SAS 402 Disaster Management Lecture Notes
SAS 402 Disaster Management Lecture Notes
SAS 402 Disaster Management Lecture Notes
Terms and Concepts
(1) Before discussing details in disaster management, preparedness and mitigation, it is important
to explain the various terminologies used in disaster management for common understanding.
(2) Researchers and practitioners do not use these terms consistently and many definitions are
academic and hence overelaborated.
Hazard/Disaster terminology
These are terms concerning the nature and elements of disasters. These terminologies include:
hazards, vulnerability, risks, disaster risk reduction, emergency and disaster itself.
Disaster management terminology: These are terms for different components of disaster
management cycle and they include: disaster management, disaster preparedness, disaster
mitigation, prevention, alert, relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction
What is a Hazard?
(1) A potential threat to humans and their welfare. Hazards can be natural (such as
earthquakes and droughts) or induced by human processes (such as industrial accidents).
Some people use the term “environmental hazards”.
(2) A hazard is anything that has the potential of destroying life and property. It is a
dangerous event or circumstance that has the potential to lead to an emergency or
disaster. An extreme natural or human-made phenomenon that may cause physical
damage, economic losses, threaten human life and well-being, if it occurs in an area of
human settlement, agricultural or industrial activity.
(3) A hazard is any element that has the potential to threaten or destroy life and Fire, Floods, Earthquakes, and Droughts etc.
What is Vulnerability?
• Is the susceptibility (how prone?) of the individual, community, property, infrastructural
base or the environment to a hazardous event.
• The extent to which a person, group or socio-economic structure is likely to be affected
by a hazard (related to their capacity to anticipate it, cope with it, resist it and recover
from its impact). Some scientists and engineers often use the term in a narrower sense,
referring to physical structures.
Vulnerability is lack of capacity to deal with a potential threat. Caused by
Lack of information
lack of resources
Lack of technology
Reducing Vulnerability: Addressing those long-term factors that inhibit man’s ability to
respond effectively to disaster events. For example, addressing those policies and cultures that
promote: Factors contributing to Vulnerability
(1) Poverty
(2) Population growth
(3) Rapid unplanned urbanization
(4) Environmental degradation
(5) Conflicts
(6) Lack of awareness
Disaster Risk?
The likelihood of a specific hazard occurring and its probable consequences for people and
What is a Disaster?
What occurs when a hazard impacts on a section of society (causing death, injury, loss of
property or economic losses) overwhelms that society’s ability to cope without outside
Disaster is a calamitous event, especially one occurring suddenly and causing great loss
of life, damage, or hardship, as flood, airplane crash, or business failure”.
From “everyday use of disasters”, a “disaster’ is normally defined as damage and disruption
that exceeds the affected society’s capacity to cope.
The EM-DAT database managed by the Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters
(CRED), the most authoritative sources of data on disasters' impact worldwide, requires at least
one of the following four criteria to be met for an event to be recorded as a disaster:
• Ten or more people reported killed
• 100 reported affected
• a call for international assistance
• and/or a declaration of a state of emergency
• However, there is a growing body of research that show that the cumulative impact of a
John Whittow in his classic book disasters. The anatomy of environmental Hazards, suggested
"A hazard is a perceived natural event which threatens both life and property – a
disaster is the realization of this hazard.”
Disaster Recovery
Disaster recovery consists of three main phases:
• Relief
• Rehabilitation
• Reconstruction
Relief is immediately after the disaster and its aim is the immediate and basic needs such as;
• Food
• Clothing
• Medical care
• Emotional support
• Security.
• Search and rescue
The aim is to restore the basic services necessary for the affected to return to pre-disaster
condition. For example, enabling the community and the individuals to
• Start businesses
• Move freely
• Communicate and recover social networks
New modes of organizing the community and reducing its vulnerability. For example;
• Administrative reforms
• Altering systems of livelihood
• Enhancing community participation in planning and administration.
(2) By hazard type: the simplest is by type of event – according to the causal process –
eg. Meteorological, biological, geological, hydrological, aeolian – wind related hurricane,
tornado etc, Thermal – fire, snow/ice fog/mug
(3) Impact intensity – measured by the number of people affected, killed or displaced.
Impacts vary with culture, wealth, expectations. They are classified as low, medium or
high impact, localized, widespread (covering big or large area).
(4) Impact frequency – useful to classify for given region because it helps emergency
services to forward plan, less likely to occur. The classification then talked of low,
average or high frequency. However, there are several complications with this system
• lack of accurate long-term records on the frequency of hazards for many areas of
the world
• the more frequent a hazard occurs, the better adapted the local population will be
and it will be less likely to consider this as a hazard.
(6) Energy level use criteria – less used criteria. The classification here will be low
energy levels, e.g. Tornado or high energy levels e.g hurricane, etc.
I) Natural Hazards/disasters
Natural processes or phenomena occurring in the biosphere that may constitute damaging
event. Natural disasters also called natural hazards can be classified by origin geological,
hydro-meteorological or biological.
