Lesson Plan Flay Footy - W1 L1

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Lesson Plan Pro forma (Health & Physical Education)

NAME: Hugh Trussell TIME: 1:55pm – 3:15pm DATE: 26/07/2022

ACTIVITY: Flag Football CLASS / YEAR Year 9 boys

EQUIPMENT: 23 x belts, 46 x tags, 12 balls, 20 x markers, 23 x bibs (4 different colours)

Learning Intentions: Health & Physical Education Band: 9-10

Strand: Physical Activity and Participation Strand: Personal & Social Development
Content Descriptor Key Idea (.1) (.5) Students will apply feedback and participate in a variety of games & challenges to improve personal competence
in aspects skilful play, build self confidence and develop teamwork. Students will adopt various roles, take responsibility for safe, fair participation and
collaborate with others in an enjoyable active setting.
Capabilities: Cross Curriculum Priorities
 Literacy Critical & Creative thinking
& Torres Strait Islander perspectives, culture
 ICT Personal & Social capability  Asia & Australia’s relationship
Ethical Behaviour Intercultural Understanding  Sustainability

Student learning Outcomes: Teacher Outcomes:

The students will ….. (Evidence of learning) I will …….
Cognitive & Physical: (linked to aspects of ‘skilful’ play) Management: (positive learning framework & interactions)
 Develop throw, catch, snap and punt/kick technical abilities through Gaining attention:
partner and group challenges and apply these in a shaped game  Call students by their first name or nickname

 Demonstrate game sense by formulating offensive plays and by  Countdown 5,4,3,2,1

participating in a simplified end-zone game which applies the
primary rules of flag football Routines & positive expectations -guidelines:
 Make sure students put their bags and laptops to the side before the
 Demonstrate communication by calling for the ball and using each start of lesson
other’s names in the partner challenges and the group activities
 State the outline of the lesson
Personal Responsibility: (Linked to Fair Play)
 Display responsibility and fair play by engaging in safe practices and Strategies to manage minor disruptions (low level responses)
applying the rules of flag football throughout partner challenges and  Wait silently and don’t continue until students are ready
simplified games
 Tactically ignore students’ unnecessary questions/comments
Social: (Linked to cooperation & social skills) Presence:
 Work with their peers in small groups or pairs in a range of partner Verbal communication
activities and group activities.  Display positive communication with intent and enthusiasm

 Speak slow and vary my tone

Affective: (feelings & attitudes – Resilience)
 Demonstrate resilience by attempting to learn a variety of new Non-verbal communication
techniques throughout partner challenges and shaped games  Demonstrate an open and confident posture when giving instructions

 Participate in a fun & challenging lesson by engaging in a number of

flag football activities
P’s of Pedagogy:
 Demonstrate in context and follow the demonstration with questions
to ensure the students understand

 Step back and utilise the peripheral of the field when observing the
students to identify common strengths and weaknesses

Acknowledgement + Feedback
 Provide specific and supportive feedback to students to assist with
their engagement and motivation during game play

Post lesson: Reflective Evaluation Post lesson: Reflective Evaluation

Consider student learning outcomes & transform for future Consider teacher outcomes & transform for future

Complete on a separate page. Complete on a separate page.

Consider ‘what happened’ (with supportive evidence) & Consider ‘what happened’ (with supportive evidence) &
the implications (‘so what’) & what this means for future the implications (‘so what’) & what this means for future
directions (‘what now’). = Transforming learning opportunities. directions (‘what now’) = TRANSFORMING your practice
OUTCOMES (Shape, enhance & variations) (Specific teaching cues or (Diagram) (mins)
(The students will…) questions)

Introduction  Develop the key technique of Kick off drill Teacher cues:  23 x balls (12 if not enough – pairs) 1:55pm –
kicking (punting) the ball Students will get in pairs and line up side  Random partners  23 x markers 2:05pm
by side. The ball will be placed on a  Kick bottom of the ball so it (10 mins)
 Display responsibility by marker and students will take it in turns rotates backwards
listening to the whistle and kicking the ball off of the marker.  Use the whistle as a cue
ensuring safety of each other  First whistle means kick
- Swap after each kick  Second whistle means collect
- Ball placed on marker
- Start on an angle Questions:
- Take a few steps and kick Where would we aim to kick the
- Punt the ball (kick from the bottom) ball in a real game?
- 5 kicks each
When will we kick the ball in a
Variations game?
 Left foot
 Target practice (hula hoops) Reminders:
 Partner holds the ball in position  Safety of the whistle
 Kick and run (at the end)  Spread out
Learning  Develop key techniques of Partner challenge – lane work Cues + reminders: Equipment 2:05pm –
episode 1 throwing and catching Each student will find a partner and Walk around and provide feedback  12 x balls 2:15pm
throw the ball back and forth between to students. Give specific feedback  12 x markers (10 mins)
 Demonstrate cooperation by each other. Both individuals will be if necessary.
working in pairs and giving practicing their overhead throws. Start Grip
each other feedback with wrist only, then down onto their - Find a grip you’re comfortable
knees and then the full throw standing with (2 fingers on the laces or
up. all fingers on the laces)
 Show resilience by attempting
- Hand to be at the nose of the
to learn how to throw a
- Partners will start 10 meters away football – pointer finger right
football with a spiral
from each other next to the nose
- Aiming to get the ball to spiral and - Release ball level with your
to catch the ball out in front (not on ear
their chest) Stance
- Students can give each other - Start side on
feedback - Feet shoulder width apart (can
be narrow or wide if
Variations & extensions
- Slight knee bend
 Start in the lunge position, swap - Hold the ball at your chest
knees and then go on both knees Load
(limits range of motion) - Weight on back leg
 Increase the distance between each - 90-degree angle with elbow
other Throw
 Lead towards the ball or away from - Rotate torso
the ball before catching - Toe pointing where you’re
 Different scoring systems – count throwing
how many spirals you can get in a - Other toe follows through for
row or 3 points for every time you balance
throw a spiral - Finish with wrist flick and hand
down into opposite hip pocket

