PartB Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 Vol03

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Rules for the Classification of Floating Offshore

Units at Fixed Locations and Mobile Offshore

Drilling Units
Effective from 15 March 2010

Part B
Hull and Stability

Via Corsica, 12 - 16128 Genova - Italy
Tel. +39 01053851 - Fax: +39 0105351000
Definitions: the responsibility of qualified service suppliers. Survey practices
"Rules" in these General Conditions means the documents below and procedures are selected by the Society based on its experi-
issued by the Society: ence and knowledge and according to generally accepted techni-
- Rules for the Classification of Ships or other special units; cal standards in the sector.
- Complementary Rules containing the requirements for product, Article 3
plant, system and other certification or containing the require- 3.1. - The class assigned to a Ship, like the reports, statements, cer-
ments for the assignment of additional class notations; tificates or any other document or information issued by the Soci-
- Rules for the application of statutory rules, containing the rules to ety, reflects the opinion of the Society concerning compliance, at
perform the duties delegated by Administrations; the time the Service is provided, of the Ship or product subject to
- Guides to carry out particular activities connected with Services; certification, with the applicable Rules (given the intended use and
- Any other technical document, as for example rule variations or within the relevant time frame).
interpretations. The Society is under no obligation to make statements or provide
“Services” means the activities described in Article 1 below, ren- information about elements or facts which are not part of the spe-
dered by the Society upon request made by or on behalf of the cific scope of the Service requested by the Interested Party or on its
Interested Party. behalf.
“Society” or “RINA” means RINA S.p.A. and/or a all the compa- 3.2. - No report, statement, notation on a plan, review, Certificate
nies in the RINA Group which provide the Services. of Classification, document or information issued or given as part
“Surveyor” means technical staff acting on behalf of the Society in of the Services provided by the Society shall have any legal effect
performing the Services. or implication other than a representation that, on the basis of the
“Interested Party” means the party, other than the Society, having checks made by the Society, the Ship, structure, materials, equip-
an interest in or responsibility for the Ship, product, plant or sys- ment, machinery or any other item covered by such document or
tem subject to classification or certification (such as the owner of information meet the Rules. Any such document is issued solely
the Ship and his representatives, the ship builder, the engine for the use of the Society, its committees and clients or other duly
builder or the supplier of parts to be tested) who requests the Ser- authorised bodies and for no other purpose. Therefore, the Society
vices or on whose behalf the Services are requested. cannot be held liable for any act made or document issued by
“Owner” means the registered Owner, the ship Owner, the man- other parties on the basis of the statements or information given by
ager or any other party with the responsibility, legally or contractu- the Society. The validity, application, meaning and interpretation
ally, to keep the ship seaworthy or in service, having particular of a Certificate of Classification, or any other document or infor-
regard to the provisions relating to the maintenance of class laid mation issued by the Society in connection with its Services, is
down in Part A, Chapter 2 of the Rules for the Classification of governed by the Rules of the Society, which is the sole subject
Ships or in the corresponding rules indicated in the specific Rules. entitled to make such interpretation. Any disagreement on techni-
“Administration” means the Government of the State whose flag cal matters between the Interested Party and the Surveyor in the
the Ship is entitled to fly or under whose authority the Ship is carrying out of his functions shall be raised in writing as soon as
authorised to operate in the specific case. possible with the Society, which will settle any divergence of opin-
"Ship" means ships, boats, craft and other special units, as for ion or dispute.
example offshore structures, floating units and underwater craft. 3.3. - The classification of a Ship, or the issuance of a certificate or
Article 1 other document connected with classification or certification and
1.1. - The purpose of the Society is, among others, the classifica- in general with the performance of Services by the Society shall
tion and certification of ships and the certification of their parts have the validity conferred upon it by the Rules of the Society at
and components. the time of the assignment of class or issuance of the certificate; in
The Society: no case shall it amount to a statement or warranty of seaworthi-
- sets forth and develops Rules; ness, structural integrity, quality or fitness for a particular purpose
- publishes the Register of Ships; or service of any Ship, structure, material, equipment or machin-
- issues certificates, statements and reports based on its survey ery inspected or tested by the Society.
activities. 3.4. - Any document issued by the Society in relation to its activi-
1.2. - The Society also takes part in the implementation of national ties reflects the condition of the Ship or the subject of certification
and international rules and standards as delegated by various Gov- or other activity at the time of the check.
ernments. 3.5. - The Rules, surveys and activities performed by the Society,
1.3. – The Society carries out technical assistance activities on reports, certificates and other documents issued by the Society are
request and provides special services outside the scope of classifi- in no way intended to replace the duties and responsibilities of
cation, which are regulated by these general conditions, unless other parties such as Governments, designers, ship builders, man-
expressly excluded in the particular contract. ufacturers, repairers, suppliers, contractors or sub-contractors,
Article 2 Owners, operators, charterers, underwriters, sellers or intended
2.1. - The Rules developed by the Society reflect the level of its buyers of a Ship or other product or system surveyed.
technical knowledge at the time they are published. Therefore, the These documents and activities do not relieve such parties from
Society, though committed, also through its research and develop- any fulfilment, warranty, responsibility, duty or obligation (also of a
ment services, to continuous updating, does not guarantee they contractual nature) expressed or implied or in any case incumbent
meet state-of-the-art science and technology at the time of publi- on them, nor do they confer on such parties any right, claim or
cation or that they meet the Society's or others' subsequent techni- cause of action against the Society. With particular regard to the
cal developments. duties of the ship Owner, the Services undertaken by the Society
2.2. - The Interested Party is required to know the Rules on the do not relieve the Owner of his duty to ensure proper maintenance
basis of which the Services are provided. With particular reference of the Ship and ensure seaworthiness at all times. Likewise, the
to Classification Services, special attention is to be given to the Rules, surveys performed, reports, certificates and other docu-
Rules concerning class suspension, withdrawal and reinstatement. ments issued by the Society are intended neither to guarantee the
In case of doubt or inaccuracy, the Interested Party is to promptly buyers of the Ship, its components or any other surveyed or certi-
contact the Society for clarification. fied item, nor to relieve the seller of the duties arising out of the
The Rules for Classification of Ships are published on the Society's law or the contract, regarding the quality, commercial value or
website: characteristics of the item which is the subject of transaction.
2.3. - The Society exercises due care and skill: In no case, therefore, shall the Society assume the obligations
- in the selection of its Surveyors incumbent upon the above-mentioned parties, even when it is
- in the performance of its Services, taking into account the level of consulted in connection with matters not covered by its Rules or
its technical knowledge at the time the Services are performed. other documents.
2.4. - Surveys conducted by the Society include, but are not lim- In consideration of the above, the Interested Party undertakes to
ited to, visual inspection and non-destructive testing. Unless other- relieve and hold harmless the Society from any third party claim,
wise required, surveys are conducted through sampling as well as from any liability in relation to the latter concerning the
techniques and do not consist of comprehensive verification or Services rendered.
monitoring of the Ship or of the items subject to certification. The Insofar as they are not expressly provided for in these General
surveys and checks made by the Society on board ship do not nec- Conditions, the duties and responsibilities of the Owner and Inter-
essarily require the constant and continuous presence of the Sur- ested Parties with respect to the services rendered by the Society
veyor. The Society may also commission laboratory testing, are described in the Rules applicable to the specific Service ren-
underwater inspection and other checks carried out by and under dered.
Article 4 and International Arbitration of Milan. Arbitration will take place
4.1. – Any request for the Society's Services shall be submitted in in Genoa, Italy.
writing and signed by or on behalf of the Interested Party. Such a 6.2. - However, for disputes concerning non-payment of the fees
request will be considered irrevocable as soon as received by the and/or expenses due to the Society for services, the Society shall
Society and shall entail acceptance by the applicant of all relevant have the right to submit any claim to the jurisdiction of the Courts
requirements of the Rules, including these General Conditions. of the place where the registered or operating office of the Inter-
Upon acceptance of the written request by the Society, a contract ested Party or of the applicant who requested the Service is
between the Society and the Interested Party is entered into, which located.
is regulated by the present General Conditions. In the case of actions taken against the Society by a third party
4.2. – In consideration of the Services rendered by the Society, the before a public Court, the Society shall also have the right to sum-
Interested Party and the person requesting the service shall be mon the Interested Party or the subject who requested the Service
jointly liable for the payment of the relevant fees, even if the ser- before that Court, in order to be relieved and held harmless
vice is not concluded for any cause not pertaining to the Society. according to art. 3.5 above.
In the latter case, the Society shall not be held liable for non-fulfil- Article 7
ment or partial fulfilment of the Services requested. In the event of 7.1. - All plans, specifications, documents and information pro-
late payment, interest at the legal current rate increased by 2% vided by, issued by, or made known to the Society, in connection
may be demanded. with the performance of its Services, will be treated as confidential
4.3. - The contract for the classification of a Ship or for other Ser- and will not be made available to any other party other than the
vices may be terminated and any certificates revoked at the Owner without authorisation of the Interested Party, except as pro-
request of one of the parties, subject to at least 30 days' notice to vided for or required by any applicable international, European or
be given in writing. Failure to pay, even in part, the fees due for domestic legislation, Charter or other IACS rules, or order from a
Services carried out by the Society will entitle the Society to imme- competent authority. Information about the status and validity of
diately terminate the contract and suspend the Services. class and statutory certificates, including transfers, changes, sus-
For every termination of the contract, the fees for the activities per- pensions, withdrawals of class, recommendations/conditions of
formed until the time of the termination shall be owed to the Soci- class, operating conditions or restrictions issued against classed
ety as well as the expenses incurred in view of activities already ships and other related information, as may be required, may be
programmed; this is without prejudice to the right to compensa- published on the website or released by other means, without the
tion due to the Society as a consequence of the termination. prior consent of the Interested Party.
With particular reference to Ship classification and certification, Information about the status and validity of other certificates and
unless decided otherwise by the Society, termination of the con- statements may also be published on the website or released by
tract implies that the assignment of class to a Ship is withheld or, if other means, without the prior consent of the Interested Party.
already assigned, that it is suspended or withdrawn; any statutory 7.2. - Notwithstanding the general duty of confidentiality owed by
certificates issued by the Society will be withdrawn in those cases the Society to its clients in clause 7.1 above, the Society's clients
where provided for by agreements between the Society and the hereby accept that the Society will participate in the IACS Early
flag State. Warning System which requires each IACS Member and Associate
Article 5 to provide its fellow IACS Members and Associates with relevant
5.1. - In providing the Services, as well as other correlated infor- technical information on serious hull structural and engineering
mation or advice, the Society, its Surveyors, servants or agents systems failures, as defined in the IACS Early Warning System (but
operate with due diligence for the proper execution of the activity. not including any drawings relating to the ship which may be the
However, considering the nature of the activities performed (see specific property of another party), to enable such useful informa-
art. 2.4), it is not possible to guarantee absolute accuracy, correct- tion to be shared and used to facilitate the proper working of the
ness and completeness of any information or advice supplied. IACS Early Warning System. The Society will provide its clients
Express and implied warranties are specifically disclaimed. with written details of such information sent to IACS Members and
Therefore, except as provided for in paragraph 5.2 below, and also Associates.
in the case of activities carried out by delegation of Governments, 7.3. - In the event of transfer of class, addition of a second class or
neither the Society nor any of its Surveyors will be liable for any withdrawal from a double/dual class, the Interested Party under-
loss, damage or expense of whatever nature sustained by any per- takes to provide or to permit the Society to provide the other Clas-
son, in tort or in contract, derived from carrying out the Services. sification Society with all building plans and drawings, certificates,
5.2. – Notwithstanding the provisions in paragraph 5.1 above, documents and information relevant to the classed unit, including
should any user of the Society's Services prove that he has suffered its history file, as the other Classification Society may require for
a loss or damage due to any negligent act or omission of the Soci- the purpose of classification in compliance with the relative IACS
ety, its Surveyors, servants or agents, then the Society will pay Procedure and applicable legislation. It is the Owner's duty to
compensation to such person for his proved loss, up to, but not ensure that, whenever required, the consent of the builder is
exceeding, five times the amount of the fees charged for the spe- obtained with regard to the provision of plans and drawings to the
cific services, information or opinions from which the loss or dam- new Society, either by way of appropriate stipulation in the build-
age derives or, if no fee has been charged, a maximum of one ing contract or by other agreement.
hundred thousand Euro. Where the fees charged are related to a In the event that the ownership of the ship, product or system sub-
number of Services, the amount of the fees will be apportioned for ject to certification is transferred to a new subject, the latter shall
the purpose of the calculation of the maximum compensation, by have the right to access all pertinent drawings, specifications, doc-
reference to the estimated time involved in the performance of the uments or information issued by the Society or which has come to
Service from which the damage or loss derives. Any liability for the knowledge of the Society while carrying out its Services, even
indirect or consequential loss, damage or expense is specifically if related to a period prior to transfer of ownership.
excluded. In any case, irrespective of the amount of the fees Pursuant and owing to Italian legislative decree 196/2003, the
charged, the maximum damages payable by the Society will not Interested Party declares that it has read the information sheet con-
be more than 1 million Euro. Payment of compensation under this cerning the processing of personal data published on the society's
paragraph will not entail any admission of responsibility and/or website and gives its consent to such processing, also for commer-
liability by the Society and will be made without prejudice to the cial information purposes.
disclaimer clause contained in paragraph 5.1 above.
5.3. - Any claim for loss or damage of whatever nature by virtue of Article 8
the provisions set forth herein shall be made to the Society in writ- 8.1. – Should any part of these General Conditions be declared
ing, within the shorter of the following periods: THREE MONTHS invalid, this will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
from the date on which the Services were performed or THREE 8.2. - In the event of doubts concerning the interpretation of these
MONTHS from the date on which the damage was discovered. General Conditions, the Italian text will prevail.
Failure to comply with the above deadline will constitute an abso- Article 9
lute bar to the pursuit of such a claim against the Society. 9.1. – When the Society provides its Services to a consumer - i.e. a
Article 6 natural person who does not act within the scope of his business
6.1. - Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Rules or or professional activity - the following provisions do not apply: art.
with the Services of the Society, including any issues concerning 3.2. (as far as the Society is solely entitled to the interpretation of
responsibility, liability or limitations of liability of the Society, will the Rules); art. 4.2., (as far as the payment of the fees is also due
be determined in accordance with Italian Law and settled through for services not concluded due to causes not attributable to the
arbitration assigned to a board of three arbitrators who will pro- Interested Party); art. 5.1. (as far as the exclusion of liability is con-
ceed in compliance with the Rules of the Chamber of National cerned); art. 5.2.; art. 5.3.; and art. 6.1. (as far as the jurisdiction
of a Board of Arbitrators based in Genoa is concerned).

1. Reference edition 4. Rule subdivision and cross-references

The reference edition of these Rules is the edition effec- 4.1 Rule subdivision
tive from 15 March 2010 issued with Rule Variation The Rules are subdivided into six parts, from A to F.
TCHU/2010/01 on 23/02/2010.
Part A: Classification and Surveys
2. Effective date of the requirements Part B: Hull and Stability
2.1 All requirements in which new or amended provi- Part C: Machinery, Systems and Fire Protection
sions with respect to those contained in the refer-
Part D: Materials and Welding
ence edition have been introduced are followed by
a date shown in brackets. Part E: Service Notations
The date shown in brackets is the effective date of Part F: Additional Class Notations
entry into force of the requirements as amended by Each Part consists of:
the last updating. The effective date of all those • Chapters
requirements not followed by any date shown in • Sections and possible Appendices
brackets is that of the reference edition. • Articles
2.2 Item 5 below provides a summary of the technical • Sub-articles
changes from the preceding edition. In general, this • Requirements
list does not include those items to which only edi- Figures (abbr. Fig) and Tables (abbr. Tab) are numbered
torial changes have been made not affecting the in ascending order within each Section or Appendix.
effective date of the requirements contained
5.2 Cross-references
Examples: Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.2.1]or Pt A, Ch 1,
3. Rule Variations and Corrigenda App 1, [3.2.1]
Until the next edition of the Rules is published, Rule • Pt A means Part A
Variations and/or corrigenda, as necessary, will be pub-
The part is indicated when it is different from the part in
lished on the RINA web site ( Except in
which the cross-reference appears. Otherwise, it is not
particular cases, paper copies of Rule Variations or cor-
rigenda are not issued.
• Ch 1 means Chapter 1
The Chapter is indicated when it is different from the
chapter in which the cross-reference appears. Other-
wise, it is not indicated.
• Sec 1 means Section 1 (or App 1 means
Appendix 1 )
The Section (or Appendix) is indicated when it is differ-
ent from the Section (or Appendix) in which the cross-
reference appears. Otherwise, it is not indicated.
• [3.2.1] refers to requirement 1, within sub-article 2
of article 3.
Cross-references to an entire Part or Chapter are not
abbreviated as indicated in the following examples:
• Part A for a cross-reference to Part A
• Part A, Chapter 1 for a cross-reference to Chapter 1
of Part A.
5. Summary of amendments introduced in the edi-
tion effective from 15 March 2010
This edition of the Rules for the Classification of Floating
Offshore Units at Fixed Locations and Mobile Offshore
Drilling Units is considered as a "reference edition" for
future amendments. It annuls and replaces the:
• Rules for the classification of floating units
intended for the production, storage and off-load-
ing of liquid hydrocarbons or intended for storage,
off-loading and regasification of liquefied gases,
2008 edition as amended
• Rules for the construction and classification of
mobile offshore drilling units and other similar
units, 1998 edition as amended.
Part B
Hull and Stability

Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Chapter 1 GENERAL







Section 1 General
1 Application 15
1.1 General
2 Definitions 15
3 Structure design principles 15
3.1 General
3.2 Materials
4 Design loads 16
4.1 General
5 Scantlings 16
5.1 General
5.2 Net scantlings
6 Protection against corrosion 17
6.1 General

Section 2 Turret Structures and Yoke Arms

1 General 18
2 Arrangement 18
3 Scantlings 18
3.2 Structural model
3.3 Finite Element model
3.4 Plating and ordinary stiffeners
3.5 Fatigue
4 Bearings 19
4.1 Arrangement
4.2 General

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 3

Section 3 Equipment for Mooring and Anchoring
1 Anchors 20
1.1 General
1.2 Holding capacity, penetration and drag
1.3 Foundations
1.4 Proof test on field
2 Anchor lines 20
2.1 General
2.2 Arrangement
2.3 Strength principles
2.4 Factor of safety
2.5 Fatigue
3 Chain stoppers 21
3.1 Strength principles
4 Fairleads and cable stoppers 21
4.1 Arrangement
4.2 Strength principles
5 Hawsers 21
5.1 Arrangement
5.2 Strength principles

4 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010


Section 1 General
1 General 25
1.1 Investigation on location
1.2 General design principles
1.3 Stability of sea bed

Section 2 Pile Foundations

1 General 27
2 Axial bearing capacity of piles 27
3 Pile capacity for axial pullout loads 28
4 Lateral resistance of pile 28
5 Group effects 30
6 Pile design 31
7 Bonding between pile and structure 32

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 5

Section 3 Gravity Type Foundations
1 General 33
2 Stability 33
3 Static deformations 34
4 Limits of application of the formulae for the determination of the
bearing capacity 35
5 Hydraulic instability 35
6 Dynamic behaviour 37
7 Installation feasibility 37

Section 4 Anchor Foundations

1 General 39
1.2 Safety factors

Appendix 1 Determination of Parameters Relating to the Formulae for the

Bearing Capacity
1 Effective area and correction factors 40
1.1 Effective area
1.2 Correction factors

6 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010


Section 1 General
1 Application 45
1.1 General
2 Arrangement 45
2.1 General

Section 2 Topside Modules

1 Structure design principles 46
2 Design Loads 46
2.2 Loading conditions of topside structures
3 Scantlings 46
3.1 General
3.2 Materials
3.3 Net scantlings
3.4 Structural model
3.5 Integration with the hull - Finite Element model

Section 3 Loading Arms

1 General 48
1.1 Arrangement
2 Structure design principles 48
2.1 General
3 Design Loads 48
3.1 General
4 Scantlings 48
4.1 General
4.2 Structural model
4.3 Finite Element model

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 7


Section 1 Corrosion Detection

1 General 51
1.1 Application
2 Definition of the structures to be protected 51
3 Internal zones 51
3.1 Coating systems
3.2 Cathodic protection
4 External zones 51
5 Protection against galvanic corrosion 51

Section 2 Riser Systems

1 General 52
2 External coatings 52
3 Internal protection 52
4 Cathodic protection systems 52

8 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Section 3 Information to be Submitted
1 Cathodic protection systems 53
2 Sacrificial anode systems 53
3 Impressed current systems 53
4 Coating systems 53
5 Inhibitors and biocides 53

Section 4 Cathodic Protection Systems

1 General requirements 54
1.1 Objective
1.2 Electrical continuity
1.3 Criteria for cathodic protection
2 Sacrificial anodes 54
2.1 General
2.2 Anode materials
2.3 Steel insert
2.4 Anode identification
2.5 Anode inspection
2.6 Dimensions
2.7 Anode weight
2.8 Bonding and internal defects
2.9 Electrochemical testing
2.10 Certification
2.11 Anode installation
3 Impressed current anode systems 56
3.1 General
3.2 Protection after launching and during outfitting
4 Fixed potential monitoring systems 56
4.1 General
5 Cathodic protection in tanks 56
5.1 General
5.2 Sacrificial anodes
6 Potential surveys 57
6.1 General
7 Retrofits 57
7.1 General

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 9

Section 5 Coating Systems
1 General requirements 58
1.1 General

Section 6 Prefabrication Primers

1 General 59

Section 7 Loading Manual and Loading Instruments

1 Definitions 60
1.1 Perpendiculars
2 Loading manual and loading instrument requirement criteria 60
2.1 Requirement criteria
3 Loading manual 60
3.1 Definitions
3.2 Conditions of approval
4 Loading instrument 60
4.1 Definitions
4.2 Conditions of approval
4.3 Approval procedure
4.4 Hull girder forces and moments
4.5 Stability
4.6 Intact stability
4.7 Damage stability

10 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010


Section 1 Welding and Weld Connections

1 General 71
1.1 Application
1.2 Base material
1.3 Welding consumables and procedures
1.4 Personnel and equipment
1.5 Documentation to be submitted
1.6 Design
2 Type of connections and preparation 72
2.1 General
2.2 Butt welding
2.3 Fillet welding
2.4 Partial and full T penetration welding
2.5 Lap-joint welding
2.6 Slot welding
2.7 Plug welding
3 Specific weld connections 80
3.1 Corner joint welding
3.2 Bilge keel connection
3.3 Bar stem connections
3.4 Additional welding factors
4 Workmanship 80
4.1 Forming of plates
4.2 Welding procedures and consumables
4.3 Welding operations
4.4 Crossing of structural elements
5 Modifications and repairs during construction 82
5.1 General
5.2 Gap and weld deformations
5.3 Defects
5.4 Repairs on structures already welded
6 Inspections and checks 82
6.1 General
6.2 Visual and non-destructive examinations

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 11

Section 2 Special Structural Details
1 General 83
1.1 Application
1.2 Design requirements
1.3 Constructional requirements
1.4 Material requirements
1.5 Welding requirements
1.6 Survey requirements
2 List and characteristics of special structural details 84
2.1 General
2.2 All types of units with longitudinally framed sides
2.3 FSOs and FPSOs
2.4 FRSUs

Section 3 Testing
1 Pressure tests 86
1.1 Application
1.2 Definitions
2 Watertight compartments 86
2.1 General
2.2 Structural testing
2.3 Hydropneumatic testing
2.4 Leak testing
2.5 Hose testing
2.6 Other testing methods
2.7 Acceptance criteria for watertight doors
3 Miscellaneous 89
3.1 Watertight decks, trunks, etc.
3.2 Doors in bulkheads above the bulkhead deck
3.3 Semi-watertight doors

Appendix 1 Reference Sheets for Special

Structural Details
1 Contents 90
1.1 General

12 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Part B
Hull and Stability

Chapter 9





Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 13

Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 1


1 Application ment of the installation to the turret. The turret may be

mounted internally within the installation or externally
from the installation bow or stern. Typically, a spread
1.1 General
mooring arrangement connects the turret to the seabed.
1.1.1 The structural requirements of this Chapter apply to
devices pertaining to the mooring system which are devoted 2.1.3 York arm: a Yoke arm is a structure connecting one
to the mooring function and are interested by the transmis- end of the installation to a SPM that allows only angular rel-
sion of mooring loads. Such structures are located between ative movement between the installation and the mooring
the sea bed foundations (excluded, being covered by provi- attachment to the sea bed. A Yoke is normally employed for
sions of Ch 10) and the structural reinforcements or the permanently moored units.
mooring equipment (included), depending on the arrange-
2.1.4 Mooring buoys: a floating mooring device con-
ment of mooring system, interfacing the unit and the moor-
strained by flexible tethers to the sea bed.
ing system itself.
The application also covers the load carrying mechanical 2.1.5 Mooring hawser : a mooring rope permanently con-
components of turrets but excludes piping, machinery and necting the unit to a single point mooring or buoy.
electrical devices.
2.1.6 Splash zone: portion of the installation between the
1.1.2 Other types of mooring systems not covered by following heights measured from the sea bottom:
present Chapter will be specially considered.
a) sea depth plus the maximum tide and 65% of the wave
height having recurrence frequency equal to 0,01;
2 Definitions
b) sea depth minus the minimum tide and 35% of the
above wave height.
2.1.1 Spread Mooring: an offshore system for mooring 3 Structure design principles
the unit at a fixed site based on multiple catenary mooring
lines anchored to piles or drag anchors at the sea bed. The
other end of each line is individually attached to winches or
3.1 General
stoppers on the unit through fairleads as necessary. The
3.1.1 Mooring system shall be designed so as to minimize
spread mooring maintains the unit on an approximately
its sensitivity to environmental factors and to operational
fixed heading.
demands and so as to make easier its construction and
2.1.2 Single Point Mooring (SPM): an offshore system inspection.
for mooring the unit at a fixed site based on a single tower
3.1.2 The design of the mooring system as a whole and of
or a single buoy. A SPM system allows the unit to weath-
its components shall be such as to avoid that normal opera-
tional conditions be adversely affected by vibrations of
The system, which includes the stiffening structures on the structures.
unit, the articulated system which anchors the unit to the
sea-bed and the foundation and/or anchoring system, may 3.1.3 Mechanical components shall be designed in com-
be associated with the transfer of oil or gas to and from the pliance with international recognized Codes and Standards.
A SPM system can be arranged in one of the following 3.1.4 Supplementary Codes or Standards used for the
types: design of the mooring system shall be previously submitted
• CALM: catenary anchor leg mooring system consisting to the Society for approval.
of a large buoy anchored by catenary mooring lines.
3.1.5 Secondary structures such as fenders, gangway lad-
The installation is moored to the buoy by single or mul-
ders, mooring eye-bolts, etc. shall be designed such as to
tiple soft hawsers or a rigid Yoke structure
avoid that their possible failure, due to accidental overload-
• SALM: single anchor leg system consisting of an anchor- ing, may result in damages to primary structures of the
ing structure with built-in buoyancy at or near the water mooring system and to personnel.
surface and itself anchored to the sea bed by an articu-
lated connection. 3.1.6 Connections and structural joints shall be designed
• Turret mooring: system consisting of a number of moor- so as to avoid, as far as practicable, complex structures and
ing legs attached to a turret that is designed to act as part sharp section variations which may give rise to dangerous
of the installation, allowing only angular relative move- stress concentrations. The transfer of normal tensile stresses

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 15

Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 1

through the plate thickness is also to be avoided as far as 4 Design loads


3.1.7 Mooring systems constructed to operate in locations 4.1 General

where extremely low ambient temperature may be encoun-
tered shall be designed adopting solutions such as to mini- 4.1.1 The following loads are to be considered for the
mize ice accumulation on structures and machinery. scantlings of the mooring system, as appropriate:
• mooring loads arising from the mooring analysis
3.1.8 Buoys and buoyant devices in general are to be ade- described in Ch 5, App 3. The maximum values from
quately compartmented by watertight divisions in order to the dynamic analysis are to be adopted for the final
have sufficient stability. design of the system; quasi static loads might be
adopted for early design scope,
3.2 Materials • local static and dynamic sea pressures, defined in
accordance with Ch 5, Sec 5 or Ch 8 Sec 1, as applica-
3.2.1 Material grades of the mooring system are to be in ble
compliance with Ch 4 Sec 1; structural categories and
material Classes, as defined in Ch 4 Sec 1, are to be applied • gravity loads and internal forces, as defined in Ch 5, Sec
in connection with Tab 1 and [3.2.2].
• hull girder loads, as defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, where appli-
Table 1 : Application of material classes and grades cable for the scantlings of structures in main hull consti-
in mooring system tuting the interface with the mooring system.

Structural member category Material Class 4.1.2 Design loads are to be applied in the worst combina-
tion to which the system may be subjected during the life of
SECONDARY I the unit, including transit.
4.1.3 Due account is to be given to wave slamming and
SPECIAL III accidental loads, like impact with floating objects (ice
blocks, etc.).
3.2.2 In addition to provisions of Ch 4, Sec 1, the follow-
ing categorization applies to structural members of the 4.1.4 Proper cyclic loads, corresponding to dynamic com-
mooring system. ponents of applicable loads are to be accounted where
fatigue analysis is required, on a case by case basis. Local
SECONDARY members:
vibrations caused by vortex shedding according to Pt E, Ch
• walkways 4, Sec 2 [3.4.5] shall be considered, where appropriate.
• guard rails
• minor fittings and attachments 4.1.5 For systems using the SALM arrangement, the load-
ing conditions with one broken line is not relevant and the
PRIMARY members: damaged condition is to be described by considering loss of
• turret bearing support structure buoyancy due to damage in a compartment.
• supporting structures to external turret
• external shell plating of turret 5 Scantlings
• swivel gantry support structure
• chain tables 5.1 General
• anchor line fairleads and chain stoppers and their sup- 5.1.1 Structural checks to be carried out in general for the
porting structures verification of structural scantlings of mooring systems and
• heavy substructures and equipment supports its attachment to the unit are yielding, buckling and fatigue
SPECIAL members:
• structure in way of critical load transfer points which are 5.1.2 Due consideration is to be given to the detail design
designed to receive major concentrated loads in way of in fatigue sensitive areas like turret structures including
mooring systems, including Yokes and similar structures, structural supports in way of bearings and highly stressed
and supports to hawsers to mooring installations includ- structural elements of mooring line attachments, chain stop-
ing external hinges, complex padeyes, brackets and sup- pers and supporting structures, mooring arms, articulated
porting structures and sliding joints.
• intersections of structures which incorporate novel con-
struction including the use of steel castings 5.2 Net scantlings
• highly stressed structural elements of anchor-line attach-
ments. 5.2.1 Turret structures and Yoke arms
For structural members within the "splash zone" as defined
3.2.3 Chains are to be of offshore Grades R3, R3S or R4, [2.1.6], all scantlings are net i.e. the thickness reduction
and are to comply with Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2]. due to corrosion is to be considered.

16 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 1

The amount of such reduction is to be decided case by case industry standards (refer for example to API RP 2SK) might
depending on the specific environmental factors, the mate- be adopted and applied to anchor lines with respect to the
rials used and the arrangements adopted for corrosion pre- service life of the installation.
vention, but in no case it is to be assumed less than 5 mm.
For elements located above the mean still water level the 6 Protection against corrosion
above mentioned reduction may be shortened up to zero,
provided that in the Operating Manual periodical mainte- 6.1 General
nance of the splash zone protective coating is foreseen
which is suitable in the opinion of the Society for prevent- 6.1.1 Provisions for protections against corrosion of the
ing coating deterioration and the protective coating is not mooring system are given in Ch 12, Sec 1.
subject to removal risks due to impacts or abrasions.
6.1.2 For permanent systems, corrosion of wire ropes at
5.2.2 Anchor lines connection to sockets is to be prevented: it is recommended
Scantling assessment of anchor lines is to be based on net that either the wire be electrically isolated from socket or
values. The values of corrosion margins based on current that the socket be isolated from the adjacent component.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 17

Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 2


1 General 3.2 Structural model

3.2.1 Local scantlings of structural elements of the turret

1.1 system subject to lateral pressure loads are in general to be
analysed according to the provisions and checking criteria
1.1.1 Provisions of this chapter apply to the structures of defined in Ch 7, or Ch 8, as applicable.
the turret or Yoke arm fitted on a single point mooring
Plates and ordinary stiffeners are to be checked also with
arrangement and to the supporting structures at the inter-
respect to wave slamming loads, according to provisions
face of such components with the main hull of the installa-
and checking criteria of Ch 8 Sec 1.

3.2.2 Global strength due to global response of the system

2 Arrangement subject to mooring loads is to be assessed according to the
provisions and checking criteria defined, in Ch 7 App 1 and
provisions in [3.3] by means of direct calculation with
2.1 three-dimensional beam models or finite element models.

2.1.1 A cofferdam or equivalent has to be fitted between 3.2.3 For units fitted with an internal turret, due considera-
turret spaces and cargo tanks. A pump room, void space or tion is to be given to bottom slamming in transit condition
water ballast tank might be adopted in lieu of a cofferdam. to avoid possible damage to the turret supports and bear-
2.1.2 Adequate arrangements for inspection during service
of turret/Yoke structures and mechanical components are to 3.3 Finite Element model
be provided. A planned inspection scheme is to be also pro-
vided. 3.3.1 A Finite Element model of the turret/Yoke and its
integration with the hull is to be constructed for yielding,
2.1.3 The primary hull strength of the unit is to be main- buckling and fatigue assessment.
tained in way of turret openings and suitable compensation
is to be fitted, as necessary. Continuity of primary structural 3.3.2 The Finite Element has to extend to a reasonable dis-
elements has to be maintained as far as practicable in way tance of the installation to minimize the effects due to the
of turret/Yoke openings and mooring support structure. boundary conditions.

