptability of an operating system, or the
form that human/machine interaction should take
● etc.,
>>Prototyping paradigm may offer the best approach

Prototyping Model

Prototyping Model
● Requirements gathering: Developer & customer define
the overall objectives for the software, identify whatever
requirements are known, and outline areas where further
definition is mandatory.
● A “quick design”: focuses on a representation of those
aspects of the software that will be visible to the
customer/user (e.g., input approaches and output
formats); leads to the construction of a prototype.
● The prototype is evaluated by the customer/user and
used to refine requirements for the software to be
● Iteration occurs as the prototype is tuned to satisfy the
needs of the customer, while at the same time enabling
the developer to better understand what needs to be done
Prototyping Model Problems
1. No one has considered overall software quality or long-
term maintainability.
2. When informed that the product must be rebuilt so that
high levels of quality can be maintained, the customer
cries foul and demands that "a few fixes" be applied to
make the prototype a working product.
3. The developer often makes implementation compromises
in order to get a prototype working quickly. After a time,
the developer may become familiar with these choices
and forget all the reasons why they were inappropriate.
The less-than-ideal choice has now become an integral
part of the system.

Prototyping Model Problems

● The customer and developer must both agree that the

prototype is built to serve as a mechanism for defining

● The actual software is engineered with an eye toward

quality and maintainability

Software process models

Model III
The RAD Model
● The Model
● Problems when applied

RAD Model
● Rapid application development (RAD) is an
incremental software development process model
that emphasizes an extremely short development
● RAD model is a “high-speed” adaptation of the
linear sequential model in which rapid
development is achieved by using component-
based construction
● If requirements are well understood and project
scope is constrained, the RAD process enables a
development team to create a “fully functional
system” within very short time periods (e.g., 60 to
90 days)
RAD Model

RAD Model
● Business modeling. The information flow among
business functions is modeled in a way that answers
the following questions:
● What information drives the business process?
● What information is generated?
● Who generates it?
● Where does the information go?
● Who processes it?

RAD Model
● Data modeling. The information flow defined as
part of the business modeling phase is refined
into a set of data objects that are needed to
support the business. The characteristics (called
attributes) of each object are identified and the
relationships between these objects defined.

RAD Model
● Process modeling. The data objects defined in
the data modeling phase are transformed to
achieve the information flow necessary to
implement a business function. Processing
descriptions are created for adding, modifying,
deleting, or retrieving a data object.

RAD Model
● Application generation. RAD assumes the use
of fourth generation techniques. Rather than
creating software using conventional third
generation programming languages the RAD
process works to reuse existing program
components (when possible) or create reusable
components (when necessary). In all cases,
automated tools are used to facilitate construction
of the software.

RAD Model
● Testing and turnover. Since the RAD process
emphasizes reuse, many of the program
components have already been tested. This
reduces overall testing time. However, new
components must be tested and all interfaces
must be fully exercised.

RAD Model Candidate
● Candidate for RAD
● If a business application can be modularized in a way
that enables each major function to be completed in
less than three months (using the approach described
previously). Each major function can be addressed by
a separate RAD team and then integrated to form a

RAD Model Problems
● For large but scalable projects, RAD requires
sufficient human resources to create the right
number of RAD teams.
● RAD requires developers and customers who are
committed to the rapid-fire activities necessary to
get a system complete in a much abbreviated
time frame. If commitment is lacking from either
constituency, RAD projects will fail.

RAD Model Problems
● Not all types of applications are appropriate for
RAD. If a system cannot be properly modularized,
building the components necessary for RAD will
be problematic.
● RAD is not appropriate when technical risks are
high. This occurs when a new application makes
heavy use of new technology or when the new
software requires a high degree of interoperability
with existing computer programs.

Evolutionary software process models

Model IV
The Incremental Model

● The Model
● Advantages of the model

Incremental Model
● The incremental model combines elements of the
linear sequential model (applied repetitively) with
the iterative philosophy of prototyping.
● The incremental model applies linear sequences
in a staggered fashion as calendar time
progresses. Each linear sequence produces a
deliverable “increment” of the software.
● The incremental model focuses on the delivery of
an operational product with each increment

Incremental Model

Incremental Model
● For example, word-processing software
developed using the incremental paradigm
● 1st increment: deliver basic file management,
editing, and document production functions;
● 2nd increment: more sophisticated editing and
document production capabilities;
● 3rd increment: spelling and grammar checking;
● 4th increment: advanced page layout capability.

