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Concertos for Clarinet: Annotated Listings

Author(s): Burnet C. Tuthill

Source: Journal of Research in Music Education , Winter, 1972, Vol. 20, No. 4 (Winter,
1972), pp. 420-437
Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. on behalf of MENC: The National Association for
Music Education

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Burnet C. Tuthill

ATBINONI, TOMASO (1671-1 750). Concerto in Bb. Wormerveer, Holland: Mole-

naar, 1962. United States representative, Henri Elkan.
A busy Baroque concerto evidently intended originally for violin. Good
exercise, musical; no chalumeau.
ALGER, G Concerto. Paris: Ledue, n.d.
Listed by Gabucci.
AMES, WILLIAM. Concerto for Clarinet and Small Orchestra, 1959.
Available from American Composers' Alliance, New York.
ANDR£X PAUL (contemporary). Concertino for Two Clarinets. Paris: Deplaix, n.d.
ANONYMOUS I. Conterto in Eb for Two Clarinets. Washington D. C.: Library of
Congress, n.d.
A tuneful, two-movement work largo and allegro-with solo parts well
integrated. Ozalid score reconstructed from parts in the Library of Congress.
ANONYMOUS II. Concerto in Bb. Library of Thurn and Taxis: MS., n.d.
{ Listed in thesis by Titus.
ANONYMOUS III. Concerto in D. Library of Thurn and Taxis: MS., n.d.
For A clarinet.
ANONYMOUS IV. Concerto in Eb. Marburg: West German Libraryn n.d.
Clarinet part only.
ARCHER, VIOLET (1913- ). Concerto for A Clarinet, n.d.
Awarded second prize in the Alberta, Canada Centennial Competition in
ARNOLD, MALCOLM (1921- ). Concerto for Clatinet and Strings. London
Lengnick, 1952.
Idiomatic to the clarinet but disappointingn having some barren spots where
an unimportant idea is overworked.
BACKOFEN, J. G. H. (1768-1839). Three Concertos. Library of Thurn and Taxis,
Listed by Rendall. Unavailable.
BAR (or BAER, BEHR, BAEHR), JOSEPH. Two Concerti in Bb and Eb B & HS 1785.

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BARMANN, HENRICH (1784-1847). Concertino, Opus 27. Leipzig: Breitkopf and Hartel,
BARMANN, KARL (1811-1885). Concerto Militaire in Eb, Opus 6. Mainz: Schott, 1875.
Rather bombastic technical passages like all the exercise books; Weber and
Spohr without the musical refinement of either.
BAUMGARTEN , KARL FRIEDERICH ( 1740- 1 824) * Concerto in Bb f or Oboe, Flute, or
Clarinet n.d.
Copy in British Museum.
BAUR, JURG. Kontert Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, c. 1968.
An 1 8-minute work. Only the solo part is printed. Listed in Gaudeamus.
BAUTISTA, JUTIAN. Fantasia Espanol. Buenas Aires: Barry, 1963. United States repre-
sentative, Boosey & Hawkes.
Very Spanish, modern, and brilliant. Fine for a player with sufficient technique.
BAVICCHI, JOHN (1922- ). Concerto with Strings, Optls 11. New York: Oxford Uni-
versity Press, 1967.
A work of calculated dissonance that ends on the only tnajor triad in the score. The
strings parts cannot be represented adequately by the piano reduction.
BAZELON, IRWIN (1922- ). Chamber Concerto No. 2 with Jazz Type Ensemble, n.d.
F;rst performed May 1971. CRI record
BEER, JOSEPH (1 744-181 1). Concerto. n.d.
Listed by Rendall.
BELLINI, VINCENT (1801-1835). Concerto in Eb. Arranged by Joosen. Wormerveer,
Holland: Molenaar, 1963.
A single slow movement; like a coloratura aria with simple accompaniment.
BEN_HEIM (1897- ). Pastoral Varie' with Strings and Harp, n.d.
No publisher listed. Pleasant variations.
BENTZON, J0RGEN (1897-1948). Kammoerkonzert No. 3, Opus 39. Copenhagen: Edition
Dania, 1943.
Rather severe writing; not a virtuoso piece, though dull in many places. It is
unsatisfying with the piano reduction of the orchestral score.
BEREZOVSKY, NICHOLAI (1900-1953). Concerto, Opus 28. New York: Boosey & Hawkes,
Originally for viola; the solo part is not really satisfying for the wind player.
BERIO, LUCIANO (1925- ). Concerto with Chamber Orchestra with Solo Violin Harp
and Celeste. U.E. score due in April 1972. United States representative, Theodore
Composed 1950. Expertly written; difficult but rewarding.
BERNAUD, ALAIN (1932- ). Concerto Lyriquefor Clarinet and Orchestra. Paris: Leduc,
Quite modern, requiring very advanced technique and musicianship; a test piece
for Paris Conservatoire. More musically valuable than most such works.
BERR FRIEDERICH ( I 794- l 838). First Concerto in Eb (new edition) . Paris: Leduc? n.d.
In the usual early nineteenth-century style; unoriginal. Weber and Spohr fill the
bill much better.
BIALAS, G. Concerto. Wiesbaden: Barenreiter, n.d.
Listed by Kroll.
BINET, JEAN (1893- ). Petit Concert with Strings. Geneva: Henn, n.d.
BINNEY, OLIVER. Concertino with Strings. American Music Center: MS., n.d.

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Five short movements not forming a coherent whole; premiered May 1971 with
Greenville, Pennsylvania, Symphony.
BLACKWOOD, EASLEY (contemporary). Concerto. Nesv York: G. Schirmer, in process as
of 1971.
Composed 1966 on commission from the Cincinnati Symphony. Very modern
and unsatisfying to conservative ears.
BLASIUS, MATTHIEU FREDERIC (1758-1829). Concerto lVo. 2 in F. Paris (?): Magasin de
Musique, Cherubinin Mehul, and Co., n.d.
Scored for C clarinet but easy to transpose. Late classical style, charming and wel1
written for the instrument; comparable to Wanhal and Dittersdorf. Useful as a
preparation for Mozart. Its chief fault is its excessive length. Score and parts in
Fleischer Library. Blasius also composed duo concertos for clarinet and bassoon.
BLOCH, WALDEMAR. Konzertr 1955. Vienna: Doblinger, 1960.
Rather long for its ideasS and needs the orchestra to be successful; orchestral intro-
duction and interludes are extensive. Also, the vigorous dissonances sound too
rough on the piano.
BOCHSA, ROBERT NICOLAS CHARLES (1789-1856) or KARL (-1821). Concerto.
Listed by Rendall. Unavailable.
BOHMAR, C. Concerto. Bote & Bock. United States representative Associated Music
Listed by Gabucci.
BONSEL A. (contemporary). Concerto. Amsterdam: Donemus, 1950.
BOZZA, EUGENE (1905- ). Concerto in Bb pour Clarinette et Orchestra de cEiambre Ot
piano. Paris: Leduc, 1952.
Quite contemporary; a florid, difEcult work of some musical interest; does not
wear well.
BRANT, HENRY ( 19 13- ). Concerto with Dance Band, 1946. New York : MCA. 1946.
Written for Benny Goodman. A fun piece; Brant knows his jazz.
BROWER, JAY (contemporary). Concerto, n.d.
First performed at Huntex College, New York, Dec
BRUNS, VICTOR (1904- ). Concerto, Opus 26. Leipzig
Fairly musical and contemporary. Somewhat tri
technical demands are warranted by the music. Wo
BRUYER, V. Conserto in G. Paris: Evette-Schaeffer, n.d.
A porpourri of vapid tunes in short sections with oompah acco
BUSONI, FERUCCIO (1866-1924). Consertino, Opus48. Leipzig: Breitk
Evidently not up to the reputation of its composer, but worth tr
for the clarinet but somewhat dry. Recorded Candida CI 31003
CARTELLIERI, CASIMIR ANTON (1772-1807). Concerto, n.d.
Listed by Rendall.
CAVALLINI, ERNESTO (1807-1874). Concerto, n.d.
Unavailable. Copy in possession of Wallace Tenney.
CHOU, WEN_CHUNC (1923- ). "To a Wayfarer" with Strings, 1953.
CIMAROSA, DOMENICO (I749-1801). Concertofor Oboe and Strings. Arranged by Art
Benjamin. London: Boosey & Hawkes 1942.
In early classical style, freely adapted from the piano sonatas of Cimarosa. Though
the adaptation was originally for oboe, the well adjusted clarinet part is useful
for a student not technically advanced.
CLARK, ROBERT KEYS. Conterto, Opas 48. Swirl Lane Music, 1972; Composers Theater,
25 West 1 9th Street, New York City.
Commissioned by Composers Theater for Jerome Bunke. Modern; patchy without