2.1.4 Proper arrangement shall be given at ends of longitu- 3.3.3 In general for turret installations such extension shall
dinal and well side bulkheads. In general, bulkheads are to be identified as follows:
be connected to bottom and deck girders by means of large,
• For turrets arranged at fore end of the unit, the model
suitably shaped brackets in such a way to optimize stress
will extend longitudinally from the fore end of the unit
distributions at their connections with girders and bulk-
up to, at least, a section immediately abaft the after end
of the closer cargo tank. The model can be considered
fixed at its aft end.
2.1.5 The structural arrangement in way of the turret/Yoke
mooring system interface is to be capable of withstanding • For turrets arranged at aft end of the unit, the model will
the loads transmitted from the mooring systems to the unit extend longitudinally from the aft end up to, at least, a
and has to be adequately reinforced. section immediately forward the fore end of the closer
cargo tank. The model can be considered fixed at its
fore end.
3 Scantlings
• For turret arranged internally to the hull of the unit, a
three cargo holds model according to the provisions of
3.1 Ch 7, App 1 is to be constructed, with the turret posi-
tioned in the central tank of the model
3.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply for the
strength check of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary 3.3.4 For arrangements with Yoke arms, the model exten-
supporting members. sion shall be evaluated on a case by case basis.

18 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 2

3.4 Plating and ordinary stiffeners 4 Bearings

3.4.1 Load model for local strength
The following loads are to be considered: 4.1 Arrangement
• the still water and wave sea pressures, defined in
accordance with Ch 5 Sec 5 or Ch 8, Sec 1 or Ch 8, Sec 4.1.1 The turret bearing support structure is to be inte-
2, as applicable grated into the hull structure.
• installations in fore part: the bow impact pressure, in
4.1.2 The mooring loads and loads applied to the external
exposed areas, defined in accordance with Ch 8 Sec 1
turret structure have to be efficiently transferred through its
bearing system into the unit. In general in turret arrange-
3.4.2 The internal pressures, if any, are to be defined in ments, a roller bearing is located near the installation deck
accordance with Ch 5, Sec 6. level, and radial sliding bearing is located near the keel of
the installation.
3.4.3 Sea pressure and bow impact pressure are to be con-
sidered mutually exclusive.
4.2 General
3.4.4 Load model for global strength
The following loads are to be considered, as appropriate: 4.2.1 Bearings are to be selected according to industrial
• the mooring loads, see Sec 1 [4.1.1] standards and proven Manufacturers' design recommenda-
tions; a report showing the bearing design and the compli-
• gravity loads due to uniform and/or concentrated loads
ance with Manufacturer's requirements in terms of service
(non-structural parts, equipment, etc.), in accordance
loads, installation, maintenance, etc. is to be submitted for
with Ch 5, Sec 6.
3.4.5 The Internal pressures, if any, are to be defined in
accordance with Ch 5, Sec 6. 4.2.2 The time interval N, in years, between two subse-
quent bearing replacements is to be such that the bearing is
3.4.6 For buckling checks of plating and ordinary stiffeners able to properly operate for a time not less than that shown
contributing to the global strength of the turret, global in Tab 1.
stresses due to global response shall be obtained by direct
FEM analysis (see [3.3]).
Table 1
3.5 Fatigue
Accessibility for
3.5.1 Permissible damage factors η for fatigue checks of Required
Bearing location inspection and
structural elements pertaining to turret/Yoke, to be carried time
out according to Ch 7, Sec 4, [5.1.1], are in general to be
taken as: Accessible N years
Above the “splash zone”
• 0.33 for not accessible details Not accessible 3N years
• 0.5 for accessible details within and below the splash Accessible 3N years
Within and below the
“splash zone” Not accessible 10N years
• 1.0 for accessible details above the splash zone.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 19

Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 3


1 Anchors 2 Anchor lines

1.1 General 2.1 General

2.1.1 Anchor lines fitted in the mooring system can be

1.1.1 Anchors employed in mooring systems are to be of
realized through either chain cables, steel wire ropes or
an approved type and are to be in accordance with the pro-
fibre ropes.
visions of of Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 1 [1] and [2]. Either drag
embedment anchors or plate anchors (vertically loaded
drag anchors - VLA) can be adopted for the anchoring 2.2 Arrangement
arrangement on the specific field. Different anchor arrange-
ment will be subject to special consideration. 2.2.1 Adequate clearances from subsea devices are to be

1.2 Holding capacity, penetration and drag 2.2.2 Suitable device is to be fitted on the mooring system
for detecting eventual tension loss.
1.2.1 The ultimate holding capacity (UHC) of a drag
anchor in a particular soil condition is the maximum steady 2.2.3 Installation of the mooring line should include pre-
pull which can be resisted by the anchor at continuous cautions to be followed in order to avoid possible twisting
drag. of the chains during installation.

1.2.2 Proper data regarding UHC, penetration and drag of 2.3 Strength principles
drag anchors are to be submitted by the Designer, reflecting
the anchor performance in the specific soil and based on 2.3.1 Chains fitted in the mooring system are to be in com-
empirical design data for the specific anchor. Due account pliance with the provisions of Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 1, [3] or Pt D,
will be given to previous applications of the anchor under Ch 4, Sec 1, [4] as applicable.
similar conditions.
2.3.2 Steel wire ropes fitted in the mooring system are to
be in compliance with the provisions of Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 1
1.2.3 The results of analytical predictions of anchor per-
formance might be used to complement the anchor selec-
tion, provided that the reliability of such methods is
2.3.3 Fibre ropes fitted in the mooring system are to be in
demonstrated against experience.
compliance with the provisions of Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 1, [6].

1.2.4 Exact holding power is to be determined after the

anchor is deployed and test loaded in accordance with 2.4 Factor of safety
2.4.1 Factors of safety of anchor lines, defined as the ratio
between the minimum breaking strength and the maximum
1.3 Foundations line tension, have to be in compliance with Tab 1.

1.3.1 Anchor foundations are to be in accordance with Ch Table 1 : Factors of safety of anchor lines
10, Sec 4.

Intact condition Damaged condition

1.4 Proof test on field Quasi-static 2,0 1,43

1.4.1 All anchors have to be test loaded at installation field Dynamic 1,67 1,25
to the satisfaction of RINA Surveyor. The proof test load has
to be equal to the maximum mooring load in intact condi- 2.5 Fatigue
tion as per Sec 1, [4.1] and has to be maintained for a mini-
mum duration of 30 minutes. The test load is not however 2.5.1 Fatigue assessment of mooring lines is to be carried
to exceed 50% of the minimum breaking strength of the out according to recognized method and is to be submitted
anchor line. for approval.

20 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 3

The T-N approach is to be applied in general (for example 4.2 Strength principles
method in API RP 2SK), giving the number of cycles to fail-
ure for the mooring component as a function of constant 4.2.1 Design load is equal to the maxim design load of the
normalized tension range, based on fatigue test data and mooring line or to the minimum breaking strength of the
regression analysis. anchor line, as applicable.
The Miner's Rule is to be used to calculate the cumulative A minimum wrap angle equal to 90° has to be applied for
fatigue damage. strength assessment.
2.5.2 Permissible damage factors η for fatigue checks of 4.2.2 Diameter of wire rope fairleads is in general to be not
mooring lines, to be carried out according to Ch 7, Sec 4, less than 16 times that of the wire rope.
[5.1.1], are in general to be taken as:
• 0,33 for inspectable areas 4.2.3 Diameter of chain fairleads is in general to be not
• 0,1 for non inspectable and critical areas. less than 7 times that of the chain.

3 Chain stoppers 5 Hawsers

3.1 Strength principles 5.1 Arrangement

3.1.1 Chain stoppers used in the mooring system and sup- 5.1.1 Flexible arrangements using mooring hawsers can be
porting structure are to be capable of withstanding a load adopted for connecting the unit to the buoy in CALM and
not less than the breaking strength of the chain. SALM arrangements.
3.1.2 Permissible damage factors η for fatigue checks of
chain stoppers, to be carried out according to Ch 7, Sec 4, 5.2 Strength principles
[5.1.1], are in general to be taken as:
• 0,33 for inspectable areas 5.2.1 Mooring hawser and chafe chain assemblies are to
be built in accordance with recognized Standards (for
• 0,1 for non inspectable and critical areas.
example by OCIMF).

4 Fairleads and cable stoppers 5.2.2 Minimum breaking strength of the hawser is to be not
less than 2 times the maximum mooring load.
4.1 Arrangement
5.2.3 In case two separate hawser lines are fitted, running
4.1.1 Arrangement and design of fairleads and cable stop- to two separate fairleads, the minimum breaking strength of
pers are to be such to prevent excessive bending and wear each hawser is to be not less than 1.5 times the maximum
of the anchor lines. mooring load.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 21

Part B
Hull and Stability

Chapter 10








Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 23

Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 1


1 General The calculations are to cover both the installation and oper-
ation phases.
1.1 Investigation on location 1.2.2 Characteristic properties of soil
The characteristic properties of each layer of soil are to be
1.1.1 The requirements of this Chapter apply to pile, grav-
carefully evaluated on the basis of the results of in site and
ity and anchor foundations.
laboratory tests, taking account of stress conditions in the
The design of foundations is to be based on information sample during the tests and of the actual stress conditions in
taken from the actual location, considering an area of suffi- the layer considered.
cient extent to take account of tolerances due to errors in
positioning the platform during the investigations and the 1.2.3 Effects of pulsating loads
installation. Where deemed necessary, the influence of load fluctuations
on the soil properties is to be evaluated.
1.1.2 The results of investigation on location are to be sub-
The effects of wave induced forces are to be considered for
mitted to the Society for consideration and are to include:
the following conditions:
a) information on when the investigation was carried out a) a design storm during the installation phase and the
and by whom;
consolidation period;
b) comprehensive description of equipment and proce- b) the 100-year storm;
dures used for field and laboratory investigation;
c) the cumulative effect of several storms, including the
c) results of the above investigation; 100-year storm.
d) critical examination of possible sources of errors and Realistic assumptions are to be made regarding the duration
limitations in the applicability of the results. and intensity of such storms.
In the case of platforms installed in seismically active areas,
1.1.3 For each platform to be installed, a sea bed investiga-
the possible deterioration of soil properties due to the cyclic
tion is to be carried out for the purpose of revealing the
characteristic of the seismic actions is to be taken into con-
presence of natural obstructions (rocks, deposits, etc.) or
other types of obstructions (anchors, wrecks, etc.), the soil
waviness height and the possible occurrence of sand dune Such deterioration generally results in a reduction of shear
displacements or sea bed alterations. strength of soil, which is to be considered in the design.

1.1.4 The investigation on location is to be sufficiently 1.2.4 Stability

extensive to include all the soil layers and rock deposits The soil stability is to be evaluated by one of the following
which may influence the behaviour of the platform founda- methods:
tion. a) an effective stress stability analysis based on effective
The investigation may be carried out by one or a combina- strength parameters of the soil and realistic estimates of
tion of the following principal methods: the pore water pressures in the soil. Such method
requires laboratory shear tests with pore pressure meas-
a) geophysical methods;
b) in site tests;
b) total stress stability analysis based on total shear
c) borings with sampling for laboratory tests. strength of the soil evaluated on representative soil sam-
The investigation is to supply data for the classification and ples which are to be subjected, as far as practicable, to
description of deposits and parameters to be used in the the same loading conditions as corresponding elements
check calculations for the most important soil layers. in the soil.

1.2.5 Settlements and displacements

1.2 General design principles This Settlements and displacements analysis is generally to
1.2.1 General
The analysis of foundations is to aim to prevent their total a) initial and secondary settlements;
failure and local overstressing of members of the base struc- b) differential settlements;
ture. c) permanent horizontal displacements;
The possibility of excessive deformations is to be independ- d) dynamic motions due to load fluctuations.
ently evaluated. The evaluation of settlements of structures is essential for
Any type of analysis is to take account of scour. the design of foundation piles, risers, etc.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 25

Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 1

The tilt of the platform consequent to differential settle- elasticity due to fluctuating loads), the possibility is to be
ments of the foundation system, due to variations in the soil analysed of:
characteristics and/or preferential direction of application of a) reduction of soil bearing capacity due to hydraulic gra-
external loads, is not to exceed the tilt which can be dients and seepage forces;
allowed for the serviceability and safety of the platform.
b) formation of piping channels and consequent erosion in
1.2.6 Soil-structure interactions the soil;
The evaluation of sectional forces and moments, as well as c) local surface erosion in areas under the foundation due
of dynamic motions in the members of the foundation sys- to hydraulic pressure variations resulting from environ-
tem, is to be based on an integrated analysis of the soil- mental loads.
structure interaction.
1.3.3 Scour
The analysis is to be based on realistic assumptions regard- The risk of scour around the foundation is always to be
ing the soil stiffness and the transfer to the soil of loads from taken into account, unless it can be proved that the founda-
structural members resting on the sea bed or penetrating tion soil is not subject to scour for the expected range of
into it. water particle velocities.
To prevent the effects of scour, one of the following meas-
1.3 Stability of sea bed ures is to be taken:
1.3.1 Slope stability a) materials placed around the platform as early as possi-
The analysis of slope stability is to consider the natural ble after the installation;
slopes, those due to the installation or the presence of the b) foundation system designed considering all materials
platform, the possible future variations of existing slopes which are not resistant to scour as having been
during the design life and the effects of wave loads on the removed;
sea bed. c) direct inspection of sea bed close to platform founda-
The slope stability is to be carefully evaluated in the pres- tions and provision of suitable means to quickly stop the
ence of layers of soft clays and loose deposits of silt or sands development of any scour detected.
as well as in seismically active geographic areas. Materials placed on the sea bed to prevent scour are to have
adequate weight and dimensions, such that they are not
1.3.2 Hydraulic stability removed by currents and that they prevent soil erosion
In the case of platforms whose foundations are on soils sub- though without impairing the draining of overpressure
ject to erosion and softening (reduction in the modulus of caused on the layers by the loads imposed.

26 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 2


1 General q : unit end bearing capacity of pile, in kN/m2;

Ap : gross end area of pile, in m2;
1.1 De : pile end external diameter, in m;

1.1.1 In the design of piles for foundations it is necessary Di : pile end internal diameter, in m;
to take account of the method used for their installation. A'si : internal side surface area of pile in the i layer, in
Where the transfer of loads from one pile to another or from m2.
a pile to the foundation soil is achieved by grouting, the sur- In determining the ultimate bearing capacity of piles, con-
faces are to be free from rust scales or other imperfections sideration is to be given, when appropriate, to the weight of
which may reduce the capacity of load transfer. pile-soil plug system and to hydrostatic uplift.
The design pile penetration is to be sufficient to provide
Where a pilot hole is drilled, its end bearing area is to be
adequate capacity to withstand the design compressive and
discounted in computing the area Ap.
tensile loads with an adequate safety coefficient.
The ultimate bearing capacity of piles may be evaluated in As a rule, for pile-bell systems the skin friction resistance of
accordance with the requirements of [2], [3] and [4] or by a portion of pile above the bell-shaped area having length
other recognised methods. The allowable bearing capacity of 3 pile diameters is to be neglected.
is obtained by dividing the total ultimate bearing capacity If the pile is laterally loaded by cyclic loads and deforma-
by a safety factor which is to be not less than tions imposed on the soil are rather high (higher than the
• 1,5 for combined loads in damaged conditions; quantity yc defined in [4.1.2]), the friction resistance rele-
vant to those layers of soil affected by such deformations is
• 2,0 for combined loads in intact conditions.
to be reduced or annulled.
The design bearing capacity of piles is to be limited to pen-
etrations which have proved to be consistently obtained by 2.1.2 Skin friction and end bearing capacity of piles
experience; before installation, alternative solutions are also in clay soils
to be foreseen to be applied where design penetration can- a) For piles driven through clay, the unit skin friction
not be obtained. capacity f is generally not to exceed the values given in
Tab 1 as a function of the undrained shear strength of
2 Axial bearing capacity of piles the clay soil, c.
For piles driven in undersized drilled holes or jetted
2.1 (drilled by jetting of fluid under pressure) holes and for
drilled and grouted piles in normally consolidated clay
2.1.1 Ultimate bearing capacity soils, f values are to be determined by reliable methods
The ultimate bearing capacity of pile Q, in kN, is given by based on the evaluation of soil disturbance resulting
the equation: from installation.
In any case, the values given in Tab 1 are not to be
Q = Qs + Qp
For drilled and grouted piles in over-consolidated clay
Qs : skin friction resistance of pile, in kN, equal to: soils, f values may exceed those given in Tab 1.

∑ f ⋅ A′
i si In this case, careful consideration is to be given to the
strength of the soil-grout and grout-pile skin interfaces
Qp : total end bearing capacity of pile, in kN, = the (see item [7]) also in relation to the amount and quality
lower of: of drilling mud used.
q ⋅ Ap
b) The unit end bearing capacity of piles in clay soils q, in
kN/m2, may be determined, in general, by the equation:
∑ f ⋅ A′
2 2
q ⋅ π ⁄ 4 ⋅ ( D e – Di ) + i si
fi : unit skin friction capacity in the i layer, in Special consideration is to be given where the value of
kN/m2; the shear strength of the soil in layers under the end of
Asi : external side surface area of pile in the i layer, in piles changes in an uneven way.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 27

Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 2

Table 1 2.1.4 Skin friction and end bearing capacity of piles

grouted in rock
a) The unit skin friction capacity f, in kN/ m2, of grouted
c (kN/m2) f (kN/m2)
piles in rock may theoretically have an upper limit equal
c ≤ 24 f=c to the shear strength of the rock or of the grout. In actual
fact, the f value may be reduced considerably in relation
f = ⎛ 1, 25 – ------⎞ ⋅ c
c to the installation procedure and to the type of rock or
24 < c < 72 ⎝ 96⎠ of drilling fluid used.
f = 0,5 c An upper limit of f value for this kind of pile may be
c ≥ 72
given by the allowable bond stress between the pile
wall and the grout mentioned in [7].
2.1.3 Skin friction and end bearing capacity of piles b) The end bearing capacity of the rock is to be determined
in sandy and silty soils
from the shear strength of the rock itself and an appro-
The unit skin friction capacity f, in kN/m2, of piles driven in priate bearing capacity factor, but in any case it is not to
sandy and silty soils may be determined by the following exceed 10000 kN/m2.

f = K ⋅ po ⋅ tgδ 3 Pile capacity for axial pullout loads

where: 3.1
K : coefficient of lateral soil pressure;
3.1.1 The ultimate axial pullout capacity of pile is not to
po : effective overburden pressure of soil round pile, exceed the total skin friction of pile Qs.
in kN/m2; The effective weight of the pile, including the soil plug and
δ : friction angle between the soil and pile wall, in hydrostatic uplift, is to be considered.
degrees. For clay soils, the unit skin friction capacity f is to have the
Such f values may be adopted even for piles driven in same values given in [2.1.2].
drilled and grouted holes. For sandy and silty soils, the same considerations given in
[2.1.3], are applicable, except that K = 0,5 is to be used.
For piles driven in undersized drilled holes or jetted holes, f
values are to be determined by reliable methods based on For rock, see [2.1.4].
the evaluation of soil disturbance resulting from installation The safety factors applicable to the ultimate axial pullout
and are not to exceed those for driven piles. capacity of pile are to be the same as those given in [1.1.1].
The unit end bearing capacity of piles q, in kN/m2, in sand
and silt soils may be determined by the following equation: 4 Lateral resistance of pile
q = po Nq
4.1.1 General
Nq : bearing capacity factor. The behaviour of the soil-pile system subjected to lateral
K coefficient varies between 0,5 and 1 with the increase of loads is to be analysed on the basis of realistic relationships
the grade of sand density, while δ and Nq values depend on which relate the deformations to the soil reactions.
the angle of internal friction of soil Φ in degrees, in accord- Such relationships, generally represented by (p-y) (soil reac-
ance with data given in Tab 2. tion lateral deflection) curves, are characteristic of the type
of soil, pile dimensions and loading application conditions
For deep foundations, f and q values may be lower than
(static, cyclic or impact loads).
those given above.
The (p-y) curves may be constructed using the results of lab-
For layered soils, Nq may be limited to values lower than oratory tests on soil samples; the influence of scour in prox-
those given in Tab 2 and are to be determined on the basis imity to the sea bottom and the disturbance caused by pile
of considerations regarding the local soil conditions. installation on the soil characteristics are to be taken into
Table 2 In the absence of criteria which are more appropriate to the
individual practical cases, the (p-y) curves may be con-
structed according to indications given in [4.1.2] and
SOIL TYPE Φ (°) δ (°) Nq
Clean sand 35 30 40
4.1.2 (p-y) curves for clay soils
Silty sand 30 25 20 a) For soft clay soils, the (p-y) curve for the layer of soil
Sandy silt 25 20 12 located at a depth z, in m, from the sea bottom may be
represented by the broken line shown in Fig 1, gener-
Silt 20 15 8 ated by the values specified in Tab 3.

28 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 2

b) For stiff clay soils (c >10 kN/m2) and for static loads, the γ : effective specific gravity of sand (in water), in
same considerations in item a) above are applicable. kN/m3;
Instead, for cyclic loads a rapid deterioration of soil Φ : angle of internal friction of sand, in degrees;
characteristics occurs due to high deformations, which α : ---- in degrees;
result in considerable reduction of ultimate resistance pu 2
of soil. Φ
β : 45 + ---- in degrees;
Figure 1
ko : 0,4;
tg ⎛ 45 – ----⎞
ka :
( kN ⎝ 2⎠
point m:
⎧ 1
⎪ y m = ------ D (m)
4 5 ⎨ 60
2 ⎪ p = Bp ( kN ⁄ m )
⎩ m c

B being an empirical coefficient according to Fig 4.

point k:
determined by the intersection of the two lines given by the
1 equations:
y (m)
p = K z y ( kN ⁄ m )
4.1.3 (p-y) curves for sand soils p = C y ( kN ⁄ m )
The (p-y) curve of the layer located at depth z is as shown in where:
Fig 2 generated by abscissa and ordinate of the points u, m
K : coefficient depending on the grade of sand den-
and k, which may be computed as follows:
sity, given in Tab 4:
point u:
C = --------
⎧ 3 ym
⎪ y u = ------ D ( m )
⎨ 80 pm
⎪ p = A ⋅ p (kN/m) n = --------------
m ⋅ ym
⎩ u c

where: pu – pm
m = -----------------
D : pile diameter, in m yu – y
A : empirical coefficient according to Fig 3 Therefore, the abscissa and ordinate of point k are:
pc : to be taken equal to pcs if z ≤ zt or equal pcu if n

y k = ⎛ -----------⎞
C n–1
z > zt , in kN/m (m )
⎝ K ⋅ z⎠
k o ⋅ z ⋅ tgΦ ⋅ senβ tgβ
p cs = γ ⋅ z --------------------------------------------
- + ------------------------ ( D + z ⋅ tgβ ⋅ tgα )+ pk = K ⋅ z ⋅ yk ( kN ⁄ m )
tg ( β – Φ ) ⋅ cos α tg ( β – Φ )
+k o ⋅ z ⋅ tgβ ( tgΦ ⋅ senβ – t gα ) – k a ⋅ D ] For some combinations of the parameters involved, the K
8 4
value may result in a deflection yk greater than ym, in which
p cp = D ⋅ γ ⋅ z [ k a ⋅ ( tg β – 1 ) + k o ⋅ tgΦ ⋅ tg β ] case the parabolic portion of the (p-y) curve is to be omit-
zt : depth below soil surface to bottom, obtained ted.
when pcs is equal to pcp, in m;

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 29

Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 2

Table 3

Static load
Point p / pu y / yc
1 0 0
2 0,5 1,0
3 0,75 3,0
4 1,00 8,0
5 1,00 ∞
Cyclic load for z ≥ zR
Point p / pu y / yc
1 0 0
2 0,5 1,0
3 0,72 3,0
4≡5 0,72 ∞
Cyclic load for z ≤ zR
Point p / pu y / yc
1 0 0
2 0,5 1,0
3 0,72 3,0
4 0,72 z / zR 15,0
5 0,72 z / zR ∞
Note 1:
yc, in m, is given by the following equation:
yc = 2,5 · εc · D
D : pile diameter, in m;
εc : strain which occurs at one half the maximum stress on laboratory undrained compression tests of undisturbed soil sam-
zR : depth of reduced strength zone, in m, given by the following formula:
z R = ---------------
------- + J

γ : effective specific gravity of soil (in water), in kN/m3;
c : undrained shear strength of soil, in kN/m2;
J : empirical coefficient, whose values are between 0,5 and 0,25 (in the absence of reliable information, 0,25 is to be used);
pu : ultimate soil resistance, in kN/m (force/unit length of pile), given by the following formulae:

p u = ⎛⎝ ------ ⋅ z + 3c⎞⎠ ⋅ D
for z ≤ z R
pu = 9 ⋅ D ⋅ c for z > z R

5 Group effects on the basis of conservative assumptions, due consideration

being given to the possibility that the actual spacing of piles
is less than that assumed for the design due to a non-perfect
5.1.1 The axial and lateral bearing capacity of a group of
Where more reliable data are not available, the following
piles depends on several factors such as pile spacing, type
considerations are applicable:
and strength of soil, sequence of soil layers, pile installation
method, etc. a) the end bearing capacity of the group in homogeneous
The knowledge on this subject is rather limited and there- soils may be taken equal to the sum of the single pile
fore the strength calculation of the group is to be carried out contributions;

30 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 2

b) the skin friction capacity of the pile group is to be taken Figure 4

equal to the sum of the single pile contributions multi- 0,0
plied by a reduction factor R, given by the following for- B (cyclic)
mula: C

p - 1,0
R = --------------------
B (static)
∑π ⋅ D i


p : external perimeter of the group, in m z

Di : diameter of the i-pile, in m D
N : number of the piles. for > 5,0 : B = 0,55
4,0 D C
Such a reduction is required in any case for sandy soils,
B = 0,50
while it may be neglected for clay soils when the ratio of S
the minimum spacing of piles to the pile diameter 5,0
exceeds the value 0,785 (N0,5 + 1).
If R > 1, is to be assumed R = 1. 6,0
0,0 1,0 2,0 B
Table 4

DENSITY K (kN/m3) 6 Pile design

loose 5400
medium 16300
dense 33900 6.1.1 Structural analysis
The foundation pile is to be analysed on the basis of loads
Figure 2
imposed by the platform and those due to its installation.
p=Kzy a) As regards the loads imposed by the platform, the analy-
U sis is to consider the maximum values of axial and lat-
eral loads and the actual restraint conditions of the soil.
m The soil lateral reactions are to be represented by the (p-
y) curves mentioned in [4], due account being taken of
scour effects.
K The transfer of the axial load from pile to soil may be
assumed as proportional to the friction resistance
between them, divided by the safety factors specified in
D 3
D [1.1.1], taking into account the provisions of [2.1.1]
60 80
regarding the high deformations due to cyclic lateral
Y loads.
In general, the instability analysis of the pile is not
Figure 3 required unless there are justified reasons for consider-
0,0 ing that the pile is without lateral support on account of
considerable scour phenomena, the presence of partic-
A (cyclic)
C ularly yielding soils, high calculated lateral deforma-
1,0 tion, etc.

A (static) b) The structural analysis of the pile during the installation

2,0 S
phase is to include realistic evaluation of stresses
induced by the various systems used.
D In particular, for driven piles it is necessary to consider
z the static loads due to driving equipment weight and
4,0 for > 5,0 : A = 0,88
D dynamic loads induced during driving operations, due
attention being paid to bending moment caused by axial
5,0 load eccentricity and to lateral deformation of the pile,
magnified when high resistance layers are encountered
or when the blow frequency of the hammer approaches
0,0 1,0 2,0 A the natural frequency of the pile-hammer elastic system.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 31

Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 2

6.1.2 Scantlings vant housing in the structure by cement grout in such a way
a) The D/t ratio of pile diameter to thickness is to be such that the axial load transferred by the structure to the pile is
as to preclude the possibility of occurrence of local transferred through the bond action between the pile sur-
buckling during the installation operations and the oper- face and the cement grout.
ation life of the foundation. Instead, the lateral force results in a compression of the
For guidance, it can be specified that the D/t ratio for cement grout annulus whose effect is generally negligible.
piles driven in high strength soils is to comply with the
7.1.2 The bonding action between pile and cement grout
following formula:
(and between cement grout and pile housing) is affected by
D several factors, such as:
t ≥ 6, 35 + ----------
a) type of cement grout (cement, water, additives, etc.);
b) temperature;
D : pile diameter, in mm
c) method of installation;
t : pile wall thickness, in mm
d) movements of platform while the cement grout is set-
b) In general, the pile wall thickness is not constant for the ting.
entire length of the pile, but varies with the anticipated
stress level, which is normally highest in the portion 7.1.3 In general, in the absence of reliable data on the sub-
close to the sea bed. It is recommended that the heavy ject concerned, the tangential stress, obtained by dividing
wall thickness of the pile is extended for a reasonable the axial load acting on the pile by the surface on which the
length to take account of the two possibilities of not bonding force is developed, is not to exceed 140 kN/m2, for
achieving the foreseen penetration or of being com- combined loads in damaged condition, and 184 kN/m2, for
pelled to exceed it in order to reach a layer with high combined loads in intact condition.
bearing capacity. Such value may be increased when special grouts are used
c) It is recommended that the end of the pile is provided ensuring a better bonding strength, on the basis of signifi-
with a driving shoe having a thickness increased by cant tests carried out.
50% in respect of that mentioned in item a) above. Where mechanical devices are provided to avoid the pile
axial load being transferred by friction between steel and
7 Bonding between pile and structure cement grout only, for instance by fitting welded circumfer-
ential rings between the outer surface of pile and the inner
7.1 surface of its housing, it will be necessary to verify the con-
nection taking into account the geometry realised and the
7.1.1 Platform loads are generally transferred to founda- compressive strength of the portion of the grout close to the
tion piles by filling the annulus between the pile and rele- rings

32 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 3


1 General b) loads acting on the foundations and their variation over

c) characteristics of sea bottom;
d) geophysical characteristics of the soil layers concerned;
1.1.1 Gravity type foundations are characterised by a low e) possible rupture surfaces in the soil in relation to meas-
ratio of the maximum penetration depth to the horizontal ures adopted against sliding (see Fig 1);
extent of the foundation base. f) possible softening phenomena in the soil due to alter-
nating loads;
The design of such type of foundation is to include consid-
eration of the following: g) pore pressure variation corresponding to the actual
stress level of the soil.
a) stability; Where conditions given in [4], occur, the analysis may be
b) static deformation; performed by the bearing capacity formulae which give the
values of ultimate horizontal and vertical loads leading to
c) hydraulic instability; the collapse of foundation soil.
d) dynamic behaviour; Such method of analysis may include the following two
e) installation feasibility. • undrained analysis;
• drained analysis.
2 Stability The first type of analysis applies when loading and its varia-
tion occur so rapidly that no drainage and hence no dissipa-
2.1 tion of excess pore pressure occur.
Such type of analysis, also called "short-term analysis", con-
2.1.1 General siders the angle of internal friction of the soil Φ = 0 and the
undrained shear strength of the soil c is essentially involved.
The foundation system is to ensure stability in respect of
overturning, bearing capacity and lateral resistance. Where, on the contrary, the rate of loading is sufficiently
slow, complete drainage occurs and excess pore pressures
are not developed.
2.1.2 Overturning
In this ("long-term") condition, the behaviour of the soil is
The ratio of the moment of righting forces to that of over- controlled by its friction angle Φ' and by the cohesion inter-
turning forces acting on the platform and computed at the cept c' of the Mohr-Coulomb effective stress failure enve-
extreme position of possible application points of soil reac- lope.
tion resultant is generally to exceed 1,3.
2.1.4 Undrained analysis
Different values of such ratio, justified by particular require-
ments or conditions, will be specially considered. a) The maximum bearing capacity Q, in kN, is given by
the following formuIa:
The righting and overturning moments are to include all Q = (c Nc Kc + γ d) · A'
loads acting on the platform in their most unfavourable where:
combination which may be reasonably presumed.
c : undrained shear strength of soil, in kN/m2;
The extreme position of possible application points of soil Nc : dimensionless constant equal to 5,14 for
reactions is to be evaluated according to the provisions in Φ = 0;
[2.1.3]. In particular, for platforms resting on several peri- Φ : angle of internal friction of undrained soil to
metrical foundation bases, the possible application points be taken equal to 0, in degrees;
of the resultant of soil reactions may be assumed to be
γ : total unit weight of soil, in kN/m3;
located within the polygon whose vertices are the single
base centres. d : penetration depth of foundation, in m;
A' : effective area of the foundation depending
2.1.3 Bearing capacity and sliding resistance on the load eccentricity (see App 1), in m2;
KC : correction factor which accounts for load
The bearing capacity and sliding resistance of the founda-
tion system are to be evaluated considering the following: inclination, shape of footing, penetration
depth, and inclination of the foundation
a) the shape of the foundation base; base and of ground surface (see App 1).

