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Breathwork &

Meditation course

Stephanie Redman
ACE certified Health Coach
How meditation can
improve your quality of life

Meditation, also known as mindfulness, is a

practice that uses different techniques to increase
self awareness, focus, and mental clarity. Although
meditation practices have been around for
thousands of years, it wasn’t until more recently
that they have actually been studied by
researchers. Several studies have identified many
advantages for those who practice mindfulness.

Some of the benefits include:

Reduced stress

Decreased feelings of depression and anxiety

Decreased PTSD symptoms

Improved focus and clarity to think and solve


Improved ability to handle emotions

Improved relationships

Many of the benefits begin with improving mental

and emotional health. Due to the

interconnectedness of the mind and body, there

are many physical health benefits to practicing


Some of them include:

Lower blood pressure

Improved sleep

Decreased risk of heart disease

Decreased risk of stroke


Improved immune system functioning

There are so many incredible benefits to both
mental and physical health for those that engage
in meditation practices. Thanks to research, we are
now able to understand why and how mediation
actually works.

How meditation can reduce

Stress is often inevitable. We encounter stressors

every day, like sitting in traffic, trying to come up
with healthy meals, finding time to exercise, or
meeting important deadlines. For some people,
these stressors build up and create a pressure that
they feel they can’t handle. This can become quite
overwhelming and can lead to adverse mental and
physical health effects. Studies have shown one of
the most effective ways to deal with stress and
prevent stress is by meditating. 4
In terms of relieving current feelings of stress,
meditation helps give our brain the ability to
differentiate between feelings, emotions, and
energies that are valid and those that are not valid.
Meaning we are able to think more clearly and
come to the realization that some of our emotions
need to be processed and then let go. In addition,
meditation increases the brain’s flexibility, which
can give us an increased capacity to adapt and
deal with change. Reducing our stress levels is
critical for improving our mental and physical
health, and it can even help us be more successful
at weight loss.3

How less stress can make
you more successful at
weight loss

There is a correlation between stress and

managing weight. In fact, stress can play a major
role in your weight-loss journey. One reason
reducing stress levels can help you be more
successful at weight loss is due to cortisol. It is
known as the stress hormone and it has a direct
effect on your appetite. When we are stressed out,
our body produces more cortisol as a way of trying
to cope. In turn, it increases appetite and cravings
for unhealthy foods like cookies and chips.
Reducing stress will balance out cortisol levels and
can actually help with weight loss. Reduction of
stress and stressors can also be very beneficial in
improving sleep.4

How meditation can
improve sleep

It is crucial that our mind is in a state of relaxation

when trying to fall asleep. When we have a lot on

our minds and feel stressed, we are at higher risk

of suffering from insomnia. Insomnia is a sleep

disorder that can affect your ability to fall asleep

and/or stay asleep. As many as 48% of adults are

believed to be affected by insomnia.5

Meditation can put us in the relaxation state that is

needed for quality sleep. It can also help regulate

our emotions and decrease feelings of constant

worry, also known as rumination, which can

greatly affect our ability to sleep well. Studies have

even shown an increase in REM sleep and a

decrease in the frequency of nighttime

awakenings for those that engage in meditation


Getting adequate sleep and good quality sleep is a

key factor in weight loss. 7

Meditation can put us in the relaxation state that is
needed for quality sleep. It can also help regulate
our emotions and decrease feelings of constant
worry, also known as rumination, which can
greatly affect our ability to sleep well. Studies have
even shown an increase in REM sleep and a
decrease in the frequency of nighttime
awakenings for those that engage in meditation

Getting adequate sleep and good quality sleep is a

key factor in weight loss.

Sleep quality and

weight loss
There is a connection between sleep and weight.
Several studies have indicated not getting enough
sleep can lead to weight gain and in turn can
increase the risk of obesity, chronic diseases, and
other health problems. There are several ideas
behind the relationship of sleep and weight loss.
One thought is the effect that sleep has on
appetite. Our appetite is controlled partly by
ghrelin, leptin, and adiponectin, which are brain
chemicals that increase and decrease during the
day. These increases and decreases tell us we need
to eat, basically making us feel hungry.

A lack of sleep can cause irregular amounts of
those chemicals, leading to an increase in appetite
and a decrease in feelings of fullness, and as a
result cause overeating. In addition, researchers
have even found you are more likely to eat
unhealthy foods when you are sleep deprived.
Meditation can improve your sleep quality, leading
to higher success rates for weight loss and more
mindful eating.7

Mindful eating

Mindful eating refers to being present when you

are eating. That involves focus, paying attention,
and being aware of not just the food, but also the
experience. Although the purpose is to help people
enjoy their food and encourage them to be
completely present while eating, people that
engage in mindful eating are highly likely to lose
weight. This is because mindful eating is more
about the process and less about the outcome,
which creates actual behavior change. Behavior
change is how lifestyle changes become
sustainable and overall health status can improve
on a physical and mental level.

Following these simple steps can help you eat

more mindfully:

Be free from distractions (TV, phone, etc.) and

noise (eat in silence)

Have a healthy appetite, but don’t be overly


Have your meal in front of you

Eat slowly and chew thoroughly

Connect with your food by focusing on how the

food tastes and makes you feel

Listen to your body and stop eating when you feel


Mindful eating is believed to be a key factor in

reducing the risk of many chronic diseases.8

Reduced risk of chronic

Reducing the risk of chronic diseases can improve

your quality of life and life expectancy. Meditation
plays a key role in decreasing many of the risk
factors for chronic diseases. As mentioned earlier,
one of the benefits to meditation is reducing
stress. High stress levels are associated with a
greater risk of:

High blood pressure

Cardiovascular disease


Chronic inflammation


Anxiety9, 10

Practicing meditation is an effective and very low cost

way to reduce stress and in turn the risk of many
health problems, even reducing chronic pain.