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musical flow, yet pleasant. Chamber orchestra accompaniment. Recorded on

Trinity Records.
COENEN, JOHANNES MEINARDUS ( 1824-1899) . Concerto in Eb. Dresden: Seeling, c. 1900.
Void of real musical or melodic idea. Score and parts in Fleischer Library.
COLLIS, JAMES. Little Concertos Nos. 1 and 2. New York: Charles H. Hansen, 1953.
Short simple works in classical-romantic style, good for teaching and performance.
Musical if unimportant.
COOKE, ARNOLD (1906- ). Clarinet Concerto. London: Novello, 1964.
Similar in style to his sonata, but not nearly as good or spontaneous Disappointing.
COPLAND, AARON (1900- ). Concerto. New York: Boosey & Hawkes, 1950.
Written for and recorded by Benny Goodman. At first dryly lyrical, then jazzy and
rhythmic, overemphasizing the high register; not too gratifying to play Recorded
Columbia MS 6497 or 6805.
CREMONT, PIERRE (1784-1846). First Concerto in Eb, Opus 4. Paris: Gambaro, c. 1810.
Late classical or early romantic; quite musical and with a rather long but not
difficult rondo. Copy in Library of Congress.
CRUFT, ADRIAN (1921- ). Concertino for Clarinet in Bb and Strings. Piano arrange-
ment by the composer. London: Joseph Williams, 1956. United States representa-
tive, Mills Music.
A musically intelligent work in three movements in a modernized romantic style,
with melodic ideas not imaginative but well dressed. The demands on the soloist
are tonal and musical rather than technical. The piano, though obviously a sub-
stitute for the strings, is adequate.
CRUsELL, BERNHARD HENRIK (1775-1838). Three Concertos) n.d.
Listed by Rendall.
DABELYEV, B. Concerto. Musica Rara, n.d
DACOSTA, IsAAc-FRANco ( 1 7 78- l 866) . Concerto, Opus 1.
Parts in Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris.
DEBUSSY, CLAUDE (1862-1918). Premier Rapsodie pour Clarinette. Paris: Durand, 1910.
A great work, difficult but highly rewarding. Good with piano despite its being
scored for a large orchestra. Score and parts published. Several times recorded.
DECROES, FIEINRICH THE YOUNGER ( 1 758-1842) . Concerto in Bb. Library of Thurn
and Taxis: MS., n.d.
DELLION, LEON. Concerto with Small Orchestra. University of Maryland: NACWAPI
Library, n.d.
Pleasant, flowing music; but too much chalumeau; the soloist is covered with the
thick scoring.
DELLo JoIo, NORMAN (1913- ). Concertante for Clarinet and Orchestrs. New York:
Carl Fischer, 1955
Very fine; not easy, though the performance problem is musical rather than
technical. The second of the two movements is a theme with five variations. The
piano is a reasonable substitute for the orchestra.
DEMAR, JOHANN SEBASTIAN ( 1 763- l 832) . Concerto in Bb. Paris: Bibliotheque Nationale,
DEPELSENAIRE, J. M. Concerto in Db with Piano. Editions Muscales Transatlantiques,
1962. United States Representative, Southern Music.
A single movement with rather Baroque feeling, attractive and musical.
DIMLER, ANTON SR. (1753-1815). Three Concerti. Paris: Paris Conservatoire, n.d.
DOBRZYNSKI, IGNACY F. (1807-1867). Concerto in Ab. Cracow: Polskie Wydawnictwo
Muszyczne, 1953.
A recent reprint; romantic and rather long for its ideas, but with a certain charm.
Not very difficult.

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1)ONDEYNE, DESIRE. P>ce de concours. Paris: Leduc, l957.

Short movements connected; more notes than music, says Thoma
I)RESDEN) SEM ( 1 88 1 - ) . Sinfonietta for Clarinette and Orchest
Donemus, n.d.
EBERWEIN, TRAUGOTT MAXIMILIAN (1775-1831). Concerto, n.d.
Listed by Rendall. UTnavailable.
EIGHNER, ERNST (I740-1777). Concerto in Eb. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Hartel 1782-
Probably origirlally for oboe. This work may be the same as the Karl Stamitz
No. 5, ae&ording to Jerome Bunke.
ETLER ALVIN DERALD (1913- ). Concertino with Small (Dance) Orchestra. New York:
Associated Music Publishers, I 964.
Very modern and diffieult, using orchestra of three trumpets, three trombones,
three percussiorl instruments, and two string basses; needs much ensemble prac-
tiee. Very fetching scherzo.
FERNSTROM, JOHN A. (1897- ). Clarinet Concerta, Opus 30, n.d.
For clarinet, strings! timpani, and cymbal. In Fleischer Library.
FIALA, JOSEPH ( 1 75 l - l 8 l 6) . Cvncerto in Bb. Washington, D. C.: Library of Congress,
Not dated but surely late eighteenth cerltury. Musical, in pure classic style with a
lilting 6-8 rondo. Ozalid score reconstructed from parts in the Library of Congress.
FINZI, GERALD ( l 90 l - l 956) . Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra. London: Boosey
& Hawkes, l951.
One of the best new works; melodious, well written for clarinet, and not too
difficult. Modern but not forbiddingly dissonant.
FISCHERA IRWIN (contemporary). Concerto, n.d.
Commissioned by the West Suburban Symphony for performance during the
1972-l973 season. (See Pan Pipes, January l972.)
FLEMING, ? Concerto P?gna, n.d.
Listed by Gabucci.
FLOSSMAN OLDRICH (l 925- ). Converto, n.d. Supraphon, Prag.
FRANCAIX JEAN (1912- ). Concerto. Paris: Editions Musicales Transatlantiquesa
For Bb clarinet in the key of B-five sharps! Has the clarinet in A disappeared
forever? Very technical; only for a very facile player.
FRANKE, HERMANN (1834-1919). Concerto No. 1 Opus 18. privately published c. l900.
Sentimental, trite, romantic; very weakly after Spohr. Score and parts in Fleischer
FUCHS, GEORGE FRIEI)ERICH (1 752-1821). Corterto in Bb Opus J4. Vienna: Library of
the Musikfreunde.
Set of parts in possession of Jerome Bunke.
GABLER, EGON. Conc¢rto No. J. Moscow: State Music Publishing House, 1953.
In Library of Congress.
. Conserto Co. 2 in Eb. Hanover Oertel l909.
Trite; dull leftovers.
GABUCCI AGOSTINO. Concerto in Eb for COrinet and Pianoforte. Florence. privately
published c. 1950.
A mixture of old and new techniques. A showpiece of doubtful musical quality.
GAENSER, JOHN FRIEDERICH (1 758-1807). Concerto in Bb. MS, nid.
Manuscript in British Museum.