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 33

Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 3

In the quite frequently encountered cases of: while the maximum horizontal reaction H' which can be
• vertical centric load supplied by soil in correspondence with the actual vertical
• horizontal foundation base load V acting on the footing is given by:
• horizontal sea bed, H′ = c′ ⋅ A + V ⋅ tgΦ′
the above formula may be reduced as follows:
2.1.6 Safety factors
1) for infinitely long rectangular footing, the bearing The foundation system is to have an adequate margin of
capacity per unit length Qo, in kN/m, may be given safety against failure under the design loading conditions.
by the simplified formula:
In general such margin may be given by the safety factors in
Qo = 5,14 · c · Ao Tab 1.
Ao being the actual foundation area per unit length,
in m2/m Table 1
2) for circular or square footing, the bearing capacity
Type of failure Safety factor
Qo , in kN, may be given by the simplified formula:
Qo = 6,17 · c · A bearing failure 2,0

A being the actual foundation area, in m2. sliding failure 1,5

b) The maximum horizontal soil reaction at failure H, in
kN, is given by the following formula: Such values are to be used after cyclic loading effects have
been taken into account and may be increased when geo-
technical data are particularly uncertain.
2.1.5 Drained analysis
2.1.7 Filling of voids
The maximum bearing capacity Q', in kN, is given by the
To ensure sufficient platform stability, filling of voids
following formula:
between the platform structure and the sea bed may be nec-
Q′ = ⎛ c′ ⋅ N c ⋅ K c + q′N q ⋅ K q + --- ⋅ γ′ ⋅ B ⋅ N γ ⋅ K γ⎞ ⋅ A′
1 essary. In such case the stresses induced by filling pressures
⎝ 2 ⎠ are to be kept within acceptable limits.
where: The materials used for filling are to be capable of maintain-
c’ : effective cohesion intercept of Mohr-Coulomb ing sufficient strength during the whole design life of the
envelope, in kN/m2; platform under the deteriorating effects of repeated loads,
chemical action and possible defects in the placement of
Nc : (Nq - 1) · cotg Φ' (see Fig 2);
Φ′ filling materials themselves.
⋅ tg ⎛ 45° + ------⎞
π ⋅ tgΦ′ 2
Nq : e
⎝ 2⎠
Nγ : 2 ( N q + 1 ) ⋅ tgΦ′
3 Static deformations
Φ' : effective friction angle of Mohr-Coulomb enve-
lope, in degrees
γ’ : effective unit weight of soil (in water), in kN/m3 3.1.1 The evaluation of possible short-term and long-term
q : γ′ ⋅ d , in kN/m2 deformations is to be performed by recognised methods
d : penetration depth of foundation, in m deemed appropriate by the Society.
B : minimum lateral foundation dimension, in m It is very important to determine such deformations for the
safety both of the structural members of the platform and of
A' : effective area of foundation (see App 1), in m2
the components which pass through the contact surface
Kc, Kq, Kγ: correction factors (see App 1). between the foundation base and ground (risers, etc.) or
Also in this case, in the presence of soil having c' = 0 (sand) which join the sea bed to the platform itself (pipelines, etc.).
and of applied centric load, simplified formulae may be
For the condition where the structure base is circular, rigid,
used, as follows:
subject to static loads or to loads which may be considered
a) for infinitely long rectangular footing, the bearing as static, and rests on isotropic and homogeneous soil, the
capacity per unit length Qo in kN/m, may be expressed short-term (undrained) deformations may be evaluated by
by the formula: the following formulae:
Q o = 0, 5 ⋅ γ′ ⋅ B ⋅ N γ ⋅ A o 1–ν
u v = -------------------- Q
b) for circular or square footing, the bearing capacity Q, in 4⋅G⋅R
kN, may be expressed by the formula: 7–8⋅ν
u h = --------------------------------------------- ⋅ H
Q = 0, 3 ⋅ γ′ ⋅ B ⋅ N γ ⋅ A 32 ⋅ ( 1 – ν ) ⋅ G ⋅ R

where Ao and A have the same meaning specified in 3 ⋅ (1 – ν)

ϑ f = ------------------------
[2.1.4]. 8⋅G⋅R
The maximum drained horizontal soil reaction at failure H, 3
ϑ t = -------------------------3- ⋅ M t
in kN, is given by the formula: 16 ⋅ G ⋅ R
H = c′ ⋅ A + Q ⋅ tgΦ′ where:

34 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 3

uv , uh : vertical and horizontal deformations, in m; are to be used or more refined techniques are to be
Q, H : vertical and horizontal loads, in kN; adopted, such as:
ϑf , ϑt : overturning and torsional rotations, in rad; • limit analysis to determine bounds on collapse loads
M, Mt : bending and torsional moments, in kN m; and relative sensitivity of collapse loads to parameters of
G : elastic shear modulus of the soil, in kN/m2;
• numerical analysis such as finite differences or finite
ν : Poisson's ratio of the soil;
R : radius of the base, in m.
• properly scaled model tests such as centrifuge tests.
These formulae may also be used for square base of equal
area. Special consideration is also to be given to the effects of
cyclic loading on pore pressures and to the possibility that
4 Limits of application of the formulae soil softening may occur.
for the determination of the bearing
capacity 5 Hydraulic instability

4.1 5.1

4.1.1 The application of the formulae for the determina- 5.1.1 This type of foundation failure may occur in the pres-
tion of the bearing capacity is subject to the following limit- ence of soils which are easily subject to erosion and soften-
ing conditions: ing.
a) homogeneous, isotropic and fully plastic soil; The risks of reduction of bearing capacity due to hydraulic
gradients, with consequent seepage (i.e. constant flow of
b) low ratios of horizontal to vertical loads; water through pores), of formation of piping channels, with
c) low torsional stress levels; consequent erosion of soil beneath the foundation, and of
d) regular foundation geometry; scour are to be considered.
e) presence of suitably spaced skirts so that, if lateral insta- To prevent erosion beneath the foundation, scour skirts may
bility occurs, a horizontal failure plane in the soil is be provided penetrating through erodible layers and
ensured rather than a failure at the base structure-soil extending their influence up to those layers which are not
interface. subject to erosion.
Where the above conditions are not satisfied, more con- As far as scour around the edges of the foundation is con-
servative methods of analysis and increased safety factors cerned, the considerations in Sec 1, [1.3.3] are applicable.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 35

Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 3

Figure 1 : Schemes of some possible failure modes of soil due to sliding

Q Sea bed

potential failure surface

a) cone shaped failure

Sea bed

potential failure surface

b) cone around scour skirts

Sea bed

potential failure surface

c) failure at the base of skirts

Sea bed

Layer with reduced

d) failure in the layer with reduced resistence due to excessive spacing of scour skirts

Sea bed

Layer with reduced

e) failure in the layer with reduced resistence avoided

Sea bed

Layer with reduced

f) failure in the layer with reduced resistence at a depth higher than scour skirt penetration depth

36 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 3

Figure 2 : Bearing capacity factors


Nc , Nq, N






0 10 20 30 40 50

6 Dynamic behaviour 7 Installation feasibility

7.1.1 The gravity foundations are frequently provided with
6.1.1 The construction of a model which satisfactorily rep- scour skirts to improve stability and prevent scour and with
resents the dynamic behaviour of gravity foundations, when dowels (hollow pipes of large diameter) to facilitate orient-
the stress level is quite low, is generally performed by the ing and positioning operations.
continuous "half space" approach, which is based on the The estimate of resistance to penetration of these devices is
assumption of linear elastic behaviour of the soil considered of great interest for the purpose of scantlings of the ballast-
as homogeneous. ing system, so that proper installation of the structure base
on the sea bed can be ensured.
In real cases of anisotropy, of layered soil with energy radi- For its determination it is necessary to identify the soil layers
ated from the footing reflected by the interfaces between by means of soil samples and laboratory tests and to meas-
the layers and, especially, of non-linearity of stiffness and ure by a cone penetrometer the average resistance to pene-
damping characteristics of soil and their frequency depend- tration among the values obtained by tests carried out on
ence, more appropriate analyses are required. various soil layers.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 37

Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 3

7.1.2 The resistance to penetration R, in kN, of scour skirts As : skin area of scour skirt per unit penetration
is given by their end resistance and skin friction resistance, depth, in m2/m.
and is calculated by the following formula: The empirical coefficients Kp and Kf may be selected in
Tab 2, which are the highest expected values of the resist-
R = KP ( d ) ⋅ AP ⋅ qc ( d ) + AS ∫ K ( z ) ⋅ q ( z ) ⋅ dz
f c
ance to penetration.
where: For penetration depth lower than 1 to 1,5 m, the values
z : depth of the soil layer under consideration, in shown in Tab 2 should be reduced by 25 to 50 per cent due
m; to local piping or lateral movements of the platform.
d : penetration depth, in m;
Table 2
Kp : empirical coefficient relating to end resistance;
Kf : empirical coefficient relating to skin friction; Type of soil Kp Kf
qc : resistance to penetration measured by cone
Clay 0,6 0,05
penetration, in kN/m2;
Ap : end area of scour skirt, in m2; Sand 0,6 0,003

38 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 4


1 General 1.1.3 The penetration depth of anchors shall be checked

after the installation. The position of anchors on the seabed,
to verify their possible shifting, shall be periodically
1.1 checked, in particular after the first period of service of the
mooring system and following to severe sea conditions
1.1.1 Anchor foundation system can be of based on one of encountered by the structure.
the following types:
2 Safety factors
• traditional drag embedment anchor

• plate anchor (drag embedded or direct embedded) 2.1

2.1.1 Anchor foundation is to have an adequate margin of
The ultimate holding capacity (UHC) of a drag embedment
safety against failure under the design loading conditions;
anchor in a particular soil condition is the maximum hori- values of safety factor, defined as the ratio of the anchor
zontal steady pull that can be resisted by the anchor at con- holding capacity and the maximum anchor load, are in
tinuous drag. general to be in accordance with those reported in Tab 1
and Tab 2 for drag anchors and plate anchors respectively.
Plate anchor system is in general to be preferred to tradi-
tional drag embedment anchors in all cases where deeper Higher safety factors of drag embedded plate anchors
penetration into the seafloor and high vertical holding respect to drag anchors are due to the different failure
mode: in case of overloading, drag anchors have the gen-
capacity are required.
eral tendency to proceed dragging and further penetrate,
The ultimate pull-out capacity (UPC) of plate anchor is without generating additional holding capacity, differently
defined as the load at failure for the soil around the anchor, from plate anchor for which overloading causes pullout. For
the exceedance of which determines the plate anchor to plate anchors that exhibit similar overloading behaviour as
start moving through the soil. drag anchor, consideration may be given to using drag
anchor safety factors, provided that such behaviour is veri-
The UPC is governed by the soil undrained shear strength at fied by significant field tests and experience.
the anchor fluke, projected area of the fluke, fluke shape,
bearing capacity factor and penetration depth. Table 1 : Safety factors for drag embedment anchor
The bearing capacity factor has to be based on test data
from reliable sources and from any investigations and refer- Dynamic analysis
ences for such type of anchors, the effect of capacity reduc-
tion factors is to be accounted for the disturbance of the soil Permanent - • 1,0 for damaged condi-
due to soil failure mode. mooring tion
• 1,5 for intact condition
Penetration depth of plate anchors is in general in the range
Mobile mooring 1,0 0,8
of 2 to 5 times the fluke width, depending on the undrained
shear strength of the soil, in order to generate a deep failure
mode. If the final depth does not generate a deep failure Table 2 : Safety factors for plate anchor foundations
mode, a suitable reduction in bearing capacity factor is to
be adopted. Quasi-static
Dynamic analysis
Anchor creep under long-term static loads and the effect of
Permanent - • 1,5 for damaged condi-
cyclic loading shall be taken into account by reducing the
mooring tion
actual anchor capability.
• 2,0 for intact condition

1.1.2 After the installation, the anchoring system is to be Mobile moor- - • 1,2 for damaged condi-
subjected to a load test in accordance to Ch 9, Sec 3, ing tion
[1.4.1]. • 1,5 for intact condition

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 39

Pt B, Ch 10, App 1



1 Effective area and correction factors where i, s, d, b and g are individual correction factors
related to load inclination, foundation shape, penetration
depth, base inclination and ground surface inclination,
1.1 Effective area respectively.
1.1.1 Load eccentricity in respect of the geometrical axis Their recommended values are:
of the footing leads to the decrease of the bearing capacity a) Inclination factors
of the foundation.
This effect is accounted for through the reduction of the H m ⎫
i q = 1 – ------------------------------------------------------- ⎪
actual area of the footing by introducing an effective area Q + B′ ⋅ L′ ⋅ c ⋅ cot gΦ ⎪
A', function of the load eccentricity e, which is defined as ⎬ Φ>0

the ratio of the bending moment M to the vertical load Q i γ = 1 – ------------------------------------------------------- ⎪
Q + B′ ⋅ L′ ⋅ c ⋅ cot gΦ
acting on the foundation (see Fig 1). ⎭

1 – iq
Figure 1 i c = i q – --------------------
- Φ>0
N c ⋅ tgΦ

M mH
e= i c = 1 – --------------------------------- Φ = 0
e B′ ⋅ L′ ⋅ c ⋅ N c
M Q H : projection of the load resultant on the plane
Q of the footing, in kN
2 2
m : m L ⋅ cos ϑ + m B ⋅ sen ϑ
L′ B′
2 + ----- 2 + -----
B′ L′
m L = --------------- m B = ---------------
L′ B′
1 + ----- 1 + -----
For rectangular base area of length L, in m, and width B, in B′ L′
m, and load eccentricity e, having components e1 and e2 ϑ : angle between the longitudinal axis of the
along the length and width, respectively, the following footing and the direction of H
results (see Fig 2): Nc : (see Sec 3, [2.1.4])
A′ = L′ ⋅ B′ ( in m ) b) Shape factors
where: • Rectangular base
L′ = L – 2e 1 ( in m ) N
s c = 1 + ⎛ -----⎞ ⋅ ⎛ ------q⎞
⎝ L′ ⎠ ⎝ N c⎠
B′ = B – 2e 2 ( in m )

s q = 1 + ⎛ -----⎞ ⋅ tgΦ
For circular base with radius R and load eccentricity e, the B′
following results (see Fig 2): ⎝ L′ ⎠

A′ = 2 R ⋅ arc cos ⎛ ---⎞ – e R – e
2 e 2 2
s γ = 1 – 0, 4 ⋅ -----
⎝ R⎠ L′

where arc cos (e/R) is expressed in radians. Nq : (see Sec 3, [2.1.5]).

• Circular base with centric load:
1.2 Correction factors N
s c = 1 + ------q
1.2.1 Correction factors Kc, Kq and Kγ are usually written:
s q = 1 + tgΦ
Kc = ic sc dc bc gc
s γ = 0, 6
K q = iq s q d q b q gq
For circular base with eccentric load, the formulae
Kγ = iγ sγ dγ bγ gγ for an equivalent rectangular base are to be used.

40 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 10, App 1

c) Depth factors 2α
b c = 1 – ------- Φ = 0
2 d Nc
d q = 1 + 2 ⋅ tgΦ ( 1 – senΦ ) ⋅ -----
g q = g γ = ( 1 – tgβ ) ⎫
d γ = 1, 0

1 – gq ⎬ Φ>0
1 – dq g c = g q – ------------------ ⎪
d c = d q – ------------------
- N c tgΦ
N c tgΦ ⎭
d) Base and ground surface inclination factors

g q = 1 – ------- Φ = 0
b q = b γ = ( 1 – α tgΦ ) ⎫ Nc

1 – bq ⎬ Φ>0
bc = bq – -----------------
- ⎪ where α and β are base and ground inclination angles,
N c tgΦ ⎭ in radians, in respect of the horizontal axis.

Figure 2 : Footings with eccentric load

1 e1 =
o Q
e2 = M2

Reduced base area for rectangular base

B o o D 1 e2 = M2
o B =o D


Reduced base area for circular base

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 41

Part B
Hull and Stability

Chapter 11





Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 43

Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 1


1 Application 2.1.2 Adequate underdeck reinforcements are to be pro-

vided in the way of the welded connections of the topsides
support structure to the main hull. Special attention is to be
1.1 General
given to alignment of primary members.
1.1.1 The structural requirements of this Chapter apply to
2.1.3 Appropriate measures shall be introduced to mini-
topside structures (deck mounted topside modules and
mise the effects of green water on the topside structures,
loading arms) and their attachment to the hull.
such as bow shape design, bow flare, bulwarks and other
Other types of topside structures not covered by present protective structure. Adequate drainage arrangements shall
Chapter will be considered on a case by case basis. be provided.

2 Arrangement 2.1.4 Bulwark and guardrails fitted on topside structures

up to the level corresponding to first tier of superstructure
are to in compliance with requirements of Ch 8, Sec 3.
2.1 General
2.1.1 The design of process plant support structure and
loading arms has to integrate with the primary hull under-
deck structure.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 45

Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 2


1 Structure design principles logical data. The distribution of ice on individual members
may be assumed to be as shown in Fig 1.

Figure 1 : Assumed distribution of ice on individual
1.1.1 Sufficiently stiff arrangement is to be provided in
order to prevent excessive deformations. In framed arrange-
ments, the following checking criteria might be adopted, for
maximum displacements:
• lateral deflection on top of module: H/500
• vertical deflection of horizontal members (supported at
both ends): L/300
• vertical deflection of horizontal members (cantilevers):

H : overall height of the topside structure 2.2 Loading conditions of topside struc-
L : span of horizontal member. tures

2 Design Loads 2.2.1 Topside production facility modules are to be con-

sidered in wet-condition for on-site conditions and in dry-
condition for transit.
2.2.2 All relevant loading conditions are to be assessed
2.1.1 The following loads are to be considered for the including those for lifting, mounting and removal of equip-
scantlings of the topside structures, as appropriate ment, as deemed appropriate.
• loads due to production facilities (including self
weights), as defined in Ch 5, Sec 6
3 Scantlings
• wind load, as defined in Ch 5, Sec 6
• green sea loads, as defined in Ch 8, Sec 4 3.1 General
• snow and ice loads, as defined in Pt E, Ch 4 Sec 2
[3.4.6] and [2.1.5] 3.1.1 The structural checks to be carried out in general for
• hull girder loads, as defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, where appli- the verification of structural scantlings of topside structures
cable (integration with the hull). and their attachment to the hull are yielding, buckling and
2.1.2 Design loads are to be applied in the worst combina-
tions to which the structure may be subjected during the life 3.2 Materials
of the unit, including transit.
3.2.1 Material grades of the topside structures are to be in
2.1.3 Due account is to be given to functional loads due to
compliance with Ch 4, Sec 1; structural categories and
process (like piping reactions, thermal loads, etc.) and hull
material Classes, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, are to be
girder displacements, where applicable, to be defined on a
applied in connection with Tab 1 and [3.2.2].
case by case basis.

2.1.4 Proper cyclic loads, corresponding to dynamic com- Table 1 : application of material classes and grades in
ponents of applicable loads are to be accounted in fatigue topside structures
analysis, to be defined on a case by case basis.

2.1.5 The overall distribution of snow and/or ice on top- Structural Member Category Material Class
side structure is to be taken as a thickness ti on the upper SECONDARY I
and windward faces of the member under consideration,
where ti is the basic thickness obtained from the meteoro- PRIMARY II

46 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 2

3.2.2 The following categorization applies to structural for other type of loads (i.e. concentrated forces), other rec-
members of the topside structures. ognized structural models according to linear-elastic theory
Main load bearing members and elements subjected to high might be adopted, subject to Society's approval.
tensile or shear stresses, like module's main frame members
and deck support stools, are to be considered as PRIMARY 3.4.2 The strength of the attachments of topside structures
members. All other structures are to be considered as SEC- to the main hull is to be checked by direct calculation with
ONDARY members. Where fitted, foundation bolts are to three-dimensional beam models or finite element models in
be considered as PRIMARY members. accordance with provisions of Ch 7, App 1 and [3.5].

3.4.3 Due consideration is to be given to the detail design

3.3 Net scantlings in fatigue sensitive areas like primary connections of the
topside structures, integration with the hull and other con-
3.3.1 All scantlings are net i.e. the thickness reduction due
nections subjected to significant dynamic loading.
to corrosion is to be considered according to Ch 4 Sec 2.

3.3.2 Thickness reduction in topside structures may be 3.4.4 Structural model and scantling check of tubular
shortened up to zero, provided that in the Operating Man- joints are to be performed according to the provisions of the
ual periodical maintenance of the protective coating is fore- Rules for The Classification of Steel Fixed Offshore Plat-
seen which is suitable in the opinion of the Society for forms, Ch 8, [4]. For fatigue analysis, stress concentration
preventing coating deterioration and the protective coating factors are to be calculated according to recognized Codes
is not subject to removal risks due to impacts or abrasions. or Standards or by direct calculation.

3.4 Structural model 3.5 Integration with the hull - Finite Element
3.4.1 Local and global scantlings of structural elements of
the topside structures subject to pressure loads are in gen- 3.5.1 The Finite Element has to extend to a reasonable dis-
eral to be analysed according to the provisions and check- tance of the installation to minimize the effects due to the
ing criteria defined in Ch 8, [3], [4] and [5]. In alternative or cut boundary conditions.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 47

Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 3


1 General • inertial loads due to motions of the unit, to be evaluated

with ship-to-unit mooring analysis in accordance with
Ch 8, App 1 and/or model testing
1.1 Arrangement
• green sea loads, as defined in Ch 8, Sec 4.
1.1.1 Detailed description of the whole system and all
possible configurations including emergency conditions is 3.1.2 Due account shall be given to accidental loads and
to be provided together with the general arrangement and any transient condition which may give rise to elevated
structural plans. dynamic forces in operation and emergency.

2 Structure design principles

4 Scantlings
2.1 General
4.1 General
2.1.1 Loading arms for liquefied gas have to comply with
international Standard EN 1474 "Installation and equipment 4.1.1 Structural checks to be carried out in general for the
for liquefied natural gas - Design and testing of marine verification of structural scantlings of mooring systems and
transfer systems", as amended. Application of other Codes its attachment to the unit are yielding, buckling and fatigue
or Standards will be subject to special consideration by the checks.
4.1.2 Load models, load cases and allowable stresses are
2.1.2 Risks of potential structural failures connected to
to be applied in accordance with EN 1474.
installation, operation and maintenance of loading arms
have to be identified by risk assessment methods conducted
in accordance with the provisions in Pt C, Ch 7. Suitable 4.2 Structural model
structural analyses shall be undertaken, where deemed
appropriate, to prove the safety of the design under such 4.2.1 Local scantlings of structural elements of the loading
risks. arm subject to lateral pressure loads are in general to be
analysed according to the applicable structural models
2.1.3 Suitable mechanical devices (swivel joints) are to be
defined in Ch 8 [3] and [4] in addition to requirements in
arranged on the loading arm for uncoupling the motions of
the unit from those of the shuttle vessel, in such a way that
any transmission of load (i.e. stress) between the two units
4.2.2 Global response of the loading arm subject to loads
does not occur throughout the arm.
defined in [3.1] is to be assessed by means of direct calcula-
2.1.4 When deemed necessary, the main dynamic tion according to the structural models defined in [4.3], in
response parameters from a mathematical model of arm's addition to requirements in [4.1.2].
kinematic (rigid body) may be required by the Society.
4.3 Finite Element model
3 Design Loads
4.3.1 Finite Element analysis with three-dimensional beam
3.1 General models or finite element models in compliance with provi-
sions in Ch 7, App 1, as applicable, is required for strength
3.1.1 In addition to loads defined in EN 1474 Standard, and fatigue checks of the structures of the loading arms and
the following loads are to be considered: their integration with the main hull.

48 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Part B
Hull and Stability

Chapter 12










Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 49

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 1


1 General water deposit in the bottom of such tanks is to be consid-


1.1 Application 3.1.4 Narrow spaces are generally to be filled by an effi-

cient protective product, particularly at the ends of the unit
1.1.1 All structural steel structures are to be suitably pro- where inspections and maintenance are not easily practica-
tected against corrosion by means, for example, of coating ble due to their inaccessibility.
systems, corrosion allowances, cathodic protection or other
methods which can be applied alone or in combination
3.1.5 In deep draught caisson units and other units with
with others.
combined oil storage and ballast tanks which remain full
It is the responsibility of the shipbuilder and the Owner to during the service life of the unit, special consideration will
choose the corrosion protection systems and have them be given to the requirement for internal corrosion protec-
applied in accordance with the manufacturer's require- tion of the tanks.
The selected protection system is to be suitable for the zone 3.2 Cathodic protection
of structure to be protected.
3.2.1 Internal structures in spaces intended to carry liquids
2 Definition of the structures to be pro- may be provided with cathodic protection. Cathodic pro-
tection may be fitted in addition to the required corrosion
tected protective coating, if any. In this case, the coating system is
to be compatible with the cathodic protection.
3.2.2 Details concerning the type of anodes used and their
2.1.1 The external structures can be divided in the follow- location and attachment to the structure are to be submitted
ing zones: to the Society for approval.

a) Submerged zone: part of the external structure below

the maximum design operating draught. 4 External zones
b) Boot topping: part of the external structure between the
maximum design operating draught and the light design 4.1
operating draught.
c) Topside and superstructures: the part of the external 4.1.1 The external surface in the submerged zone is to be
structure above the boot topping zone. suitably protected by means of a cathodic protection system
or of a combination of coating and cathodic protection sys-
2.1.2 The internal zones consist of ballast tanks, cargo tems.
tanks, liquid storage tanks and other compartments. Increased scantlings may be considered as supplementary
protection system in special areas.
3 Internal zones
4.1.2 External surfaces in the boot topping, topside and
superstructures zones are to be protected by means of a
3.1 Coating systems coating system.

3.1.1 All salt water ballast tanks are to have a corrosion

protective coating, epoxy or equivalent, applied in accord- 5 Protection against galvanic corro-
ance with the manufacturer's requirements. sion
3.1.2 Corrosion protective coating is required for internal
surfaces of spaces intended for the storage of products 5.1
which may be corrosive.
5.1.1 here connections between different types of metallic
3.1.3 In general, corrosion protective coating is not materials are foreseen in the structures, suitable insulation is
required for internal surfaces of spaces intended for the stor- to be provided in order to avoid galvanic corrosion. Insula-
age of cargo oil or fuel oil. Anyway, the effect of possible tion details are to be submitted for approval.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 51

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 2


1 General 3 Internal protection

1.1 3.1
1.1.1 Riser systems are to be suitably protected against 3.1.1 The method of internal protection is to take into
corrosion. It is recommended that this be achieved using a account the corrosivity, bacterial content, solids/abrasive
coating combined with a cathodic protection system. content, flow characteristics and temperature and pressure.
Account should be taken of possible temperature effects.
Other equivalent methods of protection will be considered. 3.1.2 Materials or systems (e.g. liners) are to be evaluated
against the service nature of the product to be conveyed.
1.1.2 The boot topping zone of risers is to be specially Relevant specifications and in-service history are to be sub-
considered. A corrosion allowance will be required in addi- mitted to the Society.
tion to any coatings. Risers in J-tubes, etc. will require sepa-
rate assessment of protection. 3.1.3 Where internal protection is proposed by use of cor-
rosion inhibitors, the properties, compatibility and effect on
1.1.3 Where the cathodic protection system is designed to product conveyed are all to be documented and submitted.
compensate for loss of protective coating, the system should
be based on an initial loss of coating of between 5 and 10
per cent. Due allowance should be made for further break-
4 Cathodic protection systems
down during the service life.
2 External coatings 4.1.1 Cathodic protection systems are to comply with the
requirements of Section 4.
4.1.2 Measurements of potential are to be taken and any
2.1.1 Paint or protective coatings are generally to be cho- deficiencies corrected by the addition of extra sacrificial
sen in conjunction with the system of cathodic protection. anodes.

2.1.2 The performance of the coating materials used 4.1.3 Measurements are to be taken to confirm that there
should be proven by previous service or by extensive and is no over-protection.
documented laboratory testing.
4.1.4 Stray currents from ships, other vessels or installa-
2.1.3 Preparation of the riser surface before coating is to tions in the vicinity are to be evaluated and appropriate
comply with the approved specification. measures taken.

52 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 3


1 Cathodic protection systems d) Size, shape and composition of any dielectric shields.
e) Diagram of the wiring system used for the impressed
1.1 current and monitoring systems including details of
cable sizes, underwater joints, type of insulation and
1.1.1 The following plans and information are to be sub- normal working current in circuits, and the capacity,
mitted to the Society: type and make of the protected devices.
a) A surface area breakdown for all areas to be protected f) Details of glands and size of steel conduits.
including secondary steelwork and details of appurte- g) Plans showing the locations of the anodes and reference
nances. electrodes.
b) The resistivity of the sea water. h) If the system is to be used in association with a coating
c) All current densities used for design purposes. system then a statement is to be supplied by the coating
d) The type and location of any reference electrodes and manufacturer that the coating is compatible with the
their methods of attachment. impressed current cathodic protection system.
e) Full details of any coatings used and the areas to which
they are to be applied. 4 Coating systems
f) Details of any electrical bonding.
2 Sacrificial anode systems 4.1.1 The following plans and information are to be sub-
2.1 a) Coating products technical data sheets and Type
Approval certificates, if any. Technical data sheets have
2.1.1 In addition to the information required by [1] the fol- to include the following information:
lowing plans and information are to be submitted:
1) Materials, components and composition of the coat-
a) The design life of the system in years. ing products
b) Anode material and minimum design capacity of anode 2) Weldability properties of the shop primer and its
material, in Ah/kg. compatibility with the coating system
c) The dimensions of anodes including details of the insert 3) Number of coats and minimum/maximum dry film
and its location. thickness
d) The nett and gross weight of the anodes, in kg. 4) Application methods and relevant equipment
e) The means of attachment. 5) Surface preparation methods and standard of surface
f) Plans showing the location of the anodes. condition
g) Calculation of anodic resistance, as installed and when 6) Environmental conditions
consumed to their design and utilisation factor, in ohms. b) Procedures for inspection and repair of coating system
h) Closed circuit potential of the anode material, in volts. during unit construction
i) Details of any computer modelling. c) Details of the areas to be coated.
j) The anode design utilization factor. d) Procedures for maintenance and repair of coating sys-
tem during unit's service.
3 Impressed current systems
5 Inhibitors and biocides
3.1.1 In addition to the information required by [1], the
following plans and information are to be submitted: 5.1.1 Where it is proposed to use inhibitors, biocides, or
other chemicals for the protection of storage tanks, full
a) The anode composition and where applicable the thick-
details, including compatibility with each other and evi-
ness of the plated surface, consumption and life data.
dence of satisfactory service experience or suitable labora-
b) Anode resistance, limiting potential and current output. tory test results or any other data to substantiate the
c) Details of construction and attachment of anodes and suitability for the intended purpose are to be submitted for
reference electrodes. consideration.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 53

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 4


1 General requirements 2 Sacrificial anodes

1.1 Objective 2.1 General

1.1.1 The cathodic protection system for the external sub- 2.1.1 Sacrificial anodes intended for installation on units
merged zone is to be designed for a period commensurate are to be manufactured in accordance with the require-
with the design life of the structure or the drydocking inter- ments of this Section.
val and it should be capable of polarizing the steelwork to a
sufficient level in order to minimize corrosion. 2.1.2 Plans showing anode nominal dimensions, toler-
This may be achieved using either sacrificial anodes or an ances and fabrication details are to be submitted for
impressed current system or a combination of both. approval prior to manufacture.

1.2 Electrical continuity 2.2 Anode materials

1.2.1 All parts of the structure are to be electrically contin- 2.2.1 The anode materials are to be approved alloys of
uous and where considered necessary appropriate bonding zinc or aluminium with a closed circuit potential of at least
straps should be fitted across such items as propellers, -1,00 volt (Ag/AgCl reference electrode). Magnesium-based
thrusters, rudders and legs, etc., and the joints of articulated anodes may be used for short-term temporary protection of
structures are to be efficiently completed to the Surveyor's materials not susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement.
2.3 Steel insert
1.2.2 Where bonding straps are not fitted then a supple-
mentary cathodic protection system is to be considered. 2.3.1 Anodes are to have steel cores and are to be
declared by the Manufacturer as being sufficiently rigid to
1.2.3 Consideration should be given to the influence of
avoid resonance in the anode support and designed so that
any connecting structures, such as risers and pipelines, on they retain the anode even when it is wasted.
the efficiency of the cathodic protection system.

2.4 Anode identification

1.3 Criteria for cathodic protection
2.4.1 The manufacturer is to adopt a system of identifica-
1.3.1 The cathodic protection system is to be capable of
tion of the anodes to enable the material to be traced back
polarizing the steelwork to potentials measured with
to its original cast.
respect to a silver/silver chloride/sea-water (Ag/AgCl) refer-
ence electrode to within the following ranges: 2.4.2 The anodes are to be clearly marked with the follow-
a) -0,80 to -1,10 volts for aerobic conditions. ing:
b) -0,9 to -1,10 volts for anaerobic conditions. a) Name or initials of the anode manufacturer.

1.3.2 Potentials more negative than -1,10 volts Ag/AgCl b) Number and/or initials to identify the batch.
must be avoided in order to minimize any damage due to c) Agreed identification mark for the anode material.
hydrogen absorption and reduction in the fatigue life. For
steel with a tensile strength in excess of 700 N/mm2 the 2.4.3 Where the anodes are heat treated they are also to
maximum negative potential should be limited to -0,95 be marked with the appropriate heat treatment batch
volt. number.
But where the steel is prone to hydrogen assisted cracking
the potential should not be more negative than -0,83 volt 2.5 Anode inspection
(Ag/AgCl reference cell).
2.5.1 All anodes are to be cleaned and adequately pre-
1.3.3 High strength fastening materials should be avoided pared for inspection. The surfaces are not to be hammered,
because of the possible effects of hydrogen, and the hard- peened or treated in any way which may obscure defects.
ness of such bolting materials should be limited to a maxi- However, any flash or other protrusions should be removed
mum of 300 Vickers. prior to inspection.

