Information For Participants: Page - 1
Information For Participants: Page - 1
Information For Participants: Page - 1
The purpose of this form is to provide you with information so you can decide whether to
participate in this study. The researcher will answer any questions you may have, at any time
before, during, or after the study. Please read the information on this form and decide if you
are happy to participate. If you agree, please sign this form where indicated. Consent forms
are stored securely on Google Drive and are accessible only by the researchers. You may
request a copy of your form at any time by contacting me using the details below Please also
confirm whether or not you are willing for your contribution to be audio recorded. The
recording will be used only for the purposes of transcribing data and will be accessed only by
the researcher and, if required, the tutor/supervisor.
Your participation in this study is voluntary. You may withdraw from the study at any time
without reason, and you do not have to answer any questions that you do not feel
comfortable to discuss.
You may withdraw permission to use data from any interview within 2 weeks after the
interview, in which case the material will be deleted.
You have been invited to participate in a small-scale study by Saqib Ayaz and Khai Nguyen.
The study aims to find out about the relationship of social media with mental health. The
research will be submitted to ONCAMPUS for assessment as part of the module Skill for
business. The study is not intended for publication.
If you wish to view the completed work, I am happy to facilitate this at a date and time that
is convenient to us both.
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You will not receive any type of compensation/reward/payment for participating in this
You can be informed about the result of this study if you require us.
Statement of Privacy and Confidentiality
In the submitted work and any previous draft versions, the data you provide will be treated
confidentially and will only be used for this research purpose. Any comments will not be
identified as belonging to you, nor will we use any information you provide for direct
marketing or other non-research activities.
If asked for personal information that could identify you, we will inform you of the reason
why we are asking and will ask for your permission to use it for the reason given.
Consent forms and audio recordings will be retained securely as stated above until the 31 st
of April
Any transcript from your interview in which identifying information has been removed will
be retained for a month
Contact Information
I agree to participate in the research project of (name). I fully understand what this involves
and I agree to the use of the findings as described above YES/NO
I agree for the interview to be recorded and used only to ensure accurate transcription of
the interview. YES/NO
Participant signature:__________________________________________________
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I confirm that I will keep to the above agreements in full.
Researcher signature:___________________________________________________
Name:_________________Khai Nguyen and Saqib Ayaz ___________________
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