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The Advantages and Disadvantages in The Income of Baguio City and Benguet Under The Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region

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The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region

A Research Presented to
Ms. Karel P. Manzano
University of the Cordilleras

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course
Practical Research 2

Calado, Michael Jay G.
Taccayan, Aldrin E.
Tolding, Joshua M.
Soriano, Yra V.
Suayan, Skye E
Tadiam, Sheryl F.
February 22, 2019

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 1 | P a g e
Autonomy is the right of a country or a region to govern itself. We studied the effects of
autonomy to Baguio City and Benguet, either it is advantageous or disadvantageous. In addition, we
identified also the reasons why CAR is worth pushing for autonomy and what are the barriers that
keep autonomy unpassed. Participants were 5 lawyers in Baguio and another 5 in Benguet and 5
government officials. The respondents underwent a non-random judgmental sampling technique
through personal and paper interview. Autonomy will improve the income of CAR, in terms of the
collection of taxes and also there will be a 10 years subsidy from the national government.
Autonomy will also help the local government to govern its jurisdictions and will benefit the people
especially Cordillerans in getting a job. It will decrease the time of processing papers and
documents. However due to a higher expectation of income means a higher risk of corruption, this
is the fear of the Cordillerans and also they are afraid of the change. In addition, autonomy will help
mold the identity of every province especially Baguio that is now functioning only as a gateway but
another problem is that the other provinces are not yet fully develop. In conclusion, autonomy has
advantages and disadvantages to CAR specifically to Baguio City and Benguet. Considering the
answers from the political side there is no disadvantage at all while at the lawyer's side there will
always be a disadvantage considering the implementation.

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 2 | P a g e












APPENDIX A: Interview Guide Questions 15

APPENDIX B: Letter to Respondents 16

APPENDIX C: Informed Consent Form 17

APPENDIX D: Endorsement Letter 19

APPENDIX E: Research Timeline 20

APPENDIX F: Presentation of the Data 21

APPENDIX G: Participants’ Answers 23



The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 3 | P a g e
Autonomy refers to the capacity and right of a country or other jurisdiction to govern
itself. The term, autonomous comes from the Greek word, autonomous meaning auto - “self” and
nomos - “law” respectively. In political, moral, and bio-ethical philosophy, it is explained as the
capability of an entity to make an informed, unforced decision (Wee, 2017). Political autonomy
exists when a group of persons or territory are self-governing, thus not under the control of a higher
level of government. Complete autonomy consists of an independent state, but there are
autonomous regions that have a degree of self-governance greater than the rest of the country
(Foldvary, 2011).
The advantages of being an autonomous region according Jurado (2010), “By securing
the benefits of “location” or advantage of proximity to the regional center, by attracting the forces
of “agglomeration” and by promoting “friendly competition” or advantage of competition among
regional centers to deliver the best services at the most reasonable prices These systems also
institutionalize the systematic integration of the social and economic service functions of the
covered line departments and their attached agencies and instrumentalities, by consolidating the
operational and administrative control and supervision of the regional offices of the said line
departments, agencies, and instrumentalities under the regional governing body. The circulation of
income is within the region.
Fortunately, the Local Government Code has foreseen this possibility and sought it
prudent to limit the kinds of taxes that may be imposed at the local level. Thus, local government
units are prohibited from imposing income taxes, value added taxes, customs duties, export taxes
and taxes on goods carried into or out of, or passing through, their territorial jurisdiction, among
others. Hopins (2017) continued that, “To support their fiscal requirements, An autonomous local
government is entitled to have ‘a just share ... in the national taxes.”
According to Yang (2013), “Autonomy power is measured by how public spending at a
local level of government is maintained by its own revenue, the degree of fiscal decentralization
decreased and experienced a sharp reduction due to the tax sharing reform. The autonomy power
has mixed effects on regional inequality depending on the targeting of fiscal transfers and the
incentives of local governments.”
The Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) of the Philippines is a land-locked region
consists of the provinces of Abra, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga, Mountain Province, Apayao and
Baguio City which is the regional center. The Cordillera region encompasses most of the areas
within the Cordillera Central mountain range of Luzon, the largest range in the country (Robles,
n.d). According to 1987 of the Philippine Constitution (RA) a. 10.15 (PH) there shall be
autonomous regions in Muslim Mindanao and the Cordilleras as hereinafter provided. However, the
Cordillera has continued the struggle for regional autonomy since the creation of the Cordillera
Administrative Region (CAR) in 1987. CAR was established to transition the region towards an
autonomous regional government. After 31 years of pursuing regional autonomy and self-
determination, the RDC and NEDA-CAR continue to assert that Cordillera autonomy is the key to
just and lasting peace and sustainable development in the region (Lubguban, 2018).

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 4 | P a g e
According to Mayor Domogan (2017), “CAR received the lowest share in terms of
international revenue allotment (IRA) with a share of 3.05 percent of PHP14.87 billion of the total
IRA in 2017. It also received the lowest share from the budgets of national agencies and major
departments.” Cordillera has abundant mineral reserves. These include metallic ores such as gold,
copper, silver, zinc, and non-metallic minerals like sand, gravel, and sulfur. Mineral reserves are
found in all the provinces. However, mining is concentrated in Benguet (Robles, n.d.). Thus, the
study aims to know what would happen to the income of Baguio city and Benguet if autonomy in
Cordillera has been push through.
In accordance to the Republic Act of the Philippines, Article 10, section 5 of the organic act
of 1989 for the autonomous region in Muslim Mindanao The total collections of a province or city
from national internal revenue taxes, fees and charges, and taxes imposed on natural resources, shall
be distributed, Thirty percent (30%) to the province or city, Thirty percent (30%) to the Regional
Government and Forty percent (40%) to the National Government.
According to CountrySTAT Philippines (2016), Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
(ARMM) in 2016 the economic performance improved by 0.3 percent, it contributed 0.6 percent to
the country’s Gross Domestic Product. Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry, and Fishing sector which
shared 56.3 percent in the region’s output indicated a 3.0 percent contraction. However, The main
challenge in the region is reducing poverty and achieving lasting peace to help ensure inclusive
growth. The provinces of ARMM Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, Sulu, Basilan, and Tawi-Tawi, are
among the poorest in the Philippines with poverty incidence ranging from 29.8 percent to 53.7
percent in 2009, compared to a 26.5 percent poverty incidence for the entire country for the same
period (World Bank, 2013).
Since 2001, Beijing has spent $45.4 billion on development in the Tibet Autonomous
Region (TAR). The effect: double-digit GDP growth for the past nine years. About a third of the
money went to infrastructure investment, including the train connecting Beijing to Lhasa. "A clear
benefit of the train was that it makes industrial goods cheaper for Tibetans, who, like everyone else
in the world, like household conveniences, but normally had to pay very high prices," said Ben
Hillman, a Tibet expert from the Australian National University's China Institute. The train also
provides an opportunity for Tibetan goods to be sold outside of the region and for a massive
increase in the number of tourists, reaching more than 5.5 million in 2009—up from close to 2
million in 2005, the year before the train. The Chinese government's Tibet tourism bureau expects
the numbers to keep climbing. While Tibetan independence groups like Free Tibet raise
sustainability concerns about the increase in tourism, Hillman points out that "tourism is an
important industry that can benefit local Tibetans." (Stone Fish, 2010)
The study aims to find out the advantages and disadvantages of autonomous status of the
Cordillera to the incomes of Baguio city and Benguet by considering the potential effect of
autonomy of CAR through the perceptions of the people of Baguio and Benguet. It also aims to
look for the difference between a region being autonomous and a region under a national
government and results that would affect the income of Baguio city and Benguet when Cordillera
will achieve autonomy.

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 5 | P a g e
This study is a Qualitative Research which adopts a Phenomenological Approach, The
Phenomenological Approach was used in this study because it has considerable significance which;
(a) can explain the data and does not attempt to explain or interpret ; (b) allows the data to be used
as a basis for theory; (c) also allows it to be used to challenge structural or normative assumptions;
and (d) may even to be used to challenge or support policies or actions related to a particular
experience or phenomenon (Giorgi, 2012). This type of approach can help the participants to be
aware of the event that has not yet been experienced here in the Cordillera Administrative Region.
The researchers will use a non-random judgmental sampling technique in choosing the
research respondents, thus the researchers will interview lawyers, an accountant and Public officials
from Baguio City and Benguet who are knowledgeable about autonomy and are credible to talk
about the subject area concern. Where areas the lawyers must be at least 6 months resident of
Baguio city or the province of Benguet and have knowledge about the Philippine laws and the
current economic status of the province. The Public officials must be employed in the government
of Baguio and Benguet and must be at least a native Baguio or Benguet resident. The accountant
must be knowledgeable about the income status of Baguio City or the province of Benguet. For the
researchers to know the advantages and disadvantages of CAR being autonomous to the income of
Baguio and Benguet.
The researchers aim to interview 15 expert respondents, 5 lawyers in Baguio and another 5
in Benguet so that the research will have a balance expert opinion from the lawyers of Baguio and
Benguet. The other 5 respondents are Public officials such as Mayor, Councilor, an accountant or a
congressman because the respondent will be more knowledgeable about the background of the
province and what is the current status of the Cordillera Administrative Region compared to
Cordillera being an autonomous region. Since the respondents are knowledgeable about the laws
and economics it is sufficient to interview 15 expert respondents with an expert opinion so that, the
research can come up with a theory with the respondent expert opinion about autonomy itself.
The data gathering tool that will be used in this research is a semi-structured interview.
Through this a face to face interview will be conducted, where the researcher seeks to make links
and find relationships between the concepts and categories derived from open coding.
This research will use tape record in gathering information on the expert opinions of the
respondents, considering their permission and privacy being respected. After it being recorded it
will be transcribed exactly and coded to be analyzed, conceptualized and verified accordingly.
Once the data have been fully coded and analyzed the researchers will perform open coding
and begin to analyze the data. The data will then undergo a thorough and careful examination using
open coding method in order to develop innovative theories. The data will then be organized and
categorized through the use of the axial coding by determining the data’s relations with each other.
Selective coding will be the last step in choosing the relevant answers of the respondents and use it
to create a single theory by relating each category of answers to each other and categorizing them to
figure out the core category of the research.

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 6 | P a g e

On the results of the discussion on the effects of autonomy to Baguio City and Benguet, a
variety of answers came out. One of the effects of autonomy according to the perceptions of the
lawyers and public officials of Baguio City and Benguet if autonomy will be implemented it will
authorize the region to create and control its own resources and policies. Also, the region is given
the chance to govern themselves according to their culture and economic standing.

According to the researchers respondent’s autonomy has both advantages and

disadvantages. Autonomy as an advantage will help the regional income increase by a large amount
of percentage because the collected taxes and fees will no longer be remitted to the national
government. In addition, as stated by one of the respondents, 20% of the revenue of CAR will be
remitted to the national government and the remaining 80% will stay in the region and will be
divided accordingly. According to the provisions of the House Bill 4649 Section 105 all
corporations, partnerships, and other entities, including government agencies, government-owned
and controlled corporations directly engaged in business in the region shall pay their corresponding
taxes, fees, and charges to the province, city, municipality or barangays where such establishments
are conducting their business operations irrespective of the location of their principal or main
offices. Autonomy will also give the regional officials the power to make contracts with foreign
domestic means without the authorization of the higher legislative. It will also improve the
processing of papers of every agency in Baguio City and Benguet because they are not already
required to submit the papers of the agency to their own head offices thus, with autonomy it will
allow the agency to process the documents at place of its business. In terms of employment,
autonomy will help the Cordillerans during job fairs because they will be prioritized and will be one
of the top options of every hiring company.

Also, if autonomy shall be implemented in the Cordillera as stated by the respondents it will
be beneficial to the region. It is because with autonomy being implemented and the regional
government has the power to execute or create policies that will benefit the region. The Cordillera
will improve its own regional identity with the help of its own unique culture. It was also stated that
autonomy can sustain the needs of the community with the use of the gained revenues of the region.
In which, a lawyer said that with more money to collect it corresponds to more projects and plans
that can help the community.

However, autonomy has also its disadvantages because with a higher and a larger income
there could also be more graft and corruption. It is because under the perceptions of the lawyers that
the researchers interviewed, with the implementation of the autonomy the effect will depend on
who will be in power. If the leader will be more of its personal interest then it will turn autonomy to
its disadvantages side where corruption and the political dynasty will belong. Also according to one
of the lawyers in Baguio city, there is no definite amount of income to be collected, thus it will
result to either insufficient or sufficient income. In addition one of the public officials says that in
10 years’ time the implementation of autonomy in the Cordillera is vague because of political

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 7 | P a g e
Based on the discussion on how autonomy would help the government’s income, it resulted
in two similar answers by which two codes were used which is income and govern. Govern as
stated by 4 of the research respondents in which autonomy in the Cordillera would allow the local
government to create their own resources of revenue through the collection of ever agencies in the
region. In addition to all the collections that the region shall collect they are given the power to
manage their own income where only a small amount of percentage shall go to the national

According to all the researchers’ respondents, they all agreed that autonomy would really
help the government’s income in which all corporations that are running their operations inside the
Cordillera will pay their taxes directly to the regional treasury that can help sustain the autonomous
region. However, the benefits will be based on the income of other provinces because as stated by
some lawyers of this research, not all provinces are fully developed thus it is not a guarantee that
with the help of the 10 years subsidy of the national government, autonomy in the Cordillera will be

On the last discussion of this research, the discussion is all about why is the Cordillera
Administrative region is still pushing for autonomy. The main factor why CAR is pushing for
autonomy is because they want to keep its cultural heritage and the traditions of all the provinces.
Also because of the region unique cultural identity they want to promote and pursue their own
belief and distinct culture from the rest of the majority of the Filipinos, they think that they would
be in a better position if they govern themselves.

Regarding income, some public officials also want to pursue autonomy because with the
implementation of autonomy in the Cordillera it will increase its collections. In addition,
government officials aim to have more income generation sources with an autonomous region.
Also, a lot of national government powers shall be exercised by the region that will give them more
power and authority to manage their own natural resources.

According to the perceptions of the lawyers they want to pursue autonomy because some of
their leaders are also pushing for autonomy and as a supporter, they want to follow the steps of their
leaders. With the influence of each leader, some of the lawyers were convinced to agree with
autonomy and some disagreed with it. Where in there are factors that disprove autonomy that made
all 3 plebiscites of the bill fail. One main factor is fear, in which according to the research
respondents. People are afraid to change the system because in their side they are already contented
on what they have now. In addition as stated by one of the respondents “Why should we fix it, if it
is not even broken?” There is also the mistrust of every region to who will be in power because they
are afraid that a leader has its own personal interest that turns into power can overrule autonomy
and corruptions around the region.

As far as information shall be involved the second main factor why autonomy always fails
on its plebiscites is because there is limited information of autonomy around the people. In which
the people are not informed of the contents of the law and what are the advantages and
disadvantages of this law and its policies. Also according to some public officials, there is this lack
of unity of leaders to why autonomy is always being disproved it is because there is no leader that is
committed to push for autonomy in the Cordillera. In addition according to a public official, the

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 8 | P a g e
national government does not want to let go of the local government inside the Cordillera
Administrative Region.

The researchers also ask their respondents if they are yes to autonomy or against autonomy.
Based on the results 10 out of 15 said yes to autonomy because according to the respondents they
want to try it considering its advantages to region especially Baguio City and Benguet. The 3
respondents disagreed with autonomy because they are already contented to what the status of
Baguio City and Benguet already is, the respondents also are afraid that graft and corruption shall
belong with the implementation of autonomy to the region. It is because according to the 3
respondents “What if autonomy was implemented in the region, while other provinces have not yet
been developed and the 10-year subsidy of the national government is not sufficient can the
Cordillera get back on its feet? However, the 2 respondents are neutrally decided because they
support every decision of the government.
Based on the interviews gathered by the researchers, autonomy really has an effect to
Baguio City and Benguet. After the selective coding, the researchers ended up to codes. For the
question “What can be the effects of autonomy to Baguio City and Benguet?”, Govern, Time,
Benefits, and Corruption were used. Under Govern, the local government can create and control its
own resources, for example in the giving of permits to hydropower and mining activities will not be
longer subject to approval from the national government. An opportunity to shape its identity and
its own culture, with that Cordillerans will now have the freedom to enact their own traditions and
ways on governing their own tribe or group, because as said by one of the respondents “if you
research in the culture and tradition of the different tribes, kahit anong klase ng kaso pwedeng i-
settle, reason? kung masettle yun, the possibility of revenge mawawala that will contribute in good
relation among the people in the tribe, kung hindi mo ise-settle yan [and] just follow what is going
now, ihabla mo sa korte, ang bagal, nasasaktan yung biktima and the possibility magrevenge nalang
ako, take the law in to my hand, patayin ko nalang yan which it will be a continuing cycle na it will
also disturb the peace and order in the tribe in the community.” with that it proves CAR has a
unique culture and adapting foreign system will evoke the peace and organization of every tribe that
will cause chaos and restlessness. Moreover, the national government can create their tax incentives
in which the local government has the power over the local businesses and companies within its
jurisdictions with that the local government has the power to impose tax laws and there is no need
for the local government to remit the tax collected to the national government.
In terms of income, it is stated that if the region will become autonomous, they will not be
obligated to pay a certain percentage amount to the national government and the tax being collected
are no longer to be remitted. With the latest bill, it is stated that there will be a subsidy of the
national government for the first 10 years to speed up the socio-economic and infrastructure
development of every government units of every region. With the disadvantage of it, there might be
a lack of resources because most of the provinces here in CAR is not yet fully develop and where
should the region get their income after the 10 years subsidy. Considering the big companies here in
Benguet, it will have a great impact on the income of CAR because the taxes of each company will
go directly to local government units and just a portion of it will be remitted to the national
government and with this scheme, autonomy would survive for a long time.