Incremental Model
● 1st increment is core product, basic requirements
are addressed, but many supplementary features
remain undelivered.
● The core product is used by the customer. As a
result of use and/or evaluation, a plan is
developed for the next increment.
● The plan addresses the modification of the core
product to better meet the needs of the customer
and the delivery of additional features and
● This process is repeated following the delivery of
each increment, until the complete product.
Incremental Model Advantages
● Incremental development is useful when staffing is
unavailable for a complete implementation by the
business deadline that has been established for
the project.
● Increments can be planned to manage technical
risks. E.g., a major system might require the
availability of new hardware under development. It
might be possible to plan early increments in a
way that avoids the use of this hardware, thereby
enabling partial functionality to be delivered to
end-users without inordinate delay.

Evolutionary software process models

Model V
The Spiral Model

● The Model
● Advantages and disadvantages of the model

Spiral Model
● The Spiral Model couples the iterative nature of
prototyping with the controlled and systematic
aspects of the linear sequential model
● It provides the potential for rapid development of
incremental versions of the software
● Using the spiral model, software is developed in a
series of incremental releases. During early
iterations, the incremental release might be a
paper model or prototype. During later iterations,
increasingly more complete versions of the
engineered system are produced

Spiral Model

Spiral Model
●A spiral model is divided into 6 framework
● Customer communication - tasks required to
establish effective communication between
developer and customer.
● Planning - tasks required to define resources,
timelines, and other project related information.
● Risk analysis - tasks required to assess both
technical and management risks.

Spiral Model
● Engineering - tasks required to build one or
more representations of the application.
● Construction and release - tasks required to
construct, test, install, and provide user support
(e.g., documentation and training).
● Customer evaluation - tasks required to obtain
customer feedback based on evaluation of the
software representations created during the
engineering stage and implemented during the
installation stage.

Spiral Model
● Beginning at the center, moves around the spiral in
a clockwise direction
● The first circuit might result in the development of a
product specification; subsequent passes might be
used to develop a prototype, then progressively
more sophisticated versions of the software
● Each pass through the planning region results in
adjustments to the project plan. Cost and schedule
are adjusted based on feedback from customer
● In addition, the project manager adjusts the
planned number of iterations required to complete
the software
Spiral Model
● Each cube placed along the axis can be used to
represent the starting point for different types of
● A “concept development project” starts at the core of
the spiral and will until concept development is
● If the concept is to be developed into an actual product,
the process proceeds through the next cube (new
product development project entry point) and a “new
development project” is initiated.

Spiral Model Advantages
● The spiral model is a realistic approach to the
development of large-scale systems and software.
● The spiral model uses prototyping as a risk reduction
mechanism, enables the developer to apply the
prototyping approach at any stage in the evolution of
the product.
● The spiral model demands a direct consideration of
technical risks at all stages of the project and, if
properly applied, should reduce risks before they
become problematic.

Spiral Model Disadvantages
● It may be difficult to convince customers (particularly in
contract situations) that the evolutionary approach is
● It demands considerable risk assessment expertise and
relies on this expertise for success. If a major risk is not
uncovered and managed, problems will undoubtedly

Software process models

Model VI
Fourth Generation
Techniques (4GT)

● The paradigm
● Advantages and disadvantages of the model
Fourth Generation Techniques
● 4GT encompasses a broad array of software tools that
have one thing in common: each enables the software
engineer to specify some characteristic of software at a
high level, then the tool automatically generates source
code based on the developer's specification.

● 4GT paradigm focuses on the ability to specify software

using specialized language forms or a graphic notation
that describes the problem to be solved in terms that
the customer can understand.

Fourth Generation Techniques
● A software development environment that supports the
4GT paradigm includes some or all of the following
● nonprocedural languages for database query,
● report generation,
● data manipulation,
● screen interaction and definition,
● code generation;
● 4GT tools have high-level graphics capability;
spreadsheet capability, and automated generation of
HTML and similar languages used for Web-site creation
using advanced software tools.

