BSP Notice Letter o of Delay - Edited
BSP Notice Letter o of Delay - Edited
BSP Notice Letter o of Delay - Edited
Re: Letter of Commitment for the Completion of the Proposed Covered Walk at BSP
Zamboanga Branch
Dear Sir;
This is with reference to the project Proposed Covered Walk at BSP Zamboanga Branch
Office. Earlier this morning, I was informed by your field representative,
Engr.Godofredo R.Paragas Jr., requesting us to submit a project target completion date.
We are continuing to pursue the completion of our work as rapidly as is reasonably possible
under the current circumstances. In addition, we would like to inform you to the best of my
knowledge and belief, and on the basis of my observations, the work has been 95%
Sincerely yours,
We have however encountered certain delays to our performance through no fault of our
own and that beyond our control. Specifically, we have been delayed in the following areas
and ways: we submitted herewith a letter of commitment regarding the above mentioned
This is in reply to your letter dated September 10,2018, which was received by our office
dated October 11, 2018 regarding to our on-going project: Construction of Covered Court at
Vda. De Jalon Memorial School, Tumaga, Zamboanga City
In accordance with this project,w.hich from the general condition of the above referenced
contract, we advise you that we have encountered unforeseeable, unusually severe weather
which has delayed our performance of the work. This delay is beyond our control and without
fault or negligence on our part.
Anyhow, we promise to finish it by the end of this month October 31, 2018.
Sincerely yours,
Corner P. Banua Drive Natividad Street, Barangay Tetuan, Zamboanga City
Mobile: 09151336716; Phone: 062-3104106
Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas- Zamboanga City
Dear Madame;
This is in reference to the Proposed Covered Walk at BSP Zamboanga Branch Office.
In accordance with the conditions of the contract, to the best of my knowledge, information,
and belief, and on the basis of my observations, the work has been 86.870% completed as
evaluated by the Technical Working Group BSP-Zamboanga City.
Attached herewith is the Technical Evaluation letter that you have sent me dated 13 th of
November 2019.
Accordingly, may we request your good office to release us our 1 st Progress Billing for the
above-mentioned project to support our on-going project.
Dear Madame;
This is with reference to the project Proposed Covered Walk at BSP Zamboanga Branch
Office. We are continuing to pursue the completion of our work as rapidly as is reasonably
possible under the current circumstances. We have however encountered certain delays to our
performance through no fault of our own and that beyond our control. Specifically, we have
been delayed in the following areas and ways:
a) Actual Site Condition which causes/added delays. Scheduled work that cannot be
performed falls along the critical path of our work and has not been stated on our
b) Unusual severe weather which has delayed our performance of the work. This
delay is beyond our control and without fault or negligence on our part.
c) Unavailability of Construction materials particularly the Concrete Roof Tiles. ( May
we request that you can be of help to refer us to the previous supplier).
d) Construction workers are limited due to document requirements such as NBI and
Police Clearance.
e) We are not able to request our Progress Billing may also added to our delays.
f) Revision of existing plan particularly the elevation of Concrete Footing/Column
along Guard House and at the end steps/ramp of the BSP Main Building.
As you know, we have been keeping you up to date on this unexpected problem. The
scheduled work has not been performed as submitted during post-qualification and all fall
along the critical path of our work, and our inability to performed work as scheduled and
sequence affected the completion of the project. We have continued to keep your field
representatives informed of the delays and of their effect on overall job completion. You may
be assured that we can minimize the effect of these delays on our part we will seek diligently
to minimize as best as we can for supervision, overtime overhead of performance. They have
required additional time for the performance of our work.
Furthermore, we provide you this Catch-Up Plan. And we respectfully request your good
office to allow and grant us, a 90 working days time extension to complete the said project as
. Added to this issue the delayed payment for previous progress billing.
We assure you that we will do everything we can to minimize those necessary contract time
extension. If we can be of any help in expediting the resolution of the problem, and getting us back on
track, please let us know.
September 17, 2019
Furthermore, When we have sufficient time to assess the entire impact of this condition on
our performance, we will request a construction management conference and request for
additional compensation relating to the increased direct cost and potential inefficiency,
disruption, rescheduling, acceleration, overtime, cumulative impact and any impact cost as
well as extended overhead and equipment cost for this problem and related delays.