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 9 | P a g e
As for the benefits, CAR will now have the chance to improve their regional identity since
Baguio has not yet built its own identity. As for now, Baguio City only serves as a gateway for
every province. To add more there will be an opportunity to create additional employment in which
Cordillerans are prioritized and it would be advantageous to the region and to the citizens that
would be employed. Having a bigger income means more projects to be given. Projects including
bridges, roads, and other infrastructures that will benefit the people. In terms of education, it would
be beneficial to the region because the organization will have the power to add a specialization
course that is not yet visible to the current curriculum of CHED, for example, stated by a
respondent is Mountain Engineering in which it is focused on constructing on hills or mountains
that fits perfectly in the geographical location or CAR.
Regarding time, the Cordillerans will no longer need to wait and to travel to get permits,
mobilizations, licenses, collections and other more. The process will be shortened because offices
will be situated to every provinces of CAR. The distribution of the people’s money will also be
easier because the local government will no longer wait for the money from the national
government. In other words, the implementation of projects will speed-up.
In terms of corruption, it might be a negative effect of autonomy because there will be
higher income and it also means that there is a higher possibility for graft and corruption. However,
the likeliness of corruption will still depend on the ruling authorities of the autonomous
On the discussion on “How will autonomy help Baguio and Benguet’s government’s
income?” Govern, and Income were used. With regards to Governance, the local government will
now have the freedom to create or to find source of revenue, since after autonomy the taxes from
CAR will now be handled by the local government unit, and with that local government unit has the
right to tax on properties or individuals within its jurisdiction. The local government will also have
the authority to manage its own income or resources; right to collect and right to divide, with that
approach the local government would know what projects to be prioritized and how much to be
collected in order to fulfill all the projects. Lastly, the local government will no longer be compelled
to give to the national government however it does not mean that hundred percent of the income
will be to the local government only, but a certain percentage will still be remitted to the national
Regarding income, the local government would expect an increase on the overall income
especially when all the big companies will be paying their taxes to where they get their raw
materials, for example Philex Mines which operations are currently on Benguet and in that manner
the Philex Mines will no longer pay its taxes to the national government, instead the tax of Philex
Mines will go directly to the Autonomous region of Cordillera. Big companies like mining and
hydro plants combined with other businesses will surely generate big income that can subsidize the
region for many years, but the major problem still is the stronghold of the national government to
each big company. Majority of the income generated by CAR will stay in the region and will be
circulated and divided among the local government units.

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 10 | P a g e
For the discussion to “Why is CAR still pushing for autonomy?” the researchers used IP for
tradition and culture, I for income, L for leadership, K for knowledge and F for fear.
In terms of culture, the interviewees stated that becoming autonomous will help strengthen
the unique culture that the Cordilleran’s have. Since the people in the Cordillera region consider
themselves to be different from the people of the lowlands, they want to become independent and
be recognized to the people that has not been influenced by the foreign culture. Strengthening a
culture that has been passed down from generations and generations is one of the major aims of
As far as income is involved, the local government unit believes that if the Cordillera will
become an autonomous region then there will be an increase to their income. According to Jurado
(2010), there will be a circulation of income within the region. This will help for the development
of infrastructure, transportation, and the different kinds of needs that the region has. Because
Baguio City and Benguet hosts different kinds of mining, water dams and hydroelectric power
companies, their taxes will go directly to the regional government and be used to sustain the region.
As for leadership, autonomy will only succeed if the leaders of the region will be devoted to
serve the public. Some interviewees biggest concerns are those who will become the leaders of the
government, now the leaders do not have a common stand regarding autonomy. If the leaders do not
have a common stand, the dream of becoming an autonomous region cannot come to reality. It was
also stated that this causes lack or trust to the leader’s performance on how they will cope with the
national government if autonomy will be implemented in the region.  
Regarding knowledge, the people lack in information on what autonomy is. The people do
not understand the benefits of becoming autonomous because of the lack of information that is in
fact, accessible to the people. As stated by one of the interviewees, the first two plebiscites have
been rejected because majority of the people voted “no”. This concludes that there is a need for a
widespread information regarding autonomy and to also convince the people that it is a need for the
region to improve and grow.
Fear is one of the many reasons why the two plebiscites have been rejected and why it was
disproved by the people in the region for both IP’s and non-IP’s. They fear change because most of
the people think that, “why should the government system be changed if everything is going well?”.
They fear that becoming autonomous will only worsen the current status of the region. There is also
fear that there will be another political dynasty and that ruling officials would have more power
than before.

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 11 | P a g e
The researchers concluded that all the findings in the research have justifiable advantages
and disadvantages for the Cordillera Administrative Region if autonomy will be implemented.
There is in fact an impact to the income that the whole region currently has, it will likely increase.
Most expert respondents agree that a higher income to be generated within CAR is possible if
autonomy will be implemented. Along with gaining more income, developments for all the regions
will also be a byproduct of the raised income. Citizens and the government alike will benefit from
autonomy because the government can make their own policies exclusive for the cordilleran’s.
Employment may be the effect of these policies. Government officials and employees will also save
time by no longer going to the main national offices for their remittances and other things needed
by the region.
The respondents had also mentioned that Leadership and Governance is a determinant to
whether CAR will be developed or not. The possibility of corruption and weak governance is a
disadvantage for implementing autonomy. Because not all leaders are dedicated for the public
interest, some may abuse and commit illegal corruption that may destroy the region. This is also the
byproduct of “Fear” in the minds of the people. Some people fear of change because they are
contented with the current administration and the lack of information for being autonomous led to
this outcome.
The distinct culture of Cordillera is the reason why the region is still pursuing autonomy.
Unlike other regions, Cordillera is a region that has one culture like other provinces that is only in
the Cordillera. Along with these, the cultural heritage of each province in the region shall be
recognized because Cordillerans will minimize entertaining culture from other regions.
Out of the 15 respondents, 67% agreed to autonomy, 20% disagreed and 10% stay neutral
for the pursuant of Cordillera Autonomous Region. The researchers also found out that there is a
huge gap between the political side and lawyers perceptions because it was observed that politicians
do not see any disadvantage of autonomy to the Cordillera. However, according to the lawyer's
perceptions, there will always be a disadvantage with regards to the implementation of autonomy
which is graft and corruption.
The researchers suggest to the next leader who will push for autonomy to inform first every
province of the Cordillera Administrative Region to what is autonomy and its advantages and
disadvantages with regards to its implementation. Second is that if the leader shall push for
autonomy he/she shall be committed in pushing for autonomy in order for the Cordillerans to have
unity with each other.
The researchers also suggest that if a leader would push for autonomy he/she shall make
sure that all the provinces composed of the CAR are already fully developed for a smooth transition
of Cordillera Administrative Region to Cordillera Autonomous Region.
One of the public officials, also recommends that if federalism will be implemented here in
the Philippines, Cordillera Administrative Region shall push first for autonomy in order to maintain
Cordillera as it is and will not be merged with region 1.

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 12 | P a g e
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Retrieved From: http://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/constitutions/1987-constitution/

Regional Profile: Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (2016) Country Stat.

Retrieved From: http://countrystat.psa.gov.ph/?cont=16&r=15


Retrieved From: http://www.chanrobles.com/legal3car.html#.W7NS3Hsza70

The World Bank (2013) Philippines: Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) Social
Fund Project.Retrieved From: http://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2013/04/10/philippines-
autonomous-region-in-muslim-mindanao-social-fund project?
fbclid=IwAR1vkBAR00ocYC5qe0zWHSh556BRdFKzk983A4ackwdMgLUm8lsC 050Rf1Q
Wee, R. (2017) What is An Autonomous Government? Worldatlas.
The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and
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Retrieved from: https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-is-autonomy-and-autonomous-

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and
Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 14 | P a g e

1. What can be the effects of autonomy to Baguio City and Benguet?

• How is being an autonomous region going to benefit the city of Baguio and the Province of
• How will the people of Baguio and Benguet benefit from Cordillera Administrative Region
being autonomous?
• What can be the advantages and disadvantages of autonomy from CAR to Baguio and Benguet?

2. How will autonomy help Baguio and Benguet’s government’s income?

• Where do the revenues of Baguio and Benguet go? And why?
• How is the income of Baguio and Benguet being utilized?
• What are the possible benefits that the people of Baguio and Benguet get if they pursue

3. Why is Cordillera Administrative Region still pushing for autonomy?

• What is the main factor that makes autonomy worth pushing?
• What is the main factor that disproves autonomy?
• In your opinion, will autonomy improve the current status of Baguio and Benguet?

Possible answers
1. What can be the effect of autonomy to Baguio and Benguet?
 Autonomy can highly affect the Baguio and Benguet in terms of their income and
 Autonomy is not effective in the Cordillera administrative region.
 People of Baguio and Benguet can benefit from CAR being autonomous.
 People of Baguio and Benguet will not benefit from CAR being Autonomous.
2. How will autonomy help the Baguio and Benguet’s income?
 The income of Baguio and Benguet will increase because cordillera can utilize its own
 The income of Baguio and Benguet will decrease because cordillera will depend on the
productivity of the region.
 Autonomy of CAR will greatly affect the productivity of Baguio and Benguet and earn more
revenues to be spread throughout the region.
3. Why is the Cordillera Administrative Region still pushing autonomy?
 Cordillera offers a lot of natural resources such as gold, silver, copper and many more that
are being passed directly to the national government and are distributed all throughout the


The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and
Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 15 | P a g e
Dear Participants


We, the researchers of the University of the Cordilleras are inviting to take part in our research
entitled: The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and Benguet under an
autonomous Status of the Cordillera (CAR).

This research aims to find the advantages of autonomy to CAR and its effect on the income of
Baguio City and Benguet.

In line with this, may we solicit your kind indulgence and consideration by answering every
question that will be asked by the interviewee, Rest assured that any information will be treated
with outmost confidentiality.

Results of the data will only include summarized results and results of the study may be provided
via soft copy upon request of the signatory of the informed consent.

We appreciate your assistance and support in this particular research endeavor

Thank you very much for your cooperation


Taccayan, Aldrin E. Calado Michael Jay G. Tolding, Joshua M.

Lead Student Researcher Research Member Research Member

Soriano, Yra V. Suayan, Skye Khloe E. Tadiam, Sheryl F.

Research Member Research Member Research Member

Noted by;


Research Adviser


The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and
Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 16 | P a g e
The researchers of the University of the Cordilleras – Senior High School Department are
inviting you to be in their study The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio
City and Benguet under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region.
You were selected as a possible participant of this research because you have knowledge
about the current status of the Baguio City and Benguet under the Cordillera Administrative Region
and an idea to what may be the advantages and disadvantages of having an autonomous region.
The researchers are asking you to read this form and ask any questions that you may have
before agreeing to be in the study.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to know the advantages and disadvantages in the income of
Baguio City and Benguet under the autonomy of the Cordillera comparing it to the current status of
the income of Baguio City and Benguet under the Cordillera Administrative Region. Ultimately, this
research may be presented at the University of the Cordilleras and be published.

Description of the Study Procedures

If you agree to be in this study, you will be asked to do the following things:
 You will be interviewed inside your office.
 There will be a voice and video recorder during the interview.
 The interview will last for 15 to 30 minutes.
 This interview will be done once.

Risks/Discomforts of Being in this Study

There are no foreseeable risks in participating in this study.

Benefit of Being in the Study

The benefit of participation is it might help you to widen your knowledge to which best fits
the income of Baguio City and Benguet under its current status or an autonomous region of the

The records of this study will be kept strictly confidential. Research records will be kept and
only the researchers of this study will have an access to these. Information that may identify you
will not be included in the report.

You will not receive any payment or reimbursement.

Right to Refuse or Withdraw

The decision to participate in this study is entirely up to you. You may refuse to take part in
the study at any time without affecting your relationship with the researchers of this study. Your
decision will not result in any loss or benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. You have the
right not to answer any single question, as well as to withdraw completely from the interview at any
point during the process; additionally, you have the right to request that the interviewer not use any

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 17 | P a g e
of your interview material.

Right to Ask Questions and Report Concerns

You have the right to ask questions about this research study and to have those questions
answered by the researchers before, during or after the research. If you like, a summary of the results
of the study will be sent to you. If you have any other concerns about your rights as a research
participant that has not been answered by the investigators, you may contact Ms. Karel P. Manzano,
Research Adviser at 09187906461.

Your signature below indicates that you have decided to volunteer as a research participant
for this study and that you have read and understood the information provided above. You will be
given a signed and dated copy of this form to keep, along with any other printed materials deemed
necessary by the study investigators.

Subject's Name (print):

Subject's Signature: Date:

Researcher’s Signature: Date:


The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and
Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 18 | P a g e
Mr. Joseph Quinto
Senior High School Teacher
University of the Cordilleras
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City

RE: Permission to Validate Questionnaire


We, the undersigned researchers from the University of the Cordilleras – Senior High School
Department under Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) Strand, are currently working
on a Qualitative Research entitled The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City
and Benguet under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region. The main objective of the
said Qualitative Research is to find out what is the difference between the current status of the
income of Baguio City and Benguet under Administrative region to the status of Baguio City and
Benguet under the Autonomy of the Cordillera.

In this regard, may we request your valuable time and expertise in the field of research for the
validification of the content of our questionnaire. The reason for our request is to check whether the
questionnaire is accurate and parallel to the main problem and objective of our qualitative research.

We look forward to your favorable response regarding this matter, Thank you very much!


Research Team Leader

Noted by:


Research Adviser

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 19 | P a g e

Project Gantt Chart of Major Events for the study “The Advantages in the Income of Baguio and Benguet under the autonomy
of Cordillera Administrative Region”


2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019
1. Pre-defense
2. Proposal
3. Collection of
4. Treatment of
5. Preparation of
Final Paper
6. Final Defense

7. Publication

By the month of September, October and November 2018 the Pre-defense including the Introduction, and Method were
expected to be finished. The Proposal Defense will be prepared in the month of November 2018. On January 2019, the Collection of
data will be completed. The Treatment of Data will be prepared on the month of January 2019 to February 2019. The Preparation of
Final Paper will be done by the month of February 2019. On February 27, 2019, the final defense will be presented. Lastly on
March 2019, the end of second semester, the publication will take place.

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 20 | P a g e

Table 1
The effects of autonomy to Baguio City and the Province of Benguet

Legends Acronym Tally(15)


The table above shows the possible effects of autonomy to Baguio City and the province of
Benguet, in which the answers of 10 lawyers and 5 public officials went through axial coding.
Based on the results the possible effects of autonomy are; income, as said by 10 out of the 15
respondents, they said that when Cordillera becomes an autonomous region, the region can create
its own revenue through the regional resources and taxes. Second are the benefits, as said by 8 out
of the 15 respondents, if autonomy would be implemented here in the Cordillera, Baguio City and
Benguet will benefit from it because it will create additional employment and improve educational
systems. The third is governing, as said by 7 out of the 15 respondents, saying that through
autonomy it will give the officials the authorization to create their own policies and laws inside the
region. Fourth is time, as said by 3 out of the 15 respondents, if Cordillera will become an
autonomous region, it will improve the time of paper processing of every agency controlled by the
Cordillera Autonomous Region. However, there is also a downside of autonomy because 4 of the
respondents say that if autonomy will be established, graft and corruption might also worsen
because the power of a single official will be stronger and he/she might become untouchable.

Table 2
How will autonomy help Baguio City and Benguet’s governments’ income?

Legends Acronym Tally(15)


The table above reflects the answers of all the 15 respondents. All the respondents said that
autonomy will have an impact on the income of Baguio City and Benguet because both locations
are able to generate a high income on their own. From all the respondents, only 6 of them
mentioned governance as a determinant for the income that will be gained in the autonomous
government. The 6 respondents agree that it may be beneficial as to income is concerned but it may
also be disadvantageous if governance is weak regardless of an autonomous government.

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 21 | P a g e
Table 3
Why is Cordillera Administrative Region still pushing for autonomy?
Legends Acronym Tally(15)

The table above shows that most respondents answered tradition and leadership as their
reason for why CAR is still pushing for autonomy. It can be concluded that tradition and leadership
are one of the main factors why we still want to pursue autonomy. The second most answers from
the respondents are fear. The respondents think that fear from the people and the government is one
reason why autonomy is now worth pushing. Among all the respondents, 5 of them answered
knowledge as another answer for disproving autonomy. The lack of information brought by the bills
passed for autonomy and the people lacking knowledge as to what is autonomy resulted to this
answer by the respondents. Income was answered 4 times by the respondents. The reason might be
gaining more income is not a driving factor in pushing for autonomy.
Figure 1: Agreement vs Disagreement of Autonomy

Are you yes or no to Autonomy?

