Sahil Pawar proposes two business ideas: (1) A contactless electronic doorbell that can be operated without touching, and (2) A waterproof boot polish to prevent shoes from wearing down quickly in rain or washing. For the doorbell, Sahil would work as an intrapreneur at Mehta Electronics Ltd. The boot polish would be launched under his own company, Parikh Boot Polish Pvt. Ltd. Both ideas aim to solve problems from the ongoing pandemic and wet weather respectively. Sahil estimates it would take 6-8 months and Rs. 8-10 lakhs to develop and launch the doorbell, and 8-10 months and Rs. 1-5 l
Sahil Pawar proposes two business ideas: (1) A contactless electronic doorbell that can be operated without touching, and (2) A waterproof boot polish to prevent shoes from wearing down quickly in rain or washing. For the doorbell, Sahil would work as an intrapreneur at Mehta Electronics Ltd. The boot polish would be launched under his own company, Parikh Boot Polish Pvt. Ltd. Both ideas aim to solve problems from the ongoing pandemic and wet weather respectively. Sahil estimates it would take 6-8 months and Rs. 8-10 lakhs to develop and launch the doorbell, and 8-10 months and Rs. 1-5 l
Sahil Pawar proposes two business ideas: (1) A contactless electronic doorbell that can be operated without touching, and (2) A waterproof boot polish to prevent shoes from wearing down quickly in rain or washing. For the doorbell, Sahil would work as an intrapreneur at Mehta Electronics Ltd. The boot polish would be launched under his own company, Parikh Boot Polish Pvt. Ltd. Both ideas aim to solve problems from the ongoing pandemic and wet weather respectively. Sahil estimates it would take 6-8 months and Rs. 8-10 lakhs to develop and launch the doorbell, and 8-10 months and Rs. 1-5 l
Sahil Pawar proposes two business ideas: (1) A contactless electronic doorbell that can be operated without touching, and (2) A waterproof boot polish to prevent shoes from wearing down quickly in rain or washing. For the doorbell, Sahil would work as an intrapreneur at Mehta Electronics Ltd. The boot polish would be launched under his own company, Parikh Boot Polish Pvt. Ltd. Both ideas aim to solve problems from the ongoing pandemic and wet weather respectively. Sahil estimates it would take 6-8 months and Rs. 8-10 lakhs to develop and launch the doorbell, and 8-10 months and Rs. 1-5 l
Aim: Generate business ideas (product/service) for intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial opportunities through brainstorming.
1. Generating business idea for intrapreneurial opportunities
1) Product / Service: Electronic Door Bell 2) I would name this product as Contactless Electronic Door Bell. 3) I am an employee in Mehta Electronics Ltd. For which I will be working as an intrapreneur. 4) This idea strike my mind as because of ongoing pandemic when the germs are spreading with the touch so when we will touch the bell switch so the germs present on it will come on our hand and would lead to various sort of diseases to ourselves and our family. So to avoid getting ill and remaining healthy this idea stuck my mind. 5) When this idea struck my mind I explained it to my colleagues by telling the cons and pros of my product idea. The pros of my product idea is: (1) For operating my product the person doesn’t need to touch it. Just by moving the neck or hand or with any finger showing downward direction we can press the doorbell. So the germs present on it doesn’t get on our hands or any part of the body which helps in remaining healthy. The cons of my product idea is: (1) For operating my product it requires and active electric connection. 6) The expectations of people from this product is that it must be helpful to prevent the spread to germs that take place due to pressing the switch of the doorbell. 7) I might require approx. 6-8 months for launching this product in the market as creating a prototype along with the creation of hardware and software along with testing might require this amount of time span or lesser than this. 8) I will require 15 people in my team. 9) There is a smart electronic doorbell available in the market which comes with camera but this product is entirely different from it. Name: SAHIL PAWAR Roll no: 73
2. Generating business idea for entrepreneurial opportunities
1) Product/service: Boot Polish 2) I would name this product as Waterproof Boot Polish. 3) My company name will be Parikh Boot Polish Pvt. Ltd. 4) This idea strike my mind when during rainy season or when shoes are washed so the water takes time to roll off the shoes and some water remains on it. This leads to early wear and tear of the shoes. So in order to avoid it this idea strike my mind. 5) As the available boot polish in the market doesn’t provide the waterproofness and which leads to wear and tear of the shoes faster than before so to avoid it this idea of waterproof boot polish struck my mind. So to avoid wear and tear of the shoes faster and to retain the life and polish of shoes for longer time this product is needed in the market. 6) The pros of this product is: (1) This avoids the wear and tear of the shoes and maintain the polish of the shoes. The cons of this product is: (1) It might be a bit expensive in compare to other regular boot polish available in the market. 7) The expectations of the people in the market is that it will help the people to extend the life of shoes. 8) Our company might require 8-10 months for creation and testing of the product. 9) I would nearly need Rupees. 1, 00,000 – 5, 00,000. 10) I would manage by assigning 10-15 people for designing of the product, 20-30 people for testing of the product and 40-50 people for marketing of the product.