Nursing Credentials and Certifications

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Nursing credentials and certifications

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[edit] Postnominal nursing credential usage

A nurse's postnominal (listed after the name) credentials usually follow his or her name in this order:

Highest earned academic degree in or related to nursing (e.g. "MSN") Nursing licensure (e.g. "RN") Nursing certification (e.g. "CCRN")

Generally credentials are listed from most to least permanent. A degree, once earned, cannot, in normal circumstances, be taken away. State licensure is only revoked for serious professional misconduct. Certifications generally must be periodically renewed by examination or the completion of a prescribed number of continuing education units (CEUs). Nurses may also hold non-nursing credentials including academic degrees. These are usually omitted unless they are related to the nurse's job. For instance, a staff nurse would likely not list an MBA, but a nurse manager might choose to do so. Nursing credentials are separated from the person's name (and from each other) with commas. There are usually no periods within the credentials. (e.g. "BSN" not "B.S.N.")

[edit] Nursing certifications

In the United States and Canada, many nurses who choose a specialty become certified in that area, signifying that they possess expert knowledge. There are over 200 nursing specialties and subspecialties. Studies from the Institute of Medicine have demonstrated that specialty-certified nurses have higher rates of patient satisfaction, as well as lower rates of work-related errors in patient care. Registered nurses (RNs) are not required to be certified in a certain specialty by law. For example, it is not necessary to be a Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse (CMSRN) (a medical surgical nursing certification) to work on a Medical-Surgical (MedSurg) floor, and most MedSurg nurses are not CMSRNs. Certifications do, however, instill professionalism and make the nurse more attractive to prospective and current employers. Certified nurses also sometimes earn a salary differential over their non-certified colleagues. Some hospitals and other health care facilities are willing to pay a certified nurse extra when he or she works within their specialty. Also, some hospitals may require certain nurses, such as

nursing supervisors or lead nurses, be certified. Certification instills confidence in the nurses. Magnet hospitals advocate certifications. Contents ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Alphabetical Listing of Nursing and Related Credentials and Certifications

[edit] A

AAS - Associate of Applied Science AAN - Associate of Arts in Nursing ACLS - Advanced Cardiac Life Support (not intended for postnominal use) ACNP-BC - Acute Care Nurse Practitioner-Board Certified ACNPC - Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Certification ACRN - AIDS Certified Registered Nurse ADLS - Advanced Disaster Life Support ADN - Associate Degree in Nursing ALNC - Advanced Legal Nurse Cosultant ANP-BC - Adult Nurse Practitioner-Board Certified AOCN - Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse AOCNP - Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse Practitioner AOCNS - Advanced Oncology Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist APHN-BC - Advanced Public Health Nurse-Board Certified APN - Advanced Practice Nurse ARNP - Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner ASN - Associate of Science in Nursing APRN- Advanced Practice Registered Nurse

[edit] B

BLS - Basic Life Support (not intended for postnominal use) BDLS - Basic Disaster Life Support BM - Bachelor of Midwifery BN - Bachelor of Nursing BHSc Nsg - Bachelor Health Science - Nursing Nursing Qualification for RNs in Australia BSN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing

[edit] C

CANP - Certified Adult Nurse Practitioner CATN -P Course in Advanced Trauma Nursing -Provider CATN -I Course in Advanced Trauma Nursing -Instructor CAPA - Certified Ambulatory Perianesthesia nurse