Yes No Neutral




Out of our 15 respondents, 67% agreed to autonomy because they want to have a change
and a lot of the resources will stay in the region wherein they will control or have power on the
shares of the national government. This is also the hope for the Cordillerans, it will help to sustain
the needs of the people and have an improvement in the regional identity of CAR. The 20% said no
because other provinces will not be fully developed and it is not visible that in 10 years there will be
a change in the region. The municipalities cannot make their own income without the help of the
national government and also there is no leader who is willing to push for autonomy. Lastly, 13%
said either because according to the respondents due to the lack of information and there is no law
implemented yet, they cannot decide if autonomy will be advantageous or disadvantageous to the
region. Also, it will depend on how autonomy will change the region.

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 22 | P a g e


Interviewer: What are the advantage and disadvantages of autonomy in Baguio City?
Interviewee: Iyon ang advantage natin, let’s say for example my company is si SM nasaan ba yung principal
base of business? Hindi Baguio City kasi branch lang iyon sa Manila ang base nito so ibigsabihin kung
branch lang siya ang mangongolekta ng tax ng SM hindi baguio, kundi Manila. Ngayon, kapag sa proposal
natin kapag nagkaroon ng autonomous region malaking branch iyon. Ang mangongolekta nun ay Baguio or
Cordillera regardless kung ang branch na iyan o basta malaking business operates here in the Cordillera it
will be collected by Cordillera region itself kasama na yung mga
national internal revenue taxes niyo.

Another example again philex hindi dito yung principal place of business niya, nasa Manila ulit, Makati, ang
nangongolekta ng tax, large tax payer ng Makati hindi dito sa Baguio o Benguet pero kapag nagkaroon ng
autonomous region. Sabi nila, dito sa Baguio magbabayad ng taxes so advantage sa atin. Tayo yung
mangongolekta ng internal revenue taxes nila, sa field agency yung mga BIR ganoon, ditto na sila
magkakaroon ng power iyon yung advantage. Ang nakikita kong disadvantage kung sino yung pinakamalaki
ditto sa Cordillera at kung saan sila nakapuwesto.

Interviewer: Sabi po nilana if ever na mag autonomy daw po tayo ay makakatulongdaw po yungmga
big companies like lepanto at mgaibang mining po?
Interviewee: Totoo iyon pero iilan lang sila, is it an assurance na lalaki yung income or hindi, pero ang
advantage ay yung mga big companies talaga dito sila magbabayad, kung ano yung makolekta ng Cordillera
Autonomous Region kasinga autonomy na gagamitin iyon for the development of the CAR. Ang magiging
tinitignan ko lang na take diyan is malaking ba yung makukuha nating collection. Isang disadvantage yun,
advantage may malalaking companies dito na magbabayad sa CAR, ang isang disadvantage hindi pa naman
natin alam kung magkanong income ang makokolekta.

Interviewee: Isa pang disadvantage kasi niyan kunwari naging utonomy na, kasi per region sa amin kasi na
confirm goal so kapag nagkaroon ng autonomy ang Cordillera tataas ang goal naming iilan lang yung top
corporations na talagang nagbibigay ng alam niyo yun to contribute doon sa percentage tax ng ating
collection. Let’s say ang T.I (Texas Instruments) dati dito iyan nagbabayad pero nakuha na, ngayon ibabalik
nila. So it will arise, ang philex mines hindi naman na gamit dito riyan pero since considered siya as top
corporation babalik dito, tataas yung income. Advantage siyempre kahit papano lumalaki rin ang income.

Interviewer: What do you mean po by goal?

Interviewee: Goal na ang every year nagseset ng collection target diba ngayon parang dumoble sa build up
trade, parang trinitrade din yung na kailangang mangolekta ng profit para sa build buil build program, so ang
mangyayari diyan kung ang running for bill ng Cordillera is yung announce natin, billion pagka billion, it
might increase a hundred billion, so siyempre hindi natin makakayanan iyon kasi magkano lang naman yung
binabayad ng iilang businesses.

As we all know ang isa sa pinakamatinding collection dito sa buong Cordillera is Baguio City. Siyempre
yung mga ibang district we have ibang provinces of Abra, Mt. Province, Ifugao, Kalinga at saka Benguet so
ano ba ang mga tax provisions doon wala. Wala sa top 20 thousand na provisions, example john hay sa atin
iyan top corporation dito, pwede iyan dito.

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 23 | P a g e
Interviewee: So jurisdiction, makukuha natin sila makokolekta din kung ano ang national income tax nila,
mapupunta dito sa region for the development, pero walang assurance na may contributions sila pero income
pa rin ang naproproduce ng buong region hindi assurance kung malaki.

Interviewer: In the BIR side and the lawyer side meron bang possible benefits…..
Interviewee: May mga violations kasi kung bakit ilang beses nadisapprove kapag naging autonomous na
ang Cordillera. Like sino ang mag he-head nun, maraming provinces o maraming malalakas na politicians
iyon din sana ang disadvantage nun. Ayaw talaga ng mga tao sa politiko kasi siyempre kung sino nga naman
ang magsasabi ng “Oh Autonomous kami, masmalaki kami kaya dapat kami ang maghead”. Ang Baguio
kapag na quantify or na qualify kung sino talaga, its more on ang pwedeng maging disadvantage side kasi
siyempre kapag ang operation naghead nagcoconcentrate na sila sap era. Nagsimula ng 1990’s ang pagpass
nito, hindi iyan natuloy hanggang sa ilang beses na nagpapass ng bill, hanggang ngayon wala pa rin. Ilan na
nga iyon its been three decades, three decades na hindi iyon na papass.

Interviewer: Satinginniyo po ba may benefits posiya?

Interviewee: Of course, may benefits sya, pero kasi
Interviewee: On the income side, yung mga top companies na nag ooperate dito sa Baguio, they will be
maintaning here in the Ilocos region iyon lang yung advantage side. Disadvantage side, hindi natin alam
kung magkano nga ba makokolekta natin.

Interviewee: Siyempre on the collection side CAR ang magbebenefit nun, pero siyempre kung ano yung
makokolekta nun hindi ibigsabihin nun certain percentage ang ibabalik sa atin. Its not intermedience
assurance na kapag malaki ang collection natin malaki din ang ibibigay nilang budget sa atin.

[Interviewee: 6494, diba tanggal na magiging it will be a good number, right. Sabin ila para mas medaling
maalala ang bill ng autonomous region its 6494 tanggalin mo yung dalawang 4 mas lalo mong maaalala.

Interviewer:(80% of income will go here tas 20% sa national gov.)

Interviewee: The 80% of it is paano ba ang magiging distribution nun na naipundar natin, kung ang head mo
is from Kalinga do you think equal distribution ang 80% na iyon, hand in hand kasi, yung kailangan ng isa’t
isa siyempre you have to go beyond that 80% and yes malaki iyon, do you think everybody will benefit from

Interviewer: So may bias rin po sa politika?

Interviewee: Kaya nga nung first na proposal niyan noon nung 1990 pinutol na lahat. Yung 80% na yun yes
mapupunta yun pero the question is ano nga naman yung distribution?
Interviewee: Usually Makati tama, ang SM possible, hindi natin makokolect ang SM.
Interviewee: Kung saan ang principal base of business ibigsabihin kung saan sila registered na let’s say ang
SM registered sa Makati doon sila magbabayad but it doesn’t mean naman na doon sila nagbabayad at hindi
tayo magbebenefit dun. All of taxes will go to the National Government. Ang makokolekta naman natin dito
mapupunta sa National budget, the end of the day baka ang congress natin ang magpatupad kung saan nila

Interviewer: Kaya banatinmagstand alone? Sa tinginniyo po ba, kaya po natinmagstand alone?

Interviewee: No, question mark maliit naman ang Baguio paano mo idedevelop yung ganitong terrain, punta
ka ng Benguet malalayo ang lugar na iyon. Ang Benguet di naman pwedeng magpatayo ng malalaking
buildings doon. Do you think pwede tayong magpatayo ng mga buildings doon? Ito dahil sa Makati okay
lang kasi talagang highly organized na, tayong Cordillera ang Baguio lang naman ang highly organized city
ang mga iba first class municipality ang iba second pa. Mahirap iyan sa 10 years na magagawang first class
The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and
Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 24 | P a g e
municipality sabihin mo halimbawa ang Kapangan. Ang Kapangan I think is 3 rd class, ang Benguet ay first
class hindi pa nga siya matawag tawag na city, its in 10 years na iyan short pa iyan.

Interviewer: Masmaganda po sanang ayusin nila yung ibang provinces?

Interviewee: Yes, kasi it will also affect, iilan lang yon kasi tignan mo ilan lahat ang municipalities and
cities lang dito, Kalinga city meron pang..
Atty. Art: Kung Benguet iba-ibang mga business nila diyan, let’s say Baguio may SM kapag pumunta ka ng
Kapangan iba yung business nila diyan may mining, Itogon may mining din, paano mo maiimprove yung
income nila diyan.

Interviewer: Paano nadidivide ang collection ngayon?

Interviewee: Hindi, Ang act for example ang baguio may IRA iyan. Ang IRA ang binibigay saatin so kahit
anong collection ang naibigay ng main collection natin fixed na ang IRA na iyan. Hindi ko alam ang
percentage, iba-iba kasi.
Interviewee: Basta ang work ng BIR is to collect taxes kapag andito kayo sa region CAR may certain
percent lang ng goal meaning may collection target kami na dapat makolekta and it’s just a small percentage
compared to other regions. Naintindihan nila yung hirap dto sa Cordillera, sino ba ang top contributor ditto
sa cordillera it’s Baguio CIty kung minsan Benguet pero kadalasan Baguio. Kapag mamamatay si Baguio
City hindi makakakolekta,babagsak ang Cordillera, on the collection target.

Interviewer: Principal of business?

Interviewee: Meron tayong pop tax based, top 10 tax payers, si Baguio Country Club iyan hawak natin at
large tax payer yan. Benguet si Goldrich, Sunshine (Mcdo),iyan yung iba sa top 10 tax payers. Kasali din si
Tiong San so compared naman sa SM ito ay maliit lang. Ito ang IRA ng Baguio City noong 2018 is
752million na mayroong maliit na percentage kasi highly organized city ang Baguio.

Interviewer: yes or no to autonomy?

Interviewee: Yung autonomy na iyan is parang synonymous lang kasi sa federalism. Example sa US
different states, meron silang kanya kanyang federal fund ibigsabihin sa kanila lang iyon, yung revenue ng
state nila sa kanila lang iyon so yung collection nila ganoon yung mangyayari sa atin ditto. Say 10 years lang
nila they are dedicated as 80%, in that 80% of 10 years time ba fully develop na tayo? What about 11 years?
Do you think makakasurvive ang ibang municipalities with their own income lang without the help of
national government? Short term lang pero in the long run no yun yung mga reasons kung bakit most of the
other politicians here in the Cordillera have a problem attaining them. The idea na kahit nasa ibang bansa,
ramdam mo parin diba? parang ganoon din kasi iyon.

Interviewee: Parang kung titignan natin yung advantage maganda. We have to try kung hindi nagclick we
have to learn from it, so ganyan ang sa akin kasi makikita naman natin. Sabi nga nila kung ang magrurule is
taga-Cordillera alam niya yung mga problems dito so let’s try it sige pero it’s not an insurance that it will
succeed nor it will fail. Ganoon talaga iyan kasi wala namang perfect project na kunwari nagstart ka ng isang
advantage lahat wala kasi hindi naman natin alam kung paano mamuno ng isang autonomous region. Sino
lang ba mamumuno sa totoo lang pwedeng isang regional governor at tagasaan siya.?

Interviewee: Iyon din kasi ang problema.

Interviewee: Sino siya? Sino ang pinakamakapangyarihan?
Interviewee: Sabihin mo kunwari siya, siyempre taga-Baguio ako gusto ko si Mayor Domogan ang
representative pero iilan lang naman ang workers ng mining as compared sa Kalinga kasi masmalaki
population niya.

Interviewer: Last question, what about federalism?

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 25 | P a g e
Interviewee: CAR tayo eh, federalism per region nayan so masasama na tayo sa Region one. Ang hirap
sagutin niyan kasi federalism. Number one against ako sa federalism, I’m not anti-Duterte or anything, but
the thing is kapag ganoon parin, kahit di tayo mapasama doon meron paring tayong disadvantage kasi
maghihirap tayo. Kung mapasama tayo sa kanila may assurance din na dito tayo maghihirap din kasi mas
lalo na yung scope ng magiging cover niyoyung Region One. Ano ba ang meron diyan? S Si Chavit, Ilocos,
Pangasinan ang lalaki nito kung Cordillera nga lang din at hirap na hirap na kapag dinagdag mo po yung
Region One. Dito sa income side maybe makakatulong iyon maybe in a way hindi kasi kahit papaano may
malalaking mga business ang pangasinan like madaming powerplants. Sinong magbebenefit ? Magbebenifit
ba ang Cordillera? Eventually not probably kasi kung ako ang governor ng Pangasinan uunahin ko ang

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 26 | P a g e
(Paper Interview)
1. Question: Effects of autonomy to Baguio City and Benguet?
Interviewee: The possible effects would be financial autonomy and self- reliance. Baguio and Benguet will
be given the chance govern themselves, both culture and economy.

2. QUESTION: How is being an autonomous region going to benefit the city of Baguio and the
Province of Benguet?
Interviewee: The City of Baguio will be able to receive a higher rate of or bigger amount of revenue and
they could decide where to spend their income.

3. QUESTION: How will the people of Baguio and Benguet benefit from CAR being autonomous?
Interviewee: The people of Baguio and Benguet will be able to receive the local government services in a
faster and probably in a more expedient manner.

4. QUESTION: What can be the advantages and disadvantages of autonomy from CAR to Baguio
and Benguet?
1. The policies that will be formulated by the local government will cater for the real and actual needs
of the people residing in its own community.
2. The government can create its own sources of revenue.
1. Confusion as to the application of certain local laws for each locality. There is a possibility that
conflicting or contradictory rules may be formulated by Baguio and Benguet.
2. Self-Rule or autonomy shall be effective only if the governors in its generic sense area effective and
efficient leaders.

5. QUESTION: How will autonomy help Baguio and Benguet’s government’s income?
Interviewee: The autonomy of Baguio and Benguet will enable their respective local governments to create
their own sources of revenue

6. QUESTION: Where do the revenues of Baguio and Benguet go? And Why?
Interviewee: The revenues shall go the needs of their own locals – infrastructures, strengthening of their
own and distinct cultures, and a lot more

7. QUESTION: How is the income of Baguio and Benguet be Utilized?

Interviewee: Refer to #6

8. QUESTION: What are the possible benefits that the people of Baguio and Benguet if they pursue
Interviewee: Refer to #6

III. Why is CAR still pushing autonomy?

Interviewee: It is probably because of their belief that since they have a distinct culture from the rest of the
majority of the Filipinos, they think that they are in a better position to rule themselves

1. QUESTION: What is the main factor that makes autonomy worth pushing?
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Interviewee: Refer to my answer above.

2. QUESTION: What is the main factor that disproves autonomy?

Interviewee: Lack or limited information about the essence of autonomy as well as its coverage.

3. In your opinion, will autonomy improve the current status of Baguio and Benguet?
Interviewee: Yes, as long as the people of Baguio and Benguet will put the “right: persons in the local

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Interviewer: What are the advantages and disadvantages of autonomy to the income of
Baguio City and the Province of Benguet?
Interviewee: As far as income is concerned? Well, in general concept, for me gusto ko yung
autonomy in general yan, because pag tignan niyo yung concept talaga ng autonomy, di ba
freedom? Meron kang independence from the national government like for example, freedom to
stock your own natural resources kasi ang nagyayari ngayon lahat ng galawan ng local government
unit subject to approval ng national government kaya parang ginaganon ng national government
yung mga local government units, limited lang ang tawag nila. In fact in the local government code
na yan, ang taong may power is state, siya ang may ari lahat diba, and state functions to the national

Ngayon, kung magkakaroon tayo ng autonomous government sana we have the freedom to, tayo na
ang mag-aaprove ng mining na hindi na kailangang aprubahan ng national government, tayo na ang
mag-utilize ng mga tubig so within the autonomous government na, so hindi na gaanong nakikialam
ang national government as far as the management of our own government and our own natural
resources. Siguro ang hahawakan lang ng government limited lang, so ang sabi ko pag in general
concept, maganda. Pero the problem now is kahit merong yung mga earlier na nagawa na organic
act parang ayaw pa rin ng national government na bibitiwan yung local government kaya marami
paring nakalagay doon na mga restrictions and second ang isang problema kasi diyan there is a
previous law, so anong epekto ng previous law sa organic law, like for example may mga national
laws tayo na before ka magmimina, before ka mag ganon ket you have to ask permission from the
national government, yung sa organic act na gagawin nila wala na, paano nila natitle-an ng mga
mining companies.

