Sacro Occipital Technic

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Sacro Occipital Technic

Sacro Occipital Technic

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 6
THE HUMAN MACHINE.............................................................................................. 7
Care of the Human Machine ......................................................................................... 7
SPINAL DIAGNOSIS ................................................................................................... 10
SPINAL MUSCLE, SPINAL CORD CELLS ................................................................ 11
VASOMOTOR FUNCTIONS ....................................................................................... 17
RECAPITULATION ................................................................................................. 20
NERVE LESIONS ..................................................................................................... 20
THE VASOMOTOR LESION ....................................................................................... 23
HYPREMIC VASOMOTOR LESION ....................................................................... 23
FACTORS AFFECTING BLOOD PRESSURE ......................................................... 23
ELIMINATING CARBON DIOXIDE GAS .......................................................... 24
BLOOD PRESSURE METHOD ................................................................................ 24
THE ANEMIC VASOMOTOR LESION....................................................................... 25
THE ANEMIC-HYPREMIC PATIENT .................................................................... 27
VISCEROCONSTRICTION TYPE ........................................................................... 28
CERVICAL TYPING OF PATIENTS ....................................................................... 28
LOCATING THE VASOMOTOR LESION .............................................................. 29
THE TESTS – MANIPULATIVE TEST .................................................................... 31
TEST FOR ANEMIC OR TYPE 3.......................................................................... 32
TEST FOR ANEMIC-HYPREMIC OR TYPE 2 .................................................... 33
DETECTING VISCEROCONSTRICTED TYPE ................................................... 33
HEAT TEST FOR VASOMOTOR LESIONS ............................................................ 34
HYPREMIC TYPE PATIENT ............................................................................... 34
ANEMIC TYPE PATIENT .................................................................................... 34
PART II ......................................................................................................................... 38
THE OCCIPUT ............................................................................................................. 38
THE SUB-OCCIPITAL LINE .................................................................................... 39
SUB-OCCIPITAL AREAS ......................................................................................... 41
INTERCOMMUNICATING SPINAL AREAS ......................................................... 41
CERVICAL-OCCIPITAL LOCALIZATIONS ........................................................... 43
DODORSAL-CERVICAL-OCCIPITAL LOCALIZATIONS..................................... 45
INFERIOR LOCALIZATION FIBERS ..................................................................... 46
NINTH DORSAL AND LUMBO-SACRAL .......................................................... 46
SACRAL OCCIPITAL INTERCOMMUNICATING AREAS ...................................... 47
PART III ....................................................................................................................... 49
THE SPINAL NERVE LESION ................................................................................ 49
LOCATING THE SPINAL NERVE LESION ........................................................... 50
ILLUSTRATING A CASE OF BRACHIAL NEURITIS ........................................... 52
SCIATICA ................................................................................................................. 55
RESUME ................................................................................................................... 56
ILLUSTRATING CUT NUMBER 26 .................................................................... 57
THE SACRO OCCIPITAL TECHNIC ...................................................................... 58
THE OCCIPUT ...................................................................................................... 58

Sacro Occipital Technic

THE SACRAL AREAS ................................................................................................. 58

GLUTAEUS MAXIMUS MUSCLE .......................................................................... 58
THE SACRAL AREAS .............................................................................................. 59
THE SACRO OCCIPITAL THRUST ........................................................................ 60
PART IV........................................................................................................................ 64
BODY BALANCE TECIINIQUE .............................................................................. 64
DETERMINING THE OCCIPITAL LESION ........................................................... 65
ADJUSTING THE OCCIPUT ................................................................................... 66
ILLUSTRATION—PLATE 1 ................................................................................. 67
ILLUSTRATION—PLATE 1 ................................................................................. 68
ILLUSTRATION—PLATE 1 ................................................................................. 69
ADJUSTING OCCIPITAL AREA NUMBER 1 ..................................................... 70
ADJUSTING OCCIPITAL AREA NUMBER 2 ..................................................... 71
ADJUSTING OCCIPITAL AREA NUMBER 3 ..................................................... 72
ADJUSTING OCCIPITAL AREA NUMBER 4 ..................................................... 72
ADJUSTING OCCIPITAL AREA NUMBER 5 ..................................................... 73
ADJUSTING OCCIPITAL AREA NUMBER 6 ..................................................... 73
ADJUSTING OCCIPITAL AREA NUMBER 6 ..................................................... 74
ADJUSTING OCCIPITAL AREA NUMBER 7 ..................................................... 74
RECAPITULATION OF ........................................................................................... 75
OCCIPITAL TECHNIC ............................................................................................ 75
ILLUSTRATION. .................................................................................................. 75
PART V ......................................................................................................................... 77
SHALL WE USE ADJUNCTS? ................................................................................. 77
AIR ............................................................................................................................ 77
LIGHT AND COLORS ............................................................................................. 79
THE RECTAL CANAL ............................................................................................. 81
RECTAL VIBRATION .............................................................................................. 81

Sacro Occipital Technic

Sacro Occipital

Major Bertrand DeJarnette

Sacro Occipital Technic

Sacro Occipital

Major Bertrand DeJarnette


We gratefully dedicate this book to those hundreds of

Doctors of all Schools of healing who have so
faithfully aided us in our research work.,

Copyrighted, 1933, by
Major Bertrand DeJarnette, Nebraska City, Nebraska
All Rights Reserved

Sacro Occipital Technic


In the Sacro Occipital technic you will find that we have presented four separate technics.


We have attempted to show the physiology and the pathology of the vasomotor lesion, its
method action and the technic for its detection. We have attempted to explain and illustrate
the technic for the vasomotor lesion correction.
We have used every precaution to fully illustrate and explain how the occiput is to be
adjusted. Remember that the body balance technic is always used, if indicated, following the
correction of the vasomotor lesion.
We have shown the technic detecting and localizing the spinal nerve lesion and the methods
to normalize the spinal nerve lesion. The occiput is not adjusted following the spinal nerve
technic, unless a body balance exists.
This part of the technic is brief, but fully explained and illustrated. The Sacro Occipital
technic is used in conjunction with technic for the spinal nerve lesion and is used when pain
exists and then only.
In studying this book of technic, start at the very first page study each part. Do not pass up
any part of the technic, until you understand its part in this therapy. Do not glance at an
illustration and think you have mastered it. We believe you will agree that we presented
technical data that will require a bit of study and diligent practice, but the time you use in
study and practice will well repay you in results secured.
This book clearly differentiates between the chronic vasomotor lesion and the acute spinal
nerve lesion. Bear this differentiation in mind all times.

Resolve today to become a better spinal therapist for the tomorrows that are to come.

Sacro Occipital Technic


In presenting this technic to you, we shall consider that the human body is a very delicately
adjusted machine. We shall presume that it is self regulatory, but like all machines, it is
subject to mal adjustments. We shall not look at the body as a machine that must have new
parts added or old parts subtracted, but as a unit that will function perfectly when all parts
are properly adjusted.
The body is self selective, it has the power of subtracting from the Earth’s materials things
that are of value as foods. It has the power to repell from the body those things of the Earth
that are harmful, but it has the power of selecting and repelling only while in proper
A patient has an affinity for certain plant pollens and under no consideration can stand the
contact of these pollens against its parts, but when proper mechanical adjustment is
resumed, the body will tolerate these pollens without effort. Certain foods are seemingly
very harmful to certain people and will make them deathly sick if eaten, but if proper
mechanical adjustment is restored, these foods become beneficial and well tolerated. We
can not say that this food is one man’s meat and another man’s poison, because if the man
who considers the food good becomes unadjusted it will be poison to him and the one to
whom it is poison, if mechanically readjusted to perfection will consider that particular
food, as meat well tolerated,
If a patient has a severe gastritis and certain foods are for the present harmful, withhold
those foods until adjustment is made, and they will become beneficial to that man’s body.
Disease can not and will not manifest itself in the body unless that body has some
maladjustment. Life shall go on well past the point of three score and ten providing proper
mechanical adjustment is maintained.
The Human body has an inherent ability to maintain normal adjustment, but this inherent
ability is often destroyed or hindered in its normal processes by the mishandling of the body
by either patient or Doctor.
The body lives by stimuli. Normal stimuli is normal adjustment. Abnormal stimuli is
abnormal adjustment, disease, death.

Care of the Human Machine

Care of the Human machine demands consideration of many factors, but perhaps the most
vital is careful consideration of maintaining or restoring normal nerve impulses.
THE VASOMOTOR NERVES: Circulation feeds the body, cleans it, heats it, and heals it.
The heart is the circulatory regulator and is itself governed by the nervous systems. It beats
because of two factors, NEUROGENIC or nerve energy, MYOGENIC or muscle energy.
Nerves cause the flow of blood, this causes muscle heat, expansion and contraction. The
nerve impulse excited the heart to contraction, regulates its speed, but the myogenic energy
maintains it in operation by heat functions. The heart forces blood into the lungs and into
the aorta. The Vasomotor nerves cause the blood to circulate throughout the body. The
Vasomotor nerves regulate the caliber of all blood vessels. Causes normal dilation in one

Sacro Occipital Technic

part or normal constriction in another part. When activity in a muscle starts dilation is
supreme, when function gets under way, constriction increases and the greater the function
of a muscle the greater is constriction. If this did not take place the muscle would fill with
blood and all of its capillaries would rupture by engorgement.
Being that the body lives by stimuli and that nerve impulses are the sources of stimuli, it is
evident that the Vasomotor nerves must perform a very important function in maintaining
health, for by their deeds shall the body be known as being either healthy or sick.
Coarse forces are nowhere found in evidence in the Human body. Every function is the
result of fine forces and it is this one thing that we, as spinal therapists, must devote no little
thought to. If the fine forces rule Nature and the human body, is it not possible that coarse
forces will not and can not be tolerated? Is not a crude adjustment or manipulation an
expression of a coarse element of force? Is not a quick or a well defined adjustment or
manipulation expressive of the finer things of force? One hundred men using axes can not
fell a tree in one ten thousands the time that one bolt of lightning can. One scientifically
applied adjustive force is the equivalent of 1000 ill defined, crudely applied adjustive forces.
The vasomotor nerves respond to two degrees of stimuli, inhibitive or stimulative.
Stimulative force causes constriction, because it excites the vasomotor nerves, inhibitive
force causes dilation because it inhibits the constrictors and lets the dilators reign supreme.
If we have a patient suffering from excessive vasodilation, would it be wise to apply more
dilative forces to the body? Would it not be better to apply stimulative or constrictive forces
to the body? If we have a body suffering from the effects of constriction, would it be wise to
apply more constrictive forces? If we have a case of high blood pressure, would it be wise to
apply stimulative forces to cause further constriction? Would it not be better to inhibit the
constrictive force and allow dilation to take place? If we have a patient that is suffering from
very low blood pressure, would it be wise to apply dilative forces and further increase’ the
low blood pressure?
If a patient has sciatica and the blood vessels are in a state of constriction, would it be wise
to apply an adjustive force to the area involved that would cause further constriction?
Would it not be better to apply an adjustive force that would cause dilation and thereby
relieve the circulatory embarrassment?
It is fundamentally necessary that you be enabled to know whether your patient’s
circulatory apparatus is in a state of dilation or constriction. You can not hope to produce
results if you apply to your patient a force that will aggravate, instead of relieve, the
embarrassed member that is in trouble.
Many Doctors use bath cabinets and routine massage for every patient. This, we believe, is a
very unsound policy, for where massage or a hot bath would be indicated for a constricted
case, it would be exactly contraindicated in a case suffering from the effects of dilation, for
all of you know that heat and massage produce dilation and engorgement of tissues. This
law is infinite and can not be made to vary one iota. Many Doctors claim to use nothing but
specific adjusting. A case that would require a specific adjustment would be a case where
the object is to produce stimulation and a case where stimulation of the constrictors would
be contraindicated of course would be made worse by receiving a specific adjustment.

Sacro Occipital Technic

The few remarks that we have interspersed regarding the Vasomotor nerves are written as a
warning. No matter how carefully you apply the Sacro Occipital technic, if you misuse the
vasomotors you will be defeated.

Sacro Occipital Technic

This chapter is not written to take the place of our Brochure on Spinal Diagnosis, but to
further remind you of the importance of this subject.
Spinal diagnosis as contained in this chapter shall deal exclusively with the Vasomotor
Spinal areas and their reactions to manual examination and therapy.
When you place your hands upon the spinal column, whether for purpose of examination or
therapy, you affect in some manner the vasomotor spinal areas and it is for you to know just
what effect that you are going to produce, otherwise you shall eternally be causing
conflicting reactions. If it is your therapeutic aim to produce a given reaction in a segment of
the cord, and you unknowingly produce in that segment some other reaction, you can not
expect the pathology you are dealing with to respond entirely to your satisfaction.
We now call your
attention to SD plate
Number 1.
This plate is a
schematic drawing of
the spinal muscle,
spinal cord,
Vasomotor centers.
The spinal muscles
that are ennervated by
the posterior internal
division of the spinal
nerves, play a very
important part in
health, because by
their compensating
action they maintain a
normal cell activity
within the segments of
the spinal cord, and if
the segments of the
spinal cord are
correctly balanced, the
brain cells are also
correctly balanced we
have what is known
as normal cell activity
and health.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

The spinal muscles that are ennervated by the posterior internal division of the spinal
nerves, lay three inches laterally to the vertebrael bodies, and are found from the first dorsal
to the coccyx. These muscles contain within themselves cells that have both a blood and
nerve compensating relationship with compensating cells in the segment of the cord. It is in
these compensating cells that we have the origin of the bulbs of the vasomotor nervous
system and the same posterior internal division of the spinal nerves that ennervate these
spinal muscle cells, also ennervate the internal viscera of the body and all the skin surfaces
of the body, so if compensation is disturbed here, we have disturbances of cell function both
in the viscera that are ennervated and the visceral compensating skin areas. All abdominal,
pelvic and thoracic viscera have skin surfaces that compensate with themselves. The lungs
can be either made hypremic or anemic by applying certain therapeutic agents over the chest
wall. The abdominal viscera can be made hypremic or anemic by applications over their
compensating skin areas. This same effect can be produced by applying these agents over
the spinal vasomotor areas, showing a definite and positive relation ship between visceral
and skin areas and vasomotor and skin areas. Heavy massage of the skin area over the
kidneys will cause the skin to become actively hypremic and will drain the blood from the
kidneys to a certain extent, but if the vasomotor nerves that supply the kidneys are given off
from an hypremic cord cell, this massage will be extremely beneficial, but if the opposite. is
in effect, the massage will at first be, beneficial, later to cause an adverse reaction and
further increase the hypremia of the pathological kidney, for the same posterior nerves
enervates the skin and muscles of the back that ennervate by vasomotor influence the blood
vessels of the kidneys and that explains why massage can be beneficial or very detrimental,
all depending upon the state of the compensation blood factor between spinal muscle cells
and cord cells at the time of applying the massage.
You will please note in SD charts 1 that we show a much heavier cell function in dorsal
segment two, than in dorsal segment one. This is because dorsal segment two is particularly
responsible for controlling the circulation to all parts of the head and face, as well as the
neck. Dorsal segment 2 also supplies vasomotor impulses to the cardiac muscle and you will
find that practically every chronic patient will at some time show a lesion of the second
dorsal segment.
The spinal muscle segments correspond to the spinal cord segments and as such spinal
muscle segment eleven will correspond to spinal cord segment eleven. All positions are
gotten by measuring laterally from the tips of the spinous processes and no consideration is
made for spinal nerve emissions as to segmental position.


We now refer you to charts SD 2, SD 3, and SD 4,

Illustration SD 2 is the compensating relationship between the spinal muscle cells that are
ennervated by the posterior internal division of the spinal nerves and the cells of the spinal
segment. You will notice that both cord cell and muscle cell are of the same diameter. This
is a muchly exaggerated illustration of the diameter of the cell, for we ask you to remember
that each cell, containing as it does thousands of minute cell bundles, is still so very minute

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that a microscope is necessary to analyze its structure. When both cord cell and muscle cell
is of the same diameter, we have equal circulatory compensation, hence we have cell health.
It is fundamentally necessary for bodily health that we have equal circulatory balance
between the cells of the cord and spinal muscles, for only by equal circulation can we have
normal food supply and normal evacuation of debris. If stagnation is set up by unequal
circulation, we can not expect either a normal food supply to be present nor can we expect
debris to be carried away, hence we have cell deaths in greater quantities than we have cell
births. It is sound fundamental physiology to expect Nature in her infinite wisdom to
provide some means of equalizing spinal cell circulation, and this spinal muscle, spinal cord
circulation is the definite answer to this physiological thought.
The cells that go to make up the viscera and the muscles of the body and the skin overlying
all these structures depends upon the same source of nerve energy for maintaining health as
does the cells of the spinal muscles, hence if we have a healthy function of the spinal
muscles in their compensating relationship with the spinal cord cells, we have a normal
body functioning in its fullest measure.

Illustration SD 2
This illustration shows a normal spinal
muscle spinal cord cell colony. Not that the
exaggerated enlargement of the cell bundle of
both spinal muscle segment and spinal cord
segment are of the same diameter
Illustration SD 3
This shows a hypremic condition of the
spinal corresponding anemia of the spinal
cord cells.
Illustration SD 4
This illustration shows an anemic condition
of the spinal muscles and a corresponding
hypremia of the cord cells.