1.3.4 The potential for steels with surfaces operating above 2.5.2 Anodes are to be inspected prior to the application
25°C should be 1 mV more negative for each degree above of any coating which may be applied to the underside of the
25°C. anode or to the exposed steelwork.

54 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 4

2.5.3 The surface should be free of any significant slag or 2.8.5 No section is to show more than 10 per cent lack of
dross or anything that may be considered detrimental to the bond between the insert and the anode material.
satisfactory performance of the anodes.
2.9 Electrochemical testing
2.5.4 Shrinkage depressions should not exceed the smaller
of 10 per cent of the nominal depth of the anode or 50 per 2.9.1 Electrochemical performance testing is to be carried
cent of the depth to the anode insert. out by the manufacturer in accordance with previously
approved procedures designed to demonstrate batch con-
2.5.5 Cracks in the longitudinal direction are not accepta- sistency of the as cast electrochemical properties.
ble. Small transverse cracks may be permitted provided:
a) They are not more than 5 mm in width, 2.10 Certification
b) They are within the section wholly supported by the
steel insert, 2.10.1 The manufacturer is to provide copies of the Mate-
rial Certificate or shipping statement for all acceptable
c) They do not extend around more than two faces or 180° anodes.
of the anode circumference.
2.10.2 The certificate is to include at least the following
2.5.6 Cold shuts or surface laps should not exceed a depth information:
of 10 mm or extend over a total length equivalent to more
a) Name of manufacturer.
than three times the width of the anode. All material is to be
completely bonded to the bulk material. b) Description of anode, alloy designation or trade name.
c) Cast identification number.
2.6 Dimensions d) Chemical composition.
2.6.1 Anode nominal dimensions, tolerances and fabrica- e) Details of heat treatment where applicable.
tion details are to be shown on manufacturing plans pre- f) Results of electrochemical test.
pared by the manufacturer and submitted for approval.
g) Weight data.
2.6.2 The accuracy and verification of dimensions is the h) Purchaser's name and order number, and the name of
responsibility of the manufacturer unless otherwise agreed. the structure for which the material is intended.

2.10.3 The manufacturer is to confirm that the tests have

2.7 Anode weight been carried out with satisfactory results in accordance with
the approved specification and the Rules.
2.7.1 Anodes are to be weighed and individual anodes
should be within ±5 per cent of the nominal weight for
anodes less than 50 kg or ±3 per cent of the nominal weight 2.11 Anode installation
for anodes 50 kg and over.
2.11.1 The location and means of attachment of anodes
2.7.2 No negative tolerance is permitted on the total con- are to be submitted for approval.
tract weight and the positive tolerance should be limited to
2.11.2 The anodes are to be attached to the structure in
two per cent of the nominal contract weight.
such a manner that they remain secure throughout the serv-
ice life.
2.8 Bonding and internal defects
2.11.3 Where bracelet anodes are proposed the tightness
2.8.1 It will be necessary for the manufacturer to demon- of the anodes are not to rely on the anode material being in
strate that there is a satisfactory bond between anode mate- direct contact with the structure.
rial and the steel insert and that there are no significant
internal defects. This may be carried out by sectioning of an 2.11.4 The location and attachment of anodes are to take
anode selected at random from the batch or by other account of the stresses in the members concerned. Anodes
approved means. are not to be directly attached to the shell plating of main
hull columns or primary bracings.
2.8.2 Where sectioning is carried out, at least one anode
or at least 0,5 per cent of each production run is to be sec- 2.11.5 The anode supports may be welded directly to the
tioned transversely at 25 per cent, 33 per cent and 50 per structure in low stress regions provided they are not
cent of the nominal length of the anode or at other agreed attached in way of butts, seams, nodes or any stress raisers.
locations for a particular anode design. They are not to be attached to separate members which are
capable of relative movement.
2.8.3 The cut surfaces are to be essentially free from slag
or dross. 2.11.6 The attachment of all anodes to primary bracing
members and nodes is to be submitted for approval. Anodes
2.8.4 Small isolated gas holes and porosity may be are not to be welded directly to the structure and the sup-
accepted provided their surface area is not greater than two ports are to be welded to small doubler plates which are
per cent of the section. attached by continuous welds to the structure.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 55

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 4

2.11.7 All welding is to be carried out by qualified welders 3.1.8 Anodes may be installed by mounting in insulating
using an approved welding procedure. holders attached directly to the submerged structural mem-
ber provided the general requirements given in [2.11]
2.11.8 The welds are to be examined using magnetic parti- regarding attachments to the structure are complied with.
cle inspection or other acceptable means of nondestructive
testing. 3.1.9 Suitable dielectric shields are to be fitted in order to
avoid high negative potentials.
2.11.9 Anodes attached to studs 'fired' into the structure
are not permitted. 3.1.10 A warning light or other warning indicator is to be
arranged at the control position from which divers are con-
2.11.10 The anodes are to be located on the structure to trolled to indicate that the impressed current cathodic pro-
ensure rapid polarization of highly stressed areas such as tection system has been switched off when divers are in the
node welds and with due regard to a possible reduction in water.
throwing power in re-entrant angles.
3.2 Protection after launching and during
2.11.11 Anodes should not be located in positions where outfitting
they may be damaged by craft coming alongside.
3.2.1 Where protection is primarily by an impressed cur-
2.11.12 Magnesium anodes are not to be used in way of rent cathodic protection system, sufficient sacrificial anodes
higher tensile steel or coatings which may be damaged by are to be fitted, capable of polarizing the critical regions of
the high negative potentials unless suitable dielectric the structure from the time of initial immersion until full
shields are fitted. commissioning of the impressed current system.

3 Impressed current anode systems 4 Fixed potential monitoring systems

3.1 General 4.1 General

3.1.1 Impressed current anode materials may be of leadsil- 4.1.1 A permanent monitoring system is to be installed on
ver alloy or platinum over such substrates as titanium, nio- structures protected by an impressed current cathodic pro-
bium, tantalum, or of mixed oxides activated titanium. tection system, and although not essential such a monitor-
ing system is recommended for use in conjunction with
3.1.2 The design and installation of electrical equipment sacrificial anodes.
and cables is to be in accordance with the requirements of
Pt C, Ch 2. 4.1.2 Zinc or Ag/AgCl reference electrodes should be
3.1.3 All equipment is to be suitable for its intended loca-
4.1.3 The location and attachment of the reference elec-
tion. Cables to anodes are not to be led through tanks
trodes are to take account of the stresses in the members
intended for the storage of low flash point oils. Where
concerned and they should not be attached in highly
cables are led through cofferdams of oil storage units they
stressed areas or in way of butts, seams, nodes or any stress
are to be enclosed in a substantial steel tube of about 10mm
4.1.4 The location of the reference electrodes should be
3.1.4 The arrangement for glands, where cables pass
such as to enable the performance of the cathodic protec-
through shell boundaries, are to include a small cofferdam.
tion system to be adequately monitored.
3.1.5 Cable and insulating material should be resistant to 4.1.5 The reference electrodes may be connected to the
chloride, hydrocarbons and any other chemicals with top side display and control equipment by suitable cabling
which they may come into contact. or by any other agreed means.

3.1.6 The electrical connection between the anode cable 4.1.6 Provision is to be made for the regular recording at
and the anode body is to be watertight and mechanically an agreed interval of the potential of the steelwork and log
and electrically sound. sheets are to be made available for inspection when
required by the Surveyors.
3.1.7 Where the power is derived from a rectified a.c.
source adequate protection is to be provided to trip the sup-
ply in the event of: 5 Cathodic protection in tanks
a) A fault between the input or high voltage windings of
the transformer (i.e. main voltage) and the d.c. output of 5.1 General
the associated rectifier; or
5.1.1 Impressed current cathodic protection systems are
b) The ripple on the rectified d.c. exceeding five per cent. not to be fitted in any tank.

56 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 4

5.2 Sacrificial anodes the centreline of the mild steel face plate but well clear of
the free edges. Where higher tensile steel face plates are fit-
5.2.1 Particular attention is to be given to the locations of ted the anodes are to be attached to the webs.
anodes in tanks that can contain explosive or other inflam-
mable vapour, both in relation to the structural arrange- 5.2.7 Anodes are not to be attached directly to the shell
ments and openings of the tanks. plating of main hulls, columns or primary bracings.

5.2.2 Aluminium anodes are only permitted in tanks that

may contain explosive or flammable vapour, and in tanks 6 Potential surveys
adjacent to tanks that may contain explosive or flammable
vapour, where the potential energy of the anode does not 6.1 General
exceed 275 J (28 kgm). The height of the anode is to be
measured from the bottom of the tank to the centre of the 6.1.1 Potential surveys of the external submerged zones
anode, and its weight of the anode is to be taken as the are to be carried out at agreed intervals.
weight at the time of installation, including any inserts and
6.1.2 Should the results of any potential survey measured
fitting devices. However, where aluminium anodes are
with respect to a Ag/AgCl reference cell indicate values
located on wide horizontal surfaces from which they can-
more positive than -0,8 volt for aerobic conditions or -0,9
not fall, the height of the anode may be measured from this
volt for anaerobic conditions then remedial action is to be
carried out at the earliest opportunity.
5.2.3 Aluminium anodes are not to be located under tank
hatches or other openings unless protected by adjacent 7 Retrofits

5.2.4 Magnesium or magnesium alloy anodes are permit- 7.1 General

ted only in tanks intended solely for water ballast, in which
case adequate venting must be provided. 7.1.1 Where it is proposed to fit additional anodes or
replace existing ones then full details are to be submitted for
5.2.5 Anodes fitted internally should preferably be consideration.
attached to stiffeners, or aligned in way of stiffeners on
plane bulkhead plating. Where they are welded to asym- 7.1.2 Where it is necessary to weld anodes to the structure
metrical stiffeners, they are to be connected to the web with then only approved welding procedures and consumables
the welding at least 25mm away from the edge of the web. are to be used.

5.2.6 In the case of stiffeners or girders with symmetrical 7.1.3 The welding procedure is to be qualified under fully
face plates, the connection may be made to the web or to representative conditions.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 57

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 5


1 General requirements tests that the paint to be used does not increase the incen-
dive sparking hazard.

1.1 General 1.1.5 Any sheathing or composition to protect decks is to

be applied in such a manner that corrosion will not occur
1.1.1 The coating specification is to be submitted for unseen beneath the covering.
approval, see Sec 3, [4.1.1].
1.1.6 Deck coatings or coverings used on decks forming
the crown of spaces with a high fire-risk (such as helidecks,
1.1.2 Paints, varnishes and similar preparations having
machinery and accommodation spaces) or which are within
nitrocellulose or other highly flammable base are not to be
accommodation spaces, control rooms, emergency escape
used in accommodation or machinery spaces or in other
routes, etc., are to be of a type which will not readily ignite.
areas with an equal or higher fire-risk.
1.1.7 Paints or other coatings are to be suitable for the
1.1.3 Where a coating is to be applied in accommodation intended purpose in the locations where they are to be
spaces and areas of similar fire-risk the coating is to have used.
low flame spread characteristics.
1.1.8 Coatings are to be applied to blast cleaned surfaces
1.1.4 Paints or other similar coatings containing aluminum prepared to at least an equivalent of ISO 8501-1 Sa 21/2.
should not be used in positions where flammable vapours All resulting dust is to be removed from the surface prior to
may accumulate, unless it has been shown by appropriate the application of any paint.

58 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 6


1 General applied. Weldability products are to be tested according the

provisions of Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 3.

1.1.1 Primers are to have proper weldability and to be

compatible with other coating products subsequently

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 59

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 7


1 Definitions 3.2 Conditions of approval

3.2.1 The approved loading manual is to be based on the
1.1 Perpendiculars final data of the unit. The manual is to include the design
(cargo and ballast) loading conditions, subdivided into on-
1.1.1 Forward perpendicular
site operations and transit conditions and, where applica-
The forward perpendicular is the perpendicular to the ble, into departure and arrival conditions as appropriate,
waterline at the forward side of the stem on the summer upon which the approval of the hull scantlings is based,
load waterline. defined in Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.1.2].
1.1.2 After perpendicular In the case of modifications resulting in changes to the main
The after perpendicular is the perpendicular to the waterline data of the unit, a new approved loading manual is to be
at the after side of the rudder post on the summer load issued.
waterline. For units without rudder post, the after perpen- 3.2.2 Language
dicular is the perpendicular to the waterline at the centre of
The loading manual is to be prepared in a language under-
the rudder stock on the summer load waterline.
stood by the users. If this is not English, a translation into
For units without rudder stock, the after perpendicular is the English is to be included.
perpendicular to the waterline at the aft end (AE) as defined
in Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.3.2].
4 Loading instrument
1.1.3 Midship perpendicular
The midship perpendicular is the perpendicular to the 4.1 Definitions
waterline at half the distance between forward and after
perpendiculars. 4.1.1 A loading instrument is an instrument which is either
analog or digital and by means of which it can be easily and
quickly ascertained that, at specified read-out points, the
2 Loading manual and loading instru- still water bending moments, shear forces and still water
ment requirement criteria torsional moments and lateral loads, where applicable, in
any load or ballast condition, do not exceed the specified
2.1 Requirement criteria permissible values.
An operational manual is always to be provided for the
2.1.1 Loading manual and loading instrument loading instrument.
An approved loading manual and an approved loading Single point loading instruments are not acceptable.
instrument are to be supplied.
The loading instrument is unit specific onboard equipment 4.2 Conditions of approval
and the results of the calculations are only applicable to the
unit for which it has been approved. 4.2.1 The loading instrument is subject to approval, which
An approved loading instrument may not replace an is to include:
approved loading manual. • verification of type approval, if any
• verification that the final data of the unit have been used
3 Loading manual • acceptance of number and position of all read-out
3.1 Definitions • acceptance of relevant limits for read-out points
• checking of proper installation and operation of the
3.1.1 A loading manual is a document which describes: instrument on board, under agreed test conditions, and
• the loading conditions on which the design of the unit that a copy of the operation manual is available.
has been based, including permissible limits of still
water bending moment and shear force 4.2.2 In the case of modifications implying changes in the
main data of the unit, the loading instrument is to be modi-
• the results of the calculations of still water bending
fied accordingly and approved.
moments, shear forces and, where applicable, limita-
tions due to torsional and lateral loads 4.2.3 The operation manual and the instrument output are
• the allowable local loading for the structure (decks, top- to be prepared in a language understood by the users. If this
sides, etc.). is not English, a translation into English is to be included.

60 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 7

4.2.4 The operation of the loading instrument is to be ver- the Society endorses the test conditions, a copy of which is
ified upon installation under the agreed test conditiony. It is to be available on board.
to be checked that the agreed test conditions and the opera-
tion manual for the instrument are available on board. 4.3.3 Data to be submitted

The following data, submitted by the applicant, are to be

4.2.5 When the loading instrument also performs stability
consistent with the as-built unit:
calculations, it is to be approved for stability purposes in
accordance with the procedures indicated in [4.5], [4.6] • identification of the calculation program including the
and [4.7], as applicable. version number

• main dimensions, hydrostatic particulars and, if applica-

4.3 Approval procedure ble, unit profile

• position of the forward and after perpendiculars and, if

4.3.1 General
appropriate, the calculation method to derive the for-
The loading instrument approval process includes the fol- ward and after draughts at the actual position of the
lowing procedures for each unit: unit’s draught marks

• data verification which results in endorsed test condi- • unit lightweight and lightweight distribution along the
tions unit’s length if applicable

• approval of computer hardware, where necessary, as • lines plans and/or offset tables
specified in Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 6, [2.5.1]
• compartment definitions, including frame spacing and
• installation testing which results in an Installation Test centre of volumes, together with capacity tables (sound-
Report. ing/ullage tables), if appropriate

• deadweight definitions for each loading condition.

4.3.2 Data verification approval - Endorsed test
4.3.4 Installation testing
The Society is to verify the results and actual unit data used
During the installation test, one of the unit’s senior officers
by the calculation program for the particular unit on which is to operate the loading instrument and calculate the test
the program will be installed. conditions. This operation is to be witnessed by a Surveyor
Upon application for data verification, the Society is to of the Society. The results obtained from the loading instru-
advise the applicant of a minimum of four loading condi- ment are to be identical to those stated in the endorsed test
conditions. If the numerical output from the loading instru-
tions, taken from the unit’s approved loading manual,
ment is different from the endorsed test conditions, no
which are to be used as the test conditions. Within the
approval will be confirmed.
range of these test conditions, each compartment is to be
loaded at least once. The test conditions normally cover the An installation test is also to be carried out on the second
range of load draughts from the deepest envisaged loaded nominated computer, when applicable as indicated in Pt C,
condition to the light ballast condition. In addition, the Ch 3, Sec 6, [2.5.1], which would be used in the event of
lightship test condition is to be submitted. failure of the first computer. Where the installation test is
carried out on a type approved computer, a second nomi-
When the loading instrument also performs stability calcu-
nated computer and test are not required.
lations, the test conditions are to be taken from the unit’s
approved trim and stability booklet. Subject to the satisfactory completion of installation tests,
the Society’s Surveyor endorses the test conditions, adding
The data indicated in [4.3.3] and contained in the loading details of the place and the date of the installation test sur-
program are to be consistent with the data specified in the vey, as well as the Society stamp and the Surveyor’s signa-
approved loading manual. Particular attention is drawn to ture.
the final lightship weight and centres of gravity derived from
the inclining experiment or lightweight check. 4.3.5 Operational manual
The approval of the computer application software is based A uniquely identified unit specific operational manual is to
on the acceptance of the results of the test conditions be submitted to the Society for documentation.
according to [4.4], [4.6] and [4.7], as applicable.
The operational manual is to be written in a concise and
When the requested information has been submitted and unambiguous manner. The use of illustrations and flow-
the results of the test conditions are considered satisfactory, charts is recommended.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 61

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 7

The operational manual is to contain: are calculated and presented to the user on screen and hard
• a general description of the program denoting identifi- copy output in a clear and unambiguous manner.
cation of the program and its stated version number The displacement is to be calculated for the specified load-
• details of the hardware specification needed to run the ing condition and corresponding draught readings and pre-
loading program sented to the user on screen and hardcopy output.
• a description of error messages and warnings likely to The loading instrument is to be capable of producing print-
be encountered, and unambiguous instructions for sub- outs of the results in both numerical and graphical forms.
sequent actions to be taken by the user in each case The numerical values are to be given in both forms, as abso-
• where applicable, the Society’s restrictions (maximum lute values and as the percentage of the permissible values.
specific gravity allowed in liquid cargo tanks, maximum This print-out is to include a description of the correspond-
filling level or percentage in liquid cargo tanks) ing loading condition.
• example of a calculation procedure supported by illus- All screen and hardcopy output data is to be presented in a
trations and sample computer output clear and unambiguous manner with an identification of the
• example computer output of each screen display, com- calculation program (the version number is to be stated).
plete with explanatory text.

4.3.6 Calculation program specifications 4.4 Hull girder forces and moments
The software is to be written so as to ensure that the user
4.4.1 General
cannot alter the critical unit data files containing the follow-
ing information: The loading program is to be capable of calculating the fol-
lowing hull girder forces and moments in accordance with
• lightship weight and associated centre of gravity (and
Ch 5, Sec 2, [2]:
lightship weight distribution when applicable)
• the Society’s structural limitations or restrictions • Still Water Shear Force (SWSF) including the shear force
correction, where applicable
• geometric hull form data
• hydrostatic data and cross curves, where applicable • Still Water Bending Moment (SWBM)
• compartment definitions, including frame spacing and • Still Water Torsion Moment (SWTM), where applicable
centre of volumes, together with capacity tables (sound- • For units with relatively large deck openings, additional
ing/ullage tables), if appropriate. considerations such as torsional loads are to be consid-
Any changes in the software are to be made by the manu-
facturer or his appointed representative and the Society is to The data which are to be provided to or accepted by the
be informed immediately of such changes. Failure to advise Society are specified in Tab 1.
of any modifications to the calculation program may invali-
Read-out points are usually to be selected at the position of
date the approval issued. In cases where the approval is
the transverse bulkheads or other obvious boundaries.
considered invalid by the Society, the modified calculation
Additional read-out points may be required between bulk-
program is to be re-assessed in accordance with the
heads of long holds or tanks, or between container stacks.
approval procedure.
Where the still water torsion moments are required to be
4.3.7 Functional specification calculated, one test condition is to demonstrate such a cal-
The calculation program is to be user-friendly and designed culation.
such that it limits possible input errors by the user.
The calculated forces and moments are to be displayed in
The forward, midship and after draughts, at the respective both graphical and tabular formats, including the percent-
perpendiculars, are to be calculated and presented to the age of permissible values. The screen and hardcopy output
user on screen and hardcopy output in a clear and unam- is to display the calculated forces or moments, and the cor-
biguous manner. responding permissible limits, at each specified read-out
It is recommended that the forward, midship and after point. Alternative limits may be considered by the Society
draughts, at the actual position of the unit’s draught marks on a case by case basis.

62 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 7

Table 1 : Data to be provided to/or accepted by the Society

Calculation Data to be provided to or accepted by the Society

Still Water Shear Force • The read-out points (frame locations) for the SWSF calculations. These points are normally
(SWSF) selected at the position of the transverse bulkhead or other obvious boundaries. Additional read-
out points may be specified between the bulkheads of long holds or tanks.
• Shear force correction factors and method of application.
• The permissible SWSF limits at the read-out points. Where appropriate, additional sets of per-
missible SWSF values may be specified.
• Effects of mooring loads, when applicable
Still Water Bending Moment • The read-out points (frame locations) for the SWBM calculations. These points are normally
(SWBM) selected at the position of the transverse bulkhead, mid-hold or other obvious boundaries.
• The permissible SWBM limits at the read-out points. Where appropriate, additional sets of per-
missible SWBM values may be specified.
• Effects of mooring loads, when applicable

4.4.2 Acceptable tolerances sions, which require only software approval, apply to ship-
The accuracy of the calculation program is to be within the board computers which are provided with software capable
acceptable tolerance band, specified in Tab 2, of the results of performing stability calculations for the unit.
at each read-out point obtained by the Society, using an
Active and passive systems are defined in [4.5.3]. These
independent program or the approved loading manual with
requirements cover passive systems and the off-line opera-
identical input.
tion mode of active systems only.

Table 2 : Tolerance band for the comparison 4.5.2 General

of computational accuracy
The scope of stability calculation software is to be in
Tolerance (percentage of the accordance with the stability information as approved by
permissible values) the Society and is to at least include all information and
perform all calculations or checks as necessary to ensure
Still Water Shear Force ± 5%
compliance with the applicable stability requirements.
Still Water Bending Moment ± 5%
Approved stability software is not a substitute for the
Still Water Torsion Moment, ± 5%
approved stability information, and is used as a supplement
where applicable
to the approved stability information to facilitate stability
4.4.3 Permissible limits and restrictions
The input/output information should be easily comparable
The user is to be able to view the following Society struc-
tural limitations in a clear and unambiguous manner: with approved stability information so as to avoid confusion
and possible misinterpretation by the operator relative to
• all permissible still water shear forces and still water the approved stability information.
bending moments
An operation manual is to be provided for the shipboard
• where applicable, the permissible still water torsion
computer stability software.
• ballast tank/hold capacities The language in which the stability information is displayed
and printed out and in which the operation manual is writ-
• filling restrictions.
ten should be the same as that used for the unit’s approved
It is to be readily apparent to the user when any of the struc- stability information. The Society may require a translation
tural limits has been exceeded. into a language considered appropriate.

The shipboard computer software for stability calculations

4.5 Stability is unit specific and the results of the calculations are only
applicable to the unit for which it has been approved.
4.5.1 Premise
In the case of modifications implying changes in the main
The use of shipboard computers for stability calculations is
data or internal arrangement of the unit, the specific
not a requirement of class.
approval of any original stability calculation software is no
However, stability software installed on board is to cover all longer valid. The software is to be modified accordingly and
stability requirements applicable to the unit. These provi- re-approved.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 63

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 7

4.5.3 Calculation systems 4.5.6 Acceptable tolerances

A passive system requires manual data entry, an active sys- Depending on the type and scope of programs, the accepta-
tem replaces the manual entry with sensors reading and ble tolerances are to be determined differently, according to
entering the contents of tanks, etc., and a third system, an a) or b) below, as appropriate. Deviation from these toler-
integrated system, controls or initiates actions based on the ances are not acceptable unless the Society considers that
sensor supplied inputs and is not within the scope of these there is a satisfactory explanation for the difference and that
requirements. there will be no adverse effect on the safety of the unit.

4.5.4 Types of stability software Examples of pre-programmed input data include the follow-
Three types of calculations performed by stability software ing:
are acceptable depending upon a unit's stability require- • Hydrostatic data: Displacement, LCB, LCF, VCB, KMt
ments: and MCT versus draught.
• Type 1: software calculating intact stability only (for • Stability data: KN or MS values at appropriate heel/ trim
units not required to meet a damage stability criterion) angles versus displacement, stability limits.
• Type 2: software calculating intact stability and check-
• Compartment data: Volume, LCG, VCG, TCG and FSM/
ing damage stability on the basis of a limit curve or pre-
Grain heeling moments vs level of the compartment's
viously approved loading conditions and
• Type 3: software calculating intact stability and damage
stability by direct application of pre-programmed dam- • For units other than ship shaped units, hydrostatic char-
age cases for each loading condition. acteristics, righting and heeling curves are to be related
to the most critical axis.
4.5.5 Functional requirements
Examples of output data include the following:
The calculation program is to present relevant parameters of
each loading condition in order to assist the Master in his • Hydrostatic data: Displacement, LCB, LCF, VCB, KMt
judgement on whether the unit is loaded within the and MCT versus draught as well as actual draughts,
approval limits. The following parameters are to be pre- trim.
sented for a given loading condition:
• Stability data: FSC (free surface correction), GZ-values,
• deadweight data; KG, GM, KG/GM limits, allowable grain heeling
• lightship data; moments, derived stability criteria, e.g. areas under the
GZ curve, weather criteria.
• trim;
• draft at the draft marks and perpendiculars; • Compartment data: Calculated Volume, LCG, VCG,
TCG and FSM/ Grain heeling moments vs level of the
• summary of loading condition displacement, VCG, LCG compartment's contents.
and, if applicable, TCG;
• downflooding angle and corresponding downflooding The computational accuracy of the calculation program
opening; results is to be within the acceptable tolerances specified in
a) or b) below as appropriate, in comparison with the results
• compliance with stability criteria: listing of all calcu-
obtained by the Society using an independent program or
lated stability criteria, the limit values, the values
the approved stability information with identical input.
obtained and the conclusions (criteria fulfilled or not
fulfilled). a) Programs which use only pre-programmed data from
the approved stability information as the basis for stabil-
If direct damage stability calculations are performed, the
ity calculations are to have zero tolerances for the print-
relevant damage cases according to the applicable Rules
outs of input data.
are to be pre-defined for automatic check of a given loading
condition. Output data tolerances are to be close to zero; however,
small differences associated with calculation rounding
A clear warning is to be given on screen and in hard copy
or abridged input data are acceptable.
printout if any of the loading limitations are not complied
with. Additionally, differences associated with the use of
The data are to be presented on screen and in hard copy hydrostatic and stability data for trims that differ from
printout in a clear unambiguous manner. those in the approved stability information are accepta-
ble subject to review by the Society.
The date and time of a saved calculation are to be part of
the screen display and hard copy printout. b) Programs which use hull form models as their basis for
stability calculations are to have tolerances for the print-
Each hard copy printout is to contain identification of the
outs of basic calculated data established against either
calculation program, including version number.
data from the approved stability information or data
Units of measurement are to be clearly identified and used obtained using the approval Society's model. Accepta-
consistently within a loading calculation. ble tolerances are to be in accordance with Tab 3.

64 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 7

Table 3 : Applicable tolerances

Hull Form Dependent

Displacement 2%
Longitudinal centre of bouyancy, from AP 1% / 50 cm max
Vertical centre of bouyancy 1% / 5 cm max
Transverse centre of bouyancy 0,5% of B / 5 cm max
Longitudinal centre of flotation, from AP 1% / 50 cm max
Moment to trim 1 cm 2%
Transverse metacentric height 1% / 5 cm max
Longitudinal metacentric height 1% / 50 cm max
Cross curves of stability 5 cm
Compartment dependent
Volume or deadweight 2%
Longitudinal centre of gravity, from AP 1% / 50 cm max
Vertical centre of gravity 1% / 5 cm max
Transverse centre of gravity 0,5% of B / 5 cm max
Free surface moment 2%
Shifting moment 5%
Level of contents 2%
Trim and stability
Draughts (forward, aft, mean) 1% / 5 cm max
GMt 1% / 5 cm max
GZ values 5% / 5 cm max
FS correction 2%
Downflooding angle 2°
Equilibrium angles 1°
Distance to unprotected openings or margin line from WL, if applicable ±5 % / 5 cm max
Areas under righting arm curve 5 % or 0,0012 mrad
Note 1:
Deviation in % = {(base value-applicant's value)/base value} *100, where the "base value" may be from the approved stability information or
the Society's computer model.