So may mga marami rin namang illegal issues na dapat iresolve yan, kaya pag yung sabi ko as
general gusto ko pero gusto ko munang makita yung mismong law itself, their organic law, yung
bang ginawang organic law, is it really for autonomy or hindi? Paano kung yun yung question na
isa, is it really for autonomy or kasi yung mga politicians minsan kung ano ano ang nilalagay sa
mga organic law, yung previous actually I recommend ako yung previous organic act, ang
nakalagay doon, the provincial governor has control and supervision over the local government
units, pag yung mga ordinaryong tao hindi nila alam yung ibig sabihin ng kontrol, si president of
the Philippines, he has only supervisory power over the governor, so it’s a differ profession niyan,
hindi kontrol, ang tawag sa may kontrol, so listen ako ang governor, pag sabihin mo na gusto kong
magkaroon ng project dito, pwede sakin hindi pwede, when you say control, you can change the
decision of the lower level, yun ang delikado doon, yung earlier draft ng provincial regional
government has the power of control over the municipality, over the province, eh wala na ah, so
where is the autonomy? So yun lang yung isang pinoint out ko, yun yung problema ngayon. We
cannot yet decide kung we go or not kasi gusto ko munang makita yung organic act na yun, yun
yung gagawin sa congress. Tapos okay naman, yung ibang professional sinabi doon dapat merong
subsidy 10 billion gap ang nakalagay doon 10 billion subsidy, kasi alam naman natin hindi pa
develop dito actually entire Cordillera ang may kaya lang siguro na makatayo sa sarili is Baguio
and Benguet because in other provinces medyo hindi pa nadevelop yan, so yun nga kailangan pag-

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aralan muna yung talagang ginawang batas na yan before we will decide whether we go for
autonomy or not.
Kagaya ng bagong uso ngayon na gusto nila ng federalism, ang target naman ng federalism parang
autonomy din yan, similar yung prinsipyo diyan sa autonomy pero meron na sabi ng leaders ngayon
gusto nila we go first for the autonomy yung iba naman federalism medyo. Although different but
the concept is autonomy even federalism kasi federalism kasi yung mga powers ng national
government ido-download na sa local government mababawasan na yung power, so yung control ng
national government to the local government units is kokonti kasi ibibigay nila ang powers, actually
yun yung gusto natin lahat, diba ngayon kukuha ka lang ng board exam mali na lahat, yung mga
driver’s liscence, in other states in America meron silang states liscence, hindi na kailangang
national so nakikita mo yung kontrol kasi eh, kaya yung sinasabi pag nag imperial na nila may mga
sinasabi ng iba na yun nga, they control the power andoon na sa central office so pag autonomy it
means na ibigay nung central office yung power nila sa mga baba sa local government units, so yun
ang konsepto.

Interviewer: What are disadvantages for being autonomy?

Interviewee: Well disadvantages is yung first, kapag umpisa siguro siyempre the problem there is
the resources, meron na ba silang kaagad na resources lalo sa atin hindi pa fully develop kaya ang
sabi ko siguro kapag, let’s say Cordillera sabihin mo pag approved yan siyempre ang pag susubsidy
diyan sa early part probably Benguet and Baguio kasi sila they’re fully developed merong industries
na dito, so ang disadvantage baka naman yung imbes na for Benguet only, nabawasan na yung
pondo ng Baguio, Benguet kasi ibibigay nila sa ibang provinces so second, can we stand on our
own? Kasi magiging independent na eh because if we look at the figure ang karamihan na pondo ay
yung mga income ng national government doon sa Metro Manila kasi andoon ang industries, pero
sa atin naman sa Benguet depende yung mga minas ba magbabayad na sa atin? Philex Mines
magbabayad ba? Lepanto Mines?

Yung mga big industries, kapag magbabayad sila sa atin wala tayong problema but how about the
other provinces, are they ready? Kasi parang magiging independent tayo, independent tayo ng
government, independent tayo din sa source of income. Saan tayo kukuha ng pagbayad ng
government, pagbanish ng gobyerno, sweldo ng mga tao, mga province so yun yung isang number
one factor din, kapag pag biglang magiging autonomous government, kaya ang sinasabi nilang pang
cash on merong subsidy from the national government for 10 years ata yun na 10 billion, but I do
not know if we can, pag after 10 years ba self-sustaining na ba tayo? So yun din ang isang factor din

Interviewer: How can the people of Baguio City and Benguet benefits from this autonomy?
Interviewee: Well, depende sa batas na sabi ko, kung sa batas na yun talaga lahat na big companies
of Benguet, Benguet magbabayad edi maganda kasi andito na sila eh, we have Philex Mines,
Lepanto Mines, San Roque Dam, dalawang dam, mga headcourts. Kung lahat na taxes fees ibigay
sa Benguet advantage natin yun kasi yan ang mga yan kasi ibinibigay sa taas tapos sa taas binabalik
yung konti. So kumbaga kung maging autonomy kung maganda ang batas na linagay, siyempre sa
atin na lahat mangolekta ng mga taxes at fees ng mga big companies so advantage natin yan. But
the question is gusto ba ng mga taga national na gagawin yan eh sila ang gumawa ng batas ng
autonomous law, sila ang mag-aaprove sa kanila, gusto ba nila na mga big companies hindi na sila
magbabayad sa national, sabihin mo mga big companies ang babayaran na lang sa national is 5%,

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95% dito sa base area edi maganda yan, advantage yan, so parang hindi ko masagot directly yung
question niyo kasi depende yung organic act na gagawin, yung law na approving, law that will
govern the autonomous government.

Interviewer: Worth pushing what is the reason why it is disapproved?

Interviewee: Maraming mga questionable na provisions sa draft ng organic act, may nagsasabi na
wala lang ang autonomy parang a question pa rin, walang pagbabago yung iba tapos number two
kaya ba natin, can we stand alone? Parang saan tayo kukuha ng pera? Kung mag autonomy tayo eh
other provinces hindi pa fully develop, so ang argument doon is i-develop muna ng national
government ang whole provinces saka tayo mag autonomy. Paano tayo mag autonomy eh marami
pang kalsada diyan na hindi pa nasemento yun ang argument ng iba, so huwag muna, ipa-develop
muna natin lahat, ipasok ang mga investors actually that’s a type of autonomy saka tayo mag
autonomy, so yun din ang argument ng iba.

Second, kung minsan may mga leaders din hindi din united ang leaders may mga leaders na in
favor, may mga leaders na hindi in favor kaya medyo walang common, wala tayong common stand
sa entire cordillera, wala, iba ang Ifugao, iba ang kwan. Tapos yung government setup, kasi meron
yung the implementing regional governor, saan nila ilalagay ang regional office? Kapag ikaw taga-
Baguio gusto mo bang ilagay sa Abra? Parang ganon, pag ikaw from Benguet gusto mo bang ang
regional office will be in Mountain Province? So isang concept doon yan. May mga provision kasi
doon na medyo questionable na walang common na gusto ng tao kaya karamihan reject tas yung
ibang leaders right here nung last, Ifugao ata yung nag yes lang pero isa lang siya, so hindi pwedeng
maging autonomy, at least two sana two province or two local government units.

Interviewer: in your opinion, compare it to the current status of Benguet, are we ready to face
Interviewee: Well, ako pwede, kaya natin basta ang kondisyon ko nga na sabi ko nakalagay sa
batas na hawak natin ang lahat ng mga big companies dito, na tayo ang mag kokontrol sa kanilla,
sila ang magbabayad ng lahat ng taxes, bayaran tayo, tapos konti na lang ang ibigay natin sa
national, willing kaya ang national gawin yun? ‘

Interviewer: So isa sila sa factor na nagdidisprove kung bakit di tayo napupush ng

Interviewee: Well hindi natin alam sa kanila, kasi meron pa rin silang collection sa national, mga
big companies ang opisina nila sa Makati, yung mga big companies may opisina naman sila dito
pero ang main office nila is in Makati kaya nga yumayaman ang Makati, sabi nila yumaman ang
Makati dahil sa Benguet, Benguet Corporation main office is Makati, Philex Mines Makati,
Lepanto Mines, so magkano ang inireremit nila sa national government? Malaki, konti lang ang
binabalik sa atin dito sa local government units because of the national law wala tayong magagawa,
sabihin ng national na ganito sharing 5% sa inyo, sa amin 95% wala kang magagawa, sila ang
gumawa ng batas, so yun ang isang problema rin doon.

Interviewer: So with that big companies, it will bring us to support us for a long run of the
Interviewee: Pag ako oo, kasi tignan niyo kasi we have Philex Mines, we have Lepanto Mines,
Benguet Corporation, we have Ambuklao Dam, we have San Roque Dam, yung mga maliliit na

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main headcross ng headcourt, so kapag ako ang tatanungin niyo kaya natin, we can stand on our
own basta yun ang condition ko na lahat ng mga companies sa atin magbabayad.

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Interviewer: What can be the effects of autonomy to Baguio City and Benguet?

Interviewee: My opinion is that it would depend on the law and how is laws are implemented.

Interviewer: How is being an autonomous region going to benefit the city of Bguio and the Province of

Interviewee: The house bill number 5343 otherwise known as the act establishing the autonomous region of
the Cordillera states income generating sources of the autonomous region which appear to yield with more
revenue for the region than the present revenue sources.

Interviewer: How will the people of Baguio and Benguet benefit from Cordillera Administrative
Region being autonomous?

Interviewee: I have the same answer as that of the previous one.

Interviewer: What can be the advantages and disadvantages of autonomy from CAR to Baguio and

Interviewee: It is a matter of political or social with of the governing body as well as the governed or the
people. There could be more corruption or more disciplined society.

Interviewer: How will autonomy help Baguio and Benguet’s government’s income?

Interviewee: Autonomy will help Baguio and Benguet’s goverments income by the provisions of the house
bill with respect to income generation sources, these income generation sources are locally approved
independently in the national government but under the condition that it is not lower than the remaining
income generation laws applicable in baguio and benguet.

Interviewer: Where will the revenues of Baguio and Benguet go? And why?

Interviewee: Base on the, I am not sure if, I believe that it goes to the regional treasury of the autonomous
region of the cordillera.

Interviewer: Why is Cordillera Administrative Region still pushing the autonomy?

Interviewee: My opinion is that the cordillera as a whole, as a distinct and separate identity so that the
people in cordillera would want to preserve and conserve that culture and heritage. Other than that
government officials also want to have more income generation sources independent of that on the national
government and of course that includes land, utilization, other national resources utilization and political
power as well, so the house bill number 5343 as a preamble and if you are guided the preamble it’s a, it
appears that it also wants to provide a better future for the Cordillerans and uplifted social welfare for the
people so just like our preamble in the past institution ayon ay which is for humanity for the people, actually
this house bill is supposed to be approve by the people, so it is for the people and a law by the people.

Interviewer: In your opinion, what is the main factor that disproves autonomy?

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Interviewee: Disproves autonomy?, what do you mean by disproves. Perhaps it’s the campaign, the people
do not know what they are voting for, they do not know the contents of the law the advantages, the
disadvantages and there are people who are traditionally, there are people who are contented with what the
present situation is and sometimes some people are afraid of changes and some people are afraid of new
things, some people healths mind that politics will be the same, its, is actually a very very wide concept of
social psychology, alam niyo yun yung people are independent from each other, we have different opinion
and some people think, some individual would think na pare-pareho din yan, corruption will still be

You see, whatever that we have whatever government we have if this government officials will not change,
Baguio, the Phillippines will still be the same. Idealism is good but politics is something that pulls back
idealism into a space na everybody will be suck up parang ganon. So ‘pag nandun ka na sa system you
cannot change the system alone, so everybody will change the system. It starts from the gas roots up to the
highest official of the government and I think one of the countries was able to do that in Singapore, South
Korea and we were left behind when I do not know that is how I see, that is how I appreciated history.

We have a very different way of understanding freedom in the Philippines, freedom in another jurisdiction is
limited, freedom in the Philippines is do whatever you want as long as you don’t hurt other people, as long as
there is no case file against you that is how freedom is define in the Philippines. That’s why other people
from other countries who have strict laws, they say that its so good to stay in the Philippines because they are
more relaxed parang ganon, they enjoy the freedom that they have in the Philippines and then Filipinos go
abroad and they discovered the different discipline that they have there, free Filipinos go in there, adapt to
that environment and when they come back to the Philippines Its like back to the old place di ba. So we have
a different way of interpreting freedom and that makes us Filipinos and we are proud and we are loving
people, we are compassionate, we are intelligent people you know magagaling kasi tayo, opposing cons,
opposing ideas because we are very intelligent, hindi ka lang mag ooppose kung wala ka ring idea when
sometimes opposing ideas do not get you to the top but that’s what we are, who we are, so we are living by
it, hindi you are living with it. Okay I hope I was able to help.

Interviewer: In your opinion are you yes to autonomy or against autonomy?

Interviewee: Yes to autonomy, provided that the rights of the people and social are protected, rights of the
people are protected, our natural resources are protected, social welfare or social services will improve,
disciplined government officials disciplined in a sense that na perform in their duties with that most respect
of the law ganon, public interest over personal interest and the governed na moving forward despite the fact
that we are preserving the culture in baguio, I am not a cordilleran but I also have my own way of life diba,
I’m an Ilocano, so I also wanted to help the culture of the Ilocano preserve, so ganon yun and if that is the
ideal, if autonomy is an ideal instrument to make all these things work hand and hand all together so why
not. Change may after all be an important avenue for a better baguio and benguet or cordillera.

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Interviewer: In your opinion, what can be the effects of autonomy to Baguio City and the
Province of Benguet?

Interviewee: Baguio City and Benguet only? Because the composition of CAR is 6 provinces and 2
cities. Effect on the negative side or the positive side? ‘’both’’ Both, because we also know alam
naman natin na may pros and cons yan, but we cannot simplify or define all of those, kasi hindi
naman natin nabasa lahat ng provisions, pero on my simple opinion pag autonomy, syempre
speaking of autonomy we will be autonomous to the national government, we will be managing our
own resources which is good to us because we have the resources, we have the mines, we have the
on agriculture, we have the hydroelectric powerplants, big companies.

So on the economic side edi mas advantage natin yun pati Baguio because tayo na ang mag
mamanage ng budget natin aside from the subsidy na nanggagaling sa national government, they
will be subsidizing us para makaya natin yun, but the other negative effect that needs to be
answered, syempre yung employment, kasi parang madodoble yung bureaucracy, there will be a set
of new regional officials, may regional governor, may regional legislative body, so it will take a lot
of budget also for the salary of those people.

So I don’t know kung ano ang pwedeng magbalance doon, kung kaya ba ng budget natin na
gagastusan lahat yun. Although the concept of the autonomy is tayo ang magsha-share sa national
government parang mababaliktad, ang setup kasi ngayon is the national government sila ang nagdo-
download sa atin ng budget in terms of the Internal Revenue Allotment but pag nag autonomy ang
provision doon is tayo na ang mag shashare sa national. The bout of our budget here will stay in the
regional government but when speaking of Baguio and Benguet only, in relation to Baguio? It
would be the whole regional or the autonomous region. So, anyway sa income naman magme-
maintain yung income, yung sabi ko kanina Benguet and Baguio may income tayo, pwede at mame-
maintain natin yun.

So, I think that is one advantage na pwede nating i-manage yung pera natin, atleast we know kung
saan pwedeng mapupunta yung budget, we can identify because we the Cordillerans or we the
Benguet people and Baguio people know what are those problems that could be address by the
budget, hindi yung national government ang mag didictate sa atin kung saan pupunta yung mga
budget natin.

Interviewer: Do you know the percentage kung magkano ang share natin sa national

Interviewee: Sa latest na draft, hindi ko na memorize eh pero andun sa provision, na a certain

percentage of the income of the, for example Benguet it will go to the national government, for
example I believe 10% yung sa kanila, yung bout of it na 80% dito na siya so we can already utilize

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it immediately not comparing it ngayon na yung share natin sa national government doon lahat and
hinihintay natin kung kailan nila ibababa. Ngayon mas maganda yung autonomy kasi dito na
maiiwan yung pera yung share nalang ng national ang iuupload natin parang ganon but the
percentage I’m not very sure, pero I think equitable naman siya.

Interviewer: Where do the revenues of Baguio and Benguet will go if implemented na ang
autonomy dito?

Interviewee: Yung pera natin? Siyempre mag sha-share ang national, eh may maiiwan din ano.
Ang tanong saan nila gagamitin iyon? The usual process who will budget our money, for example
in the city of Baguio may annual budget sila diba? The province of Benguet we have also our
budget, speaking of budget, we have already passed the budget of the province for 2019, so lahat ng
programs and projects of the province dito napupunta yung budget, lahat ng sector, tourism,
agriculture, infrastructure, social services, peace and order lahat lahat na, doon napupunta yung
budget lahat ng sector.

Interviewer: How will the people of Baguio City and Benguet benefit from the Cordillera
Administrative Region being autonomous?

Interviewee: Sabi ko kanina, we can manage our own resources, we can already identify and on the
employment side syempre priority, kapag tayo ang magmamanage ng pera natin priority natin na
ma-eemploy sa atin is yung the locality. For example taga-Baguio ka syempre priority mo Baguio,
pag sa Benguet ka pag may employment ng Benguet syempre you look for a Benguet people. Hindi
gaya ngayon na parang syempre kung sino sino lang comparing it now na kung malakas sa batas
national government pwedeng ma employ ka dito, yan ang nagyayari ngayon.

Especially yung judiciary position yung mga national paid na empleyado, mga director, DIILG
whatsoever, kaya yung mga boss natin dito sa region ngayon diba pag makikita niyo na hindi taga
Cordillera, hindi taga Baguio but coming from other regions or other part of the country. So ang
isang advantage doon they can already say na we can choose already our people here also.

