Management of Business Textbook
Management of Business Textbook
Management of Business Textbook
Qualitative forecasting techniques 196 Quantitative 29 Principles of Segmentation 276 Market segmentation
forecasting techniques 199 Multiple Choice Questions 202 276 Criteria for effective segmentation 278 Bases of
Extended Essay Question 203 segmentation 278 Consumer buying behaviour 281 The
consumer decision-making process
20 Production Design Strategies and (the buying process) 281 Factors influencing buying
Capacity Planning 204 Product design planning 204 behaviour 283 Multiple Choice Questions 284 Extended
Product design strategies 204 Capacity planning 206 Essay Questions 284
Capacity utilisation 207 Options available to increase
capacity 208 Economies and diseconomies of scale 208 30 Product Management 285 The concept of product
Diseconomies of scale 210 Business layout 210 Multiple 285 Dimensions of the product mix 286 Product line and
Choice Questions 215 Extended Essay Questions 215 extension 286 The Boston Matrix 286 New product
development process 289 The product lifecycle 290
21 Costing 216 Direct costs 216 Indirect costs 216 Fixed Branding and packaging 292 Characteristics of services
costs 216 Variable costs 216 Fixed costs per unit 217 293 Multiple Choice Questions 296 Extended Essay
Semi-variable cost 217 Approaches to costing 217 Questions 297
Including stock 219 Application of marginal costing 220
’Make or buy’ decisions 221 Multiple Choice Questions 31 Pricing Decision 298 Introduction to pricing 298
223 Extended Essay Question 223 Factors influencing pricing decisions 299 Pricing
strategies 302
22 Inventory Management 224 Importance of inventory CONTENTS
224 Importance of inventory control 224 Inventory control
management 225 Multiple Choice Questions 228
Extended Essay Question 229 Multiple Choice Questions 305 Extended Essay Questions
23 Lean Production and Quality Management 230
Importance of quality 230 Dimensions of quality 230 32 Distribution Management 307 The role of distribution
Techniques for improving quality 231 Multiple Choice in the organisation 307 Factors influencing distribution
Questions 239 Extended Essay Questions 240 decisions 307 Types of distribution channel 308
Introduction to logistics strategy 309 Types of distribution
24 Productivity 241 Factors that affect productivity 241 strategy 310 Multiple Choice Questions 311 Extended
Essay Questions 311 your research 364 Introduction 365 Literature review 366
Writing your methodology 367 Presentation of data 368
33 Promotion Strategy 312 The concept and objectives
Analysis of data 369 Interpretation of results 370
of promotion 312 Tools of promotion 312 Multiple Choice
Conclusion and recommendation 370 References and
Questions 318 Extended Essay Questions 319
citations 370 Appendices 370 Note to teachers 370
34 Internet Marketing 320 Development of internet
Glossary 372 Answers to Multiple Choice Questions
marketing 320 Opportunities created by internet marketing
321 Challenges associated with internet marketing 322 384 Index 386
The importance of e-commerce to
business organisations 322 Challenges created by
e-commerce 323 Multiple Choice Questions 325 Extended
Essay Question 325
Small Businesses 344 Identifying successful business
opportunities 344 Sourcing capital (finance) 344 Figure 17.1 NPV graph 178
Figure 5.1 A basic system 62 Figure 5.2 The three levels of Figure 29.1 Market coverage strategies 277 Figure 29.2 The
management 64 consumer decision-making process 282
Figure 6.1 Functional organisational structure 68 Figure 6.2 8
Product organisational structure 69 Figure 6.3 Geographical
organisational structure 69 Figure 6.4 Matrix organisational Figure 30.1 The Four Ps 285 Figure 30.2 Attributes of the
structure 70 Figure 6.5 Team organisational structure 71 product 285 Figure 30.3 Dimensions of the product mix
Figure 6.6 Network organisational structure 71 Figure 6.7 286 Figure 30.4 The Boston Matrix 287 Figure 30.5 New
Virtual organisational structure 71 Figure 6.8 Narrow span of product development process 289 Figure 30.6 The
control 73 Figure 6.9 Wide span of control 74 four-stage product lifecycle 290 Figure 30.7 The five-stage
product lifecycle 291 Figure 30.8 Extending the product
Figure 7.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 78 Figure 10.1
lifecycle 291 Figure 30.9 Secondary packaging 293
Managing change 110
Figure 31.1 Price ceiling 301 Figure 31.2 Price flooring
Figure 11.1 The communication process 113 Figure 11.2 301 Figure 31.3 Penetration pricing and price
The flow of communication 118 skimming compared 304
Figure 12.1 The recruitment plan 125 Figure 14.1 The Figure 32.1 Types of distribution channel 308 Figure 32.2
One-channel intermediary 309 Figure 32.3 Two-channel
double entry system 150 Figure 16.1 The budgetary
intermediary 309
process 168
Figure 36.1 Market share illustrated in a pie chart 335
Figure 18.1 The production process 185 Figure 18.2 An Figure 36.2 Diseconomies of scale 337 Figure 36.3 An
example of job production 186 Figure 18.3 An example of example of conglomerate integration 339
batch production 187 Figure 18.4 An example of flow
Figure 40.1 Examples of statistical tools 369
production 189
This textbook is geared towards students studying CAPE®
Management of Business Units 1 and 2, including private
candidates. The text is divided into two units and gives
comprehensive coverage of the CAPE® Management of
Business syllabus, providing students with a wide
knowledge base of business concepts. Students will be
furnished with the information needed to do well in their
CAPE® examinations and the book forms a basis for higher
studies. The text also incorporates some ‘hard to find and
explain’ concepts and so it is also an excellent resource for
Unit 1
perhaps not explored as much as it could be. Dependence
on the primary sector presents the country with the
he Caribbean business environment can be divided following advantages and disadvantages:
Secondary sector
The secondary sector involves the changing of raw materials into finished goods. It incorporates the
manufacturing and
CHAPTER 1 | 13
construction industries. Examples of secondary business activities include the manufacture of chemicals
and of baked products, and the construction of houses, roadways and bridges. The Caribbean has a
number of businesses that take the raw materials produced in the region and convert them to finished
products – for example, Trinidad Cement Ltd and Grace Kennedy Jamaica.
While the trading of primary products is important, secondary sector products are usually in higher
demand. A dynamic manufacturing firm can take one primary product and create a number of
secondary products which will generate greater revenues for itself. For example, a firm could use
bananas to make banana chips, banana milk shakes, banana bread, banana-flavoured soft drinks,
banana porridge mix and banana fritters. The struggle for some Caribbean countries is that they are not
able to make the best use of their primary products by converting them into secondary products.
Involvement in secondary production offers the following benefits and disadvantages:
Advantages of involvement in the secondary sector Reduction in the importation of goods that
are produced using the same raw materials from the Caribbean Earn foreign exchange from the
products that are exported
One primary product can be used to create a number of secondary products
Creation of jobs in different areas other than the extractive industry
Possible increase in investment in the manufacturing sector
Improvement in the country’s Gross Domestic Product and so possibly its standard of living.
Disadvantages of involvement in the secondary sector The profit motive of manufacturing firms
could lead to depletion of some primary products
A number of manufacturing companies are often multinationals which repatriate their profits instead of
reinvesting in the host country
Some of the raw materials used in the secondary sector have to be imported and this uses up the
foreign exchange earnings of the country.
Tertiary sector
The tertiary sector does not produce goods, but instead provides services. Over the last decade the
Caribbean business environment has become more service oriented. Some of these services include
tourism, financial services,
Figure 1.2: An example of industry in the secondary sector transportation and management services. In recent
times, the tertiary sector has become one of the main The sector does not depend heavily on primary products
contributors to Caribbean countries’ Gross Domestic and so would not deplete the countries’ natural
Product, with tourism being the most popular. We have resources
seen improvements in the banking sector, transportation, As mentioned, the sector contributes to the Gross
insurance, telecommunications, courier services and money Domestic Product of countries
services, among others. Less pollution generated when compared with the
The tertiary sector offers the following benefits and primary and secondary sectors.
disadvantages to Caribbean countries:
Disadvantages of involvement in the tertiary
Advantages of involvement in the tertiary sector sector Services as a whole are very volatile and so
Generates foreign exchange, especially from tourism may not be sustainable
Creation of jobs, especially because the sector is It may require high training costs to ensure that the
mostly labour intensive service being offered is the same regardless of
location decision on each question. In order to make these
Services such as tourism can impact on a country’s decisions, different business organisations have been
culture and values and may even lead to a change in created. Each organisation may react in different ways to
people’s social behaviour. these questions. The organisations can be classified into
private-sector and public-sector organisations.
Each of these organisations within the private or public
Economic sectors and legal structures The sector carries a particular legal structure. It is the legal
big economic problem lies in the fact that the resources of structure that determines the following:
this world, though plentiful, are not sufficient to meet How profits or losses are shared
humans’ unlimited wants. This condition is known as The firm’s tax obligation
scarcity and, as a result, businesses, government and
households have to make choices. The three main
economic questions that are usually asked in any economy
What to produce?
How to produce? Switching the economic focus
CHAPTER 1 | 15
Governments and firms must make the necessary
Isle J is a territory in the Caribbean region that has a rich history and cultural background. Once colonised by different
devel oped countries, its main focus was on producing agricultural products. Its rich and fertile lands allowed crops
such as bananas and sugar to flourish for a number of years. As the population grew, farmers diversified their
cultivation and are now producing a number of agricultural products.
As the isle developed, the number of investors also increased and Isle J started to experience a growth in
manufacturing industry. A number of different manufacturing companies were established. This included companies
that converted agricultural products, such as cocoa beans, coffee, oranges and bananas, into finished goods. With
the proliferation of investments both locally and abroad, the mining sector also came to the fore, with the main
products being bauxite, gypsum and limestone.
Since the latter part of the 20th century there has been an evident change in the country’s economic focus. While
the previ ously mentioned economic activities are still present, greater focus is now being placed on the service
industry. Some of the main services being offered in Isle J include tourism, banking, insurance, transportation and
telecommunications. This trend in the service industry has dampened the once vibrant manufacturing sector to some
extent. However, a number of manufacturers have been pressing on with production.
1. With the use of examples, name the types of economic activities that take place in Isle J. (6 marks) 2. Describe three
(3) benefits that Isle J could derive from its dependence on the primary sector. (6 marks) 3. A noted economist in Isle J
has stated that ‘The tertiary sector is the way forward in the 21st century for the
country’. Discuss your view of this statement, stating whether such a decision would benefit or cost Isle J. (13 marks)
Total 25
Continuity of existence.
Choosing the most appropriate legal structure for a
Ease of formation business depends heavily on the aim of the business
Funding owner. For example, a person who wants to start a
Who bears the legal liabilities business and keep full control will start a sole
proprietorship, while another person who wants financial
support for start-up from a number of people is likely to
start a company or a The private sector
partnership. At the same time, a sole proprietorship The private sector consists of businesses that are owned
business may not be suitable for a very large multinational by individuals or groups of individuals with the main aim of
firm because of its size and the geographical area it making profits. These businesses differ in size and structure
decides to span.
Figure 1.4: Private-sector organisations Private Public Financial Retail Producer/ worker
and range from sole proprietorship to large companies. Main features of a sole-trader business
The following are the different types of private-sector Simplicity of formation
organisations. The owner is in control of the business
Requires little start-up capital
Sole trader or proprietor The owner and the business are one (they are the
This is the oldest and probably the most common form of same legal entity)
business organisation. It ranges from the street-side vendor Lack of continuity.
to large businesses, for example a doctor’s private The sole trader raises finance from different sources,
practice. A sole trader refers to a business owned and however, these options may be limited. A person wanting
operated by one individual. This person manages the to start a sole-trader business may opt to use his/her own
business, makes all the decisions and enjoys all the profits personal savings, obtain bank loans or borrow from family
or bears all the losses. While there is only one owner, and friends. The sole trader may also find that it is difficult
he/she may employ other people to carry out different to acquire a loan from lending institutions because of the
functions for which those people would be paid. risks involved or the lack of collateral available. In some
A sole trader is the simplest business to form as there cases, even when such a loan is granted, it comes with
are few or no legal requirements. The business is generally very high interest rates.
unregistered. However, in Jamaica and other Caribbean
countries the sole trader is required to register the business Advantages of a sole-trader business
or trading name. In addition, depending on the product It is easy to form, as there are few or no legal
being traded, the sole trader may be required to apply for requirements
different licences. For example, a person running a bar or Decisions can be made quickly
pub is required to obtain a spirit licence; likewise, someone The owner enjoys all the profits
selling food must obtain a food handler’s permit.
