TLE 9 Reviewer
TLE 9 Reviewer
TLE 9 Reviewer
heterogeneous groups.)
LESSON 11: Scriptwriting
3. Use traditional devices such as; however, meanwhile,
SCRIPT – In mass communication it is a prepared
on the other hand, and the like in sequencing your
copy for radio, television, theatrical, and
report. Share the details here. Keep it up to 3 or 4 lines.
4. Write clearly using the one idea, and one paragraph
style. Stress all of the important points seen in every
P - Printed
5. Make the sentence clear and reasonably short. Avoid
- All copy is either typed or computerized
choppy sentences. The average sentence length is from
- Keep copy neat without strikeover or deletions
15 to 25 words. Paragraphs must also be comparatively
- Use pencil in writing minor corrections
- Note. Penciled changes will lead to misread
L - Letter Size
6. Plan the script to fill the allotted time.
- Use standard 8 ½ by 11 inch paper
- Use paper that doesn’t rattle
7. No prescribed rate for radio newscasting. 150 words
O - One Sided
per minute is alright
- Use only one side of the paper
M – Multiple Copies
8. Avoid slang, technical terms, vulgar expressions.
- Most scripts require multiple copies
- Make sure sufficient copies are available for all who
9. Organize the script in an a-b-c logical order.
will need one
H – Headings
10. Observe the essential elements of unity, coherence,
- no universally accepted standards
emphasis, clarity, brevity.
- It may be at the top of the first page of the script
- Materials that appear in the headings:
a. Title
b. Program Title
S – Spoken
c. Number of the program series
- Radio script is intended to be spoken. Radio program
d. Writer’s, Director’s, and Producer’s names
is not a creative literary piece. It is ORAL. The
e. Length of program broadcast-style should be natural (not affected).
f. Date and time to broadcast - Example:
g. Cast List AVOID: His elucidation is beyond comprehension.
h. Music List SAY: His explanation is not clear.
- Contractions (it’s, aren’t, they’re, won’t, and he’s)
RADIO SCRIPTWRITING can be used in broadcasting. NOTE. Avoid
- Radio Scripts are for the ears, radio listener can take contractions if you want to emphasize the point.
only one word after the other. - Example:
- Newspapers are for the eyes, in this the reader can scan WEAK: The principal said that vandalism won’t be
the whole sentence at a glance. tolerated on campus.
STRONG: The principal said that vandalism will not
be tolerated on campus.
T – Timely
1. Write to express not to impress. Use only the spoken - Timeliness or immediacy is one important element of
words of everyday speech (which Mr. Average Listener news.
can understand) - Newscasting is NOW news. It is reported right away;
therefore, it should be in the present progressive tense.
2. Address the entire script to a wide variety of - Example: The School Superintendent this morning
audiences. The appeal should be broad in scope. (Note. issued a memorandum banning the wearing of earrings
by all male students and teachers.
3. Newscasting is an interpersonal affair between the
newscaster and the audience. In
news programs, the style may be a little formal but not
as rigid as in a newspaper. Avoid
oratory. The script is for informal conversation talk.
Avoid: The Department of Education in coordination
with other offices under its wings
has started streamlining its regulatory powers over
Say: The Dep Ed today has now made it easier for the
Basic Education Department
to regulate its powers over pre-schools.
4. Radio news is heard just once. Once heard it’s gone
and the listener has no means
of referring back. To save the listener therefore from the
trouble of interpreting what he
was heard, use simple, declarative sentences. Refrain
from cramming all your facts in
one sentence. If possible split long sentences into two or
three short sentences.
5. Radio news is primarily sound. Link the news writer
and the listener. Use concrete,
not abstract words. Be precise.
Avoid: A vehicle met an accident in the highway.
Say: A passenger jeep with Plate Number XL 404
collided with a dump truck on Mac
Arthur Highway when the driver tried to avoid running
over a cow that suddenly
crossed the street.