What does the finish position look
Mini Closure 1: There was a massive improvement with your throwing! Now Teaching notes: Not all students will be able to consistently throw a spiral – sequence
let’s incorporate the throw with a snap.
Learning  Develop the key technique of Partner Challenge – Snap / throw Teacher cues: Equipment 2:15pm –
episode 2 snapping Introduce the snap rule. Students will get  Whistle as a cue  12 x balls 2:25pm
into pairs and snap the ball to each  I say ready, set, hut  12 x markers (10 mins)
 Show cooperation by working other. Ball starts on the ground, bend  Get one student to yell out
in pairs and giving each other knees and lean forward until your head is (rotate each time)
feedback looking through your legs, two hands on  Make eye contact with the
the ball and snap. quarterback through legs

- Quarterback will stand 5 metres Questions:

back from the centre Why is the ball going over their
- Do this 5 times and then swap roles head or to their feet?
- Centre will turn around after they
snap the ball Reminders:
- Quarterback will throw the ball back  Ready = get into position
to the centre once they turn around  Set = ball on ground
- Ready, set, HUT!  Hut = throw

 Stand further back
 Stand closer
 One hand snap
 Centre runs forward and then turns
around to receive the ball
Mini Closure 2: Well done everyone. Now that we know how to start the game, how to snap Teaching notes: Be mindful of what students are paired together. This is a
and how to throw, we can move into 2 games. I’m going to split you up into 4 teams now. simulation of a game like situation (snap, catch and throw).

Learning  Demonstrate and apply fair 2 x Simplified games – 4 x teams Teacher cues: Equipment 2:25pm –
episode 3 play by abiding by the primary The fields will have two end zones. Rock  Split teams with number off  23 x belts 3:05pm
rules of flag football paper scissors and the winner gets to method  46 x tags (30 mins)
choose whether they want to kick or  Ensure engagement of all  2 x balls
 Put in effort and have fun (be receive. Kick off occurs and game play students  8 x orange tall markers
engaged) commences. When a team scores the  Safety of each student  8 x markers
team that scores will punt the ball to the  Get excited when a student
opposing team (kick off). does something well
 Display verbal communication
- Punt is from the defensive half
by using names when calling
- Quarterback can only move Questions:
for the ball
sideways and backwards What are the main rules we need
- QB can only hold the ball for 7 to remember?
 Display non-verbal seconds
communication by putting - Defenders aim is to tag the ball
their hand up in the air when Is a short or long pass more
they want the ball effective and why?
- Onside and offside rule (line of
scrimmage – 5m back)
- One forward pass from behind the Reminders:
 Develop an understanding of LOS  Eyes up!
the structures involved in flag - No passing backwards  Spread out and use the space
football - Allowed 5 downs
- Any rule breach counts as 2 downs
 Demonstrate technical (backwards pass, forward pass, out
abilities such as throw, catch, of bounds, block tag, unnecessary
snap and punt in a simplified contact)
game - 2 x 10 min games

 Rotate groups
 Instant turnover for rule breach
 Backwards passing is allowed
 4 downs reset rule
 Rotate positions – QB, WR, RB, C
Mini Closure 3: There has been a massive improvement in technical ability over this lesson Teaching notes: Mindful grouping. Join in to demonstrate aspects of the game.
which is awesome to see! Lets carry this momentum into the next lesson when we focus on Students should be able to self umpire.
tagging and defending.
Closure  Recall the key techniques of Closure – review/discussion Questions: 3:05pm –
throwing a football  Discussion about techniques (get in  What are the four phases of 3:15pm
pairs and share) throwing a forward overhead (10 mins)
 Remember the rules of flag  Discuss expectations for next week pass in flag football?
football  Students will pack up
Thanks for being engaged today!

Next lesson we will focus on

tagging & defence!

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