Material Safety Data Sheet
Material Safety Data Sheet
Material Safety Data Sheet
Eyes: The propellant may cause frostbite. The lubricant may cause irritation upon contact.
Skin: The propellant may cause frostbite. The lubricant may cause irritation upon repeated contact.
Inhalation: The propellant may cause drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, excitation, narcosis and asphyxia. The
lubricant may cause irritation to the respiratory tract.
Ingestion: The propellant may cause frostbite. The lubricant may cause irritation to the respiratory tract and may
cause diarrhea.
Target Organs: Propellant – Central nervous system.
Eyes: Flush eyes with clean water for 20 minutes. Seek medical attention if irritation persists.
Skin: Wash with soap and water. Seek medical attention if irritation or rash persists.
Inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air. If respiratory problems continue, seek medical attention.
Ingestion: If large amounts are swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Seek medical attention.
Advice to Physician: Treat systematically.
Eye Protection: Safety goggles or safety glasses with side shields. Consult your company’s policy regarding eye
Hand Protection: Chemical resistant gloves for hypersensitive persons. Consult your company’s policy
regarding hand protection.
Body Protection: Clean overalls. Consult your company’s policy regarding personal protective clothing.
Respiratory Protection: Use product in well ventilated areas. If PEL is met or exceeded, use an appropriate
NIOSH approved respirators. If misting / vapors occur due to high heat or fire, use self contained breathing
apparatus that has a full face piece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-demand mode.
Consult your company’s respiratory protection policy.
The information herein is given in good faith, but without warranty, express or implied. All risks of use of the product are therefore assumed
by the user. Appropriate warnings and safe handling procedures must be provided to handlers and users.
Material Safety Data Sheet
Product Name: KLUBEROIL 4 UH1-15 Spray (#081240)
Date: August 27, 2007
Replaces: July 14, 2004
Page: 2 of 4
Butanes 1000 ppm None
Propane 1000 ppm 1000 ppm
Other Protective Measures: Emergency eyewash / shower equipment should be readily available.
Butanes Propane
o o
Flash Point: < - 50 C - 104 C
Lower Explosion Limit: 1.8% 2.1%
Upper Explosion Limit: 8.4% 9.5%
o o
Auto Ignition Temperature: > 315 C 450 C
Extinguishing Media: Water mist, foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide. Do not use water jet as this may
spread fire and contamination. Product may float and re-ignite.
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Aerosol containers may rupture when heated. Do not spray near sparks,
heat or open flames. Butane and propane vapors are heavier than air and will accumulate in low lying areas. If a
leak or spill has not ignited, use a water mist to disperse any vapors from ignition source.
Respiratory Protection: Self contained breathing apparatus that has a full face piece and is operated in a
pressure-demand or other positive-demand mode.
If product leaks or is inadvertently spilled, eliminate ignition sources and prevent spill from entering drains and
waterways. Absorb spilled product with absorbent and place in a container for proper disposal. Allow leaking
cans to depressurize before disposal.
Handling: Flammable. Keep away from heat, flames and sparks. Protect against electrostatic discharge. Use in
well ventilated areas. Handle by qualified personnel. Wash hands with soap and water before eating, drinking or
Storage: Keep container tightly closed in a cool, well ventilated place. Keep away from foodstuffs. Do not store
above 120 F. Keep away from children.
The information herein is given in good faith, but without warranty, express or implied. All risks of use of the product are therefore assumed
by the user. Appropriate warnings and safe handling procedures must be provided to handlers and users.
Material Safety Data Sheet
Product Name: KLUBEROIL 4 UH1-15 Spray (#081240)
Date: August 27, 2007
Replaces: July 14, 2004
Page: 3 of 4
Under RCRA, it is the responsibility of the user, at the time of disposal, to determine whether the product meets
the RCRA criteria for hazardous waste. The propellant in this product is a RCRA hazardous waste, D001.
Section 13 – Transportation
DOT: UN1950
Aerosols, flammable, n.o.s.
TSCA Section 8(b) Inventory Status: All components are either exempt or listed on the TSCA inventory.
TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification: This product does not contain any component(s) that are subject to
Section 12(b) Export Notification.
SARA Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS): This product does not contain any component(s)
regulated under Section 302 (40 CFR 355) as Extremely Hazardous Substances.
SARA Section 304 CERCLA Hazardous Substance: Butanes (< 45%) (RQ 100 lbs).
Propane (< 2%) (RQ 100 lbs).
SARA Section 313 Toxic Chemical List: This product does not contain any component(s) listed on the Section
313 Toxic Chemical List.
RoHS: Compliant.
NSF Certified: Nonfood Compounds
Category Code: H1
Registration Number: 134124
The information herein is given in good faith, but without warranty, express or implied. All risks of use of the product are therefore assumed
by the user. Appropriate warnings and safe handling procedures must be provided to handlers and users.
Material Safety Data Sheet
Product Name: KLUBEROIL 4 UH1-15 Spray (#081240)
Date: August 27, 2007
Replaces: July 14, 2004
Page: 4 of 4
HMIS Rating
The information herein is given in good faith, but without warranty, express or implied. All risks of use of the product are therefore assumed
by the user. Appropriate warnings and safe handling procedures must be provided to handlers and users.