CARN - Certified Addictions Registered Nurse CBN - Certified Bariatric Nurse CCCN - Certified Continence Care Nurse CCM - Certified Case Manager CCNS - Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist CCRN - Certified Critical Care Nurse CCTC - Certified Clinical Transplant Coordinator CCTN - Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse CTRN - Certified Critical Care Transportation Nurse CDDN - Certified Developmental Disabilities Nurse CDE - Certified Diabetes Educator CDMS - Certified Disability Management Specialist CDN - Certified Dialysis Nurse CDONA/LTC - Certified Director of Nursing Administration/Long Term Care C-EFM CEN - Certified Emergency Nurse CETN - Certified Enterostomal Therapy Nurse CFCN - Certified Foot Care Nurse CFN - Certified Forensic Nurse CFNP - Certified Family Nurse Practitioner CFRN - Certified Flight Registered Nurse CHES - Certified Health Education Specialist CGN - Certified Gastroenterology Nurse CGRN - Certified Gastroenterology Registered Nurse CHN - Certified Hemodyalisis Nurse CHPN - Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse CHRN - Certified Hyperbaric Registered Nurse CIC - Certified in Infection Control CLC - Certified Lactation Counselor CLNC - Certified Legal Nurse Consultant CMA- Certified Medical Assistant CM - Certified Midwife CMC - Cardiac Medicine Certification CMCN - Certified Managed Care Nurse CMDSC - Certified MDS Coordinator CMSRN - Certified MedicalSurgical Registered Nurse CNA - Certified in Nursing Administration CNE - Certified Nurse Educator CNL - Clinical Nurse Leader CNLCP - Certified Nurse Life Care Planner CNM - Certified Nurse Midwife CNML - Certified Nurse Manager and Leader CNN - Certified in Nephrology Nursing CNOR - Certified Nurse, Operating Room CNO - Chief Nursing Officer CNP - Certified Nurse Practitioner

C-NPT - Certified in Neonatal Pediatric Transport CNRN - Certified Neuroscience Registered Nurse CNS - Clinical Nurse Specialist CNSN - Certified Nutrition Support Nurse COCN - Certified Ostomy Care Nurse COHN - Certified Occupational Health Nurse COHN/CM - Certified Occupational Health Nurse/Case Manager COHN-S - Certified Occupational Health NurseSpecialist COHN-S/CM - Certified Occupational Health NurseSpecialist/Case Manager CORLN - Certified Otorhinolaryngology Nurse CPAN - Certified Post Anesthesia Nurse CPDN - Certified Peritoneal Dialysis Nurse CPEN - Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse CPHQ - Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality CPN - Certified Pediatric Nurse CPNA - Certified Pediatric Nurse Associate CPNL - Certified Practical Nurse, Long-term care CPNP - Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner CPON - Certified Pediatric Oncology Nurse CPSN - Certified Plastic Surgical Nurse CRN - Certified Radiologic Nurse CRNA - Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist CRNFA - Certified Registered Nurse First Assistant CRNI - Certified Registered Nurse Intravenous CRNL - Certified Registered Nurse, Long-term care CRNO - Certified Registered Nurse in Ophthalmology CRNP - Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner CRRN - Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse CRRN-A - Certified Rehabilitation Registered NurseAdvanced CS - Clinical Specialist CSC - Cardiac Surgery Certification C-SPI - Certified Specialist in Poison Information CT - Certified in Thanatology (dying, death and bereavement) CTN - Certified Transcultural Nurse CTRN - Certified Transport Registered Nurse CTRS- Certified Therapeutic Recreational Specialist CUA - Certified Urologic Associate CUCNS - Certified Urologic Clinical Nurse Specialist CUNP - Certified Urologic Nurse Practitioner CURN - Certified Urologic Registered Nurse CVN - Certified Vascular Nurse CWCN - Certified Wound Care Nurse CWOCN - Certified Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse CWS - Certified Wound Specialist

[edit] D

DN - Doctor of Nursing DNP - Doctor of Nursing Practice DrNP - Doctor of Nursing Practice DNS - Doctor of Nursing Science also seen as DNSc

[edit] E

EdD - Doctor of Education EN - Enrolled Nurse ENPC - Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course (not intended for postnominal use) ET - Enterostomal Therapist

[edit] F

FAAN - Fellow, American Academy of Nursing FAAPM - Fellow, American Academy of Pain Management FAEN - Fellow, Academy of Emergency Nursing FNC - Family Nurse Clinician FNP-C - Family Nurse Practitioner (Certified by AANP) FNP-BC- Family Nurse Practitioner (Certified by ANCC) FPNP - Family Planning Nurse Practitioner FRCN - Fellow, Royal College of Nursing FRCNA - Fellow, Royal College of Nursing, Australia