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GAMBARO, J. B. (1785-1828). Two Concertos, n.d.

Listed by Rendall.
GATTI, D. Concerto in Bb Major, Solo for Bb Cornet, Baritone, Bb Clarinet or Tenor Saxo-
phone. Arranged by Gene Morra. New York: Carl Fischer, 1957.
A vapid piece andante with variations of very low musical caliber. Piano part
not idiomatic.
GLAZOUNOV, ALEXANDER K. (1865-1936). Concerto. Moscow: USSR, n.d.
GOEPFART, KARL ANDREAS (1786-1818). Four Concertos, n.d.
. Concertante with Strings, n.d.
. Five Quintets with String Quartet, n.d.
GOLDSCHMIDT, BERTHOLD ( 1903- ) . Concerto. MS., 1955.
GOTKOVSKY, IDA. Concerto. Paris: Editions Musicales Transatlantiques, 1968.
A very florid and difficult work more notes than music. Played at National
Music Camp summer 1971.
GRANT, PARKS. Concerto, 1943-45.
Twenty-five minutes of music. Copy in Fleischer Library. Not in the composer's
best style.
GRECHANINOV, ALEXANDER (1864-1956). Concerto. Moscow: USSR, n.d.
Unavailable, but from other works known, one may expect melodious but not
. . .

excltlng muslc.

. Concertino for Two Recorders or Two Clarinets, and Piano. New York: Hargail,
1 944.
A short single movement of simple, attractive music; easy enough for beginners and
good enough for professionals.
GROVLEZ, GABRIEL (1879-1944). Concertino.for Clarinet and Piano. Paris: Callet et Fils,
C. 1940.
A charming, light work in three contrasting sections. The first part is rhythmically
tricky, the second pleasant and sentimental, and the third a gay march.
GUILHAUD, GEORGES. Concertino. Paris: Costallat, 1910.
Originally for oboe but often used by clarinetists. Musical, sweet, but not using the
full resources of the clarinet.
. First Concertino. Arranged by Paquot. New York: Carl Fischer, n.d.
GURLITT, CORNELIUS (1820-1901). Konzertstucke for Clarinet with Orchestra or Piano.
Bremen: A. E. Fischer, c. 1900.
A difficult one-movement showpiece of considerable brilliance. Musically good
but in the now discredited nineteenth-century style.
GYROWETZ, ADELBERT ( 1763- 1 850) . Concerto in G. Brussells : Brussells Conservatory,
Listed by Titus.
HAMILTON, IAIN (1922- ). Concerto, Opus 7. London: Schott, n.d.
HANDEL, GEORGE FRIDERIC (1685-1759). Concerto in G and Sarabande. Transcribed by
George Waln.
Originally an oboe concerto. Well edited, but, says Thomas Ayers, needing addi-
tional ornaments inserted, particularly at trills and cadences.
. Concerto with Strings. Arranged by Sir John Barbirolli. London: Oxford
University Press, 1952.
Four movements chosen from as many works by Handel out of which results a
Baroque concerto of high quality. It fills a need for a work in this style. Very well
done. Published with piano in score and parts.

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HANISH, FRANZ ( 1 749- ? ). Concerto in Bb. Library of Thurn and Taxis: MS., n.d.
HARDER5 ERWIN E. (1883- ). Concerto No. 1 in G Minor. Chicago: privately pub-
lished, 1931.
An attempt at program music; jerky and of little musical value. Copy in the
Library of Congress.
HASSE, JOHANN ADOLPH ( 1 699-1 783) . Concerto in G Minor. Arranged by Joosen .
Holland: Molenaarx 1954. United States Representative, Henri Elkan.
Three movements originally for oboe; not clarinet music.
HASSENS, CHARLES LOUIS (1802-1871). Concerto, n.d.
HAUCK, FRANZ. Concertino with Small Orchestra. Cologne: Hans Gerig, 1952.
Romantic melodically, but trite. Attempt to modernize harmonies with parallel
seventh chords etc. and use of a celeste. Has audience appeal.
HAYDN, FRANZ JOSEPH (1732-1809). Concerto in D. Transcribed by D. de Caprio.
New York: Music Publishers Holding Corporation, 1947.
A great work. Originally for cello, this version is transposed to Bb, and transcribed
well even in the passages lying over the break. This version has neur and shorter
cadenzas than those played by Casals.
HERMSTEDT, JOHANN SIMON (1 778-1846). Concerto, n.d.
HINDEMITH, PAUL (1895-1963). Concerto for Clarinet in A and Orchestra. London:
Schott, 1950.
Written for Benny Goodman; in the recent Hindemith style. With some difficult
spots especially the rapid Ostinato it is every bit a display piece, but thoroughly
musical and a very important addition to the literature. Fine recording by Cahuzac.
Angel 35490.
HODDINOTT, ALUN (1929- ). Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra Opus 3.
London: Oxford University Press, 1955. Clarinet part and small score published.
Quite original, musically above average. Not display music, but requiring thorough
contemporary technique. No published piano reduction. Clarinet in A.
HODGSON, PETER (1928- ). Clarinet Concerto with Strings. London: Hinrichsen
Edition, n.d.
HOESSLER, FRANZ ANTON (1750-1792). Concerto, n.d.
HOFFMEISTER, FRANZ ANTON (1754-1812). Concerto in Bb. MS., n.d.
In British Museum and Library of Thurn and Taxis.
. Concerto in Eb. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1785-1787.
HOROVITZ, JOSEPH (1926- ). Concertantefor Bb Clarinet and Strirtgs. London: ChesterS
1953. Score and parts.
Cliched. Can be played with string quartet or orchestra. The string bass part does
not appear in the score.
HOUSTON, LEVIN J. (1906- ). Concerto. Library of Congress: MS., c. 1941.
In a style of a bygone time except for changing meters. Much trite accompaniment
and no excitement.
HUBER, ADOLPH. Concertino in F, Opus 8. Arranged by James Collis. Philadelphia:
Henri Elkan, 1967.
A single movement in ABA form. An effective if unimportant work. Grade III.
HUMMEL, CHRISTIAN (1 787-1849). Concerto, n.d.
HUMMEL, JOSEPH FRIEDRICH (1841-1919). Concerto No. 2. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hart
1 932.

