Issam Doghri
Mechanics of
Deformable Solids
Linear, Nonlinear, Analytical and Computational Aspects
" Springer
Dr. Issam Doghri
Associate Professor of Applied Mechanics
Universite catholique de Louvain
Euler Building
4 Avenue G. Lemaitre
B - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
EMAIL: doghri@mema.ucl.ac.be
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• Of course -otherwise the book would be too lengthy- 1 had to make some
choices. Several subjects are omitted completely (e.g., dynamics, vibra-
tions, waves). AIso, each chapter is actually an introduction (or a primer)
to the relevant theme. However, the presentation is given with enough gen-
emlity and depth to achieve two goals:
- (1) Allow the readers to grasp the fundamentals of each subject and
solve basic or most common problems.
- (2) Permit them to read and study more advanced or detailed texts on
the subject if they wish to do so.
• There is a good balance between engineering and mathematics. 1 always
try to introduce a subject via an intuitive approach and then tackle its
formulat ion and analysis in mathematical terms. Many textbooks use a
mathematical equipment which is either too limited or too sophisticated:
I tried to strike the right compromise. I view mathematics as a tool, but
a wonderful one. On the one hand, it should not be so heavy as to render
the purpose obscure, and on the other hand, when used properly, it offers
insight into the engineering problem at hand. AIso, since there is usually
more than one approach to a given subject, 1 have always chosen one which
is simple, but not simplistic. As mentioned above, the presentation always
has the appropriate depth aud generality.
• I use seveml notation systems: tensor (symbolic) notation (e.g., 0"), in-
dex (component) notation (l7ij), matrices ([17ij]) and arrays ({ 171 }). I often
present formulations in at least two different notation systems. The read-
ers can use the notation they feell110re comfortable with: however they are
encouraged to try to understaud and use aU of them. Each notation has
its advantages. Tensor notation provides a neat qualitative understanding
of basic prin cip les and results, index notation is usually what the students
tind easiest to deal with, and matrices and arrays are most useful for com-
puter implementation. However, each notation system has its shortcomings
and cases where it becol11es too cumbersome or should be used with care.
• There is an emphasis on nonlinear material models, includ ing sophisti-
cated ones (e.g., non linear kinematic hardening, ductile damage, micro-
mechanically-based models). In each case, three aspects are examined: basic
experimental facts, mathel11atical formulat ion and numeric al implementa-
• Computational methods oc:c:upy a good port ion of the book. This is es-
pecially true in the chapters dealing with nonlinear mechanics, where the
emphasis is put on numerical methods, but the correc:t framework is al-
ready introduced in the chapter dealing with variational formulations in
linear elasticity. Usually, analytical and numeric al methods in mechanics
are viewed by the students as completely different worlds: they are taught
in separate courses, by different teachers using separate approaches aud
notations. l\Iy aim is to show the readers that everything stems from basic
principles; there are SOl11e problems which can be solved in closed form
Acknow ledgments
During my stuelies at College Saeliki (Tunis), Ecolc ."{ ationale eI·Ingenieurs
ele Tunis, Universite Pierre et l'darie Curie (Paris) anei Ecole Normale
Superieure ele Cachan (France), 1 was very luc:ky to have some truly re-
markable anel inspiring teachers who made 111e see and pursuc the beauty in
Science. Also, there are sorue classmates from those years whose frieuelship 1
stiU c:herish today.
In my professional career at the University of California-Santa Barbara,
Centric Engineering Systems (California), Universite catholique ele Louvain
(Belgium) and as a consultant for various companies. 1 hael the privilegc of
working with many really talented people with whom 1 had very interesting
discussions anei interactions.
1 typeel the book rnyself using l5IEX, but 1 benefiteel from the precious
help of two of my graeluate stuelents: Serge ],vlunhoven anei Svetoslav Nikolov.
Serge integrateel alI figures in the source files, formatteel the whole book anei
helpeel with numerous worel-processing problems. Svetoslav prepareel most of
the figures from my hanel-elrawn .. graffiti"' anel enelureel my enelless c:hanges
with patience. \Vithout the help of Serge anei Svetoslav, the book woulcl have
taken much longer to be reaely. 1 am very grateful to them.
When 1 starteel this project, 1 thought that it woulel take me at most
one year of moelerate work in oreler to put together 80me of my papers,
lecture notes and other handwritten notes. The endeavor ended up taking
alI my free time during two and a half years, including vacations, weekends,
evenings and a four-month sabbaticalleave. 1 am deeply thankful to my wife
for her unwavering support and encouragement, and 1 hope to make up to
her and our two daughters for alI the time that 1 did not spend with them.
Last, but not least, 1 am very grateful to my parents for giving me a
nurturing home and a good education, and to my Creator for blessing me
with good health and overalI luck in life.
Preface....................................................... V
In this chapter, we recall some basic equations and definitions for stress,
strain, equilibrium, compatibility, strength criteria, Hooke's law, etc., which
are needed in subsequent chapters. We tried to separate results which are
independent of any constitutive model from those which are specific to lin-
ear elasticity. The reader is assumed to have some knowledge of continuum
mechanics, tensor analysis, linear algebra, etc.
1.1 On tensors
Throughout the book, boldface symbols denote tensors, the order of which
is indicated by the context. Einstein's summation convention over repeated
indices is used unless otherwise indicated:
aikbkj == L aikbkj
Dots and colons are used to indicate tensor products contracted over one and
two indices, respectively:
U· v = UiVi; (a· U)i = aijUj;
(a· b)ij = aikbkj; a : b = aikbki;
There are numerous references on tensors; for this book an introduction such
as the one given in (Ogden, 1984) or (Segel, 1977) is sufficient. What we need
to remember is that in order for a "mathematical object with indices" to
represent tensor components, it has to obey precise transformation rules. For
example, in a change of coordinates from one orthonormal basis (el,e2,e3)
to another (el, e2, e3), a vector (first-order tensor),
2 1. Basic mechanics
Oij = 1 if i = j; Oij = O if i =1 j
Row (i) of matrix Q contains the components of vector ei in basis (el, e2, e3).
A second-order tensor,
The second- and fourth-order identity tensors (1 and 1) are defined by:
l ij = Oij, I ijkl = "2 (OikOjl + OilOjk)
The inverse of a second-order tensor a is denoted by a-l so that:
1.2 Stress
Consider an elementary uniaxial tension test, Le. a bar (axis e z ) with uniform
cross section is subjected to forces ±Fez applied at its end sections and along
its axis (Fig. 1.1). In this test, a (uniaxial) stress, i.e. an internal force per
unit area, develops and is defined by
O"u = A' (1.3)
Fig. 1.1. Uniaxial tension test on a cylindrical specimen: initial (a) and deformed
(b) states.
a zz
-- ,
a YXff
a yy (+ I (_
__ ( '" I1 a xz laxz
a(+) ,
a yz
Upper scripts (+) and (-) in Fig. 1.2 have the following meaning:
(±) _
a xx - a xx ± âx
oaxx (dx)
idem for other stress components. Equation (1.7) is generalized as follows:
the force per unit area act ing on a facet with outside unit normal n is:
In component form, this can be written as:
Note that the so-called "stress vector" (o-T . n) is not in general collinear
with n. The normal stress an is defined by:
an = (o-T . n) . n = ajinjni
The sign convention adopted in this book is that an is positive if it is tensile,
and negative if it compresses the facet (in civil engineering, an opposite sign
convention is usually used).
We shall see later on that it is useful to define a deviatoric stress tensor
8 which is, by design, traceless (tr 8 = O):
8 == o- - -(tr 0-)1, i.e. (1.10)
1.3 Strain 5
1.3 Strain
Consider the uniaxial tension test of Fig. 1.1 again. If the initial and final
values of the bar length are 10 and 1, respectively, then a strain along the axis
of the bar is defined as:
(1 - 10 )
f:u = (1.11)
This notion is generalized to multi-axial loadings by defining a strain ten-
sor, which is defined in the injinitesimal case as the following second-order
symmetric tensor (see Chap. 14 and references therein for details):
where u(x) is the displacement field and " the gradient operator. In Carte-
sian coordinates, Eq. (1.12) can be written under the following form:
It can be shown (e.g., Chap. 14) that for infinitesimal strains, (tr e) measures
the variation of volume:
dV dV -dVo
- ~ l+tre i.e. tr e ~ dVo '
dVo '
6 1. Basic mechanics
where dVo and dV are elementary volumes before and after deformation,
respectively. It is useful to define the deviatoric part of E as follows:
~ l'
where 1/i are the eigenvalues (or principal values) of 7] and e(i) the principal
directions. By definition, 1/i and e(i) are such that:
Equation (1.19) shows that the eigenvalues are solution of the following equa-
, (1.23)
O '1733
Examples are stress or strain matrices for plane problems (Chaps. 7 and 8)
and bending moment matrices for plates (Chaps. 5 and 6). In those cases,
solving Eq. (1.20) becomes an easy task: simple algebra gives the principal
values as follows:
Fig. 1.3. Mohr's stress circles. Normal (O"n) and shear (0".) stresses are necessarily
within the shaded area, with 0"1 < 0"2 < 0"3 being the principal stresses.
1.6 Equilibrium
For a deformed body in static equilibrium, the following vector equation must
be satisfied in each material point:
where li [N/m 3 J are forces per unit volume and (div) designates the di-
vergence operator. In Cartesian coordinates, Eq. (1.27) is equivalent to the
following system of three scalar equations:
Using the convention on repeated (or dummy) indices, this system can be
rewritten in the following compact form:
Oaji f i= O (1.29)
Equilibrium equations are found from the balance of linear momentum (see
Chap. 14). Alternatively, they can be derived directly by writing the equilib-
rium conditions for the elementary parallelepiped of Fig. 1.2, as in (Filonenko-
Borodich, 1958) for instance (or as in Secs. 5.3 for plates and 11.10 for shells).
Indeed, it can be easily shown that equilibrium of forces gives Eqs. (1.28)
while equilibrium of moments gives three scalar equations:
Consider a solid body which before deformat ion occupies an open set il of
]R3. The body is subjected to forces per unit volume f in il and to the
following boundary conditions (B.Cs.): forces per unit area F on a part FF
of its boundary and imposed displacements U on a part Fu of the boundary
(Fig. 1.4). We assume that Fu ::j:. 0, FF n Fu = 0, and FF U Fu = F, where
F designates the boundary of the domain. The position vector of a material
partide in a fixed global frame is designated by x.
The problem is to find the fields of displacements u(x), strains €(x) and
stresses lT(x) which satisfy the following equations:
u = U on Fu (displacement B. Cs. )
div lTT +f = O in il (equilibrium)
lTT . n = F on FF (force or "traction" B.Cs.)
€ = 2(V'u + V'T u) (infinitesimal strains)
"Constitutive equations" (1.30)
Ui = Ui on Fu
âaji f i = O'l l l u
--+ n
ajinj = Fi on FF
fij = ~
(âUi + âUj)
2 âXj âXi
"Constitutive equations" (1.31)
10 1. Basic mechanics
As a reminder of the notions of open and closed sets, consider the unit
interval, Le., {x E IRjO ~ x ~ 1}, then n =]0, 1[ is the open set, n = [0,1] is
the closed set, and r = {0,1}.
We have not written specific constitutive equations in (1.30e) to empha-
size the point that Eqs. (1.30a-d) are valid for any constitutive model. The
simplest material model is linear elasticity for which Eqs. (1.30e) become (see
Sect. 1.11):
O' = c : €, Le. (Tij = Cijkl€lk,
where the elasticity operator c is named after the British physicist Robert
Hooke (1635-1703).
For simplicity, we have Iimited ourselves to the B.Cs. presented above,
but other B.Cs. are possible (see references in Chap. 2), provided that the
problem is well posed. For mathematicai details, see (Parton and Perline,
1984a), but for the purpose of this book, it suffices to follow the following
"common sense" rules in order to understand this important notion:
- (1) The body must be in static equilibrium, Le. the resultant of alI forces
must vanish, and the resultant moment w.r.t. a fixed point must be zero.
- (2) We cannot impose in a given point of the boundary r and in the same
direction a force and a displacement at the same time. In other words,
we cannot impose Fi and Ui in the same point (we either impose Fi and
compute the corresponding displacement in the i-direction, or impose Ui
and compute the reaction force in the i-direction). What can be imposed
at a given point of rare: three displacement components or three force
components or a displacement component and two force components in the
other two orthogonal directions or a force component and two displacement
components in the other two orthogonal directions.
An important class of problems corresponds to the case where only force
B.Cs. are applied to the boundary r (Le., ru = 0). First, the body must in
static equilibrium (condition (1)) and then the stress solution will be unique
but the displacement field will be defined up to a rigid body displacement.
In several chapters -including this one- we make the small-perturbation
hypothesis (SPH), Le. we assume that strains, displacements and rotations
are "small". Therefore, infinitesimal strains (1.30d) are used as strain mea-
sures. Displacements are assumed to be small compared to a representative
dimension of the body (e.g., for a beam, its length, for a circular plate, its
diameter). An important consequence of SPH is that we write (and solve
for) equilibrium and boundary condition equations on the initial, undeformed
(thus known) configuration of a body. Exceptions to SPH are the search for
possible buckling modes in Chap. 10 and the study of finite-strain problems
in Chaps. 14 to 16.
Finally, problem (1.30) is formulated in a formal way, Le. one which is
not mathematically rigorous. For a mathematical presentation in the case of
linear elasticity, see (Parton and Perline, 1984a-b, 1983) for example.
1.8 Continuity equations 11
with n = n(l) ar n(2). Equation (1.32) requires the continuity of the "stress
vector" u T ·n. Note that continuum mechanics does not require the continuity
of the entire stress tensor u. The field of "stress vectors" can be thought of
as that of cohesive forces holding the body together.
There is a second continuity requirement: the displacement vector must
be continuous across rI :
IT this condition is violated, then the material breaks along rl (e.g., a crack
may appear).
IT the surface n is an interface between two different materials, then
continuity conditions (1.32-33) must hold if the two materials are perfectly
"glued" together at n,
otherwise the two materials may separate (e.g., de-
lamination in laminated composites).
There are many interesting cases where two solids are in contact but
tangential (sliding) ar normal separat ion can occur in some areas. In those
cases, contact conditions other than (1.32-33) must be writtenj see (Johnson,
1987), (Doghri et al., 1998) and references therein.
8 i'
Xi Xk
= O; i, j, k, 1 = 1, 2, 3 (1.34)
is unloaded at any point along (AB), then to a zero stress (O"(C) = O) cor-
responds a non-zero strain (€(C) "1 O), i.e. an irreversible or permanent or
plastic deformation takes place. Elasto-plasticity theory is studied in chapters
12 and 16.
O"(B) ~----=_'9'--
Fig. 1.6. Uniaxial stress-strain response of a metallic specimen
where O"y is a material parameter known as the initial yield stress. For multi-
axialloadings, criterion (1.36) was generalized by von Mises as follows:
J2 (u) = (_S:S)I/2,
2 ie
.. J(u)
2 = (s
2" ij Sji )1/2 , (1.38)
where sis the deviatoric part ofthe Cauchy stress. Since J2 (u) is the second
invariant of the deviatoric stress, the yield criterion is both isotropic and
pressure insensitive, this last property being generally well verified for metals.
It will also be shown in Sect. 1.12 that the square of J2 (u) is -up to a factor-
equal to the elastic distortion energy. By developing the expression of J2 (u):
The surface force acting on the octahedral plane has the following components
in B:
an = (uT 3
. n) . n = -(al + a2 + aa) = -tr u
From Eqs. (1.42-44), the tangential surface force is found to have the following
components in B:
Recalling the definition of the deviatoric stress 8 -Eq. (1.10)- it is found that:
1.10 Strength criteria 15
1 [SI
= Vă :: 1 (1.46)
It is seen that the von Mises equivalent stress J 2 (u) is related to IIrli by:
Fig. 1.7. Orthonormal hasis of principal stress directions (e(l), e(2}, e(3}) and oc-
tahedral plane with outer normal n
[ (1.50)
[a]= ~
16 1. Basic mechanics
Using Eq. (1.39), it is found that the von Mises yield criterion takes the
following form:
The ellipse is plotted in Fig. 1.8, which can be interpreted easily: if the stress
point (O"d O"y, 0"2/ O"y) is inside the elliptical surface, then the state is linear
elastic. II the stress point is outside the ellipse, then irreversible (plastic)
deformation occurs.
The Tresca criterion gives a hexagonal surface which is also plotted in Fig.
1.8; its interpretation is identical to that of the von Mises elliptical surface.
The Tresca surface is easy to obtain. The stress matrix (1.50) is diagonal and
the principal stresses are simply 0"1, 0"2 and 0"3 = O. Mohr circles for three
different stress regions are plotted in Fig. 1.8.
Figure 1.8 shows that the von Mises and Tresca criteria mostly give the
same predictions but that in general the latter criterion is more conservative.
In practice however, this is not important, because engineers generally use a
safety factor Ks > 1, Le. the yield (or "strength") criteria (1.37, 49) are used
with a right-hand-side equal to O"y / Ks.
The von Mises and Tresca yield criteria are applicable for ductile isotropic
materials. For brittle materials such as ceramics or glass, it is observed that
they break if the tensile stress exceeds a cert ain material parameter O" J or the
tensile strain exceeds a parameter EJ. Such materials remain linear elastic as
long as:
otherwise they break.. In the strength criteria (1.54), 0"1 designates the largest
principal tensile stress and EI the largest principal tensile strain.
The results which were presented so far are independent of any specific ma-
terial behavior. We now restrict our attention to the important case of linear
1.11 Linear elasticity 17
von Mises
Fig. 1.8. For a bi-axial stress state, the von Mises and Tresca yield criteria give
elliptical and hexagonal surfaces, respectively
elasticity (note that nonlinear elastic models do exist, see Chap. 15). By "elas-
tic" we mean "reversible", Le. if the external solicitat ion which is applied to
the body is removed, the latter retrieves its initial shape. For instance, in the
uniaxial tension example of Fig. 1.1, if the tensile loading is brought to zero,
the bar retrieves its initial geometry (length lo and cross section area Ao).
For the same test, a "linear elastic" material is such that the (uniaxial) stress
(Txx is proportional to the axial strain Exx:
where E > O is a material modulus named after the British scientist Thomas
Young (1773-1829). Typical values of E are: 200 GPa (Le., 200 x 109 N/m 2 )
for steel, 70 GPa for aluminum and 0.1 GPa for rubber. For multi-axial
loadings, Eq. (1.55) is generalized as follows:
where the material parameters A and J.I. are named after the French engineer
Gabriel Lame (1795-1870) and are the only material properties needed to de-
scribe isotropic linear elastic behavior (instead of 21 in the general anisotropic
case). Using Eqs. (1.57,58), the stress-strain reIat ion (1.56b) becomes:
where (tr) is the trace operator. We now wish to invert Eqs. (1.59), Le. express
strains in terms of stresses. The "trick" is to relate the trace of lT to that of
€. Computing the trace on each side of (1.59b), it is found that:
lT A . Uij A r
€ = -
- 2 (A 2) (tr
J.I. 3 + J.I.
lT)l, l.e. f.ij = -2J.1.- - 2J.1.(3A + 2J.1.) UmmUij
As a first application, consider the same uniaxial tension test as before; the
stress matrix in the Cartesian basis is:
[uJ = [T ~ ~ 1 (1.62)
A+J.I. A
f. xx = J.I.(3A + 2J.1.) U xx ; f. yy = f.zz = - 2J.1.(3A + 2J.1.) U xx ;
f. xy = f. yz = f.xz = O (1.63)
Usually, the material parameters which are measured experimentally are not
A and J.I. but E and v which can be defined from a uniaxial tension test as
E = u xx ; v = _~ = _ f.zz , (1.64)
f. xx f. xx f. xx
1.11 Linear elasticity 19
Le. Young's modulus E measures the stiffness in the tension (rudal) direction
and v measures the lateral contract ion. This ratio v is named after the French
engineer S.D. Poisson (1781-1840). Comparing Eqs. (1.63-64), the following
identities are found:
A_ Ev . _ E
- (1- 2v)(1 + v)' f-L - 2(1 + v)
Using identities (1.65), it is easy to check that the strain-stress relations (1.61)
can be rewritten under the following simpler form:
l+v v . l+v v
€ = ~u - E(tr u)1, l.e. Eij = ~Uij - EUmmbij (1.67)
Exy = ~Uxy; Exx = Eyy = Ezz = Eyz = Exz = O
This shows that the so-called shear modulus f-L has a similar role to that of E
in a uniaxial tension test, it is the constant slope of the straight line: shear
stress (u xy ) versus engineering shear strain (2E xy ); Fig. 1.9.
As a third application, consider a state of hydrostatic pressure. The stress
matrix in the Cartesian basis is given by:
[uj = [ - :
~pO ~ -p
l' (1.69)
where p > O is the applied pressure. The strains are given by Eqs. (1.67) as:
(1 - 2v)
(xx = (yy = Ezz = E (-p); (xy = Eyz = Exz = O
20 1. Basic mechanics
Since for infinitesimal strains, (tr €) measures the variat ion of volume, Eq.
(1.72) shows that for an incompressible material: v = 1/2 or r;, -t 00 (this
means in practice: r;,/J.t ~ 103 ). The larger the value of r;, (w.r.t. J.t), the less
compressible the material. That's why r;, is also called "compressibility mod-
ulus" .
Exercise: show that the stress-strain relations can be written under the
following format using r;, and G ::::: J.t:
(T = 2G€ + (r;, - ~G)(tr €)1, Le. aij = 2G€ij + (r;, - ~G)€mm8ij (1.73)
Exercise: find the strain versus stress relations (1.67) by direct application
of lemma (1.1).
1.12 Strain energy 21
Consider a linear spring under a tensile force F (Fig. 1.10). The tension
T = F in the spring is related to the displacement U by T = kU, where
k [N/mJ is the stiffness ofthe spring. This relation can be written as follows:
Fig. 1.10. Linear spring: initial (a) and deformed (b) states.
where, by analogy with Eq. (1.74), W(€) is the strain energy per unit volume
(a better justification will be given in Chap. 2). The strain energy can be
rewritten as follows:
1 1
W(€) = "2€ : (T = "2{ij(Jji (1.76)
For a uniaxial tension test in the (x) direction, W(€) has the simple expres-
which has a simple interpretation: in uniaxial tension, W(€) is simply the area
under the stress-strain line (the area of the shaded triangle in Fig. 1.11).
22 1. Basic mechanics
Fig. 1.11. In uniaxial tension, the strain energy per unit volume (W) is simply
equal to the area of the shaded triangle
For generalloadings, using the isotropic linear elastic relations (1.59), the
following expression is found:
It appears that W(e) is the sum of two terms: Wtlol(t mm ) which represents
the part of the energy due to the change of volume, and WdiB(e) which
corresponds to the change of shape. The latter is called the distortion energy.
Note that the interpretations of the bulk and shear moduli given in Sect. 1.11
are consistent with Eq. (1.79): "" is attached to the volume variat ion energy,
while p. appears in the distortion part of the energy.
We now rewrite Eq. (1.79) one more time using the stress tensor. Re-
calling the definit ion of the deviatoric stress tensor s, Eq. (1.10), and using
Eqs. (1.59, 60), it is found that the deviatoric stress and strain tensors are
s = 2p.e (1.80)
Finally, substituting into Eq. (1.79) and recalling (1.70),3"" = 3A + 2p., it is
found that the strain energy is the following stress function:
Recalling Eq. (1.38), it is seen that the (elastic) distortion energy W di8 (s) is
proportional to the square of the von Mises equivalent stress:
Consequently, the yield criterion (1.37) can be written in terms ofthe (elastic)
distortion energy as follows:
WdiB(s) < O'y (1.83)
- 6ţt'
8 [>'~ij -
+ ţt(- + -8uj )]
+ fi = O
8xj 8xm 8xj 8Xi
We now assume that the Lame coefficients are uniform, i.e. independent of
the position vector x. The previous equations then become:
\ 8 (8u m ) +ţt-
A- --
8 (8ui -) + j i= O
- +8uj
8Xi 8xm 8xj 8xj 8Xi
After renaming dummy indices, the equations can be rewritten as:
8 8u m 82Ui
(>. + ţt)-8 (-8 ) + ţt 8 Xj 8 Xj
Xi X m
+ fi = O (1.84)
The three scalar equations thus obtained are named after the French engineer
Navier (1785-1836). They can be rewritten under the following tensor form
which can be used in other coordinate systems (e.g., cylindrical or spherical):
(>. + ţt)V(div u) + ţtLlu + f = O, (1.85)
where Ll designates the Laplacian operator. Actually, we shall use this pro-
cedure quite often: when we need to differentiate w.r.t. position, we first con-
sider Cartesian coordinates, where the computations are the easiest, then we
try to find a tensor or "intrinsic" form which can be used for other coordinate
24 1. Basic mechanics
Some problems are such that one can guess the form Uij(m) = Uji(m) of the
stress solution (several examples are given for plane problems in chapters 7
and 8). This (trial) stress field must satisfy equilibrium equations (1.30b) and
force B.Cs. (1.30c). Strains can be computed from the constitutive equations.
Those strains must satisfy the compatibility equations of Sect. 1.9 in order
to ensure that displacements verifying (1.31d) can be found.
In a stress-based approach, it is desirable to express the compatibility
equations in terms of stresses, so one can check the suitability of a guess
from the beginning. Assuming isotropic linear elasticity, we can substitute
Eqs. (1.61) into (1.35), but we arrive to a simpler representation if we use
the method of Beltrami and Mitchell which proceeds as follows. Define:
This is known (up to a sign) as the hydrostatic stress. Now assume that the
material properties E and v are uniform in space. Substituting Eqs. (1.61)
into (1.34) leads to:
1+v (
+__ EPu"'3 + 82Ukl 8 2u'k
___ '_ _ 8 2U'I)
3 = O (1.86)
E 8xk8Xl 8xi 8Xj 8Xj8Xl 8Xi8xk
Assuming that u(x) satisfies equilibrium equations (1.31b), Eq. (1.89) be-
3(1 _ v) div i, (1.90)
where (div) designates the divergence operator. Substitution into Eq. (1.88)
An important case is when the external forces per unit volume i are uniform
in space (e.g., forces due to gravity, assuming a uniform density). In this case,
Eqs. (1.91) become much simpler:
3 8 2uH
LlUij + -1-- ~ = O, with LlUH = O (1.92)
+ v UXiUXj
Taking the Laplacian again on (1.92a), we obtain:
Le. the stress field must be bi-harmonic. Note that the same result applies
for the strains: LlLltij = O.
where C represents the fiber volume fraction, e the axial (uniform) strain and
p the (continuous) interface pressure.
Working with cylindrical coordinates (Appendix A), one can prove that
the stress solution is given as follows:
• Fiber: Urr = UOO = -p, Uzz = constant == uzI,
• Matrix: urr,OO = =t= [ ( ~m =t= 1]1 ~ C P'
U zz = constant == U zm , (1.95)
and that the shear stresses vanish everywhere:
UrO = UO z = Urz = O (1.96)
Indeed, the stress expressions satisfy the stress B.Cs., continuity of the stress
vector at the interface, the only non-trivial equilibrium equation:
- O
- - + --'-'----'-'-
Urr - UOO
r -,
and the compatibility equations. In order to find the stresses, one can look
for the displacement field under the form:
u(r, 0, z) = u(r)e r + eze z
Actually, we shall see in Chap. 8 that the stresses in the matrix are those of a
Lame's hollow cylinder under internal pressure P and zero external pressure.
Isotropic linear elasticity gives the strain field as follows:
. (1 - vI - 2vJ)
• Flber: (rr = (00 = -vIe - EI p,
=t= 1 ± 2vm]
x -P' (1.97)
1- C
28 1. Basic mechanics
The radial displacement field u(r) is simply found from the relations:
u = r€()(), dr = €rr
E =
- < a zz > , (1.101)
where < a zz > is the stress average:
< a zz >= [2 22]
R2 7rRfazf + 7r(Rm - Rf)azm = Cazf + (1- C)azm
7r m
Substituting the expression of p into those of the axial stresses, the axial
stiffness is found to be:
le Formulation (Po):
Find the fields of displacements Ui(X), strains €ij(X) and stresses O"ij(X) which
satisfy the following equations:
30 2. Variational formulations, work and energy theorems
Ui = Ui on r u (displacement B.C.)
aUij f i = o·f i un (equilibrium)
(aUi j
+ /i)wi dil = O (2.2)
We have:
"Formulation (Pt}:
lnr aijv(i,j) dn =
lnr fiVi dn + r
lrF FiVi dr + r
lru aijnjUi dr, "Iv E Y
dJl = r /ivi
Fivi dF, Vv* E Y*
le We shall now prove that formulations (Po) and (P2) are equivalent. We
have already proven that (Po) => (P2), we only need to show that (P2 ) =>
(Po). We have:
Using the divergence theorem, Eq. (2.7b) becomes (we assume that u is a
solution of (P2 )):
2.3 Displacement-based variational formulat ion 33
.. Remarks:
< >
lar J;Wi dfl; < F,w >rF= r FiWi dr
j,w = (2.13)
It is easy to verify that a(., .), < .,. > and < .,. >rF are symmetric and
bilinear forms. Symmetry means that:
a(u,v*) a(v*,u);
< j,v* > < v*,j >; < F,v* >rF=< v*,F >rF (2.14)
idem for < .,. > and < .,. >rF' Due to the positiveness of e, a(.,.) is a
positive form: a(w, w) 2: O.
We now present a new formulation (P3 ) of the original problem .
.. Formulation (P3):
a(u,v*) =< j,v* >+< F,v* >rF' '<Iv* E Y* (2.16)
.. We have shown in Sec. 2.2 that formulations (Po) and (P2 ) are equiv-
alent, and therefore (Po) and (P3 ) are equivalent. We shall now prove that
if (P3 ) admits a displacement solution, then this solution is unique. Let us
assume that there exist two displacement fields u and v which are both so-
lutions of (P3 ). We then have:
Le., there exist two vectors a and b such that in each point M of the solid
body we have:
M l M2 xa = O; M 2 M 3 xa = O; M 3 Ml xa = O (2.22)
Since MI, M2 and M 3 are not aligned, the 3 equalities imply that a = O, and
consequently b = O.
We have thus proved the uniqueness of the displacement field solution of
(P3 ) (and since (Po) and (P3 ) are equivalent, we also have uniqueness for
(Po)). Note that we have not demonstrated the existence of a solution; for a
proof see (Duvaut, 1990).
,. Formulation (P4):
I(u) ::; I(v), \Iv E Y (2.24)
36 2. Variational formulations, work and energy theorems
We are going to prove that problems (P3 ) and (P4 ) are equivalent. Our proofs
of the theorems of potential energy, complementary energy and energy bounds
follow those of Duvaut(1990); for other proofs see, e.g. (Lanczos, 1970), (Lipp-
mann, 1972), (Dym and Shames, 1973), (Oden and Reddy, 1976), (Mason,
1980), (Parton and Perline, 1984b). First, we show that (P3 ) ::::} (P4 ). We
1 1
I(v) - I(u) 2a(v,v)- < j,v > - < F,v >rF -2a(u,u)+ < j,u >
+ < F,u >rF
2a(v - u,v - u)
, .... ,
+a(u,v-u)- < j,v -u > - < F,v -u >rF
" . ,
= O, using (P3 ) with v* = v - u
We have used the properties of bilinearity and symmetry of the forms in order
to rearrange the terms as shown.
We now show that (P4 ) ::::} (P3). Let v be any element of Y and a a real
number. Let w = u + a(v - u); we have w E Y. Using (P4 ) with w along
with the bilinearity and symmetry properties, we obtain:
2"f(v - u,v - u),+a[a(u,v - u)- < j,v - u >
- < F,v - u >rFl2:: 0, Va E lR (2.25)
.. Mechanical interpretation:
Ui'T}ijnjdr + r
_ r Ui â'T}ij dn (2.30)
ln âXj
It Formulation (Ps):
A(O",T*) =< U,T* >ru' VT* E E* (2.34)
We have already shown that (Po) ~ (Ps)j it can be shown that problems
(Po) and (Ps ) are equivalent.
It We are now going to show that the stress field solution of (Ps ) is unique.
Let us assume that there exist two stress fields O" and T which are both
solutions of (Ps). We then have:
,. Formulation (P6):
J(U) ~ J(T), "IT E I) (2.39)
,. We are going to show that problems (P5 ) and (P6 ) are equivalent. First,
we show that (P5 ) => (P6). Using the properties of A(.,.) and < .,. >ru ' the
following result is easily established:
J(T) - J(u) = 2A(T - U,T - u) + A(U,T - u)- < U,T -u >ru
... , ...
We now prove that (P6 ) => (P5 ). Let T be any element of E and a a real
number. Let TI = u + a(T - u); we have TI E E. Using (P6) with TI, and
taking into account the properties of A(., .) and < ., . > ru, we obtain:
;1(T - U, T - u), +a [A(U,T - u)- < U,T - u >rul2:: O, Va E IR
,. Mechanical interpretation:
(-J( T)) is called the complementary energy of the S.A. stress field T. The-
orem (P6 ) states that among alI S.A. stress fields T, the solution u is the
one which maximizes the complementary energy. We shall see in the next
section that the displacement and stress fields (u, u) solutions of problem
(Po) satisfy: I(u) = -J(u).
If u and u are the displacement and stress fields solutions of problem (Po),
we have:
40 2. Variational formulations, work and energy theorems
u E r, u E E,
-J(T) :S -J(u) = I(u) :S I(v), '<Iv E r and '<IT E E (2.43)
If we examine (P4 ) and (P6 ), we see that the only result that needs to be
proven is the equality I(u) = -J(u). Using the definitions of I(u) and J(u),
we have:
I(u) + J(u)
If u and u are the displacement and stress fields solutions of (Po), Eq. (2.45)
However, it must not be thought that only half of the energy which is de-
veloped by the loads is stored in the body. We should not confuse work and
stored energy. For example, and as the VWT or the reciprocity theorem (Sec.
2.9) clearly show, we can very well define the work of a force in a displacement
which is not due to that force.
Let us assume that the final state (u, u) is reached by successive equi-
librium states (au, au), O ~ 1. Since the problem is linear, each state
(au, au) corresponds to given data al in il, aF on r F and aU on r u .
The sum of the elementary works which are developed in order to reach
progressively the final state (u, u) is:
2.9 Maxwell-Betti reciprocity theorem 41
+ r
(00(1). n)· U dr, Vv E Y
+ r
(00(2). n) . U dr, Vv E Y (2.48)
r f(l). ",(2) dil + r
F(l). ",(2) dr
r (00(1). n) . U dr (2.49)
= la 0'(2) : e(u(1») dn
A major advantage of the theorem is that the solution of a given problem can
be found by solving another, simpler problem. Examples are given in Sec.
2.12 and Chap. 3.
For the basic problem, the displacement Uj under a force Fjw(j) and in the
direction of the force is defined by:
Uj == w(j) . U(x(j») = LFiW(j) . U(i) (x(j») (2.52)
Fig. 2.2. Illustration of the superposition principle in the case of a straight beam.
The basic problem is decomposed onto n problems each one consisting of a single
force Fi applied at (x = Xi), i = 1,2, ... , n.
Note that coefficients w(j) . util (x(j») are independent of the loading Flw(l).
They are constant, Le. they only depend on the elastic properties, the ge-
ometry and the displacement B.Cs. After simplification, Eq. (2.54) can be
rewritten as follows:
44 2. Variational formulations, work and energy theorems
Now, applying Maxwell-Betti reciprocity theorem to any two problems (i) and
(j), we find the following symmetry reiat ion (see Fig. 2.3 for an illustration):
âFk i=l
using (2.52). We have thus obtained Castigliano's theorem which gives the
displacement under a concentrated force and in the direction of the force:
The theorem is also applicable for concentrated moments, and gives the ro-
tation under a concentrated moment in the direction of the moment:
(Jk =-- (2.58)
The theorem is widely used in beam theory (Chap. 3) in cases where we
are interested in computing not the displacement field but only the displace-
ment of a given point; it also allows to compute reaction forces for statically
indeterminate problems.
Fig. 2.3. Illustration of problems (i) and (j) in the case of a straight beam: a unit
force is applied at (x = Xi) and (x = Xj), respectively. Maxwell-Betti theorem gives:
1 x Uj(Xi) = 1 X u'(Xj).
2.11 Intraductian ta numerical methods 45
V(R) (x) = bA1/J(A) (x) (2.59)
where 1/J(1), . .. ,1/J(n), are given functions of x chosen so that v eR ) (x) is K.A.
Coefficients b1 , ... , bn are computed in such a way as to minimize the poten-
tial energy:
aI(v eR ))
abA = o, A = 1, ... ,n (2.60)
Ritz's method is approximate because it does not consider alI K.A. displace-
ment fields, but only those of the form (2.59). A few applications are given
in Chaps. 4 and 6; many more examples can be found in (Dym and Shames,
1973) and (Dumontet et al., 1994).
Therefore, instead of solving problem (P2), we seek a solution for the folIowing
problem: Find the displacement field u eh ) which satisfies:
u eh ) E ye h)
v;(h)(x) ~(A)(x)Vi*(A) (2.64)
where ~(A) are given functions of (x), they are called interpolation or
shape junctions; Vi*(A) are coefficients and (A = 1, ... ,n) are called nodes.
Galerkin's equation (2.63b) now becomes:
Vi*(A) [ aij
a (A) d{} =
-~-. Ln
[h~(A) d{} + [ Fi~(A) dr] ,
A=l ln ax] A=l ln lrF
(sums over i, i = 1,2,3) (2.65)
This equation must hold Vv*(h) E y*(h). Since ~(A)(x) are given, Eq. (2.65)
must hold for arbitrary values of Vi*(A). We can set any Vi*(A) =/:- O and alI
other Vi*(B) = O, we thus obtain:
[ aij a~(A) d{} = [ h~(A) d{} + [ Fi~(A) dr, (sum over i = 1,2,3)
ln aXj ln lrF
where UitA) is the nodal displacement of node (A) in the direction Xi. In linear
elasticity, the stress corresponding to the displacement u(h) is:
ui B )
[ Cijkl a~(B) a~(A)
~ ~
d{} = [ h~(A) d{} + [ Fi~(A) dr,
h ~
i = 1,2,3, A = 1, ... ,n, (sums over i, k, l = 1,2,3) (2.69)
where [K] is called the stiffness matrix, {d} the nodal displacement array and
{F} the nodal force array.
.. Remarks
The finite element method (FEM) involves a number of other steps whieh
are briefly described hereafter.
The space domain is discretized into a finite number of elements; compu-
tations are carried out at the element level and then assembled at the global
level. For instance In. dx ~ Le In. • dx where "e" designates an element.
Integrals over elements are computed using quadrature rules (e.g., Gauss
integration) .
The quality of the finite element approximation depends on the choiee of
the number ofnodes (n) and the interpolation functions (E(A»), which in turn
depends on the type of elements.
In linear elasticity (2D, 3D, beams, plates or shelIs), it can be shown
that starting from the appropriate weak formulation, the FEM always leads
to a linear system similar to (2.70). Actually, even in nonlinear cases (e.g.,
plasticity, finite strains, etc.) we arrive -iteratively- to a similar linear system
(see Chap. 12).
In order to find a detailed information about the above mentioned top-
ies, the reader needs to consult a specialized textbook, e.g. (Hughes, 1987),
(Bathe, 1982), (Zienkiewiez and Taylor, 1989) (there are numerous other
books on finite elements, ranging from the very mathematieal to the "cook-
Fig. 2.4. (a) Problem (1): axially compressed body; (b) Problem (2): uniform
pressure on the surface of the body.
where 1(2) is the final distance between A and B due to the pressure loading
(2). Using the divergence theorem, we obtain:
where V(1) = V designates the final volume due to loading (1). In establishing
(2.72), we used the fact that p = constant, and the following result for the
change of volume which is valid under the SPH (Chap. 1)
- - = 1 + div uel) (2.73)
The stress solution of problem (2) is a hydrostatic uniform state:
(2) _ 1:
aij - -PUij (2.74)
The strains are also uniform and given by isotropic linear elasticity as:
where '" is the bulk modulus, 3", = E/(l - 2v). Under SPH, the relative
length change of material segment (AB) is equal to a direct strain:
1(2) - lo
Substituting this result into Eq. (2.72), the original problem is solved:
Fl o
V-Vo = - - (2.77)
It is immediately seen that if v -* 1/2, then '" -* 00 and V -* Vo: there is no
volume change.
3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
curve ,C
Fig. 3.1. Example of a beam. Notation: (5): cross section, G: centroid of (5) and
L: middle fiber.
The dimensions of (S) must be small in comparison with the length (l)
of,C (typically the largest dimension of (S) is of the order of l/10). The cross
section (S) is either uniform or varies slowly along (C).
If (C) is a planar curve, then the beam is called planar too. A beam is
called straight if (C) is a straight line. Examples of cross sections of beams
possessing a symmetry plane are plotted in Fig. 3.2 (rectangular, circular and
T sections).
50 3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
y y y
Fig. 3.2. Examples of cross sections symmetrical w.r.t. the (y) axis.
In Fig. 3.3 are plotted a planar surface (S) of centroid (G) and two Carte-
sian frames (O,Y,Z) and (G,y,z). The coordinates of (G) in the "global"
frame (O, Y, Z) are given by:
fs Y dY dZ _ S z fs Z dY dZ _ Sy
Ya = fs dYdZ = A' Za = fs dYdZ = A' (3.1)
where A is the area of (S), and Sy and Sz the first moments of (S) W.r.t.
the axes (OY) and (OZ), respectively.
The moments of inertia of (S) are defined as follows:
O.-____________ Z ~_
Fig. 3.3. A planar surface (S) of center (G) and two Cartesian coordinate frames
(O, Y, Z) and (G, y, z).
[ Iy I yz ]
Iyz Iz
3.2 Pure bending of a straight beam: 3D elasticity solution 51
Since it is symmetric (ly z = /zy), there exists a basis formed by the so-
called principal axes of inertia in which the matrix is diagonal. If (Gy) is an
axis of symmetry for the cross section (S) (as in Fig. 3.2), then we shall prove
that (Gy) and (G z) are principal axes of inertia. lndeed, the mixed moment
of inertia w.r.t. the (G, y, z) Cartesian frame is given by:
Iyz = 1 S
yz dy dz = l Y=...
y dy
z dz = o,
o '"
where b(y) designates the width of the beam (for a rect angular cross section,
b(y) = constant).
Exercise: show that the centroid of the triangular section of Fig. 3.4 is
given by Ya = h/3 and the moments of inertia of the rect angular section in
the same figure are Iz = bh3 /12 and Iy = hb3 /12.
For more information on geometric properties and many more examples,
see (Pissarenko et al., 1979).
-b/2 o +b/2 Z
- h/2
G z
-b /2 +b/2
Y +h/2
Fig. 3.4. For the triangular section: Yo = h/3, and for the rect angular section:
Iz = bh3 /12 and I y = hb 3 /12.
(positive) in the lower part (y > O) and compressive (negative) in the upper
part (y < O). This corresponds to physical expectationj the "triangular" stress
diagram is plotted in Fig. 3.6.
M M -h/2
( __ ._._._._._._._._._.@.!._._._._._._._._._. , x z
and are satisfied. The stress vector on the lateral sudace of the beam is:
It vanishes identically, i.e. the stress free B.C. on the lateral sudace is satis-
fied. The stress vector on the end sections (x = ±l/2) is given by:
(TT . (±ex ) = ±ayex
It has a zero resultant:
±aex fs y dy dz = ±aexAYG = 0,
3.2 Pure bending of a straight beam: 3D elasticity solution 53
According to Saint- Venant's principle (Sect. 1.15), the way the external mo-
ments are actually applied to the end sections x = ±1/2 does not matter as
long as on those sections: (i) the resultant of the stress vector is zero, (ii)
the resultant moment of the stress vector is equal to the resultant moment
which is applied. The stress solution (3.4) will then be a good one "far from
the ends" , a practical requirement being:
l l
x E [-- +h - - h] (3.5)
2 '2 '
where h designates the largest cross section dimension. Isotropic linear elas-
ticity gives the strains as:
M vM
txx = El Y' tyy = tzz = - EI y, txy = t yz = t xz = O, (3.6)
with I == Iz. The direct strains are related to the displacements in the x, y
and z directions by:
AU OV ow
txx = ax' tyy = oy' tzz =oz
M vM 2 () vM
u= Elyx+F(y,z), V=-2El Y +Gx,z, w=- Elyz+H(x,y)
The shear strains are related to the displacements by:
au OV ov ow au ow
2txy = oy + ax' 2tyz = OZ + 8y' 2t xz = OZ + ax
54 3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
M âF âG vM âH + âH = O
El x + ây + âx = O, - EI z + au + âG
âz = O,
âz âx (3.8)
Note that the first and second partial derivatives of the vertical displacement
w.r .t. x are given by:
We choose the constant in (3.9b) equal to 12 /4. For the middle fiber (y =z =
O), the displacements are:
M 12
u(x, O, O) = w(x, O, O) = O, v(x, O, O) = 2EI (_x 2 + 4'), (3.11)
M= EI,
R U xx = ER Y (3.12)
3.3 Basic assumptions of beam theory 55
Consider a point which occupies the positions (xo, Yo, zo) and (x, y, z) before
and after deformat ion, respectively. Equations (3.9, 12a) give:
1 1 2 2 2 12 V
x=xo+ RYoxo, Y=Yo+ 2R (-vYo+vzo -x o +"4)' Z=Zo- RYozo,
x Y 1 2 2 2 12
= 1 + 2R2
-x - R
(vYo - vZo + X o - -4 )
-Xox - -RY = 1, . Xo
l.e. x - -Y - Xo
= ° (3.14)
This is the equation of a plane, which means that a cross section remains
planar afier deformation. Moreover, the normal to the plane is (e x -eyxo/ R),
and this is precisely -see Eq. (3.10a)- the tangent to the deformed middle fiber
which was in (xo, 0, O) before deformation. Therefore, the conclusion is that
a cross section remains planar and normal to the deformed middle fiber.
Fig. 3.7. Middle fiber before and after deformat ion
In this chapter, we adopt the SPH and consider isotropic linear elasticity.
The SPH allows to write equilibrium equations on the initial, undeformed
configurat ion (this will not be the case however for buckling problems, see
Chap. 10). In order to develop a beam theory, more assumptions are needed,
and these are described in the following subsections.
56 3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
+ I
Fig. 3.8. A beam supports a wall and is subjected to its own weight. First model:
forces per unit area on the upper surface and forces per unit volume. Second model
(beam theory): forces per unit length on the middle fiber.
axis. External forces and moments are supposed to be applied directly to the
middle fiber (L) = (Gx), they can be concentrated OI per unit length of (L).
A "general" case is given in Fig. 3.9.
Other types of loads can be accommodated. For example, if a force (He x )
is applied at position (xo, Yo, O), then it can be replaced by a force (H e x )
and a moment (-HYoe z ), both applied directly at the middle fiber, i.e. at
G(xo,O,O). As another example, consider a torsion torque (Ce x ). In this
case, we first study two problems, one of tors ion (Chap. 4) and one of a beam
loaded in its plane (this chapter). Next, we add up the two solutions by virtue
of the superposition "principle".
x = Xo x = Xo
Fig. 3.9. A beam with a symmetry plane is loaded in its plane. (a): externalloads,
(b) fictitious cut showing the internalloads (stress resultants).
It is assumed that the dominant stresses are the normal (a xx ) and shear
(a xy ) stresses, ali other stress components are either nil or can be neglected.
Consequently, the stress vector on a cross section of outside normal ±ex is:
where N(x) and Q(x) are the normal and shear forces , respectively:
58 3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
The resultant moment ofthe stress vector w.r.t. to the center (G) ofthe cross
section is given by:
where we assumed that O"xx and O"xy are independent of the z-coordinate. The
bending moment M(x) in the previous equation is defined by:
N(x) + dN + 1'(x)dx = N(x), Le. dx = -1'(x)
Equilibrium of forces in the (y) direction gives:
dx dM
M(x) + dM = [Q(x) + dQ]dx + [P(x)dx]2" + M(x), i.e. dx = Q(x),
dN dQ dM
- = -')'(x), - = -p(x), - = Q(x) (3.17)
dx dx dx
Note that the last two equations can be combined to give:
- = -p(x) (3.18)
dx 2
p(x) ')'(x)
~_d_x--l~11 TN+
, Q+dQ
Fig. 3.10. Equilibrium of an elementary portion of a beam of length (dx).
For a beam under a general loading, we stiU make the so-called Navier-
Bernoulli assumption: a cross section remains planar and normal to the de-
formed middle fiber. This assumption is valid as long as shear deformations
are smal!. A less restrictive model consists in assuming that a cross section
remains planar after deformation, but not necessarily normal to the deformed
middle fiber. This is known as the Timoshenko beam theory.
It is assumed that relation (3.12a) between the bending moment M(x) and
the curvature (1/ R(x)) of the deformed middle fiber holds in a general case:
M(x) = R(x) , (3.19)
60 3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
where E is Young's modulus and 1 the moment of inertia of the cross section
(8) w.r.t. the (Gz) axis. This means that local pure bending is assumed. The
assumption is valid if shear deformations are negligible. Under the SPH, the
curvature is given by:
1 d2 v
R(x) ~ - dx 2 '
where v(x) represents the deflection of the middle fiber. Consequently, v(x)
is solution of the following differential equation:
-EI dx 2 = M(x), (3.20)
to which displacement B.Cs. must be appended (see Sect. 3.4). ITthe bending
moments are known (and it is usuallY much easier to compute M(x) than
v(x)), then it is possible to plot the correct shape of the deflection v(x)
without computing its expression. Indeed, Eq. (3.20) shows that the sign of
M(x) gives the curvature of the deflection. AIso, an inflection point for v(x)
is obtained at x = Xo if M(x) changes signs and goes through zero at x = Xo.
An illustration is given in Fig. 3.32. Using (3.18), we can transform (3.20)
onto a differential equation where p(x) appears directly:
IT E and 1 are uniform (independent of (x)), then the equation simplifies to:
d 4 v _ p(x)
dx 4 - EI
The rudal (Le., in the (x) direction) displacement u(x) can be computed from:
du _ N(x)
dx - EA
In the presence of bending, the axial displacement is much smaller than the
dv MA
u(O) = O, v(O) = O, dx (O) = K ' (3.24)
where K [Nm/rad] is a stiffness. In both cases, since the axial and transverse
displacements are constrained, there are three reactions: two forces HA and
VA and a moment MA (Fig. 3.11).
(a) (b)
Fig. 3.11. Built-in section at (x = O) in two cases: (a) Rotation prevented, (b)
Elastic rotation.
For a simple support (or hinge on rollers) at (x = O), the B.C. is:
v(O) =O (3.25)
A variant is when the deflection has a non-zero value which is proportional
to the reaction force VAi Eq. (3.25) becomes in this case:
v(O) = k' (3.26)
where k [N/m] is a stiffness (this is like having a linear spring as a support).
In both cases, since the deflection is constrained, there is a reaction force VA
r F---
in the y-direction (Fig. 3.12).
