Nursing Informatics - World Perspective
Nursing Informatics - World Perspective
Nursing Informatics - World Perspective
1. UNITED Nursing informatics Enhancing clinical decision- Limited interoperability The NHS Digital Academy: This is an Integration of electronic health records (EHRs): The UK is already
KIGDOM began to emerge in making by providing nurses Cost and resource constraints initiative that aims to develop digital making progress in implementing EHRs, but there is still much work to
the United Kingdom with access to accurate and leadership skills in healthcare professionals, be done.
Cybersecurity risks
in the late 1980s and timely information. including nurses. Development of artificial intelligence (AI) tools: AI has the potential to
Data quality and integrity:
early 1990s, although it The NHS App: This is a mobile application revolutionize healthcare by improving diagnosis, treatment, and
Supporting the development
that allows patients to access their medical patient outcomes.
wasn't until the 2000s of new models of care that
records, book appointments, and order Advancements in telehealth and telemedicine: With the ongoing
that it became more leverage technology to
repeat prescriptions online. Nurses can use COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increased interest in telehealth
widely recognized as a improve patient outcomes. and telemedicine technologies.
the app to communicate with patients and
distinct field. Providing nurses with the Increased use of data analytics: With the growing amount of health
provide them with remote consultations
skills and knowledge needed The National Institute for Health and Care data being generated, nursing informatics will play a key role in helping
to effectively use technology Excellence (NICE): This organization provides
to analyze this data and use it to improve patient care outcomes.
in their practice. guidance and advice to healthcare
professionals on the use of digital
technologies and informatics in patient care.
Nursing informatics in Developing and implementing Lack of standardized electronic Finnish Nursing Informatics Association Embracing new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and
Finland started in the electronic health records (EHRs) health records (EHRs) across different (FINIA): FINIA was established to promote the machine learning, to support decision-making and enhance
2. FINLAND late 1980s, but it was development of nursing informatics in Finland. clinical workflows.
to enable the sharing of patient healthcare organizations. This can
not until the 1990s that National Health Information Infrastructure: Developing and implementing standardized clinical terminologies
data between healthcare make it difficult to share patient
nursing informatics was The National Health Information Infrastructure and classifications to support data-driven healthcare and improve
providers. information and collaborate
recognized as an (Kanta) is a centralized electronic patient quality of care.
Improving the quality and safety effectively. record system that allows health care
essential area of nursing Investing in digital literacy and education for healthcare
of patient care by reducing The need for better integration of providers to access and share patient
practice in the country. professionals to ensure they have the skills and knowledge
medical errors and adverse nursing informatics education into information securely.
necessary to effectively use digital tools and technologies in their
events through the use of ICT nursing curricula and continuing Mobile health (mHealth) applications: Several
tools and decision support education programs to ensure that mHealth applications have been developed in
Exploring the use of telehealth and remote patient monitoring to
systems. nurses have the necessary skills and Finland to support self-management of
chronic conditions and provide remote improve access to care for patients living in remote or
knowledge to effectively use
monitoring and support for patients. underserved areas.
technology in their practice.
Nursing informatics in Integration of information and Data security and privacy: Ensuring Development of electronic health records: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) could be
Germany started to communication technologies patient data security and privacy is a Germany has been working on used to analyze large amounts of patient data, identify patterns
3. GERMANY gain momentum in the into nursing practice crucial issue in nursing informatics, implementing electronic health records to and trends, and provide personalized treatment plans.
late 1990s and early Development of standardized and Germany has strict data improve patient care and reduce Blockchain technology could be used to securely store and
2000s. However, it nursing terminologies and protection regulations. administrative burden on healthcare share patient health information, improving privacy and data
wasn't until the early classifications to support Lack of standardization: Different providers. security.
