Internship Report Topic Saled Market

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Summer Traning Project Report

“Sales & Marketing Strategies of Business Solutions

Mr. Hemanth Mathankar
Enroll No.- R229400310023
Batch – 2021-2024



First of all, I would like to thank Ms Ananya Gupta my supervisor, for providing me with invaluable guidance in
preparation of this internship report. Without her help and support, I could never have finished this report.

I am very much thankful to the Sales and Marketing Department of Business Solutions. They provided me with much
needed information and other required assistance in order to prepare this report.

I also wish to thank and give the due respect to my family and friends for their cordial support and help they offered
throughout the process of preparing the whole report. Especially I want thank thos person who were our batch mates.
They gave their valuable time and suggestion. I want to give thank to all these persons.
Executive Summary

Internship is such a program which makes a student experiences the corporate life for the first time. I was assigned as
intern under Market Operation Division. I did my report on “Sales & Marketing Strategies of Business Solutions”

This report is prepared on the basis of my three-month practical experience at Business Solutions Limited. This
internship program helped me to learn about the practical scenario of a Business Consultation firm. Business Solutions
limited is a dynamic business and marketing solution provider. It is a sister concern of Nakhrali Group. Nakhrali
Group has kept on its forward march with visionary goal, best use of its human resources and meticulous planning.
Varied range of products with ensured standard, quality services and most effective managerial efficiencies have made
the company a market leader in the respective sectors of its operation.

Keeping main focus on business expansion and growth in the most prospective sectors, the group is continuously
taking up projects to make it the largest conglomerate in the business arena of Bangladesh despite fast-changing
business trend and tricky situation.

Depending on the firm foundation and highly professional human resources, the Nakhrali Group is still making good
use of its business potentials and also contributing to the development of the local corporate culture and making a
significant contribution to the overall development of the country and its economy.

But despite intriguing growth and business expansion, the company’s aims and objectives remain the same – to serve
people with maximum satisfaction and keep on working for the greater welfare of the people and the country. Still
each and every Nakhrali Group companies care for their clients as their obligation and customer.
Table of Content

Topic Page No.

Chapter 1:Introduction 1
1.1. Origin of the Report 2
1.2. Objective of the Report 3
1.3. Scope of the Report 4
1.4. Methodology 5
1.4.1. Selection of the topic: 5
1.4.2. Sources of Data: 5
Chapter 2: Overview of the Company 7
2.1. Vision, Mission &Theme of Business Solutions Limited 8
Chapter 3: Products and Services 9
3.1. Service Charges: 11
3.2. Training program 12
3.3 My Contribution 22
Chapter 4: D- Card 23
4.1. Value Proposition 25
4.2. Service Blueprint 26
4.3. Defining the Competitive Advantage of D card Using Porter's 27
Five Forces model :

4.4. Four P’s 29

4.5. SWOT Analysis 34
4.6. Recommendation: 36
4.7. Conclusion: 36
4.8. References 37
Chapter 1: Introduction

The Business Solutions limited is a business consultancy firm but it also involved with offering various services and
marketing plans. It is a sister concern of Nakhrali Group. The Nakhrali Group produces varied range of products with
ensured standard, quality services and most effective managerial efficiencies have made the company a market leader
in the respective sectors of its operation.

The era of information and communication technology has changed the world with a whisker and now communication
has emerged as the key to trade and development. The rapid development of information and communication
technology has turned the world into a global village. Moreover globalization and its all pervasive impacts on states
and their economies have made life more competitive, complex and technology driven.

Proximity has turned meaningless as the world is now in the tip of a finger and economy the ultimate focus of a nation
and national life. Inter-state trading dependence, investment potentials and free flow of information and raw materials
have made the world thriving on the edge of competitiveness.

Now ‘staying competitive’ is the key to survival in today’s world of business where quality rules and standard products
and services sneak in shedding physical boundaries. Now, the recent global recession and its impacts have shown yet
another challenge and the bitter side of the globalization but despite intriguing growth and business expansion, the
company’s aims and objectives remain the same to serve people with maximum satisfaction and keep on working for
the greater welfare of the people and the country. For this Business Solutions Limited working relentlessly to assist
businesses to thrive in their respective sectors.
1.1.Origin of the Report

Internship Program of Barkatullah University is a Undergraduate requirement for the BBA students. The main purpose
of internship is to fulfill the requirements of BUS 400 (Internship) as the part of my BBA program and also the student
gets exposed to the job world. The main challenge as an intern was to translate all the theoretical concepts which I
have learned in my BBA program into real life experience.

• The internship program and the study have following purposes:

• Have the experience of the Corporate World

• To compare the real scenario with the lessons learned in Barkatullah University

• To provide intensive field experience allowing for hands-on computer work.