-- ----- - - --.
ta) (b)
Fig. 3.12. Simple support (hinge on rollers) at (x = O) in two cases: (a) Deflection
prevented, (b) Elastic deflection.
For pinned B.Cs. (or immovable hinge) at (x = O), the conditions are:
u(O) = O, v(O) =O (3.27)
The difference with a simple support is that the rudal displacement is pre-
vented, and the difference with a built-in condition is that the rotation is
free. Since both displacements are constrained, there are two reaction forces
HA and VA (Fig. 3.13).
62 3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
Fig. 3.13. Pinned B.Cs. (immovable hinge) at (x = O).
For a free end at (x = O), since there are no externalloads at that 10-
cation, the internal loads M(O), Q(O) and N(O) also vanish. In terms of
displacements, these conditions can be written as foUows:
tPv d3 v du
dx 2 (O) = O, dx 3 (O) = O, dx (O) =O (3.28)
~A ~C
Fig. 3.14. At support E, we need to satisfy the continuity of: dv/dx, d 2 v/dx 2 and
VB =0.
the resultant moment w.r.t. the center (G) of the cross section (x = xo) of
aU externalloads (including the reactions) which act on the same part. The
3.5 Computation of internalloads (stress resultants) 63
left part of the beam must be in equilibrium under the act ion of aliloads,
external (FJL), FJL), M(L») and internal (N(xo), Q(xo), M(xo)). Taking into
account the sign conventions for internalloads -Fig. 3.9- statics give:
We can also compute the internal loads from the equilibrium conditions of
the right part of the beam. Using similar notations as before, with the upper
script (R) (instead of (L)) designating the right part of the beam (x ~ xo),
we obtain (the sign conventions for internalloads being given by Fig. 3.9):
We now check that Eqs. (3.29, 30) are equivalent. Indeed, equilibrium of the
entire un-cut beam gives:
x + F(R)
x = O, F(L)
y + F(R)
y = O, M(L) + M(R) =O (3.31)
So it is seen that working with the left -Eqs. (3.29)- or right -Eqs. (3.30)-
parts of the beam leads to identical expressions for the internalloads.
We now study the case of a concentrated force (Voe y ) applied at (x = xo).
We first consider a fictitious cut at xi) = Xo - Idxl. Equilibrium of the left
part of the beam gives:
Q(xi)) = -FJL)
Next, we consider a fictitious cut at xci = Xo + Idxl. Equilibrium of the right
part of the beam gives:
Q(xci) = FJR)
It is seen that Q(x) presents a discontinuity at (x = xo):
Q(xi)) - Q(xci) = _(FJL) + FJRl)
On the other hand, equilibrium of the entire, un-cut beam gives:
+ v'o + F(Rl
= O
This shows that the jump of Q(x) across (x = xo) is equal to:
i.e. the applied concentrated force at (x xo). Similarly, it can be shown that
if a concentrated force (Hoe x ) is applied at (x = xo), then the normal force
N(x) presents a discontinuity at (x = xo) with a jump equal to Ho. Also,
if a concentrated moment (Moe z ) is applied at (x = xo), then the bending
moment M(x) presents a discontinuity at (x = xo) with ajump equal to M o.
64 3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
Once the internalloads M(x), Q(x) and N(x) are known, we often need to
compute the stresses (Le., we need to "go back" from lD to 3D) in order for
instance to apply a strength criterion. For beams studied in this chapter, it
is assumed that the only meaningful stresses are the normal (O"xx) and shear
(O"xy) components; alI other stresses are neglected. We have:
M(x) N(x)
O"xx=-I-Y+~ (3.33)
It is assumed that the expression of the stress due to the bending moment
M(x) is identical to what was found for pure bending in Sect. 3.2. The stresses
given by (3.33) are plotted in Fig. 3.15 along the height of the beam (the Y-
direction). The figure shows that the stress due to M(x) varies linearly with Y
(a "triangular" diagram) while that due to N(x) is uniform along the height
(a "rectangular" diagram). The figure also shows that if N(x) f:. O, the middle
fiber does not coincide with the neutral fiber (Le., O"xx f:. O at Y = O). It is
also seen that the maximum normal stress in a given cross section (x) always
occurs at Y = Ymin or Ymax'
Fig. 3.15. The normal stress along the height of the beam is the sum of two terms:
one due to the bending moment ("trianguiar" diagram) and the other due to the
normal force ("rectangular" diagram).
By definit ion of Q(x), the avemge value of O"xy over a cross section is:
_ Q(x)
O"xy =-y
However, we shall see that the maximum shear stress can be quite large
compared to the average value. Consider an elementary part of a beam con-
tained between the cross sections (x) and (x + dx) and isolate the material
contained between the parallel planes (y) and (y = Ymax), Fig. 3.16. Equi-
librium of forces in the (x)-direction gives (the faces situated on the lateral
surface of the beam are assumed to be stress free):
1( S·
O"xx + 00")
!.l xx
dy* dz -
O"xx dy* dz - (dx)
O"yx dz =O
3.6 Computation of normal and shear stresses 65
j â(J
dy*dz = Jb(Y)/2
(Jyx dz (3.34)
S' X -b(y)/2
â(Jxx = ~ dM = ~Q(x)
âx 1 dx 1 '
where we used Eq. (3.17c). We now assume that (Jyx does not depend on the
width coordinate (z). Consequently, Eq. (3.34) becomes:
= Ib(y)
ls' y
* d *d
y z (3.35)
The integral in the right-hand-side of the equation is the first moment of the
planar surface S* w.r.t. the (Gz) axis. We now apply formula (3.34) to a
!1lLl !1lLl
2 2
Fig. 3.16. Equilibrium of a slice of material contained between the cross sections
(x) and (x + dx) and the parallel planes (y) and (y = Ymax).
66 3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
Fig. 3.17. Shear stresses along the height of a rect angular cross section: parabolic
Statics give three scalar equations. If these equations are sufficient to compute
the reaction forces and internalloads M(x), Q(x) and N(x) in every cross
section, then the problem is said to be statically determinate. In this case,
the internal loads and the stresses are independent of material properties.
Examples are given in Sec. 3.11.
When the three scalar equilibrium equations do not allow the computation
of reaction forces and internalloads in every cross section, then the structure
is statically indeterminate.
The problem is solved by a two-step procedure. First, a number of dis-
placement B.Cs. are relaxed so that a statically determinate problem is oh-
tained. Next, the unknown reactions are computed by imposing the B.Cs. of
the original problem. This step involves the use of constitutive equations.
Within this general framework, several specific methods have been de-
veloped. A first method is based on a direct computation of the displace-
ment field. Two other methods use the theorems of Maxwell-Betti or Cas-
tigliano. Several examples are given in Secs. 3.10 and 3.11. More methods
(e.g., forces, displacements, Hardy-Cross, three-moment formulae for contin-
uous beams) are discussed in several textbooks, e.g. (Hibbeler, 1997), (French,
1995) (Roux, 1995), (Paduart et al., 1984), (Courbon, 1971), (Przemieniecki,
1968) and ('fuma, 1988).
3.8 Strain energy 67
For the beams studied in this chapter, it is assumed that the dominant stresses
are U xx and u xy and all other stresses vanish or can be neglected in front of
these two. Consequently, the strain energy simplifies to:
2 2
_ uxx ~
w - 2E + 2p.'
where ţt is the shear modulus. Using the results of Sect. 3.6, we can re-write
the strain energy as:
w - 2E
[M(X) N(x)]2
1 Y+ A
+ 2p.
1S' y
* d *d ]2
y z (3.37)
The strain energy of the entire beam is obtained by integrat ion of the expres-
sion of W over the volume:
w= fa wdxdydz (3.38)
r M2EJ2
2(x) r r r
2 N2(X)
1.c dx ls Y dydz+ 1.c 2EA2 dx ls dydz
1 '--"'"
+ r M(x)N(x)
1.c EIA
dx y dydz,
ls '--v-"
where YG is zero because the cross section frame is (G, Y, z). It is seen that
the contributions of the bending moment M(x) and the normal force N(x)
to the strain energy are uncoupled. The integral related to the shear force
Q(x) -the second term in Eq. (3.37)- can be put under the following form:
r Q2(X) dx
1.c 2p.AI '
where Al is called the shear reduced area. An example is given in Sec. 3.11.
In summary, the strain energy of a beam is given by:
w = r [M 2(X) + N 2
(x) + Q2(X)] dx (3.39)
1.c 2EI 2EA 2ţtAI
68 3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
Usually, the contribution due to the shear force Q(x) is neglected, and very
often only the energy term corresponding to the bending moment M(x) is kept
in (3.39). If the displacements Ui of the external forces Fi and the rotations
Oj ofthe external moments Mj are known, then the strain energy is also given
by the following formula:
integrals such as:
~ p(x)v(x) dx
We recall some theorems from Chap. 2. Applications are given in Secs. 3.10
and 3.11. Maxwell-Betti reciprocity theorem reads:
A major advantage of the theorem is that the solution of a given problem can
be found by solving another, simpler problem. Castigliano 's theorem gives
the displacement Uk under a concentrated force Fk and in the direction of
the force:
where W is the strain energy of the body. The theorem is useful when we
are interested in computing not the displacement field but only the displace-
ment of a given pointj it also allows to compute reaction forces for statically
indeterminate problems. The theorem is also applicable for concentrated ma-
ments, and gives the rotation Ok under a concentrated moment Mk in the
direction of the moment:
for alI v* which are "sufficiently smooth" and vanish where displacement
B.Cs. are imposed. For beams studied in this chapter, the pairs of dual vari-
ables (internal load, deformation) are the folIowing:
<Fv· M*(x)
M(x) and - dx 2 ="EI (bending moment and curvature),
du* N*(x)
N(x) and dx = EA (normal force and axial strain),
Q(x) and - A (shear force and shear strain)
ţt l
HA = O, VA + VB = P, MA - Pa + VBl = O
We choose as unknown reaction VB and define a staticalIy determinate struc-
ture by freeing the simple support at B. The bending moment is given by:
VB = -(-) a
2 (
3-- a) (3.46)
2 1 1
Figure 3.19 shows VB/P as a function of a/l, the curve is called the inftuence
line of the reaction force VB. For example, if the beam represents a bridge,
then P can be viewed as a mov ing load (that of a vehicle), and one is inter-
ested in finding the most dangerous position of P w.r.t. VB, MA or v(l/2) for
instance. Another use for influence lines is given hereafter.
Consider the same beam as before but with another loading plotted in Fig.
3.20: a uniformly distributed load q [N/m] between (x = b) and (x = 1 - b).
70 3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
a l-a
Fig. 3.18. A beam is built-in at its end A (x = O), simply supported at the other
end B (x = 1) and subjected to a point force (Pe ll ) at (x = a).
fu 0.6
O 0.5 1.0
Fig. 3.19. The curve VB/P versus a/l is called the influence line of the reaction
force VB.
As an application, for a beam uniformly loaded along alI its length (i.e.,
b = O), the reactions are given by:
We have illustrated the concept of influence lines with an example, for a more
general discussion of this important topic, see other books, e.g. (Courbon,
1971) or (Hibbeler, 1997).
From Secs. 3.6 and 3.8, the energy contribution WQ ofthe shear force Q(x)
for a rectangular cross section of height hand width b is:
3.11 Solved problems 71
We do have Q(x) = dM/dx. The diagrams of Q(x) and M(x) are plotted in
Fig. 3.21. It is seen that M(x) is positive everywhere, meaning that aH the
upper part (y < O) of the beam is compressed, and aH the lower part (y > O)
is in tension, and this is physicaHy expected. If the beam were in concrete
(which resists very poorly to tensile stresses), then steel reinforcement must
be added along the lower part of the beam, otherwise cracks will appear in
that region. The bending moment is maximum in the middle of the beam
(x = 1/2) and has the following value:
d2 v
-EI dx 2 = M(x); v(O) = O, v(l) =O
Simple integrat ion gives the deflection as:
v(x) = ~(x3
+ l3 - 2lx2 ) (3.51)
Fig. 3.21. Uniformly loaded beam pinned at one end and simply supported at the
other. Diagrams of shear force and bending moment.
For the beam's deflection, we need to distinguish two regions and solve the
following differential equations:
d2vi ~V2
x ~ ~: -EI dx 2 = VA x, X ~ ~: -EI dx 2 = VB(I - x),
Vi °=
( ) 0, V2 (I) = 0, Vi
(~ ) = V2 () dVi (C) __ dV2 (C)
~, dx <, dx <,
x<~· PI 3 ~ X [~-(2--)-(-)
v(x)=-(l--)- ~ X 2] .
_. 6EI III Il'
x ~ C v(x) PI 3 ~ X [e
x ]
= 6EIT(1- T) (1- [2) - (1- T)2 (3.52)
It is easily checked that the deflection and the slope are indeed continuous
at (x = ~) and their values are:
Consider the case (~ = 1/2), i.e. the load is applied at the middle of the
beam (this is one of the tests which are used to determine the strength stress
of brittle materials such as ceramics and glass). The deflection and bending
moment are maximum at (x = l/2) and take the following values:
Pl 3 PI
V max = 48EI; M max =4
Compar ing the two cases where the same total load P is either: (i) concen-
trated at (x = l/2), (ii) uniformly distributed (q = P/l), it is seen that the
former leads to much higher values of V max and M max :
V max 8 M$!,)x = 2
5' M(q)
74 3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
It is checked that Q(x) = dM/dx. The diagrams ofQ(x) and M(x) are plotted
in Fig. 3.23. It is seen that M(x) is negative everywhere, which implies that
-as expected- the upper part (y < O) of the beam is in tension, while the
lower part (y > O) is compressed, and this is physically expected. If the beam
were in concrete, then steel reinforcement must be added along the upper
part of the beam (this example may represent a balcony-type of structure).
The bending moment is maximum at the built-in section (x = O) and:
- ~V M()
EI dx2= XiV
O dV(O) = O
(O) ='dx
= 6EI
4 -
14 3]
"4 + 1 x (3.55)
ql2/2. l
ql'/2 ~"'"
Fig. 3.23. Uniformly loaded cantilever beam. Diagrams of shear force and bending
VI (O) = O, dVI ( )
d.,x O = O, (~)
VI." = V2 (~)
dVI (~)
= dV2
The deflection and its slope are indeed continuous at x =~, with:
Note that solution of point load problems gives that of distributed loads. This
is a consequence of the superposition "principle". For example, in order to
find the deflection v(l) at the tip of the uniformly loaded cantilever beam of
Fig. 3.23, we substitute (P) with (qd~) and integrate ~ from O to l:
~ (J.A------.l....-------,I~
p~~ "M"
Fig. 3.24. A cantilever beam is subjected to a concentrated force. Diagrams of
shear force and bending moment.
Q(x) =-l
, M(x) = MB-Xl
The diagrams are plotted in Fig. 3.25. The deflection is solution of the fol-
lowing differential equation together with its B.Cs.
3.11 Solved problems 77
d2 v x
-EI dx 2 = MWT; v(O) = O, v(l) =O
The solution is given by:
v(x) = MBI [ X 2]
6El x 1- (T) (3.57)
Fig. 3.25. A beam pinned at one end (x = O) and simply supported at the other
(x = 1) is subjected to a concentrated moment at (x = 1). Diagrams of shear force
and bending moment.
Now HB, VB and M B are computed by requiring the new problem (which
is the sum of problems (1) to (4)) to be equivalent to the original one, Le.
built-in B.Cs. at (x = 1) need to be imposed. Consequently, the following
three conditions are written:
Results (3.58a, b) are due to the symmetry. The complete solution of the
original problem, Le. internalloads M(x) and Q(x) and deflection v(x) can
be obtained by summing the corresponding solutions of problems (1) to (3).
For instance, it is found that M(I/2) = qI2/24.
Often, the definition of a statically determinate structure is not 1.mique.
For example, for the beam of Fig. 3.26, we may choose to relax the rotations
at (x = O) and (x = 1) and the axial displacement at (x = 1). We thus obtain a
pinned B.C. at (x = O) to which a moment (- MAe z ) is applied, and a simple
support at (x = 1) subjected to a force (-HBe x ) and a moment (MBe z ); see
Fig. 3.27. Using superposition, this problem is decomposed into four simpler
problems which are plotted in Fig. 3.27. Most of those problems were solved
already and their displacements are given hereafter:
V2(X) = -6EI
1 2 (1- -)
[ X 2
(1- -)
-1] .
U4(X) = --HB
3.11 Solved problems 79
q12/2 (
(a "M3 (x)"
Fig. 3.26. A statica1ly indeterminate problem: a uniformly loaded beam is clamped
at both ends. Built-in conditions at the (x = 1) end are relaxed and the original
problem is equivalent to the superposition of four statically determinate problems.
80 3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
The new problem (sum of problems (1) to (4» must be such that the B.Cs. of
the original problem are recovered. This gives the following three conditions:
la qV2(X) dx = 1 X Vl(l)
The only problem to be solved is (2), which is much simpler than (1). The
deflection of problem (2) is given by (3.56a) after setting ~ = 1 and P = 1,
which gives:
Vl(l) = 10
r qV2(X) dx = 2EI
q [ (1 - a)4
14 l2a2
+ 12 + -2- -"3
13a ]
qV2(X) dx = 1 X Vl(-)
3.11 Solved problems 81
Fig. 3.27. A second method for the beam clamped at both ends. Rotations at
(x = O) and (x = l) and rudal displacement at (x = l) are relaxed, thus creating a
statically determinate problem which is the superposition of four simpler problems.
82 3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
vI(l) =?
a l-a
Fig. 3.28. Problem (1): distributed load between (x = O) and (x = a)j compute
Vi (l). In order to use the reciprocity theorem, we define a problem (2): unit force
at (x = l).
The only problem to be solved is (2), which is simpler than (1). Its solution
is given by (3.52) with P = 1 and ~ = l/2:
and for x ~ l/2, replace x with (l - x). The sought after result is:
dx = 2EI
la' X
(l2 x2)
4" -"3 dx
Q l2 2)( 5 2 2
24EI(4" -a "4 l -a) (3.62)
In the particular case when a = O, Le. a uniform load along the beam, it is
easily checked that the result obtained from (3.51) is retrieved.
As a third application, consider the statically indeterminate problem
(1) of Fig. 3.30: a uniformly loaded beam is elastically built-in at (x = O)
and elastically supported at (x = l) (after (Friaa, 1982)). The two stiffnesses
are designated by K [Nm/rad] and k [N/m], respectively. Static equilibrium
gives the following relations between the reactions HA, VA and MA at (x = O)
and VB at (x = l):
1/2 1/2
1/2 1/2
Fig. 3.29. Problem (1): for ce per unit length between (x = a) and (x = l-a),
compute Vl (l/2). In order to use the reciprocity theorem, we define problem (2):
unit force at (x = l/2).
It is seen that we only need to solve the statically determinate problem (2)
whose deflection obeys the following differential equation and its B.Cs.
d 2 v2 dV2 1 xl
-EI dx 2 = -1 x (l - x), V2(0) = O, dx (O) =K
The solution is given by:
Elv2(x) =
(l-X)3 I3
- - + (I- + - EI) Ix
6 6 2 K
Computing the integral in Eq. (3.63) and rearranging terms, we obtain:
~------------------------~ VB
l~l~ prob.(2)
Fig. 3.30. Problem (1) (statically indeterminate): a uniformly loaded beam is elas-
tically built-in at (x = O) and elastically supported at (x = l). With the reciprocity
theorem, we only solve problem (2) (statically determinate): unit force at (x = 1)
and no support there.
ql I~ V2(X) dx + q2 It V2(X) dx
VB = 1 (3.65)
It is seen that we only need to know the defiections of problem (2), and these
are given by Eqs. (3.52) with the substitutions: P -+ 1, l -+ 2l and ~ -+ l.
Computation of the integrals leads to the following expression:
li: _ 5(ql + q2)l
B - 8 + 48EI (3.66)
kl 3
The other reactions forces in the original problem (1) are given by statics as:
VB l VB l
HA = O; VA = -""2 + (3ql + q2)4; Ve = -""2 + (ql + 3q2)4
3.11 Solved problems 85
Fig. 3.31. Problem (1) (statically indeterminate): pinned end A (x = O), elastic
support at B (x = l) and simple support at C (x = 21). Uniform loads ql and q2
on the first and second spans, respectively. Problem (2) (statically determinate):
pinned end at A, simple support at C, unit force at B and no support there.
M(x) = -P(l- x) + M
The deflection at (x = l) is given by the theorem as follows:
âW fi M(x) âM(x) 1 fi -
v(l) = âP = io EI8P dx = EI io [-P(l- x) + M][-(l- x)] dx,
where only the contribution of M(x) to W was kept. Computation gives:
l2 Pl M
v(l) = -(-
EI 3
Fig. 3.32. Continuous beam on three supports with one span uniformly loaded.
Bending moment diagram M(x) and defiection curve v(x). M(x) changes signs and
goes through zero at x = Xo, which gives an in:ftection point of v(x) at x = Xo
(designated by a dot in the figure).
We can double-check this result against the defiection which was found in
problems (2) and (3) of Fig. 3.26. Superposition gives:
Fig. 3.33. Cantilever beam subjected to a force and a moment at (x = 1). Compu-
tation of the deflection and rotation at that location with Castigliano's theorem.
v( i)
= 11 M(x)
EI o
/2 [(ql + P)~ _
qX 2 ]
~ dx
2 '
where the factor 2 is due to the symmetry. After computing the integral and
setting P = O, we retrieve what we found already with other methods:
-- .. 1/2
ql/2 +P/2
Fig. 3.34. In order to compute the deflection at the middle of a uniformly loaded
beam using Castigliano's theorem, we add a fictitious force P at (x = 1/2) which
is reset to zero at the end of the computation.
1 12
HA = Hv, VA + Vv = ql + P, Vv 1 = P"2 + q2'
3.11 Solved problems 89
El, Il
l/2 l/2
Fig. 3.35. A statically indeterminate frame (pinned at both ends A and D). Rel-
ative rotations at the junction sections B and C between the vertical beams and
the horizontal one are possible.
Fig. 3.36. Bending moment diagram for the statically indeterminate frame of Fig.
90 3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
If the links at B and Care such that no relative rotations are possible, then:
K -4 00, and the horizontal reactions are given by:
a a
Fig. 3.37. In order to compute the deflection of point A with Castigliano's theorem,
we need to designate one of the forces by another symbol, e.g. F, apply the theorem
and then reset F = P.
The diagrams of bending moments and normal forces are shown in Fig. 3.40.
Neglecting the term due to shearing in the left-hand side of (3.74), we obtain:
h 1 Pah 2
.1 A = (1 x h)-(Pa)-
2 EI
=- -
a b I
Fig. 3.38. The horizontal part of the frame is loaded by a vertical force at its left
end. Compute the horizontal displacement of the right end (A).
92 3. Theory of beams (strength of materials)
A 1
Fig. 3.39. Use of the virtual work theorem. Problem (O): a unit horizontal force is
applied to point A. Problem (1): the original structure of Fig. 3.38.
3.11 Solved problems 93
1· h Pa
Fig. 3.40. Bending moment and normal force diagrams for problems (O) and (1)
of Fig. 3.39.
4. Torsion of beams
The beam has a uniform cross section (S) which is delimited by a closed
curve (C), see Fig. 4.1. It is assumed that (S) is simply connected. Hollow
beams (multi-connected sections) will be studied in Secs. 4.7-11.
We assume that the displacement of a material point is the sum of an
infinitesimal rotation in the (y, z) plane and an axial displacement:
u(y,z,x) r(dO)eo + ue x
r(dO)[- sin(O)e y + cos(O)e z ] + ue x
z y
r(dB)( --e y + -e z )+ ue x
r r
-z(dO)e y + y(dO)e z + ue x
(i) The infinitesimal rotation (dO) is proportional to the axial distance (x) of
a cross section from the (x = O) section, i.e. dO = ax, where the constant
a [Iim] is an angle of torsion per unit length.
(ii) The axial displacement (u) is independent of (x), Le. u = aifJ(y,z), where
ifJ(y, z) is a warping junction to be determined.
According to the assumptions which were made, the components of the dis-
placement vector in the Cartesian basis (ex,ey,e z ) are given by:
Fig. 4.1. Straight beam under torsion: (a) Torque (M), (b) Cross section (S),
boundary (C), outward unit normal (n) and other notations
[a] = [ a xy O
a xy a xz
1; -a xy âA..
= -z + -â ; -
a xz âA..
= y + -â
O O ţ.to yţ.to z
a xz
where ţ.t is the shear modulus. Compare with Chap. 3 where the only stresses
were a xx and a xy • Among the three scalar in-bulk equilibrium equations
(without body force), only the following is not trivially satisfied:
âaxy + âaxz =O
ây âz
This requires -using Eqs. (4.3)- r/J(y,z) to be harmonic:
â2 â2
(â y2 + âz 2 )r/J(y,z) =0, Le Llr/J(y,z) =0, in S (4.4)
The boundary C = âS is stress free, thus (n being the outward unit normal
to C):
4.1 Formulation with a warping function 97
[ O
uxy O
1 . [Ony 1= [ 1 O
Uxz O O nz O
This gives a single condition: Fx == uyxny+uzxnz = O. Using (4.3), we obtain:
Fx afjJ afjJ afjJ afjJ
-JLa = (-z + -ay )ny + (y + -az )nz = (-ay n y + -az nz) -zny +ynz
.. .,
We shall re-write the expres sion of Fx one more time. We designate by s the
curvilinear coordinate along C. The following relations (see Fig. 4.1b) are
easily found and usefuI:
dz dy
ny = -j n z =-- (4.5)
ds ds
On the end section (x = 1), we shall write that the moment of the stress vector
is equal to the applied torque (M e x ). According to Saint-Venant's principIe,
the solution will be valid far from the ends (Le. in practice for x E [D, 1- D],
where D is the largest dimension of S). Since the stresses are independent of
x, the stress vector on any cross section of outward normal e x is:
We shall show in Sec. 4.3 that its resultant is nil. We are now concerned with
the moment of the stress vector w.r.t. the center of the cross section:
(ye y + ze z ) x (uyxe y + uzxe z ) = (yu zx - zUyx)e x
The resultant ofthis moment should be equal to (Mex)j this gives one scalar
In summary, the problem is the following: find a function fjJ(y, z) which sat-
isfies Eqs. (4.4) in S and (4.6) on C. Equation (4.8) is used to find a ifthe
torque M is known (or M if a is given). The stress, strain and displacement
fields are computed from Eqs. (4.3), (4.2) and (4.1). One can easily prove
that the compatibility equations (Chap. 1) are trivially satisfied.
98 4. Torsion of beams
..::1<p(y, z) = O, in S (4.10)
This can be easily established:
8 84J 8 84J
..::1<p(y,z) = - ( - - ) + -(-) = O
8y 8z 8z 8y
On C = 8S, we have:
Since (S) is simply connected, simple integrat ion allows to rewrite (4.11) as:
<p(y,z) = "2(y2 +Z2) + constant, on C (4.12)
The constant can be set to zero without altering the stress or strain expres-
sions. Using Eqs. (4.3) and (4.9), the stresses are found as:
U zx 8<p u yx 8<p
-=--+Yi -=--z (4.13)
J.ta. 8y J.ta. 8z
In summary, the problem is: find a function <p(y, z) which satisfies Eqs. (4.10)
in S and (4.12) on C. Equation (4.8) is used to find a. ifthe torque M is known
(or M if a. is given). The stresses are computed from (4.13).
4.3 Formulation with Prandtl's stress function 99
1/J(y, z) = O, on C (4.16)
From Eqs. (4.13) and (4.14), the stresses are found to be:
(1 zz â1j; (1yz 81/J
-=--; -=- (4.17)
ţta 8y ţta 8z
Since the stresses are obtained by direct derivation of 1/J(y, z) and there are
no additional terms as in (4.13) or (4.3), 1/J(y,z) is called a stress function.
The stress vector resultant on a cross section of outward normal e z is:
The torsional rigidity is defined as (Mia), e.g. for a given M, the smaller the
angle of rotation a, the larger the rigidity (Mia). In summary, the problem
is: find a function 1/J(y,z) which satisfies the Dirichlet problem (4.15)-(4.16):
t1.1/J = -2 in S; 1/J =O on C
using Eqs. (4.17). On the other hand, according to Eq. (4.7), the components
of the stress vector (T • e x on any cross section of outward normal e x are
ty = a yx and t z = a zx . It appears then that we have:
dz a zx tz
-=-=-, onCl (4.20)
dy ayx ty
using (4.5). On the other hand, Eq. (4.20) gives: a zx = ayx(dz/dy). Thus we
conclude that:
(T • nI = O, on CI (4.21)
lsr1.6.1/; dy dz = ls1
r div (V1/;) dy dz = lcr1(V1/;)· (-nddsl,
using the divergence theorem. Equating the two expressions of the integral,
we find the following equality:
4.5 Maximum tangential stress 101
We now interpret the three results (4.20-22) that we found. Equation (4.20)
means that a contour line (tf; = constant) of the stress function is tangent on
each of its points (y, z) to the stress vector t == (T . e", on that point; this is
illustrated in Fig. 4.2. This conclusion will also be used in Sect. 4.5 to find
the location of the maximum tangential stress.
Recalling what stress vector ((T·nl) along CI means (Sec. 1.8), Eq. (4.21)
gives the following important conclusion: if we remove the material contained
inside SI and delimited by CI (alI along the x-axis), then the stress state in
the rest of the beam is undisturbed. This conclusion will be used in Sect.
4.9 to solve the torsion problem of a particular class of hollow beams (Le.,
multi-connected sections) in a simple fashion.
Finally, it will be shown in Sect. 4.8 that Eq. (4.22) fits into a general
theory of hollow beams.
Fig. 4.2. Contour line CI, equation 1/J = kl. Notation: curvilinear coordinate 81,
normal nI, inside surface 81 with area Al. CI is tangent on each ofits points (y,z)
to the stress vector t == lT . e", on that point
using (4.15). Thus, we have: .1(7"2) ;::: O. Now consider an arbitrary, simply
connected sudace SI inside S; recalling that .1(7"2) = div ("97"2) and using
the divergence theorem, we find the following result:
T(dz) [ (-â) âu
- (-â) 1 â2 u
e x ~ Tây2dydzex
y (be) Y (da)
Similarly, it is found that the resultant of the forces per unit area acting on
the sides (c d) and (a b) is approximately:
4.6 Membrane analogy 103
Fig. 4.3. Membrane under uniform tension per unit length T along C and uniform
transverse pressure p
T âz2dydzex
The equilibrium equation of an element (dy, dz) is then:
Consider a solid beam (Le., simply connected section) and let t/J(y, z) be the
Prandtl stress function of its tors ion problem. Now consider a hollow beam
whose (multi-connected) cross section has a single hole of equation t/J = kI,
Le. a contour line of t/J, the stress function of the solid beam. The solution of
the torsion problem of this particular class of hollow beams can be found in
a very simple manner. Indeed, according to Eq. (4.21) and the comments at
the end of Sect. 4.4, the stress state in the hollow beam is identical to that of
the solid beam. The torsional rigidity is reduced by the amount of material
which was removed from the solid beam. An application of these important
results is given in Sec. 4.12.
Fig. 4.4. Multi-connected section: notation.
When we repeat the analysis of Sec. 4.1 without assuming that the section
is simply connected, we arrive at the following formulation: find a function
4J(y, z) which satisfies the system of equations:
4.8 Multi-connected sections- General case 105
L1<jJ = 0, in S
8<jJ 18 2 2
8n = '2 8s (y + z), on C
The constant k can be set to zero, but the constants ki cannot; they have
to be computed in such a way that the axial displacement u(y, z) is single-
valued. Let Ci be one of the curves, if we make a complete tour of Ci until
we return to the starting point, the displacement of that point should be the
same at the beginning and at the end of the tour, Le. f Ci du = O. Let us
compute the integral:
f du = f
âU âu
(-dy + -dz)
8y 8z
=a1 â<jJ
(-dy + -dz)
=- f
Ci Ci
8<p 8<p 8<p 8<p
=a (-dy - -dz) a (-8 niz + -8 niy)dsi ,
Ci 8z 8y Ci z Y
using (4.5). Thus it seen that the constants k i are computed by solving the
following system of equations:
1 Ci
-8 dSi = 0,
(no sum) (4.28)
Finally, the torsion problem can be formulated with a Prandtl stress function
defined as in Sec. 4.3 by 1f;(y, z) = <p(y, z) - (y2 +z2)/2. The problem becomes
now: find a function 1f;(y, z) which satisfies the system of equations:
il1f; = -2, in S
1f;(y,z) O, on C
1f;(y,z) ki, on Ci (4.30)
The constants k i are computed in such a way that the axial displacement
u(y,z) is single-valued. Let us rewrite the integrand in Eq. (4.28):
â<p dSi
= lâ1f;
-â dSi -
Ci ni
dlV (ye y + ze z ) dy dz
= r âni
â1f; dSi - 2 r dydz,
using the divergence theorem. It appears then that the constants k i are found
from the following system of equations:
1 an .
dSi = 2Ai, (no sum) (4.32)
Note that for the particular case of a single void (n = 1) whose boundary CI
obeys the condition stated in Sect. 4.7, Eq. (4.32) was already derived by a
simpler method (Eq. (4.22)). Once 1f; is found, the stresses and displacements
are computed from the following relations:
â1f; â1f;
= -p,a ây; a yz = p,a âz
u arjJ(y,z); v = -azx; w = ayx
ârjJ â1f; ârjJ â1f;
ây = âz + z; âz = - ây - y; (4.33)
When we repeat the derivations of Sect. 4.3, we arrive at the following ex-
pression for the torsional rigidity M / a:
4.9 Thin tubes with variable thickness 107
= 2 r 'l/JdY dz-lc~
-t ii ~(yey
+ ze z) . (-ni) dS i
where (r, O) are polar coordinates, h(O) is the (variable) thickness and Re(O)
the (variable) outer radius. The expression of'l/J is approximate because it
will not verify in general the condition Ll'l/J(r, O) = -2 in 8.
We designate by h the average thickness of the tube and by 1 its average
perimeter. The constant k 1 is computed from Eq. (4.32):
which is found as follows: in order to compute the integral of 'ljJ over the
surface, take its integral over the thickness and multiply it by the average
perimeter l, and since 'ljJ varies linearly through the thickness, its integral over
the thickness is equal to the area kl h/2 of the triangle plotted in Fig. 4.5b.
The torsional rigidity M/a is given by Eq. (4.34) as:
M r
2ţ.ta = ls'ljJ dydz + klAl ~
2klhl + klAl
Using Eq. (4.36), we find that M and a are related by:
M h hl
~ 2Al - (Al
+ -)
A further simplificat ion can be made by neglecting the area term hl/2 in front
of Al, Another application (a thin-walled section with two voids) is given in
Sec. 4.12.
'ljJ(r, B)
CI : 'ljJ = kl
Fig. 4.5. Thin tube with variable thickness: notation. Assumption: stress function
'I/J varies linearly through the thickness.
I =
= (4.39)
4.11 Cylindrical coordinates 109
The work of the torque (M) in the rotation (la:) is given by:
MIa: = Is 1/J(y, z) dy dz
2ţLla: 2 (simply connected),
1 8 81/J 1 8 21/J
Ll1/J(r,8) = -:;: 8r (r 8r ) + r2 882 . (4.41)
ât/J rdO = 2Ai
a ls
= 21-' [Is t/J(r, O) r dr dO + kiAi] (multi-connected) (4.45)
where the work of the torque (M) in the rotation (la) is readily computed
from Eq. (4.40).
Since a Prandtl stress function 1/J(y, z) must verify: 1/J = Oon C, we are certain
to satisfy this condition if we take 1/J proportional to the equation of C:
y2 z2
1/J(y,z) = k(a2 + b2 -1)
The method used here to find the stress function works also in other cases
(e.g., a triangular section in Sec. 4.12.2 or a notched circular section in Sec.
4.12.3), but it does not work for rectangular or square sections, for instance.
The torsional rigidity is given by Eq. (4.18) as:
-Ma = 2JL 1s
1/J dy dz = -
2JL b (b2 Iz + a2 Iy - a 2 b2 A )
+ 2
where Iz and Iy are the moments of inertia of the cross section w.r.t. the z
and y axes, respectively, and A is the cross section area:
b2 M 2M
2J.LQ a2 + b2 Y = 2Iz Y = Aa2 y;
a2 M 2M
-2J.LQa2+b2z=-2Iyz=- Ab2Z (4.52)
Points (O, ±b) in which T max is reached are the points of C which are closest
to the centroid of the section, see Fig. 4.6. This conclusion seems to hold in
general for simply connected sections.
-a a
Fig. 4.6. Beam of elliptic cross section. Maximum tangential stresses in the case
[- (a2 - fr) ]
u(y,z) =a a2 + b2 yz + D (4.54)
Fig. 4.7. Beam of elliptic cross section. Contour lines of the axial displacement
Consider the triangular section of Fig. 4.8. We choose the Prandtl stress
function 'IjJ to be proportional to the equation of the boundary C of S:
'IjJ(y, z) = k (y - a) (y -
side (1)
zV3 + 2a) (y + zV3 + 2a)
side (2) ", .
side (3) "
o'zx = ţLa 22
2a (y - z + 2aY)j o'"x
= -;-z(y - a (4.56)
Tmax on this side is reached for y = a and z = O (which is the middle of side
(1)) and its value is T.\!-lx = (3ţLaa)/2. On side (2) of C (y - zV3 + 2a = O),
we have:
0'(2) = ţLa (y2 + ay _ 2a 2). 0'(2) = ţLa (y2 + ay _ 2a2)
"X aV3 ' zx 3a
Tmax on this side is reached for y = -a/2 and z = aV3/2 (which is the middle
of side (2)) and its value is T!;lx = (3ţLaa)/2 = T.\!-lx. By symmetry, we have
an identical result for side (3). In conclusion, the maximum tangential stress
is reached in the middle of each side of C, and its value is:
Tmax = "2ţLaa
Again, note that the points where T is maximum are those which are closest
to the centroid of the section.
Exercise: Show that M/a = (3ţLlp )/5, where I p = 3V3a4 is the polar mo-
ment of inertia of the section w.r.t. to the centroid.
-2a a y
(1) 2aV3
A solid beam has a notched circular cross section depicted in Fig. 4.9. The
domain (8) of the section is defined by:
(y _ a)2 + z2 :::; a2, y2 + Z2 ~ b2
4.12 Solved problems 115
r2 (1 - 2; cos 8) : :; O, r2 ~ b2 (4.57)
Equations (4.57) show that 'l/J vanishes on the boundary (C) of (8). Using
formulae from Sec. 4.11, it is found that L1'l/J = -4k. Therefore, in order for
'l/J(r,8) to be a stress function, we need to take k = 1/2.
The stresses are given by Sec. 4.11 as:
JLa(b2 - r 2 ) ~ sin8,
One can check that T(b, O) > T(2a, O), thus the maximum tangential stress is:
T ma", = JLCx(2a - b) (4.60)
It is reached at (r = b, 8 = O), Le. point A of Fig. 4.9. It appears that
if b --t O, then Tma", --t 2JLaa, Le. twice the value for a circular section
without a notch. A vanishingly small notch is a stress concentrator.
The axial displacement u(r,8) is found by integrat ing the following equa-
tions (Sec. 4.11):
= -a (1b
- - ) sm
. 8, -8rjl
= -ar (1b
+ -r 22 ) cos 8
Fig. 4.10. Thin rectangular cross section of dimensions b and c « b
returning to the torsion problem, we look for a Prandtl stress function under
the form:
'IjJ(y,z) = k(4 - y2)
r (yu
zx - zU yx ) dydz = 2p,a r y2 dydz = ?:.p,bc
ls 6
This is only hal! the value of the applied torque M. The reason for the
discrepancy is that the u yx stresses are completely neglected when we have
assumed that the deformed membrane had a cylindrical shape. Although
those stresses are important only near the edges z = ±b/2, their moment
w.r.t. the centroid of the section is important and gives the "missing" half of
the moment (Timoshenko and Goodier, 1987).
'ljJo(y, z) = O, on C (4.63)
From Sec. 4.10, it is found that the potential energy I('IjJ) associated with
the stress function (4.62) has the following expression:
118 4. Torsion of beams
J-tla 2
r [b5(â'lj;O)2+b5(â'lj;O)2_2bo'lj;O]
Js 2 ây 2 âz
dydz (4.64)
As an example, consider a square section of side (2a): (y, z) E [-a, al x [-a, al,
and the following expression for 'lj;o(y, z):
The corresponding stress function (4.62) is not exact because it does not
verify i1'1j;(x,y) = -2 in (S). Equation (4.65) gives the constant ba as:
bo = -
8a 2
The torsional rigidity is found to be:
M 20 4
a 9
Simple algebra gives the maximum tangential stress as:
T max = 4J-taa
M = 0.1406J-t(2a) ;
T max = 0.675J-ta(2a)
Relative differences with the single approximation results are 1.21% and
7.41%, respectively. As in Sec. 4.12.4, it is more difficult to approximate
the stresses than a "global" quantity such as the torsional rigidity.
Consider a hollow beam whose cross section is represented in Fig. 4.11. The
external (C) and internal (Cd boundaries are two concentric ellipses whose
equations are:
4.12 Solved problems 119
The Prandtl stress function of the solid beam is given by (4.50) as:
'ljJ(y, z) = - a2a +b b2 (y2 Z2
a 2 + b2 - 1
It appears then that the boundary Cl of the hole is a contour line 'ljJ = kl of
the stress function 'ljJ of the solid beam. Therefore, the stresses in the hollow
beam are equal to those of the solid beam and given by Eqs. (4.52) as:
b2 a2
Uzx = 2J.ta a 2 + b2Y ; u yx = -2J.ta a2 + b2z (4.67)
The torsional rigidity (Mia) ofthe hollow beam is reduced w.r.t. that ofthe
solid beam by the amount of material which was removed. Using Eq. (4.51),
the value of (Mia) for the hollow beam is found as:
M a 3b3 ((a)3((b)3 a 3b3
~ = J.t7r a2 + b2 - J.t7r ((a)2 + ((b)2 = J.t7r a2 + b2 (1 - (4) (4.68)
Finally, note that the actual value kl of the contour line 'ljJ = kl was not
used, although it can be easily computed:
'ljJ(y,z) =
The problem of Fig. 4.11 was already solved using a special approach, we
shall solve it again using the general theory and double-check the results.
Consider the following function:
It vermes:
120 4. Torsion of beams
Fig. 4.11. Hollow beam of elliptic cross section. The boundary CI of the interior
hole is a contour line 1/J = k l of the stress function 1/J of the solid beam
Therefore, it is concluded that 'ljJ is the Prandtl stress function for the hoUow
beam. The torsional rigidity (MiCi) is given by Eq. (4.34) as:
M =
-2J.LCi s
'ljJ dydz + klAI = - 2 1 b2 (b 2 Iz + a2 Iy - a22
a +
b A) + klAI
The area A and the moments of inertia Iy and Iz aU refer to the dashed
surface in Fig. 4.11, Le. the section which contains material, while Al is the
area inside CI. Using formulae given in Sect. 4.12.1, we obtain:
Al 7rab(2; A = 7rab(l _ (2);
7rab3 7ra 3 b
Iy = -4-(1 - (4); Iz = -4-(1 _ (4)
where again M, Iy and Iz refer to the section which actuaUy contains the ma-
terial, Le. the dashed area in Fig. 4.11. It appears that the stress expressions
thus obtained are form-identical to those for the solid beam, Eqs. (4.52).
Finally, Eq. (4.32) of the general theory is automatically satisfied.
4.12 Solved problems 121
Consider the torsion problem of a circular tube of internal and external radii
Il;, and Re, respectively. The torsional rigidity is given by Eq. (4.68) as:
= Ja 2yx + a 2zx -
T - aţtr (4.71)
and varies linearly with the thickness. For a very thin tube, Re = Il;, + h,
hj Re « 1, Eq. (4.69) becomes:
-a ~ 27rţthR
M r M
T~-----~-- (4.73)
2h7r R~ Re 2hA I
Consider a thin-walled cross section which has two voids, Fig. 4.12. It is
assumed that the stress function t/J has a linear variat ion over the thickness,
see Fig 4.12. Two constants kl and k 2 need to be computed from Eqs. (4.32):
Three lines running through the mid-thickness are defined (Fig. 4.12) and
have the following values of thickness h i and length li:
Making the same assumptions which led to Eq. (4.36), we find that the con-
stants kl and k 2 are solution to the following linear system:
122 4. Torsion of beams
k 1l (k 1 - k2 ) l
h1 1 + h3 3
(k2 - kd l k 2l
h3 3 + h2 2 = (4.74)
= r
'IjJ dydz + k1Al + k 2A 2
A further simplificat ion can be made by keeping only the dominant term
(k1Al + ~A2)'
f 8 'ljJdydz terms
Fig. 4.12. Thin tube with variable thickness, a cross section with two voids: nota-
tion. Assumption: stress function t/J varies linearly through the thickness.
5. Theory of thin plates
f tI dydz,
It appears then that the stress resultant has the following form:
dx h
Fig. 5.1. A "slice" of plate of dimensions dx x dy x h
The resultant of contact forces along the facet of outside normal €y is:
The moment of contact forces on the facet with outside normal €x w.r.t. the
center of the facet is given by:
5.2 Internalloads (stress resultants) 125
The moment of contact forces on the facet with outside normal ey w.r.t. the
center of the facet is given by:
M 22 == ! h~ zayydz; M 21 ==
zayxdz = M12 (5.4)
-h/2 -h/2
M11 I
M 12 W ----~~----fu I
M n~)
Fig. 5.2. Stress resultants (Na{3, Qa) and their moments (Ma{3) plotted with their
positive directions, for a slice (dx x dy x h).
126 5. Theory of thin plates
Similar results hold for the other terms. It appears then that equilibrium of
forces gives the following vector equation:
Therefore, we obtain the following three scalar equations which are the pro-
jections of the vector equation along the el, e2 and e3 directions, respectively:
aN11 aN2l f 1= O
aXl a X2
aN12 + aN22 + h = O
aXl a X2
aQl + aQ2 + il = O (5.5)
aXl aX2
We now consider the equilibrium of moments act ing on the slice. Keeping the
notations of Sect. 5.2, it is seen that there are two contributions: one is due
to moments Ma, and the other is due to the moments of the forces N a'
The development for the former term is identical to that for the equilibrium
of forcesj thus the sum of those moments has the following expression:
After a first order Taylor expansion, the sum of moments due to forces N '"
takes the following form:
Projecting the vector equation along directions el, e2 and e3, respectively,
we obtain the following three scalar equations:
_ 8Ml2 _ 8M22 + Q2 O
8XI 8X2
8Mn + 8M21 _ QI O
8XI 8X2
N 12 - N 21 = O (5.6)
In summary, there are six scalar equilibrium equations for plates: Eqs. (5.5)
which express equilibrium of forces and (5.6) which translate equilibrium of
moments, Eq. (5.6c) being trivially satisfied because N",ţJ is symmetric.
5.4 Displacements
~ = ze z , before deformation.
After deformation, points P and Q transform onto P' and Q' such that:
pp)' = Vl(X, y)e x + V2(X, y)e y + w(x, y)e z , P'Q~ = zn, (5.7)
Fig. 5.3. Kirchhoff-Love kinematic assumptions. A material segment before (a)
and after (b) deformation
(H2) The plate is inextensible in the (z) direction (no thickness variation).
We now compute the normal (n) used in (5.7b). Tangent vectors to the
deformed mid-surface at (PI) are given by:
+z (e z - ~; e y - ~~ e x)
5.5 Strains
We shall designate by €(x, y) and e(x, y, z) the strain fields inside and outside
the mid-surface, respectively, Le.
as well as three others for (33, (23 and (13, which will be considered later.
The following "plane stress" or "thin plate" assumption is adopted:
(H3): The out-of-plane stress (u zz) is negligi bIe in front of the in-plane stresses
(u a {3 ).
130 5. Theory of thin plates
N at3 == f
u at3 dz =
1- v
[(1 - V)f at3 + Vf-y-y Oat3] (5.15)
The bending moments are also obtained from (5.14) by simple integration:
Equations (5.15, 16) are the in-plane and bending constitutive relations, re-
spectively. There is no constitutive model for the shear loads Qa. However, as
we shall see later, from equilibrium, we can express Qa as a function of trans-
verse displacement W(Xl' X2). Knowing internal forces and moments per unit
length, N a t3 and M at3 , the stresses can be found by substitut ion of (5.15-16)
into (5.14),
When aU the equations found so far are collected together, it is seen that those
for "membrane" forces N a t3 which act in the surface ofthe plate, are not cou-
pled with those for bending moments M at3 and shear (transverse) forces Qa.
More precisely, the following two un-coupled problems are obtained:
(2 scalar equations)
(3 scalar equations)
(2 scalar equations)
(1 scalar equation)
(3 scalar equations)
• M u and M 22 act in the (z,x) and (y,z) planes, respectively. They are
bending moments whose sign is positive if they compress the upper part of
the plate (z < O). They play identical roles to that of M(x) in beam theory.
• M 12 and M 2l act in the (y, z) and (z, x) planes, respectively. They act
in the same shearing planes as those of shear forces Ql and Q2.
Fig. 5.4. Sign convention for bending moments Ma(J and shear forces Qa acting
on a slice of plate of dimensions dx x dy x h.
âMa {3 = -V~(L1w)
âX{3 âXa
âQa = -VL1(L1w)
Fig. 5.5. Bending moments M nn and M ns and sheax force Qn act ing on a curved
edge of outwaxd unit normal n and curvilineax coordinate s.
Let us check that in the case of straight edges, the sign convention used in
Fig. 5.5 corresponds to that of Figs. 5.2 or 5.4. For an edge (x = a), we have
n = e x , t = ey, and we do retrieve the positive directions of M u and M 12
as plotted in Fig. 5.2. For an edge (y = b), we have: n = ey and t = -e x .
The positive direction of M 22 is obviously correct. As for M 21 , we can see
"heuristically" that Fig. 5.5 gives the direction of" M 2 ( -1)'" whose opposite
direction gives M21 as in Fig. 5.2 .
• Simply supported edge: if the plate is simply supported at an edge, then the
deflection w and the bending moment M nn must vanish:
w = O and Mnn = O, at the edge (5.24)
For a straight edge (x = a), the conditions read: w(a, y) = O and M xx (a, y) =
O. This latter equation can be written as (using Eq. (5.21)):
â2w â2w
âx 2 (a, y) + /J ây2 (a, y) = O
Similarly, if the plate is built-in at (y = b), the B.Cs. at that edge are:
w(x,b) = O; 8y (x,b) =O (5.29)
M nn =O and Qn + ----a;-
8Mns = O, at the edge ( 5.30)
M xx (a,y ) -_.
O, Qx
(a,y ) + ----ay-(a,y)
8Mxy -_ O (5.31)
• Loaded edge: if an edge is subjected to moments per unit length (mnt) and
forces per unit length (qnez), then by the same argument as for free edges,
the B.Cs. to be satisfied are:
M nn = mn and Qn + --a;- = qn, at the edge (5.34)
For example, for a square plate, uniformly loaded and simply supported on
its four sides, one finds reaction forces at the corners which have the same
direction as the pressure load (thus "retaining" the plate).