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A single movement; romantic melodies and some brilliance. Not as good as

Weber's music, but similar.
JAKMA, F. First and Second Concertini. Uitgrave, Netherlands. United States representa-
tive, Henri Elkan, n.d.
JETTEL, RUDOLF. Conscrtino with Piano. Zurich: Eulenberga 1 969. United States
representative, Peters.
A single movement with a calm start and then much lively music. Showy pleasant.
JONGEN, JOSEPH (1873-1953). Concertino for Clarinet in Bb and Piano, Opus 132. Brussells:
Gervan, 1947.
Very well written piece in the style of the French piNce de concours, but much
more musically worthy than most such. Except for a few tricky spots, not too
demanding technically.
JUST, MICHAEL. Concerto in Bb. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1782-1784.
KARREN, LEON. Concerto with Piano. Paris: Evette-Schaeffer, n.d.
An introduction, adagio, and variations. Stylized mid-nineteenth century, but
better than some.
KEYS, IVOR. Conscrto with Strings. London: Novello, 1959. United States representa-
tive, Mills Music.
For clarinet in A. Not really interesting a disappointment.
KIEL, C. Concerto. Boston: Schmidt, n.d.
Listed by Gabucci.
KLAUS, KENNETH BLANCHARD ( 1923- ) . Concerto Brevis. Louisiana State Univer-
sity: MS., 1955-1956.
Variations on a twelve-tone row, one of which is but two bars long.
KLEINE, t). W. Conscrtino. Published in Cologne and Bonn, n.d.
KLEINSINGER, GEORGE ( 1914- ) . Street Corncr Conscrto f or Bb Charinet and Piano.
New York: Chappell and Co., 1953.
A jazz concerto of quite some charm; not too difficult.
KLOSE, HYACINTHE ELEANORE ( 1 808-1880) . Concertino. Paris: Buffet-Crampton
(Leduc), n.d.
Very nineteenth-century, but a good performer might make it interesting.
KNISCHEK, WENZEL (1 743- 1 806). StX Concertos. Library of Thurn and Taxis: MS.) n.d.
KOMAROVSKY, A. Conscrto in D Minor. Russian publication, 1961.
An allegro and theme and variations; melodious, but rather tiring and unimagina-
KOPPEL, HERMAN D. (1908- ). Clarinct Concerto, Opus 35 with Chamber Orchestra.
Copenhagen: Skandin. Musik Forlag, 1951.
A work of considerable atmosphere, needing close acquaintance for enjoyment.
Very well written in the idiom of the clarinet. The piano reduction is playable,
but there is a definite need for orchestral color.
KROMMER (KRAMARZ), FRANZ V. ( 1 760- 1 83 1 ) . Concerto in Eb, Opus 36. Prague:
Musica Antiqua Bohemica, 1953.
One of three concertos by this composer. Charming, quite idiomatic, and a good
preparation for Mozart. First published by AndrE in Offenbach, 1803.
. Third Conscrto, Opus 86 in E Minor. Offenhach: AndrE, 1818 (?).
Unlike his Opus 36, this is contrived music of vapid melodies and technical passages
for A clarinet. Copy in the Library of Congress. Krommer's second concerto is
. Concerto for Two Clarinets, Opus 91 Offenbach: AndrE, n.d.
Much like the Third Concerto, having no contrapuntal interest. Copy in the
Library of Congress.

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KRYLOV, PAUL (1885-1935). Concerto in A. Moscow: USSR, n.d.

Rather characteristic for A ciarinet, but monotonous and harmonically s
KRYUKOV V. (1902- ). Concertino, Opus 56. Moscow: ISSSR 1956; London.
Musica Rara, n.d.
After a rather cute beginning this piece oses interest. Copy in the Library o
KUBIN, RUDOLPH (1909- ). Concerto. Prague: Panton, 1946, 1960.
An excellently written modern work that finally ends on a C major triad. Worth
study, having a very brilliant and demanding solo part.
KUBITZEK, A. Concerto, Opus 9. Vienna: Doblinger, n.d.
Uninspired, too long, and unreasonably priced.
KURPINSKI, KAROL (I785-I857). Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra. Cracow: Polskie
Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 1949.
Composed in I823; somewhat like Spohr but not as good, oSering many technical
problems. Better for study than performance.
LANDRE, GUILLAUME (WILLEM) (contemporary). Concerto, 1957-58. Antwerp: Done-
mus, n.d.
Twelve-tone. Well worked out for those interested in this style. More ensemble
than concerto style.
LARSSON, LARKS ERIK (1908- ). Concertino with Strings, Opus 45 #3. Stockholm:
Gehrmans Musikforlag, n.d. United States represeIltative, Boosey & Hawkes.
Entitled "Hommage a Mozart"; the struggle to be simple is too much for the
composer. One harmonic cliche is run into the ground.
LEFEVRE, JEAN X. (1763-1829). Six Concertos, n.d.
Listed by Rendall.
LINDPAINTER, PETERJosEPH VON (1791-1856). Concertos, n.d.
LITOLFF, HENRY (1818-1891). Scherzo Concerto. Arranged by Norman Richardson
London: Boosey & Hawkes, I948.
Freely adapted from the scherzo from Concerto Symphonique Co. 4 (originally for
piano). A brilliant piece that must be played very fast, requiring great finger
agility. It lies quite well for clarinet in the present svell-made arrangement. Rather
LOGAR, MIKOVIL ( 1902- ). Concerto 1956.
MAcDoNALD, MALCOLM (contemporary). Concerto with Strings. MS., n.d.
MACONCHY, ELIZABETH (1907- ). Concertino with Strings. MS., 1947.
MAHON, JOHN (1746-1834). Concertos.
Several numbers listed by Rendall and composed between 1775 and 1800. Par
in British Museum for No. 6 in F.
MALKO, NICOLAY (1888- ). Correrto for Clarinet and Orchestra. Belaieff Edition,
1955. United States representative Boosey & Hawkes.
Simple, musical, short; solo not brilliant but pleasantly playable.
MANEVICH, A. (contemporary). Concerto 1955. New York: Leeds Music, n.d.
Melodious, musical; well written for clarinet, with interesting orchestration.
Played at National Music Camp. Good recording by Monitor, MC 2030.
MANN J. G. H. (l858-l904). Concerto in G Minor, Opus gO. Leipzig: Ruhle and Wend-
ing, c. 1900.
Not worth revival; begins bravely but does not fulfill its promise. Passage svork
idiomatic but not musical. Score and parts in Fleischer Library.