• Introduce you to potential future work environments

• To fulfill the requirement of BBA Program.

This report is the result of three months long internship program conducted in Business Solutions Limited and is
prepared as a requirement for the completion of the BBA program of Barkatulla University. As a result I need to
submit this report based on the “Sales & marketing Strategies of Business Solutions”. This report also includes
information on the other services of company, the overview of the organization. As the students of Business
Administration, I was assigned by my course instructor Ms Rahma Akhter to involve in this study. My course
instructor has advised me to develop a thorough understanding of the “Sales & marketing Strategies of Business
Solutions” as I have completed my internship program from Business Solutions Limited where my supervisor was
Nazma Parvi
n , Manager – Business Development , Market Operation Division.
1.2. Objective of the Report

The objective of the report can be viewed in two forms:

* General Objective

* Specific Objective

General Objective:

This internship report is prepared primarily to fulfill the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A) degree
requirement under the Faculty of BRAC Business School, BRAC University.

Specific Objective:

More specifically, this study entails the following aspects:

• To focus and discuss the Sales and Marketing Strategies of Business Solutions limited To give an
overview of Business Solutions limited.
• Business Associations and Networking with Prospects through Online Platforms and Business Networking
and Relationship Building via Key Marketing Initiatives
• To focus on the various services, work environment and facilities provided by Business Solutions limited.
To focus on the importance, benefits, reasons of Marketing Strategies of Business Solutions limited
1.3. Scope of the Report

The scope of the study is the Sales and Marketing Strategies of Business Solutions limited. The report covers details
about the various services, overview and different departments and divisions in Business Solutions Limited. The main
focus is on the analysis of the Sales and Marketing Strategies. However the study is only related to the Market
Operation Division as I was provided an opportunity to only work in this division.

1.4. Methodology

The internship has been conducted in a systematic procedure starting from selection of the topic to final report
preparation. The overall procedure and process of methodology followed in the study is explained further.

1.4.1. Selection of the topic:

The topic of the report is the Sales and Marketing Strategies of Business Solutions limited. The topic was
thoroughly discussed with both of my supervisors from my University as well as from Business Solutions
Limited also, so that a well-organized internship report can be prepared.

1.4.2. Sources of Data:

i)Primary Sources:

Primary Data was derived from the practical deskwork which I had been doing in my three months long internship

ii)Secondary Sources:

Internal sources- Different documents provided by my supervisor and other senior employees and information
provided by my supervisor. External source- Websites, Text books, articles, several other reports, and other sources.

The report has been prepared from the feedback and information provided by the Market Operation Division and also
the learning‘s throughout these 3 long months of internship program. Market Operation Division is a very confidential
department in terms of its information. The information‘s are really very much private and confidential. The
information about this division can only be shared among very few other divisions and employees in Business
Solutions itself. The information‘s cannot be disclosed to the external world. Though the report would be helpful to
Business Solutions Limited a lot, but the information‘s were confidential enough to disclose to the external world.
Another problem was time constraint. Though it was a 3 months program, but the activities of this division is so vast
that 3 months program would not be enough to get the full idea about all the activities of this division. This period of
time is not enough for a complete and clear study. Although there were many limitations I tried to give best effort to
furnish the report.

Chapter :2. Overview of the Company

This chapter emphasizes on the overall background of the company under study, overview of the company, their
services and market condition of Business Solutions Limited.

Mainly Business Solutions do the corporate level customized training and monthly workshop. They provide various
services company’s training place or their own training venue. Even if any one select their training place in somewhere
else still they can operate it with their event management.

Business Solutions have National & International professional trainers from different countries for different sectors.
They also have good training materials and updated information. Moreover, Business Solutions work as a selected
resume provider. It is a sister concern of Barkatullah Group. Barkatullah Group has kept on its forward march with
visionary goal, best use of its human resources and meticulous planning. Varied range of products with ensured
standard, quality services and most effective managerial efficiencies have made the company a market leader in the
respective sectors of its operation. Keeping main focus on business expansion and growth in the most prospective
sectors, the group is continuously taking up projects to make it the largest conglomerate in the business arena of
Bangladesh despite fast-changing business trend and tricky situation. Business Solutions are the very first one to
provide selected resumes. They provide companies with the resumes that match with their Job description. In this way
they will find the perfect person for the right post.
2.1. Vision, Mission & Theme of Business Solutions Limited

The era of information and communication technology has changed the world with a whisker and now communication
has emerged as the key to trade and development. The rapid development of information and communication
technology has turned the world into a global village. Moreover globalization and its all pervasive impacts on states
and their economies have made life more competitive, complex and technology driven.

Now ‘staying competitive’ is the key to survival in today’s world of business where quality rules and standard products
and services sneak in shedding physical boundaries.