Figure 1.5: A sole-trader business
The partnership is governed by the agreement that was
drafted at its outset, known as a partnership deed. This is a
With the exception of tax returns, business affairs are legal document which amounts to a binding contract among
private the partners. The document stipulates how profits or losses
Can be most suitable where capital is scarce. should be shared; the rights of each partner; rules for taking
in new partners or dissolution of the partnership; and the
Disadvantages of a sole-trader business capital to be contributed by each partner, among other
things. While preparing a partnership deed is advisable, it
The owner has unlimited liability, i.e. he/she stands to
is not required by law and so some partnerships do exist
lose personal assets if the business fails
without one. In such case, the partnership is governed by
Difficulty in sourcing finance the Partnership Acts of 1890 and 1907. The Partnership Act
The business dies with the owner, hence there is a 1890 stipulates that:
lack of continuity Profits and losses should be shared equally
It may be difficult to achieve economies of scale Each partner may take part in the management of the
There may be great demand on the owner’s time and business
attention. No partner should receive a salary for working in the
No partner is entitled to any interest on his/her capital.
A partnership is defined as a business where two to While the Partnership Act 1907 did not disturb the rules set
twenty people work together towards a common goal of down in the previous Act, it added the new concept of a
making profits. The partners are often the main source of
limited partnership. This Act stipulated the following: A
finance even though the business can source funding from
limited partnership shall not consist of more than twenty
financial institutions. Like sole proprietorship, a partnership
people, and must consist of one or more people, called
is not required to be registered. However, it is required to
‘general partners’, who shall be liable for all debts and
register its trading name.
obligations of the firm, and one or more people to be called
‘limited partners’ … The members of a limited liability partnership have
A limited partner shall not, during the continuance of such liability to contribute to its assets in the event of
the partnership, either directly or indirectly, draw out or its being wound up as is provided for by virtue of this
receive any part of his contribution Act.
CHAPTER 1 | 17 The partnership must submit the required documents to
the Registrar of Companies, who will regulate the
A limited partner shall not take part in the management partnership.
of the partnership business, and shall not have power to 18
bind the firm.
Sometimes a partner may invest capital in the business
but does not want to take any active part in how it is run. ACTIVITY
Such a partner is referred to as a ‘sleeping partner’. 1. Identify five (5) firms within your country that are
Main features of partnership 2. What are three (3) benefits of organising a
Unlimited liability on partners (except for a limited business as a partnership rather than a sole
partner) trader?
Two or more members
Profits/losses are shared
Few legal requirements Limited companies
No separation between business and partners.
This is a business unit that is regarded by law as an
Partnerships are prevalent in, but not limited to,
artificial person, distinct and separate from its members,
accounting and law firms throughout the Caribbean. These
i.e. its owners. There are certain legal requirements that
include Price-Waterhouse-Coopers, Deloitte & Touche,
must be met before a company is incorporated and starts
George Walton Payne & Co, and Fitzwilliam Stone,
trading. These are stipulated in a Companies Act. Two
documents must be drawn up: a memorandum of
Smith & Morgan.
association and articles of association. In Jamaica, under
the Companies Act 2004, the articles of incorporation
Advantages of partnerships
include these two documents. The Act also stipulates that
They are easy to form, as there are few or no ‘One or more people may form a company by signing and
legal requirements
sending articles of incorporation to the Registrar’. In some
Each partner contributes to the capital of the other countries, however, individuals who want to form a
business Responsibilities may be shared among the
company must submit both documents to the Companies
partners It allows for division of labour, as partners
may have specialised skills
The memorandum of association should outline: The
There is privacy of affairs, as it is not compulsory to name of the company, including the abbreviation
publish the partnership’s accounts.
‘Ltd’ or ‘plc’
The address of the registered office of the
Disadvantages of partnerships
company The objects of the company and the
Partners have unlimited liability, except for a limited scope of its
Decision making may be tedious and slow Details of the company’s capital, i.e. both authorised
There might be conflict among partners and issued share capital.
There is a lack of continuity – that is, once a partner This list is not exhaustive, as other clauses may be
leaves the partnership it has to be dissolved. included, depending on the type of company.
The problem of limited liability may have led to the The articles of association outline the internal running of
enactment of the Limited Liability Partnership Act 2000. the company and should include:
This Act states that a partnership may be formed where all The number of directors, the procedures for their
of its partners have limited liability. According to the Act: appointment and their powers
A limited liability partnership is a body corporate (with The rights of the shareholders
legal personality separate from that of its members) Procedures for meetings
which is formed by being incorporated under this Act
Tenure of the directors before re-election Involve two to fifty people.
The process for transferring shares.
Having submitted the above documents and having Advantages of private limited companies
satisfied the requirements of the Companies Office, the Each shareholder has limited liability
company will be issued with a certificate of incorporation. Continuity of existence
This certificate gives the company the right to trade. There is greater capital potential, as shares can be sold
to family members
Finance and management Lower possibility of loss of control to outsiders The
A company’s main source of funding is from the shares company has a legal identity separate from that of its
that it issues (equity capital). However, the company may owners.
also be financed by debt capital (loans). The shares are
issued to shareholders who become the owners of the Disadvantages of private limited companies
company Raising of capital may be hampered since shares
cannot be traded publicly
Profits have to be shared among a larger group of people
upon purchase. The number of shares will determine the
level of control of each shareholder. Shareholders may not
necessarily be the managers of the company, but at an A copy of the audited financial statement must be
annual general meeting (AGM) may vote for directors to submitted to the Companies Office (so a lesser degree
carry out that role. These directors sit on a board which is of privacy than for partnerships and sole traders)
headed by a chairperson. The board of directors is Transfer of shares is limited by the approval of existing
accountable to the shareholders and may be dismissed or members
voted out if its performance is below par. The company Legal requirements may be time consuming and costly
also has a secretary, who is entrusted with the to implement.
responsibility of maintaining a register of shareholders,
notifying them of AGMs and preparing the company’s Public limited companies
annual reports. This type of limited company is usually larger than a private
limited company. The abbreviation ‘plc’ is usually found at
Types of company the end of its name. Public companies may be listed on a
There are two main types of company: private limited country’s stock exchange, where they can raise capital. In
companies and public limited companies. addition, the company may advertise its shares to
prospective investors in a document called a prospectus.
Private limited companies Some well-known public limited companies in CARICOM
This is an incorporated business venture which is separate include Grace Kennedy, Cable and Wireless and Trinidad
and distinct from its owners. Such a company is usually Cement Ltd.
small in size and family owned. Its membership is limited to Like private companies, public limited companies must
50 individuals and its shares cannot be sold publicly – that be registered with the Companies Office and issued with a
is, on the stock exchange. Some well-known private limited certificate of incorporation indicating that trading can begin.
companies in CARICOM include Digicel Group Ltd, Sugar Public limited companies differ from private limited
Company of Jamaica Ltd, Barbados Shipping & Trading companies in the following ways:
Co Ltd, ADM Import & Export Distributors Ltd, Columbus Shares can be advertised to the general public in
Communication Ltd and Advantage General Insurance Co order to raise capital
CHAPTER 1 | 19
Figure 1.6: A public limited company: the headquarters of telecoms company Cable and Wireless, Barbados
Holding companies
Public limited companies can also act as holding companies. A holding company is one that purchases
enough shares of other companies so that it can control the decisions that are made by the board of
directors and the policies that are implemented. For the most part, the holding company is formed to
take over controlling interest in other companies. Having controlling interest in more than one company
can minimise the risk of failure for the holding company. These companies can also benefit from
economies of scale brought about by large-scale production and increased size.
Some companies expand
over time and take over or
purchase controlling interests
in other unrelated companies.
By doing so, a conglomerate
uses this opportunity to
produce different products
and cater to different markets.
One such company in the
Caribbean is Grace Kennedy
Group Ltd, which consists of
a bank, a foreign exchange
business, a hardware business,
manufacturing businesses and
a supermarket, among others.
Associate companies
An associate company is one that controls between 20 and 50 per cent of the shares in another
A cooperative is a form of business that consists of a group of people who have come together to
perform a business venture that is more efficient being done collectively rather than individually. This
form of business is common throughout the Caribbean and there are several types, four of which will be
discussed later in this section.
This form of business is expected to be registered with a Registrar of Cooperative Societies. It is owned
and controlled by its members, who exercise their control by using their votes at annual general
meetings. The business is financed
by the members who purchase shares. The cooperative may also seek funding from banks and other
lending institutions.
Types of cooperatives
Consumer cooperative
This type of cooperative is owned by its customers, who receive mutual benefits. It is organised to
provide each member with items that are needed – at reduced prices. Each member contributes funds
to purchase the items in bulk. The items are then sold at a reduced price to the members.
Producer cooperative
These are usually found in the agriculture sector. Farmers may be assisted in areas of production,
purchasing and marketing. The members come together and share marketing and production facilities
for the benefit of all. This move will allow them to benefit from economies of scale through bulk buying
of supplies such as fertilisers, which in turn lowers their production costs.
Workers’ cooperative
A workers’ cooperative is owned, controlled and operated by its members. The cooperative provides its
members with employment and they are able to influence the operation of the business. Each
member contributes through
the purchasing of shares and
also benefits from a share of the
Financial cooperative
Like any type of cooperative,
this is also controlled and
operated by its members.
The main aim of financial
cooperatives is to provide its
members with different financial
services at competitive rates.
These services may include
banking, investment and even
insurance. The most popular
form of financial cooperative is
a credit union. A credit union’s
resources can be accessed only
CHAPTER 1 | 21
by its members – that is, those people with accounts at the credit union.
Advantages of cooperatives
Members have limited liability
Profit is shared among members
Members have equal say in the operation of the business
Economies of scale
Opportunity to earn interest on investment.
Disadvantages of cooperatives
Profits may be minimal or even non-existent
There is a possibility of conflict among members Longer decision-making process
Capital deficiency may impede growth.
A franchise is a system whereby an already established and successful business (the franchisor) enters
into a contractual arrangement with semi-independent business owners (the franchisee) to operate
under the franchisor’s trade name. The franchisee may also be given permission to sell the franchisor’s
products and use its business format and system. This privilege is often granted in exchange for a fee
and royalties being paid to the franchisor. There are a number of franchise businesses in CARICOM,
including Kentucky Fried Chicken, Burger King, Subway and McDonald’s. The
Having received her law degree and completed her training, Tanya Taylor was recently accepted to the Bar
Association. Tanya is now optimistic, with a number of grand ideas to implement when she starts her own firm
practising corporate law. She has managed to gather some funds which she thought would be sufficient for start-up.
However, as Tanya started doing the neces sary paperwork she realised that she would have a shortfall in start-up
capital if she needs to pay the rent, buy office furniture and pay utility bills and her secretary.
This situation is now causing Tanya to think twice about starting a business and she is beginning to think she will
probably just continue working for her current employer. While she is trying to figure out her next move, Kayan, a
friend from law school, calls her to see how she is doing after graduation. Tanya relays her situation to her and Kayan
decides to pool some funds to lend to Tanya at the end of the month.
A week later, Kayan calls to say that another friend is interested in the business and suggests that instead of
lending Tanya the money they would want to come on board and start the business together. The idea sounds good
to Tanya and so she agrees.
1. What type of business was Tanya going to establish initially? (1 mark) 2. What would have been three (3) advantages
and three (3) disadvantages of starting that type of business? (12 marks) 3. Based on the fact that her friends are
coming on board, which type of business would be the most suitable,
bearing in mind the service that they are offering? Give three (3) reasons for your choice. (8 marks) 4. Outline one (1)
benefit and one (1) drawback to Tanya if she had opted to take the loan instead of going into business with her friends.
