Unit Plan Template
Unit Plan Template
Unit Plan Template
Big Idea for This Unit What is important for learners to know? What are the enduring understandings?
What will learners learn? Only those being assessed in the unit/lesson sequence.
Overall Expectation(s) [OE]
What specific expectations from the curriculum documents will be addressed throughout the unit/lessons? . Only those being assessed in the unit/lesson..
Specific Expectation(s) [SE]
Assessment Tools What recording tools will ATs use for the culminating task: Describe when/how these will be used. Include tools in unit plan.
☐ Checklist ☐ Rubric ☐ Rating Scale ☐ Anecdotal Comments
What learners are expected to know and be able to do in a language they can understand.
Learning Goals
A sequence of 3-5 lessons must be developed. Lessons should flow together, with prompts to scaffold learner learning.
Outline each lesson in the unit incorporating the following components:
1. Specific expectations for the lesson
2. Detailed description of the lesson - instructional strategies, questions and prompts
3. Assessment purpose, mode, strategy, tool (with criteria)
4. Connection of lesson to culminating task
5. Resources and materials
* First lesson(s) must introduce the unit, culminating task, and grading tool.
* Last lesson is an opportunity to work on, share and celebrate the culminating task.
* All other lessons should indicate opportunities for intentional teacher/ learner interactions.
Lesson #
Specific Expectations Assessment Purpose ◻ AS ◻ FOR Mode (say/write/do) assessment tool with criteria
Connection of lesson to the culmination task (What skills are being Resources and materials
developed in lesson?)
EXAMPLE 2: Lesson Sequence Organizer
Lesson #
Specific expectations Lesson description with Assessment purpose, mode, Connection with culminating task Resources and materials
instructional strategies, prompts, strategy, tool with criteria (What skills are being developed in
questions lesson?)