4.5.7 Approval Procedure manual for the computer/ software are to be available on
The shipboard software used for stability calculations is sub- board.
ject to approval, which is to include: a) The Society verifies the accuracy of the computational
• verification of type approval, if any; results and actual unit data used by the calculation pro-
• verification that the data used is consistent with the cur- gram for the particular unit on which the program will
rent condition of the unit (see item c); be installed.
• verification and approval of the test conditions; b) Upon application to the Society for data verification, the
• verification that the software is appropriate for the type Society and the applicant are to agree on a minimum of
of unit and stability calculations required. four loading conditions, taken from the unit's approved
stability information, which are to be used as the test
The satisfactory operation of the software with the ship- conditions. At least one of the conditions is to include
board computer(s) for stability calculations is to be verified partially filled tanks. Within the test conditions each
by testing upon installation in compliance with [4.5.9]. A compartment is to be loaded at least once. The test con-
copy of the approved test conditions and the operation ditions normally are to cover the range of load draughts

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 65

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 7

from the deepest envisaged loaded condition to the light b) From the approved test conditions at least one load case
ballast condition and are to include at least one on-site (other than lightship) is to be calculated.
operation and one transit condition and, when applica- The following steps are to be performed:
ble, one departure and one arrival condition.
• retrieve the test load case and start a calculation run;
c) The Society is to verify that the following data, submit- compare the stability results with those in the docu-
ted by the applicant, are consistent with arrangements mentation;
and the most recently approved lightship characteristics • change several items of deadweight (tank weights
of the unit according to current plans and documenta- and the cargo weight) sufficiently to change the
tion on file with the Society, subject to possible further draught or displacement by at least 10%. The results
verification on board: are to be reviewed to ensure that they differ in a log-
• identification of the calculation program including ical way from those of the approved test condition;
version number; • revise the above modified load condition to restore
• main dimensions, hydrostatic particulars and, if the initial test condition and compare the results.
applicable, the unit profile; The relevant input and output data of the approved
• the position of the forward and after perpendiculars, test condition are to be replicated.
and if appropriate, the calculation method to derive In general, the test conditions are permanently stored in the
the forward and after draughts at the actual position computer.
of the unit's draught marks; The results are to be verified as identical to those in the
• unit lightweight and centre of gravity derived from approved copy of the test conditions.
the most recently approved inclining experiment or
If the numerical output from the loading instrument is differ-
lightweight check;
ent from the endorsed test conditions, no approval will be
• lines plan, offset tables or other suitable presentation confirmed.
of hull form data if necessary for the Society to
An installation test is also to be carried out on the second
model the unit;
nominated computer, when applicable as indicated in Pt C,
• compartment definitions, including frame spacing, Ch 3, Sec 6, [2.5.1], which would be used in the event of
and centres of volume, together with capacity tables failure of the first computer. Where the installation test is
(sounding/ullage tables), free surface corrections, if carried out on a type approved computer, a second nomi-
appropriate; nated computer and test are not required.
• cargo and consumables distribution for each loading Subject to the satisfactory completion of installation tests,
condition. the Society's Surveyor endorses the test conditions, adding
Verification by the Society does not absolve the applicant details of the place and date of the installation test survey,
and Owner from responsibility for ensuring that the infor- as well as the Society stamp and the Surveyor's signature.
mation programmed into the shipboard computer software Actual loading condition results are not suitable for check-
is consistent with the current condition of the unit. ing the correct working of the computer.
4.5.8 Operation manual 4.5.10 Additional requirements
A simple and straightforward operation manual is to be pro- Protection against unintentional or unauthorised modifica-
vided, containing descriptions and instructions, as appropri- tion of programs and data is to be provided.
ate, for at least the following:
The program is to monitor operation and activate an alarm
• installation when the program is incorrectly or abnormally used.
• function keys
The program and any data stored in the system are to be
• menu displays protected from corruption by loss of power.
• input and output data Error messages with regard to limitations such as filling a
• required minimum hardware to operate the software compartment beyond capacity, or exceeding the assigned
• use of the test loading conditions load line, etc. are to be included.
• computer-guided dialogue steps
4.6 Intact stability
• list of warnings.
4.6.1 Application
4.5.9 Installation testing
The loading instrument approval for stability purposes is
To ensure correct working of the computer after the final or
required when a loading instrument to be installed on
updated software has been installed, it is the responsibility
board a unit performs stability calculations, as stated in
of the unit's Master to have test calculations carried out
according to a) or b) in the presence of a Surveyor of the
Society. 4.6.2 Data verification approval - Endorsed test
a) In compliance with [4.3.4], test conditions are to be conditions
selected and the test calculation performed by entering The requirements in [4.3.2] apply. In addition, at least one
all deadweight data for each selected test condition into of the four loading conditions required is to show the com-
the program as if it were a proposed loading. partments, intended for liquid loads in which the free sur-

66 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 7

face effect is considerable, filled in order to have the 4.7 Damage stability
maximum free surface moment.
The additional data necessary for the approval of the load- 4.7.1 Application
ing instrument for stability purposes are specified in [4.6.3].
The loading instrument approval for stability purposes is
In order to obtain the approval of the loading instrument, all required when a loading instrument to be installed on
the intact stability requirements (and relevant criteria) appli- board a unit performs damage stability calculations, as
cable to the unit, reported in Part E, depending on service stated in [4.2.6].
notations to be assigned to the units are to be available in
the computer output; the lack of any one of them is suffi- In such case, the loading instrument is also to perform intact
cient to prevent the endorsement of the test conditions. stability calculations, and therefore the approval is to be
based on the requirements specified in [4.6].
4.6.3 Additional data to be submitted
In addition to the data required in [4.3.3], the following are Additional requirements relevant to damage stability are
to be submitted: given in [4.7.2] and [4.7.3].
• cross curves of stability calculated on a free trimming
basis, for the ranges of displacement and trim antici- 4.7.2 Data verification approval - Endorsed test
pated in normal operating conditions, with indication of conditions
the volumes which have been considered in the compu- The requirements specified in [4.6.2] apply.
tation of these curves,
• capacity tables indicating, for each compartment or The additional data necessary for the approval of the load-
space, the values of the co-ordinates XG, YG and ZG of ing instrument for stability purposes are specified in [4.7.3].
the centre of gravity, as well as the inertia, correspond-
ing to an adequate number of filling percentages 4.7.3 Additional data to be submitted
• list of all the openings (location, tightness, means of clo- In addition to the data required in [4.6.3], the following are
sure), pipes or other sources which may lead to progres- to be submitted:
sive flooding
• list of all the damage cases which are to be considered
• deadweight definitions for each loading condition in
in accordance with the relevant deterministic damage
which, for any load taken into account, the following
stability rules. Each damage case is to clearly indicate
information is to be specified:
all the compartments or spaces taken into account, as
- weight and centre of gravity co-ordinates well as the permeability associated with each compart-
- percentage of filling (if liquid load) ment or space.
- free surface moment (if liquid load)
This information is to be taken from the approved dam-
• information on loading restrictions (maximum filling age stability documentation, and the source details are
level or percentage in liquid cargo tanks, maximum KG to be clearly indicated; in the case of unavailability of
or minimum GM curve or table which can be used to such documentation, the above-mentioned information
determine compliance with the applicable intact and may be requested from the Society.
damage stability criteria), when applicable
• all the intact stability criteria applicable to the unit con- • all the damage stability criteria applicable to the unit
cerned. concerned.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 67

Part B
Hull and Stability

Chapter 13







Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 69

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 1


1 General 1.3.2 Consumables

For welding of hull structural steels, the minimum consuma-
1.1 Application ble grades to be adopted are specified in Tab 1 depending
on the steel grade.
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply for the prepa- For welding of other materials, the consumables indicated
ration, execution and inspection of welded connections in in the welding procedures to be approved are considered
hull structures. by the Society on a case by case basis.
The general requirements relevant to fabrication by welding
and qualification of welding procedures are given in Part D,
Table 1 : Consumable grades
Chapter 5. As guidance see also the indications given in the
“Guide for Welding”.
Consumable minimum grade
The requirements relevant to the non-destructive examina- Steel grade Butt welding, partial and
tion of welded connections are given in the Rules for carry- Fillet welding
full T penetration welding
ing out non-destructive examination of welding.
A 1 1
1.1.2 Weld connections are to be executed according to
B-D 2
the approved plans. Any detail not specifically represented
in the plans is, in any event, to comply with the applicable E 3
AH32 - AH36 2Y 2Y
DH32 - DH36
1.1.3 It is understood that welding of the various types of
steel is to be carried out by means of welding procedures EH32 - EH36 3Y
approved for the purpose, even though an explicit indica-
FH32 - FH36 4Y
tion to this effect may not appear on the approved plans.
AH40 2Y40 2Y40
1.1.4 The quality standard adopted by the shipyard is to be DH40 - EH40 3Y40
submitted to the Society and applies to all constructions
unless otherwise specified on a case-by-case basis. FH40 4Y40
Note 1:
1.2 Base material Welding consumables approved for welding higher strength
steels (Y) may be used in lieu of those approved for welding
1.2.1 The requirements of this Section apply for the weld- normal strength steels having the same or a lower grade;
ing of hull structural steels or aluminium alloys of the types welding consumables approved in grade Y40 may be used in
considered in Part D or other types accepted as equivalent lieu of those approved in grade Y having the same or a lower
by the Society.
Note 2:
1.2.2 The service temperature is intended to be the ambi- In the case of welded connections between two hull struc-
tural steels of different grades, as regards strength or notch
ent temperature, unless otherwise stated.
toughness, welding consumables appropriate to one or the
other steel are to be adopted.
1.3 Welding consumables and procedures
1.3.3 Electrodes for manual welding
1.3.1 Approval of welding consumables and
procedures Basic covered electrodes are to be used for the welding of
structural members made in higher strength steels and, irre-
Welding consumables and welding procedures adopted are
spective of the steel type, for the welding of special and pri-
to be approved by the Society.
mary structural members, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, Tab 3
The requirements for the approval of welding consumables and Ch 4, Sec 1, Tab 7, as applicable.
are given in Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 2.
Non-basic covered electrodes are generally allowed for
The requirements for the approval of welding procedures manual fillet welding of structural members of moderate
for the individual users are given in Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 4 and thickness (gross thickness less than 25 mm) made in normal
Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 5. strength steels.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 71

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 1

1.4 Personnel and equipment 1.6 Design

1.4.1 Welders 1.6.1 General

For the various structural details typical of welded construc-
Manual and semi-automatic welding is to be performed by
tion in shipbuilding and not dealt with in this Section, the
welders certified by the Society in accordance with recog-
rules of good practice, recognised standards and past expe-
nised standards (see Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.2.3] and Pt D,
rience are to apply as agreed by the Society.
Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.2.5]); the welders are to be employed within
the limits of their respective approval. 1.6.2 Plate orientation
The plates of the shell and strength deck are generally to be
1.4.2 Automatic welding operators arranged with their length in the fore-aft direction. Possible
Personnel manning automatic welding machines and exceptions to the above will be considered by the Society
equipment are to be competent and sufficiently trained. on a case by case basis; tests as deemed necessary (for
example, transverse impact tests) may be required by the
1.4.3 Organisation Society.

The internal organisation of the shipyard is to be such as to 1.6.3 Overall arrangement

ensure compliance in full with the requirements in [1.4.1] Particular consideration is to be given to the overall arrange-
and [1.4.2] and to provide for assistance and inspection of ment and structural details of highly stressed parts of the
welding personnel, as necessary, by means of a suitable hull.
number of competent supervisors.
Special attention is to be given to the above details in the
plan approval stage; accurate plans relevant to the special
1.4.4 NDT operators
details specified in Sec 2 are to be submitted.
Non-destructive tests are to be carried out by operators
qualified according to the requirements of Pt D, Ch 1, 1.6.4 Prefabrication sequences
Sec 1, [3.6.4]. Prefabrication sequences are to be arranged so as to facili-
tate positioning and assembling as far as possible.
The qualifications are to be appropriate to the specific
applications. The amount of welding to be performed on board is to be
limited to a minimum and restricted to easily accessible
1.4.5 Technical equipment and facilities connections.

The welding equipment is to be appropriate to the adopted 1.6.5 Distance between welds
welding procedures, of adequate output power and such as Welds located too close to one another are to be avoided.
to provide for stability of the arc in the different welding The minimum distance between two adjacent welds is con-
positions. sidered on a case by case basis, taking into account the
level of stresses acting on the connected elements.
In particular, the welding equipment for special welding
procedures is to be provided with adequate and duly cali- In general, the distance between two adjacent butts in the
brated measuring instruments, enabling easy and accurate same strake of shell or deck plating is to be greater than two
reading, and adequate devices for easy regulation and regu- frame spaces.
lar feed.

Manual electrodes, wires and fluxes are to be stocked in

2 Type of connections and preparation
suitable locations so as to ensuring their preservation in
good condition. 2.1 General
2.1.1 The type of connection and the edge preparation are
1.5 Documentation to be submitted to be appropriate to the welding procedure adopted, the
structural elements to be connected and the stresses to
1.5.1 The structural plans to be submitted for approval, which they are subjected.
according to Ch 1, Sec 3, are to contain the necessary data
relevant to the fabrication by welding of the structures and 2.2 Butt welding
items represented. Any detail not clearly represented in the
plans is, in any event, to comply with the applicable Rule 2.2.1 General
In general, butt connections of plating are to be full penetra-
For important structures, the main sequences of prefabrica- tion, welded on both sides except where special procedures
tion, assembly and welding and non-destructive examina- or specific techniques, considered equivalent by the Soci-
tion planned are also to be represented in the plans. ety, are adopted.
Connections different from the above may be accepted by
1.5.2 A plan showing the location of the various steel the Society on a case by case basis; in such cases, the rele-
types is to be submitted at least for outer shell, deck and vant detail and workmanship specifications are to be
bulkhead structures. approved.

72 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 1

2.2.2 Welding of plates with different thicknesses 2.3.2 Fillet welding types
In the case of welding of plates with a difference in gross Fillet welding may be of the following types:
thickness equal to or greater than: • continuous fillet welding, where the weld is constituted
• 3 mm, if the thinner plate has a gross thickness equal to by a continuous fillet on each side of the abutting plate
or less than 10 mm (see [2.3.3])
• 4 mm, if the thinner plate has a gross thickness greater • intermittent fillet welding, which may be subdivided
than 10 mm, (see [2.3.4]) into:
- chain welding
a taper having a length of not less than 4 times the differ-
- scallop welding
ence in gross thickness is to be adopted for connections of
plating perpendicular to the direction of main stresses. For - staggered welding.
connections of plating parallel to the direction of main
2.3.3 Continuous fillet welding
stresses, the taper length may be reduced to 3 times the dif-
ference in gross thickness. Continuous fillet welding is to be adopted:
• for watertight connections
When the difference in thickness is less than the above val-
ues, it may be accommodated in the weld transition • for connections of brackets, lugs and scallops
between plates. • at the ends of connections for a length of at least 75mm
• where intermittent welding is not allowed, according to
2.2.3 Edge preparation, root gap [2.3.4].
Typical edge preparations and gaps are indicated in the
“Guide for welding”. Continuous fillet welding may also be adopted in lieu of
intermittent welding wherever deemed suitable, and it is
The acceptable root gap is to be in accordance with the recommended where the spacing p, calculated according
adopted welding procedure and relevant bevel preparation. to [2.3.4], is low.
2.2.4 Butt welding on permanent backing 2.3.4 Intermittent welding
Butt welding on permanent backing, i.e. butt welding The spacing p and the length d, in mm, of an intermittent
assembly of two plates backed by the flange or the face weld, shown in:
plate of a stiffener, may be accepted where back welding is • Fig 1, for chain welding
not feasible or in specific cases deemed acceptable by the
Society. • Fig 2, for scallop welding
• Fig 3, for staggered welding
The type of bevel and the gap between the members to be
assembled are to be such as to ensure a proper penetration are to be such that:
of the weld on its backing and an adequate connection to
the stiffener as required. --- ≤ ϕ
2.2.5 Section, bulbs and flat bars where the coefficient ϕ is defined in Tab 2 and Tab 3 for the
When lengths of longitudinals of the shell plating and different types of intermittent welding, depending on the
strength deck within 0,6 L amidships, or elements in general type and location of the connection.
subject to high stresses, are to be connected together by In general, staggered welding is not allowed for connec-
butt joints, these are to be full penetration. Other solutions tions subjected to high alternate stresses.
may be adopted if deemed acceptable by the Society on a In addition, the following limitations are to be complied
case by case basis. with:
The work is to be done in accordance with an approved • chain welding (see Fig 1):
procedure; in particular, this requirement applies to work
d ≥ 75 mm
done on board or in conditions of difficult access to the
welded connection. Special measures may be required by p-d ≤ 200 mm
the Society.
Figure 1 : Intermittent chain welding

2.3 Fillet welding

2.3.1 General
In general, ordinary fillet welding (without bevel) may be
adopted for T connections of the various simple and com-
posite structural elements, where they are subjected to low
stresses (in general not exceeding 30 N/mm2) and adequate
precautions are taken to prevent the possibility of local lam- • scallop welding (see Fig 2):
inations of the element against which the T web is welded. d ≥ 75 mm
Where this is not the case, partial or full T penetration weld- p-d ≤ 150 mm
ing according to [2.4] is to be adopted. v ≤ 0,25b, without being greater than 75 mm

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 73

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 1

Figure 2 : Intermittent scallop welding For continuous fillet welds, p/d is to be taken equal to 1.

In no case may the throat thickness be less than:

• 3,0 mm, where the gross thickness of the thinner plate

is less than 6 mm

• 3,5 mm, otherwise.

The throat thickness may be required by the Society to be

• staggered welding (see Fig 3): increased, depending on the results of structural analyses.
d ≥ 75 mm For some connections of special structural details, as
p-2d ≤ 300 mm defined in Sec 2, the throat thickness is specified in the rel-
p ≤ 2d for connections subjected to high alternate evant sheets of App 1.
The leg length of fillet weld T connections is to be not less
Figure 3 : Intermittent staggered welding than 1,4 times the required throat thickness.

2.3.6 Weld dimensions in a specific case

Where intermittent fillet welding is adopted with:

• length d = 75 mm

• throat thickness tT specified in Tab 4 depending on the

2.3.5 Throat thickness of fillet weld T connections thickness t defined in [2.3.5]
The throat thickness of fillet weld T connections is to be
obtained, in mm, from the following formula: the weld spacing may be taken equal to the value p1
p defined in Tab 2. The values of p1 in Tab 2 may be used
t T = w F t ---
d when 8 ≤ t ≤ 16 mm.
For thicknesses t less than 8 mm, the values of p1 may be
wF : Welding factor, defined in Tab 2 for the various
increased, with respect to those in Tab 2, by:
hull structural connections; for connections of
primary supporting members belonging to sin- • 10 mm for chain or scallop welding
gle skin structures and not mentioned in Tab 2,
wF is defined in Tab 3; for some connections of • 20 mm for staggered welding
specific unit types, the values of wF specified in
Part E for these unit types are to be used in lieu without exceeding the limits in [2.3.4].
of the corresponding values in Tab 2 or Tab 3
For thicknesses t greater than 16 mm, the values of p1 are to
t : Actual gross thickness, in mm, of the structural
element which constitutes the web of the T con- be reduced, with respect to those in Tab 2, by:
nection • 10 mm for chain or scallop welding
p, d : Spacing and length, in mm, of an intermittent
weld, defined in [2.3.4]. • 20 mm for staggered welding.

Figure 4 : Continuous fillet welding Figure 5 : Intermittent scallop fillet welding

between cut-outs
between cut-outs

thickness a Throat
thickness a

λ λ1 λ2 λ3 λ=∑(λi)
ε ε

74 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 1

Table 2 : Welding factors wF and coefficient ϕ for the various hull structural connections

Connection ϕ (2) (3) p1, in mm (see

Hull area wF (1)
of to CH SC ST [2.3.6]) (3)
General, watertight plates boundaries 0,35
unless other- webs of ordinary stiff- plating 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
wise speci- eners
fied in the face plate of at ends (4) 0,13
table fabricated stiff- elsewhere 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
Bottom and longitudinal ordinary bottom and inner bottom plating 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
double bot- stiffeners
tom centre girder keel 0,25 1,8 1,8 CH/SC 130
inner bottom plating 0,20 2,2 2,2 CH/SC 160
side girders bottom and inner bottom plating 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
floors (interrupted girders) 0,20 2,2 CH 160
floors bottom and in general 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
inner bottom at ends (20% of span) 0,25 1,8 CH 130
plating for longitudinally
framed double bot-
inner bottom plating in way of brackets 0,25 1,8 CH 130
of primary supporting members
girders (interrupted floors) 0,20 2,2 CH 160
side girders in way of hopper tanks 0,35
partial side girders floors 0,25 1,8 CH 130
web stiffeners floor and girder webs 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
Side and inner ordinary stiffeners side and inner side plating 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
side girders in double side side and inner side plating 0,35
skin units
Deck strength deck side plating Partial penetration welding
non-watertight decks side plating 0,20 2,2 CH 160
ordinary stiffeners and deck plating 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
intercostal girders
hatch coamings deck plating in general 0,35
at corners of hatch- 0,45
ways for 15% of the
hatch length
web stiffeners coaming webs 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 75

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 1

Connection ϕ (2) (3) p1, in mm (see

Hull area wF (1)
of to CH SC ST [2.3.6]) (3)
Bulkheads tank bulkhead struc- tank bottom plating and ordinary 0,45
tures stiffeners (plane bulk-
vertical corrugations Full penetration welding
(corrugated bulk-
boundaries other than tank bottom 0,35
watertight bulkhead boundaries 0,35
non-watertight bulk- boundaries wash bulkheads 0,20 2,2 2,2 CH/SC 160
head structures others 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
ordinary stiffeners bulkhead plat- in general (5) 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
ing at ends (25% of 0,35
span), where no end
brackets are fitted
Structures bottom longitudinal bottom plating 0,20 2,2 CH 160
located for- ordinary stiffeners
ward of 0,75 floors and girders bottom and inner bottom plating 0,25 1,8 CH 130
L from the AE
(6) side frames in panting side plating 0,20 2,2 CH 160
webs of side girders in side plating A< 65 cm2 (7) 0,25 1,8 1,8 CH/SC 130
single side skin struc- and face
A ≥ 65 cm2 (7) See Tab 3
tures plate
After peak (6) internal structures each other 0,20
side ordinary stiffeners side plating 0,20
floors bottom and inner bottom plating 0,20
Superstruc- external bulkheads deck in general 0,35
tures and engine and boiler 0,45
deckhouses casings at corners of
openings (15% of
opening length)
internal bulkheads deck 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
ordinary stiffeners external and internal bulkhead plating 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
Pillars elements composing each other (fabricated pillars) 0,13
the pillar section
pillars deck pillars in compres- 0,35
pillars in tension Full penetration welding
Ventilators coamings deck 0,35
(1) In connections for which wF ≥ 0,35, continuous fillet welding is to be adopted.
(2) For coefficient ϕ, see [2.3.4]. In connections for which no ϕ value is specified for a certain type of intermittent welding, such
type is not permitted and continuous welding is to be adopted.
(3) CH = chain welding, SC = scallop welding, ST = staggered welding.
(4) Ends of ordinary stiffeners means the area extended 75 mm from the span ends. Where end brackets are fitted, ends means the
area extended in way of brackets and at least 50 mm beyond the bracket toes.
(5) In tanks intended for the carriage of ballast or fresh water, continuous welding with wF = 0,35 is to be adopted.
(6) For connections not mentioned, the requirements for the central part apply.
(7) A is the face plate sectional area of the side girders, in cm2.

76 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 1

2.3.7 Throat thickness of welds between cut-outs porting members is to be not less than 0,35tW, where tW is
The throat thickness of the welds between the cut-outs in the web gross thickness, in mm. Further requirements are
primary supporting member webs for the passage of ordi- specified in Sec 2.
nary stiffeners is to be not less than the value obtained, in Where primary supporting member web stiffeners are
mm, from the following formula: welded to ordinary stiffener face plates, in certain cases the
ε Society may require the above throat thickness to be
t TC = t T ---
λ obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
4 ( p S + p W )sl ⎛ 1 – ------⎞
tT : Throat thickness defined in [2.3.5] ⎝ 2l⎠
t T = -------------------------------------------------------
ε, λ
u + v ⎛ ----------------------⎞
: Dimensions, in mm, to be taken as shown in: c + 0 ,2d
• Fig 4, for continuous welding ⎝ b + 0 ,2d⎠

• Fig 5, for intermittent scallop welding. where:

pS, pW : Still water and wave pressure, respectively, in
2.3.8 Throat thickness of welds connecting
ordinary stiffeners with primary supporting kN/m2, acting on the ordinary stiffener, defined
members in Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.3.2]
The throat thickness of fillet welds connecting ordinary stiff- b,c,d,u,v: Main dimensions, in mm, of the cut-out shown
eners and collar plates, if any, to the web of primary sup- in Fig 6.

Table 3 : Welding factors wF and coefficient ϕ for connections of primary supporting members

Primary support- Connection ϕ (2) (3) p1, in mm (see

wF (1)
ing member of to CH SC ST [2.3.6]) (3)

General (4) web, plating and at ends 0,20

where A < 65 cm2 face plate
elsewhere 0,15 3,0 3,0 CH/SC 210

web, plating 0,35

where A ≥ 65 cm2
face plate at ends 0,35

elsewhere 0,25 1,8 1,8 CH/SC 130

end brackets face plate 0,35

In tanks, where web plating at ends 0,25

A < 65 cm2 (5)
elsewhere 0,20 2,2 2,2 CH/SC 160

face plate at ends 0,20

elsewhere 0,15 3,0 3,0 CH/SC 210

end brackets face plate 0,35

(1) In connections for which wF ≥ 0,35, continuous fillet welding is to be adopted.

(2) For coefficient ϕ, see [2.3.4]. In connections for which no ϕ value is specified for a certain type of intermittent welding, such
type is not permitted.
(3) CH = chain welding, SC = scallop welding, ST = staggered welding.
(4) For cantilever deck beams, continuous welding is to be adopted.
(5) For primary supporting members in tanks intended for the carriage of ballast or fresh water, continuous welding is to be
Note 1:
A is the face plate sectional area of the primary supporting member, in cm2.
Note 2:
Ends of primary supporting members means the area extended 20% of the span from the span ends. Where end brackets are fitted,
ends means the area extended in way of brackets and at least 100 mm beyond the bracket toes.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 77

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 1

Primary support- Connection ϕ (2) (3) p1, in mm (see

wF (1)
ing member of to CH SC ST [2.3.6]) (3)

In tanks, where web plating at ends 0,45

A ≥ 65 cm2
elsewhere 0,35

face plate 0,35

end brackets face plate 0,45

(1) In connections for which wF ≥ 0,35, continuous fillet welding is to be adopted.

(2) For coefficient ϕ, see [2.3.4]. In connections for which no ϕ value is specified for a certain type of intermittent welding, such
type is not permitted.
(3) CH = chain welding, SC = scallop welding, ST = staggered welding.
(4) For cantilever deck beams, continuous welding is to be adopted.
(5) For primary supporting members in tanks intended for the carriage of ballast or fresh water, continuous welding is to be
Note 1:
A is the face plate sectional area of the primary supporting member, in cm2.
Note 2:
Ends of primary supporting members means the area extended 20% of the span from the span ends. Where end brackets are fitted,
ends means the area extended in way of brackets and at least 100 mm beyond the bracket toes.

Figure 6 : End connection of ordinary stiffener 2.3.9 Throat thickness of deep penetration fillet
Dimensions of the cut-out welding
c When fillet welding is carried out with automatic welding
procedures, the throat thickness required in [2.3.5] may be
reduced up to 15%, depending on the properties of the
electrodes and consumables. However, this reduction may
not be greater than 1,5 mm.
u v The same reduction applies also for semi-automatic proce-
dures where the welding is carried out in the downhand

c b 2.4 Partial and full T penetration welding

2.4.1 General
Table 4 : Required throat thickness
Partial or full T penetration welding is to be adopted for
t, in mm tT, in mm t, in mm tT, in mm connections subjected to high stresses for which fillet weld-
ing is considered unacceptable by the Society.
6 3,0 17 7,0
8 3,5 18 7,0 Partial or full T penetration welding is required, in any
event, where indicated for the connections specified in
9 4,0 19 7,5
Part E depending on the unit type. Further requirements are
10 4,5 20 7,5 specified in Sec 2.
11 5,0 21 8,5
Typical edge preparations are indicated in:
12 5,5 22 8,5
13 6,0 23 9,0 • for partial penetration welds: Fig 7 and Fig 8, in which
f, in mm, is to be taken between 3 mm and t/3, and α
14 6,0 24 9,0
between 45° and 60°
15 6,5 25 10,0
• for full penetration welds: Fig 9 and Fig 10, in which f,
16 6,5 26 10,0
in mm, is to be taken between 0 and 3 mm, and α
between 45° and 60°

Back gouging is generally required for full penetration


78 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 1

2.4.2 Lamellar tearing Figure 9 : Full penetration weld

Precautions are to be taken in order to avoid lamellar tears,
which may be associated with:
• cold cracking when performing T connections between
plates of considerable thickness or high restraint
• large fillet welding and full penetration welding on f
higher strength steels. = =
2.5 Lap-joint welding

2.5.1 General
Lap-joint welding may be adopted for:
• peripheral connection of doublers Figure 10 : Full penetration weld
• internal structural elements subjected to very low

Elsewhere, lap-joint welding may be allowed by the Society

on a case by case basis, if deemed necessary under specific
Continuous welding is generally to be adopted.

2.5.2 Gap f
The surfaces of lap-joints are to be in sufficiently close con-

2.5.3 Dimensions
The dimensions of the lap-joint are to be specified and are
considered on a case by case basis. Typical details are given
in the “Guide for welding”.
2.6 Slot welding
Figure 7 : Partial penetration weld
2.6.1 General
Slot welding may be adopted in very specific cases subject
to the special agreement of the Society, e.g. for doublers
according to Ch 4, Sec 3, [2.1].
f In general, slot welding of doublers on the outer shell and
strength deck is not permitted within 0,6L amidships.
= = Beyond this zone, slot welding may be accepted by the
Society on a case by case basis.
Slot welding is, in general, permitted only where stresses act
in a predominant direction. Slot welds are, as far as possi-
ble, to be aligned in this direction.

2.6.2 Dimensions
Figure 8 : Partial penetration weld
Slot welds are to be of appropriate shape (in general oval)
and dimensions, depending on the plate thickness, and may
T not be completely filled by the weld.
Typical dimensions of the slot weld and the throat thickness
f of the fillet weld are given in the “Guide for welding”.
The distance between two consecutive slot welds is to be
= not greater than a value which is defined on a case by case
basis taking into account:
- the transverse spacing between adjacent slot weld lines
- the stresses acting in the connected plates
- the structural arrangement below the connected plates.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 79

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 1

2.7 Plug welding 4.2 Welding procedures and consumables

2.7.1 Plug welding may be adopted only when accepted 4.2.1 The various welding procedures and consumables
by the Society on a case by case basis, according to specifi- are to be used within the limits of their approval and in
cally defined criteria. Typical details are given in the “Guide accordance with the conditions of use specified in the
for welding”. respective approval documents.

3 Specific weld connections 4.3 Welding operations

4.3.1 Weather protection
3.1 Corner joint welding Adequate protection from the weather is to be provided to
parts being welded; in any event, such parts are to be dry.
3.1.1 Corner joint welding, as adopted in some cases at
the corners of tanks, performed with ordinary fillet welds, is In welding procedures using bare, cored or coated wires
permitted provided the welds are continuous and of the with gas shielding, the welding is to be carried out in
required size for the whole length on both sides of the joint. weather protected conditions, so as to ensure that the gas
outflow from the nozzle is not disturbed by winds and
3.1.2 Alternative solutions to corner joint welding may be draughts.
considered by the Society on a case by case basis.
4.3.2 Butt connection edge preparation
The edge preparation is to be of the required geometry and
3.2 Bilge keel connection
correctly performed. In particular, if edge preparation is car-
3.2.1 Bilge keel connection to the hull will be considered ried out by flame, it is to be free from cracks or other detri-
on a case-by-case basis. mental notches.
Recommendations for edge preparation are given in the
3.3 Bar stem connections “Guide for welding”.

4.3.3 Surface condition

3.3.1 The bar stem is to be welded to the bar keel gener-
ally with butt welding. The surfaces to be welded are to be free from rust, moisture
and other substances, such as mill scale, slag caused by
The shell plating is also to be welded directly to the bar oxygen cutting, grease or paint, which may produce defects
stem with butt welding. in the welds.
Effective means of cleaning are to be adopted particularly in
3.4 Additional welding factors connections with special welding procedures; flame or
mechanical cleaning may be required.
3.4.1 Additional values for welding factors wF for fillet
welds not covered by [2.3.5] are reported in Tab 5. The presence of a shop primer may be accepted, provided it
has been approved by the Society.
For items indicated in Tab 5 continuous fillet welding is to
be adopted. Shop primers are to be approved by the Society for a spe-
cific type and thickness according to Pt D, Ch 5, Sec 3.
Table 5 : Additional welding factors
4.3.4 Assembling and gap
The setting appliances and system to be used for positioning
Item wF, are to ensure adequate tightening adjustment and an appro-
Turrets and swivel supports structures (1) 0,45 priate gap of the parts to be welded, while allowing maxi-
mum freedom for shrinkage to prevent cracks or other
Topsides and process plant structures to deck 0,34
defects due to excessive restraint.
The gap between the edges is to comply with the required
Mooring equipment seats, fairleads and 0,44
chain stoppers (1) tolerances or, when not specified, it is to be in accordance
with normal good practice.
(1) full penetration welding may be required
4.3.5 Gap in fillet weld T connections
4 Workmanship In fillet weld T connections, a gap g, as shown in Fig 11, not
greater than 2 mm may be accepted without increasing the
throat thickness calculated according to [2.3.5] to [2.3.9],
4.1 Forming of plates
as applicable.
4.1.1 Hot or cold forming is to be performed according to In the case of a gap greater than 2 mm, the above throat
the requirements of recognised standards or those accepted thickness is to be increased accordingly as specified in
by the Society on a case by case basis depending on the Sec 2 for some special connections of various unit types.
material grade and rate of deformation. Recommendations are also given in the “Guide for weld-
Recommendations for cold and hot forming are given in the ing”.
“Guide for welding”. In any event, the gap g may not exceed 4 mm.

80 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 1

Figure 11 : Gap in fillet weld T connections 4.3.8 Assembling of aluminium alloy parts

When welding aluminium alloy parts, particular care is to

be taken so as to:

• reduce as far as possible restraint from welding shrink-

age, by adopting assembling and tack welding proce-
dures suitable for this purpose

• keep possible deformations within the allowable limits.

4.3.9 Preheating and interpass temperatures

Suitable preheating, to be maintained during welding, and

slow cooling may be required by the Society on a case by
4.3.6 Plate misalignment in butt connections
case basis.
The misalignment m, measured as shown in Fig 12,
between plates with the same gross thickness t is to be less
4.3.10 Welding sequences
than 0,15t, without being greater than 3 mm, where t is the
gross thickness of the thinner abutting plate. Welding sequences and direction of welding are to be
determined so as to minimise deformations and prevent
4.3.7 Misalignment in cruciform connections defects in the welded connection.
The misalignment m in cruciform connections, measured
on the median lines as shown in Fig 13, is to be less than: All main connections are generally to be completed before
the unit is afloat.
• t/2, in general, where t is the gross thickness of the thin-
ner abutting plate Departures from the above provision may be accepted by
• the values specified in Sec 2 for some special connec- the Society on a case by case basis, taking into account any
tions of various unit types. detailed information on the size and position of welds and
the stresses of the zones concerned, both during unit
The Society may require lower misalignment to be adopted
launching and with the unit afloat.
for cruciform connections subjected to high stresses.

Figure 12 : Plate misalignment in butt connections 4.3.11 Interpass cleaning

After each run, the slag is to be removed by means of a

chipping hammer and a metal brush; the same precaution is
to be taken when an interrupted weld is resumed or two
welds are to be connected.

4.3.12 Stress relieving

It is recommended and in some cases it may be required

that special structures subject to high stresses, having com-
plex shapes and involving welding of elements of consider-
able thickness (such as rudder spades and stern frames), are
prefabricated in parts of adequate size and stress-relieved in
the furnace, before final assembly, at a temperature within
the range 550°C ÷ 620°C, as appropriate for the type of
Figure 13 : Misalignment in cruciform connections

4.4 Crossing of structural elements

4.4.1 In the case of T crossing of structural elements (one

element continuous, the other physically interrupted at the
crossing) when it is essential to achieve structural continuity
through the continuous element (continuity obtained by
means of the welded connections at the crossing), particular
care is to be devoted to obtaining the correspondence of the
interrupted elements on both sides of the continuous ele-
ment. Suitable systems for checking such correspondence
are to be adopted.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 81

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 1

5 Modifications and repairs during suitable to check compliance with the applicable require-
construction ments, approved plans and standards.

6.1.2 The manufacturer is to make available to the Sur-

5.1 General veyor a list of the manual welders and welding operators
and their respective qualifications.
5.1.1 Deviations in the joint preparation and other speci-
fied requirements, in excess of the permitted tolerances and The manufacturer's internal organisation is responsible for
found during construction, are to be repaired as agreed with ensuring that welders and operators are not employed
the Society on a case by case basis. under improper conditions or beyond the limits of their
respective qualifications and that welding procedures are
adopted within the approved limits and under the appropri-
5.2 Gap and weld deformations ate operating conditions.