Fourth Generation Techniques
● 4GT begins with a requirements gathering step.
● For small applications, it may be possible to move
directly from the requirements gathering step to
implementation using a nonprocedural fourth generation
language (4GL) or a model composed of a network of
graphical icons.
● For larger efforts, it is necessary to develop a design
strategy for the system, even if a 4GL is to be used.
The use of 4GT without design (for large projects) will
cause the difficulties (poor quality, poor maintainability,
poor customer acceptance)

Fourth Generation Techniques
● To transform a 4GT implementation into a product, the
developer must
● conduct through testing,
● develop meaningful documentation,
● and perform all other solution integration activities
● The 4GT developed software must be built in a manner
that enables maintenance to be performed

4GT Advantages
● The use of 4GT is a viable approach for many different
application areas. Coupled with computer-aided
software engineering tools and code generators, 4GT
offers a credible solution to many software problems.
● Data collected from companies that use 4GT indicate
that the time required to produce software is greatly
reduced for small and intermediate applications, and
that the amount of design and analysis for small
applications is also reduced.

4GT Disadvantages
● Current 4GT tools are not much easier to use than
programming languages, the resultant source code
produced by such tools is "inefficient," and the
maintainability of large software systems developed
using 4GT is open to question.
● The use of 4GT for large software development efforts
demands as much or more analysis, design, and testing
(software engineering activities) to achieve substantial
time savings that result from the elimination of coding.


Chapter II
Requirements Analysis
& Software Specification
● Requirements Engineering
● Requirements Analysis
● Analysis Principles
● Software Prototyping
● Specification
Requirements Engineering
● The requirements engineering process can be
described in five distinct steps:
● requirements elicitation
● requirements analysis and negotiation
● requirements specification
● requirements validation
● requirements management

Requirements Elicitation
● Requirements elicitation is difficult
● Problems of scope. The boundary of the system is ill-
defined or the customers specify unnecessary technical
detail that may confuse,
● Problems of understanding. The customers are not
completely sure of what is needed, have a poor
understanding of the capabilities and limitations of their
computing environment, don’t have a full understanding of
the problem domain, have trouble communicating needs to
the system engineer, omit information that is believed to be
“obvious,” specify requirements that conflict with the needs
of other customers/users, or specify requirements that are
ambiguous or untestable.
● Problems of volatility. The requirements change over time.

Requirements Elicitation
● Detailed guidelines for requirements elicitation:
● Assess the business and technical feasibility for the
proposed system.
● Identify the people who will help specify requirements
and understand their organizational bias.
● Define the technical environment (e.g., computing
architecture, operating system, telecommunications
needs) into which the system or product will be placed.
● Identify “domain constraints” (i.e., characteristics of the
business environment specific to the application
domain) that limit the functionality or performance of
the system or product to be built.

Requirements Elicitation
● Detailed guidelines for requirements elicitation (cont.):
● Define one or more requirements elicitation methods
(e.g., interviews, focus groups, team meetings).
● Solicit participation from many people so that
requirements are defined from different points of view;
be sure to identify the rationale for each requirement
that is recorded.
● Identify ambiguous requirements as candidates for
● Create usage scenarios to help customers/users better
identify key requirements.

Requirements Elicitation
● The work products include:
● A statement of need and feasibility.
● A bounded statement of scope for the system.
● A list of customers, users, and other stakeholders who
participated in the requirements elicitation activity.
● A description of the system’s technical environment.
● A list of requirements (organized by function) and the
domain constraints that apply to each.
● A set of usage scenarios that provide insight into the
use of the system or product under different operating
● Any prototypes developed to better define
Requirements Analysis & Negotiation
● Analysis
● categorizes requirements and organizes them into
related subsets;
● explores each requirement in relationship to others;
● examines requirements for consistency, omissions,
and ambiguity;
● and ranks requirements based on the needs of

Requirements Analysis & Negotiation
● The following questions are asked and answered:
● Is each requirement consistent with the overall
objective for the system/product?
● Have all requirements been specified at the proper
level of abstraction? That is, do some requirements
provide a level of technical detail that is inappropriate
at this stage?
● Is the requirement really necessary or does it
represent an add-on feature that may not be essential
to the objective of the system?