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MANNS, FERDINAND ( 1844-1922) . Conserto in Bb, Opus 29. Bremen: A. E. Fischer,

c. 1910.
Nothing important here, though the writing is facile and the scoring for ten wood-
winds and ten brass is good. On file in the Fleischer Library.
MARCELLO, BENEDETTO ( 1686-1 739). conGerto in C Minor. Arranged by Joosen.
Wormerveer, Holland: Molenaar, 1 969. United States representative, Henri Elkan.
Arrangement of a good Baroque violin sonata; no chalumeau.
MAURER, LUDWIG WILHEEM (1789-1878). conGerto in Bb Mznor Opus 57. Leipzig:
Hoffmeister, c. 1900.
Well scored, better than most works of the period except for those of Weber and
Spohr. Melodious with easy but decent technical passages. Parts in the Fleischer
MERZDORF, G. A. Contertino. Dresden: Seeling, c. 1900.
Why did the Fleischer Library bother to copy this score?
MICHEL (1 754-1 786). conGerto No. 8 in Bb. Paris: Pleyel, n.d.
The Library of Congress has MS parts for solo clarinet, first violin, viola, and bass.
Reconstructed score and second violin part by Burnet C. Tuthill; available from
the Library of Congress. Well written for the clarinet and worth reviving, this is one
of fourteen concertos by this composer, whose full name was Michel Yost. Parts for
concertos 9, 10, 11, 12, and 14 available from Himic Voxman, State Urjiversity of
Iowa. A1L in Bb, they are pleasant but have little to say and become monotonous.
It would be enough to revive one of them.
MIGNONE, FRANCISCO (1897). Con4ertino 1957. MS.
An attractive, brilliant work by this recognized Brazilian composer. Melodically
and rhythmically interesting; not easy. Library of Congress has a copy.
MILHAUD, DARIUS ( 1892- ). Conterto. Philadelphia: Elkan-Vogel, 1942.
Written for and dedicated to Benny Goodman, who reportedly never has played
it. Despite attractive moments, difficult and exhausting to play, with few rests.
Milhaud's usual dissonant style.
MOLTER, JOHAN MELCHIOR (c. 1695-1765). Four Concertos for Clarinet. Wiesbaden:
Breitkopf and Hartel, 1957.
Published only in score in volume 41 of Das Erbe Deutscher Musik. All are for clarinet
in D, with middle C the lowest note used and with extensive use made of the high
register. Practical only for the D instrument. Recorded by Lancelot PHC 9078.
MOURANT, WALTER (contemporary). Contertino. New York: American Composers
Alliance, n.d.
Uses a small orchestra but the scoring is too heavy. A noble attempt.
MOZART, LEOPOLD (1719-1787). Concerto. Edited by C. Lillya and M. J. Isaac. New
York: Carl Fischer, n.d.
An Italian edition is in the Library of Congress. This setting is for trumpet, prob-
ably the instrument for which it was written, with a substitute part for clarinet,
for which it becomes a simple and effective solo.
MOZART, W. A. (1756-1791). Conterto, K622. Offenbach: Andre, 1802.
Beyond praise-the perfect concerto. For clarinet in A it is the work of genius in
that Mozart plumbed the expressive depths of the clarinet while it was still in its
primitive mechanical state. The first printed edition has been succeeded by many
others under a variety of editors: Andre, 1870; Breitkopf and Hartel (as part of
the complete edition of Mozart's works); Eulenberg (edited by Rudolf Geiber),
1899; Costallat, 1939; Boosey & Hawkes (revised by Frederick Thurston), 1946;
Leduc (cadences by J. Ibert, revised edition by Ulysse Delecluse), 1951; Ricordi
(arraned by Alamiro Giampieri), 1955; G. Schirmer (piano reduction and revision

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by Eric Simon), 1959; also a eadenza by Busoni, separately published by Breitkopf

and Hartel, in 1922, ineluding orehestral aeeompaniment. Numerous reeordings.
Also now published for Bb elarinet.
MUELLER, FRIEDRICH (1786-1871). Two Concertos, n.d.
MULLER, IVAN (1786-1854). Conscrto No. 4 in A Minor. Paris: Dufaut et Dubois
(Lemoine), n.d.
A stylized opening movement of uninteresting material and mueh faney business;
a trite theme and three variations of standard teehnieal patterns; a short eadenza
and brief elose. Copy in Fleiseher Library.
. Concerto No. 5 in Eb. Paris: Dufaut et Dubois (Lemoine), n.d.
One very long movement filled with exercises and meaningless melody. Copy in
Fleiseher Library.
. Concerto No. 6 in G Minor. Paris: Dufaut et Dubois (Lemoine), n.d.
Three movements of insignifieant drivel. One is not interested in finding eopies of
eoncertos, 1, 2, and 3. Copy in Fleiseher Library.
MUSGROVE, THEA ( 1928- ) . Conscrto, n.d .
Performed in London, January 19, 1972.
NIEDMANN, C. Conscrtino. Leipzig: D. Rahter, n.d.
Listed by Gabucci.
NIELSEN, CARL (1865-1931). Concerto, Opus 57. Copenhagen: Edition Dania, 1946.
Very fine, diEeult; eomposed in 1928, this work has become one of the elassies of
the literature. Wonderful with orehestra but not good with piano. The old reeord-
ing with Cahuzae is probably unobtainable, but there is a fine one by Drucker with
the New York Philharmonie under Bernstein and one by Benny Goodman.
NORDEN, HUGO (1909- ). Concertino in G. Boston: Arthur P. Schmidt, n.d.
PARKE, WILLIAM THOMAS (1762-1847). Concerto in C for Oboe, Flutc, or Clarinet in
Parts in the British Museum. Information from Titus thesis.
PAULSON, JOSEPH. Conzerto No. 1. New York: Carl Fischer, n.d.
Very trite.
. Correrto No. 2. New York: Carl Fiseher, n.d.
PERRY, H. Concrtino. New York: McGinnis & Marx, n.d.
PFEIFFER, KARL A. (1833-1897). Consato in Eb. MS., n.d.
From a set of MS parts in the Library of Congress, Burnet C. Tuthill has reeon-
structed a seore of whieh ozalid parts may be obtained. A short work of fair quality
but not too interesting. Easy. The solo part has measures marked "chal." evidently
to be played an octave lower; return to piteh is marked "elar."
PFEILSTICKER, NICOLAS. Concerto in Bb. Playel, pre-1800.
In Library of Musikfreunde, Rlienna. Information from Titus thesis.
PICHL, WENZEL (1741-1805). Concerto No. 4 in Bb Major. Washington, D. C.: Library
of Congress, n.d.
For two elarinets and strings. Other eoncertos of Pichl unavailable.
PISTON, WALTER (1894- ). Correrto 1967. New York: Associated Musie Publishers,
1 968.
Composed for a festival at Dartmouth College. Modern, difficult, intelligent, and
rhythmieally interesting.
PITT, PERCY (1870-1932). Conscrto, Opus 22. London: Boosey & Hawkes, 898.
Bombast and twaddle.
PITTRICH, GEORCE (1 870- l 934) . Conserto (Prcisgckront!) . Dresden: Bellman and
Thumer, n.d.
Why are prizes awarded for such terrible music?

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PLEYEL, IGNAZJ. (1757-1831). Concerto in C. New York: Rubank, n.d.