Sincerely yours,
This has with reference to the Construction of Two-Storey Office Building of Environmental
Management Bureau Region IX. Based on actual site condition, our access to proposed building site
was impeded due to presence of previous or existing concrete structure need to be demolished on the
said site. As you know we have been keeping you up to date on this unexpected problem. The
scheduled work that cannot be performed falls along the critical path of our work, and our inability to
performed work as scheduled and sequence will necessary affect completion of the project.
To help in your planning, we provide you this further update. But we request an extension time for
each day that our access to this extend of the delay, we will submit a request time extension to the
potential inefficiency, disruption, rescheduling and any other impact for this delay.
We assure you that we will do everything we can to minimize those necessary contract time
extension. If we can be of any help in expediting the resolution of the problem, and getting us back on
track, please let us know.
This has with reference to the Construction of Two-Storey Office Building of Environmental
Management Bureau Region IX. Based on actual site condition, our access to proposed
building site was impeded due to presence of previous or existing concrete structure need to
be demolished on the said site. As you know we have been keeping you up to date on this
unexpected problem. The scheduled work that cannot be performed falls along the critical
path of our work, and our scheduled and sequence to performed our work were very much
affected by this problem.
Furthermore and with all due respect, may we request your good office a 45 days time
extension relating to the potential inefficiency, disruption, recheduling, and any impact for
this problem and related delays.
Sincerely yours,
Furthermore, When we have sufficient time to assess the entire impact of this condition on
our performance, we will request a construction management conference and request for
additional compensation relating to the increased direct cost and potential inefficiency,
disruption, rescheduling, acceleration, overtime, cumulative impact and any impact cost as
well as extended overhead and equipment cost for this problem and related delays.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Madam:
In accordance with the conditions of the contract, to the best of my knowledge, information,
and belief, and on the basis of my observations and inspections, the Work has been 50.352%
completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. We have
complied with all your guidelines and requirements.
Accordingly, may we request your good office to release us our 2 nd Progress Billing for the
above-mentioned project.Attached herewith is the Statement of Work Accomplished.
Dear Madam;
In accordance with the conditions of the contract, to the best of my knowledge, information, and
belief, and on the basis of my observations and inspections, the Work has been 100% completed in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. We have complied with all your
guidelines and requirements.
Accordingly, may we request your good office to issue us a Contractors Performance Evaluation
System (CPES) Rating Certificate which we are required to attached for our technical documents for
this upcoming Infrastructure Project Bidding @ MCS and General Hospital which will be held this
29th of August 2019.
Dear Madam;
In accordance with the conditions of the contract, to the best of my knowledge, information, and
belief, and on the basis of my observations and inspections, the Work has been 100% completed in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. We have complied with all your
guidelines and requirements.
Accordingly, may we request your good office to issue us a Contractors Performance Evaluation
System (CPES) Rating Certificate which we are required to attached for our technical documents for
this upcoming Infrastructure Project Bidding @ MCS and General Hospital which will be held this
29th of August 2019.
Dear Madam;
Greetings of Peace!
I, Yuseff L. Lim, Owner/Manager of YLL BUILDERS would like to thank you once again
for inviting us to a PRE-Bid Conference done last August 16, 2019.and It is my intention to
participate and bid for the proposed contract COMPLETION OF OPERATING AND
On that Pre-bid conference you have discussed the checklist concerning BDS 5.4 AND ITB
CLAUSE12.1(a)(ii) which states that “ Bidder must have a single completed similar contract
amount of which should be equivalent to at least Fifty Percent (50%) of the ABC for this
project within January 1, 2015 to July 31, 2019.”Our concerned is the statement of the
expiry of our construction experienced track record.
With this, we respectfully seeks your good office to consider our motion for consideration to
possibly amend the checklist as we have diligently research the legal ruling under the
Government Procurement Policy Board. Attached is the Resolution no.16-2014 of the
Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9184 otherwise known as the
“Government Procurement Reform Act” and the Philippine Bidding Documents for the
Procurement of Goods and Infrastructure Projects.
