Document (Dental Casting Alloy
Document (Dental Casting Alloy
Document (Dental Casting Alloy
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3. All about Dental Casting Alloys!
December 19, 2019
Dental Notes / Dentist
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INTRODUCTION to Casting Alloys
A casting alloy is defined as for dental purposes as a metal-containing two (or ) more elements,
in which one of the metals and all of which are mutually soluble in Molten State. Although there are
some similarities between the characteristics of pure metals & alloys addition of other metals to pure
metal, complicate the picture relative to certain fundamental aspects not yet considered.
An alloy system is a sum of two or more metals in all possible combinations. For example, the
gold-silver systems include all possible concentrations of gold & silver.
2. Metallurgic advancements.
‘The lost wax technique’ described by Jaggart in 1907 led to the casting of Complex inlays
such as Onlays, crowns, fixed partial dentures & removable partial denture frameworks.
In 1932, National Bureau of Standards surveyed the alloys, and grouped & roughly classified
them as
Type I Soft (Vickers hardness No – 50 -90)
The base metal alloys were introduced in the 1930s. After that time both Nickel-Chromium, &
Cobalt-Chromium formulation have become frequently successful associated with conventional gold
alloys, which earlier were the sturdy metals used for such prostheses. The advantages of base metal
alloys are their lower Wt, increased mechanical properties & reduced cost.
The metals must exhibit biocompatibility, ease of melting, casting, brazing (or soldering) &
polishing, little solidification shrinkage, minimal reactivity & the mold material, excellent wear
resistance, high strength and sag resistance.
Classification of casting Alloys
In 1927, the Bureau of standards established gold Casting alloy types I through IV according
to dental function, & hardness increasing from TYPE I through IV. Based on the 1989 revision
of specification No – 5 by the ADA, the four alloy types are classified by their properties & not by
their compositions;
Type I – (Soft) – Small inlays, easily burnished & subject to very slight stress.
Type II- (Medium) – Inlays subject to moderate stress, including 3/4 crowns, abutments, pontics, &
full crowns.
Type III -( Hard ) – Inlays subject to high stress, including onlays, crowns, thin cast backings,
abutments, pontics,full crowns, & short span FPD’S.
Type IV – (Extra hard) – Inlays subject to high stresses, including denture base bars & clasps, long
span FPD’s endodontic posts & Cones, thin veneer crowns & RPDS.
In 1984 ADA proposed simple classification for dental casting alloys. Three classes are
described; High Noble (HN) Noble (N) and Predominantly base metal ( PB).
High Noble Metal – Contains >40 WT % Au, 60 WT % of the noble metal elements
( Au + Ir + Pt + Rh+Ru)
Noble Metal – Contains > 25 WT% of noble metal elements.
PB Metal – Contains < 25WT% of Noble metal Elements.
Classification of Alloys for all Metal restorations, Metal – ceramic restoration
Alloy Type
All Metal
Metal Ceramic
High noble alloys
Metal – Ceramic
Pd- Au
Pure Ti
Al Bronze
Pure Ti
Ti – Al – V
Traditional Type III & IV alloys are called Crown & bridge alloys, although Type IV alloys
also are used occasionally for high – stress applications such as removable partial denture
Gold Alloys can be significantly strengthened if the alloy comprises a notable quantity of
copper. The exact process of hardening is apparently the outcome of numerous different solid – state
The alloy that can be hardened can, of course, also be softened. In metallurgic language, the
softening heat treatment is applied to as water heat treatment. The hardening heat treatment is known
as age hardening.
Because of increasing interest in aesthetics by dental pts, a decreased use of all metal
restorations has occurred during the past decade. The use of metal – ceramic restorations in post sites
– has increased relative to use of all metal crowns & inlays.
Ni – Cr & Co – Cr alloys and titanium & titanium alloys can be used for all metal & metal ceramic
The chief objection to the use of dental porcelain as a restorative material is its low tensile
shear strength. Although porcelain can resist compressive stresses & reasonable success, substructure
design does not permit shapes in which compressive stress is the principal force. This can be
minimized by bonding porcelain directly to a cast alloy substructure made to fit the prepared tooth.
The primary metal-ceramic alloys comprised 88% gold and were too soft for stress-bearing
restorations such as FPD’s. Because there is no evidence of a chemical bond – between these alloys
& dental porcelain, mechanical retention & undercuts were used to prevent detachment of ceramic
veneer. By joining less than 1% of Oxide forming elements such as Fe, In, Sn to these high gold
content alloys, the porcelain metal bond strength was improved by a factor of 3. Fe also increases the
proportional limit & strength of alloys. This 1% addition of base metals Au – Pd & Pt alloy was all
that was necessary to produce a slight Oxide film on the surface of substructure to achieve a
porcelain – metal bond strength level that surpassed the cohesive strength porcelain itself. Gold based
metal – ceramic alloys containing more than 40 wt % Au at least 60 Wt% of noble metals are
generally classified as high noble alloys.
