Comp Sci Checklist

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Learner Guide

Cambridge International AS & A Level

Computer Science 9618

For examination from 2021

Version 1
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Copyright © UCLES June 2019

Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is
the brand name of the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the
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About this guide 4
Section 1: Syllabus content - what you need to know 5
Section 2: How you will be assessed 7
Section 3: What skills will be assessed? 8
Section 4: Command words 9
Section 5: Example candidate response 10
Section 6: Revision 15
Section 7: Useful websites 25
Learner Guide

About this guide

This guide explains what you need to know about your Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science course and
This guide will help you to:
• understand what skills you should develop by taking this AS & A Level course
• understand how you will be assessed
• understand what we are looking for in the answers you write
• plan your revision programme
• revise, by providing revision tips and an interactive revision checklist (Section 7).
Following a Cambridge International AS & A level programme will help you to develop abilities that universities value highly,
including a deep understanding of your subject; higher order thinking skills (analysis, critical thinking, problem solving);
presenting ordered and coherent arguments; and independent learning and research.
Studying Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science will help you to develop a set of transferable skills,
including computational thinking; problem solving; understanding communication methods; writing programs for computer
based solutions; analysing and evaluating computer based systems and making reasoned judgements.
Our approach in Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science encourages learners to be:
confident, using a range of technology and programming paradigms
responsible, using technology ethically
reflective, as programmers, improving their own programming solution
innovative, creating efficient solutions to problems
engaged, in technology, how it is built and how software solutions are developed.

Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618 4

Learner Guide

Section 1: Syllabus content - what you need to know

This section gives you an outline of the syllabus content for this course. There are four components that you will need to take.

Content section Component Topics included

Computer systems including Paper 1 Theory • Information representation
software, data hardware and Fundamentals • Communication
• Hardware
• Processor Fundamentals
• System Software
• Security, privacy and data integrity
• Ethics and Ownership
Networks and • Networks including the internet

Databases • Database concepts

• Database Management system (DBMS), Data
Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation
Language (DML)
Solving problems using Paper 2 Fundamental • Algorithm Design and Problem-Solving
computers Problem-solving and • Data Types and Structures
Programming Skills
• Programming
• Software Development
Computer systems including Paper 3 Advanced • Data Representation
software, data hardware and Theory • Hardware and Virtual Machines
• Systems Software
• Artificial Intelligence
Networks, Communication • Communication and internet technologies
and Security • Security
Computational thinking, Paper 4 Practical • Algorithms
problem-solving and • Recursion
• Programming Paradigms
• File Processing and Exception Handling

Make sure you always check the latest syllabus, which is available from our public website.

5 Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618

Learner Guide

Prior knowledge
Candidates beginning this course are not expected to have studied computer science previously. However, the content of the
Cambridge IGCSETM Computer Science 0478, Cambridge O Level Computer Science 2210 or Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) Computer
Science 0984 will provide a useful introduction to the subject.

Key concepts
Key concepts are essential ideas that help you to develop a deep understanding of your subject and make links between
different aspects of the course. The key concepts for Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science are:

• Computational thinking
Computational thinking is a set of fundamental skills that help produce a solution to a problem. Skills such as
abstraction, decomposition and algorithmic thinking are used to study a problem and design a solution that can be
implemented. This may involve using a range of technologies and programming languages.

• Programming paradigms
A programming paradigm is a way of thinking about or approaching problems. There are many different programming
styles that can be used, which are suited to unique functions, tools and specific situations. An understanding of
programming paradigms is essential to ensure they are used appropriately, when designing and building programs.

• Communication
Communication is a core requirement of computer systems. It includes the ability to transfer data from one device or
component to another and an understanding of the rules and methods that are used in this data transfer. Communication
could range from the internal transfer of data within a computer system, to the transfer of a video across the internet.

• Computer architecture and hardware

Computer architecture is the design of the internal operation of a computer system. It includes the rules that dictate how
components and data are organised, how data are communicated between components, to allow hardware to function.
There is a range of architectures, with different components and rules, that are appropriate for different scenarios.

All computers comprise of a combination of hardware components, ranging from internal components, such as the Central
Processing Unit (CPU) and main memory, to peripherals. To produce effective and efficient programs to run on hardware, it
is important to understand how the components work independently and together to produce a system that can be
used. Hardware needs software to be able to perform a task. Software allows hardware to become functional. This
enables the user to communicate with the hardware to perform tasks.