_ 1( ) _ (1 + v)
lO33 =E 0"33 - vO""!"! ; lO",3 = -E--0""'3
Since -from (5.10b)- the transverse shear strains are nil: f",3 = O, this implies
that the transverse shear stresses also vanish: 0"",3 = O. As a consequence,
using definitions (5.1-2), the shear forces would also vanish: Q", = 0, and this
-except for the simplest case of pure bending- is obviously wrong! Note also
that since by assumption (H3), we have: 0"33 ~ O, it would not be possible
to apply any load on the top or bot tom surfaces of the plate since the stress
vector there is (TT • e3 = 0"3iei = O! We point out that making "plane strain"
assumption (H2): f33 = 0, and the "plane stress" assumption (H3): 0"33 = 0,
simultaneously, leads to a contradiction, in general.
So how to deal with those contractions in the Kirchhoff-Love theory? We give
an engineering pragmatic approach here. As is the case for beams, the KL
theory is a simplified one where we are not trying to solve the 3D equations of
elasticityas presented in Chap. 1, but Eqs. (5.20) instead. Therefore, equilib-
rium requires satisfying (5.20a,b) and not (1.28). Also, constitutive equations
are not those of Chap. 1 relating stresses O"ij to strains fij, but Eqs. (5.20c)
relating bending moments M",{3 and curvature 1'b",{3. In practice, the KL the-
ory is widely used and gives good results for thin plates. Engineers "forget"
how it was derived and just use it!
We need to mention that there exists another theory, due to Reissner and
Mindlin in which kinematic assumption (Hl) is replaced as follows:
136 5. Theory of thin plates
We shall see in the next chapter that for circular plates under axisymmet-
ric conditions, closed-form solutions can be easily obtained. For rectangular
plates however, finding analytical solutions for even the simplest loadings is
very tedious and involves lengthy calculations with Fourier series. Therefore,
we shall restrict ourselves to a few illustrative examples, and refer to classical
textbooks, such as (Timoshenko and W.-K., 1982) for more solutions. Nowa-
days, good numerical approximations are easily found using finite-element
computer codes.
Among the classical analytical methods for rectangular plates, two are due
to Navier (1820) and Levy (1900), respectively. Navier's method deals with
plates which are simply supported on their four edges. It uses double Fourier
series whose convergence is slow for both M a{3 and Qa. Levy's method -which
is presented in this section- is used for plates with two simply supported and
opposite edgesj the B.Cs. on the two remaining edges being arbitrary. It is
based on a single Fourier series and its convergence rate is "not too bad" .
We consider a rect angular plate whose mid-surface occupies the domain:
(x, y) E [O, a] x [-bJ2, bJ2] which is simply supported at (x = O) and (x = a).
The problem to be solved is the following: find w(x, y) such that:
p(x, y) . [ ] [ b b]
LL1w (x, y ) = -----V-' In 0, a x -'2' '2 '
w(O, y) = 0, âx2 (O, y) = 0,
w(a,y) = 0,
â2 w
âx2 (a, y) = °
B.Cs.on (y = ±'2) (5.36)
5.11 Plates with two simply supported opposite edges - Levy's method 137
Since w(x, y) must satisfy alI of Eqs. (5.36), and W2(X, y) satisfies (5.36)
except (5.36d), then: (i) W2(X, y) must verify the folIowing system:
and (ii): Wl(X,y) + W2(X, y) must satisfy B.Cs. (5.36d) on edges (y = ±b/2).
Using the method of separat ion of variables, a solution to (5.38) is sought
under the folIowing form:
2: Yn(y) sin(n:x)
W2(X, y) = (5.39)
It is seen that B.Cs. (5-36b, c) are trivially satisfied. Equation (5.38a) leads
to the folIowing differential equation:
where an, bn , Cn and dn are constants. Equivalently, Eq. (5.40) can be rewrit-
ten as folIows:
mry . h n7rY )
(A nCOS h -mry
+ Bna
- sm -
n7ry n7ry . n7rY)
+ ( Cn-cosh-+Dn smh - (5.41)
a a a
An important thing to remember is that either results (5.40) or (5.41) are
valid for all Levy's problems. The choice of one expres sion depends on the
application at hand. The advantage ofEq. (5.41) is that it shows two contribu-
tions which are even and odd functions of (y), respectively. So, ifthe problem
is symmetric w.r.t. the (y = O) axis, (5.41) can be used with Cn = Dn = O.
For an anti-symmetric problem w.r.t. the (y = O) axis, (5.41) is used with
An = Bn = O. As another example, if a plate has a large dimension along
(y), i.e. b» a, then the (y = O) axis is placed such that the edges parallel to
it are (y = O) and (y = b), and Eq. (5.40) is used with Cn = dn = O, because
w(x, y) must remain finite for large values of y > O.
So far, we have found W2(X,y) solution of problem (5.38). It remains
to find Wl(X,y), a particular solution to Eqs. (5.36) except the B.Cs. on
(y = ±b/2). A method is to try a form similar to (5.39), Le.
138 5. Theory of thin plates
The B.Cs. (5.36b, c) are thus automatically satisfied. The second step is to
write the pressure loading in a form similar to that of Wl(X, y), Le.
Pm(Y) = -a21 o
m7rX dx
p(x, y) sm(-)
for which it suffices to find a particular solution. This depends on the expres-
sion resulting from the integral in (5.44), and hence on the pressure loading.
An important special case is when the pressure is independent of y (e.g., uni-
form or hydrostatic pressures), P = p(x). This implies that Pm = constant. A
particular solution of (5.45) is therefore:
km = (~)4Pm
m7r V
The final solution w(x, y) of the original problem (5.36) is found by summing
the expressions of Wl (x, y) and W2 (x, y), Le.
or equivalently:
where definition (5.17) ofthe bending stiffness was used. Finally, since /î,a{3 =
-â2 w/âx aâx{3, the following expression of the strain energy W in terms of
the deflection w(x, y) is found:
W = "h,3Z2
2W â 2w (â 2W
6V { (LlW)2 - 2(1 - v) [ââx
2 ây2 - âxây )2] } (5.49)
The strain energy for the entire plate is obtained by integration of W over
the volume. Since the deflection w(x, y) does not depend on the thickness
coordinate (z), the following expression is easily found:
where S is the mid-surface domain before deformation. For a plate under a
pressure load p(x, y), the potential energy is:
For a plate under a point load (Pe z ) placed at (xo, Yo), we have:
I(w) = W(w) - Pw(XO,yo) (5.52)
As in previous chapters, expressions of I(w) can be used in connection with
numerical methods such as Ritz or the finite element method in order to find
approximate solutions to plate bending problems.
140 5. Theory of thin plates
Consider a plate with arbitrary shape and B.Cs. Inside the domain, define a
rectangle U1 x U2 centered at (711, 712). The only load applied to the plate is
uniform pressure on that rectangle, Le.
• U1 U1 U2 U2
p(x,y) = po 1f (x,y) E [711 - 2,711 + 2] x [712 - 2,712 + 2],
=0 otherwise (5.53)
The technique is similar to that of influence lines for beams (Sec. 3.10); for
applications, see (Timoshenko and W.-K., 1982) or (Crochet, 1994).
The Fourier series coefficients of the load are found from (5.44) as:
w(x,y) L -
1 [
sinh (3n + (3n cosh (3n
(3n + cash (3n sinh (3n
h n7ry
cos - -
n=1,3,5, ...
+ sinh(3n n7ry . h -
n7r- . (n7rx)
Y] S In-- (5.59)
(3n + cosh (3n sinh (3n a a a
From this expression, one can compute aH other variables. For instance, bend-
ing moments M 22 at one of the built-in sides are found to be:
Exercise: for a square plate, b = a, show that the maximum values of w and
M 22 are (with v = 0.3):
142 5. Theory of thin plates
&w b â3 w b
â y 3 (x, ±'2) + (2 - v) âyâx 2 (x,±'2) = O
hn jhn
Qr =j arz dz, Qo = ao z dz, (6.1)
-hn -hn
and the bending moments are given by:
M rr =j
zarr dz, Moo =
zaoo dz, Mro = MOr = j h/2 zaro dz
-h/2 -h/2 -h/2
In order to obtain the equations of bending of thin plates in polar coordinates,
a first method consists in working directly with a small sector (dr, d9), see
Fig. 6.1. For example, equilibrium of forces in the z-direction reads:
Qr = Q", cos (O) + Q" sin O; Q() = -Q", sin(O) + Q" cos O (6.3)
We now introduce the following notation:
Q = [ ~: ], Q = [ ~: ] , (6.4)
Note that Eq. (6.8c) is identical to the equation which was found by the
first method. Using intrinsic notations, the curvature relations (5.20d) can
be written as:
where w(r, e) is the plate defiection, \7 is the gradient operator and 'K is
represented by symmetric 2 x 2 matrices which are form-identical to those of
(6.6). Using formulae in Appendix A, it is found that:
fPw 1 1 fPw âw â 1 âw
Krr =- âr 2 ; KOO = -;J:;: âe2 + 8r); KrO = KOr = - âr (:;: âe) (6.10)
M ~ ~
15 = (1 - V)K + v tr('K)l = -(1 - v)\7(\7w) - v(.1w)l (6.11)
Stresses are related to bending moments by:
(j = 12z M (6.13)
where (j is represented by a 2 x 2 matrix which is form-identical to that of
Eqs. (6.6). In component from, Eq. (6.13) gives three scalar relations:
12z 12z 12z
arr = -,;;JMrr ; aoo = -,;;JMoo; aro = -,;;JMro (6.14)
146 6. Bending of thin plates in polar coordinates
Finally, Eqs. (5.22) can be written under the following intrinsic form:
- - = V(L1w) (6.17)
In component form, this gives two scalar equations:
= -(L1w)' Qo
1 a
= --(L1w) (6.18)
V ar ' V ra()
Fig. 6.1. Equilibrium of a small sector (dr, de). Bending moments, shear forces and
other notations.
The non-zero internal loads are represented in Fig. 6.2. Among equations
(6.8), only two are not trivially satisfied:
tFw 1 dw
K.rr =- dr 2 ; K.(J(J = -; dr; K.r(J = K.(Jr =O (6.21)
A Aw(r)
~~ = p(r)
V (+ B .Cs. ) (6.23)
_ Qr = ~(Llw) (6.25)
V dr
In the remainder of the section, we give a general procedure for solving ax-
isymmetric problems. Equation (6.23) can be rewritten as:
~[r~(Llw)] = rp(r)
dr dr V
Simple integrat ion gives:
r~(Llw) =
I r
xp(x) dx
+ A'
Llw= I I r
d: Y
xp~x) dx+A'lnr+B'
We integrate this equation again, and so ono Finally, the deflection w(r) is
found to have the following general expression:
w(r) = I I
zdz IZ y I -Vdy Y xp(x) dx + Ar 2 + Blnr + C + Dr2 lnr
regions, and if a region contains the origin (r = O), the conditions for finite
solution in (r = O).
The case of uniform pressure p(r) = constant = po over a concentric
region is very common in practice; Eq. (6.26) gives then:
= Por
w(r) 641' + Ar2 + Bln r + C + Dr 2 lnr (6.27)
Simple derivation gives the following expressions which will be used later:
Por 3 B
161' + 2Ar + -:;: + Dr(l + 2lnr)
3por 2 B
161' + 2A - r 2 + D(3 + 2lnr)
P r2
.dw(r) :1' +4A+4D(1+lnr) (6.28)
por 2 B
(3 + v) 161' + 2(1 + v)A - (1 - v) r 2
+ D[3 + v + 2(1 + v) In r];
por2 B
= (1+ 3v) 161' + 2(1 + v)A + (1 - v) r 2
+ D[l + 3v + 2(1 + v) In r] (6.30)
) po r2
Por 4
+ Ar2 + C; -V
M rr (
w(r) = 641' = 3 + v 161' + 2(1 + v)A
Moo (1 + 3v )Por2 Q _ _ Por
V 161' + 2(1 + v)A; r - 2 (6.32)
W(w) = 7r f [( tPw
V -
dr 2
+- dW)2 -
r dr
2(1- /1)---
1 tPw
r dr 2 dr
dW] rdr (6.34)
The potential energy I(w) is the difference between W(w) and the work of
externa! forces in the deflection field w(r, (}). Numerical methods based on
minimizat ion of I(w) can be used to find approximate solutions to plate
problems. A simple application is given in Sec. 6.4.
which is the same expression. The negative sign (Qr < O) means that Qr
is directed towards the top (Le., -e z ), which is expected. We consider two
cases. When the plate is simply supported at (r = a), the B.Cs. are:
w(a) = O; Mrr(a) =O
Using Eqs. (6.31), the constants A and Care found as:
A = _(3 + v) Po a2 • C = (5 + v) Po a 4
1 + v 32V' 1 + v 64V
w(a) = O; -(a)
The constants A and Care found from Eq. (6.31) as:
Poa 2 Poa4
A = - 32V; C = 64V
This gives the deflection as:
For steel, this value is four times smaller than that for simple support.
problem (O) can solved by superposition of two simpler problems: (1') and
(2'), see Fig. 6.3.
Since a load per unit length is applied at r = b, the shear load Qr presents a
discontinuity there (the situation is identical to that of point or concentrated
loads in beams). Indeed, we have:
where the constants M~ and CII will be computed later. Equations (6.31)
show that the shear force is nil and the bending moments are uniform and
equal to M{:
Q~l/)(r) = O; M$~/)(r) = M~~/)(r) = M{
The solution WZ' (r) of Problem (2') must satisfy the following equations
(see Fig. 6.3):
The general solution is given by (6.27) with Po = O. Constants Az" BZ', CZ',
and Dz, are computed from the B.Cs. written above. After some algebra,
their values are found as follows:
P aZbz [Pa ]
87rV; B ZI=(aZ _bZ)(l_V)V M{-47r(1+v)1o(b) ;
P [ 3 + v + 10]
--- a + (1 - v) B .
2 1
After substitution of these expressions ioto Eq. (6.27), the following expres-
sion for the deflection is found:
152 6. Bending of thin plates in polar coordiJ;lates
We can check that this is correct by another method: imagine a cut along
a concentric circle of radius r E]b, al, static equilibrium of the ring enclosed
between the circles of radii b and r gives:
P + Qr(27rr) = O :::} Qr = --2
< O,
which is the same value. The negative sign means that Qr is directed towards
the top (Le., -e z ), which is expected.
It is seen that in the solutions of problems (1') and (2') there are two as
yet unknown constants: M{ and CI'. They are determined by requiring the
deflection and its slope to be continuous at r = b:
Using Eqs. (6.37-38), it is found that the constants have the following values:
Substitution of these expressions into Eqs. (6.37-38) gives the following ex-
pressions of the deflection for the original problem (O):
rE [O,b]: wo(r) = ~ [(a2 _ b2) (3 + v)a2 - (1- v)r 2 _ (b2 + r2) ln(~)]
87rV 2(1 + v)a2 b
Pb 2 [ a2 (3 + v) a ]
wo(O) = CI' = 87rV (b2 - 1) 2(1+ v) - ln( b) (6.40)
P [( 2 2) (3 +
Wo (r ) = 87rV a -r 2(1+v) -r ln(;)
2 v) a] (6.41)
Exercise: Consider a problem identical to the one which was studied in this
section except that the plate is built-in at (r = a).
Pj27rb Pj27rb
a b
Pj27ra t+------~~ Pj27ra
Mi( ) Mi
Mi , (1
Pj27ra t Pj27rb! !
Pj27rb tPj27ra
Fig. 6.3. Problem (O): circular plate of radius a subjected to a uniform load along
a circle of radius b < a. The problem is split into two problems (1') and (2').
its solution W3' (r) is given by Eq. (6.35) after making the substitution a ---+ b
and adding an arbitrary constant C3 , because W3' (b) =F O. The deflection
W3' (r) is therefore given by:
W3' ()
r Po- r2[r 2-
= -64V (3 + v) 2]
2---b + C3' (6.42)
1 +v
Superposition gives:
It appears that there are two constants: M{ and (C3 , + CI'); they are com-
puted from continuity requirement for the deflection and its slope at (r = b):
Exercise: Carry out the computations and give the final expressions of the
deflection WI (r) of the original problem.
We now present another method to solve the original problem (1). The
pressure load can be viewed as the integral of loads per unit length applied
along concentric circles of radius c. For r E [b,a], wI(r) is the integral from
C = O to C = b of the deflection wo(r) of Eq. (6.39b) where we make the
substitutions b ---+ c and P ---+ Po(27rcdc) (Timoshenko and W.-K., 1982):
r 2 ) (3 + v)a2 - (1 - v)c2
rE [b,a]: wI(r) = 10[b Po27rcdc
[(a 2 _
2(1 + v)a 2
_(c2 +r 2 )ln(;)]
lr 87rV
2 _ c2 ) (3 + v)a2 - (1- v)r 2
2(1 + v)a 2
-(c2 + 1'2) ln(~)]
Equations (6.40) and (6.45) show that Wl(O) > wo(O), Le. for the same total
load P and the same loading zone size, the deflection due to a pressure is
larger then that due to a load distributed along a circle.
For uniform pressure everywhere on the plate, it suffices to set b = a. It
can be checked that Eq. (6.35) is found.
Exercise: Consider a problem identical to the one which was studied in
this section except that the plate is built-in at (1' = a).
• Problem (Po): the plate is subjected to the same transverse and axisym-
metric forces of resultant (Pe z ), but is simply supported along the whole
boundary. The deflection wo(r) is solution of the following problem
M~( ) M~ (1 ')
M{) ( M{
Fig. 6.4. Problem (1): circular plate of radius a subjected to a uniform pressure
on a disk of radius b < a. The problem is split into three problems (1'), (2') and
6.4 Solved problems 157
are given in Secs. 6.4.1 to 6.4.3. The reactions along the boundary (r = a)
are given by statics as:
- 2- e z =-Te
- z (6.47)
• Problem (Pl): the plate is subjected to forces per unit length p(O)e z
along its boundary, defined as follows:
- (i) At and near the supporls, forces per unit length (-Fe z ), F> 0, are
applied along an arc of vanishingly small opening angle X.
- (ii) Along the rest of the boundary (Le., between supports), forces per unit
length (Te z ) are applied.
The system of forces is depicted in Fig. 6.5. Firstly, static equilibrium
gives the following equation
It is dear that p(O) is continuous over [O, 'Y1 except on a finite number ofpoints
= =
(O X/2 and O 'Y - (X/2)) and is square-integrable over the interval. From
the above observations, it is conduded -e.g., (Tolstov, 1962)- that p(O) can
be expanded in a Fourier series as follows:
ao ~ 27rkO ~ . 27rkO
p(O) ="2 + LJakcos-- + LJbk sm - - (6.50)
k=l 'Y k=l 'Y
Standard formulae -e.g., (Tolstov, 1962)- give coefficients ao, ak and bk,
ao =
- p(O) dO; ak = -
21"( 27rkO
p(O)(cos - - ) dO;
'Yo 'Yo 'Y
bk ~ r p(O)(sin 27rkO) dO
'Y lo 'Y
158 6. Bending of thin plates in polar coordinates
Using Eqs. (6.49-50), and recalling that N = 27rh, the following values are
ao = O; ak = -2T Nkx/2 ; bk =O (6.51)
Finally, we are ready to state and solve problem (Pt): find the deHection
wt{r, O) such that:
wl(r,O) =
(Alr+Blr +-+Dlrlnr)cosO
Constants An and Bn are found from the B.Cs. (6.53b-c). After some lengthy
algebra, the following final expression of the deHection is found:
Wl (r, O) =
Ta 3
V(3 + II) n-N,2N,3N,
_ LJ ... n(n - 1)
[1 2(1+v)
+ ...,.--~.,....-"":""""'-=-
(1 - 1I)(n - 1)n2
The supports are situated at r = a and () = 0, ,,/, ... , (N -1)"{; the deflection
there is
Wl(support) = 2Ta3 E
(3 + II)V n=N,2N,3N, ... n(n -1) n
1 [1+ 1
1 + II ]
+ (1 - lI)n
Problem (P2 ): it is such that, when superposed to (Po) and (Pt), the solution
of the original problem is found. In view of the previous remark concerning
Wl (support) =f. 0, we simply take for the solution w2(r, () the following rigid
Firstly, since ..1..1Wl (r, () = and wo(r) satisfies -by definition- the in-bulk
equilibrium equation(s) (6.46a), then w(r) satisfies the latter equation(s) also.
Secondly, since wo(a) = 0, then it is clear that w(support) = O. Thirdly, the
bending moment B.C., Mrr(a,{}) = O, being satisfied by wo(r) and wl(r,(), it
is also satisfied by w(r, (}). Finally, the generalized shear force on the boundary
is given by:
w(r = O) = Pa 2
(51 ++ II)
II +
(3 + lI)ll'V
n=~9, ... n(n2 -
1 1)
+ (1 -
n=~9, 1
... n 2(n - 1)
1 (6.60)
160 6. Bending of thin plates in polar coordinates
If we take V = 0.25 and stop at the first five terms of each sum, we find
Pa 2
w(r = O) ~ 0.036""""1) ~ 1.7wo(0)
-F -F
Fig. 6.5. Problem (Pt): forces per unit length (-Fe.) are applied at and near
the supports (small angle X), and (Te.) along the rest of the boundary (between
wl(a) = O; dr (a) =O (6.62)
6.4 Solved problems 161
Consider a uniform pressure qo. It can be checked that W1 (r) is not the exact
solution of the problem because
where the strain energy W(wt) is given by (6.34). Computing the integrals
in (6.64), one finds:
9a 4 3a5
I(w1) =4 7rVC2 - w7rqoC (6.65)
where ,\ and ţL are Lame's coefficients. Using Eqs. (7.2), it is deduced that
+ f 0/ = O·
f Z =
O (7.4)
164 7. Two-dimensional problems in Cartesian coordinates
8ua {3 + fa = O (7.8)
7.3 Summary: plane strain versus plane stress 165
In addition to (7.5), the other three compatibility equations which are not
trivially satisfied are the following:
These equations imply that f33 is a linear function of Xl and X2, which is
false in general. In practice, these three equations are ignored and plane stress
theory, although approximate, compares well with exact solutions (when they
can be found)j see (Timoshenko and Goodier, 1987).
The equations of plane strain and plane stress found in Sections 7.1 and 7.2
are summarized hereafter.
f23 = f13 = O
0"23 = 0"13 = O
u'" = X2)U", (Xl,
f",{3 = X2)
f",{3 (Xl,
82 82 l!!li.. 82 82 !!li..
(&f + ~)u'Y'Y = -(1+V)8"'ţ3
(8"'~ + ~)U-y-y - -1-v8"'ţ3
It is seen that most of the equations are identical. Actually, if a change of
parameters is made, the last sets of equations (the f Ot{3 - u Ot{3 constitutive
relations and the compatibility equations) become also identical. The reader
can check the following observations:
- (i) IT we solve a plane stress problem, we can find the solution of a corre-
sponding plane strain problem by making the following substitutions:
v --t _v_ E - - t - o
l-v' l-v2
- (ii) When we have the solution of a plane strain problem, we can find that
of plane stress with the following substitutions:
v --t _v_o E --t E(l + 2v)
l+v' (1+v)2
It is remarkable that problems which correspond to completely diJJerent geo-
metric situations in the z direction (very long body for plane strain and very
thin plate for plane stress) obey basically the same equations.
7.4 Airy stress function 167
G---' F--
8ifJ 8ifJ
- âx' - 8y
Substitution of these expressions into those of U zz , U yy and uzy gives:
The function ifJ(x, y) is called an Airy stress junctionj Eqs. (7.12) insure that
the equilibrium equations are satisfied. The compatibility equations of Sect.
7.3 become (in the absence of body forces):
82 â2 â 2 ifJ 8 2 ifJ .
(8x 2 + â y2)(âx2 + â y 2)=Oj l.e. LlLlifJ(x,y) =0 (7.13)
This function is always bi-harmonic and the stresses are given by:
13 1 2 1 2 1 3
lP3(X, y) = 6a3x + "2b3X Y + "2C3XY + 6d3Y (7.16)
+ dsx 2 y - (3as + 2cs)xy -
'13 (bs + 2ds )y3 ;
= asx 3 + bsx 2y + csxy2 + '3 dSy3 ;
= 3
-'3bsx - CsX Y - dsxy
2 2
+ '13 (3as + 2cs)y 3 (7.23)
Fourier series allow the study of very general loading cases, such as loadings
with discontinuities; see Figs. 7.3 and 7.9 for examples. Let us consider a
rather general case depicted in Fig. 7.3b: a beam of length Z and height c is
subjected on its lower and upper faces (y = ±c/2) to arbitrarily distributed
loadings q+(x) and q-(x), which can be expanded using Fourier series:
± (Xl (Xl 2
q±(x) = q~ + Lq;cosmx + LQ;sinmx, m== ~7r (7.24)
n=l n=l
Equations (7.24) suggest that we look for an Airy function under the form:
where we have used the method of separation of variables. We now look for
conditions under which the following function:
CPn(x, y) = fn(Y) cos mx, m == -Z-
where Qn, .8n, 'I'n, and dn are constants. The stresses correspondingto CPn(x, y)
are determined from the usual relations:
Consider a thin plate of uniform thickness (h) whose middle plane is (X3 = O).
When defining plane stress, we made assumptions (7.7) on the stress field and
assumed that the in-plane forces are independent of the thickness coordinate
(X3)' In this section, we make less restrictive assumptions (see Fig. 7.4). Our
presentation mostly follows (Crochet, 1993). The hypotheses are:
- (H1) The upper aud lower surfaces (X3 = ±h/2) are stress-free. This implies
the followiug three scalar equatious:
- (H2) The surface forces acting ou the lateral bouudary are symmetric W.r.t.
the middle plaue (X3 = O) aud have no through-thickness compouent:
7.7 Generalized plane stress 171
Fig. 7.3. Examples of beams under generalloadings
- (H3) The body forces are symmetric w.r.t. the middle plane (X3 = O) and
have no through-thickness component:
We now define the mean value through the thickness of a quantity as follows:
_ 1 jh/2
~(x!, X2) == h ~(Xl, X2, X3) dX3
From the symmetry of the problem, we see that the transverse displacements
are anti-symmetric w.r.t. (X3):
aUa a U3
2Ea3 = --
Their mean values are given by:
172 7. Two-dimensional problems in Cartesian coordinates
and they vanish because of symmetry and Eq. (7.32). We now write equilib-
rium in the 3-direction for X3 = ±h/2,
The last three scalar equations (0'33 = (113 = (123 = O) are form-identical to
the plane stress equations. Since (133 = O, the first four scalar equations in
(7.34) can be rewritten to give:
_ 1 + v(_ v _ ~ ) _ v _
t Ol/3 = - E a 01/3 - -l-- a ..,...,.UOl/3; f33 = --l-- f ..,...,.
+v -v
Again, note that these average stress-strain relations are form-identical to
the plane stress equations of Sect. 7.3. We now turn to the three equilibrium
equations, which can be written as follows:
--+--+ 8a0l 3 f 01= O; --+--+
8a3/3 8 a 33 f 3= O
8x/3 8X3 8x/3 8X3
Taking the average of these equations, we obtain:
a = 1,2;
Using previous results, it is seen that the third scalar equation is identically
satisfied while the first two are reduced to:
0a0l/3 -
-8-+ 101 =0, (7.35)
7.8 Solved problems 173
and these are form-identical to the plane stress equilibrium equations. Finally,
compatibility equation (7.5) integrated through the thickness gives:
In summary, the averages over the thickness of stresses and strains have
to satisfy equations which are identical to those of plane stress. This class
of problems is called generalized plane stress. Note that the "membrane"
problem of Sect. 5.7 is such that the in-plane strains (f a j3) and internalloads
(Na j3) defined there satisfy a generalized plane stress problem, with Na(j/h =
(j a(j·
Fig. 7.4. Plate under generalized plane stress conditions. In-plane forces are sym-
mmetric w.r.t. the thickness.
y ~
Fig. 7.5. Concentrated load at the end of a cantilever beam
most difficult) step consists in finding an Airy stress function for the problem.
Even though the search is restricted to polynomial functions, the difficulty
consists in choosing the right terms (since no homogeneous polynomial will
do). We start by writing the stress B.Cs. On the lower and upper surfaces
(y = ±c/2), the body is stress free:
b ( j
U xx dy +ey
dy ,
U xy (7.38)
-c/2 -c/2
since the u a {3's do not depend on z. The moment of the stress vector w.r.t.
the centroid of the cross section is:
j C/2 YU
-be z
-c/2 xx dy, (7.39)
since f~~2 z dz = O. On the other hand, static equilibrium of the left part of
the beam gives:
7.8 Solved problems 175
These equations put restrictions on the stress expressions. For instance, the
expression ofaxx should contain odd powers of y, which may be multiplied
by any power of x, because the integral in (7.41a) will then be automatically
satisfied. This is written under the following symbolic form:
a xx : (y, y3, y5, etc. ) and (xy, xy3, xy5, etc. ) (7.42)
Equation (7.41b) gives the following form for the shear stress:
We now need to construct an Airy stress function which will give us stress
expressions of the form (7.42-43). From Sect. 7.5, it is seen that the term
d3y3/6 gives a~3) = d 3y, while the term d4xy3/6 gives a~~ = d 4xy and
a~V = -d4y2/2. In order to satisfy B.Cs. (7.37a), the expression of aX!!
should cont ain a constantj a term ~xy in Airy's function gives a~~ = -b2 •
In summary, the following Airy stress function is proposed for the problem:
The function in (7.44) is bi-harmonic and the stresses (7.45) satisfy the equi-
librium equations. The constants d3 , d4 and b2 are determined from the B.Cs.
These are Eqs. (7.37) and additional B.Cs. obtained by setting (x = I) in
Eqs. (7.41). Equations (7.37b) and (7.41a) are satisfied, while Eqs. (7.37a)
and (7.41b) imply that:
176 7. Two-dimensional problems in Cartesian coordinates
~ ~e2
d4 = 1; b2 = - 81
where 1 == be3 /12 is the moment of inertia of the cross section w.r.t. the
z-axis. Equation (7.41c) written for (x = l) gives:
d3 =-Ţ
Note that Eqs. (7.41) are verified for any value of x. Substitution of the values
of the constants into Eqs. (7.45) gives the stresses as:
~ ~ e2
Uxx = -I(l- x)y; Uyy = O; uxy = 21(4 - y2) (7.46)
These stress expressions are valid for plane stress (u zz = O) as well as plane
strain (E zz = 0, Uzz = vu"'("'().
In the built-in section (x = O), we have f~~2UXX dy = O, but uxx(O,y) =
-~ly/I i- 0, therefore the solution is not correct at (x = O). On the other
end section (x = l), although uxx(l,y) = O, the solution is correct only ifthe
load ~ is applied according to Eqs. (7.46c). Saint-Venant's principle implies
that Eqs. (7.46) represent the stress solution of the problem far from the
ends (assuming that e > b, a practical requirement is x E [e, l - el, and the
larger the ratio l/e, the better the solution).
It is interesting to compare the stress solution to that found from ele-
mentary beam theory (Chap. 3). The shear force Q(x) and bending moment
M(x) are given by:
Q(x) =~; M(x) = -~(l- x)
The normal and shear stresses are given Sec. 3.6 as:
Comparison with Eqs. (7.46) shows that for the problem under consideration,
plane elasticity and elementary beam theory give the same stress solutions.
This is not always the case however, as we shall see in the upcoming sections.
In the remainder of this section, we consider plane stress (the thickness b is
assumed to be small). Section 7.3 and Eqs. (7.46) give the strains as:
~ v~ (1 + v)~ e2 2
Exx = - EI (l- x)y; Eyy = EI (l - x)y; Exy = 2EI (4 - y) (7.47)
Integration ofthe relations Exx = âu/âx and Eyy = âv/ây gives the displace-
ments u(x,y) and v(x,y) as:
x2 y2
Elu = -~y(lx - 2") + F(y); Elv = v~(l- x)2" + G(x)
7.8 Solved problems 177
The displacements are related by (8uj8y) + (8vj8x) = 2€xyj using Eq. (7.46c)
and the expressions of u and v, it is found that:
x2 dG c 2 v dF
-P(lx - - )
= (1 + v)P-
- (1 + _ )py2 - -
2 dy
The left-hand side of the equality is a function of x only, while the right-hand
side is a function of y onlYj for the equality to hold for alI values of x and y,
each side must be equal to the same constant (k, say). Integration of the two
equations thus obtained gives:
u(O, O) = Oj v(O, O) = Oj 8x (O, O) =O
These conditions imply that k = O, A = D = O. Therefore, the displacement
field is given by:
Pl 3
v(l,O) = 3EI
This is exactly the value given by elementary beam theory. The conclusion
however does not hold for other problems, as we shall see in the next section.
y l
Fig. 1.6. Uniform loads on the upper and lower surfaces of a simply supported
7.6). This is a problem we have already solved using beam theory in Chap. 3,
our purpose here is to solve it again using a more sophisticated theory (plane
elasticity) and compare the two solutions.
On the upper and lower surfaces (y = ~c/2), the stress B.Cs. are:
c c q- c q+
a",y(x'~2) =0; a yy (x'-2) = -Ţ; a yy (x'2) =-Ţ (7.49)
Note that q . and q+ are forces per unit length [N/m], they are the integrals
over the thickness b of forces per unit area (q- /b) and (q+ /b).
On the end sections (x = ±l/2) we shall write c~nditions on the stress
resultants and use Saint-Venant's principle. Actually, it is useful to find ex-
pressions for the stress resultants in each cross section (x) with outward unit
normal e",; and these were computed in Sect. 7.8.1.
On the other hand, static equilibrium of the left part of the beam gives
q l2
R(x) = -qdXey; M(x) = - ; ("4 - x 2 )e z (7.51)
j C/2 a",,,, dy = O; b
a",y dy = -qdX; b j C/2 ya",,,, dy = ...!!(-
q l2
- x2 )
-c/2 -c/2 -c/2 2 4
We now use the same procedure as in Sect. 7.8.1 to construct Airy's stress
function. Equation (7.52a) implies the following form for a",,,,:
7.8 Solved problems 179
Note that, from Sect. 7.5, we need to have b5 + 2d5 + 315 = o. If 15 = O and
b5 = -2d5, then O'xy contains the term -b5x 3 /3, which is unwanted. On the
other hand, if b5 = O and 15 = -2d5/3, then O'xy and O'yy do not contain
additional terms and O'xx contains -2d5y 3/3 which is a possible term. AIso,
if we do not add the constant term a2 to O'yy, then this stress would be an
odd function of y and the B.Cs. on y = ±c/2 could not be satisfied.
The coefficients d 3 , d5 , b3 and a2 are determined from the B.Cs. After
some algebra, the following expressions are found:
qd qd c2
d5 2I; b3 = 81 ;
qs c3 qd c2 l2
a2 = - 241; d 3 = 2I (- 10 + "4 )
where qs == q- + q+ and 1 == bc3 /12 is the moment of inertia of the cross sec-
tion w.r.t. the z-axis. Finally, suhstituting the expressions of the coefficients
into Eqs. (7.56), we find the stresses as follows:
qdY (l2
= 2i 2 c2 2 2)
"4 - x - 10 + '3 y
qd l2
(order - - )
b c2
qdY c2 y2 qs c3
O'yy = 2i(4 - 3") - 241 (order q;)
qdX c2 2
(order qd_l)
O'xy = - 2I (4 - y ) bc (7.57)
180 7. Two-dimensiona1 problems in Cartesian coordinates
Again, as in Sect. 7.8.1, these stress expressions are valid for plane stress as
well as plane strain. At the end sections, we have: I~~~2 0'",,,, dy = O, but:
±1 qdY c2
0'",,,,( 2'Y) = 2T(-10 + a2 Y )
which means that the normal stresses are zero in average only. As in Sect.
7.8.1, and using Saint-Venant's principle, it is concluded that Eqs. (7.57)
represent the stress solution ofthe problem far from the ends (again, assuming
that c > b, a practical requirement is x E [-(1/2)+c, (1/2)-c], and the larger
the ratio l/c, the better the solution). We now compare the stress solution
to that found from elementary beam theory (Chap. 3). The shear force Q(x)
and bending moment M(x) are:
qd 12
Q(x) = -qdxi M(x) = "2+4' - x 2)
The normal and shear stresses are given by Sec. 3.6 as:
(O) _ M(x). (O) _ Q(x) (c2 _ 2)
O'",x - 1 y, O'",y - 21 4 Y
Comparison with Eqs. (7.57) shows that:
_ (O) qdY _ c2 ~ 2 •
O'xx - 0'",,,,
-...-.,... + , 21 ( 10 + 3Y ),, (7.58)
(and recall that O'W = O). II 1 » c, then O'",x ~ 0'10) and O'yy is negligible
when compared to O'",x and O'xyi the elementary solution is therefore valid in
that case.
In the remainder of this section, we consider plane stress (the thickness b
is assumed to be small). Section 7.3 and Eqs. (7.57) give the strains as:
2EI 4 3 4 10 3 24EI
qdX c2 2
f",y = -(1 + v) 2EI (4' - Y ) (7.59)
y2 (c2 y2 12 c2 y2 ) c3
2Elv = qd"2 4' - "6 - v'4 + vx 2 + v 10 - v3' - qs 12 Y + G(x)
7.8 Solved problems 181
We now use the same technique as in Sect. 7.8.1: compute âu/ây and âv/âx,
and substitute into the expression of Exy. This leads to the following equation:
For the equality to hold for alI values of x and y, each side must be equal to
the same constant (k). Integration of the two equations thus obtained gives:
x 2 (l2 2 2 2
F(y) = -ky + A-, G(x) = kx - qd-
2 4
- + -2c5 + -vc4 - -x6 ) + D
c3l l2 51 2 c2 vc2
k=O; A= qs v 24 ; D=qd"4(48 +5+""8)
(O) 5qd l4
vmax = 384EI
It appears then that the 2D theory of elasticity gives a solution (7.60) which
is made up of two terms: one is identical to the beam theory result, and an
additional term which becomes negligible when l » c. As for the horizontal
displacement, it is maximum at the right end (x = l/2) and it is seen that
for long beams it is negligible when compared to the maximum deflection.
182 7. Two-dimensional problems in Cartesian coordinates
Consider a cantilever thin beam which is uniformly loaded on its upper surface
(Fig. 7.7). We could solve this problem directly as in Secs. 7.8.1 and 7.8.2,
but it is much simpler to use the superposition principle as shown in the
figure. Accordingly, the problem is split into two simpler problems which are
themselves statically equivalent to the two problems of Fig. 7.6, which we
have already solved in the previous sections. Consequently, in order to find
the stress field, we set qd = qs = q in Eqs. (7.57), P = ql/2 in (7.46), express
the stresses in those equations in a same frame and then add them up. For
the displacements, the general expressions are written in the same frame and
then added up, but the constants have to be determined according to the
specific displacement B.Cs. we have.
Exercise: work out the details of the computations.
Consider a uniformly loaded beam with two built-in ends (Fig. 7.8). This is a
statically indeterminate problem which can be solved using the superposition
principle as shown in the figure. Accordingly, the problem is split into three
simpler problems. The first one was solved in Sect. 7.8.2, the second one is
a pure bending problem which was solved in Sect. 3.2 and for which the
only non-zero stress is O'~~ = Moy/I. The third problem corresponds to
uniaxial compression where the only non vanishing stress is 0'~3J = -Ho/(bc).
After superposition, the unknowns Mo and Ho are computed by setting the
displacement B.Cs., e.g.
!! {.d 1111111111111 q
q12/2 fL
1 •.
ql/2t t
( tL.....-1 -------li l
ql/2 ql/2
1"""11"" r q
~f-----------III+ ql/2
Fig. 7.7. Uniform load on a cantilever beam. The superposition principle is used
to obtain a statically equivalent problem.
184 7. Two-dimensional problems in Cartesian coordinates
qlJ2 qlJ2
M, (1111111111111 :l~
MO( A- )
Fig. 7.8. Uniform load on a beam with two clamped ends: use of the superposition
7.8 Solved problems 185
ifJ(x,y) = ifJo(x,y) + Lfn(y)cosmx, m- =l - (7.62)
where (uxx)n, (uyy)n and (uxy)n are given by Eqs. (7.27). In order to make
the computations simple, we now consider the particular case where the loads
are equal and piece-wise uniform:
q-(x)=p, if xE[-a,a];
-21'/ q(x) dx a
= 4p-;
l -1/2 l
21' / 2 q(x) cos(2mr-
X ) dx = -2p sin(2mr-al ) (7.66)
l mr
Since the loading is symmetric w.r.t. the y = O plane, the stress U yy must be
an even function of y; Eq. (7.27) implies then that 'I'n = 6n = O. From Eqs.
(7.63) and (7.27), it is then seen that U yy and u xy are given by:
8 2ifJ 00
The simplest choice for 4Jo is cPo(x, y) = -qox2 /4. Using this expression with
(7.67), Eqs. (7.68) yield the following scalar equations:
L: m
L: m
L: m
The series converge for n ~ 30. The stresses in the (y = O) plane are
represented in Fig. 7.10 for e = l/l0 and a = l/8. It is seen that the
stresses decrease rapidly for x > a, Le. outside the loading zone. AIso,
Uyy(O, O)/p ~ -1.00834.
Fig. 7.9. Compression of a beam in the height-direction
7.8 Solved problems 187
-0.2 I
-0.4 I
-0.6 I xx--
I yy -----
-0.8 I
-1 --" I
O 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Fig. 7.10. Compression of a beam in the height-direction. Normalized stresses vs.
x/l for y = O, c = 1/10 and a = l/8.
F ~ _~ _ 4~ L cos(2mr~) szn. h ţtn + ţtncos hţtn
1 1 n=l 1 2ţtn + sinh(2ţtn)
where F = 2pa represents the concentrated force (per unit thickness). The
series converge for ncv ~ 30. The stresses are plotted in Fig. 7.11 for c = 1/10.
It is found that:
lF F
Uyy(O,O) = -1.839~T = -18.39T
and this is much larger -in absolute values- than (-F/l): the stress state
does not correspond at all to uniaxial compression in the y-direction (so
many students make that mistake!) It is also seen that for x > 1/15, Le.
x/c > 2/3, Uyy(x, O) goes from compression to tension, and then decreases
rapidly before vanishing.
Exercise: compute the stresses at y = ±c/2 for a/l = 0,1/8,1/4 and
c/l = 1/20,1/10,1/5. Plot and comment the results.
-1 xx--
yy ....•......
O 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Fig. 7.11. Compression of a beam in the height-direction. Normalized stresses vs.
x/l for y = O, c = 1/10 and a/l ~ o.
of a beam of length 1 and height c which is subjected to its own weight (Fig.
7.12); we shall see how to take body forces into account.
The forces per unit volume are: fz = O and fy = pg, where p [kg/m 3 ] is
the mass density and g [N / kg] the acceleration due to gravity. Since externa!
forces are act ing in the y-direction only, we consider the following particular
The stress B.Cs. on the lower surface (y = c/2) give the following equation:
u(p) . e
= u(p) (x ~)e + u(p)
zy' 2 z yy
(x '2~)e y = -pgcey ...,l.
7.8 Solved problems 189
Therefore this B.C. is not satisfied, which means that u(p) is not the solution
of our problem. However, we can use u(p) as follows: this solution is valid
if we apply on the lower surface (y = c/2) a uniform surface force equal
to (-pgce y ). We use the superposition principle in order to correctly solve
our initial problem. This is illustrated in Fig. 7.12 where it is seen that
the final solution is the sum of the solutions of problems (1) and (2). The
stress solution of the former problem is given by Eqs. (7.72), while the latter
problem has already been solved in Sect. 7.8.2 (one only needs to set q- = O
and q+ = -pgcb).
Fig. 7.12. Beam under its own weight: use of the superposition principle
Fig. 1.13. Beam under its own weight and a uniform load on its top surface
7.8 Solved problems 191
where the constants A, B, and Dare determined from the displacement B.Cs.
8. Two-dimensional problems In polar
x = rcosO; y = rsinO
Differentiation gives
At each point of the plane, an orthonormal basis (eT) eli) is given by:
The first row of the matrix contains the components of e r in the Cartesian
basis (e"" e y ) while the second row contains the components of eo in that
basis. The transformation matrix is proper-orthogonal:
where u(p) and u(c) are 2 x 2 matrices representing the tensors in polar and
Cartesian systems, respectively,
Fig. 8.1. Polar coordinates (r,8)
There are (at least?) three methods for obtaining the equiIibrium equa-
tions in polar coordinates. In the first method, the Cartesian equations are
transformed to polar coordinates, using (8.1) and (8.2). The second method
consists in writing the equilibrium of a smaII sector (dr, dO) -see Fig. 8.2- and
neglecting second-order terms. These two methods are developed in other
textbooks, e.g. (Timoshenko and Goodier, 1987) or (Chou and Pagano, 1967).
8.2 Summary: plane strain versus plane stress 195
Fig. 8.2. Equilibrium of a small sector (dr, dO)
EIJz = Erz = O
= O'rz = O
Ua = ua(r, O)
Ea{3 = Ea{3 (r, O)
O'a{3 = O'a{3(r, O)
fz = O; fa = fa(r,O)
c -!t!b:..
Lrr -
8r' LIJIJ --.!!z:.
+ .!3·
r 8IJ'
2cLrIJ --.!~
r (jIJ
+ 38r _ ~
8r r 8IJ r
•• +1r=0'
8r r vrIJ +.!~+J,
r 8IJ (J
Plane strain Plane stress
Uz = O O'zz = O
Ezz = O=? O'zz = vO'-n O'zz = O =? Ezz = -1~IIE~~
Ea{3 = ~(O'a{3 -vO'~~oa(3) Ea{3 -- !±.!!.(
E O'a{3 II O'~~ua{3
- 1+11 ~)
and similarly for the other partial derivatives. The second step consists in us-
ing the transformation rules (8.3). This method is rather tedious, see (Timo-
shenko and Goodier, 1987) ar (Sechler, 1952) for the complete computations.
We present hereafter a second method of derivation.
We write the Cartesian relations in the matrix form:
-ux y ] _
U xx
- [~8x2
where the upper-script (P) refers ta the polar system. Nating that
We first study problems such that t/J = t/J(r), Le. the Airy stress function is
radial only and does not depend on the angular position O. Several interesting
problems are covered by this case; we shall even see in Sect. 8.6 a problem
(bending of a circular beam) which does not possess an axisymmetric geome-
try but can be solved nevertheless with a radial only Airy function. The latter
must be bi-harmonic: .::1.::1t/J(r) = O. Recall that in Sec. 6.2, the deflection w(r)
of a plate in axisymmetric problems obeys the equation .::1.::1w(r) = p(r)/V.
The general solution of the homogeneous equation was worked out and a
simple substitution w(r) ~ t/J(r) gives
while the shear strain is zero (Er/J = O). In order to find the displacement
field, we first integrate the strain/displacement relation Err = aUr/ar w.r.t.
r; we obtain:
1 aUr aUD
2t: r o = - ( - -
r auo Uo) + -
ar = O
and find:
d9 + f dG
F(9) d() = G(r) - r dr
Since the left-hand side of the equation depends on 9 only, and the right-
hand side on r only, each side must be equal to the same constant L, say
(the technique is identical to the one we used in Chap. 7 for plane problems
in Cartesian coordinates). Further, we introduce the notation
H(9) == f F(9) d9
rPH dG
- + H(9) = L' -r- + G(r) = L
d9 2 ' dr
The general solutions of these equations are:
In summary, the in-plane displacement field for plane stress problems is given
= -(1 + v)-
+ 2(1- v)Br lnr - (1 + v)Br + 2(1- v)Cr
+ âcos9 + bsin9
Euo = 4Br9 - âsin9 + bcos9 + Cr (8.10)
For a plane strain problem, the displacement field is obtained from (8.10) by
a simple change of material parameters as defined in Sect. 8.2. Constants â, b
and c can be interpreted after splitting (8.10) as follows:
200 8. Two-dimensional problems in polar coordinates
( EU(J
r = (...... ) +â (cos O ) +b- ( sin O ) +er ( O )
- sin O cos O 1
There are cases when it is interesting to consider Airy functions of the form:
An example will be given in Sect. 8.7 (a plate with a small circular hole in
its center is submitted to traction at its ends). For 4Jm(r, O) of Eq. (8.11) to
be an Airy function, it must verify: LlLl4Jm(r, O) = O. This implies that
4J(r,O) = lo(r) +
m=l m=l
8.6 Generalized plane strain 201
Generalized plane strain problems are such that an assumptions of Sect. 7.1
are verified except one: the end sections are free to move in the (z) direction;
therefore tzz :f. O. Those problems can be solved by a direct method (e.g.,
Secs. 1.16 or 9.5.2) or with the superposition and Saint Venant's principles.
As an illustration, consider the plane-strain Lame problem of Sect. 8.7.1. The
stress vector acting on each end section is:
with u~~) = YU~~ = constant. The resultant of the stress vector is simply
and the resultant moment w.r.t. to the centroid of each end section is zero.
Lame problem (1) is the sum of two problems (2) and (3), see Fig. 8.3. In
problem (2), the end sections are not constrained in the (z) direction; this
is a generalized plane strain problem that we wish to solve. Problem (3) is a
simple uniaxial tension where the only non-zero stress is:
Thus the stress solution of problem (2) (0-(2) = 0-(1) - 0-(3») is simply:
= u(l).
= u(1)·
The strains for the uniaxial tension problem (3) are
(3) (1) (1)
t(3) = U zz = yU".f'Y. t(3) = t(3) = _Yt(3) = _y2 U n
zz EE' rr IJIJ zz E
Thus the strain solution of problem (2) (€(2) = €(1) - €(3») is:
(1) (1) (1)
t(2) = t(l) + y2 U'Y'Y. t(2) = t(l) + y2 U'Y'Y. t(2) = _y U'Y'Y
rr rr E' IJIJ IJIJ E' zz E
Fig. 8.3. The plane-strain Lame problem is the sum of problems (2) -generalized
plane strain- and (3)-uniaxial tension.
8.7 Solved problems 203
around 1852 and is stiH widely used. As discussed in Sect. 8.4, the in-plane
stresses are given by (8.8) after setting B = O,
(J'rr = -2
+2Cj (J'rHJ = --+2Cj
(J'rll =0 (8.12)
With the following notation for the pressure difference and the radius ratio
. b
P == Pa - Pb > O (assumptlOn), ", == -a > 1,
the constants are found to be:
b2p -
A- ___ o 2C= -Pb+-P-
- ",2-1' rp-l
Note that (J'rr :::; O, 'rIr E [a, b], Le. the radial stresses are compressive ev-
erywhere. We also have ((J'rr + Pb) :::; O and ((J'IIII + Pb) > O everywhere. For
instance, if the outer pressure is zero (Pb = O) then the hoop stress is tensile
-and the radial stress compressive- in the entire body. Assuming plane strain
(long cylinder in the (z)-direction and €zz = O), the rudal stress is:
and is uniform. Each stress added to Pb is plotted in Fig. 8.5, which shows
that the largest stress -in absolute value- is always the hoop stress. IT Pb = O,
this stress is always tensile, thus for a brittle material, if the maximum hoop
stress is large enaugh ta cause fracture, then radial cracks will appear at
(r = a). IT the material is ductile (e.g., a metal), then plasticity may develap.