Au – Pt – Pd Alloys
Gold Content is upto 88% & varying amounts of Pd, Pt & small amounts of base metals. These
are yellow in color and susceptible to sag deformation, & FPD s should be restricted to 3 – unit
spans, anterior cantilevers or crowns.
Au – Pd – Ag Alloys
These contain between 39 % & 77% Au upto 35 % Pd & Ag levels are high as 22%. Silver
enhances thermal contraction coefficient, but it also has the ability to discolor porcelains.
Au – Pd Alloys
Au content ranging from 44% to 55% Pd – 35 %. The lack of Ag results in a decreased
thermal contraction coefficient and the freedom from Ag discoloration of porcelain.These casting
Alloys Must Be used with porcelains that have low coefficients of thermal contraction to avoid the
development of axial of circumferential tensile stresses in porcelain during the cooling part of the
porcelain firing cycle.
Noble Pd based alloys offer a compromise between the high noble gold alloys and base metal
alloys. The price of Pd alloy is 1/3 that of a gold Alloy. The density is midway between that of base
metal & of high noble alloys. Pd based alloys after moderate price compared with Au alloys,
workability similar to Au & scrap value.
Pd- Ag Alloys
Pd – Ag Alloys were introduced widely in late 1970’s later their use has been declined because
of their tendency to greenish – yellow discoloration. Popularly termed “greening”, is that the silver
vapor escapes from the surface of these alloys during firing of porcelain, diffuses as ionic silver into
the porcelain, and is diminished to form colloidal metallic silver in the exterior covering of porcelain.
Other Pd alloys contain 75% – 90% Pd and no Ag and were developed to eliminate the
greening problem. Some of the high Pd alloys create a sheet of dark Oxide on their covering during
cooling from the degassing cycle, and this Oxide layer has proven difficult to mask by the opaque
porcelain. Because Pd is expensive than Ag, the elimination of Ag and its replacement by Pd results
in being more expensive than Pd-Ag alloys.
The compositions of Pd – Ag alloys fall within a narrow range; 53 – 61% Pd, 28 – 40 % Ag.
Tin (or) Indium or both are normally joined to improved alloy hardness and to develop oxide
formation for sufficient bonding of porcelain. Nodules are formed on the external surface as a result
of internal oxidation.
The greening effect of these alloys due to Ag is minimized by gold metal conditioners or
ceramic coating agents.
The low specific gravity of these alloys fused and their low inherent price makes these alloys
winning as economical options to the gold-based alloys. Adherence of porcelain is considered to be
acceptable for most of the Pd – Ag Alloys. Instead of the formation of desired external oxide, Pd –
Ag nodules may develop on the surface that affects retention of porcelain by mechanical rather than
chemical bonding.
Pd- Cu – Alloys
This alloy type is comparable in cost to Pd – Ag alloys. Because this type of alloys is a recent
introduction to the dental market, little clinical information is available on their long – term clinical
Because of their low melting range of approximately 1170 to 1190 degrees Celsius. These
alloys are supposed to be sensitive to creep deformation at high firing temperatures. These alloys
contain 74 – 80% Pd and 9 – 15 % Cu. Porcelain discoloration due to Cu is possible but does not
appear to be a significant problem. Some of these alloys are somewhat technique sensitive with
respect to casting, pre-soldering and proper oxidation “Rx”. The Pd – Cu alloys have yield strengths
of up to 1145 mpa elongation values of 5- 11 % and hardness values as high as some base metal
alloys. Thus these alloys would appear to have a poor potential for burnishing, except when the
marginal areas are relatively thin.
These are often advertised as gold free, Ni Free, Beryllium – free, & Ag Free Alloys. The
reference to Ni & Be indicated that these casting alloys as is true with other noble metals are
generally considered biocompatible. These alloys have a fine grain size to minimize not tearing
during the solidification process. The noble metal content (based on Pd) ranges from 78 – 88%.The
content between – 4 & 10%. Some alloys may contain 8% Gallium.
Although these alloys are Ag free, discoloration of porcelain can still result because of
presence of cobalt. Failure of technicians to completely mask out the dark metal oxide color and
opaque porcelain is a major popular reason of unacceptable aesthetic results. No metal layer agents
are needed to mask the oxide color (or) to increase adherence to porcelain. Like the Pd – Ag & Pd –
Cu alloys the Pd – Co alloys usually lead to having a relatively high thermal contraction coefficient
and would be assumed to be more compatible and higher expansion porcelains.