(ii)Technological, rapid-onset
These are the result of industrial accidents (for example of a chemical or oil spill or a nuclear
accident), major transport accidents, or disruption to other technological systems. They also
occur suddenly, with little warning
Rapid-onset disasters: are those triggered by hazards that arise suddenly, or whose occurrence
cannot be predicted far in advance. These include earthquakes, cyclones and other windstorms,
landslides and avalanches, wildfires, floods and volcanic eruptions. The warning ranges from
seconds or at best a few minutes in the case of earthquakes and many landslides, to several days
in the case of most storms and floods. In some cases, volcanic eruptions may be preceded by
weeks or months of activity, but predicting volcanoes’ behaviors remains very difficult and
warning time for the eruption itself may be only days or hours. Most disasters are rapid-onset
Slow-onset disasters: are those that take long to occur. For example, droughts hazards take
months or sometimes years for the results of droughts to become disastrous, in the form of severe
water and food shortages and, therefore famine. Pollution of the environment can also be
considered a slow-onset disaster, particularly in cases of growing concentrations of toxic wastes,
which may build up over years. Human activities that degrade the environment and damage
ecosystems – deforestation for instance – also contribute to disasters. Their cumulative impact
may not be felt for decades, although the hazards they cause such as flash-floods and landslides,
may be sudden-onset events. To some extent, the distinction between slow—and rapid-onset
disasters is artificial.
Development program were not assessed in the context of disasters, neither from the effect of the
disaster on the development program or form the effect of the disaster on the development
program or from the point of whether development programs increased either the likelihood of a
disaster or increased potential damaging effects of a disaster.
Disasters were seen in the context of emergency response - not as a part of long-term
development programming. When a disaster did occur, the response was directed to emergency
needs and cleaning up. Communities under disaster distress were seen as unlikely places to
institute development. The post disaster environment was seen as too turbulent to promote
institutional changes aimed at promoting long-term development.
The growing body of knowledge on the relationships between disasters and development
indicates four basic themes:
(i). Disasters set back development destroying years of development initiatives.
Infrastructure improvement such as transport and utility systems are destroyed by a flood.
(ii). Rebuilding after a disaster provides significant opportunities to initiate development
programs. A self - help housing program to rebuild housing destroyed by an earthquake
teaches new skills, strengthens community pride and leadership and retains development
dollars that otherwise would be exported to large construction companies
(iii). Development programs can increase an area's susceptibility to disasters. A major
increase in livestock development leads to overgrazing. Which contributes to
desertification and increases vulnerability to famine.
(iv). Development programs can be designed to decrease the susceptibility to disasters
and their negative consequences. Housing Projects constructed under building codes
designed to withstand high winds result in less destruction during the next tropical storm.
Types of Vulnerability
Physical Vulnerability: Nowhere on earth is completely safe from the threat of natural hazards.
But some areas are hazard-prone and therefore more at risk than others. The danger varies from
place to place, reflecting on the various natural or human-made factors of the different areas.
Economic Vulnerability
• Economic vulnerability measures the risk of hazards causing losses to economic assets
and processes. Measures are referred to as mild, average or worst. The primary source of
data is information on damage and casualties suffered physical infrastructure, etc. Such
data are useful for emergency planning. The poor are more vulnerable to disasters
• Economic status of the individual, family and society in many ways determine where and
under material conditions they live as well as their capacity to reduce their vulnerability
to potentially disastrous conditions. It determines location and technical vulnerability of a
population. It is necessary to establish data on income levels, family size and other
demographic and socio-economic characteristics of a given population.
Technical (structural) vulnerability: Characteristics of dwellings or buildings
• Living conditions of the people – overcrowded in poorly constructed structures.
• Few structural protections against flooding. Most houses not elevated above the ground
Social vulnerability- It is believed that the following groups are at risk. (a) single parent
families, (2) women, particularly when pregnant and lactating, (c) mentally and physically
handicapped people, (d) children, and (e) the elderly. People living or working in remote areas
also pose special problems. The levels of social cohesion existing within communities.
Educational and information vulnerability
• Relates to level of education and information for disaster preparedness and warnings.
There is need to introduce such programmes in school curriculum. There is also a need to
educate the public about disaster – public awareness. There is need for information about
the risk zones and provide sufficient and information and early warnings. Risk mapping
may exist but no information. Information diffusion in a society is essential. There is also
the risk of lack of economic and social alternatives.
Environmental Vulnerability
• Environmental degradation increases propensity to flooding and landslides. Urbanization
of slopes and hill tops dramatically change fluvial run-off conditions in urban areas,
posing severe problems for lower-lying communities.
The greatest concern to-date is how the disaster management can be made possible with
minimum financial constraints.
• Convincing funding agencies
• Hazard and vulnerability information is not sufficient
• Raising funds from the public for staff support and other logistics has proved to be an up-
hill task.