The 'fresca criterion (Sec. 1.10) takes the fallawing farm ((J'rn (J'IIII and (J'zz
are principal stresses because the shear stresses vanish)
204 8. Two-dimensional problems in polar coordinates
where ay is the initial yield stress. Figure 8.5 immediately shows that the
criterion gives the following inequality
- (1 - 1 ) O"y (8.14)
rp- - 2
which can be easily interpreted: if the pressure difference (fi = Pa - Pb) reaches
a value given by the right-hand side of the relation, then plastic deformations
will develop at the inner surface of the cylinder (r = a). So if plasticity is not
desired, than p and "l = b/a must be designed such that p never reaches the
value given by Eq. (8.13). In the case of a very thin tube of thickness h,
b = a + h; -«
d - h
O"IJIJ ~ -Pb + il
an P < ~O"y
Thus the hoop stress is uniform and the design formula takes a simple (and
very used) form. For a very thick tube (a «b, i.e. "l» 1), we have:
It is found that the tangential displacement UIJ is zero while the radial dis-
placement is given by
(1 2p
+ v) [b--:;:- 2 ]
Ur = E("l2 _ 1) + (1 - 2v)(Pa - 7] Pb)r (8.15)
From the expression of the axial stress O"zz, it is seen that if the inner and
outer pressures are such that Pa = 7]2Pb, then we have at the same time
plane stress (O"zz = O) and plane strain (E zz = O), and in this case the radial
displacement takes the simple form U r = (1 + v)b2Pb/(Er).
As a final note, let us remark that the Lame's problem can be solved
without using the Airy stress function technique at aU. Since the problem is
axisymmetric, the in-plane displacements have the following form:
8.7 Solved problems 205
Ur = u(r)j Un = O
The strains are computed, then the stresses are found from the constitutive
equations and plugged into the equilibrium equations. Consequently, only one
non-trivial differential equation is found:
where the constants a and (3 are found from the stress B.Cs.
Exercise: Work out alI the computations and check that the displacement
and stress solutions are identical to those of (8.13) and (8.15).
Fig. 8.4. Hollow circular cylinder under inner and outer pressures
2 -
O'zz + Pb
o 1 T/a
Fig. 8.5. Diagonal stresses (plus Pb for each) vs. normalized radial distance rla
It is easy to check that the radial stress is continuous between two consecu-
tlve J +)
. wraps J and ( 1 ,'l.e. O"rr
(J)( RJ+l ) = O"rr(J+l)(RJ+1 ) .
• Incremental mandrei/coil pressure:
The stresses in the mandrel and the coil, Eqs. (8.17, 19), involve a pressure
PIK which we need to compute. Recall that this is the pressure at the interface
mandrel/coil (r = Rt} due to the winding of wrap K 2: 1. The situation is
that of a composite hollow cylinder where the mandrel has radii Ro and RI
and elastic properties EM and /lM, and the coil has radii RI and RK and
properties Eo and ilO. Surface r = Ro is stress-free while there is a pressure
uTh/RK at r = R K . This problem is solved in Sec. 8.7.2. The solution given
by (8.16) becomes, after some algebraic manipulation:
(1~~)(Rd = -(1T"R -
1 K=2
Pl1 = (1T Rl
In summary, we have checked that the final pressure at the interface man-
drel/ coil is continuous and has the folIowing value:
Pl == -(1rr(Rt) = L PIK (8.21)
where Pl is given by (8.21) and "before" refers to stresses (8.19) which existed
before removing the mandreL It is easy to check that (1rr (Rt) = -Pl - (-Pl) =
0, i.e. surface r = Rl is stress free indeed.
• Discussion:
The stresses before and after removing the mandrel are plotted in Fig. 8.7.
The results coincide with those reported in (de Vathaire and Faessel, 1981).
See aiso that reference for more informat ion and results with Iess restric-
tive assumptions. Indeed, the coil winding model presented in this section
has some embedded assumptions: (1) isotropic linear elasticity, (2) perfect
adherence at alI interfaces, (3) solids are Iong in the axial (z) direction, (4)
8.7 Solved problems 209
plane strain (zz-strain = O). The real situation may differ significantly from
the assumed model: the strip may be anisotropic, having different transverse
and mid-surface properties; slip or separation may occur between two adja-
cent wraps; the length of the coiI may be of the same order as its diameter;
the axial displacement of the coiI is not constrained. Nevertheless, the as-
sumptions make for simple calculations, which do not compare too badly
with experimentally-measured coiI stresses.
Fig. 8.6. Aflat strip is cold rolled under tension UT over a mandrel.
A circular beam of in ner radius (a) and outer radius (b) is subjected to
bending moments (±Mez ) at its end sections (O = ±a); see Fig. 8.8. We
designate by ro the radius of the middle "fiber", ro == (a + b)j2. Since the
bending moment is constant in any cross section (O = constant) of the beam,
we expect the stress distribution not to depend on the angle (O).Therefore
we shalllook for an Airy stress function of the form </J = </J(r), although the
geometry of the beam is not axisymmetric.
Note that the choice of the axes is important. Since the tangential dis-
placement has the form (see Eq. (8.10)) Ue = 4BrO j E, then symmetry im-
poses that we define O such that ue(r, O) = O (in the middle section) and
ue(r,a) = -ue(r, -a)(in the end sections).
Since the domain does not contain (r = O) but is a sector, then constants
A and B of the general solution (8.8) can take non-zero values; thus
U rr = 2'
+ B(l + 2lnr) + 2C, ueo = -2'
+ B(3 + 2lnr) + 2C, (8.23)
210 8. Two-dimensional problems in polar coordinates
, ",,"
...... ... --
- -- --
-_-. ....,,~_.--_ .
..... ..;Z:'~:·~·:::::·::·:···
b I 99 before ---
" 99 after -----
I rr before .......... .
I rr after _. - . -
and O"r(J = O. The constants A, B and Care determined from the stress B.Cs.
The inner and outer radii are stress free
u . (-e r ) = O, at r = a; u· e r = O, at r = b.
These give two non-trivial scalar conditions:
We now turn to the stress B.Cs. at the end sections (O = ±a). Since con-
centrated moments are applied there, we are going to write that -at each of
those sections- the stress vector (t) is such that its resultant is zero, and the
resultant of its moment is equal to the concentrated moment:
l b
t dr = O; l b
o7p xt dr = ±Mez (8.26)
t = u(r)· [±e(J(±a)]
±O"r(J(r) er(±a) ± O"o(J(r)e(J(±a)
Thus the moment of (t) w.r.t. the centroid (o±) of each end section is
O±P xt = (r - ro)er(±a) x [±O"(J(J(r)eo(±a)]
±(r - rO)O"(J(J(r)e z
l b
O"(J() dr = O; l b
rO"(J(J dr - ro l
O"(J(J dr =M (8.27)
We now follow the procedure of (Timoshenko and Goodier, 1987) to show that
these two scalar equations provide only one condition to be satisfied. Recall
that for axisymmetric problems, the stresses are derived from the Airy stress
function according to:
212 8. Two-dimensional problems in polar coordinates
using integration by parts. Thus, expression (8.7) of t/J(r) shows that Eq.
(8.27b) gives the following condition:
Finally, plugging the expressions of A, B and C into Eqs. (8.23), the in-plane
diagonal stresses are found to be
The stress solution does not involve the opening angle of the beam (2a).
We should not forget however that the solution is valid far from the end
sections and that the height (b - a) must be small compared to the length
(2aro = a(a + b)). The stresses are plotted in Fig. 8.9 in the case b = 2a.
Intuitive expectations concerning the signs of radial and hoop stresses are
confirmed. The figures show that the radial stress is compressive everywhere
8.7 Solved problems 213
B = {3E ~ (3E,
4('IT - (3) 4'IT
because (3 « 'IT. However, we have previously found that (B) is given by
B = 2M(rr - 1)/(a2V), thus the bending moment able to close the ring is:
M ~ (3Ea 2 V (8.30)
8'IT(1J2 - 1)
The residual stresses are then given by (8.29) after substitution of the ex-
pression of (M) that we just found.
Since N(O) and Q(O) are the stress resultants of U99 and Ur 9, respectively,
then looking at (8.5), it appears that a stress function under the following
form would work: r/J(r, O) = f(r) coso. Imposing that LlLlr/J(r, O) = O, Eq.
(8.31) is found. The stresses do not involve constant C; the other constants
are found from the stress B.Cs. which are:
r = a: u· (-e r ) = O;
r = b: u ·e r = O;
0= ±- :
t l b
u· e9dr = ±Fey ; (8.32)
U rr
with: V (8.33)
It can be checked that the largest stress is the hoop stress computed at r = a
(the inner surface) and O = O (the cross section where the bending moment
M(O) is maximum). The value of the largest stress is:
The largest stress given by elementary beam theory (Chap. 3) is the sum of
two terms, one due to M(O) and the other to N(O),
A circular disk of outer radius (b) and uniform thickness, rotates with constant
angular velocity (w) [rad S-I] around the (O, z) axis. Consider a material
216 8. Two-dimensional problems in polar coordinates
Fig. 8.11. Traction forces (±Fey) are applied to the end sections (8 = ±1f/2) of a
semi-circular beam of inner and outer radii a and b.
point (P) in the disk whose position vector is op= re r , the velocity (v)
w.r.t. a fixed frame is given by
~ .
v = op = rer = r(}e/J = rwe/J,
where a superposed dot means "â/ât at fixed r", t designating "time". The
acceleration ("Y) is given by:
Now, consider an axis system which is linked to the disk, i.e. rotates with
it at the same angular velocity. If we move the term (prw 2 ) to the left-hand
side of (8.36), then the latter looks like the equilibrium equation of a static
problem with a force per unit volume fr = prw2 [N/m 3 ] (or a body force
rw 2 [N/kg]). Since there are body forces, we cannot apply the Airy stress
function technique. We proceed as in the method suggested at the end of
8.7 Solved problems 217
cFu 1 du u
-+ ----= (8.37)
2 r dr r2
The general solution of Eq. (8.37) is given by
A (1 - v 2 ) 2 3
Eu = 2(1 - v)Cr - (1 + v)-
pw r (8.38)
We now consider two situations. If the disk contains the origin (r = O), then
we must set (A = O) in order to have finite stresses at (r = O). The stress
B.Cs. at the boundary of the disk (r = b) allow the computation of the
constant (C). For instance, if the boundary is stress free, then
(3 + v) 2
urr(b) = O ====? 2C = - 8 - P(wb)
The stresses reach their maximum values at the center of the disk
) (3+v) 22
urr(O) = uoo(O = -8-PW b
Note that the maximum stresses increase with the square of the outer radius
(b) and the square of the angular velocity (w).
A second situation we consider is a disk with a concentric circular hole
of radius (a). Constants A and Care computed from the stress B.Cs. on the
inner and outer radii, (r = a) and (r = b). For instance, if those surfaces are
stress free, then: urr(a) = urr(b) = O, and the constants are
In studying the variations of O'rr and 0'00, it is found that the radial stress is
maximum at r = v;;b where
(O'rr)max = (3 +8 v) pw2( b - a
2.5 .....---r---r---,--r--...,
2 \ 88 (i) --
\ 88 (ii) -----
1.5 \. rr (i) .......... .
" .... rr
...... (ii) -. - .-
1 r---.....,~_ ....... _-
I ~ ~.~.::.::.:.~.:.::::~:--
I .........
-0.5 ....._ ......_ - - 1 ._ _.&....._........_ - - '
O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 8.12. Stresses in a rotating disk of uniform thickness and outer radius (b) in
two cases: (i) No hole, (ii) A concentric hole of radius a = b/5.
Figures 8.12 show that the stresses are localized in the central region of the
disk, especially when the disk has a perforation at the center. This means
that when the thickness of the disk is uniform, the material is not used in
8.7 Solved problems 219
an optimal fashion, this is why disks with variable thickness h(r) are used in
practice. Those "disks" are actually solids of revolution. Both the geometry
and the loading possess an ruda! symmetry around (O,z), see Fig. 8.13. Since
we do not have a plane problem anymore, we use cylindrical (r, O, z) instead
of polar coordinates (r,O). Our presentation mostly follows (Crochet, 1993).
h(r) r
which gives liNII = (drh/1 + (dhJdr)2. Assuming that the thickness varies
slowly (ldhJdrl « 1), the unit vector normal to the outersurface z = ±h(r)
and pointing outside the surface is
n = -(dr)er ±ez
The outer surface z = ±h(r) is stress free, thus the stress vector (u T . n)
acting on that surface is nil
At (r, z = ±h(r)) : urrnr + uzrnz = -Urr dr ± U zr = Oj
urznr + uzznz = -Urz dr ± Uzz =O (8.42)
Equilibrium in the radial direction gives (see Appendix A, the stresses not
depending on O)
aarr aazr
a rr - a()()
This equation is integrated in the thickness direction:
h(r) aarr
j - a dz + azr(r, h) - azr(r, -h)
-h(r) r ' '" J
217 zr (r,h)
1 jh(r)
r -h(r)
(arr - a()()) dz + 2pw2r h(r) = °
We recall Leibnitz's formula
lb (a)
f(a,x)dx =
l af
b (a)
-a dx + f(a,b(a))-d
db da
- f(a,a(a))-d
a ata) ala) a a a
We use this formula in order to obtain the following result (where r plays the
role of a and z that of x)
2I7 rr (r,h)dh/dr
d jh(r} dh ljh(r}
d a rr dz + 2 [azr(r, h) - arr(r, h)-d 1+- (a rr - a()()) dz
r -h(r) , r r -h(r) J
1 jh(r) 1 jh(r)
O'rr(r) == 2h( ) a rr dz; O'()()(r) == 2h( ) a()() dz
r -h(r) r -h(r)
dh 2 2
aor- = -pw r h
whose solution is given by
pw 2 r2
h = ho exp( - - - ) (8.44)
This result -found in Sweden around 1900- can be rewritten as
-hho = exp[-(-)];
r 2
>. == fff,ao
- 2
(>. [m] has a dimension of a length). The thickness profile is plotted in Fig.
8.14. Note that the curve h(r) is not unique because it involves an arbitrary
constant (h o). The shape of the disk is also dictated by the constant stress ao,
therefore we may design a suitable disk geometry by tuning the values of h o
and ao, subjected to some design constraints. There is a long and interesting
discussion of the subject as well as several examples in (Den Hartog, 1952).
..c:: 0.5
O 0.5 1 1.5 2
Fig. 8.14. Normalized thickness h(r)lho versus normalized radial distance rl>' for
a disk with uniform average stresses
222 8. Two-dimensional problems in polar coordinates
A rectangular plate has a small hole of radius (a) at the center and is sub-
jected to uniform traction (S) in the x-direction, see Fig. 8.15. We assume
that (a) is very small compared to the in-plane dimensions of the plate (21 in
the x-direction and 2b in the y-direction). By comparison to a non-perforated
plate (problem (O)), we expect the stress solutions to be different near the
hole, but basically identical far from the hole. The stress solution in Cartesian
coordinates for problem (O) is obviously given by
= S·' y0'(0)
= o·' x0'(0)
= O
We now return to the problem of a plate with a hole and isolate a ring of
inner and outer radii (a) and (b), respectively. Since b» a, then as we wrote
earlier, the stress vector (o- . e r ) act ing on the surface (r = b) is equal to
(0-(0) . e r ) of problem (O):
at r = b: 0-. er 0-(0) . er
a rr e r + a ro eo
(O) (O)
%e r + %[cos(2())er - sin(20)eo]
'"'-v-" '" '
problem (1) problem (2)
It is seen that the solution in the domain (a :::; r :::; b) can be obtained
by superposition (addition) of the solutions of two problems: (1) and (2).
Problem (1) is a Lame "cylinder" which is stress free at the inner radius
(Pa = O at r = a) and subjected to a traction S/2 at the outer radius
(Pb = -S/2 at r = b). The solution of problem (1) is given by (8.13),
(1) _
arr,OO -
[1=f (a/r)2]
1- (a/b)2 :::::!
S [
1 =f (a/r) , (8.46)
and a~~) = o. As for problem (2), the expression of the stress vector at (r = b)
suggests the following periodic Airy function:
ifJ2 (r, O) = (Ar 2 + Br 4 + 2" + D) cos(20)
where A, B, C and Dare constants to be determined. The stress field of
problem (2) is obtained from ifJ2(r, O) by application of Eqs. (8.5):
3C 2D
-2(A + -4
+ -r2 ) cos(20);
2(A + 6Br 2 + 4) cos(20);
3C D .2
2(A + 3Br - - - - ) slll(20) (8.47)
r4 r2
We now write the stress B.Cs. for problem (2). The inner radius (r = a) is
stress free while the stress vector at (r = b) was already computed,
at r = a: /7(2) . (-e r ) = 0,
at r = b: /7(2) . er = %[cos(20)e r - sin(20)eoJ (8.48)
rr o·,
(a' O) = (Ţ~~) (a, O) = O;
a(2) (b O) = - cos(20)·
rr' 2 ' a~~) (b, O) = -% sin(20)
Thus, the constants are solution of the following linear system
+ 3Ba2 - -3C4
2D D
4 +-2 =0,
A+- A - - = 0,
a a a a2
3C 2D S 2 3C D S
A + b4 + b2 = -4' A+ 3Bb - - - - = - -
b4 b2 4'
which is solved with the assumption (alb« 1). The solution is:
Now, as we explained earlier, the stress solution of the original problem is
+ /7(2). Putting together the different results, it is found that:
/7 = /7(1)
a 2+ [1 + 3(-;:.)
"2S { 1- (-;:-) a 4- a 2] cos(20) } ;
(a) must be very small compared to the in-plane dimensions of the plate
(a « b and a « 1). As initially assumed, it is checked that if r -t 00, then
Urr -t u~~), uee -t u~~) and ure -t u;~). This means that far from the hole
(Le., for r/a» 1), the solution is identical to that for a non-perforated plate.
At the hole boundary (r = a), the stresses are
It is seen that Uee is maximum for 0= ±7f/2 , i.e. at points (m) and (n) of
Fig. 8.15. On those points, we have
Le. three times the value of the traction which is applied at the ends of the
plate. This is another instance of stress concentration. If the maximum stress
is large enough to cause fracture, then cracks will appear at points (m) and
(n) and propagate in the vertical directions m---nţl and l .
At points (P) and (q) (Fig. 8.15), we have uee = -S, Le. compression in the
tangential (vertical) direction. Along the y-axis, O = ±7f/2, and
7f S [2+(-)
a 2 a 4]
uee(r,±-)=- +3(-) =uxx(x=O,y)
2 2 r r
These stresses are plotted in Fig. 8.15. It is seen that the perturbation due
to the hole is localized at its vicinity and that far from the hole the stress is
equal to the far end solution U xx = S.
Exercise: Compute the displacement field corresponding to the stress
solution (8.49). Hint: same technique as in Sec. 8.4.
Exercise: Consider a problem identical to the one which was solved in
this section except that the plate is subjected to uniform traction (S) at
its ends x = ±l and uniform traction (T) at its other ends y = ±b. Hint:
superposition principle and change of coordinates formulae.
/ ......
/ 2a
s s
Fig. 8.15. Plate with a small circular hole subjected to traction at its ends
y A y A
x x
Fig. 8.16. Concentrated force on the straight edge of a semi-infinite plate
226 8. Two-dimensional problems in polar coordinates
of the external force in the radial direction and (7rr) the perimeter of the
halI-disk. Therefore, we look for a stress solution under the following form:
U rr = - - cos 8j Ur(J = U(J(J = O
where k is a constant to be determin~d. Static equilibrium of the forces acting
on the half-disk gives the following condition
j (O" er)r d8 + Pe", = O,
which can be rewritten as
Using the expressions of the assumed stress field and that of e r in terms of
e",and e y , we obtain two scalar equations
kP j7r /2 j7r /2
-- cos 2 (8) d8 + P = O; sin(8) cos (8) d8 =O (8.51)
7r -7r /2 -7r /2
The second equation is identica1ly satisfied and the first equation gives k = 2.
Therefore, we need to prove that the following stress field is the solution we
are looking for
U rr = --cos8j Ur(J = U(J(J = O (8.52)
The radial stresses acting on the circular boundary have a symmetric dis-
tribution w.r.t. the (x) axis. It is easy to check (e.g., graphically) that their
resultant has no horizontal component (the vertical component is by construc-
tion equal to P), and that the moment of alI forces acting on the half-disk
w.r.t. (A) is zero. The radial stresses present a singularity at (r = O), the
application point of (P) (if the material is ductiIe, this means that plasticity
will develop in a small region around (A) with finite values of plastic stresses).
On the horizontal border (8 = ±7r/2), urr(r, ±7r/2) = O (except for r = O).
The only in-bulk non-trivial equilibrium equation is
8urr + U rr = O
ar r
and is satisfied. Finally, it can be easily checked that the following compati-
bility equation is satisfied
1 8urr 8 2 urr 1 8 2 u rr
+ ~ = ;. ar +
U rr 8r2 + r2 88 2 =O
8.7 Solved problems 227
Exercise: Find an Airy stress function 4>(r, O) for the problem. Hint: integrate
Eqs. (8.5) after using (8.52). Answer: 4>(r,O) = -PrO(sinO)/7r.
The stresses acting on a horizontal plane (x = a > O), Fig. 8.16a, are
given by the transformation rules (8.3) as:
0.2 ..........
d ••.. yy -----
~ O .... -_.":.-- .... xy .......... .
Q., ,. .. ....
,,'" .........,
-0.2 -'""'" ..... ...... ........
E .....................
> -0.6
-1 -0.5 O 0.5 1
() [rad]
Fig. 8.17. Stresses U:z:x, Uyy and Uxy at (x = a), versus the polar angle «(})
Isotropic linear elasticity and Eqs. (8.51) give the strain field as:
2P 2vP
trr = --E
7r r
cos O; t(J(J = --
cos O; tr(J =O (8.54)
Exercise: Find the displacement field. Hint: Same technique as in Sect. 8.4.
In order to determine the three constants (B, C and D), we can assume, for
instance, the following conditions:
(i) The points on the (x) axis have no horizontal displacement: U(J = O for
() = O. This implies that B = D = O.
(ii) There exists a point (x = d, y = O) which is situated "far enough" from
the load (P) so that its vertical di:;;~lacement is zero: ur(r = d, () = O) = o.
This gives the displacement of the (x) axis points as
2P d
ur(r,O) = -ln(-)
7fE r
The solution found in this section has several applications. For example in
soil mechanics, it can be used for a pile (foundation) carrying a load P. Other,
less apparent applications (stresses in compressed disks) are studied in Secs.
8.7.11 and 8.7.12 and are based on results which we establish hereafter.
Consider in Fig. 8.12b a (full) disk of diameter d and center O, which is
tangent to the straight edge at point A. Let M(r, () be a point on the circular
boundary and n the outward unit normal at M. It can be shown that:
This means that the boundary of the disk is subjected ta nonuniform com-
pression 2Pcos81(7fd) directed along -e r =MA Ir.
where A is a positive constant and (rl' lh), (r2, ( 2) determine the position of
a point M as indicated in Fig. 8.18. One can easily prove that in order for
the stress vectors derived from the two Airy functions to sum up to the given
pressure on the straight edge, we must have:
A=E. (8.61)
Transforming the stress components due to each Airy function to the same
Cartesian system (O, x, y) depicted in Fig. 8.18, and adding them up, the
following stress solution is found:
where {3 == O2 - 01. It is found that the principal stresses are given by the
simple formula:
,2(X, O) = E[-20
7r ± sin(20))
Finally, along any circle passing containing 01 and O2 , angle {3 is constant,
and thus the principal stresses on any such circle are constant too.
We point out that there are three polar coordinate systems that should not
be confused: one is attached to point A as defined in Fig. 8.16, a second one
is attached to point B in a similar fashion and a third one is linked with the
(O, x, y) Cartesian system of Fig. 8.19a. The latter figure shows that:
P 2P (a_y)3 2P (a+y)3
= 7ra - -;- [x + (a - y)2J2 - -;- [x + (a + y)2J2 j
2 2
2P (a - y)2x 2P (a + y)2X
7r [x 2 + (a - y)2J2 7r [x 2 + (a + y)212
It is seen that -contrary to many students' initial belief- the stress state at the
center does not correspond at alI to a uniaxial stress in the y-direction equal
8.7 Solved problems 231
to (-P / d). Actually, the latter value corresponds to the avemge yy-stress
along the (y = O) diameter:
1 jd/2 _p
< lTyy(x, O) >= d lTyy(x, O) dy =d (8.68)
The result can be established by direct integral computation, or simply by
making a fictitious cut along the (y = O) diameter and writing static equilib-
rium of half the disk.
O! : O!
, I
d d
2' "2
x x
.4 d
2 "2
O! O!
Fig. 8.19. Compression of a disk: (a) along a diameter, (b) over two opposing arC8.
Due to the symmetry, result (8.68b) was expected. The following extreme
case is obvious:
a = "2 ===} aXX,yy(O, O) = -q,
these are indeed the stresses corresponding to uniform radial compression q
along the entire boundary. Setting P = 2aaq, we can rewrite (8.69a) as:
axx,yy (O ,O)- -~
[1 =f 2 sin2(2a)]
and these are the stresses found in (8.67) for a pair of concentrated forces P
compressing the disk along a diameter.
9. Thermo-elasticity
whereE is Young's modulus and O" = F/A the stress, A being the cross section
area. Idea (9.1) is extended from lD to 3D in a straightforward fashion:
where c is the fourth-order Hooke's elasticity tensor. Note that Eqs. (9.2) are
form-identical to those of isothermal elasticity, the total strain.: in the latter
case being replaced with the mechanical strain (.: - .:th). In the anisotropic
case, f~J = (T - TreI )aij, while in the isotropic case, f~J = (T - TreI )a8ij
and Eq. (9.2a) becomes:
l+v V •
--yu- E(tru)l+a(T-Tre/)l, l.e.
l+v V
= --YO"ij - EO"mm 8ij + a(T - Tre /)8 ij , (9.3)
234 9. Thermo-elasticity
where v is Poisson's ratio. Relations (9.3) can be easily inverted by using Eq.
(9.2b) which gives in the isotropic case:
where A and J.L are Lame's coefficients. Using relations from Sec. 1.11, the
previous equations can be rewritten as follows:
Ev E E
(1_2v)(1+v)(tr€)1+ 1+v€-1_2va(T-Tre/)lj Le.
Ev E E
= (1 - 2v)(1 + v) EmmtSij + 1 + v Eij - 1 _ 2v a (T - Trei )tSij (9.4)
Note that in general, the material properties (E, v,a) may depend on
temperature (e.g., E(T) decreases when T increases).
As an application, we shall compute the increase in temperature (tST)
needed in order to make a ring of inner radius a at To = Trei fit around a
disk of radius e > a. We assume that (tST) is uniform. This may be difficult
to realize in practice. For instance, if we heat the inner face (r = a) and leave
the outside face at room temperature, then tST is not uniform but varies with
In r (see Sect. 9.5). We also assume that the displacement is radial: U r = u(r),
U8 = O. This gives the strains as (rr = du/dr and (88 = u/r. Since the strains
in this problem are purely thermal, then
- aa
For (e - a)/a = 10- 3 and a = 1O- 5 / o C, we find tST ~ 100°C.
8q· .
-div q + r = per, Le. - _3 + r = peT (9.5)
where p [kg/m 3 ] is the mass density, e [J/kg/K] the specific heat, T [K] the
absolute temperature, a superposed dot means a time derivative, r [W/m 3 ]
is a specific heat supply, Le. a volumetric heat source and q the heat flux
9.3 Thermo-mechanical problem 235
Fig. 9.1. Bar fixed at one end (x = O) and subjected to uniform heating or cooling
from Trej to T; (a) no mechanical load is applied, (b) an axial force F is applied
at the end (x = l).
vector. Fourier's heat con duct ion law relates q linearly to the temperature
(L1 being the Laplacian operator). In the particular cases when we have a
steady state regime (T = O) and no volumetric heat source (r = O), the heat
equation (9.8) takes a very simple form:
In linear thermo-elasticity, it can be shown (see Sec. 12.11.5) that the thermo-
mechanical problem can be solved in an uncoupled way, i.e. we first sol ve
a thermal problem in order to compute the temperature field, and then a
mechanical problem in order to compute the stress, strain and displacement
fields with the temperature field as given data.
236 9. Thermo-elasticity
Consider a solid body which -before deformat ion- occupies an open set
nof JR3 and is subjected to mechanical and thermalloadings (Fig. 9.2). We
designate by r the boundary of n and n the union of n and r (li is a closed
set of lR3 ). If the problem depends on time, then the solution is sought over
a time interval [O, tI l.
If we have a steady state regime, then the temperature field does not
depend on time, and the thermal problem has a much simpler formulation.
The data are:
In both cases (transient or steady state), once the temperature field (T(::c, t)
or T(::c)) is found, we move on to the mechanical problem, with the tempera-
ture field as given data. The other data are (we assume a quasi-static problem
for simplicity):
The problem is: find the displacement, strain and stress fields (u, €, 0") such
In the isotropic case, the linear thermoelastic relations are Eqs. (9.3) or (9.4).
The only difference between the mechanical problem thus defined and
the classical isothermal mechanical problem of Chap. 1 resides in the linear
thermoelastic constitutive model.
Let us remark that if we use a strain-based approach to solve the prob-
lem, then we need to satisfy the compatibility equations, and these are exactly
those of Sec. 1.9. If we seek a solution in terms of stresses, then we also have to
satisfy compatibility equations, but the Beltrami-Mitchell equations of Sec.
1.14 are no longer valid, because their derivat ion was based on isothermal
constitutive equations. In general, the results which were found in the previ-
ous chapters remain valid in the thermo-mechanical case if the constitutive
model was not used to derive them. For instance, for plane problems without
body forces, the stresses can stiU be derived from an Airy stress function f/J
according to Eqs. (7.12) or (8.5), but compatibility is no longer satisfied by
requiring f/J to be bi-harmonic.
Fig. 9.2. Body under thermo-mechanicalloadings
8€ O·· = 1, 2, 3 ;
=;~, J f == fU = €22 = f33
Xi Xj
If the material is homogeneous, then o: and Trei do not depend on X and the
compatibility equations become:
In this section, we consider a long hollow circular cylinder, with inner and
outer radii a and b, which is subjected to a radial temperature field T(r).
Firstly, we shall solve the mechanical problem, assuming that T(r) is given.
Due to the axial symmetry of the problem, we assume that the displacement
field is radial only: U r = u(r), U9 = O, and assuming plane strain, Uz = O.
The total strains are {rr = dujdr, {99 = ujr and alI other strains are nil. The
stresses are given by (9.4); it is found that alI shear stresses vanish. There is
only one non-trivial scalar equilibrium equation:
Constants A and Bare found from the stress B.Cs. Assuming that the inner
and outer surfaces are stress free, two non-trivial scalar equations are found:
arr(a) = Oand arr(b) = O. Using (9.4), the strainjdisplacement relations and
Eq. (9.10), the folIowing expressions for A and Bare found:
A -a(l
(1 + v)
+ v)Tref + a (1 _ v)
(1 - 2v) rb
(b2 _ a2) la Tp dp;
B =
(1 + v) a2 b
Substituting these expressions into u(r), {rn {99 and then into Eqs. (9.4), the
following stress expressions are obtained:
240 9. Thermo-elasticity
aE 1
(1- /1) r 2
[(rlJ2 _ a2
) l b
a Tp dp -
l r
a Tp dp ;
= [(rb2 +a l +l 1
2 2 b r
aE 1
a Tp dp - Tr 2 ;
a(J(J )
(1- /1) r 2 _ a2 a Tp dp
a zz aE ( 2/1 b
(1 _ /1) lJ2 _ a2 la Tp dp - T
+ aETrel (9.12)
We have assumed plane strain so far. IT the end sections of the cylinder are
not constrained in their rudal displacements, then this new problem can be
solved by a procedure identical to that of Sect. 8.6 (generalized plane strain).
As far as the stresses are concerned, it is found that only the rudal stress
changes; its new expression is:
27raE =- l b
a T p dp + TreI
(b2 -
a2 )
Therefore, the rudal stress in a cylinder with /ree ends is given by:
aE ( b2-a2
o-zz=l_/I a Tpdp-T ) l b
It is seen that at the ends of the cylinder, 27r o-zzr dr = 0, but o-u f:. 0,
which means -using Saint Venant's principle- that the solution is valid far
from the ends. AIso, note that o-zz = a rr + a(J(J, while in plane strain a zz =
/I( a rr + a(J(J) - Ea(T - TreI). Finally, in plane strain, only a zz depends on the
reference temperature TreI, while in the free ends case, none of the stresses
depends on TreI.
The stress solutions (9.12) and (9.13) are valid for any given radial tem-
perature field T(r). Let us compute T(r) in the following case: the inner
surface (r = a) of the cylinder is maintained at a uniform (in space) and
constant (in time) temperature Ta, while the external surface is at tempera-
ture Tb (for instance, Ta corresponds to a fluid temperature and n to room
temperature). Assuming a steady state regime, the problem to be solved is:
Tpdp =
Substitution into Eqs. (9.12a,b) gives the radial and hoop stresses as:
The axial stresses are given by Eqs. (9.13) and (9.12c) as:
b 2a 2 b
1- 21n- - b2 21n- (free ends);
c r -a a
v [1 - 2ln ~ _ 2a 2 In ~]
C r b2 - a2 a
C = Ea(Ta -n)
2(1 - v) In a
Stresses in the case of free ends are plotted in Fig. 9.4 for b = 2a. The stresses
at the inner and outer surfaces are given by:
If Ta > Tb (Le., the interior is warmer than the exterior) then the inner surface
is prevented from expanding as much as it would "like" to, therefore we expect
the stresses at the inner surface to be compressive. This is confirmed by Fig.
9.4 which shows that u(J(J(a) < O.
For a brittle material, Fig. 9.4 shows that cracks may appear at the outer
surface (r = b) because it is subjected to tensile stresses. For a ductile ma-
terial, we may use Tresca's criterion (Sec. 1.10), and Fig. 9.5 shows that it
gives in this case (uy being the initial yield stress):
-u(J(J(a) < uy
242 9. Thermo-elasticity
b 0.2
-0.2 ~/ .....
~ ,' ...... rr--
...Ei -0.6 , .."
,,"..... (}() -----
",..' .'
Z -0.8
zz .......... .
-1 ~."
-1.4 L..._....&..._-'-_--I......_ " ' - - _.....
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Fig. 9.4. Tube with free ends: stresses, divided by aE(Ta - n)/[2(1 - v)], vs.
normalized radial distance r /b in the case b = 2a
where C represents the fiber volume fraction, e the axial (uniform) strain and
p the (continuous) interface pressure. One can prove that the stress solution
is form-identical to that of Sec. 1.16,
u(r) = u(r)(iSO), (9.19)
where "iso" refers to the isothermal expressions (1.95). Equations (9.3) give
the strain field as follows ("iso" designating the isothermal Eqs. (1.97)):
where "iso" refers to the isothermal Eqs. (1.99). Strain/displacement relations
give the radial displacements as:
V ==
(1 + v,)(l - 2vâ
E, +
(1 + v m)
(i.C + 1 _ 2 m) ~C
V 1-
Note that the expression of Vis identical to that of the isothermal case, Eq.
(1.100b). Also, if we set oT = O, we obviously retrieve the isothermal pressure
p(iso). As in Sec. 1.16, the axial stress average is defined as follows:
244 9. Thermo-elasticity
Setting < U zz >= O allows to compute the axial strain. Using Eqs. (9.22, 24)
the final expression is found from the following equality:
Therefore, an the stress, strain and displacement fields are now completely
Under certain conditions (periodicity, axisymmetry, no fiber interaction)
the two-material cylinder studied so far can be considered as a unit cell of
a composite material containing many fibers (of volume fraction C) in a
matrix. As an application, consider ceramic fibers and a metallic matrix with
the following properties:
Fiber: SiC (SCS6) : EI= 360 GPa, vI= 0.17, = 4.9 x 1O- 6 rC,
Em = 75.2 GPa, Vm = 0.25, am = 11.7 x 10- 6 rC
Since al < am, the matrix would like to contract more than the fibers would
allow it to, therefore the matrix will subject the fibers to compressive stresses.
It is seen that tensile hoop stresses appear in the matrix, which may lead to
radial cracking in the matrix. A solution is to put a coating layer between
each fiber and the matrix, in order to reduce tensile stresses in the latter. The
problem is to find the right properties for this additional layer. For details,
see (Doghri et al., 1994) and (Doghri and Leckie, 1994).
fiber (ceramic)
EOt, Va, al
8axz = 8a yz = 8azz = O
8z 8z 8z
Stress-free B.Cs. on z = ±h/2 give the conditions:
h h h
a xz (±'2,t) = a yz (±"2,t) = a zz (±'2,t) = O
Equilibrium and B.C. equations imply that alI out-of-plane stresses vanish:
Thus we have a membrane problem, Le. we only have in-plane stresses. More-
over, since T = T(z, t), there is no privileged direction in the (x,y) plane.
Therefore, we shalIlook for a stress field under the following form:
a xy = O; a xx = a yy = a(z, t) (9.26)
(1 - v)
E a(z, t) + a(T - TreI) = f.yyj
-Ea(z, t) + a(T - Tre/)j f. xy = f. yz = f. zx = O
Compatibility -Sec. 1.9- gives two non-trivial equations:
8 2 f.xx = 8 2 f.yy = O
8z 2 8z 2
They imply the folIowing form for the strains:
(1 - v)
f. xx = f.yy = [zM(t) + N(t)]-E-
where M(t) are N(t) are functions which need to be computed. Equating the
strain expressions with those from the constitutive model, it is found that:
a(z, t) = zM(t) + N(t) - 1 _ va(T - TreI) (9.27)
246 9. Thermo-elasticity
The border of the plate (i.e, with outward normal in the (x, y) plane) is stress
free. Imposing this condition point-wise implies a(z, t) = O; this is impossible
to realize if the temperature distribution T(z, t) is nonlinear in z. Therefore,
we shall use Saint-Venant 's principle: we only ask for the resultants of the
stress vector and its moment to vanish, and the solution will be valid inside
the plate, far enough from the border. The two conditions are translated as
h/2 jh/2
j a(z, t) dz = O; a(z, t)z dz = O
-h/2 -h/2
Since f~'~2 z dz = O and f~'~2 z2 dz = h 3 /12, it is found that:
nE jh/2
N(t) = (1 - v )h -h/2 [T(z,t)-Tre/]dz;
12nE jh/2
M(t) = ( )h3 [T(z,t)-Tre/]zdz; (9.28)
1- v -h/2
The mechanical problem is thus fully solved. We now determine the tem-
perature field T(z, t) in the following case: initially, the plate is at uniform
temperature To, then surfaces z = ±h/2 are cooled down at a constant rate,
T(z, O) = To; T(±2"' t) = To - (t (9.29)
where the positive constant ( ([K/s] or [OC/s]) is the cooling rate. The heat
equation (9.8) takes the simple form:
â2 T âT
âz 2
= pc-
An approximate solution is given by:
(pc h 2
T(z, t) = T o - (t+ 2/;("4 - Z2) (9.30)
It is seen that T(z, t) is made up of two terms: a time-dependent linear term
and a time-independent parabolic term in z.
Since T(z, t) is an even function of z, we have M(t) = O, and N(t) is
found as (assuming that T o = TreI for simplicity):
En(pc 2 h2
axx=ayy=a(z,t)= 2(1-v)k(z -12) (9.31)
9.5 Solved problems 247
Note that the stresses are independent of time and have a parabolic profile
through the thickness. The stresses at (z = O) -middle plane- and (z = ±h/2)
are given by:
Ea(pch 2 h Ea(pch2
u(O, t) = - 24(1 _ v)k < O; u(±'2' t) = 12(1 _ v)k > O
Fig. 9.6. Plate of thickness h whose external surfaces z = ±h/2 are cooled at
constant rate.
248 9. Thermo-elasticity
1.5 Glass - -
Pyrex -----
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 O 0.2 0.4 0.6
Fig. 9.7. Thermal stresses in a thin plate. Normalized stresses vs. normalized
transverse position for two kinds of glass: (a) ordinary, (b) special (Pyrex).
10. Elastic stability
10.1 Introduction
Instability phenomena appear mainly in long beams or thin plates or shells;
such structures may become unstable in the direction where their rigidity is
minimum. Let us give a few examples.
A long beam (column) may buckle under a compressive axialload (Fig.
A thin plate may buckle under a compressive load act ing in its middle
surface (Fig. lO.2).
250 10. Elastic stability
Fig. 10.2. Buckling of a thin plate under a compressive load acting in its middle
Fig. 10.3. A thin circular cylindrical tube subjected to a uniform pressure on its
outer surface may become unstable
\ .... ;: . ,
Fig. 10.5. Illustration of stability definitions with an elementary example. The
equilibrium position (1) is: (a) stable, (b) unstable and (c) unstable.
252 10. Elastic stability
the recall forces overcome the applied forces, then (8) is a stable equilibrium
We now go back to Fig. 10.5 in order to illustrate another definit ion for
stability: the energy method. In the transition (1) ~ (2), the potential energy
increases in Fig. 10.5a, decreases in Fig. 1O.5b and remains unchanged in
Fig. 10.5c. Recalling that only Fig. 1O.5a corresponds to a stable equilibrium
for (1), we conclude that (1) is a stable equilibrium position if the potential
energy increases in any perturbation from (1) to (2). More generally, in order
to study the stability of an equilibrium position (8), we apply a kinematically
admissible (K.A.) virtual displacement (Le. "smooth enough" and satisfies the
displacement B.Cs., see Chap. 2). Let 6W be the variation ofthe deformat ion
energy in this virtual displacement, and 67 the variat ion of the work of
externalloads in the same displacement. The variation of the potential energy
is defined as (see Chap. 2): 6& = 6W - 67. Equilibrium position (8) is stable
if 6& > O far any K.A. virtual displacement. This is known as the Lejeune-
Dirichlet theorem.
In general, the direct method leads to the resolution of differential equa-
tions whiIe the energy method leads to the minimizat ion of a functional.
There are cases where both methods may faiI (see Sec. 10.5).
Consider the column of Fig. 1O.6a with the displacement B.Cs. u(O) = v(O) =
O and v(l) = O (various other B.Cs. will be considered in Sec. 10.6). The
structure is perturbed slightly from its vertical equilibrium positionj the new
position is depicted in Fig. 1O.6b.
In this deformed configuration, equilibrium of forces is identically satisfied,
and equilibrium of moments requires that M(x) = Qv(x), where M(x) is the
internal bending moment in the cross section (x), see Chap. 3. On the other
hand, Hooke's law for beams gives (Chap. 3) M(x) = -Elv"(x), where
E is Young's modulus, 1 the moment of inertia of the cross section and
v" (x) == rPv I dx 2 • Therefore, writing the equilibrium of moments together
with the displacement B.Cs., the following equations are obtained:
k 2 == .!I.
With this notation, the equilibrium problem of Fig. 10.6b becomes: find v(x)
which satisfies the following equations:
10.3 Euler's method for axially compressed columns 253
Fig. 10.6. Column under a compressive axial load. (a) Vertical equilibrium posi-
tion; (b) assumed buckling mode.
Fig. 10.1. Column under a compressive axial load. First three buckling modes:
n = 1,2,3 in Eq. (10.2a).
The radius of gyration l' [m] and the slenderness ratio A are defined with the
following formulae:
The ,critical buckling stress is: ac == Qc/A, where A is the cross section
area. Using Eqs. (10.3-4), ac can be expressed as:
10.3 Euler's method for axially compressed columns 255
In order to increase ac, and thus the resistance to buckling, Eq. (10.5)
shows that we can increase E (the material stiffness) or decrease A (the
slenderness ratio). Equation (1OAb) shows that we can decrease A in two
ways: by decreasing 1 (the length of the beam) or increasing r (the radius of
gyration). Note that both r and A are purely geometric quantities. Let us take
an example. For a circular cross section of diameter d, we have 1 = 7rdf /64
and A = 7rd2 /4, thus r = d/4. For a rectangular cross section of dimensions
hand b > h, we have 1 = bh3 /12 and A = bh, thus r = h/(2v'3). Assume
that the circular and rectangular cross sections have the same area, which
one resists better to buckling (for the same values of E and l)? Well, we can
rewrite the two values of r as follows:
r(clrcle) = v'A
c; r(rectangle) = v'A
2y 7r 2 31
It appears then that if b/h > 7r/3, a circular section resists better than a
rectangular one of the same area.
The curve ac(A) ofEq. (10.5) is plotted in Fig. 10.8 (in that figure ay des-
ignates the initial yield stress in compression, a material parameter). RecaU
that in the derivations which led to the expression of ac(A), linear elasticity
was assumed aU along. Therefore, Eq. (10.5) is only valid for a ::; ay, thus
in Fig. 10.8 only the (Be) part of the curve is valid. In other words, Euler's
formula (10.3) is only valid if A ~ Amin, where Amin is obtained by setting
ac = ay in Eq. (10.5),
Amin = 7r
[E (10.6)
Amin A
Fig. 10.8. Critical buckling stress Uc vs. the slenderness ratio A. Euler's formula
is valid for A ;::: Amin.
10.3.3 Remarks
In this chapter, as in the previous chapters, we make use ofthe small pertur-
bation hypothesis (SPH). However, and unlike previous chapters, we write
equilibrium equations on the deformed configurat ion and not on the initial,
undeformed one. An important consequence is that the problems thus for-
mulated are nonlinear. Indeed, the reader can check that for ali problems
solved in this chapter, the relation between input (applied load) and out put
(deflection) is not linear. Therefore, the superposition "principle" cannot be
applied when there is instability.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the critical buckling load Q c is very
sensitive to the displacement B.Cs. Indeed, the results of Secs. 10.3 and 10.6
show that Qc can be written under the form:
2 EI
Qc = 7r (al)2' where:
Consider a beam of length (1) which is axially compressed, Fig. 10.9. The
B.Cs. at the ends (x = O) and (x = 1) are arbitrary. The expression of the
deformation energy 8W is given in Chap. 3. If we only keep the contribution
due to bending, we obtain the following expression:
8W ~ -
2 o
- - dx = -
2 o
EI[v"(x)]2 dx
AB = l XB
dx = lsB (cos a) ds,
where s is the curvilinear coordinate along the middle fiber of the deformed
beam (origin: SA = O). Since tana = v'(x), we have:
- (i) J;B [v' (x)]2 ds ~ J~[v'(xW dx (a similar assumption was also implicitly
made in the derivation of 8W);
- (ii) SB ~l.
As a consequence of (i) and (ii), the following expression of 8T is obtained:
8T~Q~ (/[v'(X)]2dx
2 10
The energy method states that the equilibrium position v(x) = O is stable if
(8W - 8T) > O for any K.A. displacement field v(x). In our case, this reads:
~ t
2 10
EI[v"(x)]2 dx - Q~
2 10
t [v'(x)f dx > O, V v K.A.
For instance, K.A. displacement fields v(x) for the problem of Sect. 10.3 must
satisfy v(O) = v(l) = o.
258 10. Elastic stability
Qc ~
- = "'-'!..-:/-.::...----'....:....:.--
I~ EI[ii" (x)]2 dx
10 [v'(x)J2 dx
A x B Bo
Fig. 10.9. Computation of the buckling load by the energy method: notations.
There are cases where both the direct and energy methods lail in computing
the critical buckling load. An example is given in Fig. 10.10 for which the
compressive load Q remains always directed along the middle fiber of the
column. It can be shown that the work of Q is non-conservative, Le. it depends
on the deformation path. In other examples considered in this chapter, the
applied load keeps a fixed direction and its work is path-independent.
When we study the problem with the direct method, we find that there is
no value for Q for which there exist deformed configurations of the column,
and this conclusion is obviously not physically acceptable. It can be shown
that the problem can be solved by using a so-called dynamic method which
can be described as follows.
It is assumed that the column is subjected to an initial disturbance which
produces small vibrations. If their amplitude decreases with time, and the
vibrations eventually die out, then the vertical position is stable. However,
if the applied loads are such that the amplitude of the vibrations begins to
grow without limit, then the vertical position is unstable. For details, see
(Timoshenko and Gere, 1961).
10.6 Solved problems 259
Fig. 10.10. A case where both direct and energy methods fail: a load Q remains
in the direction of the middle fiber of the column
where we have used the small angle approximation: sin(() /2) ~ () /2. Equation
(10.9) is interpreted as follows: the vertical equilibrium position of Fig. 1O.11a
is stable if the extemalload Q is smaller than 4K/l, otherwise it is not.
We now solve the same problem with the energy method. To the vertical
equilibrium position of Fig. 10.11a, we apply a K.A. virtual displacement, we
obtain the configuration of Fig. 1O.11b. Since the bars are rigid, the variat ion
of the deformat ion energy is solely due to that of the spring whose value is:
8W = .!.K(}2
The variat ion of the work of the extemalload Q is given by:
260 10. Elastic stability
Fig. 10.11. Two rigid bars connected with a rotational spring and subjected to
a compressive axial load. (a) Vertical equilibrium positionj (b) the structure is
perturbed slightly around the vertical position.
2 EI
Qc = 7[ (2l)2 (10.10)
A + v(l) = O; Bk = O
A + QI = O; Bk - Q = O; Acos(kl) + Bsin(kl) = O
262 10. Elastic stability
y y
Mo = Qv(l)
Qc ~ 20.187"[2 (10.11)
2 H Mo
v" (x) + k v(x) = - x - - ' v(O) = v(l) = Oi d(O) = v'(l) = O
264 10. Elastic stability
where again k is such that k 2 == Q/EI. The general solution is given by:
A- Mo
= Oj A cos(kl) + B sin(kl) + ~ 1 - ~o = O
Bk+- =Oj
-Aksin(kl) + Bkcos(kl) + ~ =O
- ~o k sin(kl) + ~ [1 - cos(kl)] =O
The determinant of this system can be written as follows:
Fig. 10.14. Buckling of a column of length (l) clamped at both ends (x = O) and
(x = l).
A +
vpl = O, Acos(kl)
+ Bsm(kl)
V Vl
= O, kB - P = - K
~ JIh
x=O x=l
Fig. 10.15. Column elastically built-in at one end and simply supported at the
A 2 +VI(l) O; B 2 k 2 = O;
-VI (l) cos( k 2 l 2 ) = Al cos(kll 2 ) + BI sin(kl l2 )j
vI(l)k2sin(k2l 2) = -klAI sin(kl l2 ) + Blk l cos(kll 2 )
The Iast two equations are solved for Al and B I , then the values found are
substituted into the following equation
Al cos(kll) + BI sin(kll) = O,
which is simply Eq. (1O.15b) applied to x = l. After some algebra, the equa-
tion can be written as follows:
From now on, we consider it = l2 = l/2 for simplicity, and study three cases:
- (i) E 212 = Ellt. The reader can check that the expression of the critical
Ioad is Pc = 7r 2 E l lt/(2l)2, Le. Eq. (10.10). Indeed this case corresponds to
a column with uniform properlies.