Depending on the firm foundation and highly professional human resources, the Vorerpata Group is still making good
use of its business potentials and also contributing to the development of the local corporate culture and making a
significant contribution to the overall development of the country and its economy. Despite intriguing growth and
business expansion, the company’s aims and objectives remain the same – to serve people with maximum satisfaction
and keep on working for the greater welfare of the people and the country. Still each and every Vorerpata Group
companies care for their clients as their obligation and customer.

Chapter: 3. Products and Services

Business Solutions Limited offers various services and Products. Now I am going to describe some of the products
Business Solutions provide are as follows:

• Perfect resume providing

• Selected resume providing

• Team Wise Marketing

• Social Media Marketing

• Company presentation

- Perfect Resume Providing

Here the job is to ensure that client‘s time is spending in more productive way. Business Solutions help the employers
by not just sending any applicant who has interest in the job; rather they will short list the resumes that match with the
job description then we will contact the candidates over phone. After that within 15 working days they will provide
the resumes to the employer through email.

- Selected Resume Providing

Business Solutions provide companies with the resumes that match with their job description. They work their best to
provide the client with their desired candidates. The main job is to ensure that the company will be completely free
from the hassle of searching perfect resume from countless and unwanted resumes they get through job advertisement.

This will help companies to save their valuable time and energy and they will also find the perfect person for the right
post. For this, at first they collect resumes on the company’s job description. Next they will sort out the resumes that
match with the JD, take a brief interview and then provide the selected resumes to the company within 15 working
days through email. Finally the company will call their preferred candidates to interview.

- National & International Training

Business Solutions provide national and international training as per client’s requirement. They do the corporate level
customized training and monthly workshop. Also provide services in company’s training place or in specific training
venue. If client-side select the training place in preferred venue they can still operate it with their event management.
Business Solutions have National & International professional trainers from different countries for different sectors.
They also have good training materials and updated information. So they are able to perform the training or workshop
program successfully for their honorable clients.

- Team Wise Marketing

For Team Wise Marketing, at first they do area base market analysis on the product. Then they will inform the client
about time duration and service charge determine according to product target. After that they will start team wise
marketing after signing the deed of agreement.

- Company presentation

Business Solutions limited also prepare company presentation based on the topic the company wants to focus on.
Social Media Marketing by way of Campaign, Branding, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Email, and Bulk
3.1. Service Charges:
3.2. Training Program

Business Solutions Limited also arranges professional training programs, such as:

International & National training

International & National training is a form of education that helps to develop a person’s abilities to gain new
knowledge, acquire new skills and employ creative methods of problem-solving. Business Solutions offering training
program which is based on a participatory approach, i.e. on the method of participation. The entire group effectively
participates in the procedure of learning, allowing individuals to share and exchange their knowledge and problems,
and then they simultaneously search for optimal solutions to their general issues. Business Solutions have conducted
their International customized training program in countries like Australia, USA, Malaysia, and also in Bangladesh.

Business Solutions provide national and international training as per client’s requirement. They do the corporate level
customized training and monthly workshop. Also provide services in company’s training place or in specific training
venue. If client-side selects the training place in preferred venue they can still operate it with their event management.

Business Solutions have National & International professional trainers from different countries for different sectors.
They also have good training materials and updated information. So they are able to perform the training or workshop
program successfully for their honorable clients.

Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

Training Analysis, sometimes called Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is the process of identifying the gap in employee
training and related training needs. Training needs analysis is the first stage in training process and involves a
procedure to determine whether training will indeed address the problem that has been identified. Effective TNA is
particularly vital in today's changing workplace as new technologies and flexible working practices are becoming
widespread, leading to corresponding changes in the skills and abilities needed. Our Training analysis looks at each
aspect of an operational domain so that the initial skills, concepts and attitudes of the human elements of a system can
be effectively identified and appropriate training can be specified. A successful TNA will identify those who need
training and kind of training required. It is counter-productive to offer training to individuals who do not need it or to
offer the wrong kind of training. A Training Needs Analysis helps to put the training resources to good use.
Employee Recruitment Services

As the era of information and communication technology has changed the world with a whisker and now
communication has emerged as the key to trade and development. In this regard to assist corporate world Business
solutions limited offering employee recruitment services.

Business Solutions secondary activity is Permanent staff recruitment and Temporary Staffing for either single, large
volume or ongoing staffing requirements. They recruit at all employment levels; from junior to senior and across a
broad range of employee categories and sectors. The service line also includes:

• Permanent staff recruitment

• Volume based recruitment
• Pay rolling services
• HR Consultancy services
• Provision of labor hire personnel
• Labor hire personnel to permanent staff conversions
• Marketing and Sales Personal

Sales and Marketing Strategies Solutions

Now ‘staying competitive’ is the key to survival in today’s world of business where quality rules and standard
products and services sneak in shedding physical boundaries. Therefore businesses need proper sales and marketing
plan. Business Solutions aims at assisting other businesses to develop effective strategic solutions. Now we are
going to describe the areas in which Business Solutions usually work :
The average sales professional spends just 33 percent of their day in active selling. The sales effectiveness and
efficiency practice identifies the root causes of inefficiency on the sales floor, along with a proven and tactical program
(including process improvements, technology implementation and more) to amazing increase sales team satisfaction,
efficiency and results.