• Data representation and structures

Computers use binary and understanding how a binary number can be interpreted in many different ways is important.
Programming requires an understanding of how data can be organised for efficient access and/or transfer.
These key concepts help you to gain:
• a greater depth as well as breadth of subject knowledge
• confidence, especially in applying your knowledge and skills in new situations
• the vocabulary to discuss the subject conceptually and show how different aspects link together
• a level of mastery of their subject to help them enter higher education.

Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618 6

Learner Guide

Section 2: How you will be assessed

Cambridge International AS Level Computer Science makes up the first half of the Cambridge International A Level course in
Computer Science and provides a foundation for the study of Computer Science at Cambridge International A Level.

About the examinations

There are three different combinations of papers you can take to obtain a Computer Science AS or A Level qualification:
• AS Level only: Paper 1 and Paper 2 are taken at the end of the first year.
• A Level: taken over two years with Paper 1 and Paper 2 taken at the end of the first year, completing the A Level exam
Paper 3 and Paper 4 at the end of year two.
• A Level where all components are examined at the end of the two-year course.
These are summarised in the diagram. Find out from your teacher which route you will be taking.
Route Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Paper 4
AS Level only
1 (You take all AS Level components  
in the same exam series)
A Level (staged over two years)
2  
Year 1 AS Level
Year 2 Complete the A Level  
A Level
3 (You take all components in    
the same exam series)

About the papers

The table gives you further information about the examination papers:

Component Time and marks Questions Percentage of

Paper 1 1 hour 30 Sections 1 to 8 of the syllabus 50% of the AS Level
Theory Fundamentals content. You will answer all 25% of the A Level
75 marks
Paper 2 2 hours Sections 9 to 12 of the syllabus content. 50% of the AS Level
Fundamental 75 marks You will need to write answers in pseudocode. 25% of the A Level
Problem-solving and
You will answer all questions.
Programming Skills
Paper 3 Advanced 1 hour 30 Sections 13 to 20 of the syllabus 25% of the A Level
Theory minutes
content. You will answer all questions.
75 marks
Paper 4 Practical 2 hours 30 Sections 19 to 20 of the syllabus content. 25% of the A Level
You will need to write and test programs written in
75 marks either Java, VB.NET or Python.
You will have the use of a computer without internet or
email facility.
You will answer all questions.

7 Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618

Learner Guide

Section 3: What skills will be assessed?

The examiners take account of the following skills areas (assessment objectives) in the examinations:

Assessment objectives (AO) What does the AO mean?

AO1 Knowledge and Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the principles and concepts of computer
understanding science including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation.
AO2 Application Apply knowledge and understanding of the principles and concepts of computer science,
including to analyse problems in computational terms.
AO3 Design, program and Design, program and evaluate computer systems to solve problems, making reasoned
evaluation judgements about these.
It is important that you know the different weightings (%) of the assessment objectives, as this affects how the examiner will
assess your work.

Assessment objective Weighting at AS Level % Weighting at A Level %

AO1 30 30

AO2 40 30
AO3 30 40
Total 100 100

Assessment objectives as a percentage of each component

Assessment objective Weighting in components %

Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Paper 4

AO1 60 – 60 –
AO2 40 40 40 –
AO3 – 60 – 100
Total 100 100 100 100

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Learner Guide

Section 4: Command words

The table below includes command words used in the assessment for this syllabus. The use of the command word will relate
to the subject context.

Command word What it means

Analyse examine in detail to show meaning, identify elements and the relationship between them
Assess make an informed judgement
Calculate work out from given facts, figures or information
Comment give an informed opinion
Compare identify/comment on similarities and/or differences

Complete add information to an incomplete diagram or

table Consider review and respond to given information

Contrast identify/comment on differences

Define give precise meaning
Demonstrate show how or give an example
Describe state the points of a topic / give characteristics and main features

