FS2-Module CP3

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FS2 Learning Module: The Reflective Teacher-Apprentice 1

Course Packet 03

Planning Classroom Routines and Procedures


In your course Facilitating Learner-centered Teaching, you have learned the
importance of carefully planned classroom routines and procedures. These
are important to maximize the very important resource of time in education.
This is true whether the learning is happening in a face-to-face classroom or in
a flexible setting (e.g. online). In this course packet, you will be observing the
authentic classroom teaching and reflect on the importance of these routines
and procedures to ensure smooth class transition. You are expected to work
with this course packet for 3 hours.
At the end of this learning packet, you are expected to propose routines and
procedures for efficient class operation.

Observation/Participation Guidelines
1. Observe the classroom procedures and routines used by the teacher.
You could ask your resource teacher why these routines and
procedures were adopted.
2. You could also interview your Resource Teacher how these are
different from the routines and procedures that they implemented in
the online/flexible classes.
3. Reflect: If you will be handling a class in flexible class and face-to-face
class, which of these routines and procedures you are going to adopt?
4. Consider the routines and procedures that you have observed. Try to
identify a problem situation that you could match with a probable
action through AR. Remember to focus on the routines and procedures
which could be improved. Use this template for capsule AR proposals.
The intention of this activity is to help train your mind to look for
problems systematically, and search for probable action

FS2 Learning Module: The Reflective Teacher-Apprentice 2

Activity Sheet 03
INSTRUCTIONS: Which of the routines and procedures that you have observed do you
wish to adopt for your classes in the future. Focus on what you have observed in your FS
School. Answer in 100-200 words.

In face to face setting the procedure that I observed is that the teacher always did it
systematically and in order, like starting the day with a greeting, prayer, checking of
attendance, and so on. Then she always asks if there is an activity that still needs to be done or
to check. After that, she is reviewing the past lesson and giving questions to the students to
test their knowledge. Then, the teacher's next procedure introduces the next topic. Along with
discussing the topic, she asks the students while discussing for them to be part of the
discussion. That can be a great technique for them to better understand the lesson. After
discussing, she always has activity about the topic and also announces that they will have a
quiz next meeting. And that is the routines and procedures that I observed.

FS2 Learning Module: The Reflective Teacher-Apprentice 3

FS2 Learning Module: The Reflective Teacher-Apprentice 4
Assessment 03
INSTRUCTION: Consider the routines and procedures that you have observed. Try to
identify a problem situation that you could match with a probable action through AR.
Remember to focus on the routines and procedures which could be improved. Use this
template for capsule AR proposal. The intention of this activity is to help train your mind to
look for problems systematically, and search for probable action.
Name of FS Student: Rachel Mai Garcia
Course & Section: BSED 4 Math
Problem/ Context
(Describe the problem or context in 30-50 words)

The problem that I encountered was the time of their subject. They only have one hour and
I guess that was not enough to finish the lesson. Also, the checking of attendance
sometimes took a lot of time.

(Give 1-2 significance of the proposed AR)

The lesson will be done

The time frame may be improved

Proposed Intervention/ Innovation/ Strategy

(Describe the Proposed Intervention/ Innovation/ Strategy AND reason for choosing this
proposed action. Use 30-50 words only)

The teacher must always be on time and must not give ample of time in checking the
attendance because it can affect the time allotted in discussing the lesson.

FS2 Learning Module: The Reflective Teacher-Apprentice 5

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