Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages and Disadvantages
Social Media
Advantages and
Professional Social Media
LinkedIn Instagram
Linked in
LinkedIn is a social network oriented to business use,
business and employment. LinkedeIn is an ideal
platform to develop a professional personal brand.
This is very useful for all types of professionals. Is a
social network that can help us to meet the different
professional goals we have.
• Brand creation and promotion
• Increased traffic to the business website
• Widespread
• Interaction and feedback
• Instagram Ads
• geolocation
• Limited organic reach for businesses
• Limitado a formatos visuales
• Needs a lot of visual creativity
• High incidences of image theft
YAMMER Advantage:
Being a private social
network, the security
It is a private social of the information
network, of the ensures that
microsoft group, it is companies can
used by some publish with the
companies as a confidence of their
facebook of the employees.
company, in that
social network is Disadvantage:
posted business A disadvantage may
news, and it is be that only company
possible to create personnel can enter
communities of this social network
employees or and it is not possible
sectors. to share experiences
with more people
outside the