Develop take forward to a more advanced stage or build upon given information

Discuss write about issue(s) or topic(s) in depth in a structured way

Draw draw a line to match a term with a description

Evaluate judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something
Examine investigate closely, in detail
set out purposes or reasons / make the relationships between things evident / provide why and/or how
and support with relevant evidence
Give produce an answer from a given source or recall/memory
Identify name/select/recognise
Justify support a case with evidence/argument
Outline set out main points
Predict suggest what may happen based on available information
Sketch make a simple freehand drawing showing the key features, taking care over proportions
State express in clear terms
apply knowledge and understanding to situations where there are a range of valid responses in order to
make proposals
Summarise select and present the main points, without detail
Write write an answer in a specific way

9 Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618

Learner Guide

Section 5: Example candidate response

This section takes you through an example question and candidate response. It will help you to see how to identify the
command words within questions and to understand what is required in your response. Understanding the questions will
help you to know what you need to do with your knowledge. For example, you might need to state something, calculate
something, find something or show something.

All information and advice in this section is specific to the example question and response being
demonstrated. It should give you an idea of how your responses might be viewed by an examiner but
it is not a list of what to do in all questions. In your own examination, you will need to pay careful
attention to what each question is asking you to do.

This section is structured as follows:

Command words in the question have been highlighted and
their meaning explained. This should help you to understand
clearly what is required by the question.

Mark scheme
This tells you as clearly as possible what an examiner expects
from an answer in order to award marks.

Example candidate response

This is a sample answer of a high standard. Points have been
highlighted to show you how to answer a question.

General advice
These tips will help you to answer questions in general.

Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618 10

Learner Guide

Paper 3 – Question 2

Explain how – set out the method used to perform the given
task showing that you understand how the method used is
applied to the situation set out in the question.

Give – recall from your own knowledge.

This question requires knowledge and understanding of the TCP / IP stack, together with knowledge of protocols and
understanding of what they are used for and how they are used.

11 Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618

Learner Guide

Mark scheme – Paper 3 – Question 2

Answer already given on paper

(a) Application layer greyed out as not allowed

Transport (layer)
Content in brackets not essential
Internet (layer)

Network (access layer)

Both the name and the correct
position on the diagram are needed
One mark for each correct layer in the correct place
(b) (i) Peer-to-peer
Only correct answers here, no alternatives
(ii) File sharing
(iii) Any four points from: You only need four of these
BitTorrent client software made available points for full marks.
A computer joins a swarm by using this to load a Torrent descriptor file
A server called a tracker that keeps records of all the computers in the swarm …
… at the .., and shares their IP addresses allowing them to connect to each other]
beginning of an
answer shows that One computer in the swarm must have a complete copy of the torrent to be shared
this point is only Torrent is split into small pieces
worth a mark if
the previous point Pieces of the torrent are both downloaded and uploaded]
has been included Once a computer has a piece it can become a seed and upload
in the answer.
Leeches download much more than they upload
(c) Any two protocols from: These answers are
One mark for protocol and one mark for example pairs, you must
first identify the
HTTP/HTTPS … protocol to be
… Used for transfer of web pages from server to client awarded a mark
for its use.
… Used for interactive file transfer
… Used for sending email
messages POP3/IMAP
… Used for retrieval of email messages

Now let’s look at the example candidate response to the question and the examiner comments.

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Learner Guide

Example candidate response

Example Candidate Response – high Examiner comments

Application layer 1 Each layer has been correctly identified.
Mark for (a) = 3/3
Transport (layer)

Internet (layer)

Network (access layer) 1

(b) 2 The candidate has stated the correct protocol.

(i) Peer – to – peer 2 Mark for (b)(i) = 1/1
(ii) File sharing 3 3 The candidate has stated what BitTorrent is used
(iii) BitTorrent client software is made available, for. There is no need to add more details as this is not
4 this is used to load the torrent required by the question.
descriptor for the required 5 file by
Mark for (b)(ii) = 1/1
computers joining it swarm. A server, called
tracker, keeps records of all the computers 4 This part of the question requires an answer
joining the swarm and allows them to that explains how applications exchange data using
connect to each other by sharing their IP BitTorrent. The candidate has described the software use.
addresses. 6 The torrent is split into small 5 The candidate states what the software is used for.
pieces that can be downloaded or uploaded
6 The candidate explains how the process is managed.
by each computer in the swarm. Once a 7
computer has downloaded a piece of the 7 The candidate describes what is uploaded and
torrent file it can upload that piece to other downloaded. The final sentence is not required as the
computers in the swarm and become a seed. candidate has already gained all of the marks
available, but it does complete the explanation and
show that the candidate understands how the process
is performed.
Mark for (b)(iii) = 4/4
(c) Protocol 1 SMTP 8 8 The candidate has stated two correct protocols used
at the application layer and examples are clear, correct
Example Sending email messages
and concise. No further description is required.
Protocol POP3
Mark for (c) = 4/4
Example retirement of email messages
Total mark awarded = 13 out of 13