Furthermore, When we have sufficient time to assess the entire impact of this condition on
our performance, we will request a construction management conference and request for
additional compensation relating to the increased direct cost and potential inefficiency,
disruption, rescheduling, acceleration, overtime, cumulative impact and any impact cost as
well as extended overhead and equipment cost for this problem and related delays.
Sincerely yours,
August 23, 2019
Re: Concrete Pouring For The Proposed 2nd Floor Concrete Beam, Girder, Column and
Suspended Slab
Dear Madam;
In compliance with the project requirements of our project the CONSTRUCTION OF OB-
GYNE/PEDIA WARD @ MCS & General Hospital , may we request your good office thru
the Technical Working Committee to conduct a joint ocular site inspection for the Steel
Reinforcement installed above grade and allow/issue us a Certificate of Concrete Pouring for
the above cited project.
Unit 11-12-C, Blueshark Hotel, Canelar, Zamboanga City
Phone: (062) 926-0762 Mobile: 0915-133-67-16
Marlie M. Orteza
Head, Engineering & Construction Division
MCS & General Hospital
Pasobolong, Zamboanga City
Re: Request for a Recommendation to Negotiate a Construction Contract under the legal
ruling of IRR of R.A 9184
Dear Madam;
This is with reference to the Proposed Construction of Pediatric and OB-Gyne Ward
Completion (Phase II) @ Mindanao Central Sanitarium, Pasobolong,Zamboanga City.
In negotiating contract for adjacent and contiguous project, the objective is to take the
advantage of the economy and efficiency in engaging the contractor for the on-going project,
and ensure that the two structures are soundly connected. In infrastructure projects, the phrase
“adjacent or contiguous” refers to projects that are in actual physical contact with each other
or in the immediate vicinity such that the required equipment and other resources can easily
be mobilized
It is advantageous to the both parties that if there is another project that will be implemented
adjacent and contiguous to another on-going project, negotiating it with the
contractor/consultant of the on-going project will be a more efficient and economical way of
implementing a project. This is the rationale why this alternative method of procurement is
introduced under our existing procurement rules and with legal basis.
Conditions (Section 54.7. Annex “H” (D) (4) (a) and (b) of 2016 IRR of R.A. 9184)
Where the subject contract is adjacent or contiguous to an ongoing Infrastructure Project or
Consulting Service where the consultants have unique experience and expertise to deliver the
required service, subject to the following conditions:
iii. It is within the contracting capacity of the contractor/consultant considering the legal,
technical (e.g. , PCAB license, SLCC) and financial ( e.g. , NFCC for the contiguous project)
requirements for eligibility;
iv. In determining the SLCC, NFCC and PCAB license, the sum of the value of the remaining
works for the existing contract and the ABC of the contiguous or adjacent work shall be
v. The contractor/consultant uses the same prices or lower unit prices as in the original
contract less mobilization cost;
vi. The ABC of the contiguous or adjacent work involved does not exceed the contract
amount of the ongoing project;
vii. The contractor/consultant has no negative slippage/delay in the original contract during
the time of negotiation; and
viii. Negotiations for the procurement are commenced before the expiry of the original
Accordingly, may we request your good office to consider and possibly negotiate the
procurement for the above-mentioned project and on under legal ruling of the Philippine
Government Procurement.
This is with reference to the project CONVERSION OF SUPPLY BUILDING AND ANNEX
CHARITY WARD TO GENERAL WARDS. We are continuing to pursue the completion of our work
as rapidly as is reasonably possible under the current circumstances. We have however encountered
certain delays to our performance through no fault of our own and that beyond our control.
Specifically, we have been delayed in the following areas and ways:
a) Long time suspension of construction operation due to proposed building site access.
( Presence of Hospital Patients and Hospital Equipment Supply for ward A and C
Respectively ).
b) Delay in the payment for our claim for our progress billing.
