Definition of A Trend: Lesson 1

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Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

The birth of 21st century has resulted to a lot of rising trends not only to one aspect but to a
whole. Global trends have been anchored to socio-cultural, economic and political dimensions with
which increasingly given attention nowadays. Apparently, a lot of trends are being practiced by
some however, they are not aware of it.


1 (HUMSS_MCT12- Ia-b-1)

What I Need to Know

Our environment plays an important role of who we were yesterday, who we are today,
and who we will be in the future. Nowadays, we cannot determine what lies ahead of us as we
live in this world full of uncertainty, but we all know that we are going to that direction. Few go
straight, but some of us go upward; others go downward while others go upward and downward
without consistency. These are true to our lives. The moment you step into a minefield of potential
confusion; you are exercising trends without noticing it.
What are the latest models of cell phones today? What are the hottest news today about
celebrities? What are the trending dance moves or tag lines? What is the latest and updated online
game? Are you concern about what type of business boomed today? Unsurprisingly, trends are
about us: how do we behave, what we want, and how do we view the world around us. This is the
trend of our existence in this world. But, what is trend?

At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to define the following:
a. Trend
b. Megatrend
c. Microtrend

What’s In

The birth of twenty first century has resulted to a lot of rising trends not only to one aspect
but to a whole. Global trends have been anchored to socio-cultural, economic and political
dimensions with which increasingly given attention nowadays. Apparently, a lot of trends are being
practiced by some however, they are not aware of it. This time, you are going to discover what
trend is all about. To formally start this lesson, unlock first the next activity given below. I know
you can do it.
What is It

Trend is a continuous development towards something new or different. It simply reflects

on what seems to be going around at any given time. Sanders, Soper and Rotwell (2009) define
trend as a ―recurrent phenomenon that takes place over time and gives rise to speculation on
the future It can be in any area and doesn’t only reflect fashion, pop culture and entertainment,
but to all dimensions. It could be socio-cultural, economic and/or political dimensions. Moreover,
it is a change evidenced by a rise or fall of variables when measured between at least two points
over time (Gordon, 2008). Thus, a trend is a sequential pattern of change in recorded data.
In 1985, American Heritage Dictionary defines trend as a direction of movement, as ―the
trend of a line or the movement in a specified direction, as in ―the prevailing wind trends east-
northeast. Hence, a trend is the general direction or tendency in which is going to move, develop
or change.
The way of doing new things of an individual, group or societal approach then followed by
many people is called as trend. It has ability to influence or even direct people to adapt, accept
and follow what is new. Also, trends tend to shift peoples’ needs and wants as it distracts the
present trends then proposed new ones in the form of innovations (to be discussed in the
proceeding part).
Megatrends and the microtrends are the two types of trend. Megatrends are those larger
patterns of broad trends that reshape and transform our lives while microtrends is the advocate
localization as opposed to globalization It recognizes that people and communities have never
been more refined and more conversant about the choices they make in their everyday lives.
Trends gain power over time as they are not just merely part of a moment, they are tools,
connectors and will become more valuable as other people commit to engaging (Seth Godin).
They solve problems. They represent new ways of life. Some trends are fun, some fabulous, some
appalling, but however long they last, you can be sure there will always be a new trend coming
along to replace the old.
Awesome! You are now ready to do the next activity. This time, you are going to share
your comprehension on what you have read.
(HUMSS_MCT12- Ia-b-2)

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. identify what are the following; trend analysis, trend spotting, trend spotter, and
projecting trends
2. identify the five ways on how to spot a trend.

What’s In
In the previous lesson, you have defined trend, megatrend, and microtrend. You have also
learned that trend doesn’t only reflect on fashion, pop culture, and entertainment but in all
dimensions. Moreover, you have learned that megatrend and microtrend are the two
classifications of trend. In this lesson, we are going to identify the process on how to spot a trend.
Alright! You can do this. To unlock this lesson, you need to perform first the next activity.

