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Micro project report On

“ SRS for Automated Teller Machine”


For the Award of


Roll no Name of Student Enrollment no

65 Yash Sudhir Mahajan 2110740186
32 Pruthviraj Ashaba Sarde 2110740106
66 Rushikesh Bandu More 2110740153
67 Yashvardhan Pratap Vibhute 2110740430


Mr. Bhatlavande.A.S



SVERI‟s College of Engineering (Polytechnic), Pandharpur

Gopalpur Pandharpur-413304

Evolution sheet for Micro Project
Academic Year:- 2022- Name of Faculty:-Bhatlavande.A.S
Course:-Informatiom Course code:- IF4I
Subject: SEN Subject Code:- 22421
Semester:- 4 Scheme:- I
Project name:- SRS for Automated Teller Machine
COs addressed by the Micro Project:
CO 1
CO 2
CO 3
CO 4
CO 5
Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)

Marks out of Marks out of

6 for 4 for
Total marks
performance performance
Roll No Name of students out of 10
in group in oral/
activity Presentation

65 Yash Sudhir Mahajan

32 Pruthviraj Ashaba Sarde
66 Rushikesh Bandu More
67 Yashvardhan Pratap Vibhute

Name and
Signature Mr.Bhatlavande.A.S
of faculty

This is to certify that the Project report entitled
“SRS for Automated Teller Machine”

Submitted by

Roll no Name of Student Enrollment no

65 Yash Sudhir Mahajan 2110740186
32 Pruthviraj Ashaba Sarde 2110740106
66 Rushikesh Bandu More 2110740153
67 Yashvardhan Pratap Vibhute 2110740430

Is a bonafide work carried out by above students, under the guidance of Mr.Bhatlavande.A.S
and it is submitted towards the fulfillment of requirement of MSBTE, Mumbai for the award of Diploma in
Information Technology at SVERI‟s COE (Polytechnic), Pandharpur during the academic year 2021-22.


(Mr. Misal G.S.) (Dr. Misal.N. D.)

HOD Principal

Place: Pandharpur

Date: / /

“SRS for Automated Teller Machine” has been developed successfully with a
great contribution of two students in a period of two months. We like to appreciate their guidance,
encouragement and willingness since without their support the project would not have been a success.
We would like to give our heartfelt gratitude to Principal Dr. N. D.Misal, & HOD Mr.G.S.Misal Guide
Mr.Bhatlavande.A.S who is the supervisor of our project for helping and encouraging us in many ways to
make our project a success. We would never been able to finish our work without great support and
enthusiasm from friends and support from our family. We would like to thank the department of
Information Technology, for giving us permission to initiate this project and successfully finish it.
1. Introduction

 Purpose
This SRS describe the requirement specifications for
automated teller machine network (ATM) for designers, maintainers
and developers. Function of ATM is to support computerized banking
system. Serve bank customers in off timings

 Document
Conventions Font with formal range of units in
Microsoft word Document, Terms and clauses in italic style will have
greater prominence in sentence. “()” parentheses will simplify the
meaning having inside them for your easiness.

 References Source:

2. Overall Description

 Product Perspective ATM

here is the availability of most banking services outside the
bank as shown below,
 Product Functions
 Operating Environment
XP: Windows XP powered by Microsoft Cooperation is a suitable
working platform for ATM software.

H/W component is a complete system (computer system) with pertinent


 Design and Implementation Constraints

1. System Should all in one so all of the hardware configurations

will inside one compact module
2. Power Supply must b attained by ATM 24 hours for its
3. Small size compact box should have certain units available in it
for proper functionality of ATM, e.g Memory, Concurrent
Processing modules one or more, Transmission reliability inside
and outside the system
4. Banking database must be compatible with ATM computations.
5. Security Precautions for banking system are strictly imposed.
6. Maintenance keys should must be kept in mind to provide
schema to maintainers.

 User Documentation

1. Bank will provide the instruction manual with ATM card package. How to
use this system. Also sophisticated users documentations will also
2. Document for developer and design repositories are properly prepared.
 Assumptions and Dependencies

AS-1: ATM is open for transactions every company business day in

which employees are expected to use this service.

DE-1: All time maintenance capability and, deliverables of any problem

occurring will be reported

DE-2: H/W components, there should must be a guarantee in case of

malfunctioning the device or subcomponent, high quality components
should the purchased according to the budget. but reliability, accuracy ,
dependability is a great issue.

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1. User Interfaces

1. ATM Screen will contain all possible options in respected


2. Touch sensitive screen code compatibility.

3. Maintainers and developers will see completely different
interface with more privileges as will be mentioned in product
function. UI-4: Error text will appear preceding with cross sign
4. Interface is needed for every type of configurations, so
functionally system will faced through its interface so it would
have every component of software to interact with interface
3.2. Hardware Interfaces

1. Power Cable plugging port.

2. Necessary buttons will be provided with appropriate interfacing
of compact keyboard with system.
3. Kyocera 5.7" Color LCD for Triton, Hyosung, Hantle, Tranax,
Tidel, NCR
4. Two Serial ports,1st for running communication headache and
2nd for backup. For source code configuration .
5. Two Universal Serial Bus for data sharing

3.3. Software Interfaces

3.4. Communications Interfaces

1. ATM card activation will be acknowledged by email to customer.

2. GSM used for ATM messages transmission
3. Communication security recommended strongly. Confidential
information is guaranteed to be secure.
4. System Features

4.1 24 Hours Availability

 Description and Priority

Highest priority task of this system is to provide the functioning on
numerous ATM users 24 hours. This is highest priority although
may not functionally a service for user.
 Stimulus/Response Sequences
Stimulus: Regular power supply to system.
Response: System will operational.
Stimulus: Backup of power supply.
Response: Also system is operational.
Stimulus: User queries.
Response: Precise results, reliability in action of user.
Stimulus: Half alive/Half Dead
Response: ATM is operational in administration configurations mode.

 Functional Requirements
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

 PE-1: The system shall accommodate 1 user all time necessarily.

 PE-2: Cash counting must be accurate.
 PE-3: Responses to keyboard hits shall take no longer than 7 seconds to
load onto the screen after the user hit(press) one key.
 PE-4: The system shall display confirmation messages to users his/her
query within 4 seconds after the user submits any information to the

5.2 Safety Requirements

 System room will be safe for user going to use ATM machine.
• Electricity damage precautions
• Fire alerts
 System room should be air conditioned for system safety in order to suppress
heat produced by system.

5.3 Security Requirements

 Data transactions that involve financial information or personally identifiable

information shall be encrypted.
 Users shall be required to log in (pin#) to access System for all operations
except viewing a menu.
 The system shall permit only Admin staff members who are on the list of
authorized Menu Managers to create or edit menus.
 The system shall permit users to view only their own previously placed
transactions, not placed by others
5.4 Software Quality Attributes

Availability-1: The ATM System shall be available to users on the 99.9% of the
time between 12:00AM To 11:50 PM

Robustness-1: If the connection between the user and the system is broken prior to
an query being either confirmed or canceled, the ATM System shall
enable the user to recover an incomplete query or cancel its effect

5.5 Business Rules

User can not withdraw his/her maximum limited amount from system in 24
hours timing constraint, ATM will reboot on 11:50 after restarting, Timing
constraint on money withdrawal will be changed to denied to permit.
Same constraint will be applied on transferring amount
Analysis Model

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