10.6 Solved problems 267
- (ii) (E212j Eild -+ 00. The reader can check that Pc = 7f2 El Itfl2. Indeed,
it is as if the flexible part (1) is built-in at (x = lj2), thus Pc can be
obtained simply by setting (2lj2) in case (i).
- (iii) E 2 12 = 4El ft. After some algebraic manipulation, it is found that Eq.
(10.16) can be written in this case as follows:
p 1_________________________ _
""T'-r-r-T~-r-7_.------- ------------
Let us first check the result for small values of the applied load P. A Taylor
expansion gives:
4 •
Fig. 10.17. Eccentric compressive load
acting along the mid-fiber axis (x), and a bending force (Fe y) at (x = l/2),
Fig. 10.18. Because of the presence of F the beam will bend no matter what
the value of P is, but the axial force influences the deflection of the beam.
Working on a deformed configuration, one arrives at the following dif-
ferential equation for the deflection v(x) of the left part of the beam (with
k 2 == P/(EI)):
F [Sin(kX)] 1 (10.22)
v(x) = 2P kcos(kl/2) -x ,x E [0'"2]
with K == kl/2. The term under brace is what is obtained in Chap. 3 for
P = O. Equation (10.23) shows that V max may become "infinitely" (or un-
controllably, or arbitrarily) large when cos K ~ O. The smallest value when
this happens is K = 7r /2. The corresponding critical load is:
7r 2 EI
Pc = -l-2-' (10.24)
and this is exactly (10.3). Actually, this is another way to define or understand
buckling: when the axial compressive force reaches the value Pc, even the
smallest lateral force F can cause an important deflection.
. f/2
.. f/2
Fig. 10.18. Beam-column under compressive and bending forces
ii(x) = sin(7fy)
It is smooth and verifies the B.Cs. ii(O) = ii(l) = O. Applying formula (10.8)
is this case gives: Qc = 7f2EI/l2, which is the exact result which was found
using Euler's direct method, Eq. (10.3). This is only normal since the trial
field ii (x) coincides exactly with the real buckling mode. Now consider another
trial buckling mode for the same problem:
ii(x) = x(l - x)
This field is also smooth and satisfies the B.Cs. ii(O) = ii(l) = O. Application
of formula (10.8) gives Qc = 12EI/l2, which is a bad approximation to the
exact solution (10.3). We could have predicted that ii(x) is a poor trial mode
because ii" (x) = -2 = constant, thus M(x) = constant, which is a bad
It is seen that the accuracy of the approximate value of Qc depends on
how close ii(x) is to the real (but unknown) buckling mode. The issue is even
more crucial because the energy-based method gives approximate values of Qc
which are higher than the correct ones. So the question is: how to choose v(x)
in practice? A good method consists in considering a beam which is subjected
to an adequately chosen transverse loading and taking the deflection of the
beam as the trial field ii(x).
As an example, consider the problem of Fig. 10.12 and suppose that the
exact solution is not known (otherwise, we will not be using an approximate
method). Now consider another problem: a transverse load (Pe y) is applied
at the end (x = l) of a cantilever beam which is built-in at (x = O). This
latter problem -(2)- was solved in Chap. 3 and the deflection was found as:
2 _ P v2(l)
V2(X) = Cx (3l- x), C = 6EI = 2i3
Obviously, V2(X) is K.A. (it is smooth enough and satisfies the B.Cs. V2(0) =
v~(O) = O). AIso, we expect the deformed shape of the cantilever beam of
problem (2) to be close to that of the buckling mode of the original problem of
Fig. 10.12. Thus it seems appropriate to choose ii(x) = V2(X). Formula (10.8)
gives the corresponding approximation of the buckling load: Qc = 5EI/(2l 2).
The correct solution is given by (10.10) as: Qc = 7f2EI/(2l)2 ~ 2.467EI/l 2.
Thus it is seen that the approximate method gives a value of Qc to within
1.33%, which is a good precision.
10.6 Solved problems 271
Plates and shells are solids with one dimension -the thickness (h)- much
smaller than the other two dimensions. When the mid-thickness surface (8)
is contained in a plane, such solids are called plates, otherwise they are shells.
Plates were studied in chapters 5 and 6 for bending and 7 and 8 for in-plane
loadings (Le. plane stress). This chapter is concerned with thin shells. Most
of the time, it is assumed that the thickness is constant.
(11.1 )
where F, G and H are continuous and single-valued functions of the curui-
linear coordinates Xl and X2 (remark: there is an infinite number of possible
representations (11.1) for a given surface 8). The position vector r of point
P is:
A coordinate line Xl is a line in 8 such that X2 = constantj similarly along
a coordinate line X2 we have Xl = constant. As an example, consider that
8 is a circular cylinder. The easiest choice for the curvilinear coordinates is
Xl = () and X2 = z, where () is the polar angle and z the axial distancej see
Fig. 11.1.
We now return to the general case. Let II be a plane containing P and
the normal to 8 at Pj the intersection of II and 8 is a planar curve whose
radius of curvature at P we designate by R. If we rotate II about the normal,
there exist two orthogonal directions such -ţ,hat R is maximum or minimum,
respectively. Those directions at every point P of 8 define two orthogonal
networks of principal curuature linesj see (Dreyfuss, 1962) for proofs.
In this chapter, we shall always choose the curvilinear coordinates Xl and
X2 such that their coordinate lines are principal curvature lines. For a more
274 11. Theory of thin shells
z -line
() -line
general presentation, see (Green and Zerna, 1968), (Marsden and Hughes,
Xl -line
Fig. 11.2. Since line coordinates Xl and X2 are principal curvature lines, tangent
vectors Al and A 2 to these lines at P are orthogonal.
If Al and A 2 were not orthogonal, we would have (A I ·A2 ) termsj their differ-
entiation leads to the Christoffel symbols. Equation (11.4) which is rewritten
hereafter is called the first fundamental form:
Coordinates Xl and X2 will be chosen such that the normal e3 points away
from the centers of principal curvature at P, when those centers are on the
same side of the surface S.
In order to compute the elements of the first fundamental form, there are
two techniques: (i) differentiate the position vector r(xI' X2)j (ii) compute
lengths along the Xl and X2 coordinate lines separately. We illustrate these
methods in four cases.
The first example is a circular cylinder of radius R, Fig. 11.1. The curvi-
linear coordinates are Xl = O and X2 = z. The position vector r(O, z) is:
We can find these results much more easily using the second technique.
Indeed, it is obvious that the lengths along the () and z lines are (RdiJ) and
(dz), respectively, the sum of their squares gives Eq. (11.8c).
The normal is e3 = elJ x e z = er, and points outside the centers of
curvature (if we have chosen Xl = z and X2 = (), we would not have found an
outward normal).
As a second example, consider a spherical surface of radius R, Fig. 11.3.
The curvilinear coordinates are chosen as Xl = 4J and X2 = ().
z 4J -line
We can find Eq. (11.9) much more easily using the second technique.
Indeed, the "B = constant" line is a "vertical" circle of radius R contained
in a plane which includes the z axisj the infinitesimallength along this circle
is (RdcjJ). The "cjJ = constant" line is a "horizontal" circle ofradius (R sin cjJ)
contained in a plane orthogonal to the z axisj the infinitesimal length along
this circle is (RsincjJdB). The sum of the squares of the lengths gives Eq.
As a third example, we consider a surface S in the (r, B) plane, Fig. 11.4.
The curvilinear coordinates are Xl = r and X2 = B. The position vector is:
r = re r = r(e", cos B + e y sinB)
Differentiation w.r.t. the curvilinear coordinates gives:
~~ = r( -e", sin B + e y cos B) = ree
r -line
Al = -
ar = e",j A2 = -
ar = e y
ax ay
278 11. Theory of thin shells
dS l al
cos(- - dfh)
= sm(d8l
) ~ dlJ l = -R = -R dXl
1 1
Fig. 11.5. Points P(Xl,X2) and Pl(Xl +dxl, X2) of the Xl coordinate line: tangent
vectors el and e~, normal vectors e3 and e~, principal radius of curvature Rl
âXI - a2 âX2'
âe2 1 âa2
âX2 al âXI
An terms relative to el are now known. The missing terms for e2 can be
found from symmetry consideration as follows:
ae2 ae2 a2
- . e3 = O' - . e3 = - -
aXI ' âX2 R2
In summary, the terms aei/ âXa, i = 1,2,3, CI! = 1,2 are computed as follows:
We recall here that Gauss' curvature '" = 1/(Rl R 2 ) is not necessarily positive.
An example of a bell curve is given in Fig. 11.6, it is seen that '" > O in the
elliptic region, '" = O in the parabolic port ion and '" < O in the hyperbolic
part of the curve.
I l \ ",>0
j :
! ",=0
!I ",<O
Fig. 11.6. Bell curve: Gauss' curvature K, is positive in the elliptic region, zero in
In this section, we consider a surface of revolution (S) and compute the ele-
ments of the first fundamental form as well as the principal radii of curvature
Rl and R 2 which are needed for the second fundamental farm.
Surface (S) is generated by the revolution araund the z-axis of a curve whose
equation is r = f(z), Fig. 11.7. The curvilinear coordinates we choose are
Xl = ifJ and X2 = (). Consequently, an orthonormal basis (eq" e(), e3) is defined,
Fig. 11.7.
This choice of curvilinear coordinates fails in some cases. For example, if
(S) is a cylinder or a cone then ifJ = constant, such cases will be examined
11.5 Surface of revolution 281
in the next subsection. Another example is that of a bell curve where two
points on concave and convex parts of the curve, respectively, may have
parallel tangent vectors and therefore the same angle 1J.
Angle 1J and axial distance z play equivalent roles, but not r. Indeed, in
general r and () do not define a point P of S in a unique manner.
o .-----...,....--,L--__
1J -line
Fig. 11.7. Surface ofrevolution: curvilinear coordinates c/J and 8, normal vector e3,
principal radii of curvature R,p and Re.
Since the 1J coordinate line is defined by: r = J(z), the principal radius of
curvature R 1 = Rq, of this line is given by:
{1 + [f'(Z)]2P/2
IRq,1 = II" (z)1
where I"(z)::::::: d2 f/dz 2 •
We now compute R 2 = Ro, the principal radius of curvature of the ()
coordinate line. It can be shown that -for instance by using Eq. (1l.12f):
282 11. Theory of thin shells
âe3/â() = e()a()/R()- that R() = O",P, where Dt/> is the intersection of the
normal to 8 at P (direction e3) with the axis of revolution, see Fig. 11.7. The
radius of curvature is therefore: Ro = j(z)/ sin ifJ, which -using Eq. (11.14)-
can be expressed as a function of z as follows:
âr dz
= difJ[e z + j
A", = âifJ (z)erJ
The second expression is obvious, the first one is obtained by noting that
differentiation of the reiat ion tan(~ - ifJ) = f'(z) gives
dz 1 + [f'(z)J2
difJ 1" (z)
and then using Eq. (11.15).
Equations (11.17) can be found with a second and simpler method. Com-
puting infinitesimallengths along the ifJ and () coordinate lines and summing
their squares, it is easily found that:
sin o 1
R()=z--j - = 0 (11.18)
cos o Rz
Since R() sincjJ = ztano = Xl sin o, then using Eq. (11.4), we have:
Fig. 11.8. Conie surface, ~ = constant. Curvilinear coordinates: Xa = 9 and Xl =
axial distance Z or Xl = distance along the generator.
~ =
(dfh =
11. 7 Kinematics of the mid-surface 285
Since we now know aH the components of the (3 x 1) arrays (df) and (dQ),
those of the (3 ~ 3) matrix ('\7 f) are computed thanks to the linear relation:
df = '\7f· dQ, l.e.
Identification with the dx 1 , dX2 and dXg terms in (df)i allows to compute
('\7 f)ij, i.e. the ith row in the matrix '\7 f. The final results are given below:
'\7f =
1 (11.22)
~1 (11.24)
The meaning ofthe notations fU, f22, Wl, W2, f31 and fh will become clear
286 11. Theory of thin shells
where 1 is the second order identity tensor and (1 + V'u) is the deformation
gradient (which will be studied further in Chap. 14). Vectors A~ and A; are
tangent to the deformed coordinate lines.
The foliowing dot products are easily computed:
(WI+W2)/2 -fJI/2]
E22 -fJ2/2
-fJ2/2 O
In the infinitesimal case, the absolute values of EU, E22, WI, W2, fJI and fJ2
are ali « 1. In this case, we have:
We have a similar result for !lA;II. Thus the significance of EU and E22 is
dear: they represent the change in length along the Xl and X2 coordinate
lines, respectively (they are "nominal" strains, see Chap. 14).
A unit vector along the deformed Xl coordinate line is defined by:
A similar result holds for e~. A normal to the deformed surface at P' is
defined by:
e~ = e~ x e~ ~ e3 + fJ2e2 + fJlel
In summary, for infinitesimal strains, unit vectors e~ and e~ tangent to the
deformed coordinate lines at P', and e~ which is normal to the deformed
surface are defined by:
11.8 Displacements and strains outside the mid-surface 287
We have seen the interpretation of tu and t22; as for (31 and (32, we immedi-
ately have:
(31 = e~ . el and (32 = e~ . e2.
Therefore (301. is the projection of the normal e~ to the deformed mid-surface
along eOl.' the coordinate line direction before deformation. It remains to
interpret Wl and W2. By definition, the infinitesimal shear strain is:
which means that the average value (Wl + w2)/2 is equal to t12'
In summary, infinitesimal strains in the mid-surface are given by:
1 8Vl V2 8al V3
tu - - + -al-a2-8X2
al 8XI
- +RI
1 8V2 VI 8a2 V3
a2 8X2 al a2 8XI R2
1 8VI V2 8a2 1 8V2 VI 8al
-- - - - +-- --- (11.28)
a28x2 ala28xI a18xl ala2 8 x 2
These strains tOl.ţ3 depend on the displacements of the mid-surface (VI, V2 and
V3) and its geometry before deformation (through aI, a2, RI and R 2 ).
uQ _ ~ ~ =%
QQ=Qr+PP+P 'Q~ =-x3e3+vlxl,x2el+v2XllX2e2
() ( )
+V3(xI,x2)e3 + x3(e3 + f3lel + (he2)
where we used Eq. (11.27c). It appears then that the components Ub U2 and
U3 of the displacement vector of Q in the orthonormal basis (el, e2, e3) are
defined as follows:
where fat), the strains in the mid-surface, are given by Eqs. (11.28), and
WoI and 1301 by (11.24). The transverse shear strains t23 and t13 vanish as a
consequence of assumption (Hl), and the normal strain t33 is zero because
of (H2). IT X3 is set to zero, it is easy to check that tOl{3 = f Ol{3.
Exercise (Crochet, 1994) With:
11.8 Displacements and strains outside the mid-surface 289
show that:
Terms lio:{3 are the components of the curvature tensor of the deformed mid-
surface, see (Dreyfuss, 1962).
For a plate, the general formulae are greatly simplified because the radii of
curvature of the mid-surface before deformation are infinite, thus: 1/ Rl
1/ R2 = O. In Cartesian coordinates, Eqs. (11.10) and (11.24) give:
al = a2 = 1; (31 = - - ; (32 = - -
The expressions for the curvature and the strains are identical to those which
were developed in Chap. 5.
290 11. Theory of thin shells
aV3 1 aV3
al = 1; a2 = r; (3.. = - - ; (30 = - - -
ar r ao
The components ofthe curvature tensor are given in Sec. 11.8.1 as:
The strains outside the mid-surface are given by Eqs. (11.32) as:
The expressions for the curvature and the strains are identical to those which
were developed in Chap. 6.
Similarly to plate theory (chapters 5 and 6), shell theory is developed in terms
of stress resultants, Le. stresses integrated through the thickness. We consider
a "slice" of shell of thickness h, see Fig. 11.9. The resultant of contact forces
on the facet with outside normal el is given by:
j h/2
+ -R )dX 3; N 12 ::::::
j h/2
+ -R )dX 3;
-h/2 2 -h/2 2
j h/2
+ R3 )dX3
Fig. 11.9. A "slice" of shell of thickness h. Facet with outside normal el.
The resultant of contact forces along the facet of outside normal e2 is:
i1N 2 = (N22e2
+ N21el + Q2e3) ds l , .J
j h/2
+ -R )dX 3;
j h/2
+ R3 )dX3 (11.34)
-h/2 l
The moment of contact forces on the facet with outside normal el w.r.t.
the center of the facet is given by:
h/2 X jh/2 X
M n == j x3 a n(1 + R3 )dX3; M 12 == X3a12(1 + R3 )dX3 (11.35)
-h/2 2 -h/2 2
The moment of contact forces on the facet with outside normal e2 w.r.t.
the center of the facet is given by:
L1M2 = ,(-M22 e 1 + M2le2)dsl;
, with:
h/2 X jh/2 X
M22 == j X3a22(1 + R3 )dX3; M2l == X3a2l(1 + R3 )dX3 (11.36)
-h/2 1 -h/2 1
Fig. 11.10. Stress resultants (N"'f3' Q",) and their moments (M"'f3) plotted with
their positive directions.
294 11. Theory of thin shells
Similar results hold for the other terms. It appears then that equilibrium of
forces gives the following vector equation:
a a
-a [N I(xt. x2)a2(xI,x2)] + -a [N 2(xt, X2)al(XI,X2)]
Xl X2
+ f(xt. X2)al (Xt. X2)a2(XI, X2) = o
Using Eqs. (11.33), this can be rewritten as follows:
a a
-a [(Nnel +NI2e2+Qle3)a2]+-a [(N2Iel +N22e2+Q2e3)al]+ f ala2 =o
Xl X2
Using the expressions of aei/axa given by Eqs. (11.12), we obtain the follow-
ing three scalar equations which are the projections of the vector equation
along the el, e2 and e3 directions, respectively:
a a aal aa2 ala2
-a (Nl1 a2) + -a (N2I a l) + N12 -a - N22 -a + QI-R + h a la2 = o
Xl X2 X2 Xl 1
a a aal aa2 ala2
-a (NI2 a2)
+ -a (N22at) - Nl1 -a
X2 X2 Xl R + hal a2 = O
+ N21 -a + Q2-
a a
-a (Qla2) + -a (Q2 at) -
~~ ~~
Nl1 - R - N22 - R + !Jala2 = O (11.37)
Xl X2 1 2
dx 2 x [N 2(Xl,X2
+a2(xl,x2)Te2 dx 2
+ T)al(xl,x2 dx2
+ T)dx l
+ N 2(xt. X2 - 2)al(xl,x2 dx2)dxl ]
- 2
The results obtained so far are valid for any constitutive model. We now con-
sider the particular case of isotropic linear elasticity which gives the following
six scalar equations:
(1 + v) v
E U a {3 - E(u-y-y + u zz )t5a {3;
1 _ (1 + v)
E[U33 - vUn]; f a3 = -E--Ua3 (11.41)
E jh/2 [ X3 X3 1
Nu -1--2 (l+-
R )(l+-R)~ (tU+ X3IbU)
- v ~h/2 2 1
Because of the presence of terms (X3 / Ra), which we do not have for plates,
the integrat ion w.r.t. X3 is not easy in general (the case Rl = R 2 is an excep-
tion). In order to proceed further, we consider shells for which the following
assumption applies:
(H4): We consider thin shells such that max(h/ Rl, h/ R 2) « 1 and we neglect
all terms (X3 / Ra) in front of 1.
Consequently, it can be easily verified that internal forces per unit length
are given by:
N a{3 = 1 _ v2 [(1 - v)ta{3 + Vt"Oa{3] , (11.45)
while internal moments per unit length have the following expressions:
(i) Mid-surface strain and curvature components, ta{3 and lb a(3, are related
to the displacements of the mid-surface via equations which are much more
complicated than those of plate theory.
(ii) Equilibrium equations are more complicated too, and -unlike plate theory-
it is not possible to un-couple bending from membrane equations.
As a final comment, it is noted that assumption (H4) implies that N 12 = N 21
and M 12 = M 21 . Therefore if Rl =1- R2' then equilibrium equation (1l.38c)
cannot be satisfied. For a membrane (next section), Eq. (l1.38c) is trivially
298 11. Theory of thin shells
â â âal âa2
- â (NU a2) + - â (N2I aI) + N 12 -â - N 22 -â + !I a la2 = O
Xl X2 X2 Xl
â â âal âa2
- â (NI2 a 2)
+ -â
(N22 aI) - Nu - â
+ N 21 -â Xl + !2ala2 = O
1 1
--Nu - - N22 + h =O (11.47)
This is a system of three equations for three unknowns: Nu, N 22 and N l2 =
N 21 . Once N a {3 are known, shell displacements cau be found as explained
hereafter. First, constitutive equations (11.45) are inverted to give:
Next, tcx{3 are expressed in terms of the displacements and the geometry of
the mid-surface, Eqs. (11.28),
1 âVI V2 âal V3
al âXI ala2 âX2 RI
1 âV2 VI âa2 V3
a2 âX2 al a2 âXI R2
1 âVI V2 âa2 1 âV2 VI âal
- - - ---- + - - - - - - -
a2 âX2 al a2 âXI al âXI al a2 âX2
Let us remark that for simple problems (e.g., cases presenting axial symme-
try) internal forces per unit length N a {3 are computed not by solving system
(11.47) but simply by using a method of fictitious cuts and writing static
equilibrium conditions as in Chaps. 3 or 6; see next section for references.
Solving thin shell problems often involves lengthy calculations. For membrane
theory, the amount of work can be manageable for rather simple problems.
11.13 Further reading 299
For bending problems however, even the simplest cases involve tedious com-
putations. For closed-form solutions for membrane or bending problems, we
refer to (Timoshenko and Woinowsky-Krieger, 1982), (Flugge, 1973), (Green
and Zerna, 1968), (Crochet, 1994). Nowadays, good numerical approxima-
tions can be found for many interesting shell problems using the finite ele-
ment method. For the linear case, see (Hughes, 1987) and references therein.
For shells with material or geometric nonlinearities, we point to the series
of articles by Simo and his co-workers -e.g. (Simo and Fox, 1989)- and their
lists of references.
12. Elasto-plasticity
In all previous chapters, we have considered linear elasticity, which is the sim-
plest -although most widely used- material model. Most engineering materials
have a linear elastic behavior at the early stages of deformation. However,
when certain criteria are reached, several materials (e.g., metals) undergo ir-
reversible, or permanent or plastic deformations. In this chapter, we present
constitutive equations and computational algorithms for rate-independent
a(B) ~----=---
The path (OAB) represents the response under increased loading; it con-
sists oftwo parts: (OA) and (AB). (OA) is a straight line of slope E, Young's
modulus of the material. If we unload anywhere along (OA), then the stress-
strain response will be along A -? O, if we reload again,the response will be
along O -? A. Point O is a state of zero strain and zero stress. Along (OA)
302 12. Elasto-plasticity
f(B) = fP +f e
The inequality defines a yield criterion; R(P) is ealled a hardening stress (in
monotonie tension, R(P) is equal to (a - ay), Le., the differenee between the
eurrent stress and the initial yield stress); p is the aeeumulated plastic strain
defined by:
Exeept for monotonie loading, p(t) is not equal in general to IfP(t)l. The fol-
lowing example helps explain the differenee and the model in general. Con-
sider a eyclie tension/compression test under the total strain history shown
in Fig. 12.2a. The stress-strain response is shown in Fig. 12.2b (linear hard-
ening is assumed: R(P) = kp). If we examine the first cycle, we ean make the
following observations:
(A~Al): fP > O, p(A 1 ) = fP(Al)'
(AIBD: fP = O, p(BD = fP(AI)'
(Bi CI): fP < O, p(Cd = fP(Al) - (fP(Cd - fP(Al)) = 2fP(Ad - fP(CI).
So, we see that p(Cd # IfP(CI)I. Actually, in this example p(t) will always
increase from one cycle to the next (P(A 1 ) < p(A 2 ) < p(A 3 ), etc.), while we
will always have IfP(t)1 < i.
The model is such that the yield stresses in tension and compression
are identical (in absolute values), e.g. a(BD = -a(AI). Therefore, the model
cannot describe the so-called Baushinger effect. Finally, Fig. 12.2b shows that
la(t)1 keeps increasing from one cycle to the next (a(Al) < a(A 2 ) < a(A 3 ),
etc.), therefore the model cannot reach the experimentally observed stabilized
cycle. The model is primarily intended for the description of metal plasticity
under monotonie (and mainly proportional) loadings, and is widely used for
that purpose. Modeling of cyclic plasticity is addressed in Chap. 17.
12.1 One-dimensional model 303
-t I It
Fig. 12.2. Cyclic tension/compression test: (a) Strain history, (b) Stress-strain
304 12. Elasto-plasticity
The Cauchy stress u and the elastic strain Ee are related with a linear elastic
constitutive model:
The plastic ftow rule governs the evolution of the plastic strain:
'p .
E = "(-,
al .l.e., .p
= "(--
al (12.8)
au 3 aaij
The scalar l' is called the plastic multiplier. We have l' ~ O and the precise
sign is determined by the following conditions:
12.3 Linear elasticity 305
The scalar R(P) is called the hardening stress. The model presented here is
often called J 2 elasto-plasticity or J2 flow theory, where J2 (lT) == (Jeq. The
flow rule (12.8) is also known as Prandtl-Reuss equation.
Linear elasticity has been discussed with great detail in Chaps. 1 and 2,
we only recall here some results which are useful in this chapter. Hooke's
operator E has the following symmetries:
where G and K are the shear and bulk moduli, respectively; they are given
in terms of Young's modulus E and Poisson's ratio v by:
2G=-- and 3 K = - - (12.14)
1 + v' 1- 2v
The fourth-order tensor I dev is the deviatoric part of the fourth-order identity
tensor 1:
I dev
:a = deva, .l.e., I ijkla1k
= aij - 1
which means that (I dev a) gives the deviatoric part of a. Other useful
results are:
306 12. Elasto-plasticity
Since the von Mises equivalent stress (1eq is the second invariant of the devi-
atoric stress, it is both isotropic and pressure insensitive, this last property
being generally well verified for metals. Some plasticity and strength crite-
ria have been discussed in detail in Chap. 1. Recall that an isotropic stress
criterion should be either a function of the principal stress invariants (e.g.,
von Mises criterion) or a symmetric function of the principal stresses (e.g.,
Tresca criterion). By developing the expression of (1eq, we can double-check
that it is independent of hydrostatic pressure; it is easy to show that:
There are other plasticity criteria which are isotropic but depend on the other
stress invariants. For example, geologic materials are pressure-sensitive, so
their plasticity criteria depend not only on (1 eq, but also on the first stress
invariant (1mm (e.g., the "cap" model) and even on the third invariant (det u)
(e.g., Lade's model); see (Desai and Siriwardane, 1984) and references therein.
There are plasticity criteria which are anisotropic, among them Hill's
criterion is probably the best known; it is written as (see Hill (1950) for
12.5 Hardening
The most commonly used forms for the hardening stress R(P) are:
Yield function (12.5) uses isotropic hardening. This has the following
meaning. In the space of principal stresses, the yield surface is a cylinder
whose radius is [oy + R(P)]. With increasing values of p, the radius increases,
but nothing else changes: the yield surface remains a cylinder whose axis is
As mentioned in Sec. 12.1, isotropic hardening cannot model the exper-
imentally observed cyclic behavior of metals. In order to represent cyclic
plasticity, other models have been developed, such as kinematic hardening,
where, with increasing values of p, the radius of the cylinder representing the
yield surface increases, but also the cylinder moves in the stress space (that's
the reason behind using the word "kinematic"). One such model is described
in Chap. 17.
Since the yield surface is based on a von Mises criterion, the plastic flow rule
. af .3 s
f:: = "{-
au = "{--
2 0eq
We see that, by design, i:P is incompressible (€~m = O), which translates the
experimental observat ionthat in general plastic flow of metals occurs without
volume change. Using (12.22) together with the definit ion of 0eq, it is easy
to check that:
So, the plastic multiplier l' is equal to the accumulated plastic strain rate p.
The plastic flow rule can be derived from Hill's maximum dissipation
principle which can be stated as follows.
Let 5 designate the elasticity domain, a set of admissible states of stress
u* and hardening stress R*:
It is shown in Sec. 12.11.3 that the mechanical dissipation has the following
expression for given values of (i;P,p)
Hill's principle states that among all possible admissible states (u*, R*), and
for given values of (i:P,p), the solution (u,R) is the one for which the me-
chanical dissipation is maximum:
308 12. Elasto-plasticity
ac( 0', R·.·p·)-,p .af (0', R)-O
",€ ,p =-€ +,~ -
uO'* u~
ac ( R·'·P·) _. . of ( R) - o
aR* 0', ",€ ,p =p+, aR* 0', -
Therefore, the normality (or associative) flow rules -(12.28a-b)- and the so-
called Kuhn-Tucker conditions -(12.28c)- can be derived from Hill's maximum
dissipation principle; it can also be shown that convexity of the elasticity
domain S is also implied by Hill's principle, see (Simo and Hughes, 1998) for
The plastic power (per unit volume) is given by:
O'. = E : (.€ - p f)
.8- (12.31)
The time derivative ofthe yield function f (O', R) is:
12.7 Tangent operator, loading/ unloading, hardening/ softening 309
al .
1· = au dR. al E . h·
:u - dp P = au: :€ - p, (12.32)
_ 81 81 dR
h= au : E: au + dp (12.33)
. 1 al E·
P="hau: :€>
o (12.35)
We will always assume that h is positivej we will make some comments later
in this section.
If a stress state is on the yield surface (f = O), the distinction between
elastic unloading (j < O) and plastic loading (j = O) has a simple geometric
interpretation. Because we assume that h is positive, Eqs. (12.34-35) show
that it suffices to study the sign of the cosine of the "angle" between (al/au)
-the normal to the yield surface- and (E : E)j see Fig. 12.3 .
1=0 E:E
u = E : E- (E : ~~) ~ ~~ : E : E (12.36)
This gives:
iT = H: E, (12.37)
310 12. Elasto-plasticity
The fourth-order tensor H is called the tangent operator (it is the multi-axial
generalization ofthe tangent modulus in uniaxial tension aala€). H has the
same symmetries as E but, unlike it, it is not constant; it depends on the
deviatoric stress 8 and (dRldp).
For computations, if we store (al Iau) as a 6 x 1 array and E and H as
6 x 6 -symmetric- matrices (see Appendix C), then:
IT the elasticity is isotropic, then the expressions that we found become much
simpler. Since (al Iau) is deviatoric, Eqs. (12.13a) and (12.16) imply that:
E: al = 2G al (12.39)
au au
Also, using Eqs. (12.6, 22), we find:
al al 3
au : au = '2
Therefore, we obtain:
p = h2Gal
au :€
h 3G+ dR
E _ (2G)2 al ® al
H = h au au
e: (E - H) : e = i (e : E: ~~) ~ O
2 (12.43)
181 81 ]
H = E: [1 - h 8u ® (8u : E) (12.44)
h* == h _ 81 : E: 81 = dR (12.45)
8u 8u dp
Using lemma (1.1), it is easily checked that H is invertible if and only if
(dRjdp =1- O), and in this case:
-1 -1 1 81 81
H = E + (dRjdp) 8u ® 8u (12.46)
So for the material model we study in this section, it suffices to examine the
value of (dRjdp) to find out whether the tangent operator H (a fourth-order
tensor) is invertible or not. AIso, the expression of H- 1 is simple and useful
for numerical analysis.
Another use for (dRj dp) is that it gives a geometric interpretation of
strain hardening and strain softening. From Eq. (12.32), we see that the
consistency condition j = O implies that:
dR 181 .
- =--:u (12.47)
dp p8u
Since p > O (plastic loading), we see that it suffices to study the sign of the
cosine of the "angle" between the normal to the yield surface (8 fi 8u) and
0-; see Fig. 12.4.
In strain softening, the yield surface "shrinks" (O- is directed towards the
interior of the yield surface).
Since O- = H : € in plastic loading, we see that the loadingjunloading
and hardeningjsoftening criteria are very similar (the only difference is that
the first case involves Hooke's operator E while it is the tangent operator H
which appears in the second criterion).
Using the plastic flow rule, Eq. (12.47) can be rewritten as:
312 12. Elasto-plasticity
dR 1. 'p
dp = p2 (T : €. (12.48)
It is seen that iT : io P > O for a strain hardening material (dR/dp > O); this
is one form of Drucker's definition of material stability (see (Lubliner, 1990)
for more details).
The general formulae of Sec. 12.2 take the following simple forms:
s (12.50)
We retrieve the equations of Sec. 12.1 and one more, related to the plastic
flow rule. It is seen that a eq = lai, and this is the reason behind using the
factor (3/2) is the original definition of a eq • AIso, p = WI which explains the
factor (2/3) in the definition of p.
The tangent operator in the plastic loading regime can be found by ap-
plying Eq. (12.46):
E =
(H- 1 )
uu a
( 1+ 1) .
E (dR/dp) a (12.51)
which gives:
âa E
-- E (12.52)
âE 1+ (dRjdp)
This result can be found directly from Eqs. (12.50) and the consistency con-
dition (j = O).
12.9 Boundary-value problem 313
(F.E.M.), which was introduced in Chap. 2. We recall the main steps hereafter
(a significant difference is that the solution here may depend on time).
Finite-dimensional sets y(h} and y*(h} are used instead of Y and Y*. It
is assumed that:
y(h) C y, and y*(h) C Y* (12.56)
For v*(h} E y*(h}, and for the F.E.M. solution u(h} E y(h), it is assumed
where {(A)(x) are given interpolation or shape functionsj v:*(A)(t) are coeffi-
cientsj (A = 1, ... ,n) are nodes and Ui(A}(t) nodal displacements.
It was shown in Chap. 2 that the F.E.M. approximation of formulation
(12.55) can be written as:
Find the displacement field U(h) which satisfies:
u(h) E y(h}
r aij â{(A)
la âXj
dil = r 1i{(A) dil + r Fi{(A) dF,
la lrF
(sum over j = 1,2,3)
The time interval of interest is subdivided into a finite number of time inter-
vals [tn, tn+I]' The equilibrium equations (12.58b) are enforced at the discrete
times tn, tn+I' The problem can be stated as follows: knowing the solution
(displacements, strains, stresses) at tn, and given the applied load at tn+I,
find the solution at tn+I' As we shall see in Sec. 12.10.2, if e(x, tn+l) is
given, then u(x, tn+I) can be computed. For that reason, u(x, tn+I) can be
viewed as a -nonlinear- function of e(x, tn+d and therefore of u(h} (x, tn+I)'
Consequently, Eqs. (12.58b) are considered as a nonlinear system where the
unknowns are UitA) (tn+l)' This nonlinear problem is solved iteratively. Those
iterations are called global because they are defined at the level of the entire
body or structure (while iterations of the return mapping algorithm -Sec.
12.10.2- will be called local because they are defined point-wise). Equations
(12.58b) can be recast in the following form (the nodal displacements UitA)
are stored as UI, 1 = 1, ... ,3 x n):
Newton's method applied to this nonlinear system gives at each iteration (r):
12.10 Numerical algorithms 315
Using the chain rule, we see that in order to evaluate the Jacobian matrix
(EJ:FI/8UJ), we need to compute (8aijj8tkt)j this is explained in Sec. 12.10.3.
Here is a summary of the algorithmic procedure:
An approximation of the nodal displacements at t n +1 is proposed, from
which the strain field at t n +1 is computed (actually, since the integrals are
evaluated by numerical quadrature -e.g., method of Gauss- only values at a
finite number of integration points are needed):
The constitutive equations are then integrated in time to find the stresses at
t n +1 (Sec. 12.10.2). If the weak form of equilibrium at t n +1 is satisfied -Eqs.
(12.58b) or (12.59)- then the solution at t n +1 has been found, and the process
can move on to the next time interval [t n +1, t n +2]' Otherwise, a new iteration
-within the same time interval [t n , t n +11- starts: a new approximation to the
nodal displacements at t n +1 is proposed by solving the linear system (12.60).
We only deal with aspects related to the constitutive equations in this
section. For a more detailed presentation of the F.E.M. in nonlinear mechan-
ies, see (Owen and Hinton, 1980), (Zienkiewicz and Taylor, 1991), (Crisfield,
1997, 1998), (Ferencz and Hughes, 1998), (Kleiber, 1998) and (Simo, 1998).
The purpose of the return mapping algorithm is the following: the values
of the variables at tn being known and the total strain increment Lle being
given, find the values of the variables at tn+l'
An increment of a variable (stress, strain, etc.) will be denoted by:
The first step in the return mapping algorithm is called " elastic predictor":
the increment is assumed to be entirely elastic (Llp = O, LleP = O). The stress
at t n +1 is then simply:
Un+l = E .. (en+l - eP)
n (12.64)
trial - (a )trial
j n+l - eq n+l
- a Y - R(pn ) <
O (12.65)
316 12. Elasto-plasticity
then the basic assumption is true and the elastic predictor is indeed the
solution to the constitutive equations:
(T n+l = (T trial
n+l ,
€n+l = €n,P Pn+l = Pn (12.66)
If f~:':'~l > Othen the assumption is incorrect: plasticity has developed during
the increment, and we must find the correct state at tn+l such that it satisfies
fn+l = O and the rest of the constitutive equations. This is the second step
in the return mapping algorithm: the plastic corrector phase.
Combining Eqs. (12.63-64), we can write:
vn+l -
- ~trial
_ E'. A cP
.u", (12.67)
From now on, we will assume that the elasticity is isotropic (it would not make
much sense to use an isotropic yield criterion with anisotropic elasticity).
Since Ll€p is deviatoric, using (12.13), Eq. (12.67) can be rewritten as:
~ -
~trial _ 2G .u",
For simplicity, we now introduce the following notation for the normal to the
yield surface in stress space:
N= Of =~..!.. (12.71)
O(T 20'eq
The rate equations are discretized in time according to a fully implicit (back-
ward Euler) integrat ion scheme:
Ortiz and Popov (1985) have studied integration algorithms generalizing the
trapezoidal and midpoint rules and found in particular that the backward
Euler scheme offers unconditional stability and good accuracy. Using How
rule (12.8), the plastic strain increment is approximated as follows:
From now on, the subscript (n + 1) is omitted for simplicity and an variables
which do not contain this subscript are evaluated at tn+l' Equation (12.70)
is now rewritten as:
12.10 Numerical algorithms 317
N = Ntrial, an
d 2G A
"-1p 2
+ 3aeq 2 triat
= '3aeq (12.75)
Note that the denominator of cp is simply h of Eqs. (12.41). For other elasto-
plastic models, this is not always the case. The starting iteration corresponds
to the elastic predictor:
aeq ay + R(P)
s = ~a Ntrial
3 eq
a- s + ~(tr a-trial)l
.:1eP Ntrial.:1p (12.81)
trial > O
f n+l
In+! =0
Fig. 12.5. Geometric interpretat ion of return mapping algorithm: (a) 1D, (b) 3D
ou = E: (oe - oeP )
oeP Nop+ (Llp) âu : ou
N: ou - dp op o (12.83)
Rewritiug the last equatiou usiug the first two leads to:
dp op = N : E: [oe - N op - (Llp) âN
dR âu : ou ] (12.84)
op = h
1 N : E: [Oe - (Llp) â
âuN ]
: ou (12.85)
[ I+{,1p)E: âN Llp
âu -(-;;:)(E:N)® ( N:E: âN)]
âu :ou=H:Oe
E: âN =2G âN (12.89)
au âu
Therefore, Eq. (12.86) beeomes simply:
( 1 + 2G âN
âu Llp
)-1 âN
= 1 - 2G€ âu
using Eq. (12.76). Finally, using (12.41c), the consistent or algorithmic tan-
gent operator is found to be:
This is a simple and explicit reIat ion which shows that w.r.t. the "contin-
uum" tangent H, the "consistent" tangent Halg has an extra term which
depends on two quantities: the plastic strain increment Llp and the curva ture
of the yield surface in stress space (aN jau = a2 f ja( 2 ). We see that if the
plasticity increment is very small (Llp -1 O) then Hatg -1 H, otherwise the
two operators are different. The importance of consistent linearization was
demonstrated by Simo and Taylor (1985) who showed that if we use New-
ton's method to solve the weak form of the equilibrium equations, then it is
essential to use a consistent tangent in order to preserve a quadratic rate of
convergence for the method.
Exercise: show that the inverse of Hatg has the simple expression:
The model which was presented in Sec. 12.2 is perhaps the simplest -although
most widely used- elasto-plastic model. In this section, we present a frame-
work for more general constitutive models. We limit ourselves to the basic re-
sults; for more information, see (Coleman and Gurtin, 1967), (Germain et al.,
1983), (Halphen and Nguyen, 1975), (Kestin and Rice, 1970), (Lemaitre and
Chaboche, 1990), (Lubliner, 1990), (Maugin, 1992), and references therein.
For the models studied in this book, the state variables are: E, the absolute
temperature T > O and a set of internal variables EP and V. Those variables
are macroscopic measures of irreversible phenomena such as plastic deforma-
tion, hardening or damage.
where p[kg/m 3 ] is the mass density, q the heat flux vector and s the entropy
per unit mass. After differentiation w.r.t. time of (12.94) and the free energy
expression, and substitution in inequality (12.95), the latter becomes:
â1jJ â1jJ
u=p- s=-- (12.97)
âE e ' âT
From (12.96), thermodynamic forces A associated with the internal variables
V are defined by equations similar to (12.97), namely:
Example: In the isothermal case, and for many models, the free energy is
written under the following uncoupled form,
1 ~
p'lj;(ee, V) = _ee: E: ee + 'Ij;(V) (12.99)
Equations of state (12.97a) and (1298) are then:
u = E : ee , âV (12.100)
;j(P) = l P
Equations of state (12.98) do not allow to find the internal variables eP and
V because they only introduce new quantities- the thermodynamic forces
A associated with V. Similarly, even if the observable state variable e is
known, Eq. (12.97a) does not allow determinat ion of its elastic or inelastic
parts ee and eP • Complementary equations, known as ftow rules, are needed
in order to determine the internal variables eP and V. Using Eqs. (12.94) and
(12.97-98), inequality (12.96) becomes:
. q
V == U : i.P - A • V - \1T . T ~ O, (12.101)
The second inequality translates the experimental fact that heat flows from
hotter to colder regions of a body. It is verified by Fourier's heat conduction
law (Sec. 9.2).
We now introduce a new function: the pseudo-potential of dissipation,
cP*(u,A, \1T), which is a scalar-valued function that depends on the forces
12.11 A general framework for material models 323
Material models which are built within the framework described so far are
called generalized standard materials (Halphen and Nguyen, 1975). In sum-
mary, in order to construct such models, one needs to choose internal variables
V and write down expressions for two scalar-valued functions: the Helmholtz
free energy t/J(ee, T, V) and a pseudo-potential of dissipation q,*(u, A, \1T),
which satisfy mathematical conditions stated above. The equations of state
are (12.97-98) and the flow rules are (12.103).
The theory which was developed so far is valid for both elasto-plasticity
and elasto-visco-plasticity. In the former case however, the theory is usually
formulated in terms of a yield surface, and the flow rules are written differ-
ently, as explained in the next subsection.
q,*(Y) = O if Y E C,
q,*(Y) = +00 ifY ~ C (12.106)
X E 8q,*(Y), (12.107)
where X = (eP , - V) designates the internal variables and 8q,* the sub-
differential of q,*. It is possible to prove the following three results- e.g.
324 12. Elasto-plasticity
It is shown in Sec. 14.9.1 that the first law of thermodynamics can be written
in the following local form:
where e [Jjkg] is an internal energy per unit mass, and Tezt [Wjkg] a mass
density of internal heat production due to external sources such as inductive
heating. Internal and free energies per unit mass, 1/J and e, are related by:
where s is the entropy per unit mass and T > O the absolute temperature.
Using equations of state (12.97-98), Eq. (12.110) can be rewritten as follows:
where c [J jkgj K] is the specific heat, V mec the mechanical dissipation and
1l the structural heatingj they are given by the following identities:
c =
V mec = (T: i: P - A • V
1l ~(81/J) .·e 3...-(81/J). V (12.113)
- 8e e 8T . e + 8V 8T
12.12 A class of non-associative plasticity models 325
For metal plasticity, it is observed IA. VI is much smaller than 10- : EPI. The
1l term is also neglected. Moreover, in order to match experimental results,
the following expression is often used, with 'TI ~ 0.9,
There are several material models which do not enter in the mould of gen-
eralized standard materials, for instance there are models for which the flow
rules are derived from a "plastic potential" which is diJJerent from the yield
function. This is called "non-associative plasticity" . Examples are the nonlin-
ear kinematic hardening model of Chap. 17 and the ductile damage model of
Chap. 18. A general class of non-associative models is studied in this section.
The internal variables V may be scalars, vectors or tensors. The total
strain t=. is assumed to be the sum of elastic and inelastic parts (t=.e and t=.P),
Eq. (12.94). The stress o- and the thermodynamic forces A are derived from a
specific free energy, 'lj;(t=.e, V) according to the equations of state (12.97a-98).
An elastic domain is defined by the yield function:
The evolution laws for t=.P and V are derived from a plastic potential,
F( 0-, Aj V), according to the generalized normality rules:
'p . oF V· . oF
t=. = "( 00-' = -"( oA' (12.117)
with l' obeying conditions (12.9). It is assumed that 'lj;, 1 and F are smooth
functions, so that their partial derivatives which appear in the equations are
well defined.
The inequality of Clausius-Duhem requiring the dissipation to be non-
negative reads:
326 12. Elasto-plasticity
V=u:i:P-A.V~O (12.118)
As in Sec. 12.11, the symbol (.) designates a sum of appropriate inner prod-
uets. When l' > O, the following consistency condition holds:
= E"
: ~ - 'Y (E : âF A âF)
80' + • BA '
A· AT .. _ . (A T . âF âF)
= .E 'Y . alT + II • BA (12.121)
ir = L : i, (12.124)
Exercise: Apply definitions (12.120, 122) to the model of Sec. 12.2, and
check that the expressions of t, H, hand h * found in this section correspond
to those of Sec. 12.7.
There are some classical solutions and subjects (e.g., bending, torsion, neck-
ing, slip lines, limit loads, shakedown, etc.) which we did not studYj inter-
ested readers may consult (Hill, 1950), (Prager and Hodge, 1951), (John-
son and Mellor, 1962), (Nadai, 1963), (Thomsen et al., 1965), (Mandel,
1966), (Kachanov, 1971), (Lubliner, 1990), etc. For applications to structures
(beams, plates and shells), references include (Hodge, 1959), (Massonnet and
Save, 1967), (Calladine, 1969), (Save and Massonnet, 1972), (Massonnet et
al., 1979), (Stronge and Yu, 1993), etc. AIso, we are only concerned with the
macroscopic phenomenological theories of plasticity and viscoplasticitYj for
micro-mechanical aspects, see Chap. 20 and references therein.
13. Elasto-viscoplasticity
t3 = const > t2
t2 = const > t1
_ _- - t1 = const
330 13. Elasto-viscoplasticity
= Ci - R(tP) , fP(O) = O (...
Uy -
lmtla1 cond··)
ltlOn (13.4)
The total strain f is the sum of an elastic strain and the permanent strain fP,
where E is Young's modulus. We shall consider two models for isotropic hard-
ening. First we assume that there is no hardening: R = o. Time integration
of Eq. (13.4) gives the total strain t(t) as:
Ci Ci - Uy
t(t) = - + t (13.6)
E 7J
This is plotted in Fig. 13.2a which shows that t increases with time as one
expects in a creep experiment, but it does sa linearly, which is unrealistic.
Fig. 13.2. Simulation of a uniaxial creep experiment: (a) No hardening, (b) Linear
Time integration of Eq. (13.7) gives the total strain f(t) as:
A yield function f (u, R) is defined by:
where ay is the initial yield stress, a eq the von Mises equivalent stress, R(P)
the hardening stress and p the accumulated plastic strain (the definitions are
identical to those already given in Chap. 12). When the transformation is
elastic, then f(u, R) ::; O, but if there is plastic loading, then to the contrary
to rate-independent plasticity, f (u, R) may be positive. For a uniaxial stress
state, f(u,R) is simply the viscous stress av ofEq. (13.3).
The plastic ftow rule governs the evolution of the plastic strain:
of . of
€ = "1-,
fi}' = "I~
332 13. Elasto-viscoplasticity
The scalar t is called the plastic multiplier, we have t ~ O and the precise
sign is determined by the following conditions:
An example of 9,,(1) -probably the most used one- is Norton's power law:
For a uniaxial stress state, Eqs. (13.15b, 17) simply become (13.10). Note that
to the contrary to rate-independent plasticity, the plastic multiplier i' is not
found from a consistency condition -which does not hold in viscoplasticity-
but is computed from Eq. (13.15b). The reader can easily ebeck that because
ofthe use of a von Mises criterion, we have p = t (as in elasto-plasticity). If
we combine the equations and write the plastic flow as:
we see that time appears explicitly in the constitutive equations, that is why
the material model is called rate-dependent. If we take the time derivative of
the stress-elastic strain relation (13.12) and replace the plastic strain rate by
its expression (13.18), we find that:
The elastic predictor phase is identical to that for elasto-plasticity. IT f!r;.~' >
O, then we must enter the plastic corrector phase. As in elasto-plasticity, we
arrive to a radial return algorithm defined by Eqs. (12.75) which are:
N = Ntrial., 2G.1p + ~a
3 eq = ~atrial
3 eq (13.20)
f == a eq - ay - R(P) (13.21)
a eq + 3G.1p - atrial
eq = O (13.23)
The two equations are solved iteratively using Newton's method. At each
iteration (we omit the iteration index for simplicity of notation) one finds
the corrections cp and Cu from:
IT we substitute the expression of Cu from the second equation into the first,
we obtain:
_ 1 (k p ) • _ 1 dRdp
cp - - hv (dg v /df).1t + k u , h v = (dg v /df).1t + 3G + (13.25)
When there is plastic loading, we have seen in Sec. 13.2 that it is not possible
to find a tangent operator relating the rates (or the infinitesimal increments)
334 13. Elasto-viscoplasticity
Again, the subscript (n + 1) is omitted for simplicity and alI variables which
do not contain this subscript are evaluated at tnH' Differentiation of the
stress-elastic strain relation (12.63), the discretized plastic flow rule (12.73),
and the discretized creep law (13.22) gives the following three equations:
8u = E : (8f: - 8f:P)
8f:P = N8p + (Llp) âu : 8u
dg v dR )
8p = dJ
N : 8u - dp 8p Llt (13.27)
Rewriting the last equation using the first two leads to:
hv =1t+ h (13.30)
This chapter is much shorter that the previous one because it uses many
concepts that were introduced there. Besides the correlations we pointed to
in Secs. 13.2 and 13.3, let us also recall that all the results of Sec. 12.11 and
its subsections -except 12.11.4- apply to visco-plasticity without any modifi-
cat ion.
For more informat ion about the physical aspects and the modeling of visco-
plasticity, see (Ashby and Jones, 1980), (Hertzberg, 1989), (Lemaitre and
Chaboche, 1990), (Fran~ois et al., 1993), and references therein.