What Is It

―Trends never turn on a dime. Reversals build slowly. The first sharp dip always finds buyers
and the first sharp rise always finds sellers – Alan Farley
It is important for us to understand that trends do not go straight up or straight down. They tend
to zigzag back and forth from a new high back to a lower high, then to a higher high and go down.
Thus, it has no consistency on its own manner.
Trend is considered as a collage of present circumstances that extend current patterns
into the future (Cornish, 2004 and Canton, 2006). However, an examination of these phenomena
and speculation on the likely impact they will have in the future is called trend analysis. In
addition, the practice of collecting information and attempting to spot a pattern, or trend, in the
information is also known as trend analysis.
Sanders, Soper, and Rotwell (2002) stated that ―an examination of trends phenomena
and speculation on its likely impact in the future is called as trends analysis. Moreover, trends
analysis grants ―future vision It allows populations to be proactive in response to future events.
Furthermore, trends analysis is the widespread practice of collecting information and attempting
to spot a pattern in the information. It will be used in predicting future events or estimating uncertain
events in the past, and distracting present events just to promote new ones.
The process of identifying of trends is called trend spotting. Rehn and Lindkvist (2013)
define trend spotting as attempting to see the future in the present situation. On the other hand,
the people who notice and report on new fashions, activities that people are starting to do is called
as trend spotter. Conversely, an act that assumes the future that will be a logical extension of the
past is defined as act of projecting trends. Thus, projecting trends will be based from the past,
present and what will be in the future regardless of defined and undefined factors that contribute
from its changes or development.
Many successful businesses were started by entrepreneurs with an ability to see a trend
before everyone else. They were able to take their insight and capitalize on it in a new and creative
way. Businesses from Uber and Lyft to Airbnb and HomeAway are just some of the most recent
examples of entrepreneurs benefiting from emerging trends. But just because it’s been done
before doesn’t mean it is easy to see trends first and find ways to capitalize on them.
The keen competition around the market regardless of its kind and the rapid change of
customers’ behaviour, smart entrepreneurs are always looking for an edge. They want to know
how they can identify trends, and how they can use that skill to build and grow a business for them
not to be eradicated from the market place. Fortunately, here are five ways in spotting trends and
capitalizing on them before your competition does, and these will help you a lot the moment you
apply and develop these to your business.

1. Anticipate change
The constant thing in this world is change. Assume that change is coming and look for it.
Change can be either social -- as in the rise of socially responsible business -- or technological, as
exemplified by the growth of gadgets. Sometimes change can be both. The great example of it is
social media.
Don’t forget the cyclical, up-down, back-forth nature of business while you are searching.
Change doesn’t have to be permanent to provide a viable opportunity for business creation and
growth. Remember, the nature of trends has no consistency.
2. See it coming
The basic tools of the trend tracker are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. In
other words, every sense that can be used to get information about the world should be employed
in seeing for upcoming changes. Start by reading and watching everything you can. That should
include general interest news outlets, trade publications, blogs, government reports and casual
conversations overheard in elevators. Be updated of problems people are talking about. Be
proactive as it comes.
3. Distinguish between short-lived fads and long-term trends
Strive to identify big changes that create lasting problems that many customers will be
happy to pay to solve. The idea is to wind up with a business model in which revenues are larger
than costs for a long period, not one that limps by on slender profit margins before competitors
take even that away.
To filter out fads, talk to the potential buyers of the solution to the problem. The more
frustrated they are, the more likely they are to pay for a solution. In extreme cases, potential
customers may be willing to fund the development of solutions. With this, it is not hard for you to
win them. Another way around is by talking to experts.
4. Make sure your solutions are realistic
Again, it’s relevant to talk to target customers. Make sure the solution you envision is one
you can realistically provide with features. Costs must establish alternatives will compare
It is not all about your desire product to proposed, it’s about their problem to be solved.
What you can do conveniently and inexpensively may be of little value to customers. The sweet
spot for a trend-exploiting start-up is at the intersection of business capability and customer’s
5. Create a competitive advantage
To get the biggest benefit, be the first doer. Be courageous! It is uncommon for any single
entrepreneur to be the only one who sees an opportunity. Most will hesitate and not move at all.
Many others will not move quickly enough. Lasting competitive advantage usually goes to the first
entrant to stake a market out and capture customer loyalty. Those who come later usually have
to settle for slimmer profits and more competition.
Being first is not sufficient, of course! Business history is besieged with well-financed start-
ups directed by well-regarded leaders who committed too much, too early and in the wrong place.
So test before committing. Again, look for revenues that overwhelm costs and customers who are
3 FROM A FAD (HUMSS_MCT12- Ia-b-3)

What I Need To Know

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. define fad and trend

2. differentiate fad from trend.