Illustration SD 3 shows the effects produced by a hypremic spinal muscle cell bundle. When
we have two compensating factors linked together by tubes and these structures are
normally of near the same diameter and work under the same degree of stimuli and internal
pressure, we normally expect them to both maintain this equality of size as long as the
pressure in both remains the same. Fortunately for our physical welfare this pressure does
remain the same as long as the vasomotor influence is normal, but if some degree of stimuli
is in excess or is lacking, the vasomotor impulse will cause the spinal cell to contract to
excess if the stimuli is increased or to dilate to excess if the impulse is impeded in its action.
If the vasomotor impulse causes constriction in the spinal cord cells, we must naturally

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presume that the compensating cells in the spinal muscles will be forced into a state of
dilation and that is what has happened in SD 3 illustration. Being that the muscle cell is in
an excessive state of dilation, that means that the spinal cord cell is very shortly going to feel
the effects of its own anemia and its impulses are going to be feeble, causing the organs it
ennervates to lessen their function and this lessened function is going to cause them to dilate
and become engorged with blood. As this engorgement progresses, putrefaction will set up
and then we will have inflammation of the organ or organs so ennervated.
It is a basic law of physics that heat dilates and that cold contracts. No metal is adverse to
this law and the human body is very susceptible to its action. If the spinal muscle cells are
dilated and the spinal cord cells constricted, we must use some therapeutic agent that will
cause the muscle cells to contract and by this contraction force blood into the spinal cord
cells and by this process we automatically wash the cells of the cord, give them new food
and encourage them to resume normal activity and to become again susceptible to stimuli.
Therapeutic measures such as heat applied to the spinal muscles will, in the case of
illustration SD 3, increase the spinal muscle hypremia and increase the spinal cord anemia,
for by further dilating the muscle cells, we must further deplete the cells of the cord. On the
other hand, cold applied to the muscles will constrict them and cause them to force blood
into their compensating cord cells. Cold is analogous to a recoil adjustment, for a recoil
adjustment is active stimulation. Instead of using cold to the muscle, we shall give a recoil
adjustment to the spinal segment that is affected and this will cause vasomotor stimulation
and will produce constriction of the spinal muscle cells and dilation of the cells of the cord
and will so increase the circulation to all organs that are ennervated from this segment, that
they will soon he able to resume normal function.
We have seen cases as illustrated by SD 3 that were so badly affected by application of heat,
massage and prolonged manipulations, that the patient fainted. We have seen these patients
gradually grow worse under wrong therapy, but the instant correct therapy was begun,
improvement started and continued until normal processes were in force.
This illustration shows the effects of spinal cord cell dilation, causing the spinal muscle cell
to become very small and constricted. This condition causes excessive hypremia of the
spinal cord cells and so increases their function as to cause the viscera so ennervated to in
crease their function way above normal. This process in its inceptancy will cause the patient
to feel extremely good. Their skin is rosy and their cheeks may even become quite red. Their
vitality is high and their endurance great, but any excess function, if maintained for a time,
will cause so great a destruction of cells that the body can not furnish new cells as
disintegration takes place and the first thing the patient knows their kidneys and heart go
This excess first affects the heart and kidneys because the arteries receive the same
ennervating factors as does the spinal muscle cells, and this constriction causes all the
arteries that are ennervated from this segment or those affected segments to narrow
themselves, causing the heart to increase its power and producing a raise in blood pressure.
It is this raise in blood pressure that at first makes the patient feel so exhillarated, but as
constriction increases, the heart is bound to weaken and even if the heart does not weaken, a
capillary or artery in the brain can rupture and cause paralysis. The capillary systems in the

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kidneys are put under an excessive strain and of course rupture is possible, ac counting for
the blood and casts that will eventually appear in the urine.
In pathological conditions that are caused by spinal cord hypremia, our physiological aim is
to produce dilation in the cells of the spinal muscles, for by so doing we dilated their bodies
and this will let the blood drain from the spinal cord cells into the muscle cells and by this
exchange of circulation will both cleanse and nourish the cells of the cord and by so doing
automatically lowers the blood pressure, for the arteries receive a normal quantity of
nourishment, their walls relax, the heart eases up on its excess function, the pressure in the
kidneys is lowered and pathology is gone. Heat will dilate and if applied to the spinal
muscles will be beneficial but it is far more specific to use a slow, rotary motion double
transverse adjustment. This produces realization by inhibiting the vasomotors and will
restore balance much quicker than will heat. It is also well to follow the adjustment with
rotary finger manipulations to the adjusted area until all tension is gone from the underlying
Illustration SD 5
This shows a normal
balance of circulation
between spinal muscle cell
bundles and spinal cord
cell bundles, and a normal
Illustration SD 6
This illustration shows an
anemic spinal muscle cell
and a hypremic spinal cord
cell, with a contracted
condition of the stomach.
When the spinal muscle
cell is contracted, the
organs ennervated from the
same segment that the
spinal muscle is ennervated
from is likewise contracted.
Illustration SD 7
This shows a dilated or
hypremic spinal muscle
cell and a constricted or
anemic cord cell, with a
corresponding dilation of
the stomach.
The following cuts will illustrate the spinal muscle, spinal cord compensating factor in
relationship with the size and function of the stomach. We have used the stomach as an

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illustrative viscera, due to the fact that the stomach can be easily viewed with the
fluoroscope and our deduction proven by any one.
Illustration, SD 5 shows a normal spinal muscle, spinal cord compensation. Both bundles
are of the approximate diameter, showing that normal circulation, normal nerve impulse
and normal function is in operation. The stomach is of normal size and activity. Digestion is
with out trouble and as far as the stomach is concerned, all is well physically.
Illustration SD 6 shows hypremia of the spinal cord cells. The spinal muscle cells are
constricted. As the spinal muscle cells and the stomach are ruled by the same nerve
impulses, the stomach must consequently be in a state of constriction. Food causes distress,
digestion is speeded up, the patients may eat heartily, yet receives very little good from the
food eaten. Even though these patients may exhibit a tremendous amount of vitality for a
time, yet they soon start down hill, and unless something is done, the end is soon. These
patients often com plain of headaches and they believe the stomach is at fault, but the
headache is due to the spinal cord and cerebral congestion and not to gastric pathology.
Remember, that the stomach is constricted, but not necessarily diseased, for as soon as the
spinal cord hypremia is reduced, the stomach immediately dilates to normal. If the stomach
was diseased, return to normal would be very tedious.
Illustration SD 7 shows a spinal cord anemia and a spinal muscle hypremia. The stomach is
excessively dilated. The cord cells are in a state of starvation, impulses to the stomach are
feeble, the stomach acts feebly, food lays in its cavity and ferments, gas is formed, pressure
is put on the heart, and these people, although appearing in perfect health, die, not of gastric
disorders, but from heart failure. These patients are invariably gas makers and they
constantly belch after eating. The blood pressure is low, their vitality is at low ebb, and they
are generally very miserable. Due to the excessive amount of blood in the gastric
membranes and the excessive amount of gastric juice that is secreted, combined with the
poisonous gasses that are fermented, gastric ulcers and even cancer claim many of these
people as victims. We have cured cases, so diagnosed as ulcers and even cancer, by doing so
simple a thing as restoring normal balance between spinal muscle and spinal cord cells. This
type of patient responds to a recoil adjustment, and will be immediately made worse by a
double transverse adjustment if slowly given. Massage and heat can not be tolerated.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

This is an illustration taken from an actual
clinical case and is used here because it brings
out a very vital therapeutic truth.
This patient was a lady of 45 years of age.
Apparently in perfect health until one week
before I saw her. She complained of
excruciating lower back pains. The lower
limbs were, swollen and the urine contained
casts and blood. The right kidney was tender
upon palpation. The blood pressure was 212
systolic, but how long it had been at that
point no one knows for the patient had
always enjoyed the very best of health. I
made a diagnosis of acute nephritis. The
eleventh dorsal segment was badly
constricted. The spinal muscle opposite the
spinous of the eleventh dorsal would show
little redness even upon prolonged heat
applications. The spinal cord cells of the
eleventh dorsal were badly hypremic.
Hospital tests showed a normal kidney
function of the left kidney, but a very low
function of the right kidney. After receiving
this report, I took especial pains to note the effects of therapy as applied separately to each
side of the spine. Rotary manipulation applied to the right side of the eleventh dorsal spinal
area would reduce the blood pressure, but this same therapy applied to the left side of the
eleventh dorsal showed no effect. Much against my better therapeutic judgment, the patient
had the right kidney operated upon and the surgeon found a very small, pale colored
kidney. The parachematous tissues and the interstitial tissues were greatly atrophied. After
the operation the patient made nice progress for about six months, then the left kidney
started to give signs that all was not well. The patient came to me and was under treatments
for three weeks, which consisted of a double transverse adjustment at eleventh dorsal every
third day along with adjustment of third occipital area. Complete relief was afforded and
this patient is seemingly in the best of health. The blood pressure is now 165 systolic, which
is the lowest possible point for safety.
This illustration shows you how definitely accurate one can be in spinal therapy work, and
how even one-half of one segment may be solely responsible for a very severe pathological
You will please note in my illustration that spinal cord cells on its left half are normal, while
on the right half are very large. The muscle cells on the left side of the spinal segment are
normal, while on the right side are very small.

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I might add that this patient is a Drugless Practitioner, but never took adjustments because
she felt that she never needed them. While in College she was adjusted as a student clinical
patient, and she noticed that a recoil adjustment made her feel very nauseated. Until I saw
this patient, she had never had her blood pressure accurately taken.

Illustration SD 8 very concisely shows the various Vasomotor functions.
The Vasomotor system is divided into the following branches:
Vasomotor fibers, contain Vasoconstrictor and Vasodilator fibers. The Vasoconstrictors
predominate over the dilators, in that the vasoconstrictors are found from the first dorsal to
the second lumbar, but the Caude Equina contains vasomotor fibers, so we find that the
constrict ors predominate even to the last coccygeal vertebrae. The dilator fibers are found
chiefly in the Medulla Oblongata and the floor of the fourth ventricle. The occipital ridge
has a pronounced effect upon vasomotor action, in that therapy applied here balances the
action of both dilators and constrictors.
The Vasomotor constrictors and
dilators control the caliber of all
arteries and capillaries and by so
doing have a powerful influence
upon circulation. This control is
very marked upon the capillaries
that supply the cells of the
compensating spinal muscle and
spinal cord circulation.
Over constriction endangers life by
causing a raise to excessive degrees
in blood pressure and by producing
anemia of spinal muscles and
hypremia of the cord and brain cells.
Over dilation produces excessive
fatigue and complete cell and brain
starvation. A patient will enjoy life
to a much greater extent with
overconstriction, than with over
dilation. The terrific speed at which
we live today is very wrecking on
the vasomotor systems and accounts
in a great measure for the many
cases of nervous prostration that we
deal with daily and to the many
cases of suicides that you read about
daily. Cancer is the direct effect of a depleted vasomotor system. I at one time was
intimately acquainted with an automobile race driver. After every race this man would be so
weak that he could hardly walk. Invariably his blood pressure would drop as much as 30 m

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during a race. I have been in two car wrecks. In the seconds before, the crash, I had
immense vitality, felt that I could do anything to keep the car righted, but after both wrecks I
was so weak from exhaustion that I couldn’t stand.
If I were a prison physician and was caring for a condemned convict, and his was a case of
excessive dilation, I would administer adrenlin or would use constrictive therapy to his
spinal muscles, and I as sure you he would be much steadier at the last minutes. That would
be much better than to administer Scopolamine or Morphine.
The Muscularmotor nerves ennervate all sketal muscles. If normal, the muscle will have
normal flexibility and strength. If over active the muscle will become stiff. If underactive,
the muscle will become flabby.
The Pilomotor fibers ennervate the skin.
The Visceromotor fibers ennervate the muscular portions of all viscera. These play a
powerful part in all glandular activity and must be carefully normalized.
In illustration SD 8 we show you a muscularmotor nerve ennervating the eye. As long as
this ennervation is normal, the eye will have normal dilative and constrictive activity; if
abnormal, definite eye lesions will be apparent. The eye must be perfectly nourished before
sight is normal and that function is performed by the Vasomotor systems.
We also show you a muscularmotor nerve ennervating the arm: a Visceromotor nerve
ennervating the stomach; a Pilomotor nerve ennervating an area of skin, and a Vasomotor
nerve ennervating an artery.
Each one of these branches come from the same bulb and may all be affected at one time or
only one may be affected, depending upon the severity of the bulb lesion.
A Vasomotor lesion at the first dorsal may affect tile constrictor fibers of the coronary
arteries that feed the heart and cause angina pectoris, again the muscularmotor nerve that
ennervates the pectoralis muscle may be affected and produce false angina pectoris, yet the
treatment of the lesion at the first dorsal would be the same whether the lesion was causing
true coronary angina pectoris or false pectoralis muscle angina pectoris.
A Vasomotor lesion at the second lumbar may affect the constrictor nerves in such a
manner as to cause vasomotor dilation and cause severe appendicitis and in this instance the
appendices will be found to be badly enlarged and inflamed, and again the appendicitis may
be the sole results of a visceromotor disturbance affecting the appendix by causing a gas
pocket to form and producing symptoms of appendicitis, yet the appendix upon surgical
exploration, will be found to be normal. In some instances the mere act of relaxing the
visceromotor fiber at the second lumbar will immediately cause the appendix pain to stop,
while if the appendicitis is due to vasomotor dilation, manipulations at the second lumbar
will immediately cause the appendix pain to increase and endanger life by further engorging
the appendix, and may even cause a ruptured appendix and general peritonitis. This is one
of the clearest and most easily proved vasomotor lesions that we have.
In a case of vasomotor dilation, we shall have a patient with low blood pressure. The spinal
cord cells will be anemic and the spinal muscle cells will be hypremic. Upon slight pressure,
redness will appear around the affected segment. An appendicitis due to a visceromotor
lesion will cause the patient to have a very high abdominal blood pressure and this will

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cause a pulse pressure of around 20 m. Relaxation of the involved fiber immediately reduces
the high abdominal tension, allows the gas to move out and the patient is ready to get up
and go to work. A safe estimate tells us that 65 % of our appendicitis cases are nothing but
visceromotor lesions. Watch the appendices when you have a true vasomotor lesion,
whether constriction or dilation.
Illustration SD 10 shows an appendix that is affected not by acute inflammatory reactions
within itself, but by the blocking of gas within itself and the ileocaecal valve. This is due to a
visceromotor imbalance. Note that the cord and muscle cells are normal. The cut illustrates
the gas pockets by the fine lines within the colon and the appendices and the ilieum. If this
condition is allowed to remain as such without correction, this blocking by convulsive
visceromotor actions will tend to produce inflammatory reactions and gangrene may even
result, due to the impeded circulation throughout the appendices, ileocaecal region and
ilieum and colon proper. This type case will show a pulse pressure around 20 m.

Illustration SD 11 shows a case

of appendicitis due to spinal
cord cell anemia. This patient
will have low blood pressure
and both local and general
vasodilation. A recoil
adjustment or finger pressure
over the offending spinal
segment will quickly restore
normalcy. Do not massage the
spinal area and do not apply
heat to either appendix or
spinal region, for to do so
increases dilation and may so
engorge the appendix as to
cause it to rupture.
Illustration SD 12 shows an
appendicitis case that has
appendicitis because of a spinal
cord cell dilation. The
appendix is constricted and
very small. These are many
times chronic cases. The
appendix of this type,
however, may make itself
known by causing terrific
intestinal and even gastric
pains, due to the general
abdominal constriction. Many

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times you never suspect an appendix involvement, but look for either gastric or hepatic
pathology. The blood pressure will be high. Give a slow, double transverse adjustment to
the involved spinal segment. Heat may be used to both spinal segment and appendix.
Many doctors empirically either apply heat or ice to an appendix. Classification of patients
and an understanding of the Vasomotor system makes this application easy and
scientifically done.

Spinal health is directly dependent upon spinal cord and spinal muscle circulation.
Spinal cord, spinal muscle circulation is dependent upon the ennervation supplied to the
spinal muscle cells by the posterior internal division of the spinal nerves.
Bodily health is dependent upon the health of the nerves and the health of the nerves is
dependent upon normal spinal cord cell function.
Hypremia of the spinal cord cell bundles causes anemia of the spinal muscle cells. The
resultant spinal cord engorgement is responsible for increased functional and organic
activity, due to the excess of blood iii the cord cells, this increases all activities due to
vasoconstriction pre domination. The blood pressure raises to abnormal heights and after a.
time the patient’s life is severely endangered. All organs ennervated from the hypremic cord,
cells are in a state of anemia due to excessive hypremia causing abnormal stimulation of the
vasoconstrictors. Any diseased organ will be found to be constricted and its cells in a state of
Anemia of the spinal cord cells causes hypremia of the corresponding spinal muscle cells..
This spinal cord cell anemia causes the cord cell to have too little stimuli and therefore all
organs ennervated from the anemic segment will be found to be in a state of dilation. The
patient will have low blood pressure, will after a time become weak and very easily fatigued.
Fainting may become noticeable. If any organ is attacked by infective bacilli, the
engorgement already present will offer a fertile breeding field with resultant stage of severe
inflammatory reactions occurring.
The spinal muscle cells receive the same source of nervous energy from the spinal cord that
the viscera receive and also the same source of energy that the muscles of the sketal
framework receive. An engorged muscle cell means an engorged visceral cell. An anemic
muscle cell means an anemic visceral cell.
Heat is a dilator and cold a constrictor. A recoil adjustment is equivalent to cold because it
stimulates and a prolonged pressure adjustment is equivalent to heat, because it dilates by

We have headed this chapter “NERVE LESIONS” for we find that there are two distinct
forms of lesions, namely, the lesion and the Spinal nerve lesion, the spinal nerve lesion
consisting of lesions of the cerebro spinal nervous systems and the sympathetic nerve
system, along with its cranial and myeliene nerve channel lesions.