Requirements Analysis & Negotiation
● The following questions are asked and answered (cont.):
● Is each requirement bounded and unambiguous?
● Does each requirement have attribution? That is, is a
source (generally, a specific individual) noted for each
● Do any requirements conflict with other requirements?
● Is each requirement achievable in the technical
environment that will house the system or product?
● Is each requirement testable, once implemented?

Requirements Specification
● A specification can be:
● a written document,
● a graphical model,
● a formal mathematical model,
● a collection of usage scenarios,
● a prototype,
● or any combination of these.
● For large systems, a written document, combining natural
language descriptions and graphical models may be the
best approach.
● For smaller systems, usage scenarios may be all that are
required for smaller products or systems that reside within
well-understood technical environments.
Requirements Specification
● The Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is the final
work product produced by the system and requirements
● It describes the function and performance of a computer-
based system and the constraints that will govern its
development. The specification bounds each allocated
system element.
● The System Specification also describes the information
(data and control) that is input to and output from the

System Modelling
● In order to fully specify what is to be built, you would need
a meaningful model.
● It is important to evaluate the system’s components in
relationship to one another, to determine how
requirements fit into this picture, and to assess the
“aesthetics” of the system as it has been conceived.

Requirements Validation
● Requirements validation examines the specification to
ensure that
● all system requirements have been stated
● that inconsistencies, omissions, and errors have been
detected and corrected;
● and that the work products conform to the standards
established for the process, the project, and the

Requirements Validation
● The primary requirements validation mechanism is the
formal technical review.
● The review team includes system engineers, customers,
users, and other stakeholders.
● The review team examine the system specification, look
● errors in content or interpretation,
● areas where clarification may be required,
● missing information,
● inconsistencies,
● conflicting requirements,
● or unrealistic (unachievable) requirements.
Requirements Management
● Requirements management is a set of activities that help
the project team to identify, control, and track
requirements and changes to requirements at any time as
the project proceeds.
● Each requirement is assigned a unique identifier that
might take the form:
<requirement type><requirement #>
where requirement type takes on values such as F = functional
requirement, D = data requirement, B = behavioral requirement, I =
interface requirement, and P = output requirement.

E.g., a requirement identified as F09 indicates a functional requirement

assigned requirement number 9.

Requirements Management
● Once requirements have been identified, traceability
tables are developed.

Requirements Management
● Among many possible traceability tables are the following:
● Features traceability table. Shows how requirements
relate to important customer observable
system/product features.
● Source traceability table. Identifies the source of each
● Dependency traceability table. Indicates how
requirements are related to one another.
● Subsystem traceability table. Categorizes
requirements by the subsystem(s) that they govern.
● Interface traceability table. Shows how requirements
relate to both internal and external system interfaces.

Software Requirements Analysis
● Requirements analysis allows the software engineer to
refine the software allocation and build models of the
data, functional, and behavioral domains that will be
treated by software.
● Requirements analysis provides the software designer
with a representation of information, function, and
behavior that can be translated to data, architectural,
interface, and component-level designs.
● Finally, the requirements specification provides the
developer and the customer with the means to assess
quality once software is built.

Software Requirements Analysis
● Software requirements analysis may be divided into five
areas of effort:
● (1) problem recognition,
● (2) evaluation and synthesis,
● (3) modeling,
● (4) specification,
● and (5) review

Software Requirements Analysis
● The analyst must
● define all externally observable data objects,
● evaluate the flow and content of information,
● define and elaborate all software functions,
● understand software behavior in the context of events
that affect the system, establish system interface
● and uncover additional design constraints.

Software Req. Analysis Principles
1. The information domain of a problem must be
represented and understood.
2. The functions that the software is to perform must be
3. The behavior of the software (as a consequence of
external events) must be represented.
4. The models that depict information, function, and
behavior must be partitioned in a manner that uncovers
detail in a layered (or hierarchical) fashion.
5. The analysis process should move from essential
information toward implementation detail.

Software Req. Analysis Guidelines

● Understand the problem before you begin to create the

analysis model

● Develop prototypes that enable a user to understand how

human/machine interaction will occur.

● Record the origin of and the reason for every requirement.

● Use multiple views of requirements.
● Rank requirements.
● Work to eliminate ambiguity.

