Chromosomal Disorders
Chromosomal Disorders
Chromosomal Disorders
Single Chromosome Disorders Mentally retarded, Deformed face, No thumbs, heart disease
and Short lifespan
1. Deletion - Genetic material is missing
2. Duplication - Genetic material is present twice Prader-Willi Syndrome
3. Inversion- Genetic material is “flipped”
1 in 5,000,000 births
46 chromosomes XY=97% XX=3%
#15 Deletion of lower arm
Two Chromosome Disorders (Both types are called
“translocation”) Symptoms
The phenotype of this female includes short stature, short The not so “superman”- Jacobs Syndrome
broad neck, and a broad chest. Intelligence does not seem to
be affected. What type of mutation would cause an individual to
have one less chromosome than normal?
Translocations - NONDISJUCTION!!!
A section of a chromosome is moved from one
- 1/1000 live male births.
chromosome to another!
The material is not lost, but inserted in a place where
- Men with this karyotype are tall and have low
it is non- functional
mental ability.
A Robertsonian translocation of chromosomes 13 and 14, an
end to end fusion of the two chromosomes
Cri du Chat
Klinefelter’s Syndrome
- Shorthand: 47, XXY
- “Supermale”
Jacobs Syndrome