Therefore, Business Solutions primary focus is on sales & marketing candidates; where they have variety of programs
suiting the demands of the clients. The focus areas include:

• Training of Candidates required for Sales ( On field )

• Basic Skills

• Computer Skills and many more to adopt the needs of client

• Marketing facilities for client which includes target based product sales and target based reports (on
discussion with Client)

• They also work together with the client’s company as an alliance to work as an outsourcing unit
regarding the marketing targets, business targets to ensure profitable companionship of both the

Market Research & Analysis

Marketing research can give a business a picture of what kind of new products and services may bring a good sum of
profit. For products and services already available, marketing research can tell companies whether they are meeting
their customers' needs and expectations. By researching the answers to specific questions, small-business owners can
learn whether they need to change their package design or tweak their delivery methods--and even whether they should
consider offering additional services. A good market research plan indicates where and who your customers are. It
will also tell you when they are most likely and willing to purchase your goods or use your services. Business Solutions
believe to be an expert in Market research & analysis. As they are connected with various group of companies their
work is to recognize the link between customer relationships and business outcome which allows companies to
optimize and execute their customer strategies.


Branding is an important aspect of any business; large or small, retail or B2B. Marketing may contribute to a brand,
but the brand is bigger than any particular marketing effort. The brand is what remains after the marketing has swept
through the room. It’s what sticks in your mind about a product, service, or organization—whether at that particular
moment; you bought or not. The brand is ultimately what determines if you will become a loyal customer or not. The
marketing may convince you to buy a particular Toyota, and maybe it’s the first foreign car you ever owned, but it is
the brand that will determine if you will only buy Toyotas for the rest of your life.

Business Solutions is confident to establish the branding reputation in this competitive Market. Business solution
create, plan and manage branding strategies for clients, but can also involve support for advertising and other forms
of promotion.

Product Catalog

The product catalog is a set of information about individual models. Models are specific versions or various
configurations of an asset. Models published to the product catalog are automatically published to the service catalog.
Business Solutions limited can efficiently do this service catalog that includes information about goods (models) and

Advertisement plan

An advertising plan is a basic part of a marketing strategy. It helps a business to establish smaller goals as part of a
larger marketing strategy. For example, an advertising plan may be created for a few months to a year, where a
complete marketing strategy may aim to corner a part of the market in 5 years. An advertising plan lays out exactly
how and when a business will reach out to potential customers through various types of media. This includes setting
advertising goals, identifying a target audience, defining a message to that audience, and clarifying a plan of action to
achieve those goals. Business Solutions do this planning program through our highest professional expertise.

Outlet Promotion

Promotional outlets are things like advertising, sampling, sales prices, gift with purchase, display ideas etc. Business
Solutions limited do this service to the client through their internal & external professional expertise.

Social Media Marketing

Social media itself is a catch-all term for sites that may provide radically different social actions. For instance, Twitter
is a social site designed to let people share short messages or “updates” with others. Facebook, in contrast is a full-
blown social networking site that allows sharing updates, photos, joining events and a variety of other activities. Social
allow individuals and businesses to interact with one another and build relationships and communities online. When
companies join these social channels, consumers can interact with them directly. The professional expertise team
engages all the time on this service through some rules and regulations.
Project Plan

A project plan is a formal document designed to guide the control and execution of a project. A project plan is the key
to a successful project and is the most important document that needs to be created when starting any business project.
The professional expertise of project planner can do this kind of activities more efficiently for our honorable clients.

Web Development

Web development is a broad term for the work involved in developing a web site for the Internet (World Wide Web).
Web development can range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-
based internet applications, electronic businesses, and social network services. A more comprehensive list of tasks to
which web development commonly refers, may include web design, web content development, client liaison, client-
side/side scripting, web server and network security configuration, and e-commerce development. Business Solutions
are confident to develop any kind of Web related work successfully.

Payroll is essential to a company’s financial accounting for many reasons. In accounting, payroll is important because
payrolls (and payroll taxes) greatly affect the net income of most companies. Payroll is also often subject to numerous
laws and regulations that companies need to cooperate with. Of course, payroll is also incredibly important to its
recipients: the employees of a company. Employee morale can be negatively affected by errors and irregularities in
payroll, so an organization must distribute payroll in an appropriate and precise manner. It is critical that every
employee receives their pay accurately and with the correct withholdings and deductions, and for an organization to
guarantee that all of these withholdings and deductions are submitted in an appropriate manner to the correct entities.
This may include salary payments, paycheck deductions and tax withholdings.