Pd – Ga – Ag and Pd- Ga – Ag – Au Alloys
These alloys are the most recent of noble metals. These alloys have a slightly lighter – colored oxide
than the Pd- Cu or Pd – Co alloys and they are thermally compatible and lower expansion porcelains.
The oxide that is needed for bonding to porcelain is relatively dark, but is slightly lighter than those
of Pd- Cu & Pd – Co alloys. The Ag content is relatively low (5 – 8 Wt%) and is usually inadequate
to cause porcelain greening. Little information is available on metal-ceramic bond strength or
thermal compatibility. These Pd – Ga – Ag Alloys generally tend to have a relatively low thermal
contraction coefficient & would be expected to more compatible and lower expansion porcelains
such as Vita porcelains.
Base metal casting Alloys for cast metal & metal-ceramic Restoration
The use of base metal alloys has been increased recently due to the high cost of gold and other noble
metals .
Most Ni – Cr alloys for crowns & FPDs contains 61 – 81% Ni, 11 – 27 % Cr and 2- 5% Mo.
Chromium is essential to provide passivation and corrosion resistance, other alloy formulations
include Cr – Co and Fe – Cr. These casting alloys may also contain one or more of the following
elements. Al, Be, Bo, carbon, Co, Cu, Cerium, Gallium, Fe, Mn, Niobium, Si, Sn, Ti & Zirconium.
The Co- Cr Alloys typically contain 53- 67% Co & 25 – 32% Cr & 2- 6 % Mo. Base metal
alloys melt at elevated temperatures, the use of Po4 or silica bonded investments is indicated.
Compensation for casting shrinkage required at these elevated temperatures if a clinically acceptable
fit is to be obtained. Recently chemically pure Ti, & Ti- Al- V Alloys have been introduced for
metal-ceramic restorations.
Ni alloys without Beryllium demonstrate poorer castability than those that contain up to 1.8 %
Be. The creep resistance of nickel-based alloys at firing temperatures is considered to be far superior
to the resistance of gold-based and Pt-based alloys under the same conditions. The tarnish &
corrosion resistance of base metal casting alloys containing nickel is of principal concern because of
the allergic potential of Ni & Nickel compounds.
Studies have been conducted on the potential of galvanic corrosion induced by base metal
alloys with other metallic restorations. Amalgams are expected to sustain less galvanic attack when
they are placed in contact with Ni – Cr ( or ) Co- Cr alloys than with gold alloys. When in contact
with type III gold alloys, however, the base metal casting alloys are more susceptible to corrosive
In general, the high hardness & high strength of base metal alloys contribute to certain
difficulties in clinical practice. Grinding & Polishing of fixed restoration to achieve occlusion
occasionally require more chairside time.
High concentrations of Be & Ni dust & Be Vapor are hazardous to laboratory technicians.
Although Be concentration in dental alloys rarely exceeds 2% the amount of Be vapor released into
the breathing space during melting of Ni – Cr- Be Alloys may be significant over an extended period.
The Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA) specified that exposure to Be dust in the
air should be limited to a particulate Be Concentration of 2 Mg/ m3 of air (both respirable & Non-
respirable particles) determined from an 8 hr time-weighted coverage. The allowable ceiling
concentration is 5mg / m3. Exposure to Be may result in acute & chronic forms of Be Decease.
Physiologic responses vary from contact dermatitis to severe chemical pneumonitis, which can be
Of more significant concern to dental patients is the intra-oral exposure to Ni especially for
patients with a known allergy to these elements. Inhalation ingestion and thermal contact of Nickel or
Nickel containing alloys are common, because Nickel is found in environmental sources such as air,
soil, and food as well as in synthetic objects such as coins , kitchen utensils & jewelry. Females are 5
times more allergic to Nickel than males. To minimize exposure of metallic dust to pts and dentists
during metal grinding operations; a high speed evacuation system should be employed when such
procedures are performed intra-orally. Patients should be familiarized with the likely allergic
consequences of Nickel exposure and thorough medical history should be taken to determine if the
patient is at risk of exhibiting an allergic reaction to nickel.
Titanium Alloys :-
The most common casting alloys for dental & medical purposes is the Ti – Al 6 V4
composition. The main benefits of alloying are significant strengthening & stabilization of the alloy
against the formation of either the ALPHA phase (through Al addition) or the B-phase through
addition of Cu, Pd (or) Vanadium. The ALPHA phase alloys are more resistant to high-temperature
creep, the most imp property for metal-ceramic applications, but these alloys are more amenable to
brazing (or) soldering. B – alloys are less resistant to creep deformation at elevated temp, but they
can be hardened & strengthened significantly.
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