What’s In

In the previous lesson, you have learned about trend analysis, trend spotting and trend
spotter. Additionally, you have also learned about the five ways on how to spot a trend that will
help us to be proactive. This time, we are going to discuss about the differentiation of a trend from
a fad. Alright! You can know unlock this lesson by performing the activity given below.

What Is It
Fads and trends can be used interchangeably by most of the people. They are forms
of collective behaviour that develop within a culture, a generation or social group in which a
group of people enthusiastically follow in an impulse for a finite period. There are a number of
industries whose very survival depends on recognizing the difference between a fad and a
trend (Web Finance Inc., 2005).
Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines fad as something, such as an interest or fashion
that is very popular for a short period of time. It is an intense and a widely-shared enthusiasm
for something, especially one that is short-lived. In addition, a fad is something (products,
fashion, style or etc.) that has little, if any, utility and is characterized by a quick rise and
popularity followed by a quick decline and popularity. The reason about this type of nature of
fad is because it usually does not satisfy a strong consumers’/users’ needs and wants. It is
temporary fashion, a craze, interest, or activity that people follow enthusiastically, but lasts for
a short period of time. Thus, fad is something that will rise rapidly and fall relatively rapid also
once the perception of novelty is gone.
Nevertheless, the best guesses for future events or patterns that are based on present
peripheral and historical information is called as trends (Cornish 2004). Through the
interrelatedness of all things in the universe, trends are complex fusion of past, present, and
future information and represent human’s best predictions over time which allow for
preemptive judgments and actions toward future events and conditions.
According to Naisbit 2006, fads are normally micro-trends that exist under the umbrella
of an actual trend. Thus, all fads are trend, but not all trends are fad accordingly. However, the
ability to frame a trend in time is what ultimately gives a trend its credibility. Thinking of trends
along a linear timeline however, is not always correct as trends can revert back on themselves
becoming cyclical or trends can fuse or converge with other trends occurring in the same time
frame (Canton 2006).
A fad by definition is a short-term event, what some may call a "flash in the pan." It
does not guarantee lifetime. It’s short-lived or some will say it’s just For-A-Day. On the other
hand, a trend has the potential of becoming a long-term influence on the future of a market.
It’s long-lived. These two may resemble each other at first, but there is almost always a definite
beginning and a definite end to a fad.
According to, there are three differentiating factors between a
fad and a trend which follows;
Reason for rise. Trends generally have identifiable and explainable rises, driven by
consumers’ functional needs and consistent with other consumer lifestyle trends. By contrast,
fads are driven by an emotional need to purchase, based on hype and idealistic product
perceptions. The benefits are ethereal or ill-conceived, and don’t deliver what was promised
to consumers.

Incubation period and life span. Trends rise slowly, whereas fads spike—and die
out— quickly. For example, demand for multiple fashionable handbags and accessories for
each occasion has grown steadily over the years, fueling Coach’s decade-long growth and
healthy 11-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19 percent. Beanie Babies, on the
other hand, went from $400 million in sales in 1997 to $1.3 billion in 1999, a CAGR of 77
percent, before dropping to $850 million the next year and steep declines thereafter (see
Exhibit 1 chart below).
Scope. A trend usually encompasses several brands or products that are applicable
to many different consumer segments, while a fad typically includes only a single brand or
product and has limited appeal outside of one narrow consumer segment. A trend possesses
some agility and consumers have granted it permission to expand beyond its current platform
while maintaining authenticity.

How was it? I hope the concepts you have all read are now clear. You have to do the following
activities for us to assess your understanding about this lesson. With positive mind, you can
now start.

What I Have Learned

Things to Remember!

Fad and trend are both collective behaviour that develop within a culture, a generation and
social group in which a group of people enthusiastically follow an impulse for a finite period.
Moreover, fad is a short-term event or what some may call ―flash in the pan‖ while trend has
the potential of becoming a long-term influence on the future. Fad is short-lived while trend is
long-lived. There are three differentiating factors between the two namely reason for rise,
incubation and life span, and scope.

What I Need To Know

At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. identify the three fundamental elements that point out trends

2. point out the elements that make up a trend.

What’s In

In the previous lesson, you have learned about the differentiation between a trend and
a fad. You have learned that both trend and fad are collective behaviour develop within a
culture, generation and social group. Additionally, you have discovered that fad is like a flash
in a pan, short lived and for a day in nature. This time, you are going to point out the elements
that make up a trend.