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We do not conceive of a nerve lesion being exclusively one due to vertebrael bony lesion
pressure. We do not conceive of all disease being primarily due to a slippage of a vertebrae
and result pressure upon one or more pairs of spinal nerves.
Primarily disease is due to spinal trauma, be this trauma slight or severe. No one has
escaped injuries to one or more spinal segments. Few people have lived a span of years
without at some time spraining their ankle, yet a spinal vertebrael lesion is very similar to a
sprained ankle, and yet millions of people disregard a spinal injury and think of it as only a
pain to be stopped by whatever means they have at hand.
In acute traumatic injuries of the spine, the thoughtful physician reduces as best he can all
congestions and places the part at rest. When the acute stage has subsided, measures are
used to replace both bony and muscular as well as ligamentous tissues.
We shall first consider, the Vasomotor Lesion. Vasomotor lesions are associated with
chronic disorders. Practically all medical writers associate Vasomotor lesions with hot
flashes, flushing of the face or body, and that is about all they seem to understand about this
pathology. They construe most Vasomotor lesions as being of a dilative nature. Nothing is
further from the truth. Many severe chronic disorders are due to constrictive vasomotor
lesions. Probably the reason we have given so little thought to the constrictive lesion, is due
to the fact that these patients usually feel so invigorated, due to increased cell activity, that
they do not associate disease with their renewed vigor until it is too late, and the physician
sees the patient only after they have had a stroke or some other severe disfunction.
A vasomotor lesion may exist for years without causing any symptoms of an internal
wrong, and yet after a sudden fright or shock, a grave pathological disorder will suddenly
appear. I have seen women develop toxic goiters in as little time as four days after receiving
a sudden fright or shock. Vasomotor lesions are made worse by any emotional excess, that
is one characteristic of this lesion.
I once treated a gentleman of some 76 years of age who, until the day previous to seeing his
daughter pass away, was apparently in very good health, but the next day he could not
urinate. I found his prostate badly engorged. Suitable therapy to the Vasomotors gave quick
relief. I am satisfied that the shock of his daughter’s passing was partly responsible for the
exaggeration of an old lesion and producing great hypremia of the prostate gland.
Most of you have at some time or another heard of some Faith Healer who was seemingly
securing marvelous results and possibly some of your patients have deserted you and gone
to such people and secured results. A patient with a Vasomotor lesion is very susceptible to
any system of therapy that uses enthusiasm for a basis of therapy, but sad to say this
enthusiasm only lasts while the patient is near the healer and as soon as this said enthusiasm
dies down, the old disease returns. Take a patient that has low blood pressure and we find
that they have anemia of the spinal cord cells and hypremia of the spinal muscle cells.
Anything that will increase the circulation will help the patient for by so doing the spinal
cord anemia is benefited and the organ or organs affected are temporarily made better, but
the mere act of increasing the circulation and not at the same time permanently correcting
the lesion is getting the patient but very little for their time and money spent.
In my clinical work I have seen patients come to the c1inics for a given condition. The
doctor would adjust or manipulate the area he believed to be in trouble and while the

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treatment helped the disorder of which the patient was complaining, very often some other
very trouble some disorder would appear as if out of space, and treat as best the doctor
could, the disorder would persist, but when the Vasomotor nerves were treated, the disorder
would end. A spinal therapist can by correcting a spinal lesion, produce a Vasomotor lesion,
for Vasomotor lesions are produced very often by thrusts given to the spinal vertebrae, said
thrusts affecting the circulatory balance between the spinal muscles and the spinal cord cells.
You have often explained to your patients that they were retracing when they would
complain of new pains and aches appearing. You were not retracing, you were producing
vasomotor lesions in your sincere efforts to correct a spinal lesion.
A mechanic can adjust a spine, a blacksmith can work at fixing an automobile, but it takes a
real therapist to adjust a spinal lesion and at the same time not disturb a vasomotor segment.
Very fortunately Nature takes care of millions of Vasomotor lesions daily without any help
from doctors; if she did not, this would indeed be a sad place in which to habitate. How
many times during your day’s work do you feel queer sensations in your body? Probably for
no cause whatsoever your neck will feel slightly stiffened, yet you hardly notice this until it
is gone. Your legs will feel a little wobbly, yet in an instant they are normal. You will have a
slight difference with a patient, you become nervous, yet this soon passes. These are all
Vasomotor lesions which Nature has adjusted to normal.
It may truly be said that it takes more scientific technic to correctly adjust a spinal segment
than it does to remove an appendix. The surgeon can see every step of his technic in use, the
spinal therapist has to imagine what is taking place under his hands; he has to imagine what
has taken place before the patient comes to him; he ha to imagine what will take place after
the patient leaves the office; and yet a surgeon can command $200.00 for being able to see
every step of his technic, and the Spinal Therapist feels he is robbing some one if he gets
$3.00 for using both his mental and physical powers to their maximum limits in giving a
treatment of which he can only see the bare surface.
In the past as well as at the present time, many Spinal Therapists, like their older colleagues,
the Medical Doctors, vie with one another, not in a spirit of cooperation but in a spirit of
antagonism: One doctor will try to show his patients that he is giving them more for their
money by using a lot of massage, manipulations, electricity and other procedures. The other
spinal therapist says that he goes direct to the cause of disease and that the other things are
only not necessary but harmful. Both are wrong. Some types of patients need more spinal
technic than others, and it is your duty to your clientele to know what is needed and to be
big enough to give just what is needed and. no more or no less.
To promiscuously manipulate a patient just to be doing something, is placing you in the
class with a strong armed masseur, where it seems people think it is more essential to have
big muscles and little brains. If by one well directed act you can restore a patient to
normalcy, you will make an impression on this patient that will never be forgotten and will
never go unsung as far as your patient is concerned, but if you pound, push, shove, pull,
massage, twist and otherwise, exercise your strength on a patient and the patient feels worse
in a few hours, your patient will refuse to take future wrestling lessons
Spinal therapy must be Specific whether it take one-half of one minute to give a treatment or
whether it take two hours. You must know what to do and then know definitely how to do
that thing or things.

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The first effects produced by a lesion of the vasomotor nerves is its effect upon the
circulation. We have two distinct vasomotor lesions.


In this lesion we have hypremia of the spinal muscle cells and anemia of the spinal cord
cells. We have dilation of the cells of the organ or tissue affected. The nerve energy as given
off from the spinal cells is lessened so the function of the organ or tissue ennervated is
lowered. The blood pressure is abnormally low if the lesion is severe and of long standing.
We do not believe that it is possible to have an acute vasomotor lesion, for before we have a
vasomotor lesion we must have a traumatic spinal lesion and we find the vasomotor lesion
developing after the spinal lesion has become chronic. A vasomotor lesion may appear to
occur quickly, but the reason is due to emotional factors, causing a sudden fall or drop of
blood pressure.
The blood pressure is the keynote in determining the state of the vasomotor nerves, for we
determine the lesion to be hypremic if the blood pressure is low or anemic if the blood
pressure is above normal. A hypremic lesion causes dilation, while an anemic lesion causes
constriction. In hypremic lesions we have feeble action due to engorgement, while often in
anemic lesions, we have increased action due to cell irritation. When a man is drowning he
has unusual power, when a cell is starving, it has greater power for a time. A car will make a
greater effort to run if the gas mixture is too lean, but if the gas mixture is so rich that the air
is excluded, the car runs feebly and then stalls. The same applies to blood circulation
through the spinal cord cells.


Before we can foretell the exact stage of the circulation by blood pressure, readings, we must
consider what internal factors can affect the blood pressure.
We know that blood pressure is dependent upon vasomotor nerve impulses. Normal blood
pressure means a balanced condition of the vasomotor nerve impulses. Blood pressure is
also dependent upon a normal exchange of gasses in the circulatory tubes. In normal states
of the circulation, we have a normal gas content in the tubes, we have a normal intake of
oxygen and a normal output of carbon dioxide gas, but in abnormal states of the vasomotor
nerves, this delicate balance is upset and in hypremic states we find the vascular tubes to be
more dilated, therefore the gas pressure is lessened and the gas tends to be exhaled slower
and the intake of oxygen is lessened. This dilation of the tubes of the circulatory apparatus
causes gas to be liberated into the abdominal organs of the body and this produces
embarrassment of the circulatory apparatus by interference with the normal operation of the
diaphragm. Along with this condition we have a tendency to lowered digestive ability and
food tends to ferment and this again embarrasses the heart by causing fermentative gas
pressure against the diaphragm.
If the heart is strong and able to compensate, we find even in states of hypremic lesions a
raise in blood pressure, and it is necessary that we use some means to eliminate this gas

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temporarily before making our final blood pressure test, because if this is not done, we will
give the wrong treatment and our patient will be made worse.
If the heart is weak, the presence of gas will lessen its power to pump the blood into the
aorta and lungs and, the blood pressure till be lowered and more carbon dioxide gas will be
retained and less oxygen, inhaled, making the patient very dizzy, short of breath and weak.
Many cases so diagnosed as being autointoxication are nothing but this condition, and the
mere act of eliminating gas removes all symptoms, temporarily at least.


The right side of the fifth dorsal controls the vasomotor fibers to the stomach. Both sides of
the tenth dorsal control the vasomotor nerves to the intestines. Both sides of the second
lumbar control the vasomotors to the colon. By applying therapy at these points, the
vasomotors are temporarily normalized, the carbon dioxide gas is reabsorbed into the
arteries and the blood pressure seeks its vasomotor nerve normal. Following this operation
the blood pressure may either raise or lower itself, due to the power of the heart muscle, but
you will invariably find that some difference has been made, for all vasomotor lesions create
carbon dioxide gas disturbances. Fermentative gasses are also eliminated to some extent by
this procedure, but not entirely.


This is the more accurate method, but requires a little more work. I believe you will be
willing to use a little extra time, for you can command more fees for your work, if you do
accurate work.
To classify your patient, you take the blood pressure, then make your gas eliminative
pressure; then retake the blood pressure. You then know exactly the state of the circulation
and the state of the vasomotor nerve function.
Use the position as illustrated by the cut on page 27. Always have the patient facing west if
possible, but be sure the patient always faces the same direction for each successive
treatment. The Magnetic Meridian has some influence on the blood pressure and this
influence is due to its action on the vasomotor nerves. You must be accurate in your
deductions, for a mistake means a wrong treatment in many instances.
After your blood pressure reading is recorded, you proceed as follows:
For the hypremic type or the type 1 patient, you will use your index and middle finger to
make the pressure opposite the fifth dorsal, straddle of the tenth dorsal and second lumbar.
On this type of patient your pressure is light, being about the same amount of pressure that
you can stand comfortably applied against your own eyeball. The pressure is made for one
It is your object on this hypremic type to produce spinal muscle constriction, for, remember
that the spinal muscle cells are hypremic the spinal cord cells anemic, and your object is to
cause spinal muscle cell constriction so the blood will be forced into the spinal cord cells
When the circulation is stimulated, the fifth dorsal segment produces constriction of the
arteries in the stomach and increases the circulation in this organ, moving out the carbon
dioxide gas and bringing in oxygen. The same amount of pressure is applied to the tenth

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dorsal and. the second lumbar, only you straddle the tenth dorsal and the second lumbar, as
illustrated by cut showing gas eliminative vasomotor areas.
The hypremic or type 1 patient has a blood pressure of less than 120 systolic.
Normal blood pressure in a patient with normal vasomotor function regardless of age, is
from 120 to 125 systolic for men, and from 115 to 120 systolic for women.


This patient is the exact opposite of the patient described under hypremic vasomotor
lesions. The spinal cord cells are in a state of hypremia and the spinal muscle cells are in a
state of anemia. Due to irritation, the organs ennervated from the segments involved have
their functions increased and the patient usually feels very good, until some shock or
excitement destroys Nature’s compensation. Many of these patients never realize they are
sick until they have a stroke of apoplexy.
Due to the spinal cord cell irritation, the vascular tubes of the body are in a state of
vasoconstriction and the blood pressure raises, due to a narrowing of the tubes. A definite
amount of blood must pass each foot of vascular tubing every second. Normally if the
vasomotors are balanced, the heart has no trouble in maintaining this circulatory
equilibrium, but when the tubes become narrowed, the heart must in crease its function, so
consequently the blood pressure raises. In this type of pathology, carbon dioxide gas is
forced into the stomach and intestines and colon, not by lack of tension of the vascular
tubes, but by over tension. If the gas could not escape into these cavities, rupture of blood
vessels would occur. I have seen several cases of gastric hemorrhages, thought to be due to
ulcers, to be due to nothing more or less than constriction of the gastric blood vessels,
keeping the gas in those tubes and causing minute and even larger tubes to rupture, and the
hemorrhage was stopped immediately upon relaxing the gastric blood pressure.
Your therapeutic object in producing normalization of gas pressure on the anemic or type 3
patient, is to dilate the spinal muscle cells, so as to relieve the pressure within the spinal cord
cells and brain and when this is done by applying pressure to fifth dorsal, tenth dorsal and
second lumbar, the vascular tubes of the stomach, intestines and colon relax, circulation is
momentarily normalized, exchanges of gasses are more liberal and you are enabled to read
the blood pressure as it is being maintained by the vasomotor nerve impulses.

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Illustration 1-a
Technic position for taking blood pressure. This position allows operator to treat fifth dorsal, tenth dorsal
and second lumbar for gas elimination without leaving his chair.

The anemic type patient will have a blood pressure above 140 systolic.
In treating fifth dorsal, tenth dorsal and second lumbar, you use a rotary finger pressure
which is about three times as hard as pressure used for hypremic type and is maintained for
15 seconds at each center for gas elimination.
You then retake the blood pressure.
In this type of patient, if the heart is strong, the blood pressure may drop as much as 50 m.
after gas elimination, but if the heart is weak, the pressure may raise as much as 20 m. after
gas elimination.
I have treated patients that could not receive insurance because of so-called high blood
pressure and have found that the procedure described above would reduce the blood
pressure to normal limits, but remember, this is only temporary and before permanent
results are to be had the Vasomotors must be corrected. Your gas eliminative technic is only
temporary results to allow a normal vasomotor blood pressure.

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Not so long ago I was called to the

bedside of a patient who apparently
was dying. Breathing was terribly
labored. Heart action was bad. I did
not have time to make any kind of
an examination, but proceeded to
eliminate gas and almost instantly
the patient responded. I am certain
that this technic saved the patient’s
It is not my custom to quote letters
in a book on technic, but I am going
to break that custom and quote from
a letter written by Dr. Albon
Herchleroth, of 1128 Narbcnne Ave.,
Lomita, Calif., for I believe this letter
contains a lesson.
Dr. Herchleroth says: “By the way, I
was called on a case that was
diagnosed as Angina Pectoris by two
medical doctors, one Osteopath and
one Chiropractor. Patient was
bedridden for five months, pain
around heart and radiating down
arm. Patient taking digitalis and
bromides with Drugless treatments.
(Doctor must have been a MIXER.)
All I did when I first saw, the patient
was to make pressure right side of
fifth dorsal and as the patient termed
it, she was cured instantly, but as
Illustration 16
you know, I only relieved the gas
This illustration shows you the vasomotor areas for pressure from the diaphragm which
eliminating carbon dioxide gas. Note fifth dorsal area is to was pressing against the heart.”
right of spinous and the others are straddle of spinous and
cover an equal distance on both sides of spine.


This type of patient is probably one that requires more skill to normalize than any other
type. You take the blood pressure and if it is below 120 systolic, you use light pressure to
eliminate gas, but it the pressure is between 120 and 140, you use twice as much pressure as
you used if the pressure is below 120. After you eliminate the gas, then retake the blood
pressure, and if it is below 120, the patient is a hypremic type, but if it is above 120 to 140,
the patient is an anemic type.

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Following therapy, this patient may either show a raise or lowering of pressure. Some
segment will be hypremic and another one anemic. Great care must be used to always note
this peculiarity in treating this patient, for one day the patient may require a recoil
adjustment and the next a double transverse may be indicated.
These patients have a very unstable balance of circulation, which accounts for the fact that
they feel fine one day and are in the dumps the next. Many of these patients are asthmatics.

This is a type of patient that will pay you well to carefully study and watch for. These
patients usually are seen with an acute abdomen. The symptoms will resemble appendicitis
in every respect, your diagnostic point being blood pressure findings. Eliminate gas with
same pressure that you use on the anemic type. Take the blood pressure, and if the pulse
pressure is near 20 m you can be reasonably certain that you have a case of
visceroconstriction. We have illustrated this case for you under the different types of
appendicitis and if you will again study SD chart 10 you will readily see what is taking place
with in the abdominal cavity. Never make a diagnosis of appendicitis until you know for
sure that the patient is not a visceroconstriction case. Many needles cases of surgery are
performed daily by sincere surgeons, when all the patient needs is a little spinal
manipulation over the segment that is causing the constriction in the ileo caceal and
appendiceal region.


Many doctors will not wish to take time to type their patients. Some feel that they can not
use the blood pressure technic for various reasons.
The cervical vertebrae have a definite relationship to the vasomotor nerves, due to the
effects of the vagus, which contains a number of vasomotor fibers.
To make a test as to type of patient, the Operator manipulates over muscles adjacent to the
cervical vertebrae and then watches the reaction that will take place.
If a pronounced redness appears immediately or within 30 seconds, you have a hypremic or
type 1 patient, and the blood pressure will be found to be below 120 systolic; you then
eliminate gas the same as under the blood pressure method.
If redness appears, but is delayed and of less degree, you have a type two patient, which is
the anemic and hypremic type mixed.
If redness fails to appear and nothing but a faint flush appears, you have a type 3 patient or
the anemic type.
In the hypremic type the redness will disappear very slowly and may last for as long as 30
In the type 2 patient or the hypremic-anemic type, the redness disappears in five minutes or
possibly remains for 10 minutes.
In the type 3 or anemic type, the redness disappears very quickly.

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As soon as correct therapy is applied to the major vasomotor area, the cervical redness will
disappear immediately, regardless of type, but you might find the hypremic type a little
slower in showing the disappearance of the redness.
This test will not show a visceroconstriction type of patient.
An occiput adjustment on the correct occipital area will cause the cervical redness to
disappear instantly, due to the control the occiput has over the vasomotors. We have
demonstrated many times that the occiput alone will control 80% of all vasomotor lesions,
provided nothing is done to the spine to redisturb vasomotor function. The hardest thing for
you to remember and to practice is what not to do, instead of what to do. Most of you are
too ambitious and want to do far too much for the patient.