13 Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618

Learner Guide

Common mistakes candidates made in this question

(a) Including the layer already given in the question or use layers from the OSI model.
(b) (ii) Describing what BitTorrent is used for e.g. streaming movies, this is not asked for in the question.
(iii) Use bullet points with single or very few words. The answer to part (iii) requires an explanation.
(c) Giving examples that are too vague e.g. email.

General advice
It is always a good idea to read the question carefully, noticing the command words and key instructions (in this case
‘Complete’, ‘State’, ‘Give’ and ‘Explain how’). You may want to underline them to help you think about what they mean.
Many candidates jump straight into writing their answer only to realise too late that they’ve answered a slightly
different question to the one on the examination paper. Read the question first and pause to think about what you need
to include before you start writing your answer – this will help you to choose an appropriate method of answering the
question, so you don’t waste time in the examination.
When answering a question that includes technical computer science terms, the example question includes several technical
terms (‘TCP / IP protocol suite’, ‘application layer’, ‘BitTorrent etc.’). It is often helpful to highlight the terms in the
question. The terms and the command words used will help you to think about how you are going to answer the
Using correct computer science terminology in your answers will help you express your ideas clearly as well as making it easier
for someone else to understand what you have done.
When answering a question that involves calculations, many candidates jump straight into writing their working only
to realise too late that they’ve used the wrong method. Read the question first and pause to think about what you
need to find before you start doing any working – this will help you to choose an efficient method, so you don’t waste
time in the
examination. Don’t forget that your working is part of your solution and you can gain method marks even if you don’t get as
far as a correct answer.
If you have had a good attempt at a question and still not managed to finish it, it is best to move on to another question and
come back to it later. This will help you to make good use of the time you have available.
Allow a few minutes at the end of the examination to check your work. This will help you to spot errors in your answers that
could lose you marks.

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Learner Guide

Section 6: Revision
This advice will help you revise and prepare for the examinations. It is divided into general advice and specific advice for each
of the papers.
Use the tick boxes to keep a record of what you have done, what you plan to do or what you understand.

General advice
Before the examination

Find out when the examinations are and plan your revision so you have enough time for each topic. A revision timetable
will help you.
Find out how long each paper is and how many questions you have to answer.
Know the meaning of the command words used in questions and how to apply them to the information given. Highlight
the command words in past papers and check what they mean. There is a list on page 11 of this guide.
Make revision notes; try different styles of notes. See the Learner Guide: Planning, Reflection and Revision (www. which has ideas
about note-taking. Discover what works best for you.
Work for short periods then have a break. Revise small sections of the syllabus at a time.
Build your confidence by practising questions on each of the topics.
Make sure you practise lots of past examination questions so that you are familiar with the format of the examination
papers. You could time yourself when doing a paper so that you know how quickly you need to work in the real
Look at mark schemes to help you understand how the marks are awarded for each question.
Make sure you are familiar with the technical terminology that you need for this syllabus. Your teacher will be able to
advise you on what is expected.

During the examination

Read the instructions carefully and answer all the questions.
Check the number of marks for each question or part question. This helps you to judge how long you should be spending
on the response. You don’t want to spend too long on some questions and then run out of time at the end.
Do not leave out questions or parts of questions. Remember, no answer means no mark.
You do not have to answer the questions in the order they are printed in the answer booklet. You may be able to do a
later question more easily then come back to an earlier one for another try.
Read each question very carefully. Misreading a question can cost you marks:
• Identify the command words – you could underline or highlight them.
• Identify the technical terms and perhaps underline or highlight them too.
• Try to put the question into your own words to understand what it is really asking.
Read all parts of a question before starting your answer. Think carefully about what is needed for each part. You will not
need to repeat material.
Answer the question. This is very important!
• Use your knowledge and understanding.
• Do not write everything you know about a topic. Only use the information you need to answer the question.
Make sure that you have answered everything that a question asks. Sometimes one part requires two things, e.g.
‘Calculate …’ and ‘Show your working.’. It is easy to concentrate on the first request and forget about the second one.

