Guiding Children's Behavior and Moral Development
Guiding Children's Behavior and Moral Development
Guiding Children's Behavior and Moral Development
Activity #3
2. Guide questions:
a. Who was involved in the behavior?
Joshua the kindergarten student
b. What happened?
Despite the fact that it was nap time, he wanted to play more, so he yelled and punched her teacher.
c. When did the behavior occur?
When the teacher announces that it is time for a sleep but Joshua wants to continue playing, he throws
temper tantrums.
d. Where does the behavior typically take place?
When a child wants to pursue their wants but the person taking care of them or the caregiver refuses to
give them what they want
e. Why does the child behave this way?
Children behave the way they behave because they think the way they think. Before parents or caregiver
can effectively intervene to stop a negative behavior it is important to understand what the child is
believing and why.