As you know we have been keeping you up to date on this unexpected problem. The scheduled work
has not been performed as submitted during post qualification and all falls along the critical path of
our work, and our inability to performed work as scheduled and sequence affected the completion of
the project. Based on our submitted construction schedule for the building ward A-B-C must be
repaired/rehabilitate simultaneously. We have continued to keep your field representatives informed
of the delays and of their effect on overall job completion. You may be assured that we can the effect
of these delays on our part we will seek diligently to minimize as best we for supervision, overtime
overhead of performance. They have required additional time for the performance of our work along
with additional cost can
The scheduled work that cannot be performed falls along the critical path of our work, and our
inability to performed work as scheduled and sequence will necessary affect completion of the
project. We have both have signed requires that we furnish to you written notice of such delays..
. Added to this issue the delayed payment for previous progress billing.
To help in your planning, we provide you this catch-up plan. But we request an extension time for
each day that our access to this extend of the delay, we will submit a request time extension to the
potential inefficiency, disruption, rescheduling and any other impact for this delay.
We assure you that we will do everything we can to minimize those necessary contract time
extension. If we can be of any help in expediting the resolution of the problem, and getting us back on
track, please let us know.
Sincerely yours,
Project Manager/Owner
Unit 11-12c Blue Shark Hotel Canelar, Zamboanga City
Mobile: 09151336716; Phone: 062-3104106
OIC, Director
Bureau of Plant Industry
Malate, Manila
Project Name: Supply Of Labor And Materials For The Construction 0f 190 sqm Two (2)
Storey Building, NPQSD Station 18
Location : Port Area, Zamboanga City
In accordance with the conditions of contract, we have complied with all your guidelines and
requirements, that is;
a.) The Form of Agreement was executed by and between the both parties,
b.) The Performance Security was provided by us and still valid.
Accordingly, may we request your good office to release advance payment, 15%.
Contract amount, exclusively for the costs of mobilization of the above-mentioned project.
Units 11-12-C, Blueshark Hotel, Canelar, Zamboanga City
Phone: (062) 926-0762 Mobile: 0915-133-67-16
Dear Madam:
In accordance with the conditions of the contract, to the best of my knowledge, information,
and belief, and on the basis of my observations and inspections, the Work has been 50%
completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. We have
complied with all your guidelines and requirements.
Accordingly, may we request your good office to release us our 1st Progress Billing for the
above-mentioned project.
Project Manager/Owner
This is with reference to the Construction of Amphi-Theater Change Into Three(3) Classroom
Vertical Expansion at RSTC Building. By oral conversation, technical working group of the university
informed us that the existing concrete columns and beams are inadequate to carry loads for the
proposed 3rd floor extension.This existing concrete beams and columns are only design to carry roof
loads. As you know we have been keeping you up to date on this unexpected problem. The
scheduled work that cannot be performed falls along the critical path of our work, and our inability
to performed work as scheduled and sequence will necessary affect completion of the project. We
cannot tell you how much added time and construction cost to expect until the problem is solved.
Due to this unexpected problem may we request your good office to issue a temporary suspension
order and of construction operation until the problem being resolve by the concerned university
engineering group.
To help in your planning, we provide you this further update. But we request an extension time for
each day that our access to this extend of the delay, we will submit a request time extension to the
potential inefficiency, disruption,rescheduling and any other impact for this delay.
We assure you that we will do everything we can to minimize those necessary contract time
extension.If we can be of any help in expediting the resolution of the problem, and getting us back
on track,please let us know.
Project Manager/Owner
July 4, 2017
Re: Site Inspection on Concrete Pouring For The Proposed Third Floor Concrete Beam,
Girder, Column and Slab
Dear Madam:
In compliance with the project requirements of our project the Construction of Amphi-
Theater Change Into Three(3) Classroom Vertical Expansion at RSTC Building of
Western Mindanao State University, may we request your good office thru the Technical
Working Committee to conduct an ocular site inspection and allow/issue us a Certificate of
Concrete Pouring for the above cited project. Our scheduled plan of concrete pouring
operation of will be on July 8, 2017.
Project Manager/Owner
July 4, 2017
Re: Resumption of Construction Project Operation and Request for Time Extension
Dear Madam:
This is in connection with our project Construction of Amphi-Theater Change Into Three
(3) Classroom Vertical Expansion at RSTC Building of Western Mindanao State University,
we wish to inform you that we have reviewed the plans and estimate for the change of work
items that you have presented to us, and with our company commitment to our client for the
faithful performance of our undertaking. We agreed to continue the construction operation
and willing to resume the work on the project upon the approval of your office, considering
without any fault from our sides.