What Is It

Trend is a conceptualized idea that has a prospect of providing or having a continuing

influence for a longer period of time due to its increasing and sustained presence and effect
or even demand among its consumers in the case of a product (Mangiduyos, 2017).
According to, there are three fundamental elements that point out
trends namely; basic needs, drivers of change and innovations.

These are the forces that have been shaping human behavior for years (if not forever!)
as it is necessary to sustain life. These are the minimum requirements of a community for a
decent standard of life. It consists of adequate food, shelter, and clothing plus some household
equipment and furniture. Likewise, these include essential services provided by and for the
community-at-large such as safe drinking water, sanitation, health and education.
As the constant thing in this world is change thus, there are no trends without change.
Drivers of change is considered as one of the most well-known and comprehensive publication
series as it investigates the key global issues and trends driving change in our societies and
markets. It analyzes change, thinks in terms of Shifts (long-term, slower) and Triggers (specific
factors or events).
Innovations generally refer to changing processes or creating more effective
processes, products and ideas. They are considered as catalyst for growth and development,
but they aren’t trends. Conversely, without examples of customer-facing innovations, a trend
can’t be said to exist fully yet.
Let’s try to consider on the area of modern web design. There are eight elements that make up
a trend and they are presented as follows:
1. Unique and Large Typography
Most companies have a particular font or typography that they use to help their
customers immediately identify them from their competitors. For instance, JOLLIBEE OR
MCDONALDS are recognized easily through the use of their unique fonts on their trademark
(brand name or brand mark) which distinguish them from their competitors because of its own
originality and uniqueness. The moment people will see their typography; they already have
their positioning in mind that these businesses will not necessarily inform customers through
different types of promotion because they have already been known.
2. Large & Responsive Hero Images
Hero images are the large promotional images. Examples are the large pictures on the
walls of establishments. They may have texts in the image itself and present unique problems
for responsive designs. Also, these can help tell the story without having to rely on just text.
Moreover, large and responsive images make for a good user experience such as taking
pictures and etc.
3. Background Videos
It will greatly help to a page when videos can automatically play in the back ground. They
can be used to tell a story and significantly reduce the amount of other content needed to
explain the business. These will give convenience especially to those individuals who are not
interested on reading and/or too busy to read because of some factors, but can listen while
doing other things.
4. Semi-Flat Design
Flat design is not only easier for users to comprehend, but it can also load more quickly
on websites without complicated or overly-technical elements. As flat design is any element
that does not include or give the perception of three dimensions, such as shadows. It is simple,
but easily readable.
In terms of manipulating a website, it is important to be consistent in using design
regardless of whether you fully design your website using flat design or utilize shadows and
other elements in order to help visitors/customers/viewers understand your content more
quickly. However, adding elements of depth can also bring it to life.
5. Hamburger Menus
Hamburger menu was created as a website design feature to incorporate a site menu
without taking up too much room. Its three lines stacked together to roughly form the shape of
a hamburger. While it serves its purpose of condensing information, achieving a minimalist
aesthetic, and keeping uncultured site, still it may have relevant drawbacks. Taking the visitor
directly to where they desire is its advantage. However, it generally take up a ton of relevant
screen space.
6. Giant Product Images
The important attack of a certain business especially online is to catch the attention of the
viewers or clients. Displaying large product images on your site to highlight different features
or parts of the product will do so. It helps designers to efficiently and effectively highlight
different features of the product. In addition, large images help visitors to generate a solid
understanding of what the different product features do.
7. Card Design
Users can pick and choose which articles they want to expand through breaking up
unlike pieces of content into cards. It keeps homepage clean and organized, without relying
on a ton of text.
Card design helps to deliver easily digestible chunks of information for users.
Moreover, it can help highlights multiple products or solutions side-by-side.
8. Short Product or Feature Videos
In addition to background videos, companies are also beginning to use short product
or feature videos to highlight a specific use case. These short videos are great at bringing your
solution to life, while not overwhelming the visitor with a long experience that they must sit
Short videos allow prospects for quick understanding that is best for top of the tunnel.
In addition, these allow prospects to understand it quickly without watching a really long,
indepth experience.

Wow! With your patience and perseverance on reading the content of this lesson, I can
say that you can have a bright future someday. Start it with little things. This time, it is your
time to inquire your understanding by answering the given activities.

What I Have Learned

Things to Remember!