Software Models
● Functional models. Software transforms information, and
in order to accomplish this, it must perform at least three
generic functions: input, processing, and output. When
functional models of an application are created, the
software engineer focuses on problem specific functions.

● Behavioral models. Most software responds to events

from the outside world. This stimulus/response
characteristic forms the basis of the behavioral model. A
computer program always exists in some state—an
externally observable mode of behavior (e.g., waiting,
computing, printing, polling) that is changed only when
some event occurs.

Prototyping Approach
● The prototyping paradigm can be either close-ended or
● The close-ended approach is often called throwaway
● An open-ended approach, called evolutionary
prototyping, uses the prototype as the first part of an
analysis activity that will be continued into design and

Prototyping Approach
● It is necessary to determine whether the system to be built
is amenable to prototyping.
● application area,
● application complexity,
● customer characteristics,
● and project characteristics.

Prototyping Approach
● It is necessary to determine whether the system to be built
is amenable to prototyping.
● application area,
● application complexity,
● customer characteristics,
● and project characteristics.

Prototyping Approach
● Prototyping Methods and Tools
● Fourth generation techniques

● Reusable software components

● Formal specification and prototyping


Software Specification
● Specification may be viewed as a representation process.
Requirements are represented in a manner that ultimately
leads to successful software implementation.

Software Specification Principles
● Specification principles:
● Separate functionality from implementation.
● Develop a model of the desired behavior of a system
that encompasses data & the functional responses of a
system to various stimuli from the environment.
● Establish the context in which software operates by
specifying the manner in which other system
components interact with software.
● Define the environment in which the system operates

Software Specification Principles
● Specification principles (cont.):
● Create a cognitive model rather than a design or
implementation model. The cognitive model describes
a system as perceived by its user community.
● Recognize that “the specifications must be tolerant of
incompleteness and augmentable.” A specification is
always a model of some real situation that is normally
quite complex. Hence, it will be incomplete and will
exist at many levels of detail.
● Establish the content and structure of a specification in
a way that will enable it to be amenable to change.


Chapter III
Design Concepts &

● Design Principles
● Architectural Design
● Interface Design
● The designer's goal is to produce a model or
representation of an entity that will later be built.
● Design is the first of three technical activities
(design, code generation, and test) that are
required to build and verify the software
● Software requirements, manifested by the data,
functional, and behavioral models, feed the
design task
● The design task produces a data design, an
architectural design, an interface design, and a
component design


Translating analysis model into a software design

● The design task produces a data design, an architectural
design, an interface design, and a component design.
● The data design transforms the information domain
model created during analysis into the data structures
that will be required to implement the software.
● The architectural design defines the relationship
between major structural elements of the software, the
“design patterns” that can be used to achieve the

● The interface design describes how the software
communicates within itself, with systems that
interoperate with it, and with humans who use it.
● The component-level design transforms structural
elements of the software architecture into a procedural
description of software components.

● Design provides us with representations of software that
can be assessed for quality.
● Design is the only way that we can accurately translate a
customer's requirements into a finished software product.

Design Principles
● Software design is both a process and a model.
● The design process is a sequence of steps that enable
the designer to describe all aspects of the software to
be built (creative skill, past experience, a sense of
what makes “good” software)
● The design model begins by representing the totality
of the thing to be built and slowly refines the thing to
provide guidance for constructing each detail

Design Principles
● The design process should not suffer from “tunnel vision.”
● The design should be traceable to the analysis model.
● The design should not reinvent the wheel.
● The design should “minimize the intellectual distance”
between the software and the problem as it exists in the
real world.

● The design should exhibit uniformity and integration.

● The design should be structured to accommodate change.

Design Principles
● The design should be structured to degrade gently, even
when aberrant data, events, or operating conditions are

● Design is not coding, coding is not design.

● The design should be assessed for quality as it is being
created, not after the fact.

● The design should be reviewed to minimize conceptual

(semantic) errors.