(4 marks) Total 25 marks
Table 1.1: Benefits and problems associated with a change in legal structure
Change in legal structure Benefits associated with the Problems associated with the
change change
Sole trader to partnership Possibility of greater financing Profits will now have to be shared
Less work for each person More people make the
Greater pool of ideas decision-making process longer
One bad decision by one
partner may affect all
More legal documents required,
e.g. a partnership deed
The Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS) was incorporated in 1923 as a privately owned company. JPS was
established at a time when several communities had their own electric companies, however, it quickly took over and
bought out these companies. It was eventually given the licence to operate as the sole supplier of electricity in
Jamaica in 1966.
The ownership of JPS changed in 1970 as the government took over the controlling interest in the company. For
the next 31 years, the government would have to make the necessary capital injections and take steps to improve
the efficiency of the company. With its equipment becoming old and the firm being a strain on the public purse,
coupled with regular power outages, the decision was taken by government to privatise the company in 2001. The
government sold 80 per cent of ownership to Mirant while retaining almost 20 per cent. This move was said to benefit
not only the company but its customers.
1. Discuss four (4) possible reasons why a company such as JPS was nationalised in 1970. (12 marks) 2. What is
meant by the term ‘privatisation’? (1 mark) 3. Outline three (3) benefits and three (3) drawbacks of privatising a
publicly owned company such as JPS. (12 marks) Total 25 marks
CHAPTER 1 | 27
individuals or group of local authorities of a country
The three types of business individuals with the main aim of The public sector includes
activity are primary, secondary making profits public corporations,
and tertiary The private sector includes sole government departments and
traders, partnerships, franchises, local authorities
Organisations are classified limited companies, cooperatives
as private or public sector and joint ventures Privatisation is the change of
ownership of a firm from state
The private sector consists of The public sector includes (government) to private
businesses that are owned by businesses that are owned and individuals.
controlled by the government or
5. A company that controls other companies but is not
involved in their day-to-day operations is known as:
a. Holding company
b. Public company
c. Associate company
1. A firm offering management services to its customers 6. Burger King in the Caribbean would best be described
would be regarded as what level of business activity?
as a: a. Sole trader
a. Primary
b. Public corporation
b. Tertiary
c. Franchise
c. Temporary
d. Cooperative
d. Secondary
7. The process of government taking over enterprises that
2. Which of the following would NOT be regarded as a were in the private sector is known as:
private sector organisation?
a. Globalisation
a. Franchise
b. Privatisation
b. Public limited company
c. Nationalisation
c. Public corporation
d. Liberalisation
d. Partnership
8. The following are reasons for nationalisation EXCEPT
3. Which business organisation has as a feature separate which one?
legal identity?
a. To offer social benefits
a. Sole trader
b. To crowd out investors
b. Company
c. To protect consumers
c. Partnership
d. To provide certain goods and services
4. ALL of the following are included in the articles
of association, EXCEPT which one? 9. Which of the following is NOT a type of
a. The rights of the shareholders cooperative? a. Worker cooperative
b. Procedures for meetings b. Owner cooperative
c. The process for transferring shares c. Producer cooperative
d. Details of the company’s capital d. Consumer cooperative
for the following reasons EXCEPT which one?
a. To generate much-needed income
b. To improve efficiency
Extended Essay Questions
c. To lay off workers
d. To encourage competition
10. The government may privatise public corporations
Question one Total 25 marks a. Explain the three (3) levels of business activities. (6 marks) b. Briefly explain how the
Caribbean’s dependence on primary products such as bauxite, oil and agricultural produce could
become troublesome in the future. (4 marks) In recent times, a number of Caribbean businesses that were once
owned by the state have been sold to private businesses and individuals.
c. i. Discuss three (3) possible reasons for this decision by Caribbean governments. (9 marks) ii. Outline three (3)
disadvantages of privatising these firms. (6 marks) Question two Total 25 marks a. Identify two (2) features of a sole
trader and three (3) features of a partnership. (5 marks)
b. Billy Barns has been the sole owner of his dairy farm for the last 25 years. Under his leadership the farm has grown
significantly and he has expanded his operations into making dairy products such as cheese, boxed and bottled milk,
etc. Now that his children have grown and are old enough to make business decisions, Billy is considering changing
his type of business organisation to a private limited company called Barns Dairy Ltd. Before doing so, however, he
has come to you, a management consultant, for advice.
Citing at least five (5) points, discuss how Billy would be better off setting up as a private limited company when
compared with his current legal structure. (20 marks)
Business Objectives
At the end of this chapter students should be able
N o matter what we do in life, we ought to have an
Operational objectives
Operational objectives are short-term organisational
objectives necessary to achieve longer-term tactical and Business ethics and social responsibility The
strategic objectives. They are usually managed by lower Caribbean business environment is changing and more
level management such as supervisory personnel who are Caribbean governments are becoming aware of the
concerned with immediate results. They are detailed damage that is being done to our environment and society
costed and timed plans of what the organisation will do to by some of our factories and business organisations. It is
meet each tactical or strategic objective. For example: an more commonplace to hear about protecting our coral reefs
insurance company may have an objective to introduce at and marine life; prevention of land slippage through
least five more clients to the business each month. reforestation exercises; reducing the depletion of the ozone
layer through a reduction in emissions from our factories
and motor vehicles, among other things. Governments have
not only embarked on massive environmental protection
campaigns; they have encouraged, and at times forced,
Lack of direction at JK Foods
organisations to do likewise.
‘To become the best processed food company in the
This has encouraged many businesses to change their
whole wide world’ is the objective that is being used JK
strategies to include objectives of an ethical and/or social
Foods. This has been its only objective since the firm
nature. This can also be attributed to adverse or bad
was established two years ago. The company has
publicity that is being faced by these businesses which is
suffered huge losses in the past two years. The board
perceived as damaging to stakeholders and the wider
of directors has become concerned and has called a
special meeting to identify strategies to improve the
company’s performance.
The decision coming out of the special meeting is ACTIVITY
formally to set some realistic targets to work with. Even Identify a business within your country that has been
though cash is limited, the directors decided to engage taken to task in recent times for doing something that
the services of a management consultant to help in the is socially or ethically irresponsible.
process. Upon his arrival at the company, Tom Greaves
was alarmed that it had been established without any
proper vision, mission and achievable targets. He Changes in legislation at local, national and international
explained to the directors that the way forward would levels can also be attributed to this move by businesses.
involve an overhaul of the business’s vision, mission Organisations such as the National Environmental
and objectives. He pointed out that the current Protection Agency (NEPA) in Jamaica have filed lawsuits
objective is not ‘SMART’ and will have to be changed. against companies against whom it has evidence of
Everyone is committed to the cause, and the work to damage being
turn the company around will begin soon.
CHAPTER 2 | 33
1. Outline two (2) things that are wrong with the
objective being used by JK Foods. (4 marks) 2. State
done to the environment. At least one hotel was brought
three (3) reasons why having a proper mission
before the courts for alleged breach of the environmental
statement is important to JK Foods. (3 marks) 3. Tom
laws in Jamaica. A proposal by the bauxite companies in
Greaves suggested that objectives should be
Jamaica to mine in the Cockpit Country in the parish of
Trelawny was turned down by the government because of taken pride in creating value for our shareholders, fulfilling our
environmental concerns. Consumers and other customers’ unique financial needs, providing employees with
stakeholders are reacting positively to businesses that act rewarding careers, and supporting the well-being of our
in a socially responsible way. There have been lobby communities.’ To this end, Scotiabank established the
groups encouraging consumers to refuse to purchase Scotiabank Jamaica Foundation (SJF) in 1996, with an
products that were tested on animals or products injection of $100 million.
containing CFCs. As part of its mandate, the Scotiabank Jamaica Foundation ‘is
In addition, some businesses have dedicated a portion guided by the principles to assist in alleviating poverty,
of their yearly budget to the minimisation of pollution and deprivation, distress among economically and socially
the improvement of their social responsibility. This is a disadvantaged individuals and their dependents: and to
practice of firms to act in a manner so that their actions do undertake research into these problems, along with methods
not negatively affect society or the environment. Some of addressing them’. To this end, the bank has spent large
examples of these include: sums
Producers who use recycled materials in the
manufacture of their products. Some producers have
also encouraged consumers to recycle their packaging,
for example the repurchasing of plastic drinks bottles for
1. What is meant by the term ‘corporate social responsibility’? (2 marks) 2. What are some of the areas where
Scotiabank’s CSR was evident? (4 marks) 3. Name two (2) benefits that Scotiabank could receive from its
involvement in CSR. (4 marks) Total 10 marks
34 Consumer Ensure that they get value for their
s money Fair and truthful
Obligations of the firm to stakeholders The Ensure that products are safe and
firm’s social responsibilities can span four stakeholders of are of the highest standards
the business in different ways. These are summarised in Offer after-sales service
Table 2.1.
Employees Foster participation of employees in
Stakeholde The firm’s responsibilities to the decision making
rs stakeholder Provide proper working conditions
Fair treatment of all employees
Maintain proper communication lines,
especially where employees will be
affected by a change or decision
generate a profit, the firm must also prove itself as being
Provide opportunities for social
gatherings, whether through family aware of the environmental impact of its operations and
days, parties, etc. take steps to lessen that impact.
A firm with poor corporate governance may find it
Shareholder Give fair returns on shareholders’ difficult to attract potential investors. It could also lead to
s investment
financial collapse, failure of privatisation attempts and an
Keep them informed of the
business’s performance increase in corruption.
Provide a forum through which
they can express views and give
suggestions Importance of business ethics and integrity
Protect their investment
Presently, in most territories, there are some laws
Community Ensure that waste is properly preventing businesses from damaging the environment.
disposed of Reduce pollution, However, some actions cannot be prevented by the
including that from air and noise enactment of laws. Therefore businesses are also
Lessen displacement caused by the encouraged to act ethically in their operations.
building of factories or roadways Ethics defines what is right or wrong – or what is moral.
Give back to the community in It refers to the principles or guidelines that help to inform
which it operates
individuals or groups of individuals of how they should
behave. This definition is largely dependent on the norms
of society and what is accepted over time. Business ethics
Table 2.1: The firm’s social responsibilities to stakeholders refers to the morals or set of standards that are used to
guide a business on how it should conduct its affairs. This
Good corporate governance usually includes written and unwritten codes on how
Corporate governance is often defined as a set of rules, businesses should behave. Some common ethical issues
practices and processes which guide the way a business is within CARICOM include:
operated. The aim of corporate governance is to balance The testing of products on animals
the interest of the stakeholders of the company – that is, The use of child labour
the firm must cater for the needs and interest of its How employees deal with customers
stakeholders as much as is possible. For this to be Truthful versus deceptive advertisements.
achieved, though, the board of directors should ensure
that meaningful and healthy relationships are created with
shareholders and other stakeholders. A firm which has Code of ethics
good corporate governance will find it easier to achieve its This is a document issued by the firm, outlining the set of
objectives. guidelines that will be used to govern the behaviour of
In many companies we find that the owners management and employees. This code is often based on
(shareholders) are not necessarily the people who are in a set of pre-established standards or principles and usually
control on a day-to-day basis. Instead, these shareholders includes:
often employ paid managers and professionals to operate The firm’s corporate social responsibility statement
the firm. The sad reality is that sometimes board members The relationship that the firm has with its customers
may not always act in the best interest of the and suppliers
shareholders. Good corporate governance is therefore Environment requirements and unanswered questions
needed to ensure that the interests Rules on relating to the maintenance of integrity.
of shareholders are catered for – it ensures that the rights of Government’s response to social
shareholders are not infringed; that they, along with other irresponsibility
stakeholders, are treated fairly and equitably; and promotes
The following steps can be taken by governments to deal
disclosure and transparency on the part of management.
with businesses that are being socially irresponsible and
Today, most firms are operating within a competitive unethical:
global environment and, as such, being a good corporate
Impose taxes to offset the cost to the environment
citizen is of the utmost importance. While aiming to
(social cost)
Pass legislation limiting noise and other forms of
pollution Short-term objectives are specific and outline what
Refuse to give contracts to companies that are unethical the firm wants to achieve in a short period of time
or socially irresponsible
Impose stiff penalties. The hierarchy of objectives outlines the firm’s vision;
mission statement; and corporate, strategic, tactical
and operational objectives
Ethics define what is right or wrong, or what is moral
A ‘toxic nightmare’
Over 100,000 people on Covory Isle woke up to what is A number of firms are becoming more aware of
now dubbed a ‘toxic nightmare’. This happened after a their corporate social responsibilities and some
cash-rich and powerful multinational chemical have taken steps to become more socially
producing firm (Chemi-Prod Inc) dumped waste along responsible.
the coast of the small island. The situation infuriated
the residents, who called in the relevant authority to
look into the situation.