Interviewer: May disadvantage po ba yun sir?

Interviewee: Yun lang ang isang disadvantage doon is kasya ba? We kept on guessing if kasya ba
ang pera natin if ever, kahit na may subsidy ang national government and syempre trust sa
leadership, do we trust our leaders who will lead the autonomous region because that would be
based on the leadership, kung honest yung leader I believe so, but pag loko loko ang mga boss din
natin, parang mahihirapan tayo so it’s up to our people or our leaders if ever na mag autonomy, we
should choose our leaders na talagang sincere na mag sisilbi sa atin, hindi yung loko loko. Kasi we
have already our own, the regional governor, andami nang powers yun pwedeng mag loan siya sa
ibang country, China for example, he can do it, eh kung na bankrupt ang Cordillera Autonomous
Region, we will suffer, ganun yun.

Interviewer: How will autonomy help Baguio City and Benguet government’s income?
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Interviewee: Usually we have our income now, diba? Built-in na may income tayo and aside from
the local income, may internal revenue allotment na nanggagaling sa national government, so that is
the source of the money of every LGU, for example Baguio syempre hindi malulugi ang Baguio,
ang daming business establishments eh like tourism, hotel, lahat lahat na, mga negosyo naka
centralize na lahat sa Baguio, so I believe sa income hindi mahihirapan ang Baguio, sobra sobra nga
ang pera ng Baguio eh, kaya pwede nilang mapasemento lahat ng kalsada kung talagang gusto nila.
Aside from we have the source, I am saying Baguio, we have also their own congressman and the
congressman may pondo ulit sa national government so parang doble siya.

The same with Benguet, although Benguet is very wide with 13 municipalities, Baguio is very
small, so comparing it to money mas marami ang pera talaga ang Baguio and I think ang budget
nila ngayon ay umaabot ng 2 billion plus eh, Benguet is only 1 billion so mas mayaman ang Baguio
ng more or less 1 billion at billion stream, so kaya nila. But on other provinces especially Benguet
syempre yung local sources natin nahihirapan tayo, we are only relying on the real property taxes,
the business taxes at sa income ng revenue allotment at sa share natin sa mga mining and the other
companies, hydro, but the irony of it is sa national government sila nag reremit, yun ang problema,
and because of the passage of renewable energy act nabawasan yung percentage na share ng local

So yung share ng LGU na mas malaki because of the renewable energy act na pinanday ng national
government through Senator Zubiri nabawasan yung share natin kaya yun, although host ang
Benguet sa mga big companies pero ang remittance is sa Makati, kaya mayaman ang Makati. Now
our share hinihintay natin na bumaba, yun ang masama sa present setup kaya kung nag autonomy
tayo, yun yung sinasabi ko na hindi na pupunta doon yun, deretso na dito na maiiwan na yung share
natin and we can already manage.

Interviewer: Basing from your answer, isa tayo sa main factor kung bakit yumayaman ang

Interviewee: Yes, kasi lahat multi-media companies, Makati lahat ang main office eh, Lepanto,
lahat lahat lahat ng big companies, entire Philippines sa Makati sila naka base kaya doon napupunta
yung, and sa Makati sila nagbabayad ng taxes nila. ‘

Interviewer: Pag nag-autonomy tayo, yung taxes natin deretso na dito?

Interviewee: Yes maiiwan dito.

Interviewer: What is the factor makes autonomy worth pushing here in the Cordillera?

Interviewee: Yun yung sinabi ko na mga provisions na magaganda, kaya we kept on studying kasi
may mga provisions naman na medyo pangit eh, kaya it should be the lookout of our congressman
kasi sila ang mag aapprove sa house, dapat palitan yung talagang decremental to us, pero generally
if the purpose or the real purpose is to be stated here napaka-ano, huwag lang haluan ng kalokohan

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kasi alam naman natin yan, may mga provisions diyan na very fake, kung minsan nakakalito just to
circumvent the law, puwedeng mag palusot, parang ganun, hindi specific, yun ang tignan natin kasi
baka may mga provisions din na generally stated and pag may nangyari maraming rason na pwede
naman kasi hindi categorically na sinabing hindi bawal, puwede namang lumusot dito sa provisions
na to, yun ang mga problema, for example yung mga opisyales natin galing sa national, yung sa
dynasty, pinapalusot nila sa national may provisons dun na although sinasabi nila na bawal pero
may provision dun na generally parang doon sila magpapalusot, parang ganun din yun kaya tignan
natin lahat ng provisions.

Siguro 100% na hindi naman maganda because as you see wala namang perfect na batas, kung
minsan we have look false, kung minsan ay nakalimutan natin or sadyang kinalimutan or
whatsoever, anyway ang importante yung gusto natin na very very important is nandun may
amendments naman kung sakaling talagang na-aapply yan is it is to our own advantage, puwedeng
may amendment anyway yung mga tao naman ang boboto diyan eh, hindi naman pwedeng dito pag
na-approve dito sa house at sa senate, kapag inaprubahan ni presidente ito, hindi naman approve ito,
simply decide, it is for us people to vote for it or not.

Interviewer: Basing from our current status, are we ready for a change in the region?

Interviewee: Yes I believe, only the people are afraid of change, ayaw nilang sumugal. Diba tayo
kung minsan pag kontento na tayo sa present setup because parang nangangamba tayo, takot tayo sa
multo na hindi pa natin nakita. So in my personal opinion we will try, wala namang masama, pwede
namang ibalik kapag talagang hindi pwede, iyon yun.

Interviewer: In a long run, can we run as an autonomous region?

Interviewee: Yes, we can, siguro purpose of the autonomy because of our unique culture that is
one, we the Cordillerans mostly have common culture just like in Mindanao, they are pushing for
the BOL (Balsamoro Organic Law) tapos na ata ang boto ewan ko lang kung pumasa, yung
Balsamoro Organic Law? Tapos na ata ang boto kahapon ewan ko lang pero per place kasi yun, that
is the same with us, they are also fighting for their organic law because they have a unique culture
different from other regions, also in the Cordillerans, different kasi yung kultura ng taga Cordillera
kaya yung six na provinces, almost mag kakapareho yung kultura natin that is one reason why we
are battling for it, kasi kasla agkikinna-awatan tayo panggep ti kultura tayo and also for the
resources we can, anyway may promise naman ang national government doon sa provision na it
will be subsidize, kaya na natin, yun ang importante.

I believe 10 years na they will subsidize if ever na yung Cordillera Autonomous Region, tutulong
muna sila para mapalakas natin then kaya na natin na 100% na titigil yung subsidy, so hindi naman
pag autonomous na tayo hindi naman ibig sabihin na cut na yung support ng national government sa
atin, meron parin aalalay sila, yun ang isang pinakaimportante sa provision na yun it should be
subsidize, I believe sa last na provison or draft nila is 10 years na isubsidize nila ang Cordillera
Autonomous Region.
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The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and
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Interviewer: What can be the effects of autonomy to Baguio City and Benguet?

Interviewee: Yung research niyo ba kasi binabasa ko itong research niyo, doon sa title naka focus
siya sa autonomous status in the income? So medyo limited yung research niyo? May advantage
and disadvantage din sana siya in terms of politics, infrastructure, pero sa income lang talaga kayo
magbabase? Okay.

Sa income kasi yung kind of set up kasi natin ngayon meron tayong share sa IRA (International
Revenue Allotment), alam niyo na yung IRA? Andoon yung national allotment, so yung mga
national taxes ng lahat ng regions pinagsamasama para may national fund, may share tayo doon sa
fund, sobrang liit lang ng share natin doon parang three percent lang parang kunting milyon lang
siya. Isang effect niyan kapag naging autonomous na tayo yung ating mga taxes na binabayaran
imbes na irerelay natin doon sa IRA magiging part ng local fund na siya.

So ang magiging effect niyan talaga magiging fiscal autonomy tayo, so ibigsabihin siyempre
babalik ka sa dati magiging cyclical siya, isusustain niya yung mga infrastructure, health
development, yung mga needs ng mga community. Kung magiging autonomous ang CAR sa ilang
provinces na sakop nito; Abra, Apayao, Benguet, Baguio, Ifugao, Mountain Province, Kalinga so
sabihin mo nang ganoon, yung mga large tax payers, may certain amount para to consider siyang
tax payers mapupunta sa atin. Halimbawa yung mga mining, mga energy companies, yung kanilang
taxes for operation kasi nagbabayad sila sa head office nila na kagaya ng Makati kahit na dito sila
sa Region nagooperate.

Siyempre yung taxes hindi na pupunta sa region natin, the community does not benefit at all. Ang
problema diyan hindi man lang mabigyan yung iba pero kapag naging fiscal autonomy tayo yung
kanilang taxes will act exclusively sa regional government, pupunta siya sa regional government.
Magkakaroon din ng right ang regional government, pwede din siyang magbigay ng tax incentives,
pwede din niyang bigyan ang doctors ng excemptions, sa bill kasi may dalawang bill na gustong
magcreate ng, Article 138 yata yung magvovote yung mga tao lumabas na ayaw nila kasi hindi nila
na gustohan yung idea.

Pwede niyang iexempt kapag may mga donations to the regional government, usually donor’s tax
hindi siya excluded depende kung, may certain donations kapag sinabimong local government not
necessarily na exempt siya may mga sectors parin na kaylangan exclusively used for benefit of
parang mga ganoon. They can give any incentive, exemptions. Pwede din siyang gumawa ng
contract para sa foreign domestic means kasi nga diba it’s a corporation, municipal corporation, so
pwede siyang magengage sa mga contracts, loans, whatever grants, mga iba diyan regional loans,
foreign loans at iba pa.

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Isang disadvantage na nakikita ko diyan kasi nagusap din kami ng friend ko specifically sa budget,
sa city budget. Halimbawa yung ilaw natin, 14 billion, sa IRA may nakukuha tayong income tax,
national tax iyan ibigsabihin pumupunta iyan sa national government, pero yung mga local tax,
amusement tax, business tax na having operations dito sa region natin exclusively ito para sa local
government. Kung may fiscal autonomy na tayo wala na tayong choice sa IRA at all, pero hindi
tayo na rerelief hindi totally walang ibibigay na financial aid may percentage pa rin. Kung iyan
meron tayong percentage nairerelieve sa income, kasi wala nang IRA.

Ano yung magiging source ng funds natin? May local, amusement, business, charges impose
pwedeng magkaroon ng toll, depende, pwedeng magcreate yung local government ng sources,
magimpose, dagdagan yung percentages ng local amusement, business iyan. Ang tanong diyan;
kaya bang isustain kahit naman maraming business establishments operating here pero kung
majority kasi tignan mo Apayao, Abra, Ifugao not to offend them pero para maintindihan natin
kung Baguio lang itself pero diba nasa region basis tayo, Kung Baguio lang kaya siguro kaya
siyempre definitely kasi diba ano naman siya considered na urban life ang Baguio pero kung your
asking about the other provinces, I don’t think masusustain niya kasi diba doon sa ibang provinces
hindi pa naman okay yung transportation, yung mga daanan doon. Kung Baguio lang I think kaya,
kayang maging autonomous pero with respect to minor provinces hindi kasi nga ito na lang ang
magiging source mo yung IRA, magrerelief ka pa ng certain amount. May tanong pa kayu?

Interviewer: Sa tinginniyopobakit worth pushing ang autonomy sa Baguio City and Benguet?

Interviewee: Saan sa Baguio at Benguet? Yung mga isang pro ng autonomous gusto nila kasi
feeling nila ito yung culture ng Baguio and Benguet as opposed doon sa mga nasa baba diba kaya
nga sa Mindanao din autonomous din sila dahil iba yung kultura nila, yung sa atin naman gusto
nating ipush yung Cultural Heritage ng Baguio and Benguet, yes meron tayong distinct na heritage
natin diba. I think iyon yung isa at tsaka siyempre diba, feeling ko more like anything yung cultural
is to preserve yung mga ating mga tradisyon kasi sa baba wala na silang masyadong ganoon diba, sa
mga lowlands. Marami pang iba pero more on cultural, to preserve our culture tapos siyempre you
can focus more sa mga necessities and needs ng mga remote areas like iyan sa Apayao, Abra,
Benguet kasi hindi centralize yung power from the National Government so mas kunti lang iyon.

You can deliver and transact faster, expedite yung mga delivery ng needs dito sa mga communities
ng remote area kasi meron parin. Meron parin yung mga hindi nakakaacquire ng mga benefits from
the government na hindi ko alam kung sa andiyan pero wala pang access sa GSIS hindi ko alam
kung saang province dito, wala pa so yung mga National Government agencies wala pa din
sakanila. They have to travel pa yung mga iba, need to travel here para yung mga ganoon, yung
mga PRC adequate naman na, they have to travel pa for that, agricultural and the na magfocus muna
sa needs ng mga andito.

Interviewer: Anoposatinginniyong benefits kung satinginniyongmaiimplement ang


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Interviewee: Yung parang sinabi ko kanina, fiscal autonomy, local governments na as is. Hindi na
kaylangang magtravel yung mga tao. Hindi na kaylangan pang procecess dun sa National
Government kahit dito nalang sa regional government at masmabilis pa. Hindi mo na kaylangang
magsubmit ng maraming paper works sa government, sa National Government. Ano pa ba, madali
by ang mga processes hindi na kaylangang National Government.

Interviewer: Yong sa disapproval pokasidibatatlo pong provisions napoungnaipasasa

National Government kung about the autonomy po, bakitpo kaya
satinginniyolagingnadedeclineyong provisions?

Interviewee:Sa people, ayaw nila may magpleplebiscite. The people will vote for it, ayaw ng tao.
First plebiscite, magvote yung Baguio siyempre hindi nila gusto kasi parang they have to adjust.
Yung second hindi pa nagvote yung Baguio kasi dapat first siguro natatakot sila at tsaka yung mga
tao diyan sa mga rural areas feeling nila hindi din self-sustaining.

Interviewer: Sa tingin niyo po ba lack of information din po?

Interviewee: Definitely, lack of information kasi these are the things na hindi na pagaralan noong
elementary or in highschool. Hindi nabigyan ng opportunity to have further research para ditto.
Hindi enough yung tinuturo ng teacher mo. I think kaylangan nilang maging over sa advantage kesa
sa disadvantage for which is iyon yung purpose ng study niyo diba? Oo. Sino ba ang target
audience niyo?

Interviewer: Bale po kasi nakikita naming pinupush ng pinupush pero balak din naming
bigyan ng idea yong ibang tao na.

Interviewee: Maganda iyan kasi kung kayo hindi ba kayo. If you don’t make further studies of it,
of course kung ano lang yong makikita mo sa TV, kung nanonood pa sila,pwedeng sa newspapers
niyo, kung ano yung mga nababasa niyo sa internet will not make further explanations of things , o
kung sino yung gusto mong pakinggan or whatever ganoon. Tsaka ang maganda sa research niyo
yung advantage and disadvantage. You have a long way to go both pros and cons. At least kinuha
niyo yung advantage kasi hanggang ngayon kulang pa din kasi binabasa ko ito, yung dalawang bill.

May dalawang bill kasi na nagpupush na gusto niyang maimplement pero may nagpleplebiscite,
may nagboboto, may right nga silang magboto diba at isang nakita ko, it’s similar to the
Constitution. Kaylangan sobrang maayus. Hindi mo maayus yung batas parang siguro kasi although
meron, parang kinopya lang nila yung ibang provisions sa 1947 Constitution which is lahat
naisasalin naman, lahat naisasaling batas naman, hindi incompatible doon sa 1987 dahil sobrang
daming ginayang Constitutions so parang ano na power, diba hindi na maintindihan. Hindi siya
malinaw for me na binabasa yung 1987 Constitution. The same as the National Government,

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Interviewer: In your opinion po, are you yes to autonomy or are you no to autonomy and
bakit po?

Interviewee: No, hindi ako, I’m not for fiscal autonomy. Sa akin naman kung ang goal naman natin
ay just to futher yung cultural heritage which is good. Feeling ko naman na we can achieve naman
natin iyon nasa advertising the region na. Feeling ko kasi hindi, iyon babalik ako sasinabi ko CAR,
it’s composed of some other provinces kung Baguio lang kaya niya and though I don’t also
recommend kasi malaki yung IRA natin kumpara sa ating taxes, may national, local taxes. Kapag
national diba pupunta sa National Government at hindi masusustain iyon ng ating local taxes yung
means. Siguro iyon yung focus ni Mayor Domogan na kulang yung IRA natin pero maskulang pa
din itong pinagsamang tax natins parang iba na lang yung ilapit.


Interviewer: What can be the effects of autonomy to Baguio City and Benguet?

Interviewee: Lahat ito, personal opinion ko lang ‘tong mga to. Of course if you say autonomy ano, sa akin
lang it has something to do with Fiscal Management sa finances ng isa sa atin, parang yun yung isa sa main
focus why magkakaroon tayo ng Fiscal Autonomy because of the financial management ng pera ng Baguio
City or Benguet.

Interviewer: How is being an autonomous region going to benefit the City of Baguio and the Province
of Benguet?