5.2.1 When the gap exceeds the required values, welding 6.1.3 The manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that the
by building up or repairs are to be authorised by the Soci- operating conditions, welding procedures and work sched-
ety’s Surveyor. ule are in accordance with the applicable requirements,
Recommendations for repairing gap and weld deformations approved plans and recognised good welding practice.
not complying with the required standards are given in the
“Guide for welding”.
6.2 Visual and non-destructive examina-
5.3 Defects
6.2.1 After completion of the welding operation and work-
5.3.1 Defects and imperfections on the materials and shop inspection, the structure is to be presented to the Sur-
welded connections found during construction are to be veyor for visual examination at a suitable stage of
evaluated for possible acceptance on the basis of the appli- fabrication.
cable requirements of the Society.
As far as possible, the results on non-destructive examina-
Where the limits of acceptance are exceeded, the defective tions are to be submitted.
material and welds are to be discarded or repaired, as
deemed appropriate by the Surveyor on a case by case
6.2.2 Non-destructive examinations are to be carried out
with appropriate methods and techniques suitable for the
When any serious or systematic defect is detected either in individual applications, to be agreed with the Surveyor on a
the welded connections or in the base material, the manu- case by case basis.
facturer is required to promptly inform the Surveyor and
submit the repair proposal. 6.2.3 Radiographic examinations are to be carried out on
the welded connections of the hull in accordance with the
The Surveyor may require destructive or non-destructive
Society’s requirements, the approved plans and the Sur-
examinations to be carried out for initial identification of
the defects found and, in the event that repairs are under- veyor’s instructions.
taken, for verification of their satisfactory completion.
6.2.4 The Society may allow radiographic examinations to
be partially replaced by ultrasonic examinations.
5.4 Repairs on structures already welded
6.2.5 When the visual or non-destructive examinations
5.4.1 In the case of repairs involving the replacement of reveal the presence of unacceptable defects, the relevant
material already welded on the hull, the procedures to be connection is to be repaired to sound metal for an extent
adopted are to be agreed with the Society on a case by case
and according to a procedure agreed with the Surveyor. The
basis, considering these modifications as repairs of the in-
repaired zone is then to be submitted to non-destructive
service-unit’s hull.
examination, using a method at least as effective as that
adopted the first time and deemed suitable by the Surveyor
6 Inspections and checks to verify that the repair is satisfactory.

Additional examinations may be required by the Surveyor

6.1 General on a case by case basis.

6.1.1 Materials, workmanship, structures and welded con- 6.2.6 Ultrasonic and magnetic particle examinations may
nections are to be subjected, at the beginning of the work, also be required by the Surveyor in specific cases to verify
during construction and after completion, to inspections the quality of the base material.

82 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 2


TB : Unit’s draft in light ballast condition, see Ch 5, 1.2.2 Fatigue check requirements
Sec 1, [2.5.3].
Where a fatigue check is to be carried out, the design
requirements specify see Ch 7, Sec 4, [3]:
1 General
• the locations (hot spots) where the stresses are to be cal-
1.1 Application culated and the fatigue check performed

1.1.1 Special structural details are those characterised by • the direction in which the normal stresses are to be cal-
complex geometry, possibly associated with high or alter- culated
nate stresses. • the stress concentration factors Kh and Kl to be used for
In addition, the hull areas in which they are located are calculating the hot spot stress range.
such that the unit operation and overall safety could be
impaired by an unsatisfactory structural performance of the
detail. 1.3 Constructional requirements
1.1.2 For special structural details, specific requirements
1.3.1 Constructional requirements specify the allowable
are to be fulfilled during: misalignment and tolerances, depending on the detail
• design arrangement and any local strengthening.
• construction
• selection of materials
1.4 Material requirements
• welding
• survey.
1.4.1 Material requirements specify the material quality to
The purpose of these requirements is specified in [1.2] to be used for specific elements which constitute the detail,
[1.6]. depending on their manufacturing procedure, the type of
stresses they are subjected to, and the importance of the
1.1.3 Special structural details are those listed in [2] detail with respect to the unit operation and overall safety.
together with the specific requirements which are to be ful-
filled. In addition, these requirements specify where material
Other structural details may be considered by the Society as inspections are to be carried out.
special details, when deemed necessary on the basis of the
criteria in [1.1.1]. The criteria to be fulfilled in such cases 1.5 Welding requirements
are defined by the Society on a case by case basis.

1.1.4 As regards matters not explicitly specified in [2], the 1.5.1 Welding requirements specify where partial or full T
Rule requirements are to be complied with in any event; in penetration welding (see Sec 1, [2.4]) or any particular
particular: welding type or sequence is to be adopted. In addition,
• Chapter 4 for design principles and structural arrange- these requirements specify when welding procedures are to
ments be approved.
• Chapter 7 or for structural scantling For some fillet welding connections the minimum required
• Chapter 12 for construction and welding requirements throat thickness is also specified.
• the applicable requirements in Part E and Part F.
Since weld shape and undercuts are influencing factors on
fatigue behaviour, fillet welds are to be elongated in the
1.2 Design requirements direction of the highest stresses and care is to be taken to
1.2.1 General requirements avoid undercuts, in particular at the hot spots.
Design requirements specify:
• the local geometry, dimensions and scantlings of the 1.6 Survey requirements
structural elements which constitute the detail
• any local strengthening 1.6.1 Survey requirements specify where non-destructive
• the cases where a fatigue check is to be carried out examinations of welds are to be carried out and, where this
according to Ch 7, Sec 4. is the case, which type is to be adopted.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 83

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 2

2 List and characteristics of special 2.2 All types of units with longitudinally
structural details framed sides
2.2.1 The special structural details relevant to all types of
2.1 General longitudinally framed units are listed and described in
Tab 1.
2.1.1 This Article lists and describes, depending on the
unit type, the special structural details and specifies the spe-
cific requirements which are to be fulfilled according to 2.3 FSOs and FPSOs
[1.2] to [1.6]. This is obtained through:
2.3.1 The special structural details relevant to units with
• a description of the hull areas where the details are the service notation FSO and FPSO are listed and described
located in Tab 2 for various hull areas.
When the structural arrangement in a certain area is such
• the detail description
that the details considered in Tab 2 are not possible, spe-
• the requirements for the fatigue check cific requirements are defined by the Society on a case by
case basis, depending on the arrangement adopted.
• a reference to a sheet in the Appendixes where a picture
of the detail is shown together with the specific require- 2.4 FRSUs
ments which are to be fulfilled.
2.4.1 The special structural details relevant to units with
the service notation FRSU are listed and described in Tab 3
for various hull areas.
When the structural arrangement in a certain area is such
that the details considered in Tab 3 are not possible, spe-
cific requirements are defined by the Society on a case by
case basis, depending on the arrangement adopted.

Table 1 : Units with longitudinally framed sides - Special structural details

Fatigue Reference sheet in
reference Area description Detail description
check App 1
1 Part of side extended: Connection of side longitudinal ordinary No Sheets 1.1 to 1.6
• longitudinally, between the after peak stiffeners with transverse primary
bulkhead and the foreward peak bulk- supporting members
Connection of side longitudinal ordinary For Sheets 1.7 to 1.13
• vertically, between 0,7TB and 1,15T
stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse L≥150m
from the baseline
primary supporting members

Table 2 : FSOs and FPSOs - Special structural details

Reference sheet in
reference Area description Detail description Fatigue check
App 1
1 Part of side extended: Connection of side longitudinal ordinary No Sheets 1.1 to 1.6
• longitudinally, between stiffeners with transverse primary support-
the after peak bulkhead ing members
and the foreward peak
Connection of side longitudinal ordinary For L≥150m Sheets 1.7 to 1.13
stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse pri-
• vertically, between 0,7TB mary supporting members
and 1,15T from the base-
2 Part of inner side and longitu- Connection of inner side or bulkhead longi- No Sheets 2.1 to 2.6
dinal bulkheads in the cargo tudinal ordinary stiffeners with transverse
area extended vertically primary supporting members
above half tank height, where
Connection of inner side or bulkhead longi- For L≥150m Sheets 2.7 to 2.13
the tank breadth exceeds
tudinal ordinary stiffeners with stiffeners of
transverse primary supporting members

84 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 2

Reference sheet in
reference Area description Detail description Fatigue check
App 1
3 Double bottom in way of Connection of bottom and inner bottom For L≥150m Sheets 3.1 to 3.3
transverse bulkheads longitudinal ordinary stiffeners with floors
Connection of inner bottom with transverse For L≥150m Sheet 3.4
bulkheads or lower stools
4 Double bottom in way of Connection of inner bottom with hopper For L≥150m Sheets 4.1 to 4.4
hopper tanks tank sloping plates
5 Lower part of transverse bulk- Connection of lower stools with plane bulk- For L≥150m Sheets 5.1 to 5.7
heads with lower stools heads
Connection of lower stools with corrugated For L≥150m Sheets 5.8 to 5.15
bulkheads (No for 5.11, 5.15)
6 Lower part of inner side Connection of hopper tank sloping plates For L≥150m Sheets 6.1 to 6.7
with inner side

Table 3 : FSRUs - Special structural details

Fatigue Reference sheet in
reference Area description Detail description
check App 1
1 Part of side extended: Connection of side longitudinal ordinary No Sheets 1.1 to 1.6
• longitudinally, between the after stiffeners with transverse primary support-
peak bulkhead and the foreward ing members
peak bulkhead
Connection of side longitudinal ordinary For Sheets 1.7 to 1.13
• vertically, between 0,7TB and 1,15T stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse pri- L≥150m
from the baseline mary supporting members
3 Double bottom in way of transverse Connection of bottom and inner bottom For Sheets 3.1 to 3.3
bulkheads longitudinal ordinary stiffeners with floors L≥150m
Connection of inner bottom with trans- For Sheet 3.5
verse cofferdam bulkheads L≥150m
4 Double bottom in way of hopper tanks Connection of inner bottom with hopper For Sheets 4.5 to 4.7
tank sloping plates L≥150m
6 Lower part of inner side Connection of hopper tank sloping plates For Sheets 6.8, 6.9
with inner side L≥150m

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 85

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 3


1 Pressure tests the tank), hydropneumatic testing may be carried out


1.1 Application Structural testing is to be carried out according to [2.2].

1.1.1 The following requirements determine the testing 1.2.4 Hydropneumatic testing
conditions for: Hydropneumatic testing is a combination of hydrostatic and
air testing, consisting in filling the tank to the top with water
• gravity tanks, excluding independent tanks of less than
and applying an additional air pressure.
5m3 in capacity
Hydropneumatic testing is to be carried out according to
• watertight or weathertight structures.

The purpose of these tests is to check the tightness and/or

1.2.5 Leak testing
the strength of structural elements.
Leak testing is an air or other medium test carried out to
1.1.2 Tests are to be carried out in the presence of the Sur- demonstrate the tightness of the structure.
veyor at a stage sufficiently close to completion so that any
Leak testing is to be carried out according to [2.4].
subsequent work would not impair the strength and tight-
ness of the structure.
1.2.6 Hose testing
In particular, tests are to be carried out after air vents and
Hose testing is carried out to demonstrate the tightness of
sounding pipes are fitted.
structural items not subjected to hydrostatic or leak testing
and of other components which contribute to the watertight
1.1.3 The Society may accept that structural testing of a or weathertight integrity of the hull.
sister unit is limited to a single tank for each type of struc-
tural arrangement. Hose testing is to be carried out according to [2.5].

However, if the Surveyor detects anomalies, he may require

1.2.7 Margin line
the number of tests is increased or that the same number of
tests is provided as for the first unit in a series. The margin line is a line drawn at least 76 mm below the
upper surface of the bulkhead deck at side.

1.2 Definitions 1.2.8 Sister unit

1.2.1 Shop primer A sister unit is a unit having the same main dimensions,
general arrangement, capacity plan and structural design as
Shop primer is a thin coating applied after surface prepara- those of the first unit in a series.
tion and prior to fabrication as a protection against corro-
sion during fabrication.
2 Watertight compartments
1.2.2 Protective coating

Protective coating is a final coating protecting the structure 2.1 General

from corrosion.
2.1.1 The requirements in [2.1] to [2.6] intend generally to
verify the adequacy of the structural design of the tanks,
1.2.3 Structural testing
based on the loading conditions which prevailed when
Structural testing is a hydrostatic test carried out to demon- determining the tank structure scantlings.
strate the tightness of the tanks and the structural adequacy
of the design. Where practical limitations prevail and 2.1.2 General requirements for testing of watertight com-
hydrostatic testing is not feasible (for example when it is dif- partments are given in Tab 1, in which the types of testing
ficult, in practice, to apply the required head at the top of referred to are defined in [1.2].

86 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 3

Table 1 : Watertight compartments - General testing requirements

Compartment or structure
Type of testing Structural test pressure Remarks
to be tested
Double bottom tanks Structural testing The greater of the following: Tank boundaries tested from
(1) • head of water up to the top of overflow at least one side
• head of water up to the margin line
Double side tanks Structural testing The greater of the following: Tank boundaries tested from
(1) • head of water up to the top of overflow at least one side
• 2,4 m head of water above highest point of tank
Tank bulkheads, deep Structural testing The greater of the following (2): Tank boundaries tested from
tanks (1) • head of water up to the top of overflow at least one side
Fuel oil bunkers Structural testing • 2,4 m head of water above highest point of tank
• setting pressure of the safety relief valves, where
Fore and after peaks used Structural testing The greater of the following: Test of the after peak carried
as tank • head of water up to the top of overflow out after the sterntube has
• 2,4 m head of water above highest point of tank been fitted

Fore peak not used as Structural testing The greater of the following:
tank • maximum head of water to be sustained in the
event of damage
• head of water up to the margin line
After peak not used as Leak testing
Cofferdams Structural testing The greater of the following:
(3) • head of water up to the top of overflow
• 2,4 m head of water above highest point of tank
Watertight bulkheads Hose testing (4)
Watertight doors below Structural testing Head of water up to the bulkhead deck Test to be carried out before
freeboard or bulkhead the unit is put into service,
deck (5) (6) either before or after the
door is fitted on board (see
Independent tanks Structural testing Head of water up to the top of overflow, but not less
than 0,90 m
Ballast ducts Structural testing Ballast pump maximum pressure
(1) Hydropneumatic or leak testing may be accepted under the conditions specified in [2.3] and [2.4], respectively, provided that at
least one tank of each type is structurally tested, to be selected in connection with the approval of the design. in general, struc-
tural testing need not be repeated for subsequent units of a series of identical new buildings. This relaxation does not apply to
tanks for segregated cargoes or pollutants. If the structural test reveals weakness or severe faults not detected by the leak test, all
tanks are to be structurally tested.
(2) Where applicable, the highest point of the tank is to be measured to deck and excluding hatches.
(3) Hydropneumatic or leak testing may be accepted under the conditions specified in [2.3] and [2.4], respectively, when, at the
Society’s discretion, it is considered significant also in relation to the construction techniques and the welding procedures
(4) When a hose test cannot be performed without damaging possible outfitting (machinery, cables, switchboards, insulation, etc...)
already installed, it may be replaced, at the Society’s discretion, by a careful visual inspection of all the crossings and welded
joints. Where necessary, a dye penetrant test or ultrasonic leak test may be required.
(5) Watertight doors are those defined in Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 5.
(6) The means of closure are to be subjected to a hose test after fitting on board.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 87

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 3

2.2 Structural testing In addition, the test pressure is also to be verified by means
of one master pressure gauge.
2.2.1 Structural testing may be carried out before or after Alternative means which are considered to be equivalently
launching. reliable may be accepted at the discretion of the Surveyor.

2.2.2 Structural testing may be carried out after application 2.4.4 Leak testing is to be carried out, prior to the applica-
of the shop primer. tion of a protective coating, on all fillet weld connections
on tank boundaries, and penetration and erection welds on
2.2.3 Structural testing may be carried out after the protec- tank boundaries excepting welds made by automatic proc-
tive coating has been applied, provided that one of the fol- esses.
lowing two conditions is satisfied: Selected locations of automatic erection welds and pre-
• all the welds are completed and carefully inspected vis- erection manual or automatic welds may be required to be
ually to the satisfaction of the Surveyor prior to the similarly tested to the satisfaction of the Surveyor, taking
application of the protective coating account of the quality control procedures operating in the
• leak testing is carried out prior to the application of the
protective coating. For other welds, leak testing may be carried out after the
protective coating has been applied, provided that such
In the absence of leak testing, protective coating is to be welds have been carefully inspected visually to the satisfac-
applied after the structural testing of: tion of the Surveyor.
• all erection welds, both manual and automatic 2.4.5 Any other recognised method may be accepted to
• all manual fillet weld connections on tank boundaries the satisfaction of the Surveyor.
and manual penetration welds.
2.5 Hose testing
2.3 Hydropneumatic testing 2.5.1 When hose testing is required to verify the tightness
of the structures, as defined in Tab 1, the minimum pressure
2.3.1 When a hydropneumatic testing is performed, the
in the hose, at least equal to 2,0.105 Pa, is to be applied at a
conditions are to simulate, as far as practicable, the actual
maximum distance of 1,5 m.
loading of the tank.
The nozzle diameter is to be not less than 12 mm.
The value of the additional air pressure is at the discretion
of the Society, but is to be at least as defined in [2.4.2] for
2.6 Other testing methods
leak testing.
The same safety precautions as for leak testing (see [2.4.2]) 2.6.1 Other testing methods may be accepted, at the dis-
are to be adopted. cretion of the Society, based upon equivalency considera-

2.4 Leak testing

2.7 Acceptance criteria for watertight doors
2.4.1 An efficient indicating liquid, such as a soapy water 2.7.1 The following acceptable leakage criteria apply:
solution, is to be applied to the welds.
Doors with gaskets: No leakage
2.4.2 Where leak testing is carried out, in accordance with Doors with metallic sealing: Maximum leakage 1 l/min
Tab 1, an air pressure of 0,15.105 Pa is to be applied during Limited leakage may be accepted for pressure tests on large
the test. doors located in cargo spaces employing gasket seals or
Prior to inspection, it is recommended that the air pressure guillotine doors located in conveyor tunnels, in accordance
in the tank should be raised to 0,2.105 Pa and kept at this with the following:
level for approximately 1 hour to reach a stabilised state, Leakage rate (l/min) = (P + 4,572) h3 / 6568
with a minimum number of personnel in the vicinity of the where:
tank, and then lowered to the test pressure.
P = perimeter of door opening, in m
The test may be conducted after the pressure has reached a h = test head of water, in m
stabilised state at 0,2.105 Pa, without lowering the pressure,
provided the Society is satisfied of the safety of the person- However, in the case of doors where the water head taken
nel involved in the test. for the determination of the scantling does not exceed 6,1
m, the leakage rate may be taken equal to 0,375 l/min if this
2.4.3 A U-tube filled with water up to a height corre- value is greater than that calculated by the above-men-
sponding to the test pressure is to be fitted to avoid over- tioned formula.
pressure of the compartment tested and verify the test 2.7.2 For large doors intended for use in watertight subdi-
vision boundaries of cargo spaces, structural analysis may
The U-tube is to have a cross-section larger than that of the be accepted in lieu of pressure testing on a case-by-case
pipe supplying air. basis. Where such doors use gasket seals, a prototype pres-

88 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, Sec 3

sure test is to be carried out to confirm that the compression 3.3 Semi-watertight doors
of the gasket material is capable of accommodating any
deflection, revealed by the structural analysis. 3.3.1 Semi-watertight doors are those defined in Pt F, Ch 6,
Sec 5.
3 Miscellaneous These means of closure are to be subjected to a structural
test at the manufacturer’s works. The head of water is to be
up to the highest waterline after damage at the equilibrium
3.1 Watertight decks, trunks, etc.
of the intermediate stages of flooding. The duration of the
3.1.1 After completion, a hose or flooding test is to be test is to be at least 30 min.
applied to watertight decks and a hose test to watertight A leakage quantity of approximately 100 l/hour is consid-
trunks, tunnels and ventilators. ered as being acceptable for a 1,35 m2 opening.
The means of closure are to be subjected to a hose test after
3.2 Doors in bulkheads above the bulkhead fitting on board.
3.2.1 Doors are to be designed and constructed as weath-
ertight doors and, after installation, subjected to a hose test
from each side for weathertightness.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 89

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1



1 Contents

1.1 General
1.1.1 This appendix includes the reference sheets for spe-
cial structural details, as referred to in Sec 2.

90 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 1: Side between Connection of side longitudinal ordinary stiffeners with Sheet 1.1
0,7TB and 1,15T from the transverse primary supporting members - No collar plate

tW = web thickness of transverse primary supporting


Net sectional area of the web stiffener according to Ch 4, Fatigue check not required.
Sec 3, 4.7.


• Web stiffener not compulsory. When fitted, its

Visual examination 100%.
misalignment m with the web of the side longitudinal
< a / 50.

• Cut-outs in the web free of sharps notches.

• Gap between web and side longitudinal to be not

greater than 4 mm.


Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding along the connection of web with side longitudinal,
- throat thickness according to Ch 13, Sec 1, [2.3.7], in case of gap g greater than 2 mm increase the throat
thickness by 0,7(g-2) mm,
- weld around the cuts in the web at the connection with the longitudinal and the side shell,
- avoid burned notches on web.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 91

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 1: Side between Connection of side longitudinal ordinary stiffeners with Sheet 1.2
0,7TB and 1,15T from the transverse primary supporting members - One collar
baseline plate

tW = web thickness of transverse primary supporting

tCP = collar plate thickness

Net sectional area of the web stiffener according to Ch 4, Sec 3, 4.7. Fatigue check not required.

• Web stiffener not compulsory. When fitted, its misalignment m Visual examination 100%.
with the web of the side longitudinal < a / 50.
• Misalignment between web and collar plate ≤ tCP.
• Cut-outs in the web free of sharps notches.
• Gap between web and side longitudinal and between collar
plate and side longitudinal to be not greater than 4 mm.


• Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding along the connection of web and collar plate with side longitudinal and at the
lap joint between web and collar plate,
- throat thickness according to Ch 13, Sec 1, [2.3.7], in case of gap g greater than 2 mm increase the
throat thickness by 0,7(g-2) mm,
- weld around the cuts in the web at the connection with the longitudinal and the side shell,
- avoid burned notches on web.

• Fillet welding of overlapped joint to be done all around.

92 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 1: Side between Connection of side longitudinal ordinary Sheet 1.3
0,7TB and 1,15T from the stiffeners with transverse primary supporting
baseline members - One large collar plate

tW = web thickness of transverse primary supporting member

tCP = collar plate thickness

Net sectional area of the web stiffener according to Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.7]. Fatigue check not required.

• Web stiffener not compulsory. When fitted, its misalignment m Visual examination 100%.
with the web of the side longitudinal < a / 50.
• Misalignment between web and collar plate ≤ tCP.
• Cut-outs in the web free of sharps notches.
• Gap between web and side longitudinal and between collar plate
and side longitudinal to be not greater than 4 mm.

• Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding along the connection of web and collar plate with side longitudinal and at the
lap joint between web and collar plate,
- throat thickness according to Ch 13, Sec 1, [2.3.7], in case of gap g greater than 2 mm increase the
throat thickness by 0,7(g-2) mm,
- T joint connection of collar plate with side shell: see section A-A,
- weld around the cuts in the web at the connection with the longitudinal and the side shell,
- avoid burned notches on web.

• Fillet welding of overlapped joint to be done all around.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 93

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 1: Side between Connection of side longitudinal ordinary stiffeners Sheet 1.4
0,7TB and 1,15T from the with transverse primary supporting members -
baseline Two collar plates

tW = web thickness of transverse primary supporting

tCP = collar plate thickness

Net sectional area of the web stiffener according to Ch 4, Sec 3, Fatigue check not required.

• Web stiffener not compulsory. When fitted, its misalignment m Visual examination 100%.
with the web of the side longitudinal < a / 50.
• Misalignment between collar plates across the side longitudinal
≤ tCP / 2.
• Cut-outs in the web free of sharps notches.
• Gap between collar plates and side longitudinal to be not
greater than 4 mm.


• Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding along the connection of collar plates with side longitudinal and at the lap joint
between web and collar plates,
- throat thickness according to Ch 13, Sec 1, [2.3.7], in case of gap g greater than 2 mm increase the throat
thickness by 0,7(g-2) mm,
- avoid burned notches on web.

• Fillet welding of overlapped joint to be done all around.

94 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 1: Side between Connection of side longitudinal ordinary stiffeners Sheet 1.5
0,7TB and 1,15T from the with transverse primary supporting members -
baseline Two large collar plates

tW = web thickness of transverse primary supporting member

tCP = collar plate thickness

Net sectional area of the web stiffener according to Ch 4, Sec 3, Fatigue check not required.

• Web stiffener not compulsory. When fitted, its misalignment m Visual examination 100%.
with the web of the side longitudinal < a / 50.
• Misalignment between collar plates across the side longitudinal
≤ tCP / 2.
• Cut-outs in the web free of sharps notches.
• Gap between collar plates and side longitudinal to be not
greater than 4 mm.


• Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding along the connection of collar plates with side longitudinal and at the lap joint
between web and collar plates,
- throat thickness according to Ch 13, Sec 1, [2.3.7], in case of gap g greater than 2 mm increase the throat
thickness by 0,7(g-2) mm,
- T joint connection of collar plates with side shell: see section A-A,
- avoid burned notches on web.

• Fillet welding of overlapped joint to be done all around.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 95

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 1: Side between Watertight connection of side longitudinal Sheet 1.6
0,7TB and 1,15T from the ordinary stiffeners with watertight side
baseline diaphragms or transverse bulkheads – Example
of connection with lugs

tW = transverse bulkhead web thickness

tL = lug thickness

• d = 30 ÷ 60 mm. Fatigue check not required.

• tL ≥ tW.

• Web stiffener not compulsory. When fitted, its • Visual examination 100%.
misalignment m with the web of the side longitudinal
< a / 50. • Magnetic particle or dye penetrant
examination: when deemed necessary
• Misalignment between lugs across the side depending on the quality of the lap joint weld.
longitudinal ≤ tL / 2.
• Misalignment at the butts within lug parts ≤ tL / 5.

• Gap between bulkhead plating and lugs to be not

greater than 4 mm.


Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding along the connection of lugs with the side longitudinal and at the lap joints
between web and lugs,
- throat thickness according to Ch 13, Sec 1, [2.3.7], in case of gap g greater than 2 mm increase the throat
thickness by 0,7(g-2) mm,
- T joint connection of collar plates with side shell: see section A-A,

- welding sequence: c to g (see sketch).

96 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 1: Side between Connection of side longitudinal ordinary Sheet 1.7
0,7TB and 1,15T from the stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse primary
baseline supporting members - No bracket

t = minimum thickness between

those of:
- web of side longitudinal,
- stiffener of transverse primary
supporting member.

d to be as small as possible, maximum 35 mm recommended. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥
150 m:
Kh = 1,3

Kl = 1,65

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between longitudinal Visual examination 100%.
and web stiffener to be in general equal to or less than 0,7 t. For bulbs,
a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may generally be accepted.


Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding,
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the web stiffener thickness,
- weld around the stiffener’s toes,

- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 97

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 1: Side between Connection of side longitudinal ordinary stiffeners Sheet 1.8
0,7TB and 1,15T from the with stiffeners of transverse primary supporting
baseline members - One bracket

t = minimum thickness among those of the connected elements

• α ≥ 2. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥
150 m:
• Bracket to be symmetric.
− for 2 ≤ α < 2,5 Kh = 1,2
• h as necessary to allow the required fillet throat size, but ≤ 15 mm.
Kl = 1,4
• d to be as small as possible, maximum 35 mm recommended.
− for α ≥ 2,5 Kh = 1,15
• Thickness of the bracket to be not less than that of web stiffener.
Kl = 1,4

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
longitudinal, web stiffener and bracket to be in general equal to or less
than 0,7 t. For bulbs, a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may generally be


Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding,
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the web stiffener thickness,
- weld around the stiffener’s toes,

- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

98 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 1: Side between Connection of side longitudinal ordinary Sheet 1.9
0,7TB and 1,15T from the stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse primary
baseline supporting members - One radiused bracket

t = minimum thickness among those of the connected elements

• α ≥ 2. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150
• Bracket to be symmetric.
- for 2 ≤ α < 2,5 Kh = 1,15
• R ≥ 1,5 (α - 1) hW
Kl = 1,35
• h as necessary to allow the required fillet throat size, but ≤ 15
mm. - for α ≥ 2,5 Kh = 1,1

• d to be as small as possible, maximum 35 mm recommended. Kl = 1,35

• Thickness of the bracket to be not less than that of web stiffener.

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
longitudinal, web stiffener and bracket to be in general equal to or
less than 0,7 t. For bulbs, a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may
generally be accepted.


Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding,
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the web stiffener thickness,
- weld around the stiffener’s toes,

- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 99

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 1: Side between Connection of side longitudinal ordinary Sheet 1.10
0,7TB and 1,15T from the stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse primary
baseline supporting members - One bracket

t = minimum thickness among those of the connected elements

• α ≥ 2. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150
• Bracket to be symmetric.
- for 2 ≤ α < 2,5 Kh = 1,3
• h as necessary to allow the required fillet throat size, but ≤ 15
mm. Kl = 1,55
• d to be as small as possible, maximum 35 mm recommended. - for α ≥ 2,5 Kh = 1,25
• Thickness of the bracket to be not less than that of web
stiffener. Kl = 1,5

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
longitudinal, web stiffener and bracket to be in general equal to or
less than 0,7 t. For bulbs, a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may
generally be accepted.


Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding,
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the web stiffener thickness,
- weld around the stiffener’s toes,

- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

100 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 1: Side between Connection of side longitudinal ordinary Sheet 1.11
0,7TB and 1,15T from the stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse primary
baseline supporting members - One radiused bracket

t = minimum thickness among those of the connected elements

• α≥2 Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150
• Bracket to be symmetric.
• R ≥ 1,5 (α - 1) hW - for 2 ≤ α < 2,5: Kh = 1,25

• h as necessary to allow the required fillet throat size, but ≤ 15 Kl = 1,5

mm. - for α ≥ 2,5 Kh = 1,2
• d to be as small as possible, maximum 35 mm recommended.
Kl = 1,45
• Thickness of the bracket to be not less than that of web

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
longitudinal, web stiffener and bracket to be in general equal to or
less than 0,7 t. For bulbs, a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may
generally be accepted.


Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding,
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the web stiffener thickness,
- weld around the stiffener’s toes,

- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 101

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 1: Side between Connection of side longitudinal ordinary Sheet 1.12
0,7TB and 1,15T from the stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse primary
baseline supporting members - Two brackets

t = minimum thickness among those of the connected elements

• α ≥ 2. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150
• β ≥ 1.
• Brackets to be symmetric. - for 2 ≤ α < 2,5 and 1 ≤ β < 1,5:

• h as necessary to allow the required fillet throat size, but ≤ 15 Kh = Kl = 1,15

mm. - for α ≥ 2,5 and β ≥ 1,5:
• d to be as small as possible, maximum 35 mm recommended. Kh = Kl = 1,1
• Thickness of the brackets to be not less than that of web

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
longitudinal, web stiffener and bracket to be in general equal to or
less than 0,7 t. For bulbs, a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may
generally be accepted.


• Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding,
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the web stiffener thickness,
- weld around the stiffener’s toes,
- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

• Material requirements:
- material of brackets to be the same of longitudinals.

102 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 1: Side between Connection of side longitudinal ordinary Sheet 1.13
0,7TB and 1,15T from the stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse primary
baseline supporting members - Two radiused brackets

t = minimum thickness among those of the connected elements

• α ≥ 2. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150
• β ≥ 1.
• Brackets to be symmetric. - for 2 ≤ α < 2,5 and 1 ≤ β < 1,5:
• R1 ≥ 1,5 (α - 1) hW Kh = Kl = 1,1
• R2 ≥ 1,5 β hW - for α ≥ 2,5 and β ≥ 1,5:
• h as necessary to allow the required fillet throat size, but ≤ 15 Kh = Kl = 1,05
• d to be as small as possible, maximum 35 mm recommended.
• Thickness of the brackets to be not less than that of web

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
longitudinal, web stiffener and bracket to be in general equal to or
less than 0,7 t. For bulbs, a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may
generally be accepted.


• Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding,
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the web stiffener thickness,
- weld around the stiffener’s toes,
- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

• Material requirements:
- material of brackets to be the same of longitudinals.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 103

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 2: Inner side and Connection of inner side or bulkhead longitudinal Sheet 2.1
longitudinal bulkheads ordinary stiffeners with transverse primary
above 0,5H supporting members - No collar plate

tW = web thickness of transverse primary supporting


Net sectional area of the web stiffener according to Ch 4, Sec 3, Fatigue check not required.

• Web stiffener not compulsory. When fitted, its misalignment Visual examination 100%.
m with the web of the longitudinal < a / 50.
• Cut-outs in the web free of sharps notches.
• Gap between web and longitudinal to be not greater than 4


Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding along the connection of web with longitudinal,
- throat thickness according to Ch 13, Sec 1, 2.3.7, in case of gap g greater than 2 mm increase the throat
thickness by 0,7(g-2) mm,
- weld around the cuts in the web at the connection with the longitudinal and the plating,

- avoid burned notches on web.