Upon investigation it was found that an entire MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS
shipment of highly toxic waste was illegally disposed of
along the coast. Further inquiry revealed that the 1. ALL of the following EXCEPT one outline the importance
company was faced with a transportation cost that had of objectives. Which is it?
quadrupled since the agreement was made with the a. They give the employees a sense of direction as to
company TranSecure. Rather than face this cost, where the business is going
Chemi-Prod Inc instructed its staff to dump the waste in b. They function as a yardstick for tracking an
the most secretive and least costly way. organisation’s performance and progress
Since the revelation, Chemi-Prod Inc has faced
c. They may be limited and take a long time to be
numer ous criticisms and threats of lawsuit by
environmental agencies and other pressure groups. If achieved d. They are used in the decision-making
the lawsuits were to be successful, the firm could be process
asked to pay out billions of dollars to settle claims.
2. It is said that objectives should be SMART. Which one of
the following is NOT a part of this acronym?
a. Timely
1. Describe what made Chemi-Prod Inc’s behaviour
b. Separable
unethical. (5 marks) 2. Discuss two (2) ways in which
this behaviour could affect the performance of c. Measurable
Chemi-Prod Inc in the long run. (6 marks) 3. Why is it d. Realistic
important for firms to behave 36
ethically? (4 marks) Total 15 marks
BUSINESS OBJECTIVES 3. A sixth-form student’s objective reads: ‘To achieve grade
CHAPTER 2 | 35
1 in all my CAPE examinations’. Which type of objective
is this? a. Medium-term
c. Short-term
Objectives that are well written should be SMART d. None of the above
– that is: Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Realistic and Timely 4. Middle management deals with which of the
following objectives?
Long-term objectives are general and give the a. Corporate
overall direction of the firm in the future
b. Tactical
c. Strategic Question one Total 25 marks a. Outline five (5) reasons
d. Operational why objectives are important to businesses. (5 marks)
b. Opportunistic Joe has decided to start a small
5. A/An __________ defines the organisation’s purpose business selling cane juice extracted from sugar cane
and direction. on his farm. Joe possesses very little knowledge of
a. Aim what is required in setting up his business and the
b. Objective objectives that he should establish before trading
c. Goal starts. With the use of possible examples, discuss four
(4) categories (levels) of objectives that Joe should
d. Mission
seek to achieve in his cane juice business. (20 marks)
6. ‘To sign up ten more people for health insurance in Question two Total 25 marks a. Define the term
each quarter this year’ represents a/an __________ ‘business ethics’. (2 marks) b. Discuss the importance of
a. Corporate objective social obligations that a firm has to the following
b. Tactical objective stakeholders:
i. Customers
c. Operational objective
ii. Shareholders
d. Strategic objective iii. Community
iv. Employees. (16 marks) c. Messy M Ltd is a
7. A firm is responsible to its shareholders in the following
manufacturing company located on a small island with
ways EXCEPT one. Which is it?
only a few rivers which supply the population with clean
a. To give fair returns on shareholders’ investment water. While the company has created job
b. To keep them informed of the business’s opportunities, foreign exchange earnings and a myriad
performance c. To sell them more shares of household chemicals, it is very irresponsible in how
it disposes of its waste products. Messy Ltd has been
d. To protect their investment
disposing of its waste upstream in the Long River. It
8. Which of the following would NOT be included in a has also been confirmed that some of its products are
discussion on ethical issues? being tested on the local animals and employees are
a. Testing of products on animals often asked to work for long hours without much
b. Deceptive advertisement
i. Discuss the ethical issues that are mentioned in
c. Evading taxes the scenario above. (3 marks) ii. Explain two (2) steps
d. The use of child labour that government could take to deal with the issues.
(4 marks)
Decision Making
Discuss the essential features of the information
used to make decisions
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Discuss the different stages of the
At the end of this chapter students should be decision-making process
able to: Understand the nature of decision Identify the factors that affect decision making
Differentiate between qualitative and while maintaining its accuracy and relevance
quantitative decision making Accuracy – information collected must be accurate so
that it can be relied upon by the manager. Misleading
information may impede the decision being made and
results in undue cost to the firm
Relevance – the information collected must be
iving in a world with limited resources forces busi appropriate for the situation or decision being made. It
must be up to date, as outdated information is useless
nesses and individuals to make choices. We have to Timeliness – information must be available to managers
make different choices each day. Any decision that and other decision makers on time. It should be
is taken will result in some benefits or costs to the decision obtained in a timely manner, since failure to do so may
maker. We decide which clothes to buy, or where to go for a lead to bad decisions.
family vacation or which subjects and career path to pursue.
These decisions are influenced by a number of factors,
including preference and financial standing. Significance of qualitative versus
Businesses have to make decisions on a daily basis too. quantitative decision making
Decisions have to be made on which product to invest in, Since decisions are made by a firm on a daily basis, it must
which supplier to buy from, who to employ and how to raise ensure that the decisions that are made were carefully
capital, among other things. This chapter will deal with the thought about. Managers making decisions can consult
process of decision making, the stages in the decision different resources or people to assist in the
making process and the factors that affect decision making. decision-making process. The sources that are consulted
Decision making is the act of choosing between two or may influence the decisions that are made. There are two
more alternatives. Decisions are made at three basic levels forms of decisions that firms make which are based on the
in most organisations: resources that are consulted. These are qualitative and
Strategic level – long-term decisions that entail high quantitative decision making.
risks and are usually made by top management. MODULE 1 | UNIT 1 | BUSINESS AND ITS ENVIRONMENT
Strategic decisions influence the direction, overall policy
and performance of the business (for example, building
A qualitative decision is one that is made based on
a new plant or entering a new market)
non-quantifiable information. These decisions often entail
Tactical level – short- to medium-term decisions that are
people’s value judgements and opinions. Firms
usually made at the middle management level. They
embarking on qualitative decision making may make use
carry fewer risks and would involve decisions such as
of the ‘SWOT’ analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses,
what price to charge, which supplier to purchase from
Opportunities and Threats) and ‘PEST’ analysis
and who to employ or make redundant
(Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors).
Operational level – short-term decisions that deal with
These decisions tend to be very subjective since they
the administration of the firm’s strategic and tactical
are not based on statistical data.
decisions. They involve few risks and can be made
In contrast, a quantitative decision is one based on
quickly. At this level, decisions such as which credit
statistical data. Unlike qualitative decisions, quantitative
limit can be offered to a customer or on the ordering of
decisions rely on historical data that can be quantified
stationery are made.
and analysed to make generalisations and draw
conclusions. Quantitative decisions could be based on
information gathered from sources such as market
Essential features of information research, historical sales figures and accounting
In order to make effective decisions it is vital that firms
gather sufficient information to aid in the decision-making
Even though the two forms of decision making are
process. However, any information collected must have
essentially different, a number of firms may employ both
four essential features which can be summarised using the
of them. In so doing, decisions that are made may be
acronym ‘CART’, broken down into:
based on a mixture of qualitative and quantitative
Cost effectiveness – the cost of gathering the
decision making.
information should not outweigh its benefits. The
information should be gathered in the least costly way
collated and analysed in order to have some value based
on the problem defined in the first stage. ‘Secondary
The stages of decision making data’ represents information collected from other
The decision-making process can be broken down into sources, such as newspapers, textbooks, internet
various stages shown in Figure 3.1. sources or other work of a similar nature that was
compiled for previous research. This form of data will be
Definition of problem or opportunity reprocessed and reused in an attempt to solve the
The first step of the decision-making process is to identify problem identified or to clarify the opportunities identified.
the problem to be solved or the objective to be achieved.
The problem may be identified by thoroughly searching Developing alternatives
through the firm’s annual reports or financial statements After collecting sufficient data, the next step is to develop
or from customers’ feedback, among other sources. a list of possible actions that can be taken. These options
When the problem is identified, it is imperative that it is may be developed individually, by teams or through
clearly defined so as to prevent the business from going analysis of similar situations in comparable
in the wrong direction. Problems that are unambiguous organisations. These alternatives should be geared
will save toward solving the problem or achieving the objective
outlined above. Having formulated the possible
alternatives, the manager can then move to the other
Definition of stages.
problem or
Data collection
Selecting and
Figure 3.1: The stages of decision making implementing
the alternative
1. Define the term ‘quantitative decisions’. (1 mark) 2. What are the three (3) levels of decisions that are often made
in firms? (3 marks) 3. J&K’s friend mentioned seeking information to assist with the decision. Give the four (4)
characteristics that
this information should have. (8 marks) 4. Using the decision-making process, discuss how the two partners could
come to a consensus on whether to expand at their current location or to relocate. (18 marks) Total 30 marks
are protected and governed by the Rent Board. The
Sale of Goods Act is also important, as it stipulates the
aware of these laws when making decisions since conditions under which goods are sold.
they have serious implications for them. Environmental laws. With the emphasis that is being
Laws to promote competition in business. Governments placed on global warming in recent times, firms now
have enacted laws revoking previous monopoly licences have to be more careful about their impact on the
and liberating some of these markets in order to foster environment. Governments are also becoming more
competition. These laws may also prevent mergers and vigilant in the enforcement of environmental protection
limit uncompetitive practices among firms. For example, laws. For example, firms in the food services industry
the Jamaican telecommunications market was have to be mindful of offseason fishing and other firms
liberalised in 2001 to allow other firms to enter the have to limit their pollution of the air, water or land.
industry. A number of other Caribbean territories have
also liberated their telecommunication markets.
Consumer rights which protect consumers from
exploitation and unfair practice in business. In Jamaica, Conduct research in your country to find other
consumers may obtain redress from the Consumer organisations that protect you as a consumer.
Affairs Commission, the Bureau of Standards and the
Fair Trading Commission, while landlords and tenants
Social and cultural
As was discussed in Chapter 2, a number of firms are in manufacture that has reduced wastage and improved
becoming more socially responsible. With some yield; and there are a number of social networks that
governments passing environmental and animal protection bring together people from all over the world. Decision
laws and the impact makers need to be aware of the pros and cons of
technology and capitalise on the opportunities it brings
while being mindful of its threats.
of global warming being felt around the world, CHAPTER 3 | 41
businesses must now be more aware of these factors in
their decision making. They must also be aware of the The world has become a global marketplace and
culture of the market in which they are entering or firms are faced with competition from all over the world.
operating. ‘Culture’ is defined as a combination of E-commerce has grown considerably and firms in the
beliefs, values, rituals and practices that shape one’s Caribbean may have to compete with others in Europe
behaviour over time. Culture plays a critical role in some or Asia. The banking sector is one such industry that
markets in terms of food, dress and music. In business, has made strides in incorporating and utilising
the decision maker must be aware of this and guide improvement in technology in the delivery of its
his/her decision likewise. services. E-banking has given customers freedom to
Social and cultural factors may also be extended to pay bills, transfer funds and check account balances,
include the structure of the population. Decision makers among other things. Likewise, technology has improved
need to be conscious of the following factors in society: significantly in the area of communication in the
Changing family structure – there are a number of Caribbean region. With the liberalisation of most
single-parent households in many Caribbean Caribbean territories’ telecommunication industries,
territories and the number keeps growing. communication has improved significantly. Decision
Management must be mindful of this trend, in makers must assess how the changes in technology
addition to the existence of nuclear and extended will affect decisions made.
families, and try to ascertain how any decision The proliferation of social networks in recent times has
made will affect each structure. The decision maker provided firms with a new medium to promote their
must be aware of families’ range of income, and the products and gain customer feedback. This also
products that they demand. He/she must be mindful changes the way in which firms do business. Today,
that the family structure can affect the level of more people are looking for comfort and high-quality
poverty or give an indication of how the firm should service. With the increase in the number of customers
price its product. using credit cards when compared with, say, five years
Improvement in education – Caribbean territories are ago, there are more online shoppers for whom firms
now open to a number of tertiary institutions and the must be able to provide. At present, many people are
number of people achieving higher education has moving away from spending actual cash by paying their
grown remarkably. These people will question a firm’s bills online and buying some products online where
decision and action before purchasing their products. they are available. At the rate at which technology is
Population age and working habits – the age of the improving, Caribbean firms may have to change their
population is influenced by the life expectancy rate, way of doing business so as to be able to cater for the
which has increased over the years as a result of needs of their customers.