Interviewee: Of course kung sinong mamumuno sa atin, part parin sa Fiscal Autonomy sila na yung ba, I do
not know. Pero base doon sa naririnig ko there’s stil meron parin ang tama ba? meron tayong makukuha base
on taxes (10 years subsidy po) oo mas marami pa pala kayong alam kesa sa akin (may binasa lang pong
booklet) yun yung kasi wala pa akong nabasa.

Interviewer: How will autonomy help Baguio and Benguet’s Goverments income?

Interviewee: Siguro pagdating sa income yun nga sabi ko meron sila nang to manage yung income ng
Baguio diba sabi ko kanina may income din na galing sa national. Ganon lang talaga ang alam ko sa
pagiging autonomous region ng ating ano.

Interviewer: What is the main factor why autonomy is being disproved?

Interviewee: Politika, sa tingin ko lang ah sa personal ko lang yun dahil sa politika syempre may mga gusto
pero mainly because of politics.

Interviewer: How about the advantage of autonomy?

Interviewee: Kung ako kasi ung tatanungin kasi as far our office is concerned we’re national agencies kasi
parang I could not see as of now the difference kung maretain as administrative or autonomous region. As
far us our agency is concerned the parol and provision as a national agency hindi naming siya naging focus

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ng discussion namin as an agency kung magiging autonomous siya what will happen and everything. Wala
as in wala, hindi pinag uusapan ang pagiging autonomous ng Cordilllera.

Interviewer: Are you yes to autonomy or are you against? And why?

Interviewee: Since I have very limited knowledge about pagiging autonomous region, as of now kasi
because hindi ako maano sa public management I mean sa politics pero sa akin I’m contented naman na even
without being not an autonomous region being administrative region ng Cordillera, kuntento naman ako. For
me ok lang kung remain na administrative region.

Interviewer: What can be the effects of Autonomy to Baguio City and Benguet?

Interviewee: Napaka-general ng tanong mo

Interviewer: Particularly nalang po sa income.

Interviewee: When it comes to income, when you say autonomy if a certain place is generating sufficient
income, let say for example tayo, kasi diba aside from tourism natin nag-open tayo ng investors dito that’s
the reason why we have SM and then biglang may mga lumalabas na, what’s that? Market Place were
starting to open that so nagkakaroon tayo ng income ang tendency is when, ano to ha very simple ito para
maintindihan nyo lahat. When we become autonomous yung income natin hindi na tayo magbibigay sa
national government tapos ididivide tapos ibabalik sa atin kung ano yung locally, basically nasa atin na.
Since we invited a lot of players, a lot of investors here so malaki yung income natin, we don’t have to or
we’re not really compelled to give sa ano, tapos wala na tayong kahati. Kasi ang nangyayri diba pinupull
yung income ng bawat Region tapos hahati-hatian at tsaka ibabalik kunyare sa tax yun, pero as locally ganun
ang nagyayari, BASICALLY ha basically.What else, ano pa bang maitutulong ng autonomy?

Interviewer: what are the advantages and disadvantages on the people, on the citizens regarding in the
income once na nag autonomy tayo?

Interviewee: Hindi mo kasi agad mararamdaman na for ano, it will just be the same as anything else it’s just
the pamamalakad, kung baga sa higher strata mararamdaman mo. You now already have like governor, you
already have like ano, but when it comes to income, oo totoo parang sa atin lang, pero yung cost of living we
still have internal factors that affect us, Inflation we still have, you have look at it at a macro level, we’re
looking at in the micro level yes mafefeel mo yung effect, at ang macro level hindi masyado tapos pagdating
sa grassroots hindi rin naman masyadong ano, although we can make our own legislations but as far its
concerned we’re still answerable to a higher legislation, so kahit na sabihin mong i-legislate oh eto, eto na
gagawin natin it still has to be in consonance to your higher legislation. Maiba ako, for example yung Anti-
Smoking, sige implement mo, implement local, ay hindi ito nalang mas maganda yung Cursing Law yeah
implement mo, it improve GMRC it will affect a certain level only but in the macro level mararamdaman mo
ba? Hindi diba, parang ganoon din kumbaga sa ano concentrated lang ang effect ng autonomy, pero yun ang
kagandahan noon, income mo income mo hindi kana makikihati.

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Pero yun na nga in terms of Baguio City sorry to say Baguio City is just a melting pot of everything it is only
the gateway of our Mountain Provinces, ang strawberry hindi sa atin, ang weaving hindi sa atin, ang mga
bundok hindi sa atin what do we offer lang, we offer education, we offer tourism, we just are the gateway.
Pwede nating tamsan lahat ng goods stuff pero it’s our neighbor who is helping us (KUMBAGA MIDDLE
MAN PO TAYO) parang middle man lang. So in effect ano si Baguio kailangan may identity din si Baguio
in the entire ano nung autonomy.

Interviewer: Where do the revenues of Baguio go and why?

Interviewee: ‘Pag local, when we speak of local income we use it for our projects, infrastructure. Unang-una
pag local government, you pay your employees you remember that the government is the highest hiring
employee here. So maraming empleyado although may certain percentage lang for PS pag atleast give or
take 45% so that we could deliver services so that your local government could deliver services. Our refit
also goes to, when you say personal services that’s order to your salaries, benefits ng employees plus yung
mga expenditures for the deliverance of services. Aside from that pumupunta siya sa infrastructure, we have
128 barangays so 20% of the income goes to infrastructure projects. Plus meron tayong income from the
taxes the national taxes pang augment ng any expenses natin.

Interviewer: Bakit worth purshing ang Cordillera for Autonomy? Basing from your own opinion

Interviewee: Hindi ako masyado sa political side nila. Pero you know if you’re go through for the income
talaga its gonna be big, you’ll have a bigger share kasi locally you’ll be the one who will be the custodian of
everything, basically when it comes to the political side pati sa ano, medyo neutral eh. I think we are wire
that way because of the government employees, we cannot also the partisan because of the big bosses in the
ano are the Mayors, the Vice Mayor who’s handling us, we have many boses so as much as possible we have
to remove the being partisan or the political side.

Interviewer: In a long run, considering the 10 years subsidy of the National Government in
implementing the autonomy, sa tingin niyo po ba makakatakbo tayo ng long run as autonomous

Interviewee: Okay, kasi yung 10 year pang ano lang siya parang serving, tulong lang siya diba. Marami
kasing aspects na icoconsider that’s why there’s reluctance kasi, Off the record, bibida ang Baguio, bibida
ang Baguio ehh, bakit? Kasi nasa gitna tayo, we have everything, but infact what about our neighbors, the
bliss diba, they were also provide the ano, we’re just gateway to everything kaya nga dapat if I may tap on
the political side of it dapat ma-establish muna yung (IBANG PROVINCES) oo, hindi may isa na even if
Baguio is here we’ll help na ano. Kaya nga kung minsan mapapansin niyo, hala sige declare silang walang
pasok Benguet, Baguio is in Benguet pero ang feeling nila hindi ka kasama, merong animosity,
Interviewermark see because bibida sya when it comes to, that’s why it’s medyo, even if there is good
intention for everything even if you see when we celebrate Cordillera, you see the oneness of it parang hindi

Oo, Baguio is the one who gets the press release but in fact it’s the neighboring municipalities that is helping
Baguio. Kaya nga dapat ma-establish muna sila individually. Kumbaga sa identity ko, anong gagawin ko,
ako ang tutulong sa inyo, ikaw tumutulong ka sa akin pero it does not mean that sapawan na kita, diba, look
strawberry, Baguio strawberry diba it doesn’t come from Baguio (it comes from Benguet) Yes it comes

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from Trinidad diba, yang mga weaving we have it here we have the dipoles here pero where does it come in
Sagada, its outside, so importante na i-establish mo ang identity niyo at tsaka kung ano ka for the autonomy
to work, in the plan scheme of things si Baguio si ganito, si Trinidad, Si Tuba ganito. Once you know ano
definitely the matrix will work.

Interviewer: For the last Interviewer , In your own opinion are you Yes to autonomy or you’re against
to it?

Interviewee: I’ll go back to that, we are non-partisan kasi, ano man ang ikabubuti ng buong region we’re for
that. Were in the Government kasi, we cannot say diyan ako diyan ako and then strongly express, parang we
already imbued the culture come what may we will support. Kasi nasa support group kami,oo diba kasi resist
ka ng resist yun pala it’s already going there so what happens to you edi wala din, hindi naman masama pero
yung growth mo as an individual and kung sana imbes na yung energy mo ginagamit mo para tumulong,
ayan oppose ka ng oppose that normally happens. So, I think we have imbued the culture here na kung ano
man we will have our support lalo nasa finance kami.

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INTERVIEWER: What can be the effects of autonomy to Baguio City and Benguet?
Interviewee: On the practical side, if we will go out o hindi tayo na sasali sa autonomy chances are all the
line the offices of the line agency will go back to region 1. Ibigsabihin yung mga main offices nila na
pupunta sa La union, yung mga line agencies like DPWH, Dep-Ed will go back to region 1. In practical sa
mga taga cordillera total sact-business with those offices so kailangan pa nating bumaba sa La union, iyon
ang isang practical effect sa atin dito sa Cordillera.

INTERVIEWER: How is being an autonomous region going to benefit the City of Baguio and the
Province of Benguet?
Interviewee: Well in terms of I don’t know the exact computation of the income pero lumalabas kasi na
dakdakkel iti share tayo and we can manage our own resources specially dagitoy national wealth tax, iti
ikaskasta da gamin iti national wealth tax ket, ginagawa ng national wealth tax yung mga binabayaran ng
mga gaya ng philex mines, iremit tayo pay iti National Government. Then, apan tayo kamaten jay share tayo
tapno ited na kanya tayo while if autonomy tayo from what I understand the taxes would be directly paid to
the region, Cordillera Autonomous Region nu matultuloy tayo, and then datayo laengen iti agited iti share iti
National Government.

It will be the other way around, kasi ang nangyayari ngayon hirap na hirap tayong mag parelease ng pera
natin that’s the ironic side iti setup ta kaaduwan datayo pay iti kumamat. Hindi pa automatic ang release
kailangan pa natin, of the record, nu mamingsan ket kailangan pay nga ag-gastoska for the money to be
release ket kuwarta tayo met diyay galling sa national wealth tax natin. Iyan ang magiging advantage kung
autonomy o kung we will be under autonomy.

Disadvantages iti autonomy, I don’t see any disadvantages from my point of view gamin it would be
favorable on all aspects sa atin it would be favorable. We have to understand that the Cordillera region has
its own unique interest and culture so we can take care of all the special interest of the Cordillerans. Ngem
kitan you if we go back to region 1, haan tayon nga maikkat diyay sabali ti cultural practice iti ilocanos.
Don’t get me wrong cause my wife is an ilocana, it’s a reality sabali ti pamamalakad da. Itii disadvantage
gayam adda, nu awanti autonomy kinyatayo? Or nu ada ti autonomy, awan. Iti diyay lang I don’t see any
disadvantage if we are autonomy.

INTERVIEWER: What are the possible benefits for the people?

Interviewee: Possible benefits, diyay ngarud kunak in general side or practical side nu we transact business
with line agencies haan tayo masapol nga mapan idjay La union. Imagine sika ada ilakad mo iti DPWH lalo
ta contractor ni tatang mo we have to go down to La union to transact business with the regional level,

INTERVIEWER: What is the main factor that disproves autonomy?

Interviewee: That’s the problem with our leaders makitkitak gamin ya, I would like to side this time with
Mayor Domogan inya. If sana ada isuna idjay congress idi specially during the time of former President
Arroyo, very close isuna but he did not push for the autonomy and now he is pushing for autonomy isu ngay
nga awan iti consistency with our leaders. Awan iti consistent stand iti leaders tayo specially dagitoy
congress also with your uncle the Congressman Cosalan he does not favor autonomy on it. Kitam ah nu
diyay representative tayo from our province o from our region nGa ada idjay manila which is our
congressman does not favor autonomy how can we push autonomy in the local level.

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Iti maysa pay nga dakkel kurang iti information right, haan da amo haan tayo maawatan in general, haan da
ammo iti benepisyo ken haan nga maala advantages ken disadvantage. Iti nangyari ket nu inyalan iti stand
jay politiko da isu iti masurot sunga kunani Mayor nga, “madi kanu kunanni congressman agboil down
inggana apan jay barangay level”. Madin ni mayor kasjay lang haan tayo kanu nga isupport iti autonomy
kasjay lang nga nangyari isunga nu maging consistent kumati leader tayo ket itakder da nga kayat da Iti
autonomy lumsot man dayta.

INTERVIEWER: In your opinion po, are you yes to autonomy or are you no to autonomy and bakit
Interviewee: I am in favor of autonomy kasngarud jay inbagak ngatadtay but Iti problema ngarud ket
agdinisagree tayo. I don’t think so awan pay ngay iti tinmakder nga leader tayo nga that would really push
for one we have to understand that our leaders coming from the region or represents the region are our
congressmen. Isunga nu dagijay congressman tayo haan da nga agmay-maysa we cannot wish for autonomy
because the governor in reality or the mayors or the councilors or the sanguniang bayan. We cannot push for
autonomy only our congress people will push for the autonomy kasi they represent our region in manila
isunga nu awan da nga mangipush haan tayo nga maipush iti autonomy.

Still we are talking about federalism now I agree with most of our leaders leading autonomy muna before
federalism because iti mangyari kinyatayo gamin diyay dungay iti modules iti federalism nga ipres-present
da kanyatayo idjay Pimentel side. Senator Coco Pimentel ipupush da we will be with region 1 in the federal
state our cordillera state. But ditoy cordillera we are pushing for a cordillera state isunga that is why we are
pushing for autonomy first before federalism tapno maestablish tayo diyay Cordillera and then nu
agfederalism tayo ipush tayo nga agremain jay Cordillera as state diyay iti mangyari idjay.

INTERVIEWER: Kinyayo ba makataray ti long run jay cordillera without the national government?
Interviewee: Wen ah ta kasla metlang datayo, kasla datayo jay dakkel nga al-alan tayo ket jay national tax
diyay magapo iti dam, magapo iti mining ket nu alan tayo nga buo diyay it can sustain the operation of the
local government. Dita barangays, municipality, the province as a whole and of course our local taxes
dagitoy real property tax its more than enough to cover the financial requirement to run in the local level.

Interviewee [2]
Autonomy is willing to sit in the apan maki lob-lobby pay lang to metro manila to release the funds for the
autonomy isu nga uray nu na gain dan iti autonomy on paper but in reality it is not happening ta kitan yu ah
they still have to lobby and they have to go to manila for the release of the funds. Gamin we go back to the
problem na our president does not favor autonomy he is pushing for federalism. (we have to gain autonomy
first before we push for federalism, tapno we can maintain)

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Interviewer: What can be the effects of autonomy to Baguio City and Benguet?

Interviewee: Malaking effect, first of all, for the entire region, we will enhance and improve the
regional identity of the entire region, that’s the first, that will give us more power and authority to
manage our own natural resources, to exercise national function which will be devolved to the
autonomous regional government which is not possible if we remain as an administrative region,
malaking bagay yan and then third, that will give us more representation with the national
government and also increase our share from the pie of the national government, that’s in general
for the entire region. Now for the City of Baguio and Province of Benguet malaki din yung
advantages if we will be able to achieve autonomy and Baguio City and Benguet will be part of it,
for the City of Baguio I am sure as an starting point this will be the temporary sit of regional
government that will create additional employment for people who are here, business for people
who are here.

Now, of course if the City of Baguio will continue, will also increase its share from the money of
the national government what will be the source? Under our formula even if we will be autonomous
status, the local government units will continue to receive their internal revenue allotment walang
mababawasan, they will continue to exercise their powers which right now they are exercising
under the local government code, so walang mababawasan. Ano ang maidadagdag if we will be
become autonomous na hindi mo pwedeng kunin kung hindi tayo mag-autonomous, right? Gaya ng
sabi ko, a lot of the national government powers will be exercise by us, example one of the things
that ano, yung water rights, water permits, permits for mini hydro, permits for exploration, it will
not be from the national government, it will be devolved to the region so tayo na taga-Baguio, its
easier to coordinate with them, yung permits for the regulations of deep well, Baguio City should be
the one, its’s placed an important role, hindi kagaya ngayon na it’s with the national water, no, hindi
mo alam binigyan nila ng permit ng ano, it’s not accordance to the study made by the Baguio water

Alright, sa share, income, kung mag autonomous tayo, all the collections of the NBI, LTO, and
other collecting agencies 80% yung maiiwan to the region na hati-hatian ng local government yun
including the collecting agencies, 20% lang ang maireremit sa national government

Interviewer: Yun po ba yung latest?

Interviewee: Yeah. Another one, we will get a share from also the taxes being collected by the
national government. The advantage na the Bangsamoro Organic Law was passed ahead of us,
pwede nating kunin yung provision na binigay nila sa Bangsamoro na i-adopt natin sa atin because
in the first place the constitutional basis to grant autonomy to Muslim Mindanao pareho din sa
constitutional basis for us to become autonomous.