There are three fundamental elements that point out trends namely basic needs,
drivers of change and innovations. However, there are eight elements that make up a trend
namely unique and large typology, large and responsive hero images, background videos,
semi-flat design, hamburger menu, giant product images, card design, and short products or
feature videos in the modern web design.
(HUMSS_MCT12- Ia-b-5)

What I Need To Know

At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. define what is characteristics
2. describe the different characteristics of a trend.

What’s In
In the previous lesson, you have learned about the elements that point out trend
namely basic needs, drivers of change and innovations. Additionally, there are eight elements
that point out a trend in the modern web design.

What Is It
As a pattern of gradual change in condition, output, and or process trend has its own
characteristics. Merriam Webster dictionary defines characteristic as a distinguishing trait,
quality, or property. However, in business dictionary it means ―a distinguishing feature or
attribute of an item, person, phenomenon, etc., usually divided into three categories: physical,
functional, and operational.‖ Thus, characteristics are what separate you or something from
others. It pinpoints the mark of uniqueness of someone or something. This time, let us apply
the five (5) characteristics which used by the professionals in fashion design skills.
1. Innovation
Even if you are trying to imitate a popular style, be sure to always bring something new when
designing. Because no matter how consistent or repurposed a popular fashion or trend might
be, always remember that something will replace it. But, the moment you add something
personalized (own touch) to it, it might distract the present trend and will be the next trend.
Change is constant, remember?
2. Brand consistency
Brand positioning means you are going to place your product or service in your customers’
mind. Attaining this requires brand consistency and loyalty to all your creative designs in order
for your customers to remember what separates you from your competitors.
3. Outerwear-ability
Outwear is very popular in every cool season. Ability to wear is well appreciated by the
customers especially in clothing. Creating simple but elegant design makes you presentable.
4. Versatility
Design versatile fashions for every season continuously done with outwear ability. They spend
less on the things they acquire. Making your audience happy means a challenge on your
fashion design ability.
5. Simplicity
Creating simple yet innovative fashion design is like setting yourself up for professional
progress. One thing is that versatility usually calls simplicity. It is easy to remember if it is
simple. Empowering your audience and building does not necessarily expensive. Make it
Well done! You are now ready to answer the following activities. Do it with a diligent
mind and heart. You can now start.

What I Have Learned

Things to Remember!

Characteristic means a distinguishing feature or attribute of an item, person,

phenomenon etc. that is usually divided into three categories: physical, functional, and
operational. It pinpoints what separates something from others. There are five (5)
characteristics of a trend in the area of fashion design namely; innovation, brand consistency,
outwear-ability, versatility and simplicity.
6 (HUMSS_MCT12- Ia-b-6)

What I Need To Know

―It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can manage
change.‖ - Leon C. Megginson
Each part of something is connected to the whole of that something, and every whole
has its own parts. It cannot be considered as whole if it does not have parts. Considering this
journey cannot be considered as a whole without this part.

At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. define what is part
2. define what is whole
3. explain the concept and how to identify parts of a whole.

What’s In
In the previous lesson, you have learned about the characteristics of a trend. Today,
you are going to explore how a certain trend becomes a trend. What are those parts that
contribute for it to be considered as a trend?

What Is It

Definition of part and whole

According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary, part is one of the often indefinite subdivisions into
which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute the whole. On the other
hand, whole means something constituting a complex unity: a coherent system or
organization of parts or working together as whole. It shows the totality of the pieces and
segments that somehow we consider as parts. We can identify that something is part of a
whole if we know what all is that something about.
Let’s try to review the illustrations in activity number one. If, the whole of those objects
we’re not given, how can we identify its concept and meaning? On the other, if it is only the
part was given unsurprisingly, we have difficulty upon knowing what to conceptualize.
Conversely, Michael Herban (2015) defined the term fad as something that quickly
gains popularity and may fade just as quickly and sometimes not quick enough. In contrary,
trends are a bit slower paced but represent something that is occurring on a much wider scale
than a fad.
Examples of fads are clothing, foods, exercises, hairstyle, language all areas that are
subject to fads. High waist jeans are definitely a picture of a fad. It is fleeting and often last a
season but may carry over a couple years. This does not mean we ignore it, indeed we do
need to be aware of it, especially if we deal with populations who may be subject to following
Haberman (2015) made mentioned that fashion, language, and behavior have an effect
on the workplace regardless of how fleeting they may be. Fads are often heavily driven by
social media today, it really does. It was considered that social media is a fad which evolve
into a macro trend if not a megatrend. Thus, fad is part of the evolution of creating a whole
trend. It was being attested by Naisbit (2006), he said that fads are normally micro-trends that
exist under the umbrella of an actual trend. With this, we can consider that fad is indeed a part
of the development of a trend.
The moment a certain fad will continuously develop, it will turn to becoming a trend
which will last a long period of time. Along with this, you need to know when does mobile
communication started and what is its current status?
Since 1983, cell phones have evolved immensely both in design and function. Since it
was invented it became a fad and as it continuously evolved it became a trend. Fad, because
only a specific segment of a market adopted it before especially those who are elite individuals
or those who belong to the middle class in the pyramidal division in our society. Meanwhile, it
became trend as it brought broad impact to most if not all today. The development of mobile
phone shows permanent alteration of innovation’s landscape which people are driven to follow,
adopt, and make a lifestyle. In 2009, mobile phones became vital to North Americans as they
have been to Asians. You can always see what is coming to store shelves in the next six
months every year by looking at the models that are currently available in Japan.