In considering a patient from the standpoint of spinal therapy, it is essential that you
determine the stability of the vasomotor system, for an unstable vasomotor system will do
more to keep a patient from responding to therapy than any one other single factor. A
vasomotor system that is brought to as near normal as possible, assures quick response to
your other spinal therapy procedures.
After you have made a study of the blood pressure and have eliminated carbon dioxide gas,
you know the exact state of the vasomotor system.
If the blood pressure is below 120 systolic, you know that you are dealing with a hypremic
type of patient and you know that any hard treatments to the spinal muscles or any other
therapy to the spinal muscles that will produce further dilation is going to be detrimental to
your patient’s recovery. You know that the patient’s spinal lesions will respond to specific
adjustive therapy and no matter how sick the patient may be, the simple act of giving a
recoil adjustment to the correct spinal segment will balance the vasomotors and go a long
ways towards normalizing the spinal nervous system. When the circulation is balanced, you
have a normal intake of oxygen and a normal output of carbon dioxide. Balancing the
gaseous contents of the body means better metabolism. A wrong gasoline mixture in the
carburetor of your car will cause all kinds of motor trouble and may even make you think
there is serious mechanical maladjustments to deal with, but when this gaseous mixture is
corrected, the car runs 100% better. The same holds true of the human body its not what
you do for a patient that counts but what you do and how you do it. A single thrust may be
all that is necessary to cure a case of most any disease and again it may take the combined
skill of using the vasomotors for therapy, the spinal nerves, the sympathetics, the cranials
and the myeliene nerves to produce health. If it takes but a single thrust to produce results,
you are a genius if you give that thrust and do no more. If it takes a combined system of
therapy, again you are a genius, because you have at your command a system broad enough
to analyze all nervous systems and to detect lesions and correct the lesions as found

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As has been previously stated, a correction for body balance will produce startling results in
90% of your patients and if you do this and nothing more, you will be rendering a service
that will get sick people well, even after elaborate systems have failed; but if it takes more to
care for the remaining 10%, be Doctor
enough to know that it does, and be
operator enough to be able to apply
what is indicated.
If the blood pressure is above 120 and
not higher than 140 systolic after gas
elimination, you know that you are
dealing with a type 2 patient or a
combined anemic and hypremic type,
and you further know that this patient
may require a recoil adjustment today
and a double transverse tomorrow, all
depending upon the blood pressure
findings from day to day.
If you find that the blood pressure is
above 140 systolic, you know that you
are dealing with an anemic type of
patient and that you must not use any
form of therapy that is stimulative.
If you find that the blood pressure
shows a pulse pressure reading of near
20 you know immediately that you
have a visceroconstricted area in the
abdomen or pelvic cavity, and that
this constriction must be eliminated
before further therapy is carried out.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

By following these basic laws, you can

never use the wrong therapy on a
patient. You will never need to make
excuses to any patient, and if a patient
comes to you that has taken treatments
elsewhere and has been receiving a lot
of massage, heat, electricity, etc., and if
they are the hypremic type, you will
automatically know that you can
correct their lesions by a recoil
adjustment and can do more for them
in one treatment than the other doctor
has done in any number of treatments.
If this patient on the other hand has
been going to a doctor that uses
nothing but straight adjusting and they
are type 2 or the anemic type, you will
know that you must change your tactics
to get the patient well.
A number of years ago I personally
treated a very bad case asthma. This
man had gone the rounds of doctors,
with very little improvement. He had
received all kinds of therapy. One
climate would help his asthma but
would aggravate a chronic gastritis,
another climate would help the
gastritis, but would increase the
severity of the asthma. I found him to
be a type 2 patient with a hypremic third dorsal and an anemic fifth dorsal. I used a recoil
on the third dorsal the days his blood pressure was low and a double transverse on the fifth
dorsal the days the blood pressure was above 120. In one week’s time this man made a
complete recovery. I gave him three treatments. Had I used the opposite form of adjusting,
the man could have never gotten well, no matter what other high sounding therapies would
have been used on him.


On your hypremic or type 1 patient, you must remember to use only moderate pressure in
going down the spine, for too hard pressure will paralyze the vasomotors and will fail to
bring in the proper coloring of the spinal muscles.
Have the patient prone on the table. Place one hand on each side of the spine at the first
dorsal. Three fingers of each hand on the spinal muscles, index finger next to spinal grooves.
Using moderate pressure and even pressure, draw your hands down the spine from the first
dorsal to the coccyx. In a few seconds the spinal muscles will start to show a red line. This
line may be complete from first dorsal to coccyx and again it may be intermittent. Wait for

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five minutes and you will notice that many of the areas have faded. The area for therapy is
the one that shows the brightest red color. A light suspended over the patient that has the
red and yellow rays filtered out, will help to brighten the areas under observation, but it is
not necessary. Mark the area that appears to be the brightest after five minutes and this is
your major area.
You must be careful and have your pressure even at all times, for if the pressure is greater at
one area than at the other, you will cause more redness at the area of greatest pressure.
Many doctors prefer to have the patient sitting, but we find that the prone position is best.
On this type of patient you will use a recoil adjustment on the area that shows the most
distinct red coloration at the end of the five minute period.


Place patient in prone position
after eliminating gas and
determining blood pressure. Place
hands on patient’s back as directed
under hypremic type. Your
pressure with fingers will be about
three times as hard as on the
hypremic type, which will be hard
enough to dent the tissues of the
back considerable. Draw the
hands slowly down the back. It is
important that firm contact be had
and that this be even all the way
down the spine. It is also
important that you draw the
hands slowly, as you must
produce inhibition of the
vasomotor nerve impulses so as to
produce vasodilation in the spinal
Your coloration will appear more
slowly than in the hypremic type
patient and will disappear more
quickly. Due to the difference in
time between the time you contact
the first dorsal and the coccyx,
you will have to allow for this
difference in making your
In picking your major, you select
the area that shows the least
coloration and fades the quickest.

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This will give you the area of greatest anemia, for its anemia leaves it colorless and causes it
to fade more quickly. Your major area in fact will appear quite pale in color after the other
areas have faded, showing an anemic reaction compared to the rest of the spine.
It is upon this major area that you use a double transverse adjustment and follow the
adjustment with rotary finger manipulations to the adjusted area.


Proceed with blood pressure test and gas elimination the same as in other types. Draw
hands down spine with pressure of moderate degree, if the blood pressure is above 140 at
time of test, but if blood pressure is below 120 at time of test, use same pressure as for
hypremic types. If the first time you see this patient, the blood pressure is below 120, you
will classify them as hypremic type, but possibly the next time they will have a blood
pressure above 120, so you must be on your guard. If the blood pressure is below 120, you
will proceed exactly as under hypremic or type 1 patient, but if pressure is between 120 and
140, you will use firm pressure, but will not take as long in covering the length of the spine
as you do in the anemic or type 3 patient. In this instance your reactions will come in quite
quickly and will be fully developed in about seven minutes. The area that fades to the
whitest color before disappearing will be your major. You will have no trouble in selecting
your major area once you see the reaction, for it will have a distinct paleness that you will
easily recognize. Do not be in a great hurry to make your deductions, in fact it will be well
to practice this technic many times before you say for sure that you recognize the major
areas. Some day we hope to publish a complete set of charts in colors showing these
reactions exactly as they appear on the patients backs. A little practice, however, will soon
make you proficient in detecting your spinal major area.


After blood pressure and gas elimination tests you will find a pulse pressure of 20 m. or near
that mark. You will immediately know that you have an area of visceroconstriction in the
abdominal or pelvic cavity. Place the fingers of one hand over the abdomen and palpate
until you distinctly feel the transmitted throb of the abdominal aorta or common lilacs. If
you palpate in the medial line on very thin subjects you of course will be able to detect the
direct pulsation of the aorta, but in this instance you are not detecting the direct pulsation,
but the transmitted pulsation of the artery. When gas is lodged in a gut, it makes that gut a
powerful transmitter of pulsations. When you have detected the pulsating area, it will in all
probabilities be very tender, you keep your contact over the pulsating area with one hand
and with the other hand you make pressure on the same side of the spine that the pulsating
area is found in the abdomen. Start at the tenth dorsal and make pressure over that segment
and at the same time notice if the pulsation in the abdomen is changed. When you contact
the correct area the pulsation will stop as long as you make pressure over the spinal area.
You now place the patient on his side and with both hands gently manipulate the spinal
area until all tension and tenderness is gone and as soon as this happens all abdominal pain
will be gone. You will be greatly surprised at how many cases of appendicitis (so-called) you
will be able to stop instantly, but if you happen to get hold of a real case of appendicitis and
find that the pulse pressure is not 20 m. or near that mark, your results will be harder and of
course will depend upon additional therapy, which will be found under Sacro Occipital

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Please do not expect to be able to detect your major areas the first few attempts. You didn’t
learn to palpate or adjust in five minutes. Be just as reasonable with this technic. If you
spent one year practicing, you would be well rewarded. The writer has made over 15,000
such tests and finds them absolutely invaluable.


The heat test is probably the easiest test to use, in that the pressure part of the hand technic
is eliminated.


Heat causes dilation. The hypremic patient has dilation of the spinal muscles, with one area
predominating. Heat applied to the spinal muscles will cause an increase in dilative power
and will manifest its presence by causing the skin to redden.
To apply the heat test, you first eliminate gas and then determine correct blood pressure.
Patient lays prone on table. Towels are wrung out of water at temperature to suit type of
patient. For the hypremic type have the water 115 degrees. Take two turkish towels, fold
each towel so it is approximately three inches wide and long enough to cover the spinal
muscles from the first dorsal to the coccyx. Wring water out of towel, then lay a towel on
each side of spine from first dorsal to coccyx. Leave towel on hypremic type patient for five
minutes, remove, and you will then be able to detect coloration of spinal muscles. Your
reddest area upon removing towels will be your n area.
You must remember that heat is contraindicated to this type of patient because it increases
dilation, but by increasing this dilation, you are enabled to see the major area, because it
will be the most exaggerated dilative area, therefore the reddest spinal area. It is imperative
that you apply your recoil thrust as quickly as possible after removing the towels and then
immediately apply alcohol to the entire vasomotor spinal area. This closes the pores and
helps to reduce the spinal muscle hypremia. To hasten the action of the alcohol, you can
blow on the spinal muscles with your breath or use a hand fan. This evaporates the alcohol
and cools the muscles much quicker.


Heat is beneficial to this type of patient, because by producing dilation of the spinal muscle
cells, the blood is drawn from the spinal cord cells, thereby increasing their power to receive
nourishment and to normalize the action of the organs ennervated from their segment or
Apply the towels wrung out of water at a temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Leave the
towels on the spinal muscles for ten minutes. The area that shows the least degree of redness
is your spinal major.
After picking the major area, apply your double transverse adjustment and then rotary finger
manipulations to the major area.

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Sacro Occipital Technic


After eliminating gas and taking blood pressure, if the pressure is below 120 systolic, you
proceed exactly as described under hypremic type patient. If blood pressure is between 120
and 140, you use towels at temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit and leave them on the
spinal muscles for seven minutes. The area that shows the least redness is your major.
On this type patient, when the blood pressure at time of test is be low 120 systolic, follow
your adjustment with alcohol to spinal muscles, hut on days that pressure is between 120
and 140 systolic, do not use alcohol.
After you have completed your vasomotor adjusting, you finish this treatment by using the
body balance technic which is completely illustrated in this book.

Illustration 14
Illustration 15
This illustration shows the effects of drawing
the hands down the spine of the hypremic type This illustration shows the same as number 14,
patient. The areas become very red. but two minutes later. Note how areas in lower
Spine have started to fade. All areas faded
except dorsal five.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

Illustration 23 Illustration 24
This illustration shows contact and position for a
Shows method of applying towels to spinal
recoil adjustment on a hypremia or type 1
muscles for heat test in detecting vasomotor
patient: Please note that only the pisiform bone
area lesions.
touches the spinious process. The hands do not
contact the spinal muscles.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

Illustration 25 Illustration 30
Double transverse adjusting technic for type 3 This illustrates the technic used in locating the
patient and type 2 when blood pressure is above vertebrae area causing pulsation in a case of
120. Note that hand covers as much of spinal visceroconstriction. You may have the patient lay
muscle area as possible. Adjustment is given on the side if you choose. The hand on the
without quick thrust. abdomen is contacting the pulsating area and the
hand under the back is exploring the segments to
find the one that inhibits the abdominal pulsation.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

We shall briefly consider the first part of our technic by telling you a few very important
things about the occiput. We shall not write extensively about the anatomy of this very
important part of the human body for to do so would be merely a repetition of what any
Standard Anatomy would tell you, but we shall consider this part of the human machine
from an entirely new angle.
The occipital bone, situated as it is, forms a very important factor in our technic. It is the
topmost bone of the spine, in that it articulates directly upon the Atlas. It houses the
formanen magnum which, as you all know, contains the lower stem of the Medulla and the
Medulla Spinalis, and many other very important nerve centers. It is also at this plane that
we have the pyramidal decussation. The fact that the occipital bone houses the foramen
magnum is of itself so very important that we should at all times be positive that the occiput
is directly situated in its exact planatary lines with its compensating factors of the spine and
other skull bones.
From the external occipital protuberance a ridge or crest, the medium nuchal line, often
faintly marked, descends to the foramen magnum, and affords attachment to the
ligamentum nuchae; and the ligamentum nuchae is a fibrous membrane which, in the neck,
represents the superspinal ligament of the lower vertabrae. It extends from the external
occipital protuberance and medial nuchal line to the spinious process of the seventh cervical
vertebrae. From its anterior border a fibrous lamina is given off, which is attached to the
posterior tubercle of the Atlas, and to the spinious process of the cervical vertebrae, and
forms a septum between the muscles on either side of the neck.
We can see that the ligamentum nuchae can and does have an important function to
perform in keeping the cervical vertebrae in alignment with the occiput, but we further see
that it is far more important to keep the occiput free from tension so nothing will be present
in the way of irritation to place tension upon the nuchal ligament to cause it to place tension
upon any vertebrae from the atlas to the seventh cervical. We can see why it is far more
important to use therapy at the source of irritation, rather than at its terminus.
Briefly let us now consider some muscles that attach to the occipital bone. The Trapezius
arises from the external occipital protuberance and the middle third of the superior nuchal
line of the occipital bone, from the ligamentum nuchae and the seventh cervical, and the
spinious processes of all thoracic vertebrae and corresponding portions of the supraspinal
ligament. From this origin the superior fibers proceed downward and lateralward, the
inferior upward and lateralward, the middle horizontally, the superior fibers are inserted
into the posterior border of the lateral third of the clavicle, the middle fibers into the medial
margin of the acromion and the superior lip of the posterior border of the spine of the
scapula, the inferior fibers converge near the scapula and end in an aponeurosis.
Here we have a muscle that covers a portion of the back from the occiput to the twelfth
dorsal vertebrae, but from the ninth dorsal on to the twelfth dorsal the fibers are much
narrower and of course do not exert as much function at these points as they do elsewhere.
Again we see how important it is to consider the occiput as being a balance wheel from the

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first cervical to at least the ninth dorsal vertebrae and we can well see how an injury at any
cervical or dorsal vertebrae, particularly the dorsals to the ninth must affect the occiput and
we must realize how very important it is to see that this occipital irritation is completely
removed as quickly as possible.
Besides the trapezius muscles, we also have the sternocleidotoideus, splenius capitis, the
semispinalis capitas, and the oblique capitis superior. The inferior nuchal line receives the
rectic capitis posteriores, major and minor.
In the lateral portions of the occipital bone we find the hypoglossal canal for the twelfth
Cranial nerve, and we also find here an entrance to a menengial branch of the ascending
pharyngeal artery. Another important consideration is the jugular notch through which the
jugular vein passes, possibly explaining why correction of occipital tenderness will
immediately relieve migraine headaches. We also find foramen for the glossopharyngcal,
vagus and accessory nerves.
This brief anatomical resume has been taken from Gray’s Anatomy, and is only given to
show you in a small way why it is so very important that you carefully study the technic that
is to be presented to you at this time. Many of you will not believe what you see
demonstrated. Many of you will not believe what you, yourself, can demonstrate. We ask
you to study any works on Anatomy for proof of the very important function of the occipital
bone. It not only forms a protective covering for the Medulla Oblongata, the accessory parts
of the hind brain, the floor of the fourth ventricle, many important nerves and muscles, but
the fact is provable that the occiput does compensate for every spinal segment, and this fact
alone is our one reason for giving you the Sacro Occipital technic, and for the reason that
we have named this technic the MIRACLE SYSTEM, for we can and so will you be
enabled to do likewise, perform seeming miracles of restoring health to suffering peoples, if
we do nothing but give corrective therapy to the occiput. However, it is not our intention to
make this technic empirical, but on the other hand we shall make it very broad and shall do
our very best to make it easily comprehensible.


The Sub-occipital lines lies at the base of the occipital bone. Its center is about one half inch
inferior to the external occipital protuberance and its lateral ends are about one half inch
superior to the mastoid process of the temporal bones. By bringing your hands from the
superior of the occipital bone down to its inferior border, you will note that the inferior
border forms a distinct outline and this is the sub- occipital ridge upon which so much of our
therapy in Sacro Occipital technic is performed.
From the external occipital protuberance laterally on both sides of the sub occipital line, we
find areas that correspond with given vertebral segments of the nervous systems and by
specifically using technic on these areas we are enabled to influence the activity of each
spinal segment specifically. No other area of the human spine holds such a powerful key
whereby we can either stimulate or inhibit the activity of a given spinal segment, without
touching that segment, than does the sub occipital ridge.
The sub occipital ridge is the first part of the human economical system that suffers
disturbances when the body is not functioning normally. It is here that the first tenderness is
noticed in all functional and organic disturbances. The onset of influenza causes terrible

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occipital pains, the post-operative headache and backache is due to disturbances at the
occipital ridge and can be promptly relieved by applying technic at the indicated area.
Many of you have seen patients that were in so much pain that it was impossible to adjust
anything but an upper cervical vertebrae, and you can recall many instances where you

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Sacro Occipital Technic

secured miraculous results, but again you can recall instances where no results were
forthcoming, and the patient might even have been made to feel worse.
A certain school of healing is making a great deal over the fact that an upper cervical
adjustment is always the major area to relieve all disorders. It is fundamentally impossible to
adjust either an atlas or axis without in some manner affecting the suboccipital line and
even the occipital bone proper. The occipital bone in its anatomical relationship with the
atlas must be affected if the atlas is adjusted and it is basically impossible to adjust an axis
without affecting the atlas, so we candidly believe that the results they secure are due in a
great measure to restoring occipital balance rather than atlas or axis balance.

From the lateral ends of the sub-occipital ridge to the external occipital protuberance, we
have seven sub-occipital areas. These are equally divided spaces and we empirically call
them sub-occipital areas, for we find that each area exerts a powerful influence upon a
specific spinal segment and we find that if this area is properly treated that its compensating
spinal segment is benefited and if it is improperly treated its compensating spinal segment
shows an unfavorable reaction.
The area lying immediately laterally to the slight inferior of the external occipital
protuberance is designated as area number 7, and the area lying at the mastoid portion of
the temporal bone is area number 1, and the intermediate areas from external occipital
protuberance to mastoid portion of temporal bone are then areas 7-6-5-4-3-2-1. This includes
both sides of the suboccipital ridge. As the suboccipital ridge is directly connected to all
viscera and members of the body by nerve reflex impulses, we will find that definite areas of
this ridge will be tender and that this tenderness will correspond to the affected spinal
segment or segments that are in trouble. This sub-occipital ridge tenderness will so involve
the muscular structure of the sub-occipital ridge and of the spine that it will by constant
irritation tend to malalign the occiput in its anatomical relationship with the atlas and
possibly this malalignment will be responsible in being the direct causative factor in
producing many of the symptoms that the patient will complain of and until this correction
is made perfect, clinical results will not be forth coming. If an atlas lesion causes a reflex at
occipital ridge area number 1, it seems that the correction of the atlas lesion will correct
occipital area number 1, but such is not the case, but correction of occipital area number 1
will normalize the atlas.