Data Design
● Data Design
● Data design creates a model of data and/or
information that is represented at a high level of
abstraction (the customer/user’s view of data).
● The data design activity translates these elements of
the requirements model into data structures at the
software component level and, when necessary, a
database architecture at the application level.
● The data objects defined during software requirements
analysis are modeled using entity/relationship

Architectural Design
● What is Software Architecture?
● The software architecture is the structure(s) of the
system, which comprise software components, the
externally visible properties of those components, and
the relationships among them.
● A software component can be a program module,
databases and “middleware” that enable the
configuration of a network of clients and servers

Interface Design
● Interface design focuses on three areas of concern:
(1) the design of interfaces between software
(2) the design of interfaces between the software and
other nonhuman producers and consumers of information
(i.e., other external entities),
(3) the design of the interface between a human (i.e., the
user) and the computer.

User Interface Design
● The three “golden rules”:
1. Place the user in control.
2. Reduce the user’s memory load.
3. Make the interface consistent.

User Interface Design Golden Rules
1. Place the user in control.
● Define interaction modes in a way that does not force
a user into unnecessary or undesired actions (An
interaction mode is the current state of the interface).
● Provide for flexible interaction
● Allow user interaction to be interruptible and undoable.
● Streamline interaction as skill levels advance and allow
the interaction to be customized.
● Hide technical internals from the casual user
● Design for direct interaction with objects that appear
on the screen.

User Interface Design Golden Rules
2. Reduce the user’s memory load.
● Reduce demand on short-term memory.
● Establish meaningful defaults.
● Define shortcuts that are intuitive
● The visual layout of the interface should be based on a
real world metaphor
● Disclose information in a progressive

User Interface Design Golden Rules
3. Make the interface consistent.
● Allow the user to put the current task into a meaningful
● Maintain consistency across a family of applications.
● If past interactive models have created user
expectations, do not make changes unless there is a
compelling reason to do so.

User Interface Design Models
● Interface Design Models
● Four different models come into play when a user
interface is to be designed.
● the software engineer creates a design model,
● a human engineer (or the software engineer)
establishes a user model,
● the end-user develops a mental image that is often
called the user's model
● the implementers of the system create a system

User Interface Design Process
● The User Interface Design Process
● encompasses four distinct framework activities:
● User, task, and environment analysis and modeling
● Interface design
● Interface construction
● Interface validation


Chapter IV
Software Testing

● Software Testing Techniques

● Software Testing Strategies

Software Testing
● Testing Objectives
● Testing is a process of executing a program with the
intent of finding an error.
● A successful test is one that uncovers an as-yet-
undiscovered error.

Software Testing
● Attributes of a “good” test
● A good test has a high probability of finding an error.
● A good test is not redundant.
● A good test should be “best of breed”.
● A good test should be neither too simple nor too

Software Testing Principles
● Testing Principles
● All tests should be traceable to customer
● Tests should be planned long before testing begins.
● The Pareto principle applies to software testing.
● Testing should begin “in the small” and progress
toward testing “in the large.”
● Exhaustive testing is not possible.
● To be most effective, testing should be conducted by
an independent third party.

Software Testing Techniques
● Test Case Design Methods
● White-Box Testing: Knowing the internal workings of a
product, tests can be conducted to ensure that internal
operations are performed according to specifications
and all internal components have been adequately
● Black-Box Testing: Knowing the specified function that
a product has been designed to perform, tests can be
conducted that demonstrate each function is fully
operational while at the same time searching for errors
in each function.

White-Box Testing
● White-box testing (glass-box testing) uses the control
structure of the procedural design to derive test cases, in
such a way that
● guarantee that all independent paths within a module
have been exercised at least once,
● exercise all logical decisions on their true and false
● execute all loops at their boundaries and within their
operational bounds,
● exercise internal data structures to ensure their

White-Box Testing Techniques
● Basis Path Testing (Tom McCabe)
● enables the test case designer to derive a logical
complexity measure of a procedural design and use
this measure as a guide for defining a basis set of
execution paths.

White-Box Testing Techniques
● Basis Path Testing (cont.)

White-Box Testing Techniques
● Basis Path Testing (cont.)

Black-Box Testing
● Black-box testing (behavioral testing) focuses on the
functional requirements of the software, enables the
software engineer to derive sets of input conditions that
will fully exercise all functional requirements for a
● Black-box testing attempts to find errors in the following
● incorrect or missing functions,
● interface errors,
● errors in data structures or external database access,
● behavior or performance errors,
● initialization and termination errors.