Event Management

Event management is the application of project management to the creation and development of large scale events
such as festivals, conferences, ceremonies, formal parties, concerts, or conventions. It involves studying the brand,
identifying the target audience, devising the event concept, planning the logistics and coordinating the technical
aspects before actually launching the event. The process of planning and coordinating the event is usually referred to
as event planning and can include budgeting, scheduling, site selection, acquiring necessary permits, coordinating
transportation and parking, arranging for speakers or entertainers, arranging decor, event security, catering and
emergency plans. Business Solutions can do to arrange any kind of event for their clients in country through expertise .

Travels &Tours
Business solutions provide international and domestic air ticketing services. They provide tickets for Jet Airways, Air
India, PIA, Mihin Lanka, Bangkok Airways, Thai Airways, Srilankan Airlines, China Eastern, China Southern,
Turkish Airlines etc. and also have the capacity to arrange any other Airlines ticket.

Student Management System (USMS)

Under the USMS system Business Solutions can develop full dynamic student-teacher-parents oriented website.
Where the module can track and keep the student’s attendance and also include percentage of attendance and other
detail reports. The system can send absent and late student’s information to respective parents mobile instantly through
SMS and the summary will go to the annual report card. Through this system quarterly assessment data, final/half
yearly exam report card etc. will send to through SMS. Every student’s Smart ID Card also can make by this system.
All of the progress report will save together and so that any information can easily find for the future information

3.3. My Contribution:

I joined as an intern in the Banani office of Business Solution. In the Banani office Business Solution mostly work on
customer cares and provides marketing facilities to other businesses. Business solution launched a new product called
D-card, in later chapters I will discuss more about the marketing strategy of this product. Usually I contributed in this
particular project. My main task was to communicate with clients through phone and make them understand about D
card. The D card is a discount card which holds benefits on various sectors. By the help of this card the card holder
can get discounts in restaurants, shops, Hotels, Hospitals and so on.

Moreover I also had to make phone calls to add more merchants in D card project. For this I had to make them
understand about the project and give them proposal to be our partner. The merchants have to allow discounts to the
D card holder as they get the marketing opportunity through D card websites. After getting the positive response of
the merchants than I make a formal proposal letter and send them for deed agreement. Besides these office activities
I also had to do marketing for D card. Often I had to visit in the places like police plaza, Gulshan market and various
malls of Banani for providing table talker, diary and liflet to the merchants. Some days I also worked on vacancy
sector of Business Solution. Here I had to check the cv‘s of job seekers and made points and then I let know to my
Chapter: 4. D- Card

In this section now I am going to describe the details about D card, a product launched by Business Solutions limited.
In later sections we also explore and analyze the sales and marketing strategies of this product.

D-Card is the joint project of both Daffodil Group and Business Solutions Company . Daffodil Group will serve all
kinds of IT support & Business Solutions Company will serve the marketing side regarding this project. They do
branding, marketing and promotions of various different Companies , through D-Card without any cost. The partner
companies will provide discounts on products and services to D Card holder clients in return. The D Card holders will
get discount on the discounted products upon showing their D Cards. The D Card Database will be automatically
updated constantly with new Customer D Card numbers and also new D Card Partner Companies. The registration
will be done online through D card website.

The associate partners of the Business Solutions for D card project are as follows:
4.1. Value Proposition
A marketing strategy covers the big picture of what the business offers such as the value proposition and related brand
messaging. The marketing strategy of a company contains the company’s Value proposition, key marketing messages,
information on the target customer and other high-level elements.

Value proposition refers to a business or marketing statement that a company uses to summarize why a consumer
should buy a product or use a service. This statement convinces a potential consumer that one particular product or
service will add more value or better solve a problem than other similar offerings will.

The marketing statement of D card for the value proposition is ‘‘D card can change your shopping style‘. People like
to have discount opportunities. D card can fulfill their wish. The D card holders can enjoy various discounts offer in
restaurants, hotels, shops and so on, starting from 10% up to 40% discounts. D card have value proposition and their
marketing statement is given below:

4.2. Service Blueprint of D card:

A service blueprint is an extension of a customer journey map. A customer journey map specifies all the interactions
that a customer will have with an organization throughout their customer lifecycle. Service blueprints were first
described by Lynn Shostack, a banking executive, back in 1982 in the Harvard Business Review. Service Blueprints
helps to understand the original service in detail. Now we are going to discuss the Service blueprint of D card by
following the five main swim lanes that are captured in a service blueprint:

1. The physical evidence: Anything that a customer can see, hear, smell or touch belongs in this lane.
Customer can learn about the facilities of D card from the web sites or they can know about this service while they
see any leaflet, poster or sticker about D card in any shops or restaurants. People like to have discount opportunities.
D card can fulfill their wishes. The D card holders can enjoy various discounts offer in restaurants, hotels, shops and
so on, starting from 10% up to 40% discounts.

