AE1 Application Tools in Business: Palawan State University College of Sciences
AE1 Application Tools in Business: Palawan State University College of Sciences
AE1 Application Tools in Business: Palawan State University College of Sciences
College of Sciences
AE 1
▪ Functionalities of a Computer
▪ Computer System
▪ Computing Industry and Profession Characteristics of
▪ Computers on the Basis of Size and Capacity
▪ Computers on the Basis Purpose
▪ Computers on the Basis of Hardware Design and Data
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Learning Objectives
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The term computer is derived from the Latin word compute, which means to
calculate. A computer is an electronic machine, devised for performing
calculations and controlling operations that can be expressed either in logical or
numerical terms. In simple terms, a computer is an electronic device that
performs diverse operations with the help of instructions to process the
information in order to achieve the desired results. Computer application
extends to cover huge area including education, industries, government,
medicine, scientific research etc.
A computer is one of the most influential forces available in modern times. Due
to its memory, high speed and perfection, its application can be extended to
almost infinite levels. Millions of complex calculations can be done in mere
fraction of time. Difficult decisions can be made with accuracy for
comparatively little cost. Computers are widely seen as instruments for future
progress and as tools to achieve substantiality by way of improved access to
information by means of video conferencing and e- mail. Indeed, computers
have left such on impression on modern civilization that we call this era as the
information age.
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Functionalities of a Computer
Any digital computer carries out five functions in gross terms:
✓ Takes data as input.
✓ Stores the data/instructions in its memory and use them when
✓ Processes the data and converts it into useful information.
✓ Generates the output.
✓ Controls all the above four steps.
A computer system is a combination of various components. It performs
the system functions such as input, processing, output, storage and 5
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1. Hardware
The physical components of the computer, such as electrical, electronic
and mechanical unit are known as the hardware of the computer. That is,
the input units, output units and CPU are called hardware. Thus
hardware is the equipment involved in the function of a computer. It
consists of the components that can be physically handled. The function
of these components is typically divided into three main categories: input,
output, and storage. Components in these categories connect to
microprocessors, output and storage. Components in these categories
connect to microprocessors, specifically, the computer's central
processing unit (CPU), the electronic circuitry that provides the
computational ability and control of the computer, via wires or circuitry
called a bus.
2. Software: 6
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The software can be broadly classified into two types. They are:
a. System Software
b. Application software
3. Human ware:
The man- machine interface is called a human ware. The people who
work with the computer are collectively called the human ware or
4. Firmware:
The computer programs permanently stored in ROM or PROM are called
firmware. These programs are provided by hardware manufacturer along
with the computers. Generally, these are booting programs which help in
the starting of a computer. Such programs cannot be erased or
overwritten. 7
5. Bridge ware:
The computer components and programs used to translate instructions
and information written for one type of computer into a format that
another type of computer can understand is called bridge ware. This is
necessary because different computers are made by different
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1. Office Automation
Computers have helped automation of many industrial and business
systems. They are used extensively in manufacturing and processing
industries, power distribution systems, airline reservation systems, 8
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3. Improves Productivity
With the introduction of word processing software, Computers have
recently been applied to the automation of office tasks and procedures.
This is aimed at improving the productivity of both clerical & managerial
connected together to share the data and information, use of e- mail and
internet has changed the ways of business operations.
5. Competitiveness
6. Security
To provide security to data and important computer programs, almost
every organization has some security programs to avoid the illegal
access of the company’s information by unauthorized persons. The three
fundamental attributor of a security program are confidentially, integrity
and availability which allow access to only authorized persons in an
7. Cost Benefits
The extensive availability of internet based information means that
companies have a wider choice of suppliers which leads to a more
competitive pricing. Due to the presence of internet the role of the
middleman becomes less important as companies can sell their product
or services directly to the customer.
8. Marketing
Corporates engaged in e-business can take help of their respective
websites to create brand awareness of their products, thus, creating new
avenues of promotion of their products. In addition, companies’ websites
can also provide better services such as after sales service to the
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The main characteristics of computers are:
a) Speed
b) Storage
c) Accuracy
d) Versatility
e) Automation
F) Diligence
g) Reliability
a) Speed:
Computers are capable of carrying out the task with enormous speed.
Today’s computers, according to their class, can perform from 4 MIPS
(Millions of instructions per second) to 100 MIPS. What may take days
for manual calculations may take only a few hours for computers to
perform. Inside the computer the information signal travels at incredible
electronic speed.