104 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 2: Inner side and Connection of inner side or bulkhead longitudinal Sheet 2.2
longitudinal bulkheads ordinary stiffeners with transverse primary
above 0,5H supporting members - One collar plate

tW = web thickness of transverse primary supporting

tCP = collar plate thickness

Net sectional area of the web stiffener according to Ch 4, Sec 3, 4.7. Fatigue check not required.

• Web stiffener not compulsory. When fitted, its misalignment m Visual examination 100%.
with the web of the longitudinal < a / 50.
• Misalignment between web and collar plate ≤ tCP.
• Cut-outs in the web free of sharps notches.
• Gap between web and longitudinal and between collar plate
and longitudinal to be not greater than 4 mm.


• Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding along the connection of web and collar plate with longitudinal and at the lap
joint between web and collar plate,
- throat thickness according to Ch 13, Sec 1, [2.3.7], in case of gap g greater than 2 mm increase the
throat thickness by 0,7(g-2) mm,
- weld around the cuts in the web at the connection with the longitudinal and the plating,
- avoid burned notches on web.

• Fillet welding of overlapped joint to be done all around.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 105

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 2: Inner side and Connection of inner side or bulkhead longitudinal Sheet 2.3
longitudinal bulkheads ordinary stiffeners with transverse primary
above 0,5H supporting members - One large collar plate

tW = web thickness of transverse primary supporting member

tCP = collar plate thickness

Net sectional area of the web stiffener according to Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.7]. Fatigue check not required.

• Web stiffener not compulsory. When fitted, its misalignment m Visual examination 100%.
with the web of the longitudinal < a / 50.
• Misalignment between web and collar plate ≤ tCP.
• Cut-outs in the web free of sharps notches.
• Gap between web and longitudinal and between collar plate and
longitudinal to be not greater than 4 mm.

• Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding along the connection of web and collar plate with longitudinal and at the lap
joint between web and collar plate,
- throat thickness according to Ch 13, Sec 1, [2.3.7], in case of gap g greater than 2 mm increase the
throat thickness by 0,7(g-2) mm,
- T joint connection of collar plate with the plating: see section A-A,
- weld around the cuts in the web at the connection with the longitudinal and the plating,
- avoid burned notches on web.

• Fillet welding of overlapped joint to be done all around.

106 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 2: Inner side and Connection of inner side or bulkhead longitudinal Sheet 2.4
longitudinal bulkheads ordinary stiffeners with transverse primary
above 0,5H supporting members - Two collar plates

tW = web thickness of transverse primary supporting

tCP = collar plate thickness

Net sectional area of the web stiffener according to Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.7]. Fatigue check not required.

• Web stiffener not compulsory. When fitted, its misalignment m with Visual examination 100%.
the web of the longitudinal < a / 50.
• Misalignment between collar plates across the longitudinal ≤ tCP / 2.
• Cut-outs in the web free of sharps notches.
• Gap between collar plates and longitudinal to be not greater than 4


• Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding along the connection of collar plates with longitudinal and at the lap joint
between web and collar plates,
- throat thickness according to Ch 13, Sec 1, [2.3.7], in case of gap g greater than 2 mm increase the throat
thickness by 0,7(g-2) mm,
- avoid burned notches on web.

• Fillet welding of overlapped joint to be done all around.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 107

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 2: Inner side and Connection of inner side or bulkhead longitudinal Sheet 2.5
longitudinal bulkheads ordinary stiffeners with transverse primary
above 0,5H supporting members - Two large collar plates

tW = web thickness of transverse primary supporting member

tCP = collar plate thickness

Net sectional area of the web stiffener according to Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.7]. Fatigue check not required.

• Web stiffener not compulsory. When fitted, its misalignment m with Visual examination 100%.
the web of the longitudinal < a / 50.
• Misalignment between collar plates across the longitudinal ≤ tCP / 2.
• Cut-outs in the web free of sharps notches.
• Gap between collar plates and longitudinal to be not greater than 4


• Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding along the connection of collar plates with longitudinal and at the lap joint
between web and collar plates,
- throat thickness according to Ch 13, Sec 1, [2.3.7], in case of gap g greater than 2 mm increase the throat
thickness by 0,7(g-2) mm,
- T joint connection of collar plates with the plating: see section A-A,
- avoid burned notches on web.

• Fillet welding of overlapped joint to be done all around.

108 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 2: Inner side and Watertight connection of inner side or bulkhead Sheet 2.6
longitudinal bulkheads longitudinal ordinary stiffeners with watertight
above 0,5H side diaphragms or transverse bulkheads –
Example of connection with lugs

tW = transverse bulkhead web thickness

tL = lug thickness

• d = 30 ÷ 60 mm. Fatigue check not required.

• tL ≥ tW.

• Web stiffener not compulsory. When fitted, its misalignment • Visual examination 100%.
m with the web of the longitudinal < a / 50.
• Magnetic particle or dye penetrant
• Misalignment between lugs across the longitudinal ≤ tL / 2. examination: when deemed necessary
depending on the quality of the lap
• Misalignment at the butts within lug parts ≤ tL / 5. joint weld.
• Gap between bulkhead plating and lugs to be not greater than
4 mm.


Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding along the connection of lugs with the longitudinal and at the lap joints between
web and lugs,
- throat thickness according to Ch 13, Sec 1, [2.3.7], in case of gap g greater than 2 mm increase the throat
thickness by 0,7(g-2) mm,
- T joint connection of collar plates with the plating: see section A-A,

- welding sequence: c to g (see sketch).

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 109

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 2: Inner side and Connection of inner side or bulkhead longitudinal Sheet 2.7
longitudinal bulkheads ordinary stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse
above 0,5H primary supporting members - No bracket

t = minimum thickness between

those of:
- web of longitudinal,
- stiffener of transverse primary
supporting member.

d to be as small as possible, maximum 35 mm recommended. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150
Kh = 1,3

Kl = 1,65

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
longitudinal and web stiffener to be in general equal to or less than
0,7 t. For bulbs, a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may generally be


Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding,
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the web stiffener thickness,
- weld around the stiffener’s toes,

- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

110 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 2: Inner side and Connection of inner side or bulkhead longitudinal Sheet 2.8
longitudinal bulkheads ordinary stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse
above 0,5H primary supporting members - One bracket

t = minimum thickness among those of the connected elements

• α ≥ 2. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150
• Bracket to be symmetric.
− for 2 ≤ α < 2,5 Kh = 1,2
• h as necessary to allow the required fillet throat size, but ≤ 15
mm. Kl = 1,4

• d to be as small as possible, maximum 35 mm recommended. − for α ≥ 2,5 Kh = 1,15

• Thickness of the bracket to be not less than that of web Kl = 1,4

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
longitudinal, web stiffener and bracket to be in general equal to or
less than 0,7 t. For bulbs, a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may
generally be accepted.


Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding,
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the web stiffener thickness,
- weld around the stiffener’s toes,

- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 111

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 2: Inner side and Connection of inner side or bulkhead longitudinal Sheet 2.9
longitudinal bulkheads ordinary stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse
above 0,5H primary supporting members - One radiused

t = minimum thickness among those of the connected elements

• α ≥ 2. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150
• Bracket to be symmetric.
- for 2 ≤ α < 2,5 Kh = 1,15
• R ≥ 1,5 (α - 1) hW
Kl = 1,35
• h as necessary to allow the required fillet throat size, but ≤ 15
mm. - for α ≥ 2,5 Kh = 1,1

• d to be as small as possible, maximum 35 mm recommended. Kl = 1,35

• Thickness of the bracket to be not less than that of web

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
longitudinal, web stiffener and bracket to be in general equal to or
less than 0,7 t. For bulbs, a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may
generally be accepted.


Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding,
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the web stiffener thickness,
- weld around the stiffener’s toes,

- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

112 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 2: Inner side and Connection of inner side or bulkhead longitudinal Sheet 2.10
longitudinal bulkheads ordinary stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse
above 0,5H primary supporting members - One bracket

t = minimum thickness among those of the connected elements

• α ≥ 2. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150
• Bracket to be symmetric.
- for 2 ≤ α < 2,5 Kh = 1,3
• h as necessary to allow the required fillet throat size, but ≤ 15
mm. Kl = 1,55
• d to be as small as possible, maximum 35 mm recommended. - for α ≥ 2,5 Kh = 1,25
• Thickness of the bracket to be not less than that of web
stiffener. Kl = 1,5

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
longitudinal, web stiffener and bracket to be in general equal to or
less than 0,7 t. For bulbs, a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may
generally be accepted.


Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding,
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the web stiffener thickness,
- weld around the stiffener’s toes,

- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 113

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 2: Inner side and Connection of inner side or bulkhead longitudinal Sheet 2.11
longitudinal bulkheads ordinary stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse
above 0,5H primary supporting members - One radiused

t = minimum thickness among those of the connected elements

• α≥2 Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150
• Bracket to be symmetric.
• R ≥ 1,5 (α - 1) hW - for 2 ≤ α < 2,5: Kh = 1,25

• h as necessary to allow the required fillet throat size, but ≤ 15 Kl = 1,5

mm. - for α ≥ 2,5 Kh = 1,2
• d to be as small as possible, maximum 35 mm recommended.
Kl = 1,45
• Thickness of the bracket to be not less than that of web

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
longitudinal, web stiffener and bracket to be in general equal to or
less than 0,7 t. For bulbs, a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may
generally be accepted.


Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding,
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the web stiffener thickness,
- weld around the stiffener’s toes,

- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

114 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 2: Inner side and Connection of inner side or bulkhead longitudinal Sheet 2.12
longitudinal bulkheads ordinary stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse
above 0,5H primary supporting members - Two brackets

t = minimum thickness among those of the connected elements

• α ≥ 2. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150
• β ≥ 1.
• Brackets to be symmetric. - for 2 ≤ α < 2,5 and 1 ≤ β < 1,5:

• h as necessary to allow the required fillet throat size, but ≤ 15 Kh = Kl = 1,15

mm. - for α ≥ 2,5 and β ≥ 1,5:
• d to be as small as possible, maximum 35 mm recommended. Kh = Kl = 1,1
• Thickness of the brackets to be not less than that of web

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
longitudinal, web stiffener and bracket to be in general equal to or
less than 0,7 t. For bulbs, a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may
generally be accepted.


• Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding,
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the web stiffener thickness,
- weld around the stiffener’s toes,
- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

• Material requirements:
- material of brackets to be the same of longitudinals.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 115

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 2: Inner side and Connection of inner side or bulkhead longitudinal Sheet 2.13
longitudinal bulkheads ordinary stiffeners with stiffeners of transverse
above 0,5H primary supporting members - Two radiused

t = minimum thickness among those of the connected elements

• α ≥ 2. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150
• β ≥ 1.
• Brackets to be symmetric. - for 2 ≤ α < 2,5 and 1 ≤ β < 1,5:
• R1 ≥ 1,5 (α- 1) hW Kh = Kl = 1,1
• R2 ≥ 1,5 β hW - for α ≥ 2,5 and β ≥ 1,5:
• h as necessary to allow the required fillet throat size, but ≤ 15 Kh = Kl = 1,05
• d to be as small as possible, maximum 35 mm recommended.
• Thickness of the brackets to be not less than that of web

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
longitudinal, web stiffener and bracket to be in general equal to or
less than 0,7 t. For bulbs, a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may
generally be accepted.


• Welding requirements:
- continuous fillet welding,
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the web stiffener thickness,
- weld around the stiffener’s toes,
- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

• Material requirements:
- material of brackets to be the same of longitudinals.

116 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 3: Double bottom in Connection of bottom and inner bottom Sheet 3.1
way of transverse longitudinal ordinary stiffeners with floors - No
bulkheads bracket

t = minimum thickness between those of:

- web of bottom or inner bottom
- floor stiffener.

Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
Kh = 1,3

Kl = 1,65

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
webs of bottom and inner bottom longitudinals with floor
stiffener to be in general equal to or less than 0,7 t. For bulbs,
a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may generally be accepted.


Welding requirements:
- floor stiffeners to be connected with continuous fillet welding to bottom and inner bottom longitudinals,
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the floor stiffener thickness,
- weld all around the stiffeners,

- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 117

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 3: Double bottom in Connection of bottom and inner bottom Sheet 3.2
way of transverse longitudinal ordinary stiffeners with floors -
bulkheads Brackets

t = minimum thickness among those of the connected elements

h as necessary to allow the required fillet throat size, Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
but ≤ 15 mm.
Kh = 1,3

Kl = 1,55

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
webs of bottom and inner bottom longitudinals with floor
stiffener to be in general equal to or less than 0,7 t. For bulbs,
a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may generally be accepted.


Welding requirements:
- floor stiffeners and brackets to be connected with continuous fillet welding to bottom and inner bottom
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the floor stiffener or bracket thickness, as applicable,
- partial penetration welding between stiffeners and brackets,
- weld all around the stiffeners and brackets,

- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

118 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1


AREA 3: Double bottom in Connection of bottom and inner bottom Sheet 3.3
way of transverse longitudinal ordinary stiffeners with floors -
bulkheads Radiused brackets

t = minimum thickness among those of the connected elements

• Brackets to be symmetric. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
• R ≥ 1,5 b Kh = 1,25

• h as necessary to allow the required fillet throat Kl = 1,5

size, but ≤ 15 mm.

Misalignment (measured between the outer edges) between Visual examination 100%.
webs of bottom and inner bottom longitudinals with floor
stiffener to be in general equal to or less than 0,7 t. For bulbs,
a misalignment equal to 0,8 t may generally be accepted.


Welding requirements:
- floor stiffeners and brackets to be connected with continuous fillet welding to bottom and inner bottom
- throat thickness = 0,45 tW , where tW is the floor stiffener or bracket thickness, as applicable,
- partial penetration welding between stiffeners and brackets,
- weld all around the stiffeners and brackets,

- fair shape of fillet at toes in longitudinal direction.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 119

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 3: Double bottom in way of Connection of inner bottom with transverse Sheet 3.4
transverse bulkheads bulkheads or lower stools

Hot spot stresses:

ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσsX

t = min (t1, t2, t3)

Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
KSX = 3,85

• Misalignment (median lines) between floor The following NDE are required:
and bulkhead (or stool) plating ≤ t / 3. − VE 100%,

• Cut-outs for connections of the inner bottom − UE 35% of full penetration weld for absence of cracks,
longitudinals to double bottom floors to be lack of penetration and lamellar tears.
closed by collar plates welded to the inner


• Welding requirements:
− bulkhead (or stool) plating and supporting floors generally to be connected with full penetration welding
to inner bottom plating (if not full penetration welding, the weld preparation is to be indicated on the
approved drawings),
− corrugated bulkheads (without stool) to be connected with full penetration welding to inner bottom
− in the case of corrugated bulkheads, stool side plating (if any) and supporting floors to be connected with
full penetration or partial penetration welding to inner bottom plating,
− special approval of the procedure on a sample representative of the actual conditions foreseen in
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing,
− weld finishing well faired to the inner bottom plating.
• Material requirements:
− the strake of inner bottom plating in way of the connection is recommended to be of Z25/ZH25 quality. If
a steel of such a quality is not adopted, 100% UE of the plate in way of the weld is required prior to and
after welding.

120 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 3: Double bottom in Connection of inner bottom with transverse Sheet 3.5
way of transverse cofferdam bulkheads

Hot spot stresses:

ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX

t = min (t1, t2, t3)

Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
KSX = 3,85

• Misalignment (median lines) between The following NDE are required:
floor and bulkhead plating ≤ t / 3, max 6 − VE 100%,
mm. − UE 35% of full penetration weld for absence of cracks, lack of
• Cut-outs for connections of the inner penetration and lamellar tears.
bottom longitudinals to double bottom
floors to be closed by collar plates,
welded to the inner bottom.


• Welding requirements:
− bulkhead plating and supporting floors to be connected with full penetration welding to inner bottom
− bulkhead vertical girders and bottom girders are to be connected with partial penetration to inner bottom
plating for the extension shown in the sketch,
− special approval of the procedure on a sample representative of the actual conditions foreseen in
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing,
− weld finishing well faired to the inner bottom plating.
• Material requirements:
− the strake of inner bottom plating in way of the connection is to be of Z25/ZH25 or of a steel of the same
mechanical performances. In particular cases, grade E/EH steel may be accepted by the Society provided
that the results of 100% UE of the plate in way of the weld, carried out prior to and after welding, are
submitted for review.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 121

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 4: Double bottom in way of Connection of inner bottom with hopper Sheet 4.1
hopper tanks tank sloping plates

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A:
ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY
• At hot spot B:
ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX + KSYX ⋅ ΔσnY

tA = min (t1, t2, t3),

tB = minimum among:
− floor thickness,
− hopper transverse web thickness,
− t3.

d ≥ 50 mm. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
− KSY = 3,85 where closed scallops
5,4 where open scallops
− KSX = 1,3
− KSYX = 2,0

• Misalignment (median lines) between The following NDE are required:
girder and sloping plate ≤ tA / 3.
− VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between
− UE 25% of full penetration weld for absence of cracks, lack of
floor and hopper transverse web ≤ tB / 3.
penetration and lamellar tears.


• Welding requirements:
− sloping plate to be connected with partial penetration welding to inner bottom plating,
− approval of the procedure on a sample representative of the actual conditions foreseen in production,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing,
− weld finishing well faired to the inner bottom plating on tank side.
• Material requirements:
− the strake of inner bottom plating in way of the connection is recommended to be of Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel
of such a quality is not adopted, 100% UE of the plate in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding.

122 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 4: Double bottom in way of Connection of inner bottom with hopper Sheet 4.2
hopper tanks tank sloping plates – Prolonging brackets

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY
• At hot spot B: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX + KSYX ⋅ ΔσnY
tA = min (t1, t2, t3),
tB = minimum among:
− floor thickness,
− hopper transverse web thickness,
− t3.
• Inner bottom plating to be prolonged within the hopper tank Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
structure by brackets as shown in the sketch. − KSY = 2,4 where closed scallops
• d ≥ 50 mm.
3,4 where open scallops
• Guidance values, to be confirmed by calculations carried out
according to Ch 7, Sec 3: − KSX = 1,3
− thickness of the above brackets ≥ t2, − KSYX = 1,5
− b ≥ 0,4 times the floor spacing,
− l ≥ 1,5b.

• Misalignment (median lines) between girder The following NDE are required:
and sloping plate ≤ tA / 3. − VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between floor − UE 25% of full penetration weld for absence of cracks, lack of
and hopper transverse web ≤ tB / 3. penetration and lamellar tears.


• Welding requirement:
− sloping plate to be connected with partial penetration welding to inner bottom plating,
− brackets to be connected with full penetration welding to inner bottom plating,
− approval of the procedure on a sample representative of the actual conditions foreseen in production,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing,
− weld finishing well faired to the inner bottom plating on tank side.
• Material requirement:
− the strake of inner bottom plating in way of the connection is recommended to be of Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel
of such a quality is not adopted, 100% UE of the plate in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding,
− material properties of prolonging brackets to be not less than those of the inner bottom plating.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 123

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 4: Double bottom in way of Connection of inner bottom with hopper Sheet 4.3
hopper tanks tank sloping plates – Radiused

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A:
ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY
• At hot spot B:
ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX + KSYX ⋅ ΔσnY

tA = minimum thickness between those of the

girder and sloping plate,
tB = minimum among:
− floor thickness,
− hopper transverse web thickness,
− girder thickness.

• Inner radius of the bent plate to be between 3,5 and 5 times the Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
thickness of the bent plate and to be indicated in the approved − KSY = 3,15
plan. − KSX = 1,3
• Transverse brackets extended to the closest longitudinals to be − KSYX = 2,05
fitted on each side of the girder, at mid-span between floors.
• Thickness of these brackets, in mm ≥ 9 + 0,03 L1 k .

• Misalignment (median lines) between girder and sloping The following NDE are required:
plate ≤ tA / 3. − VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between floor and hopper − UE 25% of full penetration weld for absence of
transverse web ≤ tB / 3. cracks, lack of penetration and lamellar tears.
• In floor or transverse webs, in way of the bent area,
scallops to be avoided or closed by collar plates.


• Welding requirements:
− floors to be connected (see sketches):
ƒ with full penetration welding to the inner bottom for a length ≥ 400 mm,
ƒ with partial penetration welding to the girder for a length ≥ 400 mm,
ƒ with continuous fillet welding in the remaining areas,
− approval of the procedure on a sample representative of the actual conditions foreseen in production,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing,
− welding procedures of longitudinal girder to the bent plate to be submitted to the Society for review, with
evidence given that there is no risk of ageing after welding,
− weld finishing of butt welds well faired to the inner bottom plating on ballast tank,
− fair shape of fillet at hot spots.
• Material requirements:
- the radiused construction may be accepted provided that the folding procedure is submitted to the Society for
review, with evidence given that the mechanical properties and, in particular, the impact properties are not
deteriorated by the folding operation.

124 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 4: Double bottom in way of Connection of inner bottom with hopper tank Sheet
hopper tanks sloping plates – Radiused construction 4.4

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A:
ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY
• At hot spot B:
ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX + KSYX ⋅ ΔσnY

t = minimum among:
− floor thickness,
− hopper transverse web
− girder thickness,

tIB = inner bottom plating.

• Inner radius of the bent plate to be between 3,5 and 5 times the Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150m
thickness of the bent plate and to be indicated in the approved plan.
− KSY = 3,85
• d ≤ 40 mm.
− KSX = 1,3
• Transverse brackets extended to the closest longitudinals to be fitted
on each side of the girder, at mid-span between floors. − KSYX = 4,5
• Thickness of these brackets, in mm ≥ 9 + 0,03 L1 k .

• Misalignment (median lines) between floor and hopper transverse Visual examination 100%.
web ≤ t / 3.
• In floor or transverse webs, in way of the bent area, scallops to be
avoided or closed by collar plates..


• Welding requirements:
− floors to be connected with full penetration welding to the inner bottom plating for a length ≥ 5tIB,
− where girder is welded within the bent area, welding procedures to be submitted to the Society for review.
• Material requirements:
− where girder is welded within the bent area, folding procedure to be submitted to the Society for review, with
evidence given that the mechanical properties and, in particular, the impact properties are not deteriorated by
the folding operation.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 125

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 4: Double bottom in way of Connection of inner bottom with hopper tank Sheet 4.5
hopper tanks sloping plates

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A:
ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY
• At hot spot B:
ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX + KSYX ⋅ ΔσnY

tA = min (t1, t2, t3),

tB = minimum among:
− floor thickness,
− hopper transverse web thickness,
− t3.

d ≥ 50 mm. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
− KSY = 3,85 where closed scallops
5,4 where open scallops
− KSX = 1,3
− KSYX = 2,0

• Misalignment (median lines) between The following NDE are required:
girder and sloping plate ≤ tA / 3, max 6
− VE 100%,
− UE 35% of full penetration weld for absence of cracks, lack of
• Misalignment (median lines) between
penetration and lamellar tears.
floor and hopper transverse web ≤ tB / 3,
max 6 mm.


• Welding requirements:
− sloping plate to be connected with full penetration welding to inner bottom plating, except in way of void spaces
where partial penetration may be accepted,
− approval of the procedure on a sample representative of the actual conditions foreseen in production,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing,
− weld finishing well faired to the inner bottom plating on tank side.
• Material requirements:
− the strake of inner bottom plating in way of the connection is to be of Z25/ZH25 or of a steel of the same
mechanical performances. In particular cases, grade E/EH low temperature steel may be accepted by the Society
provided that the results of 100% UE of the plate in way of the weld, carried out prior to and after welding, are
submitted for review.

126 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 4: Double bottom in way of Connection of inner bottom with hopper Sheet 4.6
hopper tanks tank sloping plates - Prolonging brackets

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY
• At hot spot B: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX + KSYX ⋅ ΔσnY
tA = min (t1, t2, t3),
tB = minimum among:
− floor thickness,
− hopper transverse web thickness,
− t3.
• Inner bottom plating to be prolonged within the hopper Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
tank structure by brackets as shown in the sketch. − KSY = 2,4 where closed scallops
• d ≥ 50 mm.
3,4 where open scallops
• Guidance values, to be confirmed by calculations carried
out according to Ch 7, Sec 3: − KSX = 1,3
− thickness of the above brackets ≥ t2, − KSYX = 1,5
− b ≥ 0,4 times the floor spacing,
− l ≥ 1,5b.

• Misalignment (median lines) between girder The following NDE are required:
and sloping plate ≤ tA / 3, max 6 mm.
− VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between floor − UE 35% of full penetration weld for absence of cracks, lack of
and hopper transverse web ≤ tB / 3, max 6 penetration and lamellar tears.


• Welding requirements:
− sloping plate to be connected with full penetration welding to inner bottom plating, except in way of void spaces
where partial penetration may be accepted,
− prolonging brackets to be connected with full penetration welding to inner bottom plating
− approval of the procedure on a sample representative of the actual conditions foreseen in production,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing,
− weld finishing well faired to the inner bottom plating on tank side.
• Material requirements:
− the strake of inner bottom plating in way of the connection is to be of Z25/ZH25 or of a steel of the same
mechanical performances. In particular cases, grade E/EH low temperature steel may be accepted by the Society
provided that the results of 100% UE of the plate in way of the weld, carried out prior to and after welding, are
submitted for review,
− material properties of prolonging brackets to be not less than those of the inner bottom plating.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 127

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 4: Double bottom in way of Connection of inner bottom with hopper Sheet 4.7
hopper tanks tank sloping plates – Radiused

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A:
ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY
• At hot spot B:
ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX + KSYX ⋅ ΔσnY

tA = minimum thickness between those of the

girder and sloping plate,
tB = minimum among:
− floor thickness,
− hopper transverse web thickness,
− girder thickness.

• Inner radius of the bent plate to be between 3,5 and 5 times the Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
thickness of the bent plate and to be indicated in the approved − KSY = 3,15
plan. − KSX = 1,3
• Transverse brackets extended to the closest longitudinals to be − KSYX = 2,05
fitted on each side of the girder, at mid-span between floors.
• Thickness of these brackets, in mm ≥ 9 + 0,03 L1 k .

• Misalignment (median lines) between girder and sloping The following NDE are required:
plate ≤ tA / 3. − VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between floor and hopper − UE 25% of full penetration weld for absence of
transverse web ≤ tB / 3. cracks, lack of penetration and lamellar tears.
• In floor or transverse webs, in way of the bent area,
scallops to be avoided or closed by collar plates.


• Welding requirements:
− floors to be connected (see sketches):
ƒ with full penetration welding to the inner bottom for a length ≥ 400 mm,
ƒ with partial penetration welding to the girder for a length ≥ 400 mm,
ƒ with continuous fillet welding in the remaining areas,
− approval of the procedure on a sample representative of the actual conditions foreseen in production,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing,
− welding procedures of longitudinal girder to the bent plate to be submitted to the Society for review, with
evidence given that there is no risk of ageing after welding,
− weld finishing of butt welds well faired to the inner bottom plating on ballast tank,
− fair shape of fillet at hot spots.
• Material requirements:
- the radiused construction may be accepted provided that the bent plate is of grade E or EH and the folding
procedure is submitted to the Society for review, with evidence given that the mechanical properties and, in
particular, the impact properties are not deteriorated by the folding operation.

128 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 5: Lower part of transverse Connection of lower stools with plane Sheet 5.1
bulkheads with lower stools bulkheads

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

bulkhead vertical webs

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX

tA = min (t1, t2, t3)

tB = minimum among:
− thickness of member above stool top plate,
− thickness of member below stool top plate,
− t2.

• d ≥ t1. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
− KSX = 3,85
• t2 ≥ t1.
− KSY = 1,3
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A. − KSXY = 2,0

• Thickness of members above and below stool top plate

to be not less than that of bulkhead vertical webs.

• Misalignment (median lines) between bulkhead plating The following NDE are required:
and stool side plating ≤ tA / 3.
− VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between members above − UE 35% of full penetration welds for absence of
and below stool top plate ≤ tB / 3. cracks, lack of penetration and lamellar tears.


• Welding requirements:
− bulkhead and stool side plating generally to be connected with full penetration welding to stool top plate (if not
full penetration welding, the weld preparation is to be indicated on the approved drawings),
− approval of the procedure on a sample representative of the actual conditions foreseen in production,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing is recommended in case Z material is not adopted for the
stool top plate,
− weld finishing well faired to the stool top plate.
• Material requirements:
− the stool top plate is recommended to be Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel of such a quality is not adopted, 100% UE
of the plate in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding,
− material properties of:
ƒ the stool top plate,
ƒ the portion A of the stool side plating,
to be not less than those of the transverse bulkhead plating.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 129

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 5: Lower part of Connection of lower stools with plane bulkheads Sheet 5.2
transverse bulkheads with in way of intermediate brackets
lower stools

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

bulkhead vertical webs
Hot spot stresses:
• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX
tA = min (t1, t2, t3)
tB = minimum among:
− thickness of member above stool top plate,
− thickness of intermediate bracket,
− t2.

• d ≥ t1. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
• t2 ≥ t1. − KSX = 3,55
− KSY = 1,3
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A.
− KSXY = 1,75
• Thickness of intermediate brackets and members above stool
top plate to be not less than that of bulkhead vertical webs.

• Misalignment (median lines) between bulkhead plating and The following NDE are required:
stool side plating ≤ tA / 3. − VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between intermediate bracket − UE 35% of full penetration welds for absence
and member above stool top plate ≤ tB/3. of cracks, lack of penetration and lamellar
• Intermediate brackets to be fitted in place and welded after tears.
the welding of the joint between the stool side plating and the
stool top plate.


• Welding requirements:
− bulkhead and stool side plating generally to be connected with full penetration welding to stool top plate (if not
full penetration welding, the weld preparation is to be indicated on the approved drawings),
− brackets to be connected with continuous fillet welding to plating and stiffeners,
− approval of the procedure on a sample representative of the actual conditions foreseen in production,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing is recommended in case Z material is not adopted for the
stool top plate,
− weld finishing well faired to the stool top plate.
• Material requirements:
− the stool top plate is recommended to be Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel of such a quality is not adopted, 100% UE
of the plate in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding,
− material properties of:
ƒ the stool top plate,
ƒ the portion A of the stool side plating,
to be not less than those of the transverse bulkhead plating.

130 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 5: Lower part of transverse Connection of lower stools with plane Sheet 5.3
bulkheads with lower stools bulkheads – Prolonging brackets

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

bulkhead vertical webs

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX

tA = min (t1, t2, t3)

tB = minimum among:
− thickness of member above stool top plate,
− thickness of member below stool top plate,
− t2.
• d ≥ 50 mm. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
• t2 ≥ t1. − KSX = 2,4
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A. − KSY = 1,3
− KSXY = 1,5
• Thickness of prolonging brackets ≥ t1.
• Thickness of members above and below stool top plate to be
not less than that of bulkhead vertical webs.

• Misalignment (median lines) between stool top plate The following NDE are required:
and stool side plating ≤ tA / 3.
− VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between members − UE 35% of full penetration welds for absence of cracks,
above and below stool top plate ≤ tB / 3. lack of penetration and lamellar tears.


• Welding requirements:
− stool side plating to be connected with full penetration welding to the bulkhead plating. Root gap to be checked
along the production steps as appropriate,
− brackets to be connected with full penetration welding to transverse bulkhead plating,
− full penetration weld of stool side plating to bulkhead plating to be welded first,
− welding sequence against lamellar tearing in the bulkhead plating is recommended.
• Material requirements:
− the lower strake of transverse bulkhead plating is recommended to be Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel of such a
quality is not adopted, 100% UE of the strake in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding,
− material properties of:
ƒ the stool top plate,
ƒ the portion A of the stool side plating,
to be not less than those of the transverse bulkhead plating,
− material properties of prolonging brackets to be not less than those of the bulkhead plating.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 131

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 5: Lower part of transverse Connection of lower stools with plane Sheet 5.4
bulkheads with lower stools bulkheads – Radiused construction

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

bulkhead vertical webs
Hot spot stresses:
• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX
tA = min (t1, t2, t3)
tB = minimum among:
− thickness of member above stool top plate,
− thickness of member below stool top plate,
− t2.

• Inner radius of the bent plate to be between 3,5 and 5 times the Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥
thickness of the bent plate and to be indicated in the approved plan. 150 m:
• t2 ≥ t1. − KSX = 3,3
− KSY = 1,3
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A.
− KSXY = 2,25
• Thickness of members above and below stool top plate to be not less
than that of bulkhead vertical webs.

• Misalignment (median lines) between stool top plate and stool side The following NDE are required:
plating ≤ tA / 3.
− VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between members above and below stool
top plate ≤ tB / 3. − UE 35% of full penetration welds, if
• If not full penetration welding of stool top plate to bulkhead, the weld any, for absence of cracks, lack of
preparation is to be indicated on the approved drawings. penetration and lamellar tears.

• Butt welds between transverse bulkhead and stool side plating at a

distance greater than 500 mm from the stool top plate.


• Welding requirements:
−welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing in the bulkhead plate is recommended,
−weld finishing well faired to the bulkhead plating and stool side plating.
• Material requirements:
− the radiused construction may be accepted provided that the folding procedure is submitted to the Society for
review, with evidence given that the mechanical properties and, in particular, the impact properties are not
deteriorated by the folding operation.
− material properties of:
ƒ the stool top plate,
ƒ the portion A of the stool side plating,
to be not less than those of the transverse bulkhead plating.

