(IJCST-V11I2P19) :nikhil K. Pawanika, R. Srivaramangai
(IJCST-V11I2P19) :nikhil K. Pawanika, R. Srivaramangai
(IJCST-V11I2P19) :nikhil K. Pawanika, R. Srivaramangai
Digital images find their application in almost every aspect An easy way to comply with the conference paper
of life. Some areas where digital images are professionally formatting requirements is to use this document as a
used are surveillance systems, medical field, remote sensing, template and simply type your text into it.
pattern recognition, etc. as showed in Figure 1. Most of the
times professional digital images captured in ideal settings are
static or captured in automated fashion like in medical
imaging where the patient is stable. But in other cases, very
often digital images that are captured using handheld devices
like mobile phone or digital cameras contain blur which can
be due to various factors such as camera motion, motion of
a. Images from a b. MRI images of brain
object, angle of camera, light exposure, etc. Blurring of an surveillance system (medical imaging)
image is one of the major reasons for degradation of an image Courtesy: shutterstock Courtesy: thinkstock
[3][4]. Image blur is an undesired artefact in digital images
and prevents the accurate interpretation of scene or feature
extraction as it causes loss of necessary detail [5]. Examples
of types of blur identified in forensics include: Motion Blur,
Gaussian Blur, Out of Focus blur, Atmospheric blur, etc [6].
In Figure 2 below, the number of people & the license plates
could not be identified in the blurred images.
c. Ariel view of a farm d. Object Detection
(remote sensing) (pattern recognition)
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 justifies the Courtesy: geoawesomeness Courtesy: jetbrains blog
need for writing this research paper. Section 3 defines the
terms on blurring its types, deblurring, its classification and Fig 1. Real Life Applications of Digital Images
image deblurring techniques. Section 4 presents the review of
literature in single blind image deblurring techniques. Section
5 presents the observations of the papers reviewed from II. RATIONALE
different perspectives. Section 6 presents the concluding Image deblurring, denoising & restoration has traditionally
remarks. been a challenging problem in image processing. When
images fail to achieve a desired level of quality with reference
to its clarity and/or features present in it, a process called
image restoration is applied to alleviate its quality. Poor
quality input images pose problems for high level image
Gaussian Worst Gaussian Gaussian Worst
Wiener filter 17.05 performan 17.07 17.05
blur performance blur blur performance
Hyper- Hyper-
Hyper-spectral spectra
spectra Efficient 22.34 Efficient 22.35 spectra Efficient 22.34
(PCA) l image
l image blur l image blur
Motion density Motion Efficient 24.31 Motion Efficient 24.3 Motion Efficient 24.3
In general, blind deblurring techniques give better results than quality of the restored image. Hence, the PSNR values
non-blind deblurring techniques. The PSNR is a metric which depicted in Figure 5 indicates further scope for improvement
computes the peak signal to noise ratio between restored in devising better methods for blind image deblurring. The
image and the original image, it is measured in decibels. above analysis justifies the study of the different techniques
for blind image deblurring for identifying gaps in literature so
that better techniques can be created in the future.
Fig 5a. Charts summarizing the analysis of various Fig 5b. Charts summarizing the analysis of various
non-blind deblurring techniques blind deblurring techniques