Alright! You are almost there. Congratulations! To comprehend your understanding

about the topic, do the following activities diligently.

What I Have Learned

Things to Remember!

Part is one of the often indefinite or unequal subdivisions into which something is or is
regarded as divided and which together constitute the whole. In contrary, whole means
something constituting a complex unity: a coherent system or organization of parts or working
together as whole. Conversely, fads are normally micro-trends that exist under the umbrella
of an actual trend. These are parts of the evolution of creating a whole trend. However, trends
are a bit slower paced but represent something that is occurring on a much wider scale than
a fad.
(HUMSS_MCT12- Ia-b-7)

What I Need To Know

The spirit finds a way to be born. Instinct seeks for ways to survive - Toba Beta.
Change is a simple word but connotes variety of meanings. It can have positive or
negative effects in broad dimensions. Emergence is an act of creating change.

At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. Define pattern
2. Identify the emerging patterns of trends.

What’s In
You have also learned that part is one of the often indefinite or unequal subdivisions into which
something is or is regarded as divided and which together constitute the whole. In contrary,
whole means something constituting a complex unity: a coherent system or organization of
parts or working together as whole. Today, you are going to identifying emerging trends.
Unlocking something means opening new things. This time, do not hesitate to unlock this
lesson by performing the given activity below.

What Is It

Emergence is defined in simple ways but is consistent on its context. It means just
beginning to exist, starting to exist and growing and developing, especially in business. On the
other hand, pattern is a particular way in which something is done or organized, or in which
something happens; it is a regular arrangement of lines, shapes, or colors; it is also a design
or set of shapes that show how to make something (Cambridge Dictionary).
In business dictionary, pattern is a consistent and recurring characteristic or trait that
helps in the identification of a phenomenon or problem, and serves as an indicator or model
for predicting its future behavior. These sum-up the analysis of a trend. As trend is the
recurrent phenomenon that takes place over time and which gives rise to the future speculation
(Sanders, Soper, and Rotwell 2002) and the examination of those phenomenon and
speculation is called as trend analysis.
Furthermore, it is important to identify how does trend emerged and what are the
patterns on how it emerged dramatically.
Mobile phones are considered as fads before as it only affects those who can afford it.
Since its innovation spread out rapidly, many people now owned one or more phones. Children
ages from 3 years old and above are now using mobile phones for learning and entertainment.
If communication through mobile phone was considered as fad before, now it is already a
trend. Going back to our topic, using the evolution of mobile phones, we are going to simplify
the emerging patterns of its trend.
The main function of mobile phone is to make communication more convenient. Before,
the offering services were only calling and texting. Simcards were two expensive even loads.
Promos were limited to call and text only and no unlicalls, unlitexts, sulitexts and so on. If you
have your aunties and uncles, ask them in their time if these were true. There are no internet
connections and cellphones are not the same as what we have right now. Features were
limited. Below is a simple illustration about the evolution of mobile phones features from 1980s
to present.