In this chapter, we only dealt with Perzyna-type visco-plasticity models. An-
other formulation, without a yield function, called the endochronic theory
was proposed by Valanis (1971).
14. Nonlinear continuum mechanics
In alI previous chapters, we have worked within the small perturbation hy-
pothesis (SPH). As a consequence, we wrote (and solved for) equilibrium and
boundary condition equations on the initial, undeformed (thus known) con-
figurat ion of a body. The only exception was the study of possible buckling
modes in Chap. 10. In this chapter, we present basic continuum mechanics
in the presence of geometric non-linearities, namely finite strains, displace-
ments and rotations. Practical examples are metal forming problems or large
displacements of slender beams and thin shells.
14.1 Kinematics
Fig. 14.1. Position vectors of a material partide are X in the reference configura-
tion (ilo) and x = rp(X, t) in the current configurat ion (ilt ), in a fixed Cartesian
orthonormal frame (O, el, e2, e3).
For simplicity, we consider that all coordinates are w.r.t. a fixed Cartesian
system with origin O and orthonormal basis (el, e2, e3). We shall however
use upper case (e.g., I, J, K) and lower case (e.g., i,j, k) indices for the coor-
dinates of a partide in the reference and current configurations, respectively.
This will make it easier to identify referential -or Lagrangian or material-
objects on the one hand and current -or Eulerian or spatial- objects on the
other hand. For a more general presentation using curvilinear coordinates,
see (Marsden and Hughes, 1983), (Sedov, 1975), (Green and Zerna, 1968).
In the following sections, we will designate by 11:0 C Do an arbitrary
volume of material partides with boundary âll:o. That set of material partides
maps onto II:t C Dt, with boundary âll:t .
This means that we follow a given material partide (X fixed) and compute
the variat ion of its position over an infinitesimally small time increment. If
the velocity is viewed as a function of (x, t) then it is called spatial velocity:
14.2 Deformation
In the following subsections and in Sec. 14.3, we give a mainly mathematical
description of the deformation. For a geometric picture and interpretation,
see (Novozhilov, 1953), for instance.
F - ârjJ . âXi
= âX' 1.e., F iJ = âXJ (14.8)
The component form shows that F has a "leg" in the current configurat ion
and a "leg" in the reference configuration. Since x = X + u where u is the
displacement, the deformation gradient is also given by:
F= 1+ âX (14.9)
This definit ion of F is equivalent to the previous one for Cartesian coor-
dinates, but it is more general because it applies to curvilinear coordinate
systems as well. It is very useful in practice. For computation, we can rep-
resent F with a 3 x 3 matrix (non-symmetric, in general). We introduce the
following notation:
J == detF (14.11)
We then have:
340 14. Nonlinear continuum mechanics
dX 3
dX I
Fig. 14.2. Deformation of an elementary parallelepiped. Initial volume: dV
dXt . (dX2 x dX3). Volume after deformation: dv = dXt . (dX2 X dX3).
J- dv J>O (14.13)
- dV'
J must be positive in order to have positive volumes. Note that if a material
is incompressible, then J = 1. Since det F > O, F has an inverse, so that:
This is called the polar decomposition. R is proper orthogonal and is called ro-
tation. U and V are symmetric and positive definite; they are called the right
and lefi stretch tensors, respectively (the justification of the word "stretch"
will appear later). U and V have the same eigenvalues, and those are real
and positive. The eigenvalues are called the principal stretches (Al, A2, A3)' A
deformat ion can be defined locally with a rotation followed by stretches along
three mutually orthogonal axes (principal directions), or vice-versa. The devi-
ation of AA from 1 measures a strain (see Sec. 14.3). Using the decomposition
of F, we obtain:
where e and b are the right and lefi Cauchy-Green strain tensors, respec-
tively. They will allow the definition of strain measures (see Sec. 14.3). The
14.2 Deformation 341
component forms clearly show that C is defined w.r.t. the reference configu-
ration while b is w.r.t. the current configuration.
In general we try to use upper case characters (e.g., C) for Lagrangian
objects and lower case characters (e.g., b) for Eulerian objects. This will not
always be possible however, for instance the use of an upper case character
for F is an arbitrary choice.
In practice, we first compute the eigenvalues of C or b (see Appendix
B), we thus obtain the squares A~ (A = 1,2,3) of the principal stretches.
Let N(A) be the eigenvector (principal direction) associated with AA. By
(N(I) ® N(I» . dX = N(I) L (lA~ = (lIN(I) (14.20)
A=I ,hA
Similarly, we have:
(N(2) ® N(2». dX = (l2 N (2) and (N(3) ® N(3». dX = (l3 N (3)
Note that, substituting these results in the expression of dX gives the fol-
lowing identity:
LN(A) ®N(A) = 1 (14.22)
We have:
3 3
....!....{N(A)}T [F]T[F]{N(B)}....!....
AA '--v-" AB
_1_{N(A)}T A1{N(B)}
= dAB (14.24)
[F] AA{n(A)}{N(A)}T (14.26)
Since (n(l), n(2), n(3») is an orthonormal hasis, the right Cauchy-Green strain
C = F T . Fis found from (14.25) as follows:
C = A~N(A) ® N(A), (14.27)
which is expected since A~ (A = 1,2,3) are the eigenvalues of C and N(A)
its principal directions.
Since (N(l), N(2), N(3») is an orthonormal hasis, the left Cauchy-Green
strain b = F· F T is given hy (14.25) as follows:
b= A~n(A) ®n(A), (14.28)
which is expected since A~ are the eigenvalues of b and n(A) its principal
Since (N(l), N(2), N(3») is an orthonormal hasis, we deduce from the
polar decomposition F = R . U, the spectral decompositions of R and U:
14.2 Deformation 343
Similarly, from the polar decomposition F =V . R, we obtain:
~=JdX'C'dX (14.33)
dL dX ·dX
Using (14.17, 19),
We have just seen -Eq. (14.34)- that in 1D, the length ratio -or stretch- is given
by A = dl / dL. The unstrained state corresponds to A = 1. For injinitesimal
strains, the strain measure is given by:
E = f(A) (14.36)
12 ,
Q) 8 Green ----- ,/
Nominal - - "
gj Logarithmic ........... /
Ei 4
I'l ............ ,. ... ,.,.,.
•<il 2
..,... ":: .................. .
rn O
C =FT . F = [1 + (ax
au f] .(1 + ax
au) (14.43)
It appears then that ea is made up of two terms. The first one is the in-
jinitesimal strain tensor, which is valid for small strains and rotations. The
346 14. Nonlinear continuum mechanics
second term represents the nonlinearity due to finite strains. The presence
of Lagrange's name is due to the fact that EG measures a variat ion of length
w.r.t. the reference configuration. This can be seen from the following. We
have already established formulae for the squares of infinitesimallengths:
~ (dl)2 - (dL)2 = dX· EG . dX (14.46)
2 (dL)2 dX· dX
We may also define a variation of length w.r.t. the current configurat ion.
First, we switch to matrix notations to establish the following result:
EB (AA - l)N(A) l8l N(A) (14.50)
We have given a few examples of strain measures, for more strain tensors
see (Ogden, 1984). The choice of a particular strain measure depends on the
stress measure (see section 14.6).
dv = âx . dx == l . dx = l . F . dX (14.52)
where l is the velocity gradient (it is a spatial object -components with lower
case indices):
âv . l âVi
l == âx' l.e. ij ==-â (14.53)
F= l . F, Le., l = F· F- 1 (14.55)
d= '12 [âV
+ (âx)
, l.e. d ij = '12 (âVi âVj)
âXj + âXi (14.57)
Note that dis identical in form to the infinitesimal strain tensor (the displace-
ment u is replaced with the spatial velocity v). We will see later that it is d
which appears in the weak form of the equations of motion (or virtual power
theorem). The anti-symmetric part of l is the spin tensor W (Wij = -Wji):
W = '12 [âV
âx -
, l.e. Wij = '12 (âVi
- âXi (14.58)
F T . lT . F + F T . l . F
F T . (lT + l) . F,
E =-
C (14.60)
Using Eqs. (14.46, 59), and switching to matrix notations for convenience,
we have:
{dX} T[Ff[d][Fl{ dX}
= {dx}T[d]{dx}
t ~o
pkJ dV = 1 ~o
. .
(pkJ + pkJ + pkJ) dV (14.63)
aJ aJ
aFiK = J (-1)
F Ki,
l.e. aF = JF -T (14.65)
J) = :!.. = trl = tr d = div v
Using these results, the right-hand side of (14.63) can be rewritten as:
:1 t 1<,
pk(x,t) dv = 1 1<,
pk dv (14.68)
IT the mass ofthe body is conserved throughout the motion, then the following
equality must hold:
ddt 1 1<,
p dv = o, "f/r;,t C fl t (14.69)
1 1<,
(p + pdiv v) dv = o, "f/r;,t C fl t
Since the equality must hold "f/r;,t C fl t , the localization theorem-e.g., (Gurtin,
1981)- gives the following local form of mass conservation:
p+ pdiv v =O (14.70)
We shall often use the localizat ion theorem, even if we do not mention it.
As a consequence of (14.70), transport formula (14.62) takes the simple
form (14.68).
350 14. Nonlinear continuum mechanics
po = J p, Le., J = po = dv (14.72)
p dV
=: r
The balance of linear momentum is written as:
pb dv + r
t da
t lI<,
pv dv, V"'t C [lt (14.73)
where b(x, t) is the field of body forces -Le. forces per unit mass, [Njkg]-
act ing in "'t (pb is a force per unit volume, [Njm 3 ]), t(x, t, n) is the field of
forces per unit area -[Njm 2 ]- applied on â"'t, and v is the spatial velocity
field; n designates the outward unit normal to â"'t. Using transport formula
(14.68) with k = v, it is found that:
:t lI<,r pv dv = r
P'Y dv (14.74)
The balance of rotational momentum written w.r.t. a fixed point taken here
as the origin of the coordinate system reads:
a: x pb dv + r
x x t da =: rt lI<,
px x v dv, V"'t C [lt (14.75)
t da ru
T . n da
r div u T dv (by the divergence theorem) (14.78)
It can be checked that the cross product of two vectors V and W can be
written as:
(V X W)i = fijkVjWk , (14.80)
where fijk is a circular permutation of (1,2,3) defined by:
f123 f231 = f312 = 1
f132 f213 = f321 = -1
fijk O in aU other cases
We now use Eqs. (14.77, 80) to rewrite a surface integral which appears in
Eq. (14.75):
fijkXj(Ulknt) da
fijk !la
(XjUlk) dv (divergence theorem)
352 14. Nonlinear continuum mechanics
Using the definition of the circular permutation, it is easy to check that Eq.
(14.82) implies the following local equations:
Le., the Cauchy stress is symmetric (aij = aji). In summary, we have the
following local -or strong- equations:
p+ p -
= O.In K.t
ajinj = ti on âK.t
-- + pbi = P'Yi in K.t
It is dear that alI the equations are written w.r.t. the current configuration
(recall that we use lower case indices for the coordinates of a partide in the
current configuration)j they are called Eulerian field equations. We shall see
in Sec. 14.5.11 how to write the Lagrangian field equations.
r (div u
T + pb) . w dv = r
P'Y' w dv (14.86)
8 Xj]'Wi + ____
aijdij(w) (u being symmetric)
r (u
T . n) . w da - r u: d(w) dv + jKtr
pb· w dv = r
P'Y' w dv
Using (14.84b), Eq. (14.88) can be rewritten as:
r u: d(w) dv + Jr p,' w dv = Jr pb· w dv + leKt
Kt Kt
r t· w da
This is known as the weak form of the equations of motion, or the virtual
power theorem (V.P.T.)
dt J1<, 2
~pv. v dv =
P'Y' v dv r (14.90)
The right-hand side of Eq. (14.91) represents the power due to the external
loads, the left-hand side is comprised of two terms. Up to a sign, the term
r u: d(v) dv (14.92)
represents the power of internat loads, or stress power. The term
!!.. r
~ pv . v dv
dt JI<' 2
u= Ai P= Aoi F=uA=PAo (14.94)
We use Eq. (14.95) to find a new expression for the traction force:
pT =JF- 1 . u, (14.96)
clearly shows that P is not symmetric. Actually, since PiK has a "leg" in
the current configuration (lower case index i) and the other in the reference
configuration (upper case index K), according to Marsden and Hughes (1983)
we should not even talk about symmetry or the absence of it.
Let the traction per unit area be designated by t(x, t, N) and T(X, t, N)
in the current and reference configurations, respectively. We have:
We shall see that it is the nominal stress which appears in the equations of
motion written w.r.t. the reference configurat ion. There are more than one
14.5 Balance laws 355
way to obtain those equations, the simplest is to write the balance of linear
momentum. We use another method which also gives the strong form of the
equations of motion. We have:
C7: d(w)dv =
r pT: (GRADw)
dV + r po(X)r· w
dV =
r Po(X)B· w
+ r
T· w dA (14.99)
where r(X, t) = ')'(x, t) is the accelerat ion field and B(X, t) = b(x, t) is the
body force (per unit mass) field.
T· w dA = r
(p. N) . w dA
With this last result, the weak form of the equations of motion becomes:
356 14. Nonlinear continuum mechanics
It is known that the stress-strain response of metals in the finite strain regime
is better described by using logarithmic strain and Cauchy (or Kirchhoff)
stress. Also, the Green-Lagrange strain (in association with the second Piola-
Kirchhoff stress) is useful for "structural" elements (beams, plates and shells)
which may undergo large displacements and rotations but small strains. In
this section, we will see a systematic method for the determination of conju-
gate strain and stress measures.
Let us examine the expression of the stress power again, Eq. (14.92),
T =Jo- (14.104)
is called Kirchhoff stress. The term [T : d(v)] clearly represents a power per
unit volume of the reference configuration. If we could -in general, we cannot-
write d( v) as the time derivative of the logarithmic strain or another strain
tensor, we would say that T is conjugate with that strain tensOL Nevertheless,
14.6 Conjugate stress and strain measures 357
this is the idea behind defining pairs of conjugate stress and strain measures
(Hill, 1968): they are such that the inner product ofthe stress and the strain
rate is equal to [T : d(v)]. Two examples follow .
= JUij(F-T)jKlj<L(F-l)Li
= J(F- 1 ) LiUij (F-T)jKll<L
(JF- 1 . u· F- T ) : iP (14.105)
... .,
where 8 is the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress. It is conjugate with Green-
Lagrange strain eG ; it is also associated with (C/2). The component form:
clearly shows that 8 is defined w.r.t. the reference configurat ion (upper case
indices) and is symmetric (SLK = SKL) .
T = F· 8 . FT = p. F T = F . pT (14.109)
358 14. Nonlinear continuum mechanics
S JF- 1 ·(T·F- T
J(1 + e)-l . R- 1 • (T. R- T . (1 + e)-T
= J(l + e)-l . R T . (T. R· (1 + e)-T (since R· R T = RT . R = 1)
For small strains, we have: fA « 1, and therefore:
J det Rdet(1 + e) ~ 1 + tr e
= det F = -........-.- (14.113)
S~ R T ·(T·R (14.115)
This shows that S is approximately the rotated Ca'ILchy stressj this is only
valid for small strains but arbitrary (possibly large) rotations. As an example,
consider a beam whose axis (mid-fiber) was initially along the fixed direction
el j 8 11 will always designate the stress along the fiber, regardless of the
current orientat ion of the beam. For these reasons, S is ca1led material or
co-rotational stress (again this is only true for small strains).
14.7 Objectivity
Consider a circular cylindrical bar under uniaxial tension in a fixed Cartesian
frame (O, el, e2, e3). The current values of the force and the cross section area
are designated by F and A, respectively. First the bar is parallel to the x-axisj
the only non-zero Cauchy stress component is an = F / A. Next, the bar is
given a rigid rotation so that it becomes parallel to the y-axis. Now a22 = F / A
is the only non-zero Cauchy stress. Assume the material is (hypo )elastic. If
we write the constitutive equation as: aij = Cijkld'k, then since an f:. O
(and a22 f:. O) non-zero strains would occur. This is not physically acceptable
360 14. Nonlinear continuum mechanics
because we have a rigid rotation. The problem is that the material time
derivative of the Cauchy stress (iT) is not objective. We should write the
constitutive equation with an objective stress rate so that a rigid body motion
does not induce any deformation. In this section as well as in Sec. 14.8, we
define the notion of objectivity more precisely and give some examples.
14.7.1 Definition
detQ =1 (14.118)
II y+ - x+ 11 2 = (y - . Q(t) .(y -
X)T • Q(tf x) = II y - X 11 2
---..- 1
Q . QT is skew-symmetric (14.119)
A tensor Aij ... kAB ... c transforms objectively if under the transformation
(14.116) it transforms according to the folIowing rule:
Recall that lower case indices (ij ... k) are for the current configuration ilt
and upper case indices (AB··· C) are for the reference -fixed- configurat ion
ilo. Note that indices AB· .. C do not change, e.g. FiJ is objective if:
A "material" or" Lagmngian" object, Le. defined w.r.t. the reference configu-
ration (e.g., a tensor with components A IJ , alI upper case indices) transforms
objectively and is unaffected by transformation (14.116) (AiJ = AIJ ). Ex-
amples are the right Cauchy-Green strain e, the right stretch tensor U, the
Green-Lagrange strain eG , etc.
14.7.2 Examples
F+ = âx+ = Q. âx =Q .F (14.124)
âX âX
We can use this result to double-check that the right Cauchy-Green strain e
is objective:
!(l+ + l+T)
~ (~+Q'l.QT +~ +Q'lT.QT)
"2 Q . (l + l T ). QT (using the skew-symmetry result)
!(l+ _l+T)
~ (~+Q'l.QT _~ _Q'lT.QT)
Q . Q +"2 Q . (l -l ). Q (using the skew-symmetry result)
. T T
Q.Q +Q·w·Q
The extra term shows that the spin tensor w does not transform objectively.
n+ = Q . n; t+ = Q . t
Consequently, we have:
which means that the Cauchy stress is objective. Consequently, the Kirchhoff
stress T is also objective:
14.8 Objective stress rates 363
using Eq. (14.126). A useful implicat ion is that the second Piola-Kirchhoff
stress 8 (a "material" object) is objective, that is:
8+ =8 (14.129)
Using previously found results, the following final expres sion is found after
some algebraic manipulation:
Because of the presence of two extra terms, T does not transform objectively
(and neither does u). A practical consequence is that for constitutive models
which are defined in rate form (e.g., elasto-plasticity) we cannot use T or u
because a rigid body motion would generate strains.
We have seen in the previous section that the time derivatives of Kirchhoff
or Cauchy stresses are not objective. In this section, we shall examine a few
objective rates. For many more examples, see (Truesdell and Toupin, 1960).
14.8.1 Examples
Let 1] be a second order Eulerian tensor (e.g., the Cauchy stress u, the Kirch-
hoffstress T, etc.) which transforms objectively (Le., satisfies Eq. (14.121b)) .
.. J aumann rate
The Jaumann rate of 1] is defined by:
364 14. Nonlinear continuum mechanics
J .
11= 11 + 11 . w - w . 11 (14.131)
where w is the spin tensor. Let us show that the Jaumann rate is objective:
11 17+ + 11+ . w+ -
w+ '11+
T . T· T
Q·17·Q +Q·11·Q +Q·11·Q
+(Q '11' QT). (Q. QT + Q. w. QT)
_(Q. QT + Q. W. QT). (Q '11' QT)
Q . 17 . QT + Q . 11 . QT + Q
. 11 . QT + Q . 11 . (_QT . Q) . QT
+Q . 11 . w . Q - Q . 11 . Q - Q . w . 11 . Q T
T ' T
Q '17' QT + Q . 11 . w . QT - Q . w . 11 . QT
= Q'~'QT
The Jaumann stress rate is perhaps the one that is implemented the most
in finite element codes in conjunction with finite-strain elasto-plasticity, al-
though it has a number of shortcomings. For example, in metal plasticity with
kinematic hardening, Nagtegaal and de Jong (1981) have shown that the use
of Jaumann's rate leads to unacceptable oscillatory response in simple shear.
It Green-Naghdi-McInnis rate
This objective rate is defined by:
G. . T . T
11= 11 + 11' (R· R ) - (R· R )'11 (14.132)
where R is the rotation coming from the polar decomposition of the defor-
mation gradient.
Exercise: show that the rate thus defined is objective (hint: R+ = Q·R).
L .
1 '7" -7"'
IT (14.133)
14.8 Objective stress rates 365
= T· T
'R, . (- W) . ." . 'R, + 'R, . iJ . 'R, + 'R,T ·
. .". (W) . 'R,
'R,T . ( iJ+."·W-W·.,,
. . ) .'R,
The first law of thermodynamics (or balance of energy law) states that:
(the rate of kinetic energy) + (the rate of internal energy) =
(the power due to externalloads) + (the rate of heat)
This statement is translated as follows:
where p [kgjm 3] is the current mass density, {Vi} the spatial velocity field,
e [Jjkg] an internal energy per unit mass, {bi} [Njkg] the body force
field, {ti} [Njm 2 ] the field of surface (or traction) forces applied on 8/'i,t,
r [W jkg] a mass density of internal heat production due to external sources
such as inductive heating, and {qi} the heat flux vector through 8/'i,t. Using
(14.91), transport formula (14.68) with k = e and the divergence theorem,
Eq. (14.143) becomes:
pe=u:d(v)+pr-divq, in Dt (14.145)
Equation (14.145) enables the derivation of the heat equation (Sec. 12.11.5).
dt JK.t
r (!!..)T . n da,
r ps dv ~ JK.tr p!...T dv - J8K.t V/'i,t C Dt (14.146)
where s is the entropy per unit mass and T > O the absolute temperature.
Using transport formula (14.68) with k = s and the divergence theorem,
(14.146) becomes:
14.10 Further reading 367
'I/J = e - Ts (14.150)
where c is Hooke's operator and W the stored (or elastic or strain) energy
per unit volume. Similarly, in the nonlinear regime, a hyperelastic constitutive
model is derived from a function W(X, F(X, t)), which is a stored energy per
unit reference volume. It is a function of X, the position of a material partide
in the reference configuration, and F(X, t), the deformation gradient. When
there is no ambiguity, we will simply write W(F).
In linear elasticity, the stress and strain rates are related by iT = c : €.
Similarly, in the nonlinear regime, when an objective stress rate; is related
* a : d which cannot be derived
to the rate of deformat ion d via a relation T=
from a stored energy function, the material model is called hypoelastic.
. CJI.
W = Tijdji = SIJ-- = PiKFiK (15.1)
370 15. Non1inear elasticity
8W. T 8W
P iK = 8 F iK' l.e. P = 8F (15.3)
As in Sec. 14.7, consider a rigid body mot ion which is superposed on the
deformed configuration:
F+=Q.F (15.5)
When there is no ambiguity, we will simply write W(C). Time derivat ion of
W(C) and comparison with (15.1) implies that:
S=2 8W (15.8)
We can retrieve (15.8) from (15.3). FirstIy, we compute (8C j8F),
8CKL 8
8FiJ = 8FiJ (FjKFjL ) = ~ji~KJFjL + FjK~ji~LJ = ~KJFiL + FiK~LJ
SecondIy, using the chain ruIe, Eq. (15.9) and the symmetry of C, we obtain:
aw.1.e. P
PiJ = 2FiK acKJ ' = 2F·
ac (15.11)
and since P = F . S from Sec. 14.6, Eq. (15.8) is deduced. Also from Sec.
14.6, we have T = F· S . F T ; therefore the following stress-strain relations
can be derived from W(C) (O' being the Cauchy stress):
T = 2F . aw . F T . O' = ~ F . aw . F T (15.12)
ac ' J ac
A strain energy function satisfying material objectivity as explained and
from which the stress-strain relations are derived according to (15.3), (15.8),
(15.11) or (15.12) defines a so-called hyperelastic constitutive model.
We shall now establish relations between stress and strain rates. Time deriva-
tion of (15.8) gives:
T = (l . F) . S . F T + F . (C : C) . F T + F . S . (F T ·lT) (15.15)
where we have used a result from Sec. 14.4, il' = l . F, with l the velocity
gradient. Another result from Sec. 14.4, C = 2FT . d· F, allows to rewrite
(15.15) as:
T - l .T - T . lT = F . (C : F T . d . F) . F T (15.16)
The left-hand side of Eq. (15.16) is the Lie derivative of T, ~, which was
shown in Sec. 14.8.1 to be objective. The right-hand side can be rearranged
so that Eq. (15.16) is rewritten as:
T= c: d (15.17)
372 15. Nonlinear elasticity
We shall derive a reIat ion similar to (15.17) for the (objective) Jaumann stress
rate. We have:
~= T - T . wT - W .T =T- T . (IT - d) - (1 - d) . T =~ +T . d +d .T
Using Eq. (15.17), this can be written as:
T= a: d, where aijkl = Cijkl + OikTjl + OjlTik (15.20)
Actually, any objective stress rate can be written under the form (15.20a).
Now, if we consider a rate relation of the form (15.20a), it is not always
possible to find a stored energy function such that T is given by (15.12),
unless some compatibility conditions are satisfied. A constitutive model of
the form (15.20a) which cannot be derived from a strain energy function is
called hypoelastic. Hypoelasticity by itself is not a good constitutive theory,
for example hypoelastic models can generate non-zero dissipation in closed
cycles. The main use of hypoelastic theory is in conjunction with finite-strain
elasto-plasticity, as we shall see in Chap. 16.
Another useful elasticity tensor can be defined by taking the time deriva-
tive of Eq. (15.3):
. â âW .
PiK = âFjL (âFiK) FjL
, .
Using Eqs. (15.8-10) and (15.13), and after some algebraic manipulation, the
following useful relation is found:
Elasticity tensors play a key rale in the theory of linearization (Sec. 15.6).
15.1 Hyperelasticity and hypoelasticity 373
Since this term is zero, we can add it to the expression of IV, Eq. (15.2):
. âW. âh·
W = âFiK FiK - P âFiK FiK
âW (1
PiK = âFiK - pJ F- )Ki
Since Jaij = PiKFjK Irom Eq. (14.109), we find the Cauchy stress as:
1 âW
aij = J âFiK FjK - Pdij
= - F .-
âW . F T - pl (15.25)
J âC
It is seen that (T is made up of two terms. The first term is the Cauchy stress
that we would find if the material were compressible, the second term is an
additional hydrostatic pressure. The Lagrange multiplier p is not given by the
constitutive model but can be determined from solving the boundary value
problem together with the incompressibility constraint.
In the remainder of this chapter, we shall always consider compressible,
unconstrained materials, unless otherwise indicated. We shall return to the
issue of incompressibility in Sec. 15.7.
374 15. Nonlinear elasticity
1 2
Il = tr C, 12 = "2(11 -
tr C ), h = det C = J 2 (15.26)
The principal stretches (Al, A2' A3) are related to the principal invariants of
C by the following relations:
For the constitutive models which will be presented in this chapter, we will
find it useful to split the deformat ion gradient F according to the following
multiplicative decomposition:
It is seen that
- - -
Similarly, the "deviatoric" principal stretches Al, A2 and A3 are related to the
principal stretches Al, A2 and A3 by:
In this formulation, the stored energy function depends on the principal in-
variants II, 12 , 13 of c:
W(X,C) = W(X,lt,hI3) (15.34)
Using Eq. (15.8) and the chain rule, the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress 8 is
given by:
3 -
8=22: aWaIA
A=l aIA ac
The derivatives of IA w.r.t. Care easily found:
aII =1 aI2 aI3 _l
ac 'ac =I1 1-C, ac =I3C
Therefore, 8 is given by:
8 = 2(W,l + Il -W,2)1- 2W,2C
- --1
+ 2I3W,3C (15.36)
= 4acac = 2ac
w a8
Using Eqs. (15.35-36) and (15.38), the following expression for the material
elasticity tensor is found:
C nC- l ® C- l + r2 (1 ® C- l + C- l ® 1)
+ r 3(C ® C- l + C- l ® C) + r41 ® 1 + r s (1 ® C + C ® 1)
ac- l
+ r 6c ®C + r 7 1 - r 8 ac (15.40)
376 15. Nonlinear elasticity
Note that the expression of the stresses and elasticity operators which were
obtained are valid for any isotropic hyperelastic model formulated in principal
invariants. For a given model, one only needs to provide the first derivatives
of the stored energy function w.r.t. the principal invariants in order to com-
pute the stresses, and the second derivatives for the computation of elasticity
operators. This allows a neat design of computer software for this kind of
Constitutive models must observe some mathematical restrictions. For
instance, an undeformed state corresponds to F = 1, and therefore Il =
h = 3 and 13 = 1; the stresses computed for this state must be zero. For
other restrictions, see (Marsden and Hughes, 1983) and (Ogden, 1984).
Note that if one is only interested in the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress
S or the material elasticity tensor e, then the inverse of the right Cauchy-
Green strain C can be computed without having to invert C. Indeed, the
Cayley-Hamilton theorem gives:
where it is the first "deviatoric" principal invariant, G the shear modulus and
K a bulk modulus whose value is large compared to G. Other formulations of
a compressible neo-Hookean model exist in the literature, e.g. (Ogden, 1984):
- G K 2
W(Il,h13 ) = 2"(11 - 3 - 21nJ) + "2(J -1)
In order to compute the stresses, we need to compute the first derivatives of
W w.r.t. the principal invariants, and these are given by:
W ,1 = G2 r3 1 / 3 •, W ,2 = o·, W ,3 = _ G6 11 r3 4 / 3 + K2 (1 _ r3 1/ 2 ) (15.48)
From F = 1 + au / ax, one easily finds that for infinitesimal strains (€ being
the infinitesimal strain tensor),
J ~ 1 + tr €, b ~ 1 + 2€ (15.50)
When we neglect the product (tr €)dev e, we retrieve the constitutive stress-
strain relation of isotropic linear elasticity, which explains the name "neo-
Hookean" for the model studied here.
We now return to the finite strain case. In order to compute the spatial
elasticity operator, we need the second derivatives of W W.r.t. the principal
invariants, and these are given by:
= ~G1 r 7 / 3 + K4 r3
9 1 3
3/ 2 .
W __ G r
,13 - 6 3
4/ 3 .
- G
W = 2"(h - 3); J = 1 (15.52)
Equations (15.25, 37) show then that the Cauchy stress is given by:
where it and h are the first and second "deviatoric" principal invariants,
respectively, al and a2 are material parameters, and a is a penalty term
whose value is large compared to laII or la21.
The neo-Hookean model is a particular case of a Mooney-Rivlin model; it
corresponds to the following parameter values:
al = 2"; a2 = O; a =K
In order to compute the stresses, we need to compute the first derivatives of
W W.r.t. the principal invariants, and these are given by:
W,l al 13
W ,2 = a2 3
1- 2 / 3 ;
a l I 1- 4 / 3 2 1 1- 5 / 3 a( 1- 1 / 2 )
W,3 -3 l 3 - '3 a2 2 3 + '2 1- 3 (15.55)
The second derivatives of W w.r.t. the principal invariants are needed for the
spatial elasticity tensor; they are found to be:
W,33 4 1
gal 1 3
r 7/ 3 10 1 r
+ ga 2 2 3
8/ 3 ar
+ '4 3
3/ 2 .
W _
13 -
al r 4 / 3 .
-3 3 ,
2 -5/3 - - -
W,23 -'3a213 ; W,ll = W,22 = W,12 = O
In the incompressible case, the stored energy function of a Mooney-Rivlin
model is given by:
15.4 Isotropic hyperelasticity in principal stretches 379
15.4.1 Formulation
When there is no ambiguity, we will simply write W(AI, A2' A3)' The following
symmetry relations must hold:
For simplicity, we only consider the case of three distinct principal stretches
(Al i- A2 i- A3), for the other two cases (Al = A2 i- A3, and Al = A2 = A3)
we refer to (Simo and Taylor, 1991).
As shown in Sec. 15.8.3, if '11 is a second-order symmetric tensor with
eigenvalues (1]1,1]2,1]3) and -orthonormal- eigenvectors (e(1), e(2), e(3)), and h
is an isotropic function of '11, i.e. h(1]I, 1]2,1]3), then:
Two important implications are that '11 and 8h/8'11 are coaxial and commute:
8h 8h
'11'-=-''11 (15.60)
8'11 8'11
An application of Eq. (15.59) is:
1 8W
SA = - - - (no sum over A) (15.64)
We recall from Chap. 14 that the vectors n(A) == (I/AA)F· N(A) (no sum
over A) are orthonormal and are the eigenvectors of the left Cauchy-Green
strain b = F . F T . The push-forward reIat ion T = F . S . F T gives then the
following expression for the stresses T and u:
where ~1' ~2 and ~3 are the "deviatoric" principal stretches, Ci, mi, (i =
1, ... , N) are material-dependent parameters and a is a penalty parameter.
15.5 Examples of homogeneous deformations 381
For more informat ion about the model and the identification of its material
parameters, see (Ogden, 1984).
Since >:1>:2>:3
= 1, Eq. (15.69) can be rewritten as
W(X, AI, A2, A3) = L ~~ [>:~. + >:;n' + (>:1>:2)-m. - 3] + ~(J _1)2
i=l •
We now return to the general case. In order to compute the stresses, the first
derivatives of W w.r.t. the principal stretches are needed, and these are:
arctan 'Y
Fig. 15.1. Simple shear of a rectangular block
382 15. Nonlinear elasticity
The following matrix representations for the deformation gradient F, the left
Cauchy-Green strain b and b 2 easily follow:
Note that the deformat ion is isochoric (J = 1) and that the deformation
gradient can be written as:
where e2 is the normal to the slip plane and el is the slip direction in the slip
plane. The principal invariants 11 ,12 and 13 of the right or left Cauchy-Green
strain tensors are given by:
For any isotropic hyperelastic model, we have seen in the previous sections
that the Cauchy stress tensor is given by:
where /30, /31 and /32 are scalar functions of the principal invariants 11 ,12 and
13' For simple shear, the Cauchy stress matrix is:
It is seen that unlike the infinitesimal strain case, 0"11,0"22 and 0"33 do not
vanish in general. AIso, the following relation holds:
This is called a universal relation because it is valid for any isotropic hyper-
elastic model in simple shear. The stress vector on the top horizontal face is
given by:
Poynting effect). The same conclusion applies to the inclined facets. Consider
the right facet for instancej the normal and tangential directions are:
After some algebra, the stress vector on the facet is found to be:
(T T • n = ( 0"22 - "(
--20"12 ) n + 1
--20"128 (15.80)
1+"( 1+"(
We now apply apply the results to the neo-Hookean model. In the compress-
ible case, Eq. (15.49) gives:
On each horizontal facet, we need to apply a shear force (G"() and a pressure
(G"(2/3). We also need to apply shear and pressure forces on the inclined
faces according to Eq. (15.80).
For the incompressible neo-Hookean model, Eq. (15.53) gives:
The shear and pressure forces on the horizontal facets are (G"() and (G - p) j
on the inclined facets these forces are given by Eq. (15.80) as (G"( / (1 + "(2))
and (G/(l + "(2) - p), respectively.
Consider a circular cylindrical bar whose axis is aligned with el. A uniform
axial extension is defined by the following equations in a fixed Cartesian
The following matrix representations for the deformation gradient F, the left
Cauchy-Green strain b and b2 easily follow:
J = VIT 2
13 = AlA2i Il
= Al2 + ~i (2
12 = 2Al
J )J
+~ Al (15.85)
For the compressible neo-Hookean model, Eq. (15.49) gives the non-zero com-
ponents of the Cauchy stress as (alI shear stresses vanish):
2 -5/3 2 J
au = K(J - 1) + "3 GJ (Al - AI)i
a22 = a33 = K(J - 1) - -GJ (Al - -J)
-5/3 2
3 Al
IT a22 = a33 = O (simple tension), then:
One expects that in simple tension: au > O (tensile stress), Al > 1 and
increases, A2 < 1 and decreases. Equation (15.87b) then implies that G > O
and Eq. (15.87a) gives that J > 1 (increase in volume), since it is assumed
that K > O.
For an incompressible neo-Hookean model, it is found that:
au = GAl2 - Pi a22 = a33 = Al - Pi J = AlA22 = 1 (15.88)
G 2 1
P = Al i au = G(AI - Al) (15.89)
Note that the pressure P is now determined. The nominal stress Pu is re-
lated to the Cauchy stress by: auA = PuAo, and incompressibility implies
that Aolo = Al, where (A o, lo) and (A, l) designate the cross section area
and the axiallength in the initial and deformed configurations, respectively.
Therefore, the nominal stress is given by:
au 1
Pu = - = G(AI - 2")
Al Al
The stress-stretch relations au (Al)/G and Pu (Ad/G are shown in Fig. 15.2.
15.6 Linearization 385
>. 2.5
'"O 2
;.a 1.5
For the compressible neo-Hookean model, Eq. (15.49) gives the Cauchy stress:
a = K(J - 1)1; Le. aij = K(J - l)Oij (15.91)
This is a state of pure dilatation where the only material parameter which is
present is the bulk modulus K.
15.6 Linearization
Linearization plays an important role in the formulat ion and analysis of prob-
lems of solid and structural mechanics, where it is often viewed as "small
deformations superposed on finite deformation" (Green and Zerna, 1968).
Linearization is also important in computational mechanics, since a nonlin-
ear problem is replaced by a cascade of linear problems which are solved at
each iteration. In both instances, linearization needs to be properly defined
and carried out. For an intuitive introduction to the subject, see (Hughes
and Pister, 1978), for a more mathematical presentation, see (Marsden and
Hughes, 1983). Linearization may be defined as follows.
Consider infinite-dimensional spaces e and F, a continuously differen-
tiable ("Cl,,) mapping G : e --t F and elements x, u in e. The linear part
of Gat x is:
DG . u = L [G(a: + fU)] (15.93)
ut (f=O)
where A is the elasticity tensor defined in Eq. (15.21). The linear part ofthe
nominal stress pT is then:
L[pT] = pT + A: GRAD (dep) (15.102)
= J aXI
a (1JA KiLj a(d<pj)
aX m FmLFlK
- a Xl a Xm Uml
.!. . .a(d<Pj))
+ JC hm3 a Xm (15.106)
where c is the spatial elasticity tensor defined in Sec. 15.1.3. Using Eqs.
(15.104-106) and recalling the following relations from Chap. 14 between
densities and body forces in the reference and current configurations: Pa = pJ,
B(X, t) = b(x, t), the linearized equations of elasto-statics written w.r.t. the
current configurat ion are found to be:
where N is the unit outward normal to the reference surface an~F) . Equation
(15.109) corresponds to a dead load B.C. since the prescribed traction T
depends on the reference position X and not on the current position z. For
more general B.Cs., see (Ogden, 1984). An example of a B.C. which does
change with the deformation is pressure:
where n is the unit outward normal to the deformed surface anjF). Lin-
earization of a pressure B.C. is given in Sec. 15.8.2.
As in Chap. 2, we introduce the folIowing two sets:
We now define:
Find ifJ E U such that G( ifJ, ifJ*) = O for alI ifJ* E U* (15.113)
This is also known as the virtual work theorem (V.W.T.)j it is valid for any
constitutive model. Equivalence between strong and weak formulations can
be established by a procedure identical to that of Sec. 2.2. For a hyperelastic
15.6 Linearization 389
Assuming dead loads, the derivative of IIext(c/» at c/> in the direction oc/> is:
Consequently, the derivative of II(c/» at c/> in the direction oc/> is given by:
The stationarity condition DII . oc/> = O gives the weak formulat ion (15.114).
The question: "can II be minimized?" turns out to be a difficult onej for a
discussion see (Marsden and Hughes, 1983).
15.7.1 Fonnulation
Using Eqs. (15.94) and (15.96), the derivative of Fin the direction dep is:
1 âd<pj ) - -
DFiK . dep = (âdCPi
âXl -"3 âXj du FlKi i.e. DF· dep = dev (Vdep) . -F
p T _= âW __ 2âW .FT. _ 2- âW -T
âF âC ' (J' =. OF. âC . F
15.7 Mixed variational formulat ion 391
Using the chain rule and Eqs. (15.122, 124), the derivative of W in the di-
rection oI.{) is given by:
DW . oI.{) = -T -
P : (dev ('VOI.{)) . F) = (J(j: dev ('VOI.{)) (15.125)
Using Eqs. (15.125) and (15.96) the derivative of II in the direction oI.{) (writ-
ten w.r.t. the current configuration) is given by:
=L. [JO'+(p-
30JtrO')1] : 'V (ocp)dv-DIIext'ocp
A very interesting feature of the mixed variational formulat ion is that in a
computational framework, the constitutive routine does not change: F is sent
instead of F and the material model returns a "modified" Cauchy stress 0'.
The tensor II defined in Eq. (15.126) is often called "mixed" stress.
The derivative of F in the direction 00 is:
DP'K '00 = -F-K-
• • 30
Therefore, the derivative of W in the direction 00 is (using the chain rule and
Eqs. (15.124)):
-T -00 00
DW . 00 = P : F 30 = (tr 0')'3 (15.128)
Using Eq. (15.128), the derivative of II in the direction 00 (written w.r.t. the
current configuration) is given by:
DII· 00 = r
_Jl (~tr
O' - p)(oO) dv (15.129)
The first term involves the isochoric part F of the deformation gradient F
and the second term the volumetric part. The function ')'(x) (x > O) satisfies
the following conditions:
DC·80 1[~tr(lT)
ilo 3
- p + Ah/(O)](80) dV =O
DC·8A = ( h(O)(8A) dV =O (15.139)
15.8 Appendices
{ âYiK dV = { YiKNK dA
}I<.O âXK }81<.0
{ 1
YiK- (Eq. (14.95))
J FlKn, da
= { ~(.!.YiKFlK) dv
}I<., âXI J
{ ~(.!.YiKFlK)J dV
}I<.O âXI J
Since the equality holds VKO E Do, then:
âYiK â 1 1
âXK = J âXl C:J YiKFlK ), Le. DIV Y = Jdiv (JY. F T ) (15.140)
A pressure B.C. is such that an the deformed surface âDt, we have t = -pn.
We have seen in Sec. 14.5.9 that tda = TdA and nda = JF- T . NdA,
[7]] = 7]A{e(A)}{e(A)}T
After differentiation, multiplication with {ee B)V at the left, {e(C)} at the
right and use of the orthonormality conditions, the following result is ob-
In the basis (e(1), e( 2 ), e( 3 )) the left-hand side of the equation is simply [d7])BC
and the right-hand side can be simplified by using the orthonormality condi-
In the basis (e(l) , e(2) ,e(3»), the diagonal terms of (d"1) are (d1]l' d"72, d1]3). In
(81]A/8"1) the A-th diagonal term is equal to 1 and alI other terms are zero;
It is useful to notice that "1 and (8h/8"1) have the same eigenvectors and
8S/J =
8(3A M}1)
A=l 8CKL
+ (3A 8M}1)]
Exercise: Compute (âMiJ) jâCKL). Hint: use results of Sec. 15.8.3. Answer:
see (Simo and Taylor, 1991).
Using the previous results and the following notation:
where the expression of the fourth-order tensor c(II) (b) is given in (Simo and
Taylor, 1991)
Note that the expressions of PA and 1'AB become remarkably simple if we
introduce the principal logarithmic stretches defined as follows:
First, we motivate this basic assumption in lD. Consider the uniaxial tension
test of Chaps. 1 and 12 again, the stress-strain response is plotted in Fig.
16.1. In this test, a bar of uniform cross section is subjected to the uniaxial
1 Juan Carlos Simo (1952-1994), a native of Spain, made seminal contributions to
computational mechanics during his research career at University of California,
Berkeley and Stanford University, unt il his untimely death at the age of 42. 1
had the good fortune of working with him when he was a consultant for Centric
Engineering Systems, Inc.
398 16. Finite-strain elasto-plasticity
loading history: (O) --? (B) --? (C), during which the length of the bar
takes the following values: (lo) --? (l) --? (lp). Stage (O) --? (B) corresponds
to a monotonie loading beyond the elasticity domain, and (B) --? (C) to
elastic unloading. RecaB that (C) --? (B) is an elastic loading process. State
(C) corresponds to a stress-free, unloaded configuration. We can write the
following trivial identity:
where A = l/lo is the axial stretch at the end of (O) --? (B), Ae = l/lp can
be viewed as the stretch at the end of the elastic transformat ion (C) --? (B)
and Ap = lp/lo corresponds to the length ratio between states (O) and (C).
Equation (16.2) is the particularization of (16.1) to lD.
a(B) ~-----:::=-----
d: 'y'
stare (o()"Z-L) state (C)
Fig. 16.2. Illustration of the multiplicative decomposition of the deformat ion gra-
Similarly to the infinitesimal strain case (Chap. 12), we make hereafter some
basic assumptions in order to derive the constitutive equations of finite-strain
We assume the existence of a specific free energy per unit reference volume
'IjJ(b e , ~), where be is the elastic left Cauchy-Green strain:
and ~ an internal variable (only a single scalar variable is assumed for sim-
plicity). An elastic domain is defined by the following yield criterion:
f(T,q) ~ O, (16.4)
where d is the rate of deformation tensor (i.e. the symmetric part of the
velocity gradient 1). We recall the following relations from Sec. 14.4:
where b e is the Lie derivative of be (see Sect. 14.8.1).
An important result which was proven in Sect. 15.8.3 is that sinee 'Ij; is
an isotropic function of be , then (â'lj; / âb e) and be commute:
â'lj; . be = be . â'lj;
âbe âb e
Consequently, and after some manipulation, the folIowing identities are found:
tr (â'lj; . be .
âb e
fi .be- 1)
Substitution of the last two identities into the ehain rule expression of (d'lj; / dt)
Plugging this expression into (16.5), it appears that the dissipation V ean be
written as folIows:
Sinee the inequality must hold for alI admissible proeesses, a standard ar-
gument which was mentioned in Sec. 12.11.2 gives the folIowing equation of
16.1 First theory 401
The dissipation then takes the following reduced form (with q == â'ljJ / â~):
402 16. Finite-strain elasto-plasticity
e 2 â~ dE~ )
f3A = 2(AA) âE~ d(A~)2 (no sum
Le. (16.18)
Similarly to the infinitesimal strain theory (Sect. 12.6), the flow rules can
be derived from Hill's maximum dissipation principle which can be stated as
Let 5 designate the elasticity domain, a set of admissible states of Kirch-
hoff stress T and hardening stress q:
Using Eq. (16.12) and following the same procedure as in Sect. 12.6, it is
found that the solution to this optimization problem is given by:
1 bIe bc - _ 1 â f( )
-"2' - .
'Y âT T,q
. â
~ = -"y-f(T,q)
"y~0, f(T,q)~O, "yf(T,q) =0 (16.21)
16.1 First theory 403
Equation (16.21a) is the plastic ftow rule, Le. the finite strain counterpart of
the well-known infinitesimal rule: €'1' = "raf/ar. In order to illustrate this
point, we shall prove the following result:
~ (In J1') = tr ("r ~~); with J1' =:: det F1' (16.22)
Consequently, we obtain:
Now since J =:: det F = Je J1' and j = Jtr d (Eq. (14.66)), we have:
-(lnJP) d-.1af)
= -j - -je = tr (d) -tr ( -
& J P ~
Therefore, we have proven Eq. (16.22). Finally, using Eqs. (16.7-8), the flow
rule (16.21a) can be written in the material description as follows:
T af
N=::F . ar ·F,
being interpreted as the pull-back to the reference configurat ion of the normal
(af Jar) to the yield surface.
404 16. Finite-strain elasto-plasticity
b~ tr = F t . C~-1 . Fi (16.24)
The trial Kirchhoff stress T~r is then computed from the constitutive equa-
tions (16.11) or (16.14), (16.18). If the trial state verifies the yield condition
f( T~r, qn) ::; O, then the computation for this time step is completed, other-
wise plastic flow has occurred and the elastic predictor has to be corrected
as will be explained later.
Before dos ing this subsection, we report an alternative expression of b~ tr
which will be useful later. Equations (16.24, 1) imply that:
where the notations are those of Chap. 14, i.e. X is the position vector of a
partide in the reference configurat ion and Xt and Xn those in the deformed
configurations at times t and tn, respectively.
For infinitesimal strains (Chap. 12), we used a backward Euler time dis-
cretization of the flow rule. For finite strains, Simo uses an exponential ap-
proximation. RecaB that the solution of the first order linear problem:
is given by:
z(t) = exp[(t - tn)Al . zn
Based on this result, Simo's exponential approximation to the flow mIe
(16.23) within the time interval [tn, tl c [tn, tn+ll is the following:
- p-l
Ct = exp( -2..11'tCi 1 . Nt}
- -1
. CP n (16.27)
16.1 First theory 405
F· exp(A) . F- 1 = exp(F· A· F- 1 )
together with the expression of N, the discretized flow rule (16.28) can be
written under the following simple form:
Following Simo, we now show that the algorithm has two nice properties,
which are the exact preservation of the constraint det(bD > O and of the
plastic volume. The proof for the first property proceeds as follows.
Applying the well-known result (e.g., (Gurtin, 1981))
det[exp(A)] = exp[tr(A)]
Assuming that det(b~) > 0, we have det(b~ tr) > O. Consequently, it is seen
that det(b;) > 0, Vt E [t n , tn+l]'
We shall now prove that the algorithm preserves plastic volume for pres-
sure insensitive yield criteria. Using the following identities
From the uniqueness of the spectral decomposition, it is concluded that:
The important implicat ion is that the eigenvectors n~A) of the elastic left
Cauchy-Green strain b~ coincide with those (n!r (A») of the trial guess b~ tr.
Taking the logarithm on both sides of Eq. (16.32b) and using array nota-
tion (16.17), we obtain:
e t = et
e tr A âÎ(a
- Ll'Yt â{3 tit' qt
) (16.33)
This reiat ion shows that the finite strain algorithm is form-identical to that
of the infinitesimal strain case (Chap. 12) with ee designating the principal
elastic logarithmic stretches in the former case and the infinitesimal elastic
strains in the latter.
16.1 First theory 407
8e e 'l/J(e~+1' ~n+1),
8 h
8~ 'l/J(e~+1' ~n+1),
~n -.::1')' 8q!({3n+1,qn+1)
= O (16.34)
Formally, there are 9 scalar unknowns and 9 scalar equations. In practice
however, the problem can be greatly simplified. For instance, it will be shown
in Sect. 16.1.10 that for h plasticity and a free energy function which is
quadratic in terms of the principallogarithmic elastic stretches, the problem
is reduced to solving one scalar equation for a single scalar unknown.
M(A) = _l_ N
- (AA)2
(A) ® N(A)
meA) = neA) iO.
we have seen in Sect. 15.8.4 that for the principal stretch formulation of
isotropic hyperelasticity, the spatial elasticity tensor is given in component
form as follows:
where the term 8Mi1 l /8CK L is computed in (Simo and Taylor, 1991). In
tensor notation, Eq. (16.37) can be rewritten as follows:
408 16. Finite-strain elasto-plasticity
where the expression of the fourth-order tensor c(II)(b) is given in (Simo and
Taylor, 1991).