2. The customer’s actions: Now the client base have to respond regarding to the service. If the customer
doesn’t take action, employee can’t respond to their needs. If customer feels interest buying this service they can call
the number given in the websites and consult. D card can stop the need of carrying different discount cards for different
products and services. Customer will be able to get discounts from Fast Foods, Restaurants, Hotels, Hospitals,
Diagnostic Center, Beauty Parlor , Resorts , Transports and so on from a single card called D CARD.

3. The front office: A customer will be able to observe the activities, people and physical evidence that after
they have taken an action. Generally customers do not have to come to the office for registration or any quires. The
Sales team of D card meets with the customer and solves their problems. If any one wants to know the activity of
Business solution or D card they can visit the Banani office. The address is: Block-E,House-42,Road-12,Banani.

4. The back office: It includes the activities, people and physical evidence that is necessary to deliver the
service but that the customer cannot see or interact with directly. The D Card holders will get discount on the
discounted products upon showing their D Cards. The D Card Database will be automatically updated constantly with
new Customer D Card numbers and also new D Card Partner Companies. The registration will be done online through
D card website. All these internal process is done without customer‘s physical notice.

5. Supporting actions: Here it means anything that supports the service. Barkatullah group provide all the
requisite supply for D card service. All sort of IT support is given by Daffodil group. If Business Solution want to
make any changes in the website for example a new merchant is joined with D card, then business solution will inform
the Daffodil Group to add the merchant logo and other details in the website.

4.3. Defining the Competitive Advantage of D card Using Porter's Five Forces model :
Competitive advantages generate greater value for any business because of certain strengths or conditions. The more
sustainable the competitive advantage, the more difficult it is for competitors to neutralize the advantage. Competitive
advantages are conditions that allow a company to produce a good or service of equal value at a lower price or in a
more desirable fashion. These conditions allow the productive entity to generate more sales or superior margins
compared to its market rivals.

Porter's Five Forces of Competitive Position Analysis were developed in 1979 by Michael E Porter, a framework for
assessing and evaluating the competitive strength and position of a business organization. This theory is based on the
concept that there are five forces that determine the competitive intensity and attractiveness of a market. Porter’s five
forces help to identify where power lies in a business situation. This is useful both in understanding the strength of an
organization’s current competitive position, and the strength of a position that an organization may look to move into.
Now we are going to use Porter’s five forces model for understanding whether the service D card is potentially

1. Supplier power:
This force addresses how easily suppliers can drive up the price of goods and services. It is affected by the number of
suppliers of key aspects of a good or service, how unique these aspects are, and how much it would cost a company
to switch from one supplier to another. The fewer the number of suppliers, and the more a company depends upon a
supplier, the more power a supplier holds. In the market product like D card is not common but there are many in the
market who are capable for proving necessary help to grow such business. Business Solution get all the necessary
supply for D card from LNCT group as it is a sister concern of LNCT group. Therefore Business Solution has
advantage in this regard. All kinds of IT support is given by Dafodill group as they are joint partner of this project.
The Business Solution mainly deals with marketing part of this project. It focuses on adding new merchants, customer
cares and selling more cards. Altogether D card got all the necessary supply support to run smoothly. While doing my
intern in Business Solution I knew other businesses providing such services but they lack supply support. Some do
not have proper websites while other does not have necessary supply to do the marketing. In the market product like
D card is not common but there are many in the market who are capable for proving necessary help to grow such
business. Business Solution get all the necessary supply for D card from LNCT group as it is a sister concern of LNCT
group. Therefore Business Solution has advantage in this regard.

2. Buyer power:

D card is mainly launched for corporate people and students. Each card cost 555 BDT. Card holders can use it for one
year after that h/she has to renew the card for further use. The price is decent for corporate professionals. In this
business buyers have indirect power to get the cost down because they have other options such as debit card, credit
card and so on. But as the D card is different from other cards and it includes some unique features buyers do not hold
the power to get the cost of the product down. This specifically deals with the ability buyers have to drive prices down.
It is affected by how many buyers or customers a company has, how significant each customer is, and how much it
would cost a customer to switch from one company to another. The smaller and more powerful a client base, the more
power it holds. In this project the buyer has less power to get cost down of the product. The D card is mainly launched
for corporate people and students who regularly buy stuff from shops and restaurants. Each card cost 555 BDT. Card
holders can use it for one year after that h/she has to renew the card for further use. The price is decent for corporate
professionals. In this business buyers have indirect power to get the cost down because they have other options such
as debit card, credit card and so on. But as the D card is different from other cards and it includes some unique features
such as medical benefits, travel facility, hotel and room services and so on. Therefore the buyer do not hold the power
to get the cost of the product down directly. At the same time for running this service in long run the company may
have to consider the price for students to make this service popular among them.

