Nucleus - directs activities of the cell and Genetics - is the branch that studies
carries genetic information to generation. heredity and variation.
Mitochondria - generate energy for the cell. Genetics - shows how the characteristics of
The powerhouse of the cell. the parents are transmitted to their offspring
Ribosomes - that manufactures proteins. through the reproductive process.
Golgi apparatus - modifies, packages, and genetic variation - the reason for the
distributes proteins. natural diversity between and across
Lysosomes - store enzymes for digesting species.
food. DNA - The biological or genetic information
Plasma membrane - surrounds the cell; and characteristics of an organism
selectively permits materials to pass in out contained in the genes.
of the cell. Gene - contains the biological information of
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum - that individuals and can passed on by parents to
manufactures lipids used for making their offspring during reproduction.
membranes and storing energy. Bacteria, archaea, eukarya - 3 categories
Chloroplast - found in the plant cell, called domain
captures energy from sunlight and a single Bacteria - are the most diverse, ubiquitous,
filled vacuole that stores compounds and and widespread prokaryotes.
helps in plant growth. Archaea - prokaryotes that live only in
Cell wall - surrounds the plant cell, protects extreme environments, such as salty lakes
and maintains its shape. and boiling hot springs.
Eukarya - includes the multicellular plants,
KEY WORDS fungi ,and animals, and the single-celled
Cell - The basic unit of life protists.
Cell membrane - Outer covering of a cell Charles Darwin - published the book on the
that controls the passage of substances into origin of Species by means of natural
and out of the cell. selection in 1859.
Cell wall - Rigid structure that surrounds Natural selection - feasible mechanism for
the cell membrane of plant cells. evolution proposed by Charles Darwin.
Chloroplasts - contain a green pigment
called chlorophyll that is critical in carrying Darwin also inferred the following:
out photosynthesis. ● Individuals with traits suited to the
Eukaryotic cell - Cells that have a nucleus environment are more likely to
Mitochondria - organelles that supply the survive than less suited individuals.
cell with energy. ● Survival for existence depends on
Nucleus - Part of a cell that controls most of the hereditary constitution of
the activities of the cell. survivors, and that this part of the
Organ - A group of similar tissues that process of natural selection.
performs a specialized function. ● The process of natural selection
Prokaryotic cell - Cells that lack a nucleus. from one generation to another will
lead to a continuing gradual change
which may result in evolutionary The diversity and abundance of these
adaptations or production of new domains are controlled by resources(food
species. and conditions) of their habitat
(temperature, pH, and oxygen). The habitat
Cells are composed of chemical of each organism differs based on its
substances. The biochemical composition of characteristics. Some habitats may be
organisms is essential in interacting with harmful to one organism but beneficial to
other organisms and their environment. another organism. The physical and
The chemical properties of organic(carbon chemical components of the environment
containing) molecules provide energy to combine to make the environment suitable
drive cellular processes and serve as a to the survival of different types of
building block for the synthesis of larger organisms.
Theory of Evolution
All organisms are made up of elements or a ● Charles Darwin was a British
combination of elements called compounds. naturalist who proposed the theory
organisms are made up of matter that of biological evolution by natural
occupies space and has mass(weight). selection.
About 25 elements are essential to ● Darwin defined evolution as
organisms. Four of these elements make "descent with modification," the idea
up about 96% of the weight of most that species change over time, give
organisms. These elements are Carbon, rise to new species, and share a
hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. common ancestor.
● The mechanism that Darwin
The biochemical composition of an proposed for evolution is natural
organism is important in its ability to adapt selection. Because resources are
to its environment. For example life first limited in nature, organisms with
evolved in water, and all organisms require heritable traits that favor survival and
water. When water is removed from the reproduction will tend to leave more
body, it will be hard for an organism to offspring than their peers, causing
survive. Further, Majority of chemical the traits to increase in frequency
reactions in an organism happen in the cells over generations.
that are made of almost 95% water. ● Natural selection causes populations
to become adapted, or increasingly
Domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya well-suited, to their environments
need to produce (genetics), adapt over time. Natural selection depends
(evolution), and metabolize on the environment and requires
(biochemistry). All organisms need to existing heritable variation in a
reproduce to preserve their future group.
generations. These younger generations
should possess the needed biochemical Darwin's concept of natural selection was
components that will help them adapt to based on several key observations:
their environment. ● Traits are often heritable. In living
organisms, many characteristics are
inherited, or passed from parent to
offspring. (Darwin knew this was the Multiple types of evidence support the
case, even though he did not know theory of evolution:
that traits were inherited by genes.) ● Homologous structures provide
● More offspring are produced than evidence for common ancestry,
can survive. Organisms are while analogous structures show
capable of producing more offspring that similar selective pressures can
than their environments can support. produce similar adaptations
Thus, there is competition for limited (beneficial features).
resources in each generation. ● Similarities and differences among
biological molecules (e.g., in the
● Offspring vary in their heritable DNA sequence of genes) can be
traits. The offspring in any used to determine species'
generation will be slightly different relatedness.
from one another in their traits (color, ● Biogeographical patterns provide
size, shape, etc.), and many of these clues about how species are related
features will be heritable. to each other.
● The fossil record, though
Based on these simple observations, incomplete, provides information
Darwin concluded the following: about what species existed at
● In a population, some individuals will particular times of Earth’s history.
have inherited traits that help them ● Some populations, like those of
survive and reproduce (given the microbes and some insects, evolve
conditions of the environment, such over relatively short time periods and
as the predators and food sources can be observed directly.
present). The individuals with the
helpful traits will leave more Carolus Linnaeus - a Swedish scientist who
offspring in the next generation than formalized binomial nomenclature, the
their peers, since the traits make modern system of naming organisms. He is
them more effective at surviving and known as the "father of modern taxonomy"
● Because the helpful traits are
heritable, and because organisms
with these traits leave more
offspring, the traits will tend to
become more common (present in a
larger fraction of the population) in
the next generation.
● Over generations, the population will
become adapted to its environment
(as individuals with traits helpful in
that environment have consistently
greater reproductive success than
their peers).
REVIEW 10. Scientists who collect, identify, and
1. If a boat is sinking because of a study pieces of evidence about
hole, what you did to remove the earlier life forms and try to determine
water inside is an act of? how these have evolved into
- ADAPTATION organisms of today.
2. Areas that are at risk to earthquakes - PALEONTOLOGIST
may also experience other hazards 11. The scientist who discovered
associated with earthquakes. Which microorganisms (animalcules)
one is not included? - ANTON VAN
3. It is a process or phenomenon of 12. Cell wall of fungi is made of?
atmospheric, hydrological, or - CHITIN
oceanographic nature that may 13. Cell wall of bacteria is made of?
cause loss of life, injury, or other - PEPTIDOGLYCAN
health impacts. 14. Chemical reaction that takes place in
- HYDROMETEOROLOGICA the chloroplast.
4. Development refers to? 15. Chemical form of energy.
THROUGH A LIFE 16. Movement away from stimuli.
LIFE 17. The area that encircles earth near
5. Some organisms capture energy equator where trade winds meet is
from the sun and convert it into known as the?
chemical energy in food; others use - INTERTROPICAL
chemical energy from molecules CONVERGENCE ZONE
they take in. 18. Cells that have nucleus and
- NUTRITION membrane bound organelles.
6. These are single-celled organisms - EUKARYOTIC CELLS
that lack organelles surrounded by a
membrane and do not have a
7. A type of tissue that sends and
receives information about stimuli.
8. These are collections of tissues
grouped together based on a
common function.
9. These organisms could live in
extreme environments.