For Bb clarinet, written in D; demanding, stimulating, rewarding.
POKORNY, FRANZ XAVER (1 729-1804). Concerto in Eb. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf and
Hartel, n.d.
Published in score in volume 41 of Das Erbe Deutsche Musik, 1957; also separately
with piano reduction. The clarinet parts are quite simple and often supported
by the violins. Technical demands very slight. Extended orchestral interludes.
. Concerto in Bb. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf and Hartel, n.d.
Published as above. Recorded by Lancelot PHC 9078.
PORRET, J. Concertino No. 15 and No. 16. New York: McCinnis & Marx, n.d.
RADIC, DUSAN (1929- ). Concertino with Strings, n.d.
RAWSTHORNE, ALAN ( 1905- ) . Concerto with Strings. London: Oxford University
Press, 1936.
The orchestra is very important, with the clarinet quasi obbligato and the strings
sometimes subdivided into three parts. A piano edition would hardly work. Very
musical, full of dissonance, and not too difficult for clarinet. Ensemble would need
extensive experience or much rehearsing. Quite an important work.
REISSIGER, KARL G. (1798-1859). Concerto in Eb, Opus 63. Heilbronn: C. F. Schmidt,
c. 1885.
In the style of Wieniawski and Vieuxtemps; with standard display passages that
are not too difficult, rates just below the Spohr concertos. Three movements of
pleasant melody.
REITER, ALBERT. Concerto. Vienna: Doblinger, 1968.
Work with orchestra in four movements. This concerto is conservative, but based on
interesting musical ideas. Is worth trying.
RIETZ, JULIUS (1812-1877). Concerto, Opus 39. Leipzig: Kistner, n.d.
RIMSKY-KoRsAKov, NIKOLAY A. (1844-1908). Kontertstuck in Db for Clarinet and M
tary Band. Moscow: Omega (Piano reduction), 1 949.
An early work; fairly easy, but musically disappointing in comparison with the
composer's well-known works. Composed in 1878. Also available with piano reduc-
tion by L. Rudolph, Russian-American publisher.
RIOTTE, PHILIP JACOB (1776-1856). Three Concertos, n.d.
RITCHIE, JOHN (contemporary). Concerto with Strings, n.d.
Three good, charming movements; useful and appealing. Good recording KIWI
LD-3 by Frank Gurr. A. H. Reed, Wellington, N. Z.
RITTER, FRED LOUIS (1 834- 1 891 ). Fantasia for Bass Clarinet and Orchestra, n.d.
RIVIER, JEAN (1896- ). Concerto with Strings. Paris: Editions Musicales Trans-
atlantiques, 1959.
Rlery difficult, dissonant; far too many parallels. A succession of patterns that lead
ROBERT, C. Concerto. Uitgave, Netherlands, n.d. United States representative, FIenri
Concerto in Eb. Edited by Himie Voxman. Chicago: Rubank, 1969.
A good student concerto; prerequisite to Mozart. Another concerto in Eb (perhaps
the same one) has been published in an edition edited by Fritz Kneusslin (Bael:
Edition Kneusslin, 1971). ROssler composed three clarirlet concertos; see Denkmaler
de Musik irx Bayern, Sol. 25.
ROSSINI, GIOACCHINI (1792-1868). Introduction and Variations. Hamburg: Sikorski, n.d
An operatie aria with some fancy variations to show of the instrument and the

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player. Has audience appeal. Recorded by dePeyer on Angel Oxford Universitnir

Press has a band arrangement as of 1972.
RUEFF, JEANINE (1922- ). Concertino. Paris: Leduc, 1950.
One of the better Conservatoire type pieces. Probably never scored for orchestra.
RUMMEL, CHRISTIAN L. (1787-1849). Clarinet Concerto, n.d.
Listed by Rendall. Unavailable.
SAUGET, HENRI (1901- ). Sonata for Clarinet and Orchestra, n.d.
SAVELIEV, S. Concerto in G Minor. Russian publication, 1954. United Sta
sentatives, MCA, Leeds Music.
Three movements; flowing but undistinguished melodies. The work is too long
for its material.
SCHACHT, THEODORE FREIHERR VON (1 748-1823). Twelve conGertos. Library of Thurn
and Taxis: MS., n.d.
Nine compositions for Bb clarinet, three for A clarinet, according to Titus thes
SCHENK, JOHANN II (1 761-1836). Andante Only. Vienna: Library of the Musikfreun
SCHIBLER, ARMIN ( 1920- ). Couertino fur KErinette in Bb und StreiGhorcheste
Zurich: Edition Eulenberg, 1956. Edition for clarinet and piano.
A difficult work of considerable musical value, having a single extended movement
with a central adagio. There are five long orchestral interludes that do not translate
very successfully into the idiom of the piano.
SCHIERLL, JOSEPH (1757-1797). Two Concerti. Library of Thurn and Taxis: MS+, n.d.
Listed by Titus.
SCHINDELMEISSER, LOUIS (181 1-1864). conGertino Opus 27. Leipzig: Breitkopf and
Hartel, n.d.
. Synaphonie Corzcertante for Four Clarinets, Opus 2, n.d.
Listed in Grove's Dictionary.
SCHMIDT, HERMANN (1810-1845). Concerto in Eb. Madgeburg: Hinrichshofen, c. 1931.
Technical twaddle; no real musical ideas. Harmonically inept.
SCHNEIDER, G. A. ( 17 70- 1 839) . Sinfonia Concertante. Bote & Boch, n .d .
Listed by Rendall.
SCHOLLUM, ROBERT (1913- ). Concerto Grosso, Opus 34. Vienna: Universal Edition,
SCHOLTENS, ? Concertino. Uitgave, Netherlands, n.d. United States representative
Henri Elkan.
SCHREIER, ? Concerto. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1782-1784.
SCHROEVENF LEOPOLD. Concerto Miniature. Editions Musicales Bragneux.
representative, Henri Elkan, 1957.
Perhaps a contemporary work? but in an outworn style. Good clarinet writing,
but without a real musical idea.
SEDLACZEK, LUDWIG M. Concertino, n.d.
SEIBER, MATYAS (1905-1960). Concertino for Clarinet and Strings. London: Schottf 19
Starts very sirnply with clarinet alone? but as soon as the orchestra enters there i
a great confusion of keys. It will sound better with orchestra than in the piano
arrangement that is published. The thematic material is simple and useful for t
kind of treatment given.
SHAWF ARTIE (1910- ). Concerto. New York: Mills Music, 1942.
Introduction and an extended movement in jazz style with boogie, smears! and so
forth. Accompaniment for large jazz band. Recorded.