However, we sincerely asking your good office to help us issued thru any possible form of
variation orders to cover up the increase of quantity of work items, required time extension
and cooperation in whatever problem that may arise/encounter on the project site.
Nevertheless, rest assured that we will do our very best to expedite the completion of our
project to attain our company quality service and commitment for the Western Mindanao
State University.
Project Manager/Owne
July 4, 2017
Dear Madam;
This is in connection with our project Construction of Amphi-Theater Change Into Three (3)
Classroom Vertical Expansion at RSTC Building, Dated November 19, 2015 when the project
Management Office ordered us to suspend our construction operation due to adjustment of building
plan to suit the building design specification. Dated November 21, 2016 when we again operate our
construction activities, however we found out that many of the building materials that we have
dismantled were lost. We have listed the following material that was lost on the site:
a) Some G.I Roofing Sheet of the building
b) Electrical wiring and fixtures of the building
c) Wooden doors of the classrooms in second floor
d) Portion of steel truss that was dismantled
e) Some of our equipment tools that was left on site
And for the record and information we all know that we have already incurred additional works
reclassification due to change of plans. And with due respect we would like to informed you that our
company is not liable and cannot replace any building materials that were lost during our absence.
However, may we request your good office to instruct the university security personnel to investigate
the incident.
Project Manager/Owner
we wish to inform you that we have reviewed the plans and estimate for the change of work items that
you have presented to us, and with our company commitment to our client for the faithful
performance of our undertaking. We agreed to continue the construction operation and willing to
resume the work on the project upon the approval of your office, considering without any fault from
our sides. However, we are only asking your good office to help and cooperate in whatever problem
that may arise/encounter on the project site.
Rest assured that we will do our very best to expedite the completion of our project to attain our
company quality service and commitment for the betterment of Western Mindanao State University.
Project Manager/Owner
Although we are certain that you are working diligently to solve this access problem,we thought that
you would appreciate knowing that the project schedule, as well as our construction cost, will
necessary be affected by this problem. We cannot tell you how much added time and construction
cost to expect unti the problem is solved
To help in your planning, we submit this notice as required by our contract. The Directive to
perform the work constitutes a constructive change in our contract, and we will request
additional compensation and additional time for performance.
We cannot tell you how much added time and construction cost to expect at this time. When we
have sufficient information, we will submit a change order request for additional compensation
relating to the additional direct cost and potential inefficiency, disruption,re-
scheduling,acceleration,overtime,overmanning,stacking of trades, dilution of supervision,
cumulative impact of change and any other impact cost as well as extended overhead and
equipment cost for this increase work. We have established a separate cost code for this work.
As soon as the cost can be isolated, calculated and the additional time necessary to perform this
work quantified, we will submit a time extension request.
We assure you that we will do everything we can to minimize those cost ant the necessary
contract time extension. Your cooperation in minimizing this impact will be appreciated.
November 7, 2017
Re: Follow-up Letter for the Loss of Existing Dismantled Building Materials on Site
Dear Madam;
This is with reference to our previous letter dated July 4, 2017 with our project Construction of
Amphi-Theater Change Into Three (3) Classroom Vertical Expansion at RSTC Building, May we
request from your good office to fast track the investigation for the above mention subject and give us
your best possible remedies to solve the problem.
Project Manager/Owner
Re: Follow-up letter requesting for our 1ST Progress Billing Accomplishment
Dear Madam;
This is a follow-up letter regarding our request of 1st progress billing dated July 28, 2017.
In accordance with the conditions of the contract, to the best of my knowledge, information,
and belief, and on the basis of my observations and inspections, the Work has been 80%
completed up to this date.
Accordingly, may we request your good office to release us our 1st Progress Billing for the
above-mentioned project.