How meditation can
reduce pain

Chronic pain is not only painful, but frustrating and

oftentimes results in having to take pain
medication for relief. Recent studies have shown
positive results for meditation and pain reduction.
Images taken of the brain during meditation have
proven that it had an effect similar to pain
medication. This is incredible news for those who
suffer from chronic pain. Regular meditation is
more cost-effective and better overall for our
bodies than regular medication use.11

Here are some tips to help relieve pain during a

mindfulness meditation practice:

Bring your focus to the pain area

If your mind wanders, recognize where it has

gone and then come back

Acknowledge any pain you

feel and breathe through it

Gradually let go of focus on that area and

move on to another body part 12

The more someone meditates, the more benefits

they will experience. You follow the same basic
steps for many types of mediation.

Meditation basics (How to
get started)

Follow these steps for each type of mediation:

Find a comfortable place

Sit up straight
Relax your arms and shoulders

Take a few deep breaths and continue to

breathe deeply

Scan your body

Focus on your breathing

Relax your arms and shoulders

Let your mind be free, but notice when it

wanders and come back by re-focusing on your

The great thing is there are many different types of

meditation so you can try different variations and
figure out which type is the most effective for you.

Types of meditation

When it comes to meditation, there are several

types to choose from. Having so many variations
even within different types is important because
you can try a variety of practices and decide which
you are most comfortable with and which work
best for you. Meditation is very personal and in
order for it to be truly beneficial it has to feel right.

Here are three of the most common types:

Mindfulness meditation - unguided

This practice helps teach you how to be in the

present moment. It involves breathing and

paying attention to where your mind goes or

wanders to. It can calm your mind when you feel

overwhelmed, helps you let go of negative

energy and thoughts, and can even calm your

body. You can get started with this meditation

without any preparation and you can choose a

time frame that works for you.

You can practice mindfulness meditation by

following these steps:

1. Find your meditation location

2. Sit comfortably and relax

3. Set a timer (start with 5-10 minutes if you’re a


4. Take three deep breaths to start

5. Notice the thoughts that come into your mind, if

you don’t want to engage, refocus on your

breathing. This is practicing letting go

6. Focus on the present, listen for sounds around

you, or stay with your breathing

7. Continue until the time is up

Guided meditation

This is also a type of mindfulness meditation and

it is great for beginners because a person’s voice

is there to guide you through the practice. You

are guided by what they are saying throughout

the meditation. A specific type is a body scan or

progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) meditation.

It brings awareness to the body and is great for

relieving pain, relaxation, and tension reduction.

Movement meditation

This is an active form of meditation. It uses

flowing movement and focused breathing
simultaneously so that you are moving while
meditating. Yoga is an example of it and there
are several types of yoga to choose from. Usually
when practicing yoga you follow someone that is
leading you, but you can also do it by yourself if
you chose to.

Follow these simple steps to get started doing

yoga by yourself:

1. Decide on your focus (type). Pick a lower

intensity type like hatha yoga if you are just

getting started

2. Find a comfortable spot

3. Put down your yoga mat and be sure you are


4. Let go of any expectations

5. Begin your practice by choosing 5 poses to

practice. The time you choose to spend on

each pose is completely at your discretion,

but 15-30 seconds is recommended

6. Focus on your breathing as you work

through each of the poses

5 poses to try:

1. Cat-Cow

2. Downward-facing dog

3. Child’s pose

4. Warrior II

5. Mountain

Breathing is the focus and foundation of all types
of meditation. However, there is not necessarily a
right or wrong way to breathe during your
practice. The best recommendation is to just
breathe naturally. The key is focusing on your
breathing, not how you are breathing, especially
when you are first starting out.

Breathing techniques
While breathing naturally is ok during your
practice, there are some breathing techniques you
can do to get to that deep breathing state that is
ideal for many and has lots of incredible benefits.
Follow these steps to help you learn how to deep
breathe properly. Deep breathing isn’t just
effective during meditation but also during those
“in the moment” stressful situations. It can bring a
sense of calmness that is needed right there and
then. Below are some different variations of deep
breathing techniques. There is not one that is
better than another. It’s just a matter of preference
and it’s important for you to decide which is the
most comfortable and most effective for you.

3-2-4 Breathing

1. Inhale through the nose for 3 seconds

2. Hold your breath for 2 seconds

3. Exhale through the mouth for 4 seconds

REPEAT 1-3 times or until you self calm and are


Square/Box Breathing
1. Inhale through the nose for 4 seconds

2. Hold your breath for 4 seconds

3. Exhale through the mouth for 4 seconds

4. Hold your breath for 4 seconds

REPEAT 1-3 times or until you self calm and are


4-7-8 Breathing
1. Inhale through the nose for 4 seconds

2. Hold your breath for 7 seconds

3. Exhale through the mouth for 8 seconds

REPEAT 1-3 times or until you self calm and are


Breathwork and meditation can truly improve your

state of calmness, stress levels, reactions,

relationships, and overall quality of life. There’s little

to no cost and it can be done basically anywhere,

at any time. Many people choose to either

meditate in the morning to set their day off with

calmness and positive energy or at night to help

them fall asleep and get good quality sleep. The

deep breathing techniques that are done outside

of meditation can literally be done anywhere,

anytime you feel an overwhelming sense of stress

or anxiety. The benefits of both meditation and

deep breathing increase the more you do them, so

be sure to implement these practices as much as

you can and enjoy the renewed energy within you.









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