• Competition-the tendency to privatize humanitarian assistance has led to an increase of
voluntary aid agencies which are now competing with each other for funds
• Level of expenditure-The problem of determining the level of expenditure adequate to
meet the needs of those affected. This is due to lack of a clear impact assessment as most
of the assistance is hurried.
• Political influence-it is now clear that political considerations guiding government
decisions on disaster management do have an effect on operations e.g. distribution of
humanitarian assistance, rendering it insufficient in many cases.
General shortcomings
1. Vastness of potential funding channels
2. Insufficient resources to meet the global humanitarian needs.
3. Short-term donor commitments.
Suggested Solutions
1 Maintain core competence of humanitarian assistance.
2 There should be up-front funding to the agencies providing assistance.
Materials Stand by and Logistical Arrangements.
1.The stockpiling of food and materials and
2. Arrangements for the rapid deployment and on-going delivery of materials and personnel.
By logistical support we mean those arrangements for-
Road haulage
Storage or and
Logistical support is important because;
It contains the long-term costs of field operations.
It facilitates timely delivery of goods and services
It facilitates communication
Disaster Legislation:
Meaning and Aims
• To establish by law a disaster management body/board.
This will aim at:
• Having an institutional structure and institutional linkages with a formal system of
disaster management.
• Having necessary support for operations e.g. preparedness plan or strategy.
Key Areas to Be Considered
• Political consensus. – To minimize conflict in disaster management.
• Focal point. – Identifying the key agency with authority and resources to coordinate
disaster management activities.
• Links between policy and operations- Ensuring that the policy formulation body and the
implementing agencies are closely linked.
• The scope of disaster planning. – To draw a distinction between pro-active and reactive
approaches to disaster management.
Policy Scope
• Acceptance and importance of national assistance. (issue of welfare)
• Laws regarding the authority delegated to the involved institutions (who is responsible
for what?)
• Allocation of national resources to disaster management.
• Objectives and standards of operations.
• Procedures for including the use of other agencies e.g. the military.
The policy does not operate in vacuum. It is linked to other national programmes and
• Existing policies (Development Plan, PRSP, HIV/AIDS Policy, Economic Recovery
strategy for wealth and employment creation)
• Existing legislation (Kenya Red Cross, Water, Petroleum, Explosive Acts). About 35
Acts are recognized by the Disaster Management Policy.
• International Treaties and Agreements that Kenya is a signatory are also recognized. The
policy will operate in tandem with their provisions.
Lessons Learnt
Need for coordination
Early Warning /Planning through various disasters
Long term funding has occurred in Kenya and
Flexibility elsewhere.
Community participation
Institutional Framework
Establishing framework to handle disaster related activities i.e. National Disaster
Management Agency (NADIMA).
• Key Ministries
• Universities and Research Institutes
• Local Authorities
• Private Sector
• NGOs
• Judicial Organizations
Secretariat with an Initial 3 Departments
Finance and Administration
Planning Research
Disaster Response and Recovery
The objective of early warning is to empower individuals and communities threatened by natural
or similar hazards, to act in sufficient time so as to reduce the possibility of personal injury, loss
of life and damage to property or nearby and fragile environments.
It aims to:
(1) Enable remedial measures to be initiated and to provide more timely and effective
relief including through disaster preparedness actions.
(2) Early warning systems have been discussed in terms of long, medium and short-term
warnings, relating to the lead-time that one may have before the occurrence of a
hazardous event.
It is the estimate of future events indicating where and when the next occurrence within a
specified time and how much is difficult. Predictions are (1) based on past experiences of
events - past records, monitoring changes in the frequency of small seismic events.
Predict three things about likely events
– Where - place
– When and
– How big it might be.
– Predictions based on observations, then you map hazards prone areas
Evacuations: In most cases, evacuation will be the primary response to warnings. Creation of
escape routes and shelters and resettlement
Response: whereby warning are tuned into action, such as evacuation. The actors in this process
are more numerous and diverse. They include officials at national and local level, NGOs,
communities and individuals. In this third stage, the institutional and political aspect of early
warning broadens out, and the early and the early- warning process acquire a decision-making
play a crucial part. It has not received as much investment as the first two stages.
• The community is the first responder. They provide manpower and material needs in the
first 48 hours of disaster.
• There is need to develop a population that is alert, informed, aware and ready.
• It's important to have agreed, coordinated arrangements for disaster prevention,
preparedness, response and recovery.
Obstacles to participation
• Power:
• - Governments traditionally designed and controlled programs
• - Limited community input resulted in a lack of buy- in and support
• Community beliefs about organizational autonomy:
• - community knows best and should therefore control, design and set priorities in the
Disaster Management plan
• Responsibility is shared without requisite authority and resources
• Administration:
• - accountability interferes with delegation
• - administrators reserve the right to determine priorities
• - planners and administrators are reluctant to concede their practice
• - local community involvement adds time