Aditius Reologics
Aditius Reologics
Aditius Reologics
Rheological Additives
Associative HEUR thickeners
for waterborne coating systems
Additives with a thickening effect have a significant influence on the shelf life and application properties of liquid systems and
have always been an important component in the formulation of surface coatings. Even during coating production, they improve
the introduction of energy into the mill base and thus optimize dispersibility (Fig. 1). At the same time, rheological additives
improve shelf life by reducing the sedimentation tendency of the coating formulation. Without adequate rheological control,
those systems very often show syneresis effects (Fig. 2).
In the industrial application of such systems, rheological additives ensure optimal flow and leveling properties combined with
minimum sagging tendency. Inappropriate rheological control might be the reason for building so-called curtains or runners that
will strongly impact the quality of the resulting surface coating (Figs. 3a/3b).
Fig. 3a: Spraying varnish for industrial coatings showing ‘curtains’ Fig. 3b: Waterborne emulsion coating with ‘runners’
Without suitable thickeners, which give the coating sufficient coherence despite the high mechanical stresses (so-called high
shear thickeners), coating particles are very easily flung away from the brush or roller due to centrifugal forces. This
significantly increases the spattering tendency (Fig. 4a) of the coating. The viscosity setting of a liquid phase affected by high
shear forces plays a decisive part in film formation, hiding power, spattering (see above), brush and roll resistance. When
brushing or rolling, for example, good results can only be achieved if the viscosity of the applied surface coating remains high
even at a high shear rate (brush drag). If the brush drag is inadequate, a considerable proportion of the coating material applied
to the surface is pushed along in front of the brush or roller without sticking to the substrate (Fig. 4b). This results in poor
coverage, uneven application and poor leveling. The phenomenon of edge marks (Fig. 4c) and wetting defects may also be
due to inappropriate rheology of the applied system.
Fig. 4a: Roller-coated coating without adequate Fig. 4b: Brush-applied emulsion coating with Fig. 4c: Inadequate edge coverage with a white
high shear thickener inadequate brush drag coating on a metal substrate
Inadequate rheological control in the production of surface coatings can lead to a significant reduction in quality. Especially
when changing over from solvent-based formulations to waterborne alternatives, the selection of a suitable rheological additive
is very important. Apart from cellulose ethers and acrylate thickeners – to mention only the most common pseudoplastic
thickeners for waterborne systems – associative thickeners also play an important part. In terms of their structure, associative
thickeners are compounds with hydrophilic and hydrophobic segments, which, because of their segmented structure, are able
to form fairly stable associates with each other and/or with the other components of the coating formulation (binders, pigments,
fillers etc.). By modifying the chemical structure, it is basically possible to vary the stability of the associates and thus the
rheological properties of a coating system.
The most important associative thickeners are produced on a polyurethane basis. Unlike cellulose ethers or polyacrylate
thickeners, these polyurethane thickeners affect neither the water sensitivity nor the light fastness of a formulation and,
depending on the type, provide pseudoplastic or newtonian flow properties. The large number of commercially available binders
with such different properties does, however, make it difficult to select the most suitable polyurethane thickener. It is therefore
important to have a sufficiently wide range of suitable products available, with the aid of which any desired rheological profile
can be achieved, either individually or in combination. It is a question of carefully considering which rheological additives are
suitable in what quantity for the particular application without adversely affecting other properties.
Modern waterborne coating systems are formulated as "low-VOC" or "VOC-free" (VOC = volatile organic compound), which
means that the rheological additives must comply with the strict, modern-day requirements on environmental compatibility. In
addition to the already known problems with VOCs, there has been much debate for some time now on the usability of some
glycol derivatives (e.g. ethylene glycol, butyl glycol) and certain emulsifier types (e.g. APEOs = alkylphenol ethoxylates). In the
USA, for example, a large number of glycol ethers are regarded as HAPs (Hazardous Air Pollutants), which are known or
suspected to cause serious health damage. Their use is restricted by thresholds under the "Clean Air Act" (in the revised
version of 1990).
Such critical substances must be avoided in today's polyurethane thickeners without compromising the products' technical
properties. That this is possible is demonstrated by the latest generation of associative thickeners from Borchers, which contain
no VOCs, HAPs, APEOs, glycols and organic tin compounds. They allow the specific modification of the rheology of a surface
coating system so that it can be tailored to the particular application conditions. Product properties such as vertical flow,
leveling, gloss, film thickness, covering power, spattering tendency, brush and roll resistance, sedimentation tendency and
pigment stabilization can be specifically optimized. In most cases, only small quantities of between 0.1 and 4 % thickener,
calculated on the overall formulation, are sufficient. In addition, such additives also have an influence on the properties of the
coating after its application, for example on adhesion and elasticity and on the resistance to soiling, abrasion, water and
corrosion. With a modular associative thickener system from Borchers, rheology problems have become a subject of the past.