Features on mobile phones and its evolution

With the given illustration, you can observe that mobile phones evolved from one model
to the updated one. Such evolution is an act of innovation where the present feature offerings
will be updated even added. In such manner, it distracts what is the present and will
intentionally present something new that will influence the customers’ desires and wants. If
before innovations will need to know first the considerations of the market, now innovations
can dictate and drive the market through the emerging developments of technology. This is
the emerging pattern of trend in the aspect of mobile phones. As time goes by, it changes,
develop and adopted by many if not all.
The latest model consists of all updated feature offerings from the old ones. By this,
we can consider that old models are examples of fads. They hit to the market for a short period
of time but will be developed and considered as new model or a trend. The hitting period is as
a record of emergence and as it continues to its cycle, that’s the emerging patterns on how a
certain trend evolved. Michael Haberman (2015) said that fads are often heavily driven by
social media today.
As Stan Mack of Demand Media says, ―A macro trend is a large-scale, sustained
shift…‖ thus, it continuously evolved. Its development gives an impact to our society even us
users in a dramatically approach of changes which illustrate to us its pattern of emergence.
Every now and then, it changes to its better version.

Perseverance is a key to success. Congratulations for reaching this far. I know you are
excited to share your understanding about the lesson. This time, perform the following
activities excellently.

What I Have Learned

Emerging means ―just beginning to exist ―starting to exist‖ and or ―growing and
developing. Pattern is a consistent and recurring characteristic or trait that helps in the
identification of a phenomenon or problem, and serves as an indicator or model for predicting
its future behaviour. Trend analysis is the sum-up of the two as it examines those
phenomenon and speculation on how something becomes a trend.
(HUMSS_MCT12- Ia-b-8)

What I Need To Know

―Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer.‖ - Marica Wieder
In every action, there is always a consequence either good or bad. Everything that
happens to us has its own reason. It could be from direct factors which greatly contribute to it
or even indirect factors which lead us to do it intentionally or unintentionally, wanted or
unwanted. We receive favourable or unfavourable resulting rewards in nature.
Impact is the measure of tangible and intangible effects (consequences) of a thing, action or
influence upon another. We both know that the main subject in this module is all about trend.
It also deals with how it develops and which it greatly impacts on our society.

At the end of this lesson, learners will be able to:

1. define what is a cause and consequence
2. see, discover and differentiate relationships between cause and consequence
3. present the derived ideas through a 100-word essay or other graphic

What’s In

In the previous lesson, you have learned that emerging means ―just beginning to
exist,―starting to exist‖ and or ―growing and developing. However, pattern is a consistent
and recurring characteristic or trait that helps in the identification of a phenomenon or problem,
and serves as an indicator in predicting its future behaviour. Today, you are going discover
and differentiate the relationships between causes and consequences.

What Is It

Merriam Webster defines cause as a reason for an action or condition, and or

something that brings about an effect or a result. In the study of historical consciousness,
causes are multiple and layered thing with which involves both long-term ideologies,
institutions, conditions, short-term motivations, actions and events. In the contrary,
consequence means something that is produced by a cause or necessarily following from a
set of condition. It is a result or conclusion. Every action of manmade or nature has
corresponding consequence. When a person does something wrong, like not following the
instruction and or doing something that he/she knew it’s not good based from our conscience
(rob a pawnshop) then the consequence will probably be misled and or be prison.
These are following examples that show a relationship between cause and consequence.
• I fell deep asleep in the morning and I missed my first period class.
• A snake crossed the street and the boy riding motor single crashed.
• The rain was heavy so I didn’t go to class.
It is necessary for us to know the relationships between cause and consequence. The
moment a person can identify cause, and then it is not impossible for him or her to predict and
be ready about future events to some extent (considering uncontrollable factors).
In connection to our main topic, we are now going to see, discover and differentiate the
relationships of trend and its impact to our society. What are the negative and positive
consequences upon following a trend? It is necessary to follow or adopt trend automatically?
Can we reject the trend?
To answer these enumerated questions, we are going to discuss the following; (a) the
different types of adopters, (b) the negative and positive effects of trend in our lives using the
illustration focusing on mobile devices, and (c), the role of ethics of care that pin points not just
only to our self-benefit but to the whole.
In 1962, Everett Rogers developed a theory called Diffusion of Innovation and not
everyone has the same motivation for adopting a new idea (product/service or system). There
are five types of adopters he identified in his theory which is presented below.

They adopt something simply because it is new. They love exploring for the sake of pleasure
or exploring and are willing to take risks, even if those risks result in failure. They are

They are often opinion leaders. Similar to innovators, they adopt quickly. But, they are more
concerned about the coolness factor and maintaining their reputations as being ahead of the
curve on new ideas.