I believe that most of the readers of this technic have at some time or another realized that
the segments of the spine were delicately interrelated, one to the other. You have also
realized that the reflex arc is much more complicated than most physiologies tell you about.
You have realized that on some cases apparent conflicts have been set up within the patient
by adjustments or manipulations. You have seen patients immediately made worse by an
adjustment, and yet you are at a loss to explain this reaction. For a time you probably have
called this retracing, but I believe you have already come to the conclusion that it is not
retracing, but interference with normal reflex arcs. You possibly have thought about the
compatibility and incompatibility of certain spinal segments. You have realized that it was
inconsistent with results to adjust certain spinal segments at one treatment time, because

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you believed that one segment caused dilation of an organ while the other segment caused
constriction in that organ. Let us once and for all times destroy that though, for it is without
scientific foundation. Any spinal segment has the power to produce constriction or dilation
upon its ennervated organ, depending upon the manner in which that segment is treated and
this is accomplished by the actions of the vasomotor nerves. The reason you can not adjust
certain segments and then adjust other segments at the same treatment is due not to
constriction or dilation as much as to disturbance of reflex cycles. If you would adjust for
instance a fifth lumbar and a ninth dorsal at the same setting of the patient and would adjust
them with equal force, you would produce absolutely no results, either for good or bad,
because they would neutralize each other, providing their vasomotor nerves were in like
states of balance, bit if the vasomotor nerves at the ninth dorsal were in a state of
constriction and you adjusted them with a recoil and the vasomotors of the fifth lumbar
were in a state of dilation and you adjusted them with a slow, rotary adjustment, your
patient would immediately become worse and possibly would faint, but if you adjusted the
ninth dorsal with a slow, rotary adjustment, and the fifth lumbar with a quick recoil, you
would produce very nice results, providing you finished your treatment by a seventh
occipital area contact and if you forgot this seventh occipital contact, you would produce
only fifty percent results, no matter how many treatments you might administer, for both
the ninth dorsal and the fifth lumbar localize at seventh occipital, the ninth dorsal through
the seventh cervical and the fifth lumbar through the first sacral.
The above statements are probably premature and might confuse you, but we have made
them to impress upon you that your technic must be perfect at all times. You can be a good
or bad adjuster at will.
The first thought to consider in the study of the intercommunicating spinal nerve areas is the
fact that we have a superior and an inferior radiating nerve arc. The superior arc includes all
segments superior to the middle of the ninth dorsal, while the inferior arc includes all
segments inferior to the middle of the ninth dorsal. Superior to the ninth dorsal we find that
the arc transverses the cervicals and then the occiput, inferior to the ninth dorsal all inferior
fibers transverse the sacrum and then onto the occipital areas.
We once treated a patient that had been totally paralyzed front the tenth dorsal down for
years. This patient had a spinal fracture. There positively were no sensations from the tenth
dorsal down. The sphincters were relaxed and had absolutely no control over either bowel
or urinary actions. We did absolutely nothing to this patient except occipital work, and we
restored normal control to all sphincter action, but the patient never regained the ability to
walk, although sensations were restored to the limbs, which, we believe, proves that our
contention of superior and inferior forces are correct.
All of you have had the experience of adjusting the cervical vertebrae for a definite purpose
and to your surprise some distant pathology was cleared up, but you will notice that you
have never cleared up a pathology originating below the ninth dorsal by adjusting cervicals,
unless you in some manner adjusted the occiput. Those that major on the sacrum have
found that pathologies originating from segments inferior to the ninth dorsal can be readily
cleared up by sacral technic, but that pathologies originating from segments superior to the
ninth dorsal can not be cleared up by sacral work, unless the pathology is a purely organic
relex. A man will have a cardiac lesion and will have a reflex pain at first dorsal, first
cervical and first occipital area. A man will have a prostatic pathology, will have pain in the

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sacrum, legs and back of the neck. The prostrate affects the fourth lumbar. This has a reflex
arc with the second sacral and the sixth occipital area. This accounts for the leg pains and
the neck pains. To properly administer spinal therapy one must carefully consider the reflex
arc and the intercommunicating spinal nerve areas. You must remember that no single
spinal area is ever alone in causing pathology, as a segment that is under irritation will
influence its compensating spinal arc centers. Your adjustment, however, is always given
upon the last localized area, but much more about this part of the technic later.

Each cervical vertebrae has a localization area on the occiput. We list these areas, but it is
sometimes necessary to change the localizations as it is fundamentally impossible to treat
sick people by rules, but it must be done by judgment. The areas we give will be usable on
ninety percent of your cases and the other ten percent will have to be varied slightly.
First cervical localizes to first occipital area.
Second cervical to second occipital area.
Third cervical to third occipital area.
Fourth cervical to fourth occipital area.
Fifth cervical to fifth occipital area.
Sixth cervical to sixth occipital area.
Seventh cervical to seventh occipital area.
You will notice that the first occipital area is the extreme lateral area on the occipital line.
This you will notice localizes to the first cervical and you will find that the first occipital
area will eliminate all tenderness from the first cervical vertebrae. You will notice that the
second occipital line area is the next area from the first occipital area going towards the
external occipital protuberance, and that this area will remove all tenderness from the
second cervical.
We believe this is a very good place in which to analyze some of our past experiences and
we are sure these experiences are the same as you have had.
In diseases of the nose you will invariably find a tender third cervical, but an adjustment at
this area will not by any means prove specific in clearing up nasal pathologies, but if you
will localize from the third cervical to the third occipital area and will give your adjustment
at the third occipital area, you will find that the nasal pathology will start to clear
immediately. We have seen cases of hay fever that had a very tender third cervical,
adjustments here and nowhere else did very little good, but by localizing to the third
occipital area and adjusting there, the patient felt better immediately and in a very short
time had no hay fever. You will never find a single case of nasal pathology that has no
tenderness at third occipital and these patients will not get well until this third occipital
tenderness is eliminated.
Take a case of thyroid gland pathology, with a sixth cervical involvement. You will find a
very tender area at sixth occipital area and by localizing from sixth cervical to sixth occipital
and apply your technic at that point you win secure quick results. All cases of thyroid

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disturbances will have occipital pains and you will relieve these pains by taking sixth
occipital area for therapy after you have localized from sixth cervical.
Diseases due primarily to cervical lesions have as a rule responded quite well to therapy by
all methods, as all of you adjust either atlas or axis and by so doing must affect the occiput.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

You have noticed that pathologies affecting the abdominal organs or the arms invariably
produce tender spinal areas in the dorsal spine, and these areas will correspond to tender
cervical areas, for it is an impossibility to have a tender dorsal area without also having a
tender cervical area. Abdominal lesions invariably produce either mild or severe nose, eye,
throat, ear or brain disturbances. All of you have seen sore throats clear up after correcting a
stomach pathology, but none of you probably attempted to clear up the throat pathology by
taking care of the stomach pathology.
The first and second dorsals localize to the first cervical and to the first occipital area.
The third dorsal localizes to the second cervical and to the second occipital.
The fourth and fifth dorsals localize to the third cervical and the third occipital area.
The sixth dorsal localizes to the fourth cervical and the fourth occipital area.
The seventh dorsal localizes to the fifth cervical and the fifth occipital area.
The eighth dorsal localizes to the sixth cervical and the sixth occipital area.
The superior half of the ninth dorsal localizes to the seventh cervical and the seventh
occipital area.
Take a case of liver pathology. You will find a seventh dorsal involvement and you will find
that the fifth cervical will be tender and that the fifth occipital will remove the tenderness
from the fifth cervical and also from the liver proper. You will find associated with liver
pathologies that involve the seventh dorsal a tendency to laryngitis or pharyngitis, and many
times a thyroid tendency.
Take a case of cardiac pathology and you will find associated with this a tendency to
headaches caused by first cervical irritation and also a tendency to derangements of distant
organs, due to interference with the cranial nerves which emit at this point. Adjustments at
the second dorsal for heart trouble without considering the localization areas is only doing
your patient one-third the good you would be enabled to do them should you consider the
facts of cervical and occipital localizations.


Inferior half ninth dorsal and tenth dorsal localize to fifth sacral and 1-2- occipital.
Eleventh and twelfth dorsals localize to fourth sacral and third occipital.
First and second lumbar localize to third sacral and fourth and fifth occipital.
Third and fourth lumbars localize to second sacral and sixth occipital.
Fifth lumbar localizes to first sacral and seventh occipital.
In numbering the sacral vertebrae we start at the first foramen inferior to the fifth lumbar
and term that the fifth sacral. The last sacral foramen is the first sacral.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

You will notice that we do not use the coccygeal vertebrae as localization agents. The
coccyx is so intimately associated with the Myeliene sheath of the sympathetics that we
prefer to consider it a separate unitage, and we use the coccyx with a separate therapy. It is
possible to affect practically all organs of the body by coccygeal stimulation through the
rectum and for this reason we have been unable to date to affect any specific coccygeal
As an illustration of inferior intercommunicative localization we shall consider briefly the
lesions in appendicitis. The second lumbar will invariably be tender, in fact this is almost an
empirical diagnostic point. You will, however, find that the second lumbar is not alone for
the third sacral area will be tender and this tenderness will be associated many times with
pains in the right thigh and often in the leg. You will find that the patient will complain of
tension in the neck muscles. This case in its acute stage has often responded to a single
adjustment at second lumbar, but this clearing of the symptoms of appendicitis has often left
the patient with headaches until the fourth and fifth occipital areas are corrected. This
proves that your cardinal point of attack in appendicitis is not at second lumbar area, but at
fourth and fifth occipital areas.


It is an established anatomical fact that the sacrum and occiput bear a close relationship one
to the other. Abnormal positions of the sacrum will cause abnormalities at the occipital
areas and may even result in occipital subluxation of which seven distinct occipital
subluxations may occur. Once an occipital irritation has occurred, nothing but occipital
technic, directly applied will afford relief. A sacral subluxation may be directly and
primarily the cause of occipital irritation, but sacral correction can seldom correct an
occipital irritation unless the occiput is directly subjected to constructive therapy.
The sacral occipital relationship is as follows:
Sacral five localizes to occipital areas one and two.
Sacral four localizes to occipital area three.
Sacral three localizes to occipital areas four and five.
Sacral two localizes to occipital area six.
Sacral one localizes to occipital area seven.
Affections causing lesions of the lowest sacral foramen and irritation at this point all
invariably cause a very tender area to be found at the first lateral position on the occiput
from the external occipital protuberance. Involvement of the rectal tissues will often cause
irritation at sacral area one and you will find occipital area seven to be likewise involved.
Sacral involvement always causes pelvic tippages with one limb being shortened. This
tippage does many things to the pelvic contents and most of all severely interferes with
normal circulation in the pelvic cavity. Many female disorders are the results of this tippage
and like wise many disorders of the prostate gland are likewise caused by the same thing.
Invariably patients will complain of occipital pains and in fact the patient will probably
consult you not because of pelvic distress, but because of occipital pains, and for this reason
you should always make sure that the pelvis is normally readjusted and this readjusting is

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Sacro Occipital Technic

not done by pulling the legs or

attempting to adjust the pelvic
bones, but by correcting the
occipital tenderness. A little farther
along in this technic you will be
shown in detail just how this
correction is made.
It may seem empirical that the
occiput must be corrected before
health can occur, even when it may
not be the starting point of the
disorder, but the matter still stands
that this must be done, and by so
doing you will be enabled to
restore health in a very short time
to a far greater number of patients
than has been possible by any other
technical procedure. If you could
adjust at no other area than the
occiput, you would be enabled to
produce miraculous results, if this
adjusting were properly done.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

The spinal nerve lesion is always associated with pain, either at the intervertebrael foramen
or at the terminus of the spinal nerve.
A Vasomotor nerve lesion does not necessarily cause pain, unless the vasomotor lesion is
also directly associated with a spinal nerve lesion. In the presence of a spinal nerve lesion, if
there is no vasomotor lesion, the blood pressure will be near normal, as the spinal nerve
lesions do not necessarily affect the circulation, unless the lesion is causing direct irritation
of the cardiac muscle, in which case the heart will show irregularities.
In the presence of pain in any part of the body, you first think of a spinal nerve lesion, and
this will also include lesions of the sympathetic plexuses, but as the spinal and sympathetics
are treated in the same manner, there is no need to differentiate as to technical procedure or
to consider them separately.
The spinal nerve lesion is many times directly associated with trauma, but can also be
directly associated with acute infectious disease, but we still believe that the lesion must
exist before the onset of infections; Trauma does not mean that the patient must have fallen
out of a sky scraper building, for the slightest missteps or twists often produce the most
acute lesions. A man once came to our office with a very pronounced painful back lesion.
The gentleman could not figure out why the mere act of stooping to put on his overshoes
could cause all of his pain, when he considered that he could lift very heavy weights without
in any manner injuring his spine. It most often is not the weight he is lifting, but the twist
under which the spine is placed, that produces the lesion. Lesions can also be produced by
the intake of poisonous inorganic drugs and minerals and by the eating of spoiled foods. All
of you are thoroughly acquainted with occupational lesions, so no need to elaborate upon
that point of technic.
At the point of lesion we have one of four stages of inflammatory re actions: Infiltration,
engorgement, swelling and pain. The period of infiltration may take one minute or may take
one year, engorgement like wise may be sudden or prolonged, but when engorgement is
present, pain is not far away. Pain will most often be of a radiating nature and will be felt
not at the emergence of the injured nerve plexuses, but at its terminus. People can not
understand why an adjustment can help a pain in the great toe or little finger. People can
understand in a manner of speaking why adjustments and manipulation will help a back
ache, but the fact is, the backache more often is more stubborn for the doctor to eliminate
than is the pain in the great toe or little finger. Backache oftentimes does not mean spinal
nerve injury as the primary factor, but vasomotor disturbances, and until this vasomotor
disturbance is corrected, the backache will persist, fortunately, many vasomotor
disturbances are corrected unknowingly.
Inflammation at the intevertebrael foramen will often cause the complete course of the
impinged nerve to become inflamed. Disturbed cell function at the foramen causes disturbed
nutrition. If this inflammation extends the full length of the nerve fiber, complete relief of
pain cannot be immediately attained, for inflammation does not happen in a day to the
termination of a nerve fiber, but requires time. Pain can be just as acute without complete

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Sacro Occipital Technic

nerve inflammation, as with complete nerve inflammation. Some cases of very painful nerve
disturbance can be conquered immediately, and others must require time. However, you
will be able to produce temporary results in even the most advanced cases immediately for
correct therapy produces better nutritional nerve balance and this tends to relieve the
congestive factors at once.
If a nerve is badly impinged, degeneration may take place and it this does, the degeneration
will usually be to the first node of Ravener. When this happens collateral nerve function
must be established before normal function is restored.


We refer you to the charts on the intercommunicating nerve impulses. Study these again.
Fix in your mind the radiating superior and inferior fibers. Keep in mind that the ninth
dorsal is the point of superior and inferior nerve division. Fibers superior to the ninth dorsal
localize first onto the cervicals and finally to the occipital line. Fibers inferior to the ninth
dorsal, localize onto the sacral areas and then onto the occiput.
When infiltration, congestion, engorgement and finally inflammatory symptoms appear,
excitation of the pain over the area affected and then pressure in the vertebrael groove over
the foramen on the affected nerve, will inhibit the nerve impulses and the pain will be
lessened immediately and in many instances stopped. The area of pain must be excited in
order to know definitely that you have the proper area. A patient may complain of a pain in
one certain area, yet pressure over that area will fail to produce pain and even motion may
fail to produce pain, yet the area one-half inch from the point where you applied pressure
will be very painful and it is the area that must be excited in making your localizations.
When you have pain on motion, you will invariably have pain on pressure. Inflammation,
by its action, makes a part susceptible to pain on pressure. Where you have pain, you have
inflammation in some stage. This is an unbreakable rule.
A painful arm may not exhibit a painful vertebrael area, even to pressure, but when the arm
is moved or the area pressed upon, you will be able to detect a painful spinal area. For this
reason it is essential that you follow instructions as given to you. A painful spinal area may
not be the causative area of a body pain of which the patient complains, but upon exciting
the area under discussion, the segment above the painful segment may become extremely
tender to palpation. If you adjusted the painful spinal area without exciting the painful body
area, you would adjust the wrong segment and of course the patient would secure no results.
You cannot imagine that a segment is causing trouble, you must prove that it is the
causative factor before you will help your patient.
In some painful states you will find that the occiput alone can relieve the pain, if the pain is
above the ninth dorsal segmental line, and if the pain is below the ninth dorsal segmental
line, some area on the sacral tissues will relieve the pain, in these instances, you will be
unable to detect a painful spinal area that will relieve the pain. We believe this condition is
due solely to body unbalance and is a direct result of pressure at either occiput or sacral
areas and that no spinal vertebrael segment is involved. If you fail to find a vertebrael area to
relieve your exaggerated pain, you will then explore the occiput for an area if the lesion is
superior to the ninth dorsal and the sacrum if the area is inferior to the ninth dorsal.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

We shall illustrate this point with an actual case. This patient had a very painful upper
gastric area. Diagnosis by prominent doctors was ulcers of the stomach. Upon pressing over
this area a feeling of nausea would appear and I was unable to detect a dorsal or cervical
area that would afford any relief, but upon palpating the occiput, I found that occipital area
3 gave complete relief. The patient had a distinct body imbalance, the right limb was much
shorter than the left limb, the right side of the spine was tense. Occipital area 3 was adjusted,
immediately after the adjustment the patient expelled gas and within three minutes pressure
could be comfortably borne on the
stomach. Two treatments completely
restored the patient to normal. In this
instance, if one did not consider spinal
intercommunicating impulses, one
might adjust dorsal five and by so
doing would secure no results, but by
adjusting occipital area 3, direct
results were secured, no doubt due
solely to cranial nerve affects as to
restoring balance to the vasomotor
nerves, although the vasomotor
lesions were not, at the time in
seeming difficulty for the blood
pressure was 118 systolic. No
correction, other than the occipital
area 3 adjustment, was ever used on
the patient. The manner of making
pressure on the stomach with
operator’s right hand, at the same
time applying pressure to occipital
area three is illustrated in cut number
20. You will note that quite hard
pressure is being applied to the

Illustration 20
Case of ulcerated stomach, according to previous doctor’s
diagnosis. Pain could not be relieved by dorsal or cervical
localization, but was completely relieved by third
occipital area pressure and adjustment technic.