15 Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618

Learner Guide

Always show your working. Marks are usually awarded for using correct steps in the method even if you make a mistake
Don’t cross out any working in a calculation until you have replaced it by trying again. Even if you know it’s not
correct you may still be able to get method marks. If you have made two or more attempts, make sure you cross
out all except the one you want marked.
Make sure all your numbers are clear, for example make sure your ‘1’ doesn’t look like a ‘7’.
If you need to change a word or a number, it is better to cross out your work and rewrite it. Don’t try to write over the top
of your previous work as it will be difficult to read and you may not get the marks.
Don’t write any pseudocode answers in two columns in the examination. It is difficult for the examiners to read and
follow your working.
Advice for Papers 1 and 3
Always use the logic gate symbols from the syllabus when drawing logic circuits.
Always use the opcodes given on the syllabus or shown on the examination paper when writing assembly language
Try and use capital letters when writing assembly language opcodes, SQL or pseudocode commands so they can be
clearly recognised as commands by the examiner.
Where possible use SQL and pseudocode commands that are given in the syllabus, any other commands should be
identified and explained.
Advice for Paper 2
Try and use capital letters when writing pseudocode commands so they can be clearly recognised as commands by the
Where possible use pseudocode commands that are given in the syllabus, any other commands should be identified and
Annotate pseudocode with comments.
Fully label diagrams.

Advice for Paper 4

Remember you will need to write and test programs in the examination.
Only use one of the recommended programming languages for your answers:
• Java
• Visual Basic
• Python
Be able to use your chosen programming language in console mode.
Get plenty of practice at debugging and testing programs using your chosen programming language.
Where possible use the same programming language for all your answers.

Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618 16

Learner Guide

Revision checklists
The tables below can be used as a revision checklist: It doesn’t contain all the detailed knowledge you need to know, just an overview. For more detail see the syllabus and talk to
your teacher.
The table headings are explained below:

Topic You should be able to R A G Comments

Topics in the syllabus Content in the syllabus you need to cover. You can use the tick boxes to show when you have revised You can use the ‘Comments’ column to:
you need to cover. an item and how confident you feel about it.
• add more information about the details for
R = RED means you are really unsure and lack confidence; each point
you might want to focus your revision here and possibly • add formulae or notes
talk to your teacher for help
• include a reference to a useful resource
A = AMBER means you are reasonably confident but need • highlight areas of difficulty or things
some extra practice that you need to talk to your teacher
G = GREEN means you are very confident about or look up in a textbook.

As your revision progresses, you can concentrate on

the RED and AMBER items in order to turn them into
GREEN items. You might find it helpful to highlight
each topic in red, orange or green to help you

17 Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618

Learner Guide

Paper 1 – Theory Fundamentals

Topic You should be able to R A G Comments

Data Representation • Understand binary integers including, magnitudes, addition and subtraction
and understand how overflow can occur

• Convert between binary, denary, hexadecimal and Binary Coded Decimal


• Understand binary representation of character data including ASCII

(American Standard Code for Information Interchange) and Unicode
Multimedia • Understand bitmapped and vector image encoding and justify their use t

• Estimate bitmap image sizes

• Understand representation of sound and the impact of changing the

sampling rate and resolution
Compression • Understand the need for and use methods (lossy and lossless) of
compression for text, bitmap, vector graphics and sound files
Communication • Understand networking including LANs (local area networks), WANs (wide
area networks), devices, models (client-server and peer-to-peer), wireless
and wired communication, routers, ethernet

• Understand the difference between the World Wide Web (WWW) and the

• Understand the use of IP addressing, Uniform Resoruce Locator (URL) and

Domain Name Service (DNS)
Hardware • Understand the need for and the operation of input, output and storage
devices including embedded systems

• Understand and use logic gates with a maximum of two inputs

• Construct logic circuits, truth tables and logic expressions

Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618 18

Learner Guide

Topic You should be able to R A G Comments

Processor Fundamentals • Understand the Von Neuman model for a computer system including the
Fetch-Execute (F-E) cycle, interrupts and ports