2010s that the German communication and data hospitals and healthcare facilities may Promotion of Health IT Adoption: The The use of virtual and augmented reality could help simulate
Society for Nursing exchange across healthcare use different systems, leading to a lack government has also provided funding and patient care scenarios, provide training for nurses, and improve
Science (DGP) officially settings of standardization in data collection incentives for patient outcomes.
recognized nursing Support for nursing research and communication.
informatics as a field of and education through the use
expertise within nursing of technology-enhanced
science. learning environments and
4. ITALY Nursing informatics Improving patient safety: By One issue that may affect nursing National Health Information System: The Mobile Health (mHealth): Mobile health apps and platforms could
began to emerge in implementing electronic health informatics in Italy, as well as other Italian Ministry of Health has developed a be used to provide patients with self-management tools, such as
Italy in the 1990s, records (EHRs) and other countries, is a shortage of qualified National Health Information System (NSIS) to medication reminders and symptom tracking, and provide nurses
particularly in advanced technologies, nursing informatics professionals. This improve the quality of healthcare and patient with remote access to patient data and communication with
academic settings nursing informatics can help shortage can lead to a lack of safety. The NSIS is an integrated system that patients.
where nursing reduce medication errors, expertise in implementing and collects and stores patient data, making it Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: AI and machine
informatics education prevent adverse events, and maintaining health information available to healthcare professionals across learning are increasingly being used in healthcare to help manage
and research were improve overall patient safety. systems, which can result in the country. patient data and improve patient outcomes. In nursing
developed. Enhancing clinical workflows: suboptimal patient care and safety. Nursing Informatics Education: Universities informatics, AI and machine learning could help nurses identify
Nursing informatics can help The use of technology in healthcare and nursing schools in Italy offer courses and trends in patient data, predict health issues before they arise, and
optimize clinical workflows and and nursing informatics must also training programs in nursing informatics to develop personalized care plans.
make them more efficient, consider digital divides and health help prepare future nurses to work with
leading to improved patient disparities, including issues of health information systems and technology.
outcomes and reduced costs. accessibility and affordability of Health Information Exchange: Efforts are
technology for underserved being made to improve the exchange of
communities. health information between healthcare
providers and facilities in Italy. This will allow
nurses to access complete patient records,
communicate more effectively with other
healthcare providers, and improve the
continuity of care.
Improving Patient Safety: Limited Interoperability: One of the E-Health Poland: E-Health Poland is a national Interoperability: As healthcare becomes more digitized, the need
5. POLAND The development of Nursing informatics aims to main issues in nursing informatics in program that aims to modernize and integrate for interoperability between different health information systems
nursing informatics in reduce errors and adverse Poland is the lack of interoperability the country's healthcare system. One of the will become increasingly important. In Poland, there is already a
Poland began in the key components of the program is the push to develop national standards for electronic health records
events in nursing practice by between different health information
early 1990s, when the development of a national electronic health and to promote the sharing of patient data between healthcare
improving the accuracy and systems. This can make it difficult to
first nursing informatics record system, which will enable healthcare providers.
completeness of patient data, share patient data between
course was introduced providers to share patient data securely and Data Analytics: The use of data analytics in healthcare is still
facilitating communication healthcare providers and can lead to efficiently.
at the Medical relatively new in Poland, but it has the potential to drive significant
among healthcare providers, errors and inefficiencies in patient Polish Society of Medical Informatics: The
University of Gdańsk. improvements in patient care and health outcomes.
and enabling the use of decision care. Polish Society of Medical Informatics is a
Cybersecurity: Ensuring the security and privacy of patient health
support tools. Lack of Standardization: There is a professional organization that brings together
information is crucial in nursing informatics. As healthcare
Enhancing Quality of Care: By lack of standardization in nursing healthcare providers, researchers, and other
stakeholders to promote the use of technology becomes more digitized, cybersecurity threats are likely to
leveraging technology and data, documentation in Poland, which can
and data in healthcare. become more sophisticated, and nursing informatics professionals
nursing informatics can help make it difficult to share information
Nursing Informatics Courses: Many nursing will need to stay up-to-date on the latest threats and best
nurses provide more effective between different healthcare practices for protecting patient data.
schools and universities in Poland now offer
and efficient care to patients. providers and can lead to
courses in nursing informatics, which provide
This includes using electronic inconsistencies in patient care. students with the skills and knowledge
health records (EHRs) to needed to use technology and data in nursing
document patient care, track practice.
patient progress, and share
information with other
healthcare providers.