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Sacro Occipital Technic


CUTS NUMBERS 10, 11, 12
We are using our model in this instance to react an actual clinical case which we believe will
prove very interesting to you.
This patient had been in perfect health
up to the appearance of the attack of
brachial neuritis. Patient was a woman
of 46 years. While caring for her flock of
chickens she took a shovel of corn and
swung it so as to scatter the feed. As she
completed the swing a terrific pain was
felt in her shoulder. The patient
immediately thought she had dislocated
her shoulder. A medical doctor took X-
rays and said that the shoulder joint had
been injured. The arm was strapped with
adhesive and placed in a sling. Relief
from pain was not to be had, even with
complete rest of the injured shoulder.
After about three months the patient
consulted the writer and at that time
suffering was intense. Motion was
almost gone from the shoulder. All parts
of the arm seemed to be very painful, but
an area was found on the superior part of
the shoulder that caused an intense
throbbing in the whole arm when
pressure was applied. This area made us
think that some of the upper dorsals
might be affected, so we made pressure
at first dorsal and this stopped the pain in
the shoulder area upon which we were
applying pressure and as long as we held
Illustration 10 the pressure in the right first dorsal
Shows technic of exciting area of pain and manner in groove the patient could move the arm
which this pain is localized to spinal area. Case of slightly without undue pain. The first
brachial neuritis
dorsal became quite tender under
pressure, so we knew a cervical was
involved and being that the first cervical localizes to the first dorsal, we applied pressure
here at the same time keeping pressure on first dorsal. The first cervical eliminated pain

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Sacro Occipital Technic

from the first dorsal. The patient

complained that the first cervical area
was terribly painful to pressure, but we
found that the first occipital area
eliminated all pain from the first cervical
and pressure applied at the first occipital
area completely eliminated all pain from
arm, dorsal segment and cervical
segment. The first occipital area was
adjusted. We saw the patient two days
later and she told us that the pressing we
did on the bones in her head did her
more good than anything she had ever
had done to her. In three treatments all
pain was gone, motion was good.
This case brings out a very valuable point
in intercommunication nerve area
distribution. In throwing the shovel of
corn around, the patient evidently
slightly twisted her head producing the
occipital lesion, the occipital lesion
produced irritation at first cervical, first
cervical produced irritation at first dorsal,
first dorsal produced irritation at the
brachial nerve plexuses causing the
brachial neuritis. An adjustment at first
dorsal could have given temporary relief
and adjustment at first cervical would
Illustration 11 have given more relief but the occiput
Second step in same technic, shows localization of had to be properly adjusted before
pain from first dorsal to first cervical. permanent relief was to be had.
This case beautifully illustrates the intercommunicating impulses, but had not the first dorsal
eliminated the pain in the arm and had no other dorsal above the ninth eliminated the pain
and had no cervical eliminated the pain, we would then have depended alone upon the
occipital area for relief, and had ho area been found here, we would have explored the
sacrum for the occipital area could have been a causative factor, but of itself would not have
relieved the pain, due to the reflex arc having produced a lesion of, its corresponding sacral
area, and had this been the case we would have been able to relieve the pain in the arm by
sacral pressure and from this sacral area we would be able to cause a tender occipital area to
appear. The occiput bears a very direct relationship with the sacrum and it is possible for the
occiput and sacrum of their own accord to be directly responsible for paths in any part of the
body without causing tenderness or pain in any cervical, dorsal or lumbar segment. Such
cases are rare, but when they do occur, you must be prepared to meet them, for if you do
not, you will meet a therapeutic defeat. The complexities of the nervous systems are much
deeper than many of you suppose and when one has truly mastered the reflexes of the

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Sacro Occipital Technic

nervous system, he has covered much

ground and is prepared to produce
many therapeutic miracles. Do not
say that these things are not so, just
because you believe them untrue, for
therapeutic results will prove to you
that they are true, and when you
learn to search for areas of true nerve
interferences, you will be in position
to command a suitable financial
reward for your efforts.
Ninety percent of your cases will
show perfect intercommunicating
areas and you can treat them by chart
work, but ten percent will present
therapeutic puzzles, but if you will
bear in mind the relationship of
occiput to sacrum, you will be able to
ferret out the area of true interference.
You will ask, why is it necessary to
explore anything but occiput or
sacrum? When you make a
localization pressure on any spinal
segment and that segment proves that
it will reduce the pain in the part
affected, it proves that it is capable of
benefiting the painful part and the
Illustration 12
pressure you make over the area in
Same case, shows localization of pain from first cervical to your exploratory search proves of
first occipital area. Pressure at first occipital area removes much therapeutic advantage, for by
pain from first cervical, first dorsal and shoulder. even momentary relaxation by
inhibition, it allows the cells in that
segment to balance themselves and gain strength to renew the fight to rebuild themselves. If
you do not use your localization technic, you will leave some area unfound and that area
will act as an irritant to its intercommunicating area and your therapeutic results will be
It may seem like an endless job to explore these regions, but you will be surprised to find
that the total exploration will take but a very few minutes and the work will prove so
interesting that an hour would only seem like ten minutes; but at the most you will never
spend over ten minutes locating the hardest lesion to ferret out.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

We shall now illustrate a case for you showing how the inferior radiating fibers are treated
and localized. This case is illustrated by cuts 17 and 18.
Patient had a severe case of sciatica. Pain
was excruciating upon movement of limb
or spine. While pressure was made over
the sciatic nerve with index finger of one
hand, the index finger of the other hand
explored the inferior radiating fibers.
Remember, the inferior fibers start at
ninth dorsal, so we started at ninth dorsal
and made pressure upon each inferior
spinal segment until we contacted a
segment that eliminated the pain from the
sciatic nerve and this area was lumbar 5.
Pressure here lessened the pain to a
marked degree from the limb. Patient
could move the limb with much less
discomfort while pressure was maintained
on fifth lumbar segment. The fifth lumbar
segment was quite tender, the eleventh
dorsal was tender also, but had no
influence over the pain in the limb, so was
ruled out. Pressure over the right sacral
first area eliminated the pain from the
fifth lumbar and manipulations of the
tissues at the first sacral area completely
eliminated all pain from both fifth lumbar
and sciatic nerve, but this manipulation
caused the first sacral area to become very
tender, so this area was localized onto
seventh occipital area and pressure on the
occiput eliminated tenderness from first
Illustration 17
sacral area. The sacro occipital con tact
This illustrates a case of sciatica. Pain was intense
over area on limb that operator’s right index finger is was made with one hand on first sacral
making pressure. Fifth lumbar area completely and the other on area seventh occipital
eliminated pain from limb, but fifth lumbar area was and thrust was given.
very tender to pressure.
In analyzing this case, had we made
pressure upon first sacral area without localizing first onto fifth lumbar area, the pain would
have been lessened in the sciatic nerve and the patient greatly benefited, but had the fifth
lumbar been left untreated., irritation would still have existed at this point and the patient
would have experienced a return of the pain in the limb. Had we found upon examination
of the lower dorsals and the lumbars no area that would have relieved the sciatic pain, we
would have known that the dorsals and lumbars were not causative factors in producing the
sciatic pain. Even had a dorsal or lumbar area appeared tender upon pressure and yet not

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Sacro Occipital Technic

have influenced the pain in the limb, we

would still thaw the conclusion that no
connections existed between either
dorsal or lumbar to the sciatic pain: in
which instance our localization would
have been directly from sciatic painful
area onto sacral area and then onto
This patient gave a history of chronic
lower back pains and a tendency to
lumbago, but until one week previous to
seeing us had no pains in the limb. The
sciatic pain appeared suddenly one
morning and continued unabated until
we applied the sacro occipital technic.
The fifth lumbar no doubt had at some
time suffered a traumatic injury, the
circulation through this segment was
deficient, cell nutrition suffered, some
action of the patient produced an acute
reaction in the fifth lumbar segment and
the sciatica appeared. Through the years
of lumbar pains, the intercommunicating
fibers to the sacral and occipital areas
had suffered, until an acute imbalance
had taken place in the gluteus maximus
muscle and when this happened tension
was placed upon the sciatic nerve direct,
which accounts for the sudden
Illustration 18
Shows technic of localizing fifth lumbar area to sacral
appearance of the pain.
area. Pressure over sacral area eliminated pain from
fifth lumbar.

When a spinal nerve is impinged, one or all stages of inflammation exists. You may have
infiltration as a cause of pressure, and this may cause very severe painful symptoms to
appear, or you may have infiltration to a lesser extent and have no noticeable symptoms of
acute pain. Infiltration may proceed to the stage of congestion, and pain may then appear,
or congestion may proceed to the stage of engorgement, at which stage circulation through
the spinal nerve neurolema may become so badly disturbed as to cause inter-spinal nerve
pressure, i.e.: pressure within the sheath of the nerve, at which point pain will be noticeable
through the full course of the nerve. This stage is seldom reached, how ever, unless the
course of the engorgement is progressive and suitable therapy has not been applied to

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Sacro Occipital Technic

remove the impinging factors. If the above stages run unabated, we then have a fully
developed inflammatory reaction, at which time the patient will be compelled to seek relief,
for the pain will be of such a throbbing nature that it will be unbearable. In the final stage of
inflammatory reactions, you must not expect immediate result, for the inflammation must
subside, before pressure either at the foramen or within the nerve sheath, is removed.
Inflammation or any of its stages may cause either a hypo or hyper function of a nerve
bundle. It is an established fact that pressure applied at the seat of pain will excite nerve
stimuli, be the nerve in a state of hypo or hyper function, therefore in making a diagnosis it
is essential that the area of greatest pain be further excited before at tempting to associate a
specific spinal area as the cause of the pain, for if this is not done, the wrong segment is
often selected for therapy.
A spinal segment may be painful, due to reflex factors, and yet be unassociated with a
painful body area, while a segment may show 11.0 painful symptoms upon examination,
yet when the offending body area I irritated, a previously unpainful segment will
immediately become very tender to pressure with the finger.
The body is a segmental unit and each body segmental unitage corresponds to a spinal
segment, yet we can not say that a corresponding spinal unit to an offending painful body
unit is responsible for the painful state in the body unit, for if we know the spinal
intercommunicating paths, we know that an occipital subluxation may cause a pain in the
great toe and a subluxation of a sacral unit may be the cause of a severe case of tonsillitis. If
we consider the body and spinal unit that are associated as to segmental structures, we
would have to concede that the pain in the great toe was due to sacral pressure and
tonsillitis was due to cervical pressure, but as this is not so, we can not empirically say that
just because a body unit corresponds in segmental structure to a spinal unit, that the spinal
unit will be responsible for pain in the body unit. The Meric systems chart the body and say
that each area is associated to a spinal unit and that pain in a corresponding body unit is
always caused by pressure in its associated spinal unit. Doctors working upon this
assumption too often fail to produce therapeutic results, for they do not seek out reflex
centers. The therapist that adjusts or manipulates according to painful spinal centers without
first irritating. the painful body area, is again working on a hypothesis that often leads him
to failures.


This patient had a very painful condition about two inches lateral to the first lumbar. Pain
was felt on motion. A deep breath caused pain. Pain was not present in back when pressure
was made anteriorly on kidney, so we concluded that the pain was due solely to a lumbar
lesion. While one hand made pressure over the painful area to cause increased excitement of
that area, the other hand started at the right side of the first lumbar and made pressure in the
spinal groove. We found that it was impossible to control the back pain from any of the
lumbar vertebrae, so we next explored the sacral areas and while at this point, we shall
digress a moment to tell you that our sacral areas are numbered from base to apex at 5-4-3-
2-1, instead of 1-2-3-4-5. The base of the sacrum contains the largest groove, the apex the
smallest, so we call the base number 5, because that designates more than number 1. The
sacral area contains the complete area covered by the gluteus maximus muscle and it is this
muscle upon which most of the sacral technic is applied. In the case under discussion we

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Sacro Occipital Technic

found that sacral area 1 completely

eliminated all pain from first lumbar
lateral area, press as hard as we could
upon the painful lumbar area, no pain
could be felt by the patient, but by
pressing quite firmly upon sacral area 1
the patient complained of severe pain.
While holding our pressure upon sacral
area 1, we contacted occipital area 7 and
pressure here stopped pain at first sacral
area. We then gave the sacro occipital
thrust and completely eliminated all pain
in less than two minutes. The Sacro
Occipital thrust is illustrated under that
portion of the technic. Irritation at sacral
area 1 caused the gluteus maximum
muscle to unbalance the pelvis and this
caused the lumbar pain and the occipital
area to be painful by reflex action.


For a review of the occipital line we refer
you to SD chart 14. Memorize the
position of the occipital line. Fix in your
mind the occipital area division of the
Illustration 26 suboccipital ridge.
Case of severe pain about 2 inches lateral from the first
lumbar. Lumbar areas would not relieve pain, but Study charts SD 13, SD 15 and SD 16
pressure in sacral area 1 completely controlled pain. for your intercommunicating spinal
This area then localized to occipital area 7. nerve areas.


The glutaeus maximus muscle, the most superficial muscle in the gluteal region, is a broad
and thick fleshy mass of a quadrilateral shape, and forms the prominent of the nates. Its
large size is one of the most characteristic features of the muscular system in man,
connected as it is with the power he has of maintaining the trunk in the erect posture. The
muscle is remarkably coarse in structure, being made up of fasciculi lying parallel with one
another and collected together into large bundles separated by fiberous septa. It arises from
the posterior glutael line of the ilium, and the rough portion of bone including the crest
immediately above and behind it; from the posterior surface of the lower part of the sacrum

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Sacro Occipital Technic

and the side of the coccyx; from the

aponeurosis of the sacro spinalis, the
sacrotuberous ligament, and the facia
(glutael aponeurosis) covering the
glutaeus medious. The fibers are directed
obliquely downward and lateral ward,
those forming the upper and larger part of
the muscle, together with the superficial
fibers of the lower portion, end in a thick
tendinious lamina, which passes across
the greater trochanter, and is inserted into
the iliotibial band of the facia lata, the
deeper fibers of the lower portion of the
muscle are inserted into the glutael
tuberosity between the Vastus lateralis and
Adductor magnus. (Gray.)
You will note that this muscle covers the
complete sides of the sacrum and extends
to the coccyx. The muscle is deep and
very powerful.
The glutaeus is supplied by the fifth
lumbar and the first and second sacral
nerves, through the glutael nerve.
When one considers the actions of the
Glutaeus Maximus muscle and its part in
supporting the body in the erect position,
one can well under stand how an

Illustration 19 adjustment of the occiput can correct a

Shows technic of giving sacro occipital thrust. Not short limb. Tension in this muscle will
draw the femur into an abnormal
that right sacral area is contacted and right occipital
area. Patient’s face is turned to right. Many operator’s
position. The occiput exerts a powerful
choose this method of giving the sacro occipital
influence upon the sacral areas and
thrust, due to the fact that they can make a better
contact with pisiform bone than using fingers. tension at the occiput will cause irritation
in this muscle and a consequent
shortening of one limb. It is essential that the correct sacral area first be localized before you
can locate the compensating occipital area. If you adjust the wrong occipital area, you will
have no influence on producing normal body balance.


In illustration 27, you will note that the sacral areas cover the complete area that is covered
by the Glutaeus Maximus muscle. In studying the chart please take note of the fact that our

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Sacro Occipital Technic

lines were drawn about one inch higher

headward than should have been. The lines
on the right sacral area should be drawn as
low as the lines on the left sacral area. The
sacral areas are numbered from base to
apex. Most superior area is number 5 and
last inferior area is number 1.
In palpating your sacral area, you do not
palpate directly over the sacral foramen,
but lateral to those foramen and many
times it is necessary to go to the extreme
lateral sides of the area under palpation.
The index finger supported by the middle
finger is used for palpation. You go well
into the muscle. It is often necessary to
make pres sure in marry different directions
before you succeed in finding the correct
position for inhibition of nerve function.
You first make pressure directly downward
on the area, if this does not relieve the pain,
you then make pressure in towards the
sacral area, if this fails you reverse the
direction to the lateral, and if this fails you
make a superior direction pressure and if
that fails you change your direction to the
inferior. When you have found the correct
directional area on the correct sacral area,
you will immediately secure relaxation of
Illustration 27 the area under palpation and the pain will
Shows sacral areas as they extend out over the become lessened. Take note of the
gluteus maximus muscle. The lines on the right side direction you were pressing at the time
should extend as far down as on the left side. Left relaxation occurred for this is the direction
side shows areas more accurately. you will use in making your sacro occipital
contact and thrust.