Black-Box Testing
● Graph-Based Testing Methods
● the first step is to understand the objects that are
modeled in software and the relationships that connect
these objects.
● next step is to define a series of tests that verify “all
objects have the expected relationship to one another”

(1) creating a graph of important objects and their

(2) devising a series of tests that will cover the graph
so that each object and relationship is exercised and
errors are uncovered.

Black-Box Testing
● Graph-Based Testing Methods (cont.)
● A graph is a collection of
● nodes that represent objects;
● links that represent the relationships between
● node weights that describe the properties of a node
(e.g., a specific data value or state behavior);
● link weights that describe some characteristic of a

Black-Box Testing
● Graph-Based Testing Methods

Black-Box Testing
● Graph-Based Testing Methods

Software Testing Strategies
● The strategy provides a road map that describes the steps
to be conducted as part of testing, when these steps are
planned and then undertaken, and how much effort, time,
and resources will be required.
● Testing strategy must incorporate
● test planning,
● test case design,
● test execution,
● resultant data collection and evaluation.

Software Testing Strategies

Software Testing Strategies
● Unit testing concentrates on each unit (i.e., component) of
the software as implemented in source code.
● Integration testing focuses on design and the construction
of the software architecture.
● Validation testing, where requirements established as part
of software requirements analysis are validated against
the software that has been constructed.
● System testing, where the software and other system
elements are tested as a whole.

Software Testing Strategies

Software Testing Strategies
● Unit Testing
● Unit testing focuses on the smallest unit of software
design, i.e. the software component or module.
● The unit test is white-box oriented, and the step can be
conducted in parallel for multiple components

Software Testing Strategies
● Unit Testing
● The module interface is tested
to ensure that information
properly flows into and out of
the program unit under test.
● The local data structure is
examined to ensure that data
stored temporarily maintains
its integrity during all steps in
an algorithm's execution.

Software Testing Strategies
● Unit Testing
● Boundary conditions are
tested to ensure that the
module operates properly at
boundaries established to limit
or restrict processing.
● All independent paths (basis
paths) through the control
structure are exercised to
ensure that all statements in a
module have been executed
at least once.
● Finally, all error handling
paths are tested.
Software Testing Strategies
● Integration Testing
● Integration testing is a systematic technique for
constructing the program structure while at the same
time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with
● The objective is to take unit tested components and
build a program structure that has been dictated by
● Two approaches: Top-down & Bottom-up

Software Testing Strategies
● Integration Testing
● Top-down integration testing is an incremental
approach to construction of program structure.
● Modules are integrated by moving downward through
the control hierarchy, beginning with the main control
module (main program). Modules subordinate (and
ultimately subordinate) to the main control module are
incorporated into the structure in either a depth-first or
breadth-first manner.

Software Testing Strategies
● Integration Testing
● Top-down Integration: Depth-first integration

Software Testing Strategies
● Integration Testing
● Bottom-up Integration Testing begins construction and
testing with atomic modules (i.e., components at the
lowest levels in the program structure).
● Components are integrated from the bottom up,
therefore processing required for components
subordinate to a given level is always available and the
need for stubs is eliminated.

Software Testing Strategies
● Integration Testing
● Bottom-up Integration

Software Testing Strategies
● Validation Testing
● Validationsucceeds when software functions in a
manner that can be reasonably expected by the

Software Testing Strategies
● Validation Testing
● Alpha Testing is conducted at the developer's site by a
customer. The software is used in a natural setting with
the developer "looking over the shoulder" of the user
and recording errors and usage problems. Alpha tests
are conducted in a controlled environment.
● Beta Testing is conducted at one or more customer
sites by the end-user of the software. The developer is
generally not present. The beta test is a "live"
application of the software in an environment that
cannot be controlled by the developer. The customer
records all problems that are encountered during beta
testing and reports these to the developer at regular
Software Testing Strategies
● System Testing
● Recovery testing forces the software to fail in a variety
of ways and verifies that recovery is properly
● Security testing attempts to verify that protection
mechanisms built into a system will, in fact, protect it
from improper penetration.
● Stress testing executes a system in a manner that
demands resources in abnormal quantity, frequency, or
● Performance testing is designed to test the run-time
performance of software within the context of an
integrated system. Performance testing occurs
throughout all steps in the testing process.
Debugging Process


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