1. KOREA The Korean Nursing Enhancing the quality and One issue in nursing informatics in One example of an initiative in nursing Expansion of Telehealth and Remote Monitoring: Korea can further
Informatics Association safety of patient care through Korea is the lack of standardization informatics in Korea is the Korean Nursing develop its nursing informatics system by expanding telehealth and
(KNIA) was founded in the use of technology and data and interoperability among Informatics Association (KNIA). The KNIA is a remote monitoring technologies to provide patients with more
1998, which suggests analytics. healthcare information systems. This professional organization that aims to convenient and accessible care, especially in rural or remote areas.
that the field was Improving communication and can result in fragmented patient promote the integration of nursing science, Adoption of AI and Predictive Analytics: Korea can explore the use of
already established collaboration among records and difficulties in sharing data computer science, and information science AI and predictive analytics in nursing informatics to help healthcare
and growing at that healthcare providers through between different healthcare to improve patient care outcomes and providers make data-driven decisions and improve patient
time. Since then, the implementation of providers, which can ultimately affect enhance nursing practice. The KNIA outcomes.
nursing informatics interoperable healthcare patient safety and quality of care. organizes various activities and events, such Advancing Nursing Informatics Education: Korea can focus on
has continued to information systems. Another issue is the need for greater as conferences, workshops, and training advancing nursing informatics education and training programs for
evolve and develop in Promoting patient education and training for nurses in programs, to provide opportunities for nurses nurses and other healthcare providers to increase their knowledge
Korea, with increasing engagement and using healthcare technology and and other healthcare professionals to learn and skills in using nursing informatics technologies and tools
interest and empowerment by providing informatics tools. While there is about the latest developments in nursing effectively.
investment in digital patients with access to their growing interest and investment in informatics and to share best practices and
health and healthcare own health data and resources digital health in Korea, many nurses experiences.
technology. for self-management. may not have the necessary Another example is the use of electronic
Increasing efficiency and knowledge and skills to effectively use health records (EHRs) in Korean healthcare
effectiveness of healthcare these technologies in their practice. settings. The government has invested
delivery by optimizing heavily in the development and
workflows and reducing implementation of EHRs to improve the
administrative burden through quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery,
the use of technology. and to enable better communication and
collaboration among healthcare providers.
Nursing informatics in The goal of nursing informatics Data privacy and security: As with any Establishment of Electronic Health Records Increased Use of Digital Health Technologies: The UAE can further
in the UAE is to improve the healthcare system, protecting patient (EHR) systems: The UAE has implemented develop its nursing informatics system by increasing the use of
the United Arab digital health technologies, such as wearables and mobile health
5. UNITED Emirates (UAE) began quality and efficiency of nursing data is a top priority. However, there electronic health records (EHR) systems in
apps, to support patients' self-management and engagement in
ARAB to emerge in the early practice, while also improving have been concerns about the privacy several healthcare facilities across the
their care.
EMIRATES 2000s. However, it was patient outcomes and and security of patient data in the country, which enables healthcare providers Further Development of AI Applications: The UAE can continue to
not until the mid-2010s satisfaction. By leveraging UAE, particularly with the increase in to access patient data in real-time. EHR develop AI applications in nursing informatics, such as predictive
that nursing informatics technology and data, nursing electronic health records (EHRs). systems can improve patient safety, quality analytics, to support decision-making and improve patient
gained significant informatics can help nurses Nurses and other healthcare providers of care, and increase efficiency in healthcare outcomes.
delivery. Advancing Education and Training: The UAE can focus on advancing
traction in the UAE. The provide better care to their need to be trained on data privacy and
Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI): The education and training programs for nurses and other healthcare
Dubai Health Authority patients, while also advancing security to ensure that patient data is providers to increase their knowledge and skills in using nursing
(DHA) began to the field of nursing as a whole. protected. UAE has started integrating artificial
informatics technologies and tools effectively.
establish a nursing intelligence (AI) in healthcare, including
informatics program in nursing practice, to improve the accuracy
2013 and efficiency of patient care.
