Add Attachments To Purchasing Documents Using ERP Object Attachment Service
Add Attachments To Purchasing Documents Using ERP Object Attachment Service
Add Attachments To Purchasing Documents Using ERP Object Attachment Service
Uploading Attachments................................................................................ 4
Security........................................................................................................ 6
Sample Payload........................................................................................... 6
ERP Object Attachment Service is a utility web service that you can use to
upload attachments to Oracle Procurement Cloud Purchasing purchase
agreements and purchase orders. Use this service to upload attachments
to documents at the desired level.
The uploadAttachment operation for ErpObjectAttachmentService uploads attachments for the
specified purchasing document.
The operation works only for purchasing documents created by import or web service. Documents
must be in Incomplete or Open status. If documents are in Open status, they must have bypassed
human approvals and must not have been communicated, acknowledged, or signed. They must also
not have a change document open or a change implemented.
Request Payload
Indicates the product application business entity name for which the upload of an attachment is desired. Valid
entityName String entity names for Purchasing are:
PO_HEADERS – for purchase order header attachments
PO_LINES – for purchase order line attachments
PO_LINE_LOCATIONS – for purchase order schedule attachments
PO_PA_HEADERS – for purchase agreement header attachments
PO_PA_LINES – for purchase agreement line attachments
PO_PA_PRICE_BREAKS – for purchase agreement price break attachments
Indicates the category name associated with a parent business entity for which the attachment upload is desired.
categoryName String Valid names for Purchasing are:
MISC – seeded miscellaneous category
TO_SUPPLIER – category of attachments addressed to the supplier
FROM_SUPPLIER – category of attachments from the supplier
TO_BUYER – category of attachments address to the buyer
TO_RECEIVER – category of attachments addressed to the receiver
TO_APPROVER – category of attachments addressed to the approver
TO_PAYABLES – category of attachments addressed to payables
PO_INTERNAL – category of attachments internal to the document
User option to specify whether duplicate file attachments are allowed. Valid options are: yes, no.
allowDuplicate String
List of elements, each containing the details of the attachment to upload. The details include the user keys,
attachmentRows attachment type, title, text, and URL.
attachmentRows Attributes
Provide the document line number if you would like to load the attachment at the order or agreement line level.
UserKeyC String Specify the value #NULL if unused.
AttachmentType String Type of the attachment. Valid values are: FILE, TEXT, URL.
Indicates the title of the attachment. Attachments of any file type such as FILE, TEXT, or URL must have a title.
Title String Examples: SampleFile.doc, SampleFile.txt, SampleURL
The operation has the same document eligibility criteria as the upload operation.
Request Payload
Element containing the details of the Attachment to be downloaded. The details include the entity name,
attachment String category name and user keys.
Indicates the product application business entity name for which the download of an attachment is desired. Valid
EntityName String entity names for Purchasing are:
PO_HEADERS – for purchase order header attachments
PO_LINES – for purchase order line attachments
PO_LINE_LOCATIONS – for purchase order schedule attachments
PO_PA_HEADERS – for purchase agreement header attachments
PO_PA_LINES – for purchase agreement line attachments
PO_PA_PRICE_BREAKS – for purchase agreement price break attachments
Indicates the category name associated with a parent business entity for which the attachment download is
CategoryName String desired. Valid names for Purchasing are:
MISC – seeded miscellaneous category
TO_SUPPLIER – category of attachments addressed to the supplier
FROM_SUPPLIER – category of attachments from the supplier
TO_BUYER – category of attachments address to the buyer
TO_RECEIVER – category of attachments addressed to the receiver
TO_APPROVER – category of attachments addressed to the approver
TO_PAYABLES – category of attachments addressed to payables
PO_INTERNAL – category of attachments internal to the document
Provide the document line number if you would like to download the attachment at the order or agreement line
UserKeyC String level. Specify the value #NULL if unused.
Provide the schedule or price break number if you would like to download the attachment at that level.
UserKeyD String Specify the value #NULL if unused.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<ns2:UserKeyB>Vision Operations</ns2:UserKeyB>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<ns2:UserKeyB>Vision Operations</ns2:UserKeyB>
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August 2018