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SHERMAN, ELNA (?-1971). Concertante. New York: American Composers Alliance, n.d.
SIEGMEISTER, ELIE (1909- ). Concerto. New York: Sam Fox, 1962.
Modern, with jazz influence and verve; difficult.
SIKORSKI, KAZIMIERZ (1895- ). Concerto. Cracow: Polski Wydawnictwo Muzyczne,
SIMON, ANTON Y. (1851-1916?). Concerto, Opus 31, n.d.
SMITH, WILLIAM O. Concerto with Combo, 1957.
Copy unavailable.
SOBECK, JOHANN ( 1 831-1914). Concertino in G Minor, Opus 22. Hanover: Nagel, c. 1885.
Sobeck, a clarinet player, also has composed some dull trios for three clarinets, and
this concertino, though well written, shares their dullness. A feature in the cadenza,
according-to the MS. in the Fleischer Library, asks the soloist to trill one note
while playing a melody below it ! Has the aulos returned?
SPOHR, LOUIS ( l 784- 1 859). Concerto No. 1 in C Minor, Opus 26. Leipzig: Peters, 1 922.
This and the three concertos following are splendid works of great technical de-
mands. The slow movements are particularly fine, and stand the stylistic test of
time better than the allegros. They are more difficult than the Weber works.
Piano reduction by F. Demnitz.
. Concerto No. 2 in Eb Major, Opus 57. Leipzig: Peters, 1 923.
Piano reduction by F. Demnitz.
. Concerto No. 3. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1885.
Recorded Urania 7021. The note on the jacket says unpublished !
. Concerto No. 4for A Clarinet. Leipzig: Brietkopf & Hartel, n.d.
. Potpourri sur des the'mes de Winterfor Clarinet and Orchestra. Berlin: Schlesinger,
Musical; very difficult and only for the virtuoso. Several high C's.
SPORCK, GEORGES ( l 8 70- 1 943) . Conrerto, n .d .
Listed by Gabucci.
STAMITZ, JOHANN (1717-1757). Concerto for Clarinet and Strings. New York: Leeds
Music, 1953.
Composed about 1750, it has waited two centuries for publication; rediscovered
and edited by Peter Gradenwitz. Rococo in style, having much freshness and many
tricky passages. Good music.
STAMITZ, KARL (1745-1801). Concerto No. 1 in Eb. Edited by Helmut Boese. Leipzig:
Hofmeister, 1956.
Written about 1770; very charming and effective; considerable use of the chalu-
. Concerto No. 2 in Bb, unpublished.
This may be released in the near future by Boosey & Hawkes.
. Concerto No. 3 in Bb. Edited by J. Wojciechowski. Frankfort: Peters, n.d.;
also New York.
Similar to but shorter than the others. Very charming; fine slow movement.
. Concerto No. 4 in F. Frankfort: Peters, n.d.
For C clarinet.
. Concerto Co. 5 in Eb. Paris: Sieber, c. l 770.
This is probably by Eichner and a transcription of his oboe concerto, according
to Jerome Bunke.
. Concerto No. 6. Paris: Sieber, l 770.
All parts in possession of Jerome Bunke.
. Concerto No. 7, n.d.
Listed by Boese.

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. Concerto No. 8 in Bb. Paris: Sieber, n.d.

Very good, better than numbers 9 or 10; may be reissued. A1J parts in possession
of Jerome Bunke.
. Concerto No. 9 in Eb. Edited by J. Woiciechowski. Hamburg: Sikorski, 1953.
This concerto is simple and graceful with a few flashy passages. It lacks variety
and drive. Good for a student not ready for Mozart.
. Couerto No. 10 in Bb. Edited by Jost Michaels. Hamburg: Sikorski, 1958.
Similar to No. 9. Good.
. Couerto lYo. 11 in Eb. Edited by Arthur Christmann. New York: G. Schirmer,
The most excellent and demanding of all. Requires fine breath control and a facile
technique to play fast enough to handle the long passages.
STANFORD, SIR CHARLES VILLIERS (1852-1924). Concerto, Opus 80. MS., n.d.
A very musical work that should be published. An examination of the manuscript,
in the possession of Stainer and Bell in London, shows that Stanford used both Bb
and A clarinets; but all the music could be played on a single instrument. Despite
numerous requests to Stainer and Bell since 1926, the firm still has not published
the work. Excerpts from it are to be found in the Forsythe book on orchestration.
STARK, ROBERT (1847-1922). Concerto No. 1 in Eb, Opus 4. Paris: Benjamin, n.d.
. Concerto No. 2 in F, Opus 13. Heilbronn: C. F. Schmidt, n.d.
. Concerto No. 3 in D, Opus 56). Paris: Benjamin, n.d.; Boston: Cundy-
Bettoney, n.d.
The three works listed above are weak even for the period of their writing, con-
sisting of vapid melodies interspersed with technical exercises. Orchestral score not
interesting. Fleischer Library.
STASTNY, VLADIMIR (1824-1906). Easy Concertino in C. Brno: Jaroslav Stozicky, 1948.
United States representative, Boosey & Hawkes.
Simple, melodious, and very easy. Never intended for orchestral accompaniment.
Range to C #2.
STEVENS, HALSEY (1908- ). Concerto with Strings. New York: Peer International
Corporation, n.d.
First two movements rather angular and diffuse, with the finale alone seeming
like a concerto. Modern but not avant garde. A fine recording by Mitchell Lurie:
Crystal 5851.
STEWART, GRAHAM ( 1 920- ) . Concertino. MS., 1 941 .
Pseudomodern in harmony. Thematic material not stimulating. Thin and wander-
ing, with no brilliance for the soloist. Copy in the Fleischer Library.
STEWART, HUGH M. Concertino with Piano. New York: Carl Fischer, 1962.
Very simple and melodious. Grade II.
STOLZENBERG, GEORG (1857- ? ). Serenade, Opus 6. Leipzig: Breitkopf and Hartel.
For clarinet and string orchestra.
STRATEGIER, HERMAN ( 1912- ) . Concertino. Amsterdam: Donemus, 1950.
STRAVINSKY, IGOR (1882-1972). Ebony Concerto. New York, Charling, 1946.
Composed for Woody Herman and scored for jazz band. The solo clarinet part is
very brief, episodic, and not difficult, in Stravinsky's rather stiff jazz style. The
better school and college bands could play the work.
STUMPF, JOHANN CHRISTIAN ( ? -1801). Concerto, n.d.
Listed by Rendall. Unavailable.
STUTSCHEWSKI, JOACHIM (1891- ). Concertino with Strings. Tel Aviv: Israeli Music