1. BRAZIL Nursing informatics in To support the use of ICT in Lack of investment: There is a lack of National Nursing Informatics Policy: In 2015, Increased adoption and implementation of electronic health
Brazil began to be nursing practice to enhance investment in nursing informatics in Brazil's Ministry of Health launched the records (EHRs) in healthcare settings to improve the quality of
developed in the late patient care and outcomes. Brazil, which limits the National Nursing Informatics Policy, which patient care.
1980s, but it was not To improve the quality of implementation of new technologies aims to promote the use of technology in Collaboration among stakeholders, including nurses,
until the 1990s that it nursing education by and hinders the development of nursing practice, education, and research. healthcare providers, government agencies, and technology
started to gain more integrating nursing informatics nursing informatics initiatives. Nursing Informatics Certification: The companies, to promote the development and implementation
attention and into nursing curricula. Limited access to technology: Many Brazilian Society of Health Informatics (SBIS) of nursing informatics initiatives.
recognition as a field of To promote the development nurses in Brazil do not have access to offers a certification program for nursing Adoption of data analytics and artificial intelligence to support
study and practice. and implementation of nursing computers, internet, and other ICT informatics professionals. This program aims clinical decision-making, improve healthcare delivery, and
informatics standards, tools necessary for nursing to ensure that nurses have the necessary enhance patient outcomes.
guidelines, and best practices. informatics. This limits their ability to skills and knowledge to effectively use
To support nursing research by use technology in their practice, technology in their practice, education, and
facilitating the collection, education, and research. research.
analysis, and interpretation of
data using ICT.
the goal is to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of
nursing practice, education,
and research through the
integration of technology and
information management.
Nursing informatics The goals of Mexico's nursing informatics Limited resources: Many healthcare One such initiative is the implementation of
The future of nursing informatics in Mexico, like other countries, is likely to be
include improving the quality of patient facilities in Mexico face budget electronic health records (EHRs) in hospitals focused on the continued integration of technology in nursing practice to
4. MEXICO started in Mexico in the care and safety, enhancing
constraints, limiting their ability to and clinics to facilitate the management of improve patient care and outcomes. This could involve the implementation of
early 1990s. communication and collaboration among
patient health information. The Mexican electronic health records (EHRs), telehealth and remote monitoring
healthcare providers, promoting evidence- invest in technology infrastructure
based practice, and increasing the government has also established the National technologies, and the development of new mobile health applications that
efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare
and training. can facilitate communication between nurses and patients, as well as other
Digital Strategy for Health, which aims to
delivery. Mexico's nursing informatics Inconsistent data standards: Mexico's promote the use of technology in the healthcare providers. Additionally, there may be a greater emphasis on using
initiatives also aim to facilitate access to
healthcare system is fragmented, and healthcare sector, including nursing data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to support clinical decision-making
health information and promote patient
there is no standardized system for and improve patient safety.
empowerment and engagement in their informatics.
own care. Additionally, Mexico's nursing collecting and sharing patient data Additionally, universities and nursing
informatics goals include promoting the
use of technology and innovation in between different providers and associations in Mexico are offering courses and
healthcare delivery and education, and facilities. training programs in nursing informatics to
fostering interdisciplinary collaboration educate and train nurses in the use of
and partnerships in healthcare.
technology to enhance patient care.
Enhancing the quality of Limited access to technology: There Adoption of EHRs: The Colombian Increasing adoption and implementation of electronic health
Nursing informatics
healthcare delivery: By using are still areas in Colombia where government has launched an initiative to records (EHRs) to improve data collection, storage, and sharing.
started to gain
nursing informatics to collect, access to technology and internet promote the use of EHRs in healthcare Enhancing the use of technology to improve patient care,
5. COLOMBIA recognition in Colombia
connectivity is limited, making it facilities, including hospitals and clinics, to including the use of telehealth and mobile health applications.
in the early 2000s, but it analyze and interpret patient
challenging for healthcare providers to improve patient care and safety. Developing and implementing standards for nursing
was not until 2010 that data, healthcare professionals
utilize nursing informatics tools
the first nursing can provide better quality care. Implementation of telehealth services: informatics education and training to ensure that nurses have
informatics programs Improving patient outcomes: Colombia has implemented telehealth the necessary skills to use technology effectively in their
Limited training opportunities:
were established in the The use of nursing informatics services to improve access to healthcare practice.