healthier lifestyle and developments in medicine. With
investment opportunities increasing, some people are Economic
retiring earlier and this is compounded by the fact that Economics is a social science which deals with study of
they are generally living longer. Decision makers human behaviour and how scarce resources are
have to bear these factors in mind as they make allocated to satisfy human beings’ unlimited wants. We
decisions that will affect this group of people. all make economic decisions on a daily basis and these
decisions may be influenced by different forces in the
Technological economy. The government has to make
We would all agree that technology has evolved rapidly macroeconomic decisions which will impact on the
in the past two decades. Computers have been reduced business community. These macroeconomic policies
in size significantly; the internet has opened up a myriad may aid or discourage business and decision makers
of opportunities; there is new and improved technology must be aware of this. Macroeconomics deals with
economic aggregates – in other words, it is the study of Cyclical – this is caused by the recessional phase
the economy as a whole. Macroeconomics policies of the business cycle. When total demand falls,
include such things as inflation, the unemployment rate, firms tend to employ fewer people and the
interest rates, exchange rates, economic growth and unemployment rate will increase
the balance of payments. Now let’s examine each of Structural – this is caused by changes in technology
these policies in more detail. or the structure of the organisation. As a result,
some skills are no longer needed or people lack
Inflation rate sufficient skills to secure employment
Inflation is a continuous or sustained increase in the Seasonal – unemployment that is as a result of the
general price level in an economy. High inflation rates off-season period of production. This is evident in
may cause an increase in production cost for firms. It the agricultural industry in the Caribbean, as some
will also mean that workers are laid off when the crop season ends
MODULE 1 | UNIT 1 | BUSINESS AND ITS ENVIRONMENT and then re employed when it starts again.
Yummy Fast Food Ltd has recently converted from a partnership to a private limited company. The changeover for the
most part was smooth and things have started to return to normal. However, within the last year things within the
country and the CARICOM region have started to change rapidly.
The present struggles started with a downturn in the global economy which is now being dubbed ‘the recession of
the new millennium’. Since the recession started, the company has been losing money and profits have been falling.
Unemployment rates and inflation rates have skyrocketed and the government has implemented a high interest rate
policy in an attempt to curtail inflation. The government has also increased taxes in a bid to finance the Budget. To
exacerbate the issue further, citizens are becoming uneasy and frustrated to the point where demonstrations and
riots have started as the Opposition put pressure on the ruling party.
If this situation continues for a prolonged period, the company may have to leave not just the country but possibly
the Caribbean region. The directors are therefore keeping a close watch on the situation.
1. Identify two (2) factors from the case that may affect the decision making of Yummy Fast Food Ltd. (2 marks) 2.
Discuss how the economic factors mentioned in the case could affect decisions at Yummy Fast Food Ltd. (12 marks)
3. How could the political instability of the country affect the company’s decision to expand its operations? (6 marks)
Total 20 marks
Table 3.2 summarises the possible impact of these factors on a firm’s decisions.
Factors affecting decision Positive impact on businesses Negative impact on businesses
Governmental, legal and Governments can provide the legal Laws such as those on minimum
political framework within which businesses wage could have an adverse
operate, which could work in the effect on firms’ revenues
business’s favour Political instability may result in the
Businesses can be protected from loss of productive time
unfair competition Government taxing policies could
Government policies can create also deter firms from operating in
business opportunities in some the region and could lead to
areas, e.g. through liberalisation of reduced revenue
the market or industry Infant Government monetary policy
industries can receive protection framework could make it difficult to
from external competition do business in the region, e.g. high
interest rate
Social and cultural Social networking can be used as a If an age gap exists then firms
good marketing tool to reach a larger could experience a slowdown in
group and wider cross-section of production as more experienced
people employees retire
The age differences in the A shift in the family structure could
population can be used as an result in more absenteeism,
opportunity for especially when children become
segmentation, i.e. creating different sick
products to meet the needs of If the product being sold by the firm is
each age group viewed as offensive because of some
Once the firm learns the culture of belief in the market country’s culture
the country, it can produce then it may not be supported there
products that are in tune with
people’s belief system
Technological This has paved the way for doing Technology comes with a cost to
business online (e-commerce) the firm and this may be very
Each firm can market and sell its expensive
product globally, thus having access The use of internet technology has
to the global market brought new competition to regional
New and improved technology can firms
increase productivity and hence the Technology may cause
output of the firm information to become available
Technological advancement in and of to unscrupulous users Employees
itself creates business opportunities can feel alienated by
Decisions made in the firm can technology. This could lead to low
easily be transmitted using levels of motivation and productivity
e-mail or video conferencing,
Economic Low interest rates can be good for Economic instability can reduce
firms wanting to borrow for business confidence, thus affecting
investment investment decisions
The business needs to know High inflation rate can result in
information on inflation and increasing input cost for the firm
exchange rate in order to forecast If the economy moves into a
or plan for the future better The firm recession, the firm could see
can decide to locate in a country significant falls in sales and profits.
whose economy is growing in order This may lead to it closing down
to maximise profits
A firm may decide to market its
products where it can gain high
returns on
Ecological Decisions that are made with the The firm must be aware of the legal
environment in mind show the implications of polluting the
firm’s corporate social environment
1. What is a multinational corporation? (2 marks) 2. What evidence is there in the case to prove that Digicel is a MNC?
(5 marks) 3. Discuss three (3) possible benefits and costs to the host country from Digicel’s operations in the Caribbean.
(18 marks) Total 25 marks
eliminating foreign exchange controls and establishing a
common currency. This also includes the integration of
improved standards of living and work the regional capital market (for example, establishing a
full employment of labour and other factors of regional stock market)
production Movement of labour – this will allow skilled labour to
accelerated, coordinated and sustained travel and work in any of the member states. It will
economic development and convergence facilitate the harmonisation of social services (education
expansion of trade and economic relations with third and health services) and transfer of social security
states benefits (pension benefits)
enhanced levels of international competitiveness Movement of goods and services – which is
organisation for increased production and productivity. achieved through the removal of all trade barriers
The CSME Agreement had the following key elements: among member states and setting regional
Movement of capital – which will be achieved by standards for the goods being traded
Right of establishment – this element allows business tariff for any particular product to all its suppliers.
people from any member state to establish and own
businesses in another member state without Globalisation
restrictions A common external tariff gives each Globalisation entails the increased connectivity and
member state the right to apply the same rate of tariff interdependence of the world economy. The growth of
on all imports that are not coming from a member globalisation is seen in the growing integration of the
state world’s market. This has been amplified in the past two
MODULE 1 | UNIT 1 | BUSINESS AND ITS ENVIRONMENT decades by advancements in technology. Globalisation
has opened access to markets all around the world so
that it truly has become ‘a single marketplace’. The
A common trade policy allows for joint negotiation
growth of globalisation is being driven by the following
on matters relating to internal and international
trade and a coordinated external trade policy
Reduction of transportation costs – this has
Free circulation – goods that are imported from
led to easier access to markets as the
non member states are allowed to be circulated
available modes of
within the region duty free since the relevant
taxes would have been collected at the first point
of entry
Harmonisation of laws – laws in the region are to transportation have increased. Businesses can
be carefully coordinated to reflect ‘oneness’. make and receive shipments within a day by using
These laws include intellectual property rights courier services. Local consumers can purchase
and company laws Monetary policy measures – products from abroad and easily ship them to their
there should be a country of origin Technological advancement –
coordination of exchange rate and interest rate improvements in internet technology and
policies. Fiscal policy measures include the communication networks have also contributed to
coordination of indirect taxes and budget deficits. the growth in globalisation. It is much easier to
The concept of trade liberalisation has also taken communicate with the world and this fosters the
the spotlight in the world economy. This was evident growth of businesses and business opportunities.
with the establishment of the General Agreement on Communication in the Caribbean has evolved
Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1947. Its main objective rapidly over the last decade or so. Most people now
includes the regulation of trade among about 150 have access to cellular internet technology.
countries. It sought to ‘significantly reduce tariffs and Companies have laid underwater fibre-optic cables
other trade barriers and eliminate preferences, on a to improve efficiency and speed. All this has
reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis’. GATT contributed to the growth of globalisation
was later replaced by the World Trade Organization Trade liberalisation – as discussed earlier, the
(WTO) in 1995. liberalisation of trade has opened a number of
The essential functions of the WTO are: markets that were once heavily protected. This is
Administering and implementing the multilateral evident in CSME where business people can locate
trade agreements that collectively make up the in any member state without restrictions
WTO Deregulation of business and financial markets – in
Acting as a forum for multilateral trade recent years, governments have removed
negotiations Seeking to resolve trade disputes restrictions and regulations in certain industries,
Reviewing national trade policies giving them more leverage. A number of
Cooperating with other international public-sector businesses have been privatised,
institutions involved in global economic increasing competition and the need to expand
policy making. abroad. Deregulation has led to the abolition of
The WTO embraces the two main operational capital controls in many countries, making it easier
principles of the original GATT: to acquire capital overseas. Developing countries
Reciprocity – arranging for countries to receive will also benefit from increased foreign direct
foreign tariff reductions in return for tariff cuts of investment as money flows more freely across
their own The ‘Most Favoured Nation’ Rule – national boundaries Change in the tastes and
requiring that a country should apply its lowest preferences of consumers – consumers’ interest in
foreign products has increased significantly over businesses to shut down. When this occurs,
the years. More people are now demanding workers will be made redundant and the country’s
international products and new market unemployment rate will increase. This can cause a
opportunities are opening up. reduction in standards of living and suppress
economic growth
The impact of globalisation Depletion of local resources – if international
The impact on the economy demand increases significantly, local resources
Increased unemployment – unfortunately, the impact may be over utilised to meet such demand,
of globalisation is not always good. Increased increasing their depletion. Most of these
competition may cause some small vulnerable resources are non-renewable
CHAPTER 4 | 53
Some governments may find that multinationals have
and so a rapid depletion may be disastrous for grown so large that they are no longer able to control
the nation in the future them. These businesses may avoid taxes and
Opportunity for economic growth – with trade contravene labour laws.
liberalisation and the opening up of the world market, In order to reap the full benefits of globalisation or to
local companies can increase trade. The increase in ensure that multinationals operate in accordance with the
trade will earn more foreign exchange for the country country’s laws, the government has to play the following
and profits for the businesses. This money can be roles:
ploughed back into the local industry, causing growth. In Facilitating or creating the right environment. Amid the
addition, the local industry can benefit from foreign negative impact of globalisation, it can be beneficial to
direct investments as international businesses seek to the country and as such the government has a
enter our local markets key role to play. The country’s business environment
Opening up the markets of countries will also open up can either impede or foster the establishment of
an opportunity for the underground economy. This may multinationals or the transaction of trade by global
include the drugs trade and money laundering. Unless organisations. The country’s business environment
local authorities are able to curtail this problem, it can must be one that is inviting, with proper infrastructure
spiral into an increase in criminal offences of all natures such as road networks and communication technology.