3. Competitive rivalry:

The importance of this force is the number of competitors and their ability to threaten a company. The larger the
number of competitors, along with the number of equivalent products and services they offer, the lesser the power of
a company. Suppliers and buyers seek out a company's competition if they are unable to receive a suitable deal. When
competitive rivalry is low, a company has greater power to do what it wants to do to achieve higher sales and profits.
The level of direct competition in this sector is quite low. There are very few competitors and the quality of their
product is not so well. Other competitors lack the help of supply and network. On the other hand the business solution
get all the necessary supply for D card from LNCT group as it is a sister concern of LNCT group. Moreover, all kinds
of IT support is given by Dafodill group as they are joint partner of this project. Therefore D card get advantage in
this area. In my point of view the reason D card is ahead from the competition is for their unique offerings. It includes
more facilities and reached various sectors. D card planned to The level of competition in this sector is quite low.
There are very few competitors and the quality of their product is not so well. Therefore D card get advantage in this
4. Threat of substitution:

In this sector the threat of substitution is high. Professionals now get various discounts cards from different companies.
Many do not show much interest about buying discount cards as they already have other cards such as debit card,
credit card and so on which also provide discounts offer. Competitor substitutes that can be used in place of a
company's products or services pose a threat. For example, if customers rely on a company to provide a tool or service
that can be substituted with another tool or service or by performing the task manually, and if this substitution is fairly
easy and of low cost, a company's power can be weakened. In this sector the threat of substitution is high. Professionals
now get various discounts cards from different companies. Many professionals do not show much interest about
buying discount cards as they already have other cards such as debit card, credit card and so on which also provide
discount offer. Though D card provides different facility from those cards but usually the customers misunderstand
and often they doubt about the offerings. In this regard Business solution should take proper promotional activities
and remove those misconceptions. Plus they should make D card more available among students by considering the

5. Threat of new entry:

A company's power is also affected by the force of new entrants into its market. The less time and money it costs for
a competitor to enter a company's market and be an effective competitor, the more a company's position may be
significantly weakened. An industry with strong barriers to entry is an attractive feature for companies that would
prefer to operate in a space with fewer competitors. The threat of new businesses starting in this sector is high because
there are many suppliers available to provide necessary help to grow such business. Now ‘staying competitive’ is the
key to survival in today’s world of business where quality rules and standard products and services sneak in shedding
physical boundaries. The threat of new businesses starting in this sector is high because there are many suppliers
available to provide necessary help to grow such business. Now ‘staying competitive’ is the key to survival in today’s
world of business where quality rules and standard products and services sneak in shedding physical boundaries.

4.4. Four P’s of D-Card:

The four P’s of sales strategy are: product, place, price and promotion. These four elements cover the essential
implementations of sales strategy and tactics. Sales strategy, in turn, is a combination of marketing tools that are used
to satisfy customers and company objectives. The four P’s are variables that can be used to satisfy consumers in
targeted markets. Sales managers need to thoroughly understand how to leverage the four P’s to appeal and connect
with consumers, test ideas and beliefs before applying them to the sales process, and make adjustments as needed.


The D card provides discount benefits on various products and services to their partner companies. The D Card holders
will get discount on the vast range of sectors such as medical and health, travel, hotel, restaurants , shops and so on.
Some benefits of D cards are as follows:

1. D card holders can get up to 35% discounts in Apollo hospitals for heath check up.

2. Room & others Discounts in Hotel Rose View - Five Star Hotel
3. Free Consultancy with Indian Doctors from E-Seba
The D-card holder can have the facility of 1 free telemedicine consultation or Health campaign either customizes or

4. Airlines Ticket and holiday packages Discounts in WORLD TRAVELLER


Place involves getting the product to the customer and defines the location where the product/service is to be sold.
The D Card holders will get discount on the discounted products upon showing their D Cards. The D Card Database
will be automatically updated constantly with new Customer D Card numbers and also new D Card Partner
Companies. The registration will be done online through D card website. Place involves getting the product to the
customer and defines the location where the product/service is to be sold. The D Card holders will get discount on the
discounted products upon showing their D Cards. The D Card Database will be automatically updated constantly with
new Customer D Card numbers and also new D Card Partner Companies. The registration will be done online through
D card website. To know the details about D card facilities customers should visit the site: If any
faces trouble logging in they can call in the number: +8801725868674


Each card cost 555 BDT. Card holders can use it for one year after that h/she has to renew for activates the card.
Within this time a customer will be able to avail discounts on multiple products and services of many different
companies and the need for carrying multiple cards will be diminished. After one year of use customer can renew the
card for 333/BDT for one more year. The price is decent for corporate professionals but for running this service in
long run the company may have to consider the price for students to make this service popular among them. Each card
cost 555 BDT. Card holders can use it for one year after that h/she has to renew the card for further use.