• Understand the role of an assembler, a simple assembly language program

that includes different modes of addressing and bit manipulation
System Software • Describe an Operating System (OS), the tasks performed, why an OS
is needed, the role of utility programs and program libraries

• Understand the need for language translators, Integrated Development

Environments (IDE), the role of compilers and interpreters and their benefits
and drawbacks
Security, privacy and data • Understand the difference between security, privacy and integrity of data
• Describe security measures for stand-alone PCs and networks

• Describe and use methods of data validation (on entry) and data verification
(on entry and during transfer)
Ethics and Ownership • Understand the need for ethical computer professionals, copyright
legislation, software licensing and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Databases • Understand the limitations of a file-based approach

• Understand and use relational database terminology, entity-relationship

(E-R) diagrams, the normalisation process to 3NF and the features of a
Database Management System (DBMS)

• Understand and use simple Structured Query Language (SQL), Data

Definition Language (DDL) commands and Data Manipulation Language
(DML) commands

19 Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618

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Paper 2 – Fundamental Problem-solving and Programming Skills

Topic You should be able to R A G Comments

Computational thinking skills • Understand the purpose and benefits of abstraction

• Describe and use decomposition

Algorithm Design • Write pseudocode from structured English or a flowchart

• Describe and use stepwise refinement

Data Types and structures • Select and use basic data types including records

• Select and use 1D and 2D arrays

• Understand and use text files

• Understand and use Abstract Data Types (ADTs) including stacks, queues and
linked lists

• Write pseudocode for 1D and 2D arrays and to process array data

Programming • Write pseudocode statements for:
• the declaration of variables and constants

• the assignment of values to variables and constants

• the expressions involving any of the arithmetic or logical operators input

from the keyboard and output to the console

• IF, CASE and loop statements.

• Define and use procedures and functions

Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618 20

Learner Guide

Topic You should be able to R A G Comments

Software Development • Understand the purpose, principles, benefits, drawbacks and the need for
different development cycles

• Understand the stages of the program development life cycle

• Use structure charts to decompose a problem

• Use state-transition diagrams to document an algorithm

• Test and maintain a program including error identification and location, test
strategy and planning, choice of test data, different types of maintenance

Paper 3 – Advanced Theory

Topic You should be able to R A G Comments

Data Representation • Understand and use user-defined data types

• Understand methods of file organisation and access including use of hashing


• Understand and use normalised floating point numbers including conversion

to and from denary
Communication and internet • Understand communication protocols and the TCP / IP protocol suite
• Understand circuit switching and packet switching

Hardware • Understand Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) and Complex

Instruction Set Computer (CISC) processors, the use of pipelining, and
registers, the four basic computer architectures, the characteristics of
massively parallel computers and the concept of a virtual machine

• Produce truth tables for logic circuits including full and half adders

• Understand and use Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps (K-map)

21 Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618

Learner Guide

Topic You should be able to R A G Comments

System Software • Understand how an Operating System (OS) can maximise the use
of resources, manage processes and provide a user interface

• Understand virtual memory, paging and segmentation

• Understand interpretation, stages of compilation, Backus-Naur Form (BNF)

and Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)
Security • Understand how encryption (symmetric and asymmetric) works

• Understand a digital certificate

• Be aware of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security

(TLS) including the purpose, use and application
Artificial Intelligence (AI) • Understand the use of graphs, neural networks and machine learning for AI

Algorithms • Understand linear and binary searching, bubble and insertion sorts, Abstract
Data Types (ADTs) (stack, queue, linked list and binary tree), use of recursion,
file and exception handling

• Understand the efficiency of algorithms using Big O notation

• Understand programming paradigms including low-level, imperative, object

oriented and declarative

Paper 4 – Practical

Topic You should be able to R A G Comments

Programming • Write programs for linear and binary searching, bubble and insertion sorts,
using ADTs (stack, queue, linked list and binary tree) of recursion, file
and exception handling

• Write imperative (procedural) and object-oriented programs

Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618 22

Learner Guide

Section 7: Useful websites

The websites listed below are reliable useful resources to help you study for your Cambridge International AS and A Level
Computer Science.

Programming tutorials including SQL

Program development

Visual Basic


Declarative programming

Technical terms
British Computer Society Glossary


23 Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9618

Cambridge Assessment International Education
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t: +44 1223 553554

Copyright © UCLES June 2019

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