We shall illustrate the manner of making contact and delivering the thrust by two case
First is a case of sciatica which has been described to you previously and is illustrated by
plates 13, 17 and 18. On this patient, by making pressure over the sciatic nerve we caused a
fifth lumbar segment to act as control for the pain in the limb. From the fifth lumbar we
localized onto the first sacral area which controlled the tenderness in the fifth lumbar
segment. In illustration 17 you will note that pres sure at the sacral area is being made
slightly towards the medial sacral line in which directional position all pain was eliminated
from sciatic nerve and fifth lumbar area. At this sacral area a firm pressure contact was held

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Sacro Occipital Technic

Illustration 13 Illustration 22
Shows method of using the thumbs for the sacro
This illustrates the technic used in using thumb
occipital technic.
percussion of a painful occipital area. The operator
stands behind or to one side of the patient. In the
illustration, the writer is standing in from of the
patient so as to illustrate the contact more clearly.
The writers left hand is supporting the patient’s head
by holding the patient’s forehead.

for about one minute at which time the area relaxed. We then make our sacro occipital
contact as illustrated in plate 13. Operator stands at side of table, right thumb presses on first
sacral area and as you will note pressure is slightly towards medial sacral line. With thumb
of left hand the seventh occipital area is contacted. Patient has face straight down on table as
you will note, operator’s left thumb is pressing towards external occipital protuberance to
agree with directional point on sacral area. Firm pressure is made on both sacral and
occipital area at same time and is held for one minute.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

While holding contact it is very good to vibrate the fingers, as this tends to more quickly
relax the fibers under the fingers. As the fibers relax, a quick thrust is made with both
thumbs at the same instance. You must not thrust with force, but with a quick movement.
The thrust, even with little force, tends to further relax the fibers and will tend to normalize
the position of the occipital and sacral areas.
After you have done this, you have the patient lay supine on the table and measure the
limbs. If the treatment has not completely normalized the two limbs so they will be of equal
length, you then adjust the occipital area by the body balance technic. You will often find
that it will be unnecessary to adjust the occiput as your sacro occipital technic will in most
instances completely normalize the limbs.
While at this point it might be well to say a few words regarding the body balance technic.
Remember that this part of the technic is intended for use after the vasomotor areas are
adjusted. When adjusting the vasomotor areas, it is essential that the body be normalized.
The adjustment of the Vasomotor centers do not necessarily control body balance, so the
occiput is adjusted so as to normalize the limbs as to length.
The Sacro Occipital thrust will usually normalize the limbs, but we again state that if it does
not, you are then to adjust the occipital area that you used for contact with the sacro
occipital technic.
Please remember that a totally different technic is used in Vasomotor therapy than in spinal
nerve therapy. If you get this differentiation clearly in your mind, you will quickly see that
many technics are practically useless because they do not make this differentiation.
We shall now illustrate another case which brings out the fine points of the directional line
This is illustrated by plates 26 and 19. Patient had a pain lateral to first lumbar. The first
sacral area completely eliminated the pain from first lumbar lateral area. You will note that
in this case the sacral area was well towards the lateral margin of the Glutael muscle, and
the pain was relieved by a lateral directional pressure. Pressure directed towards the medial
sacral line, even over this area, caused no relief from pain, bringing out the point of the
necessity of securing the correct directional line for your pressure. Occipital area seven
eliminated the pain from sacral area 1. In making our sacro occipital contact we used the
pisiform bones for contact, as some doctors will prefer this method. Note that the operator’s
right hand is directed well laterally on the first sacral area, the hand on the occipital area is
not placed as it should be to bring out the exact contact point. The hand should be farther
towards the middle of the occipital line and just lateral to the right side of the external
occipital protuberance. The patient’s face is turned towards the right side of the sacrum,
because the right side is under therapy. When using the pisiform contact, the head must be
turned towards the side under therapy. If this is not done, your contact will not be secure
and you will cause the patient unnecessary pain.
In illustration 22 we give you a technic of treating the occipital ridge by thumb percussion
technic. In some instances you will find that the patient can not lay on a table or a suitable
table may not be at your command. We have seen patients in such acute pain that they
could not Be down even for the short time it takes to give an occipital adjustment. In this
illustration you palpate the occipital line until you find a very tender area and by the way

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Sacro Occipital Technic

the area in those instances will be just mighty tender. When the area is located, the doctor
places his thumb against the area and the rest of the hand rests on the patient’s neck and the
doctor’s arm can rest on the patient’s shoulder. In this instance, as in exploring the sacral
areas, you will find that directional pressure counts. A seventh occipital area may be causing
a terrific pain in the leg, yet pressure at the seventh area will fail to give relict until the
pressure is m in the correct direction. You will be mightily surprised at the manner in which
you can relieve acute pains by merely using this very simple procedure. We have been
places where it was impossible to have a patient lie down for an adjustment, yet would
quickly relieve the pain upon giving the thumb percussion technic to the occiput. Many
times the doctor will have acute symptoms appear and he can give himself much relief by
using the occipital ridge with his own hands. I have had my own throat become sore when
on lecture tours and have always been able to afford myself prompt results by using this
technic on my own occipital ridge.
The name of a disease is very unimportant. Find the spinal area, sacral or occipital area
causing the symptoms and the disease, condition, symptoms, or what have you, are gone.

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Sacro Occipital Technic


This part of the technic could well be called a separate technic, for in all reality it can be a
technic all of its own, and by its use exclusive of any other procedure you can secure results
in a great majority of patients. One school of healing is laying a great deal of stress at the
present time upon a single adjustive area in the spine, and we can not say that there is no
logic in their contentions, for it so happens that the area they select for adjustive work is
usually associated very closely w.ith the occiput and it is absolutely impossible to work this
area, which is usually axis or atlas without affecting in a great measure the position of the
We must remember that the occiput has a great many functions to perform. Its bony cavity
houses a great many important brain and nerve structures. Its position at the extreme
uppermost part of the spinal column, means that the occiput is a balance wheel of the entire
spinal, pelvis and brain structures.
You can build a skyscraper, put into it the very best of materials, but let its topmost part be
out of line with its lowermost part and you will have difficulty in maintaining your structure
in the air and if the size of the building is in the same proportions as to circumference from
base to roof, as is the size of the occiput to the lower part of the spine, it will be impossible
to maintain the building on a proper keel. Possibly you have never considered the occiput as
being of any value in balancing the body, but let some one produce an occipital lesion on
your occiput and then see if it does not produce in your body a very real sense of unbalance.
At the occiput we can produce in an instance a complete imbalance of the entire body. We
can cause one limb to shorten and this will stay short until the occiput is rebalanced. This
fact has been demonstrated many times in public clinics.
In studying the subluxations of the occiput, we find that it is possible to have seven distinct
subluxations, however not all will be present at one time, for this would be impossible, as
the occiput is but one bone and could not assume seven positions at the same time and
retain any part of the first position assumed. The subluxations of the occiput are determined
many times to be caused solely by reflex action from either cervical, dorsal lumbar or sacral
irritations, However, it is possible for the occiput to be subluxated and cause reflex action to
produce apparent subluxations in any segment connected by intercommunicating fibers
from the occiput to the spinal segments that may become involved.
Let me illustrate this point. Presuming that we have a lesion at the first occipital area, this
by intercommunicating fibers can affect one or more of the following spinal segments: First
cervical, first and second dorsal, tenth dorsal and fifth sacral. Traumatic injuries of any of
these spinal segments can and does affect the occiput. How much the occiput is affected
depends upon how quickly the spinal segment is reduced to normal. Every chronic case has
an occipital area lesion.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

We therefore see that if we did nothing but remove occipital irritation, that we would be
doing a great good for our patient. We also see that it is not for us to criticize those who
believe they should adjust at but one place, especially when this place is so relatively
associated with the occiput. We can not deny that it is possible to produce miracles by a
mere adjustment of the occiput or the atlas or axis and nothing more, for we by doing this
do remove nerve pressure and we do not do one single thing that is going to upset the
vasomotor system, because by not manipulating the spine we know we will do no damage
and this is especially a vital factor, for 90% of our patients are the hypremic type and can
not stand spinal manipulations and recover as quickly as they should.
The day has dawned when we shall not define sickness in periods of weeks, months, years,
but we shall go directly to the cause of the disease, and if enough vitality remains, the
patient shall show results immediately. The day when you shall sell 100 adjustments in
advance is forever a memory, and to that memory let us erect a monument, for many a good
doctor, was not a doctor but a super salesman; when his patient didn’t get well he sold him
another course. I have done the same thing.


The blood pressure determines the vasomotor lesion and the balance of the body determines
the condition of the occiput. If you want to know whether or not the body is balanced you
have the patient stand erect, you notice the curves of the spine, the position of the posterior
ilia, the tilt of the pelvis, if the spine curves laterally, If the head is in an untrue position, if
one ilia is high, if the pelvis is tilted, you have unbalance. Instead of doing all of this, have
the patient lay supine on the table, completely relaxed, face directly forward, chin up, hands
on abdomen, and then you pick up both feet, have toes extended slightly forward and notice
the position of the malleolus. If the points of both malleoli are exactly centered one to the
other, both limbs are of equal length, but if one is superior to the other, you have a short
limb, and that means that the side of the body on the side of the short limb is contracted, all
the tissues are tight, that side of the occiput is affected, the circulation through the spinal
muscles on the short limb side is affected, due to vasomotor influences at the occiput. You
will find that every patient will at some time show this unbalance, and if there is pain
present and the occiput has not been corrected, the imbalance will be quite noticeable.
After you have determined that one limb is shortened, you have the patient lay prone on the
table, and you must use a table with a split headpiece so that the face can assume a normal
face down position with out putting tension on the cervical spine.
You are no ready to determine the occipital lesion. When an area of the occiput is lesioned
that area becomes tender to pressure, so you must use pressure to detect the lesioned area.
With your index finger you start at occipital area number 1 and make firm, but not severe
rotary pressure over occipital area number 1. If the area is painful you will be able to detect
tension in this area and many times you will feel a slight gristle-like bulb under your finger.
We prefer to ask the patient to tell us when we contact a tender area; this gives the patient
something to do and most patients like to feel that they are co-operating. However, when
you contact the major area, the patient will let you know about it, for the area will be
severely tender. Proceed over the complete occipital line on both sides, marking each
noticeably tender area with a skin pencil. You then contact the marked area or areas and ask

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Sacro Occipital Technic

the patient to tell you which area is the tenderest; this will be your major area for contact
adjustment of the occiput.
The patient now assumes the supine position once more. If you prefer, you may palpate the
occiput with the patient in the supine position by having them turn the head to the left to
examine the right occipital line and to the right to examine the left occipital line. This will
save the patient the inconvenience of turning over on the table an extra time. Many doctors,
however, in first starting this work, do not like to have the patient in a position so that the
patient can watch them, but as they become proficient in palpating the occipital line, the act
is over so quickly that no embarrassment can be caused the doctor, even if the patient
persists in looking out of the corner of their eyes to see what it is all about. After palpating
the occiput, you again measure the limbs, for remember that even by palpating the occiput
you can produce relaxation of tissues and this procedure alone may normalize the limb and
again it may cause the other limb to shorten and the previously short limb to assume a
normal position. By taking this extra precaution you avoid all possibilities of errors.

Illustration 1B
Technic of measure body balance. Patient supine on table. Hands on abdomen, face front completely
relaxed. Limbs lifted slightly off end of table, undue tension avoided by doctors. Measurements for
comparison with malleoli.


In adjusting the occiput you use the head of the metacarpus of the index finger. This area of
the finger is applied directly onto the lesioned occipital area. This part of the technic is
important. The head of the metacarpus is the strongest part of the finger, its prominence will
allow you to make firm contact against the occipital area. This part of the hand resembles
the pisiform bone very much in contact ability.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

In ninety percent of your patients you will find that the occipital lesion appears on the
opposite side of the body from the short limb side. If the right limb is short, the left side of
the occiput will be lesioned and vice versa. However we must consider that 10 per cent of
our impulses go directly past the point of pyramidial dessucation and there fore reach the
brain without transversing the point of pyramidal dessucation. This will account for the fact
that about 10 per cent of your patients will show a short limb on the same side upon which
the occipital lesion occurs. When this does occur, you proceed exactly as if the short limb
was on the other side of the body, for your correction will be effective. In applying your
contact, you turn the patient’s face to wards the short limb. If the right limb is short, the
patient’s face is turned to the right side of the body, for your lesion will be on the left
occipital line. It is in the instance of the occipital lesion appearing on the same side of the
body that the short limb appears that you must guard against, for as stated above, this is due
to pyramidal dessucation.
In teaching you the occipital technic, we shall start at occipital area 1, show you the contact
for this area and proceed to area 2. Remember that occipital area number 1 is the extreme
lateral area and that area 7 is next to the external occipital protuberance.

Illustration 1 C
Shows contact position at head of metacarpus for occipital adjustive technic.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

Illustrating Cut 21
Illustration shows manner of palpating occipital line.
Note that index finger is used and middle finger
supports index finger. Use a rotary movement
covering one occipital area at a time and comparing
each against the previous one for tenderness.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

This shows the manner of placing the
operator’s right hand on the occipital ridge.
Note that the patient’s face is turned slightly to
the left while contact is being taken with the
right hand. The index finger is your contact
finger and the hand is held in such a manner as
to make a sideways contact with the index
finger, as you will note in cut 1. The index
finger circles the occipital line, the head of the
metacarpus being placed upon the occipital
area to be adjusted. Firm contact is made. You
must no be lax in seeing that your contact is
properly made and kept firm, for to do so
means de feat and unnecessary discomfort to
your patient. When this adjustment is properly
made, it causes no discomfort whatsoever, in
fact, it is one of the most pleasing adjustments
that can be given for it produces immediate

Illustration 1
Contact position of right hand for adjusting
right occipital lesion. Left limb is short,
patient’s face always turned toward short limb.
Note carefully position of operator’s hand and

This illustrates the manner in which the left
hand contacts the occipital ridge. Bear in mind,
please, that this is a continuation from plate 1,
and is given to show you exactly how the left
hand is used in adjusting a right sided occipital
lesion. The index finger again is the anchor
finger but it makes no specific area contact,
rather it is used as a lever. The finger is hooked
well under the occipital ridge and is used in the
adjustment to pull the occiput and at the same
time to make a block towards which the right
hand can thrust. When the right hand thrusts, Illustration 9
Shows position of left hand in adjusting
the occiput must be held so that it cannot turn or right occipital lesion. Note how fingers of
rest of hand support index finger.

- 69 -
Sacro Occipital Technic

allow the tension in the neck to defeat the adjustive idea. Note that in making occipital
contact for both hands that operator stands at head of table. Keep this point in mind, for it
serves a purpose. At no time make undue pressure, and do not make any false moves. So
many people have been hurt by having neck adjustments that they are scared stiff to begin
with and if you make a lot of unnecessary moves, you will cause the patient to tension up
and an adjustment will be impossible. As soon as you make your contact, if you make it as
instructed, the patient will relax, for the steady pressure you are making on the occiput feels
very soothing to every patient.
The patient under discussion has a short left limb, the right side of the occiput will be
considered lesioned in this series of illustrations.
The face is always turned towards the short limb. The lesion is occipital ridge opposite the
short limb in every instance, but in 10 percent of your patients this will seem contradictory,
due to the straight path to brain centers and lack of pyramidal dessucation of ten percent of
nerve fibers.


Lesion is on right occipital ridge, area 1, left limb is
short, patient’s face is turned towards left side of
body, operator is at head of table, metacarpus of
right index finger is placed against right occipital
ridge area 1, left hand uses index finger to circle
occipital ridge, hooked well under ridge, balance of
fingers on left hand support index finger. Operator’s
right hand is now turned so that the side of the hand
is a fixed wedge against the occiput. Operator drops
his right shoulder slightly, left shoulder raises
slightly, patient’s face is turned to left and chin
points out and slightly up. Operator moves slightly
to right of head of table and this movement
describes a slight arc to right. Thrust is given
through center of ear and directed a little below
point of nose. As thrust is given, the left hand pulls
slightly to right and right hand thrusts quickly in a
line running straight through from ear to ear. As
your thrust is made you will hear a decided click,
this click being a combination of atlas and occipital

movement. If your thrust and contacts have been Illustration 2

correctly made, the limb will be perfectly normal, Contact position for adjusting right occipital
the pelvic bones will align normally, the malleolus area 1. Note direction operator’s thumb points
will be in a direct line one to another, tension will be and position of hand. This cut illustrates
operator in position to deliver thrust onto
gone from the spine and the sphincters will relax.
occipital area 1.
Breathing will become normal and heart action

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Sacro Occipital Technic

We are trying to take you, step by step, in this adjustive work. This is the most important
part of our technic, so please be patient and practice diligently.


Patient same as for area 1. Left limb
short, right occipital area number 2 is
lesioned. Left hand uses same contact as
for area 1, metacarpus of right index
finger contacts occipital area 2.
Operator’s thumb of right hand points a
little inferior to end of patient’s nose.
Right shoulder is dropped a little more
than in area move 1. Position is slightly
more right to head of adjusting table.
Patient’s face is turned more directly to
left of body. Right hand is more inferior
to one ear as cut will show. Elbow of
right hand is a little farther from
operator’s body. Thrust is given in a line
running through base of ear and directed
as if an arc was to be made running
slightly inferior to tip of nose. You will
note that the patient’s face is turned more
to left in this move making impression of
sternocleiodmastoid muscle show a more
distinct outline on neck.

Illustration 3
Contact and position for adjusting occipital lesion 2.
Note position of operator’s thumb, hand and body
and position patient is assuming on table. This is
important, as position of patient changes according to
occipital area being adjusted.

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Sacro Occipital Technic


Left limb is short, right occipital area 3 is lesioned.
The face is turned more to the superior, showing
patient’s chin as pointing at more of a superior
angle. Operator is farther to right of head of table,
but notice that operator keeps close to patient,
elbow points out at a more acute angle from contact
point on occiput. Operator’s hand is farther under
occiput. Thumb points directly towards end of
patient’s nose. Back of patient’s head rests more on
table, while neck is slightly arched. Operator’s right
shoulder is lower than in previous cuts. Thrust is
given directly through arc running through end of
patient’s nose and as thrust is given chin will
describe a more superior arc.

Illustration 4
Contact position for thrusting occipital area 3. Note how
operator has moved to right corner of adjusting table.


Left limb short, right occipital area 4 is lesioned. Operator moves slightly from head of table
and is more to right of patient. Body leans slightly to right. Operator’s right hand is above
clavicular groove and when adjustment is given arc will be slightly inferior to end of
patient’s nose. Patient’s face is turned well to right, but not as far superior as in cut 4.
Operator’s hand is directed in a line that will describe an arc when adjustment is given that
will be slightly inferior to end of patient’s nose. As thrust is given left hand drops, but does
not relax tension on patient’s left occipital ridge.
Never make unnecessary moves. Many operators have, the bad habit of making a lot of false
moves, intended to deceive the patient, but which only causes the patient to tension all
muscles. Tell the patient what you are going to do. Never try to deceive your patient. You
make your contacts, place the head in correct position, which will take all tension from neck
muscles, move your hands into the proper arc, stop when you have reached a point of slight
resistance, then give your thrust.
You will please note that we always have the patient fold their hands over the abdomen.
This prevents them using the hands to hold onto the table and encourages the patient to
relax. If a patient has hold of any part of the table, they will invariably tension up.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

Once the patient feels how comfortably the

adjustment is made, they will never offer
resistance. If your arc is correct, your
contacts correct, your adjustment will be
automatic. Remember, when the thrust is
actually made, your hands move less than a
quarter of an inch. Isn’t that better than
using force and then moving your hands
several inches? If the patient feels their head
going through space at a mile a minute
speed, they are going to try and do
something about it.
Become an artist at adjusting the occipital
ridge and you have an accomplishment that
is invaluable. The writer has given over
75,000 occipital adjustments, and finds that
the art is more perfect after every
adjustment. Once, you acquire the technic, it
will be as subconsciously given as your
efforts are used in driving your automobile.