[edit] G

GN - Graduate Nurse (awaiting RN licensure) GNP - Gerontological Nurse Practitioner GPN - General Pediatric Nurse GPN - Graduate Practical Nurse GRN - Graduate Registered Nurse

[edit] H

HNC - Holistic Nurse, Certified

[edit] I

IBQH - International Board for Quality in Healthcare IBCLC - International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant ICC - Intensive Care Certification INC - Intensive Neonatal Care certification IPN - Immunisation Program Nurse - Queensland Australia specialist qualification / endorsement

[edit] L

LCCE - Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator LNC - Legal Nurse Consultant LNCC - Legal Nurse Consultant, Certified LNP - Licensed Nurse Practitioner - Used by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Board of Nursing, as a license status [1] LPN - Licensed Practical Nurse LSN - Licensed School Nurse LTC - Long Term Care (LPN Specific) LVN - Licensed Vocational Nurse

[edit] M

MA - Master of Arts MAN - Master of Arts in Nursing MICT - Master of Information and Communication Technology ME - Menopause Educator MEmerg Nsg - Masters Degree in Emergency Nursing Australia MHN - Mental Health Nurse - Registered Nurse Endorsed to practice Advanced nursing in Mental Health [1] MICN - Mobile Intensive Care Nurse MN - Master of Nursing MPH - Master of Public Health MS - Master of Science MSN - Master of Science in Nursing

[edit] N

NCSN - National Certified School Nurse NE-BC - Nurse Executive-Board Certified NEA-BC - Nurse Executive Advanced-Board Certified NNP-BC - Neonatal Nurse Practitioner NPC - Nurse Practitioner, Certified NPP - Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric NZCFN - New Zealand Certified Flight Nurse

[edit] O

OCN - Oncology Certified Nurse ONC - Orthopaedic Nurse Certified

[edit] P

PALS - Pediatric Advanced Life Support (skill-based, not intended for postnominal use) PCCN - Progressive Care Certified Nurse PCNS- Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist PhD - Doctor of Philosophy PHN - Public Health Nurse PHRN - Pre-Hospital Registered Nurse PMHCNS-BC - Psychiatric Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist PMHNP-BC - Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner PNP-BC - Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

[edit] R

RN - Registered nurse RIN - Rural and Isolated Practice Registered Nurses (RIPRN) (Queensland, Australia) RN-BC - Registered Nurse, ANCC Board Certified RN,C - Registered Nurse, Certified: American Academy Certified Nurse RNC-LRN - Registered Nurse Certified in Low Risk Neonatal Nursing RNC-MNN - Registered Nurse Certified in Maternal Newborn Nursing RNC-NIC - Registered Nurse Certified in Neonatal Intensive Care RNC-OB - Registered Nurse Certified in Inpatient Obstetrics RNCS - Registered Nurse Clinical Specialist RNCS - Registered Nurse Certified Specialist RNFA - Registered Nurse First Assistant RPN - Registered practical nurse

[edit] S

SANE-A - Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner-Adult/Adolescent SANE-P - Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner-Pediatric SEN - State Enrolled Nurse SHN - Sexual and Reproductive Health endorsed RN - Queensland Australia SN - Student Nurse (RN preparation) SPN - Student Nurse (LPN preparation) SRNA - Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist(CRNA preparation) SVN - Student Nurse (LVN preparation)

[edit] T

TNCC-I - Trauma Nursing Core Course Instructor (not intended for postnominal use) TNCC-P - Trauma Nursing Core Course Provider (not intended for postnominal use) TNP - Telephone Nursing Practitioner TNS - Trauma Nurse Specialist

[edit] W

WHNP-BC - Women's Health Care Nurse Practitioner WCC - Wound Care Certified

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