Earlier in the chapter we discussed that the Caribbean The government should also work on lowering crime
economies are usually small and open. This makes and violence which can be a deterrent for potential
them vulnerable to global or external shocks and investors. The government could also improve the
globalisation increases their vulnerability. The possible ease with which business can be conducted within the
impact of global or external shocks was made evident country – that is, removing or reducing ‘red tape’
with the contraction of the global economy in 2008–09. Developing the necessary legal framework. The
The recession, which started in the United States, government also has the responsibility for developing
affected all Caribbean countries, sending their laws and regulations to monitor these overseas-based
economies into turmoil. companies. It has to ensure that its consumers are
protected from unfair trading practices and that they
The role of government are not exploited. The legal requirements for formation
International policies may impede central governments’ must also be clearly outlined, as these can be different
ability to control the economy. Caribbean governments from those in other countries.
may have to adhere to the policies outlined by
institutions such as the World Bank, the World Trade Consumer behaviour
Organization and the International Monetary Fund Consumers within the domestic economy will also benefit
(IMF), and therefore lose their power to pursue their from globalisation. Some of these benefits are outlined
own macroeconomic policies below:
With the negative impact of globalisation on some Variety of choices – consumers benefit from a greater
Caribbean countries, governments now need to develop variety of goods and services to choose from. Since the
policies and find the necessary resources to combat growth of globalisation, consumers can acquire products
these negative impacts. This may put strain on the that were not previously available to them. These can
already cash-strapped local economy now be accessed via e-commerce. Some of these
goods may help to improve customers’ standard of small domestic firms which are not able to compete
living Most of the time, consumers are on the receiving with large multinationals. The Caribbean is
end of increased competition. They benefit from characterised by small entities that are sometimes
increases in product quality and after-sales service as undercapitalised and therefore they may not be
companies try to outdo each other. They also benefit competitive
from lower prices if companies are involved in price Economies of scale – domestic firms can also expand
wars. Increased competition also forces businesses to into the global market. As they do so, large-scale
become more efficient as they seek to create brand production brings about economies of scale. Their
loyalty fixed costs can be spread over a larger amount of
Employment – some consumers also benefit from output which leads to a reduction in unit cost and a
employment in multinational corporations and other lower price. These firms may also benefit from
firms that were established through Foreign Direct purchasing economies as they conduct bulk buying
Investment (FDI) Technology advancement – businesses gain access
Changes in taste and preference – as the market opens to improved technology which can be used to
to international influences, local consumers might increase output and productivity. Advanced
gravitate towards foreign products. This could influence technology will also allow the firm to reduce its costs
what they eat and how they dress, among other things of production as older technology is often inefficient
Quality – some MNCs have the tendency to provide a and causes wastage Choice of location –
higher-quality product to their consumers in their globalisation opens a number of markets that were
homeland. However, in the absence of stringent laws previously inaccessible and as a result firms can now
or quality standards in the regional countries, they may choose to locate in different countries. Doing so may
produce sub-standard products. To this end, consumers provide businesses with other opportunities such as
MODULE 1 | UNIT 1 | BUSINESS AND ITS ENVIRONMENT labour cost saving and increased sales
The internet is a main driver of globalisation and this
provides businesses with numerous opportunities.
must ensure that they do not settle for mediocrity
but remain adamant that quality be maintained by
these MNCs. Without valiant efforts by consumers,
the firm may produce and sell sub-standard
products the internet through e-commerce, the business
can advertise, sell or purchase online
Responsibility – consumers have a responsibility to
ensure that their rights are not infringed by MNCs. Pricing policy – globalisation can also affect the prices
charged by domestic businesses. Where international
Consumers must be aware of the fact that some
firms are able to sell their products at a lower price
MNCs may run away from more stringent laws in
than domestic firms the latter may be forced to lower
their home countries and as such may not provide
their prices. This could mean serious losses or
the best service to their host countries. With this in
reduced profits for local firms
mind, consumers should hold them responsible for
providing quality service. Quality assurance – this is a guarantee to maintain an
agreed or established set of quality standards.
Domestic businesses Regional businesses that desire to sell their products
in foreign countries may have to seek certification to
The impact of globalisation is felt by businesses
prove that these products meet international
worldwide. The impact might be different among these
standards. Two international standards by which the
businesses, though. Below are some of the possible
firm may be certified include the British Standards
ways in which businesses might be affected by
Institution (BSI) and the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO). Having certification from these
Competition – businesses are likely to face increased
bodies gives a business a stamp of quality that will
competition from foreign firms. As barriers are
make it easier for it to trade on the international
reduced and businesses are deregulated, they can
market. This topic is dealt with further in Unit 2.
enter markets that were once difficult to get into.
Globalisation also paved the way for new and
innovative firms to enter markets and compete with
existing firms. This may be detrimental for some
As explained above, the impact of trade liberalisation and protectionism unemployment may be reduced
globalisation is evident in different spheres of the Protect infant industries by giving them a space to
business environment. In order to protect the interests of grow and settle in the market with little or no
Caribbean businesses, some governments have competition Rectify balance of payment disequilibria –
embarked on protectionism. This refers to attempts by that is, where the value of imports exceeds the value
the government of a country to restrict the importation of of exports. Protectionism will reduce the amount of
goods and services. Protections may be placed on the imported goods and reduce or rectify the disequilibria.
importation of goods and services in order to: The following are the types of protection that are
Prevent the dumping of the surplus of foreign goods commonly used by Caribbean governments:
into the local market. These are usually low priced Tariff is a tax on imported goods. The tax can be a
and will compete against local firms fixed amount per unit or can be calculated as a
Since some firms would have to shut down if they percentage of the value of the imports. Since the tax
cannot compete with foreign firms, some workers will cause imported goods to be more expensive, the
would have lost their jobs. However, with amount of
CHAPTER 4 | 55
1. Define the term ‘globalisation’. (1 mark) 2. Outline three (3) factors that are driving globalisation. (6 marks) 3. Amid
the challenges being faced by the sugar companies in the Caribbean, discuss three (3) benefits to the following: a.
b. Businesses
c. The economy. (18 marks) Total 25 marks
product that can be imported at a given time Embargo
is a complete ban on trade between two countries
Export subsidies – the government may grant
goods that are imported should fall. Local firms will be
subsidies to local firms so that their products can be
able to sell more products. This method is often used
sold at a lower price than imports
successfully in the agricultural sector in most
Exchange controls – this is a deliberate restriction of
Caribbean countries
the foreign currency available to citizens. Since most
Quota is a restriction that is placed on the quantity of a
Caribbean countries trade using the US dollar, if it is as:
unavailable or in short supply, people will tend to Rules and regulations
consume fewer imported products. Import licences
Other barriers to trade Voluntary export restraints (VER) which limit the
The government may also use other barriers to trade, such amount of goods that can be exported from a country.
The Caribbean business organisation is formed over removal of barriers to trade and
environment is characterised by time and is giving free access to the
low literacy rates, outdated usually influenced by leaders, market
technology, small and open the environment, Globalisation entails the
nature and high rates of employees, communication increased connectivity and
unemployment and procedures interdependence of the world
‘Business culture’ is defined as A multinational or transnational
the beliefs, attitudes and corporation is one that owns ‘Protectionism’ refers to attempts
values of the employees in an and controls other business by the government of a country to
organisation operations outside the country restrict the importation of goods
in which it is situated and services.
The culture of any
Trade liberalisation is the
form an organisation’s ____
a. Vision
b. Culture
c. Mission
d. Aim
4. Which of the following have led to the growth of MNCs in
the Caribbean?
MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS i. Lower production cost
1. Caribbean economies are characterised by: ii. Government policy
iii. High profits
a. High employment rate
iv. Repatriation of profits
b. Many trade barriers
a. i and iv
c. High illiteracy rates
b. ii, iii and iv
d. Advanced technology
c. i and ii
2. Business culture is influenced by ALL of the d. i, ii, iii and iv
following EXCEPT:
5. Which of the following are drawbacks to having MNCs in
a. Consumers the Caribbean?
b. The environment
i. Exploitation of workforce
c. Procedures ii. Reduction in unemployment
d. Management iii. Depletion of resources
iv. Closure of local firms
3. The beliefs, attitudes and values of the employees a. i and iii
b. i, iii and iv a. CARICOM
c. ii and iv b. CSME
d. i, ii, iii, and iv c. CARIFTA
6. Trade liberalisation in the Caribbean started with
which organisation?
CHAPTER 4 | 57
9. A tax placed on imported goods and services is called
7. Which of the following is NOT a key element of a/an: a. Exchange control
CSME? a. Right of establishment b. Tariff
b. Movement of labour c. Quota
c. Free circulation d. Embargo
d. Barriers to trade
10. Protectionism is used for ALL of the following
8. Globalisation is being driven by ALL of the following reasons EXCEPT which one?
factors EXCEPT which one? a. To prevent dumping
a. Reduced transport cost b. To protect infant industries
b. Trade liberalisation c. To promote inefficiency
c. Available raw materials d. To fix balance of payment problems
d. Deregulation of markets
Question one Total 25 marks There are a number of multinational corporations (MNCs) within the Caribbean region.
These firms have presented the region with both benefits and drawbacks.
a. State what is meant by a ‘multinational corporation’ and give one (1) example of such a business within the
Caribbean. (5 marks) b. Discuss three (3) benefits and two (2) drawbacks of MNCs to the Caribbean region. (20
marks) Question two Total 25 marks Globalisation has opened many doors for the main stakeholders of the Caribbean.
Its impacts are felt on a day-to-day basis. In fact, the concept of globalisation should be of interest to all.
a. Define the term ‘globalisation’. (1 mark) b. Discuss three (3) factors that give rise to globalisation. (9 marks) c.
Discuss three (3) impacts that globalisation may have on businesses within the Caribbean region. (9 marks) d. Discuss
two (2) impacts that globalisation may have on consumers within the Caribbean region. (6 marks)
Management of People
The classical theories
At the end of this chapter students should be
This form of management theory dates from as far back as
able to: Discuss the need for and nature of
the Industrial Revolution when it was adopted to deal with
the new problems that had emerged. Managers found it
Evaluate the major management theories
difficult at the time to train employees and decrease
Outline the contribution of each theory on dissatisfaction. This led to the development of classical
present-day organisations
theories as they tried to find a proper solution. The work of
Explain the functions of management
three main classical
Discuss the effect that each function has on the theorists will be discussed in this section, namely Frederick
Taylor, Henri Fayol and Max Weber.
Assess the main roles of management in an organisation
Scientific Management: Frederick W Taylor
(1856–1915) Frederick Taylor is usually regarded as the
father of Scientific Management. During the time of the
The need for and nature of organisations development of this theory most managers had little
contact with the activities of the factory. Instead, foremen
were given full control to produce the goods that were in
demand. Workers would generally use the available tools
imply put, an organisation is a group of people
and developed methods that fitted their style of work. This
had become counterproductive and inefficient, and workers
were often dissatisfied. The existing situation sparked the
interest of Taylor, who wanted to improve productivity and
working together to achieve a common or collective
reduce inefficiencies in the US manufacturing sector.
goal. Organisations work to transform inputs (people, raw
He started his study at Midvale Steel Company and
materials, money, etc.) into outputs which are of greater
found out that there was confusion between management
value than the inputs used. In Module 1, we discussed the
and workers on what constituted ‘a day’s work’. He carried
different types of organisations that exist in both the private
out numerous experiments, called work studies, in order to
and public sectors. It was pointed out that, because of
determine the best way to perform a job.
scarcity and out of choice, humans must make decisions
Taylor viewed man as an ‘economic animal’, meaning
regarding what to produce, how to produce and for whom
that he was rational and made economic choices based on
to produce. Therefore there is a need for organisations that
the monetary or material reward to be gained. This view of
will convert inputs into outputs.
the economic man led him to develop payment systems
Each organisation may be different in many ways. This
which linked efforts with the rewards received. This was
difference is sometimes caused by the management theory
done using a piece rate system.
that is being utilised. The next section will outline the main
tenets of these theories while discussing their impact on Taylor’s study outlined ways in which managers could
modern-day organisations. use the principles of his theory to improve productivity. His
theory suggested that work should be broken down into
smaller components or tasks to enable workers to
The major management theories specialise and become competent at those tasks. Taylor
outlined four principles of Scientific Management:
Develop a scientific study of management, with stated His view of the economic man was heavily criticised
rules, laws and principles to replace the outdated ‘rule because humans were likened to machines and
of thumb’ methods would only be satisfied by money.