132 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 5: Lower part of transverse Connection of lower stools with plane Sheet 5.5
bulkheads with lower stools bulkheads in way of intermediate brackets –
Radiused construction

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

bulkhead vertical webs
Hot spot stresses:
• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX
tA = min (t1, t2, t3)
tB = minimum among:
− thickness of member above stool top plate,
− thickness of intermediate bracket,
− t2.
• Inner radius of the bent plate to be between 3,5 and 5 times the thickness of the Fatigue check to be carried
bent plate and to be indicated in the approved plan. out for L ≥ 150 m:
• t2 ≥ t1. − KSX = 3,15
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A. − KSY = 1,3
• Thickness of intermediate brackets and members above stool top plate to be not − KSXY = 2,05
less than that of bulkhead vertical webs.

• Misalignment (median lines) between stool top plate and stool side plating ≤ The following NDE are required:
tA / 3.
• Misalignment (median lines) between intermediate bracket and member − VE 100%,
below stool top plate ≤ tB/3. − UE 35% of full penetration
• If not full penetration welding of stool top plate to bulkhead, the weld welds, if any, for absence of
preparation is to be indicated on the approved drawings. cracks, lack of penetration and
• Intermediate brackets to be fitted in place and welded after the welding of lamellar tears.
the joint between the stool top plate and the bulkhead plating.
• Butt welds between transverse bulkhead and stool side plating at a distance
greater than 500 mm from the stool top plate.


• Welding requirements:
−brackets to be connected with continuous fillet welding to plating and stiffeners,
−welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing in the bulkhead plate is recommended,
−weld finishing well faired to the bulkhead plating and stool side plating.
• Material requirements:
− the radiused construction may be accepted provided that the folding procedure is submitted to the Society for
review, with evidence given that the mechanical properties and, in particular, the impact properties are not
deteriorated by the folding operation.
− material properties of:
ƒ the stool top plate,
ƒ the portion A of the stool side plating,
to be not less than those of the transverse bulkhead plating.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 133

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 5: Lower part of transverse Connection of lower stools with plane Sheet 5.6
bulkheads with lower stools bulkheads – Radiused construction

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

bulkhead vertical webs

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX

t = minimum among:
− thickness of member above stool top plate,
− thickness of member below stool top plate,
− t2.
• Inner radius of the bent plate to be between 3,5 and 5 times the Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥
thickness of the bent plate and to be indicated in the approved plan. 150 m:
• d ≤ 40 mm. − KSX = 4,5
− KSY = 1,3
• t2 ≥ t1. − KSXY = 5,6
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A.
• Thickness of members above and below stool top plate to be not less
than that of bulkhead vertical webs.

• Misalignment (median lines) between members above and below The following NDE are required:
stool top plate ≤ t / 3. − VE 100%,
• If not full penetration welding of stool top plate to bulkhead, the weld − UE 35% of full penetration welds, if
preparation is to be indicated on the approved drawings. any, for absence of cracks, lack of
• Butt welds between transverse bulkhead and stool side plating at a penetration and lamellar tears.
distance greater than 500 mm from the stool top plate.


Material requirements:
− where stool top plate is welded within the bent area, folding procedure to be submitted to the Society for review,
with evidence given that the mechanical properties and, in particular, the impact properties are not deteriorated by
the folding operation,
− material properties of:
ƒ the stool top plate,
ƒ the portion A of the stool side plating,
to be not less than those of the transverse bulkhead plating.

134 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 5: Lower part of Connection of lower stools with plane bulkheads in Sheet 5.7
transverse bulkheads with way of intermediate brackets - Radiused
lower stools construction

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

bulkhead vertical webs

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX

t = minimum among:
− thickness of member above stool top plate,
− thickness of intermediate bracket,
− t2.

• Inner radius of the bent plate to be between 3,5 and 5 times the thickness of Fatigue check to be carried out for
the bent plate and to be indicated in the approved plan. L ≥ 150 m:
• d ≤ 40 mm. − KSX = 3,85
− KSY = 1,3
• t2 ≥ t1.
− KSXY = 4,5
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A.
• Thickness of intermediate brackets and members above stool top plate to be
not less than that of bulkhead vertical webs.

• Misalignment (median lines) between intermediate bracket and member The following NDE are required:
above stool top plate ≤ t/3. − VE 100%,
• If not full penetration welding of stool top plate to bulkhead, the weld − UE 35% of full penetration
preparation is to be indicated on the approved drawings. welds, if any, for absence of
• Intermediate brackets to be fitted in place and welded after the welding of the cracks, lack of penetration
joint between the stool top plate and the bulkhead plating. and lamellar tears.

• Butt welds between transverse bulkhead and stool side plating at a distance
greater than 500 mm from the stool top plate.


Material requirements:
− where stool top plate is welded within the bent area, folding procedure to be submitted to the Society for review,
with evidence given that the mechanical properties and, in particular, the impact properties are not deteriorated by
the folding operation,
− material properties of:
ƒ the stool top plate,
ƒ the portion A of the stool side plating,
to be not less than those of the transverse bulkhead plating.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 135

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 5: Lower part of transverse Connection of lower stools with Sheet 5.8
bulkheads with lower stools corrugated bulkheads

A ≥ a.

Hot spot stress:

ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX

tF = corrugation flange thickness,

tT = stool top plate thickness,
tS = stool side plating thickness,

t = min (tF, tT, tS).

• tT ≥ tF . Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
• tS ≥ tF in portion A. − KSX = 2,35

• Misalignment (median lines) between corrugation The following NDE are required:
flanges and stool side plating ≤ t / 3. • VE 100%,
• Distance from the edge of the stool top plate to the • UE 35% of full penetration welds for absence of cracks,
surface of the corrugation flanges ≥ tF. lack of penetration and lamellar tears.
• Corrugation radius according to Ch 4, Sec 7,


• Welding requirements:
− corrugations to be connected with full penetration welding to stool top plate; root gap to be checked along the
− stool side plating to be connected with full penetration or partial penetration welding to stool top plate,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing
− start and stop welding away from the locations of corrugation bents,
− weld finishing well faired to the stool top plate, corrugation flanges and stool side plating.
• Material requirements:
− the stool top plate is recommended to be of Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel of such a quality is not adopted, 100%
UE of the plate in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding,
− material properties of:
ƒ the stool top plate,
ƒ the portion A of the stool side plating,
to be not less than those of the corrugation flanges.

136 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 5: Lower part of Connection of lower stools with corrugated Sheet 5.9
transverse bulkheads with bulkheads – Shedder plates 45°
lower stools

A ≥ a.

Hot spot stress:

ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX

tF = corrugation flange thickness,

tT = stool top plate thickness,
tS = stool side plating thickness,
tSH = shedder plate thickness,

tA = min (tF, tT, tS),

tB = min (tSH, tT, tS).

• tT ≥ tF . Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
• tS ≥ tF in portion A. − KSX = 1,35
• tSH ≥ 0,75 tF

• Misalignment (median lines) between corrugation flanges and stool side The following NDE are required:
plating ≤ tA / 3.
• VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between lower edge of shedder plates and stool
side plating ≤ tB / 3. • UE 35% of full penetration
• Knuckled shedder plates are to be avoided. welds for absence of cracks, lack
• Distance from the edge of the stool top plate to the surface of the corrugation of penetration and lamellar tears.
flanges ≥ tF.
• Corrugation radius according to Ch 4, Sec 7, [3.1.3].
• Closed spaces to be filled with suitable compound compatible with the
products carried.
• Welding requirements:
− corrugations to be connected with full penetration welding to stool top plate; root gap to be checked along the
− stool side plating to be connected with full penetration or partial penetration welding to stool top plate,
− shedder plates to be connected with one side penetration, or equivalent, to corrugations and stool top plate,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing
− start and stop welding away from the locations of corrugation bents,
− weld finishing well faired to the stool top plate, corrugation flanges and stool side plating.
• Material requirements:
− the stool top plate is recommended to be of Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel of such a quality is not adopted, 100%
UE of the plate in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding,
− material properties of:
ƒ the shedder plates,
ƒ the stool top plate,
ƒ the portion A of the stool side plating,
to be not less than those of the corrugation flanges.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 137

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 5: Lower part of Connection of lower stools with corrugated Sheet 5.10
transverse bulkheads with bulkheads – Shedder plates 55°
lower stools

A ≥ a.

Hot spot stress:

ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX

tF = corrugation flange thickness,

tT = stool top plate thickness,
tS = stool side plating thickness,
tSH = shedder plate thickness,

tA = min (tF, tT, tS),

tB = min (tSH, tT, tS).

• tT ≥ tF . Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
• tS ≥ tF in portion A. − KSX = 1,25
• tSH ≥ 0,75 tF

• Misalignment (median lines) between corrugation flanges and stool side The following NDE are required:
plating ≤ tA / 3. • VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between lower edge of shedder plates and
• UE 35% of full penetration welds
stool side plating ≤ tB / 3.
for absence of cracks, lack of
• Knuckled shedder plates are to be avoided. penetration and lamellar tears.
• Distance from the edge of the stool top plate to the surface of the
corrugation flanges ≥ tF.
• Corrugation radius according to Ch 4, Sec 7, [3.1.3].
• Closed spaces to be filled with suitable compound compatible with the
products carried.


• Welding requirements:
− corrugations to be connected with full penetration welding to stool top plate; root gap to be checked along the
− stool side plating to be connected with full penetration or partial penetration welding to stool top plate,
− shedder plates to be connected with one side penetration, or equivalent, to corrugations and stool top plate,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing
− start and stop welding away from the locations of corrugation bents,
− weld finishing well faired to the stool top plate, corrugation flanges and stool side plating.
• Material requirements:
− the stool top plate is recommended to be of Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel of such a quality is not adopted, 100%
UE of the plate in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding,
− material properties of:
ƒ the shedder plates,
ƒ the stool top plate,
ƒ the portion A of the stool side plating,
to be not less than those of the corrugation flanges.

138 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 5: Lower part of Connection of lower stools with corrugated Sheet 5.11
transverse bulkheads with bulkheads - Gusset and shedder plates
lower stools
A ≥ a.

Hot spot stress:

ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX

tF = corrugation flange thickness,

tT = stool top plate thickness,
tS = stool side plating thickness,
tG = gusset plate thickness,
tSH = shedder plate thickness,

tA = min (tF, tT, tS),

tB = min (tG, tT, tS).

• tT ≥ tF tS ≥ tF in portion A Fatigue check not required.
• tG ≥ tF tSH ≥ 0,75 tF hG ≥ a / 2.

• Misalignment (median lines) between corrugation flanges and stool side plating The following NDE are required:
≤ tA / 3. • VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between lower edge of gusset plates and stool side • UE 35% of full penetration
plating ≤ tB / 3. welds for absence of cracks,
lack of penetration and
• Distance from the edge of the stool top plate to the surface of the corrugation
lamellar tears.
flanges ≥ tF.
• Corrugation radius according to Ch 4, Sec 7, [3.1.3].
• Closed spaces to be filled with suitable compound compatible with the products


• Welding requirements:
− corrugations to be connected with full penetration welding to stool top plate; root gap to be checked along the
− stool side plating to be connected with full penetration or partial penetration welding to stool top plate,
− gusset plates to be connected with full penetration welding to stool top plate and with one side penetration, or
equivalent, to corrugations and shedder plates,
− shedder plates to be connected with one side penetration, or equivalent, to corrugations and gusset plates,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing
− start and stop welding away from the locations of corrugation bents,
− weld finishing well faired to the stool top plate, corrugation flanges and stool side plating.
• Material requirements:
− the stool top plate is recommended to be of Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel of such a quality is not adopted, 100%
UE of the plate in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding,
− material properties of:
ƒ the gusset plates,
ƒ the shedder plates,
ƒ the stool top plate,
ƒ the portion A of the stool side plating,
to be not less than those of the corrugation flanges.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 139

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 5: Lower part of Connection of lower stools with corrugated Sheet 5.12
transverse bulkheads with bulkheads - Sloping stool top plate
lower stools
A ≥ a.

Hot spot stress:

ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX

tF = corrugation flange thickness,

tT = stool top plate thickness,
tS = stool side plating thickness,
tSH = shedder plate thickness,

tA = min (tF, tT, tS),

tB = min (tSH, tT, tS).

• tT ≥ tF . Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
• tS ≥ tF in portion A. − KSX = 1,9
• tSH ≥ 0,75 tF

• Misalignment (median lines) between corrugation flanges The following NDE are required:
and stool side plating ≤ tA / 3.
• VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between lower edge of
shedder plates and stool side plating ≤ tB / 3. • UE 35% of full penetration welds for absence of
• Knuckled shedder plates are to be avoided. cracks, lack of penetration and lamellar tears.
• Distance from the edge of the stool top plate to the surface
of the corrugation flanges ≥ tF.
• Corrugation radius according to Ch 4, Sec 7, [3.1.3].
• Closed spaces to be filled with suitable compound
compatible with the products carried.


• Welding requirements:
− corrugations to be connected with full penetration welding to stool top plate; root gap to be checked along the
− stool side plating to be connected with full penetration or partial penetration welding to stool top plate,
− shedder plates to be connected with one side penetration, or equivalent, to corrugations and stool top plate,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing
− start and stop welding away from the locations of corrugation bents,
− weld finishing well faired to the stool top plate, corrugation flanges and stool side plating.
• Material requirements:
− the stool top plate is recommended to be of Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel of such a quality is not adopted, 100%
UE of the plate in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding,
− material properties of:
ƒ the shedder plates,
ƒ the stool top plate,
ƒ the portion A of the stool side plating,
to be not less than those of the corrugation flanges.

140 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 5: Lower part of Connection of lower stools with corrugated Sheet 5.13
transverse bulkheads with bulkheads - Brackets below stool top plate
lower stools

A ≥ a,
B = bracket dimension.

Hot spot stress:

ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX

tF = corrugation flange thickness,

tW = corrugation web thickness,
tT = stool top plate thickness,
tS = stool side plating thickness,
tB = bracket thickness,

tA = min (tF, tT, tS),

tB = min (tW, tT, tB).

• tT ≥ tF Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
• tS ≥ tF in portion A − KSX = 1,95
• tB ≥ tW
• B≥d

• Misalignment (median lines) between corrugation The following NDE are required:
flanges and stool side plating ≤ tA / 3. • VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between corrugation • UE 35% of full penetration welds for absence of cracks,
webs and brackets below stool top plate ≤ tB / 3. lack of penetration and lamellar tears.
• Distance from the edge of the stool top plate to the
surface of the corrugation flanges ≥ tF.
• Corrugation radius according to Ch 4, Sec 7, [3.1.3].


• Welding requirements:
− corrugations to be connected with full penetration welding to stool top plate; root gap to be checked along the
− stool side plating to be connected with full penetration or partial penetration welding to stool top plate,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing
− start and stop welding away from the locations of corrugation bents,
− weld finishing well faired to the stool top plate, corrugation flanges and stool side plating.
• Material requirements:
− the stool top plate is recommended to be of Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel of such a quality is not adopted, 100%
UE of the plate in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding,
− material properties of:
ƒ the stool top plate,
ƒ the portion A of the stool side plating,
to be not less than those of the corrugation flanges.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 141

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 5: Lower part of Connection of lower stools with corrugated Sheet 5.14
transverse bulkheads with bulkheads - Shedder plates 45° and brackets
lower stools below stool top plate
A ≥ a,
B = bracket dimension.
Hot spot stress:
ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX

tF = corrugation flange thickness,

tW = corrugation web thickness,
tT = stool top plate thickness,
tS = stool side plating thickness,
tSH = shedder plate thickness,
tB = bracket thickness,

tA = min (tF, tT, tS),

tB = min (tSH, tT, tS)
tC = min (tW, tT, tB).

• tT ≥ tF tS ≥ tF in portion A Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
• tSH ≥ 0,75 tF tB ≥ tW B≥d − KSX = 1,25

• Misalignment (median lines) between corrugation flanges and The following NDE are required:
stool side plating ≤ tA / 3. • VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between lower edge of shedder • UE 35% of full penetration welds for
plates and stool side plating ≤ tB / 3. absence of cracks, lack of penetration and
• Misalignment (median lines) between corrugation webs and lamellar tears.
brackets below stool top plate ≤ tC / 3.
• Knuckled shedder plates are to be avoided.
• Distance from the edge of the stool top plate to the surface of the
corrugation flanges ≥ tF.
• Corrugation radius according to Ch 4, Sec 7, [3.1.3].
• Closed spaces to be filled with suitable compound compatible
with the products carried.


• Welding requirements:
− corrugations to be connected with full penetration welding to stool top plate; root gap to be checked along the
− stool side plating to be connected with full penetration or partial penetration welding to stool top plate,
− shedder plates to be connected with one side penetration, or equivalent, to corrugations and stool top plate,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing
− start and stop welding away from the locations of corrugation bents,
− weld finishing well faired to the stool top plate, corrugation flanges and stool side plating.
• Material requirements:
− the stool top plate is recommended to be of Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel of such a quality is not adopted, 100%
UE of the plate in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding,
− material properties of:
ƒ the shedder plates,
ƒ the stool top plate,
ƒ the portion A of the stool side plating,
to be not less than those of the corrugation flanges.

142 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 5: Lower part of Connection of lower stools with corrugated Sheet 5.15
transverse bulkheads with bulkheads - Gusset and shedder plates and brackets
lower stools below stool top plate
A ≥ a,
B = bracket dimension.
Hot spot stress:
ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX

tF = corrugation flange thickness,

tW = corrugation web thickness,
tT = stool top plate thickness,
tS = stool side plating thickness,
tG = gusset plate thickness,
tSH = shedder plate thickness,
tB = bracket thickness,

tA = min (tF, tT, tS),

tB = min (tG, tT, tS)
tC = min (tW, tT, tB).

• tT ≥ tF tS ≥ tF in portion A tG ≥ tF tSH ≥ 0,75 tF
Fatigue check not required.
• tB ≥ tW hG ≥ a / 2 B≥d

• Misalignment (median lines) between corrugation flanges and stool side plating The following NDE are required:
≤ tA / 3. • VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between lower edge of gusset plates and stool side • UE 35% of full penetration
plating ≤ tB / 3. welds for absence of cracks,
• Misalignment (median lines) between corrugation webs and brackets below lack of penetration and
stool top plate ≤ tC / 3. lamellar tears.
• Distance from the edge of the stool top plate to the surface of the corrugation
flanges ≥ tF.
• Corrugation radius according to Ch 4, Sec 7, [3.1.3].
• Closed spaces to be filled with suitable compound compatible with the
products carried.


• Welding requirements:
− corrugations to be connected with full penetration welding to stool top; root gap to be checked along the
− stool side plating to be connected with full penetration or partial penetration welding to stool top plate,
− gusset plates to be connected with full penetration welding to stool top and with one side penetration, or
equivalent, to corrugations and shedder plates,
− shedder plates to be connected with one side penetration, or equivalent, to corrugations and gusset plates,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing
− start and stop welding away from the locations of corrugation bents,
− weld finishing well faired to the stool top plate, corrugation flanges and stool side plating.
• Material requirements:
− the stool top plate is recommended to be of Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel of such a quality is not adopted, 100%
UE of the plate in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding,
− material properties of:
ƒ the gusset plates,
ƒ the shedder plates,
ƒ the stool top plate,
ƒ the portion A of the stool side plating,
to be not less than those of the corrugation flanges.

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 143

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 6: Lower part of inner side Connection of hopper tank sloping plates Sheet 6.1
with inner side

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

side transverses

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX

tA = min (t1, t2, t3)

tB = minimum among:
− thickness of member above hopper tank top plate,
− thickness of member below hopper tank top plate,
− t2.

• d ≥ t1. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
− KSX = 3,85
• t2 ≥ t1.
− KSY = 1,3
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A. − KSXY = 2,0

• Thickness of members above and below hopper tank top

plate to be not less than that of side transverses.

• Misalignment (median lines) between inner side plating The following NDE are required:
and hopper tank sloping plate ≤ tA / 3.
− VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between members above − UE 25% of full penetration welds for absence of
and below hopper tank top plate ≤ tB / 3. cracks, lack of penetration and lamellar tears.


• Welding requirements:
− inner side and hopper tank sloping plate generally to be connected with full penetration welding to hopper tank
top plate (if not full penetration welding, the weld preparation is to be indicated on the approved drawings),
− approval of the procedure on a sample representative of the actual conditions foreseen in production,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing is recommended in case Z material is not adopted for the
hopper tank top plate,
− weld finishing well faired to the hopper tank top plate.
• Material requirements:
− the hopper tank top plate is recommended to be Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel of such a quality is not adopted,
100% UE of the plate in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding,
− material properties of the portion A of the hopper tank sloping plate to be not less than those of the inner side

144 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 6: Lower part of inner Connection of hopper tank sloping plates with Sheet 6.2
side inner side in way of intermediate brackets

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

side transverses
Hot spot stresses:
• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX
tA = min (t1, t2, t3)
tB = minimum among:
− thickness of member above hopper tank top plate,
− thickness of intermediate bracket,
− t2.

• d ≥ t1. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
• t2 ≥ t1. − KSX = 3,55
− KSY = 1,3
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A.
− KSXY = 1,75
• Thickness of intermediate brackets and members above
hopper tank top plate to be not less than that of side

• Misalignment (median lines) between inner side plating and The following NDE are required:
hopper tank sloping plate ≤ tA / 3. − VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between intermediate bracket − UE 25% of full penetration welds for absence
and member above hopper tank top plate ≤ tB/3. of cracks, lack of penetration and lamellar
• Intermediate brackets to be fitted in place and welded after tears.
the welding of the joint between the hopper tank sloping plate
and the hopper tank top plate.


• Welding requirements:
− inner side and hopper tank sloping plate generally to be connected with full penetration welding to hopper tank
top plate (if not full penetration welding, the weld preparation is to be indicated on the approved drawings),
− brackets to be connected with continuous fillet welding to plating and stiffeners,
− approval of the procedure on a sample representative of the actual conditions foreseen in production,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing is recommended in case Z material is not adopted for the
hopper tank top plate,
− weld finishing well faired to the hopper tank top plate.
• Material requirements:
− the hopper tank top plate is recommended to be Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel of such a quality is not adopted,
100% UE of the plate in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding,
material properties of the portion A of the hopper tank sloping plate to be not less than those of the inner side

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 145

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 6: Lower part of inner side Connection of hopper tank sloping plates with Sheet 6.3
inner side – Prolonging brackets

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

side transverses

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX

tA = min (t1, t2, t3)

tB = minimum among:
− thickness of member above hopper tank top plate,
− thickness of member below hopper tank top plate,
− t2.
• d ≥ 50 mm. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
• t2 ≥ t1. − KSX = 2,4
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A. − KSY = 1,3
− KSXY = 1,5
• Thickness of prolonging brackets ≥ t1.
• Thickness of members above and below hopper tank top
plate to be not less than that of side transverses.

• Misalignment (median lines) between hopper tank The following NDE are required:
top plate and hopper tank sloping plate ≤ tA / 3.
− VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between members − UE 25% of full penetration welds for absence of cracks,
above and below hopper tank top plate ≤ tB / 3. lack of penetration and lamellar tears.


• Welding requirements:
−Hopper tank sloping plate to be connected with full penetration welding to the inner side plating. Root gap to be
checked along the production steps as appropriate,
−Prolonging brackets to be connected with full penetration welding to inner side plating,
−full penetration weld of hopper tank sloping plate to inner side plating to be welded first,
−welding sequence against lamellar tearing in the inner side plating is recommended.
• Material requirements:
− the lower strake of inner side plating is recommended to be Z25/ZH25 quality. If a steel of such a quality is not
adopted, 100% UE of the strake in way of the weld is required prior to and after welding,
− material properties of the portion A of the hopper tank sloping plate to be not less than those of the inner side
− material properties of prolonging brackets to be not less than those of the inner side plating.

146 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 6: Lower part of inner side Connection of hopper tank sloping plates Sheet 6.4
with inner side – Radiused construction

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

side transverses
Hot spot stresses:
• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX
tA = min (t1, t2, t3)
tB = minimum among:
− thickness of member above hopper tank top plate,
− thickness of member below hopper tank top plate,
− t2.

• Inner radius of the bent plate to be between 3,5 and 5 times the Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥
thickness of the bent plate and to be indicated in the approved plan. 150 m:
• t2 ≥ t1. − KSX = 3,3
− KSY = 1,3
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A.
− KSXY = 2,25
• Thickness of members above and below hopper tank top plate to be not
less than that of side transverses.

• Misalignment (median lines) between hopper tank top plate and hopper The following NDE are required:
tank sloping plate ≤ tA / 3.
− VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between members above and below hopper
tank top plate ≤ tB / 3. − UE 25% of full penetration welds, if
• If not full penetration welding of hopper tank top plate to inner side, the any, for absence of cracks, lack of
weld preparation is to be indicated on the approved drawings. penetration and lamellar tears.

• Butt welds between inner side and hopper tank sloping plate at a
distance greater than 500 mm from the hopper tank top plate.


• Welding requirements:
−Welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing in the inner side plate is recommended,
−Weld finishing well faired to the inner side plating and hopper tank sloping plate.
• Material requirements:
− the radiused construction may be accepted provided that the folding procedure is submitted to the Society for
review, with evidence given that the mechanical properties and, in particular, the impact properties are not
deteriorated by the folding operation.
− material properties of the portion A of the hopper tank sloping plate to be not less than those of the inner side

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 147

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 6: Lower part of inner side Connection of hopper tank sloping plates Sheet 6.5
with inner side in way of intermediate
brackets – Radiused construction

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

side transverses
Hot spot stresses:
• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX
tA = min (t1, t2, t3)
tB = minimum among:
− thickness of member above hopper tank top plate,
− thickness of intermediate bracket,
− t2.
• Inner radius of the bent plate to be between 3,5 and 5 times the thickness of the Fatigue check to be carried
bent plate and to be indicated in the approved plan. out for L ≥ 150 m:
• t2 ≥ t1. − KSX = 3,15
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A. − KSY = 1,3
• Thickness of intermediate brackets and members above hopper tank top plate to be − KSXY = 2,05
not less than that of side transverses.

• Misalignment (median lines) between hopper tank top plate and hopper The following NDE are required:
tank sloping plate ≤ tA / 3.
• Misalignment (median lines) between intermediate bracket and member − VE 100%,
below hopper tank top plate ≤ tB/3. − UE 25% of full penetration
• If not full penetration welding of hopper tank top plate to inner side, the welds, if any, for absence of
weld preparation is to be indicated on the approved drawings. cracks, lack of penetration and
• Intermediate brackets to be fitted in place and welded after the welding of lamellar tears.
the joint between the hopper tank top plate and the inner side plating.
• Butt welds between inner side and hopper tank sloping plate at a distance
greater than 500 mm from the hopper tank top plate.


• Welding requirements:
−brackets to be connected with continuous fillet welding to plating and stiffeners,
−welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing in the inner side plate is recommended,
−weld finishing well faired to the inner side plating and hopper tank sloping plate.
• Material requirements:
− the radiused construction may be accepted provided that the folding procedure is submitted to the Society for
review, with evidence given that the mechanical properties and, in particular, the impact properties are not
deteriorated by the folding operation.
− material properties of the portion A of the hopper tank sloping plate to be not less than those of the inner side

148 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 6: Lower part of inner side Connection of hopper tank sloping plates Sheet 6.6
with inner side – Radiused construction

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

side transverses

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX

t = minimum among:
− thickness of member above hopper tank top plate,
− thickness of member below hopper tank top plate,
− t2.
• Inner radius of the bent plate to be between 3,5 and 5 times the Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥
thickness of the bent plate and to be indicated in the approved plan. 150 m:
• d ≤ 40 mm. − KSX = 4,5
− KSY = 1,3
• t2 ≥ t1. − KSXY = 5,6
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A.
• Thickness of members above and below hopper tank top plate to be
not less than that of side transverses.

• Misalignment (median lines) between members above and below The following NDE are required:
hopper tank top plate ≤ t / 3. − VE 100%,
• If not full penetration welding of hopper tank top plate to inner side, − UE 25% of full penetration welds, if
the weld preparation is to be indicated on the approved drawings. any, for absence of cracks, lack of
• Butt welds between inner side and hopper tank sloping plate at a penetration and lamellar tears.
distance greater than 500 mm from the hopper tank top plate.


Material requirements:
− where hopper tank top plate is welded within the bent area, folding procedure to be submitted to the Society for
review, with evidence given that the mechanical properties and, in particular, the impact properties are not
deteriorated by the folding operation,
− material properties of the portion A of the hopper tank sloping plate to be not less than those of the inner side

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 149

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 6: Lower part of inner Connection of hopper tank sloping plates with Sheet 6.7
side inner side in way of intermediate brackets -
Radiused construction

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

side transverses

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX

t = minimum among:
− thickness of member above hopper tank top plate,
− thickness of intermediate bracket,
− t2.

• Inner radius of the bent plate to be between 3,5 and 5 times the thickness of Fatigue check to be carried out for
the bent plate and to be indicated in the approved plan. L ≥ 150 m:
• d ≤ 40 mm. − KSX = 3,85
− KSY = 1,3
• t2 ≥ t1.
− KSXY = 4,5
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A.
• Thickness of intermediate brackets and members above hopper tank top plate
to be not less than that of side transverses.

• Misalignment (median lines) between intermediate bracket and member The following NDE are required:
above hopper tank top plate ≤ t/3. − VE 100%,
• If not full penetration welding of hopper tank top plate to inner side, the weld − UE 25% of full penetration
preparation is to be indicated on the approved drawings. welds, if any, for absence of
• Intermediate brackets to be fitted in place and welded after the welding of the cracks, lack of penetration
joint between the hopper tank top plate and the inner side plating. and lamellar tears.

• Butt welds between inner side and hopper tank sloping plate at a distance
greater than 500 mm from the hopper tank top plate.


Material requirements:
− where hopper tank top plate is welded within the bent area, folding procedure to be submitted to the Society for
review, with evidence given that the mechanical properties and, in particular, the impact properties are not
deteriorated by the folding operation,
− material properties of the portion A of the hopper tank sloping plate to be not less than those of the inner side

150 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 6: Lower part of inner side Connection of hopper tank sloping plates Sheet 6.8
with inner side

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

side transverses

Hot spot stresses:

• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX

tA = min (t1, t2, t3)

tB = minimum among:
− thickness of member above hopper tank top plate,
− thickness of member below hopper tank top plate,
− t2.

• d ≥ t1. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
− KSX = 3,85
• t2 ≥ t1.
− KSY = 1,3
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A. − KSXY = 2,0

• Thickness of members above and below hopper tank top

plate to be not less than that of side transverses.

• Misalignment (median lines) between inner side plating The following NDE are required:
and hopper tank sloping plate ≤ tA / 3, max 6 mm.
− VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between members above − UE 35% of full penetration welds for absence of
and below hopper tank top plate ≤ tB / 3, max 6 mm. cracks, lack of penetration and lamellar tears.


• Welding requirements:
− inner side and hopper tank sloping plate to be connected with full penetration welding to hopper tank top plate,
except in way of void spaces where partial penetration may be accepted,
− approval of the procedure on a sample representative of the actual conditions foreseen in production,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing is recommended in case Z material is not adopted for the
hopper tank top plate,
− weld finishing well faired to the hopper tank top plate.
• Material requirements:
− the hopper tank top plate is to be of Z25/ZH25 or of a steel of the same mechanical performances. In particular
cases, grade E/EH low temperature steel may be accepted by the Society provided that the results of 100% UE of
the plate in way of the weld, carried out prior to and after welding, are submitted for review,
− material properties of the portion A of the hopper tank sloping plate to be not less than those of the inner side

Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010 151

Pt B, Ch 13, App 1

AREA 6: Lower part of inner Connection of hopper tank sloping plates with Sheet 6.9
side inner side in way of intermediate brackets

A = distance to be taken not less than the spacing of

side transverses
Hot spot stresses:
• At hot spot A: ΔσSX = KSX ⋅ ΔσnX
• At hot spot B: ΔσSY = KSY ⋅ ΔσnY + KSXY ⋅ ΔσnX
tA = min (t1, t2, t3)
tB = minimum among:
− thickness of member above hopper tank top plate,
− thickness of intermediate bracket,
− t2.

• d ≥ t1. Fatigue check to be carried out for L ≥ 150 m:
• t2 ≥ t1. − KSX = 3,55
− KSY = 1,3
• t3 ≥ t1 in portion A.
− KSXY = 1,75
• Thickness of intermediate brackets and members above
hopper tank top plate to be not less than that of side

• Misalignment (median lines) between inner side plating and The following NDE are required:
hopper tank sloping plate ≤ tA / 3, max 6 mm. − VE 100%,
• Misalignment (median lines) between intermediate bracket − UE 35% of full penetration welds for absence
and member above hopper tank top plate ≤ tB/3, max 6 mm. of cracks, lack of penetration and lamellar
• Intermediate brackets to be fitted in place and welded after tears.
the welding of the joint between the hopper tank sloping plate
and the hopper tank top plate.


• Welding requirements:
− inner side and hopper tank sloping plate to be connected with full penetration welding to hopper tank top plate,
except in way of void spaces where partial penetration may be accepted,
− brackets to be connected with continuous fillet welding to plating and stiffeners,
− approval of the procedure on a sample representative of the actual conditions foreseen in production,
− welding sequence against the risk of lamellar tearing is recommended in case Z material is not adopted for the
hopper tank top plate,
− weld finishing well faired to the hopper tank top plate.
• Material requirements:
− the hopper tank top plate is to be of Z25/ZH25 or of a steel of the same mechanical performances. In particular
cases, grade E/EH low temperature steel may be accepted by the Society provided that the results of 100% UE of
the plate in way of the weld, carried out prior to and after welding, are submitted for review,
− material properties of the portion A of the hopper tank sloping plate to be not less than those of the inner side

152 Rules for Floating Offshore Units and MODU 2010

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