ECE IES Syllabus 2023 Paper-1

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ECE IES Syllabus 2023

The important topics of the ECE IES Syllabus 2023 for both Prelims and Mains
exams are mentioned below.

ECE IES Syllabus 2023 Paper-1

The IES ECE syllabus for paper 1 consists of various topics: Electrical Engineering,
Electronics Engineering, Material Science, Network Theory, etc. Now, let us discuss
these in detail.

 Basic Electronics Engineering: Diodes for various applications, junction

field-effect transistors (BJTs, JFETs, MOSFETs), transistor amplifiers,
oscillators, and other circuits, Bipolar, MOS, and CMOS ICs, basics of
Integrated Circuits (ICs), linear integrated circuits, operational amplifiers, and
their linear and non-linear applications, sources and detectors of light,
fundamentals of optoelectronics and its applications.
 Basic Electrical Engineering: Ohm's and Kirchoff's rules in DC circuits,
mesh and nodal analysis, circuit theorems, induced EMF and its uses,
electromagnetism, Faraday's and Lenz's laws, electromagnetism, efficiency,
transformers, induction, and synchronous machines, hydroelectric, thermal,
nuclear, wind, and solar power sources.
 Materials Science: Ceramic materials-structures, composites, processes,
and applications, crystal structure and flaws, electronics, constructions,
properties, and applications of insulating laminates basics of magnetic
materials, categorization, ferrites, Ferro/ paramagnetic materials, and
components basics, preparation, purification, sintering, nanoparticles, and
applications of nano-optical/magnetic/electronic materials.
 Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation: Measurement principles,
accuracy, precision, and standards, analog and digital measurement systems,
measuring equipment for various uses, errors, statistical analysis, and curve
fitting, static/dynamic properties of measurement systems, non-electrical
quantity measurement systems, telemetry fundamentals, transducers and
displays of various types, the basics of a data acquisition system.
 Network Theory: Wye-Delta transformation, network graphs, and matrices,
Time-domain study of RLC circuits using linear constant-coefficient differential
equations, 26 Laplace transformations used to solve network problems, the
study of RLC circuits in the frequency domain, 2-port network parameters,
including driving point and transfer functions, network state equations, steady-
state sinusoidal analysis.
 Analog and Digital Circuits: BJT and JFET amplifier circuits' biassing and
stability, single-stage and multi-stage amplifier analysis and design, feedback
and applications active filters, timers, multipliers, waveshapers, and A/D-D/A
converters are just a few examples. Uses of Boolean Algebra Combinatorial/
sequential circuits, logic gates, digital IC families design, and applications of
multiplexers, counters/ registers/ memories/ microprocessors.

ECE IES Syllabus 2023 For Paper-2

The UPSC ESE syllabus for paper 2 consists of important topics such as fiber
optics, electromagnetics, control systems, advanced communications, etc. Let us
discuss these further.

 Analog and Digital Communication Systems: AM, FM,

transmitters/receivers, theory/ practice/ standards, SNR comparison, basics of
digital communication: sampling, quantization, coding, PCM, DPCM, and
audio/video multiplexing, ASK, FSK, and PSK, Multiple access: TDMA,
FDMA, and CDMA, Fiber optics, theory, and practice/ standards in optical
 Control Systems: Signal and system classification, signal and system theory
applications, system realization, transforms and their applications Routh-
Hurwitz criteria, root loci, and Nyquist/ bode plots, open and closed-loop
feedback systems, stability analysis, steady-state, transient, and frequency
response analysis, control system design, compensators, lead/lag
compensation features, PID and industrial controllers.
 Computer Organization and Architecture: Basic architecture, CPU, I/O
organization, memory organization, peripheral devices, and trends. Issues
with the hardware or software, programming data representation basics,
methods, properties, and applications of operating systems, memory
management, virtual memory, file systems, databases- types, features, and
designs, controlling transactions, and typical concurrency instances of
programming language elements.
 Electro Magnetics: Basic ideas in vector calculus, maxwell's equations,
gauss' and stokes' theorems, propagation of waves across various mediums,
transmission lines: kinds, basics, smith's chart, impedance
matching/transformation, s-parameters, pulse excitation, and applications
basics, rectangular types, modes, cut-off frequency, dispersion, and dielectric
types of waveguides, antennas: radiation pattern, monopoles/ dipoles, gain,
active/ passive arrays, theory, and application.
 Advanced Electronics: Processing, lithography, interconnects, packaging,
and testing, VLSI design: principles, MUX/ROM/PLA-based design, Moore
mealy circuit design, pipeline concepts functions, design for testability,
examples; DSP: discrete-time signals/systems, applications, digital filters:
FIR/ IIR types, design, speech/audio/radar signal processing applications,
microprocessors microcontrollers, basics, interrupts, DMA.
 Advanced Communication: Principles, techniques, technology, OSI model
and security, streaming/ scheduling of basic packet multiplexed streams,
types of cellular networks, analysis, and protocols (TCP/TCPIP), satellite and
microwave communication- LOS systems of the terrestrial/space variety,
block schematics, connection computations, and system design, satellites for
communication, orbits, properties, systems, and applications, block

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