It is important to keep in mind that expressions (16.37-38) were obtained
for an elastic material, thus n(A) and N(A) are the principal directions of
the totalleft and right Cauchy-Green strains b and C, respectively, and .hA
are the total principal stretches. The derivation of an expression for c for an
elasto-plastic material relies on the following observations:
- (i) In general, the directions of be and b or CP and C do not coincide,
but incrementally, time-discretization (16.27) implicitly assumes that the
incremental permanent strain is collinear with the current stresses and
therefore with the current elastic strains (and recall that b~+1 is collinear
with be tr).
- (ii) The algorithm defines the principal Kirchhoffstresses (lA as an implicit
function of the trial elastic logarithmic strains fir.
- (iii) In the trial state, the intermediate (unloaded) configurat ion is held
fixed (modulo a rigid rotation) and no plastic flow is assumed to occur
during the time interval [t n , t n+1], thus fÎJtr are function of the total de-
With these observations, the derivation of the tangent operator c proceeds
along the same lines as for elastic materials, and an algebra similar to that of
Sec. 15.8.4 leads to the following generalizat ion of Eq. (16.38) to the elasto-
plastic case:
L::: L::: a'1B mtr (A) ® m tr (B) + 2 L::: (lA (n+1)c(Il)(b e tr),
3 3 3
C = (16.39)
A=lB=l A=l
_ ( â(lA )
a AB = âf e tr n+ 1
find a solution at t n +1' At a given quadrature point, the data is: F n, F n+b
e~, ~n and the material parameters. The problem is to compute 7"n+1, e~+1'
~n+1 and e n +1' The algorithm proceeds as follows.
AA tr , (A = 1,2,3)
- (4) Compute the trial principal elastic logarithmic stretches at t n +1:
tA tr = In(AA tr ), (A = 1,2,3)
- (5) Compute the trial principal Kirchhoff stresses at t n +1:
f3Atr -- ~.Î.(te
8 e 'P 1 tr , te2 tr , te3 tr , <"n
C )
If the answer is yes, skip step (7) and proceed directly to step (8). Other-
wise, go to step (7).
- (7) Return mapping algorithm to compute: /3n+1' €~+1 and ~n+1' See Eqs.
(16.34) for the general case and Sec. 16.1.10 for the particular case of a
quadratic logarithmic free energy model and h flow theory.
- (8) Compute (3 x 3) elasto-plastic tangent matrix:
a n+ 1 = (8/3)
8e e tr n+l
C -
n+1 - "
~ ~
a AB (n+1) m
tr (A) /O>,
m tr (B) + 2"
f3 A (n+l) c(1I)(b e tr)
A=lB=l A=l
€n+1 = '12 (P
C n+1 - 1)
down to the simple radial return algorithm 01 the injinitesimal strain case
(Chap. 12). The stress-strain relations (16.18) give:
(3A = (~ - 3G)(tr ee) + 2Gt:Â (16.43)
relations (16.43) can be written under the following matrix forms which are
lorm-identical to linear elasticity in principal stresses and strains,
where (Jy is the initial yield stress (a material parameter) and J2 (r) the von
Mises equivalent stress defined by ({3 A being the principal values of r):
J2 [((31 -
""2 (32) 2 + ((32 - (33) 2 + ((33 - (3d 2]1/2
= Ildev ({3)11 (16.48)
where dev (.) designates the deviatoric part of (.). It was already established
in Chap. 12 that:
âi (r,~) = ~ dev (r)
âr 2 J2(r)
This result carries on as is to the principal values {3A of r:
_ âÎ 3 dev ({3)
v({3) = â{3 ({3, €) = 211dev ({3) II (16.49)
412 16. Finite-strain elasto-plasticity
By comparison with Sect. 12.10.2, it is clear that the return mapping algo-
rithm in finite strains is identical to the classical radial return algorithm of
the infinitesimal strain case. The results of Sect. 12.10.2 can be used as they
are, with one further simplification: 3 x 1 arrays for {3, ee, etc., can be used
instead of 6 x 1 arrays, and 3 x 3 tangent matrices are computed instead of
6 x 6. Application of the algorithm of Sec. 12.10.2 shows for instance that
the normals to the yield surface at trial and final states are identical:
and the plastic correction phase is reduced to solving one scalar equation
with the sole unknown ~n+1:
This equation can be solved iteratively as explained in Sect 12.10.2, and once
the iterations have converged, the final solution at t n +1 can be updated as
where €, Ee and €p are the total, elastic and plastic strain tensors, respectively,
(Tis the stress tensor and c Hooke's operator. In rate form, we have:
where d, de and ~ are the total, elastic and plastic rate of deformation ten-
sors, respectively and ;. is an objective rate of the Kirchhoff stress tensor r
(see Sec. 14.8). It appears that this formulat ion is based on an additive split
of the rate of deformation into elastic and plastic parts, Eq. (16.59a), and
on hypoelasticity, Eq. (16.59b). This formulation is widely used in numerical
analysis, although -as alluded to in Sect. 15.1.3- it is objectionable on fun-
damental grounds (and to make matters worse, the elasticity operator c in
Eq. (16.59b) is usually taken to be the constant Hooke's operator of linear
elasticity). From a practical point of view however, experience shows that for
monotonie loadings, hyperelastic- and hypoelastic-based formulations basi-
cally lead to the same results.
We recall hereafter some results from Sec. 14.8.2. We designate by TI a
symmetric second order Eulerian tensor (e.g., r) and consider objective rates
ofthe form:
414 16. Finite-strain elasto-plasticity
d~p = (RqrRmr) (RptRst)d=m
ISmq ISop
dR = 18T'R,
'8 - f(T'R"q); ~ = -1' 88 f(T'R"q)
l' > O if f = O aud j = O;
l' = O if f < O or f = O and j < O (16.68)
Note that for isotropic materials: C'R, = c, and for anisotropic materials, the
rotation of C -Eq. (16.65)- can be be written under the following 6 x 6 matrix
format (see Appendix C):
Finally, note that for J2 elastoplasticity, f(T'R"q) = f(T,q).
16.2 Second theory 415
416 16. Finite-strain elasto-plasticity
G - â(ZnH - Zn). âX _ (F _ F ). F- 1
a - âX â - n+l n n+a
From Eqs. (16.80-81), the following relations are deduced:
16.2 Second theory 417
1 T _ 8(Zn+l - zn)
dn+l/2Llt = -2 (G1/ 2 + G 1 / 2); G 1/ 2 = ---'-8~"::""-----'-:":" (16.83)
For the Green-Naghdi-Mclnnis objective stress rate (Sec. 14.8.1), the rotation
'R,coincides with R, the polar decomposition rotation defined by: F = R·U,
where U is the right stretch tensor. In the forthcoming developments, au
algorithm for the computation of R is presented. The algorithm is also useful
when R is needed for other purposes or when U is needed in order to define
various strain measures as in (Ogden, 1984).
The principal values (A~, A~, A~) of C = F T . F can be computed in closed
form using Cardau's formulae (see Appendix B). The principal directions
(N(l), N(2), N(3)) of C form an orthonormal basis, aud as noted in Sect.
15.4.1, their tensor products can be computed in closed form as follows:
eigenvalues are (Al, A2' A3) (the principal stretches). Consequently, U can be
computed from its spectral decomposition as folIows:
~ (C - Ai:,t) . (C - A~t)
U = L..J AA (A2 _ A2 )(A2 _ A2) , Al f; A2 f; A3, (16.84)
This result is valid when alI three s"retches are different. When two of them
coincide (Al = A2 f; A3), the spectral decomposition of U becomes (e.g.,
(Gurtin, 1981)):
U = Alt + (A3 - Al )N(3) ® N(3)
A similar expression for C allows to compute N(3) ® N(3):
When alI three principal stretches are equal, U is simply given by:
U = Alt, Al = A2 = A3 (16.86)
Remarkably, it is shown in (Hoger and Carlson, 1984) and (Ting, 1985)
that alI three cases (16.84-86) can be combined into a unique, singularity-free
where (it, i 2 , i 3 ) are the principal invariants of U which are computed from
the principal stretches as folIows (see Sec. 15.2):
The folIowing result, which is easily obtained after some algebraic manipu-
lation, allows to check that the expression of U given by (16.87) is indeed
i l i 2 - i 3 = (Al + A2)(A2 + A3)(A3 + At) > O (16.89)
Using the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, the inverse of U is given by:
U- l = ~(C
- ilU + i 2 t) (16.90)
where w is called the axial vector of W. It can be checked that the following
property is satisfied for any vector u:
W·u=wxu (16.95)
420 16. Finite-strain elasto-plasticity
16.2.6 Summary
We summarize hereafter the different algorithmic steps for the numerical
implementat ion of finite strain elasto-plasticity formulated in rate form. For
a time interval [tn, t n+11 and a given quadrature point, the data is: F n, F n+1,
'R. n , T n , constitutive history variables at tn (e.g. ~n) and material parameters.
The problem is to compute T n+1, 'R. n+1, history variables such as ~nH and
the tangent operator C~~l' The step-by-step procedure is given below for the
integration parameter a = 1/2.
- (1) Compute the rotations 'R.n+1 and 'R.nH / 2 ; see Sect. 16.2.3 if 'R. = R
and 16.2.4 if not.
- (2) Compute the strain increment dnH / 2Llt; see summary after Eq.
- (3) Compute the rotated strain increment:
T'R. (n) = 'R.~ . T n ' 'R.n ; T'R. (n+1) = 'R.~+1 . T n+1 . 'R.n+1
- (5) Compute C'R, (n+1/2)' the rotated Hooke's operator at t n+1/2' If the
material is isotropic, then C'R, = c, otherwise, the transformation is given
by Eq. (16.65), which can be written under the following 6 x 6 matrix
format (see Appendix C):
and the other discretized relations in the rotated configurat ion (Sect.
16.2.1). In this rotated format, the equations and the algorithm are iden-
tical ta those for infinitesimal elasto-plasticity. The trial (rotated) stress is
defined by:
- (7) Rotate back the stresses and elasto-plastic tangent at t n+1 (also non-
scalar history variables if they exist):
We shall show hereafter that the algorithms for the computation of the strain
and stress increments obey the notion of incremental objectivity, which was
formalized by Hughes and Winget (1980) and which means that under a
rigid body motion, the strain increment must vanish and spurious stresses
are preduded. Consider a rigid body mot ion defined over a time interval
[t n , t n +11 by:
X n +l = c + Q . X n ,
Q. QT = QT . Q = 1; det Q =1
The deformation gradient at t n +1 is:
F n +1 =Q·Fn ,
Le., T transforms objectively under a rigid body motion. Consider the case
'R. = R. Since F n+1 = Q . F n and U n+1 = U, we have: Rn+1 = Q . Rn.
Substituting in (16.104) and using the fact that Rn is proper orthogonal,
(16.105) immediately follows.
17. Cyclic plasticity
" time
is 2(uy + R), where Uy is the initial yield stress and R the hardening stress.
Figure 17.2 shows that the center Oi of the yield segment is not situated on
the fll-axis; in other words the yield segment is not symmetrical w.r.t. the
fl1-axis. This cannot be predicted with an isotropic hardening model alone;
that is why a new variable X l1 -the kinematic hardening stress- which mea-
sures the translation of the center Oi of the yield segment along the Ul1-axis
is introduced; see Fig. 17.2. From that figure, the values of X l l and the ac-
424 17. eyctic plasticity
cumulated plastic strain p can be measured for each cyclej thus experimental
data points (p, X n ) are available. The following rate model was proposed:
Xu = (a - bXu)p, (17.1)
Fig. 11.3. uniaxial kinematic hardening stress, Xll, versus accumulated plastic
strain, p. Identification of material parameters a and b.
The scalar variable r models isotropic hardening and the strain-like tensor
n models kinematic hardening. The scalar variable R measures the radius of
the yield surface in the space of deviatoric stresses while the so-called back
stress X measures the translation of the center of that surface in the same
space. A specific free energy is defined by:
3 ] 1/2
J2 (0"-X)= [ 2(S-X):(s-X) , (17.9)
with s being the deviatoric part of the stress O" (the tensor X is deviatoric).
It can be checked that for a uniaxial stress state,
[a] = (
O O)
O O , [X] =
( X 11
O (17.10)
O O O _.Ku.
17.2 Three-dimensional model 427
.P _ . âF ._ . âF. . âF
€ - "( âu' r - -"( âR' o: = -"( âX' (17.11)
F(u,R,X) = l(u,R,X) + -X: X (17.13)
The fiow rules (17.11) now give:
. âl .3 (8 - X)
"( âu = "(2 Jz(u - X)'
. âl .
-"( âR = "(,
Now, using (17.7 c) and the definit ion of the accumulated plastic strain rate
So, it appears that the internal variable r which models isotropic hardening
is the accumulated plastic strain p. Also, (17.15b) is the generalizat ion of
(17.1) from 1D to 3D.
In summary, the model is described by the following set of equations:
u E: (€ - €P),
I J2 (u - X) - R(p) - ay :S 0,
i:P pN,
X ai: P - bXp,
P > 0, p! = 0, pj = 0, (17.16)
Using the chain rule and equations of state (17.6), the inequality becomes:
u : i'P - Rf - X : it 2 O,
or, using flow rules (17.14),
u: N - R - X: (N - -X) 2 O
After some algebraic manipulation, this requirement takes the simple form:
ay + -X: X 2 O, (17.19)
h = 3G + -dR
+ -a -
bN : X (17.23)
We consider the case of plastic loading. With the previous results and nota-
tions, we have:
p= iT = E : (i=. - pN) (17.26)
430 17. Cyclic plasticity
h* = ~: + ~a - bN : X (17.29)
Using lemma (1.1) and Eqs. (17.24,27), it appears that the tangent operator
H is invertible if and only if h* =f. O (if b = O, this is always the case). The
inverse of H is given by:
Exercise: Retrieve the results of Secs. 17.4 to 17.6 by directly applying the
notations and results of Sec. 12.12.
AlI other 'plastic' variables are equal to their values at tn. IT this trial state
does not satisfy the yield condition f ::; O, then the solution at t n +1 has to
satisfy the following system where the backward Euler scheme was used to
integrate the rate constitutive relations:
3 {3
N = 2 J2 ({3) , with {3 == 8 - X
k a_ tr 2GN d. (X n + aN d.p) = O
fJ 8 + P+ 1 + bd.p ,
f J2 ({3) - R(P) - ay = O (17.33)
aN N N)
â{3 = J2 1({3) (3[deV
2 - ®
I dev == 1 - -1 ® 1,
with 1 and 1 the fourth and second-order identity tensors, respectively. Since
3 aN
N: N = 2' and N: a{3 = O, (17.36)
h alg - 3G dR 1 (3 bN . X ) (17.38)
= + dp + (1 + bd.p)2 2a - . n
432 17. Cyclic plasticity
We shall now prove that the correction for {3 can also be found explicitly.
Using the fact that c{3 is deviatoric, together with (17.35), Eq. (17.34a) can
be rewritten as folIows:
aN -bXn ]
B : c{3 = -k - [2GN + (1 + bLlp)2 cp , (17.39)
- (1
B = + -g)1
2 - gN ® N (17.40)
a ) Llp (17.41)
9 == ( 2G + 1 + bLlp J2({3)
Using lemma (1.1), it is found that B is invertible if and only if 1 + (3/2)g i:-
O (which is always verified by an acceptable iterative approximation). The
inverse of B is given by:
-1 1
B = 1 + (3/2)g (1 + gN ® N) (17.42)
We remark that the corrections over the elastic predictor have very simple ex-
pressions. Since for this trial state we have Llp = O and k = O, the corrections
cp = h tr ; c{3 = -(2G + a)Ntrc p + bXncp
For linear kinematic hardening (b = O), expressions (17.37, 43) become very
c{3 = -1+(3/2)g[k+ g (N:k)Nj-(2G+a)Nc p (17.44)
9 = J2({3) (Llp)
Llt:P = NLlp
X = 1+
~Llp (X n + aLlt: P )
u = ţj + X + '3tr(utr)l (17.45)
where h alg is given by (17.38). IT Llp ~ O then h alg ~ hand we retrieve the
expres sion ofthe plastic multiplier p given by (17.22). From Eq. (17.46a), the
following relation is derived:
tr(8f3) = O (17.48)
434 17. Cyclic plasticity
r = - [2G N
B : uf3 + aN - bX n] r G de" : ue,
(1 + bL1p)2 up + 2 1
r (17.49)
X= l+bL1p(Xn +aNL1p),
Using the expressions of 8X, 8f3 and 8p, an explicit expression of the consis-
tent tangent operator is obtained:
Halg = H _ (Llp)(2G)2 aN
[1 + (3/2)g] a/3
This simple and explicit reiat ion clearly shows that w.r.t. the continuum case,
there is an extra-term which depends on the finite plasticity increment (Llp)
and the curvature of the yield surface:
4 -
p p
,1;; • .1
Fig. 17.4. Notched bar under cyclic loading: mesh and boundary conditions.
Numbers (8,12, ... ,32) indicated in Fig. 17.6 correspond to the cumulative
numbers of time steps used in the simulation. Figure 17.7 illustrates the
time evolution of stress, strain and kinematic stress components at the point
436 17. Cyclic plasticity
Fig. 11.5. Notched bar under cyclic loading: zoom showing the mesh and boundary
conditions at the root of the notch.
O.L-..............................~..............................JL..............................~.........................~t. .
Fig. 11.6. Notched bar under cyclic loading: bending load VS. time.
17.9 Numerical simulation 437
marked M in Fig. 17.5, in the vicinity of the root of the notch. Because of
the nonlinear (the b-) term in the evolution law (17.16d) of the kinematic
hardening, the mean value of X tends to vanish cyclically (Fig. 17.7b), so
that the stress-strain loops tend to stabilize with a zero mean stress value
(Fig. 17.7a).
438 17. Cyclic plasticity
Fig. 17.7. Notched bar under cyclic loading: (a) U yy vs. Eyy stress-strain loops at
the point M in Fig. 17.5 and (b) time evolution of kinematic hardening components
Xxx, X yy and Xzz at point M.
18. Damage mechanics
In damage mechanics, the constitutive equations take into account the pro-
gressive deterioration of a material via an internal variable called damage.
The latter is a macroscopic measure of the microscopic degradat ion of a repre-
sentative volume element (RVE). The ultimate phase of the damage evolution
is detected by a local criterion and corresponds to the failure of the RVE,
and hence to a macro-crack initiation. The spatial evolution of a completely
damaged zone corresponds to to macro-crack propagation.
In this chapter, we use a definit ion of 'damage' which was initially pro-
posed by Kachanov in 1958 and Rabotnov in 1968, and further developed and
popularized by Chaboche, Hult, Leckie, Lemaitre, Kraczinovic and others in
the 1970's, and many more researchers since. See Sec. 18.11 for references.
Suppose that a RVE is an elementary parallelepiped depicted in Fig. 18.1,
and consider a facet of outward unit normal (n). A measure of 'damage' on
the facet is given by a scalar D(n) defined as follows:
D(n) == Ao' (18.1)
where Ao is the total area of the facet and AD the flaws (or damaged) area.
We shall assume that damage is 'isotropic', i.e. the damaged state of a RVE
is measured by a single scalar variable (D),
Equation (18.1) shows that D E [0,1] and that the extreme values of the
damage variable are D = O for the sound material (A v = O) and D = 1 for
a RVE with null stress-carrying capability (A v = Ao). One method which is
Ao n
D(n) = -t-
Fig. 18.1. Definition of damage, D(n) = AD/Ao, on a facet with outward unit
normal nj Ao: total area, AD: flaws area.
D = 1- E v , (18.3)
where Eo and Ev are Young's moduli for the sane and damaged material,
respectively. Equation (18.3) shows that damage can be measured from load-
ing/unloading tests in a uniaxial tension experiment, as illustrated in Fig.
18.2. The figure also shows that the stress Uu is related to the elastic strain
lOII by:
Note that because (D) is not constant, the relation between stress and elastic
strain is not linear. Designating the tensile force by (F), a so-ca1led eJjective
stress, uu, is defined as the force divided by the resisting area of the cross
_ F Uu
au == Ao - Av = 1- D'
where au = F/Ao is the true (Cauchy) stress. Equation (18.4) shows that
the effective stress is linearly related to the elastic strain:
The following evolution law for ductile damage was proposed by Lemaitre
18.1 Damage variable 441
Fig. 18.2. Identification of damage, D = 1- (ED / Eo), by the decrease in stiffness;
Eo and ED: initial and damaged Young's moduli, respectively.
and Chaboche:
. y
D = - <jJ > if p ~ PD and D ~ Dc,
iJ =0 otherwise, (18.7)
where < • > designates the positi ve part of (• ), (P) is the accumulated plastic
strain, (PD) a damage threshold which can be related to the energy stored
in the material (Lemaitre and Doghri, 1994), (Dc) a critical damage value,
(So) a material parameter and (Y) designates the strain energy release rate.
It will be shown in Sec. 18.2 that (Y) has the following expression:
Y= _1_ [h(U)] R
2Eo 1- D
with R V =3(1+v)+3(1-2v) [ UH ]
J2 (u) ,
The variation of the damage (D) versus the plastic strain (fiI) is plotted in
Fig. 18.3.
442 18. Damage mechanics
Fig. 18.3. Variat ion of the damage (D) versus the plastic strain (Eid in uniaxial
tensionj PD: damage threshold, De: critical damage.
(u,R, X, -Y)
As in Chap. 17, the scalar variable r models isotropic hardening and the
strain-like tensor a models kinematic hardening. The scalar variable R mea-
sures the radius of the yield surface in the space of deviatoric stresses while
the back stress X measures the translation of the center of that surface in the
same space. The internal variable D models the damage, which is assumed
to be 'isotropic'; its associated variable is denoted by Y.
A specific free energy, 1{;(ee, V), is defined by:
p1{;(ee, r, a, D) = -ee:
(1 - D)Eo : ee + -a
2 o
a : a + T R(~)d~ (18.11)
18.2 Three-dimensional constitutive model 443
where (Eo) is Hooke's operator of the sound material and (a) a material
parameter. The equations of state read:
81/1 81/1
O"=p-' A=p- (18.12)
8e e ' 8V
Using (18.10,11), the following expressions are obtained:
The evolution laws for the plastic strain and the internal variables are derived
from a plastic potential, F(O",A; V), using the generalized normality rules:
'p .8F· 8F
e = 'Y 80"'
V = -t 8A ' (18.16)
t ~ 0, ti = 0, tj = ° (18.17)
The plastic potential is chosen as:
F(O",R,X, Y;D) = i(O",R,X;D) + 2aX : X + FD(Y;D) (18.18)
t -
1_D N ,
i- t,
a = t(N- - -X),
b 'Y 8Y
444 18. Damage mechanics
- --
Note that eP , N and X are deviatoric. Since N : N = 3/2, it is easily shown
that the accumulated plastic strain rate p is related to l' and r by:
= 2Go(! - 31 ® 1} + 11:01 ® 1, Eo
1 Eo
Eo G o = 2(1 + v)' 11:0 = 3(1 - 2/1)
where (/, 1) are the fourth and second-order identity tensors, respectively,
and (Eo, /1) Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio ofthe undamaged material,
respectively. Using Eqs. (18.13d, 26) it can be shown that the expression of
(Y) is that given by (18.8). c
18.3 Dissipation inequality 445
(see Sec. 14.9.3):
(T : i: - P 'I/J(ee, V) ~O
Using the chain rule and equations of state (18.12), the inequality becomes:
(T : i:P - A. 11 ~ O, Le
(T : i:P - Rf - X : it + Y D ~ O
Using flow rules (18.20), and after some algebraic manipulation, this require-
ment takes the simple form:
b 8FD
ay + -;;; X :X +Y 8Y ~ O, (18.27)
dR 3 - )
h == 3Go + (1 - D) ( dr +"2a - bN : X (18.29)
. r 2GoN: i:
P=l-D= h (18.30)
For classical models, E is Hooke's operator, but for the model considered
here, E is the elasticity tensor of the damaged material. Equation (18.31)
also shows that in uniaxial tension, we have: D = 1 - (EIEo), Le. the dam-
age variable can be measured by the decay of Young's modulus.
1 ( 2GoN
H = (I-D) [ Eo - h - 8Y ~)
+ 8FD (J'
- ]
® (2GoN) (18.32)
Due to the coupling with damage, H is not symmetric. Note that H can be
written in the following form:
H = E - - (E : a) ® (b : E) (18.33)
and (18.34)
With the notations and results of Secs. 18.4 and 18.5, we obtain:
h * =b-
: ir ir : i: P
-=-- (18.37)
P pr
18.7 Closed-form solutions for loadings with constant triaxiality 447
h* = (1 - D) ( -
3 -
+ -a - ) âFv-
bN . X - - N . ii (18.38)
dr 2 . âY·
(1 - D)D =~ 2 (
1+ -R)2 Rllr (18.39)
2&Bo ay
As proved in Sec. 18.6, the plastic tangent operator, H, becomes singular
when the hardening modulus h* is zero. This was also found to be a condition
for softening for the model under consideration. Using the expressions of Fv,
N and h, reIat ion (18.38) becomes:
h* = (I-D)~~ - (1 ~ D) ~ J2 (u)
Using Eq. (18.8a) and the yield condition again, the expression of h* becomes:
h* = (1 _ D) dR _ 1 (R + uy )3 RII (18.40)
dr (1 - D) 2EoBo
This can be rewritten, using the damage evolution equation (18.39) as follows:
h* dR
= (1- D)- - dD
(R+ay)- (18.41)
dr dr
448 18. Damage mechanics
Taking the derivative of J2 (0") w.r.t. r in the yield condition and substituting
in Eq. (18.41), one finds:
(1 - D)
=1 - CTy
- 2- -
3EoSo k
[ (1 + -r k)3 - 1] Rv
Figure 18.4 shows the evolution of (D), as a function of (r). From Eq. (18.43),
it is deduced that for a given (r), the value of (D) is higher for a Iar ger value
of (Rv ). This is illustrated in Fig. 18.4 which shows that for a given (r), a
tension test is more damaging than a shear test. Taking the derivative of (D)
w.r.t. (r), one finds:
dD _
dr -
1 CT}
(1 _ D) 2EoSo
r Rv > O
dD a2
a;:(O) = 2E;So Rv
The slope of (D) is infinite for (D = 1), and corresponds to the following
failure value of (r):
r1ail = CTy
[(1 + ~ Eo;o ~)1/3
Rv CTy CTy
-1] (18.45)
areas decrease, and therefore the effective stresses increase. The straight line
in Fig. 18.5 would also represent the true von Mises equivalent stress, if
damage were inactive.
From Eqs. (18.41) and (18.44), the expres sion of the hardening modulus
h* as a function of (r) is foundj it is plotted in Fig. 18.6. Using Eqs. (18.41)
and (18.44), it is found that (h* = O) is equivalent to (D = DBOlt) where:
DBOl t = 1- (18.47)
A numerical application gives DBOl t = 0.22 for both tension and shear. Note
that this critical damage value is much smaller than the ultimate failure
value of l.
Using (18.47) and (18.43) it is found that softening occurs for the following
value of the isotropic hardening strain:
rBolt = (~)
1/3 r'ail _ [1 _ (~) 1/3]
ay '" O74r'ail _ O.26 ay
k '" . k
We now compute the value of the von Mises equivalent stress at softening.
Using the yield condition (18.46b), we obtain:
h(u BOlt ) =
(1 _D 801t ) (1 + ~rBolt)
dw P = J2 (u)dr = ay (1 + ~ r) dr (18.51)
Time integrat ion ofEq. (18.51) with zero initial conditions gives the following
expression for the plastic work, which is independent of the triaxiality ratio
450 18. Damage mechanics
Figure 18.7 shows w P versus r. Using Eq. (18.49), the following constant ratio
is found:
(dw Pjdr)Bo~t = (~) 1/3 ~ 0.74 (18.53)
(dwPjdr)/ad 5
The denominator of the plastic multiplier, h, is given by the following ex-
h = 3Go + (1 - D)k >O (18.54)
The curve h versus r is plotted in Fig. 18.8; it is seen that after the occurrence
of strain softening, h decreases steeply, with a vertical slope at failure.
Figure 18.9 shows the variation of the accumulated plastic strain (P) as
a function of the isotropic hardening strain (r). Before softening, p and r
are almost identical, but in the softening regime, p increases rapidly, with a
vertical slope near failure. We recall that (p = r) when there is no damage.
We now consider nonlinear isotropic hardening and give more results
about strain-softening from (Doghri and Billardon, 1995). It is found -using
(18.40)- that h* is zero if and only if:
1-D[2;:8 (1+ :J
= 0 (dRldr) R·r' (18.55)
It appears that for a given triaxiality term Rv, the critical state h* = O
corresponds to critical values of D and r which simultaneously satisfy Eqs.
(18.55) and (18.39).
As an application, consider power law isotropic hardening (R = kr n )
and three materials, each corresponding to a different value of the hardening
exponent (n). For each material, Fig. 18.10 shows the curve D versus r -
from Eq. (18.39)- and the locus of points (r, D) obeying Eq. (18.55). The
intersection of the two curves gives the critical values (r BO / t , DBO/t). From
Fig. 18.10, it is seen that: r BO / t = 0.007 to 0.086, while DBO/t = 0.14 to 0.22,
which implies that r BO / t strongly depends on the hardening exponent (n),
but DBO/t is less dependent on n. Figure 18.10 also shows the influence ofthe
triaxiality term Rv. It appears that for a given material, DBO/t is independent
of Rv, while r BO / t decreases with increasing Rv. In other words, for a given
material, and regardless of the stress state, strain-softening always occurs for
the same value of damage. This critical value can thus be identified from
a uniaxial tension test. Remarkably, values of damage at softening close to
0.2 have been found using the Lemaitre-Chaboche model with completely
different sets of material parameters and stress states (see Sec. 19.5).
tenelon -
0.7 ,,
• ...:
1 0.5
", ..,
0.2 ..-
0.1 ................" ....,"',.,'
O 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
lsoIroplc lIInI8nIng strain
Fig. 18.4. Damage (D) vs. isotropic hardening strain (r). Material parameters:
Eo = 200 GPa, 1/ = 0.3, Uy = 200 MPa, k = 10 GPa, m = 1, So = 0.5 MPa.
~ .....//......-..,.,""'''''"'''*.!:::::~~<~\:.
O 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
iIoIropIc hMIer*Ig strain
Fig. 18.5. True and effective von Mises equivalent stresses, divided by uy, vs.
isotropic hardening strain (r).
452 18. Damage mechanics
lhear ••••.
-0.1 ..........
I -0.3
1 -0.5
1 -0.6
O 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
lIoIropic hardenlng strain
Fig. 18.6. Hardening modulus (h*), divided by Eo, vs. isotropic hardening strain
tenllian anei sllear -
o 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.1 b..12 0.14
lIoIropIc hardIning lIr8in
Fig. 18.1. Plastic work (w P), divided by uY, vs. isotropic hardening strain (r).
18.8 Return mapping algorithm 453
tension -
shear ••••.
} 1.195
"E 1.19
t. 1.185
c 1.115
Fig. 18.8. Denominator of the plastic multiplier (h), divided by Eo, vs. isotropic
hardening strain (r).
tension -
0.16 ,',l
,/ ..,
i 0.1
O 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.1.
IsoIfOpic hardenlng strain
Fig. 18.9. Accumulated plastic strain (P) vs. isotropic hardening strain (r).
454 18. Damage mechanics
0.4 I
, 0.3
O 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.12
All other 'plastic' variables are equal to their values at tn. If this trial state
does not satisfy the yield cond it ion ftr :'S 0, then the solution at tn +! is found
as follows.
Firstly, we note the following relation between iT and iT tr :
- = (T - 2GOL..l€
If the true stresses, (T, are used instead of the effective stresses, iT, such a
simple relation cannot be found. Secondly, noting that:
- -tr
tr (T = tr (T = 31\;otr €, (18.58)
8 8 - 2Go.1eP
f J2(Oo-X) -R(r) -ay =0
.1eP = N.1p
.1X = (1- D)(a.1e P - bX.1p)
.1D y(s).1p
.1r (1 - D).1p (18.59)
where the notation y == Y/So was introduced for convenience. Noting that
aH / J2(u) = aH / h(Oo), and using (18.8, 58), it appears that (y) only de-
pends on (s), through J2(Oo). After substitution of (.1eP ) and (.1p) by their
expressions, it becomes clear that the problem is reduced to finding the four
unknowns s, r, X and D which satisfy the following system offour equations:
ks = -
+ 2GoN .1r -
f = J2 (Oo - X) - R(r) - ay =o
- .1r
kX .1X - (aN - bX n )
1+ r
b.1 =O
kD .1D - Y(8)~
=O (18.60)
- aN
k s + 2GoNc p + C s + 2Go.1p as : (c s - cX) = O
- dR
f + N: (c s - cX) - (-)c r
- Cr a.1r aN
kx + Cx - (aN - bX n ) (1 + b.1r)2 - (1 + b.1r) Os : (c s - cX) = O
k D + CD - ycp - (.1p) Os : C s = O (18.61)
.1r Cr +CD.1P
.1p = (1- D) and cp == 1- D
The notation:
C(e) == (e)(it+!) _ (e)(it)
designates an iterative 'correction'. Each variable that does not have the
subscript (n) is computed at 'time' t n +! and plastic iteration (it). The general
procedure involves matrix inversions or -in less general cases- the resolution of
456 18. Damage mechanics
linear systems for each local iteration (it). Although those computations are
carried out at the integration point level, their cost may become prohibitive.
Despite the complexity of the constitutive equations considered here, we shall
show that the iterative updating is explicit. Unlike the modified 'cutting plane
algorithm' (Ortiz and Simo, 1986; Simo et al., 1987), no approximations will
be made. Combining Eqs. (18.61a, c) gives:
[ ~] '
B:(cs-cX)=- k s -kX+2GoNc p +(aN-bXn)(I+bLlr)2- -
B -
aLlr ) aN
1 + ( 2GoLlp + 1 + bLlr Os = (1 + "23 g )1 - --
gN ® N
Os = 1 (321 - -N -)
h(ii - X) N = - ax ®
1 ( aLlr ) (18.63)
9 - h(ii - X) 2Go Llp + 1 + bLlr > o
Using lemma (1.1), it is found that B is invertible if and only if 1+(3/2)g =1= O,
which is always verified by an acceptable iterative approximation. The inverse
of B is given by:
-1 1 - -
B = 1 + (3/2)g (1 + gN ® N) (18.64)
x {k s - kX - ~N: (k s - kX)N
- 3Go L1p
C s = -k s - 2GoN cp C X) 1+32g
+ J2(T- (/) { ... } (18.67)
ây [ -
+ J2((;3G_ X)
CD = -kD + yCp + (L1p) âs: -k s - 2GoNc p
L1p ] (18.68)
x 1 + (3/2)g {... }
_ 1 -. dR "2a-b(N:Xn)
3 - ]}
cp - 3Go { 1- N . (k s - k X) - [ dr + (1 + bL1r)2 Cr
C --
N (18.70)
r - hatg
L1p ây [ 2- -]
x[I+(3/2)g]âs: ks-kX-3N:(ks-kX)N (18.71)
b ây [ 2- -] (18.72)
x (1 + bL1r)2 âs: X n - 3(N: Xn)N
Note that if the plasticity increment is very small, Le. if L1p -t O, then
hatg -t h, where (h) is the 'continuum' modulus given by Eq. (18.29).
458 18. Damage mechanics
For the elastic predictor, the increments of r, X, D and p are zero. The
residual functions (18.60) -except (f)- also vauish. The corrections over the
elastic predictor have the following simple expressions.
Cr =
Results (18.73) show that the corrections over the elastic predictor corre-
spond to a discretization of the rate constitutive equations (18.22), i.e., a
replacement of p with cpjdt, r with crjdt, idem for b, i and X.
that case, it is easily verified that one needs to compute corrections for two
variables only: (r) and (s - X). Equations (18.70-72) simplify to:
The cor rect ion over (s-X) is given by (18.65). Equations (18.74) and (18.65)
are indeed identical to Eqs. (17.36-37) and (17.42).
When the local integrat ion algorithm described in Sec. 18.8 has converged,
the corresponding consistent tangent operator Halg is determined by letting
alI the variables, including the total strain tensor € vary slightly around the
converged solution at t n +l, so that: fJu = Halg : &. For an elastic incre-
ment (Le., if the elastic predictor is the solution), then Halg = (1 - Dn)Eo,
otherwise Halg is computed as in (Doghri, 1995).
Differentiation of the incremental relations (18.59) gives:
d - âN
fJs = 2GoI ev : fJ€ - 2GoNfJp - 2G o(..1p) 8s : (Os - fJX)
- dR
N : (fJs - fJX) - ( dr )fJr = O
- fJr a.1r 8N _
fJX = (aN - bX n) (1 + bLlr)2 + (1 + bLlr) âs : (fJs - fJX)
ây ~_ ây ~_ 8y ~( _) ~( _) ~
âu : oU = Os : oS + â(tr u) o tr u, o tr u = 311:0 1 : o€, (18.76)
f ti O,
kX ti 0, kD ti -(Llp) 8(tr u) (311:0)1 : fJ€ (18.77)
n alg : o€
or halg
where: n alg [
(1 - D) - yt1p + 2GO (t1p)2 âs : N âY-] (2G - oN)
2 [ 2
Eo - (2G o) [1
+ (3/2)g] âuâu
f] : âu'
â2 ây
J2 (u-X)
1 (3"2 d
Iev --)
- N ®N (18.78)
Note that if the plasticity increment is very small, i.e. if t1p --* O, then
8r --* i'8t, where i' is the rate given by Eq. (18.30).
The variation of (P) is found by analogy with (18.69):
_ 1 { -. [dR
8p - 3Go 2G oN. 8€ - dr +
(1 + bt1r)2 8r
} (18.79)
The variat ion of the damage D is found by analogy with (18.68). After a
rather lengthy algebra, it is found that 8u = Halg : 8€, where the consistent
(or algorithmic) tangent operator can be written in the following farm:
1 -alg { - a l g ay 2-
Ha 9 = (1 - D)H - u ® (t1p)H : au + '3yN
y [dR !a - b(N : Xn)] n alg }
- 3Go dr + (1 + bt1r)2 halg
When the plasticity increment is very small, i.e. when t1p --* O" then it can
be checked that Halg --* H, where H is the 'continuum' tangent modulus
given by (18.32).
18.10 Numerical simulations 461
If damage is inactive during the time increment, then the following simpli-
fications hold: fjD = O, D = Dn, Y = O, 8y/8ii = O. If, in addition, Dn is
zero, then p = r and ii = u. In that case, the consistent tangent operator
simplifies to:
x (1
b [2
+ bfjp)2 X n - "3(N : Xn)N
]® (2G oN)
halg' (18.83)
where h alg is the denominator in (18.74) and H mod is the 'modified' contin-
uum tangent modulus defined by
Equations (18.83) and (18.84) are indeed identical to those of Sec. 17.8, Eqs.
(17.52) and (17.53).
Note also that two cases can be treated without any modification to the
algorithm presented in Secs. 18.8 and 18.9.
462 18. Damage mechanics
A uniaxial tension test (O'u the only non-zero stress component) is simulated
by submitting a cube to normal displacements on one of its faces. The mate-
rial data is that of Fig. 18.4. The prescribed displacement increases linearly
with time. Equal-size load increments are considered, each corresponding to a
total strain increment LlEu = 1 %, which is ten times the initial yield strain
(O'Y / Eo = 0.1 %). The robustness of the proposed algorithm is illustrated
in Figs. 18.11a-b where the numerical results are plotted together with the
analytical solutions developed in Sec. 18.7. The numerical accuracy can be
improved by choosing smaller load increments. This is illustrated in Figs.
18.11a-b where the results of a simulation corresponding to LlEll = 0.5 % are
A simple shear test (0'12 = 0'21 the only non-zero stress components) is sim-
ulated by submitting a cube to tangential displacements on one of its faces.
The material data is that of Fig. 18.4. The prescribed displacement increases
linearly with time. Equal-size load increments are considered, each corre-
sponding to a total strain increment LlE12 = 1 % (Le., an engineering shear
strain increment Ll-Y12 = 2 %), which is ten times the initial yield strain
(O'Y / Eo = 0.1 %). The robustness of the proposed algorithm is illustrated
in Figs. 18.12a-b where the numerical results are plotted together with the
analytical solutions developed in Sec. 18.7. The numerical accuracy can be
improved by choosing smaller load increments. This is illustrated in Figs.
18.12a-b where the results of a simulat ion corresponding to LlE12 = 0.5 % are
Based on a simplified vers ion of the model studied in this chapter, a post-
processor, DAMAGE 90, was developed. This computer code takes as input a
strain history and is able to predict ductile failure in one or more dimensions,
brittle failure, low and high cycle fatigue with the nonlinear accumulation and
multiaxial fatigue.
A complete description of the model, several numerical simulations as well
as the listing of the source code are given in (Lemaitre and Doghri, 1994) and
(Lemaitre, 1992).
18.10 Numerical simulations 463
J'" 0.5 O
O 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
iaotropic hardening strain
~----IWllerical. inc. -0.5\ o
4 o +0 0.0 o.. rical, inc.-l' +
+ o
II o
LI + o
" o
LI +
g 1.5
ig o
O 0.02 0.04 O.O~ 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
isotropic hardening strain
Fig. 18.11. Ductile failure under uniaxial tension. Comparison between analytical
and numerical results. Material parameters as in Fig. 18.4. Variat ion of two variables
as a function of the isotropic hardening strain, r: (a) damage, Dj (b) von Mises
equivalent stress, h(u), divided by Uy.
464 18. Damage mechanics
J 0.5
O 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
laotropie hardeni~g atraln
. 3.5
~ 2.5
li: 2
~ 1.5
a8 o
+ •
o 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
iaotroplc hardening strain
Fig. 18.12. Ductile failure under simple shear. Comparison between analytical and
numerical results. Material parameters as in Fig. 18.4. Variation of two variables
as a function of the isotropic hardening strain, r: (a) damage, Di (b) von Mises
equivalent stress, 12(0"), divided by Uy.
18.11 Further reading 465
Uniaxial stress cases are simulated by giving as input data Ell(t); the
code computes E22(t) and E33(t) such that 0"22(t) = 0"33(t) = O. The results
of a low cyde fatigue simulat ion corresponding to a lI-strain amplitude of
7 % are shown in Figs. 18.13 and 18.14. The material data are those of an
aluminum alloy. The figures show the decay of the stress-carrying capability
of the material as the damage increases. The number of cycles to failure was
found to be N R = 40 cycles.
0 .04 II
0 .02
0 .00
- 0 ,06 +.-,rT'T'1"""'TTTTT'T"rTT"rTT1rTT'1rT'T'1"T'T'T"T'TT"TTTTT"rTTT"rTT'1rTT'T'l
0.00 10,00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00
Fig. 18.13. Simulat ion of one-dimensionallow cyde fatigue. (a) lI-strain history
(amplitude: 7%) ; (b) stress-strain loops. Mat erial parameters: Eo = 72 GPa, v =
0.32 , ay = 440 M Pa , So = 6 M Pa.
18.11 Further reading 467
'l(G) H".
5 .00
3 .00
0 .00 4'Mr"f'M;;""''''I'T''I'''I'T''I'T'n'''l'T''l"T'T'T"T'T'T"T'T'TT'T"I"T'T'T"T'T'T'TT1'''1'T''1''T'T1r'TT'\
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00
Fig. 18.14. Simulat ion of one-dimensional low cyde fatigue . (a) von Mises stress
versus number of cycles; (b) accumulated plastic strain (P) and damage (D) versus
number of cycles.
19. Strain localization
where E is Young's modulus of the virgin material, Ef the failure strain and
D a damage variable which ranges from zero for the undamaged material
to 1 for a Representative Volume Element (RVE) with null stress-carrying
capability. The corresponding stress-strain response is shown in Fig. 19.1.
Variants of this model have been used in order to model the damage behavior
of laminated composites (see (Florez, 1989) and references therein).
A rod of length L made of a material obeying Eqs. (19.1) is subjected to
a uniaxial tension test. Imagine now that the rod is virtually divided in two
parts of lengths LI and L 2 (see Fig. 19.2 with L 2 = Ld, LI = L - L 2 and
17 = 1).
Before the load peak, the solution is unique: in loading, the strain and
damage increase in both parts of the rod and if unloading occurs, it will also
take place in the whole structure. After the peak of the load-displacement
curve, the stress has to decrease and besides elastic unloading of the whole
rod, several other solutions are possible:
470 19. Strain localizat ion
Stored energy
A C Er E
Fig. 19.1. Elasticity with damage, no threshold. Stress vs. strain, stored and dis-
sipated energies.
Fig. 19.2. Rod under uniaxial tension.
19.1 Motivation: a one-dimensional example 471
If we as sume that bifurcation occurs at the load peak and that the first part of
the rod unloads elastically, we have after the peak: D 1 = 1/2 and a = EfI!2.
Using ( 19.2) and ( 19.3), it is possible to compute f2 as a function of a:
As f2 has to increase (loading ofthe second part ofthe rod) while a decreases,
the solution with a" +" is chosen above. Using equation ( 19.5), f is given as
a function of a by:
The results obtained for several values of (L 2 / L) are given in Fig. 19.3
Since f is given by equation ( 19.5), it is possible to obtain f ~ O if L 2 / L
is small enough with respect to LI! L, because we have fI < O and f2 > O.
This phenomenon is called "snap-back". We compute f from a in ( 19.7) and
not the opposite because, for a given value of f, there may be two values of
a. Several problems similar to the one considered in this section have been
studied by other authors, see (Florez, 1989) and references therein.
472 19. Strain localizat ion
! Homogeneous -
L21L = 1/4 ----
/ L2IL = 1/2 ...... .
L21L = 3/4 _ ...-
l.L t
li:: i
0.4 i
O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Fig. 19.3. Bifurcation problem for a strain-softening local model: normalized load-
displacement curves for several values of Ld L
iT = L(€, V) : €, (19.8)
the rate problem consists in finding the velocity field v which satisfies the
following equations:
v=v onru
div [L : €(v)] +i =O in il
L: €(v)·n =F
€(v) = ~(V'v + V'T v) in il (19.10)
ir : € > O, Vx E il (19.11)
In other words, loss of ellipticity corresponds to the time for which the so-
called acoustic tensor (n· H . n) becomes singular for a direction n in a point
of il:
n 2
- L-.----------.:~L_ _ __.J_
which express continuity of the stress vector rate and Maxwell's geomet-
ric compatibility condition, respectively. Vectors u and g represent the dis-
placement and a localization mode, respectively. Since it is assumed that:
L ijkl = L ij1k , (19.8) can be rewritten as follows:
a- = L: VU
This is the case when L(l) = L(2). Equation (19.17) then becomes:
(n· L· n) . g =O (19.18)
(n . H . n) . g =O (19.19)
det(n· H· n) =O (19.20)
This corresponds to the case when L(l) f:. L(2), Le. we have elastic unloading
on one side of (S) and plastic yielding on the other. Note that in Eq. (19.17),
upper-scripts (1) and (2) play symmetric rolesj therefore we can choose:
476 19. Strain localization
. b: E: E(2)
L(2) =E wlth h ~ O,
1 b E '(1)
L(I) =H =E - -(E : a) ® (b : E)
with : h: e >O (19.21)
M == n . E . n, A == M- 1 . (n . E : a), B == b : E . n, h c == A . B
where we used notations (19.28). Using lemma (1.2), we conclude that (n·
H . n) is invertible if and only if h ::f. h e , and in that case:
19.3.3 Summary
h = (b : E· n) . (n . E . n)-l . (n . E : a) (19.33)
In this section, we present some closed-form solutions due to Doghri and Bil-
lardon (1995) for strain-localizat ion in initially homogeneous plane problems.
Earlier results appeared in (Billardon and Doghri, 1989). We consider general
strain-softening models of the rate form:
n = [ Si~O
cosO 1 g=g
[ Si~X
1 , (19.34)
where O and X E] - 7f /2, 7f /2] and 9 E III Continuity of the stress vector rate
across the localizat ion surface, LUijJnj = O, leads to:
Combining the two equations, we obtain:
With the localization condition written in the form Hijkl Lik,Jnj = O, system
(19.35) becomes:
(Huu LiuJ + H U22 Li22J + 2H1112 Lt12J) cos O
+ (Hl2l1 LtuJ + H 1222 Lt22J + 2H1212 LtI2J) sin () = O,
(H12U LtuJ + H 1222 Lt22J + 2H1212 LtI2J) cos O
+ (H22U LtuJ + H2222 Lt22J + 2H2212 LtI2J) sinO = O (19.38)
In the remainder of this section, we consider a biaxial loading along the
(1,2) axes, Fig. 19.5. Since there is no shear, mixed terms such H 12U vanish
and system (19.38) simplifies to:
Fig. 19.5. Strain localization for an initially homogeneous plane state under biaxial
loading. Normal N == n to localization surface makes an angle 8 with horizontal
- (b) If () = 0, there are no jumps in t12, a12 or an. The jumps in t22 and
a22 are related by:
- (c) The third case is when () fi. {O,7r/2}; this is what we shall study from
now ono
Before strain localization , we can write:
. a +tan 2 0 .
2lf12J = tan O lfllJ
Equations (19.45-46) show that the orientat ion of the localization surface de-
pends only on the biaxiality ratio a, while the localization condition depends
on the material model and the stress state.
As a first application of formula (19.45), consider a uniaxial tension test
in the 2-direction. Neglecting the elastic strains before the plastic strains, we
have a ~ -2; the formula then gives:
This angle between the localizat ion surface and the loading direction is in 900d
agreement with experimental observations. Results (19.47) were also found
by Hill (1950, Chap. XII) using a different approach based on the method of
For a second application of formula (19.45), we consider a loading such
that t22 = -tu. The formula gives tanO = ±1, Le. O = ±45°.
For plane strain situations, relations (19.46) show that tTn = tT22 = O.
Since (T12 = O, it is concluded that in plane strain, localization corresponds
to the peaks of the in-plane stress-strain curves.
(b) The second case derived from Eq. (19.44) is when tl2 i- O. This hap-
pens if and only if a + tan2 O i- O, e.g. a > O. Localization conditions (19.39)
become as follows, using Eqs. (19.42, 44),
System (19.48) shows that we must have au =J. o and a22 =J. O, since
(o + tan 2 ()) =J. o and H 1212 = E 1212 > O, in general. So in this case, strain
localizat ion does not coincide with the peaks of the in-plane stress-strain
curves, and should appear in the strain-softening regime. Relation (19.50)
also shows that when localization occurs, an and a22 must have the same
rr HP"
OL-__ ~ __ ~ __ ~ __ ~ __ _ L_ _~~~
.00 .10 t!
.10 t!
Fig. 19.6. Material responses under uniaxial tension for ductile damage and power-
law hardeningj (a) Stress versus strain, (b) damage versus strain. Material param-
eters: Eo = 200 GPa, v = 0.3, Uy = 200 M Pa, k = 10 GPa, n = 0.3, 0.6, 1,
So = 0.5 MPa.
19.5 Numerical results for a ductile damage model 483
. .
...::t> UI/Z
Fig. 19.7. Initially homogeneous plane stress states under various monotonie bi-
axialloadings: (a) finite element modeling, (b) localized modes.