Workers should be selected scientifically, trained and
developed as opposed to past practices where they Administrative Management: Henri Fayol
were selected randomly and usually untrained (1841–1925) Henri Fayol is also a classical theorist and
Cooperate with workers in order to ensure that work is regarded as the ‘father of modern management’. His
is done in accordance with the prescribed scientific theory of Administrative Management was developed
principles around the same time as Taylor’s but he did not focus on
the workers. Instead, he focused on management from
the upper level
There should be an equal division of tasks and THE FUNCTIONS AND THEORIES OF
responsibilities between managers and workers. MANAGEMENT
This will allow managers to apply Scientific
Management principles in planning the work that will
be performed by the workers. of administration. He concluded that business activities
are divided into six interdependent groups which
For the most part, these principles had some level of
success. According to research done, they were managers should coordinate so as to achieve the
implemented in many factories and would often increase organisation’s goals:
overall productivity. In addition to his four principles of Technical – including manufacturing, production
management, Taylor used the following elements of and adaptation
Scientific Management to manage his staff effectively: Commercial – including buying and selling
The separation of planning from the actual Financial – sourcing and utilising capital
performance of the task Security – extending to both property and
individuals Accounting – inventory, final accounts
Carefully selecting workers to carry out a task on
and statistics Managerial – including his five
a scientific basis
functions of
Closely observing workers doing the task,
management, which are discussed below.
and documenting findings
Fayol’s five functions of management are outlined as
Carrying out job analysis to ascertain the best way
of completing a task
Planning – involves the establishment of objectives
Standardisation of the process involved in carrying
and development of strategies to achieve them.
out the task based on the job analysis
Managers should also be able to anticipate future
Assigning foremen to supervise workers, based
events and plan accordingly
on specialisation of functions
Organising – this deals with the delegation of
Fostering a suitable environment to encourage
responsibilities to subordinates in order to get the
cooperation between management and workers
job done
Providing financial incentives to motivate workers
Commanding – giving clear instructions to workers
and pay them based on performance.
and ensuring that the business is operated effectively
This theory enjoyed the following successes:
Coordinating – the manager should ensure that all
Factories that implemented his approach benefited
groups within the organisation are working toward
from increased productivity
a common goal
Some organisations benefited from increased
Controlling – ensuring that activities are being
profits His theory led to the development of fields
done according to plan. The manager monitors the
such as industrial engineering, personnel and
performance of the staff against the prescribed rules
quality control. Some drawbacks of Taylor’s
and procedures.
theory are:
Incidentally, some of the functions Fayol proposed
Identifying the ‘best way’ to do a job often made
became well known and accepted as the main functions
the task monotonous, dampening autonomy and
of management. These will be discussed in more detail
skill variety
later in the chapter.
Some people were opposed to the use of
In addition to the five functions of management, Fayol
stopwatches to assess the work done in a day
outlined 14 principles of management which should help spirit and morale. Unity and harmony should be
the manager to run a business smoothly. These are: promoted in order to strengthen the organisation.
Division of labour – work should be divided into Fayol’s 14 principles of management are still being
smaller tasks to promote specialisation. This should used
increase efficiency, productivity and output in some organisations today. They guide managers on
Authority and responsibility – managers should be how to supervise subordinates and organise their
given the authority and autonomy to carry out their departments or firms.
Discipline – all levels of managers should be Bureaucratic Management: Max Weber
disciplined in order to accomplish their tasks. (1864–1920) Bureaucratic Management was
Discipline will help them to develop obedience, developed by Max Weber, a German sociologist. His
diligence, energy and respect for all work focused mainly on how the organisation was
Unity of command – in order to prevent confusion, structured rather than the practical problems of
subordinates should take command from and report management proposed by Taylor and Fayol. Having
to only one supervisor viewed and analysed the growth of large-scale
MODULE 2 | UNIT 1 | THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE organisations, Weber developed a set of principles for
what he dubbed ‘an ideal bureaucracy’.
To Weber, ideal bureaucracy was based on legal
Unity of direction – activities of the same nature authority rather than tradition or charisma. This legal
should be supervised by one manager who will authority
guide subordinates to achieve the same objective
Subordination of individual interest to general
interest – the interest of an individual or group
encompasses rules and controls that govern the
should not override the interest of the enterprise as
organisation. He believed that managers were given the
a whole Remuneration – workers should receive fair
mandate to enforce these rules and controls based upon
payment for work done
the authority given to them by the office in which they
Centralisation – this deals with the way in which serve.
decisions are made. The degree of centralisation in
In his study, Weber pointed out that bureaucracy had
decision making should be based on the
become inevitable because of the growth of businesses,
circumstances being faced by the organisation
advancement in technology and modern legal demand.
Scalar chain – there should be a clear line of
This concept of bureaucracy is evident in governments,
authority from the highest to the lowest level in the
businesses, trade unions, churches and even voluntary
organisation. In other words, there should be an
organisational hierarchy with a manageable span of
Weber developed six characteristics of
bureaucracy: Division of labour – this will lead to an
Order – all resources (people, raw material, tools,
increase in efficiency due to specialisation. By
equipment, etc.) in the organisation should be
dividing labour, authority and responsibility will be
carefully and properly ordered to ensure efficiency
clearly defined Authority hierarchy – the chain of
Equity – employees should be treated fairly and
command should be clearly outlined from the top to
justly. Managers should not discriminate but be
bottom in the organisation. Each employee must be
kind, honest and impartial to every employee
aware of the person to whom he reports. Likewise, a
Stability of tenure of personnel – labour turnover rate
manager must be aware of the people for whom he
is an indication of the effectiveness of management.
is responsible Formal selection – employees should
This rate should be minimised so that each employee
be hired based on their qualifications, education and
can grow and propel the organisation towards
achieving its goals
Career orientation – managers were seen as
Initiative – workers should be encouraged to
professionals instead of just owners of units they
generate ideas and develop plans that will benefit
managed. As a result, they were expected to
the organisation. This will also help the employees
pursue ‘careers’ in their respective fields
to develop their personal skills and abilities
Formal rules and controls – the organisation has
Esprit de corps – this means a ‘spirit of cooperation’.
formal rules and controls which must be adhered to
Employees and managers should develop good team
by employees in the performance of their duties subdivisions within the business, with people
Impersonality – rules and controls were applied focusing on the objectives of the unit rather than
impersonally and uniformly across the organisation. the business as a whole
Weber’s theory of bureaucracy faced criticisms, some of Rules and controls may become tedious over time
which are outlined below: and lead to inefficiencies rather than the efficient
The constant dependence on rules and controls may running of the business.
impede the organisation’s ability to change to meet Table 5.1 sets out the various contributions of
the changing environment classical management theories to the running of modern
The delegation of authority may lead to organisations.
CHAPTER 5 | 61
Classical Contributions
Scientific Some firms still hold money as the only motivator, instead of utilising other incentives such as
Manage recognition, etc. ‘Best practices’ are promoted in different spheres to achieve objectives
ment The selection of workers in a number of organisations is done with stringent procedures to ensure
(FW that the best person is employed
Taylor) Staff appraisal is practised today which is very similar to Taylor’s observation and documentation of
workers Workers, especially in the manufacturing and construction sector, are still being closely
supervised by foremen Firms still place great emphasis on efficiency and profit maximisation
Administrat Fayol’s five functions of management provide a basis for managers in carrying out their
ive roles and responsibilities. These are still being practised by today’s managers
Manageme Specialisation is widely practised in a lot of organisations
nt (Henri Fayol’s principle of scalar chain is seen in many firms’ organisational charts. The chain of
Fayol) command is still practised today
The principle of initiative is pursued by many of today’s firms as workers are given the autonomy
to develop projects and work in teams to improve business activities and performance
Low level
Table 5.2: Contributions of modern theories to modern organisations
others and may affect the efficiency of the business. These
The appropriateness of the design and management functions assist with the management of the organisation.
The main functions carried out by management are
discussed below: Directing
Directing involves the motivation and leading of employees
Planning in order to attain business objectives. This function is
This function of management relates to setting business mostly carried out by lower-level managers who interact
objectives and establishing the necessary plans to achieve and work with employees on a daily basis while they carry
such objectives. This function is vital as it will outline the out their assigned tasks. Managers are also expected to
direction that the business will be taking in the future. For motivate employees so that they can achieve the
example, if a business’s objective is to increase its annual business’s objectives. They use different strategies to
sales by 20 per cent, the manager has to outline the plan motivate employees, which may include giving incentives,
to achieve this goal. This plan could include increasing recognition etc. Motivation will be discussed further in
advertising or the sales force. With this plan in place the Chapter 8.
manager can work towards achieving the stated objective.
Organising In carrying out this function, managers are expected to
In this function the manager organises the human and evaluate and correct activities to ensure that the business
other resources necessary to execute the plan and is on track to attain its objectives. Controlling usually
objectives in the preceding function. It involves the follows the process of measuring performance, comparing
grouping of activities and resources in order to achieve actual performance with the firm’s objectives, highlighting
objectives and the distributing of authority to employees. variances and taking the necessary steps to correct any
The work may be organised in groups or departments or shortfall.
assigned to specific individuals. Lines of authority may also
be established which should help to improve Staffing
communication, improve decision making and prevent the This function of management deals with the recruitment,
duplication of resources.
Figure 5.2: The three levels of management selection, development and compensation of the staff.
Managers use this function to build their organisations The roles of management
through the development of their employees. The function
Managers carry out different roles in an organisation.
is of utmost importance since the firm needs employees to
These are organised into three main categories:
carry out its day-to-day activities. It involves management
Decisional role
filling the organisational positions, improving workers’
Informational role and
professionalism and making full use of their human Interpersonal role.
resources. Using these, Henry Mintzberg proposed ten roles for top
CHAPTER 5 | management (see Table 5.3).
mance of the departmental
managers while taking corrective
actions where needed. He should
also be aware of any changes that
are occurring in the internal and
external environments which have
the potential to affect the
He is responsi
ble for promoting the
firm’s products and sharing any
pertinent information about the firm
A manager’s dream
Joan Phillips has taken over the position of CEO at a reputable manufacturing company in her country. This happened
after the previous manager was relieved of his duties because of a slew of issues affecting the employees,
shareholders and the firm’s profitability. Joan has been charged with the task of turning the company around. She
knew from the very outset that this would have been a difficult task but decided to take up the challenge.
Joan arrived to find a firm where things were done haphazardly, workers had little direction and knew very little
about where the firm was going, and the level of motivation was also very low. The lower-level managers were not
very clear on their roles and about what was expected of them and as a result the firm has not done very well.
As part of the recovery process, Joan decided to meet with all the department managers to improve the situation.
She decided that she would outline the functions of each manager and implement strategies from the Human
Relations School of Management to improve the morale of employees. She believed that this move would bring
about a turnaround for the firm.
1. Outline how the four methods of motivation proposed by the Human Relations School can be used to improve
motivation in the firm. (8 marks) 2. State one (1) criticism of the Human Relations School. (1 mark) 3. Describe four (4)
functions of management that Joan would want to discuss with the department managers. (16 marks)
Total 25 marks
a time and motion study. It most organisations (systems)
The three main classical analyses a specific job in an depend on other systems for their
theorists are FW Taylor effort to ascertain inputs and sell their outputs to
(Scientific the most efficient method to use other systems (consumers)
Management); Henri Fayol in terms of time and effort The contingency theory stipulates
(Administrative The Human Relations that each situation is affected by
Management); and Max School changed the different factors and must be
Weber (Bureaucratic perception of treated on its own merit
Management) management in that, unlike the
classical theorists, they focused The main functions of
Taylor viewed man as an on the human side of management include planning,
‘economic animal’, meaning that management. Contributors to organising, directing and
he was rational and made this school include Elton Mayo, controlling
economic choices based on the Frederick Herzberg, Abraham
monetary or material reward to Maslow and Douglas Management carries out three
be gained McGregor main roles in the organisation.
These are decisional,
A work study is a combination of The system approach stated that informational and interpersonal.