Nursing informatics is a relatively new
country can help identify potential services in rural and remote areas of the
field in Colombia, and there are few
health problems early and educational programs and training country.
prevent complications, leading opportunities available for nurses and
to improved patient outcomes. other healthcare professionals to gain
the skills needed to implement and
utilize nursing informatics effectively.
To improve the quality of patient care: By The main issues is the lack of Vietnam has been making efforts to develop
Nursing informatics in Building infrastructure: Vietnam is currently investing in building the
implementing nursing informatics standardized electronic health record its nursing informatics capabilities. In 2017, the
4. VIETNAM Vietnam started in the systems, healthcare providers in Vietnam necessary infrastructure for nursing informatics, including developing
systems across healthcare facilities, Ministry of Health of Vietnam launched a
late 1990s when the can access complete and accurate patient electronic health record systems and other health IT solutions.
which makes it difficult to share patient project to develop a national electronic
Ministry of Health data in real-time, which can help them Increasing education and training: Vietnam is working to increase
make better decisions about patient care.
information and collaborate effectively medical record (EMR) system for all health
recognized the need for among healthcare providers. Another education and training opportunities for nurses in nursing informatics,
To increase efficiency: Nursing informatics facilities in the country, which includes nursing
health information can help streamline nursing workflows, issue is the limited availability and including offering degree programs and professional development
informatics. The project aims to improve the
technology to improve reducing the time it takes for nurses to access to nursing informatics education courses.
perform administrative tasks and allowing quality of healthcare services and promote
healthcare delivery in and training programs for nurses and Enhancing research and innovation: Vietnam is investing in research
them to focus more on patient care. information sharing among healthcare
the country. healthcare professionals. and innovation in nursing informatics to develop new technologies,
Additionally, there may be concerns solutions, and best practices that can improve patient care and
related to data privacy and security as
In addition, universities and nursing schools in
nursing practice.
healthcare facilities adopt new Vietnam are incorporating nursing informatics
technologies and systems for managing into their curriculum to prepare future nurses
patient information. for the use of technology in healthcare.
Highly skilled workforce: Russia Fragmented healthcare system: While Interoperability: Russia is likely to focus on improving the
Nursing informatics Development of electronic health records
has a large pool of highly skilled Russia has a centralized healthcare interoperability of EHR systems to enable the seamless
started to emerge in (EHRs): The Russian government has been
5. RUSSIA Russia in the 1990s, with IT professionals, including system, there are still many regional investing in the development and
exchange of patient data between healthcare providers and
software developers, data differences in healthcare delivery and settings.
the adoption of implementation of EHRs to improve the
analysts, and cybersecurity practices. This can make it difficult to Artificial intelligence (AI): Russia has a strong focus on research
computer technology in quality of healthcare delivery and patient
experts. implement nursing informatics and development in AI, and nursing informatics is likely to
healthcare settings. outcomes.
solutions that work seamlessly across benefit from this expertise. AI can be used to analyze large
Advanced technology Implementation of health information
the country. amounts of patient data, identify patterns and trends, and
infrastructure: Russia has made exchange (HIE) systems: The Russian
Limited interoperability: Many support clinical decision-making.
significant investments in its government has been working towards the
healthcare providers in Russia use Expansion of telemedicine: Russia is likely to expand its
technology infrastructure, implementation of HIE systems to facilitate
different electronic health record telemedicine capabilities to improve access to healthcare and
including high-speed internet, the exchange of patient data between
reduce healthcare disparities.
cloud computing, and advanced (EHR) systems, which can be healthcare providers.
data centers. incompatible with each other.
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