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Section 15 Article 10 of the 1987 Constitution, so with that yung grinant nila sa Bangsamoro, 5% of
the total collection of the national internal revenue code, if you compute that one that’s not just a
peanut, its excisable is given to Bangsamoro as black grant, every year yan. Ang sabi ko for the
Cordillera kahit man na 3%, the reason why na kahit na mas mababa tayo kesa binigay nila sa
Bangsamoro, kasi sa atin sa formula natin hindi maalis yung internal revenue allotment, ito naman
na makukuha natin maidadagdag sa natatanggap natin, for your information base on 2018, the total
IRA of the local government units of the entire region is 14.9 Billion Provinces and the 2 Cities did
not include the IRA of barangay and municipalities.

Alright to be specific the City of Baguio has an IRA of more or less 700 million which means that
the City will continue to get that 700 million over and above that and this only happens if we will
become autonomous maidadagdag yung ating share from the revenues collected by the national
government, so malaking bagay yan hindi mawawala ang regional line agencies, they will be
devolved to the autonomous region yun yung ating formula and again, but before going to that let
me cite yung Benguet, yung IRA ng Benguet 2018 kung hindi ako magkamali, 902 million, so
Benguet will continue to receive that amount and over and above that it is only possible if we will
become autonomous meron pa iyong maidadagdag if we will not become autonomous walang
maidagdag so that klaro sa inyong mind.

Alright, another point for Benguet ito yung palagi ko sina-cite unfortunate and it was a long time
injustice specifically for the people of Benguet or the province of Benguet kasi Benguet was the
host of the biggest copper and gold mining industries entire the far east, this was during the golden
age of Benguet Corporation and Lepanto, the copper producing corporation, Benguet Corporation
was the gold producing corporation entire the far east ah hindi lang in asia imagine that one but
what is the Benguet today, Benguet is not the first class province, Why? Because they are getting
the minerals of Benguet, they do not pay taxes in Benguet they pay in their central office in Makati.
Now sa ating provision for autonomy including the City of Baguio lahat ng kompanya, private
individuals na nagnenegosyo dito, they have to pay their taxes here for the income the realize in
their businesses to correct that injustice which have been for long period of time being done against
us, yun.

Now sa collection ng taxes yun noh, meron pa yung sa subsidy na hinihingi natin for a peiod of 10
ten years, what’s the legal basis of the subsidy? Yung legal basis kung tanungin natin sa atin, ano ba
ang dahilan or basis kung bakit prinovide ng primers of the 1987 Constitution sa Section 15 Article
10 na mabibigyan ng Cordillera and Muslim Mindanao an opportunity to become autonomous, well
number one because their unique situation and culture, number two inaamin ng national
government na matagal na napabayaan ang development nitong regions and the only legal way na i-
fast track mo ang development, socio-economic and infrastructure development for been to catch up
with the other region is to extend to them autonomous status so with that as one of the legal basis,
sa provision ng ating autonomy bill dapat magbigay.

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Therefore, ng national government ng subsidy to really speed up the socio-economic and
infrastructure development of the different local government units in the regions so that it can catch
up with the other develop regions in the country and ito ang hinihingi natin, 10 billion per year for
the first 5 years and then 5 billion per year for the next 5 years, for 15 years total of 75 billion
distributed as follows, 20% of the subsidy will go to the autonomous region, 6% of the total subsidy
will be reserved trust fund, what is this for? This is reserved as trust fund para nga kung meron mag
component city from the local municipalities meron kang pagkukunan ng share nila na ibibigay mo
sa kanila, like Tabuk. The remaining 74% will be divided as follows; 2% of the 74% will be the
share, maidadagdag for the City of Tabuk kasi component city yan eh, so the City of Tabuk will get
its continue to get its internal revenue allotment which I think more or less 800 million plus, plus!
Yung 2% of the 74% subsidy, then if 23% of the 74% will be divided equally by the provinces in
the highly urbanized city of Baguio as also their share again ito ah maidadagdag sa ating internal
revenue allotment, hindi natin pinag-usapan ito ang local revenues because local revenues will be sa
local government yan, yet autonomous and independent from each other whatever collections they
make that’s their own, hindi pwedeng makialam yung region or other local government units. So
ulitin ko 23% of the 74% will be divided equally by the provinces in the highly urbanized City of
Baguio so in short divided by 7, there are six provinces in CAR plus the City of Baguio so seven,
the 35% of the 74% will be divided equally by the municipalities in the entire region and the
remaining 40 percent of the 74%, saan pupunta? Will be divided equally by the barangays in the
entire region, bakit nilagay natin na ganito? Para walang authority ng autonomous government to
re-align, to re-appropriate, stated na nakaprovide na sa batas kung paano mahati-hati ang subsidy,
the moment it is approved sa general appropriation act maida-download sa units wherein it will go
yung share per unit so that it will be able to get its own share it cannot be the subject of political
risk, political allocation or abuses in whimsical caprices of whoever will be the autonomous
government officials.

Sa edukasyon, nakalagay din diyan na the autonomous government has the authority to come out
with curriculum na hindi existing sa curriculum ng approved ng CHED which we think is
important, kailangan natin or applicable sa ating region, example siguro ito Mountain Engineering,
dapat meron tayong course na Mountain Engineering, it’s different to construct road sa plane at sa
mountainous, dapat yun. So yung ating educational system, sports development, makakatanggap din
ng mas malaking allocation kung mag autonomy na tayo importante for the entire region. Nilagay
natin diyan na settlement of cases, criminal take note, criminal! or civil cases pursuant to the
customs and traditions of the crimes in the Cordilleras shall be respected by government
specifically the corp, for our information, yung general principle sa criminal law, criminal cases are
not subject to settlement, well of course even the Supreme Courts is pending in allowing settlement
but stringent yung procedure so binigyan natin ng importansya yan. Let me inform you, ano ang
rason kung bakit nilagay natin yan? there is important reason to me ah, if you research in the culture
and tradition of the different tribes kahit anong klase ng kaso pwedeng i-settle, reason? kung
masettle yun the possibility of revenge mawawala that will contribute in good relation among the
people in the tribe, kung hindi mo ise-settle yan eh just follow what is going now, ihabla mo sa
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korte, ang bagal, nasasaktan yung biktima and the possibility magrevenge nalang ako, take the law
in to my hand, patayin ko nalang yan which it will be a continuing cycle na it will also disturb the
peace and order in the tribe in the community, so we can discuss a lot.

Interviewer: What do you think are the disadvantages of autonomy here in the Cordilliera in
particular to the income of Baguio City and Benguet?

Interviewee: I don’t see any disadvantage, madadagan pa nga eh, as far as incone is concerned,
madadagdgan pa nga eh. As far as independence and autonomy is concerned, mame-maintain pa
nga eh mai-enhanced pa nga eh, so wala akong nakikitang disadvantage.

Interviewer: What are the benefits of autonomy to the people of Baguio City and Benguet?

Interviewee: Well, kung lalaki yung income, lalaki yung i-bubudget mo sa consent ng city in terms
of infrastructure, in terms of environment, yung re-greening, yung air quality, yung traffic mo,
diba? Yung social services mo, yung out of school youth mo, yung sports development. Kasi right
now, of course kinukuha natin sa sports development, ano mga anak, the school educational fund
and more, 94 million, eh kung mag autonomy tayo, madadagdagan yan kasi kung lalaki yang real
estate taxes, lalaki din yung share ng school educational fund na principally ito ang ginagamit natin
sa sports development, sa educational program, sa health services.

Interviewer: In your own opinion are you against or are you yes to autonomy here in Baguio?

Interviewee: I have been an advocate of autonomy, ever since because I am convinced personally
it’s my constitutional duty pursuant to Section 15 Article 10 regardless of criticism against me, I
am for autonomy, because to me this is the hope of the Cordillera, the hope of our children
especially you and our children’s children, it is not more on adult people but our children and
children’s children, so ever since I’m the Chairman of Regional Drafting Committee, that will be
one of the priority bills if given the chance to be in congress that we will fight, we need somebody
who should really champion the passes of autonomy bill, autonomy law for the Cordilleras in

Group of this Congress, all of our congressman who authored this autonomy bill but tignan natin
hindi pa na-approve sa committee, walang nakatutok eh. We need somebody na dapat nakatutok
diyan, especially now that the present administration is to amend the present presidential form of
government to federal form of government ayaw natin mangyari na we will be become federal form
of government na wala ang opportunity natin na to become autonomous, that’s why our move now
in line with the direction of the present administration to shift to federal form of government sana
mag autonomy muna tayo bago mag federal kung sakaling matutuloy na mag federal tayo. In short
that we will happen we will be an autonomous region like Muslim Mindanao in a federal state.

Interviewer: In a long run, can we run autonomy for a long period of time with the
autonomous region?

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Interviewee: Well, if you are talking about the finanial stability and sustainability of the region, we
are able to exist even with our present situation na ganon na ang share na nakukuha natin with no
reason kung mag autonomy tayo, tignan mo lahat ng companies and individual na nagnenegosyo
dito, dito babayaran yung negosyo meron ka pang share sa collection ng national government,
meron ka pang subsidy, with more reason na we are in sure of our sustainability and financial
capability as a region and this is the reason why sinasabi ko na dapat we all be united to support our
autonomy bago mag federal form of government tayo.

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Interviewer: What can be the effects of autonomy to Baguio City and Benguet?

INTERVIEWEE: Well, you are asking for the effects, we do not know yet, because we’ll WAIT for that
autonomy to come then we’ll know the effects. But, for us to submit an opinion it’s better that we’ll wait and
see. Okay, how can I know the effects? We do not know yet, if you are asking for the effect NO EFFECT

Interviewer: But from your opinion sir?

INTERVIEWEE: How can I, opinion, do we have the autonomy law? None, where can we base our

Interviewer: From different Region sir?

INTERVIEWEE: I think, medyo mahirap iyan ah, I’ll give an opinion to the autonomy? We do not know
yet the law, the law and the implementing rules, how can I give an opinion. If the law will state that well, all
the assets everything taxes will go to the autonomous Region, there couldn’t be no, it is more advantages for
us but, if still the national government has a full control medyo iba.

Interviewer: On the income of Baguio City and Benguet, do you think that there is advantages and
disadvantages. of autonomy?

INTERVIEWEE: I do not know yet, we’ll see how are they’re going to divide the income in the City of
Baguio and in the province of Benguet. And the effect will be their maybe advantage and their maybe
disadvantage, we’ll WAIT. How can I say that it is disadvantage if we do not know yet the law? You saw me
first the proposed law then I can give my opinion for autonomy law. As of now, no comment yet.

Interviewer: Do you think that autonomy will help the income of Baguio City and Benguet within

Same answer, we have to wait for the law. You are basing your question on the autonomy but we do not
know yet what are the laws.

Interviewer: But in your personal insights, what do you think are the potentials of it? Basing it from
the current income’’

INTERVIEWEE: Well, it depends on the other budget or other income of other provinces. ‘’it depends
sir?’’ YES. Maybe advantageous, disadvantageous insights only that we share our income to other provinces
but we do not know yet.

Interviewer: Do you think it’s possible that we can have autonomy here?

INTERVIEWEE: Well, I do not like to argue an opinion on that. You know lawyers don’t give an opinion
on matters it’s debatable. Of course, an expert then it must be from an expert, the opinion must have from an
expert, the economist not me as a lawyer, prosecutor. How can I know? But as to the criminal aspect it will
help. ‘’How Sir?’’ Because here in the Cordillera we long before the effectivity of our penal laws, there are

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people of the Cordillera have their own way of settling whatever disputes they have and up to know there are
some towns they are bound from their culture on how to settle a case.

Interviewer: Oh so the autonomy will help more of the criminal?

INTERVIEWEE: No, not the criminal, it will help us on the implementation of our criminal justice system.
It will not help the criminals because you know it will settle a case there is always a civil penalty 3, as far as
the culture is concerned of the Cordillera. Customs but it will lesser more than to implementation of our
criminal justice system

Interviewer: Basing from the productivity of Baguio City and Benguet, under autonomy will it
potentially affect the productivity of Baguio City and Benguet?

INTERVIEWEE: I do not know because it’s an opinion, we do not have the law how can I compare the
how can we know if there is an effect or there is an advantage or disadvantage. You research more on what
are the laws what are the proposed laws. For the Cordillera we do not know yet, it’s just selling an orange
but you do not know the taste of that orange, the taste might be rejected we do not know yet.

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INTERVIEWER: What can be the effects of autonomy to Baguio City and the Province of Benguet
particular in the income?
INTERVIEWEE: Well they say that if ever autonomy will be granted to the Cordilleras we will be able to
raise our own income, we will be able to plan how this money will be spent and more of whatever income
the Region will be raising will be use for the development of this Region that is according to the proponents.

INTERVIEWER: Do you think sir what are the benefit of it to the Baguio City and the Province of
Benguet in terms of income?
INTERVIEWEE: Well if the explanations being given by the proponents is correct then definitely it will be
more advantageous to the Region. As they said we will be more independent or autonomous in making our
own plans, in raising resources, spending whatever we will be correcting, so more money, more projects that
is according to the proponents.

INTERVIEWER: But what do you think can be the disadvantages of the autonomy to the Baguio City
and the Province of Benguet?
INTERVIEWEE: Well if those running the Region will be thinking more of their own personal interest
then there may be abuses but if our officials will really do their jobs that they will really plan well for the
Region and with the bigger income that according to that we will be earning then it should be for the
development of the Region. So it has nothing to do still with graft and corruption, if our officials are corrupt
regardless of how much we will be earning maybe we will be losing, ganoon lang naman yon eh, wala
namang iba.

INTERVIEWER: So sir if autonomy will be applicable or implemented here in the cordillera sir,
where do you think can the revenues of Baguio City and Benguet come and go?
INTERVIEWEE: Niya ti kunana dijay aya?
INTERVIEWER: Sir jay proponent gamin no autonomy ket we have the freedom to kill our own revenue
boss bigger share unlike jay setup now nga amin ket mapan dijay national treasury.

INTERVIEWER: So sir kasatno ba nga ma-utilize ti income ti Baguio City and Benguet sir if
autonomy will be implemented?
INTERVIEWEE: Ma-utilized? Well it has something to do really with the just in case in planning, ta ti
kwana met dayta ket ti kasla idea na deta is we will be a Region, we will try to raise our own income and
spend our own income for the development of our Region so andun yung mga plano, definitely, dapat
ganoon because this will be decided by the, niya tawag na ejayen, Regional board wennno Regional
assembly whatever they call it.

INTERVIEWER: What are the possible benefits that the people of Baguio and Benguet if they pursue
INTERVIEWEE: Benefits? If it is true that we will be earning more income, that we will be able to spend
more for the Province and whatever development projects will eventually before the advantages of Baguio

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and Benguet and the other Provinces in the Region. As I said it has something to do with who will be
running the government, the problem more is who will run the government, will they really be planning for
the Cordilleras or their personal interest, personally from me regardless of the setup that our government we
have the more important consideration I believe is who is in power, very simple, money is just secondary,
yun lang naman yon, hindi sa pera, sino ba ang uupo diyan, sino ba ang magiging Regional governor or
whatever is that, doon naman, yun ang sakit naman natin, graft and corruption, so ang graft and corruption
will not be solve even if we are an autonomous Region, we will definitely suffer the consequences regardless
of the income that we will be raising, graft and corruption.

INTERVIEWER: Sir Do you think in your own personal opinion sir is it worth pushing for autonomy
INTERVIEWEE: Personally, I want to try it because if we will not try it eventually it should have been for
the betterment of our Region then sayang and I still believe that eventually those running in the government
will come to realize eventually that they really need to do something for the betterment of our Region, siguro
as of now, nandun yung mistrust natin dahil sa ugali ng mga politiko natin pero siguro eventually kung
talagang maging Region tayo yung challenge nandun naman siguro and they will be really working for the
government Region, so ako let’s give them a chance.

INTERVIWER: So for example, we already implemented autonomy in this Region

INTERVIEWEE: Siguro I will go with the opinion of our boss (MR. INTERVIEWEE) only that there are
certain points like how would the Regional autonomy deal with the local governments in being autonomous
Region there should be a definite functions that should be performed only by the Regional government
which would not actually compromise the freedom of the local governments or independence of the local
government units, that is only my concern.

INTERVIEWEE: If the Regional government is so powerful then probably the autonomous Region will fall
but if it will be purely be to then probably parang, anong term doon, to oversee okay lang yon because in the
end it should be the local governments, the Province and the municipality of the local governments units
that should really be their running the affaires of each local government pero kung masyadong bigyan mo
nang power ng husto ang Regional government baka hindi rin tama yon so there must to be a balance kung
saan yung power, dapat, delikado eh, lalong lalo na dito sa Benguet there’s always that yung andun pa rin
yung fear ng Benguet na baka taga ibang probinsya ang mas asserted eh, tayo sa Benguet eh tahimik lang
tayo usually ganoon yung

INTERVIEWEE: Alam niyo ba kung ilan ang mga proposed na mga Provinces ang included sa bago nating
ano ngayon yung autonomy?

INTERVIEWER: Ngayon sir?

INTERVIEWEE: Meron kayong idea?

INTERVIEWER: So far sir wala namang pong naidagdag from dati po sir

INTERVIEWEE: Meron na eh, ipro-propose na ng art of Region or Region I, mountainous part yung
parang indigenous.

INTERVIEWEE: we will see and it subjected to plebiscite naman yan eh, nasa kanila naman yan kung
gusto nila sumama o hindi ganoon lang, pati siguro sa part ng Biscaya.