3. Which of Fayol’s 14 principles of management states and leading of employees in order to attain business
that ‘Activities of the same nature should be objectives? a. Planning
supervised by one manager who will guide b. Organising
subordinates to achieve the same objective’? c. Directing
a. Unity of command d. Controlling
b. Unity of direction
9. ALL of the following are decisional roles of
c. Equity
management EXCEPT which one?
d. Centralisation
a. Negotiator
4. Which of the following BEST defines Fayol’s principle b. Entrepreneur
of division of labour? c. Disturbance handler
a. Managers should be given the authority and d. Leader
autonomy to carry out their responsibilities
b. Workers should be encouraged to generate 10. The informational role of management includes which
of the following?
ideas and develop plans that will benefit the
organisation a. Figurehead
c. Work should be divided into smaller tasks to b. Liaison
promote specialisation c. Leader
d. Employees should be treated fairly and justly d. Monitor
c. Job satisfaction
The Organisation and its Structure
Functional organisational structure
The functional organisational structure is
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: work of Frederick W Taylor who is seen as the ‘father’ of the
At the end of this chapter students should be able to: Scientific Management approach. Figure 6.1 shows a
Discuss the importance of organisational typical functional organisational structure.
structure Outline the different classifications of Some of the features of a functional organisational
organisations Illustrate the different classifications structure are:
of organisations diagrammatically Well-defined communication channels which are
usually downward
Discuss the characteristics of the formal
organisational structure Clearly outlined chain of command and supervisory
Utilises job specialisation and departments have well
defined roles
where the organisational structure is
ManagerProduction DepartmentProduction
designed in terms of the functional Human
ManagerFinance Resource
areas of the business – for example,
marketing, purchasing, accounting, ManagerEngineering
by far, and is usually organisational structure has
DepartmentFinance Department
inexpensive. This type of been credited to the Resource
DepartmentEngineering Department
Where organisations are operating in different countries,
the likely organisational structure will be geographical. The
In the long run, specialisation can lead to a lack of focus geographical organisational structure organises the
on the organisation as a whole. enterprise in terms of regions or countries. However, each
region or country can then be organised in terms of
Product organisational structure function or product. This type of structure is frequently
In situations where businesses have different products, used by multinational corporations which have different
management may decide to separate the activities for each firms in various countries. An illustration of the
product. Each product would have its own management geographical organisational structure is shown in Figure
structure which is answerable to top management. The 6.3.
management structure of the product may be extended to The geographical organisational structure has the
include the major functional areas of production, sales, following features:
finance, etc. An illustration of the product organisational Each region is a profit centre
structure is shown in Figure 6.2.
The product organisational structure has the following Figure 6.3: Geographical organisational structure
important features:
Allows for delegation of responsibility by top President
Each product unit is accountable for profit in that
Each product is assigned the main functional
Country 1 Country 2
departments of the organisation.
(tinned food)
The different regions are arranged on a functional or functional areas of the firm and horizontal lines which show
the lines of authority across the different divisions, regions
product basis
or departments. A typical matrix structure is shown in
Regions are allowed some amount of autonomy in the
Figure 6.4.
management of their operations.
resource agency Core
company Finance
Sales and marketing
Figure 6.7: Virtual organisational structure
In hindsight, several years ago, who would have known that would have become one of the largest
online compa nies? The company was established in 1994, with its headquarters in Seattle, Washington, USA. The
company specialises in the online sale of a number of items, including books, electronics, toys, tools and clothing.
The company has expanded its product offering significantly since its inception. Expansion is also seen in the
company’s international retail websites, worldwide network of fulfilment and customer service centres. There are also
a number of Amazon teams across the world providing fast and reliable shipping directly from Amazon retail websites
to customers. Other services provided by Amazon teams worldwide include customer service centres and technical
Driven by technological advancements, now employs over 88 000 people worldwide. In addition,
over 2 million third-party sellers participate in Amazon by offering new, used and collectible selections to Amazon
customers worldwide. To cement its position in the virtual environment further, opened its e-commerce
platform to other retail brands and individual sellers in the year 2000. This has given hundreds of thousands of retail
brands and individual sellers the opportunity to expand their market reach and increase sales drastically.
1. Explain what a ‘virtual organisation’ is, giving one (1) example other than the one used in the case study. (2 marks) 2.
Give two (2) pieces of evidence from the case to show that is a virtual organisation. (4 marks) 3. State one
(1) reason for why technology is important for the success of (4 marks) 4. Discuss three (3) benefits and
three (3) drawbacks of Amazon operating solely as a virtual organisation. (18 marks)
Total 28 marks
organisational structure
Factors influencing the classification of This shows the different levels of authority in the
organisations organisation. The hierarchy in most organisations
Size of the firm – as firms increase in size it may be usually consists of three levels. At the top of the
necessary to upgrade or change their organisational hierarchy there is top-level management which has
structure. For example, an entrepreneurial business responsibility for setting long-term objectives and
may move from an entrepreneurial structure to a policies to chart the way of the firm to success. An
functional example of a top-level management position is Chief
structure. Likewise, larger firms such as multinationals Executive Officer (CEO). Below this level there is the
tend to have geographical or product organisational middle management level, with managers having
structures responsibility for the operational issues of the firm. This
The business cycle – firms may downsize or would include setting the jobs to be performed and the
expand in relation to fluctuation in external way in which they should be done. An example of a
environment. During periods of boom, firms may middle management position is Plant Manager. The
expand their lowest level in the hierarchy is the first-line managers.
They have a supervisory role and should ensure that
the work is done by the staff. An example of a first-line
chain of command and functional areas. However, a management position is Department Manager.
recession may force them to downsize, possibly
closing international branches or cutting Chain of command
management Business strategy and objectives – Chain of command shows the lines of authority in the
the strategies employed by the organisation to organisation. These lines are used to transmit
achieve its objectives may necessitate a specific information and instructions up and down the hierarchy
type of organisational structure. In other words, of the organisation. As was outlined above, the higher
organisational structure should coincide with the level of management, the greater the level of
business strategy. For example, if the authority. Therefore senior management is at the top of
organisation’s objective is to establish entities the chain of command which will continue down the
overseas, then its organisational structure must be organisation so long as there are people (subordinates)
flexible enough to be converted into a geographical receiving directives from someone higher in the chain
one The business environment – there are a than themselves.
number of factors in the business environment that THE ORGANISATION AND ITS STRUCTURE
CHAPTER 6 | 73
might affect the organisation. These include
technological, political, socio-cultural and economic
factors. These factors will affect the type of Span of control
structure utilised by the firm. Span of control refers to the amount of employees that
are directly under the control of one manager or
supervisor. As you might imagine, the greater the
Characteristics of the formal number of people being supervised by one person, the
less effective that supervision will be. Therefore most PEOPLE
Figure 6.9: Wide span of control
organisations have a limit on the size of the span of
control. The span of control is broken down into two
categories, based on the number of subordinates
involved. These are:
This is defined as the right or power to give instructions
and make decisions in the organisation. Authority
allows management to direct subordinates to perform
duties. This characteristic of organisation structure is
based on three underlying principles:
Similar positions have the same level of authority
and this authority comes with the position held and
not the individual
Subordinates accept and comply with the authority
Figure 6.8: Narrow span of control of management because of their legitimate power
74 The level of authority flows down the hierarchy of
the organisation – that is, top management has
more authority than lower-level management.
Some managers may be reluctant to delegate
some of their responsibility
This lifestyle was never sustainable in the long Staff relationship exists where people within
term. While feeling as though he will be shirking organisations offer specialist advice to managers.
the responsibility that was given to him by his 76
father, Mr Workwell has decided to reorganise the
firm. Some of the moves that he is thinking of
include appointing a manager for the farm, finance,
production at the factory, marketing and human 1. A well-defined communication channel and clearly
resources. He would continue being the general outlined chain of command are features of which
manager and employees would be formally placed organisational structure?
into the different departments. This, he believes, a. Geographical
would lessen the burden on himself and give
b. Product
others an opportunity to show their prowess and
bring in new ideas. c. Matrix
d. Functional
Questions 2. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the
1. How would you describe the span of control of product organisational structure?
the business prior to the intended changes? (3
a. There is duplication of the functional areas
marks) 2. Based on the information given in the
b. Focus is placed on the product’s performance
case, draw an organisation chart showing what the
and level of profitability
of the business will be after the change. (12 c. Diversification in the product offerings of the
marks) 3. Using the information in the case for firm is encouraged
reference, d. Promotes positive competition among divisions
explain the concept of delegation. (5 marks) 4.
Outline three (3) benefits and two (2) drawbacks to 3. Just for You Ltd is planning on expanding its operation
delegation in this firm. (5 marks) Total 25 marks to the countries within the CSME. Which of the
following structures would be BEST suited for the
a. Team
b. Network
c. Geographical
Functional organisational structure is designed 4. ALL of the following would affect the type of
in terms of the functional areas of the business organisational structure chosen by the firm EXCEPT
– for example, marketing, purchasing, which one? a. The firm’s suppliers
accounting, etc.
b. The business cycle d. Responsibility
c. Size of the firm
6. If the Marketing Manager gives advice to the
d. Business objective
Production Manager about a possible product
5. The number of employees who are directly under the development, what type of relationship is being
control of one manager or supervisor is referred to displayed?
as: a. Line and staff
a. Span of control b. Line
b. Chain of command c. Staff
c. Hierarchy d. Horizontal
Question one Total 25 marks Mr Confusion from MJ Coolers is thinking of using a product organisational structure but
is seeking your advice. a. Draw a typical product organisational structure. (5 marks) b. Advise Mr Confusion of five (5)
benefits and five (5) drawbacks of using this structure. (20 marks) Question two Total 25 marks a. Explain four (4)
factors that can affect the type of organisational structure used by a firm. (12 marks) b. Differentiate between a line
relationship and a staff relationship. (3 marks) c. Define the term ‘span of control’ and, with the use of diagrams,
differentiate between a ‘narrow’ and a ‘wide’ span of control. (10 marks)
able to: Discuss the factors that stimulate
and influence
motivation e all make choices in life and the choices we
Outline the main concepts of Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs Theory make may be influenced by a number of factors.
Outline the main concepts of Herzberg’s Hygiene As students, there are a number of factors that influence
Theory Compare and contrast the two main the level of work you do in each subject, including
theories of Management of Business. Some of you might be driven by
a desire to do well; a good teacher who encourages you all
the time; a desire to qualify for the best university; or
Analyse the main financial and non-financial
wanting to ensure that your parents’ money is not wasted. Herzberg and McGregor. Both theories are also discussed
These factors will influence your level of motivation. In this later.
chapter, the concepts of motivation, motivation theories
and incentives will be discussed. Environmental opportunities
The environment in which people work can be a good
source of motivation. If the work environment offers
Factors that stimulate and influence opportunities for personal growth or for promotion, then
motivation people may be motivated. Employees may become
Motivation is generally defined as the ‘will to achieve’. It is de-motivated if their work environment offers neither of
the internal and external forces that arouse a person to these two opportunities. Working in an environment where
carry out a task with enthusiasm. Your level of motivation there is no chance of
may be influenced or stimulated by the following factors: 78
1. Give evidence from the case to show that the workers are de-motivated. (3 marks) 2. Discuss how the occurrences at
Fun Lovers’ Paradise represent a deviation from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. (10 marks) 3. Briefly explain Herzberg’s
theory and discuss how it could be used to improve motivation at Fun Lovers’ Paradise. (12 marks) Total 25 marks
CARICOM states have a standard work week of 40 hours.
In some cases workers are paid for working over the
specified amount of hours for the week. The excess hours
outcome by the individual. For the employees’ level of
work for the week is termed ‘overtime’. The payment
motivation to be high, the outcome must be desirable
received for overtime work done is usually over and above
and highly valued.
the ordinary hourly rate. For example, regular hours work
Adams’ Equity Theory may be paid at $50 per hour but overtime is paid at ‘time
and a half’ per extra hour worked – that is $75 per hour. If a
John Adams’ Equity Theory suggests that inequities will
worker works for 45 hours for the week, his weekly pay
exist if people believe that the rewards they receive for a
would be calculated as:
completed task are unequal to those received by other
people. If employees perceive that the rewards received for
Regular pay: 40 hr × $50 = $2,000
a task are the same as the rewards for other people
Overtime pay: 5 hr × $75 = $ 375
carrying out a similar task, they will see themselves as
Total week’s pay = $2,375
being treated fairly and equitably. Where this is not the
case, however, then they attempt to reduce the perceived
inequity by:
Modifying the inputs – for example, the level of effort
exerted to carry out the task
Changing the outcomes – for example, lobbying for
better wages and working conditions
Resigning from the post
Mentally distorting their perception.
Payment schemes
Time rates
This type of payment is used for workers who are paid for
the amount of hours they spend at work. At the end of the
week, fortnight or month, workers will be given their total
wages or salary. The rate paid is usually a fixed amount and
is based on a standard working week. For example, most