TAELED803 Project Portfolio
TAELED803 Project Portfolio
TAELED803 Project Portfolio
TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
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TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Student name:
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TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Describe the organisation and The course is based on the course of the operational management. In
the course you are basing this this course, the way how the operational or the process is managed is
project on. considered.
Describe the cohort of This project is based on the unit which focus on the learning through the
learners you are basing this management and learning through the various method like case study,
project on. visual learning and many more.
Provide an overview of The learning material that are used are video and audio source, audio
current training and visual playing devices and equipment, multimedia and stationery like
assessment practices. pen, paper and many more.
What learning materials are Other resources and equipment which are used are generally, furniture,
being used? light bulb, classroom, and other resources.
What other resources and The technology which are currently being used include internet,
equipment are being used? communication devices, computers and projections and these factors or
the equipment are used as per the need and demand.
How is technology currently
being used? No, there is no need to attach the current training and assessment
strategy as a part of the evidence.
You will need to attach the
current Training and
Assessment Strategy (TAS)
as part of your evidence.
How are you going to conduct The observation is done by addressing the work they have done and
observations and an analysis way how they solve the problems. The ability are measure and
of your learner cohort? addressed.
This must include: The current learning method are effective for them.
Their interests, abilities, Yes, this will address the learning styles and the appropriate way of
relationships and any learning and addressing the problems
contextual needs.
Yes, data are collected and even exams are performed to measure the
Their unique learner styles ability.
and how appropriate the
current learning methods are
for them.
This will involve data
collection and building learner
Attach your evidence once
you have completed your
observations and evaluations.
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TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Evaluation of advances in The advance in practice which has been researched is the way how the
learning practices learning materials are collected and managed. Internet is used and the
learning materials are used as well in this scenario. Learning from the
What advances in practice
current best practise is done which is online course.
have you researched?
The course is about the management and operational management.
How do these advances
And these online course including videos and case would provide the
specifically apply to the
details information and analysis.
course you are basing this
project on? Organizations use this kind of information to make educate and train
their employee.
How these are being
implemented by other Resources or the course are listed on following site.
List your sources.
Evaluation of technology The role of technology in this area is to collect information from different
course and part of the case.
What is the role of technology
in this industry area? The impact of this technology is to make learners to get the new and
latest case, changes and rules. And this also make learners able to surf
What is the impact of new
and know about the global rules, and changes. Also the new learning
technologies on learners and
way includes the remote teaching, digital presence and group analysis.
training techniques and how
this could be incorporated
into your learning
Provide an evaluation for how New learning practices can be introduced in the course by addressing
new learning practices can be the various factors. One of the thing is the digital technology and getting
introduced for your chosen in touch. If the learners are not able to understand then the online
course and cohort in a way presence of other learners and teachers can be helpful. This will help
that will ensure learning the learners practice to meet the qualification requirements and make
practice still reflects the learning easier and continuous process as well.
qualification requirements.
When introducing the changes, it should be make sure that the learners
What are the requirements are able to understand the changes and the need of change and the
that must be met and how can main factor to ensure is the way how the changes can boost and make
you ensure this when positive changes not the negative one.
introducing changes?
Why should changes be Changes should be incorporated to blend into the changing world and
incorporated? to perform the continuous learning.
When was the strategy last
reviewed and why is there a
The strategy was last reviewed on April 15 and there is a need to
need to review and challenge
review and challenge existing practices because this would help the
existing practices?
learners to gain up to date information in the field.
Planning For the learning practice, the main change which is made is the online
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TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
learning. Besides learning from the book and teachers, online materials
are observed and analysed. Even the course found online are analysed.
Summarise the changes you
All the learners and teachers globally all around the world are
are going to make to learning
connected virtually for solving queries.
practice for the current course
along with your reasons why Learning styles and needs are consider by addressing the learning
you have chosen to this. materials and course and procedure of getting knowledge. Styles like
practical learning, activist learning, and audio learning and so on are
Include details of how you
used effectively. This is advance in the contemporary practice as the
have considered:
learners are able to learn and raise question and it can be addressed
Learner styles, needs worldwide. The basic qualification requirements is ability of the learners
and preferences to understand English and able to use the basis of the computer or
Advances in
contemporary practice
Make a copy of the TAS and
work your changes into the
Attach as evidence.
Course researched:
Testing approaches used The changes can be tested by analysing the changes in the current
environment, if the changes is related to the course and learning factor
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TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Outline how you tested then it can be used by analysing the outcome of the changes and
changes to learning practice objectives of using it.
based on your planning in
Testing is done by addressing the course outcome, timeframe is
Section 1.
addressed by analysing the course length and the activities and
Include details of testing and learning curves. Almost 2 months are necessary to complete the
trials that took place, course giving 1 hour of time every day excluding the week end.
participants, timeframes,
successes and failures.
Attach evidence of testing
conducted (videos,
documentation, modified
resources etc.)
Discuss the resources you Resources that are used in this phase are sourced through the
used during this phase. learning materials found in the learning websites online. They were
available on the paid version.
How did you source them and
how did you ensure they were
Results From the testing the main thing learned is that the learning process for
the management course is an ongoing process. The continuous
Summarise the results of your
learning is necessary and management should also addressed other
testing and what you’ve
factors as well and it changes as per the need of the company and
what the company is all about.
How was the learning
Learning was improved as the global learning materials will show the
improved? What were the
various learning cases and environment. The observation of the trial
comments of the trial
participants shows that the practices and new learning style is
effective than the old one as the feedback from the learners are less
Attach evidence (surveys / this time.
feedback forms / data
Advocacy For the improved learning practice, one of the factor that is achieved
or addressed is the learning materials. The new learning materials are
Outline how you advocated for
addressed and also verified. Furthermore, the learning materials and
improved learning practice and
course materials are found online and is verified by other teachers as
acted as a mentor to your
well. So it is easier to filter these materials as well.
Knowledge and experience can be shared by using the online
How did you share your
presence and global internet connections.
knowledge and experience
with others to develop
improved practice?
Attach evidence.
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TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Learning materials were tested and uploaded by the teachers and learners as well.
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