They belong to the mass that critically ensures adoption. They look for productivity and
practical benefits more than coolness or reputation.
The same to early majority, they critically ensure the adaptation process. They are somewhat
similar to early majority but also expect a lot of help and support before they are willing to

As the term implies, slow to adaptation. They are most resistant to change and do so only
when forced to adopt because everyone else has. In other word, they have no choice if
urgency requires them to do so.

Mobile phone is one of the proofs to our technological advancements. It became part of our
daily lives. It is impossible to carry out our daily activities without our phones. It is our avenue
of communicating others and entertainments. According to Sarah Yasin (2018), there are
positive and negative impacts of mobile phone use in our society and environment.

Positive Effects of Mobile Phone Use in Our Society and Environment Communication
Nowadays mobile phones have the ability to connect people from all over the world,
no matter where they may be in a variety of ways of communication with the power of internet
connection. Through social media apps they are easy to carry and accessible, communication
has never been easier. It is considered as the very basic root of human colonization,

Mobile phones act as gaming platforms for people looking for some relaxation or just
to pass time. From the latest Hollywood blockbusters to the news highlights of your country,
your mobile holds all these. With one touch on your screen and get access to whatever you
wish to see, it’s possible and time saving.

Daily Utilities
With the advancements of technologies, everything seems easy. Aside from
entertainment and communication, mobile phones now have apps that help us to perform the
same everyday tasks without facing any difficulty. From paying bills, booking cabs and hotels,
to online maps for navigation purposes, capturing our memorable moments by built-in
cameras. It provides convenience.

Mobile phones will be your partner on how to managed things. Modern man is too
caught up to keep track of everything, mobile phones help us to remain organized through
storing important documents and notes, memos, etc. send emails. Calendars and stopwatches
are basic tools found in all mobile phones.

Negative Effects of Mobile Phones on Our Lives

Nomophobia is a proposed name for the phobia of being out of cell phone contact.
50% of teens admit to being addicted to their phones. Yes, mobile phone addiction is a thing.
Studies show that people addicted to mobile phones often are linked to depression, anxiety,
and other mental disorders.
Waste of time
The average person checks his phone once every 12 minutes, leading to 80 times a
day. Most of the time people just check their phones for no good reason. Even when not
using their phones, you might often see people fidgeting with their phones.

Cause of Depression
As discussed before, mobile phones may lead to depression, especially among teens.
With the rage of social media, teenagers are becoming obsessed with ―likes‖ on their
personal posts and accounts. Moreover, reduced daily life interactions lead to loneliness and

You often might make up your mind to just ―check‖ up on updates and instead find
yourself surfing the internet for hours on end without realizing it. Thus, people cannot exclude
the fact that mobile phones are a huge distraction.

With the given discussion, it allows us to ask ourselves about what type of adopters we are
going to be when something (trend or fad) triggers us. Do we necessarily follow something
automatically or we are going to consider important things that might affect the result of that
action before doing it? Or simply try to ask yourself, is it necessary for me to do this or I will
do something better? In this stage, ethics of care plays its vital role.
Ethics of care is an ethical theory that emphasizes the moral dimension of
relationships and interactions. This moral perspective encourages individuals to be a good
example to others. It also shows your moral as a person. Considering that in every action you
do there is always a consequence. Before you are going to decide or do something, take some
considerations first. Be proactive about what will be its result.
Welcome to the last three activities in this module. I am happy that you have reached
this far. Share your personalized understanding about the lesson by doing the following

What I Have Learned

Things to Remember!

Cause means a reason for an action or condition, and or something that brings about
an effect or a result (Webster Dictionary). On the other hand, consequence means something
that is produced by a cause or necessarily following from a set of condition. However, ethics
of care is important before doing something as it is an ethical theory that emphasizes the
moral dimension of relationships and interactions.

Abella, Roberto D. M. Div., D.Min. (2016), Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person

Mangiduyos, Gladys P. Trends, Networks, and Critical thinking in the 2st Century. Manila,
Philippines: REX Book Store, 2017.

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century.‖ unlimitedbooks. Accessed
January 30, 2020.

Sygaco, Sonia B (2017).Through the looking Glass: Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking
in the 21st Century. Great books trading, Quezon City, Philippines.

Noice, Michael. ―5 Wyas to Spot and Capitalize on Trends.‖ Entrepreneur, November 24,
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