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INTERVIEWER: So sir what is the main factor that disproves autonomy?

INTERVIEWEE: Anong ibig mong sabihin

INTERVIEWER: Bakit po narereject ang autonomy?

INTERVIEWEE: Sabi ni boss eh it could be the lack of information, the selling of the concept of autonomy
to the grass roots, so there is this natural feeling that anything new will be disadvantageous or not good for
the people.

INTERVIEWEE: Why change when we’re doing well? parang ganoon yung mga ibang kwan nila eh, why
fix when it’s not broken? Parang ganoon nga. They’re afraid actually to other ways by which we can run our
government, they’re contented with the present setup, maraming ganoon and I would say that they’re content
with the present setup because they do not trust others, yung mistrust eh baka kung kwan eh sila rin, sila
lang, parang ganoon yung kwan ng ibang tao eh, paano tayo kung sila lang? They also don’t trust others
here in the Cordillera, nagbabantayan nga ata sila.

INTERVIEWER: Sir for the last question from you own personal opinion sir, do you think autonomy
will greatly affect or improve the current status of the income of Baguio City and Benguet if autonomy
will be implemented?

INTERVIEWEE: Usually ang rason kasi ng Baguio at Benguet eh sabi nga nila tayo ang kumikita lang dito
sa Cordilleras eh, yun ang palagi nilang sinasabi considering siguro yung collection ng taxes sa ibang
Provinces but also they are progressing, Kalinga is also progressing, Taboc is also progressing, eventually
hindi natin alam baka nga mas malaki ang income ng ibang Provinces kaysa sa atin dahil lang naman City
ang Baguio ang nauna, eh yun yung sinasabi nila probably more efficient yung collection ng taxes and
everything but if we are really for the development of our Region regardless of which Province collects the
bigger income, kung talagang sa development ng Province ang kwan, dapat hindi yun ang tinitignan, there
will be a distribution definitely whatever income Benguet will be earning, Baguio will be earning, if we have
this Region, there will be distribution among the different Provinces, it may affect some of the projects that
we have so nasa uupo pa rin kasi yan kung paano rin nila gagamitin yung pera, nasa kanila yan, kasi kahit
naman malaki ang income natin dito sa Baguio Benguet kung corrupt rin lang ang ating mga officials, wala
rin lang, pareho lang, ganoon naman yon, so in the end, who is running the government sa atin yun ang
pinaka consideration hindi yung pera, kasi yung pera meron at meron yan, hindi tayo mawawalan ng pera
kahit sinasabi nilang mahirap, hindi, may pera ang gobyerno, marami ngang nasasayang na pondo eh, sino
ang gagastos?

INTERVIEWEE: Yung Regional autonomy we have to think into consideration that it is another layer of
bureaucracy so definitely may mga “personnels” na uupo diyan so bigger budget we spend for the salaries
another expenses for the maintenance of the autonomous Region. I go with this observation ni Sir na it
depends to the ruling authorities how the money is going to be spend although ideally it will be spend wisely
siguro lang on how the income is going to be distributed. It is unfortunate na wala tayong copy ng proposed
autonomy, I do not know how money collected from Baguio and Benguet which we admit are actually at
present LGU’s that have big incomes dahil sa businesses pero tama naman ang sabi ni Sir na eventually
some of the Provinces will catch up like in Kalinga. For now siguro it is a contentious issue yung regarding
sa distribution ng income. I do not know honestly kung papano yan ibigay sa mga LGU’s na covered ng
autonomous Region, kung sana meron tayong copy we will see kung paano ba ang distribution. I can
actually give my opinion regarding with the issue so yun muna ang masasabi ko diyan.

INTERVIEWEE: Pero sigurado sa batas kwan yan eh, they will distribute yung budget ng Province ay, ng
Region so regardless kung magkano yung income ng per Provinces they try now to distribute it
proportionally ganoon talaga, so we will be affected kasi hindi pwedeng dahil mas malaki sa Benguet, mas

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Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 58 | P a g e
malaki ang budget parang nawala na yung essence ng gusto nilang ma-develop yung entire Region so baka
hindi yun ang pinaka-consideration, ang mangyayari diyan they try to distribute so affected tayo. Ang 1
million natin baka akala natin 1 million ang pupunta sa Benguet dahil malaki ang income natin, let’s say for
example pero dahil nga kulang kulang din yung collections from other Provinces baka hindi 1 million ang
mapupunta satin to equalize baka 800 thousands mga ganun, I mean there will always be a reduction but if
eventually kung talagang magiging maganda naman ang takbo ng entire Region eventually baka aangat ang
mga mga ibang Provinces, aangat din tayo, hopefully, may resouces naman tayo sa Region eh.

INTERVIEWER: Pero sir kunwari po pag sa 1 million sir, from the current status ngayon, sir mas
mataas kaya ang makukuha natin budget kumapara sa ano

INTERVIEWEE: I’m not really sure

INTERVIEWEE: As of now depende kasi sa cons, halimbawa sa Benguet kung ano man yung income nila,
sa kanila, yung share nila sa national government sila ang bahala dun, siguro halimbawa autonomy

INTERVIEWEE: O pwede rin sa class ng Province, yun kasi yung pinaka-consideration na ibinibigay ng
national government satin aside from yung sarili nating collection maari nating pwedeng ispend

INTERVIEWEE: Actually yun naman ang dahilan hindi na twice na nareject, the first yata is two Provinces
approved by Ifugao and dalawa yun sir yung first na autonomous organic act

INTERVIEWEE: Ifugao lang

INTERVIEWEE: But second time, hindi nag-vote ang Baguio, Benguet, Mountain Province, Apayao

INTERVIEWER: ah kaya siya narereject

INTERVIEWEE: Ang natatandaan ko nga diyan kasi is for Benguet, we have to accept na yung resources
parang blessed ang Benguet sa gardening, sa mining, meron yung fear na baka mas lalong mawala yung
resources nila

INTERVIEWEE: Kaya yung mga andito sa Benguet na ayaw nila dahil mas malaki ang income natin, bakit
tayo ang mag-subsidize sa ibang Provinces. Yon ang thinking ng Benguet so paano yan? Well I don’t know
but in the long run maraming resources ang mga ibang provices diyan eventually tayo rin ang
mangangailangan ng tulong

INTERVIEWEE: Kalinga ang talagang makikita mo yung next na grooming

INTERVIEWEE: Pati Apayao kasi all the road networks

INTERVIEWEE: Except lang ang Ifugao talagng sa ngayon parang walang ibang except for tourism sila,
pero di gaanong lucrative

INTERVIEWEE: Pero ang Kalinga at Apayao? Booming na yun dahil sa road networks

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Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 59 | P a g e
INTERVIEWER: Why is cordillera administrative region still pushing for autonomy?

INTERVIEWEE: So ang tanong ko kanina bakit ang CAR may autonomy, may chance of autonomy
together with Muslim Mindanao. Bakit ang Region 1 wala, Region 2, Region 3 wala. ARMM was hindi
temporary region iyon kasi for Muslim Mindanao and CAR, it’s because of its distinct culture that you don’t
find in other regions na that differentiates them from the others, plus they’re being in an area that they have
been in control of even before the Spaniards came, parang ganon yung idea niyan, so nasanay na yung
people na makakatayo on their own without much intervention from the government and they have rich
resources that they have protected. They have their own culture that differentiates them from others, so okay
let’s give them the chance at autonomy, that’s CAR and Muslim Mindanao.

Merong previously two failed plebiscites, so why are we still trying? If they have the rights of practically
Indigineous people yung nasa CAR and Muslim Mindanao. Meron naman ang IPRA or Indigineous People’s
Rights Act na narecognized ang ownership nila sa domain, they can participate in the benefits but why are
you still pushing for autonomy those benefits are alredy protected by IPRA so practically ang number one
answer diyan is ang IPRA Republic Act 8371, yes it’s a law gratified passed by congress but they can also
take it away. For autonomy, once, so there’s a bill if once it passes the plebicsite, the organic act becomes a
contract between the government and the people of CAR so that the senate, the congressmen, even the
government cannot just take it away so it’s the constitution in CAR the same way we have in philippine

The organic act will be the constitution for CAR na hindi pwedeng basta bawiin ng congress hence there’s
still the push for autonomy and there’s still the clamour for genuine autonomy kasi may mga comment na “
Oo, autonomy bill nga iyan but it does’t really reflect the sentiments of the people of the Cordilleras kaya
maraming mga consultation, feedback, comments na sana may ganito iyan kasi may people still think
nakulang pa yung laman ng proposed bill so that’s the reason na gusto pa rin natin. If you become
autonomous, you have your own government ‘di ka na masyadong papakialaman ng governemnt, you can
pass your own ordinances except for a certain item na prinepreserve ng national government para sa sarili
niya. All others you can do anything you want diyan sa autonomous region. You can create your own source
of income and CAR is rich in natural resources hindi lang mines, water, forest, nandito yan so yan yung
tinitignan kasi , we are rich in natural resources, we can gain income from that.

Ngayon, what can be the advantages and disadvantages of autonomy from CAR and Benguet. Sabihin ko
muna ang disadvantages here is sinong which they are trying to advert to proposals something like that. How
do you make sure na walang iisang tao na siya na yung regional governor forever and ever, diba? How do
you make sure that power play will be even to all provinces, gusto nga nila all the provinces will have their
own turn sana to seat as a regional governor, yung fear na oh baka pagumupo si ganito diyan na siya forever
siya na ang diyos. Another fear is paano kung there will be no insufficient income? Ano na yung sahod ng
mga nagtratrabho sa government? that’s one of the fear. Third, they’re comparing the house bill for CAR and
the BBL. Bakit daw ang baba ng shares ng income for CAR compared to BBL?

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Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 60 | P a g e
Advantage is if its genuine autonomy, the IP’s, the Cordillerans will truly be in control of their own
environment, government. Ang concept kasi niyan is it’s an IP’s concept Indigenous People’s na yung IP
meron siyang sariling government, it’s not our LGU but for the longest time they have their elders, kumbaga
sa south sana meron silang sultan, meron silang datu, marerespeto sana yan na form of governence so iyon
sana yung dito but if you will take a look of the bill hindi naman. It’s still the regular government kasi paano
mo nga naman iiimplement iyon, in Kalinga they have their Bodong, they have their pangat. In Benguet,
you have a tomtom but you don’t have a datu, you have your elders, ba-baket, la-lakay, you consult them but
there’s still like government like you have mayor, you have governor kaya siguro dun sa BILE you still have
the LGU format.

Income you’re not limited kasi as to income like now with the IPRA and there’s a proposed project, you can
demand your sharing the income so pwedeng mangyari iyon sa autonomy na for example there’s income per
kilo per hour sa hydro sabihin mo pwede pero ganito ang share naming diyan per kilo per hour din unlike
now na we have the national government, we have the law, very limited kung ano na yung sinabing common
share but if it is an autonomous region, magpasakalang ng ordinance kung magkanolang ang share pero
paano kung wala ng dumating na investors dahil doon so balancing lang.

Ano pa ba? Pero nandito kasisa CAR yung monitor diba? Water, gravel, in Luzon sabinila ang CAR may
freedom, ang mines. The mines are here and in Mindanao, parang halo halo na yung sinabi ko, kayo may
gusto ba kayong itanong?

INTERVIEWER: Ma’am ready napoba ang Baguio and Benguet for autonomy?

INTERVIEWEE: Pwede bang sabihin ko na lang my opinion does not come kasi ipleplebiscite naman,
magulo pa kasi e. One of the issues, one of the reasons na hanging iyan yung result ng plebscity, non IP’s
who live in a Cordilleras, kase like I’m half Ilocano so si Fr. Crisflorilocano, dito na siya tumanda, dito na
siya nagcollege sa SLU, dito na siya nagtrabaho, he’s now 88 years old so dito na siya tumanda but he’s not
IP, he’s ilocano, maraming ganon, hindi lang siya, maraming ganon population why is Benguet maraming
ganon so that’s their concern, kasama sila sa magvovote sa plebiscy. The fear na what will happen to us if
autonomous na kayo, “echepwera” na lang kami, ganon yung feeling nila hence doon sa bill ngayon yung
defiition ng cordillera is exclusive enough, any Filipino citizen commisary in CAR so basta filipino citizen at
nakatira ka sa CAR cordilleran kana, kaya yun may ganung probisyon kasi nililigawan nila yung mga non IP
residents pero that’s fear of non IP’s for the autonomy. Marami pang, for the IP’s themselves kasi
nagconsultation kami last year is bakit yung rights that we are now enjoying because of IPRA that we
already know that this was our rights, why are’nt those rights reflected on that bill, iyon yung tanong, then
it’s our being an IP that’s the reason that we have this chance in autonomy pero bakit wala rin sa bill yan
kaya meron rin silang proposed enhancements sa autonomy bill so I hope na pumasa ang isang genuine na
autonomy bill.

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The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and
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This research becomes a reality with the kind support and helps of many individuals. We
would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of them.

We want to offer this endeavor to our God Almighty for the wisdom he bestowed upon us,
the strength, peace of mind, and good health in order to finish this research.

We would like to express our gratitude towards our family and friends for the
encouragement which helped us in completing our research paper.

We want to thank Mr. John Paul Lagao, our practical research 1 teacher, who helped us in
making our study and give comments to improve our research and also to Ms. Karel Manzano, our
practical research 2 teacher, who guided us in finalizing our study.

Lastly, we are also grateful to our respondents who provided insight and expertise that
greatly assisted our research. A lot of their opinions helped us to make a better conclusion and also
the leaders especially the Cordillerans who will benefit in this study because this will be an eye-
opener to those people who do not know about autonomy.

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Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 63 | P a g e
Address: 42 Bengao Street, Bakakeng Central, Baguio City 2600,
Benguet, CAR Philippines
Cellphone Number: 09237369671
E-mail: michaeljaycalado132@gmail.com

This document serves as a proof that the person mentioned above is fully capable to conduct

Gender: Male
Birthdate: February 11, 2001
Nationality: Filipino
Marital Status: Single


Yandoc Street, Baguio City 2600
Graduated with Most Diligent Award


Palma-Urbano Street, Baguio City 2600
Graduated with Honors and Conduct Award


Governor Pack Road, Baguio City 2600
Currently taking ABM Strand


Research Adviser

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 64 | P a g e
Address: #22 D-C Kisad Rd, Burnham Baguio City 2600, Benguet,
CAR Philippines
Cellphone Number: 09053208605
E-mail: taccayanaldrin@gmail.com

This document serves as a proof that the person mentioned above is fully capable to conduct

Gender: Male
Birthdate: February 26, 2000
Nationality: Filipino
Marital Status: Single


2007-2013 Saint Louis University Laboratory Elementary School
General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600

2013-2017 Saint Louis University Laboratory High School

Claro M Recto Street, Navy Road, Baguio City 2600


Gov. Pack Rd, Baguio City 2600
Currently taking ABM strand



Research Adviser

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 65 | P a g e
Address: Residences at Brent, Yangco Street, Baguio City 2600,
Benguet, CAR Philippines
Cellphone Number: 09095856715
E-mail: joshuatolding.uc@gmail.com

This document serves as a proof that the person mentioned above is fully capable to conduct

Gender: Male
Birthdate: December 27, 2000
Nationality: Filipino
Marital Status: Single
2005-2006 H.O.P.E Christian Academy
La Trinidad, Benguet 2601
Graduated kindergarten


JC 156 Pico La Trinidad Benguet 2601
Graduated Elementary and Junior High School


Gov. Pack Rd, Baguio City 2600
Currently taking ABM strand


Research Adviser

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 66 | P a g e
Address: Kisad Road, Baguio City 2600, Benguet, CAR Philippines
Cellphone Number: 09358862833
E-mail: yrasoriano@gmail.com

This document serves as a proof that the person mentioned above is fully capable to conduct

Gender: Female
Birthdate: September 02, 2001
Nationality: Filipino
Marital Status: Single


Bangued, Abra


Bangued, Abra


Gov. Pack Rd, Baguio City 2600
Currently taking ABM strand



Research Adviser

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 67 | P a g e
Address: #188 Alapang Dapiting, La Trinidad, Benguet, CAR
Cellphone Number: 09393552528
E-mail: skyeenciso@gmail.com

This document serves as a proof that the person mentioned above is fully capable to conduct

Gender: Female
Birthdate: May 13, 2000
Nationality: Filipino
Marital Status: Single


2007-2016 H.O.P.E. Christian Academy
Graduated with an Outstanding Achiever Awardee, Athlete of the Year and
BGB Awardee


Gov. Pack Rd, Baguio City 2600
Currently taking ABM strand



Research Adviser

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 68 | P a g e
Address: East Quirino Hill, Baguio City 2600, Benguet, CAR
Cellphone Number: 09473702242
E-mail: sheryltadiam75@gmail.com

This document serves as a proof that the person mentioned above is fully capable to conduct

Gender: Female
Birthdate: June 20, 2001
Nationality: Filipino
Marital Status: Single


Poblacion Bauko Mountain Province


Poblacion Bauko Mountain Province


Gov. Pack Rd, Baguio City 2600
Currently taking ABM strand



Research Adviser

The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Income of Baguio City and

Benguet Under the Autonomy of Cordillera Administrative Region 69 | P a g e

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