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b) Storage:
Computers can store enormous quantity of information. Which is
expressed in terms of Kilobytes (or) Mega Bytes (MB) or Gega Bytes
(GB). It is achieved through its ‘Main memory’ or ‘Primary storage’ and
through ‘auxiliary storage’ or ‘Secondary storage’. The Hard Disks Floppy
disk, Compact Disc(CD) and Magnetic Tape storage are examples of
secondary storages. These large volumes of storage occupy much lesser
space compared to paper documents and this aspect of computers
makes them more powerful.
c) Accuracy:
The accuracy of a Computer is consistently high. In fact, this quality of
the computers makes them indispensable in various fields such as
Scientific Research, Space Research, Weather Predictions and many
other areas where precision of a high order is required. The accuracy of 12
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d) Versatility:
Computers are versatile in that they can perform almost any task,
provided they are given the appropriate logical steps. For example, they
are capable of performing wide ranging tasks such as construction of a
payroll, inventory management in a factory, hotel billing, hospital
management, banking applications and any imaginable task in every
walk of life.
e) Automation:
The biggest advantage of computers is that it is automatic in its
operation. Once a programming logic is initiated the computer performs
repeated operations without human interventions until program
f) Diligence: 13
Computers are machines and that do not get tired or ‘lose concentration’
like human beings. If a large number of calculations say million
calculations are to be performed the resultant output will remain exactly
the same even if operations are repeated any number of times. But when
a human being is asked to do the same job this consistency cannot be
achieved. Thus for those who want consistent and continuous standard
output, computer’s ‘diligence’ is of great help..
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g) Reliability:
The computers give very accurate results with predetermined values.
They correct and modify the parameters automatically, giving suitable
signals. They give formatted results with high degree of precisions.
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2. Mainframe Computer
Mainframe computers are multi-programming, high-
performance computers, and multi-user, which means they can handle
the workload of more than 100 users at a time on the computer.
The storage capacity of the mainframe is enormous, with a high-speed
data process as well. As well as handling hundreds of input and output
devices at a time.
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3. Mini Computer
Minicomputer is a digital and multi-user computer system with the
connection of more than one CPU. Thus, many people can work on
these computers simultaneously instead of a single person. Also, it can
process with other accessories like a printer, plotter, etc.
other hand, the size, storage, and speed of minicomputers are large but
less than the mainframe and supercomputers.
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4. Micro Computer
Today we are using many computers at home is also the most common
microcomputer. With this invention of the microprocessors in the year
1970, it became possible to use computers for people personally at a low
cost and reasonable price known as Digital Personal Computer.
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Examples: IBM Roadburner, IBM Blue Gene, Intel ASI Red. PARAM-
1000, and CRAY-XMP-14.
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Good to Know ~ PDP-1 was the world’s first minicomputer, small and
interactive, introduced in 1960 by the Digital Equipment Corporation.
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The size, storage capacity, and cost of such computers are mainly less.
The ability of these computers is limited in performing specialized tasks.
Still, it has versatility and useful for serving people’s basic needs at
home or in the workplace in the environment.
Desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets are used on daily basis for
general purposes. 23
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2. Special Purpose
These computers are designed to perform a particular or specialized
task. The size, storage capacity, and cost of such computers mainly
depend on the nature and size of the work. The function of these
computers is consistent with any particular task.
▪ Automatic teller machines (ATM),
▪ Washing machines, 24
▪ Surveillance equipment,
▪ Weather-forecasting simulators,
▪ Traffic-control computers,
▪ Defense-oriented applications,
▪ Oil-exploration systems,
▪ Military planes controlling computers.
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An analog computer installed on a petrol pump measures the amount of 25
petrol coming out of the pump and appears in liters. And calculates its
value. These quantities vary continuously while measuring the amount,
such as the temperature of a human body changes consistently.
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2. Digital Computer
As its name suggests, a digital computer represents the digital
computer’s letters, numerical values, or any other special symbols. This
computer is the computer that calculates the number for processing the
data. They run on electronic signs, and the binary numeral method
Binary System 0 or 1 is used for calculation. Their speed is fast.
✓ Calculators,
✓ Laptops, Smartphones, and Tablets,
✓ Digital watch,
✓ Accounting machines,
✓ Workstations,
✓ Digital clock, etc.
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3. Hybrid Computer
A hybrid computer is a combined complex computer unit built using
both analog and digital properties and united by a single control
system. The purpose of designing hybrid computers is to provide
functions and features that can be found on both analog and digital
devices. The aim behind creating a hybrid computer is to create a kind of
work unit that offers the best of both types of computers. Hybrid
computers are extremely fast when driving equations, even when
those calculations are incredibly complex.
Auto Gasoline pump is the example of a hybrid computer, this
device is installed on a petrol pump not only to measure the amount of
petrol but also to calculates its value, in this way it is capable of both
functions i.e hybrid function.
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Summary of the Discussion
1. Functionalities of a Computer
❑ Takes data as input.
❑ Stores the data/instructions in its memory and use them
when required.
❑ Processes the data and converts it into useful information.
❑ Generates the output.
❑ Controls all the above four steps.
2. Computer System
1. Hardware
2. Software
3. Human ware
4. Firmware
5. Bridge ware
3. Computing Industry and Profession
❑ Office Automation
❑ Stores large amount of date and information
❑ Improves Productivity
❑ Sharing of data and information
❑ Competitiveness
❑ Security
❑ Cost Benefits
❑ Marketing
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Summary of the Discussion
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Individual Performance Task:
✓ Short Quiz
✓ The Instructor will let you know once the quiz is posted.
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