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Publishers, n.d. Listed for sale by McGinnis and Marx, New York.
SZERVANSKY, ENDRE. Serenade with Orchestra. Budapest: Zenemukiado Valladet, 1956.
Published with piano.
TANSMAN, ALEXANDER (1897- ). Concerto. Paris: Editions Francaises de Musique,
Well written, interesting, very modern, and very difficult.
TARTINI, GIUSEPPE (1692-1770). Concertino. New York: Boosey & Hawkes, 1945.
Gordon Jacob has taken movements from violin works by this Italian Baroque
composer and transcribed them into this concerto. The four brief movements
sound like clarinet music without violating the authenticity of Tartini's music.
Not difficult, but requiring fluent technique.
TAUSCH, FRANZ ( 1 762-181 7). Conserto.
Listed by Rendall, as is another concerto and a concertante for two clarinets.
Riemann's Musitlexikon credits Tausch with two concertos and two concertantes
for two clarinets.
TCHAIKOVSKY, BORIS ALEXANDROVITCH (1925- ). Concerto. New York: MCA, n.d.
For A clarinet. Evidently no relation to his famous namesake. A dull beginning and
perpetual motion; fast finale with no ideas.
TELEMANN, GEORG PHILLIPP (1681-1767). Concerto. Arranged by Joosen. Wormer-
veer, Holland: Molenaar, 1965.
A Baroque transcription for oboe or clarinet. Good music, but no chalumeau.
THOMAS, RICHARD. Concerto, n.d.
Performed in New York, October 1969, by Sidney Fell.
TOMASI, HENRI (1901- ). Concerto pour clarinette Siflat et orchestre. Paris: Leduc, 1954.
A spirited modern work requiring complete technical facility. Musical, reasonably
TRAuGoTT-EsERwEIN. Concerto, n d.
Listed by Rendall.
TROSHIN, B. Concertino. New York: MCA, n.d.
Full of notes, but the composer has failed to come up with a pregnant idea.
TUTHILL, BURNET C. (1888- ). Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra, Opus 28. Phila-
delphia: Elkan-Vogel, 1953.
As reviewed in The Clarinet: "A difficult concerto, both technically and musically
although it is very playable. The last movement is brilliant. Mr. Tuthill knows the
clarinet very well, so that one does not encounter the tricky spots to be expected
in a work of this difficulty."
UHL, ALFRED (1909- ). Konzertante Sinfonie. Vienna: Universal Edition, n.d.
VASSILENKO, S. N. (1872- ). Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra, Opus 135. Moscow:
USSR, 1955.
Of some musical value. A lyrical adagio. Many sixteenth-note passages bring the
finale to a brilliant close.
VEALE, JOHN (1922- ). Concerto for Clarinet in A and Orchestra. London: Oxford
University Press, 1955.
In one extended movement with sections in varied tempi, making full use of all
registers. Melodious and tasteful, though bordering on the sentimental. A welcome
if not great addition to the literature, calling for full orchestra, though the piano
reduction is good.
VERHEY, THEODOR H. H. ( 1848-1929). Concerto in G Minor, Opus 47. Leipzig: Zimmer-
man, c. 1900.
Three movements of considerable charm and brilliance, the middle movement
the weakest. The technical passages are not difficult. Straightforward romantic

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music, more interesting than the composer's quintet for winds and piano. Score
in Fleischer Library.
VINTER, GILBERT (1909- ). Concertino. London: Boosey & Hawkes, 1955.
Not worth printing.
VOGEL, JOHANN CHRISTOFF (1756-1788). Three Concertos, n.d.
WEBER, CARL MARIA VON (1786- 1826). Concertino, Opus 26. Leipzig: Breitkopf and
Hartel, c. 1893. Many other publishers, including Boosey & Hawkes and Carl
Fischer (revised by W. Strasser). The solo part was published by Schlesingersche
Buch und Musiklienhandlung, c. 1865.
Composed in 1811, this well-known work offers more musical problems than are
often realized, requiring the tone control of an artist for full realization. Some
editions are inaccurate in the distinction between an appogiatura and a grace note.
. Concerto No. 1 in F Minor Opus 73. Heilbronn: C. F. Schmidt. Other edi-
tions available including Carl Fischer, Cundy-Bettoney, and others, as above.
Composed in 1811. Leduc edition has cadenza byJ. Ibert.
Variations, Opus 33, 1811
Seven florid and brilliant variations on a theme from "Silvana." Too little played.
WEISGARBER, ELLIOT (contemporary). Concerto. MS., n.d.
WHETTAN, GRAHAM (contemporary). Concerto, Opus 40. MS., 1959.
A knowledgable English friend of the compiler has said that this is "a very clever
work but musically it is rather barren."
WHITE, DONALD (contemporary). Concertino. MS., 1 971.
For solo clarinet and winds; midlly dissonant and polytonal, but charming. Per-
formed by Harry Gee April 1972 at Indiana State University at Terre Haute.
WIDEMANN, L. Concertino in C Minor, Opus 4. Paris: Benjamin, n.d.
A pleasant but unimportant work full of commonplaces, flashy but not brilliant.
Technical spots well written and easily playable.
WILDGANS, FRIEDRICH (1913- ). Second Concerto. Vienna: Universal Edition, 1949.
Unavailable. Another (first) concerto was written by this composer in 1933.
WILMS, JAN WILLEM (1772-1847). Concerto, n.d.
Listed by Rendall.
WILSON, GLORIA (c. 1935- ). Concerto. University of Rochester: Eastman School
of Music Library, n.d.
Premiered at Eastman. A beautiful work of considerable difficulty, using large
WILSON, KEN. Concerto with String Orchestra. MS,. n.d.
A very charming work by an able New Zealander. Tuthill has the score.
WINNEBERGER, PAUL (1758-1821). Concerto in Bb. Library of Thurn and Taxis, n.d.
WINTER, PETER VON (1754-1825). Concerto with Orchestra, n.d.
Listed by Rendall.
WISSMER, PIERRE (1915- ). Concerto. Milan: Ricordi, 1960.
WOLLANCK, FRIERICH (1 782-1831 ) . Concertos, n.d.
YOST-see Michel.
ZADOR, EUGENE. Music for Clarinet ard Strings, n.d.
Performed November 6, 1971, in Bellflower, California.
ZIEMS, HENRY. Kammerkonzert for Clarinet ard Strings. Wiesbaden: B & H, 1962.
Fifteen minutes. Score and parts printed.

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Sonatas for Clarinet and Piano

The sonatas listed below should be added to the list included in the
previous issue of the jrournal of Research in Music Education.

ARMBRUSTER, RENE. Sonatine, 1968. Zurich: Swiss Music Archives.

Xerox $5.
BUSCH, ADOLPH (1891-1952). Sonata, Opus 54, in A. Zurich: Swiss Music Archives, n.d.
Robert Schott says this sonata is first rate.
DIETHOLM, CASPER. Two Sonatines, Opus 48 ( 1960 and 1 966). Zurich: Swiss Music
HANISCH, EDWARD. Sonata for A Clarinet. Wilhelmshaven: Heinrichshofen, Sirius
edition, n.d. Peters is agent in New York.
HILDEMANN, WOLFGANG. Sonata for A Clarinet. Wilhelmshaven: Heinrichshofen,
Sirius edition, n.d. Peters is agent in New York.
JUCJLEKA, M. Sonatina. Prague: Artia, 1965.
Charming and well written for clarinet, but rhythmically dull and monotonous.
MERSSON, BORIS. Sonata, Opus 16. Zurich: Swiss Music Archives, n.d.
MOORE, CHARLES. Sonata. Cleveland, Ohio: Composers Auto Publications, P.O.
Box 7103, 44128, n.d.
PERKOWSKI, PIOTR. Sonata, 1955. Warsaw: Polskie Wydawnichtwo Musyczne, 1970.

An annotated listing of sonatas for clarinet and piano appeared in the fall 1972 issue
of this journal. The two listings have been combined in reprint form and are available
at a cost of $1.00 each plus 10%O for postage and handling (Stock no. 321-10482).
Reprints may be ordered from the Music Educators National Conference, 1201
Sixteenth Street N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036.

* Memphis, Tennessee

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