Promotion represents the various aspects and tactics of marketing communication. This category involves
commitment, enthusiasm and respect in getting the marketing messages to targeted audience. For the promotion of D
card Business solution run a campaign in Daffodil University. Promotion represents the various aspects and tactics of
marketing communication. This category involves commitment, enthusiasm and respect in getting the marketing
messages to targeted audience. All kinds of IT support is given by Dafodill group as they are joint partner of this
project. The Business Solution mainly deals with marketing part of this project. It focuses on adding new merchants,
customer cares and selling more cards. While I was doing my intern I had to make phone calls to add more merchants
in D card project. For this I had to make them understand about the project and give them proposal to be our partner.
The merchants have to allow discounts to the D card holder as they get the marketing opportunity through D card

4.5. SWOT Analysis of D-Card:


• A wide range of Value Added Services: Business Solutions have brought a very special Card , using which a
customer will be able to get discounts from Fast Foods, Restaurants, Hotels, Hospitals, Diagnostic Center, Beauty
Parlor , Resorts , Transports etc. Introducing D CARD , a single card under which a customer will be able to avail
discounts on multiple products and services of many different companies.

• Good relationship with suppliers: Business Solution get all the necessary supply for D card from Vorerpata group as
it is a sister concern of LNCT group.

• Various sectors of Partner Companies: Business Solutions do branding, marketing and promotions of various
different Companies, through the D-Card without any cost. The partner companies provide discounts on products
and services to D Card holder clients in return. The D Card holders will get discount on the discounted products
upon showing their D Cards.

• Good IT support: All kinds of IT support are given by Dafodill group as they are joint partner of this project.


• Lack of promotional activities: Business Solution should give emphasis on promoting D card. To make this service
well known among students they can arrange campaign in universities.
• Require more active sales people: For increasing the sales Business Solutions need more active sales people for this

• Discounts in food sector is low: Some fast food shops allow quite low discounts like 7-8%. As a result customer can
be de-motivated.

• Increasing demand for discount cards by offering more services in future: Now a days use of cards for transaction
became popular. Professionals use several card for various uses. If they choose D card there will be no need of
carrying different discount cards for different products and services.

• Varity of benefits in one card: A customer will be able to get discounts from Fast Foods, Restaurants, Hotels,
Hospitals, Diagnostic Center, Beauty Parlor , Resorts , Transports through D CARD , a single card under which a
customer will be able to avail discounts on multiple products and services of many different companies


• Threats of new entrance: The threat of new businesses starting in this sector is high because there are many suppliers
available to provide necessary help to grow such business.

• Threats of substitute like other discount benefits provide by other cards: In this sector the threat of substitution is
high. Professionals now get various discount cards from different companies. Many professionals do not show much
interest about buying discount cards as they already have other cards such as debit card, credit card and so on which
also provide discount offer.

4.6. Recommendation:

As Business solution is a new company it requires to focus on organizational structure. Market Operations should
conduct a team meeting every week so that the employees can know each other well, the Head of the department will
get an overview how the every departments are doing, which will increase the level of team work. They could carry
out promotional activities from time to time in corporate offices and Universities in order to understand what the
potential customers want from them.

4.7. Conclusion:

I am happy to complete my internship in Business Solution limited under Marketing department. To my own
experience the working environment of the organization is very inspiring. The organization is always keen to
implement new rules and actions for improvement. Market Development Department is really working hard and every
day they are coming up with new unique and innovative ideas to wide spread their business. If this effort goes on than
they can able to cover the untapped markets, increase their distribution reach and which will also ensure future source
of business.
4.8. References
1. Visit the following site to know more about LNCT Group
2. For more details about current activites of LNCT vacancy please visit the Site:

3. Know all the facilities and recent update about D card in following site:

4.More details about Porter's Five Forces can be found in: Investopedia

5.You can find a technical paper on service blueprints offering more complexity to the process here -

6. Lynn Shostack’s original article can be found at the Harvard Business Review -

7. Borden, N.H. (1964), "The concept of marketing mix", Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 4 No. June

8. Ferrell, O., Hartline, M., Lucas, G., Luck, D. (1998). "Marketing Strategy". Orlando, FL: Dryden Press

9. The 4 Ps of Marketing – A complete guide to marketing strategy. David Pearson, P 2014.

10. Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. (2012), Principles of Marketing, 14th ed, Pearson, Harlow.

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