The locus of points for which the localizat ion criterion is first satisfied is
plotted in strain space in Fig. 19.8a for strain rations EI/E2 = l/a varying
from (-1) to (+ 1). The values of the strains are normalized for each of the
three materials by the corresponding values of 10*. Note that the curves of
Fig. 19.8a have the same shape as the limit curves for metal sheet formingj
e.g. (Cordebois and Ladeveze, 1986).
Figure 19.8b gives the localizat ion orientat ion (). When a = -1, we have
a symmetric tension-compression loading (102 = -El and a2 = -al). We find
() = ±45°, and since gl cx: n2 and g2 cx: n1, we conclude that we have a pure
shear localization mode.
The critical values of damage for the localized bifurcation mode are plot-
ted in Fig. 19.8c where D* denotes D(E*). The uniaxial tension case in the
2-direction corresponds to a strain ratio EI/E2 ~ -1/2, because elastic strains
are small compared to plastic strains. Notice that according to the plot, only
biaxial tests such that EI/E2 > O would enable to obtain diffuse (or non-
484 19. Strain localization
localized) damaged states with higher values of damage than those of uniaxial
The loci of points corresponding to the following criteria: loss of unique-
ness, strain localization and complete failure (D ~ 1) are plotted in Fig.
19.9a. The results show that for a < O, loss of uniqueness and localizat ion
happen at the same time, while for a > O, the second criterion is satisfied
later. This result is also illustrated in Figs 19.9b-c for a = -1 and +1, re-
spectively. Figure 19.9a also shows that the the loss of uniqueness and strain
localization criteria are satisfied long before the complete failure criterion.
In order to check the so-called objectivity of the localizat ion criterion,
the one-element mesh used in this section was re-meshed into five elements
(Fig. 19.10) and alI the simulations were run anew. It was found that up
to the localizat ion time, the results given by the two meshes are identical.
For loadings such that a < O, this is no surprise since bifurcation does not
occur before localization. For a > O, the finding suggests that only diffuse
bifurcation modes appear before localization. Those modes can be captured
by mesh refinement, while localized modes are incompatible with classical
finite elements.
Figure 19.11 shows that the stress-strain solutions are no longer homo-
geneous inside the finite element after localizat ion. Furthermore, the figure
shows that for two B.C. configurations which are equivalent, the F.E. results
after localizat ion are different. Figures 19.12-13 show that after localization,
the finite element results are completely unreliable. The arrows on those fig-
ures correspond to the first fulfillment of the localization criterion.
In summary, it appears from the preceding that it is not possible for
experiments where a < O (e.g., uniaxial tension of tension-compression) to
identify the softening behavior of a material obeying the Lemaitre-Chaboche
ductile damage model. For those stress states, as soon as we have soften-
ing, we also have localization and the deformation becomes discontinuous.
However, we may reach that identificat ion objective with experiments where
a is positive (e.g., biaxial tension). A second conclusion is that localizat ion
problems appear long before the theoretical failure value of D ~ 1. Finally,
the localizat ion criterion indicates the reliability limit of conventional F.Es.
pur'-;plitting lIIod. -90-
• _ _o pu,,' sh.irmodi""
_1. O 1. ~1/e2
n:t 1.0
I 3
j// n=.6
·~i . /
~I 2 // n=.3
~! ,ţ"/
-1. O 1.
Fig. 19.8. Strain localizat ion for various values of hardening exponent (n) and
bi-axiality ratio (n = E2/fl): (a) limit curves in strain space, (b) orientation of
localization surface vs. (lin), (c) critical damage vs. (lin).
486 19. Strain localization
uz HPa
.01 El
Fig. 19.9. Comparison of three criteria: loss of uniqueness, strain localization and
complete failurej (a) limit curves in strain space, (b) stress-strain curve for Q = -1,
(c) stress-strain curve for Q = +1.
19.5 Numerical results for a ductile damage model 487
Fig. 19.10. The element of Fig. 19.7a is re-meshed into five elements in order to
check the objectivity of the strain localizat ion criterion.
" ...•. ....
. ..' "
I •
..:' 1,()()
'. B
200. 200.
~U2 ~ U2
U,/2 _
G1 B- c:::::::C>
A- U,/2
* I02MPa
._ e.
. ...
~. ~
. ..
.. ...
.. ,\-'
.' !
. I
* 10.2
O 2 4 6
* I02MPa
..-.-."".--......-.-. 0=1
Il= I
. " ..
..... ....
..... ..
' ~
..- \
O 2 4 6 8
n .. 1
... ...
..' .....
2 4 6
.. ./
0.12 nal
0.08 ./,
0.04 ••••
.... ..
._ •• e
.' .. 10-2
o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
11/2 lin
Fig. 19.14. Notched plate with a macro-defect: (a) Geometry and loading, (b)
mesh and boundary conditions.
492 19. Strain localization
Fig. 19.15. Notched plate: material behavior under uniaxial tension. (a) Stress vs.
strain, (b) damage vs. strain. Material model of Sec. 18.2 with parameter values:
Eo = 72 GPa, v = 0.33, oy = 273.5 M Pa, Roo = 275 GPa, n = 1.861, a =
3302 MPa, b = 37.2,80 = 1.3 MPa.
19.5 Numerical results for a ductile damage model 493
20 ••• NumericId
,. 1·
, 1·
L,. ••
! 10
.......... .... ... ....-
Fig. 19.17. Notched plate: contours of damage D at localization and predicted
localization surface directions
494 19. Strain localizat ion
000 0:0 0 CXlOOOO o
400 0
300 o
O 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
0.15 o
D 0
0.05 o
O 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
2.0 #0
1.5 o
Y o
1.0 9
O 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Fig. 19.18. Notched plate: local responses at the critical point. (a) von Mises
equivalent stress vs. hardening strain T, (b) damage vs. T, (c) strain energy release
rate vs. T.
19.5 Numerical results for a ductile damage model 495
°.lJ2(0) 0.3
o O.OS 0.10 0.15 0.20
0.15 o
O.S o
O o
O 0.15 O.SO 0.75 1.00
o 0.16
~ 0.12
% ~
~ 0.04
-0.16 -0.12 -0.08 -0.04 o
Fig. 19.19. Notched plate: local responses at the critical point. (a) Triaxiality ratio
vs. hardening strain r, (b) r vs. global displacement, (c) 22-strain vs. lI-strain.
496 19. Strain localization
...-/ -
/ r- -
r-r- V"I
,-VI I
Fig. 19.20. Impossibility for local models to converge with mesh refinement when
localization occurs; after Pamin (1994) .
0.4 ~x 12 elem .
- 12 x 24 elem .
0.2 -24 x 48 elem.
.~ >00:: ~
IX ~e
,x· ~
<1 _ 10 '1
12x24 mesh
40 6 x 12mcsh
30 } >< 6 mcsh
o ylmml
o 120
Fig. 19.22. Partial regularization given by the Cosserat continuum (after (Sluys,
1992)). Deformed meshes (top) and strain profile across the shear band (bottom)
498 19. Strain localizat ion
A good example of the use of such a theory is given in (Fleck and Hutchinson,
Another way to regularize the simulations is to use an averaging procedure
(Bazant et al., 1984). In that approach, an interaction between neighboring
material points is obtained by replacing some variables by their weighted
=: {
averages over a characteristic volume:
ii aw dV (19.53)
c lv
A new approach has been proposed recently by Andrieux et al. (1996a-b) and
studied by Knockaert and Doghri (1999).
19.7 A two-scale homogenization procedure. 499
r-I r-
- >---1"' I I
Fig. 19.23. Regularization provided by a gradient-plasticity model; after Pamin
1.2 . , . - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
_. Homogeneous
0.4 -6x 12R32EG
- 12 x 24R32EG
0.2 -24 x 48R32EG
Fig. 19.24. Load-displacement curves showing the regularization provided by the
gradient dependent model; after Pamin (1994).
500 19. Strain localization
The first relation in the equations expresses the hypothesis that the strains
are uniform in the RVE and the second one imposes a linear spatial variation
of the internal variables within the RVE. This second relation must be verified
at aH time, which gives the foHowing compatibility condition:
time t +6.t
Fig. 19.26. Linear variat ion of the intern al variable in the RVE in 1D
502 19. Strain Iocalization
A Taylor expansion and relations ( 19.55) give the macroscopic free energy
as follows (details of the derivation are given in Sec. 19.11.2):
lP(e, a, V'a) 'ljJ(e,a)+ ( V'a. âa 2 • V'a ) :J,
J -2N1 LZ
Jl ®zJl (19.58)
(The symbol "." has the same meaning as in Sec. 12.11.2). So there appears
a second order symmetric tensor J which depends on the micro-structure of
the material through the microscopic positions zJl of the sub-cells within the
RVE and their number N. The components of J have dimensions of square
lengths. Note that in other formulations, internal lengths appear as scalars
and not as a tensor as it is the case here. Note also that internallengths (via
J) appear naturally here as the result of a homogenization procedure and
are not introduced ad-hoc as in other models (e.g., Vc in Eq. (19.53) or c in
Eq. (19.54)).
As regards the macroscopic dissipation potential, it must be defined in
such a way that the rate of the intern al variables in the sub-cells derived from
the microscopic or macroscopic potentials are equivalent. An arithmetic mean
does not allow this requirement if, for example, the microscopic dissipation
potential is homogeneous of degree 1. In this case, Eq. ( 19.58) shows that the
macroscopic dis si pat ion potential would not include any higher order term
and would not be different from the microscopic potential. So, a quadratic
mean is defined:
where (T is the macroscopic stress and Aa, AVa the macroscopic thermody-
namic forces associated with a and V'a, respectively.
19.8 Numerical algorithms 503
The right-hand sides of the equations are the directional derivatives of the
global potentials with respect to o and a, respectively.
Under certain conditions, the problem can be rewritten as follows: given
Aa == -8tPj8o and AVa == -8tP/8V'o, find a which minimize the func-
where M and M' are the number of nodes used for the discretizat ion of the
displacement and damage fields respectivelYj ~i(X) and ~~(x) are the corre-
sponding shape functionsj .1t == t n+! - tn is the time increment.
With the discretization presented above, minimization of the functional
( 19.65) leads to a system of nonlinear equations. Suppose that the variable
o: cannot decrease with time (e.g. non-healing damage), then enforcing the
constraint a ;::: o with, for example, a penalty method, implies that the
following functional is considered instead of ( 19.65):
where the penalty parameter C is equal to zero when a is positive and has a
positive value when a is negative. Asking for the stationarity of Te gives:
8Fc(o+iJ1J,Vo+iJV1J) I -
8iJ iJ=O -
Using Galerkin's method, the test functions 77 and \177 are replaced by the
shape functions ~i (77 -+ ~i, \177 -+ \1~i)' So, the following system of equations
is obtained:
Using the discretizat ion of the displacement and internal variable fields, the
unknowns are the nodal values of o: at time tn+!. A fully implicit time inte-
gration scheme is used (backward Euler, (J = 1). The system is solved with
a Newton-Raphson method (it is assumed here that Aa and AVa do not
depend on a).
Before we were able to obtain the numerical results which will be presented
in sections 19.9 and 19.10, we had to solve several numeric al problems, some
of which are discussed hereafter.
One problem is that the functional ( 19.68) is very "nasty" and the meth-
ods we tried initially (penalty, Lagrangian, augmented Lagrangian) in order
to enforce the constraint a ;::: O were not robust enough. The method used in
the following is simple and gives good results but necessitates sometimes a
large number ofiterations (~1O). The idea behind this method is illustrated
in Fig. 19.27.
Starting from known values of the strain field f(X, tn) and the nodal val-
ues of o: at time tn (O:i(t n ), i = 1, number of nodes), we need to corn pute
O:i(tn+d corresponding to a strain field f(X, tn) + .1f(X). For that purpose,
O:i(tn+d is initialized at (O:i(t n ) + .1) where .1 is a positive constant. In parts
of the rod where O:i tends to increase, there is no problem. However, if O:i
tends to decrease (o::-l(t n +!) + .1o:~ < O:i(t n ), which is possible dur ing the
19.8 Numerical algorithms 505
where ( is chosen so that the condition a~(tnH) 2: ai(t n ) is satisfied for alI
iterations. If the damage has to remain constant (in case of elastic unloading
or if the damage threshold is not reached), the corresponding residuals cannot
be brought to zero and the iterations are stopped when the error is stationary.
Another problem arises from the fact that the tangent (âa/âf) cannot be
computed analyticalIy for the nonlocal formulation of Sec. 19.7. Numerical
computation of this tangent has been investigated without success. In the
nonlocal case, the best results were obtained with the initial elastic stiffness.
Numerical investigation has also shown that the non-homogeneous 1D
solution seems to exhibit a "snap-back" in many cases with the nonlocal for-
mulation. We have implemented a modified Riks algorithm (Crisfield, 1981)
in order to overcome this difficulty and solve the equilibrium problem. The
implementation was checked against the analytical results of the local case
(Sec. 19.1, Fig. 19.3).
506 19. Strain localization
where E is Young's modulus of the virgin material, fr the failure strain and
Da damage variable which ranges from zero for the undamaged material to
1 for a RVE with null stress-carrying capability. The corresponding stress-
strain response is shown in Fig. 19.1. The model was used in Sec. 19.1 in
order to illustrate bifurcation phenomena exhibited by strain-softening local
The stored energy (per unit volume) corresponds to the area of the tri-
angle ABC in Fig. 19.1. It is equal to:
1 1
'IjJ(f, D) = "2 (7 f = "2 E (1 - D) f2 (19.73)
The problem treated here is a 1D rod under tension; the geometry is illus-
trated in Fig. 19.2. Values of the material parameters we used are: E = 200
GPa, Ef = 0.2.
The load-displacement curves for a rod of length L = 100 with a weakened
part of length Ld = 30 (E multiplied by a factor TI = 0.9 in order to trigger
localization) and characteristic lengths Le of 5,10 and 30 are shown in Fig.
. .......~~:.'--.:.;~:::::.~:~:,....•-.....
0.9 .....
) ".
0.6 lc=Ldl6 -
lc = Ldl3 '''.
Lc = Ld ..
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 05 06 07 08
tf L
Fig. 19.28. Load-displacement curves with the non-local model
Note that these curves exhibit a snap-back. This behavior, which may
appear as physically unrealistic (immediate failure of the structure for a load
or displacement-controlled system), is obtained when the localization zone is
508 19. Strain localization
small with respect to the size of the structure. As the size of the localization
zone is controlled by Le, snap-back may be obtained or avoided depending
on the value of this parameter (see also next section).
In the local case, the damage profile is given by a step function, while the
non local formulat ion smoothes out the discontinuity (see Figs. 19.29 and
Le = Ld/6 -
20 40 60 80 100
position along the rod
Le=Ld/6 -
Le = Ld/3 ------
Le = Ld ----
Local model -..........
o L -_ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ______ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ L_ _ _ _ _ _ ~
O 20 40 60 80 100
posilion along Ihe rod
Fig. 19.30. Comparison of the damage profiles for a given value of the maximum
damage and several values of the characteristic length
the damage field, and their appearance depends on the material model (see
next section).
The approach of section 19.7 has also been tested for another model of
elasticity with damage but with a threshold. With this model, damage begins
to grow progressively after some amount of deformation f y . Variants of this
model have been used in order to model the damage behavior of concrete (see
(Florez, 1989) and references therein). The behavior is depicted in Fig. 19.31
and is described by the following relations linking stress, strain and damage:
Exercise: using a procedure similar to that of Sec. 19.9.1, show that the
potentials are given as follows:
510 19. Strain localization
Free energy: 'IjJ(f, D) = 2Ef2 exp( -D)
Ef; .
Dissipation : rp(D) = -D (19.79)
f.JE y
Fig. 19.31. Elastic behavior with damage, model with threshold
Exercise: using Eqs. ( 19.79), ( 19.58) and ( 19.60), show that the macro-
scopic potentials are given by:
tJ!(f,D, \lD)
p(D, \l D) = (19.80)
The example of the rod of length L = 100 is treated again with a weakened
part of length Ld = 30 (Young's modulus E decreased by an amount of 10
19.10 Elasticity with damage- Model with threshold 511
percent) and several values of the internal Iength Le. Material parameters
are: E = 200 GPa, f.y = O.Ol.
Load-displacement curves are shown in Fig. 19.32 for Le = 5 and element
sizes 1,5 and 10 which correspond to a number of elements equal to 100, 20
and 10, respectively. The figure shows that convergence is obtained if the
element size is smaller than Le.
AEEy 0.6
O 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.9
Fig. 19.32. Convergence with mesh refinement (Le = Ld/6).
local model
0.9 Le = Ld/6 .+ •..
Le = Ld/3 o
Le = Ld •
o 02 0.4 0.6 0 .8 1.2 1.4 1.6 1 .8
Fig. 19.33. Load-displacement curves for the non-local and the local model (Ld =
Fig. 19.34. Damage profiles for the same value of the maximum damage
19.11 Appendices 513
increases in the weakened part and even a little bit further, the right end of
the rod remaining undamaged. For Le = Ld, damage develops in the whole
rod and is nearly uniform in the whole structure. For intermediate values, the
whole rod begins to damage and localizat ion occurs later. The same remarks
apply for the strain distribution (see Fig. 19.35).
local model -
Le=Ld/6 .....
2 Le=Ld/3 ...... .
Lc=Ld ........_.
E/E y 1.4
O 20 40 60 80 100
posilion along Iha rod
Fig. 19.35. Strain profiles for the same value of the maximum damage
19.11 Appendices
19.11.1 Strain localizat ion criterion in 2D
n = (nI, n2, O), n~ + n~ = 1, n· H . n = [ A~1 (19.81)
We generally have: C > o. For instance, for the damage model of Sec. 18.2,
C = (1 - D)/.lo and is positive if D < 1. Therefore, it suffices to study the
sign of (det A = Al1A22 - A 21 A 12 ). The expressions of Aa,6 give:
ao Hl1l1H1212 - H1112H1211 ,
- H1I22H221I
where 1 is the second-order identity tensor, (A o, /.lo) the initial Lame coeffi-
cients and (Eo , v) the initial Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio.
When there is plastic loading, Ortiz et al. (1987) make the following as-
sumption: before strain localization, f(x) > O. Therefore, it suffices to find
the minima of f(x)j localization corresponds to the instance when one (or
more) minima Xm is (are) such that f(x m ) = O. When a4 f. 0, the minima of
f(x) are the roots of the following equation:
which can be solved in closed form using Cardan's formulae (see Appendix B).
The numeric al examples of Sec. 19.5.1 (biaxial plane stress with f22 = aflI)
19.11 Appendices 515
Starting from the microscopic free-energy potential of each sub cell 'l/J(e, 0:1'),
the macroscopic potential corresponding to the RVE is given by an arithmetic
- 1 N
lP( e, [o: , ... , o: ]) = N1",
L...i {'l/J( e, 0:1')} (19.89)
where N is the number of sub-cells in the RVE. Using relations (19.55) be-
tween micro and macro variables and assuming that 11V'0:' zl'll « 110:1'11, a
second-order Taylor expansion of Eq. ( 19.89) gives:
5. _ ::: 1f'.v,lv
·· .· , ·
· ·· ··· .·
··· ·.. .·•·
1.. x
Fig. 19.36. Biaxial plane stress loading of Sec. 19.5.1 in the case a = -8 and
n = 1. Evolution of the localization function f(x) of Sec. 19.11.1.
19.11 Appendices 517
-20. o. 20.
-5 .
)tE 10 11
Fig. 19.37. Biaxial plane stress loading of Sec. 19.5.1 in the case Q = 2 and n = 0.6.
Evolution of the localizat ion function f(x) of Sec. 19.11.1.
1 N
J = - "'"' zlJ. ® zlJ. (19.93)
Starting again from the microscopic potential q;(ixlJ.) , the macroscopic poten-
tial is obtained by a quadratic averaging :
Using the compatibility condition (19.56), and assuming II\7ix' zlJ.ll « IlixlJ.lI,
a second-order Taylor expansion of Eq. ( 19.94) gives:
518 19. Strain localizat ion
After developing the terms of the sum, assuming that '2::=1 z/J = O and
neglecting the terms of order 1IV'0 . z/Jlln for n > 2, we obtain :
V <A
~ '+',1.(.)
•- a
{1 + 4>2 2 (84)(0)
(o) ~. va
r7.)!O. (84)(0)
r7.) J
80. v a :
Using the Taylor expansion of the function J(1 + x) truncated after the first
terms, we finally obtain:
" inclusion"
Fig. 20.1. Micro/macro model for the small deformation of semi-crystalline poly-
mers. Body at the macro. scale, representative volume element (RVE), inclusion.
Before we close this section, let us remark that multiple scales always
co-exist in reality; working at one scale or another depends depends on the
20.2 Homogenization schemes 521
where V is the volume of the RVE and tij(X) the (infinitesimal) strain field
insi de the RVE:
1 aUi aUj
tij(X) == - ( - + -), (20.3)
2 aXj aXi
where Ui(X) is the displacement field insi de the RVE. Integration by parts
gives (n being the outward unit normal to aw):
522 20. Micro-mechanics of materials
In other words, the average strain equals the macro. strain. Note that for
equality (20.7) to make sense, the strain tensors have to be properly rotated
so that the equality is expres sed in the same basis, e.g. a global one (see Ap-
pendix C). The same remark holds every time we compute average quantities
in the remainder of this chapter.
We now consider the case where the stress (T at a macro. point is given.
Since the point is actually the center of a RVE w, the boundary 8w of the
RVE is subjected to an imposed traction:
l (Tij dV
where we used B.C. (20.8) and assumed the stress field inside the RVE to be
self-equilibrated. Finally, using the previously established result (20.5), the
stress average over the RVE is found to be:
strains and stresses < € > and < u >. In linear elasticity, the problem
becomes: find the macro. stiffness e such that:
The basic results are due to Eshelby (1957) who has solved the problem
of a single ellipsoidal inclusion in an infinite body submitted to a remote
uniform strain €. His assumptions were:
20.2 Homogenization schemes 525
Now, using Eshelby's results within the context of the S.C. scheme (the
size of each inclusion must be small compared to that of the RVE), we obtain
for each inclusion (1):
where 1 is the fourth-order identity tensor. It can be shown that Voigt and
Reuss (uniform stress) models give upper and lower bounds, respectively. In
practice, however, these two limits are too far away one from the other. There
are better (closer) bounds, e.g. Hashin-Shtrikman.
526 20. Micro-mechanics of materials
Again, Eshelby's results are used (for this, the size of a each inclusion
must be much smaller than that of the RVE). Within the context of the
M.T. model, we obtain for each inclusion (I):
where X is the volume fraction of inclusions. The strain average over the RVE
in other equations. Combining Eqs. (20.24-25) the strain average over the
matrix phase is found to be:
We now assume that the matrix is isotropic. Substitut ing Eqs. (20.26-27) into
(20.23), we obtain:
The homogenized stiffness c has a much simpler expres sion if the inclusions
are spheres or ellipsoids with the same orientation (thus A * = A l ) and have
identical and isotropic stiffnesses (thus C* = el). If these conditions are met,
- • The geometric model ing is depicted in Fig. 20.1. Each macro. material
point is supposed to be the center of a RVE, which is an "aggregate" of
randomly oriented composite "inclusions". Each inclus ion consists of a
stack of parallellamellae with their adjacent amorphous layers.
- • For the crystalline phase, permanent deformat ion occurs by slip over slip
planes along slip directions. A visco-plastic model is proposed (Sec. 20.3.1).
- • For the amorphous phase, a non-linear viscoelastic model is proposed
(Sec. 20.3.2). The main concepts underlying the model are:
- (a) The amorphous phase is assumed to possess a polydomain structure
(after Marrucci(1984) and Wissbrun(1985)).
- (b) The dis tort ion of each micro-domain is modeled with equations from
the continuum theory of liquid crystal nematics (De Gennes and Prost,
- (c) In addition to shrinking, micro-domains slide past each other. A shear
stress versus shear strain model is proposed.
- (d) Stretching of tie molecules (passing from one lamella to another) and
entangled chains (anchored on lamellae surfaces) induces elastic stresses
in the amorphous phase. A rubber-like elastic model is proposed.
- • The dependence of the macro. yield stress on crystallinity level is ex-
plained through a membrane model for the intermediate phase (linking
the crystalline and amorphous phases), see Sec. 20.3.3.
- • With the above-mentioned models at hand, a constitutive model for a
single inclus ion considered as a laminated composite is obtained in Sec.
- • Finally, a macro. stress-strain model for the whole "aggregate" (i.e.,
RVE) is built via a homogenization procedure (Sec. 20.3.5). Numerical
simulations show that the model is able to correctly represent the macro.
stress-strain behavior and its dependence on strain rate and crystallinity
ratio (Sec. 20.3.6).
~~(a J
Fig. 20.5. Shear deformat ion of a single crystal
~ view A
/1 1
• /
c ,,----i---/b
Fig. 20.6. Slip systems in crystalline phase. Left: orthorombic crystal, right: view
"A" of the slip planes and their normal directions
where (Te is the stress in the crystal and R(a) the Schmid tensor associated
with slip system (a):
R(a) = ~ (n(a) l8i mia) + mia) l8i n(a)) (no sum) (20.31)
530 20. Micro-mechanics of materials
For rate-dependent materials, the resolved shear stress 7(0) can be related
to the corresponding shear rate 1'(0) via a power law expression as in (Asaro
and Needleman, 1985):
(o) I /
= 1'0 sign (7(0») I:(0)
I m
1'(0) (20.32)
where 1'0 is a reference strain rate, g(o) the shear strength of slip system (a)
and m the strain rate sensitivity.
Equation (20.32) suggests that plastic flow is always present on slip system
(a) as long as the shear stress 7(0) is not identically equal to zero, but if
17(0) I < g(o) the viscoplastic shear rate 1'(0) is negligible.
The total strain rate in the crystal is:
The slip systems and corresponding resistances for HDPE crystals at room
temperature are given in Table 20.1.
Table 20.1. Slip systems and corresponding resistances for HDPE (Lee et al., 1993)
related to the weakest resistance 9(0.) (thicker lamellae would have higher re-
sistances 9(0.»). The theory gives reasonable results at room temperature but
deviates significantly from experiments at low temperatures and above the
Q-relaxation temperature (about 60°C). Our latest work supports the idea
first suggested in (Crist et al., 1989) that the length of the Burgers vector
along c axis decreases at higher temperatures.
In Sec. 20.3.3, we consider the intermediate phase linking the lamellae
and the amorphous layers and its role in the yield behavior of PE.
Two deformat ion mechanisms of amorphous layers have been identified: in-
terlamellar shear and inter-Iamellar separat ion (Fig. 20.7). Experiments show
that inter-Iamellar shear is the dominant deformation mode at small strains
of PE (Lin and Argon, 1994). PE is nearly an incompressible material, with
Poisson's ratio v = 0.41 (Dahoun et al., 1995). Therefore, in order to have in-
terlamellar separation in a given inclusion, there must be a flow of amorphous
material into the inter-Iamellar space, which would lead to micro-cavities. At
small strains, no cavitation has been registered for PE and therefore this de-
formation mode should have negligible contribution to the overall strain. Here
inter-Iamellar shear is taken into account with the choice of a basic structural
unit consisting of a stack of parallel lamellae and their adjacent amorphous
layers (Fig. 20.1). In that figure, n denotes the unit vector normal to the
lamellae surfaces and c the unit vector of the direction of PE molecules in
the crystals. Experimental observations show that the chain direction c forms
an angle with the normal vector n ranging between 17° and 40° (Lee et al.,
1993). In our model (n, c) = 30°. For convenience when dealing with the
overall behavior, we call a stack of lamellae and their adjacent amorphous
layers inclusion. The crystalline phase content Xc in each inclus ion is taken
to be equal to the overall crystallinity of the polymer.
The amorphous layers' micro-structure is not fully understood at present,
mainly because of the experimental difficulties stemming from the fact that it
cannot be isolated and studied separately from the bulk material. A complex
micro-structure with ordered micro-domains has been proposed in (Bartczak
et al., 1996) in order to explain the large viscoplastic deformation of the
amorphous phase of HDPE. Here we use a similar idea (though in a different
context) in the case of small deformat ion behavioL
In the frame of our model the relation between the shear viscosity and
shear rate in each inclusion can be extracted (at room temperature the amor-
phous phase of PE is in a molten state, that is why we use the shear viscosity
as a key parameter). In Sec. 20.3.6 we show that it is of a power law type
even at very small strain rates. This behavior is fundamentally different for
Polyethylene melt where a Newtonian plateau is reached at small strain rates
(Larson, 1988).
532 20. Micro-mechanics of materials
Fig. 20.1. Deformation of amorphous phase: (a) non-deformed state, (b) inter-
lamellar shear, (c) inter-Iamellar separationj after (Dahoun, 1992).
20.3 Micro/macro constitutive model for semi-crystalline polymers 533
On the other hand, the polymer chains in the amorphous phase are
subjected to severe constraints from the lamellae and are situated in ex-
tremely thin layers with thickness of order 10 nm. We suggest that under
these conditions the viscoelastic stress in the amorphous layers is due to
the resistance of polymer molecules to dis tort ion during deformation. Micro-
mechanical interpretations of viscoelasticity of homogeneous polymer melts
suppose that stress is caused either by simultaneous stretching and release of
polymer strands or reptation of polymer molecules in a" tube" of surrounding
molecules (Larson, 1988). These processes are not likely to operate in shearing
of thin layers where most molecules are anchored in lamellae, chain ends are
situated mostly on the lamellae surfaces (Lin and Argon, 1994) and entangle-
ments are quite stable defects. We introduce a new parameter which reflects
a different mechanism of viscoelasticity, Le. the distortion elastic constant of
amo~housr-~~~~~~~~~~, Ro
Fig. 20.8. Amorphous layers' micro-structure
a i'n)
R = Ro exp ( - kB; (20.37)
K [ (2akBTi'::) - 1]
TJa = (RoF i'a exp (20.38)
TIa Ga
Fig. 20.9. Three-element rheological model for the amorphous phase behavior
relating the shear stress Ta and strain "fa acting on the amorphous phase is
Ta 8
+ "Ia 8t (Ta)
Ca = Ea"fa + "Ia [."fa 8
+ 8t Ca "fa )]
(Ea (20.41)
viscoelastic model:
However, the elastic modulus G a is not constant but depends on the strain
rate i'a according to equation (20.39); hence the differential equation in its
general form (20.41) should be used. Unless the material is loaded with (i'a =
constant) from stress- and strain-free state, equation (20.41) does not reduce
to the linear case.
The multi-axial generalization of equation (20.41) is stiH under investiga-
tion. One could develop a 3D model along the same lines as the 1D model
and find the following differential equation relating the total stress and strain
tensors (O' a and €a) acting on the amorphous phase:
where E and C(I2 ) are 4th order stiffness tensors ofthe linear and non-linear
elastic moduli, respectively, and M(I2) is a 4th order tensor of the viscous
modulii 12 is the second invariant of the strain rate tensor ea.
Equation (20.43) by it self does not translate the fact that at small strains
the dominant mode of deformation of the amorphous layers is inter-Iamellar
shear. We can take this into account by another possible extension of the
constitutive model from 1D to 3D as follows:
where Ha is the Schmid tensor constructed from the pair of the lamellae
normal vector n and the unit vector m(a) along the projection of the stress
vector in the inclusion on the lamellae surface:
m(a) = - - . t(a) = O' . n - [(O' . n) . n]n (20.45)
IIt(a)11 '
In this section, we consider the intermediate phase linking the lamellae and
the amorphous layers (Fig. 20.10) and its role in the yield behavior of PE.
The conformational entropy of a polymer system with homogeneous molec-
ular structure and spatial inhomogeneity of density and orientation of poly-
mer links has been treated in (Grosberg and Khokhlov, 1994). We make
use of the basic results of Lifshitz (1969) on the entropy losses because of
the spatial inhomogeneity in density or/and orientat ion which give rise to a
density (orientation) gradient. Obvious sources of such a gradient in semi-
crystalline polymers are the chain folding on lamellae surfaces where chains
20.3 Micro/macro constitutive model for semi-crystalline polymers 537
bend more often in one direction than in others and the density difference
between crystals and amorphous material. Thus in semi-erystalline polymers
each crystalline lamella should be wrapped with a surface layer (membrane)
of intermediate phase.
intermediate phase
Fig. 20.10. Intermediate phase in PE
The free energy of the intermediate layer F int for a given lamella is a
fu net ion of the density difference between two phases Lln, the intermediate
layer volume V and the thickness of the layer lint:
D. _ aTV Lln
rmt - 12 (20.46)
the different material parameters have been identified. Numerical results will
be presented later.
Uniaxial tensile experiments were performed on a INSTRON 4204 ma-
chine. The material is HDPE for gas pipes; the crystallinity Xc measured by
DEC has a value of Xc = 0.67. The standard tensile specimens have width
of 9.6 mm and thickness 3.95 mm in their thinner part. The initial gauge
length is 50.5 mm, and the temperature is 23°C.
We first consider the strain rate dependence of the overall stress before
yielding (at strain € = 0.08) and its micro-mechanical interpretation. Five
different macro-strain rates have been imposed on the specimens in tensile
tests: ~ = 6 x 10- 6 ; 3 x 10- 5 ; 3 x 10- 4 ; 3 x 10- 3 ; 3 x 10- 2 [8- 1]. According
to our model, the overall stress U splits into two parts:
where uv(l, T) is the rate-dependent, or viscous stress and ue(e, T) the elastic
stress. They are both temperature-dependent but the influence of tempera-
ture has not been studied.
Prior to yield, the rate-dependent contribution to the overall stress comes
from the inter-Iamellar shear in the randomly oriented inclusions. The re-
versible part ue(e) of the overall stress is obtained via relaxat ion experiment
as the stress after 24 h ofrelaxation at imposed strain of 8 % (efe ~ 8 M Pa).
We subtract ue(e) in order to obtain uv(l) in Eq. (20.49). We assume that
the stress is uniform in alI inclusions and consider the case of most unfavor-
able loading of the amorphous layers in a given inclusion, i.e. when the layers
are oriented at 45° to the tensile axis. The rate-dependent part of the shear
stress in the amorphous phase is then T~v) = O'v/2.
In order to identify the parameter values in a first approximation, we
assume that the strain rate is also uniform throughout the material and,
prior to yield, the plastic strain rate is negligible. Then, for inclusions with
amorphous layers inclined at 45° w.r.t. the tensile axis the average value of
the shear rate is 'tI = 3~/ 4. The shear rate in the amorphous phase will be
'ta ~ 'tl/Xa (an important remark is that our model works not only in the
reversible small-strain region but also beyond the yield limit of the material).
We take Xa ~ 1 - Xc = 0.33.
At steady state shear the viscosity is equal to:
'TJa= -.- (20.50)
We are then able to convert the experimental macro stress-strain data in
terms of viscosity vs. shear rate in the amorphous phase of a single inclusion
(Fig. 20.11). It appears that the observed shear-thinning is of a power-Iaw
type and there are no signs of Newtonian plateau for viscosity even for very
small strain rates.
540 20. Micro-mechanics of materials
10~ 4 10 10~ 10~ 1~
shear rate [1/s1
Fig. 20.11. Amorphous phase shear viscosity TIa vs. shear rate i'a
E I~--______________~
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
sheRr rRte r1/s1
Fig. 20.12. Micro-domain radius R vs. shear rate ia
b 3
o L -_ _- L_ _ _ _ ~ __ ~ _ _ _ _- L_ _ ~
Xc =0.67--
Xc = 0.55
b Xc = 0.43 - -
level. From Fig. 20.14 it is seen that both initial shear modulus and shear yield
stress decrease with decreasing crystallinity. The results obtained are very
similar to those obtained in macroscopic tensile experiments. The relationship
g(O:) /Xc = constant is imposed a priori but what is more important is that
the link between the initial shear modulus and the yield stress is obtained as
a direct result of our constitutive modeling keeping all the parameters of the
amorphous phase model unchanged.
The model allows us to compute the energy vVa necessary to shrink
a micro-domain to radius R. With the above parameter set we obtain
W a ~ 2 X 10- 21 J at strain rate "'Ia = 0.005 S-l. At a first glance it seems to
be excessively low. However, the energy necessary to move a dislocation in a
PE crystal in order to set up plastic fiow is about 1.6 x 10- 19 J (Lin and Ar-
gon, 1994). Therefore, the proposed mechanism of micro-domains' shrinking
should be active well before the propagat ion of dislocations in crystals.
Next, we consider the elastic contribution to the overall stress {Ie. The
rubbery shear modulus obtained from numeric al simulations is Ea = 2 M Pa
which gives the number of active strands per unit volume as: lIa = 0.5 X
10 27 m- 3 . A more representative estimation is to find the number of crystal's
unit cells which can occupy the volume necessary for one strand to be formed.
Simple computation gives that one strand occupies a volume where 20 unit
cells can be situated, which is a reasonable value (a small number of cells
implies that the strands' conformat ion is near crystalline state and cannot
be stretched much further, which is in contradiction with the experimental
Uniaxial tension tests at the macro scale were simulated at constant
macro. stress rate. Note that although the macro. stress is uniaxial, the stress
and strain fields inside each RVE are multiaxial. Each RVE is an aggregate
containing 250 randomly oriented inclusions. Reuss homogenization scheme
20.4 Further reading 543
was used. Macro. stress versus macro. strain curves are plotted in Figs. 20.15
and 20.16. The former figure shows the inftuence of the lading rate, while the
latter shows the effect of crystallinity ratio. Figure 20.16 is a typical example
of the benefits one gets by using a micro/macro model: a micro-structural
information such as the crystallinity ratio is not contained in a phenomeno-
logical macro. model and therefore cannot be predicted by it.
35 xX
<il XX
o.. 30
••• •••••
•• ••
~ 25 x
rJ.l x
Q) +++
20 x. ++
rJ.l x· +++
• ++
...ci 15 xe++
U x·+
.+ 0.1 MPa / s
c<l 10 x+
1 MPa / s •
10 MPa / s x
O 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16
Macro. strain
Fig. 20.15. Macroscopic tension tests at constant stress rates. Infiuence of loading
o... 25
'"'"<ll 20
'" 15
ro 10 Xc = 0.43 +
~ Xc = 0.55 •
5 Xc = 0.67 x
O 0.04 0.08 0.12
Macro. strain
Fig. 20.16. Macroscopic tension test at constant stress rate = 1 M Pal s. Influence
of crystallinity ratio.
See Fig. 8.1 for an illustration. Both cylindrical and Cartesian bases are
orthonormal. The position vector of a point M(r,O,z) W.r.t. the frame
(O,ex,ey,e z ) is:
x -=OM= re r + ze z (A.2)
dv = ( âF
âr dr
âF âF)
+ âO dO + âz dz er + F(dO)eo
âG âG âG)
+( âr dr + âO dO + âz dz eo - G(dO)e r
âH âH âH)
+ ( a:;:dr + ao dO + az dz ez (A.6)
Using (A.6) and (A.7), Eq. (A.5) can be written in the following matrix form:
8r dr
8F + !(8F
8C dr +
r 88 - G)rd() 8z dz
!(8C + F)rd() + 8C dz
+ 1
8r r 88 8z (A.8)
8H dr + ! 8H (rd(}) 8H dz +
8r r 88 8z , .
V'v = [
r 88
r 88
1 (A.9)
8H 18H 8H
ar r7fi[ {fi
using (A.9). Now let g(r,(},z) be a scalar field. The gradient (V'g) of 9 is
defined by:
V'g = [ ~~8z
l, (A.12)
using (A.7). The gradient (V'V'g) of (V'g) is found from (A.9) and (A.12) as
8r 2
! ( h _ !!!s.)
r 8r8 r 88
V'V'g = [ .!l..(!!!s.)
8r 5 88
r r 88
+ !!s.)
b.. !h
8r8z r 888z
_ 8 2g l 182g 8g 8 2g
Llg = tr (V'V'g) = 8r 2 + ;:-(;:- 8(}2 + 8r) + 8z 2 (A.14)
Consider a second-order symmetric tensor a (e.g., stress (1" or strain 1:) and a
vector u. In Cartesian coordinates, the following result is easily established:
This can be written in the following intrinsic form which is valid in cylindrical
coordinates for instance
where div designates the divergence operator. We now apply the result to the
cylindrical basis by taking u to be equal to e r , e() and ez, successively,
ar + ~ 7iiJ + arr ) + fu
oarr l (oaer oazr l
- ~aee,
(diva) . ee div(a· e()) - a: (\lee)
oa r() l oa()()
+ ~(7iiJ + are)
oaze l
+ fu + ~ar(),
(diva)· e z div(a· e z ) - a: (\le z )
oarz l (oae oa zz
ar + ~ 7iiJ +a rz
z )
+ fu' (A.19)
Le. F = arn G = aer and H = azr. The projections along e() and e z are
obtained in a similar fashion. As an application of results (A.19), equilibrium
equations (div (1" + f = O) are obtained in cylindrical coordinates by setting
a = (1", i.e.
The infinitesimal strain tensor is defined by: 1: = (\lu + ,;r u)/2, where u
is the displacement. Using (A.9), the components in the cylindrical basis are
given as follows:
548 A. Cylindrical coordinates
Err ,
1 (âUO
Eee = ;: â() + Ur ) ,
[P] = [ - sin() cos() O
sin(} O 1 (A.22)
O O 1
Consider the following cubic equation where A, B and Care given parameters:
x3 + Ax 2 + Bx + C = O (B.1)
Actually, it is better to first compute the eigenvalues r;J of the deviatoric part
of 7] defined by:
Il (7])
dev 7] = 7] - -3- 1,
because we have h(dev 7]) = O and thus A = O in (B.l). Once the r;/s are
found, the eigenvalues of 7] are computed as follows:
Another example where the solution of Eq. (B.1) is needed is the strain
localization condition in 2D (Sec. 19.11.1).
There are various ways of presenting Cardan's formulae. We shall give
hereafter an implementat ion which proved to be computationally robust but
has one problem which will be explained at the end of the appendix.
The following change of variable:
X=x+- (B.2)
transforms (B.l) into the following equation:
552 B. Cardan's formulae
X 3 +pX +q = O, (B.3)
We only consider the case when p < O (see comments at the end). We intro-
duce the following notation:
cP3 == :3 arccos CrjJ (B.6)
Finally, the solutions of the original equation (B.I) are the following:
-3 + 2P3 COScP3,
-~ - P3[COScP3 + (sin cP3)v'3J,
- 3A - .
P3[cos cP3 - (SIn cP3) v'3] (B.7)
The solution procedure given here is robust but there is one problem:
In theory, if (4 p 3 + 27 q 2 > O) then there is one real solution and two complex
ones. This case is not detected with our algorithm, which always returns three
real solutions. A workaround is to always check whether those solutions are
physically acceptable or not.
c. Matrices for the representation of second-
and fourth-order tensors
C.l Storage
Let a,b be second-order symmetric tensors (e.g., stress and strain tensors),
and e, D, E fourth-order tensors (e.g., Hooke's operator in linear elastic-
ity, tangent operators in elasto-plasticity, etc.) For computations, a or bare
stored in 6 x 1 arrays as follows:
{a} = [ an (C.l)
This is not the traditional way of storing stress and strain tensors. That
method distinguishes between stress and strain: shear components of strain
are multiplied by a factor of 2 while the shear components of stress are kept
as they are. 1 However, we shall show hereafter that definit ion (C.l) has some
nice properties which the traditional method does not possess.
The inner product of a and b is given by the scalar:
The traditional storage does not lead to such expressions if both tensors are
stresses or both of them are strains.
If e relates a and b in the following way (e.g., linear elasticity or incre-
mental elasto-plasticity, etc.)
then it must have the following symmetries (because a and bare symmetric),
1 O O O O O
O 1 O O O O
O O 1 O O O
O O O O 1 O
O O O O 1 O
O O O O O 1
i.e., the 6 x 6 identity matrix (if one stores the components Iijkl as they are,
one finds the last 3 terms in the diagonal equal to 1/2 instead of 1).
C.I Storage 555
l O O O O O l
O l O O O O l
O O l O O O l
[C] 2J1. +A [ l l l O O O]
O O O l O O O
O O O O l O O
O O O O O l O
A + 2J1. A A O O O
A A+2J1. A O O O
A A A + 2J1. O O O
O O O 2J1. O O
O O O O 2J1. O
O O O O O 2J1.
This is consistent with storing the stress u and the strain € as the 6 x l
arrays defined in Eq. (C.I); one can also check that the more general 6 x 6
matrix defined in Eq. (C.5) reduces to that of Eq. (C.13) in the isotropic case
defined by Eq. (C.lI). (Note: with a traditional storage, the last three terms
in the diagonal are simply J1.).
If a fourth-order tensor C is the the tensor product of two symmetric
second-order tensors a and b,
then it is stored as a 6 x 6 matrix [C] (where {a} and {b} are 6 x l arrays
defined in (C.I)):
Oij = e; . ej = (Pikek) . (Pjlel) = PikPjlOkl,
it appears that the matrix [P] verifies:
Let v be a vector represented by 3 x 1 arrays {v} in the first basis and {v*}
in the second. We have:
a;j PikaklPjl
PilPjlall + Pi2Pj2a22 + Pi3Pj3a33
+ (Pi1 Pj2 + Pi2 Pj1 )a12 + (Pi2 Pj3 + Pi3 Pj2 )a23 + (Pi3 Pj1 + Pi1 Pj3 )a31
C.2 Change of coordinates 557
(Note that we do have aij = aii)' Equations (C.20) can then be written in
the following matrix forms:
Note that unlike the traditional storage, the expres sion of [q] is unchanged,
whether we transform stress or strain tensors. The reader can count the
number of operations (especially the multiplications) to see which one of
transformations (C.20) or (C.21) is computationally cheaper.
From Eqs. (C.21) it is easy to check that:
âw . 1
(T= - , wlth w = -f: : C : f: (C.24)
âf: 2
We wish to find a matrix transformation rule for the fourth-order tensor C.
We follow the method of Lekhnitskii (1981). In the basis (ei), we can write
Eq. (C.24)b as:
558 C. Matrices for the representation of second- and fourth-order tensors
Since this relation musţ hold for any {f}, we deduce that:
Note that transformation rules (C.28) or (C.29) are also valid if C is not
Hooke's operator but has the same symmetries as that tensor. Finally, no
transformation is needed if C is isotropic since [C*) = [C).
D. Zero-stress constraints
In the various stress update algorithms that were presented in Chaps. 12,
13, 15, 16, 17 and 18 it was assumed that alt strain or deformation gradient
components are known. There are cases however where the assumption is not
valid. If we have a (local) plane stress state (as for plates or shells) the out-of-
plane component of strain is unknown. AIso, for a beam, only the axial strain
component is known. This appendix shows how to deal with those cases for
some important classes of material models.
We keep the notations of Sec. 12.10.2. We show how the return mapping
algorithm is modified in plane stress when the out-of-plane strain component
E33 is unknown. A trial stress is defined as follows:
where all components of €tr are equal to those of € except 4'3 which is com-
puted such that (Ţ~3 = o. Using a well-known technique (see Chap. 7), the
following value is found:
The reader can check that this can be rewritten as in (Doghri, 1995):
560 D. Zero-stress constraints
we find:
Taking the inner product of each side of the equation and using the yield
O"eq = O"y + R(p), (D.9)
the following scalar equation is found:
(O"eq + 3GLlp)2 = (0";;)2 + 4G 2(t33 - t~~)2 + 6G(t33 - t~~)8~~,
which can be rewritten as follows:
k 1 (p, t33) = 3GLlp + O"y + R(p) - {(0";;)2 + 2G(t33 - t~~)[38~~
+2G(t33 - t~~)]} 1/2 =O (D.lO)
The extra-unknown t33 is such that 0"33 = O, Le.
833 + "3tr (7 =O (D.11)
In summary, the problem is reduced to finding two scalar unknowns: p and t:33
which satisfy two scalar nonlinear equations (D.lO) and (D.12). This system
can be solved iteratively using Newton's method:
( âk 1 )(it)[p(iHl) _
(it)] + (âk
1 )(it)[f (it+l) _ (it)] -_ -k1 (it) (it))
P , f 33
âP f33
33 f 33
The reader can check that the four partial derivatives are given as follows:
âk 1 dR
âp 3G + dp'
âk 1 G[3sM; + 4G(f33 - 4'3)]
ât:33 k 1 - 3GL1p - [O'y + R(p)]
âk2 (K4+G
= 3) (f33 - t:33 )
tT dR
dp + 3GKtr t:
(K + 4~) [O'y +R(p)] +3GKL1p (D.14)
As we have seen in the previous section, enforcing a plane stress condition for
h elasto-plasticity, which is perhaps the simplest nonlinear material model,
is rather involved. For more sophisticated models, the algorithm can become
very tedious. That is why it may be advantageous to use the following pro-
cedure which is both very simple and general.
The plane stress condition is considered as a nonlinear equation where
the unknown is f33:
)(it) [ (it+l) _
0'33 â f 33 f 33 - (D.16)
(it )
c 3333
So, at each iteration (it), the constitutive routine is called with aU strain
components given, including f~~). The routine computes the stress (T and
the material (consistent or algorithmic) tangent c at tn+l' If the plane stress
562 D. Zero-stress constraints
Similarly to the plane stress case -(D.16)- these two nonlinear equations are
solved iteratively using Newton's method.
In this section, we extend the algorithm of the previous section to the finite-
strain regime. In plane stress, component F33 of the deformation gradient is
unknown and should be computed such that the 33-component of the Cauchy
stress u is nil. As we shall see hereafter, it is easier to write the condition as
where T = (det F)u is the Kirchhoff stress. This equation is solved iteratively
with Newton's method:
7 33
+ ( 8733 )(it) [F,(it+1)
8F33 33
_ F,(it)j
=O (D.19)
Taking the partial derivative w.r.t. FpQ and making extensive use of results
found in Sec. 15.1.3, we obtain the following successive equalities:
8FpQ F jK + PiK8jp8KQ
AKiQpFjK + PiQ8jp
= (S KQ 8ip + FiMFpNCKMQN)FjK + P iQ 8 jp
(PjQ8ip + P iQ8jp ) + FjKFiMFrRFpNCKMRN(F-l)Qr
(PjQ8ip + P i Q8jp ) + Cjirp(F-l)Qr, (D.21)
where c is the spatial tangent operator. Now, using the relation between T
and P again,
D.3 General finite-strain models 563
In summary, for plane stress, at each iteration (it), the constitutive routine is
called with aU deformation gradient components given, including Fi;t). The
routine computes the Kirchhoff stress T and the spatial tangent operator c
at tn+l. If the plane stress condition (D.18) is not satisfied, then we iterate
again by computing Fi;t+l) from (D.19) and (D.24)
For a beam with axis 1, only Fll is known. Components F 22 and F33 are
found from the conditions:
These two nonlinear equations are solved iteratively using Newton's method.
The four partial derivatives which are needed are given directly by (D.23).
Exercise: Consider a finite-strain elasto-plastic model based on a multi-
plicative deformat ion gradient decomposition and hyperelasticity and show
that result (D.23) still holds. Hint: use Eq. (16.35) and review the above
calculations carefully.
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