Project Manager/Owner
Dear Madam;
This is in connection with our project Construction of Amphi-Theater Change Into Three (3)
Classroom Vertical Expansion at RSTC Building. Dated November 19, 2015 when the project
Management Office ordered us to suspend our construction operation due to adjustment of building
plan to suit the building design specification. Dated November 21, 2016 when we again operate our
construction activities, however we found out that many of the building materials that we have
dismantled were lost. We have listed the Actual Quantity of materials that was lost on the site:
Description Quantity
a) G.I Roofing Sheet G.A 26 1’x 10’ Long -------------------------------------- 125 Sheets
b) Wooden Doors 90cm x 210 cm -------------------------------------- 3 Units
Project Manager/Owner
MCS BAC Chairperson
Pasobolong, Zamboanga City
Dear Sir;
This is with reference to the Construction of Amphi-Theater Change Into Three(3) Classroom
Vertical Expansion at RSTC Building. By oral conversation, technical working group of the university
informed us that the existing concrete columns and beams are inadequate to carry loads for the
proposed 3rd floor extension.This existing concrete beams and columns are only design to carry roof
loads. As you know we have been keeping you up to date on this unexpected problem. The
scheduled work that cannot be performed falls along the critical path of our work, and our inability
to performed work as scheduled and sequence will necessary affect completion of the project. We
cannot tell you how much added time and construction cost to expect until the problem is solved.
Due to this unexpected problem may we request your good office to issue a temporary suspension
order and of construction operation until the problem being resolve by the concerned university
engineering group.
To help in your planning, we provide you this further update. But we request an extension time for
each day that our access to this extend of the delay, we will submit a request time extension to the
potential inefficiency, disruption,rescheduling and any other impact for this delay.
We assure you that we will do everything we can to minimize those necessary contract time
extension.If we can be of any help in expediting the resolution of the problem, and getting us back
on track,please let us know.
Project Manager/Owner
Dear Madam;
This is with reference to the Construction of Amphi-Theater Change Into Three (3) Classroom
Vertical Expansion at RSTC Building.
In accordance with the conditions of the contract, to the best of my knowledge, information, and
belief, and on the basis of my observations and inspections, the Work has been 100% completed in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. We have complied with all your
guidelines and requirements.
Accordingly, may we request your good office to issue us a Certificate of Acceptance and Certificate
of Completion for the above-mentioned project.
Dear Madam;
This has with reference to the Construction of Amphi-Theater Change Into Three (3) Classroom
Vertical Expansion at RSTC Building.
In accordance with the conditions of the contract, to the best of my knowledge, information, and
belief, and on the basis of my observations and inspections, the Work has been 100% completed in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. We have complied with all your
guidelines and requirements.
Accordingly, may we request your good office to release us our Final Billing for the above-mentioned
In accordance with the conditions of the contract, to the best of my knowledge, information,
and belief, and on the basis of my observations and inspections, the Work has been 90%
completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. We have
complied with all your guidelines and requirements.
Accordingly, may we request your good office to release us our 2ND Progress Billing for the
above-mentioned project.
Project Manager/Owner
Units 11-12-C, Blueshark Hotel, Canelar, Zamboanga City
Phone: (062) 310-4106 Mobile: 0915-133-67-16
Re: Punch list Report compliance for Final Inspection and Turn-over of the project
Construction Of Amphi-Theater Change Into Three (3) Classroom Vertical Expansion At
RSTC Building
Dear Sir;
This is in response to your letter dated July 2, 2018 regarding the Punch list Report for Final
Inspection and Turn-over of the above-mentioned project.
In accordance with the Punch list Report, to the best of my knowledge, information, and
belief, and on the basis of my observations and inspections, the Work has been 100%
completed. Accordingly, may we request your good office and the joint monitoring team to
conduct Final Inspection for the above-mentioned project.
Attached herewith is a copy of the Punch list Report that you have inspected previously.
In addition to this, may we request your good office to recommend and issue us a Certificate
of Completion and Final Acceptance.
Dear Sir;
I, Jeremiah C. Lim, residing @ Block 19 Lot 25 Dona Felisa Subdivision Barangay Mercedes,
Zamboanga City ,Owner, and on behalf of Kim Joan Construction would like to respectfully
request your good office, the transmittal of my PCAB Licensed Certificate for the CFY 2019-
2020 thru JRS Express door to door pouch.