Products at a glance
The Borchi® Gel product group comprises polyurethane based thickeners which work associatively through the formation of a
non-covalent network. Therefore the natural paint characteristics (e.g. stability) will be improved as well as application properties
(e.g. leveling, anti-sag, hiding power, spatter resistance). Depending on their efficacy in the referring shear segment, the
products can be divided into groups of low shear (Brookfield), mid shear (KU) and high shear (ICI) thickeners.
Shear thinning HEUR thickener for the viscosity adjustment in the low shear (Brookfield)
Borchi® Gel 0620 segment; particular suitable for industrial and decorative varnishes which are applied via spray
gun or dip application; together with a Newtonian thickener it’s suitable for brush and roll
application, too.
Shear thinning HEUR thickener; VOC free for the viscosity adjustment in the low shear
Borchi Gel 0621 (Brookfield) segment; particular suitable for industrial and decorative varnishes which are applied
via spray gun or dip application; together with a Newtonian thickener it’s suitable for brush and roll
application, too.
Shear thinning HEUR thickener; VOC free for the viscosity adjustment in the low shear
(Brookfield) segment; particular suitable for industrial and decorative varnishes which are applied
Borchi® Gel 0622 via spray gun or dip application; together with a Newtonian thickener it’s suitable for brush and roll
application, too; very high effectivity in polyol emulsion dedicated to waterborne 2 component PU
Shear thinning HEUR thickener for the viscosity adjustment in the low and mid shear (KU)
Borchi® Gel PW 25 segment; improves film constitution and optical film appearance (gloss, haze); provides good anti-
sag resistance; emulsifier free.
Shear thinning HEUR thickener, VOC free for the viscosity adjustment in the low and mid shear
Borchi® Gel LW 44 (KU) segment; particularly suitable for decorative and industrial varnishes which are applied via
spray gun or dip application.
Borchi® Gel 0625 Universal HEUR thickener with a well balanced efficacy in low and mid shear (KU) segment;
APEO und HAP's free; suitable for any kind of waterborne systems.
Universal HEUR thickener with broad compatibility for all kind of waterborne systems; distinctive
Borchi® Gel L 75 N viscosity efficacy in the low and mid shear (KU) shear segment; good long term paint stability and
pigment wetting ability.
Borchi® Gel WN 50 S Universal HEUR thickener for all kind of waterborne systems; especially suitable for highly
filled systems with exceptional low and mid shear (KU) viscosity stability.
Universal HEUR thickener for all kind of waterborne systems; high compatibility and efficacy in
Borchi® Gel L 76 the low and mid shear (KU) segment; good price-performance ratio; provides good leveling in
latex paints.
Borchi® Gel 0626 Universal HEUR thickener for any kind of waterborne systems; broad compatibility and efficacy
in the low and mid shear (KU) segment and the high shear (ICI) segment as well.
Borchi® Gel 0434 Strong newtonian high shear thickener (HEUR); universal use; improves paint stability;
displays strong hue by tinting with pigment concentrates; fulfils highest environmental demands.
Newtonian high shear thickener (HEUR) for all kind of waterborne coatings, clear or pigmented;
Borchi® Gel 0435 especially suitable in high gloss resin binders with small particle size as well as in waterborne
decorative paints, high compatibility with most resin binders, extremely economical.
Characteristic Field of Application
Product VOC-free VOC-free
Active- Rheological UV-
Catalyst Stabilizer according to according to Architectural Decorative Industrial Adhesives
substance [%] Profile Systems
1999/13/EC 2004/42/EC
March 2009
This information and our technical advice - whether verbal, in writing or by way of trials - are given in good faith but without warranty, and this also applies
where proprietary rights of third parties are involved trademarks included. Our advice does not release you from the obligation to verify the information
currently provided - especially that contained in our safety data and technical informations sheets -and to test our products as to their suitability for the
intended processes and uses. The application, use and processing of our products and the products manufactured by you on the basis of our technical
advice are beyond our control and, therefore, entirely your own responsibility. Our products are sold in accordance with the current version of our General
Conditions of Sale and Delivery.