Illustration 5
Contact position for adjusting occipital area 4.
Note how operator has moved away from table and
further around to right of table and patient has
moved nearer right side of table.


Left limb short, right occipital area 5 lesioned.
Operator’s right shoulder is dropped slightly
lower in this position. Right hand is closer to
patient’s shoulder region, patient’s chin is
describing quite an acute superior arc, chin is
well extended. Operator is at right side of table,
left shoulder is raised. Thrust is given by
dropping left shoulder slightly, and thrusting
directly through a plane inferior to the end of
patient’s nose.

Illustration 6
Contact position for adjusting right occipital area 5.
Note how much nearer patient is to right side of
table and acute angle of neck with chin.

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Sacro Occipital Technic


Metacarpus of right index finger is further
under patient’s neck. Operator is standing to
right of head of table and slightly inferior to
head of table. Patient’s chin is dropped
nearer to left side of table, but is well
extended. Operator’s thumb points toward
patient’s right eye. Patient’s head is pulled
well back towards operator’s abdomen.
Thrust is made in a plane through patient’s
right eye. Note position of patient’s right
elbow as it appears in cut, which is well
below head piece of adjusting table. As
patient’s face is placed at a left acute angle,
this pulls the right shoulder lower on the
adjusting table.

Illustration 7
Contact position for adjusting right occipital area 6.
Note patient has been placed lower on table,
patient’s elbow is extending over lower half of head
piece. Doctor is directly opposite right side of
patient’s head.



Metacarpus of right index finger is placed next to external occipital protuberance, but
slightly inferior to external occipital protuberance. Occipital line does not run directly
through external occipital protuberance, but about one-half inch inferior.
Operator is directly to the right of adjusting table. Right knee is bent to allow operator’s
body to be in a lower adjustive plane. Patient’s head is drawn well to right, chin making an
acute right angle to patient’s body, Operator’s thumb points to patient’s nose. Operator’s left
hand is considerably above plane of right contact hand. Patient’s right elbow is more
inferior to head piece of table. Patient does not lay straight on table, but right shoulder is
farther down on head piece than is left shoulder. Thrust is given to describe an arc through
patient’s nose.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

You have seven occipital areas.
The measurement of the limbs determines the
occipital lesion as to side of occiput.
A right short limb means a left sided occipital
lesion and vice versa.
You have two methods of palpating the occipital
One method has the patient prone on table.
Doctor explores the occipital line from area 1 to
7, center of occipital line is area seven, which is
one-half inch inferior to external occipital
protuberance. Tender areas are marked. Most
acutely tender area is your major.
Second method of exploration is having patient
supine on table. To explore right side of occiput,
head is turned to left. To explore left side of
occiput, head is turned to right.
Illustration 8
Contact position for adjusting right After exploring occipital ridge, again measure
occipital area 7. Note that patient is place limbs to be sure that correction has not been made
lower on table and that patient’s head with exploratory technic. At times the lesions will
extends slightly over upper right half of be corrected with the rotary pressure used in
table. Not e angle of neck bend with body
bend. Note position of operator’s right
exploration and if the lesion has been corrected,
knee, which is slightly bent to allow right the limbs will be of equal length.
side of operator’s body to drop. In ten per cent of your patients the short limb will
be on the same side of the occiput that your lesion appears. This is due to 10 percent of the
fibers not passing through the pyramidal decussation tracts. In this instance you disregard
the short limb and adjust same as it opposite limb was short. For left occiput lesion, reverse
technic as given for right occiput lesion.

You palpate the occipital ridge and you detect your major area at fifth right occipital ridge,
in ninty percent of your cases, you will find the left limb short and in adjusting the patient’s
face wilt be turned to the left, but in 10 percent of your cases, the short limb will be on the
same side as the occipital lesion. In this instance, the fifth right occipital area will show a
short right limb, and if you do not consider the factors that we are trying to make plain to
you, you will adjust from the wrong side of the occiput and will increase the shortness of the
limb instead of decreasing the shortness of the limb. To prove this statement, take a patient
with normal limbs, both same length. Adjust the right side of the occiput and in 90 percent

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Sacro Occipital Technic

of your cases the left limb will become short. Take a case with a short right limb, adjust the
right side of the occiput and the limb will be shortened.
After adjusting the lesioned occipital area, remeasure the limbs, and if your adjustment is
correct, the limbs will be normal. If your adjustment is incorrect, the limbs will not be
normalized. If your first at tempt fails, do not make another attempt at adjusting, but place
your finger on the lesioned occipital area and use rotary massage pressure until the area
relaxes, this will in many instances normalize the limb.
In severe cases it is permissible to adjust the occipital area twice daily, but in chronic cases
we advise that adjustments be given three times weekly, and then only when the limbs show
an uneven length. The limbs are a positive indicator of body imbalance. Results will appear
after the first correction. Nature demands time in which to re build. Do not destroy what
nature is building.
Do not hurry your technic. Take plenty of time. Be sure every thing is right before you give
your thrust.
Practice each position many times. Do not be a Wise Guy and think you need no practice.
The mere reading of technic does not make you a technician.
If I had but one place to adjust, I should choose the occiput, for every part of the body is
connected to the occiput, but that does not mean that we must be empirical. By removing
reflex irritations, we help greatly to normalize the occipital areas.
It will take approximately five minutes to use this technic, but do not let that lessen its
ability for vast good therapeutic results.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

How many times has this question troubled you?
A true physician is one who first considers his or her patients. The patient’s right to get well
in the least possible time should be constantly foremost in the doctor’s mind. No doctor can
say that he will not use a thing that is not consistent with his mental idea as to what he shall
do. Every step in the progress of the healing arts has caused a conflict in every doctor’s
mind. To adopt something new or to reject it, has been and shall always be a problem. If
science offers something new as a therapeutic help, should we not forget our own selfish
dreams and concede that the patient shall be allowed all that is consistent with the laws that
govern our practice?
Laws have been enacted upon the statute books of the different states attempting to define
what constitutes the practice of each opathy. A Chiropractor shall not administer medicine
nor practice surgery. That is the law and it must be obeyed. An Osteopath is more free to do
just about as he or she pleases, but most Osteopaths still depend upon the hands to do a
great part of their work. A medical doctor has the sky for his limit.
No law has yet been enacted telling anyone how much air they may breathe. No one has
enacted a law governing the speed of light, nor have they defined light in its part in caring
for the universe. Some states have attempted to define surgical electricity, but no state can
define the common use of electricity. No state, to our knowledge, has said how much water
one can drink or use to bathe with.
The things of the universe are man’s to use for man’s welfare, and if used for that purpose
belong to all schools of healing. Let no man say to one who is competent—YOU CAN

Air is probably the most important thing of life. Certainly it is the last thing you would
desire to have a shortage of and yet most of you every day live in a shortage of pure air. A
doctor goes to his or her office at 9 A. M., sees patients until lunch time. Works over these
patients in a small room. Breathes the same air that the patient breathes. Comes back in the
afternoon and does the same thing, and wonders why such a tiresome feeling takes place
about 2 P. M.
Nature has given us something to purify every poisonous thing that exists. Nature has given
us the lightning to purify the air, and how glorious the air smells and tastes after an electric
storm. Nature has given us electricity and the wisdom of man has harnessed this electricity
and by placing suitable apparatus in a box can, by its operation, purify the air in the same
manner that Nature uses, a mild electrical storm, started by the snap of a switch and stopped
in the same manner. After a few minutes of operation the air smells better, breathes easier
because it is lighter and purer and in a very short time every one feels invigorated. This is
OZONE. Ozone contains three parts of oxygen.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

Just a few days ago, the writer was called in to see a girl of four years. The child had
bronchial pneumonia and breathing was labored. Suitable manipulations quickly allayed the
laborious breathing, but a cough the child had would not respond to therapy. In this
condition it is natural to cough, so we presumed that the cough would be better the
following day, but quite the contrary ruled. The cough was worse and continued to grow
more irritating. The child couldn’t sleep and in a condition such as this, sleep is necessary. I
even stooped so low as to use ipecac and opia to give the child relief, but this failed utterly.
When one gets up against a proposition like this, thinking becomes necessary. After
analyzing the situation, I came to the conclusion that the child was starving for air. An
Ozonator was placed beside the little patient and within five minutes the child was asleep.
Results were so sudden that I drew the conclusion that a coincidence had happened, so the
generator was stopped and within ten minutes the child started to cough, the generator was
turned on again and left going for three days, and I can honestly state that the child did not
cough five times in the three days. Did I do wrong to give this child rest? Should I have
refused to use what science has given us, and have gambled with the child’s life? You might
think that an adjustment would have stopped the cough. It would have, could the
adjustment changed the atmospheric condition in the room. It is the external things that we
often find hard to combat. Not all causes lie within. Please remember that.
Many diseases are made worse by air hunger. Many coughs are air hunger coughs. Anemia
is primarily a disease of air starvation, although in these conditions we must not feel that all
we have to do is correct the
atmospheric condition, for that is
untrue. We must correct all
maladjustments. Asthma, tuberculosis,
bronchitis, and many kindred diseases
are benefited by adjusting not only the
spinal areas, but the things that the
patient lives with, breathes in and eats.

It is our desire in this brief outline to

present to you a few of the phenomena
of colors. Most of you recognize the
influence colors have upon yourself
and your patients, but I wonder how
many of you ever do anything about
this force. Do you wear clothing that is
compatible to your color vibrations?
Do you live in surroundings
27,000 volt Ozonator, equipped with circulating fan.
compatible with your color charts? Do
Capacity 10 patients. $65.00. you associate with people that vibrate
Address CHROMOCLAST LABORATORIES, Nebraska City, Nebr. on a compatible color plane with your
color plane?

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Sacro Occipital Technic


Another very important part of Nature’s scheme for the preservation of life is LIGHT. I
wonder if any of us really ever think of the dependence we have upon light. Every
phenomena of Nature is governed by vibrating forces, all vibratory forces are the effect of
planetary lights. The light from the moon has a controlling factor upon the great bodies of
water and should this force ever expand itself to unheard of bounds, the entire universe
would be destroyed in a very short time. The sun controls the growth of crops, timber,
grasses, human, and animal life.
The green foliage of a tree in the heat of summer is cooling to you, even though the
temperature under the tree is no lower than outside its branches, yet the leaves have shut out
so much of the red, and yellow rays, that you are made to feel as though the temperature
had dropped several degrees. A blue room or a green room is cooler to you than a red or
yellow room. A red or yellow room feels warmer in winter. If your color plane is on the cold
side of the spectrum, you will feel
cheered by bright colors, such as red
or orange, but if your color plane is
on the hot side of the spectrum, you
will be irritated by red, orange or
yellow colors. When you are
mentally depressed, red will cheer
you up; when you are excited, red
will further excite you. When you are
excited, blue will calm you.
The glandular systems of man are
very dependent upon correct color
vibrations, and as is the glandular
systems, so is man. The ovaries in
women and the testicles in man
respond when sluggish to a
combination of blue and red. When
over stimulated, a combination of
blue and green will restore normalcy.
The thyroid, when sluggish, responds
to yellow and red. The pituitary
responds to green. The adrenals
respond to red and violet. The Isles of
Langernham respond to yellow and
The heart, when irregular, responds
as if by magic to red and violet,
When very feeble it responds to red
and blue; when very fast, it responds
to violet.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

All Inflammations are materially helped by blue, as blue is very cooling. All dormant
pathologies respond to red.
Again, the patient has a right to get well. The release of nerve energy is paramount and must
be done before anything will offer permanent help, but when this release is accomplished, is
it a therapeutic sin to help nature help the patient to get well faster and easier?
Shall you have a crown of glory atop your head, just because you have released nerve
energy and then sat down and waited days, weeks and months for nature to struggle into her
own rights? Would not that crown of glory be more appropriate had you restored free nerve
flow, then gotten busy and helped nature remove other obstructions?
Supposing you had a very severe attack of appendicitis. Supposing this had gone on for
hours or a few days before nerve pressure was released. Your appendix would be badly
inflamed, the peritoneum possibly would be affected. Your pain would be intense. Should
your doctor sit by your bed and wait? Would he not be a greater man if he would do
something to help nature remove the inflammatory processes and restore you to health?
Which one would you want as your physician?
Supposing your heart muscle, through some inflammatory process, had been affected and
could no longer do its proper work. A nerve is in trouble, your doctor releases the nerve, but
the inflammatory process is so great that reflex irritation does not allow free nerve flow.
You are adjusted time after time, you should feel better, but possibly you do not. Then,
supposing your doctor uses a blue color to your chest wail, the inflammation is cooled, heart
energy is conserved, irritation is lessened, you feel much better. Then when the
inflammation is gone, your doctor uses red and violet color to the chest wall to regulate the
speed of the heart. Your circulation is normalized, respiration is even, health is again yours.
Would you rather wait for nature to do it all, or would you rather help nature?
The average case will not need anything other than the release of nerve flow, but it is the
unusual case that makes your name known for miles around. Cure 100 average cases and
your work is taken for granted; cure one unusual case and you are famous.
No one has the right to tell any doctor what he shall purchase to help the sick. Every doctor
must weigh all arguments and then he alone must be the final judge. All high pressure
salesmen should be executed by having their heads chopped off. When the writer was just a
boy, he opened up his office for the rush of anticipated business. The business didn’t rush, in
fact it didn’t even come for a matter of about five months. When a patient would come in,
the anxiety was so pronounced that clear thinking was impossible, consequently the patients
didn’t get well as fast as they should. Then the salesmen got in their work and in a period of
three years $16,000 hard earned dollars was sunk in equipment. Each instrument was
supposed to cure a certain disease, but unfortunately we never could find the right
instrument for the right disease. At this period of life your writer started to do some real
personal thinking and out of those years of thought grew the Sacro Occipital technic as a
system of adjusting, air purification by electricity, color therapy and rectal therapy. The
Sacro Occipital technic liberated the impinged nerves, the air purification by electricity
insured us clean, pure air, color therapy gave us a method of helping our patient when
functional help was needed, and rectal therapy is used when the myeliene sympathetics are

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When one considers the powerful effects that can be produced upon respiration and heart
action by therapy applied within the rectal canal, no one can censure us for devoting this
small space to such a vital subject.
Within the rectal walls we have very fine capillaries. These capillaries are controlled as to
diameter by the Vasomotor nerves. Communicating from the ganglia of Impars in the
rectum we have the Myeliene sheaths of the sympathetics going directly to the ganglia of
Ribes in the brains. Can one then not see how rectal therapy does exert such a powerful
effect upon circulation and respiration and is not this essential enough to make us consider
ways and means of affecting these functions so as to be compatible with natural laws?
When a patient acts badly under an anesthetic, in fact, if respiration ceases, the assistant
usually inserts as many fingers as possible into the rectum so as to produce as great a
divilusion of tissues as possible. This stimulates heart action and has saved many hundreds
of lives. This lowly act may seem rather out of step with the more scientific principles
employed in our modern hospitals, but the fact remains that as a last resort, rectal dilation
does do the work. If this is the case, why not use rectal work as a therapy?

It is a proven laboratory experiment that if a cold dilator is inserted into the rectum of a
hypremic type patient, that the blood pressure will raise and the patient will feel invigorated.
A warm dilator inserted into the rectum of an anemic type patient will lower the blood
pressure and make the patient feel fully relaxed. Cold contracts by vasomotor stimulation.
Heat dilates by vasomotor inhibition.
The rectal canal may not be constricted as far as the sphincters are concerned, yet the
capillaries in the rectum may be in a very severe state of vasoconstriction, in which instance
a warm dilator will give instant relief. A rectum may feel constricted and hardly admit the
examining finger, §et the capillaries may be in a very bad state of dilation, in which instance
the cold dilator will afford instant relief and you will note that the sphincters will relax and
the examining finger will be easily admitted.
In all circulatory maladjustment (and what disease does not have a circulatory
maladjustment) rectal therapy is certainly to be thought of and can only produce good
results, if used correctly.
The old idea was to always stretch the rectal walls as far as they would go, which to say the
least, was bad manners and produced in not a few instances irrevocably bad results.
Your thought must not be to produce divulsion but constriction if the capillaries are dilated
and dilation if the capillaries are constricted.
We have experimentally shown that cases of asthma could be materially helped by using a
dilator at the indicated temperature and we proved that this procedure helped not solely by
rectal stimulation, but by general vasomotor adjustment.

When a dilator is inserted into the rectum at the indicated temperature and then mild
vibration produced, results are much faster. The dilation not only hastens the effects of the

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Sacro Occipital Technic

dilator temperature, but stimulates the ganglia of Impars and this affects the ganglia of
Ribes, and we then have increased cranial nerve function, causing all organs supplied by the
cranial nerves to normalize themselves.

Rectal Vibrator Set, equipped with four graduated size dilators and vibrator.
Complete with instructions. $10.00
Address Chromoclast Laboratories, Nebraska City, Nebr.

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Sacro Occipital Technic

Meric system · 57
Adjustment · 8
recoil · 13
rotary movement · 14 Occipital Fiber · 41
specific · 8 determining · 64
upper cervical · 41 occiput · 38
appendicitis · 18, 19, 28, 33
asthma · 31
asthmatics · 28 P
prostate · 47
C putrefaction · 13

color therapy · 79
cranials · 29 R
retracing · 22, 41
female disorders · 47 S
allergy · 7 sciatica · 8
foramen magnum · 38 short leg · 47

gastritis · 7 Trapezius · 38

hay fever · 43 Vasomotor
anemic · 23
centers · 10
I chronic disorders · 21
CO2 technic · 24
ileo caceal · 28 constriction · 8
intervertebrael foramen · 49 emotional enthusiasm · 21
emotional excess · 21
fibers · 17
hypremic · 23
L lesion · 23
spinal cord anemia · 20
ligamentum nuchae · 38 spinal cord Hypremia · 20
stimulation · 8
therapy · 60
M vertebrae
slipped · 21
Magnetic Meridian
Magnetic · 24
massage · 8, 11, 13, 19, 22, 31

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Sacro Occipital Technic

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